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DAILYBULLETIN - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · Real Estate llrn'a'cr, Employment Agent and...

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WW?1 if5r 'inp.w gUl fr.p? .JL--JOL- J DAILYBULLETIN PUBLISHED BY W. ROBERTSON & Go. ffiafsv i -- ":"" aH 146. afflljr?'';" .Kii lit "' Tf $V ivj 3s'1 ik- - fcv '4i ml iffi'"-- - i'vt SB1 J i J. "'? HiiJk - , No. i AJ T m ' i .. i - ' f . - - - . ' i - - THE DAILY BULLETIN Is published every morning, and cir- culated throughout the town, and for- warded to the other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, - 50 ccnta per monUi. II. L.Siieldon, .... Editor. All business communications to be ad drcsscij, J. W. Eodektsox & Co. It must bo distinctly understood that we nre In 110 way responsible for the opinions expressed by correspondents. Taming Wild animals. Lion and tiger "kings" lend a life of danger, for wild animals ure never ' gentle." Every time they enter ft cage containing these fierce . creatures they carry their lives in their hands. " Gentle?" remarked one of these venturesome folic the other day. "Those tigers of mine? Why, do you sec that whip? I know, as well as I know anything, that if I drop that-whi- when I am in that cage, they'll bo on me. Their idea of obedience ia connected with the whip first, then with my voice, then with my face. Severity? Cruelty? . No use at all. I never use cruelty in training them. Only patience. When I take a new cage of beasts I work to'getthem.used to mc; feed them ; Cleaning the cage ; ' talking to them ; all that sort of thing ; before I go in among them. Then I, do that? It's a ticklish piece of busi- ness going in the first time, and I pick my chance for it when they arc 8pecially"peaceable. I go right in. justas if it were a matter of course but I keep my eyes about me. It. is all humbug that a man's eye has any power overji wild beast. Your eyes is to Watch 'their motions that's all. They'll find out quickly enough if youare getting very careless. They arc always sure enough to be watch- ing you all the time. Arc they in- telligent? Well, there's as much difference among them as there is among men. I can train a really in- telligent lion, right from the wilds, in about four weeks, so he will do all that the lion kings make them do. A lioness always takes a cou- -' pie of weeks longer, nud so does a leopard or.a tiger. You can't get a hyena well in hand inside of two months. They're the meanest of brutes. You can't teach any of the trenturcs to love you, They'll fawn and fawn on you, and you'll think you've done it, may be. Then you get into the cage, if you want to, without your whip, or when they're in bad temper, and find out for yourself what they'll do. They're .all treacherous., Every lion king gets sick of it after awhile. I could name more than a dozen of the best who 'have given it up right in the prime 01 inc. unce vuuy give it up, nothing'll tempt 'cm inside of a cage '. again. You see, every now and ' then, some other tamer gets badly ' clawed and bitten. They've all been clawed and bitten more or less them- - ' selves. The strain on a. man's nerves is pretty sharp sure death ;around him all the while. And the pay isn't anything like what it was.'' We Jhsjve old citizen in this 1 jlacoVvrites a correspondent at In- dustry, III'., who is very hard of - hearing. He has been talking for 'some timo of visiting Germany in ; 'Kthe fall. I sat besido him at a rnect--' ..jng , the other night. After the scr-,'in- on was ovor the minister took a turn around the chnrch, shaking hands and talkiugi Presently he came to the old citizen, and taking .his hand he commenced: "My dear old friend, are you thinking of going-t- Heaven?" "Yah," said the German, " ven I gits my grecn-.pack- B changed mit gold." "Yon 'aon't tmdorstund me," remarked the . other. "1 mean don't you want to go to Heaven?" "Veil, I tlnks ' not ; I vaH at New Haven once and it is a pad place. I bolieyo I goes ,to Germany in the fall," Detroit JPret Prtwa. 'BBBHKwPlMwriffiinBtWsM HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1S82. B. F. EIILERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Novoltiea in Fancy Goodt 71 HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM X GRAND INDUCEMENTS iU w Cnnds sold XA'kV from 30 to so per cent below the usual prices during the next 30 days. every A. M. Mellis, 104 Fort St. New York Life Insurance Co. 847,000,000. Surplus, 610,000,000. Purely Mutual. This Company issues every form of The tontine policy issued this Company yields better returns than thoso offorcd by any other For particulars apply to 71 C. O. BERGER, General Agent Ilaw'n minnmanm A. KRAFT, JEWELER, M OPTICIAN, Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities. Store In thct,nawalIanGaietU" bnlld-4- t lng, opposite the Bank. TAX EC K ART, Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 6 tiaanaraanu si. ji Ghns. D. Gerascli, Practical M) "Watohmaker. jar Ilotel Street, tho 123 3m International Hotel, -- a D. W. GLARK, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Always on hand a nice stock of Clocks and JeweIry."tBn Repairing Watches nd Clocks a Speci- alty, 68 Fort Street. 32 Fisher's CHAMPAGNE CIDER I So favorably known throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Sold by all respectable dealers. No,13Liliha at., Honolulu 71 Redwood mid Cedar POSTS 7FKET by LONG, for calc In any qnon Af.LKN & PIONEER CANDY FACTORY AND bakery: F. HORN, Practical Confoctionor, Cool: and Raker. No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. 59 Received by steamer, Assets, desirable policy. by company. Island. opposlto No. Drink Robinson. STEAM Pnatry OiTorod at tho HSECOETD ANNUAL Ttobtrt Lewer, ). K. Coolie. W E It S & OOOKR, (successors to Levers & Clcksnn,) Importers and Dnnlers in Lumbr and all kinds of Building Materials, Fort ttrceU uonouiin. 1 TXTILDER & Co., Dealers in ' ' Lumber, Taints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. yort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 Dealers in lumbur and all kinds of holding materials, paiuts, oils, nails, otc etc. t 11 HOLLISTER & Co., Wholesale and Import- ers of Fine Tobaroos and Cigars, and Manufacturers of Uoda Water, Ginger Ale, Ac, &u. ir BROWN & PHILLIPS, Practical GasFlttors and Coppe- rsmiths, No. 18 Nutiiuni st., Honolulu. House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 bCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. and dealer fn Gent's, Lndlcs' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. 63 BROWN & CO., Importers and In Ales, Wines and Spirits, No. 9 Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 , HONOLULU IRON $ Works Co. Steam engines, sugar and lead castings; machinery of every description mada to order. Partlruliir nttentlnn mid to ship's hhsksmlUiinir. Jnb work executed on short notice. 1 PERSONS SEEKING Employment, snd all parties cither n Honolulu or at any of tho Islands in tho tJronp in want of Employees will please make their wants known to the andrrbi(ned, who will do all in their power to 1111 their orders. P. C. Jones, jr., J. B. Atherton. 11. F. Dillingham, Employment Committee T. M. C A. 1 TUB CELEBRATED Lilikalani Manifesto ! OF TUB ELECTION CAMPAIGN of Fohruary, 1382, Translated by II. L. Bhcldou; pnbllebNl by T. G. Thrum. Price, :: 2o cent. May le had at J. W. Robcrts6n & Co's FORT STREET. Commission Merchants. Clatu Sfrtckalti. tVra. U. Irwin. WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, ' Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. I GW. MAOFARLANE & CO., and Conitninslou 'Me- rchant. Robinson's Fire-Pro- of Building, Queen struct, Honolulu. 1 HHACKFELD A COMPANY, Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 AS. CLEGIIORN & Co., Importers Commission Meraluints, Deal- ers In General Merchandise, Queen and Kaahnmann sts., Honolulu. 7s U.A.r.Ctrtor. V. C. Joocn, Jr. k CO., Rhlnnlncnnd Cnmmlnion Murelifuita Queen street, Honolulu. 1 rpiIEO. II. DAVIES & Co., porters and commission mer- chants; and agents for Lloyd's and the ljverpool Underwriters, lintiuh and Foreign Insurance Co., and Northorn Assttranco Co. 71 I?D. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Tmtinrlnra n.nrtPnmmln(,tn,i fr. clmitts, Htnolulu, Oahu. " TOHN T. WATERIIOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen ., Honolulu. 1 TIT S. GRINBAUM & CO., -- " Importers of Oynnral Commission Merchants, Honolulu. l MS. GRINBAUM 4GO., Merchants, 214 California streot, Ban Francisco, Cnl. i "J7 T. LHNEHAN&GO., - Importers nnd Commission Mer. cltants, Nttuauu St., Honolulu. 1 fi.N. Ca.tlt. J.n. Atherten. fASTLE & COOKE, Shlnnlne and Cunmlulnn Mnr. chants. Importers and Dcolcrs in Gen-er- Merchandise, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. 1 WO CHAN & Co., Importers and Oeneral Dealers In Kngllsh. American nnd Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Ten nnd General Supplies. Also, white and colored con-tra- matting, nil qualities and prices. VST No. 22 Nnuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 IMS. Williams, A.CbOMbrousfc, W. U,l)lmnJ WILLIAMS, DIMOND & Co.. ' Shipping and Commission Mer-chant- s, Union Illoek, corner linn and Market streets, San Francisco, Cal. Ar.r.NTs roll .j I'scfflc Mall Steamship Company, PiicIHc Steam Navigation Compnny, Cnnard itoyal Mall Steamship Company Cal. line ol Packets from Now York, TIawallan lino of Packets, China Traders Insurance Co. (limited), Mnrln Insuranro Co. of London. 7t HANLON will attond to JAMES nr sick horsoi. Leave orders at J. W. Robertson fc Co's, 74 Iw " TOHN A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contractu for Lunar. Interior 'Mllce, Honolulu. T E. WISEMAN, 27 Merchant st. " Real Estate llrn'a'cr, Employment Agent and General Olllce, Bustncns. Telephone, No. 172. 16 QHARLES T. GULlCK, NOTART TUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labor Contract , Arm GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Ofnc-- , In Maltccj's Dlocjc, corner Queen and Knahnranntj rtrMte.'nonolulu. 21 SiG. If. ROBERTSON, Draymannest Uvims In tovru. Telepttone Ni. t5 . IS Subscription M Cents per .Month. PEOPLE'S LINK OP OMNIBUSSES. Jamf.s Dout), ... Proprietor. NUUANU VALLKY HOUTE Up trtp't Lcavft W. U. Irwin Co'. a.m. 7:00, 8:00, 10:30. p.m. la :03,2:0O, 4:00,6:10, (5:00, 9.-0-0 Down trlpn: Lvhyo ltri. nr J. H. l'Mr. a.m. li:30, 7:0, 8:1(0, 11:00. rJU 12:45, 2:110, A:I0, 5:10, 7:00,9:20 Sunday TistK Taulk. Up trips; Leave W, O, Irwin Co 'a, A.M. 9:00, 10:00. r.M. 12:10, 2:00, 4:00, 6:30, 8:15. Down trip; Lc&vu l'.c. of J. II. Plr, A.M. 9:!X, 10:30. T.M. 12:45, 2:30, 4:30, 7:10, 9:10. BKHKTANIA & l'U.VAHOU ST. KOUTB Up Wlpx: Luttvc V,' U Irwin .t CuV, A.M. G:00, 0:50, 7:45, 10:00. r.M 72:05, 2:00, 4:00, 5:10,0:45,10 Pown ttlp: Learn I'uunlion tttvet, A.M. fi:30, 7:25, 8.10, 11:10. rjl. 12:45,3:10, 4 :3, 0:10,7 :10,10i2O Sunday Timi: Taiilk. Lenvo the Stables, cur. i'ort and Hotel Bts., for I'unahou Street, Loul; Brnncb Bath.s, fare 50 cts., baths Included : A.M. 6:30 to Wnlklkis 0:00, 10:00, and 12:15. p.m. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklkl) 6:1ft and 8:45. Dawn trips: Lcavo Pnnohoo utrevl, A.M. 8:00, 9:30, 10:30. r.M.' 12:40, 3:10, 5:30, 7:10, 0.-O- WAIKIKI ItOUTK: Oat trips: Leave W. G. Irwin & Co.' A.M. 7:45, 10:00. t. M. 2:00, 5:10. Down trips: Leave Walklkt. A.M. :20, 10 50. i P. M. 2:00, 5:00. Sunday trips : Ltave stables. a. m. s50. V.M. 2:00, 4:00. Leave- WnlkiU : a. m. 7:40. P.M. 2:50, 5:10. Tito Long Branch Bath will b tho ter minus. ' Professionals. W P. . CAST L E. . ' Attornoy nt Lnw am. Not- ary Public. Merchant stroot, aexti tf tho Post Olllro. l B. TJOLTI. T.awTfr nnd Knfjtrr VWK. S lie, No, 15 Knaiiumanu St. 11 M. DAVIDSON.Ahorney ntLaw 2 1 Merchant street. IS JOHN RUSSELL. Attorney at Law, corner of Fort and Merchant streets (up stairs) UR6na RICHARD F. DICKERTON, and Counsellor nt J. aw. Mout-- y to lend on Mortgages of Free- hold. Office, No. 34 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, ATTORNEY" and Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub-H- e, and Agent for taking Acknowledg-nun- ts of Instrument for the Island off Oahu. No. 8 Iwuihumann street, Hono- lulu. I IRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney; 15 Kaahnmanu it. 2s W" HJ.i7vM"o.MITH,Ttto7-ne- y at Law, No. 36 SIcrchant street. 73 tm M. IIAAN, M. D.7 7 Physician & Surgeon, Ofllr , 223 Fort street. OHlcn hours from 10 to 12 a.m.j and 3 ton p.m. Resldeneo l'j Nuuanu st. 101 DK.G. TROITSSEAU begs to notify friends that he luis resumed practice In Honolulu. Residence amj consulting rooms, No. 73 Pnnehbowl st, opposite the'uiaku! gate of thu Qucen'it HospltHl. Comnltlng hours from 0 n.m to 12. Telephone No. Mil. 5(5. Int. TPVl. TCMKIlfinV. roalitnnpn nH - J sultatlnn rooms at No, 2 Kukul St., corner 01 rnn, ' Telephone No. HO. 50 2tn C A FnjLEIl, Surveyor for Bureau j$ - veruns, 71 "WJtAY TAYLOR. Teacher of Plane- -- ' forte, and Organ. Tuning In tXi..i Its hranrre. 40 aS W E. ROWELL, Cmsultinp nr-dg-J '' Coiiftructlnf; Engineers oorraM ya .iiviviivuk ci&ib. or
Page 1: DAILYBULLETIN - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · Real Estate llrn'a'cr, Employment Agent and General Olllce, Bustncns. Telephone, No. 172. 16 QHARLES T. GULlCK, NOTART TUBLIC,

