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Dark Shadows FAQ

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= The DARK SHADOWS FAQ = = Vers 1.09: (March 15, 1996) = including the ever popular Almost Close to Possibly Definitive DS Characters List Vers 2.4 : (March 10, 1996) Original: (January 15, 1994) Copyright 1996 (for what its worth) by Roy-Alan Hansen <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Send all additions, corrections, suggestions, questions, comments, offers of chocolate chip cookies or whatever to the address above or to co-conspirator Tim Choate <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Permission to use, copy, and distribute this text for non-commercial purposes and without fee is hereby granted, provided that a credit notice appears in all copies. ======================================================================= "I too, would like to know more about that Barnabas Collins." Barnabas Collins (while in 1970PT) ======================================================================= *** { WARNING - There are plot spoilers inherent in this guide} *** [ Honestly - lots of them! ] ======================================================================= THE DARK SHADOWS FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FILE INCLUDING THE EVER POPULAR ALMOST CLOSE TO POSSIBLY DEFINITIVE DS CHARACTERS LIST M A R C H 1 5 , 1 9 9 6 ================================================================ PART 00. - TABLE OF CONTENTS ================================================================= DS-109-1.FAQ: 00. TABLE OF CONTENTS (YOU ARE HERE) 0. ADMINISTRIVIA Ia1. DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/CAST MEMBERS / A - Col (ABC)
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= The DARK SHADOWS FAQ = = Vers 1.09: (March 15, 1996) =

including the ever popular Almost Close to Possibly Definitive DS Characters List Vers 2.4 : (March 10, 1996) Original: (January 15, 1994)

Copyright 1996 (for what its worth) by Roy-Alan Hansen <[email protected]> <[email protected]>

Send all additions, corrections, suggestions, questions, comments, offers of chocolate chip cookies or whatever to the address above or to co-conspirator Tim Choate <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Permission to use, copy, and distribute this text for non-commercial purposes and without fee is hereby granted, provided that a credit notice appears in all copies.

======================================================================="I too, would like to know more about that Barnabas Collins." Barnabas Collins (while in 1970PT)=======================================================================

*** { WARNING - There are plot spoilers inherent in this guide} *** [ Honestly - lots of them! ]



M A R C H 1 5 , 1 9 9 6

================================================================PART 00. - TABLE OF CONTENTS=================================================================





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XIV. DARK SHADOWS Q & A #1-157 (ABC) (a) List of Questions (b) Questions & Answers



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======================================================================PART 0. - ADMINISTRIVIA ======================================================================

"At the risk of sounding banal - it's a small world isn't it?" Nicholas Blair

Q: What does FAQ stand for?A: FAQ (Pronounced either as letters F - A - Q or as a word "Fack") stands for Frequently Asked Questions, these documents help newbies and old timers alike get up to speed and join in the discussion. We hope the DS FAQ helps to increase your enjoyment of Dark Shadows - or at least lessen the confusion.

Q: Where can this FAQ be found - In case I want to find an updated version or some such thing?A: The FAQ currently has several homes:

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- On AOL it can be found in the TV GOSSIP ARCHIVES #2, a new and revised version appears about every six months or so. It appears in ZIP files using the name format <DS - vers # - Part # - ZIP> when unzipped the file will be called <DS - vers # - Part # - FAQ ie: DS-109-1.ZIP becomes DS-109-1.FAQ when unzipped to get the complete Dark Shadows FAQ version 1.09 you will need to get five files:

DS-109-1.ZIP = DS-109-1.FAQ = contains Parts 00 - III DS-109-2.ZIP = DS-109-2.FAQ = contains Parts IV - XII DS-109-3.ZIP = DS-109-3.FAQ = contains Parts XIII - XVIII DS-109-4.ZIP = DS-109-4.FAQ = contains Parts XIX - XXIV DS-109-5.ZIP = DS-109-5.FAQ = contains Parts XXV - XXXIX

DS109FAQ.ZIP contains all 5 parts = sections 00 - XXXIX

- On GEnie the FAQ can be found in the SFRT2 library, zipped or unzipped: ie: Number: 1390 Name: DS-107-1 Approximate # of bytes: 165760 Number: 1391 Name: DS-107-2 Approximate # of bytes: 166912 Number: 1392 Name: DS-107-1.ZIP Approximate # of bytes: 47744 Number: 1393 Name: DS-107-2.ZIP Approximate # of bytes: 60544

Version 1.08 is in there somewhere with similar nomenclature.

- It is also posted every month or two, to the rec.arts.sf.tv and alt.tv.dark_shadows newsgroups for those who prefer to get it off the Usenet. - The editors are working on placing the FAQ in various FTP sites on the Internet - so that it will always be available for download. Such as:

(This version is for MAC'S. If you have DOS, he has a file called binhex.exe to convert it.) - The FAQ has been known to pop up on various other BBS (Bulletin Board Services) around the USA and Canada. Chief among these is "The InterDependent BBS" Clark Harper, sysop Triad United Nations Association-USA BBS 910-722-5164 *** 14.4K baud 24 hrs (Winston-Salem NC USA)

Where the latest version of the FAQ can be downloaded from a section called "FAQ or Fiction".

- and on )( E V I O U S )(evious Telecommunications System Framingham, Massachusetts 508-788-6951 617-449-7322 300-28800 bps HST/v32/v34 4.3 Gigs Sysop: Nels Anderson

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- The FAQ can be tracked down at several of the Dark Shadows Web Sites mentioned in the CyberSpace section of the FAQ. Such as: <http://www.natural-innovations.com/boo/ds.html> <http://www.vampyre.wis.net/vampyre/index.html> <http://www.vampyre.wis.net/vampyre/faqs/dkshadows.html>

- Hard copies may be acquired. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for details.

Q:How did this start and who contributed? (as if Anyone really cared)A:The FAQ is maintained by Roy-Alan Hansen and Tim Choate.

- Roy-Alan Hansen compiled and posted an alphabetic listing of characters on 1/12/94 following an idle comment by Rex Goode on 12/28/93, posted to the Dark Shadows mailing list on the Usenet, and adding all of the names and dates that could be gleaned from the DS Companion (edited by Kathryn Leigh Scott with a DS History by Melody Clark, Kathleen Resch and Marcy Robin, as well as an episode guide by Jim Pierson), the MPI Catalogs, various Magazine and Press articles and submissions/suggestions received off of the Internet Dark Shadows mailing list.

Over the course of time Roy added selected threads from various Bulletin Boards and other misc sources, as well as original constructs, particularly those Q&A dealing with the occult, the arcane or artifacts. He gleaned other tidbits from the Science Fiction Channel ReBroadcasts and an ongoing review of the MPI tapes. The process continues, with the help of many and Roy continues as a primary conservator of the FAQ with the irreplaceable help of...

- Tim Choate, who added to the process on occassions so numerous that he became a co-conspirator and co-editor. He has added a large assortment of names and data from the DS 1994 and 1995 Calendars as well as Kathryn Leigh Scott's book My Scrapbook Memories of Dark Shadows and various other sources credited elsewhere. Tim was instrumental in compiling the Bar Fly section, the episodes chronology, tape chronology, the episode airdates listing and creating the Collins Family Trees.

He has provided invaluable service proof reading, editing, nit-picking and giving general support for and guidance to the project. Together Roy and Tim have happily wasted many hours arguing the finer points of listing protocol, etiquette and major issues such as whether a ghost is a spectre, a dream being or a vision.

- Kricket Wood found, and supplied us with, a video copy of "Satan in High Heels", so that Grayson Hall's participation could be verified. As well as giving us a great deal of moral support and being our eyes and ears on Prodigy, she has supplied us with (and edited) the Top 10 lists from Prodigy's DS group. Her support, encouragement and good humor has been greatly appreciated.

- Teri Darcy has supplied hard copy printouts to those unable to download the complete file. More than that she has graciously continued to put up with DSLurker's unending attempts at satire and a long string of bad jokes.

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Teri was been a major source of encouragement when the FAQ project seemed to become too large too handle.

- Cathy Vocke has been an amiable critic and helpful source for missing information. Her careful and detailed reading of the FAQ is greatly appreciated.

- Anne Flack identified many of the mystery entries and has served as a gracious sounding board and resource.

- Martin Davenport (DS Little Instruction Book), Cathy Vocke, Reed Waller, G. Gum, r.rarich, Kevin Wright, Jim Hunter, Bill E. Wilson (Many Filmography entries and the Top 10 lists), and Chuck Rydholm have all added to the knowledge here-in posted.

- Mary Lynne Dittmar graciously volunteered to help us proof the FAQ and also provided hard copies to those who couldn't download. (This is how the Encyclopedia Galactica got started, isn't it?)

- Karl Kluge <[email protected]> gave us the Lyndhurst floorplan in the Movies Section, the text of the DS ViewMaster reels, and a few other Q&A topics.

- special thanks goes to David B. O'Donnell, Clark Harper, sysop of "the InterDependent BBS" (Winston-Salem, NC).

- Special thanks to Don Small for his kind words and encouragement.

As I mentioned a lot of the information has been gratuitously borrowed from the Internet and other BBS sources. Following are the names of the people I *do* have, besides those above. If you feel slighted - let me know and your name will be added. Many thanks to all who have provided help - knowingly or otherwise. A major apology to those who have been inadvertently excluded (before you yell at us - make sure you aren't mentioned somewhere else in this monster). Sorted more or less randomly, in a truely democratic binge, they are:

Barb Poirier * Anne Flack * Lois Frankel * David Bibb * Kiki Decker * Martin Derose * Chris Elliott * Lois Frankel * Rex Goode * Jane Harris * Jim Hunter *Liz McGillicuddy * Alane S. Megna * Pam Picard * Winston Boyd *Judy Phillips * Susan Willard * Kevin Wright *

- Thanks to all for their comments, additions, corrections, suggestions or plain good natured banter.

- Updates will be issued, more or less, bi-annually until the dust settles.

A final note:=============

Tim and I never thought, over two years ago, that our maniacal project would have such a life of its own - the number of requests for Email copies and downloads from AOL, GEnie, various BBSs, the WWW and the USENET have astounded us, and encouraged us to continue adding material to and refining

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the FAQ. We both gasped audibly when the FAQ hit 500K and as we approach a Meg - the air has started to get very thin - like the Dark Shadows story- it just keeps growing. Who knows what the future will bring?

We would like to apologize in advance for any errors which may have escaped our gaze or sifting. If you find one - please let us hear about it.We have tried to be as accurate as possible, not an easy task when dealing with Dark Shadows. We intend to keep refining this FAQ, until it can be a blemishless beacon, in a sea of misquotes and speculation. Unfortunately, any task this size is bound to allow a few errors to get through, try as the editors may. The Dark Shadows Companion and the Dark Shadows Almanac, although both invaluable, are not without the occasional blooper. Those who follow the credits at the end of the shows know that even here errors and misspellings crop up.

The worst example of misinformation I have come across in recent times - appears in a book titled "THE COMPLETE VAMPIRE COMPANION" by Rosemary Ellen Guiley. In the book - Dark Shadows - both 1966 and 1991 are mentioned several times and generally treated well, photos and all. However, there are several errors the (excuse the expression) gravest of which is the following: (speaking of the 1991 show)

" ...and actress Jean Simmons reprised her role as Dr. Lang."

Well, Where does one start? No 1966 Actors/Actresses appeared in the 1991series. certainly not Jean Simmons - who plays the ECS role which was Joan Bennett's in the original. As for Dr. Lang - his character was not in the 1991 series at all.

The author also states that one of the new and unique aspects DS brought to Vampire lore was that the Vampire had the ability to time travel. Well, it is true that Barnabas transcended time - but then so did Petofi, Julia, Stokes - well - you get the idea - time travel was hardly a "trait" or"skill" of the Vampire - it was just a tool which was available to many of the Collinwood residents.

I think the author should be forced to get the SciFi channel and actually watch the shows she writes about, and if they confuse her - she should go online and ask for help from DS fans, who would, I am sure, be more than willing to clear up her misconceptions.

We try here to sort the unsorted, list the unlisted and bring a sense of order to chaos. We hope our efforts are of use to you, the reader, and form a positive force in the continuing popularity and enjoyment of Dark Shadows.

From both Tim and myself, a sincere thank you for your interest and support.

Roy-Alan Hansen 03/15/96

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(In case anyone is manic enough to care about document history)

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Almost Close to Possibly Definitive DS Characters List------------------------------------------------------

Vers 1 : January 15, 1994 (The Original)Vers 1 Rev 1 : February 01, 1994 Vers 1 Rev 2 : February 20, 1994 Vers 1 Rev 3 : March 15, 1994 Vers 1 Rev 3.5 : July 30, 1994 Vers 1 Rev 3.51 : September 01, 1994 Vers 1 Rev 3.52 : October 31, 1994 Vers 2.0 : January 15, 1995 Vers 2.1 : March 1, 1995 (FAQ 1.08)Vers 2.2 : September 15, 1995Vers 2.3 : December 1, 1995 Vers 2.4 : March 10, 1996 (The Current)

The DARK SHADOWS FAQ containing the ACTPDDSCL---------------------------------------------


and just for the record:

Copyright and Trademark Notice: In no case is use of any copyrighted material and/or trademarks without identifying symbols intended as a

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claim of ownership to those copyrights and/or trademarks. "DS-FAQ" is a non-profit (and unprofitable) project of list-making, collation and consolidation of data and factoids concerning DARK SHADOWS. If you feel you deserve credit for something herein, let us know - If you do, you'll get it.

DARK SHADOWS is a Registered Trademark of DAN CURTIS PRODUCTIONS, INC. All other copyrighted material, trademarks, and/or service marks cited herein are registered to their respective owners.

You may freely distribute this file or portions of it as long as you cite the original sources and the FAQ.

========================================================================== THE ALMOST CLOSE TO POSSIBLY DEFINITIVE DS CHARACTERS LIST Ver 2.4 3/10/96 ==========================================================================

DARK SHADOWS (ABC) --------------------

First Broadcast : VTR 6/13/66 AIRDATE June 27, 1966Barnabas arrives: AIRDATE April 18, 1967Final Broadcast : VTR 3/24/71 AIRDATE April 2, 19711225 half hour episodes (the hand of Barnabas arrives in episode 210) (the complete Barnabas arrives in episode 211)-------------------------The Possible Time Frames:-------------------------

FLASH BACKS : 1692 - 1795 - 1796 - 1840 - 1897 - 1949 THE PRESENT : 1966 - 1967 - 1968 - 1969 - 1970 - 1971THE FUTURE : 1995 ___ PARALLEL TIMES: 1680 PT 1841 PT 1970 PT | | ___ | | | | | | _ | | __| | | | __| |____/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \_____ / \_____/ /\ / | | / _/\____| |________/ / /|| " Might have beens, can never be." Sandor Racosi----------------------------------------------------------------------NOTES:

- General Format for entries is:

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- Substitutes for uncertain spellings, names, or data are in (( ))

- Nicknames or common names are in " "

- Maiden names, where used, are enclosed in { } with the exception of Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, who would haunt us all, if we ever dared forget that she was a Collins, first and foremost. - BB was used for characters or events solely Before Barnabas in earlier drafts - this designation is slowly being dropped.

