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Daniel 8 Handout

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10/31/10 1 Daniel 8 Superpowers in Conflict Daniel and the End of History The GBC Inheritance Class Fall 2010 Dr. Gene Pond Our Story So Far Daniel, a Hebrew statesman and prophet advising the leaders of Babylon under two great empires, has revealed future events including a coming world leader  who will persecute the Jews, God’ people. —Daniel 1–7

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Daniel 8

Superpowers in Conflict

Daniel and the End of History 

The GBC Inheritance Class

Fall 2010

Dr. Gene Pond

Our Story So Far 

Daniel, a Hebrew statesman and prophetadvising the leaders of Babylon under two greatempires, has revealedfuture events including acoming world leader who will persecute theJews, God’ people.

—Daniel 1–7

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The Book of Daniel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1–6Court Stories

 Daniel presented in 3rd person

7–12 Apocalyptic Visions

 Daniel records in 1st person


2:4b–7:28 Aramaic






Near-History to Inform Far-Prophecy

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Daniel 8 

A Pair of Locked Horns

The Vision Experienced 1–14 The Vision Explained 15–27 

•  The Background of the Ram1–4

•  The He-Goat from the West5–8

•  The Little Horn


•  The Angel Gabriel15–18

•  The Interpretation19-27

Daniel 8:1-4 

The Backgroundof the RamTime: Belshazzar’s third year (551 B.C.)

 A subsequent vision: Vision #2

His location in the vision: Susa, later to be one the palace cities of the Persiankings (Neh 1:1; Esth 1:2)

History records that the Persiansconsidered a ram with sharp, pointedhorns to be their guardian spirit, and theking bore the head of a ram instead of a

crown when he led his armies into battle.

Ram = Media and Persia (8:20)

Pushing without opposition in severaldirections: for 200 years, Persia would

 be unstoppable in controlling the world.

 Try to learn as much as you canabout the Bible. History supportsthe Scriptures.

  We are involved in history andGod’s plan personally. He choseDaniel and Cyrus to work ineveryday history.

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The Conquests of Alexander the Great334–323 B.C.

Daniel 8:5–8 

The He-Goatfrom the WestHe-Goat

From the West

= Greece (8:21)

Large horn = “First King”


Lysimachus overThrace and most

of Asia Minor

Cassander overMacedonia and


Ptolemy overEgypt and

possibly Palestine

Seleucus overSyria and vastterritory to the


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Daniel 8:9–14 

The Little Hornof the He-GoatHomesickness (“the Beautiful land”, 9)

Seleucus’ horn, evidently, gave rise to aman named Antiochus IV Epiphanes.

Made himself a god, equal to the prince

Israel was God’s “host” (Exod 7:4; 12:41)

•  He comes from a different beast8-9

•  He opposed Israel(the host of heaven) 10a

•  He tried to subvert Israel(through Hellenism) 10b

•  He tried to replace the high priest(the Commander) 11

The 2,300 Evenings and Mornings

•  Then I heard a holy onespeaking; and another holy onesaid to the one that spoke, “Forhow long is the vision concerningthe continual burnt offering, thetransgression that makesdesolate, and the giving over ofthe sanctuary and host to be

trampled under foot?”•  And he said to him, “For two

thousand and three hundredevenings and mornings; then thesanctuary shall be restored toits rightful state.”

•  2,300 years, ending in 1844 when the temple in heaven would be cleansed

(Seventh Day Adventism)

•  3½ years of Great Tribulation—but this is not that tribulation

•  The 2,300 days between 171 and164 BC during which Antiochus

 would hold sway •  The 1,150 days (3 ½ years)

 between when statue set up untiltemple cleansed, fromdesecration until restoration

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Daniel 8:15-19  Gabriel the Vision Interpreter

•   Angelsin Daniel

•  Gabriel

•  Daniel’sreaction 17

•  “Time of theend” 17, 19

God knows the future, and He has apponted an ending time for1. Antiochus Epiphanes’ reign of terror2. The future end times

Daniel 8:20-27  The Vision Explained by Gabriel

The little goat horn’s rule The little goat horn’s ruin

•  The animals explained20-22

•   Antiochus IV Epiphanes23-24

▫   A case of propheticpre-illustration

▫   A type of the Antichrist

•  God is willing to chart out our  future; we should listen

•  Shrewd and deceitfulself-aggrandizement 25a

•  False peace with Israel 25b

•  Messiah-hater 25c

•  Limited by God 26

•  The effect on Daniel 27

•  When you seem to be down,sad, miserable: “Rise upagain” and get about the

 King’s business
