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Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1881-06-15 ...€¦ · tbe Bible Houae, Rev. C.V....

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It Is pleasant to note the unin- terrupted success of Lorillard'* Iroquois. Tbe United States Is ev- idently on the up-grade in every-' thing that relates to horse-flesh. From Mr. William Pridbam, the agent of Wells, Fargo & Co. in this city, wo learn that, since tbe Southern Pacific was completed to Darning, tbe business of his com- pany has quadrupled. Tbe de- maud for Loa Angeles products, clear to Kansas City and Denver, and at all intermediate points, is really remarkable. Next year Mr. Pridbam looks for an immense in- crease of tbo Eastern demand in every line, and confidently expects to send car-loads where be now sends tons. Tbe energetic and in- dustrious market gardener is the thing most needed ln Los Angeles. "There's millions in it." The passage through Los Ange- ls* yesterday, on his way to San Franoisco and the Comstock, of Mr. John W. Mackey, the premier of tbe old bonanza quartette, is worthy of a passing note. If Mackey dots uot, ou his arrival, deliver some ehou, .harp, depreci- atory and peremptory comment ou matters on tbe Comstock lode, it Is pretty sate to assume that the mar- ket for tbe shares lv tbat historic spot, which has been growing for some weeks past, will continue to grow, witb v possible real bullion development in tbe near future. With Fair and Mackey on the Comstock together, ufier an ub Hence of a considerable period, tbe treaauie status of Storey couuty, Nevada, ought to be ascertained very shortly. In the cursory mention we gave of Major Ben C. Truman's "Occi- dental Sketohee," we did net aim at anything like a review of the work. Since our first notice waa written we liavo read the i-ketebes carefully and find in them several features of quite exceplloual merit. Considered merely aa a story, "Hill Beachy's Dream" is the gem of tbe hook. It is characterized by a fine dramatic perception and a quite pronounced narrative power. The Majot's Interview with an "Antediluvian" reveals v wealth of accomplishments in the line of Ibe physical tciences which we had not previously credited him witb possessing. He shows a minute- ness of astronomical and other special knowledge which would uot be out of place iv a Draper. The "Sketohes" were designed to while away a weary hour or so iv the cars, or at pleasure resorts, and they are admirably adapted for the purpose, The Major lias increased his reputation, as v ii/eraleur by tbe publication of this ingenious and Interesting work. During his receut visit to the Eist Judge. J. S. Tliompeou, of Ibis city, took occasion lo investigate Ihe orauire question from a ttund- polut new to our paople. He was invited n partake of orange wine, which he found to he highly de- licious, anil which sold iv New York for ths extravagant eutn of rive dollars a Lottie. Should we ever reach a stage in which tlie or- ange market should threaten to be glutted, the uiauuiaoture of orange wine would at ouce afford the rem- edy. The Judge has entered Into minute calculations iv the matter, aud baa found that a bushel of or- anges, eveu of an iuferior grade, will yield two gallons of orange wine, which will readily command two dollars a gallon In the crude state. This is but oue of tbe ways in which the very prodigal yield of oranges in this county can be util- ized. The day will undoubtedly come when our people will think it worth their while to prepare tbeor- aoge iv a variety of shapes for a market which will take them all. Partialiiy and unjust discrim- ination are at all times to be dep- recated. No unbiased observer, during the past thirty years, can have failed to notice the slights which havo been put upin tbe South pole, Tha North pole and tbe Arctic continent have en- grossed everything, ti the unjust neglect of the South pole and the Autartic continent. In the name of all tbe Qods at once, why is this thus? Up north we have never yet observed a single interesting circumstance that ought to decoy a save mau to bis destruction; while, on tbe Antarotlo oontlnent, tbere is Adelia Land, for instance, whieb Invites tbe explorer with feminine enticements. How It Is tbat tbe hardy sailors without number, who have gone north, have never warmed op to Adelia, passes our comprehension, begad. For our part, we should feel in- clined to throw over the whole ragged northland for an opportuni- ty of cultivating a closer acquaint- ance with the gentle Adelia. AYe oall for voluuteers to explore the South pole. If fools have to be sacrificed, they ought, at leaßt, to be offered ou the altar of some gen- tle and tangible emotion. A senti- mental impulse might consecrate tho folly. Talking about glutting the market for oranges a Hue ofpracti- cal reflection is suggested that we have never seen advauced iv auy newspaper, Thirty years ago the people of the United States numbered about one-half their present population, At that date, we have no hesi- tation iv saying, there was not one bushel of potatoes raised iv this country where teu are raised now. Thus we are invited to consider the proposition of an increase of one hundred per cent, iv our (popu- lation aud of one thousand per cent, lv the yield of a single tuber. But that by no. means states the proposition in all its lurce. Thirty years ago a bushel oi polulocscoulu be bought for from twelve and a half cents to two bits. Notwith- standing tbe enormous increase iv ths yield, which, in ratio, is almost incredible, potatoes now sell for from fifty cents to one dollar a bushel. Thus, while the yield has increased oue thousut.d per ceut., against au increase of ouly oue hundred per cent, lv population, , the price of tho potato has en- hanced fully four hundred per cent., on a low estimate. The same reflections will apply to corn, butter aud many other ' staples. !Applying these unquestioned faots to the orange production, just as soon aa we shall iearu to go after a market iv a buslneas-like and in- telligent manner we may be sure of a similar result. Tho American people lu-day lire not eatiug oue orange where they will ultimately eat a buudred. They are now just rich enough to cultivate luxuiious tastes. While Gen. Beale was Minister to Austria, co he told us lately, at a banquet given by him to several Austrian and Hungarian noblemen at Vienna, be expressed, to a dis- tinguished nobleman who sat near him, a dsiiro to taste some un- doubtedly genuine Impeiial Tokay. His interlocutor next day sent round to the American Minister half a dozen flasks of this famous Wine. Il iv.a put up iv exquisite style, iv small flasks, iv a manner which more resembled the nicety of the art cf the puaruiaceutist than that of the wine-maker. General and Mrs. Beale sat down to discuss this rare vintage with a great deal of curiosity. The cork having bseu withdrawn from t\ flask, aud each haying taken a sip, they exchanged a glance of sympa- thetic intelligence. Having taken another sip, "My dear," said Min- ister Beale, "what does this wine remiud you ot?" Mrs. Benle replied, without a moment's hesitation, "Los Augeles Angelica." "And," said the General, "Los Angeles An- gelica it undoubtedly was, and nothing glto," Continuing the subject of Los Augeles wines, Gen. Beale told us that, haviDg had oc- casion to eutertaiu Sir Edward Thornton, and several other Eng- lish geutiemen at dinner iv Wash- ington, he had some very old port of Mr. L, J. Rose brought ou the table. Without a dissenting voice these English gentlemen pro- nounced it simply superb. One and all they praised it without stint. These two specialties of Los Auge- les wines, together with the Cuca- mouga port, are destined to achieve, an exceptional reputation. The "crusty" old port of London,which brings 6U,ih extravagant prices at occasional auction sales, is mel- lowed with a round circlet of years. Give the ports manufac- tured by L. J. Rose, E. J. Baldwin, or those made at Cucamonga, twenty years, und they would ex- cite a commotion la England or ou tho continent. LAST NIGHT'S NEWS. {Bpaoial to the Hh:uai.u y the western Uulou Telegraph \u25a0 n PACIFIC COAST. tS'fOCW. KlCl'OliT. SAN KKANOIHCO .STOCK AND HX- UHAHUE BOARD, lulls' NO SESSION. HAS FRANCISCO, Juue U 330 M»*lean, 1314, 055S Nevada, 16*, 13};, !: 10, 13 JV? 1G mo Oi »si, B>c, 201)utHu,UM, nj;, 170 B?