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DAJJAL (Anti-Christ) - The biggest Riot

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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Dajjal (Anti-Christ)PRESENTED TO:- Sir Farhan JabbarPRESENTED BY:- NAME:

Roll no: (28)

Session: 2012-2016

(5th Semester) Department Of Agricultural Engineering



Why I Chose this particular




1. No bigger Fitnah(Riot) than Dajjal sinceAllah SWT has created humans.

2. Every Prophet has frightened(warned) hisnation from Dajjal.

3. I’m the last Prophet & you are the bestnation. So, Dajjal will appear in you.

HADITH of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

4. If Dajjal appears in my presence, I’ll fight for everyMuslim. But if Dajjal appears after me than every-body will fight on his own. And Allah SWT isprotector and securer of every Muslim.

5. Dajjal will appear on a track between Syria & Iraq.And He will spread mischievousness left &right(every where). O People of God! Be firm at thattime.

• Now it is 100 % sure that DAJJAL will appear in us.

• So, Prophet (SAWW) told us some signs of DAJJAL.

• These signs were never told by any Prophet to hisnation before.

• And we as Muslims should know these signs to beready to face the Fitnah of Dajjal. Following arethe signs:

1. First of all, DAJJAL will claim that he is a prophet.But, there is no prophet after me. (Hence He’ll be falsified).

2. Then, DAJJAL will claim that he is GOD. But one seeinghim can easily see 3 things to falsify him:

a. He can be seen but you can not see GOD before death.And

b. He is blind from one eye but GOD is not so.

3. And “Kafir” will be written between his eyes, which everybeliever(educated or not) will be able to read.

Signs of DAJJAL by Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

1. Actual Name of DAJJAL is not known. Because it is notmentioned in Hadiths.

2. DAJJAL is his by-name. It is derived form Arabic word‘DJAL’ which means to:

a. Cover up or wrap up.b. It also means to “gild some fake material with gold water”.

c. And another meaning is to fabricate, gilder and fraud.d. And ‘DJAL’ also means to “cover the ugliness of

wounded body with some bandage or cover.”

Meaning of word “DAJJAL”

3. DAJJAL will cover bad things with good ones. Likefamily planning on the name of social welfare &development; music, acting as arts & skills etc.

• He will cover irregularities of society like“bloodshed, selfishness, leading people to crimeand against their religion” with sophisticatedwords like human rights, communism, democracy,social welfare etc.

Qualities of “DAJJAL”



Mis-conceptions about “Who is DAJJAL?”

• Many people think that DAJJAL is the name of any system, country or organization which has certain qualities.

Like they say: “AMERICA is DAJJAL”. Due to following reasons:

• Like DAJJAL, one eye of AMERICA is closed that is of Spirituality and other eye of Materiality is opened.

• AMERICA sees Muslims with one eye and non-Muslims with other.

Mis-conceptions about “Who is DAJJAL?”(CONT….)

• AMERICA is only concerned about its benefits and does not care about the losses of other.

• The environment needed for DAJJAL is provided in AMERICA.

These all points are valid to some extent and it is true that AMERICA is preparing to welcome DAJJAL. But AMERICA is not DAJJAL. DAJJAL is a specific person, who has certain qualities and this can be proven with following HADITHS:

Hadiths about “Who is DAJJAL?”

1. He(DAJJAL) will be a young man. His hair will be short & curly and he will be blind from one eye.

2. Prophet (PBUH) once saw in dream that he(SAWW) was doing Twaff e Kaaba and DAJJAL was shown to him(SAWW) and Prophet(SAWW) Said:

• “ He(DAJJAL) is bulky, red colored, curly haired and blind from one eye. And his one eye is like a hanging grape.”



“Where is DAJJAL?”

• As there are mis-conceptions about “who is Dajjal?”, similarly there are mis-conceptions about “where is Dajjal?”.



Questioned Asked byDAJJAL?

“Questions asked by DAJJAL?”

1. About the orchards of Baisan.

2. Lake of TABARIYA (In South-East if Isreal).

3. Fountain of ZUGHAR.

4. About Prophet(PBUH).

Bermuda Triangle &




Rivers & Mountains of


Credit CardsAnd


Who willEnd/KillDAJJAL?
