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DAFTAR PUSTAKA Abbas, A.K., Lichtman, A.H. and Pillai, S., 2012. Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 7 th ed., Elsevier Saunders. Abraham, R.T. and Gibbons, J.J., 2007. The mammalian target of rapamycin signaling pathway: twists and turns in the road to cancer therapy. Clin Cancer Res, 13(11), pp. 3109-14. Adhikari, N.K., Fowler, R.A., Bhagwanjee ,S., Rubenfeld, G.D., 2010. Critical care and the global burden of critical illness In adults. The Lancet, 376(9749 ), pp. 1339- 46. Ahmad, A.M., Hopkins, M.T., Thomas, J., Ibrahim, H., Fraser, W.D. and Vora, J.P., 2001. Body Composition and Quality of Life in Adults with Growth Hormone eficiency; effect of low-dose hormone replacement. Clinical Endocrinology, 54 (6), pp. 709-17. Ahmed, T.A., Buzelli, M.D., Lang, C.H., Capen, J.B., Shumate, M.L., Navaratnarajah, M., et al., 2007. Interleukin-6 inhibits growth hormone-mediated gene expression in hepatocytes. Am J Physiol Gastrointest liver Physio, March, p. 292. Al-Shoumer, K.A., Anyaoku, V., Richmond, W. and Johnston, D.G., 1997. Elevated leptin concentrations in growth hormone-deficient hipopituitary adults. Clinical Endocrinol, 47, pp.153-159. Allen, D.B., 1996. Growth suppression by glucocorticoid therapy. Endocrinol Metab Clin, 25(3), pp. 699-717. Alscher, K.T., Phang, P.T., McDonald, T.E. and Walley, K.R., 2001. Enteral Feeding Decreases Gut Apoptosis, Permeability ang Lung Inflammation during Murine Endotoxemia. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 281(2), pp. 569-76 Angele, M.K., Frantz, M.C. and Chaudry, I.H., 2006. Gender and sex hormones influence the response to trauma and sepsis – potential therapeutic approaches. Clinics, 61(5), pp. 479-88. 144 Universitas Sumatera Utara
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Abbas, A.K., Lichtman, A.H. and Pillai, S., 2012. Cellular and Molecular

Immunology, 7th ed., Elsevier Saunders.

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Alscher, K.T., Phang, P.T., McDonald, T.E. and Walley, K.R., 2001.

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Inflammation during Murine Endotoxemia. Am J Physiol

Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 281(2), pp. 569-76

Angele, M.K., Frantz, M.C. and Chaudry, I.H., 2006. Gender and sex

hormones influence the response to trauma and sepsis – potential

therapeutic approaches. Clinics, 61(5), pp. 479-88.


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