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Danielle lovelace[1]

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Bleeding Pen Publishing presents Danielle Lovelace Vigilante for hire
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Bleeding Pen Publishing presents

Danielle Lovelace Vigilante for hire

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Vigilante for HireVigilante for Hire


By Author Antwan Floyd

Day SixStanding on the balcony of the RIU Palace

Tropical Bay resort and hotel in Jamaica. Danielle stared out on to the beautiful white sands through her Bvlgari sunglasses, she exhaled admiring the subtleties of the orange, red, and yellow hues of the sun setting, casting a luminous sparkle off the water. A chill tickled her spine as she took a sip from her glass of Riesling White Wine. Standing at 4’9 weighing, 120 lbs., skin tone a golden brown, hair cut into an inverted bob that revealed strong cheekbones and dazzling brown eyes.

Setting the glass on the edge of the balcony she picked up the Cohiba cigar filled with the greenest lime Kush with orange speckles the country had to offer placed it between her full sensual lips lit it and pulled. Holding the potent smoke in for several seconds she let it marinate in her lungs before closing her eyes and slowly blowing it out. Setting the Cohiba back into the ashtray she looked down at her hands. The fresh manicure she had no longer

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looked fresh. On her left hand on her ring finger a nail was chipped. On her right hand the fingernail polish on several fingers was chipped. She rubbed her right hand feverishly trying to remove the dried up blood.

“Shit was supposed to be different this time Viv, damn.” She said aloud as she stepped back into the room stepping over the body that lay on the floor. Vivian was her sister; second to oldest it was three of them. Vivian had been the middle child, she was the baby and Tracie was the oldest of the three. She went into survivor mode that’s what she had been trained for since a child.

Walking through the room and ridding the room of any fingerprints she may have left she rummaged through the dead man’s pockets and removed a wallet and a switchblade. Opening the wallet she found a phony drivers license said his name was Dion Lefevre and he lived in Paris. Could of been real for all she knew the man that she’d known as Alanzo DeLuca could of been a fake name never could tell in this business. The other items in the wallet were $500.00 American all in small bills, $500.00 in Euro, and a sim card. Dropping the items into her Precious Rose Bag a designer purse made in the shape of a perfect flower, the bag is made with 1,016 diamonds totaling 42.56 carats, 1,169

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pink sapphires and 800 tourmaline’s retail $92,000 when she saw it she just knew she had to have it. Standing erect she grabbed the handle to her Tumi luggage and wheeled it towards the door. Stopping at the door she ducked into the bathroom and closed the door when she heard someone slide the electronic room key in.

Forgetting all about the knife in her purse, she clutched the same weapon she had used only hours ago to kill Alanzo, a bloody shoelace from a military boot. She held her breath as she thought about the actions that had taken her to where she was now from FBI agent to felon all in one week.


Sitting at her desk in the San Francisco Field Office Danielle scanned through emails, mostly junk mail she paused and thought about the accomplishments she’d made in such a short amount of time. Only a 21 yr. old and 2nd in command of the white-collar Crime Program, National Foreign Intelligence Program and Terrorism Program. She’d always been an over achiever. Home schooled by her father since she was 9 years old. She excelled in Math, Science, and English Comprehension. At the age of 12 she commuted back and forth from Shreveport, LA

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where she lived with her father and two sisters to attend school at Massachusetts Institute of Technology after testing out of high school with a 5.0. Her father had entrusted her with an Aunt Nellie. No relation an old comrade of her father’s during the war days back when he was an enlisted man. Danielle smiled she missed Aunt Nellie.

Scrolling down further into her emails there was an email that stuck out in her spam, it was an advertising for the San Francisco Black Film Festival sent by Auntie Nellie saying she was only in town for a couple of days and wanted her to join her. Said to wear something nice she was bringing a man for her his name was Leroy Terrance Gregory. Danielle deleted the message, logged off and headed for the door.

Twenty minutes later she drove through Nihonmachi, also known as Japan town, the Japan Center, and Little Osaka, a neighborhood of the Western Addition roughly within the confines of Sutter Street to the north, Geary Street to the south, Fillmore to the west, and Laguna to the east. Heading down Geary Boulevard towards the Fillmore Theater she parked checked her glock 23 and exited the vehicle.

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She didn’t know to feel excited or nervous she hadn’t seen him in so long but for him to come out in the open it had to be serious. Her father wanted to meet her there Aunt Nellie wouldn’t be there and there was no Leroy Terrance Gregory it was military code the first initial of every name spelled out the initials LTG short for Lieutenant General, Danielle was going to see her father. Walking forward head held high she made it to the front door of the Fillmore and purchased a ticket. Making her way to the bar she ordered a shot of Bombay Sapphire.

“Drinking on the clock Special Agent Irvin?”

Trying not to appear surprised that she’d let him get the drop on her she downed her drink ignoring the remark and moved towards the theater. He followed behind quickly stepping ahead of her opening the door and holding it. He followed and sat next to her and speaking in a whispered tone she asked,

“What is it lieutenant?”

A bristly shaven man with dark eyes and a jagged jaw bone in his early fifties sporting a posh dark

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colored Valentino suit leaned into her ear and spoke,

“It’s your sister.”

He smelled of Clive Christian No. 1. She smiled she loved that scent she’d gotten it as a Christmas gift last year.

“Let me guess Vivian again.”

“I would’ve gone myself but.”

“What is it lieutenant she disappears all the time prancing from one country to the next with another get rich quick scheme I don’t have time…”

He cut her off mid-sentence. “It’s more to it this time Danni.” That’s what he called her, what they all called her since she was old enough to walk.

“Where is she this time lieutenant? Greece, Japan, Seychelles?

Lieutenant General just growled from frustration, the three sisters had been virtually nemesis their whole lives and now was not the time although he

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knew Danielle wasn’t all-wrong. “She’s in Cologne.”


“Been there for a while now managing some girl group out of New Zealand call themselves the Wet Pussies, she’s been more stable.”

“Jeez lieutenant the wet who? That's kind of crass isn't it?”