WW?1 if5r 'inp.wgUl fr.p?.JL--JOL-



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THE DAILY BULLETINIs published every morning, and cir-

culated throughout the town, and for-warded to the other Islands by everyopportunity.

Subscription, - 50 ccnta per monUi.II. L.Siieldon, .... Editor.All business communications to be ad

drcsscij, J. W. Eodektsox & Co.It must bo distinctly understood that

we nre In 110 way responsible for theopinions expressed by correspondents.

Taming Wild animals.Lion and tiger "kings" lend a

life of danger, for wild animals urenever ' gentle." Every time theyenter ft cage containing these fierce

. creatures they carry their lives in

their hands. " Gentle?" remarkedone of these venturesome folic theother day. "Those tigers of mine?Why, do you sec that whip? I know,as well as I know anything, that if Idrop that-whi- when I am in thatcage, they'll bo on me. Their ideaof obedience ia connected with thewhip first, then with my voice, thenwith my face. Severity? Cruelty?

. No use at all. I never use crueltyin training them. Only patience.When I take a new cage of beasts Iwork to'getthem.used to mc; feedthem ; Cleaning the cage ; ' talking tothem ; all that sort of thing ; beforeI go in among them. Then I, dothat? It's a ticklish piece of busi-ness going in the first time, and Ipick my chance for it when they arc8pecially"peaceable. I go right in.justas if it were a matter of coursebut I keep my eyes about me. It. isall humbug that a man's eye has anypower overji wild beast. Your eyesis to Watch 'their motions that's all.They'll find out quickly enough ifyouare getting very careless. Theyarc always sure enough to be watch-ing you all the time. Arc they in-

telligent? Well, there's as muchdifference among them as there isamong men. I can train a really in-

telligent lion, right from the wilds,in about four weeks, so he will doall that the lion kings make themdo. A lioness always takes a cou- -'

pie of weeks longer, nud so does aleopard or.a tiger. You can't get ahyena well in hand inside of twomonths. They're the meanest ofbrutes. You can't teach any of thetrenturcs to love you, They'll fawnand fawn on you, and you'll thinkyou've done it, may be. Then youget into the cage, if you want to,without your whip, or when they'rein bad temper, and find out foryourself what they'll do. They're.all treacherous., Every lion kinggets sick of it after awhile. I couldname more than a dozen of the bestwho 'have given it up right in theprime 01 inc. unce vuuy give it up,nothing'll tempt 'cm inside of a cage

'. again. You see, every now and' then, some other tamer gets badly' clawed and bitten. They've all beenclawed and bitten more or less them- -

' selves. The strain on a. man'snerves is pretty sharp sure death

;around him all the while. And thepay isn't anything like what it was.''

