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Daily commonwealth (Frankfort, Ky.). (Frankfort, KY) 1861-01-21 [p...

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r Guard against Fall and Winter Fires! BY CHOICE INSURANCE WITH THE Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL, - $1,000,000, ABSOLUTE AND UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS OF . 6042,800 12, And the prestige of 40 years success and experi- ence. UPWARDS OF $12,000,000 Of Losses hare been paid by the iEtna Insurance Company in the past 40 years. The value of reliable Insurance will be apparent from the following LOSSES PAID BY THE .ETNA DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS. In Ohio .... 431,520 83 Michigan, S15S,043 81 In Wiso'n, 106,955 07 Indiana... 146,839 81 In Kent'y, 204,939 40 Illinois .... 448,327 41 Missouri ... 384,518 04 Tennessee, 97,549 21 Iowa a Min 101,399 46 Kans.i-Ne- 19,945 77 Penn. Va. 31,595 82 Ark. iOa., 23,945 09 Mississippi and Alabama $52,412 18 Fire and Inland Navigation. Risks acoepted at terms consistent with solvency and fair profit. Especial attention given to Insurance of D W ELL- - INGS and Contents, for terms of 1 to 5 years. The solid servico long and successfully tried, and the many advantages of the Etna Insurance Com- pany possesses in its line, should not booverlooked by those ready to insure. and understanding their best interests. ' During "stringent times" the necessity for re- liable insurance becomes an imperative duty the ability of property owners to sustain loss being much lessened. Agencies in all the principal cities and towns throughout the State. Policies issued without de- lay, by any of the authorized agents of the com- pany. S!?Busiuo?a attended to with dispatch and f- idelity. ' H. Wl.tGATB, Agent. Juno 20, 1880. Franktort, Ky. MRS.WIN SLO W, An experienced Nurso and Fcmalo Physician, presents to the attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEKTHIIVG , which greatly facilitates the procoss of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all intlammation will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is is sure to regulate the Bowels. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rent to yourselves and Be nefit and Health to your Infants. W have just put up and sold this article for over ten years, and can sat, in confidence and truth, of it, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine never has it failed in a sin-al- e instance to effect a cure, when timely used. Never did wo know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who use it. On the contrary, all are dolighted with its operations, and speak in terms of the highest commendation of its magical ef- fects and medicinal virtues. We speak in this matter "what we do know" after ten years experi- ence and pledge our reputation for the fulfillment of what we here declare. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the Syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is tho prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILL- FUL NURSES in New England, and has been sned with NE SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but in- vigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidi-it- and gives tone and energy to the whole sys- tem. It will almost instantly relieve Griping in he Boxcels and Wind Colic, and overcome convul-ion- s, which, if not speedily remedied, end in death. We believe it the BEST AND SUREST REMEDY 1 Lthe world in ALL cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARHOSA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a child suffer- ing from any of the foregoing complaints do not Ut your prejudices, nor the prejudices of others, stand between your suffering child and the relief that will be SURE, yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE, to fol- low this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None gen- uine unless the fac simile of CURTIS ic PER- KINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. ff& Sold by Druggist throughout the world's Principal Office, No. 13, Cedar Street, Neic York. Price Only 35 Cents Per Bottle. June 6, ly. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established fyy special endow- ment, for the relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the cure of diseases of the Sezual .Organs. JUDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Act-X- T JL ng Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, fcc.,) and in cases of extreme pov-eit- medicine furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order of the Direct- ors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, I'res't. Geo. Fairohild, Sec'y. June 23 1860-l- y. Samuel's New Establishment! HENRY SAMUEL, Barber and H air Dresser, to inform his friends and the public that ho is again established in comfortable and commodious rooms, and ready to attend to all who may give him a call. His new establishment is in the building of Col. Hodges, on St. Clair street. He solicits public patronage, and hopes that his old friends and customers especially, who patron- ized him before the late fire, will now find their way back to his shop. March 12, 1855-b- y. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. VINES, SHRUBS, &C, CULTIVATED AND FOR SALE BY Ed. D. Hobbs and J. W. Walker, AT THE UVEHGRKRN MRHKItlKS, Twelve miles East of I.uniscille, Ky., immediately on the Louisville and Frankfort Railroad. V NEATLY' printed Catalogue of the Fruits, Ornamental Trees, Vines, Shrubs, ic., at the above named Nursery, may be had by application to A. G. Hodges, Frankfort, Ky. 23 Orders may be addressed to HOBBS & WALKER, Williamson Postoflice, Jefferson coun- ty, Ky., or to A. G. HODGES, Frankfort, Oct. 17, 1854. Frankfort, Ky. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, JANUARY 1, 1800. ASSETS. Cash on hand and in Bank, $38,333 11 . Cash in hands oi Agents and in course of trans- mission,' C2,690 Si Cash loaned on call,... 30,000 00 $131,029 00 Bills receivable for loans, amply se- cured, 70,223 59 Real Estate, unincumbered, (cash value,) 15,000 00 2409 Shares Bank Stock in Hartford, market value, 260,352 00 2200 Shares Bank Stockin New York, market value, 2o0,225 00 960 Shares Bank Stock in Boston, market value, 107,565 00 400 Shares Bank Stock in St. Louis, market value 40,300 00 240 Shares Bank Stock in Railroad and other Stock, market value,... 16,750 00 Hartford City Bonds, G per cent., market value, 58,500 00 State Stocks, (Tennessee, Ohio, Mich- igan, Missouri,) 6 per cents, mar- ket value 36,625 00 20 Shares State Bank Wisconsin, market value, 2,140 00 Total assets, $936,709 69 Total liabilities, 66,930 85 Insurnnce against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Dwellings, Furniture, Stores, Warehouses, Mer- chandise, Mills, Manufactories, and most other kinds of property, can be effected in this Company upon as lavorable terms as the nature of the risks and security of Policy holders will admit. J. M. MILLS, Agent, May 18, '60-t- f. Frankfort, Ky. FRANKFORT AGENCY OF T11K New York Life Insurance Company 4 T a meeting of the Local Directors of the New j York Life Insurance Company, held in the city of Frankfort, Ky., December 4th, 18;8, the following was unauinioiisly adopted: The undersigned, President and Directors of the Company, have examined the roport and ex- hibit of the New York Life Insurance Company for the half year ending July 1st, 1838, and being sat- isfied with its prosperous condition, cordially rec ommend it to the encouragement and support of the community. The New York Life Insurance Company has been in existence fourteen year3, itscapital hasattained the sum of 81.50 0 ,0 OO Invested in State stocks, bonds and mortgages on real estate. We think it a most safe and profitable mode of investing money, ihe profits enure to the benent of the insured, and have averaged not !e?s than 30 per cent, per Annum on the premium paid. Losides these investments in stock, kc, the law of New York requires as additional security, that $10U, 000 shall be deposited with the State Comp- troller, to meot any lawful demands which the Company may fail to pay. We invite attention to the nature, objects, and advantages of Life Insurance, as set forth by this Institution. It will be seen by the above statement' that this Company is in a flourishing condition. Those de sirous of information in regard to the subject of Life Insurance, would do well to call on tho Local Agent of the above Company, who will givo them any information that mny bo desired, or for refer- ence apply to either member of tho Local Board, all of whom are insured in this oQice. C. S. MORKIIEAD, President. HMD. li. TAYLOR, THO. S. PAOB, CHAS. G. PHYTHIAN, Directors. R. W. SCOTT, II . I. TODD, J CLAIMS PAID AT THIS AGENCY. John Lane ; $5,000 Thomas F. Thornton 5,000 Joseph II. Daviess 6,000 William Q. Craig 5 ,000 John C. Herndon 5,000 John T. Pendleton 1,500 $28,500 MEDICAL EXAMINER. ..W. C. SNEED, M. D. 11. WING AT K; Agent, July 1, 1860-t- f. Frankfort Branch Bank. Home Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK. OFFICE, No. 4, WALL STREET, CAWH CAPITAL. SSOO.OOO OO AM'T OP ASiHKTS lt Jan. ,2 1 3 34 AM'T OF LIABILITIES, 41,110 01 This Company continues to insure Buildings, Mer- chandise, Ships in port and their cargoes, Household Furniture and Personal Prop- erty generally, against Loss or Dam- age by Fire, on favorable terms. Louses Equitably Adjusted and Promptly Paid. Abstractof the TEMENTof the apavrs and condition of the HOMh l.Mlt. AXCE COMPANY, of the City of Sew York, on theZtdayof December, 1867 . ASSETS. Cash, Balance in Bank $ S7,000 56 Bonds and Mortgages (being firt lien on Heal Estate, worth at leaH $3111,000,) 400,600 00 Loans on stocks pay able on demand, (market value of securities, 253,- - 607) 150,859 85 Bank Stocks (market value) 77,U0O 00 Real Estate, No. 4 Wall Street (the office of thecompany) 67,604 72 Interest due on 1st January, 1858, ' (of which $12,625 J3 has since been received) 14,375 93 Balance in hands of Agents and in course of transmission from Ag'ts, on 31st Dec, (of which $7,857 57 has since been received) 24,684 75 Premiums due and uncollected on Policies issued at Office 2,087 53 Total $834.213 34 LIABILITIES. Outstanding losses on 31st Decem- ber, 1857, estimated at $39,410 01 Due Stockholders on account of Seventh dividend 1,700 00 $41,110 01 New Yoek, 22d January, 1858. CUAS. J. MARTIN, Pres't. A. F. WILMARTI1, Vice Pres't. J. Milton Smith, Ser'y. H. W1SGATE, Agent, Oct. 12, 1859. Frankfort, Ky. THE Hartford Fire Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Capital, - - - $500,000. 1. ITS CAPITAL IS AMPLE. 2. ITS RATES ARE REASONABLE. 3. IT PAYS ITS LOSSES PROMPTLY'. H. HUNTINGTON, President. T. C. ALBYN, Secretary. J. M. iMll.l.M, Agent at Frankfort. July 1, 1860-b- y. Vacant Lots for Sale. THAVE several beautiful vacant Building Lots Call on me at mv residence in South Frankfort. TIIOS. A. THEOBALDS. July Artesian Well Water. SUPPLY alwnvs on hand at V SAMUEL'S BARBERSHOP. Feb. 8, 1860. MISCELLANEOUS. The Amalgamation of Languages. There is a growing tendency in this age to appropriate the most expreivo words of other languages, and after a whilo to incorporate them into our own; thus the word Cephalic, which is from tho Greek, signifying "for the head' is now becoming pop- ularized in connection with Mr. Holding's great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a more general way, and the word Cephalic will common as Electrotype and many others, whose distinction as foreign words has been worn awuy by common uage, until they r?em "native and to the manor born." 