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Daily Confession by Appointment - Call the Church … Livonia...Please join us for lunch on...

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August 16, 2015 THE DORMITION OF THE MOST HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THE DORMITION OF THE MOST HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THE DORMITION OF THE MOST HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THE DORMITION OF THE MOST HOLY MOTHER OF GOD (August 15th) T he Lord who, on Sinai, gave the Fifth Commandment: “Honor thy father and thy mother”, showed by His own example how one must reverence one’s parents. Hanging in agony on the Cross, He remembered His mother, and, indicating the Apostle John, said to her: ‘Woman, behold thy son!’, and to John: ‘Behold thy mother!’ And, with this concern for His mother, He breathed His last. John had a home on Sion in Jerusalem, where he settled the Mother of God and left her to pass her remaining days on earth. By her prayers, her kindly advice, her meekness and pa- tience, she was of immense help to her Son’s Apostles. She spent virtually the rest of her life in Jerusalem, often going round the places that reminded her of the great events and the great works associated with and performed by her Son. She especially visited Golgotha, Bethlehem and the Mount of Olives. Of her journeys farther afield, her visit to St. Ignatius the God-Bearer is recorded, as are those to St. Lazarus the Four-days-dead, Bishop of Cyprus, to the Holy Mountain, to which she gave her blessing, and her stay in Ephesus with John during a fierce persecution of Christians in Jerusalem. In old age, she often prayed to her Lord and God on the Mount of Olives, on the spot from which He ascended, to take her from this world. One day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her and revealed that she would enter into rest in three days’ time, and the angel gave her a palm-branch to be carried in her funeral procession. She returned home with great joy, with the heartfelt hope that she would see Christ’s Apostles once more in this life. The Lord fulfilled her desire and all the Apostles, brought by angels and clouds, gathered together at John’s house on Sion. It was with great joy that she saw the Holy Apostles, and she encouraged, advised and upheld them, then peacefully gave her soul into God’s hands without the slightest physical pain or struggle. The Apostles took the coffin containing her body, from which an aromatic fragrance arose, and accompanied by many Christians, took it to the Garden of Gethsemane, to the grave of SS. Joachim and Anna. By God’s providence, they were hidden from the wicked Jews by a cloud. A Jewish priest, Antony, touched the coffin with his hand, intending to overturn it, but at that moment an angel of God cut off both his hands. He cried out with the pain, begging the Apostles’ help, and was healed in confessing his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was left to the Apostle Thomas, who was delayed, again by God’s providence, to reveal a new and glorious mystery about the Holy Mother of God. (continued on page 2) August 16, 2015 Issue 482 18100 Merriman Road Livonia, Michigan 48152 www.saintmarylivonia.com Office: (734)-422-0010 Sunday Services Confession: 8:30AM Matins: 9:00AM Divine Liturgy: 10:00AM St. Mary’s Cultural and Banquet Center (734) 421-9220 Daily Confession by Appointment - Call the Church Office And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.” Acts 11:26 The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary Fr. George Shalhoub - Pastor Fr. Jim King - Director of Youth & Pastoral Outreach Programs Archdeacon Issa Rizkallah 313-690-2030 Deacon Dr. Dennis Bojrab Deacon Samer Hanna Nidal Fakhoury - Parish Council Chairman Linda Lawson - Choir Director Stacey Badeen - Church Administrator Christina Stavros - Pastoral Minis- tries Coordinator Haitham Fakhouri - Communications Richard Shebib/Sami Azzouz - Ushers Dr. Tom Saba - Young Adults- St. John Divine Irene Saba - Ladies Society President Gloria Sultani - Teen Soyo President Lina Nunu - Arabic School Keith Rowe - Cultural Center General Manager 734-421-9220 The Light of Christ AL-NOUR PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY: THE ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX BASILICA OF ST. MARY
Page 1: Daily Confession by Appointment - Call the Church … Livonia...Please join us for lunch on Thursday, August 27th. Service begins at 10:00am Lunch served at 11:15am Menu: Kafta, Roasted

August 16, 2015


(August 15th)