- PT denotes PARALLEL TIME sequences.

- 1968 was a generic date for the 1966/69 shows, since characters overlapped between these years. These dates are becoming more specific with time and most 1968 dates now represent action in 1968.

- Dates from the DS Calender represent appearance dates rather than storyline - and particularly after the 1897 sequence this is a bit hard to decipher - so when a date is appearance rather than storyline, it will be noted as ("appeared" XXXX) and hopefully pinned down in time.

- Victoria "Vicki" Winters is listed in the exalted neighborhood of Collinsdom - since, strong rumor has it, she was originally intended to be Elizabeth Collins Stoddard's illegitimate daughter.

================================================================PART Ia.1 - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/CAST MEMBERS (ABC) A - Col=================================================================

"Hey, this is going to be a pretty exciting place!" Jebez Hawkes

Ackerman, Jane (1967) almost attacked on the way into town [mentioned only]Adam (1968) the man-made man [Robert Rodan]Ahern, Ezra (1966) listens to Burke's offer to work at Logansport Cannery (Ep. #89) [ ]Ahern, Ezra (1966) turns down Burke's offer to work at Logansport Cannery (Ep. #99) [Dolph Sweet]Andreas (1897) Gypsy Juror #1 [Ray Von Orden]Aristede (1897) Count Petofi's foppish aide-de-camp [Michael Stroka]Audrey The Leviathan Vampire Girl (1969) [Marsha Mason] Bailiff (1796) [Anthony Goodstone] Bainbridge (1840) Collins servant - finds bitten woman in cemetery [mentioned only]Barmaid (1840) at the Eagle Tavern [Christine Domaneck]Barmaid (1968) [Carol Ann Lewis] Barmaid (1795) at the Eagle with Lieutenant Forbes [Rebecca Shaw] Barmaid (1970PT) at the Eagle, Buffie Harrington [Elizabeth Eis]Barnes, Sophie (1897) Barnabas victim on the docks [K. C. Townsend] (as listed in credits, though she calls herself Sophie Baker)Bartender at the Blue Whale (1897)Bartender at the Blue Whale (1949) [Jean Pierre Boru]

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Bartender at the Blue Whale (1966/68/70) Bob Rooney [Bob O'Connell]Bartender at the Blue Whale (1968) relief shift [Tom Gorman]Bartender at the Eagle (1795) Mr. Mooney [Bob O'Connell]Bartender at the Eagle (1970PT) [Kenneth McMillan]Bat (1795+) the vampire's alter ego [Bil Baird, puppeteer]Bat of Hell (1970) summoned and captured by Jeb, [Bil Baird, puppeteer]Bellboy (with a terrible British accent) (1970) at Mr. Death's "Stopping Off Place Hotel" [Brian Sturdivant] Bell, Lorna (1840) went to school with Roxanne [Marilyn Joseph]Bennett, Oliver (1795) Cabinetmaker of Marion, Massachusetts [mentioned only]Best, Mr. (1897, 1969/70) a.k.a. Mr. Death [Emory Bass]Bilodeau, Adam (1966) listens to Burke's offer to work at Logansport Cannery (Ep. #89) [Herb Holcombe] ]Blackwood, Garth (1897) demonic visage of the Master of Darthmoor Prison resurrected to kill Aristede [John Harkins] Bland, the Reverend (1795) minister who performs the wedding for Barnabas and Angelique [Paul Kirk Giles]Blair, Cassandra (1968) a student of Prof. Stokes, she claims to be Nicholas' sister, marries Roger Collins [Lara Parker]Blair, Hands of Cassandra (1968) as she prematurely aged [Judith Lowry]Blair, James (1966) [John Baragrey] Blair, Nicholas (1968,1970) Angelique's "manager" [Humbert Allen Astredo] Blair, Ghost of Nicholas (1970) seeking revenge against Jeb [Humbert Allen Astredo]Blanchard [Cliff Cudney]Block, Wilfred "Fred" (1970PT) Loomis' groundskeeper/caretaker [Edmund Hashim] Bouchard, Angelique (1692,1795,1840,1897,1968/70) Josette's maid, a witch, Barnabas' nemesis [Lara Parker] (See Collins)Bradbury, Martha (married Amos Stokes) [mentioned only]Bradford, Nile (1967) Barnabas' fictitious cousin in England [mentioned only]Bradford, Peter (1795) (b. 1/18/1770) a.k.a. Jeff Clark / marries Victoria Winters in 1968 then returns to 1795. He is hanged in 1797 for pushing Jeb Hawkes off of the cliff at Widow's Hill [Roger Davis] Bradford, Ghost of Peter (1970) seeks revenge on Jeb Hawkes [Roger Davis]Bradford, Victoria {Winters} (1796) wife of Peter, goes over the cliff at Widow's Hill in 1797, apparently the fault of Jeb Hawkes [Carolyn Groves]Braithwaite, Ezra (1969) silversmith as an old man [Abe Vigoda] Braithwaite, Ezra (1897) silversmith as a youth [Edward Marshall] Braithwaite, Tim (1840) drunken lout who helps Desmond find the body of Judah Zachery [Dick Sabol] Braithwaite, Body of Tim (1840) [Gary George] Braithwaite, Tim (1841PT) [Dick Sabol]Braithwaite, Body of Tim (1841PT) [John Kuhner]Brand, the Reverend (1970) marries Carolyn to Jeb [Donald Hotton] Brewster, David (1967) drowned at sea [mentioned only]Bronson, Andrew (1692) he and his family were JZ victims [mentioned only]Bronson, Stuart (1966) Burke's P.I. [Barnard Hughes]Brook, the Rev. Alton (1795) was to have married Barnabas/Josette [Paul Kirk Giles] Brooks, Dr. (1897) the family physician [mentioned only]Brown, Purity (1795) vampire victim (mentioned in 1840) [mentioned only]Browning, Maude (1795) attacked on docks by Barnabas [Vala Clifton]Browning, Ghost of Maude (1968) juror at mock trial [Maggie Benson]Bruno (1970) a Leviathan follower, recruited by Mr. Strach [Michael Stroka]

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Cab Driver (1966) to take Vicki to the bus station but instead she goes to the Old House & Matthew captures her (Ep. #116) [Arthur Anderson]Cab Driver (1966) takes Mrs. Johnson to Collinwood for job interview (Ep. #81) [ ]Cabot, Crystal (1796) a victim of Barnabas [Audrey Larkins] Cabot, Daniel (1841PT) carries the news of Bramwell's ship [mentioned only]Cal (1966) works for Sheriff Patterson [mentioned only]Calder, Ned (1966) Liz's business manager for 15 years, she offers him his job back - he now lives in Portland, ME [mentioned only]Cameron, Lucy (1966) Dr. Reeve's patient, having a baby [mentioned only]Cameron, Mr. (1966) speaks to Dr. Reeves on the phone [mentioned only]Cannery Executive (1966) [John Servetnik]Caped figure (1897) [Barbara Brownell]Carter, Constable Jonas (1966) [Michael Currie] Cartwright, Zeb (1966) listens to Burke's offer to work at Logansport Cannery (Ep. #89) [Leo Marrell]Cemetery Caretaker (1966/67) [Daniel Keyes] [Peter Murphy]Chase, Larry (1970PT) Collins' family lawyer [Ken McEwen] Chavez, Beth (1897) Collins' maid/ Quentin's mistress [Terry Crawford]Chavez, Ghost of Beth (1897) as she forgives Quentin [Terry Crawford]Chavez, Ghost of Beth (1969) Quentin's mistress [Terry Crawford]Chris (1966) policeman told to follow Sam Evans [mentioned only]Clark, Jeff (1968) a.k.a. Peter Bradford/ marries Vicki Winters [Roger Davis]Clark, Victoria "Vicki" {Winters} (1968,1796) wife of Jeff Clark [Carolyn Groves] (see COLLINS/STODDARD)Cloaked figure [Alfred Dillay] (1967)Cloaked figure (1970) haunts Jeb (Ghost of Peter Bradford) [Anthony Sacco] Cockatoo, Stuffed (1970 PT) Tim Stokes' pet [a real stiff]

COLLINS: Abigail Collins (1795) sister of Joshua [Clarice Blackburn]COLLINS: Ghost of Abigail Collins (1795) [Clarice Blackburn]COLLINS: Abner Collins (pre-1840) shown in a portrait in 1970 [mentioned only]COLLINS: Adam Collins (1968) when Barnabas thought his life-force was going into Adam (Lang's creation) he created this identity, another English cousin and paved the way for his acceptance at Collinwood, in Adam's body. Barnabas told Liz that he would be away for awhile and that he was expecting "Adam" Collins to pay him a visit very soon. He never appeared and no one ever wondered why Adam Collins never showed up. [mentioned only]COLLINS: Amadeus Collins (1692) 1 of 3 witchcraft judges [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Ghost of Amadeus Collins (1840) [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Amanda Collins (1680PT) (d.1680PT) wife of Brutus [Nancy Barrett]COLLINS: Amy Collins (1970PT) Chris' sister [Denise Nickerson]COLLINS: Angelique {Bouchard} Collins (1692,1795,1840,1897,1968/70) Follower of Judah Zachery, a witch, Barnabas' wife and nemesis [Lara Parker]COLLINS: Angelique {Bouchard} Collins' doppelganger (1897) [Lara Parker]COLLINS: Angelique {Stokes} Collins (1970PT) Quentin's 1st wife (b.1939PT/d.1969PT) [Lara Parker]COLLINS: August Collins (1690) [mentioned in 1840]COLLINS: Barnabas Collins' hand (1967) going for Willie's throat [Tim Gordon]COLLINS: Barnabas Collins (PT) (b.1770PT/d.1830PT) married Josette du Pres [mentioned only]COLLINS: Barnabas Collins (1795,1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995)

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[Jonathan Frid]COLLINS: Barnabas Collins' doppelganger (1897) [Jonathan Frid]COLLINS: Benjamin Collins (~1925) shown in a portrait in the Foyer next to the Drawing Room doors in 1966, Roger calls him a great-uncle [mentioned only]COLLINS: Bramwell Collins (1841PT) [Jonathan Frid]COLLINS: Brutus Collins (1680PT) satanic robber barron [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Ghost of Brutus Collins (1841PT) [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Caleb Sayers Collins (1840) original owner of Vicki's dream house, SEAVIEW. When Elizabeth wanted to give the house to Vicki and Burke as a wedding present she found that, in his will, Caleb had stipulated that only a Collins could own or live in the house for 100 years after his death [mentioned only]COLLINS: Carl Collins (1897) Quentin's younger brother [John Karlen]COLLINS: Cassandra {Blair} Collins (1968) married to Roger, it's Angelique! [Lara Parker]COLLINS: Hands of the aging Cassandra {Blair} Collins (1968) [Judith Lowry]COLLINS: Catherine {Harridge} Collins (1841PT) [Lara Parker]COLLINS: Charles Collins (1840) brother of Geoffrey & CalebCOLLINS: Chris Collins (1970PT) Collins' lawyer, Amy's brother [Don Briscoe]COLLINS: Constance Collins (1680PT) (d.1680PT) sister of Brutus [Grayson Hall]COLLINS: Daniel Collins (1795) Millicent's brother [David Henesy]COLLINS: Daniel Collins (1840) the 1795 Daniel as an adult, now father of Gabriel and Quentin [Louis Edmonds] COLLINS: Ghost of Daniel Collins (1840) [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Ghostly Voice of Daniel Collins (1840) [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Daniel Collins (1970PT) son of Quentin & Angelique [David Henesy]COLLINS: Daphne {Harridge} Collins (1841) wife to Quentin [Kate Jackson]COLLINS: Daphne {Harridge} Collins (1841PT) wife to Bramwell [Kate Jackson]COLLINS: David Collins (1966/71) (b.1956) Roger's son [David Henesy]COLLINS: Desmond Collins (1840) a cousin, son of Flora [John Karlen]COLLINS: Edith Collins (1840) Gabriel's wife [Terry Crawford] COLLINS: Edith Collins (1897) Quentin's grandmother, Gabriel's wife [Isabella Hoopes]COLLINS: Ghost of Edith Collins (1897) [Isabella Hoopes] COLLINS: Edward Collins (1897) Quentin's older brother, father of Nora & Jamison [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Flora Collins (1840) cousin of Quentin & Gabriel [Joan Bennett]COLLINS: Flora Collins (1841PT) mother of Morgan & Gabriel [Joan Bennett]COLLINS: Gabriel Collins (1840) father of Caleb, Geoffrey, and Charles married to Edith [Christopher Pennock]COLLINS: Gabriel Collins (1841PT) an alcoholic [Christopher Pennock]COLLINS: Geoffrey Collins (1840) father of Judith, Edward, Quentin, Carl [mentioned only]COLLINS: Ghost of Harriet Collins (1840) (d.1830) wife of Daniel [Gaye Edmond]COLLINS: Isaac Collins (1690) shown in a portrait next to the piano by the window in 1966. In the pre-Barnabas version of family history, it was Isaac who crossed the Atlantic in 1690 in a small sailing ship. He landed near Frenchman's Bay - founding the town and the family fortune. [mentioned only]COLLINS: Jamison Collins (1897) Edward's son, father of Roger & Elizabeth [David Henesy]COLLINS: Jenny {Racosi} Collins (1897) (b.1869/d.1897) Magda's sister, Quentin's wife [Marie Wallace] COLLINS: Ghost of Jenny Collins (1897) [Marie Wallace] COLLINS: Ghost of Jenny Collins (1969) [Marie Wallace]