'ardly Realized. Ili 'ad 'u 'orrible 'eadache this hafternoon, hand I stepped into the hapothecaries hand says hi to the man, Can you hease me of an 'eadache?" " Does it haohe 'ard," says 'e. ' Exceedingly," says hi, hand upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand 'pon me 'onor it cured me so quick that I 'ardly realized I 'ad 'ad an 'headat-he- i S'Ueadaehc is the favorite sign by which na- ture makes known any deviation whatever from natural state of the brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked on as a safeguard, intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise es- cape attention till too laie to be remedied: and its indications should never beneglected. Headaches may be classified under two nnmes, viz: Sympto- matic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache in exceedingly common, and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which are Apo- - Gout, Rheumatism, and all febrile diseases. 5)lcxy, nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach constituting nick headache, of hepatic disease constituting bilious headochp, of worms, constipation and other disorders of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attended with Head- aches ; Anapmia and plethora are also affections which frequently occasion headache. Idiopathic Headache is al-- o very common, being us:ally dis- tinguished by the name of nervous headarhe, some- times coming on suddenly in a state of apparently pound health and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and in other instances it comc--s on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most instances the pain is in the front of the head, over one or both eyea, and sometimes provoking vomiting; under this class mny also be named Jeur(ltjii. For the treatment of either class of Headache the Cephalic Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and by its subtle power eradicating the diseases of which beadache is the unerring index. BniDGFT. Missus want" you to send her a box of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills, but I'm thinking that's not just it naither; but perhaps ye'll be at'ther knowing what it is. Ye see she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Head- ache, and wants some more of that snmu thut her before. Urugijitt. You must mean Spalding's Cephalic Pills. Bridget. Och ! sure now and you've sed it; here's the quarther, and giv me the Pills, and don't be all day about it, aither. Constipation or Costiveness. No one of the ''many ills flesh is heir to" is so prevalcnt.so little understood, and so much neg- lected as Costiveness. Often originating in care- lessness, or sedentary habits; it is regarded as a slight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, whilo in reality it is the precursor and companion of many of the moat fatal and dangor-ou- s disoascs, and unless early eradicated it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual attendant are Headacho, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, whilo a long train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers, Abceses, Dyscntary, Diuri ha1. Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy and Insanity, tirst indicate their pres- ence in the system by this alarming symptom. Not unfrequently tho disease named originate in Constipation, but take on an independent exis- tence uuless the Cituse is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations it follows that the disorder should receive immediate atten- tion whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on tho first appearance of the complaint, as their timely use will expel the insiduous approaches of disease and destroy this dangerous lue tohnman life. A Real Blessirg. Phyniciaa Well, Mrs. Jones, how is thathead-ac- h e? Mrs. Jones Gone! Doctor, all gone! the pill you sent cured me in just twenty minute, and I wish you would send more so that I can bRve them handy. Physician You can get them at any Druggists. Call for Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, and I recommend them in all cases of Headache. Mrs. Jones I shall send for a box directly, and shall tell all my suffering friends, for they are a real bleasinfj. Cr CURE ervousHeadache CURE 4l Y By the use of theso Pills the periodic attacks of Xcrvous or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken at tho commencement of an attack, im- mediate relief from pain and sickness will be ob- tained. , They seldom fail in removing the Xtuxea and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels removing Costivenets. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valu able as a Laxative, improving the giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restor ing the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILES are the 'result of long investigation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, duringwhich time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a de- ranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the ab- sence of any disagreeable taste renders it easy to ad- minister them. to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and other Dealers in Medi- cines. A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE, 25 CENTS. AH orders should be addressed to HRMtY C. fePALDI G, 4.H Cedar Street, IVew York. nov!2 witwly. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have la- bored to produce the" moat effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Tara Sarsaparilla, so combined with other 3ubstancC3 of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our alflicted fellow-citizen- s. IJow completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper- iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : Scrofula and Scrofulous Complaints, Eruptions and Eruptive Diseases, Ulcep.s, PiMrLF.s, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Syphilis and Syphilitic Af- fections, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy, Neu- ralgia or Tic Douloureux, Debility, Dys- pepsia and Indigestion, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Impurity op Tnc ELoon. This compound will be found a great pro- moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time- ly expulsion 3f them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you lind it is ob- structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better, health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the 'world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis- led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa- -' rilla, but often no curative properties whatev- er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla w hich flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous w ith imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend- ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. . prepared by DR. J. C. AVER & CO. a LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle t Six Bottles for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em- ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ' FOR THE CURE OP Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tutnort and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, h'euralgia, as a Dinner nil, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coate- so that the most sensi- tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the be3t aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prioe 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $1.00. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States- men, and eminent personages, have lent their n ames to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur- nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol- lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand AVER'S, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. " AU our Remedies are For sale by J. M. MILLS and W. II . AVERILL, Frankfort, and by all Druggists. R. A. ROBIASO.Vdc CO., LouUtille, Ky., April 23, 1860 ly. General Agents. All Diseases Treated Entirely Free of Charge!!! BY DRS. HARDY & CO. MEDICAL AND SUIiGICAL OFFICE, "TO. 31, East Fourth street, corner of Syca-mor- where he gives his entire attention to the practice of Physic and Surgery; had thirty years experience in hospitals and private prac- tice, and has devoted twenty years to curing cer- tain' PR I CI TE D SEA SES, he will will guarantee a cure in their most com- plicated and severe stages, lteceut cases are cured iu A VERY FEW DAYS. Young Mes injured in mind or body by a secret infatuation, should at once apply. He has cured many thousand such persons, and will restore you to health happiness, iriends and society. Womkn havingderangoraents peculiar to their sex. are invited to call for relief. Diseases carefully troated. EtT-B- particular as to the name and number. 31 Ea?t Fourth street, Cincinnati Ohio. Persons living at a distance can receive medi- cines, by writing a history of their case and send- ing two stamps. Address, Di!.S. HARDY CO. Jan. 27, ISCO-diw- ly. Cincinnati, Ohio. W. A. GAINES, WHOLESALE AD RETAIL GROCER, ASD DF.AI.FR IS Hardware, China, Giant, and Qneensware, Wood and Willutc Ware, Cigars and Tobacco. r$?ALSO, AGENT FOR ALL K I V I) 3 OF ""g A GRICIJL TURA L IMPLEMENTS, as Reapers and Mowers, Horse Powers, SUCH Threshers, Ciders Mill, Ac., fcc. I am also the exclusive Agent in this county for the CLIMAX GRAIN FAN, which is a new pat- ent just out, and greatly superior in point of work- manship and in every other particular to any other fan in use. July 9, tf. Proclamation by the Governor. $200 REWARD. Commonwealth of Kentucky, ) Executive Department. J WHEREAS, it has been made known to me that ISAAC HALL aud HENRY KING, who were confined in the jai1 of Montgomery county, un- der the chnrire of felony, haie escaped from said jail, and are now going at lurjie: JNOW, tnesetorc, I, HKRIAH MAGOFFIN, Gov- ernor of tho Commonwealth of Kentucky, do here- by offor a reward of One Hundi:ed Dollars each, for the apprehension of the said Isaac Hall and Henry King, and their delivery to the Jailer of Montgomery county, within one year from the date hereof : ' --V TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused L. S. the seal of the Commonwealth to be af-- J tiled. Done at Frankfort, this 15th dav ' ot November, A. 1. lsiiu, aud in tu tiythyearof the Commonwealth. By the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN. Thos. B. Monuok, Jr., Secretary of State. By J. W. Tate, Asjistant Secretary, novlfl witwliin. Proclamation by the Governor. S250 REWARD. LOMMoswEAi.yi op Kentucky, 1 Executive Department. uiiunA, ii una uuen represented to mo tl LEROY D. KING, who did, on the 25th da- - September last, kill and murder James Lacke in the county oi Madison, has fled from justl and is now going at large: Now, therefore, I, BERIAH MAGOFFIN, Gov ernor ol the Commonwealth ot Kentucky, do her. ny onera rewaraot IB U HUNDRED AND FI 1 1 DOLLARS for the apprehension of said Kin and his delivery to the jailer of Madison count', within one year from tho date hereof. , . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Commonwealth to be affixed. Done at Frankfort, this 27h ' ot A. D. and day Oct., 1801), in the 6Sifh year of the Commonwealth. . I By the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN. Tuos. B. Monroe, Jr., Secretary of State. By Jas. W. Tate, Assistant Secretary. DESCRIPTION. Leroy D. King, formerly of North Carolina, is about six teot high, rather thin in flesh, will weiigh about 145 pounds, red complexion, whiskers scat- tering about his face. He writes a poor hanrt ; will always laugh when talked to ; rather darV, sandy-colore- d hair. oct29 wi't-w3- COMMITTED TO JAIL the 4th inst., ns a runaway slave, a negro calling himself JAMES MOXKOE.Jr When arrested he had in his possession a pass dft ted December 2d, 1868, in Franklin County, Stuje of Kentucky, which he claims was given to him Ym.f?nead, of lanville, Ky., who he pays hold's his free papers. lie is a dark mulatto or copper color, ageu nuout l'b years; nve teet two mcuc; high: weigh? about one hundred and fifty pounds stout built; has a full black eye; a small scar on his torehead, and several on bis back, which haye the appearance of whip marks, lie had on, nhn aivestod, a light colored coat aud pantaloons, blije cloth cap, ana shoes very much worn. Ihe own- er of said nogro man is hereby notified to coine forward, prove property, and pay charges, or Jio will be dealt with according to law. r II. R. MILLER, J. F. C. Frankfort Aug. 15, 1800-t- f. EXCELSIOR PA1UFFINE OILS, For Burning and Lubricating. FREE FROM OFFENSIVE ODOR. At Ko.97 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, 0. 7"K warrant onr Oils to be equal, if not eupe- -' rior, to auv in the market. ;35?We invite thue in the city and vicinity to call and examine for themselves. fPersons ordering from a distance, satisfac- tion guarantied in all cases. We invite a comTjir-ativ- e trial with any manufacturing establishment C. R. HASKIN, Agen or J A. G. HODGES, :asurel Kanawha C. C. M. Oil Manufacturing Co. Feb. 11, ISoO. 97 Walnut St., Cincinnati f COAL AND LUMBER YARD rlIIE undersigned would inform the citizenelof JL Frankfurt and the surrounding country, tVit ho will keep constant lj on hand Yoheghonlv, Kentucky River, Pomeroy and Cannol Coal, .whiVh he will sell at the lowest market price, cither y the quantity or cart load. He also keeps all kinds of LCMBER, whh he will sell on accommodating terms. ;S?""Kis Coal and Lumber Yard is on the Ken- tucky river, immediately below the Railrtidd Bridge, being the same formerly occupied bv Todd k Crittenden. JOHN C. BATES. September 3, 1860-t- f. PHOENIX FOUNDRY. TKS'TH ST. EETWr.irX MAIS' AND CANAL, OPPOSITE THE ARTESIAN WELL, YVM. II. GRAINGER, Agent, of Steam Engines and MANUFACTURER or Grist Mills, Coal Mines, Arc, kc, Cranks, Gudgeons, Rag Irons, Saw Slides, Carriage Segments, Cotton Gin Seg- ments, and Pinion?, Cur Wheels, Grate Ears, Mill Spindles, Mill Dogs and Stirrups alway on hand. Hotchkiss Reaction Wafer Wlieels for Grist or Saw Mills. A large assortment of Patterns for Mill Gear- ing, &e. Castings made at tho shortest notice. W. II. GRAINGER, Agent, January 17, 1800-t- f. Louisville, Ky. A. C. KEENON'S BOOK BINDERY. A. C. KEEXON informs his friend and customers, that he still continues the Book Binding business, in all its branches, at his old stand, over Hon. J. Har lan's office, St. Clair street, and will give his whole attention to its management. Ho respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to the establishment. J.V CLERKS will be furnished with RECORD BOOKS ruled to any patron, and of the very bost qualitv of paper. BLANK BOOKS of every description, manufactured at short notice, to order, on reason- able terms. Frankfort, July 2, 1860-t- f. COACH FACTOEY. HEMIKG4 QUIN keep constantlv on hand a fine sortment of Carriages an,- kind of Carriage made to order and of the bost material. We have purchased the sole right of EVERETT'S PATEXT COUPLING, For the counties of Franklin, Anderson, Lincoln, and Garrnrd. N. B. We would call the attention of purchas- ers to our Spring assortment of Carriages. j3All work made by us warranted for one year. April 2, 1855-t- f. LOOK AT THIS! J. L. MOORE & SON, ARE RECEIVING THEIR FALL & WINTER GOODS! September 3, tf. CRANBERRIES NE barrel fresh Cranberries jiiFt received and o for sale by oct26 GRAY & TODD. Proclamation by the Governor. $250 REWARD. " Commonwealth of Kentucky, ) Executive department, J WHER EAS it has been made Known to me, that JAMES WILLIAMS, who, killed and murdered one Daniel B. Calvert, or,the 2d day of March, 1j68, in the oounty rycaldwell. has fled from justice, and is now g.fi g at larec : Now, therefore, T. iiERIAH MAOOFFIN,Gov-erno- r of the Comnwealth of Kentucky, do here- by offer a reward of Two Hundred and Fifty Do- llars for the apprehension of said Williams, and his delivery to tho Jailer of Caldwell county, with- in ono year from the date hereof. , , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I 1 have hereunto set my hatjd, and caused L. S. the seal of the Commonwealth to be af-- J fixed. Done at Frankfort, this 15th day ' . of November, A. D. 18GU, and in the fi9th year of the Commonwealth. By the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN. Tnos. B. Monroe, Jr., Secretary of State. - By Jas. W. Tate, Assistant Secretary. DESCRIPTION. James Williams is about 6 feet in height ; weighs about 150 pounds; very straight and very d ; dark, straight hnir, and very keen, piercing black eyes ; goneral expression of countenance bad; rather grim and austere in his manners; talks very little; rather dissipated in his habits, but never drinks to excess; about 28 years of age. He usually goes well dressed, and presents a genteel appearance in his manners and address. lie is now in Texas, and was heard from in lexas only a few weeks ago. novl6 3m. Proclamation by the Governor. 8250 REWAKD. Commonwealth op Kentucky, 1 Executive Department. WHEREAS, It is represented to me that JAS. WILSON, under an indictment in the Henderson Circuit Court for murder, did, on the night of the 29th of November lat escape from the jail of said countv, and is now going at large : Now, therefore, I, BEKIAII MAGOFFIN, Governor of the aforesaid Commonwealth, do here- by offer a reward of Two Husdred and Fifty Dollaii9 for the apprehension of said Wilson, and his delivery to the jailer of Honderson county, within ono year from the date hereof. ' - - TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I bave hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Commonwealth to be af- fixed. Done at Frankfort, this 12th day ' y ot December, A. D. I860, and in the-6ilt- year of the Commonwealth. By the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN. Tho. B. Monroe, Jb., Secretary of State. By Jas. W. Tats, Assistant Secretary. DESCRIPTION. Wilson is about 26 years of age, six feet high ; raw boned; weighs about ISO pounds; very dark or black hair, light beard and mustache; rather pale from long confinement ; grey eyes ; had on black clothes, and soft wool hat. m. Proclamation by the Governor. 200 REWARD. Commonwealth op Kentucky, ) Executive Department. J "WT7"HEREAS, it has been made known to me f that WILLIAM GARDINER CAPPS did kill and murder one Jesse Burton, in the county of Rockcastle, has since fled from justice, and is now going at large; Now, therefore, I, BERIAH MAGOFFIN, Governor of the aforesaid Commonwealth, do here- by offer a reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the apprehension of said CAPPS, and his delivery to tho jailer of Rockcastle county, within one year from tho date hereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and caused ,, the seal of the Commonwealth to be af fixed. Done at Frankfort, this 12th day of December, A. D., 1860. and in the 69th vear of the Commonwealth. By the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN. Tnos. B. Monroe, Jr., Secretary of State. By J. W. Tate, Assistant Secretary. DESCRIPTION. CAPPS is about 17 years of age; weighs about 140 or 150 pounds; light complected ; light hair; very little if any beard; blue eyes; about i feet 10 inches high. He is supposed to have gone to North Carolina. decl4 witw 3m. Proclamation by the Governer. Commonwealth op Kentucky, - 1 Executive Department. J In the name and by the authority of the Common-wealt- h of Kentucky: WHEREAS, it has been made known to me by J. B.Anderson, Esq., the Commissioner appointed by me to count the money in the Deposit Bank of Owensboro, Daviess county, paid in as stock, and to take the oath of the President and Directors of said Bank, that the same has been paid in as capi- tal stock 6o?ia fide; that he has counted the same, and Five Thousand Dollars of the Capital Stock has been paid in by individuals, ie., as required by the charter, and the President and Diroctors made oath that the same was paid in bona fide as capital stock. Know, therefore, that I, BERIAH MAGOFFIN, Governor of the Commonwealth aforesaid, by vir- tue of the power in me vested by the law charter- ing the Deposit Bank of Owensboro, Daviesj county, approved March 5th, 1860, do proclaim and declare the said Bank is authorized to com- mence operations aud do business under the char- ter aud all laws pertaining to tho same. IN TESTIM ON I WHEREOF, I have hereunto set mv hand and caused l.s. the seal of tho Commonwealth to be af- - fixed. Done at Frankfort, this 26th dav of October, A. D. 1860, and in the 69th year of the Commonwealth. By the Governor: - B.MAGOFFIN. Thos. B. Monroe, Jr., Sec. of State. By Jas. W. Tate, Assistant Secretary. oct29 wjit-w3- SOMETHING NEW! Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Photo- graphs, and Ivorytypes. 1:1. L. GOODWIN", fTAKES pleasure in informing the public that Jl he has returned to Frankfort, and taken the Gallery of C. A. Clarke, adjoining the Telegraph Olhce, and that he would be pleased to wait on those wishing perfect Likenesses of themselves or friends. He is confident he will be able to please the most fastidious in any kind of picture thex mav desire, from a life-siz- e portrait to the small est Daguerreotype or Ambrotype. Also, Daguer- reotypes of deceased persons enlarged to the size of Life and Colored in Oil, and satisfaction given. I am also prepared to make those gems of Pho- tography, the Daguerreotype, which is truly the most durable small picture yet produced. The Ivorvtvpe, (made only at this Gallery,) is acknowledged by all to be the most beautiful style of Photographic pictures ever presented to the "public. Iu brilliancy of tone and color, delicacy ol finish, correctness of likeness, and durability, it is far .superior to the best minature on Ivorv. and See.fK July 9, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer " ISJLL KINDS OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS NO. 71 WEST FIFTH STREET, (between walnut and vine street,) CINCINNATI, OHIO. Keeps constantly on hand aJfirge stock of well made Furniture of all kinds a the lowest prices. All orders received through t Post Of- fice will be promptly attended to. Feb. 15, 1860-l- y. Vj COLORING. y can have their Whiskers, Goatee, V GENTLEMEN colored in the highost stvleof the art, bv calling at Jan. 8, 1860. SAMUEL'S BARBER SHOP.
Page 1: Daily commonwealth (Frankfort, Ky.). (Frankfort, KY) 1861-01-21 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gb56d2x0m/data/0004.pdf · 2012-06-13 · Juno 20, 1880. Franktort, Ky. MRS.WIN SLOW, An experienced