We Jhsjve old citizen in this1 jlacoVvrites a correspondent at In-

dustry, III'., who is very hard of- hearing. He has been talking for

'some timo of visiting Germany in; 'Kthe fall. I sat besido him at a rnect--'

..jng ,the other night. After the scr-,'in- on

was ovor the minister took aturn around the chnrch, shakinghands and talkiugi Presently hecame to the old citizen, and taking

.his hand he commenced: "Mydear old friend, are you thinking ofgoing-t- Heaven?" "Yah," saidthe German, " ven I gits my grecn-.pack- B

changed mit gold." "Yon'aon't tmdorstund me," remarked the. other. "1 mean don't you want togo to Heaven?" "Veil, I tlnks

'not ; I vaH at New Haven once andit is a pad place. I bolieyo I goes

,to Germany in the fall," DetroitJPret Prtwa.



B. F. EIILERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novoltiea in Fancy Goodt71



iU w

Cnnds soldXA'kVfrom 30 to so

per cent below theusual prices during thenext 30 days.


A. M. Mellis, 104 Fort St.

New York Life Insurance Co.847,000,000. Surplus, 610,000,000.

Purely Mutual.This Company issues every form ofThe tontine policy issued this Company yields better returns than

thoso offorcd by any other For particulars apply to71 C. O. BERGER, General Agent Ilaw'n

minnmanmA. KRAFT,


Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store In thct,nawalIanGaietU" bnlld-4- t

lng, opposite the Bank.

TAX EC K ART, ManufacturingJeweler, No. 6 tiaanaraanu si. ji

Ghns. D. Gerascli,

Practical M) "Watohmaker.

jar Ilotel Street, tho123 3m International Hotel, -- a

D. W. GLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hand a nice stock of

Clocks and JeweIry."tBnRepairing Watches nd Clocks a Speci-alty, 68 Fort Street. 32


So favorably known throughout theHawaiian Islands. Sold by all

respectable dealers.No,13Liliha at., Honolulu 71

Redwood mid CedarPOSTS

7FKET byLONG, for calc In any qnon

Af.LKN &



F. HORN, Practical Confoctionor,Cool: and Raker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. 59

Received by steamer,


desirable policy.by








OiTorod at tho


Ttobtrt Lewer, ). K. Coolie.W E It S & OOOKR,

(successors to Levers & Clcksnn,)Importers and Dnnlers in Lumbr and allkinds of Building Materials, Fort ttrceUuonouiin. 1

TXTILDER & Co., Dealers in' ' Lumber, Taints, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Building Materials of every kind,cor. yort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1

Dealers in lumbur and all kindsof holding materials, paiuts, oils,nails, otc etc.

t 11

HOLLISTER & Co., Wholesaleand Import-

ers of Fine Tobaroos and Cigars, andManufacturers of Uoda Water, GingerAle, Ac, &u. ir

BROWN & PHILLIPS, PracticalGasFlttors and Coppe-

rsmiths, No. 18 Nutiiuni st., Honolulu.House and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

bCHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.and dealer fn Gent's,

Lndlcs' and Children's boots, shoes andslippers. 63

BROWN & CO., Importers andIn Ales, Wines and Spirits,

No. 9 Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

, HONOLULU IRON$Works Co. Steam engines, sugar

and lead castings; machinery of everydescription mada to order. Partlruliirnttentlnn mid to ship's hhsksmlUiinir.Jnb work executed on short notice. 1

PERSONS SEEKINGEmployment, snd all parties cither

n Honolulu or at any of tho Islands intho tJronp in want of Employees willplease make their wants known to theandrrbi(ned, who will do all in theirpower to 1111 their orders.

P. C. Jones, jr., J. B. Atherton. 11. F.Dillingham, Employment Committee T.M. C A. 1


Lilikalani Manifesto !


ELECTION CAMPAIGNof Fohruary, 1382,

Translated by II. L. Bhcldou; pnbllebNlby T. G. Thrum.

Price, : : 2o cent.May le had at J. W. Robcrts6n & Co's

FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.

Clatu Sfrtckalti. tVra. U. Irwin.

WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY,' Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. I

GW. MAOFARLANE & CO.,and Conitninslou 'Me-

rchant. Robinson's Fire-Pro- of Building,Queen struct, Honolulu. 1


Queen street, Honolulu. 1

AS. CLEGIIORN & Co., ImportersCommission Meraluints, Deal-

ers In General Merchandise, Queen andKaahnmann sts., Honolulu. 7s

U.A.r.Ctrtor. V. C. Joocn, Jr.

k CO.,Rhlnnlncnnd Cnmmlnion Murelifuita

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

rpiIEO. II. DAVIES & Co.,porters and commission mer-

chants; and agents for Lloyd's andthe ljverpool Underwriters, lintiuhand Foreign Insurance Co., andNorthorn Assttranco Co. 71

I?D. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Tmtinrlnra n.nrtPnmmln(,tn,i fr.

clmitts, Htnolulu, Oahu.

"TOHN T. WATERIIOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen ., Honolulu. 1

TIT S. GRINBAUM & CO.,--" Importers of Oynnral

Commission Merchants,Honolulu. l

MS. GRINBAUM 4GO.,Merchants, 214

California streot, Ban Francisco,Cnl. i

"J7 T. LHNEHAN&GO.,- Importers nnd Commission Mer.

cltants, Nttuauu St., Honolulu. 1

fi.N. Ca.tlt. J.n. Atherten.

fASTLE & COOKE,Shlnnlne and Cunmlulnn Mnr.

chants. Importers and Dcolcrs in Gen-er-

Merchandise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. 1

WO CHAN & Co.,Importers and Oeneral Dealers

In Kngllsh. American nnd Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Ten nnd GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tra-

matting, nil qualities and prices.VST No. 22 Nnuanu Street, opposite

Mr. Afong's. 81

IMS. Williams, A.CbOMbrousfc, W. U,l)lmnJWILLIAMS, DIMOND & Co..

' Shipping and Commission Mer-chant- s,

Union Illoek, corner linn andMarket streets, San Francisco, Cal.

Ar.r.NTs roll .jI'scfflc Mall Steamship Company,PiicIHc Steam Navigation Compnny,Cnnard itoyal Mall Steamship CompanyCal. line ol Packets from Now York,TIawallan lino of Packets,China Traders Insurance Co. (limited),Mnrln Insuranro Co. of London. 7t

HANLON will attond toJAMES nr sick horsoi. Leaveorders at J. W. Robertson fc Co's,

74 Iw

"TOHN A. HASSINGER,Agent to take Acknowledgments to

Contractu for Lunar. Interior 'Mllce,Honolulu.

T E. WISEMAN, 27 Merchant st." Real Estate llrn'a'cr, EmploymentAgent and General Olllce, Bustncns.

Telephone, No. 172. 16


Agent to take Acknowledgments toLabor Contract ,

Arm GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.Ofnc-- , In Maltccj's Dlocjc, corner Queen

and Knahnranntj rtrMte.'nonolulu. 21

SiG. If. ROBERTSON,Draymannest Uvims

In tovru. Telepttone Ni. t5 . IS

SubscriptionM Cents per .Month.


Jamf.s Dout), ... Proprietor.NUUANU VALLKY HOUTE

Up trtp't Lcavft W. U. Irwin Co'.a.m. 7:00, 8:00, 10:30.p.m. la :03,2:0O, 4:00,6:10, (5:00, 9.-0-0

Down trlpn: Lvhyo ltri. nr J. H. l'Mr.a.m. li:30, 7:0, 8:1(0, 11:00.rJU 12:45, 2:110, A:I0, 5:10, 7:00,9:20

Sunday TistK Taulk.Up trips; Leave W, O, Irwin Co 'a,

A.M. 9:00, 10:00.r.M. 12:10, 2:00, 4:00, 6:30, 8:15.

Down trip; Lc&vu l'.c. of J. II. Plr,A.M. 9:!X, 10:30.T.M. 12:45, 2:30, 4:30, 7:10, 9:10.