£ B, 16,16 h3O 570 Bullion. 90, 93c 470 Ualn, 1.00, 1.05, no Exchequer. 155 1 To 175 Overman, 1.45, 1370 Savage,3.73, 8 30, 1% 3.70 160 Justine, 1 1006 Con Va, 3 SO 20 Heg Belcnor, 7 615 Chollar, 2.30, 2.75 896 Union, UK. 1454 MOPotosl, 3.U0,8.ti5, (Ml 90 3.60 5C0A1ta,4,4.05 355 H4S, 4 SO, 4.93 110 Andes, 2.4 1, 2 4-, 50 Point, 2.90 300 Scorpion, 1.95 3owj»Pkei,R'? ; ; ;»o G Bate, 2.95 60 Alpha, 4>» 230 Sierra, 1.60,1.85 920 Belener,3 60, 3.65 HO Curtis, 8.26 3 60 290 North Ex Utah, 300 Confidence, 4V£ 1.10,1.15 OPEN BOARD?4.BO p. M. Jacket. 5-i»b.Ki a; Justice, 1 a; Mexi- can, 12? Ib, 12J4 a; Union, 14Ua; Uallfor. nla, 1,56 D; Crown Point, 2.00 b, 2.95 a, Mono, 2.80 b; Bodle, 7 b, iy t a; Con Vlr- -51n1a.8.70 b, S% a: Potom, 8.60 sAßlerra revada, UK b, IS a; Ophlr.B DTBHa; Gould a Curry, ty. a; Alpha, iy, b; Impel rial, 200 b; Belouer. 8.60 1; Bullion. 85c a;. « *U,8»; b; Jaektt,6%e; UUo. llKa: Bullion.9ou b; Baal* Belch, er, 15K b. 16J4 a; Hale * Noreroaa, 4.85 b ? rauesssrs Rontli anil Kisl. Fresno, Cal , Juno 14.?The fol- lowing is the list nf passengers for the Bouth and Eaat ou tlie train which passed this place at 5 p. M.: TJClunie. F M Phelps, El Paso; Mies Jacobs, Colton; Mrs G W Ar- nold, J Meagher, Mrs Eilzelman, Tombstone; Q H Foster.NewYork; C G Hernon, U S Navy; Mrs T H Streets, Yokohama; Mrs Gustavus Cox, San Frauolaco; Mrs A H Stev- ens, Mrs Julia Jones, Mrs M A Jef- ferson, Mrs FR Girard.Mrs Smith, G A Davis, Patrick Cooney, L V Burnham, Ijos Angeles. l*oai|>u licit San Francisco, Juno 14Lb.?The sailing of tho Arctic relief steamer Rodgen was delayed until to-mor- row. mmm I'rr.uclscu Items. San Francisco, Juue 14.? H. F. Nehibas, father of the live child en who were receutly killed by a train near Haywards, Alameda county, has brought suit iv the Superior Court to recover oue hun« died uud one thousand dollar* dam- ages. In the Hopkins estate suit au at- tempt was made to-day to procure au iudetiuito coutinuauje, but the Court finally suid it should go ou to-morrow. French citizens are makiui: ex- tensive preparations to celebrate tlie capture of tlie Baslile oa July 14tb| uud have lulled v oall for their oouotrymen ttirougbout the Stute to join tbem. The uunual convention of the Adcient Order of Hibernians Is called for July Slat, In this city. The Ministerial Union some time ago appointed a committee, con- sisting of Rev. F. E. Shearer, ef tbe Bible Houae, Rev. C.V. Antho- ny, of the Central Methodist Church, Bey. Dr. Warren, of the Congregational Home Mission Board, and Key. C. W. Hewes, of the Fifth Baptist Cbu-cb, to inquire Into tho character aud antecedents of a number of persons wbo have been traveling over the coast lee- taring on interriperauce and col- lecting funds. The committee in the cases of of D. J. K. Bine, Jas. H. White, Georr c M. Dutcher end Mrs. J. D. Watson, report very un- favorably, aud, regarding the last two, bave received communications from the Secretary of the National Temperance Society of Philadel- phia, showing them up in tbe most disgraceful light. Iv political circles tbe latest re- port is tbat Judge Hager will be tbo Democratic candidate for May- or, io which case Kallocu will run independent. Iv the r cent contest betw-'iu the r.rJe le'irus of Yale aud tho Univer- sity of California, private advices show that thi 1 latter were the win- ners by a score of j'J6 against 432 for Yale. Lauren E. Crane, the expert ap- pointed by the Governor to investi- gate tbe alleged frauds in the con- struction of tlie sea wall, has filed his report, lie Muds that the Har- bor Coruuulssiouerß are guiltless of any fraud or collusion, but that iv the delivery of material for the embankment there ia reason to be- lieve that un excess, amounting in value to übout $70,000, has been charged for by and paid to the con- tractor, utul Intimates that the job might have been ellected by col- lusion* between the supervisors ot construction and tuily clerks, sev- eral of whom were (ihcharged last March for discrepancies in their accounts. C rests Tart.uaijuut tike Glair. San Francisco, June 14th.? Crop reports show tbat the late ruins and cooi weuther have bene- fited the cereals in the northern counties. 'Ihe yield will be nearly au average, Ia tbe lower portion of the Sacramento valley and the central part of tbe State tbe crops will not exceed two-thirds of that of last year, and the same is true of the coast counties, except those of the south, whose crops are full. In the San Joaquin valley any loss in yield per acre is made up by In- creased aoreuge. lv the Santa Clara valley there is rather a light crop. All sections report grain of unusually line quality. Nnu Bernardino Crows San Bernardino, June 14th.? The present prospects for a large fruit crop are good. The grain crops are not so good as last year. It was at first supposed that the last rain would do considerable damage, but upon examination it appears that instead of doing dam- age it has done good. Tue Crops lv Hitu fJleg-u i.noiv. San Diego, June 14.?Tba condi- tion und prospects of the crop in San Diego couuty uro excellent. The graiu is iv tine condition lv every part of the couuty. The or- chards and vineyards are In uu ex- ceedingly thriftystate aud we shall bave a larger crop of fiuit than in auy previous yeur. The honey crop is almost v total failure, com- pared with previous years. Proba- bly not over 250,000 pounds will be produced for export this season. Btillroad astl Mining; News. Tombstone, June 14th.?The Atchison, Topeka aud Santa ¥6 Railroad Company have a force of 500 men grading far the Sonora line ln tbo Souoita valley, fifty miles west of here. This makes it a certainty that the line will come througti Tombstone and the imme- diate vicinity of the Huachuca, Patagonia aud Santa Rita Mining Districts. Ex-Senator Stewart, who left for El Paso Saturday, pronounced this one of tbe richest districts be ever visited. Tbe Girard Mining Company have decided to erect a twenty- stamp mill at once. EASTERN. WrtSltluulou Et. IU.. Washington, June 14tb. -The Greenback Secretary says tbat tbe Greenbackers In tbe next Congress will stand solidly together on all questions. Nine are pledged to meet ln greenbaok caucus and car- ry out greenback politics. They are Ijadd, Muroh, Bramin, Mus- grove, Kill-, Hazeltiue, Borrougbs, Fort and Jones, Hyatt, Smith and Yon Smith, Republican Qreen- backers, Instead will control In part tbe organization of the House. It ia probable the two Readjustee of Virginia will also vote Republi- can. It may be set down that tbe Republicans will organize tbe next House. Grant's outspoken condemnation of tbe Administration bis added fores to whispering tbat a stalwart Congressman will, after Congress meets, antagonise tbe Admlntstra- tratloo. The talk hitherto seems to bave oome from disappointed ef» floe-seekers, bot Grant's open oppo* sltlon creates tbe Impression tbat It will be done. A prominent Csnkllngite to-day said tbat tbe purpose of Grant, Conkllng and bis friends will be to urivs Blame from tbe Cabinet by threatening to disturb tbe Republican supremacy In tbe Senate and tbe House. The Administration thinks slightingly of this talk, and Is confident tbat two Administration