TTTT he Lord who, on Sinai, gave the Fifth Commandment: “Honor thy father and thy mother”, showed by His own example how one must reverence one’s parents. Hanging in agony on the Cross, He remembered His mother, and, indicating the Apostle John, said to her: ‘Woman, behold thy son!’, and to John: ‘Behold thy mother!’ And, with this concern for His mother, He breathed His last. John had a home on Sion in Jerusalem, where he settled the Mother of God and left her to pass her remaining days on earth. By her prayers, her kindly advice, her meekness and pa-tience, she was of immense help to her Son’s Apostles. She spent virtually the rest of her life in Jerusalem, often going round the places that reminded her of the great events and the great works associated with and performed by her Son. She especially visited Golgotha, Bethlehem and the Mount of Olives. Of her journeys farther afield, her visit to St. Ignatius the God-Bearer is recorded, as are those to St. Lazarus the Four-days-dead, Bishop of Cyprus, to the Holy Mountain, to which she gave her blessing, and her stay in Ephesus with John during a fierce persecution of Christians in Jerusalem. In old age, she often prayed to her Lord and God on the Mount of Olives, on the spot from which He ascended, to take her from this world. One day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her and revealed that she would enter into rest in three days’ time, and the angel gave her a palm-branch to be carried in her funeral procession. She returned home with great joy, with the heartfelt hope that she would see Christ’s Apostles once more in this life. The Lord fulfilled her desire and all the Apostles, brought by angels and clouds, gathered together at John’s house on Sion. It was with great joy that she saw the Holy Apostles, and she encouraged, advised and upheld them, then peacefully gave her soul into God’s hands without the slightest physical pain or struggle. The Apostles took the coffin containing her body, from which an aromatic fragrance arose, and accompanied by many Christians, took it to the Garden of Gethsemane, to the grave of SS. Joachim and Anna. By God’s providence, they were hidden from the wicked Jews by a cloud. A Jewish priest, Antony, touched the coffin with his hand, intending to overturn it, but at that moment an angel of God cut off both his hands. He cried out with the pain, begging the Apostles’ help, and was healed in confessing his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was left to the Apostle Thomas, who was delayed, again by God’s providence, to reveal a new and glorious mystery about the Holy Mother of God. (continued on page 2)

August 16, 2015 Issue 482

�18100 Merriman Road � Livonia, Michigan 48152 � www.saintmarylivonia.com � Office: (734)-422-0010 �

Sunday Services

Confession: 8:30AM

Matins: 9:00AM

Divine Liturgy: 10:00AM

St. Mary’s Cultural

and Banquet Center

(734) 421-9220

Daily Confession by Appointment - Call the Church Office

“And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.” Acts 11:26

The Antiochian Orthodox

Basilica of St. Mary

Fr. George Shalhoub - Pastor Fr. Jim King - Director of Youth & Pastoral Outreach Programs

Archdeacon Issa Rizkallah


Deacon Dr. Dennis Bojrab Deacon Samer Hanna

Nidal Fakhoury - Parish Council Chairman

Linda Lawson - Choir Director Stacey Badeen - Church Administrator Christina Stavros - Pastoral Minis-

tries Coordinator Haitham Fakhouri - Communications

Richard Shebib/Sami Azzouz - Ushers

Dr. Tom Saba - Young Adults-

St. John Divine

Irene Saba - Ladies Society President Gloria Sultani - Teen Soyo President Lina Nunu - Arabic School Keith Rowe - Cultural Center General Manager 734-421-9220

The Light of Christ




Page 2: Daily Confession by Appointment - Call the Church … Livonia...Please join us for lunch on Thursday, August 27th. Service begins at 10:00am Lunch served at 11:15am Menu: Kafta, Roasted

Page 2 The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary


The Lord is my strength and my song. The Lord has chastened me severely.

The Reading is from the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians

Chapter 9:2-12

BBBB rethren, you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord. This is my defense to those who would examine me. Do we not have the right to our food and drink? Do we not have the right to be accompanied by a wife, as the other apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas? Or is it only Barnabas and I who have no right to refrain from working for a living? Who serves as a soldier at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard without eating any of its fruit? Who tends a flock without getting some of the milk? Do I say this on human authority? Does not the law say the same? For it is written in the Law of Moses, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain.” Is it for oxen that God is concerned? Does he not speak entirely for our sake? It was written for our sake, because the plowman should plow in hope and the thresher thresh in hope of a share in the crop. If we have sown spiritual good among you, is it too much if we reap your material benefits? If others share this rightful claim upon you, do not we still more? Nevertheless, we have not made use of this right, but we endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the way of the Gospel of Christ.


The Reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew

Chapter 18:23-35

TTTT he Lord spoke this parable: “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. When he began the reckoning, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents; and as he could not pay, his lord ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment to be made. So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, ‘Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’ And out of pity for him the lord of that servant released him and forgave him the debt. But that same servant, as he went out, came upon one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii; and seizing him by the throat he said, ‘Pay what you owe.’ So his fellow servant fell down and besought him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ He refused and went and put him in prison until he should pay the debt. When his fellow servants saw what had taken place, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their lord all that had taken place. Then his lord summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you besought me; and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his lord delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. So also My heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(continued from page 1)

He arrived on the third day, and desired to embrace the body of the Holy and Most Pure. When the Apostles opened her grave, he found only the winding-sheet—the body was not in the grave. That evening, she appeared to the Apostles, surrounded by a multitude of angels, and said to them: ‘Rejoice; I will be with you always!’ It is not known exactly how old the Mother of God was at the time of her falling-asleep, but the prevailing belief is that she had reached the age of sixty.