“Don't look at me it was your sister's idea.”

“Well if she's more stable what’s the issue then?”

“Hadn’t heard from her in a while so I contacted the local hospitals and morgues.”

“Straight to the hospitals and morgues? No friends or boyfriends? What about any of the band members?”

“She was seeing a guy, can’t find him on the radar through my usual connections no known Birth Certificate, Social, or any signs of birth parents or relatives.”

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“Off the grid, think he’s a sleeper?”

“Afraid so if he is Vivian has to know, she’s been raised to detect em since she could crawl.”

“What do you want me to do lieutenant? I just started with the bureau I have a lot on my plate.”

“Maybe use some of those bureau connections you have or if worst comes to worst fly out and see for your self what it is.”

“I don’t know it all seems a bit much so what if she is seeing a player how bad can it be?”

“Maybe your right, I shouldn’t have asked you I mean she is your sister and all but she’s not your responsibility I’ll go. I’ll be in touch.” He stood to leave. She grabbed his arm.

“Wait, I’ll check around.”

“You don’t have too.”

“Sure I do, she’s my sister...an irresponsible, inconsiderate bitch at times but my sister all the same. Besides its too risky for you.”

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“What? Fuck Interpol.”

The lieutenant had spent the better years of his life hiding in plain view. On the run from the United States Army for treason and murder Danielle never questioned, he protests his innocence and that was enough for her. He’d been on the run since she was a child raising her and her two sisters. He was on the FBI’s most wanted list and flagged in several countries.

“Negative, why risk it if you don’t have too, I’ll go. You talk to Tracie?”

“She hasn’t heard from her.”

“I find out anything I’ll get in touch through the usual channels.”

“Affirmative, you be safe out there Danni.”

She placed her hand on the side of his face. “You stay invisible lieutenant.”


Awaking from her daydream back in the bathroom she heard the assailant moving about the

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room. Danielle eased the door open and crept up behind the woman, pouncing on her from behind she wrapped the shoelace around the intruder’s throat and began to pull. The intruder struggled a bit but after regaining her footing grabbed Danielle by her arm using her hips tossed Danielle over her head sending her crashing down on top of the corpse. Before she could regain her bearings the intruder pulled her P-89 and had it trained on Danielle.

“Don’t move.”

Danielle froze. Fists clenched holding on to the bloody shoelace. Teeth clenched she spoke.

“Lower your weapon, I'm a Special Agent with the United States FBI.”

Weapon still trained on Danielle the intruder cocked back the hammer. “Being a bit overzealous aren't we? Former Special Agent Irvin I doubt if you'll get a heroes welcoming back to the bureau being that your number 3 on their international watch list now.”

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Danielle stood to her feet. Hearing herself being referred to as a former special agent made her skin crawl. “Who are you? Who sent you?”

The woman lowered her weapon and placed it back into her holster. “Field Commander Ellsworth.”

Danielle stepped closer to the woman. “Aunt Nellie sent you?”

“She has a team here said you may need some help.”

“A team? What kind of team?” Danielle asked never wavering eye contact from the woman.

“The Death Brigade.”

“You're kidding right?”

“Do I look like I'm kidding?"

Danielle smirked. She can't be serious she thought. “Death Brigade? That's kind of comic bookish isn't it?”

The woman smirked back. “I assure you former Special Agent Irvin if a contract was being filled on

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you by any member of the Brigade you'd think it was anything but comical.”

“Yeah I bet.”Danielle responded with skepticism.

"So who are you? The head Brigadier?” Danielle asked sizing the woman up. She stood just as tall as Danielle, same golden brown skin, strong cheek bones, and brown eyes. She was a bit heavier than Danielle, not fat more on the thick side. She had more curves and breasts than Danielle had. In her late forties, as Danielle's hair was short hers was shoulder length, silver with blonde highlights.

“I'm the Lioness.”

Danielle laughed. “You've got to be kidding me? Where the camera's at? Kutcher come out them closets I got to be getting Punk'd! The Lioness?”

“Pay attention former Special Agent Irvin. The Death Brigade was contracted by your aunt to get you back state side safely.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“There's a contract on your head.”

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"No, buy who?"

"Alanzo's former business partner. Something about a file. The bounty is five million dead, ten if your brought in alive."

Danielle sat down on the bed. "Now I know this isn't real, Aunt Nellie can't afford that why are you doing this? Why not bring me in and collect the bounty yourselves?"

"As you know former Special Agent Irvin, in this business sometimes favors are more valuable than money."

Danielle was becoming agitated. "Cut it with the former Special Agent Irvin routine alright?"

"Well your no longer employed by the bureau what should I call you?"

"How about Danielle, Lioness?"

"Danielle we have to move…hold on." Lioness spoke through the two way radio in her sleeve, listening through the ear piece connected. "What's your ETA?"

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The Lioness moved towards the door motioning for Danielle to follow. "Send the Cleaner, have the Brigade meet us at rendezvous in 0-1800."

Danielle hesitated still unsure if she should trust the stranger or not.

"Let's move it Irvin."

"I told you its Danielle. And how do I know your not working with Alanzo's old team?"

"If I wanted you dead, you would be. I've been watching you from the roof across the street with a scope I could of taken you out when you were on the balcony drinking your wine. Lets move part of my team's down stairs waiting."

"Wait, I don't have a gun."

Lioness removed her firearm from the holster spinning it in her hand so that the butt of the gun was facing Danielle. Danielle took the weapon, stuffed it in the front of her pants and quickly followed behind Lioness.

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"I want that back Irvin it was a Christmas gift." Lioness spat out never breaking stride as she made her way to the hotel's elevator.

Stepping off the elevator and out of the hotel onto the street Danielle's eyes scanned east and Lioness scanned west. Walking half way down the block as they turned the corner on A1 and headed towards the Queen Drive. A white Toyota Hiace pulled up and the back passenger door flew open. A man slid over to the other side of the back seat. "Get in."

Before Danielle could react. Lioness snatched open the passenger door of the front seat and hopped in. As she closed the door Danielle hopped in the back seat closing the door as the car jerked off into traffic.