Senators will be returned In place of Conkllng and Piatt. .a i -.lucks. New York, June 14.?Silver bars, ill J; money easy at 2ife3J; Government's weak; stooks closed weak; W. U., 184,; Quicksilver, 17; Pacific, 54; Mariposa, 6; W. F., 130; N, Y. C., 148; Erie. 476; Pan- ama, 270; U. P., 128jj; bonds, 119}; Central Paolflo, 101}; bonds, 117}; Sutro, 2; Silver Nugget,lo; Mineral Creek, 165. Psstesasis Cuims West. Kansas City, Juuo 14.?Tbe fol- lowing list of overland passengers passed Tupeka via the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Ffi Railroad Junel3tb: Dr S Heed, Boston; J W Hackens, Arizoua; J.WGelle, San Francisco; U T Bremer, Mary- laud. Reaiurf.ot 111* »iimiiilv Usussi. Topeka, Kansas, Juno 14th.? Stories of hair breadth escapes con- tinue to come iv from the storm district, and new reports of dam- age to crops, bouiei and cattle are rsoeived. Some people were stripped of their clothes and en- tirely ruined iv property. Several people were injured near Olivette, one of whom died. Mr.Bosecrants aud Mrs. John Harper, living near Malvern are known to have been killed, and many neighbors were badly hurt. The list of totally de- stroyed buildings is very long. Their fragments are found miles from their Bite. A Wife fiura r r Lyuolitil. Little Bock, June 14th.?Tho vigilantes took from tho jail and hung Col. Emery, the wife mur- derer, sentenced to 21 years. He was shot in the head and probably was dead wben he was bung. Tbla is the third attempt to lynch bim. New ilsoiillilrs Neualur. Concord, N. H., June 14th.? The Republican caucus deoided to proceed to eleot a United States Senator forthwith. rue l Illness 311. eriti?? \u25a011<> v tararat? Tbe HoußTullan Osir.ie Ben bj Ul* I'uualrfiu.n Cheyenne, June 14th ? Tue fa- mous mlscsginatlon case, wherein a Chinaman and a white woman were indicted lor intermarriage, the ceremony having heen per- formed in Colorado, was decided to- day by Chief Justice Sener. The Court held tbat the marriage being legal iv Colorado it was legal here under the statutes. The defend- ants were Anally discharged. A cu- rious outgrowth of the case is that Chinamen here have ostracized tbe bold groom, Lee Cain, and claim tbat lie disgraced tbelr race by marrying a white woman. WEDNESDAY JUNE 15,^881. Herald Steam Printing House. Tue facilities of tbe Hibald Steam printing House for doing Job work are not surpassed ln California outside of San Francisco and Sacramento. All work en- trusted to us will be executed wltb neat- ness and dispatch at tbe lowest living rats i. NUKI'IAL. SIUVICK. Hereafter notlcea of companies, socie- ties, enurobea, etc., will only be inserted ln tbe Ukralu aa paid advertlaementa. We reserve, tor Placos of Worship, a grat- ia directory,, whioh will appear every Sunday morning. WANTS- LOST-FOUND. "First Class Cook Wanted. Call at |M Main street. Jl4-W 810 REWARD. Loator strayed,"on Tuesday, May Bd. from the Vlmines Ranch, A BAY MARE, branded (C) on tbo left hip. Ten Dollars reward will be paid for the return of the mare to Nordholt'a store, coruer of First and 1 .os Angelea streets. niyrMm FOUND! A place Wuero a fine cup ot OO*jfJop or POT OF TKA, with NICK LUNCH, can bo had for teu ceuts, A. T SKITB 1 w. JVo, 9 TEMPLE BT. m2l)-tf Sewing Machine Operators Wanted Apply at GOLDEN RULE UNDER. WEAR AND SHIRT FACTORY, Loa An- gelea street, near Commercial. jll-3t FOR SALE ?FOR RENT. Unfurnished Rooms. Two very desirable unfurnished rooms to let on tbe corner of Third and Hill streets. Enquire on the premises. Jll-lw MRS. ROBERTS. FOR SALE CHEAP. MY HOUSE AND LOT, on Bunker Hill avenue, near Second street; con- venient to Normal school nnd free from dust. WM. D. STEPHENS, Je9 Room SS, Temple Block. FOR SALE. dk /I fITaTaHOUBF, OF FOUR ROOMS, CVfctJV" lot 65x130 with plenty ol good water and Improvements, opposite University, West Los Angeles. Inquire on premises. J7-lw AUCTION SALE. To be sold by public auction, If not pre- viously disposed of by private aale. ou SATURDAY NEXT, the lltb Inst., at 11 o'clock a. m., the FURNITURE, CAR- PETS, PICTURES, etc., of tbe Hotel de Paris, opposite tbe Pico House. J7td FOR SALE. AN IMPROVED PLACE AT 80UTH SANTA MONICA,wltb bouse, a well or good water, with Adams windmill and tank or 6G0I) gallons; also, a small or- chard and SCO shade trees: six lets ln all, two fenced ln. Price, $900. Addreas, OCEAN HOUSE, Santa Monica. jS-lw Commercial copy. For Sale. TEN OR TWENTY ACRES of GOOD LAND, near the city, well improved, with bearing trees and grapevinea, and a house, barn, windmill, etc. Also, FOUR DWELLING HOUSES, near tbe Normal School grounds, will be sold cheap. For nartioulars enquire of H. ED- WARDS, at the central stables, Spring atreet, opposite the Court House. u29-lin FOR_SALE. IMPROVED RANCH OF ISO ACRES, being NX >4 seo. 26, T. IS.. R. 14 W., 8. B. M., being four miles southwest from the Court House. Title, Government Patent. Water right perpetual. Tbe land is ln the highest state of cultivation. Fruit trees on place; good well; finished house or six rooms; out-buildings, wind-mill, etc. For price and particulars apply to "La Esperanza Store," 10$ Main street, Los Augeles, Cal. Je7-lm TO LET. NEWLY FIIRNISHF-DSuuny Rooms, at NO. » FIRST STREET, only a few steps from tbe Postofflee. m2l-lm FOB SALE. THE FURNITURE COMPLETE OF A LODGING HOUSE, CHEAP. Enquire at Mott Bulldlug, No. IS Spring street, near the PostofUce. J2-lw A GREAT BARGAIN. FIVE ACRES OF, I. AND ou Washing- ton street, west of Figueroa street, for sale very cheap. Inquire by letter un- der Cypher H? Herald office. Jeltf FOR SALE. Au Interest ln a well establNbed, pav- ing MANUFACTURING BUSINESS; from $40*0 to 15000 capital required. Also, A DWELLING HOUSE, centrally lo- cated. Address R, Herald office, mIS-lm FOE- S-AXiIE. SEVERAL NEAT NEW COTTAGES, three and four rooms; line location; splendid Investment. C. WHITE, my6-3m Room 49 Temple Block. FOR SALE. Furnished or unfurnished, A BEAUTI- FUL RESIDENCE, nearly new aud nice- ly furnished, containing seven rooms, bath-room, etc., with all necessary mod- ern Improvements, Including hot and cold water and gas throughout the bouse. Also, servants' room, .storeroom, wash- room, wood-room, etc The whole lot beautifully Improved, the rear contain- ing from 18 to 21 choice assorted fruit trees in bearing. Applyon the premises, 183 Fort street. my27-2w FURNISHED ROOMS, Pleasantly located and neatly furnished, TO-LET, SINGLE OR EN SUITE, Corner Fort and Franklin streets, one block from Postofßce. d3ltr BOARD A.TXD BOOM. AN ELEGANTLY" FURNISH ED SUN- ny front room, hot and cold water, southern oxposuro, lv a private family, In tbe most desirable part of tbe olty. Applyto Mrs. E.C. k'J'aKIN, first house on north side of Orange street, Just off Pearl and Sixth street. m3-Im Kimball Mansion, NEW HIGH ST.. LOS ANGELES, Cal. B9TSPACIOUH PARLORS, Flue Suites, and Large Single Sunny Rooms, contain- ing all modern conveniences. aaa-THE TABLE supplied with the beat the market affords. fezatf MRS. M. H.KIMBALL,Prop. BRANCH OF THE PACIFIC! Ocean House, Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica. saaTFlrst-Clas* in Every Ilesi.eot.-fSS This popular house having b*en thor- oughly renovated and ienttad, Is open tor the accommodation of the public . THE TABLE will ba supplied with all be luxuries the market adords. MRS. S. BAYLEY, apSOtr Proprietress. Santa Monica Pavilion, EOKERT A BRIGHT, Proprietors. Tbla favorite Summer Resort will b* opened NEXT SUNDAY. Bmi brand* of win**, liquors, ales, bear ami elaara always on hand. Hot and coldluVohea. sbooMbb allay and olb*r amusements attached to should not tail t* give tk*m»carJl. aplttf | ?.?