Page 3: Daily Confession by Appointment - Call the Church … Livonia...Please join us for lunch on Thursday, August 27th. Service begins at 10:00am Lunch served at 11:15am Menu: Kafta, Roasted

The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary Page 3


IIII am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me shall never die.” (John 11:25) Aug. 23rd - 40 day memorial in loving memory of Helen Mansur offered by the family, Sept. 13th - 40 day memorial in loving memory of Marie Ansara offered by the family,

Sept. 20th - 40 day memorial in loving memory of Mari-Claire Murad offered by the family,

Thank You

“A Vigil Light is Burning” In Loving Devotion

FFFF or The Health and Well Being Of: Sister Xavier, Robert Malin, Jocelyn Fakhouri,

IIII n Memory Of: Joseph Michael Mouaikel, George Abodeely, Nawal Fakhouri,


HHHH oly Bread of Oblation is offered by the families, for the month of August, in loving memory of:

John S. Ajlouny

Pamela Khoury Ajlouny

Fred Essa Jalil Ghannam

Abdallah Harb

Hala Sackllah

Martha Sackllah

HHHH oly Bread of Oblation is offered by the families, for the month of August, for the health and well being of:

Samira Ajlouny

LLLL ord, You are the physician of our souls and body. We pray You grant the following parishioners good health and blessings: Metropolitan PAUL Yazigi, Archbishop Youhanna Ibrahim, Marie Sears, Rimon Warra, Andre,

TTTT he following parishioners and friends of the Basilica of St.

Mary have given special donations to the Church in the past few weeks: $50-In loving memory of Fred Essa, Hala Sackllah and Martha Sackllah offered by Hana Essa, $50-In loving memory of Meryana Khoury Moussa offered by the family, $100-For the health and well being of newborn Mila Rima Zakaria offered by grandparents Robert and Rima Zakaria, $100-For the health and well being of newly baptized Hanna Elias Saad offered by parents Elias and Nicole Saad, $1000-For the health and well being of newlyweds John and Amy Calati offered by parents Dr. Jiries and Rima Haddad, $1000-In loving memory of sister Marie Ansara offered by Andrew Ansara and the Ansara family, $1000-In loving memory of Pamela Khoury Ajlouny offered by parents Peter and Wisam Khoury,

Upcoming Events for St. Mary Parishioners

Aug. 27th - Senior Heritage Fellowship

Aug. 29th - Golf Outing

Sept. 11th - Ladies Society

Thought for the Day

“The Apostolic Faith must be passed down from father to son; and from mother to daughter. Even those who are not our

children according to the flesh can become our spiritual

children when we decide to behave towards them like

responsible parents. This is truly what it

means to share the Gospel.”

His Eminence

Metropolitan JOSEPH

Ladies Society News

The Ladies Society’s annual Fall Femme Fash will be held on Friday, September 11th. Raffle tickets have been mailed. Please return to the church office as soon as you can. If you did not receive them or would like more books, contact the office.

Senior Heritage Fellowship

Please join us for lunch on Thursday, August 27th.

Service begins at 10:00am

Lunch served at 11:15am

Menu: Kafta, Roasted Potatoes, Fattoush, Dessert - Ice Cream

Cost is $5.00 per person

Page 4: Daily Confession by Appointment - Call the Church … Livonia...Please join us for lunch on Thursday, August 27th. Service begins at 10:00am Lunch served at 11:15am Menu: Kafta, Roasted

Page 4 The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary

Please visit www.saintmarylivonia.com for details about events and ac�vi�es happening

at the Basilica of Saint Mary. If you have any ques�ons regarding Youth and Outreach Events,

please contact Fr. Jim or Ms. Chris�na Stavros at (734) 422-0010.

@ the Basilica of Saint Mary

Parents, take the ini�a�ve to find out what your children are learning in Church School. Build upon the weekly lessons

at home with supplemental teaching. Also, build upon the Scripture readings, hymns, and commemora�ons of Saints

and feasts that the children encounter in the Divine Services of the Church. Explain to your children what the readings

and hymns mean and tell them the stories of the Saints and feasts commemorated. Educa�ng your children means that

you must be educated in the Faith yourself. This is the parents’ responsibility. Immerse yourself in the life of the

Church. Worship and pray in as many of the Divine Services as possible, a/end adult educa�on classes, read the Holy

Scripture, and consult the commentaries and sermons on the Scripture by the Holy Fathers.

In the home, set up a family altar or icon corner. Read the Scripture readings and lives of the Saints daily. Pray

together as a family every day, at least in the morning and/or evening. Make a big deal of feast days. Take the kids to

the Divine Liturgy and enjoy a special meal to celebrate the day.

Celebrate the Name Day of the children with a celebra�on. Tell the story of the patron Saint’s life and explain how to

emulate his or her life as an Orthodox Chris�an. At the family icon corner/altar

make sure to have an icon of the child’s patron Saint alongside the icons of the

parents’ patron Saints.

Ask the clergy to visit your home, to bless it, and to explain to the family the

significance of this event.

Encourage the clergy to develop an outreach program involving visita�ons to

homes in order to teach families how to prac�cally live the Faith in the home as a

“domes�c church.”

Strive to be a holy example within the home, as well as in public, for your children

to follow.

Raising Godly Children

in the Orthodox Church

+ Bishop THOMAS

Page 5: Daily Confession by Appointment - Call the Church … Livonia...Please join us for lunch on Thursday, August 27th. Service begins at 10:00am Lunch served at 11:15am Menu: Kafta, Roasted

The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary Page 5


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The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary
