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Daily Yoga Manual Rel1

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I have been practicing the Yoga Asanas, Pranayama and Kapalbhati explained in this Manual, since past four years. These Asanas are not difficult to do and are very effective in improving general body health, weight loss and reduce the chances of getting diabetes. This daily Yoga practice has really strengthened my immune system, digestive health, fitness and immensely helped in increasing my energy and in controlling my weight.
  • I have been practicing the Yoga Asanas, Pranayama and Kapalbhati explained in this Manual, since past four years. These Asanas are not difficult to do and are very effective in improving general body health, weight loss and reduce the chances of getting diabetes. This daily Yoga practice has really strengthened my immune system, digestive health, fitness and immensely helped in increasing my energy and in controlling my weight.

  • Daily YOGA Manual

    1 | P a g e

    Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 3

    YOGA Warmup ............................................................................................................................................. 4

    Feet exercise ............................................................................................................................................. 4

    Shoulder exercise ...................................................................................................................................... 4

    Abdomen exercise ..................................................................................................................................... 4

    Spine exercise ........................................................................................................................................... 4

    Neck exercise ............................................................................................................................................ 5

    Eye exercise .............................................................................................................................................. 5

    Pranayama .................................................................................................................................................... 6

    CHILD POSE Balaasana ........................................................................................................................... 7

    Supine Spinal Twist - Supta Matsyendrasana .............................................................................................. 8

    Pavanamuktasana Pose (Wind Relieving Pose) .......................................................................................... 9

    Marjariasana Pose (Cat Pose) .................................................................................................................... 10

    Kapalbhati Pranayam .................................................................................................................................. 11

    Cobbler's Pose - Baddha Konasana ........................................................................................................... 12

    Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana ....................................................................................................................... 13

    Bridge Pose - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana ................................................................................................ 14

    The Half Spinal Twist - Ardha-Matsyendrasana ......................................................................................... 15

    The Five Tibetan Rites for Energy ........................................................................................................... 16

    Tibetan Rejuvenation exercise #1 ............................................................................................................... 17

    Tibetan Rejuvenation exercise #2 ........................................................................................................... 18

    Tibetan Rejuvenation exercise #3 ........................................................................................................... 19

    Tibetan Rejuvenation exercise #4 ........................................................................................................... 20

    Tibetan Rejuvenation exercise #5 ........................................................................................................... 21

    Shava Asana Corpse Pose (for relaxation) .............................................................................................. 22

    Yoga for Arthiritis ......................................................................................................................................... 23

    Knee exercise .......................................................................................................................................... 23

    Hands exercise ........................................................................................................................................ 23

    Yoga for weight loss .................................................................................................................................... 24

    Soundarya asana .................................................................................................................................... 24

    Leg Cycling Pose ..................................................................................................................................... 25

    Leg Rotation Pose ................................................................................................................................... 25

    Yoga for diabetes ........................................................................................................................................ 26

    Mandukasana- Frog Pose ....................................................................................................................... 26

    Yoga for Back Pain ..................................................................................................................................... 27

    Wall Plank Pose .......................................................................................................................................... 27

    Downword Facing Dog ................................................................................................................................ 28

    Pigeon Pose ................................................................................................................................................ 29

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    Back Traction Pose ..................................................................................................................................... 30

    Child Pose ................................................................................................................................................... 31

    DIET ............................................................................................................................................................ 32

    drink lot of water .......................................................................................................................................... 32

    Conclusion................................................................................................................................................... 33

  • Daily YOGA Manual

    3 | P a g e


    For me, yoga is not just a workout its about working on yourself. ~ Mary Glover Few years ago I started gaining weight. Even though I was exercising regularly, after a certain age the metabolism decreases and you start adding pounds, especially in the mid-section. Both of my parents are diabetic and I have the chances of getting diabetes too. So I was determined to decrease my weight and reduce the chances of getting diabetes. I did some research on the internet and found Yoga is a good remedy for reducing weight and diabetes. So I reviewed a lot of yoga web sites. If you're a beginner at yoga, the many different styles can seem overwhelming. How do you choose, what Asanas are right for you? How do you know what Asanas has the best effect? There is Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vini Yoga etc. There are more than 600 Asanas in all these yoga types. To get the most benefit, stay safe, and find the greatest pleasure, you need to choose a yoga style that is effective and does not cause any pain or injury. I tried several asanas for few months. Some asanas are effective, and some asanas caused me neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain. I narrowed down to these following asanas that I have been practicing since past four years that are not difficult to do and are very effective in improving general body health, weight loss and reduce the chances of getting diabetes.