*£.;? . -m s. iS ,\*mmt\ NEW rO-DAT. Uirl Wanted, To attend In a Coffee Saloon. Apply at 103 Mulu street, Immediately. It Wanted. By v man and wife (nochildren),a sit* nation, city or country; the wHe to do housework, the man to make himself generally usaful; would take a farm on shares. Enquire at No. 223, corner of Eighth and oil re streets, JIS-lw Confidence Engine* Co. No. 2. The members or the Company will as- semble lv lull parade uniform this (WKUMLBDAY) EVENINU at 7* o'clock. Adjourned regulur meeting. Serenade at 9 o'clock. KOBEKT ECKERT. Foreman. 876?FOR SALE. A MATCH FACTORY COMPLETE. Inquire or Q. W. MORGAN. Real Estate Agent, Spring atreet. j 14-81 $3500.00. PARTNER WANTED in an estab- lished business, Address L., Herald of- fice. - 116 2w LIBERAL REWARD. The Under of A GOLD BRACELET,Iost at tbe Trinity Church Promenade Con- cert at Turnvereln Hall, last Friday eve- nine;, will receive a liberal reward on re- turning same to Herald office. It GOLDEN RULE Underwear and Shirt FACTORY, 11. Dato «Sc Co., LO3 AN3ELES ST., N«w Oanmarcial, Los Anueles, (.'al. Always ou hand and made to order on short notice, at lowest e*sh prices, LADIES', GENTS' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, LADIES' WRAPPERS and DUSTERS, GENTS' OVERSHIRTS Of EVERY DESCRIPTION. Jll-lm THE OWL DRAMATIC CLUB, OF LOS ANGELES. llan tho honor to announce to their sub- scribers and the public that they will present Tor the first time In Los Angeles the brilliant and highly successful com- edy, written by Henry J. Byron, in three acta, entitled OUR. QIRLS, AT TURNVEREIN HALL, On the evenings of TUESDAY, THURSDAY anU SATURDAY, JUNE 21st, 23d and 25th. sufNew scenery aud new costumes- TBO ADMISSION, 75 CENTS. Reserved seats at P. Laiarus's Book Store, Spring street,on and after June IS. M. LEHMAN, Stage Manager. REMOVED. MADAME lecroq has removed bar Dressmaking and Buvtrlck Pattern Es- tablishment to NO. IS* MAIN ST., out to Mooonaid Block. Jei-lro NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SIEGEL'S. Extremely LOW PRICES HAVE MADE Trade Rushing THE PAST WEEK At Siegel's. Our policy of making large sales ana small profits tells. The people under- stand the meaning or the terra. "Enor- mous Sales and Small Profits." Our Low Prices suit the masses, and tho ex- cellent qnalily of our goods pleases all. Itlsour Intention to "SELL" Goods and maintain the lead In our lino. Bargains in Shirts. 148 DOZEN CALICO SHIRTS AT SOc. EACH. Bie DOZEN PERCALE SHIRTS, sep- arate cuLTs and collars, warranted faat colors, at 75c. 47 DOZEN FRENCH PERCALK SHIRTS, latest atyle, separate cuffs and collars, at Si 80. Also, a large variety of GENTS' COL- ORED FULL-FINISHED HOSE at SfSc. EVERYTHING ln the Una of GENTLE- MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS of the Best Quality, at POPULAR PRICES! SIEGEL'S, 56 >lain Street, Corner Commercial, Los Augeles. luylo OPENING OF THE Occidental Restaurant, No. 116 Main St., Cardoui Block. The table will be furnished witb tbe best tbat can be procured in tbe market. Regular meals, 26 cts. nr ICE-CREAM SALOON connected with the restaurant. my4-lm CHAS. WENZEL, Prop'r. PHILIP & BALDWIN, FIRE A LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY' Real Estatb and Stock Brokers, NO. S7 MAIN STREET. jUtf Key West Cigar Store, NO. 78, MAIN STREET, LANFRANOO BLOCK SIM ISAACS. : I PROPRIETOR Manufacturer of FINE CIGARS and dealer lv IMPORTED CIUARS aud all lines ofSmokers' Articles. NO CHINAMEN EMPLOYED, mrttf LIVERYSTABLE. HORSES BOARDED at JOHNSON'S FLED STABLE, 14 ALISO ST., at $7 per month. Best of hay leed and good tiro taken. Also, stable room to rent at per month. ruyJ7tf Jl CARD.-To those who lg»rTfl ~wlsu to have removed perma- nently SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, FRECK- LES, LIVER SPOTS, BLACK WORMS, MOLES, etc., I will send you a recipe tbat will cure you free of charge. V. POPPER, 127 Montgomery atreet, Ban Franclaco. Send a aelf addressed en- velope. m2B-lm HAIR, GOODS. MRS. K. SMITH, having bean with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Williams, will con- tinue bualneaa at their old place. Mrs. Smith la prepared to do all klnda of balr work In the beat and lateat styles. Re- member the place, NO. «? SPRING ST. ui2B-lm THOMAS FARRAIX, Late of San Franclaco, has opened a nrst-class Merchant Tailoring K9TAHLIBHMKNT, AT 197 MAIN STREET, Loa Angelea He la a practical tailor and cutter of 15 years years experience. He has out ln he best houses East and ln San Franola- o. His terms are very reasonable. ear-Call and see him. aDldtr LAND FOR SALE SOU ACRES of the beat fruit or agri- cultural land at flO per acre, north or the Hunter Ranoh, on th* river, with right ot water. Inquire of T. E. ROWAN, 75 Downey Block, or of th* owner, W. C. B. RICHARDSON, near tb* premises. mM-lm-datw FORJSALE. A WELL-IMPROVED FARM OF SO ACRES; two artesian wella; orchard and vineyard of 10 acree. Inquire of A. W. POTTS, Oounty Clerk'a offle*. mZS-lw MONEY TO LOAN On r*al aatat* a*eurlty at low rates and no commission ebkrged. *ddr***P.O. Bob «n. stty. st NEW ADVEBTIBEMENTB. CITY OF PARIS 17 & 19 Spring St., LOS AISTG-EJILjES, Cal. SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE! » COMPRISING OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Spring! Summer Importations TO COMMENCE MONDAY, : : : : JUNE 6th, And Continue for Thirty Days, Curing whioh time we will oiler a, number oi REAL BARGAINS! To wliiob we oall tbe attention of tlie public: Present Farmer Price. Price. 100 Pieces 4-4 French Lawns at B£o. per yard, 12« jo 75 Pieces 4 4 French Lawns at 12}r> " 200 50 Pieces Linen Lawn at .* 25c " 37,0 100 Pieces White Marseille at Bja " 12, c 200 Pieces 4-4 Dress Linen at 200 " 30a 100 Piecea Figured Tasso Linen at B}o " 200 50 Pieces all-wool Black Mcmies at 25c " 50a 50 Pieces all-wool Cashmere, comprising all the New Bummer Shades, at 50c " 7So 25 Pieces 45 Inches wide, all-wool Bibck Cash- mere at 75c " $1.25 35 Pieces all-wool Blege, 42 inches wide, at 02,0 " $1.00 Mohairs, Buntings, Shoodas, Plaids, etc., AT THE feA.JoT.X2 SWEEPING REDUCTIONS! 500 New Style Summer Skirls at...50c. each Former price, $1 00 250 Shetland Shawls at 750. each Former price, $1 26 250 Shetland Shawls at $1 00 each Former price, $1 60 200 Ladles' Linen Ulsters at $2 00 each Former pries, $8 60 150 Ladies' Cloth Ulsters at $2 50 eaeb Former price, $4 00 160 Ladles' Linen Circulars at $2 50 each Former prioe, $4 00 1000 DOZEN LADIES' THREE-BUTTON KID GLOVES Reduced to 50c. per pair., 250 Summer Parasols at 40a Former price, 7Sets. 150 Silk Brocade Parasols at $2 00 Former price, $8 60 100 Silk Brocade, lined and laoe trimmed, $3 50 Former price, $8 00 GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT. 100 Men's Blue Flannel Suits at $ 7 50...Former price, $10 00 100 Men's Blue Flannel Suits at $10 00.,. Former prioe, $18 00 75 Men's Blue Flannel Suits at '.$l2 oO...Former prioe, $16 08 100 Men's Black Diagonal Coats aud Vests, $ 9 00...Former prioe, $18 00 50 Men's Black Diagonal Coats and Vests, $12 50,. Former prioe, $18 00 200 Men's Casßlmere Suits ?..:..$ 9 OO...Former prioe, $12 00 150 Men's Cassimere Suits $10 00...Former prioe, $18 60 100 Men's Cassimere Suits $11 On...Former prioe, $15 00 100 Children's Linen Suits at $160 Former prioe, $2 60 75 Children's Linen Suits at $2 00 Former prioe, $8 80 100 Boys' Linen Suits at $2 26 Former prioe, $4 00 Children's, Boy's and Youth's Cassi- mere Suits Reduced in the Same Proportion! Same Sweeping Reductions in HOUSEHOLD LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, Gent s Furnishing Goods, CASSIMERE AND STRAW HATS, LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, MEN'S and BOYS' BOOTS and SHOES. EUGENE MEYER & CO,, 171 IS Spring St., Los Angeles / j r »**M '
Page 1: Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1881-06-15 ...€¦ · tbe Bible Houae, Rev. C.V. Antho-ny, of the Central Methodist Church, Bey. Dr. Warren, of the Congregational