rGuard against Fall and Winter Fires!



Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual.


NET SURPLUS OF . 6042,800 12,And the prestige of 40 years success and experi-


UPWARDS OF $12,000,000Of Losses hare been paid by the iEtna Insurance

Company in the past 40 years.The value of reliable Insurance will be apparent


PAST FIVE YEARS.In Ohio .... 431,520 83 Michigan, S15S,043 81In Wiso'n, 106,955 07 Indiana... 146,839 81In Kent'y, 204,939 40 Illinois .... 448,327 41Missouri ... 384,518 04 Tennessee, 97,549 21Iowa a Min 101,399 46 Kans.i-Ne- 19,945 77Penn. Va. 31,595 82 Ark. iOa., 23,945 09

Mississippi and Alabama $52,412 18

Fire and Inland Navigation.Risks acoepted at terms consistent with solvency

and fair profit.Especial attention given to Insurance of D WELL- -

INGS and Contents, for terms of 1 to 5 years.The solid servico long and successfully tried, and

the many advantages of the Etna Insurance Com-

pany possesses in its line, should not booverlookedby those ready to insure. and understanding theirbest interests.' During "stringent times" the necessity for re-

liable insurance becomes an imperative duty theability of property owners to sustain loss beingmuch lessened.

Agencies in all the principal cities and townsthroughout the State. Policies issued without de-

lay, by any of the authorized agents of the com-pany.

S!?Busiuo?a attended to with dispatch and f-

idelity.' H. Wl.tGATB, Agent.

Juno 20, 1880. Franktort, Ky.

MRS.WIN SLO W,An experienced Nurso and Fcmalo Physician,

presents to the attention of mothers her


which greatly facilitates the procoss of teething,by softening the gums, reducing all intlammation

will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action,and is is sure to regulate the Bowels. Depend uponit mothers, it will give rent to yourselves andBenefit and Health to your Infants.