    Making time for yoga should be easier than any other kind of fitness routine because it is totally portable and can be done anywhere and with very little in the way of equipment. If you cannot get a local yoga class at a studio, you can easily practice at home.

    If you are an athlete of any kind, yoga is crucial to include in your exercise regimen. It will build flexibility, it will reinforce the strength you already have and build new strength where you lack muscle. It will evenly work all sides of the body; the front, back, right side and left side.

    Get up 20 minutes early and do pranayama and a few asanas. Doing a little bit of yoga 3 or 4 times a week is better than doing yoga for an hour once a week. It starts to create a healthy habit the more you do it!

    If you are not used to exercise or have not been formally introduced to yoga techniques of breathing and relaxation, then your first tip is to start out slowly. Pay attention to what your body is telling you and do not strain or force any position that causes pain that indicates possible injury. A little soreness is perfectly okay, but really you should start out slow enough not to have any physical hindrances the following day.

    The beginners poses are highlighted in yellow. If you are a beginner do only the yellow highlighted poses and the yellow highlighted duration(times). If you are doing yoga for more than few months, then you can

    do all the poses.

    Please note, the Yoga Asanas described here are for information purposes only and are not meant to

    replace professional medical treatment. Before beginning any Yoga program, always consult your health

    care professional.

    One becomes firmly established in practice only after attending to it for a long time, without

    interruption and with an attitude of devotion. ~ Yoga Sutra I.14

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    Submit to a daily practice. Your loyalty to that is a ring at the door. Keep knocking, and

    eventually the joy inside will look out to see who is there.

    Feet exercise

    Take the legs long in front of you. Start by pointing the toes. Curl the toes forward and pull them back. Repeat this 5 times.

    Then curl the whole foot forward and pull the foot back. Repeat this five times.

    Then slowly rotate the feet clockwise at the ankle in circles, for five times.

    Then slowly rotate the feet counter-clockwise at the ankle in circles, for five times.

    This action stretches and strengthens the foot and ankle muscles while maintaining mobility in the ankle and foot joints.

    Shoulder exercise

    Put the right hand on your right shoulder and the left hand on your left shoulder.

    Then slowly rotate the arms forward at the shoulder in circles, for five times.

    Then slowly rotate the arms backward at the shoulder in circles, for five times.

    This action stretches and strengthens the shoulder muscles while maintaining mobility in the shoulder


    Abdomen exercise

    Sit down on the floor crossing the legs while maintaining a straight back (Lotus Position). Put the

    hands on your knees.

    Slowly move just the abdomen clockwise in a circle for five times. You are trying to make a circle using the belly button.

    Then slowly move just the abdomen counter-clockwise in a circle for five times.

    This action stretches and strengthens the abdomen muscles.

    Spine exercise

    1. Sit down on the floor crossing the legs while maintaining a straight back (Lotus Position). Put the

    hands on your knees. 2. Bring just your shoulders front and the stomach back. 3. Then just bring your shoulders back and the stomach front. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, five times.

    This action stretches and strengthens and the spine.

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    Neck exercise

    Sit down on the floor crossing the legs while maintaining a straight back (Lotus Position). Put the

    hands on your knees.

    Slowly rotate your neck clockwise five times.

    Then slowly rotate your neck counter-clockwise five times.

    This action stretches and strengthens the neck muscles.

    Eye exercise

    Like any other muscles, the eye muscles need exercise to be healthy. Most of the time, we only shift our

    eyes minimally, as when reading, and turn our heads if we want to look elsewhere. Without moving your

    head, these five eye exercises will strengthen the eye muscles, help prevent eye strain and improve eye


    Breath normally during this exercise.

    Look up and then look down. Repeat this five times.

    Look at the right and then look at the left. Repeat this five times.

    Look at the top-right and then look at bottom-left. Repeat this five times.

    Look at the top-left and then look at bottom-right. Repeat this five times.

    Roll your eyes clockwise five times.

    Roll your eyes counter clockwise five times.

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    PRANAYAMA Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and

    you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God. ~ Krishnamacharya

    Pranayama means breathing control. When we breathe in or inhale oxygen into our body, going through our body systems in a form of energy to charge our different body parts. When we exhale carbon dioxide and take away all toxic wastes from our body. In our daily breathing, we use only a fraction of your lungs results to lack of oxygen and may lead to different complications, such as Heart diseases, sleep disorders, and fatigue. By practicing deep and systematic breathing through Pranayama, we use fuller extent of our lungs and reenergize our body.


