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Danny & the Dinogons · Danny & the Dinogons is about the not so normal life of Danny growing up in...

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Page 1: Danny & the Dinogons · Danny & the Dinogons is about the not so normal life of Danny growing up in a blended, extended, mixed up family of Dinosaurs and Dragons living in a suburban
Page 2: Danny & the Dinogons · Danny & the Dinogons is about the not so normal life of Danny growing up in a blended, extended, mixed up family of Dinosaurs and Dragons living in a suburban

Danny & the Dinogons is about the not so normal life of Danny growing up in a blended, extended, mixed up family of Dinosaurs and Dragons living in a suburban neighbourhood and is the first animated pre-school sitcom to celebrate family, diversity, kindness…and scaly adventures!

Synopsis Hi!! We want you to meet Danny Dinogon. Danny is an 8-year-old boy who likes to do typical 8 year old boy things! You all know who they are. They stare at the TV playing computer games until their eyes go square, get irritable when things don’t quite go their way, eat food like it is going out of fashion and they like to hang out with their best friends. Pretty typical huh? Wrong! Danny is far from typical! You see, Danny’s family are just a little bit, well...mixed up. Why? Because Danny’s dad is a dinosaur and his mom is a dragon! Surprise!! Now that’s gonna make you rather different to everyone else on the street. And this also makes Danny a pretty cool kid to hang out with. Danny loves being a Dinogon. He lives with his mom and dad, 3 brothers, 3 sisters and his pet gecko, Cyril. Oh, did I mention that his Grandma and Grandpa live there too?? He has one of the largest families on the street...well, compared to most families anyway. You’ve heard of Malcom in the Middle? Well, Danny is a little bit like Malcom because he is the middle child of the Dinogon kids, and he really likes it that way! Being the oldest would be no fun because he knows his mom and dad would make him do all the chores and being the youngest means early to bed…now that’s not cool! The Dinogon family might not look like everyone else but they’re a friendly bunch. In fact, the whole neighbourhood loves them. They’re no different to any of us! Although they can burp smoke. Danny hasn’t quite gotten the hang of the fire breathing thing yet, but Grandpa says that practice makes perfect....and Danny loves to practice. But it is really embarrassing when Grandpa does do it though. Wouldn’t you be embarrassed if your Grandpa burped up the chimney while trying to light a fire? Danny’s always trying to persuade him to light it like everyone else but no…that would be WAY too easy! And if Danny concentrates really hard, he can fly.... a little bit! He may not be the greatest footballer on the pitch but being able to launch yourself into the air and stay there is a skill that his friends really wanna have. Danny is never happier than when he’s playing with the other kids on the block, especially Jake. Jake is the best pal anyone could wish you. Fun to hang out with, always making Danny laugh, great at playing pranks and totally gets Danny’s family. In fact, Jake thinks the Dinogons are pretty terrific neighbours to have. He has built this

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really cool den in his backyard where he and Danny love to hang out and play there. and a loud yell will always bring Danny flying over the hedge ready for fun adventures. And that’s exactly what Danny & the Dinogons is all about. The fun adventures of Danny Dinogon - a ‘not so ordinary’ 8-year-old suburban kid just trying to fit in, grow up and get along. All while being different.

Series Theme Danny & the Dinogons is an animated pre-school sitcom taking a humorous look at growing up, tolerance, acceptance and being different. For some kids, it can be challenging when you stand out but we all know that deep down inside, all kids just want to get along, play, have fun and grow up with a smile. There may be many shows out there that celebrate disability but nothing that celebrates acceptance, tolerance and kindness in a fun, entertaining and accessible way. The biggest thing we can teach children today is how to be kind. Danny & the Dinogons may just be one “fish out of water” tale, but we suspect it is like a lot of neighbourhoods right near you. Just like The Wonder Years, Danny & the Dinogons will be told in the first person, through Danny’s 8-year old eyes, giving us a unique perspective on being a special and different kid.

Characters The Dinogons Danny Danny is the middle child of the Dinogon kids and likes it that way! Being the oldest would be no fun because he knows his Mom and Dad would make him do all the chores and being the youngest means early to bed - now that’s not cool! Although, there is one chore he never shies away from…cleaning out his pet Gecko, Cyril’s cage. He loves Cyril and all the kids on the street love him too, especially when he takes him for a walk down the block - but not too far because Cyril does get tired quite easily. Lucy Lucy is Danny’s older sister. 10 years old and a bit of a “know it all”. She’s very self-assured and likes to boss her younger siblings around to get what she wants. Most of the time she appears to be calm and collected and fully in control, but you can often catch her rolling her eyes or breaking into an impromptu tantrum. Danny tries to ignore her, but sometimes she makes a lot of sense. Tom