W have just put up and sold this article forover ten years, and can sat, in confidence andtruth, of it, what we have never been able to sayof any other medicine never has it failed in a sin-al- e

instance to effect a cure, when timely used.Never did wo know an instance of dissatisfactionby any one who use it. On the contrary, all aredolighted with its operations, and speak in termsof the highest commendation of its magical ef-

fects and medicinal virtues. We speak in thismatter "what we do know" after ten years experi-ence and pledge our reputation for the fulfillment ofwhat we here declare. In almost every instancewhere the infant is suffering from pain and

relief will be found in fifteen or twentyminutes after the Syrup is administered.

This valuable preparation is tho prescriptionof one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILL-FUL NURSES in New England, and has beensned with NE SUCCESS in

THOUSANDS OF CASES.It not only relieves the child from pain, but in-

vigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidi-it-

and gives tone and energy to the whole sys-tem. It will almost instantly relieve Griping inhe Boxcels and Wind Colic, and overcome convul-ion- s,

which, if not speedily remedied, end in death.We believe it the BEST AND SUREST REMEDY1 Lthe world in ALL cases of DYSENTERY ANDDIARHOSA IN CHILDREN, whether it arisesfrom teething or from any other cause. Wewould say to every mother who has a child suffer-ing from any of the foregoing complaints do notUt your prejudices, nor the prejudices of others, standbetween your suffering child and the relief thatwill be SURE, yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE, to fol-

low this medicine, if timely used. Full directionsfor using will accompany each bottle. None gen-uine unless the fac simile of CURTIS ic PER-KINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper.ff& Sold by Druggist throughout the world's

Principal Office, No. 13, Cedar Street, Neic York.Price Only 35 Cents Per Bottle.

June 6, ly.


A Benevolent Institution established fyy special endow-ment, for the relief of the Sick and Distressed,afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, andespecially for the cure of diseases of the Sezual.Organs.

JUDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Act-X- T

JL ng Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, witha description of their condition, (age, occupation,habits of life, fcc.,) and in cases of extreme pov-eit-

medicine furnished free of charge.VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and

other diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on theNEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary,sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, freeof charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will beacceptable.

Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, ActingSurgeon, Howard Association, No. 2, South NinthStreet, Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order of the Direct-ors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, I'res't.

Geo. Fairohild, Sec'y. June 23 1860-l- y.

Samuel's New Establishment!HENRY SAMUEL, Barber and H air Dresser,

to inform his friends and the publicthat ho is again established in comfortable andcommodious rooms, and ready to attend to all whomay give him a call. His new establishment is inthe building of Col. Hodges, on St. Clair street.He solicits public patronage, and hopes that hisold friends and customers especially, who patron-ized him before the late fire, will now find theirway back to his shop. March 12, 1855-b- y.



Ed. D. Hobbs and J. W. Walker,AT THE UVEHGRKRN MRHKItlKS,

Twelve miles East of I.uniscille, Ky., immediately onthe Louisville and Frankfort Railroad.

V NEATLY' printed Catalogue of the Fruits,Ornamental Trees, Vines, Shrubs, ic., at the

above named Nursery, may be had by applicationto A. G. Hodges, Frankfort, Ky.

23 Orders may be addressed to HOBBS &WALKER, Williamson Postoflice, Jefferson coun-ty, Ky., or to A. G. HODGES,

Frankfort, Oct. 17, 1854. Frankfort, Ky.


JANUARY 1, 1800.

ASSETS.Cash on hand and in

Bank, $38,333 11 .

Cash in hands oi Agentsand in course of trans-mission,' C2,690 Si

Cash loaned on call,... 30,000 00$131,029 00

Bills receivable for loans, amply se-

cured, 70,223 59Real Estate, unincumbered, (cash

value,) 15,000 002409 Shares Bank Stock in Hartford,

market value, 260,352 002200 Shares Bank Stockin New York,

market value, 2o0,225 00960 Shares Bank Stock in Boston,

market value, 107,565 00400 Shares Bank Stock in St. Louis,

market value 40,300 00240 Shares Bank Stock in Railroad

and other Stock, market value,... 16,750 00Hartford City Bonds, G per cent.,

market value, 58,500 00State Stocks, (Tennessee, Ohio, Mich-

igan, Missouri,) 6 per cents, mar-ket value 36,625 00

20 Shares State Bank Wisconsin,market value, 2,140 00

Total assets, $936,709 69Total liabilities, 66,930 85

Insurnnce against Loss or Damage by Fire, onDwellings, Furniture, Stores, Warehouses, Mer-chandise, Mills, Manufactories, and most otherkinds of property, can be effected in this Companyupon as lavorable terms as the nature of the risksand security of Policy holders will admit.

J. M. MILLS, Agent,May 18, '60-t- f. Frankfort, Ky.


New York Life Insurance Company4 T a meeting of the Local Directors of the New

j York Life Insurance Company, held in thecity of Frankfort, Ky., December 4th, 18;8, thefollowing was unauinioiisly adopted:

The undersigned, President and Directors ofthe Company, have examined the roport and ex-

hibit of the New York Life Insurance Company forthe half year ending July 1st, 1838, and being sat-isfied with its prosperous condition, cordially recommend it to the encouragement and support ofthe community.

The New York Life Insurance Company has beenin existence fourteen year3, itscapital hasattainedthe sum of

81.50 0 ,0 O OInvested in State stocks, bonds and mortgages onreal estate.

We think it a most safe and profitable mode ofinvesting money, ihe profits enure to the benentof the insured, and have averaged not !e?s than30 per cent, per Annum on the premium paid.

Losides these investments in stock, kc, the lawof New York requires as additional security, that$10U, 000 shall be deposited with the State Comp-troller, to meot any lawful demands which theCompany may fail to pay.

We invite attention to the nature, objects, andadvantages of Life Insurance, as set forth by thisInstitution.

It will be seen by the above statement' that thisCompany is in a flourishing condition. Those desirous of information in regard to the subject ofLife Insurance, would do well to call on tho LocalAgent of the above Company, who will givo themany information that mny bo desired, or for refer-ence apply to either member of tho Local Board,all of whom are insured in this oQice.


CLAIMS PAID AT THIS AGENCY.John Lane ; $5,000Thomas F. Thornton 5,000Joseph II. Daviess 6,000William Q. Craig 5 ,000John C. Herndon 5,000John T. Pendleton 1,500



July 1, 1860-t- f. Frankfort Branch Bank.

Home Insurance Company,OF NEW YORK.


This Company continues to insure Buildings, Mer-chandise, Ships in port and their cargoes,

Household Furniture and Personal Prop-erty generally, against Loss or Dam-

age by Fire, on favorable terms.

Louses Equitably Adjusted and PromptlyPaid.

Abstractof the TEMENTofthe apavrs and condition of the HOMh l.Mlt.AXCE COMPANY, of the City of Sew York, ontheZtdayof December, 1867 .

ASSETS.Cash, Balance in Bank $ S7,000 56Bonds and Mortgages (being firt

lien on Heal Estate, worth at leaH$3111,000,) 400,600 00

Loans on stocks pay able on demand,(market value of securities, 253,- -

607) 150,859 85Bank Stocks (market value) 77,U0O 00Real Estate, No. 4 Wall Street (the

office of thecompany) 67,604 72Interest due on 1st January, 1858, '

(of which $12,625 J3 has sincebeen received) 14,375 93

Balance in hands of Agents and incourse of transmission from Ag'ts,on 31st Dec, (of which $7,857 57has since been received) 24,684 75

Premiums due and uncollected onPolicies issued at Office 2,087 53

Total $834.213 34

LIABILITIES.Outstanding losses on 31st Decem-

ber, 1857, estimated at $39,410 01Due Stockholders on account of

Seventh dividend 1,700 00

$41,110 01

New Yoek, 22d January, 1858.CUAS. J. MARTIN, Pres't.A. F. WILMARTI1, Vice Pres't.

J. Milton Smith, Ser'y.H. W1SGATE, Agent,

Oct. 12, 1859. Frankfort, Ky.

THEHartford Fire Insurance Company,


Capital, - - - $500,000.