ItIs pleasant to note the unin-terrupted success of Lorillard'*Iroquois. Tbe United States Is ev-

idently on the up-grade in every-'thing that relates to horse-flesh.

From Mr. WilliamPridbam, theagent of Wells, Fargo & Co. in thiscity, wo learn that, since tbeSouthern Pacific was completed toDarning, tbe business of his com-pany has quadrupled. Tbe de-maud for Loa Angeles products,clear toKansas City and Denver,and at all intermediate points, isreally remarkable. Next year Mr.Pridbam looks for an immense in-crease of tbo Eastern demand inevery line, and confidently expectsto send car-loads where be nowsends tons. Tbe energetic and in-

dustrious market gardener is thething most needed ln Los Angeles."There's millions in it."

The passage through Los Ange-ls* yesterday, on his way to SanFranoisco and the Comstock, ofMr. John W. Mackey, the premierof tbe old bonanza quartette, isworthy of a passing note. IfMackey dots uot, ou his arrival,

deliver some ehou, .harp, depreci-atory and peremptory comment ou

matters on tbe Comstock lode, it Ispretty sate to assume that the mar-ket for tbe shares lv tbat historicspot, which has been growing forsome weeks past, will continue togrow, witb v possible real bulliondevelopment in tbe near future.With Fair and Mackey on theComstock together, ufier an ubHence of a considerable period, tbe

treaauie status of Storey couuty,Nevada, ought to be ascertainedvery shortly.

In the cursory mention we gaveof Major Ben C. Truman's "Occi-dental Sketohee," we did net aimat anything like a review of thework. Since our first notice waawritten we liavo read the i-ketebescarefully and find in them severalfeatures ofquite exceplloual merit.Considered merely aa a story,

"HillBeachy's Dream" is the gemof tbe hook. It is characterized bya fine dramatic perception and aquite pronounced narrative power.

The Majot's Interview with an"Antediluvian" reveals v wealthof accomplishments in the line ofIbe physical tciences which we hadnot previously credited him witbpossessing. He shows a minute-ness of astronomical and otherspecial knowledge which would uotbe out of place iv a Draper. The"Sketohes" were designed to whileaway a weary hour or so iv thecars, or at pleasure resorts, andthey are admirably adapted for thepurpose, The Major lias increasedhis reputation, as v ii/eraleur bytbe publication of this ingeniousand Interesting work.

During his receut visit to theEist Judge. J. S. Tliompeou, of Ibiscity, took occasion lo investigateIhe orauire question from a ttund-polut new to our paople. He wasinvited n partake of orange wine,which he found to he highly de-licious, anil which sold iv NewYork for ths extravagant eutn ofrive dollars a Lottie. Should weever reach a stage in which tlie or-ange market should threaten to beglutted, the uiauuiaoture of orangewine would at ouce afford the rem-edy. The Judge has entered Intominute calculations iv the matter,aud baa found that a bushel of or-anges, eveu of an iuferior grade,will yield two gallons of orangewine, which will readily commandtwo dollars a gallon In the crudestate. This is but oue of tbe waysin which the very prodigal yield oforanges in this county can be util-ized. The day will undoubtedlycome when our people will thinkitworth their while to prepare tbeor-aoge iv a variety of shapes for amarket which will take them all.

Partialiiy and unjust discrim-ination are at all times to be dep-recated. No unbiased observer,during the past thirty years, canhave failed to notice the slightswhich havo been put upin tbeSouth pole, Tha North pole andtbe Arctic continent have en-grossed everything, ti the unjustneglect of the South pole and theAutartic continent. In the nameof all tbe Qods at once, why is thisthus? Up north we have neveryet observed a single interestingcircumstance that ought to decoya save mau to bis destruction;while, on tbe Antarotlo oontlnent,tbere is Adelia Land, for instance,whieb Invites tbe explorer withfeminine enticements. How It Istbat tbe hardy sailors withoutnumber, who have gone north,have never warmed op to Adelia,

passes our comprehension, begad.For our part, we should feel in-clined to throw over the wholeragged northland for an opportuni-ty of cultivating a closer acquaint-ance with the gentle Adelia. AYeoall for voluuteers to explore theSouth pole. If fools have to besacrificed, they ought, at leaßt, to

be offered ou the altar of some gen-tle and tangible emotion. A senti-mental impulse might consecratetho folly.

Talking about glutting themarket for oranges a Hue ofpracti-cal reflection is suggested that wehave never seen advauced iv auynewspaper, Thirty years ago thepeople of the United Statesnumbered about one-half theirpresent population, At thatdate, we have no hesi-tation iv saying, there was not onebushel of potatoes raised iv thiscountry where teu are raised now.Thus we are invited to considerthe proposition of an increase ofone hundred per cent, iv our (popu-lation aud of one thousand percent, lv the yield of a single tuber.But that by no. means states theproposition in all its lurce. Thirtyyears ago a bushel oi polulocscoulube bought for from twelve and ahalf cents to two bits. Notwith-standing tbe enormous increase ivths yield, which, in ratio, is almostincredible, potatoes now sell forfrom fifty cents to one dollar abushel. Thus, while the yield hasincreased oue thousut.d per ceut.,against au increase of ouly ouehundred per cent, lv population,,the price of tho potato has en-hanced fully four hundred percent., on a low estimate. Thesame reflections will apply to corn,butter aud many other ' staples.

!Applying these unquestioned faotsto the orange production, just as

soon aa we shall iearu to go after amarket iv a buslneas-like and in-telligent manner we may be sureof a similar result. Tho Americanpeople lu-day lire not eatiug oueorange where they will ultimatelyeat a buudred. They are now justrich enough to cultivate luxuiioustastes.

While Gen. Beale was Ministerto Austria, co he told us lately, at abanquet given by him to severalAustrian and Hungarian noblemenat Vienna, be expressed, to a dis-tinguished nobleman who sat nearhim, a dsiiro to taste some un-doubtedly genuine Impeiial Tokay.His interlocutor next day sent

round to the American Ministerhalf a dozen flasks of this famousWine. Il iv.a put up iv exquisitestyle, iv small flasks, iv a mannerwhich more resembled the nicetyof the art cf the puaruiaceutist

than that of the wine-maker.General and Mrs. Beale sat downto discuss this rare vintage with agreat deal of curiosity. The corkhaving bseu withdrawn from t\

flask, aud each haying taken a sip,they exchanged a glance ofsympa-thetic intelligence. Having takenanother sip, "My dear," said Min-ister Beale, "what does this wineremiud you ot?" Mrs. Benle replied,without a moment's hesitation,"Los Augeles Angelica." "And,"said the General, "Los Angeles An-gelica it undoubtedly was, andnothing glto," Continuing thesubject of Los Augeles wines, Gen.Beale told us that, haviDg had oc-casion to eutertaiu Sir EdwardThornton, and several other Eng-lish geutiemen at dinner iv Wash-ington, he had some very old portof Mr. L, J. Rose brought ou thetable. Without a dissenting voicethese English gentlemen pro-nounced it simply superb. Oneand all they praised it without stint.These two specialties of Los Auge-les wines, together with the Cuca-mouga port, are destined to achieve,an exceptional reputation. The"crusty" old port of London,whichbrings 6U,ih extravagant prices atoccasional auction sales, is mel-lowed with a round circlet ofyears. Give the ports manufac-tured by L. J. Rose, E. J. Baldwin,or those made at Cucamonga,twenty years, und they would ex-cite a commotion la England or outho continent.