BKHKTANIA & l'U.VAHOU ST. KOUTBUp Wlpx: Luttvc V,' U Irwin .t CuV,

A.M. G:00, 0:50, 7:45, 10:00.r.M 72:05, 2:00, 4:00, 5:10,0:45,10

Pown ttlp: Learn I'uunlion tttvet,A.M. fi:30, 7:25, 8.10, 11:10.rjl. 12:45,3:10, 4 :3, 0:10,7 :10,10i2O

Sunday Timi: Taiilk.Lenvo the Stables, cur. i'ort and Hotel

Bts., for I'unahou Street, Loul; BrnncbBath.s, fare 50 cts., baths Included :

A.M. 6:30 to Wnlklkis 0:00, 10:00,and 12:15.

p.m. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklkl) 6:1ftand 8:45.Dawn trips: Lcavo Pnnohoo utrevl,

A.M. 8:00, 9:30, 10:30.r.M.' 12:40, 3:10, 5:30, 7:10, 0.-O-

WAIKIKI ItOUTK:Oat trips: Leave W. G. Irwin & Co.'

A.M. 7:45, 10:00.t. M. 2:00, 5:10.

Down trips: Leave Walklkt.A.M. :20, 10 50. i

P. M. 2:00, 5:00.Sunday trips : Ltave stables.

a. m. s50.V.M. 2:00, 4:00.

Leave- WnlkiU :

a. m. 7:40.P.M. 2:50, 5:10.

Tito Long Branch Bath will b tho terminus. '


W P. . CAST L E. .' Attornoy nt Lnw am. Not-

ary Public. Merchant stroot, aexti tftho Post Olllro. l

B. TJOLTI. T.awTfr nnd Knfjtrr VWK.S lie, No, 15 Knaiiumanu St. 11

M. DAVIDSON.Ahorney ntLaw2 1 Merchant street. IS

JOHN RUSSELL. Attorney at Law,corner of Fort and Merchant

streets (up stairs) UR6na

RICHARD F. DICKERTON,and Counsellor nt J. aw.

Mout--y to lend on Mortgages of Free-hold. Office, No. 34 Merchant st. 1

BROWN, ATTORNEY"and Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub-H- e,

and Agent for taking Acknowledg-nun- ts

of Instrument for the Island offOahu. No. 8 Iwuihumann street, Hono-lulu. I

IRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney;15 Kaahnmanu it. 2s

W"HJ.i7vM"o.MITH,Ttto7-ne- y

at Law, No. 36 SIcrchantstreet. 73 tm

M. IIAAN, M. D.7 7Physician & Surgeon,

Ofllr , 223 Fort street. OHlcn hoursfrom 10 to 12 a.m.j and 3 ton p.m.

Resldeneo l'j Nuuanu st. 101

DK.G. TROITSSEAU begs to notifyfriends that he luis resumed

practice In Honolulu. Residence amjconsulting rooms, No. 73 Pnnehbowl st,opposite the'uiaku! gate of thu Qucen'itHospltHl. Comnltlng hours from 0 n.mto 12. Telephone No. Mil. 5(5. Int.TPVl. TCMKIlfinV. roalitnnpn nH -J sultatlnn rooms at No, 2 Kukul St.,corner 01 rnn, '

Telephone No. HO. 50 2tn C

A FnjLEIl, Surveyor for Bureau j$- veruns, 71

"WJtAY TAYLOR. Teacher of Plane- --' forte, and Organ. Tuning In tXi..i

Its hranrre. 40 aSW E. ROWELL, Cmsultinp nr-dg-J'' Coiiftructlnf; Engineers oorraMya .iiviviivuk ci&ib. or

Page 2: DAILYBULLETIN - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · Real Estate llrn'a'cr, Employment Agent and General Olllce, Bustncns. Telephone, No. 172. 16 QHARLES T. GULlCK, NOTART TUBLIC,

fciiiMiiMB im n mmmmmum'i

if "( & .










$tit aUM igulWin.

TIlCHSttAY, JULY 20, 1882.

NATURALIZATION.The largo Influx of foreigners here

of various uationnllticft during thepast few years, lias directed atten-tlo- n

to the existing law on tbo sub-

ject of naturalization. This law, tobo folmd in sections 128 to 434 of

tlic Civil Code, is quite easy In Its

requirements, and its execution has

often In past years ttccn done in avery slack manner. It provides that

the Minister of the Interior " shall

have power, cither in person orthrough his chief clerk, upon the

application of any alien foreigner,staling liia intention to become apermanent resident of the Kingdom,

to administer the oatli of allegiance

to such foreigner, if satisfied that itwill be for the good of the Kingdom,

and that such foreigner is not of im-

moral character, nor a refugee from

thu justice of some other country,nor a deserting suilor, marine, sol-

dier or olllccr."A bill is now before tho Assembly

to amend tills law in these particu-

lars : The liberty of deputizing to a

cleik the power to administer the

oath is stricken out ; tho applicant

must have resided Ave years In theKingdom ; and he must own some

roal estate (the amount Is not speci-

fied) unencumbered within the King-

dom ; not of immoral character, etc.

Under the existing law, a man might

arrive here la the morning, a verita-

ble tramp or pauper, and before

night be made a full-fledg- Hawaii-

an, " deemed to all intents and pur-

poses a native of the Hawaiian

Islands, be amcnablo only to thelaws of this Kingdom, and to tho au-

thority and control thereof, be en-

titled to the protection of Baid laws,

and be no more amcnablo to his na-

tive sovereigu while residing in this

Kingdom," &c. The chief clerk of

the Interior Department, in formeryears at least, was in the habit ofsigning in blank tho Jurat to forms

of the oath of allegiance, to be filled

in by otllcials on the other Islands.The provisions about the moral

character, etc., of the applicant,

were pretty much a dead letter.Tho form of the oath is as follows :

, "The undersigned, a native of, lately residing in , being

duly sworn, upon his oath declaresthat he will support the Constitutionand Laws of the Hawaiian Islands,and bear true allegiance to HisMajesty thc'Kiug. Subscribed andsworn to this day of , 18,before mo. "

Preparations are being made toheavo down the bark Edward May.

The brig Tawcra will leave on

Monday afternoon next for Victoria,B. C. Sho takes as passengers Mr.,

D. Atwatcr aud wife, and Mr. M.

Hopkins.i Wr. were in error in our article on

" Tho Sprcckels Claim " yesterday,in stating that tho bill introduced bythe government proposes to conveytwo lands in liquidation of Mr. S.'sclaim. Th. bill did originally readin that way, but the Kau land wassubsequently withdrawn, leaving

only thut of Wailuku, some 24,000

acres.Tin1 bktnc Discovery sailed for

San Frauoiiiuo on tho 18th instant.Sho took awuy 13,241 pkgs sugar,018 hags of rice, and 200 barrels ofjnohiabcs. Dom. value, $85,980.

Tiiruk was a review of the soldiery

on Kulaokahua plains yesterday'cveniug. Tho members of tho

Legislature wcro present at the in-

vitation nf His Majesty tho King,

who nent Dbdd'd omnibus to.convey th;m to Iho grounds.jT I

"mwp Hawprapwpnwpwk .

-IV '

LEQIBLATIVE.Wednesday, July lS. There le-in- g

no reports of Committees or reso-

lutions, the Assembly proceeded atonce to tho Order of tho Day, which

was, consideration of tho Appropria-tion Bill iu Comlt.ee of the whole,Mr. Kapcna iu the chair.

The sum of 830,000 was Inserted

under the head of roads and bridges,for the mountain road, between La-hal-

and Wailuku.Mr. Nawahl moved that the sum

of $500,000 be inserted for 'construc-

tion of a railway between Hilo andHamakua. Negatived.

The sum total of appropriationsso far, for roads aud bridges, is$262,400.

For Artesian wells, the 'followingappropriations were made :

AtNoith Kouq, Hawaii, 8S0OO

Atilolokal, C000At Makua, Onhu,., 5000General appropriation for the

same purpose, to bo expended underthe direction of tho Minister of theInterior, $20,000.

Under the head of Department ofPublic Instruction, an item was in-

serted, for building and repairs ofFemale Seminary at Makawao,$2000.

A rider was added to this lastitem, " to be expended only in casethe funds provided for that purposeshall bo insufficient."

The Minister of Foreign Relations:moved to insert an item, " For theencouragement of immigration,$500,000." Ho stated that the object was to briug hither not onlymen, but largely women, of theMalay, Japanese, or other nationalities, to help build up the nation.