    With Pranayama, we increase the capacity of our lungs, bringing more oxygen supply to the body to function well. We learn how to breathe slowly and deeply.

    It reduces the toxins and body wastes from within our body. It prevents one from acquiring diseases.

    It helps in one's digestion and improves metabolism and health condition. It helps in reducing weight loss and diabetes. It develops our concentration and focus. It fights away stress and relaxes the body. Controlling

    one's breathing also results to serenity and peace of mind.

    How to Do

    Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing.

    Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Simply press the thumb against your nostril to block it.

    Inhale slowly as much as you can through the left nostril. Fill your lungs with air.

    Use your middle finger to close your left nostril. Hold for three seconds.

    Exhale slowly and completely with the right nostril. When youve finished exhaling, keep your left nostril closed.

    Inhale through the right nostril. Fill your lungs.

    Close the right nostril and open the left. Hold for three seconds.

    Breathe out slowly through the left nostril. This process is one round of Pranayama


    Start doing Pranayama for 2 minutes daily and slowly increase it to 5 minutes daily.

    When to Do

    It is recommended to do Pranayama early in the morning, with an empty stomach or at least 2 hours after eating.

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    Everyone can do Ashtanga. Except lazy people. Sharath Jois

    The name is derived from the Sanskrit words bala and asana, which translate to child and pose respectively.


    Releases tension in the back, shoulders and chest. Flexes the bodys internal organs and keeps them supple. It lengthens and stretches the spine. It gently stretches the hips, thighs and ankles.

    How to Do

    Bring your knees to the floor.

    Spread the knees as wide as your hips, keeping the big toes touching.

    Bring the belly to rest between the thighs and the forehead to the floor.

    stretch the arms as much as you can in front of you with the palms toward the floor.


    Stay in this pose for 1 minute.

    When to Do

    It is recommended to do this asana early in the morning, with an empty stomach or at least 2 hours after eating.

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    Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.

    The supine spinal twist (supta matsyendrasana) is renowned for its ability to alleviate back pain without any adverse side effects. The supine spinal twist is a gentle twisting yoga pose which essentially has a relaxing effect on the back and spine.


    Stretches and strengthens the shoulders, chest, hips and spine. Therapeutic for spinal pain and stiffness. Can alleviate kidney problems, liver disorders, spleen disorders and gallbladder problems. Therapeutic for hip pain and knee pain. Calms and soothes the mind.

    How to Do

    Lie on your back.

    Bend your knees and put the soles of your feet on the floor.

    Lift your hips slightly off the floor and shift them about an inch to your right.

    Draw your right knee into your chest and extend the left leg on the floor.

    Drop your right knee over to the left side of your body.

    Open your right arm to the right side in line with your shoulder. Rest your left hand on your right knee.

    Turn your head to the right, bringing your gaze over the right shoulder.

    Work on releasing your left knee and your right shoulder to the floor.

    Hold for 30 seconds before drawing your right knee back into your chest and doing the other side.


    It is recommended to do this asana, early in the morning with an empty stomach.

    How long to Do

    Do this asana for 30 seconds in each position daily.

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    A photographer gets people to pose for him. Yoga gets people to pose for themselves. ~ Jay


    Caution: Avoid practicing this Pose if you have high blood pressure, heart problem, hernia, slip disc, menstruation, neck and back problems.

    Pavanamuktasana (Wind Removing Pose) massages the organs of the abdomen and also eases tension that occurs in the area of the belly and lower back.


    Massages the intestines and other organs in the abdomen. Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles. Helps in digestion and release of gas. Enhances blood circulation in the hip joints and eases tension in the lower back. Tones the leg and arm muscles.

    1)Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body.

    2)Breathe in and as you exhale, bring your right knee towards your chest and press the thigh on your abdomen with clasped hands.

    3)Breathe in again and as you exhale, lift your head and chest off the floor and touch your chin to your right knee.

    4)Hold it there, as you take deep, long breaths in and out. Checkpoint: As you exhale, tighten the grip of the hands on the knee and increase the pressure on the chest. As you inhale, loosen the grip.

    5)As you exhale, come back to the ground and relax.

    Repeat steps 2 thru 5 this pose with the left leg.

    Repeat steps 2 thru 5 this pose with both the legs together.


    Do this asana for 1 minute daily.