LAST NIGHT'S NEWS.{Bpaoial to the Hh:uai.u y the western

Uulou Telegraph \u25a0 n


tS'fOCW. KlCl'OliT.



330 M»*lean, 1314, 055S Nevada, 16*,13};, !: ,» 10, 13 JV? 1G

mo <« Oi »si, B>c, 201)utHu,UM, nj;,

170 B?£ B, 16,16 h3O 570 Bullion. 90, 93c470 Ualn, 1.00, 1.05, no Exchequer. 155

1 To 175 Overman, 1.45,1370 Savage,3.73, 8 30, 1%

3.70 160 Justine, 11006 Con Va, 3 SO 20 Heg Belcnor, 7615 Chollar, 2.30, 2.75 896 Union, UK. 1454MOPotosl, 3.U0,8.ti5, (Ml 90

3.60 5C0A1ta,4,4.05355 H4S, 4 SO, 4.93 110 Andes, 2.4 1, 2 4-,50 Point, 2.90 300 Scorpion, 1.95

3owj»Pkei,R'? ; ; ;»o G Bate, 2.9560 Alpha, 4>» 230 Sierra, 1.60,1.85

920 Belener,3 60, 3.65 HO Curtis, 8.263 60 290 North Ex Utah,

300 Confidence, 4V£ 1.10,1.15


Jacket. 5-i»b.Ki a; Justice, 1 a; Mexi-can, 12?Ib, 12J4 a; Union, 14Ua; Uallfor.nla, 1,56 D; Crown Point, 2.00 b, 2.95 a,Mono, 2.80 b; Bodle, 7 b, iyt a; Con Vlr-

-51n1a.8.70 b, S% a: Potom, 8.60 sAßlerrarevada, UK b, IS a; Ophlr.B DTBHa;

Gould a Curry, ty. a; Alpha, iy,b; Impelrial, 200 b; Belouer. 8.60 1;Bullion. 85c a;. « *U,8»; b; Jaektt,6%e;UUo. llKa: Bullion.9ou b; Baal* Belch,er, 15K b. 16J4 a; Hale * Noreroaa, 4.85 b ?

rauesssrs Rontli anil Kisl.

Fresno, Cal , Juno 14.?The fol-lowing is the list nf passengers forthe Bouth and Eaat ou tlie trainwhich passed this place at 5 p. M.:TJClunie. F M Phelps, El Paso;Mies Jacobs, Colton; Mrs G W Ar-nold, J Meagher, Mrs Eilzelman,Tombstone; Q H Foster.NewYork;C G Hernon, U S Navy; Mrs T HStreets, Yokohama; Mrs GustavusCox, San Frauolaco; Mrs A H Stev-ens, Mrs Julia Jones, Mrs M A Jef-ferson, Mrs F R Girard.Mrs Smith,G A Davis, Patrick Cooney, L VBurnham, Ijos Angeles.

l*oai|>u licit

San Francisco, Juno 14Lb.?Thesailing of tho Arctic relief steamerRodgen was delayed until to-mor-row.

mmm I'rr.uclscu Items.

San Francisco, Juue 14.? H. F.Nehibas, father of the live child enwho were receutly killed by atrain near Haywards, Alamedacounty, has brought suit iv theSuperior Court to recover oue hun«died uud one thousand dollar* dam-ages.

In the Hopkins estate suit au at-tempt was made to-day to procureau iudetiuito coutinuauje, but theCourt finally suid it should go outo-morrow.

French citizens are makiui: ex-tensive preparations to celebratetlie capture of tlie Baslile oa July14tb| uud have lulled v oall fortheir oouotrymen ttirougbout theStute to join tbem.

The uunual convention of theAdcient Order of Hibernians Iscalled for July Slat, In this city.

The Ministerial Union some timeago appointed a committee, con-sisting of Rev. F. E. Shearer, eftbe Bible Houae, Rev. C.V. Antho-ny, of the Central MethodistChurch, Bey. Dr. Warren, of theCongregational Home MissionBoard, and Key. C. W. Hewes, ofthe Fifth Baptist Cbu-cb, to inquireInto tho character aud antecedentsof a number of persons wbo havebeen traveling over the coast lee-taring on interriperauce and col-lecting funds. The committee inthe cases of of D. J. K. Bine, Jas.H. White, Georr c M. Dutcher endMrs. J. D. Watson, report very un-favorably, aud, regarding the lasttwo, bave received communicationsfrom the Secretary of the NationalTemperance Society of Philadel-phia, showing them up in tbe mostdisgraceful light.

Iv political circles tbe latest re-port is tbat Judge Hager will betbo Democratic candidate for May-or, io which case Kallocu will runindependent.

Iv the r cent contest betw-'iu ther.rJe le'irus of Yale aud tho Univer-sity of California, private advicesshow that thi1 latter were the win-ners by a score of j'J6 against 432for Yale.

Lauren E. Crane, the expert ap-pointed by the Governor to investi-gate tbe alleged frauds in the con-struction of tlie sea wall, has filedhis report, lie Muds that the Har-bor Coruuulssiouerß are guiltless ofany fraud or collusion, but that ivthe delivery of material for theembankment there ia reason to be-lieve that un excess, amounting invalue to übout $70,000, has beencharged for by and paid to the con-tractor, utul Intimates that the jobmight have been ellected by col-lusion* between the supervisors otconstruction and tuily clerks, sev-eral of whom were (ihcharged lastMarch for discrepancies in theiraccounts.

C rests Tart.uaijuut tike Glair.

San Francisco, June 14th.?Crop reports show tbat the lateruins and cooi weuther have bene-fited the cereals in the northerncounties. 'Ihe yield will be nearlyau average, Ia tbe lower portionof the Sacramento valley and thecentral part of tbe State tbe cropswill not exceed two-thirds of thatoflast year, and the same is true ofthe coast counties, except those ofthe south, whose crops are full. Inthe San Joaquin valley any loss inyield per acre is made up by In-creased aoreuge. lv the SantaClara valley there is rather a lightcrop. All sections report grain ofunusually line quality.

Nnu Bernardino CrowsSan Bernardino, June 14th.?

The present prospects for a largefruit crop are good. The graincrops are not so good as last year.Itwas at first supposed that thelast rain would do considerabledamage, but upon examination itappears that instead of doing dam-age it has done good.Tue Crops lv Hitu fJleg-u i.noiv.

San Diego, June 14.?Tba condi-tion und prospects of the crop inSan Diego couuty uro excellent.The graiu is iv tine condition lvevery part of the couuty. The or-chards and vineyards are In uu ex-ceedingly thriftystate aud we shallbave a larger crop of fiuit than inauy previous yeur. The honeycrop is almost v total failure, com-pared with previous years. Proba-bly not over 250,000 pounds will beproduced for export this season.

Btillroad astl Mining; News.Tombstone, June 14th.?The

Atchison, Topeka aud Santa ¥6Railroad Company have a force of500 men grading far the Sonoraline ln tbo Souoita valley, fiftymiles west of here. This makes ita certainty that the line will comethrougti Tombstone and the imme-diate vicinity of the Huachuca,Patagonia aud Santa Rita MiningDistricts.

Ex-Senator Stewart, who left forEl Paso Saturday, pronounced thisone of tbe richest districts be evervisited.

Tbe Girard Mining Companyhave decided to erect a twenty-stamp mill at once.


WrtSltluulou Et. IU..

Washington, June 14tb. -TheGreenback Secretary says tbat tbeGreenbackers In tbe next Congresswill stand solidly together on allquestions. Nine are pledged tomeet ln greenbaok caucus and car-ry out greenback politics. Theyare Ijadd, Muroh, Bramin, Mus-grove, Kill-, Hazeltiue, Borrougbs,Fort and Jones, Hyatt, Smith andYon Smith, Republican Qreen-backers, Instead will control Inpart tbe organization of the House.Itia probable the two ReadjusteeofVirginia will also vote Republi-can. Itmay be set down that tbeRepublicans will organize tbe nextHouse.