Mr. Aholo was opposed to the insertion of this item. Tho brincinjrhither of these foreign nationalitieswas not building up tho real Hawaiian nation the" aboriginal peoplebut on tho contrary, tho more offoreigners that come into the country tho less chance these was for thepure Hawaiian. Besides, it was afact that the class of immigrantsbrought here was not the best, it wasnot composed of artisans and men ofintelligence, but simply the lowestand most ignorant. Ho moved toreject the item.

The Minister of the Interior saidthat if Hawaiians could not of'them-selve- a

build up the nation, which itwas pretty evident they could notthe wisest policy was to bring inmen and women from abroad. In-

stanced the now great and powerfulpeople of Great Britain, who were amixture of several nations, and inwhom to-da- y but little trace couldbe found of the original inhabitantswho occupied the Island at the timeof the Roman conquest. He pointedto tho Minister of Finance and toseveral other members of the As-

sembly of mixed blood, aud asked,were not they , Hawaiians to all in-

tents and purposes?The discussion lasted until 4

o'clock, when, on tho question beingput, tho item was passed as propos-ed, there being "only eight votes inthe negative.

2714 bags of sugar, 501 bags ofpaddy, 700 bags of rico came tohand since last report- -

Tho tern Eva cleared for Eurekayesterday.

The Steamer Iwalani will bo duomorning from Kona and


Tiieue will be a meeting of "tho Y.M. C. A. this, evening at 7:30o'clock at tbo' Lyceum.

Nbtieed of going bartfootedifyu can pet your Moots, Shoeand Slippers 50 ants cheaper atthe IIOKOIOLU C'l.OTlIlNO EjirORIUMthan elsewhere. A. M. Mklms.

-"A " X.- - --" BHK


A Good Example.Wine seems to htta become un-

popular at Washington 'pArtlcs". Atseveral very fashionable private par-

ties, including the wedding receptiongiven by the British Minister, Mr.West, at his legation, to Mr. Drum-inon- d

and his bride, there was nowine at alt, nor oven puuch, nor wasthere any nt the lost President'scard reception.

We have heard it said, that at aluau held in Honolulu last week, oneor more young men were too muchintoxicated to dress for a ball in theevening. ,

The following is tho constitutionalamendment which tho people ofIowa will bo called upon to vote ontho 27th day of June: " No presonshall manutacturo for sale, bell orkeep for sale as a beverage anyintoxicating liquoys whatever, includ-ing alo, wine and becK 'Tho Gene-

ral Assembly shall by law, prcscriboregulations for tho enforcement oftho provisions herein contained, andshall theroby provide suitable penal-ties for violations of tho provisionsthereof."

By tho last mail wo learn that tho

above amendment tea carriid bymore than 20,000 majority at theelection on Juno 27th.

Mn. Hallenheck's revival meet-

ings at Kaumakapili have been fully

kept up during this week, in pointof members and interest, and manyhave testified to a desire for a now

and religious life. To-nig- ht andare the last of these

meetings in Honolulu, when theEvangelist will visit Waialua andafterwards Maui and Hawaii. Wehear from Wailuku that a growingreligious interest is prevailing; there.

J Fan, Oriental. Olivtttt andSpanish J,acts trill b sold at reduced ortces durtna the InventorySale at the Honolviu ClotmhoEmfouium. A. M. Mkllxs.

A recent visitor to Mark Twaindescribes once more his sluggishspeech, every word being deliberately uttered, " not as though it wereweighed before delivery, but rathera3 though it had come a great dis-

tance and was tired."J ,i

Don't say a mean thing about anyman, and it may possibly happenthat some time some one may beable truthfully to say a' kind thingabout you. The experiment isworth trying' for its novelty.

The Queen of Madagascar hasordered tho framing of a prohibitorylaw in her dominions " forbiddingthe manufacture or importation intoher territories of brandy."

Ncal Dow is clamoring for evenmore stringent prohibitory legisla-tion in Maine. Nothing short ofdeath to tho rum-selle- rs for the firstoffence will over quite satisfy NcalDow.

The Anti-Gossi- p Society is thename of a new organization set onfoot by the 'Sunday 'School 'peopleand others of the Methodist Episco-pal Church in Attleboro, Moss.

The situation as to Sunday ob-

servance in Cincinnati is thussummed up. and, no doubt accurate-ly: "Shutting dp the frontdoorspleases the saints ; opening the sidedoor satisfies the sinners, and peaceaud plenty abound."

A Protestant society held its anni-versary this year iu the Mairio ofthe First Arrondisscmcnt, Paris,which is part of the church from thebelfry of which was tolled tho sipnuldeath knell of the victims of BlackBartholomew.

The prohibitory campaign in Iowais being fought with much Vigor onboth sides. Those who favor thenroendment havo given up claiminga large majority for it, and will besatisfied if it is adopted by a respectahle vote. A little less than twoweeks remain bofore tho election.

npHE Hawaiian Journal, " KoHa-J- L

waii Pak Aina," owned andeditod by Kawainui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis the best advertising medium. Of-

fice, No. C Merchant st. 1

JPff PITwo express,' carriuges, 4 lighfc

truck, and a good two fcrat spiingwagon, are for' sale at Phil, ptcin 'scarriage shop on Fort Street. '

130 lwSXmmSfm

OMAN or dlrl wanted to tStke cm ew of one baby, liberal wages. Apply at the Bulletin odlcc, 138 lw

a young Olrl,tomako her-self generally useful in the house

of a lady on Maul. For particulars ru-qui-re

at the Hawaiian Hotel, Room No.10. Iu tho morning Wore 9 .30. 07

A lire man wlthmoderWANTED. who is both mer-chant and accountant, can hear of agood business opportunity by addicss-in- g

C V !., Bullotln olllce. Principalsonly. All communications strictly con-fidential. 105

FOUND, on Bcrotanla street, a Ladles'containing: children's car- -

lug apparel. The owner can havo sameby piovlng property and co.t ofadvoittsomcnt, Apply at j. w. iconcrtson A, Co's. 134 lw

FOUND, a 'Carpenter's CombinationOwner can have the same

by proving property aud paying cost ofadvertisement. Apply at J. W. Rob-

ertson St Co's. 131 lw

a'Pursc, containing a sumof money. Owner can tuue the

same by proving property and payingcost of advertisement. Apply at I. W.Robertson &, Co's. 131 lw

FOUND, on Saturday last,, on Hotela 1'ackage of Transferring

papers. The owner can have the sumoby paying expenses and .calling at thBulletin Olllce. 137 lw

FOUND --A Plantation Draft, whichowner can hae o proving

property and paying lor tms aiivermcmeat. Apply to

12ft Messrs. Oastle k Cooke.

LOST, a Black Leather' Satchel,a ladles' card case. The

finder will please lcavo same at Messrs.II. IIACKFKMJ & Co's. ,J45 lVf

LOST, on, Saturday evening, on theRoad, between' Mr. Henry-Carter'-

and Mr. J. S. Walker's pre-nilsc- s,

two pieces ofand "Secret Love." The finder

w ill receive the thanks of the ownerthe same at the office of J. W.

Robertson A Co's. liiLOST, in town, an Oval Bloodv Stone

in a light gold border, with amovable pivoted steel pin, as a scarfpin. iThe finder will be suitably re.warded by leaving samo with J. V.Robertson & Co. 140 lw

LOST A white basket cloth" sack,a Gold Locket and chain

marked " Irene II." Th Under will besnltably rewarded on leaving the i.imeat the BCtLKtift office. ' 138

FOR SALE, LOT No. 124, In KapicPark, dimensions 54 x 1100,

facing the beach, and well fenced. Ap-P- IT


HOUSE TO LET. A fourroomed house, nicely furnish-ed, with kitchen and bathroom

attached- - It is pleasantly situated, am!Is within five minutes' walk of the PostOfllCo. For particulars apply to J. W.Robertson & Co--. lt 145

jJKLA FOR SALE. Those desirablettfflE9gjprGml8C3 situated out on the

plains on Berctanla street, be-longing to the undersigned. House con-

sists of parlor, sitting room3bcdrooins,sewing room, dining room, pantry,kitchen, and bath room. , There is alsoon the premises a nice bam. The plarcIs well covered with manlenie grass, andhas a nice garden. Terms cosy. Forfurther particulars inquire of John F.Coulbiirn. 140 2v

TWO, OFFICES TO LET, on thefloor of the building occupied

by J. W. Roberts on 4 Co 13D


a MULE CaRT.102 U. Uackfeld & Co.

SALE, ono new Scow, capable ofholding 10 tons, bntlt by O. Emrues,

and now in good order. For further prticulars apply to Tiiko. II Da vies & Co.