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COLLINS: Jeremiah Collins (1795) (b.1763/d.1795) brother of Joshua [Anthony George] In the pre-Barnabas family history - it was Jeremiah who built Collinwood on Widow's Hill. He was said to be Elizabeth's Great-Grandfather. He is initially mentioned in 1966 when his portrait which hangs over the fireplace is pointed out.COLLINS: Body of Jeremiah Collins (1795) [Tom Gorman]COLLINS: Hand of Jeremiah Collins (1795) [Timothy Gordon]COLLINS: Ghost of Jeremiah Collins (1795) [Timothy Gordon]COLLINS: Ghost of Jeremiah Collins (1897) [Timothy Gordon]COLLINS: Ghostly Voice of Jeremiah Collins (1968) [Addison Powell]COLLINS: Josette {du Pres} Collins (1795) (b.1774/d.1795) wife of Jeremiah [Kathryn Leigh Scott]COLLINS: Josette Collins (1841PT) Barnabas' widow, Bramwell's mother [Mary Cooper]COLLINS: Sobbing Voice of Josette {du Pres} Collins (1968) [Florence Stanley]COLLINS: Ghost of Josette {du Pres} Collins (1966BB,1968,1970) [Kathryn Leigh Scott]COLLINS: Ghost of Josette {du Pres} Collins (1966) [Florence Stanley]COLLINS: Ghost of Josette (du Pres) Collins (1967) [Rosemary McNamara] (Eps. #149,165 & 184)COLLINS: Ghost of Josette {du Pres} Collins (1969) [Natalie Norwich] COLLINS: Joshua Collins (1795) father of Barnabas [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Ghost of Joshua Collins (1970PT) [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Judith {Collins} Trask (1897) Quentin's' sister, marries Gregory Trask [Joan Bennett]COLLINS: Dr. Julia H(offman). Collins (1840) actually Dr. Hoffman pretending to be Barnabas' sister from......England [Grayson Hall]COLLINS: Julia Collins (1841PT) Morgan's aunt [Grayson Hall]COLLINS: Justin Collins (1841PT) "the forgotten man", husband of Flora [David Hurst] COLLINS: Ghost of Justin Collins (1841PT) [David Hurst]COLLINS: Laura Collins (d.1667) first appearance of the PhoenixCOLLINS: Laura {Murdoch} Collins (d.1/25/1785) the Phoenix, 1st wife of Jeremiah Collins (BB she was said to have died in 1767) [Diana Millay]COLLINS: Laura {Murdoch} Collins' scream (1966) [Sheila Ray]COLLINS: Laura {Murdoch} Collins (1897) Edward's wife [Diana Millay] (died in Alexandria, Egypt 1896; returned to Collinsport 1897) (BB she was said to have died in 1867) COLLINS: Laura {Murdoch} Collins (1966/67) (David's mother, the Phoenix) see NOTES ON THE PHOENIX: under Phoenix COLLINS: Lenore Collins (1897) Quentin's daughter, great-grandmother of the Jennings group [mentioned only] COLLINS: Letitia {Faye} Collins (1841) wife of Desmond Collins [Nancy Barrett]COLLINS: Maggie {Evans} Collins (1970PT) Quentin's 2nd wife [Kathryn Leigh Scott]COLLINS: Melanie {Collins} Young (1841PT) [Nancy Barrett] COLLINS: Millicent Collins (Forbes) (1795) Joshua's cousin [Nancy Barrett]COLLINS: Morgan Collins (1841PT) an artist [Keith Prentice]COLLINS: Mortimer Collins (1748PT) went to a dentist [mentioned in 1841PT]COLLINS: Naomi Collins (1795) Barnabas' mother [Joan Bennett]COLLINS: Nora Collins (1897) Edward's daughter [Denise Nickerson] COLLINS: Quentin Collins (1840,1841PT) (b.1808) great-uncle of 1897 Q [David Selby]

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COLLINS: Quentin Collins (1897,1970/71,1995) The Quentin (b.1870 d.????) [David Selby]COLLINS: Quentin Collins as the werewolf (1897) [Alex Stevens]COLLINS: Ghost of Quentin Collins (1969) [David Selby]COLLINS: Quentin Collins (1841PT) son of Justin and Flora [David Selby]COLLINS: Quentin Collins (1970PT) master of Collinwood, married to Angelique, then married to Maggie, father of Daniel [David Selby]COLLINS: Quentin's son (1897) one of a pair of twins (boy/girl) removed from their insane mother and Collinwood (see Lenore Collins)COLLINS: Roger Collins (1966/71) (b.1925) Elizabeth Collins Stoddard's brother [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Roger Collins (1970PT) a poor relative of Quentin, Elizabeth's brother [Louis Edmonds]COLLINS: Samantha {Drew} Collins (1840) Quentin(1840)'s wife; believing Quentin dead, she marries Gerard Stiles [Virginia Vestoff]COLLINS: Sarah Collins (1795) Barnabas' sister [Sharon Smyth]COLLINS: Ghost of Sarah Collins (1967) [Sharon Smyth]COLLINS: Thadeus "Tad" Collins (1840) son of Samantha and Quentin (1840) [David Henesy] COLLINS: Ghost of Thadeus "Tad" Collins (1970,1995) [David Henesy]COLLINS: Theodore Collins (1795) father of Millicent and Daniel (shown in a portrait in 1966) COLLINS: Valerie Collins (1840) Barnabas' wife / she's Angelique ! [Lara Parker]COLLINS: William Collins (pre-1830PT) tried to escape THE CURSE [mentioned only]

COLLINS/JENNINGS: Amy Jennings (1968+) Quentin's great-great-granddaughter [Denise Nickerson]COLLINS/JENNINGS: Christopher "Chris" Jennings (1968/70) Quentin's great-great-grandson (b.1944) [Don Briscoe]COLLINS/JENNINGS: Christopher "Chris" Jennings (1968/70) as the werewolf [Alex Stevens]COLLINS/JENNINGS: Thomas "Tom" Jennings (1968) Quentin's great-great- grandson, Chris' twin brother (b.1944/d.1968) [Don Briscoe]

COLLINS/STODDARD: Carolyn Collins Stoddard (1966/71,1995) daughter of Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (Only Elizabeth would give her child "Collins" as a middle name! But there it is - stated in episode #42), marries Jeb Hawkes (b. 12/8/1948) or (b.7/16/46 = ep#267) [Nancy Barrett] (filled in for 1 day) [Diane Walker] (episode #578 , 9/11/68) COLLINS/STODDARD: Ghostly Voice of Carolyn Stoddard (1995) spoke through Julia Hoffman at seance [Grayson Hall]COLLINS/STODDARD: Carolyn Stoddard (Loomis) (1970PT) daughter of Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, married to Will Loomis [Nancy Barrett]COLLINS/STODDARD: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (1966-1971) a Pisces born February 28, 1917, Roger's older sister [Joan Bennett]COLLINS/STODDARD: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (1970PT) poor relation of Quentin, sister of Roger [Joan Bennett]COLLINS/STODDARD: Paul Stoddard (1949,1969/70) Elizabeth's husband (b.1920/d.1970) [Joel Fabiani] [Dennis Patrick] COLLINS/STODDARD: Paul Stoddard's corpse on ground (1970)COLLINS/STODDARD: Paul Stoddard's corpse in the coffin (1970) [Dennis Patrick]COLLINS/STODDARD: Victoria "Vicki" Winters (1795,1966/68) hired as the

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Collins' governess - the story of DS was originally to center on her search for her parentage. (b.1946/d.1797) [Alexandra Moltke] then for a few weeks [Betsy Durkin] 21 episodes (1968) and for a few days [Carolyn Groves] 7 episodes (1968)

=================================================================PART Ia.2 - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/CAST MEMBERS (ABC) Com - I=================================================================

"And what do you see, when you look in the mirror?!" "Oh, but I forgot... you see nothing!" Angelique to Barnabas

Collinsport Star Photographer (1966) at crash site [mentioned only]Collinsport Star Reporter (1966) at crash site [mentioned only]Comstock, Rachel (1966) one of the 3 widows on Widow's Hill. Rachel is credited with being the first of the widows to die off the hill. She was the wife of a fisherman. Her husband and 5 sons died at sea (should have considered a career change!) Cop (1897) [John Meranda] Cordier, Phillipe (1795) Danielle Roget's lover [mentioned only] Corey, Mrs. (1897) Fall River widow courted by Gregory TraskCorey, Olivia (1969/70) "art collecting" actress says she is Amanda Harris' granddaughter (by a Mr. Langley) but in reality she is Amanda Harris [Donna McKechnie]Costa, Lieutenant (1967) [John Harkins] Curse Shadow (1840) a.k.a. the Shadow of Death, Gerard/Judah's curse on Mordecai Grimes [special(?) effect]Curse Shadow (1970) Angelique's curse on Jeb [special(?) effect]Customer (1966) [Jim Mixon]

Davenport, Hand of Sheriff (1970) [George di Cenzo] Davenport, Mrs. (1970) wanted a silver tea strainer [mentioned only]Davenport, Sheriff (1970) (b.1935/d.1970) hunting Jeb [Ed Riley]Davenport, Sheriff as a Zombie (1970) resurrected by Jeb [Ed Riley]Dawson, Charles (1840) lawyer, Satanist, coven leader, county prosecutor [Humbert Allen Astredo]Dawson, Great-Grandfather of Charles (1692) follower of Judah Zachery [mentioned only] Death (1970) [Emory Bass] (see Best, Mr.) Deputy (1897) at the Collinsport Gaol [Paul Vincent]Deputy (1967) allows Sam Evans to visit Willie in the hospital [ ]Deputy (1967) [Dennis Johnson]Deputy (1967) [Ed Sauter]Deputy #1 (1968) [Tom Murphy]Deputy #2 (1968) [Angie Brown]Deputy Sheriff (1968) the sadistic one [Clifford Pellow] Devlin, Burke (1966/67+) Unjustly convicted of manslaughter, he returns to Collinsport for revenge against the Collins' family. Later, he becomes Liz's friend and engaged to Victoria Winters. [Mitchell Ryan] (Casting change mid 67) [Anthony George] Devlin, Chauffeur to Burke (1966) picks Vicki and Burke up at the stationDiabolos (1968) Nicholas Blair's supervisor [Duane Morris]Doctor (1795) examines Barnabas after the bat bite [Jack Stamburger] Douglas, Grant (1969/70) a.k.a Quentin Collins [David Selby]

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Drew, Mr. (1840) father of Roxanne and Samantha, President of the Collinsport Bank [mentioned only]Drew, Randall (1840) brother of Samantha and Roxanne [Gene Lindsey] Drew, Ghost of Randall (1840) [Gene Lindsey]Drew, Roxanne (1840) vampire, 1840 Quentin's sister-in-law [Donna Wandrey]Drew, Ghost of Roxanne (1840) ghost of the deceased vampire [Donna Wandrey] Drew, Roxanne (1970) a psychic, the partner of Sebastian Shaw, a vampire [Donna Wandrey]Drew, Roxanne (1970PT) psychic whose body provides life-force for Angelique [Donna Wandrey]Drew, Samantha (1841PT) nurse to Justin Collins [Virginia Vestoff] Drummond, Rachel (1897) governess (b.1876/d.1897) [Kathryn Leigh Scott]du Bois, Angelique (1692,1795,1840,1897,1968/70) (also Angelique du Val) [Lara Parker]du Pres, Andre (1795) Josette's father [David Ford]du Pres, Josette (1795) [Kathryn Leigh Scott] (see COLLINS)du Pres, Marie (1795) Josette's mother [mentioned only]du Pres, Countess Natalie (1795) Josette's aunt [Grayson Hall]du Pres, father of Andres (1795) was a minister to the King of France [mentioned only]du Val, Angelique (1692,1795,1840,1897,1968/70) (also Angelique du Bois) [Lara Parker]du Val, Miranda (1692,1795,1840,1897,1968/70) follower then betrayer of Judah Zachery - see Valerie Collins (This is Angelique's REAL NAME!) [Lara Parker] Duvall, Mrs. Minnie (1970PT) Buffie & Yaeger's landlady [Camila Ashland]

Eagle patron (1795) [George McCoy] Ed (1995) the records clerk [Ronald Dawson]Edwards, Ghost of Dameon ((Damion)) (1970PT) Collins' friend [Jared Holmes]Eltridge, Leona (1968) a.k.a Danielle Roget, life force for Eve [Erica Fitz] Evans, Jennifer (1970PT) sister of Maggie {Evans} Collins [mentioned only]Evans (1966) Maggie's deceased mother, shown in a portrait [mentioned only]Evans, Maggie (1966+) waitress at the Collinsport Inn Diner, later governess to the Collins family [Kathryn Leigh Scott]Evans, Sam (1966/68) (b.1915/d.1968) painter, Maggie's father [Mark Allen] [David Ford] Evans, Ghost of Sam (1968) [David Ford]Eve (1968) mate to Adam, obviously [Marie Wallace]Executioner (1795) [Jim Hale] Executioner (1795) [Steve Calder] Executioner (1840) hooded axe-man [Steve Calder]

Fairbanks, Richard (1770) murdered his wife & children [mentioned 1970]Faye, Leticia (1840) music hall clairvoyant, friend of Gerard [Nancy Barrett] Faye, Pansy (1897) mentalist, showgirl, briefly engaged to Carl Collins and first victim of vampire Dirk [Kay Frye] Faye, Pansy (1897) possesses Charity Trask [Nancy Barrett]Faye, Ghost of Pansy (1897) [Kay Frye]Fedor (1897) Gypsy Juror #4 [Anthony Goodstone]Fenn-Gibbon, Victor (1897) a.k.a. Count Petofi [Thayer David]Ferarri, Laszlo (1840) gypsy servant to Angelique [Michael Stroka]Fillmore, Mrs. Lenore (1897) foster mother to Jenny's twins [Mary Farrell] Findley, Janet (1968) exorcist [Cavada Humphrey]Findley, Janet (1968) exorcist falling down stairs, dead [Alex Stevens]Findley, Thomas (1970) resurrected as a Zombie by Jeb (b.1927/d.1969) [James Shannon]

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Findlay, Margaret (1966) one of the 3 widows on Widow's Hill, she was the 3rd to die. Her Husband was lost at sea in a storm.Fisher, Dr. (1967) psychiatrist for David Collins [William Shust]Fisher, Janet (1966) friend of Carolyn Stoddard [mentioned only]Fitch, Amos (1966) walks out of Burke's meeting offering him a job at the Logansport Cannery [George Mat(t)hews]Fitzsimmons, Portia (1967) Art Dealer wanting to buy Sam Evan's "old" paintings (Ep. #193) [Lovelady Powell]Flagler, Jeanne (1995) a victim [mentioned only]Flagler, Victor (1995) a bystander [Cliff Cudney] Fletcher, Dr. (1841PT) treats Bramwell for gunshot wound [mentioned only]Footsteps (1966) [T.J. Murphy] Forbes, Lieutenant Nathan (1795) (d.3/3/1796) [Joel Crothers]Forbes, Ghost of Lieutenant Nathan (1968?,1795) [Joel Crothers]Forbes, Suki (1795) Lieutenant Nathan Forbes' wife, when he marries Millicent Collins, he tries to pass her as his sister [Jane Draper]Forbes, Ghost of Suki (1968) juror at mock trial [Jane Draper]Forbes, Millicent {Collins} (1795) 2nd wife of Lieutenant Nathan Forbes (see Collins) [Nancy Barrett]Forsythe, James (1680PT) (d.1680PT) young merchant, becomes partner to Brutus in 1677PT, asks for audit in 1680PT [Keith Prentice]Forsythe, James (1841PT) spirit possessing Morgan Collins [Keith Prentice]Forsythe, Sarah (1680PT) sister of James [mentioned only]Forsythe, the decomposed body of Sarah (1680PT) [a skeleton with a wig]Fox, Mr. (1840) a confederate of Stiles buried at Eagle Hill [tombstone shown]Franklin, Dr. (1967) treating Liz when she regains consciousness as The Phoenix dies (Ep. #191) [Ivor Francis]Fredericks, Carolyn (1995) Carolyn {Stoddard} Hawkes [Nancy Barrett] Friedlander, Donna (1968) Carolyn's friend killed by werewolf [Beverly Hayes]Fuller, Amos (1840) County prosecutor, resigns rather than participate in the witchcraft tribunal. Calls the matter "repugnent" [mentioned only] Gaoler (1795) Collinsport jailer [Peter Murphy]Gaoler (1795) [Howard Hemig]Gaoler (1796) [Tom Gorman]Garner, Frank (1966) Elizabeth's lawyer's son [Conard Fowkes] Garner, Richard (1966) Elizabeth's lawyer [Hugh Franklin]Garner, brother of Richard (1966) died 5 years ago [mentioned only]Ghost (1966) [Betty Beaird] Ghost (1966) [Jacqueline Bertrand]Ghost (1967) Ep. #156 [Susan Sullivan] Ghost of a headless man (1968) [Duane Morris]Ghost of Widow (1967) [Bridget O'Donnell]Ghostly Gypsy Juror #1 = Andreas (1897) [Ray Von Orden]Ghostly Gypsy Juror #2 = Marco (1897) [John la Motta] Ghostly Gypsy Juror #3 = Stefan (1897) [Vic Mohica]Ghostly Gypsy Juror #4 = Fedor (1897) [Anthony Goodstone]Ghostly Gypsy Juror #5 = Sergio Kodash (1897) [Joe Della Sorte]Gifford, Noah (1795) [Craig Slocum]Gladstone, Horace (1970PT) Boston chemist [John Harkins] Grace (1961) worked at diner before Maggie Evans [mentioned only]Graham, Silas (1840) lawyer, Quentin calls him incompetent [mentioned only]Grant (1967) Burke Devlin employee [mentioned only]Gravedigger (1968) [Peter Murphy] Green, Otis (1840) a mass murderer turned antique dealer [Abe Vigoda]