H. HUNTINGTON, President.T. C. ALBYN, Secretary.

J. M. iMll.l.M, Agent at Frankfort.July 1, 1860-b- y.

Vacant Lots for Sale.THAVE several beautiful vacant Building Lots

Call on me at mv residence in SouthFrankfort. TIIOS. A. THEOBALDS.


Artesian Well Water.SUPPLY alwnvs on hand atV SAMUEL'S BARBERSHOP.

Feb. 8, 1860.


The Amalgamation of Languages. There is agrowing tendency in this age to appropriate themost expreivo words of other languages, andafter a whilo to incorporate them into our own;thus the word Cephalic, which is from tho Greek,signifying "for the head' is now becoming pop-ularized in connection with Mr. Holding's greatHeadache remedy, but it will soon be used in a

more general way, and the word Cephalic willcommon as Electrotype and many others,

whose distinction as foreign words has been wornawuy by common uage, until they r?em "nativeand to the manor born."

'ardly Realized.Ili 'ad 'u 'orrible 'eadache this hafternoon, hand

I stepped into the hapothecaries hand says hi tothe man, Can you hease me of an 'eadache?"" Does it haohe 'ard," says 'e. ' Exceedingly,"says hi, hand upon that 'e gave me a CephalicPill, hand 'pon me 'onor it cured me so quick thatI 'ardly realized I 'ad 'ad an 'headat-he-

i S'Ueadaehc is the favorite sign by which na-

ture makes known any deviation whatever fromnatural state of the brain, and viewed in this lightit may be looked on as a safeguard, intended togive notice of disease which might otherwise es-

cape attention till too laie to be remedied: and itsindications should never beneglected. Headachesmay be classified under two nnmes, viz: Sympto-matic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache in

exceedingly common, and is the precursor of agreat variety of diseases, among which are Apo- -

Gout, Rheumatism, and all febrile diseases.5)lcxy,nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of

the stomach constituting nick headache, of hepaticdisease constituting bilious headochp, of worms,constipation and other disorders of the bowels, aswell as renal and uterine affections. Diseases ofthe heart are very frequently attended with Head-aches ; Anapmia and plethora are also affectionswhich frequently occasion headache. IdiopathicHeadache is al-- o very common, being us:ally dis-

tinguished by the name of nervous headarhe, some-times coming on suddenly in a state of apparentlypound health and prostrating at once the mentaland physical energies, and in other instances itcomc--s on slowly, heralded by depression of spiritsor acerbity of temper. In most instances thepain is in the front of the head, over one or botheyea, and sometimes provoking vomiting; underthis class mny also be named Jeur(ltjii.

For the treatment of either class of Headachethe Cephalic Pills have been found a sure and saferemedy, relieving the most acute pains in a fewminutes, and by its subtle power eradicating thediseases of which beadache is the unerring index.

BniDGFT. Missus want" you to send her a boxof Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills,

but I'm thinking that's not just it naither; butperhaps ye'll be at'ther knowing what it is. Yesee she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Head-ache, and wants some more of that snmu thut

her before.Urugijitt. You must mean Spalding's Cephalic

Pills.Bridget. Och ! sure now and you've sed it;

here's the quarther, and giv me the Pills, anddon't be all day about it, aither.

Constipation or Costiveness.No one of the ''many ills flesh is heir to" is so

prevalcnt.so little understood, and so much neg-lected as Costiveness. Often originating in care-lessness, or sedentary habits; it is regarded as aslight disorder of too little consequence to exciteanxiety, whilo in reality it is the precursor andcompanion of many of the moat fatal and dangor-ou- s

disoascs, and unless early eradicated it willbring the sufferer to an untimely grave. Amongthe lighter evils of which costiveness is the usualattendant are Headacho, Colic, Rheumatism, FoulBreath, Piles and others of like nature, whilo along train of frightful diseases such as MalignantFevers, Abceses, Dyscntary, Diuri ha1. Apoplexy,Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochondriasis,Melancholy and Insanity, tirst indicate their pres-ence in the system by this alarming symptom.Not unfrequently tho disease named originate inConstipation, but take on an independent exis-tence uuless the Cituse is eradicated in an earlystage. From all these considerations it followsthat the disorder should receive immediate atten-tion whenever it occurs, and no person shouldneglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on tho firstappearance of the complaint, as their timely usewill expel the insiduous approaches of diseaseand destroy this dangerous lue tohnman life.

A Real Blessirg.Phyniciaa Well, Mrs. Jones, how is thathead-ac- h

e ?

Mrs. Jones Gone! Doctor, all gone! the pillyou sent cured me in just twenty minute, and Iwish you would send more so that I can bRve themhandy.

Physician You can get them at any Druggists.Call for Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, andI recommend them in all cases of Headache.

Mrs. Jones I shall send for a box directly, andshall tell all my suffering friends, for they are areal bleasinfj.



4l Y

By the use of theso Pills the periodic attacks ofXcrvous or Sick Headache may be prevented; andif taken at tho commencement of an attack, im-

mediate relief from pain and sickness will be ob-

tained., They seldom fail in removing the Xtuxea and

Headache to which females are so subject.They act gently upon the bowels removing

Costivenets.For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females,

and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the givingtone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of thewhole system.

The CEPHALIC PILES are the 'result of longinvestigation and carefully conducted experiments,having been in use many years, duringwhich timethey have prevented and relieved a vast amountof pain and suffering from Headache, whetheroriginating in the nervous system or from a de-

ranged state of the stomach.They are entirely vegetable in their composition,

and may be taken at all times with perfect safetywithout making any change of diet, and the ab-

sence of any disagreeable taste renders it easy to ad-

minister them. to children.BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS.

The genuine have five signatures of Henry C.

Spalding on each Box.Sold by Druggists and other Dealers in Medi-

cines.A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt

of the PRICE, 25 CENTS.AH orders should be addressed to

HRMtY C. fePALDI G,4.H Cedar Street, IVew York.

nov!2 witwly.

Ayer's SarsaparillaA compound remedy, in which we have la-bored to produce the" moat effectual alterativethat can be made. It is a concentrated extractof Tara Sarsaparilla, so combined with other3ubstancC3 of still greater alterative power asto afford an effective antidote for the diseasesSarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believedthat such a remedy is wanted by those whosuffer from Strumous complaints, and that onewhich will accomplish their cure must proveof immense service to this large class of ouralflicted fellow-citizen- s. IJow completely thiscompound will do it has been proven by exper-iment on many of the worst cases to be foundof the following complaints :

Scrofula and Scrofulous Complaints,Eruptions and Eruptive Diseases, Ulcep.s,PiMrLF.s, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Rheum,Scald Head, Syphilis and Syphilitic Af-fections, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy, Neu-ralgia or Tic Douloureux, Debility, Dys-pepsia and Indigestion, Erysipelas, Roseor St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the wholeclass of complaints arising from Impurity opTnc ELoon.

This compound will be found a great pro-moter of health, when taken in the spring, toexpel the foul humors which fester in theblood at that season of the year. By the time-

ly expulsion 3f them many rankling disordersare nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, bythe aid of this remedy, spare themselves fromthe endurance of foul eruptions and ulceroussores, through which the system will strive torid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to dothis through the natural channels of the bodyby an alterative medicine. Cleanse out thevitiated blood whenever you find its impuritiesbursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions,or sores ; cleanse it when you lind it is ob-

structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse itwhenever it is foul, and your feelings will tellyou when. Even where no particular disorderis felt, people enjoy better, health, and livelonger, for cleansing the blood. Keep theblood healthy, and all is well ; but with thispabulum of life disordered, there can be nolasting health. Sooner or later somethingmust go wrong, and the great machinery oflife is disordered or overthrown.

Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, thereputation, of accomplishing these ends. Butthe 'world has been egregiously deceived bypreparations of it, partly because the drugalone has not all the virtue that is claimedfor it, but more because many preparations,pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla,or any thing else.

During late years the public have been mis-led by large bottles, pretending to give a quartof Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Mostof these have been frauds upon the sick, forthey not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa- -'

rilla, but often no curative properties whatev-er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointmenthas followed the use of the various extracts ofSarsaparilla w hich flood the market, until thename itself is justly despised, and has becomesynonymous w ith imposition and cheat. Stillwe call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intendto supply such a remedy as shall rescue thename from the load of obloquy which restsupon it. And we think we have ground forbelieving it has virtues which are irresistibleby the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend-ed to cure. In order to secure their completeeradication from the system, the remedy shouldbe judiciously taken according to directions onthe bottle.. prepared by


Price, $1 per Bottle t Six Bottles for $5.

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,has won for itself such a renown for the cure ofevery variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, thatit is entirely unnecessary for us to recount theevidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em-

ployed. As it has long been in constant usethroughout this section, we need not do more thanassure the people its quality is kept up to the bestit ever has been, and that it may be relied on todo for their relief all it has ever been found to do.

Ayer's Cathartic Pills,'FOR THE CURE OP

Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache,Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases,Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tutnort andSalt Rheum, Worms, Gout, h'euralgia, as aDinner nil, and for Purifying the Blood.

They are sugar-coate- so that the most sensi-

tive can take them pleasantly, and they are thebe3t aperient in the world for all the purposes of afamily physic.Prioe 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $1.00.

Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States-

men, and eminent personages, have lent theirn ames to certify the unparalleled usefulness of theseremedies, but our space here will not permit theinsertion of them. The Agents below named fur-

nish gratis our American Almanac in which theyare given ; with also full descriptions of the abovecomplaints, and the treatment that should be fol-

lowed for their cure.Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with

other preparations they make more profit on.Demand AVER'S, and take no others. The sickwant the best aid there is for them, and they shouldhave it. "

AU our Remedies areFor sale by J. M. MILLS and W. II . AVERILL,Frankfort, and by all Druggists.

R. A. ROBIASO.Vdc CO., LouUtille, Ky.,April 23, 1860 ly. General Agents.

All Diseases Treated Entirely Free ofCharge!!!


MEDICAL AND SUIiGICAL OFFICE,"TO. 31, East Fourth street, corner of Syca-mor-

where he gives his entire attention tothe practice of Physic and Surgery; had thirtyyears experience in hospitals and private prac-tice, and has devoted twenty years to curing cer-


he will will guarantee a cure in their most com-

plicated and severe stages, lteceutcases are cured iu

A VERY FEW DAYS.Young Mes injured in mind or body by a secret

infatuation, should at once apply. He has curedmany thousand such persons, and will restore youto health happiness, iriends and society.

Womkn havingderangoraents peculiar to theirsex. are invited to call for relief.

Diseases carefully troated.EtT-B- particular as to the name and number.

31 Ea?t Fourth street, Cincinnati Ohio.Persons living at a distance can receive medi-

cines, by writing a history of their case and send-ing two stamps. Address,


Jan. 27, ISCO-diw- ly. Cincinnati, Ohio.



Hardware, China, Giant, and Qneensware, Woodand Willutc Ware, Cigars and Tobacco.


A GRICIJL TURA L IMPLEMENTS,as Reapers and Mowers, Horse Powers,

SUCH Threshers, Ciders Mill, Ac., fcc.

I am also the exclusive Agent in this county forthe CLIMAX GRAIN FAN, which is a new pat-ent just out, and greatly superior in point of work-manship and in every other particular to anyother fan in use.

July 9, tf.

Proclamation by the Governor.$200 REWARD.

Commonwealth of Kentucky, )Executive Department. J

WHEREAS, it has been made known to me thatISAAC HALL aud HENRY KING, who wereconfined in the jai1 of Montgomery county, un-der the chnrire of felony, haie escaped from saidjail, and are now going at lurjie:

JNOW, tnesetorc, I, HKRIAH MAGOFFIN, Gov-ernor of tho Commonwealth of Kentucky, do here-by offor a reward of One Hundi:ed Dollars each,for the apprehension of the said Isaac Hall andHenry King, and their delivery to the Jailer ofMontgomery county, within one year from thedate hereof :

' --V TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I1 have hereunto set my hand and caused

L. S. the seal of the Commonwealth to be af-- J

tiled. Done at Frankfort, this 15th dav' ot November, A. 1. lsiiu, aud in tutiythyearof the Commonwealth.

By the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN.Thos. B. Monuok, Jr., Secretary of State.

By J. W. Tate, Asjistant Secretary,novlfl witwliin.

Proclamation by the Governor.S250 REWARD.

LOMMoswEAi.yi op Kentucky, 1

Executive Department.uiiunA, ii una uuen represented to mo tl

LEROY D. KING, who did, on the 25th da- -September last, kill and murder James Lackein the county oi Madison, has fled from justland is now going at large:

Now, therefore, I, BERIAH MAGOFFIN, Governor ol the Commonwealth ot Kentucky, do her.ny onera rewaraot IB U HUNDRED AND FI1 1 DOLLARS for the apprehension of said Kinand his delivery to the jailer of Madison count',within one year from tho date hereof.

, . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. Ihave hereunto set my hand and causedthe seal of the Commonwealth to beaffixed. Done at Frankfort, this 27h

' ot A. D. andday Oct., 1801), in the 6Sifhyear of the Commonwealth. . I

By the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN.Tuos. B. Monroe, Jr., Secretary of State.

By Jas. W. Tate, Assistant Secretary.

DESCRIPTION.Leroy D. King, formerly of North Carolina, is

about six teot high, rather thin in flesh, will weiighabout 145 pounds, red complexion, whiskers scat-tering about his face. He writes a poor hanrt ;

will always laugh when talked to ; rather darV,sandy-colore- d hair. oct29 wi't-w3-

COMMITTED TO JAILthe 4th inst., ns a runaway slave, a negro

calling himself JAMES MOXKOE.JrWhen arrested he had in his possession a pass dftted December 2d, 1868, in Franklin County, Stujeof Kentucky, which he claims was given to himYm.f?nead, of lanville, Ky., who he pays hold's

his free papers. lie is a dark mulatto or coppercolor, ageu nuout l'b years; nve teet two mcuc;high: weigh? about one hundred and fifty poundsstout built; has a full black eye; a small scar onhis torehead, and several on bis back, which hayethe appearance of whip marks, lie had on, nhnaivestod, a light colored coat aud pantaloons, blijecloth cap, ana shoes very much worn. Ihe own-er of said nogro man is hereby notified to coineforward, prove property, and pay charges, or Jiowill be dealt with according to law. r

II. R. MILLER, J. F. C.Frankfort Aug. 15, 1800-t- f.


For Burning and Lubricating.

FREE FROM OFFENSIVE ODOR.At Ko.97 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, 0.

7"K warrant onr Oils to be equal, if not eupe- -'

rior, to auv in the market.;35?We invite thue in the city and vicinity to

call and examine for themselves.fPersons ordering from a distance, satisfac-

tion guarantied in all cases. We invite a comTjir-ativ- e

trial with any manufacturing establishment

C. R. HASKIN, Agen or JA. G. HODGES, :asurel

Kanawha C. C. M. Oil Manufacturing Co.Feb. 11, ISoO. 97 Walnut St., Cincinnati


rlIIE undersigned would inform the citizenelofJL Frankfurt and the surrounding country, tVit

ho will keep constant lj on hand Yoheghonlv,Kentucky River, Pomeroy and Cannol Coal, .whiVhhe will sell at the lowest market price, cither ythe quantity or cart load.

He also keeps all kinds of LCMBER, whhhe will sell on accommodating terms.

;S?""Kis Coal and Lumber Yard is on the Ken-tucky river, immediately below the RailrtiddBridge, being the same formerly occupied bv Toddk Crittenden. JOHN C. BATES.

September 3, 1860-t- f.



of Steam Engines andMANUFACTURER or Grist Mills, CoalMines, Arc, kc, Cranks, Gudgeons, Rag Irons,Saw Slides, Carriage Segments, Cotton Gin Seg-ments, and Pinion?, Cur Wheels, Grate Ears,Mill Spindles, Mill Dogs and Stirrups alway onhand.

Hotchkiss Reaction Wafer Wlieels

for Grist or Saw Mills.A large assortment of Patterns for Mill Gear-

ing, &e.Castings made at tho shortest notice.