IT'OR SALE, a two-seat- wagonpole and shafts, and a

double harness, nearly new, price$150. May be seen in rear of No.20 School at. W. G. Necdham. 72

For the Best and CheapestStationery,

Go to J. W. RoiiERTsoy & Co's,

Gs Medium Bread,ex Caibnrlcn, for sale in

atuintltlcs to sHlt by '00 A. S. Cleoiiorm & Co.

UNION FEED COMPANY, .A. W.Manager. See advortlse-inc- ut

on other page. 2S


FOR 8ALE.To arrive por D. 0. Murray,

6 COT'S WOOL BUCKS , 3 jearsold, and 4, 1 year old.

1 Southdown Buck, 8 years old.10 Southdown Latnbii 7 Bucks, 3 Ewes,2 Orale's Merino Bucks1 Cow and Calf, half Durham and half

Holptcin. And a few dozed

Came and Fanoy Fowls.HI lw A. W. BUSH.

The Patent IndestructibleShaft-Sprin- g

ANTI-RATTLE- R IBy their use nil rattling of the shafts

Is prevented. .

Every pair warranted. Try them andyou will use no other.

For sale by .t


G. WEST,141 2w No. 70, Q,ueea street.


IRRIGATION after this date (Junois limited to (4.) four

hours per day,From 0 to 8 in the mornlag, andFrom 4 to 0 in the e eulug.

Pcrmlssiou to irrigate during moraeouvenfeut hours will bo granted on ap-plication to the Supcrinlenpcnt.

Pewous. found Irrigating except dur-ing specitltd bourn will have their, pri-vileges suspended without notice, '

G. I). Fuekth,Sunt, Water Works.

Approvcdr Signed, tj.K. KaaiMinister of Interior. 134


.A. ,10 a . Cord. .

, Appiy tor

8. M. CARTER,137 Ira P.M.S.S.'WharC

Oarrmg&jg, Buttdei

Buggies, CarriflgesExpressagopiand every kind of vohichw.

manufactured. .

Blacksmithing, horse-shoei- ng ,:

. ' and all kinds of repairing done.t


Warehouse Feed MiltGrind from 5 to s per. day-Als- o,

pulleys, belts, etc, all 'n good)order; can be run by steam or horsctpower, just th artfcfo for a plantation.


WllcAt, Bran, Barley,. TnoTo adL,Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.



6! the moft comfortable andneatly located cottages in Honolulu

to rent, furnished, or will sell furnitureon the most reasonable tcrna..Jlousvcontains five rooms with garden and altconveniences. Kentul of House,, 30per month. Furniture cntlrelynew amtcomplete. Reason for disposals-own- er

leaving the Kingdom. Apply at once- -

tO J. K. WlSKMAMN,138 Itcal Estate Broker- -

.ContractorLUCAS, mand Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Flanlng Mills, Espla-nade,. Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of M&uldlnM,Brackets, "Window Frames, Blinds,5?

Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of-- Wopa-wor- kllnlsh. Turning, Scroll and Blind

Hawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-lu- g,

Morticing and Tenanting. "

Orders promptly attended to aVid workguaranteed.' Orders from tho othor Is-

lands solicited 11

M. "W. McChoanoy & Son,Proprietors Honolulu Tannery f

Dealers in Hide's, Tallow & Leather,Also, Groceries, Provisions

71 Salt, etc., etc., etc.

Drink Palmer & Co's .

GINGEfeALE75 conts per dozen ' 43

VSXf 't




- Mi. wb---. .. ,!$4: 4 'WL . --3 ;'A ;I . ?:w vvaSfte ,'--v$, e?w . , tv Ai iik?tt-- u. 1.

Page 3: DAILYBULLETIN - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · Real Estate llrn'a'cr, Employment Agent and General Olllce, Bustncns. Telephone, No. 172. 16 QHARLES T. GULlCK, NOTART TUBLIC,

TELEPHONIC., Dituond Head, July SO, 0:30 a.m

Strong N. E. wind, ''

Nothing in sight.

Arrivals.July 19

Schr Catcrina from KauaiStfhr Jos; Makco from KauatStmr Wairaannlo from "Wairaanalo For

Schr II A Wcntworth from Walauae. 124,

Doparturos.July 19

Schr Pohoikl for Puna.Schr Waimalu for Kona.hi i n

Vessels Leaving this day.Schr Mol for LaupnhochoeSchr Jonnio Walker for HapuuI Ml I 1M " I I

Passengers.From Kauai, per Jas Makco, July

19. It Purvis, Mr McKcnzie, Mist,Parke, Miss Baldwin, and adout 25deck.

For'San Francisco, per Discovery,July 18. Mrs Roth and 6 children,Mr Eldrcri and wife.

y Vessels in Port.Brit itm Suez, DoddHuw brig Nlnlto, CameronAm bark Kdward Hay, JohnsonAm 'bgtne W; O: Irwin, TurnerAm bk Calbarlcn, Hubbard.Am.bgtno'VV II Meyer, HowsFr brig Tawcrc.Am bktno Grace IloberUAm bktne Amelia ,

Am bk Adclla Carletou

Vessels Expected.Jllg Kume Prom UnaBk Parados, fin Ncwcastle-on-Tyn- c, JyGr bk Adolnh, im Newcastle-on-T- y ue JnHaw bk Kale, fm Ilrcracn SeptHaw bk Ioluul, from Bremen, uctBk Joscfa, im Carutn, AugBk Oberon, fm Liverpool, (

" AugBr bk Glen&aber.'fm Liverpool,Am bk Martha Davis, from Boston SpBrit ship British Ambassador, NC.NSWNIc bk Beraljlq, from ,Nc, NSW; dueAm tern Hera from Kc, NSWAm bk EL Ecttlnglll.Departure Bay, for

KabululBt slmrllansa, fra St Michaels, AugStmr Zcalandla from B F, Aug C

SS City of Sydney, from Sydney, July 31Bk FS Thompson,fm Nanalmo fr Kah'ulAm schr Anna, fin Eureka, for KabululAnvtermEmmaclaudlna-f- SF fr KantAm bgtne Hazard fm S F, for KahulnlAm bk Emerald fm Ft Gamble, JulyHawbld-Chlelagof-

m Newcascle, .JulyaP 116



Isidor Kosencrantz,Q Communications to be

Left at J. W. Robertson t co's

JCE.MAMUFACTORT.Ice delivered to all parts of, the

City: Shipping supplied in quantitiesto suit; Telephone, No. 58. Office atWilder & Co.'s. Ill

Artesian Ice Works

TCXDXlilVRKEl) to- - all parts of theX .city and suburbs at all tours of the 1

Orders from the other Islands promptJy attended (o.

Ofllce at W. K. Foster's, Saddler,Fort street.

A - Telephone No. 111. 139'''( '"- -

r'ni.1Just Received,Per bktne F.nrcka, a full line of

B1TCICLE SHIRTS' 7511k, merino and cotton.

Pajanla Suits, Etc.01 A, W. Richardson & co.

pencil , Holders.Something New, 15 cents each, for sale

by J. W. Robertson & Co.

Just Receivedex Kalakaua,

Table and Pio Fruits,Nice Drenkfast Goods, such as

Candle Fish; Salmon nnd. . Pic Pork In 51b. Tins,

Bultadlc for families. For sale by06 A. S. Cleohoici Co.

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.

Iron Stoamor Suos,UODI). COMMAltlMUl

Will Wavu Honolulu


freight or passage, having superioraccomodation!, apply to

Wm. 0. Inwit Co., Agents.


--M. Tho clipper bgtneW. Q. Irwin,

Turner, - matter,Will have quick dUpatch for the aboveport. Jfor ircigm or pas.ingc vi"J w

vr lr niTr vu., nsu'FOR SAN FRANCISCO.

r The clipper bgtne.

W. H. Meyer,. .

Howe, - Master,Will have qulek dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

0. Bauwisn fc Co., Agents.


The clipper barkCaibarien,

nubbard, - - Master,Will have quick dispatch for the abovport. Jor freight or passage apply to

I'astlk It, Cook, Agents.


Chas. Brewer & Co. will dispatch tho

Bark Amy Turner,- Master,Newell, .- --

From Boston, on the 15th October next,If sufficient Inducement offers.

Orders for goods should go forwardat early date to Insure shipment. Forfurther particulars apply to144 3w C. Bbbweu & Co., Agents

PACIFIC MAIL SteamgWDJJ ship Company.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,The splondid atearashto

City of Sydney,Dearborn Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for San Franciscoon or about July .31.