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Green, the Grandfather of Otis (1692) he executed Judah Zachery and then buried the headless body [mentioned only]Green, the Handyman of Otis (1803) he disappeared along with the head [mentioned only]Grimes, Jeremy (1840) son of Mordecai, would-be suitor of Carrie Stokes, P/T Accountant for Flora Collins [Tom Happer] Grimes, Mordecai (1840) land owner, farmer [Thayer David]Guard (1796) [James Shannon]Guard (1840) shoots Desmond during the jailbreak [Charles Rush]Guard (1840) [Jordan Kean]Guard (1840) [Martin Best]Gunston, Nelle (1970) girl from Virgina, recruited to the Leviathan cause by Bruno [Elizabeth Eis] Gurse, Jerry (1966) Joe Haskell's partner to buy a boat [mentioned only]Guthrie, Lawrence (1970) investigator for the state of Maine, member of the Augusta Police [Jared Mickey] Guthrie, Dr. Peter (1966) expert in psychic phenomena [John Lasell]

Hackett (1967) Elizabeth sold him some land in the north of town [mentioned only]Hackett, Bert (1970) Michael's non-existant father [mentioned only]Hackett, Buzz (1967) Carolyn's cycle boyfriend [Michael Hadge]Hackett, Evelyn (1970) Michael's non-existant mother [mentioned only]Hackett, Michael (1970) see Leviathan [Michael Maitland]Hamilton, Dr. (1841PT) [Colin Hamilton]Hamilton, Inspector (1970PT) [Colin Hamilton] Hampshire, Lady Kitty (1897) Josette reincarnated [Kathryn Leigh Scott]Hand holding scimitar (1897) [Jim Hale] Hand of dead man (appeared 1970) [Charles Rush] Hands in coffin (appeared 1969) [Natalie Norwich]Hanging figure (1970) the spectre of Peter Bradford [Joseph Mosca]Hangman (1796) [James Shannon] Hangman's assistant (1796) [David Groh]Hanley (1966/67) works for Collins Cannery [mentioned only]Hanley, Evan (1897) Collins' lawyer, Quentin's sidekick, a Satanist [Humbert Allen Astredo]Hanscombe, B. (1949) Jamison Collins' butler [mentioned only]Hanscombe, Betty (1966) daughter or neice of butler [portrait shown]Hansen(or Hanson) (1956) man killed in "Burke's" auto accident [mentioned only]Hardy, Jim (1966) a Collinsport constable [mentioned only]Harridge, Catherine (1841PT) [Lara Parker]Harridge, Daphne (1840,1841PT,1970) (b.1818/d.1841/r.1970) governess [Kate Jackson] Harridge, Daphne (1841PT) (b.1818PT/d.1841PT) she knows first aid/nursing [Kate Jackson]Harridge, Ghost of Daphne (1970,1995) [Kate Jackson]Harridge, Dr. (1841PT) father of Catherine and Daphne [mentioned only]Harriet (1966) works in Sheriff's office [mentioned only]Harrington, Buffie (1970PT) barmaid at the Eagle [Elizabeth Eis] Harris, Amanda (1897) a Tate creation, Quentin's true love [Donna McKechnie]Harris, John (1966) Elizabeth's banker [Patrick McVey]Harris (1841PT) 2nd footman [Gordon Russell] Harry (1966) Collinsport policeman [mentioned only]Harry (1966) danced with Carolyn at Blue Whale [Robert Viharo]Hart, John - as a Zombie (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1952/d.1970) [Cliff Cudney]

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Haskell, Joe (1966/68) Carolyn's fisherman boyfriend [Joel Crothers] Haskell, farmer (1967) Joe's uncle [mentioned only]Hawkes, Jebez "Jeb" (1970) a Leviathan, marries Carolyn [Christopher Pennock]Hawkes, Spectre of Jebez "Jeb" (1970) speaks to Carolyn in a dream [Christopher Pennock]Haza (1795,1970) Leviathan devotee, Jeb calls her "Mom" [Robin Lane]Henworthy, Mrs. (1966) saw Laura Collins in Phoenix, AZ when her room caught fire [mentioned only]Hern, Ezra (1966) see Ahern, Ezra [Dolph Sweet] Hess, Bruno (1970PT) Angelique's favorite composer & pianist [Michael Stroka]Hess, corpse of Bruno (1970PT) a deceased composer & pianist [Mannequin] Hoffman, Dr. Julia (1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995) noted serologist, then a psychiatrist [Grayson Hall]Hoffman, Julia (1970PT) Collinwood housekeeper, Angelique's assistant [Grayson Hall]Hoffman, Ghostly Voice of Julia (1970PT) guarding the life-force body [Grayson Hall]Hooded figure (1970) [Liliane Sandor]Hopewell, Mrs. (1966) admin. of Vicki's foundling home [Elizabeth Wilson]Hopewell, Secretary to Mrs. (1966) [Gwen Van Dan]Hotel Clerk (1966) [Calvin Ander] Howell, Ghost of Abram (1897) wanted his hand back from Petofi [Philip Cusack]Hutchins, Mrs. (1970) an alcoholic Leviathan lackey [Camila Asland]

Istvan (Istfan) (1897) aide to King Johnny [Henry Baker]

=================================================================PART Ia.3 - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/CAST MEMBERS (ABC) J - R=================================================================

"Throw away the book!" Jebez Hawkes

Jailer (1897) [Robert Warlock]Jarret, Mr. (1968) [Bob Fitzsimmons]Jennings (see COLLINS/JENNINGS)Johnson, Mr. (1840) guard at the Collinsport jail [(Jordan Kean)or(Martin Best)]Johnson, Harry (1968) housekeeper's son [Craig Slocum] [Edward Marshall]Johnson, daughter of Mrs. (1966) [mentioned only]Johnson, the Reverend (1840) marries Gerard to Daphne [Charles Reynolds]Johnson, Mrs. Sarah (1966/69,1995) Collins' housekeeper [Clarice Blackburn]Jones, Harry (1966) taxi driver [mentioned only] Jones, Emil (1966) Frank Garner cancelled dinner engagement with him [mentioned only]Judge, 1st (1692) [Tom Markus] Judge (1795) [Paul Kirk Giles]Judge, 2nd (1795) [Hanford Rowe]Judge, 2nd (1795) [Hal White]Judge, 3rd (1795) [Tom Gorman]Judge Crathorne (1967) almost marries Elizabeth to Jason McGuire [House Jameson]Judge Handley (1795) main judge at Vicki's trial [Leslie Barrett]Judge Matigan (1795) refused to be Vicki's lawyer [Addison Powell] Judge Vail (1840) lead justice of the witchcraft tribunal [John Beal] Judge Wiley (1840) dismisses the murder charges against Quentin, but holds him over for the witchcraft tribunal [Addison Powell]

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Judge, 2nd tribunal (1840) older, white hair and moustache, on Vail's right (in early trial scenes) [Carl Nicholas]Judge, 2nd tribunal (1840) young, black hair and moustache, on Vail's right (appears during Leticia's testimony) [Tom Markus]Judge, 3rd tribunal (1840) on Vail's left [Paul Kirk Giles] Juggins, Mr. (1969) David's imaginary playmate, used as a cover-up for the Ghost of Quentin [Mannequin]Julianka, Ghost of (1897) [Diana Davila]Julianka (1897) great-grand-daughter of the old woman who cursed Count Petofi, a member of the Romano clan [Diana Davila] Justice of the Peace (1968) [Thomas Spratley]

Kincaid, Tessie (1897) victim from New Bedford (1897) [Deborah Loomis]Kincaid, Ghost of Tessie (1897) [Deborah Loomis]Kodash, Sergio (1897) Gypsy Juror #5 [Joe Della Sorte]

Landis, Dr. (1967) treats Elizabeth in Boston [mentioned only]Lang, Dr. Eric (1968) (b.1913/d.1968) the monster maker [Addison Powell]Lang, Voice of Dr. Lang (1968) on tape recorder [Addison Powell]Lang, Ghost of Dr. Eric (1968) [Addison Powell] Lang's Creation (1968) before we know it as Adam [Duane Morris]Larch, Silas (1840) a confederate of Stiles buried at Eagle Hill [tombstone shown]Leviathan - (1969) The Todd's "ward" - baby Joseph becomes young Alexander who in turn becomes older boy Michael and ends up as Carolyn Stoddard's husband, Jeb Hawkes, in a few weeks of air time. Leviathan - Joseph (1969) introduced as Megan's sister's child [a rag doll]Leviathan - Alexander (1969) introduced as Philip's brother's child [David Jay]Leviathan - Alexander as Carolyn, age 8 (1969) [Lisa Ross]Leviathan - Michael (Hackett) (1969) introduced as a cousin of Megan Todd [Michael Maitland]Leviathan - Audrey the Leviathan Vampire Girl (1969) [Marsha Mason]Leviathan - Bruno (1970) follower of Jeb [Michael Stroka]Leviathan - Haza (1795,1970) Jeb calls her "Mom" [Robin Lane]Leviathan - Hawkes, Jebez "Jeb" (1970) marries Carolyn Collins Stoddard [Christopher Pennock]Leviathan - Hawkes, Spectre of Jebez "Jeb" (1970) [Christopher Pennock]Leviathan - Oberon (1795,1970) Jeb calls him "Dad" [Peter Lombard] Leviathan - Strach, Mr. (1949) makes deal with Paul Stoddard [John Harkins]Leviathans (1970) - at one time or another devotees, servants, or novices of the group Haza; Oberon; Audrey; Jebez "Michael,Alexander,Joseph" Hawkes; Barnabas Collins; David Collins; Megan Todd; Philip Todd; Elizabeth Collins Stoddard; Amy Jennings; Mrs. Hutchins; Bruno; Sky Rumson; Mr. StrachLong, Sailor Jack (1969) identifies the Naga Tattoo [Ken McMillan]Longworth, Cyrus (1970PT) the Dr. Jekyll character [Christopher Pennock]Loomis, Carolyn {Stoddard} (1970PT) wife of author Will [Nancy Barrett]Loomis, William "Will" ((Hollingshead)) Hollingsford (1970PT) alcoholic writer [John Karlen]Loomis, William "Willie" ((Hollingshead)) Hollingsford (1967/71) [James Hall] [John Karlen]

Maid (1795) [Charlotte Fairchild] Malloy, Capt. Bill (1966) fishing fleet manager [Frank Schofield]Malloy, Ghost of Capt. Bill (1966) [Frank Schofield]

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Malloy, Niece of Capt. Bill (1966) Jenny [mentioned only]Man in the woods (1795) masquerading as Jeremiah Collins [David Cryer] Mapes, Bathia (1795) [Anita Bolster] Marco (1897) Gypsy Juror #2 [John la Motta] Margaret (1967) cleaning lady for Laura in Phoenix, AZ [mentioned only]McGuire, Jason (1966/67) con-man/partner to Paul Stoddard [Dennis Patrick]Metcalf, Mr. (1967) Elizabeth was expecting a business call from him [mentioned only]Miller, Ivan (1840) changed his name in 1830 to Gerard Stiles [James Storm]Miller, Ghost of Ivan (1970,1995) a.k.a. Gerard Stiles, possessed by Judah Zachery [James Storm]Mills, Frank (1840) funeral by Lamar Trask [mentioned only]Mills, Joanna (1840) sister of Daphne Harridge, Randall Drew's girlfriend until he introduces her to Quentin (1/1/1815-11/12/1839) [Lee Beery]Mills, the Ghost of Joanna (1840) [Lee Beery]Minister (1968) [Timothy Gordon] Mitchell, Mrs. (1966) talked to Vicki on train [Jane Rose]Monroe, Harrison (1969) reclusive artist a.k.a. Charles Delaware Tate [Roger Davis]Monroe, Voice of Harrison (1969) [Ed Riley] Montine (1969) Gallery owner, friend of Olivia Corey [mentioned only]Mooney, Mr. (1795) bartender at The Eagle [Bob O'Connell]Morgan, Matthew (1966/67) mad caretaker at Collinwood [George Mitchell] [Thayer David] Morgan, Walter (1966) Matthew's brother in Coldwater, ME [mentioned only]Morgue Attendant (1967) at Phoenix, AZ (Ep. #174) [ ]Murdoch, Laura (Ageless) see the PhoenixMurdoch, Captain (1967) supposed father of Laura, Captain of fishing fleet [mentioned only]

Nakamura, Mr. (1969) aide to Olivia Corey [Sho Onodera]Newley, Tim (1967) Collins employee, injured at the Cannery [mentioned only]North, Claude (1841PT) grandfather of Claude North (1970PT) (b.1814PT/d.1866PT) [mentioned only] North, Claude (1970PT) not an ordinary man [Brian Sturdivant]Nurse Jackson (1967) (at Wyndcliff Hospital-Maggie) [Alice Drummond]Nurse Packard (1967) (at Collinwood Hospital-Maggie) [Jani Darnagle]Nurse (1968) at Wyndcliff [Ann Davis] Nurse (1968) [Beverly Atkinson] Nurse (1967) at Collinsport Hospital [Frances Helm] Nurse (1968) when Barnabas is exposed to light [Katharine Balfour] Nurse (1968) Miss Prichett [Bobbi Ann Woronko]Nurse [Greta Markson] Oberon (1795,1970) Leviathan devotee, Jeb calls him "Dad" [Peter Lombard]O'Donnell, Ina (1967) Irish nurse at the foundling home, gave Vicki a doll [mentioned only]One-armed ghost (1968) summoned by Nicholas, the arm was used by Lang [ ]Osmond, Professor Henry (1969) art restorer, Tate specialist [Ronald Dawson]