    When to Do

    It is recommended to do this asana, early in the morning with an empty stomach.

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    Marjariasana Pose (Cat Pose)

    The most important pieces of equipment you need for doing yoga are your body and your mind. ~

    Rodney Yee.

    Cat pose in yoga is one of the commonly performed poses. An individuals posture is considered to be a very important aspect of being able to lead a happy and healthy life. The cat pose is considered to be one of the most effective yoga poses when it comes to correcting posture.


    Brings flexibility to the spine and corrects the posture. Strengthens wrists and shoulders. Massages the digestive organs and improves digestion. Tones the abdomen.

    1)Form a table such that your back forms the table top and your hands and feet, form the legs of the table.

    2)Keep your arms perpendicular to the floor, with the hands directly under the shoulders and flat on the ground; your knees are hip-width apart.

    3)Look straight ahead.

    4)As you inhale, raise your chin and tilt your head back, push your navel downwards and raise your tailbone.

    5)Hold the Cat pose and take 3 long, deep breaths.

    6)As you exhale, drop your chin to your chest and arch your back up as much as you can.

    7)Hold this pose and take 3 long, deep breaths.

    8)Then return to the initial table-like position.

    Repeat steps 4 thru 8, five times.


    Start doing this asana for 5 times daily and slowly increase it to 10 times daily.

    When to Do It is recommended to do this asana early in the morning, with an empty stomach or at least 2 hours after eating.

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    Breathe through it, and release anything that does not serve you.

    Caution: Kapalbhati is not recommended for those who suffer from cardiac problems and spinal disorders. Also, those suffering from severe respiratory infections, colds and nasal obstruction should not perform this breathing technique.

    Because of its forceful use of the abdomen, it is an excellent exercise for toning the diaphragm and upper abdominal muscles. The powerful breathing technique helps to increase oxygen flow to the bloodstream, energizing the body, and is a wonderful exercise for cleansing the lungs and blood.


    helps cleanse the lungs, and increase oxygen uptake in the blood stream. clears the respiratory passages, minimizing risks of infections and allergies in the respiratory

    system. also helps improve the flexibility of the diaphragm. also helps improve blood circulation, especially to the lower half of the body, it helps improve the

    functioning of the entire body. is helpful for weight loss and diabetes.

    How to Do

    Sit in a comfortable position with spine straight.

    You can sit either cross-legged or in any position that you feel comfortable.

    Breathe normally for about a minute.

    Then exhale suddenly and quickly through both nostrils, producing a "puffing" sound.

    Don't focus on inhalation. It will be automatic and passive.

    The air is exhaled completely from the lungs with a sudden, vigorous stroke while simultaneously drawing inwards the abdominal muscles.

    Inhaling is automatic - the abdominal muscles will relax automatically.


    Start doing Kapalbhati for 3 minutes daily and slowly increase it by 3 minutes each month to 15 minutes daily. Take a break of 30 secs. for every 5 mins of practice.

    When starting to do Kapalbhati, do it at a slow rate. For example, do 3 exhalations for every 5 seconds and also reduce the force of exhalation.

    When to Do

    For maximum benefits, do the practice regularly, once a day. This technique should be done on an empty stomach, preferably early in the morning or at least 2 hours after eating.

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    COBBLER'S POSE - BADDHA KONASANA First month paining, second month tired, third month flying. ~ Sharath Jois

    Caution: Avoid the pose if you suffer from a hip or shoulder injury.

    The cobbler Pose is an excellent exercise for the hips, groin and thighs and strengthens the entire pelvic area.


    Improves flexibility and strengthens the groin, knees, and inner thighs. Improves the functioning of the prostate glands and ovaries, bladder, and kidneys by stimulating

    the organs. Stimulates the abdominal organs, specifically those related to the digestive system. Strengthens the entire pelvic area.

    Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing.

    Sit comfortably. Bend the knees bringing the soles of the feet together and letting the knees fall out to either side.

    Keep the spine straight.

    Press the outer edges of the feet together strongly.

    Take long breaths..

    Continue for 1 minute.


    Do this asana for 1 minute daily.

    When to Do

    It is recommended to do this asana, early in the morning with an empty stomach.

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    The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind & the harmony of the soul create the symphony of

    life. ~ B.K.S. Iyengar

    Caution: Avoid this pose if you suffer from back injury.

    Bhujangasana asana strengthens the spine, stretch the chest, shoulders, and abdomen, firm the buttocks, and relieve stress and fatigue.


    Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen Increases flexibility in the lower back. Strengthens the spine. Firms the buttocks. Stimulates abdominal organs. Helps relieve stress and fatigue.

    Lie on your stomach.

    From this position, release the tops of the feet to the floor and press them down.

    Slide your chest forward and up keeping your hands exactly where they were.

    Roll your shoulders back and lift the chest higher, while keeping the low ribs on the floor.

    In the beginning, keep your neck neutral, dont crank it back.

    Stay in this position for 1 minute.

    Then you should rest on the stomach, your hands making a pillow under your head, one cheek resting on your hands.

    Stay in this position for at least 1 minute to rest.


    Do this asana for 1 minute daily.

    When to Do

    It is recommended to do this asana, early in the morning with an empty stomach.

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    Bridge Pose Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is a beginning backbend that helps to open the chest and stretch the thighs.

    Caution: Avoid the pose if you suffer from neck injury.


    Stretching the neck, chest, and spine. Stimulating thyroid, lungs, and abdominal organs. Calms the brain and reducing stress. Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and sinusitis.

    Lie on your back.

    Bend the knees, bringing the soles of the feet parallel on the mat close to the buttocks.

    Lift the hips up towards the ceiling.

    Interlace the fingers behind your back and straighten the arms, pressing them down into the mat.

    Roll one shoulder under and then the other.

    Lift the hips higher.

    Draw the chest toward the chin, but do not move the chin toward the chest.

    Make sure the feet stay parallel.

    Release the hands and bring the upper, middle, and then lower back down.


    Do this asana for 1 minute daily.

    When to Do

    It is recommended to do this asana, early in the morning with an empty stomach.

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    You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

    Caution: Avoid the pose if you suffer from neck injury.

    Ardha-Matsyendrasana, the half spinal twist, the entire length of the spine receives a lateral twist in both directions - first to the left and then to the right.


    Increases flexibility in each vertebrae of the spine, from the base of the spine through the neck. Stretches the back muscles and hips. Massages the abdominal organs, helping to relieve constipation. Brings more blood flow to the spine.

    Sit up with the legs stretched out straight in front of you, keeping the feet together and the spine erect.

    Bend the left leg and place the heal of the left foot beside the right hip (optionally, you can keep the left leg straight).

    Take the right leg over the left knee.

    Place the left hand on the right knee and the right hand behind you.

    Twist the waist, shoulders and neck in this sequence to the right and look over the right shoulder.

    Keep the spine erect.

    Hold and continue with gentle long breaths in and out, for beginner 15 secs. and advanced 30 secs.

    Then breathing out, release the right hand first, release the waist and chest, lastly the neck and sit up relaxed yet straight.

    Repeat to the other side.


    Do this asana for 1 minute daily.

    When to Do

    It is recommended to do this asana, early in the morning with an empty stomach.

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    The 5 Tibetan Rites is an ancient exercise system from Tibet. These Rites activate and stimulate the seven key energy vortexes or chakras in the body. These are namely starting with the first layer the Etheric Body, the Emotional Body, the Mental Body, the Astral Body, the Etheric Template Body, the Celestial Body and finally the Causal body. Chakras or clockwise spinning energy vortexes are located few inches outside of the skin and directly linked to the spine and nervous system. The chakras process energy from nature. When they become blocked or slowdown in frequency, the bodys ability to sustain its overall energy level and the proper function of the immune system is impaired. The five Rites restore any imbalances in the chakra system and also enhance the innate energetic power of the human body and mind.

    The five Rites stimulate the thyroid gland to work at its peak efficiency and help improve its function by regulating the hormone secretions. The thyroid gland is mainly responsible for correct weight and youthful appearance as it controls metabolism. They also tone the neck, as well as strengthen the overall nervous system.


    High overall energy

    Slow aging

    Calm the mind

    Strengthen the body

    Reduce stress

    Improve strength and flexibility

    Improve breathing

    Strengthen lower back core muscles

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    Tibetan Rejuvenation exercise #1

    1. Stand upright. 2. extend your arms at shoulder level away from your body. 3. spin slowly clockwise. 4. Breath normally. 5. In the beginning turn 5 times and slowly increase up to 21 times.

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    Tibetan Rejuvenation exercise #2

    Lay down on your back.

    Put your arms to your side, palms up, keep your legs straight, begin your inhalation.

    While inhaling, raise your legs off the ground until as high as possible.

    Raise your head off the ground, bending your neck with your chin falling toward your chest.

    While exhaling return to laying flat on the ground, as in step 2.