Grant's outspoken condemnationof tbe Administration bis addedfores to whispering tbat a stalwartCongressman will, after Congressmeets, antagonise tbe Admlntstra-tratloo. The talk hitherto seemsto bave oome from disappointed ef»floe-seekers, bot Grant's open oppo*

sltlon creates tbe Impression tbatIt will be done. A prominentCsnkllngite to-day said tbat tbepurpose of Grant, Conkllng and bisfriends will be to urivs Blamefrom tbe Cabinet by threatening todisturb tbe Republican supremacyIn tbe Senate and tbe House. TheAdministration thinks slightinglyofthis talk, and Is confident tbattwo Administration Senators willbe returned In place of Conkllngand Piatt.

.a i -.lucks.

New York, June 14.?Silverbars, illJ; money easy at 2ife3J;Government's weak; stooks closedweak; W. U., 184,; Quicksilver, 17;Pacific, 54; Mariposa, 6; W. F.,130; N, Y. C., 148; Erie. 476; Pan-ama, 270; U. P., 128jj; bonds, 119};Central Paolflo, 101}; bonds, 117};Sutro, 2; Silver Nugget,lo; MineralCreek, 165.

Psstesasis Cuims West.Kansas City, Juuo 14.?Tbe fol-

lowing list of overland passengerspassed Tupeka via the Atchison,Topeka and Santa Ffi RailroadJunel3tb: Dr S Heed, Boston; JW Hackens, Arizoua; J.WGelle,San Francisco; U T Bremer, Mary-laud.

Reaiurf.ot 111* »iimiiilv Usussi.Topeka, Kansas, Juno 14th.?

Stories of hair breadth escapes con-tinue to come iv from the stormdistrict, and new reports of dam-age to crops, bouiei and cattle arersoeived. Some people werestripped of their clothes and en-tirely ruined iv property. Severalpeople were injured near Olivette,one of whom died. Mr.Bosecrantsaud Mrs. John Harper, living nearMalvern are known to have beenkilled, and many neighbors werebadly hurt. The list of totally de-stroyed buildings is very long.Their fragments are found milesfrom their Bite.

A Wife fiura r r Lyuolitil.

Little Bock, June 14th.?Thovigilantes took from tho jail andhung Col. Emery, the wife mur-derer, sentenced to 21 years. Hewas shot in the head and probablywas dead wben he was bung. Tblais the third attempt to lynch bim.

New ilsoiillilrs Neualur.Concord, N. H., June 14th.?

The Republican caucus deoided toproceed to eleot a United StatesSenator forthwith.rue lIllness 311. eriti?? \u25a011<> v tararat?

Tbe HoußTullan Osir.ie Ben bjUl*I'uualrfiu.n

Cheyenne, June 14th ? Tue fa-mous mlscsginatlon case, whereina Chinaman and a white womanwere indicted lor intermarriage,the ceremony having heen per-formed in Colorado, was decided to-day by Chief Justice Sener. TheCourt held tbat the marriage beinglegal ivColorado it was legal hereunder the statutes. The defend-ants were Anally discharged. A cu-rious outgrowth of the case is thatChinamen here have ostracizedtbe bold groom, Lee Cain, andclaim tbat lie disgraced tbelr raceby marrying a white woman.


Herald Steam Printing House.

Tue facilities of tbe Hibald Steam

printing House for doingJob work are not

surpassed ln California outside of San

Francisco and Sacramento. All work en-trusted to us will be executed wltb neat-

ness and dispatch at tbe lowest living

rats i.


Hereafter notlcea of companies, socie-

ties, enurobea, etc., will only be inserted

ln tbe Ukralu aa paid advertlaementa.We reserve, tor Placos of Worship, a grat-

ia directory,, whioh will appear every

Sunday morning.


"First Class Cook Wanted.Call at |M Main street. Jl4-W

810 REWARD.Loator strayed,"on Tuesday, May Bd.

from the Vlmines Ranch, A BAYMARE, branded (C) on tbo left hip.

Ten Dollars reward will be paid for thereturn of the mare to Nordholt'a store,coruer of First and 1 .os Angelea streets.


FOUND!A place Wuero a fine cup ot OO*jfJop

or POT OF TKA, with NICK LUNCH,can bo had for teu ceuts,

A. T SKITB 1 w.JVo, 9 TEMPLE BT. m2l)-tf

Sewing Machine Operators WantedApply at GOLDEN RULE UNDER.

WEAR AND SHIRTFACTORY, Loa An-gelea street, near Commercial. jll-3t


Unfurnished Rooms.Two very desirable unfurnished rooms

to let on tbe corner of Third and Hillstreets. Enquire on the premises.



Hill avenue, near Second street; con-venient to Normal school nnd free fromdust. WM. D. STEPHENS,

Je9 Room SS, Temple Block.

FOR SALE.dk /I fITaTaHOUBF, OF FOUR ROOMS,CVfctJV" lot 65x130 with plenty olgood water and Improvements, oppositeUniversity, West Los Angeles. Inquireon premises. J7-lw

AUCTION SALE.To be sold by publicauction, Ifnot pre-

viously disposed of by private aale. ouSATURDAYNEXT, the lltb Inst., at 11o'clock a. m., the FURNITURE, CAR-PETS, PICTURES, etc., of tbe Hotel deParis, opposite tbe Pico House. J7td


SANTA MONICA,wltb bouse, a well orgood water, with Adams windmill andtank or 6G0I) gallons; also, a small or-chard and SCO shade trees: six lets ln all,two fenced ln. Price, $900. Addreas,OCEAN HOUSE, Santa Monica. jS-lw

Commercial copy.


LAND, near the city, well improved,with bearing trees and grapevinea, and ahouse, barn, windmill, etc.

Also, FOUR DWELLING HOUSES,near tbe Normal School grounds, will besold cheap.

For nartioulars enquire of H. ED-WARDS, at the central stables, Springatreet, opposite the Court House. u29-lin


being NX >4 seo. 26, T. IS.. R. 14 W., 8. B.M., being four miles southwest from theCourt House. Title, Government Patent.Water right perpetual. Tbe land is lnthe highest state of cultivation. Fruittrees on place; good well; finished houseor six rooms; out-buildings, wind-mill,etc. For price and particulars apply to"La Esperanza Store," 10$ Main street,Los Augeles, Cal. Je7-lm


NEWLY FIIRNISHF-DSuuny Rooms,at NO. » FIRST STREET, only a fewsteps from tbe Postofflee. m2l-lm



Enquire at Mott Bulldlug, No. IS Springstreet, near the PostofUce. J2-lw


ton street, west of Figueroa street, forsale very cheap. Inquire by letter un-der Cypher H? Herald office. Jeltf

FOR SALE.Au Interest ln a well establNbed, pav-

ing MANUFACTURING BUSINESS;from $40*0 to 15000 capital required. Also,A DWELLING HOUSE, centrally lo-cated. Address R, Herald office, mIS-lm


three and four rooms; line location;splendid Investment.

C. WHITE,my6-3m Room 49 Temple Block.

FOR SALE.Furnished or unfurnished, A BEAUTI-

FULRESIDENCE, nearly new aud nice-ly furnished, containing seven rooms,bath-room, etc., with all necessary mod-ern Improvements, Including hot andcold water and gas throughout the bouse.Also, servants' room, .storeroom, wash-room, wood-room, etc The whole lotbeautifully Improved, the rear contain-ing from 18 to 21 choice assorted fruittrees in bearing. Applyon the premises,183 Fort street. my27-2w

FURNISHED ROOMS,Pleasantly located and neatly furnished,

TO-LET, SINGLE OR EN SUITE,Corner Fort and Franklin streets, one

block from Postofßce. d3ltr


ANELEGANTLY"FURNISH ED SUN-ny front room, hot and cold water,

southern oxposuro, lva private family,In tbe most desirable part of tbe olty.

Applyto Mrs. E.C. k'J'aKIN, first houseon north side of Orange street, Just offPearl and Sixth street. m3-Im

Kimball Mansion,NEW HIGH ST.. LOS ANGELES, Cal.

B9TSPACIOUH PARLORS, Flue Suites,and Large Single Sunny Rooms, contain-ing all modern conveniences.

aaa-THE TABLE supplied with the beatthe market affords.fezatf MRS. M. H.KIMBALL,Prop.


Ocean House,

Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica.

saaTFlrst-Clas* in Every Ilesi.eot.-fSS

This popular house having b*en thor-oughly renovated and ienttad, Is opentor the accommodation of the public .

THE TABLE will ba supplied with allbe luxuries the market adords.

MRS. S. BAYLEY,apSOtr Proprietress.

