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D6 Conference 2013: Impress Brochure

Date post: 04-Apr-2018
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  • 7/29/2019 D6 Conference 2013: Impress Brochure


    o o of fBaseD on DeuTeronoMy 6:7

    Dallas One Day | september 26, 2013lOuisville | OctOber 16-18, 2013



    register bymarch 5!

  • 7/29/2019 D6 Conference 2013: Impress Brochure


    D6 fls lss lik confrnc nd mor lik bing prt of movement that God is using to impact a generation. If you want thebst plc to connct with th bst thinkrs nd strtgists from thfmily ministry movmnt tht go dpr thn th hyp, this is it.

    Jay sTroTher

    evrywhr I trvl round th country I mt popl who ttnddD6. Thy consistntly tll m how chllngd, quippd, ndmotivtd thy wr by th confrnc. Its clr tht God is usingth confrnc to quip popl tody to hv fntstic impct onthir communitis. Its bn privilg for m to b prt of it. andI look forwrd to sing how God continus to us D6.

    sean Mcdowell

  • 7/29/2019 D6 Conference 2013: Impress Brochure


    Gd ctd th fmil Hi m cld b pd dwthgh th g, gti b gti (Dtm6:4-9). No one has more spiritual inuence on the life of a childth hi pt; thf, it i f th tmt imptc thtparents are equipped to fulll these commands found in D6.

    Whth pt chch tff mmb wtig

    t fc dvlpig th fmili i chch, plji f th D6 Cfc wh w will pck pibilit t imp th gpl th xt gti.

    This year, during The Main evenT, we are covering

    Topics like:

    Fidig -mp t th D6 cvti.

    Miitig t fmili with pdigl.

    Managing conict and learning how it can actually enrich ltihip.

    Wh chchd d chchd th d fmilicllid.

    Dlig with txicit i mig d hw it ffct

    th xt gti. Th imptc f gc-bd ptig fdti

    f gtil diciplhip.

    Idtifig ttgic cti pl f fmil miit.

    Hw t kp chch mvig with gd t th mtcmm fmil miit chllg it fc td.

    whaT is The d6 conference abouT?

    who aTTends?

    stuDent ministry staFF

    seniOr pastOrs

  • 7/29/2019 D6 Conference 2013: Impress Brochure


    Tm kmm T w r r Tmt p J Josh Grifn

    kt b gtt r Megan Laceeld J Mg b h

    breakout session speakers


    More lisTed aT d6conference.coM.

    D6 DAllAS | September 26

    M Tm l d Mt Tmm s l r e M

  • 7/29/2019 D6 Conference 2013: Impress Brochure


    register nOW! D6ConferenCe.Com

    chk ou pa D6 VIDeoSo

    Coaching Intensives mll gp mtig with f pmipt. ech th-h lig xpic will b gidd b difft fmil miit xpt pctiti. Th gl f th Intensivei i t giv d tm th pptit t pck ttgd dic th iq itti f th withi miit.

    G dp with fvit Fmil Miit ld!

    Bilt i Q&a tim Mv Fmil Miit mdl fwd

    Cllbt with th ldig Fmil Miit chch

    Limitd t 20 ppl p gpgit whil th lt

    Light ml icldd

    Th coaching intensivetim fm cvtil Q&a vt wh thpk c dd iq itti. Th gp iz i limitd fmaximum interaction and available on a frst-come, frst-reserved basis.

    Th Coaching Intensives dd- t th o D xpic tkigplc Wdd d Thd vig.

    DAllAS one DAy

    by March 5 by May 7 by Aug 6 by Aug 7 & after Per Person $119 $139 $169 $199

    Coaching Intensives $49 $49 $49 $49

    challenging MaIn sTaGe sPeaKers. engaging BreaKouT sessIons.inTenTional TeaM TIMe.

  • 7/29/2019 D6 Conference 2013: Impress Brochure


    Ji h D6 Cvsai oi@D6Cc / @D6ai/ #d62013

    Ji w lch th D6 Cfcit w cit f 2013. aft f iDll, w w htig Mi evti Livill, Ky. Thi will b tw-d vtwh th ldig vic f Fmil Miitwill pck hw t f implmtig

    gtil diciplhip. Gt d f high-g vt pckd fll f mzigwhip, ggig ctiviti, d dmiccmmict. B pt f gwigmvmt f pt d ld, mm d dd, d gdfth dgdmth t cti th cvti f nxG diciplhip, dgt t th c f wht it m t imp th gpl th ht f thxt gti.

    lyia rana Josh Grifn Tim kimm ro Moan les & lesey parrott

    san & sanJam doon T sit guy


    More lisTed aT


    D6 loUISVIlle | oCtober 16-18

    da ston

  • 7/29/2019 D6 Conference 2013: Impress Brochure


    rgis mach 5h HUGe SAVInGS!

    D6ConferenCe Com

    PreCon Labs ff fll d f mll gp ligxpic dlivd b m f td ldig dmt ctiv thik wh it cm t fmil miit.

    Cm cct, cllbt, d b hld with mf td mt ctiv d ttd vic i th fith-t-hm d gtil diciplhip cvti. Th PreCon Labsan additional add-on to the Main Event and are available on a frst-come,

    frst-served basis.

    by March 5 by May 7 by Aug 6 by Aug 7 & after

    Individual $209 $229 $289 $319

    2 - 9 People $199 $219 $259 $299

    10+ People $189 $209 $229 $249

    Student $129 $149 $179 $199

    PreCon Labs + $119 + $119 + $119 + $119

    bian hayn

    b fruur

    Jim bun

    ria ro

    rony cox

    M aty

    Ma dvi

    wat Mu

    lnita fix

    Tmty pu Js

    ro rino

    M & hyydMr




    lab speakers More lisTed aT d6conference.coM.