W. II. GRAINGER, Agent,January 17, 1800-t- f. Louisville, Ky.

A. C. KEENON'S BOOK BINDERY.A. C. KEEXON informshis friend and customers,that he still continues theBook Binding business, inall its branches, at his oldstand, over Hon. J. Har

lan's office, St. Clair street, and will give his wholeattention to its management. Ho respectfullysolicits a continuance of the patronage heretoforeextended to the establishment.

J.V CLERKS will be furnished with RECORDBOOKS ruled to any patron, and of the very bostqualitv of paper.

BLANK BOOKS of every description,manufactured at short notice, to order, on reason-able terms.

Frankfort, July 2, 1860-t- f.


constantlv on hand a finesortment of Carriages an,-

kind of Carriage made to orderand of the bost material. We

have purchased the sole right of

EVERETT'S PATEXT COUPLING,For the counties of Franklin, Anderson, Lincoln,and Garrnrd.

N. B. We would call the attention of purchas-ers to our Spring assortment of Carriages.

j3All work made by us warranted for oneyear. April 2, 1855-t- f.



FALL & WINTER GOODS!September 3, tf.

CRANBERRIESNE barrel fresh Cranberries jiiFt received ando for sale by oct26 GRAY & TODD.

Proclamation by the Governor.$250 REWARD. "

Commonwealth of Kentucky, )

Executive department, JWHER EAS it has been made Known to me, that

JAMES WILLIAMS, who, killed and murderedone Daniel B. Calvert, or,the 2d day of March,1j68, in the oounty rycaldwell. has fled fromjustice, and is now g.fi g at larec :

Now, therefore, T. iiERIAH MAOOFFIN,Gov-erno- rof the Comnwealth of Kentucky, do here-

by offer a reward of Two Hundred and Fifty Do-llars for the apprehension of said Williams, andhis delivery to tho Jailer of Caldwell county, with-in ono year from the date hereof.

, , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I1 have hereunto set my hatjd, and caused

L. S. the seal of the Commonwealth to be af-- Jfixed. Done at Frankfort, this 15th day

' . of November, A. D. 18GU, and in thefi9th year of the Commonwealth.

By the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN.Tnos. B. Monroe, Jr., Secretary of State.- By Jas. W. Tate, Assistant Secretary.

DESCRIPTION.James Williams is about 6 feet in height ; weighs

about 150 pounds; very straight andvery d ; dark, straight hnir, and verykeen, piercing black eyes ; goneral expression ofcountenance bad; rather grim and austere in hismanners; talks very little; rather dissipated inhis habits, but never drinks to excess; about 28years of age. He usually goes well dressed, andpresents a genteel appearance in his manners andaddress. lie is now in Texas, and was heard fromin lexas only a few weeks ago. novl6 3m.

Proclamation by the Governor.8250 REWAKD.

Commonwealth op Kentucky, 1

Executive Department.WHEREAS, It is represented to me that JAS.

WILSON, under an indictment in the HendersonCircuit Court for murder, did, on the night of the29th of November lat escape from the jail of saidcountv, and is now going at large :

Now, therefore, I, BEKIAII MAGOFFIN,Governor of the aforesaid Commonwealth, do here-by offer a reward of Two Husdred and FiftyDollaii9 for the apprehension of said Wilson, andhis delivery to the jailer of Honderson county,within ono year from the date hereof.

' - - TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Ibave hereunto set my hand and causedthe seal of the Commonwealth to be af-fixed. Done at Frankfort, this 12th day

' y ot December, A. D. I860, and in the-6ilt-

year of the Commonwealth.By the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN.

Tho. B. Monroe, Jb., Secretary of State.By Jas. W. Tats, Assistant Secretary.

DESCRIPTION.Wilson is about 26 years of age, six feet high ;

raw boned; weighs about ISO pounds; very darkor black hair, light beard and mustache; ratherpale from long confinement ; grey eyes ; had onblack clothes, and soft wool hat.


Proclamation by the Governor.200 REWARD.

Commonwealth op Kentucky, )

Executive Department. J"WT7"HEREAS, it has been made known to me

f that WILLIAM GARDINER CAPPS didkill and murder one Jesse Burton, in the countyof Rockcastle, has since fled from justice, and isnow going at large;

Now, therefore, I, BERIAH MAGOFFIN,Governor of the aforesaid Commonwealth, do here-by offer a reward of Two Hundred Dollars forthe apprehension of said CAPPS, and his deliveryto tho jailer of Rockcastle county, within oneyear from tho date hereof.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. Ihave hereunto set my hand and caused,, the seal of the Commonwealth to be affixed. Done at Frankfort, this 12thday of December, A. D., 1860. and in

the 69th vear of the Commonwealth.By the Governor: B. MAGOFFIN.

Tnos. B. Monroe, Jr., Secretary of State.By J. W. Tate, Assistant Secretary.

DESCRIPTION.CAPPS is about 17 years of age; weighs about

140 or 150 pounds; light complected ; light hair;very little if any beard; blue eyes; about i feet10 inches high. He is supposed to have gone toNorth Carolina. decl4 witw 3m.

Proclamation by the Governer.Commonwealth op Kentucky, - 1

Executive Department. JIn the name and by the authority of the Common-wealt- h

of Kentucky:WHEREAS, it has been made known to me by

J. B.Anderson, Esq., the Commissioner appointedby me to count the money in the Deposit Bank ofOwensboro, Daviess county, paid in as stock, andto take the oath of the President and Directors ofsaid Bank, that the same has been paid in as capi-tal stock 6o?ia fide; that he has counted the same,and Five Thousand Dollars of the Capital Stockhas been paid in by individuals, ie., as requiredby the charter, and the President and Diroctorsmade oath that the same was paid in bona fide ascapital stock.

Know, therefore, that I, BERIAH MAGOFFIN,Governor of the Commonwealth aforesaid, by vir-tue of the power in me vested by the law charter-ing the Deposit Bank of Owensboro, Daviesjcounty, approved March 5th, 1860, do proclaimand declare the said Bank is authorized to com-

mence operations aud do business under the char-ter aud all laws pertaining to tho same.

IN TESTIM ON I WHEREOF, Ihave hereunto set mv hand and caused

l.s. the seal of tho Commonwealth to be af- -

fixed. Done at Frankfort, this 26thdav of October, A. D. 1860, and in the

69th year of the Commonwealth.By the Governor: - B.MAGOFFIN.

Thos. B. Monroe, Jr., Sec. of State.By Jas. W. Tate, Assistant Secretary.

oct29 wjit-w3-

SOMETHING NEW!Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Photo-

graphs, and Ivorytypes.

1:1. L. GOODWIN",fTAKES pleasure in informing the public thatJl he has returned to Frankfort, and taken the

Gallery of C. A. Clarke, adjoining the TelegraphOlhce, and that he would be pleased to wait onthose wishing perfect Likenesses of themselves orfriends. He is confident he will be able to pleasethe most fastidious in any kind of picture thexmav desire, from a life-siz- e portrait to the smallest Daguerreotype or Ambrotype. Also, Daguer-reotypes of deceased persons enlarged to thesize of Life and Colored in Oil, and satisfactiongiven.

I am also prepared to make those gems of Pho-

tography, the Daguerreotype, which is truly themost durable small picture yet produced.

The Ivorvtvpe, (made only at this Gallery,) isacknowledged by all to be the most beautiful styleof Photographic pictures ever presented to the"public. Iu brilliancy of tone and color, delicacyol finish, correctness of likeness, and durability, itis far .superior to the best minature on Ivorv.

and See.fK July 9,

Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer" ISJLL KINDS OP


(between walnut and vine street,)

CINCINNATI, OHIO.Keeps constantly on hand aJfirge stock of

well made Furniture of all kinds a the lowestprices. All orders received through t Post Of-

fice will be promptly attended to.Feb. 15, 1860-l- y. Vj

COLORING. ycan have their Whiskers, Goatee, VGENTLEMEN colored in the highost

stvleof the art, bv calling atJan. 8, 1860. SAMUEL'S BARBER SHOP.