    In the beginning do 5 times and slowly increase up to 21 times

    Tips: When starting out, bend your legs as much you are comfortable. If your feel discomfort, place your hands (palms facing down) under your buttocks to support your lower spine. As you progress, straighten your legs and try to raise and lower them at the same speed. Once you have worked up to 21 repetitions, try to move at a nice steady rhythm without stopping.

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    Tibetan Rejuvenation exercise #3

    Kneel with your legs together.

    Arms extended, palms of your hands on the side of your thighs.

    Drop your chin to your chest and begin your inhalation.

    Raise your head and lean back, move your hands to the back of your thighs and let them drop lower and support your weight, crane your head and neck backward, relax your lower spine.

    While exhaling start to come forward back to kneeling position with your head back up in the straight position.

    In the beginning do 5 times and slowly increase up to 21 times.

    Tips: When you start this exercise, use the weight of your head to come forward instead of forcing your

    chin to your chest with your muscles. When you lean back, avoid craning your neck, simply let it drop with

    its own weight. Eventually, you can bring your shoulder blades towards each other when you're in the

    back position. Keep a steady movement while going backward and forward. Keep your eyes open to

    maintain balance. Later, try the movement with your eyes closed to feel the difference and see if you can

    relax even more in the backward position.

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    Tibetan Rejuvenation exercise #4

    Sit on the floor.

    legs a little less than shoulder width apart.

    arms to your sides with hands extended flat on the ground and fingers pointed forward.

    drop your head toward your chest, begin your inhalation.

    raise your buttocks off the ground while bending your knees, shift your weight to your arms/hands and legs/feet, continue to raise your buttocks until your trunck and thighs are parallel to the ground, let your head fall back.

    While exhaling return to sitting position with your head dropped forward.

    In the beginning do 5 times and slowly increase up to 21 times.


    Tips: You might not be used to your body weight on your wrists. Doing some wrist warm-ups before you

    begin can prevent discomfort. Once you have worked your way up to 21 repetitions, try to perform the

    movements without stopping.

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    Tibetan Rejuvenation exercise #5

    Get down on the floor on your hands and knees (in push-up position) with hands and legs a little less than shoulder width apart.

    While inhaling weight in your arms, straighten your legs, arch your back, lean your head back, do not let any of your body touch the ground except for your toes and hands (Cobra posture).

    While exhaling, bend at the waist, bend your knees, push your buttocks up into the air, make an inverted V shape with your legs and arms straight, tuck your chin toward your chest (Downward Dog posture); try to put your feet flat on the ground.

    In the beginning do 5 times and slowly increase up to 21 times.

    When to Do

    It is recommended to do this rejuvenation exercises, early in the morning with an empty stomach.

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    In this Asana, the state of body takes the posture of a dead person, hence the name Corpse Pose. Every limb becomes relaxed while doing this asana. Do this asana after end of your daily yoga routine.


    Body becomes relaxed, relieves from fatigue. It regulates high blood pressure and regulates respiratory system. It helps insomnia, nervous debility and mental imbalance.

    Lie down on your back on the yoga mat or carpet.

    Keep both the legs a little apart about a feet from each other.

    Keep both hands little away from the body.

    Palms should be facing upward.

    Whole body should be in a straight line and relaxed.

    Close your eyes and breath normally.

    Stay in this position for at least one minute.

    After Shava asana your body is completely relaxed. Do not get up suddenly. Gently open your eyes and get up slowly.


    Do this asana for at least 1 minute, after the end of your daily yoga postures.

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    Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured. ~ B.K.S.


    If you have arthritis, after doing all the asanas explained above, do the following exercises.

    Knee exercise

    1. Sit comfortably on the floor or on a chair.

    2. Slowly inhale and stretch the right leg forward.

    3. Slowly exhale and bend the right leg towards you.

    4. Repeat this five times.

    5. Then repeat steps 2 thru 4 with the left leg.

    6. Hold your bottom of the right thigh with both hands.

    7. Rotate the right leg clockwise at the knee in circles, for five times.

    8. Then rotate the right leg counter-clockwise at the knee in circles for five times.

    9. Repeat steps 6 thru 8 with the left leg.

    This action stretches and strengthens the knee muscles while maintaining mobility in the knee joints.

    Hands exercise

    Sit comfortably on the floor or on a chair.

    Take the hands in front of you.

    Spread the fingers as far as they will go and return then together. Repeat this ten times.