Pace, Emory - as a Zombie (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1935/d.1970) Paisley, Wanda (1897) Petofi tests I-Ching on her [Karen Lynn]Palmer, Lt. Frank (1966) NYC policeman checking Burke's background for his friend Constable Carter [mentioned only]Pardoe, Miles (1840) a confederate of Stiles buried at Eagle Hill [tombstone shown]

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Parks, Amos (1968) painter [mentioned only]Partridge, Miss (1966) secretary of Richard & Frank Garner [mentioned only]Patterson, Sheriff George (1966/68) [Dana Elcar] [Angus Cairns] [Vince O'Brien ((O'Brein))] [Alfred Sandor]Paxton, Frank (1970PT) police investigator [Stanley Grover] Peterson (1967) auditor, questions Roger about the accounts [mentioned only]Peterson, Tony (1967/68) lawyer [Jerry Lacy]Peterson, niece of Tony (1967) Tony takes her to Deerfield [mentioned only]Petofi, Count Andreas (1897) Hungarian aristo/magister [Thayer David]Petofi's Hand (1897) [Tim Gordon] Petty, Mr. (1840) asks Ben about attacks of 1797 [mentioned only]Perry, the Reverend (1841PT) was to have married Morgan to Catherine [Emory Bass] Phelps (1967) employee at the Cannery [mentioned only]Phoenix, the (entries also under Collins, and individual names: Laura Collins - died 1667 - 1st appearance of the Phoenix in ME Laura {Murdoch} Stockbridge - (born 1735) died 1767 Laura {Stockbridge} Collins - died 1785 Laura {Murdoch} Radcliff((e)) - (born 1840) died 1867 Laura {Murdoch} Collins - died 1896 at Alexandria, Egypt Laura {Murdoch} Collins - died again in 1897 at Collinsport, ME Laura {Murdoch} Collins - died in 1966 in Phoenix, AZ - died again in 1967 at Collinsport, ME

Pre-Barnabas the storyline called for 100 year intervals appearing in 1667,1767,1867,1967. During the 1897 flashback timelines are thrown to the wind. (all of them, when seen, were played by [Diana Millay])

Policeman [Harry Osborne]Policeman (1967) [Theodore Beniades] Policeman (1967) tells Sam & Maggie that Willie has been shot [Ed Crowley] Policeman, 2nd (1967) helps capture Willie [ ]Policeman (1968) visits Angelique/Cassandra [James Shannon]Policeman (1897) sets traps in the woods to catch "the beast"Policeman on desk duty, Collinsport (1969)Policeman (1970PT) investigates Sabrina's death [Phillip R. Allen] Prescott, Mr. (1969) lurker, face unseen [Tom Gorman] Prescott, Mr. (1969) a.k.a. Paul Stoddard [Dennis Patrick]Prichett, Miss (1968) Nurse [Bobbi Ann Woronko]Pruitt (1967) repairman for the Collins' grandfather clock [mentioned only]Purdy, Mrs. (1840) landlady to Joanna Mills, visits Quentin [Camila Ashland]

Racosi, Jenny (1897) (see: Collins, Jenny Racosi) Racosi, Magda (1897) the household gypsy [Grayson Hall]Racosi, Voice of Magda (1969) [Grayson Hall]Racosi, Sandor (1897) husband of Magda [Thayer David]Racosi, Ghost of Sandor (1897) [Thayer David] Radcliff((e)), David (1867) Spoke through David Collins at a seance Son of Laura {Murdoch} Radcliff((e)) [heard only]Radcliff((e)), Laura {Murdoch} (1867) (1767) [mentioned only] (see Phoenix)Radcliff((e)), Robert (1897) Laura's husband [mentioned only]Reade, Dr. Ian (1897) [Alfred Hinckley] Reeves, Dr. D. (1966) treats Roger after car crash [Fred Stewart]Reeves, Dr. (1970PT) Collins' family physician [mentioned only]Restaurant customer (1966) [Liz Ingleson] Restaurant customer (1966) [Michael Ann]

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Restaurant Customer (1966) [Dodie Bauer]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Frank Downing]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Lenore Ellin]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Mel Sigan]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Andrew Elliot]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Sara Harte]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Charles James]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Page Jones]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Richard Marr]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Pat McNamara]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Jack Pickett]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Neil Sigan]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Ray Stewart]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Margo Tacey]Richardson (1970PT) The family Hoffman worked for prior to Collinwood [mentioned only]Riggs (1795) Collinwood butler [Dan Morgan] [Timothy Gordon]Riley, Lieutenant Dan (1966/67) Maine policeman who traveled to Phoenix [John Connell] [Vince O'Brien ((O'Brein))]Robinson, Ezra (1841PT) warns folk about the Collins family [mentioned only]Roget, Danielle (1795) a.k.a. Leona Eltridge, life force for Eve in 1968 [Marie Wallace]Romano, King Johnny (1897) head of the Romano family [Paul Michael] Romano, the Widow (1897) King Johnny's wife [Lana Shaw]Rooney, Bob (1966/68) bartender - Blue Whale [Bob O'Connell]Ross, Amos - as a Zombie (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1930/d.1970) [Paul Grier]Roxanne (1970) Willie's fiancee [mentioned only] Rumson, Schuyler "Sky" (1970) publisher and then some [Geoffrey Scott]Rumson, Angelique (1970) Sky's beloved wife - you guessed it... [Lara Parker]

=================================================================PART Ia.4 - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/CAST MEMBERS (ABC) S - Z=================================================================

"Please, don't make me think!" Carolyn Collins Stoddard

Sandy (1966) Vicki's roommate at foundling home [Katharine Bruce]Second Servant (1795) [Tom Gorman]Shaw, Harry (1966) policeman shown the location of Bill Malloy's body by Matthew Morgan [mentioned only]Shaw, Sebastian (1970) astrologist and clairvoyant, partner of Roxanne Drew [Christopher Pennock]Shaw, Timothy (1897) one of the Reverend Trask's teaching staff [Don Briscoe] Sheriff (1995) [Don Crabtree] Shroud (1967) [Peter Murphy] Silas, Capt. (1840) owns the vessel on which Quentin and co. are to escape [mentioned only]Sims, Luke (1840) saved Tad and Quentin from death and Brazil [mentioned only]Simpson, Ghost of Ezra (1968) judge at mock trial [Tom Gorman]Smiley, Hortense (1840) governess at Collinwood [Jenny Egan] Soames, Kitty (1897) (See Hampshire, Lady Kitty) [Kathryn Leigh Scott]

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Sobbing woman (1966) [Clarice Blackburn] Spence, Miss (1967) local librarian and expert on toy dolls [mentioned only]Stationmaster (1897) [John Hallow] Stefan (1897) Gypsy Juror #3 [Vic Mohica]Steve (1970PT) Buffie Harrington's pseudo beau [George Strus] Stiles, Daphne {Harridge} (1840) [Kate Jackson]Stiles, Gerard (1840) changed his name from Ivan Miller in 1830 London, in order to avoid prosecution for gun-running, embezzlement, murder, piracy, and practicing the Black Arts. A pawn who becomes possessed by Judah Zachery (b.1811/d.1841) [James Storm]Stiles, Gerard (1840) possessed by Judah Zachery [James Storm]Stiles, the Head of Gerard (1840) a vision caused by Zachery [James Storm]Stiles, Ghost of Gerard (1970,1995) actually Judah Zachery [James Storm]Stiles, Gerard (1841PT) amateur psychic, worked on a Collins whaler [James Storm]Stiles, Samantha {Drew} Collins (1840) [Virginia Vestoff]Stockbridge, B. Pendleton (1817) she drowned at sea (b.1801/d.1817) [tombstone shown]Stockbridge, Laura {Murdoch} (1767) Before she plagued the Collins family, the Phoenix seemed to have it in for the Stockbridge clan. (b.1735/d.1767) [mentioned only] (See Phoenix)Stockbridge, P. Agthorn (1731) left his wife and child and was trampled by a stallion (b.1713/d.1731) [tombstone shown]Stockbridge, U. Spencer (1780) his throat was slit while he was asleep (b.1687/d.1780) [tombstone shown]Stoddard (See COLLINS/STODDARD)Stokes, Alexis (1970PT) Angelique's twin [Lara Parker]Stokes, Amos (1840) son of Ben Stokes, married Martha Bradbury, father of Carrie Stokes [mentioned only]Stokes, Ben (1795,1840) Collins' family servant, Barnabas' aide de camp (b.1756/d.1816 or 1840) [Thayer David] Stokes, Ben (1841PT) [Thayer David]Stokes, Carrie (1840) granddaughter of Ben (b.1825) [Kathy Cody]Stokes, Ghost of Carrie (1970,1995) [Kathy Cody]Stokes, Carrie (1841PT) [Kathy Cody]Stokes, Hallie (1970) niece of Professor Stokes [Kathy Cody]Stokes, Hannah (1970PT) Timothy's sister, medium/mystic [Paula Laurence] Stokes, Martha {Bradbury} (1840) wife of Amos Stokes, mother of Carrie [mentioned only]Stokes, Professor T. Elliot (1840,1968,1970/71,1995) [Thayer David]Stokes, Timothy "Tim" Elliot (1970PT) step-father of Angelique and Alexis, mad scientist [Thayer David]Stone, the Reverend (1840) eulogist at Roxanne's funeral [mentioned only]Strach, Mr. (1949) Leviathan who makes deal with Paul Stoddard [John Harkins]Strake, Wilbur (1966) Burke Devlin's P.I. [Joseph Julian]Stranger (appeared 1969) [Charles Rush]Stuart, Ned (1969) Sabrina's protective brother [Roger Davis] Stuart, Sabrina (1969/70) Chris Jennings' girlfriend [Lisa Richards]Stuart, Sabrina (1970PT) lab assistant, fiancee of Cyrus [Lisa Richards]Sykes ((Sikes)), Joe (1970) does errand for Sheriff Davenport [mentioned only]Sue Agatha (1970) the sister of Willie's fiancee Roxanne [mentioned only]Susie (1966) the blonde waitress at the Collinsport Inn Diner [Carol Crist] or [Colleen Kelly]Susie (1966) the brunette waitress at the Collisport Inn Diner [Carol Crist] or [Colleen Kelly] Tate, Charles Delaware (1897) artist [Roger Davis]Tate, Charles Delaware (1969) the aged recluse [Roger Davis]

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Tate's Creation (1897) [Alexander Cort]Tate, Ruby (1795) killed on the docks by Barnabas [Elaine Hyman]Tate, Ghost of Ruby (1968) juror at mock trial [Natalie Norwich]Templeton, Dr. (1968) Julia asks Lang about him [mentioned only]Thorne, Fredric (1969) (b.1942) (See Grant Douglas) Thornton, Dr. (1795) treats Barnabas after Angelique's choking spell [Peter Murphy]Tobias, Dr. (1968) Collins' family doctor, treating David [mentioned only] Todd, Alexander (1970) [David Jay] (see Leviathan) Todd, Megan (1969) Leviathan guardian [Marie Wallace]Todd, Michael Hackett (1970) [Michael Maitland] (see Leviathan) Todd, Philip (1969) Leviathan guardian [Chris Bernau]Tolliver, Abigail (1966) 2nd one of the 3 widows on Widow's Hill, she was only married a few days when her husband drowned.Train Conductor (1966) on the train carrying Vicki to Maine [Alfred Hinckley]Train Passenger, Male #1 (1966) Vicki's trip from NY to MaineTrain Passenger, Male #2 (1966) Vicki's trip from NY to MaineTrain Passenger, Woman #1 (1966) Vicki's trip from NY to MaineTrask, Charity (1897) [Nancy Barrett]Trask, Lamar (1840,1841PT) son of 1795 Trask, undertaker [Jerry Lacy]Trask, Minerva (1897) 1st wife of Gregory (b.1847/d.1897) [Clarice Blackburn]Trask, Hallucination of Minerva (1897) created by Hanley to drive Judith crazy [Clarice Blackburn] Trask, Mr. (1970PT) Collinwood's butler [Jerry Lacy] Trask, the Reverend Gregory (1897) marries Judith Collins [Jerry Lacy]Trask, the Reverend (1795) [Jerry Lacy] Trask, Ghost of the Reverend/1795 (1968) [Jerry Lacy]Trilling, Dorcas (1897) Trask's protegee, Quentin/werewolf's first victim [Gail Strickland] Trilling, Ghost of Dorcas (1897) [Gail Strickland] Turner, Mrs. (1966) reports dog stolen to Constable Carter [mentioned only]

Unknown Man (1969) a.k.a. Grant Douglas, hit by a car driven by Barnabas [David Selby]

Voice (1969) which terrorizes Paul Stoddard [John Harkins]

Wailing widows of Widow's Hill (1967) : Abigail Tolliver, Margaret Findlay, and Rachel Comstock [Joy Nicholson, Marin Riley, Florence Stanley] (actresses and character names are not necessarily in order) Waiter (1966) [George Goff] Ward, Constable Jim (1840) inspector and jailer [Roger Hamilton]Ward, Mrs. Mildred {Grimes} (1840) Jim's wife, works at jail [Elizabeth Eis]Weeping woman (appeared 1968) [Florence Stanley] Welles, Dr. (1840) Joanna's doctor at the asylum [Lloyd Harris]Wells, Mr. (1966,1968) Innkeeper at the Collinsport Inn [Conrad Bain] Whitaker, Dr. (1840) Tad's doctor [Mentioned only]Whitaker, Mr. (1967) announces Jason's new job at the Cannary [mentioned only]Wick, Phyllis (1795,1968) the governess [Margot Head] [Dorrie Cavanaugh] Wicks, Aldon (1970PT) rents farmhouse to Yaeger [Ray Carlson] Widows, Ghosts of the (1966) they frighten Matthew Morgan to death [Janet Burtis] [Toni Darnay] [Marin Riley] [Elizabeth Swain]Wilkins, Dirk (1897) Collinwood caretaker [Roger Davis] Witness #1 at the gallows (1796) [Timothy Gordon]Witness #2 at the gallows (1796) [Peter Von Niele]

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Witness (1795) [Paul Caffrey] Woman (1840) ghostly figure of Joanna Mills [Barbara Tracey]Woman in white (1841PT) spirit who presages the death of a Collins [mentioned only]Woman on Station Platform (1897) whom Quentin mistakes for AmandaWoodard, Dr. Dave (1966/67) the Collins' family doctor [Robert Gerringer] [Richard Woods] [Peter Turgeon]Woodard, Ghost of Dr. Dave (1967) [Peter Turgeon]Woodard, Ghostly Voice of Dr. Dave (1967) actually Barnabas trying to terrorize Dr. Hoffman [Peter Turgeon]Woodard, Trooper Chuck (1966) Sheriff talks to him on phone [mentioned only]

Yaeger, John (1970PT) Mr. Hyde character [Christopher Pennock]Young, Kendrick (1841PT) [John Karlen] Young, Melanie {Collins} (1841PT) [Nancy Barrett]Young, Stella (1841PT) Flora Collins' private secretary [Gaye Edmond] Young, Ghost of Stella (1841PT) [Gaye Edmond]Young woman (appeared 1969) [Amy Yaekerson]

Zachery, Judah (1692) warlock, called "the Devil's Son" and so it started [Michael McGuire]Zachery, the Head of Judah (1840) "the Legendary Evil Head" [Michael McGuire] [Paul Shenan]Zachery, the Headless Body of Judah (1840) [Norman Parker] [Joe Della Sarte] [George di Cenzo]Zachery, the Voice of Judah (1840) in Stiles' dream [Keene Curtis]Zachery, Judah (1840) head and body briefly reunited [Michael McGuire]Zachery, Judah (1840) in full possession of Gerard Stiles [James Storm]Zachery, the Ghost of Judah (1970,1995) in possession of Gerard Stiles [James Storm]Zombie = Sheriff Davenport (1970) Jeb's 1st attempt (b.1935/d.1970) [Ed Riley]Zombie = Thomas Findley (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1927/d.1969) [James Shannon]Zombie = John Hart (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1952/d.1970) [Cliff Cudney]Zombie = Emory Pace (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1935/d.1970) [Chuck Morgan]Zombie = Amos Ross (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1930/d.1970) [Paul Geier]Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [James Donahue] Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [Al Lust]Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [Chuck Morgan]Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [James Langrell]Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [Richard W. Mollick]Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [Victor Romano]

================================================================= PART Ib. - BLUE WHALE BARFLIES (ABC)=================================================================

Some customers may have appeared in more than one year.