"This is Wretched he'll be your protector." Lioness said turning in her seat motioning towards the man seated next to Danielle. Wretched was bronze colored with curly hair and dark eyes. A scar ran from underneath his bottom lip down to his chin. If Danielle had to guess she'd say he was Tunni.

"Nice to meet you Wretched, I'm Danielle." She extended her hand to shake his. He ignored her gesture.

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"I know who you are."

She lowered her hand. "So gentleman like."

He turned his head and looked out the window scanning for suspicious vehicles. "أول نعمل مجانا وانها

يجب أن تتحول الحمار في لفضله، وأتساءل كيف تفكر. فم الذكية للرجل الذي سيكون؟مثل .” "First we work for free and

she has a smart mouth. Should turn her ass in for the bounty, I wonder how gentleman like she thinks that will be?" Wretched mumbled in Arabic.

The driver laughed. Lioness shook her head and turned around in her seat. The sound of a hammer being cocked back took Wretched by surprise as he looked down and saw the barrel of the P89 pressed against his balls. Danielle spoke in Arabic,

ليس مثل الرجل في كل شيء ، كيف كنت نوبة أنتقل إلى امرأة،"بعد ذلك؟ ونرى كيف هي أخلق الخاص “ "Not gentleman

like at all, how bout I turn you into a woman and see how your manners are then?"

Wretched held his arms up as he turned and looked at Danielle defiantly. The driver looking through the rear view mirror into the backseat laughed.

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"Told you, you should of read the file on her Wretched, she's fluent in five languages that we know of." Lioness said never turning in her seat. "Put it way, Irvin."

Danielle cocked back the hammer into position of safety and sat the pistol on her lap. "Who are you Mr. Driver man?"

"Me? They call me John Crawfish ma'am. Please forgive me if I don't shake your hand on the count that I'm driving." John said laughing.

"Fuck you Crawfish." Wretched said laughing.

"Okay people stay alert." Lioness said looking through her door's rear view mirror.

"What's the exit plan?" Danielle asked tapping the butt of her gun with her thumb.

"Nervous Irvin?" Wretched asked. Looking at her anxious movements.

"My nerves like a steel trap Wretched don't you worry bout me none."

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"0-1800 we meet the rest of the team at rendezvous they'll have the proper documents for us we'll discuss the exit plan then." Lioness answered cutting the two off before they got at it again.

"You say the rest of the team how many members are there?"

"Including us three there's seven. Wretched here was a bodyguard for Jacob Zuma when he was the Deputy President of South Africa, Homer Valdez, and a former assassin for the British government. He knows how to get next to people with out detection more importantly he knows how to keep them from you. You don't move until he moves, he's the best at what he does he'll get you state side alive."

"Homer Valdez? The Mexican drug lord?"

"The very same." Wretched answered cracking a sly smile.

Lioness continued. "John Crawfish former narcotics detective for the Baton Rouge police department. Busted back down to patrolman for a drug raid gone bad. He quit did some freelance hits in Yonkers and

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Connecticut until he was recruited by the Death Brigade."

"What's your specialty Lioness?"

"I'm the hunter, I feed the pride go out and get the jobs for us to eat."

"The rest of the team?"

"We have the Cleaner, Sarafina, Vincent the Pollack, and the Florist you'll find out what they do when you meet them."

"What's the prick's name who put out the hit on me?"

“Krv Merchant. What's on that file?”

“Krv? Blood Merchant, he's Croatian?”

The Lioness didn't respond.

Danielle sighed. “I don't know anything about a file.”

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“You know something he's not going to shell out ten million big ones unless its something pretty damaging.”

Danielle reclined in the backseat and closed her eyes. “I don't know anything.”

Lioness didn't respond. They all rode in silence. Danielle thought about her first occurrence with Alanzo.


Day One

Danielle stepped off the plane at the Cologne/Bonn Airport. After going through airport security she made her way to baggage claim grabbed her bags then went over to pick up the rental car she had waiting.

She'd been here before had a former boyfriend who lived here his name was Christof. He had a Masters in criminal psychology and dealt in stolen art. It had been some time since she'd seen him. Luckily for her they ended on good terms. She

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wanted to move about the country with out using any of her bureau connections he rented the car and room for her.

After checking into the Dom Hotel located at Domkloster 2a, she showered, changed and went for drinks at the Kuppers Brauhas a night club not far from the hotel. Standing at the bar wearing a black spaghetti strap tank top with the words Daughter of a Field Nigga and proud of it emblazoned across the front in bold white letters, a pair of white shape fitting Citizens of Humanity Jeans that hugged her frame perfectly and a pair of beige and cream Coach Oliana sandals showing off her French pedicure. She ordered a shot of Rachmaninoff and took a seat in the back of the bar.

The neo-soul sounds of Estelle came blaring through the speakers as the crowd of twenty year old patrons made their way to the dance floor. Danielle sipped her drink and nodded her head as the song went off and Lena Stranger's “Taken By A Stranger” came on after the Estelle joint. The crowd went wild.

"Excuse Me Miss Sie sind sehr attraktiv machen Sie, wenn ich Sie mitmachen? "Excuse me miss you

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are quite attractive do you mind if I join you?" The stranger asked in German.

"Leider bin ich auf jemanden warten." "Sorry I'm waiting for some one." She replied back in German.

"Er muß ein sehr guter Mann für eine Frau so schön, wie Sie sich selbst allein zu warten er erschossen werden sollte, um sein." "He must be a very good man for a woman as beautiful as your self to have to wait alone he should be shot."

"Das ist sehr schmeichelhaft, äh, was ist Ihr Name?" "That is very flattering, uh what is your name?"

"Verzeihen Sie meine Unhöflichkeit, mein Name ist Fabian und du bist?” "Pardon my rudeness I am Fabian and you are?"

"Francesca, sprechen Sie Englisch?“ "Francesca, do you speak English?" she asked taking a sip from her glass.

"Yes I do." Fabian answered in almost perfect English.

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"Well Fabian perhaps some other time, I promise."