Santa Monica Pavilion,EOKERT A BRIGHT, Proprietors.

Tbla favorite Summer Resort will b*opened NEXT SUNDAY.

Bmi brand* of win**,liquors, ales, bearami elaara always on hand. Hot andcoldluVohea. sbooMbballayand olb*ramusements attached to

should not tail t*give tk*m»carJl. aplttf |

?.?*£.;? . -m s. iS ,\*mmt\


Uirl Wanted,To attend In a Coffee Saloon. Applyat

103 Mulu street, Immediately. It

Wanted.By v man and wife (nochildren),a sit*

nation, city or country; the wHe to dohousework, the man to make himselfgenerally usaful; would take a farm onshares. Enquire at No. 223, corner ofEighth and oilre streets, JIS-lw

Confidence Engine*Co. No. 2.

The members or the Company will as-semble lv lull parade uniform this(WKUMLBDAY) EVENINU at 7*o'clock. Adjourned regulur meeting.

Serenade at 9 o'clock.KOBEKT ECKERT. Foreman.


A MATCH FACTORY COMPLETE.Inquire or Q. W. MORGAN. Real EstateAgent, Spring atreet. j14-81

$3500.00.PARTNER WANTED in an estab-

lished business, Address L., Herald of-fice. - 116 2w


at tbe TrinityChurch Promenade Con-cert at Turnvereln Hall, last Friday eve-nine;, will receive a liberal reward on re-turning same to Herald office. It


Underwear and ShirtFACTORY,

11. Dato «Sc Co.,

LO3 AN3ELES ST., N«w Oanmarcial,

Los Anueles, (.'al.

Always ou hand and made to order onshort notice, at lowest e*sh prices,






OF LOS ANGELES.llan tho honor to announce to their sub-scribers and the public that they willpresent Tor the first time In Los Angelesthe brilliant and highlysuccessful com-edy, written by Henry J. Byron, in threeacta, entitled


On the evenings of



JUNE 21st, 23d and 25th.sufNew scenery aud new costumes- TBO

ADMISSION, 75 CENTS.Reserved seats at P. Laiarus's Book

Store, Spring street,on and after June IS.M. LEHMAN,Stage Manager.

REMOVED.MADAME lecroq has removed bar

Dressmaking and Buvtrlck Pattern Es-tablishment to NO. IS* MAINST.,out to Mooonaid Block. Jei-lro





Trade Rushing



At Siegel's.

Our policy of making large sales anasmall profits tells. The people under-stand the meaning or the terra. "Enor-mous Sales and Small Profits." OurLow Prices suit the masses, and tho ex-cellent qnalilyof our goods pleases all.Itlsour Intention to "SELL"Goods andmaintain the lead In our lino.

Bargains in Shirts.


Bie DOZEN PERCALE SHIRTS, sep-arate cuLTs and collars, warrantedfaat colors, at 75c.

47 DOZEN FRENCH PERCALKSHIRTS, latest atyle, separate cuffsand collars, at Si 80.

Also, a large variety of GENTS' COL-ORED FULL-FINISHED HOSE at


MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ofthe Best Quality, at


SIEGEL'S,56 >lain Street,

Corner Commercial, Los Augeles.luylo


Occidental Restaurant,No. 116 Main St., Cardoui Block.

The table will be furnished witb tbebest tbat can be procured in tbe market.Regular meals, 26 cts.

nr ICE-CREAM SALOON connectedwith the restaurant.

my4-lm CHAS. WENZEL, Prop'r.



Real Estatb and Stock Brokers,


Key West Cigar Store,NO. 78, MAIN STREET,



Manufacturer of FINE CIGARS anddealer lv IMPORTED CIUARS aud

all lines ofSmokers' Articles.



FLED STABLE, 14 ALISO ST., at $7per month. Best of hay leed and goodtiro taken. Also, stable room to rent at

per month. ruyJ7tf

Jl CARD.-To those wholg»rTfl ~wlsu to have removed perma-nently SUPERFLUOUS HAIR,FRECK-LES, LIVER SPOTS, BLACKWORMS,MOLES, etc., I will send you a recipetbat will cure you free of charge. V.POPPER, 127 Montgomery atreet, BanFranclaco. Send a aelf addressed en-velope. m2B-lm

HAIR, GOODS.MRS. K. SMITH, having bean with

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Williams, will con-tinue bualneaa at their old place. Mrs.Smith la prepared to do allklnda ofbalrwork In the beat and lateat styles. Re-member the place, NO. «? SPRING ST.


THOMAS FARRAIX,Late of San Franclaco, has opened a


Merchant TailoringK9TAHLIBHMKNT,

AT 197 MAIN STREET, Loa Angelea

He la a practical tailor and cutter of 15years years experience. He has out lnhe best houses East and ln San Franola-o. His terms are very reasonable.ear-Call and see him. aDldtr

LANDFOR SALESOU ACRES of the beat fruit or agri-

cultural land at flOper acre, north or theHunter Ranoh, on th* river, with rightot water. Inquire of T. E. ROWAN, 75Downey Block, or of th* owner, W. C. B.RICHARDSON, near tb* premises.



ACRES; two artesian wella; orchardand vineyard of 10 acree. Inquire of A.W. POTTS, Oounty Clerk'a offle*. mZS-lw

MONEY TO LOANOn r*al aatat* a*eurlty at low rates andno commission ebkrged. *ddr***P.O.Bob «n. stty. st


CITY OF PARIS17 & 19 Spring St.,





Spring! Summer ImportationsTO COMMENCE

MONDAY, : : : : JUNE 6th,

And Continue for Thirty Days,

Curing whioh time we will oiler a, number oi

REAL BARGAINS!To wliiob we oall tbe attention of tlie public:

Present FarmerPrice. Price.

100 Pieces 4-4 French Lawns at B£o. per yard, 12«jo75 Pieces 4 4 French Lawns at 12}r> " 20050 Pieces Linen Lawn at .* 25c " 37,0

100 Pieces White Marseille at Bja " 12, c200 Pieces 4-4 Dress Linen at 200 " 30a100 Piecea Figured Tasso Linen at B}o " 20050 Pieces all-wool Black Mcmies at 25c " 50a50 Pieces all-wool Cashmere, comprising all the

New Bummer Shades, at 50c " 7So25 Pieces 45 Inches wide, all-wool Bibck Cash-

mere at 75c " $1.2535 Pieces all-wool Blege, 42 inches wide, at 02,0 " $1.00

Mohairs, Buntings, Shoodas, Plaids, etc.,


SWEEPING REDUCTIONS!500 New Style Summer Skirls at...50c. each Former price, $1 00250 Shetland Shawls at 750. each Former price, $1 26250 Shetland Shawls at $1 00 each Former price, $1 60200 Ladles' Linen Ulsters at $2 00 each Former pries, $8 60150 Ladies' Cloth Ulsters at $2 50 eaeb Former price, $4 00160 Ladles' Linen Circulars at $2 50 each Former prioe, $4 00

1000 DOZEN


Reduced to 50c. per pair.,250 Summer Parasols at 40a Former price, 7Sets.150 SilkBrocade Parasols at $2 00 Former price, $8 60100 Silk Brocade, lined and laoe trimmed, $3 50 Former price, $8 00

GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT.100 Men's Blue Flannel Suits at $ 7 50...Former price, $10 00100 Men's Blue Flannel Suits at $10 00.,. Former prioe, $18 0075 Men's Blue Flannel Suits at '.$l2 oO...Former prioe, $16 08

100 Men's Black Diagonal Coats aud Vests, $ 9 00...Former prioe, $18 0050 Men's Black Diagonal Coats and Vests, $12 50,. Former prioe, $18 00

200 Men's Casßlmere Suits ?..:..$ 9 OO...Former prioe, $12 00150 Men's Cassimere Suits $10 00...Former prioe, $18 60100 Men's Cassimere Suits $11 On...Former prioe, $15 00

100 Children's Linen Suits at $160 Former prioe, $2 6075 Children's Linen Suits at $2 00 Former prioe, $8 80

100 Boys' Linen Suits at $2 26 Former prioe, $4 00

Children's, Boy's and Youth's Cassi-mere Suits Reduced in the

Same Proportion!

Same Sweeping Reductions in


Gent s Furnishing Goods,



EUGENE MEYER & CO,,171 IS Spring St., Los Angeles

/ j r »**M '