Blue Whale customers appearing in 1966: [Elizabeth Earl] ; [Andrew Elliot] ; [Harvey Keitel] ; [Larry Swanson] ; [Russ Karsen] ; [Alan Lindstrom] ; [Diann Redford] ; [Pat Lysinger] ; [Bill Gish] ; [Ann Teeman]

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(NOTE: The Blue Whaler always seen wearing a hat is George McCoy) Blue Whale customers appearing in 1966/67: [Andrew Amic-Angelo] ; [Walter S. Arnold] ; [Diane Ball] ; [Joanne Bayless]; [Audrey A. Campbell] ; [Raymond Carlson] ; [Steve Dawson] ; [Willis Downsing] ; [Fred Forrest] ; [Bill Gish] ; [Jeff Gold] ; [Jeanne Kaplan] ; [Judd Laurence] ; [Ann Leeman] ; [Maryann Marrick] ; [Michelle Mantvidas] ; [Tom Mixon] ; [T.J. Murphy] ; [Beverly Pixon] ; [Douglas Reid] ; [Al Smith] ; [Barbara Young] ;

Blue Whale customers appearing in 1967: [Robert Bonds] ; [Barbara Hallis] ; [George McCoy] ; [Ann Rugiero] ; [Paul Jenkins] ; [Bill Jamesend] ; [Tom Gorman] ; [Scott Upright] ; [Richard Cooke] ; [Lenore Ellin] ; [John Felton] ; [Tom Foral] ; [Millicent France] ; [Tim Gordon] ; [Tom Masters] ; [Harry Eldon Miller] ; [Joy Nicholson] ; [Wendy Parker] ; [Kathleen Quint] ; [Mary Lynne Shields];[Jessica Stewart] ; [Gwen Van Dan] ; [Jay Gregory] ; [Marlin Bradley] ; [Beverly Dixon] ; [Lynn Dovel] ; [Pat House] ; [Bennett Lubin] ; [Frank Rerch] ; [Ingrid Severson] ; [Paul Trahan] ;

=============================================================== PART Ic. - MISC EXTRAS (ABC)===============================================================

Allan Dillay; Herb Holcombe; Leo Marrell; T.J. Murphy; Alfred Pillay; Sheila Ray; Florence Stanley

=============================================================== PART Id. - STAND-INS (ABC)===============================================================

Angelique (1795) = Arlene SandAngelique (1970PT) = Amber Brie Barnabas (1795) = Tim Gordon / Peter MurphyDameon Edwards (1970PT) = Joseph MoscaDr. Julia Hoffman (1967) = Fran AnthonyGregory Trask (1897) = Marc AshtonJoanna Mills (1970) = Barbara TraceyJosette du Pres Collins (1795) = Sandy MitchellJosette du Pres Collins (1967) = Dorrie KavanaughLaura Collins (1897) = Barbara BrowwellMaggie Evans (1967) = Dorrie KavanaughPaul Stoddard (1969) = Mart AldreRoxanne (1970) = Liliane SandorSamantha (1970) = Barbara TraceyWillie Loomis (1967) = Dean Perchall

================================================================ PART Ie. - COLLINSPORT GHOSTS================================================================"We must be clever......more clever than they!" Roger Collins

Blair, Nicholas (1970); Bradford, Peter (1970); Browning, Maude (1968); Chavez, Beth (1969); Collins, Abigail (1795); Collins, Amadeus (1840); Collins, Brutus (1841PT); Collins, Daniel (1840); Collins, Edith (1897);

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Collins, Harriet (1840); Collins, Jenny (1897,1969); Collins, Jeremiah (1795,1897);Collins, Josette du Pres (1966/70);Collins, Joshua (1970PT); Collins, Justin (1841PT);Collins, Quentin (1969); Collins, Sarah (1968); Collins, Tad (1970,1995);Drew, Roxanne (1840); Drew, Randall (1840); Edwards, Dameon ((Damion)) (1970PT);Evans, Sam (1968); Faye, Pansy (1897); Forbes, Lieutenant Nathan (1968(?),1795); Forbes, Suki (1968); Ghost (1966); Ghost (appeared 1967 BB);Gypsy Ghost Juror #1 = Andreas; Gypsy Ghost Juror #2 = Marco;Gypsy Ghost Juror #3 = Stefan; Gypsy Ghost Juror #4 = Fedor;Gypsy Ghost Juror #5 = Sergio Kodash; Harridge, Daphne (1970,1995);Headless man (1968): Howell, Abram (1897); Julianka (1897); Kincaid, Tessie (1897); Lang, Dr. Eric (1968); Malloy, Capt. Bill (1966); Mills, Joanna (1840), One-armed man (1968)Racosi, Sandor (1897); Simpson, Ezra (1968);Stiles, Gerard (1970,1995); Stokes, Carrie (1970,1995); Tate, Ruby (1968); Trask, the Reverend/1795 (1968); Trilling, Dorcas (1897);the Woman in White (1841PT); Woodard, Dr. Dave (1967); Young, Stella (1841PT); Zachery, Judah (1970,1995)

================================================================= PART If. - COLLINSPORT CREATURES OF THE NIGHT=================================================================

==================== Clairvoyants =================== Amy Jennings (1968+), Carrie Stokes (1841PT), Gerard Stiles (1841PT), Leticia Faye (1840), Pansy Faye (1897), Sebastian Shaw (1970)

==================== Death ========================== Mr. Best (1897,1969/70)

==================== Demons ========================= Diabolos (1968), Garth Blackwood (1897)

==================== Doppelgangers ================== Angelique {Bouchard} Collins' doppelganger (1897) Barnabas Collins' doppelganger (1897)

==================== Frankensteinish ================ Adam (1968) the man-made man, Lang's creation Eve (1968) mate to Adam

==================== Leviathans ===================== Jeb Hawkes (a.k.a. Alexander, Michael, Joseph) (1969), Bruno (1970), Haza (1795,1970), Oberon (1795,1970) Mr. Strach (1949), Audrey the vampire (1970) - and at one time or another devotees, servants, or novitiates of the group include: Barnabas Collins; David Collins; Megan Todd; Philip Todd; Elizabeth Collins Stoddard; Amy Jennings; Mrs. Hutchins; Sky Rumson

==================== Mad Scientists ================= Dr. Lang (1968), Cyrus Longworth/John Yaeger (1970PT), Timothy "Tim" Elliot Stokes (1970PT)

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==================== Occultists ===================== Quentin Collins (1840,1841PT), Quentin Collins (1897,1970,1995), Magda Racosi (1897), Gerard Stiles (1840), Hannah Stokes (1970PT), Professor T. Elliot Stokes (1840,1968,1970/71,1995)

==================== the Phoenix ==================== Laura Collins - died 1667 - 1st appearance of the Phoenix in ME Laura {Murdoch} Collins - died 1896 at Alexandria, Egypt Laura {Murdoch} Collins - died again in 1897 at Collinsport, ME Laura {Murdoch} Collins - died in 1966 & again in 1967 Laura {Murdoch} Radcliff((e)) - died 1867 Laura {Murdoch} Stockbridge - died 1767 Laura {Stockbridge} Collins - died 1785

==================== Satanists ====================== Brutus Collins (1680PT), Charles Dawson (1840), Great-Grandfather of Charles Dawson (1692), Evan Hanley (1897)

==================== Vampires ======================= Audrey The Leviathan Vampire Girl (1969), Bat of Hell (1970), Barnabas Collins (1795,1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT), Angelique Bouchard (1968/70), Roxanne Drew (1840), Roxanne Drew (1970), Thomas "Tom" Jennings (1968), Dirk Wilkins (1897)

==================== Warlocks ======================= Nicholas Blair (1968,1970), Count Andreas Petofi (1897), Gerard Stiles (1840) possessed by Judah Zachery, Judah Zachery (1692)

==================== Werewolves ===================== Christopher "Chris" Jennings (1968), Quentin Collins (1897) (Count Petofi is an x-werewolf)

==================== Witches ======================== Angelique {Stokes} Collins (1970PT)

Miranda du Val (1692) (a.k.a. Angelique du Bois, Angelique du Val, Angelique Bouchard (1795), Angelique {Bouchard} Collins, Valerie Collins (1840), Cassandra Blair (1968), Cassandra {Blair} Collins (1968))

==================== Zombies ======================== Sheriff Davenport (1970), Thomas Findley (1970), Amos Ross (1970), Emory Pace (1970), John Hart (1970), pirate crew member #1 (1970), pirate crew member #2 (1970), pirate crew member #3 (1970), pirate crew member #4 (1970), pirate crew member #5 (1970), pirate crew member #6 (1970)

================================================================= PART Ig. - DARK SHADOWS GYPSIES=================================================================

"You married a...........g-y-p-s-y!" Edward Collins to Quentin

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NOTE: In 1897, Gypsy court was held in the secret room of the Collins' Mausoleum (one of the most popular places in Collinsport for secret meetings, assignations, confinements, conventions, weddings, confirmations and Bar Mitzvahs) to try Magda for crimes against her people. The Gypsy Jurors were all ghosts of convicted murderers :

Juror #1 = Andreas (1897) [Ray Von Orden] Juror #2 = Marco (1897) [John la Motta] Juror #3 = Stefan (1897) [Vic Mohica] Juror #4 = Fedor (1897) [Anthony Goodstone] Juror #5 = Sergio Kodash (1897) [Joe Della Sorte] Jury Foreman = Istvan (Istfan) (1897) [Henry Baker] Prosecutor/Judge = King Johnny Romano (1897) [Paul Michael]


Ferarri, Laszlo (1840) servant to Angelique [Michael Stroka] Istvan (Istfan) (1897) aide to King Johnny, jumped off the cliff at Widow's Hill [Henry Baker] Julianka (1897) great-grand-daughter of the old woman who cursed Count Petofi, a member of the Romano clan [Diana Davila] Racosi, Jenny (1897) Quentin's wife (see: Collins, Jenny Racosi) [Marie Wallace] Racosi, Magda (1897) [Grayson Hall] Racosi, Sandor (1897) [Thayer David] Racosi, Ghost of Sandor (1897) testifies at Magda's trial [Thayer David] Romano, Sarko (Matteo's uncle) cut the Hand of Count Petofi [mentioned only] Romano, Matteo (Johnny's grandfather) guardian of the Hand of Count Petofi [mentioned only] Romano, King Johnny (1897) guardian of the Hand of Count Petofi [Paul Michael] Romano, the Widow (1897) King Johnny's wife [Lana Shaw]

=================================================================PART IIa. - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/ 1600-1796 (ABC) =================================================================Collins, Laura - first appearance of the Phoenix (d.1667) [mentioned only]Collins, Isaac (1690) [mentioned in 1966]Collins, August (1690) [mentioned in 1840]

Bronson, Andrew (1692) he and his family were JZ victims [mentioned only]Collins, Amadeus (1692) 1 of 3 witchcraft judges [Louis Edmonds]Dawson, Great-Grandfather of Charles (1692) follower of Judah Zachery [mentioned only]du Val, Miranda (1692,1795,1840,1897,1968/70) follower/betrayer of Judah Zachery [Lara Parker]Green, Grandfather of Otis (1692) Executioner, he executed Judah Zachery and then buried the headless body [mentioned only]Judge, 1st (1692) [Tom Markus]Zachery, Judah (1692) warlock, and so it started [Michael McGuire]

Stockbridge, P. Agthorn (1731) left his wife and child and was trampled by a stallion (b.1713/d.1731) [tombstone shown]Radcliff((e)), Laura {Murdoch} (1767) [mentioned only] (See Phoenix)Stockbridge, Laura {Murdoch} (1767) (b.1735/d.1767)

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[mentioned only] (See Phoenix)Stockbridge, U. Spencer (1780) his throat was slit while he was asleep (b.1687/d.1780) [tombstone shown]Collins, Laura {Murdoch} - 1st wife of Jeremiah (d.1785) [Diana Millay]Fairbanks, Richard - murdered his wife & children (b.1730/d.1770) [mentioned only]