"I'll hold you to that Madame Francesca."

He bowed and made his way to a petite double D brunette standing near the bar. Fabian was quite handsome but that's not what she was there for. Two drinks later just as she was prepared to give up on waiting and leave Isabella showed up at the bar looking lost. Danielle recognized the girl from her myspace page she was one of the back up singers for the Wet Pussies. Danielle waved the girl over as Kanye West's “All of the Lights” came on. Isabella bopped over singing. "That is my song." She sat across from Danielle.

"Isabella, I'm Danielle."

"Nice to meet you Danni, oh I'm sorry that's just what Vivian called you."

"Danni is fine, she spoke of me?"

"Yes quite often."

"When was the last time you saw her?"

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"Its been a week now, which is really weird because this is so unlike her."

This little girl didn't know my sister at all, the Vivian that I knew would drop everything and be on a plane in a new continent at the drop of a dime. Danielle thought to herself as she swallowed the remainder of her drink. "I see. What about any of the other band members?"

"No ones heard anything, I have the keys to her apartment if you'd like to go by and look around."

"Lets go, are you driving?"

Isabella stood from her seat. "Yes you can follow me."

They made their way from the bar out onto Schönhauser Straße / Alteburger Straße. Climbing into her car Danielle followed Isabella's solid black BMW M3 convertible. It didn't take long to make it to Belgisches Viertel (Belgian Quarter). They rode pass the main rail way track which formed a ring. The Belgian Quarter sat between the track and the ring.

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It appeared to be a somewhat peaceful area. Nestled amongst pubs, five minutes walk to the nightlife. Danielle pulled behind Isabella and got out. She followed her into the building and down the hall, Vivian's apartment was on the first floor. Isabella placed the key into the lock and unlocked the door. As she pushed the door open and walked in Danielle held her breath, her body tensed up. Didn't know what to expect.

Looking around the apartment it was a mixture of bohemian/hip-hop/contemporary as the décor. It looked a mess. A picture of President and Michelle Obama during his inauguration hung in the middle of the wall and on one side of the picture was a picture of Notorious B.I.G. sitting at a table playing poker and on the other side was a picture of Tupac Shakur standing in a cotton field surrounded by slaves.

Walking around the apartment. A Black Mahogany Ralph Lauren Mohair 100%, Belgium Wyland Sofa, She thumbed through her record collection. Surprised she still had them, from her DJ days. She had a stint when all she wanted to do was DJ she got a few gigs at house parties and nightclubs but just like everything else in life right when she was offered a job as an on air personality

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for Q93 in New Orleans she left them hanging and quit, upped and moved to Hollywood said she wanted to pursuit her dreams of being a screenwriter. That was the last I'd heard from her. Danielle thought to herself.

She made my way to her bedroom clothes and shoes were all over the place, the bed was unmade, a bottle of half drunken Sobieski Vodka sat on the dresser. Stepping over the clothes and nearing her lap top she accidentally stepped into a plate of lasagna in white sauce she'd left on the floor.

“Shit” Looking down, she had white sauce on the heel of her shoe. “What are you doing with the keys to her place?”

“She gave them to me in case of an emergency.”

She made her way over to her desk and picked up her laptop. Placing it underneath her arm and made it back to the living room. “Tell me about her boyfriend.”

“Alanzo Deluca a bit of a snob at times but you could tell he was a gangster.


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“Well he came around every so often in the beginning and he had this aura about himself.”

“Go on.”

“He didn't talk much about how he made his money all we knew was that he had a lot of it and didn't mind spending it on Vivian. Don't get me wrong he was far from being a dumb man but he just didn't strike me as the college/business type if you know what I mean?”

She looked around the place one last time and made her way to the door. “Can you get in touch with him?”

“You don't think he had anything to do with her disappearance do you?”

“I just want to meet him, that's all.”

Out on the street, Danielle gave her the name of the hotel she was staying at and her cellular number.

“You get in touch with Alanzo and have him contact me okay?”

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“I'll do my best Danni, he hasn't been around since she disappeared, he has a cafe on Unter Fettenhennen 11 over in the Altstadt-Nord neighborhood that he owns I'll try there.”

“Do your best.”

“Take care.”

She didn't respond. She opened the drivers door climbed in and threw the laptop on the passenger seat. Starting the car she turned on the GPS and entered the address to the hotel she was staying in. She needed to get back to the room and see what Viv had on her hard drive. She could of easily broken the code that Viv more than likely had on her laptop but she was guessing what ever was on there little Miss Wet Pussy didn't need to see.

She pulled up to the light and stopped. A Cargo Marketing Spedition truck pulls up to the light on the opposite side of her, flashing his high beams he swerves in front of her blocking her path. The doors slide open and three men jump out and began firing. She ducked as the bullets tore into the windshield. She shifted into reverse and hit the gas. Driving at 80 mph in reverse she zig-zagged avoiding on coming traffic. Glancing back ahead the men

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followed on foot chasing still firing. Slamming on the brakes shifted back into drive and gunned it head on towards the shooters hitting one knocking him thirty-feet into the air. The other shooter jumped out of the way and kept firing.

Doing a doughnut in the middle of the street and was prepared to hit the second shooter when she saw the truck approaching, the driver was hanging from the window shooting. Smashing the gas and taking a sharp turn going off road into the woods she kept driving, turned off the lights and drove in the dark hoping not to hit any deer or any other animals didn't know what was out there. The left back side of the car wobbled, it was a flat. She looked back, saw the headlights of the truck still following.

Riding on a rim she made a sharp right turn splashing into a creek rode a few more feet and got stuck. Smashed the gas, didn't budge. Anxiously shifted to reverse, didn't budge. Back to drive, still didn't move. Grabbed the laptop jumped out and ran. Clutching the laptop she could hear the truck screech to a stop and the doors open and close. Judging by the sounds of the footsteps behind there were three maybe four people after her, it was hard to tell heart pounding , plus sticks, gravel and mud

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she sloshed through made it hard to distinguish. Ducking behind a tree she listened. The sounds of the night filled the air crickets, birds, and squirrels. Footsteps crept through the woods. She held her breath and listened,off to the distance the sound of traffic, possibly a free way.