FOR SYDNEY tia AUCKLANDThe splendid steamship

Zealand!,Webber, - . Commander,

On or about Aug 6th,For freight and assage apply to H.

Haekfeld fc Co., Agent.

T. R. FOSTEU & Co.'a

Line of Steamers

The Iwalani,Bates, ..... Commander

Runs regularly to Kona and Kau,as per following Time Table: .

Lkaves Hokolulu at 4 r.u. oxMonday, July i Thursday, Aug. WThursday, July 13 Monday. Sept. 4Monday, juiyz4 Thursday, Septl HThursday, Auk. 3 Monday, Sept. 25

Monday, Aug. 14

Arrives at HonololvTuesday, JulyU' Friday, Sept. 1

Frldayj July 31 Tuesday, Sept. 12Tuesday, Aug. 1 Friday, Sept. 23

Friday, Aug. 11 Tuesday, Oct. 3Tuesday, Aug. 21

The C. B. Bishop,Berry, - - Commander

Leaves Honolulu evkktMonday,, at 5, r.u.., for Navfiljwiji,ftoloa, Jiioeie, anu waimca, rwauai.

Retubning lkxvksNavriliwili every Friday evening.

The James Makee.McDonald, - - Commander

Lbxvbs Honolulu kveryThursday, at 5 p.m., for JKapaa and

Kilauea, Kauai..RETUitNi.Hn Leavzk

Kapaa every Tuesday evening.) 75

Steamer Likelike,KIiir, Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m.', touching at Lalmlha, Mnalaea Bay, MakiMtn, Mnhukonn,

Lnupalioehoo uud Hilb.Iteturnlng, .'U touclt at nil the

alovo ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday n.m. 1

BRIG FOR SALE.M The Brig Ninito,Having uudergono extensive repAIrs;with a good Inventory, and well foundIn Balls, rlgsiiiK. &c, Is now ollercd forsab. For particulars Inquire of

117 A. J. CaktWiught.





All the Most Popular



Of the Day t




flj)fffrLNOTICE I beg to notify ray many

friends and customers that

Mr. N. PetersonFlas charge of my

DRAYAGE BUSINESS,And that he will be pleased to accom

module them In that lino with the

Best Teams on. the BeachBlng up Telephone No. 05 -- M

When you want'team.i, or leave ordersat the office on Queen.street, betweenWlldcr's and Dowsett's. Don't forgetthe Number, 65.139 lm G; II. Robertson.

Only Fifty Cts. per Pounda" VANILLA--

Chocolate Creams !

This delicious and very nutritious

CpnfcctlinIs manufactured fresi very week by

Practical Confectioner and Pastrycook.

Warranted to be

Strictly P.ureTFor sale at his Pioneer Steam Candy

Manufactory, 71 Hotel street,116 Honolulu. 2m


FOR SALE in quantities to suit,

At Lowest Prices,131 By Castlk & Cooke.

THE OLD CORNEREstablishes, 1858.

Hart Bros., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up In first-clas- s style at

Opon.from 2 a, m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, tobacco, Pipestc, Ac, Also,

Iced .iDrinkis !

''., .. -

fHIS;. V


Nos. 28 And 30 Fort street,(abore Hotel.)

Now of all kindson hand and built to order.

Repairing, Fainting and Trimming76 promptly exocuted.







PHIL STEIN,Carriage Maker,


J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.,. . Haro just Rocoivod

The' following New Music:- Opera and Bound Music:

Olivette,I'atlenco,Claude Duval,The Pirates of Fenianee,Boccaccio,Manola,Fatlnltas,



Songs:Mothers's Birth-plac-

Vo. Halle-L- u Baud. Banjo arrangement,Dip me In de Golden sea,Blue Alsatian Mountains,Since last wo met,Life,The White Rose from Mother's Grave,The World goes round and round,Dars ouc more rlbber for to cross,The Molntyre's,Goln' for the cows,The Old Refrain,My little baby brother,

Instrumental :

Days of Touth,Up the Thames, .aarlow woods,La Diva Polka,Jolly TJttor Gallop,The new Racquet Galop,1'aUl's Echo Song,

H. HACKFELD & CO.Havo just received

Ex " Discovery'50 casos medium bread,

10 cases sujar orackers,

10 caacs banana crackers,

10 casos soda crackers,

5 cases La Grands crackers,

5 cases cocoanut taffy,

5 cases ginger snaps,

.6 cases ogg jumbles,

5 cases pretzels,

25 cases corn, '.'Crown'' brand,

10 cases twist tobacco,

5 cases sowing machines,

10 cases booth,

1 cttso clothing,

1 crtso calif blankets,1 ease new dress goods,

Ac, &c, ,&cFor salo byr

,11. HACKFELD & Co.113?& Jtilv M.

i i r-

U- -i tr

La'Mascotto,Smith's Musical Album, 1 2 8 t 5 6,Children's hour of Pleasure,Prize Piano School, by Karl UrbacnjGenu of Waldtoufel,Modoru Gems.

Blessed Dreams,In the gloaming,The TryRt,Across the llclds,My dear tittle Home o'er the Sea 1

Lea K Morta, JPoor .little Swallow,Does your heart beat true to me;Reminiscence,I hold my heart so still, ,Her I lore and her alone.Bright land of gold,

Caprlco Lancers,Rural Festival a Recreation,Vicissitudes Reverie,Bocchcroni's celebrated Mlnnetto,Hazel Klrko Polka.

Lowers & Cooke,

Lumber Merchants,Keep constantly on hnnd a full

Rwortniout of

Lumber of all Kinds,Faints, Oils, Varniahes,

' ' Brushes of nil sorts.'

"Wall Taper, Nails, .

71 Spikes, &c, &e.

PILSENER BEER!Just Rncoived por

Bark Edward May,A small lot of tho colcbratod

PJLSEKKR BEER!Whico va offer, in quantities, to

Buil purchasers. Also

Wines and Liquors!

Warranted good Qualities-13- 0

2w id. Hofischloeeer & Co.

MiOi '&' "" 'A&iattiat hliLU..'Uii&M&jnMmJK3wMiti iliJJr'iMc'U







Page 4: DAILYBULLETIN - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · Real Estate llrn'a'cr, Employment Agent and General Olllce, Bustncns. Telephone, No. 172. 16 QHARLES T. GULlCK, NOTART TUBLIC,


F -Jvf W





pfpppwA ' A ! im ii tttMi ii ii ij

m. MciEnHTrImporter and

If Clothing, Boots and



Toilet Articles, 1'ncl.ot Cutlery, etc., etc.

Units! Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises,Traveling Hags "Watches, Diamonds,

Northeast Corner of Vort and


Knll Linos of Superior

tfST Call and Bolcet ono of thoso CelebraUd "1a

Gold Medal Waltham WatchesMay 13 (32)

lti lira Cartw right. W.

Union Feed CompanyCARRIES THE

Largest and Best Stock

HAY, GRAIN; AND FEEDOf All desciiption, and guarantees to keop a full supply

constantly on hand.

."--' 237"Soncl orders to A. "W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.


ESTABLISHMENT,A: Mr. A. M. Mollis' Cloak and

Mantle Making Department,Ki. 101 Fort Street, : : Honolulu

Orders executed at short notice. 72


Blacksmith and Farrier.1 now permanently located at the

uti.m on King street, lately occupied byMr.'fico. West. U2

Dr. Do Fries,Veterinary Surgeon.

Piiu Doctor has just returned from ati,u- - si round the Islands, and holds flar-tcni-ig

lecronineml.ulons from numerousluuvi-'ei- andpilvatu owners of horses..r lu .skill and capabilities in curing

all in inner of diseases and complaintst In tooK$'' ill ordcr.s to bo left at Jas. Dodd's

1'autheon Stables. 115

JOHN NOTT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &e.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds'.

Plumbers' stock tind metals,lloiu-- i urnismng umiuu,

rTT Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.

$10.00 Reward'ill be paid for information that

will load to the conviction oi

V whoever maliciously cut tne urn

'1 leathers oil, ami piucKeu mo uuu.and feathers out ot a reacocKlicloiic'tna; to inc. A further rewardof 10 will be. paid for informationlending to tho conviction of whoeverstole ;t'Peaehiek8 about a month old,belonging to me, from Pawnn onW'ediiewluv tho 21th nlto.

Cieo. H. Luce.l'uwan, Little Britain, Juno !), 1882


rirst, qu illty of beBt Ore wood

Far Sale Cheap!'Eilli. ' .a cord wood or cut and split to

U s onl. r V" All wood delivered toany pun of the olty without

itjttra charge.