Bailiff (1796) [Anthony Goodstone] Barmaid (1795) at The Eagle with Lieutenant Nathan Forbes [Rebecca Shaw]Bat (1795+) [Bil Baird, Puppeteer] Bennett, Oliver (1795) Cabinetmaker of Marion, Massachusetts [mentioned only]Bland, the Reverend (1795) minister who performs the wedding for Barnabas and Angelique [Paul Kirk Giles]Bouchard, Angelique (1692,1795,1840,1897,1968/70) Josette's maid, a witch, marries Barnabas [Lara Parker] (See Collins)Bradford, Peter (1795) Jeff Clark / marries Victoria Winters [Roger Davis] Bradford, Victoria "Vicki" {Winters} (1796) [Carolyn Groves]Brook, the Reverend Alton (1795) [Paul Kirk Giles]Brown, Purity (1795) vampire victim [mentioned in 1840] Browning, Maude (1795) attacked on docks by Barnabas [Vala Clifton]Cabot, Crystal (1796) [Audrey Larkins] Clark, Victoria "Vicki" {Winters} (1968,1796) [Carolyn Groves] Collins, Abigail (1795) Joshua's sister [Clarice Blackburn]Collins, Ghost of Abigail (1795) [Clarice Blackburn]Collins, Angelique {Bouchard} (1795,1897,1968/70) Barnabas' wife [Lara Parker]Collins, Barnabas (1795,1840,1897,1967/70,1970PT,1995) [Jonathan Frid]Collins, Daniel (1795) Millicent's brother [David Henesy]Collins, Jeremiah (1795) (b.1763/d.1795) Joshua's brother [Anthony George]Collins, Body of Jeremiah (1795) [Tom Gorman]Collins, Hand of Jeremiah (1795) [Timothy Gordon]Collins, Ghost of Jeremiah (1795) [Timothy Gordon]Collins, Josette {du Pres} (1795) wife of Jeremiah [Kathryn Leigh Scott]Collins, Joshua (1795) Barnabas' father [Louis Edmonds]Collins, Millicent (1795) Joshua's cousin [Nancy Barrett]Collins, Naomi (1795) Barnabas' mother [Joan Bennett]Collins, Sarah (1795) Barnabas' sister [Sharon Smyth]Collins, Theodore (1795) father of Millicent and Daniel [shown in portrait] Cordier, Phillipe (1795) Danielle Roget's lover [mentioned only] Doctor (1795) examines Barnabas after the bat bite [Jack Stamburger] du Pres, Andre (1795) Josette's father [David Ford]du Pres, Marie (1795) Josette's mother [mentioned only]du Pres, Countess Natalie (1795) Josette's aunt [Grayson Hall]du Pres, Josette (1795) [Kathryn Leigh Scott] du Pres, father of Andre (1795) minister to the King of France [mentioned only]Eagle patron (1795) [George McCoy] Executioner (1795) [Jim Hale] Executioner (1795) [Steve Calder]Forbes, Lieutenant Nathan (1795) [Joel Crothers]Forbes, Ghost of Lieutenant Nathan (1968?,1795) [Joel Crothers]Forbes, Millicent {Collins} (1795) 2nd wife of Lieutenant Nathan Forbes [Nancy Barrett]Forbes, Suki (1795) wife of Lieutenant Nathan Forbes [Jane Draper]Gaoler (1795) Collinsport jailer [Peter Murphy]Gaoler (1795) [Howard Hemig]

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Gaoler (1796) [Tom Gorman]Gifford, Noah (1795) [Craig Slocum]Guard (1796) [James Shannon]Hangman, Assistant (1796) [David Groh]Hangman (1796) [James Shannon] Haza (1795,1970) Leviathan devotee [Robin Lane]Judge, 2nd (1795) [Hanford Rowe]Judge, 2nd (1795) [Hal White]Judge, 3rd (1795) [Tom Gorman]Judge Handley (1795) main judge at Vicki's trial [Leslie Barrett]Judge Matigan (1795) refused to be Vicki's lawyer [Addison Powell] Judge (1795) [Paul Kirk Giles]Maid (1795) [Charlotte Fairchild] Man in the woods (1795) masqueraded as Jeremiah Collins [David Cryer]Mapes, Bathia (1795) [Anita Bolster] Mooney, Mr. (1795) bartender at The Eagle [Bob O'Connell]Oberon (1795,1970) Leviathan devotee [Peter Lombard]Riggs (1795) Collinwood butler [Dan Morgan] [Timothy Gordon]Roget, Danielle (1795) a.k.a. Leona Eltridge [Marie Wallace] Second servant (1795) [Tom Gorman]Stokes, Ben (1795) Collins' family servant [Thayer David] Tate, Ruby (1795) killed on the docks by Barnabas [Elaine Hyman]Thornton, Dr. (1795) treats Barnabas [Peter Murphy]Trask, the Reverend (1795) hell raiser and witch hunter [Jerry Lacy] Wick, Phyllis (1795,1968) the governess [Margot Head] [Dorrie Cavanaugh] Winters, Victoria "Vicki"(1795,1966/68) [Alexandra Moltke] [Betsy Durkin] [Carolyn Groves]Witness (1795) [Paul Caffrey] Witness at Gallows #1 (1796) [Tim Gordon]Witness at Gallows #2 (1796) [Peter von Neil]

=================================================================PART IIb. - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/ 1840 (ABC) =================================================================

Collins, Abner (pre-1840) [mentioned and shown in a portrait in 1970] Stockbridge, B. Pendleton (1817) she drowned at sea (b.1801/d.1817) [tombstone shown]

Barmaid (1840) at the Eagle Tavern [Christine Domaneck]Bainbridge (1840) Collins servant [mentioned only]Bell, Lorna (1840) schoolmate of Roxanne, ended as a sacrifice [Marilyn Joseph]Bradbury, Martha (1840) married Amos Stokes [mentioned only]Braithwaite, Tim (1840) drunken lout who helps Desmond find the body of Judah Zachery [Dick Sabol] Braithwaite, Body of Tim (1840) [Gary George] Collins, Ghost of Amadeus (1840) [Louis Edmonds]Collins, Angelique {Bouchard} (1840) passing as Valerie Collins [Lara Parker]Collins, Barnabas (1795,1840,1897,1967/70,1970PT,1995) [Jonathan Frid]Collins, Caleb Sayers (1840) [mentioned only]Collins, Charles (1840) Geoffrey & Caleb's brotherCollins, Daniel (1840) Gabriel and Quentin's father [Louis Edmonds] Collins, Ghost of Daniel (1840) [Louis Edmonds]Collins, Ghostly Voice of Daniel (1840) [Louis Edmonds]Collins, Desmond (1840) a cousin, son of Flora, a lawyer [John Karlen]Collins, Edith (1840) Gabriel's wife [Terry Crawford]

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Collins, Flora (1840) cousin of Quentin & Gabriel [Joan Bennett]Collins, Gabriel (1840) father of Caleb, Geoffrey, and Charles [Christopher Pennock]Collins, Geoffrey (1840) Judith, Edward, Quentin, & Carl's father [mentioned only]Collins, Ghost of Harriet (1840) Daniel's wife [Gaye Edmond]Collins, Dr. Julia H(offman). (1840) actually Dr. Hoffman posing as Barnabas' sister [Grayson Hall]Collins, Leticia {Faye} (1840) wife of Desmond [Nancy Barrett]Collins, Quentin (1840,1841PT) great-uncle of 1897 Q (b.1808) [David Selby]Collins, Samantha {Drew} (1840) Quentin(1840)'s wife; believing Quentin dead she marries Gerard Stiles [Virginia Vestoff]Collins, Thadeus "Tad" (1840) son of Samantha and Quentin [David Henesy]Collins, Valerie (1840) Barnabas' wife, it's Angelique [Lara Parker]Curse Shadow (1840) a.k.a. the Shadow of Death, Gerard/Judah's curse on Mordecai Grimes [special(?) effect]Dawson, Charles (1840) lawyer, Satanist, coven leader [Humbert Allen Astredo]Drew, Randall (1840) Samantha and Roxanne's brother, a NY lawyer who was in love with Joanna Mills when he introduced her to Quentin [Gene Lindsey] Drew, Ghost of Randall (1840) [Gene Lindsey]Drew, Roxanne (1840) sister of Samantha, becomes a vampire [Donna Wandrey]Drew, Ghost of Roxanne (1840) [Donna Wandrey] Drew, Mr. (1840) father of Roxanne and Samantha, president of the Collinsport Bank [mentioned only] du Val, Miranda (1692,1840) follower/betrayer of Judah Zachery [Lara Parker]Executioner (1840) hooded axe-man [Steve Calder] Faye, Leticia (1840) a clairvoyant and music hall entertainer [Nancy Barrett] Ferarri, Laszlo (1840) gypsy servant to Angelique [Michael Stroka]Fox, Mr. (1840) a confederate of Stiles buried at Eagle Hill [tombstone shown]Fuller, Amos (1840) County prosecutor, resigns rather than participate in the witchcraft tribunal. Calls the matter "repugnent" [mentioned only]Graham, Silas (1840) lawyer, Quentin calls him incompetent [mentioned only]Green, Otis (1840) a mass murderer turned antique dealer [Abe Vigoda]Green, the Handyman of Otis (1803) he disappeared, along with the head [mentioned only]Grimes, Jeremy (1840) son of Mordecai, would-be suitor of Carrie Stokes, P/T Accountant for Flora Collins [Tom Happer] Grimes, Mordecai (1840) land owner, farmer [Thayer David]Guard (1840) who shoots Desmond during the jail break [Charles Rush]Guards (1840) one is named Johnson [Jordan Kean] [Martin Best] Harridge, Daphne (1840,1841PT,1970) governess [Kate Jackson] Hoffman, Dr. Julia (1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995) [Grayson Hall] Johnson, Mr. (1840) guard at the Collinsport Jail [Jordan Kean] or [Martin Best]Johnson, the Reverend (1840) marries Gerard to Daphne [Charles Reynolds]Judge Vail (1840) lead justice of the witchcraft tribunal [John Beal] Judge Wiley (1840) dismisses the murder charges against Quentin, but holds him over for the witchcraft tribunal [Addison Powell]Judge, 2nd tribunal (1840) older, white hair and moustache, on Vail's right (in early trial scenes) [Carl Nicholas]Judge, 2nd tribunal (1840) young, black hair and moustache, on Vail's right (appears during Leticia's testimony) [Tom Markus]Judge, 3rd tribunal (1840) on Vail's left [Paul Kirk Giles] Larch, Silas (1840) a confederate of Stiles buried at Eagle Hill he was chandler on the Java Queen [tombstone shown]

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Miller, Ivan (1840) birth name of Gerard Stiles, he changed his name in London in 1830 to escape prosecution [James Storm]Mills, Frank (1840) funeral by Lamar Trask [mentioned only]Mills, Joanna (1840) Daphne Harridge's sister, beloved by Randall Drew, in love with Quentin Collins [Lee Beery]Mills, the Ghost of Joanna (1840) [Lee Beery]Pardoe, Miles (1840) a confederate of Stiles buried at Eagle Hill [tombstone shown]Petty, Mr. (1840) asks Ben about attacks of 1797 [mentioned only]Purdy, Mrs. (1840) Joanna Mills' landlady [Camila Ashland] Silas, Capt. (1840) owns the vessel on which Quentin and co. are to escape [mentioned only]Sims, Luke (1840) saves Tad and Quentin from death [mentioned only]Smiley, Hortense (1840) governess at Collinwood [Jenny Egan]Stiles, Daphne {Harridge} (1840) [Kate Jackson]Stiles, Gerard (1840) a general rat wanted for gun-running, embezzlement, murder, piracy, and practicing the Black Arts (he needed more practice!) [James Storm]Stiles, Gerard (1840) possessed by Judah Zachery [James Storm]Stiles, the Head of Gerard (1840) in a vision caused by Judah Z. [James Storm] Stiles, Samantha {Drew} Collins (1840) [Virginia Vestoff]Stokes, Amos (1840) Ben Stokes' son [mentioned only]Stokes, Ben (1840) the faithful family retainer, still helpful in his dotage [Thayer David]Stokes, Carrie (1840) granddaughter of Ben Stokes (b.1825) [Kathy Cody]Stokes, Martha {Bradbury} (1840) wife of Amos Stokes [mentioned only]Stokes, Professor T. Elliot (1840,1968,1970,1995) [Thayer David]Stone, the Reverend (1840) eulogist at Roxanne's funeral [mentioned only]Trask, Lamar (1840,1841PT) son of 1795 Trask, town undertaker, crazy about Roxanne Drew and avenging his father's death [Jerry Lacy]Ward, Constable Jim (1840) [Roger Hamilton]Ward, Mrs. Mildred {Grimes} (1840) works at the jail [Elizabeth Eis]Welles, Dr. (1840) Joanna Mills' doctor at the sanitarium [Lloyd Harris]Whitaker, Dr. (1840) Tad's doctor [mentioned only]Woman (1840) ghostly figure of Joanna Mills [Barbara Tracey]Zachery, Head of Judah (1840) the "Legendary Evil Head" [Michael McGuire] [Paul Shenan]Zachery, Headless body of Judah (1840) [Norman Parker] [Joe Della Sarte] [George di Cenzo]Zachery, Judah (1840) head and body reunited [Michael McGuire]Zachery, the Voice of Judah (1840) in Stiles' dream [Keene Curtis]Zachery, Judah (1840) in full possession of Gerard Stiles [James Storm]

Collins, Daphne {Harridge} (1841) wife to Quentin [Kate Jackson]Collins, Leticia {Faye} (1841) wife to Kendrick [Nancy Barrett]

=================================================================PART IIc. - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/ 1897 (ABC) =================================================================

Collins, Laura {Murdoch} (1867/1897) Edward's wife [Diana Millay]Radcliff((e)), David (1867) Laura {Murdoch} Radcliff((e))'s son [mentioned only]Radcliff((e)), Laura {Murdoch} (1867) (b.1840/d.1867) [mentioned only]Radcliff((e)), Robert (1867) Laura's husband [mentioned only]

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Aristede (1897) Count Petofi's aide-de-camp [Michael Stroka]Barnes, Sophie (1897) Barnabas' victim on the docks [K. C. Townsend] Bartender at the Blue Whale (1897)Best, Mr. (1897,1969/70) a.k.a. Mr. Death [Emory Bass]Blackwood, Garth (1897) demon visage used to kill Aristede [John Harkins] Braithwaite, Ezra (1897) as a youth [Edward Marshall] Brooks, Dr. (1897) the family physician [mentioned only]Caped figure (1897) [Barbara Brownell]Chavez, Beth (1897) Collins' maid and Quentin's mistress [Terry Crawford]Chavez, Ghost of Beth (1897) as she forgives Quentin [Terry Crawford]Collins, Angelique {Bouchard} (1795,1897,1968/70) Barnabas' wife [Lara Parker]Collins, Angelique {Bouchard}'s doppelganger (1897) [Lara Parker]Collins, Barnabas (1795,1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995) [Jonathan Frid]Collins, Barnabas' doppelganger (1897) [Jonathan Frid]Collins, Carl (1897) Quentin's younger brother [John Karlen]Collins, Edith (1897) grand dame, Quentin's grandmother [Isabella Hoopes]Collins, Ghost of Edith (1897) [Isabella Hoopes] Collins, Edward (1897) Quentin's brother, father of Nora and Jamison [Louis Edmonds]Collins, Jamison (1897) Edward's son, grows up to become the father of Roger and Elizabeth [David Henesy]Collins, Jenny Racosi (1897) Magda's sister, Quentin's wife [Marie Wallace]Collins, Ghost of Jenny (1897) [Marie Wallace] Collins, Ghost of Jeremiah (1897) [Timothy Gordon]Collins, Judith (1897) Quentin's sister [Joan Bennett]Collins, Laura {Murdoch} (1897) Edward's wife [Diana Millay]Collins, Lenore (1897) Quentin's daughter [mentioned only]Collins, Nora (1897) Edward's daughter [Denise Nickerson] Collins, Quentin (1897,1970/71,1995) The Quentin [David Selby]Collins, Quentin (1897) as the werewolf [Alex Stevens]Collins, Quentin's son (1897) one of a pair of twins (a boy / a girl)Cop (1897) [John Meranda] Corey, Mrs. (1897) Fall River widow courted by Gregory TraskDeputy (1897) at Collinsport Gaol [Paul Vincent]Drummond, Rachel (1897) governess (b.1876/d.1897) [Kathryn Leigh Scott] du Bois, Angelique (1897) [Lara Parker]du Val, Angelique (1897) [Lara Parker]Faye, Pansy (1897) Carl Collins' fiancee [Kay Frye]Faye, Ghost of Pansy (1897) [Kay Frye] Faye, Pansy (1897) possessed Charity Trask [Nancy Barrett]Fenn-Gibbon, Victor (1897) a.k.a. Count Petofi [Thayer David]Fillmore, Mrs. Lenore (1897) foster mother to Jenny's twins [Mary Farrell] Ghostly Gypsy Juror #1 = Andreas (1897) [Ray Von Orden]Ghostly Gypsy Juror #2 = Marco (1897) [John la Motta]Ghostly Gypsy Juror #3 = Stefan (1897) [Vic Mohica]Ghostly Gypsy Juror #4 = Fedor (1897) [Anthony Goodstone]Ghostly Gypsy Juror #5 = Sergio Kodash (1897) [Joe Della Sorte]Hampshire, Lady Kitty (1897) Josette reincarnated [Kathryn Leigh Scott]Hand holding scimitar (1897) [Jim Hale] Hanley, Evan (1897) Collins' lawyer, a Satanist [Humbert Allen Astredo]Harris, Amanda (1897) a Tate creation, Quentin's true love [Donna McKechnie]Hoffman, Dr. Julia (1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995) [Grayson Hall]Howell, Ghost of Abram (1897) wanted his hand back from Petofi [Philip Cusack]Istvan (Istfan) (1897) aide to King Johnny [Henry Baker] Jailer (1897) [Robert Warlock]Julianka (1897) a member of the Romano clan [Diana Davila]Julianka, Ghost of (1897) [Diana Davila]