Clutching the lap top she eased towards the sound of traffic. No longer able to hear the men after her, she sped up as the sound of cars became louder. She ducked through some brush separating the woods from road.

“Hey, stop!” A voice from behind yelled out. She never looked back, just took off through the bushes running through traffic as cars swerved trying not to hit her. Almost to the other side of the free way she heard bullets piercing the sides of cars near her.

She crouched and continued running. Looking back three men were dead on her heals firing silenced weapons. A car window shattered in front of her, she dropped the lap top as the woman driving the car face ripped open. She paused and ducked. Looking back at the lap top on the ground, back at her pursuers, then back at the lap top. They were gaining on her she left the laptop jumped up and dashed towards a parked car, the driver watched

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in awe as she ran towards him. Just as she grabbed the door prepared to snatch the man out and take his car her body involuntarily spun and smacked the ground.

She felt the burn in her shoulder as she scooted back towards a parked car leaning her back against it to gain leverage to get to her feet. Her eyes watered as she glanced down at the blood seeping from her shoulder. She braced herself to stand, looked up into the eyes of one of her attackers....he took aim and fired.


She woke up to the sound of voices. She wasn't bound to the bed. She had a bandage on her shoulder from where she'd been shot and an I-V in her arm. She tried to get up but couldn't move. She attempted to speak but the words were barely audible and sounded slurred.

“What's wrong with me?” She said to herself as she fumbled with the I-V.

As far as she could see it wasn't a hospital. Looking around the room it looked as if it was a basement, or an abandoned building maybe, really couldn't tell. The man and woman talking entered

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the room and stood near the door, she could hear them more clearly now but could not focus her eyes clearly.

“I told you to get her to me, that's it, that's all!” The woman said.

“And we did.” The man retorted.

“Barely, this was a simple snatch and grab job and you almost killed her.”

“From what you told me about her I wasn't taking any chances so we went in hard.”

“You didn't have to shoot her with live ammunition, you shot her with a tranquilizer to get her here, how come you just didn't start out with tranqs?”

He ignored her question. Judging from the accents of the voices the man speaking was definitely German, the woman American. But what did they want with me? She thought.

“Help!” She mumbled as she felt herself dosing back to sleep.

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The man stepped near the bed and looked down at her. With him being closer his face became clear. He wore a tight fitting Amber Crombie and Fitch shirt his muscular arms and chest filling the shirt out. Black jeans, and sunglasses covering his face. Shoulder length dirty blonde hair, cheap cologne and cigarette smoke from his clothes filled her nostrils.

“She's awake?” The woman asked as she stepped closer.

“She's barely coherent, in and out.”

“Did you at least make the delivery, successfully?”


“What medication do you have her on?”


“You gave her a roofie?”

“Calm down it's an anesthetic, she'll be fine.”

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She stepped closer to the bed and looked down into her face. She touched her hand. “You damn well better hope so.”

Danielle squeezed her hand as she felt sleep falling over her, she tried to speak. “Vivian?”


Day TwoJumping up from her sleep, she jumped from the

bed to her feet and looked around the room, her head spun as she sat back down. Looking about the room her sense of awareness hit her dead on like an on coming train. She was back in her hotel room. She closed her eyes inhaling and exhaling quickly, pulled down the collar over the shoulder from where she had been shot. She had to admit, it was bandaged up nicely. The memories all came flooding back. Isabella, the laptop, the car chase, being shot, and Vivian!

Standing and pulling the shirt over her head and dropping it in the waste basket, made her way to the rest room. Looking at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, She looked like hell. Face was dirty and oily, hair matted and dirty. She removed the

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bandage and dropped it in the trash can. Staring intently at the scar through the bath room mirror it had been sealed with liquid stitches. She removed her jeans and turned on the shower. It didn't take long for the bathroom to fill with steam. She came out of her panties and bra, closed the bathroom door and climbed in. Letting the hot water rain down on her tired body she couldn't help but to wonder what she had gotten herself into, and if that really was Vivian she saw or a hallucination from the drugs they pumped into her arm.

Twenty minutes later she turned off the water wrapped her hair in a towel and body in another towel. Just as she grabbed the doorknob she heard movement in her room. Stepping away from the door she looked about the bathroom frantically for something to protect herself. Tucking the towel more tightly she pulled the towel from her hair and laid it on top of the sink.

Picking up a fingernail file and moving quickly she used it to pop the top cap from the sinks faucet handles to reveal the screw she began unscrewing the hot water handle, then the cold dropping them both into the towel. Next making her way to the shower and doing the same with the handles from the shower. Once all of the handles were in the

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towel she wrapped the towel around her hand, crept back to the door and continued listening. As far as she could tell it was only one out there but she was prepared for anything. Snatching the bathroom door open she rushed out screaming and swinging catching the intruder off guard, his back was to her she came down hard and fast across the back of his head. Blood shot into the air as he dropped to his knees, rolled over and pulled his fire arm.

“Stop or I'll shoot!” He yelled.

They both paused.


“Danni what the hell is wrong with you?”

Danielle dropped the towel, rushed to the bath room and returned with a fresh towel. She dropped to her knees and placed the towel to the wound on the back of his head.

“Oh my God, I'm so sorry.”

“You should be, your lucky I didn't kill you.”

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“Wait a minute now, what the hell are you doing creeping around my room uninvited?”

“I ain't seen you in I don't know how long just wanted to surprise you, that's all.”

“You know I don't like surprises Christof.” She said as she rose to her feet and began going through her suitcase looking for something to wear.

He stood. “I remember now.” He said with a light chuckle looking at the bloodstained towel.

“You should see a doctor.” She commented as she grabbed her undergarments, a pair of baby phat jeans, and a gray MIT sweat shirt and returned to the bathroom.

He spoke through the door. “I'll be fine. You find out anything about your sister?”

“Nothing pertinent yet.”

“What's nothing?”

