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Daisy Lora Typography

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  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography



  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Individual letter forms have unique

    parts which have changed in visual form

    over the centuries. A nomenclature

    helps identify major elements of their

    construction. The evolution of lettering

    styles over time is a result of optical

    adjustments to the basic components by

    type designers over the ages.

    Unit 1.1 Anatomy of Type

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Overlap to discover the remarkable range

    that exists between historic families of

    type even though they have the same point

    size. What does this mean for the designer?

    When it comes to mixing families of type

    what can be done and what cannot be

    done? What are the only 2 anatomical

    attributes that all families share?

    Understanding Anatomy

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    When one half of the word is covered the

    top portion of the word is more legible

    than the bottom por tion. When covering

    portions of individual letters they become

    more difficult to read. One could cover

    half vertically or horizontally of almost any

    letter of a serif font and be able to tell what

    almost any letter is.

    Anatomy of Type

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Brief description of the project presented

    on this page. Brief description of the

    project presented on this page. Brief

    description of the project presented on

    this page. Brief description of the project

    presented on this page. Brief description of

    the project presented on this page.

    Anatomy Cropping

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Typography is unique in that it is both

    visual and verbal. Every letter has a

    personality you can identify even while

    part of a word. In these examples,

    fragmentation is not the goal in and of

    itself, but to demonstrate the role of

    legibility as it pertains to reading, the role

    of size and optical spacing and emphasize

    rhythmic form /counterform pattern of

    light and dark. Its a case-by case decision

    of how far a designer can push formal

    invention before readability is lost.

    Typographic Kinetics

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    While upper and lower case letters

    are distinct in structure, they all are

    built by combining 4 strokes; vertical,

    horizontal, diagonal, and curvilinear. These

    elementary strokes form the foundation, a

    visual code that is recognizable through

    our long experience with reading and

    writing regardless of style. Therefore,

    letter forms derive their visual character

    from combinations of these basic strokes

    and not from being light or bold, wide or

    narrow, Roman or italic, sans serif or serif.

    An entire alphabet can be categorized

    using only six basic underlying visual

    combinations of strokes as the example


    The Structure of Letters

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Brief description of the project presented

    on this page. Brief description of the

    project presented on this page. Brief

    description of the project presented on

    this page. Brief description of the project

    presented on this page. Brief description of

    the project presented on this page.

    Couter Forms | Single Letter

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Fundamental to all typographic design

    is the interplay between letterform and

    background. An awareness of this inter-

    relationship of form and counterform

    is essential in typographic design.

    Every letterform denes a particular

    counterform. Form and counterform

    are reciprocal values and completely

    interdependent and integral to a letters

    completeness as a design.

    Counterpart |Two Letters

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    The counterform is not just whats left

    over in the background. The counterform

    is a new entity that emerges through

    interaction with the form of letters .

    Typically these counterforms are either

    geometric or organic in quality depending

    on the structure or style of the let ter. In

    the counterforms of letters there exists

    a fascinating world of form waiting to be

    explored by the designer.

    Counterforms |two letters

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Why Modern Chairs and Typography?

    Like typography, chairs speak of the

    age in which they are designed.

    They represent the technologies,

    materials and design attitudes of their

    time. A chair, like typography, is a

    solo design effort by one designer, as

    type design has historically been.

    A chairs function dictates its form

    and space is divided by form to void

    relationships much like a letterform.

    A chair has personality so does a

    letterform. It can be interpreted.

    Like typography, chairs express

    qualities of the organic or geometric,

    natural or man-made. A chair is to the

    torso like type is to the eye.

    Typographic Page

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Phase One | Letterform interpretations

    case + face

    weight + slant (italic font)

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    weight + face

    weight + face

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Phase Two | Words

    case + face

    case + face

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    weight + face + scale

    weight + face + scale

  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Type generally falls into two primary

    categories; informational and or

    expressive. Its not uncommon to have

    a strategy for both present in layouts.

    Informational text is more common and

    the form responds to long traditions

    and conventions of size, spacing and

    established habits of organization on the

    page. In a book or website it is information

    design that takes the lead. On a poster or

    motion graphics expression could lead.

    The ratio is determined by the designer

    and the needs of the communication. An

    emphasis or hierarchy must be clear and

    decisive so the roles each plays in the

    communication are clear. In design things

    are not equal.

    Phase Three |Layouts







    If we use a brace only to strengthentwo members the design is bad.

    Gerald Summers re-mains a mystery to art his-torians to date. There is littledocumentation of his lifeand his work. However thischair is a crowning achieve-ment in modernist design.

    Designed in 1933, this

    chair represents unity in

    design. The chair is madefrom a single sheet of bentplywood, unheard of forthe time period.


  • 8/10/2019 Daisy Lora Typography


    Summers and his wife,

    Majorie Amy Butcher,founded The Makers ofSimple Furniture in 1932.Production for the chair

    began in 1935 in London. Due to the attention todetail required to pro-

    duce each chair only 120chairs were ever made.

    This organic designhas inspired moderndesign to follow.

    Gerald Summers

    remains a mystery to arthistorians to date. Thereis little documentationof his life and his work.

    However this chair is acrowning achievement inmodernist design.

    Designed in 1933, thischair represents unity indesign. The chair is madefrom a single sheet ofbent plywood, unheard

    of for the time period.

    Sadly due to govern-

    ment restrictions on theirmain source materials,Makers of Simple Furni-ture, Ltd, were forced to

    close.All that remains of the

    company are the few

    amazing pieces theywere able to produce.

    G E R A L D