    Spread the fingers as far as they will go and close them, like making a fist. Repeat this ten times.

    Make a fist with both hands.

    Then slowly rotate the hands clockwise at the wrist in circles, for ten times.

    Then slowly rotate the hands counter-clockwise at the wrist in circles, for ten times.

    This action stretches and strengthens the hand and wrist muscles while maintaining mobility in the wrist and finger joints.

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    Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured. ~ B.K.S.


    If you want to lose weight, after doing all the above Asanas, do the following exercises.

    The reason why yoga is considered good for weight loss is that most yoga asanas are combined with

    pranayama or yogic breathing exercises. When asanas are combined with pranayama, it increases

    metabolic rate and burns calories much faster than the mild increase in heart rate does. It also heats up

    the body, providing warmth to limber up the joints, reducing pain and inflammation, while increasing blood


    Soundarya asana

    This asana is ideal for flexibility of lower back and it helps fat loss from tummies and heavy hips.

    Caution: Avoid this pose if you suffer from back pain.


    Improves flexibility of lower back. Reduces fat from tummies and heavy hips.

    Sit on the floor and spread out both legs as apart as possible.

    Raise both hands up.

    Now with the left hand try to touch the right toe. Your right hand will be up behind your back.

    Then with the right hand try to touch the left toe. Your left hand will be up behind your back.

    Repeat steps 3 and 4 ten times.

    Take 30 seconds rest.

    Repeat steps 3 and 4 ten times.

    Take 30 seconds rest.

    Repeat steps 3 and 4 ten times.

    When to Do

    It is recommended to do this asana, early in the morning with an empty stomach.

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    Leg Cycling Pose

    Caution: Avoid the pose if you suffer from a hip injury.

    Lay down on the floor on your back.

    Bring left feet close to the buttock and right leg fully extended, at an angle of 30 degree, from the


    Now bring right feet close to the buttock and left leg fully extended at an angle of 30 degree, in a

    circular manner.

    You will move both your legs as if you are doing cycling.

    Do that as many times as you are comfortable.

    This action stretches and strengthens the hip muscles while maintaining mobility in the hip joints.

    Leg Rotation Pose

    Caution: Avoid the pose if you suffer from a hip injury.

    Lay down on the floor on your back.

    Rotate the right leg clockwise at the hip in circles, for five times.

    Then rotate the right leg counter-clockwise at the hip in circles for five times.

    Now rotate the left leg clockwise at the hip in circles, for five times.

    Then rotate the left leg counter-clockwise at the hip in circles for five times

    Now rotate both the left leg and right leg together clockwise at the hips in circle, for five times.

    Then rotate both the left leg and right leg together counter-clockwise at the hips in circle, for five


    This action stretches and strengthens the hip muscles while maintaining mobility in the hip joints.

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    Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured. ~ B.K.S.


    If you have diabetes or pre-diabetic, after doing all the above Asanas, do the following exercise.

    Mandukasana- Frog Pose

    In many people Pancreas become weak and lethargic due to which the beta cells in the pancreas stop producing Insulin in sufficient quantities. Mandukasana or the Frog pose activates the pancreas and makes it healthy. Many patients of diabetes have got tremendous benefits from this posture.

    Caution: Avoid the pose if you suffer from lower back pain.


    Improves diabetic patients, by making the Pancreas healthy. Staying longer in this pose will also help reducing stomach fat and the waist line.

    Sit on the floor on your knees (Vajrasana).

    Make fists on both hands and make sure the thumb is inside the fingers.

    Place the two fists on the sides of the navel on the stomach. The knuckles should be facing inwards.

    Exhale and contract your stomach.

    Bend forward and try to touch the knees with the chin.

    Try to maintain regular breathing and stay in this position for 30 secs.

    With inhalation slowly list your head and sit straight again in Vajrasana.

    Repeat steps 5 thru 7 about 5 times.

    Once you become more proficient try to increase to 10 times.

    When to Do

    It is recommended to do this asana, early in the morning with an empty stomach.

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    Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured. ~ B.K.S.


    Caution: Consult your doctor or physical therapist before starting. If youre experiencing severe back or leg pain during the practice, stop doing the exercise.

    Wall Plank Pose

    Stand in front of a wall with feet hip-width apart.

    Place palms against wall, arms extended, and slowly lean forward, letting body rest on hands.

    Keep length in your spine as you begin to walk the legs back, folding at the waist, and walking your hands down the wall.

    Eventually youll come to an L-shape as shown in the picture.