ISend aiders toPi' - . .....I' Enterprise Planing Jaws,

J."- - KM tfAVl OlMAt--,.....T

mWWf'' .awr

Denier In

Shoes, Perfumery,

.Tewolcry and Sllver-war- c, otc.

Merchant sts., Honolulu.


Furnishing Goods,


S. Luce. A. W. Bush.

Just Received

Per D. C. MurrayA new lot of cloth baokod

Drawing Paper.30, 42, and 58 inches wide:

Tracing paper in shoots,

Triangles and Color Slants

Dixon's Drawing Pencils,Blank Books, Fools Cap,

Thumb Tacks, and a fine assortment

of Notarial Record Books,

Supremo Court Scrap Books,

Register of Actions.

Stock Wallets,or Bill Cases, Ac, &c.,&c.,&c.

J. W. Bobertson & Co.



For salo at25 A. W. HicrunnsoN's.

Just Receivodex Kalakana,

Tal)lo and Pio Fruits,Nice Breakfast Goods, such as

Caudle Fish, Salmon andI'lir I'ork In Glh. Tins.

Suitndle for families. For salo by0(! A. S. Cleohokn Co.

HARD SOAP,Toilet Soups, lilue Mottled Soap,

just received. Our toilet (soaps arebeautiful and cheap, families would dowell to examine.

96 A. 8. Cleoiiorn'a Co

ttvVd - .


$he pa iguiUfiu.

THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1882.

Dispossessing a Widow.nt iiosNiii HECiii;.

" I have a mind to put up a Job on

your client, Trucsdell," said CharlieMonlcr to his law partner, Sam Norton.

"I have observed that you were becoming demoralized lately," but did notsuppose you would be ready to pell out a

client," replied Norton. "Let us know,

however, what the Job Is, and If it has anInnocent look perhaps I will go In for

chances and chares."Allen Trucsdell, against whom this

plot was fonulng, had been In the handsof these lawyers only a few weeks. He

had lately come from another part of theState, and hud been buying, throughthem, a valuable paper-mi- ll property,located on the river a lew nines uciowthe city. Monlcr fc Norton had been hisattorneys In the transaction, and hadrealized a handsome professional fee. Inconnection w Ith that buslucss there hadalso been some collateral transactionsthrough which an ocrduc mortgage forcloven thousand dollars had comu Intothe hands of their client. The propertyheld by the mortgage was a handsomehomestead, belonging to a widow lady,Mrs. Trowbridge, young or at least notvery old not more than thlrty.two anda beautiful woman.

Mr. Trucsdell had not yet seen the pro.prrty or Its owner. The mortgage hadbeen taken on the assurance of his at.torncys that the security was ample.

The lady's deceased husband, CharlesTrowbridge, had died suddenly threevears before, and left considerable realestate In a badly entangled condition.lie nail ueen a uoiu, nrauiuous operator,and notverv prudent; made new pur.chases continually w ith money raiseu bymortgaging anything on wmen a mort-gag- e

could bo placed, until even hisfamily residence, tho property of hiswife, had, by her consent, reluctantlygiven, become involved to the extent ofmore than half its real Value.

Mrs. Trowbridge had one child llvincr,her little boy, TCuby, now six years old,and for his sake tdio had been doing herutmoMt to save what she could of the pro.perty her husband left, and she had man.aged so successfully thus far that whena sale was inevitable she had been ableto clTeet it herself, and not leave thatceremony to bo performed by the sheriff.

The reader has probably suspected bythis time that the Job those lawyers werepreparing to put up on their client wasnot likely to be very serious or damag.ing. They had heard from Incidentalremarks of his that he had been a wid.owcr for years and had a familyconsisting of two little daughters andhis youngest sister, also a maiden auntof his deceased wife, who was managinghis family affairs, but not In a very sat-

isfactory way."The Trow bridgo property," said Mr.

Monier to his partner, "will just suit ourclient for a residence, and tne right andeasy way for him to get it will be to bidit in under a foreclosure sale, and thendispossess the widow."

"A charmlug Idea," said Norton, "butof course he must seethe property In thefirst place, and determine how much hewill be willing to give for it."

"Mrs. Trowbridge, I believe J"A graceful bow was the lady's answer,

and the visitor added,"Mr. Trucsdell."" I am pleased to see you, Mr. Trues,

dell," said the widow, as with a motionof the hand, she invited him to resumethe seat from which he had risen on herentrance.

" I have called, madam, to look at thisproperty, which as I understand is forBale," said the gentleman.

"Yes. sir; I will show you the pro.perty with much pleasure. Hut I mustfirst ask you to excuse me for a few mo.ments. My little boy will entertain youuntil I return," and Ruby came forwardwith ready confidence, and signified hiswillingness to make himself agreeable.

" l hope you will buy our place, sir,"he said, when they wcie alone. " If mydear papa had lived we would have keptIt, but now mamma says we cannot."

"How long has your papa been dead J"asked Mr. Trucsdell.

" Three years, sir. Did you ever seemy papa?"

" No. I have been living moro than ahundred miles from here, and havo madeno acquaintances In this vicinity untillately, tho visitor answered, smiling.

" Mamma has told me of some cousinsof papa's that I havo never seen, andwhenl first looked at you I thought youmight be ono of them, because It scumsto mo you look like my papa. He hadside whiskers, just like you have, andhis hair was tho same color, and ho wasabout as largo as you. Hern Is his pic.ture," and ho pointed to a very line oilpalntluc; on the opposite wall.

Mr. Truesdell was standing before thepicture, studying It with much interest,when Mrs. Trowbridge returned and an-

nounced that he might now seethe ho.iseand grounds. An hour or moro wasspent in this way, affording an opportu-nity for such casual and incidental

as the occasion called for. Kubywas one of the. party, of course.

" Is this little boy your only child,madam?" asked Mr. Truesdell.

" The only one liviug. I have lost twodear little g'irls, one younger than llubyand tho other two years older."


nwmmmmm witmanMiwwwMimu W

w a,t I--L L IN Q-H- M&! O O .- --- ,InJporteM'ahd

Hardware, Agricultural Implements,House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Jtc.

Have made large additions to their stock ofgoods

To which tbey Invite the attention ot buyers. ,

Simple and cheap devices for holding Tubular Lanterasi- -

underneath the body of a carnage, for the purpose of' w '",

Ulumiuaiug tne

Tho "Warner" Tubular , .

lantern Holdor. (



New styles Plows, Harrows,Cultivators, &c, &c,

A lull line of Tlnwor, and many Novelties, new so this marktt, tooto mention.

examine our stoclc.1 25 DILLINGHAM & Fort Srroct.mui i ii iii i uj eng


u 2x a


sifoa3 o

CO '.a

?a,CD H


ftt 4 13


bo a.H .

o o. en




All stylos of



Call andCO.,



in to



02 A. &



lb. , ; A .


ftj- iff iPJl rfsH

of New

in t- -

for ratesto &

or J.. 71

r. OF M

1 rmi1 j i

-H. I.

per ,

58 to C. n it Co.

J. & - -

Wo aro to receivo for any orui the and Europe.

At the timo wo mail onoand in French,

German and for our subscribersAs our list is large, wo are enabled to

at a low rate of ',


Importers and

Lumber andBuilding Materials

of nil kinds.

Also, stock,

and whitewash brusheB,


point oil,


&o.t 4--

For salo suit

7-- low prices

Just exFurness Abbey,

Coils of Manilaand SUal all sixes.

For salo low by

2m W. Co.

ShirtsFancy and BluoWhite Shi'ts in groat variety,ImjKwted expressly for thismarkot.78 lw A. Obghorn & Co.





The Coulter."

yritDEkld 60S?General Agents ior the

Mutual Insurance Co.York,

The Largest, Safest anil. Most

Economical Life Insurance Co.the' world,1"'

Cash ever 890jQ00,00O

For information concerningand of insurance

apply ,CoAjcnts; E. Wiseman, Solicit-n- g



in'inirrrinnrini iuhMi5,000,000.

A. JAEGER, BesidentHonolulu. 71


Californian Mules!Expected Lady Larapson.

Apply rawer


Subscription Departmentproparcd further orders paper magazine?

published California, 'Eastern Canadapresent receive by every over hundred and

fifty different papers magazines, published tho English,Scandinavian Languages, ..j

subscription thepasporsubscription




Metallic other paints,


sashes, blinds,





and Hosiery,Flannel Shirts,



"WiLDfen General






'.' r'ilft.. -- ft,

Ifmi.- -













I' ' 7f'lJ

jfuA9' I