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Tom is 9 years old and a bookworm. You will always find him hiding out in his bedroom with his head in a new adventure book, with his glasses tentatively perched on his nose. He doesn’t say too much but what he does say is often very profound and enlightening...and often just a bit too intelligent for the others to understand. Danny thinks its great having a genius in the family but not when Tom makes him feel stupid...which is quite a lot! Maddie A 7-year-old ball of fire who is full of energy. She never stops and is increasingly independent. She HATES being told what to do and just wants to get on and do things. She loves dancing and gymnastics and you will often find her in the garden doing exercises to music with a long ribbon tied to a stick. And watch out for her if you criticize her siblings...she is fiercely protective of them even though she has days where she wishes they weren’t around. Danny won’t always admit it, but Maddie is a lot of fun to be around. But don’t tell her he said that!! Gina Gina is 6 years old and incredibly inquisitive. Nothing can be said without a familiar “why?”. She wants to know everything but doesn’t really have the brain space to take in the answers so a simple “just because” will often suffice. She is slightly nervous of the older kids on the block, but Maddie and Danny look out for her and she is loved by everyone around her. Stevie & Sam 4-year-old twin boys that are often referred to as the “terrible twosome”. They are into everything and very funny. Sam will often have temper tantrums, but Stevie is slightly calmer although he does like to thump his tail up and down to make himself known. One minute they’re laughing and the next, they’re both in floods of tears causing everyone to come running. They both get on Danny’s nerves because they get so much attention. Not fair!! Mom Mom is a dragon, but the best kind ever!! She is the one that keeps the family in check. She has a big job managing her very large family but relishes the challenge and loves her brood. She is known as superwoman in the neighbourhood because nobody quite knows how she does it, manages to keep her cool and never look frazzled. But don’t get her angry as she is REALLY good at breathing fire! Danny really loves his Mom and hopes that his dragon side can be just like his Mom!

Page 5: Danny & the Dinogons · Danny & the Dinogons is about the not so normal life of Danny growing up in a blended, extended, mixed up family of Dinosaurs and Dragons living in a suburban

Dad Danny’s Dad is a dinosaur with an infectious personality who dotes on his children. He loves being the head of the family of Dinogons and is often telling Danny that he should be proud of where he’s come from. He is the mailman in the town so knows everybody who lives in the neighborhood. He is well known for his friendly disposition, friendly attitude towards everyone and his ability to deliver the mail quicker than any of his predecessors, due to his ability to carry mail better than anyone else! And he is pretty speedy for a dinosaur! It’s not just any mail...it’s Dino mail! Danny is really proud of his Dad and follows him around sometimes just to learn those cool dinosaur tricks. Did you know Dad can balance on his tail??!!! Now THAT’S cool! Grandma Grandma is Dad’s Mom. She doesn’t say much but she seems to know everything that’s going on. Don’t know how…. A look from Grandma will tell you exactly what she’s thinking. A wise woman that you wouldn’t want to cross. Danny knows she has a soft spot for him and he sometimes takes advantage of that. But he kind of suspects that Grandma knows when he is doing it and lets him get away with it. Grandpa Grandpa is Mom’s Dad. He is still working even though he must be at least 1,000 years old! He works in the neighbourhood BBQ Pit Stop as a chef. He’s a real asset and there’s no waiting for anything to be cooked when he’s around. The neighborhood kids particularly like the toasted marshmallows that he’s able to serve up in seconds along with steaming mugs of hot chocolate. Danny is particularly King of the Hill when he takes his mates around to the Pit Stop when Grandpa is working because he can slip the kids some of the Burnt End pieces when no one is looking!

Additional Characters Jake The Boy Next Door. He and Danny are best mates. Jake thinks Danny is really cool because he can do all that dinosaur and dragon stuff. It wasn’t always that way though, and Jake has had to stick up for Danny sometimes because Danny IS different. But Jake doesn’t care at all and that makes them inseparable. That friendship is sometimes tested though because Jake doesn’t always get why Danny does some of the dino/dragon stuff that he does. So he can sometimes feel left out. But they get over it and get back to being friends.

Page 6: Danny & the Dinogons · Danny & the Dinogons is about the not so normal life of Danny growing up in a blended, extended, mixed up family of Dinosaurs and Dragons living in a suburban

Oscar Oscar isn’t the kindest kid on the street. He doesn’t seem to get along with anyone and can sometimes be a bit mean to everyone, especially Danny. Nobody really knows why Oscar is like this but Danny and Jake suspect that Oscar is a bit jealous of their friendship. Maybe? Sally Sally is Jakes older sister...well, only by 1 year! She sometimes hangs out with Danny and Jake...when Jake allows her to! She has really big glasses that are always are sliding down her nose which she finds really annoying but Danny finds it cute.

Locations The Dinogons Residence Just your typical suburban house that looks like any other house on the street...until you get close up to it. A doorbell that roars and a dinosaur tail for a door handle signify that this house is just a little bit different. Jakes Backyard A big expanse with plenty of trees and equipment. There is a garage there that has Dad’s workshop. Danny thinks it is just somewhere for Dad to go to escape the mayhem in the house! Danny and Jake play in the backyard a lot. Many of Danny’s adventures begin in the backyard and somehow end up somewhere else. The BBQ Pit Stop Grandpa works here, and it is a hangout for the neighborhood kids. Think the Malt Shop from Happy Days. It is also the place where Danny can spend some time with his Grandpa, so he likes it a lot. The outside of the Pit Stop reveals a sprawling but enclosed place to play where the kids can run free. There’s sandpit, swings, a climbing frame, trees to climb and plenty of space to play games.

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Worldwide rights are available for this 52 x 11’ CGI animated series.

For further information, please contact:


Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Tel: 805 965 4488

Email: [email protected] Web: www.foothillentertainment.com