    As you lift the navel and lower ribs into the body, reach long through the tailbone and legs into the floor while reaching the spine, arms and head towards the wall.

    Repeat for 10 breaths.

    Rest for one minute.

    Go to the next Posture.

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    Come onto the floor on your hands and knees.

    Stretch the elbows and relax the upper back between the shoulders.

    Lift your knees and draw your back backwards from the pelvis, so that your arms and back form one line (as shown in the picture).

    Stretch your legs (as shown in the picture).

    Let yourhead hang down in a relaxed way.

    Repeat for 10 breaths.

    Rest for one minute.

    Go to the next Posture

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    This Pose opens the lower body muscles like hamstrings, hip rotators and the iliopsoas muscles, all which can contribute to back pain.

    From Downward-Facing Dog, bring your right knee behind the right wrist, foot either touching the left hip crease or slightly forward.

    Stretch the left leg out long behind you, knee and top of the foot facing the floor..

    Center your hips in space even if they dont touch the floor..

    Press your palms into the floor, ground your legs into the mat, and allow your legs to stretch while you let your low back curve and lift up.

    To deepen this pose, move your front knee wider and back and creep the back leg longer.

    Take 10 breaths.

    Return to Downward-Facing Dog, then repeat on the other side.

    Take 10 breaths.

    Rest for one minute.

    Go to the next Posture.

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    Lie on your back, knees bent and feet under the knees.

    Get a yoga block or rolled up yoga mat.

    Lift your hips and place the yoga mat in the center of the hip. The mat skinny way should be in the same ways as your spine.

    Place your hips on the block and gently walk your feet wide.

    Knock your knees in towards one another for one minute to stretch across the sacrum.

    then walk feet and knees together.

    Lift your knees over your hips until you can relax them but still stay suspended in the air.

    lift your hips off the yoga mat and remove it to the side.

    Rest for one minute.

    Go to the next Posture.

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    Bring your knees to the floor.

    Spread the knees as wide as your hips, keeping the big toes touching.

    Bring the belly to rest between the thighs and the forehead to the floor.

    Bring the arms to the side of your thighs, as shown in the picture.

    Stay in this position for 1 minute.

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    One of the good things about yoga is that diet comes as a part of it. Although there are no restrictions as such, many serious yogis recommend diet control to maintain a healthy body. When done properly a yogic diet gives everything to the body that it needs, while still keeping a strict control on excess calories. However, following a yogic diet is optional, and an excessive reduction in calories is usually not recommended. A healthy body requires a certain amount of food and what yoga does is help us to consume only as much as our bodies need and nothing more.

    I suggest you concentrate on your fitness, and weight will take care of itself. You must make long time changes in your life style, diet and exercise. Follow these basic fitness and weight loss tips:

    Healthy Diet

    Daily Yoga

    No snacking two hours before you sleep.

    Good sound sleep at night.

    Limit your salt, sugar and oil intakes.

    Eat your dinner at least three hours before you sleep and take a 20-30 minute walk after dinner.

    Never go on a crash diet. The faster you lose weight, faster it will come back.

    Skipping meals will not help you to lose weight. Your metabolism slows down and you get hungrier.

    Remember water is the only zero calorie drink. Drink enough water each day.


    Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight.

    Every system in your body depends on water. The functions of water in human body are vital. The water:

    Transports nutrients and oxygen into cells

    Moisturizes the air in lungs

    Helps with metabolism

    Protects our vital organ

    Helps our organs to absorb nutrients better

    Regulates body temperature

    flushes toxins out of vital organs

    Protects and moisturizes our joints

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    Every cell in your body needs water from head to toe. That is why it is so important to drink enough fluid.

    Take for example, brain consists of 90% of water, if you do not supply enough water to your body, your

    brain cannot function well, and you will get headache or migraine. Hence, next time, if you feel fatigue

    and headache, it may be the sign of dehydration.


    My daily Yoga practice has really strengthened my immune system, digestive health and fitness. The Asanas, Pranayama and Kapalbhathi have helped me immensely in increasing my energy and in controlling my weight.

    Yoga health benefits can be explored only by adopting yoga as a way of life. Yoga concentrates on proper functioning of all body systems and their appropriate coordination, along with the healthy mind. Once your body becomes more aware of yoga practice, you can feel you are healthy, feel fresh when you get up in the morning, enjoy a good night sleep, have proper appetite and feel more energy.

    If you want to give suggestions or comments on this Manual, please email to [email protected].