“Met with one of the band members last night she told me about Alanzo Deluca, a guy Vivian was

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seeing. Says he owns a cafe, think I might check it out today see if anything turns up.”

“De Luca huh?”

She stepped out of the bathroom. “Yeah, heard of em? Isabella says he's a gangster of some sort.”

“Heard of em yeah, gangster no.”

Walking over to her suitcase she grabbed her bag with her hygienic items and removed a small bottle of lotion. Squeezing the tube and applying lotion to the palm of her hand she began to rub the lotion together and oil her face. “So what about em?”

“Alanzo De Luca, he's the nephew of a foreign diplomat from his native Monaco. Heard he's into a lot of bad things but far from a gangster.”

“Can you get me a file on him?”

“Look Danni what is this all about? Why don't you call the local authorities and let them handle this?”

“Its not that simple anymore, I was attacked last night.”

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“What, what happened? Are you alright?”

“Christof, I'm fine just get me another car, a gun, and that file on De Luca.”

“Fine I'm going with you.”

“It's not necessary.” She pulled a matching gray MIT baseball cap over her head. “Just get me what I need and meet me back here in an hour, with the stuff I asked for I'll fill you in then.”

Christof stood at six feet even, curly hair, naturally dark olive colored skin, and piercing dark eyes, a muscular build. He looked better than Danielle had remembered. He grabbed her by her arms and pulled her close. “I don't agree with what your doing. Just because he's not a gangster doesn't mean he's not dangerous.”

Danielle pulled away looking up into his eyes she felt her knees get weak. “I can handle myself.”

Christof removed his fire arm and handed it to Danielle. “It's a throw away.”

She took the weapon, removed the clip, checked it, cocked it back and placed it in her waist in the

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small of her back. “Thanks Christof don't be angry with me I appreciate everything your doing but I need to handle this on my own it's family business.”

“Family huh?”

Danielle dropped her head, Christof placed his hand underneath her chin, raising her face so that their eyes met. She pulled away, turning her face from his. She made her way to the door.

“We have to talk about this Danni.”

She paused at the door, with her back to him. “I know Christof, just not now.” A tear dropped from her eye as she opened the door and left.


Twenty minutes later she pulled up to the Altstadt-Nord neighborhood where De Luca's cafe was located. She didn't know the name of the cafe so she would have to check them all. She could of waited for Isabella to get back with her but at this point she didn't know if she could trust her or not, she was the only person other than Christof that knew she was in Germany. For all she knew she could have been the one to set her up, then what

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about Vivian? Danielle still had that on her mind. Her sensible side was telling her to get on a plane and go home, but something else kept pushing her on.

A half an hour, four cafes later she'd finally found a cafe that said they actually heard of Alanzo De Luca. The cafe wasn't too small, wasn't too big had a warm homely feel to it. A group of college students sat off to the back of the restaurant paired off into couples boy-girl, boy-girl all talking and laughing. A middle aged man sat at the counter reading the days newspaper called Aktiv. Eiskaffee and Apple deutschen Schokoladenkuchen sat on the counter in front of him. She sat a few chairs down from him at the counter.

Six feet, six inches, warm brown eyes, a golden tan, with black hair cut neat and trim. He wore a baby face handsome enough to wear it was as if he silently invited you to touch his face, touch his lips, chest and abs. Well not actually his abs, Danielle thought to herself as she imagined what he may look like naked. He flashed a million dollar smile that made Danielle giddy, she smiled back letting out a school girl laugh.

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“Hallo” He said sporting a black silk button down shirt, matching slacks covered by an apron.

“Hallo” She replied.

“What can I get for you madam?”

Danielle glanced down at the end of the counter. “I'll have what he's having.”

“One apple German chocolate cake and one Iced coffee.”

“Danke” she replied. He left the counter and quickly returned with her drink and desert. Setting them both on the counter in front of her.

“Now what can I help you with?” He asked as he began wiping the counter and removing the dirty dishes the old man left behind.

Picking up the fork and cutting down into the cake she looked up licking her lips before placing the fork into her mouth. Chewing the small amount of cake she spoke.

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“I'm looking for Alanzo De Luca he's supposed to be coming out to meet me one of your co-workers told him that I'm here.”

“And exactly who are you?”

“Why? What business is that of yours?”

“I'm Alanzo De Luca.”

Danielle had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. She mustered a small smile as she extended her hand.

“I'm Danielle Irvin, Vivian's sister.”

A look of surprise flashed across his face as he came from around the counter hugging her and kissing her on both cheeks.

“Well hello to you too.” Danielle said as she stood.

“Oh I apologize its just that I've heard so much about you.”

“Wish I could say the same.”

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“So tell me what are you doing in Germany? How's Vivian?”

“You don't know?”

“Why would I?”

“You are her boyfriend aren't you?”

“Eh more or less.”

Danielle sat back down, sipped her iced coffee. “More or less huh?”

Alanzo didn't respond.

“So I'm guessing right now would be less am I correct?”

“Don't get me wrong I love Vivian but between me and you she can be all over the place at times.”

Danielle wanted to agree but kept it to herself she didn't know this man to sit around with him and down her sister. “You haven't seen her?”

“Last I heard she was going to the States for vacation.”

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“When was this?”

“Maybe a week ago.”

“Do you have a way to get in contact with her?”

“Have you tried her cell phone?”

Danielle ignored his question, of course she dialed her cell phone.“You sure that was the last you heard from her?”

“Wish I could do more.”

She sighed, reached into her pocket removed 13.8 euros and placed it on the counter. “Danke.” She replied then exited the cafe.

“Where to now?” She said to herself as she began walking. Nothing came to mind. She continued strolling unable to enjoy the beautiful scenery mind concentrating on the past 24 hrs. Nothing made sense. There was no way she could determine if Alanzo was lying or not. She hopped in a taxi and returned to her hotel room. She'd made up her mind that if Christof didn't have any thing pertinent on Alanzo that she would leave and go back home. She was almost hoping that he wasn't at the hotel then

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she would leave altogether and go home. She knew he wanted to talk and she didn't want to. She leaned back in her seat, closed her eyes, and rubbed her belly. What was done was done she thought as she opened her eyes to see the taxi pull up in front of her hotel she paid her fare and climbed out.

Walking into the hotel, entering the elevator she rode to the top floor and made her way to her room.

“Good he not here.” She said to herself as she began throwing her belongings into her suitcase. Fifth-teen minutes later she was down in the lobby. When Christof walked in carrying a manila folder.

“You were going to leave with out saying good bye?”

“Look Christof I'm sorry I just...”

“Can't talk about it right now, I know. Here's the file you asked for.”

He placed the file in her hand and turned to leave. She grabbed his arm and pulled him back. As he turned to face her he was met with a passionate kiss. He pushed her back.

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“Is this your answer for everything Danielle?”

“I'm sorry Christof, just forget about it. I'll call you when I get home.”

“Don't bother Danielle, you don't want to talk to me now like an adult when we're face to face why in the world would I want to talk when your thousands of miles away?”

She remained silent. He threw his hands in the air. “Have a safe trip.” He began walking.

“I'm sorry.”

He didn't respond he kept walking as if she never spoke.

“Christof, wait.”

He stopped mid stride and turned to face her. She pulled her luggage to a near by sofa and sat. He followed behind sitting next to her.

“Sorry about what Danielle?”


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“Is that suppose to make it better?”

“It's a start, just tell me Christof what is it that you want me to say?”

“Ughh I want you to stop walking around here like it never affected you, I want you to act like you got a heart in that damn icebox of yours.”

Danielle yelled back. “Ice box? Ice Box? You know what fuck you Christof you have no right, I mean no right to assume I don't feel anything.”

“You let that be perfectly known, about my rights when you...”

“Say it...”

Christof lowered his head fighting back the tears.

“You can't can you?”

He remained silent. Danielle grabbed both his arms. Looking into his face as the tears fell.

“Just leave it alone Christof there's nothing either of us could do about it now. Just leave it alone, let it heal don't pull the scab off this scar.”

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He pushed her back, she stumbled he grabbed her by her neck. She swung and fought to break his grip he squeezed tighter.

“YOU had no right!” He let go of his grip pushing her to the couch.

“Damn you Christof it was my body, my decision!”

“No damn you Danielle, your body our decision, our baby. And you killed our child with out ever asking me how I felt.”

“Because I knew you wouldn't think objectively.”

“Objectively? That's what our child was to you? An objective to decide upon? Are those the words of a warmhearted mother?”

Tears flowed from Danielle's face, salting her lips. “You know what Christof maybe your right, hearing you say that and what you really think of me confirms it I'm not cut out to be any one's mother....like it or not I made the right decision for both of us. But you get to go on, but me.”

Christof turned his back to her. She screamed.

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“Look at me DAMN IT!”

He turned and faced her. I have to live with this for the rest of my life gnawing at me in the pit of my stomach, nagging me in my dreams and no matter how much I drink....no matter how much kush I smoke it's always there in the back of my mind. So believe me I'm sorry for you but you will never, I mean never know how I feel and what I go through so don't you ever stand there and talk down on me like you presume to know how the hell I feel!”

He folded his arms staring down at her eyes glossed over with frost.

“Are we done here?”

Danielle wiped her face, grabbed her luggage and wheeled it towards the door. “You have no idea.”

As she stepped outside to flag down a taxi, she spotted the same man from the hospital that shot her and stitched up her shoulder. She froze in her tracks as she sub-consciously rubbed her shoulder where she'd been shot. Letting go of her luggage with fear etched in her face she turned to look back at Christof she had to warn him. She felt some one

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touch her back, just as she turned to look. Her eyes widened as she looked up into the man's face. Only it wasn't Christof it was Alanzo. She reached for the piece Christof had given her as she turned back to the man from the night before prepared to fire. She was pushed to the ground just as the shots rang out.

“Get dooown!” Alanzo screamed out as he ducked and began firing. They both scrambled towards a nearby car that the valet driver was getting into. Alanzo snatched the man from the car and jumped in sliding over to the passenger's seat. Danielle hopped in behind him and paused as the bullets ripped into the side of the car.

“What the hell are you doing drive!” Alanzo yelled out as he ducked from the on coming gunfire.



“My friend Christof, I can't leave him!”

“We have to go!”

“I can't!” She yelled as she jumped out and dashed towards the door. Two other men advanced

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upon her firing as she made her way to the hotel entrance. Just as she was about to enter Christof stepped out firing. One guy spun from a shot to the shoulder. Danielle spun dropped to one knee and fired hitting the second guy in the chest. Alanzo pulled up with the passenger door open.

“Get in!” He yelled as the man from the night before continued firing as he held his cover from behind a parked car. Danielle leaps into the back seat as Christof stood over the hood firing. He stopped to get in quickly scanning Danielle to see if she'd been shot.

“Come on get in!” Danielle yelled as she caught eye contact with Christof for a brief second. She blinked her eyes, as his brains and blood splashed her face. Alanzo smashed the gas, Danielle jerked and bounced around the back seat as Alanzo zigzag-zagged through traffic. Leaving the armed gunman, dead men in the streets, and on coming sirens behind.

“What now? What now? What now?” Danielle muttered over and over again as she clutched the gun in the back seat.

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“We get in touch with my uncle he'll now what to....do” Alanzo's head slumped to the side crashing into the window as the car veered off to the right smashing into a parked car. Danielle screamed as her body jerked and bounced around the back seat. Body feeling banged up and sore she searched for her gun that slipped from her grasp on the floor. Sirens rang out in the distance. She stopped and looked out the back window. No authorities in sight but they were close. She decided to leave the gun, she climbed from the window of the passenger door and made her way to Alanzo's door.

Pulling the door open she looked down and saw that he was hit blood was pouring profusely.

“Oh my God your hit, we have to get you to a hospital.”

“No, no hospitals get me to the airport.”

She began dragging him from the car as crowds began to gather and stare.

“That's ridiculous you'll never make it with out medical attention.”

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“Danielle just listen to me, if we don't get out of this country now this scratch on my chest will be the least of our worries.”

She pulled him a few feet from the car as he held his chest from where he'd been shot coughing all the while. Laying him down on the ground she ran back to the car and grabbed the gun Alanzo left on the seat. Checking the clip, she cocked it back approached a woman sitting in a near by car gazing shoved the gun into her face and forced her from the car. Hopping in she pulled up to Alanzo helped him into the backseat and sped off.

After driving for ten minutes she angled the rear view mirror so that it faced down into the back seat where she could see Alanzo. He was in and out.


He didn't respond. “Hey De Luca!”

“What?” He answered groggily.

She pulled over.

“What...what are you doing?”

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“We aren't going any where until I get some answers.”

Alanzo struggled to sit up. “We don't have time for this I'm losing too much blood if we don't get moving I'm going to....”

“Die? I know, so get to talking.”

“This is serious!”

“And I'm not?” She turned the engine to the car off.

“Uhh....what....do....you want to know?” He forced out in between breaths.

“Where is my sister?”

“I don't know.”

“Wrong answer.” Danielle removed the key from the ignition and opened the car door.

“You, can't....leave me here!”

“Talk De Luca!”

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“It's the truth I don't know where she is but I know some one who does.”


“That's all I say until...you get... me to the airport.”

She put the key back into the ignition and turned the car on. Turning and looking back at Alanzo's sweat drenched face as he bled all over the back seat.

“Even if I get you to the airport before you pass out and die we'll never get pass airport security with you in the shape your in.”

He laughed. She pulled off.

“What's so funny?”

“Silly girl, we won't bother with security I have a Airbus 380 with full staff and a 24 hr. on-call medical physician awaiting our arrival. All you have to do is get us there in one piece.”

Twenty minutes later she sped onto the tarmac of Paramount Business Jets. Jumping out and pulling

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Alanzo from the backseat armed men rushed her with their guns drawn and pointing at her.

“Wait, wait, wait!”

“Stand down, stand down!” He yelled out as they all began holstering their weapons.

“We have to get him on the plane!” Danielle yelled as she stepped back and one man grabbed his legs and the other his arms rushing him onto the plane. She followed behind as the doors were immediately closed and the aircraft took off.

Alanzo was rushed to rear room in the massive aircraft. She was shown a room where she was given a change of clothes and allowed to take a shower. She asked where they were being flown to but no one answered. She felt it had gone on long enough she needed to contact her superiors and let them know what had gone on in Germany.

But just as her questions about their destination was held from her she was also denied access to a phone. A hour had gone pass and she was told that Alanzo would be out of surgery soon, he would have all the answers she needed. She was told that she could tour the jet, so that's what she did.

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Moving about the aircraft from room to room. If this wasn't such a horrific experience she would definitely be amazed. $400 million Well being Room: The floor is a giant screen allowing guests to see what they are flying over. As if in virutual reality, they can crawl from the ‘magic carpet’ seating area to the floor, where scented breezes including forests and sea air give the impression of flying.

On board Garage for parking the Bentley. Turkish bath in the spa, and twenty first class seats/beds for the extra guests. Grand spiral staircase, four giant full suites, concert hall, car garage with 3 motorcycles a Dodge Tomahawk V10 Super bike – $555,000. The V10 super bike boasts an 8.3 liter engine (505 cubic inch), and the 10 cylinders can bring the bike to a maximum speed of almost 400 mph. The 1500lb bike has an independent 4-wheel suspension and can reach 60 mph in around 2.5 seconds, an Ecosse Titanium Series RR Limited Edition – $275,000. This luxury motorbike features a titanium chassis with clear coated carbon fiber bodywork and wheels. It features a fuel injected, inter-cooled, supercharged 2,150cc billet motor and is capable of over 200 hp. Its saddle is ergonomic and adjustable. The bike also comes with a timepiece, designed by French watchmakers BRM,

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which is made to match the bike and is engraved with the same serial number as the handlebar clamp and VIN plate. This bike is limited to only 10 units, and an Icon Sheene – $160,000.Only 52 of these 250 hp, turbocharged 1400cc motorcycles were created. The air craft also was equipped with a space-age lift that shuttles between all 3 floors and drops into the tarmac.

She stood admiring the beautiful bikes.

“Nice huh?”

Startled she turned and faced Alanzo. “I need a phone.”

“I'm fine thanks for asking.”

“I have to call my superiors and...”

He turned and exited the garage. “Follow me.”

She followed behind. “Where are we going?”


“What? I can't go to Paris, I have to get back to the states.”

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“Soon enough.”

They walked into the Well Being room, he pressed a button on a remote and the flat screen came down. It was tuned to CNN, her face was plastered across the screen. Her mouth fell open as Alanzo turned up the voulme.

“What is this? What are they talking about?”

Alanzo skipped through the channels. “Its on every channel. CNN, Deutsche Welle in Germany, BBC news, NHK World in Japan and so on and so forth all saying the same thing.”

“I'm wanted for murder in Germany?”

“What? This can't be real?”

“They say you killed your those men in front of that hotel, they found the gun with your fingerprints in the back seat of that car we left.”

“Oh my GOD!”


“What? I'm having a moment over here.”

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“Their blaming you for Christof's death as well.”

“Christof? I would never I.....”

Alanzo stepped behind her and touched her shoulder. She jumped from his touch.

“I'm sorry.” He said as he took a step back.

“All I wanted to do was find my sister and go home, I didn't ask for all this.”

Alanzo sighed. “Never the less you have it, what are you going to do about it?”

“What can I do? Turn myself in to the authorities explain my side of the story.”

“Sorry to say, they need someone to take the fall and its you going to the authorities won't get you anything but locked up.”

“What do you suggest Alanzo? Go on the run?”

“No go with me to Paris, we'll get the answers you need there, trust me.”

“Trust you? I don't even know you.”

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I hope you enjoyed this sample of what I have to come Danielle Lovelace Vigilante for Hire will be the first in a series of Novella Ebooks! Until then check out Crew Love on Kindle for $3.00 http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_12?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=antwan+floyd&sprefix=antwan+floyd

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