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Kincaid, Tessie (1897) victim from New Bedford (1897) [Deborah Loomis]Kincaid, Ghost of Tessie (1897) [Deborah Loomis]Paisley, Wanda (1897) Petofi tests the I-Ching on her [Karen Lynn]Petofi, Count Andreas (1897) Hungarian aristo/magister [Thayer David]Petofi's Hand (1897) [Tim Gordon] Policeman (1897) sets traps in the woods to catch the "beast"Racosi, Jenny (1897) Magda's sister, marries Quentin [Marie Wallace] Racosi, Magda (1897) the household gypsy [Grayson Hall]Racosi, Sandor (1897) Magda's husband [Thayer David]Racosi, Ghost of Sandor (1897) [Thayer David]Reade, Dr. Ian (1897) [Alfred Hinckley] Romano, King Johnny (1897) head of the Romano family [Paul Michael] Romano, the Widow (1897) King Johnny's wife [Lana Shaw]Shaw, Timothy (1897) one of the Reverend Trask's teaching staff [Don Briscoe] Soames, Kitty (1897) [Kathryn Leigh Scott]Stationmaster (1897) [John Hallow] Tate, Charles Delaware (1897) artist [Roger Davis] Tate's Creation (1897) [Alexander Cort] Trask, Charity (1897) [Nancy Barrett]Trask, Judith Collins (1897) Quentin's sister [Joan Bennett]Trask, Minerva (1897) Gregory's 1st wife [Clarice Blackburn]Trask, Hallucination of Minerva (1897) [Clarice Blackburn] Trask, the Reverend Gregory (1897) marries Judith Collins [Jerry Lacy]Trilling, Dorcas (1897) Trask's protegee [Gail Strickland] Trilling, Ghost of Dorcas (1897) [Gail Strickland] Wilkins, Dirk (1897) Collinwood caretaker [Roger Davis] Woman on Station Platform (1897) Quentin mistakenly thinks she is Amanda

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YOU WILL ALSO FIND A DIAGRAM SHOWING THE KEYWORD LOCATIONS.--------------------------------------------------------------------------

=================================================================PART IId. - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/ 1949-1971 (ABC) =================================================================


Bartender at the Blue Whale (1949) [Jean Pierre Boru]Hanscombe, B. (1949) Jamison Collins' butler [mentioned only]Stoddard, Paul (1949) Elizabeth's husband [Joel Fabiani] [Dennis Patrick] Strach, Mr. (1949) Leviathan who makes the deal [John Harkins]

Pre 1966========

Grace (1961) worked at the Collinsport Diner before Maggie [mentioned only]Hanson (or Hansen) (1956) man killed in "Burke's" auto accident [mentioned only]


Ahern, Ezra (1966) listens to Burke's offer to work at Logansport Cannery (Ep. #89) [ ]Ahern, Ezra (1966) turns down Burke's offer to work at Logansport Cannery (Ep. #99) [Dolph Sweet]Bilodeau, Adam (1966) listens to Burke's offer to work at Logansport Cannery (Ep. #89) [Herb Holcombe] ]Blair, James (1966) [John Baragrey] Bronson, Stuart (1966) Burke's P.I. [Barnard Hughes]Cab Driver (1966) to take Vicki to the bus station but instead she goes to the Old House & Matthew captures her (Ep. #116) [Arthur Anderson]Cab Driver (1966) takes Mrs. Johnson to Collinwood for job interview (Ep. #81) [ ]Cal (1966) works for Sheriff Patterson [mentioned only]Calder, Ned (1966) Liz's business manager for 15 years, she offers him his job back - he now lives in Portland, ME [mentioned only]Cameron, Lucy (1966) Dr. Reeves' patient, having a baby [mentioned only]Cameron, Mr. (1966) Speaks to Dr. Reeves on the phone [mentioned only]

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Cannery Executive (1966) [John Servetnik]Carter, Constable Jonas (1966) [Michael Currie]Cartwright, Zeb (1966) listens to Burke's offer to work at Logansport Cannery (Ep. #89) [Leo Marrell]Cemetery Caretaker (1966/67) [Daniel Keyes] [Peter Murphy]Chris (1966) policeman told to follow Sam Evans [mentioned only]Collins, David (1966/71) Roger's son [David Henesy] Collins, Ghost of Josette {du Pres} (1966/70) [Florence Stanley] [Rosemary McNamara][Kathryn Leigh Scott] [Natalie Norwich] Collins, Laura {Murdoch} (1966/67) David's mother, the Phoenix [Diana Millay] Collins, Laura {Murdoch} (1966) Laura Collins' scream [Sheila Ray]Collins, Roger (1966/71) Elizabeth Collins Stoddard's brother [Louis Edmonds]Collinsport Star Photographer (1966) at crash site [mentioned only]Collinsport Star Reporter (1966) at crash site [mentioned only]Comstock, Rachel (1966) one of the 3 widows on Widow's Hill, she was the first to die off the hill. Her husband and 5 sons died at sea. Customer (1966) [Jim Mixon] Devlin, Burke (1966/67) [Mitchell Ryan] (mid 1967) [Anthony George] Devlin, Chauffeur to Burke (1966) picks Vicki and Burke up at the stationEvans, Maggie (1966+) waitress at the Collinsport Inn Diner, later governess to the Collins family [Kathryn Leigh Scott]Evans, Maggie's mother (1966) [portrait shown]Evans, Sam (1966/68) Maggie's father [Mark Allen] [David Ford] Findlay, Margaret (1966) one of the 3 widows on Widow's Hill, 3rd to die on the hill, her husband was lost in a storm.Fisher, Janet (1966) friend of Carolyn [mentioned only]Fitch, Amos (1966) a Cannery worker [George Mat((t))hews] Footsteps (1966) [T.J. Murphy] Garner, Frank (1966) Elizabeth's lawyer's son [Conard Fowkes] Garner, Richard (1966) Elizabeth's lawyer [Hugh Franklin]Garner, brother of Richard 91966) died 5 years ago [mentioned only]Ghost (1966) [Betty Beaird] Ghost (1966) [Jacqueline Bertrand]Gurse, Jerry (1966) Joe Haskell's partner to buy a boat [mentioned only]Guthrie, Dr. Peter (1966) expert in psychic phenomena [John Lasell]Hanley (1966/67) works at the Collins Cannery [mentioned only]Hanscombe, Betty (1966) daughter or niece of the Collins' butler [portrait shown]Hardy, Jim (1966) a Collinsport constable [mentioned only]Harriet (1966) works in the Sheriff's office [mentioned only]Harris, John (1966) Elizabeth's banker [Patrick McVey]Harry (1966) danced with Carolyn at Blue Whale [Robert Viharo]Harry (1966) Collinsport policeman [mentioned only]Haskell, Joe (1966/68) Carolyn's fisherman boyfriend [Joel Crothers] Henworthy, Mrs. (1966) saw Laura Collins in Phoenix, AZ, when her room caught fire [mentioned only]Hern, Ezra (1966) see Ahern, ezra[Dolph Sweet] Hopewell, Mrs. (1966) administrator of Vicki's foundling home [Elizabeth Wilson]Hopewell, Secretary to Mrs. (1966) [Gwen van Dan]Hotel Clerk (1966) [Calvin Ander] Johnson, Mrs. Sarah (1966/1971,1995) Collins' housekeeper [Clarice Blackburn]Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Sarah (1966) [mentioned only]Jones, Emil (1966) Frank Garner cancelled dinner engagement with him [mentioned only]Jones, Harry (1966) taxi driver [mentioned only]

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Malloy, Capt. Bill (1966) fishing fleet manager [Frank Schofield] Malloy, Ghost of Capt. Bill (1966) [Frank Schofield]Malloy, Niece of Capt. Bill (1966) Jenny [mentioned only]McGuire, Jason (1966/67) con-man/partner to Paul Stoddard [Dennis Patrick]Mitchell, Mrs. (1966) talked to Vicki on train [Jane Rose]Morgan, Matthew (1966/67) mad caretaker at Collinwood [George Mitchell] [Thayer David] Morgan, Walter (1966) matthew's brother in Coldwater, Maine [mentioned only]Palmer, Lt. Frank 91966) checking Burke's background for his friend Constable Carter [mentioned only]Partridge, Miss (1966) secretary of Richard & Frank Garner [mentioned only]Patterson, Sheriff George (1966/68) [Dana Elcar] [Angus Cairns] [Vince O'Brien ((O'Brein))] [Alfred Sandor]Reeves, Dr. D. (1966) treats Roger after car crash [Fred Stewart]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Liz Ingleson] Restaurant Customer (1966) [Mel Sigan]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Michael Ann] Restaurant Customer (1966) [Dodie Bauer]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Frank Downing]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Lenore Ellin]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Andrew Elliot]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Sara Harte]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Charles James]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Page Jones]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Richard Marr]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Pat McNamara]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Jack Pickett]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Neil Sigan]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Ray Stewart]Restaurant Customer (1966) [Margo Tacey]Riley, Lieutenant Dan (1966/67) Maine policeman [John Connell] [Vince O'Brien ((O'Brein))] Rooney, Bob (1966/68) bartender at the Blue Whale [Bob O'Connell]Sandy (1966) Vicki's roommate at the foundling home [Katharine Bruce]Shaw, Harry (1966) policeman shown the location of Bill Malloy's body by Matthew Morgan [mentioned only]Sobbing woman (1966) [Clarice Blackburn] Stoddard, Carolyn Collins (1966/71,1995) [Nancy Barrett]Stoddard, Elizabeth Collins (1966/71) Roger's sister [Joan Bennett]Stoddard, Paul (1967,1969) Elizabeth's husband [Joel Fabiani] [Dennis Patrick]Strake, Wilbur (1966) Burke Devlin's P.I. [Joseph Julian]Susie (1966) the blonde waitress at the Collinsport Inn Diner [Carol Crist] or [Colleen Kelly]Susie (1966) the brunette waitress at the Collisport Inn Diner [Carol Crist] or [Colleen Kelly] Train Conductor (1966) on the train carrying Vicki to Maine [Alfred Hinckley]Train Passenger, Male #1 (1966) Vicki's trip from NY to MaineTrain Passenger, Male #2 (1966) Vicki's trip from NY to MaineTrain Passenger, Woman #1 (1966) Vicki's trip from NY to MaineTolliver, Abigail (1966) 2nd of the 3 widows to die on Widow's Hill, her husband drownedTurner, Mrs. (1966) reports stolen dog to Constable Carter [mentioned only]Waiter (1966) [George Goff] Wells, Mr. (1966,1968) innkeeper at the Collinsport Inn [Conrad Bain] Winters, Victoria "Vicki" (1795,1966/68) [Alexandra Moltke] [Betsy Durkin] [Carolyn Groves]Woodard, Dr. Dave (1966/67) Collins' family doctor [Robert Gerringer]

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[Richard Woods] [Peter Turgeon]Woodard, Trooper Chuck (1966) Sheriff talks to him on the phone [mentioned only]


Ackerman, Jane (1967) almost attacked on the way into town [mentioned only]Bradford, Nile (1967) Barnabas' fictitious cousin in England [mentioned only]Brewster, David (1967) drowned at sea [mentioned only]Cloaked figure (1967) [Alfred Dillay] Collins, Barnabas (1795,1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995) [Jonathan Frid]Collins, Barnabas Collins' hand (1967) going for Willie's throat [Tim Gordon]Collins, Ghost of Sarah (1967) [Sharon Smyth]Costa, Lieutenant (1967) [John Harkins] Deputy (1967) allows Sam to visit Willie in the hospital [ ]Fisher, Dr. (1967) david Collins' psychiatrist [William Shust]Fitzsimmons, Portia (1967) art dealer [Lovelady Powell] Franklin, Dr. (1967) treating Liz [Ivor Francis] Ghost (1967) Ep. #156 [Susan Sullivan]Grant (1967) Burke Devlin employee [mentioned only]Hackett, Buzz (1967) Carolyn's cycle boyfriend [Michael Hadge]Hackett (1967) Elizabeth sold him some land [mentioned only] Haskell, farmer (1967) Joe's uncle [mentioned only]Judge Crathorne (1967) almost marries Elizabeth to Jason [House Jameson]Loomis, William "Willie" ((Hollingshead)) Hollingsford (1967/71) [James Hall] [John Karlen]Margaret (1967) cleaning lady for Laura in Phoenix, AZ [mentioned only]Metcalf, Mr. (1967) Elizabeth is expecting a business call from him [mentioned only]Morgue Attendant (1967) at Phoenix, Az [ ]Nurse (1967) at Collinsport Hospital [Frances Helm]Nurse Jackson (1967) (at Wyndcliff Hospital-Maggie) [Alice Drummond]Nurse Packard (1967) (at Collinwood Hospital-Maggie) [Jani Darnagle]O'Donnell, Ina (1967) Irish nurse at the foundling home, gave Vicki a doll [mentioned only]Petersen (1967) auditor, questions Roger about the accounts [mentioned only]Peterson, Tony (1967/68) lawyer [Jerry Lacy]Petersen, niece of Tony (1967) Tony takes her to Deerfield [mentioned only]Phelps (1967) employee at the Cannery [mentioned only]Policeman (1967) tells Sam & Maggie that Willie was shot [Ed Crowley]Policeman, 2nd (1967) helps capture Willie [ ]Pruitt (1967) repairman for the Collins' gandfather clock [mentioned only]Shroud (1967) [Peter Murphy] Spence, Miss (1967) local librarian & expert on toy dolls [mentioned only]Wailing widows of Widow's Hill (1967) : Abigail Tolliver, Margaret Findlay, and Rachel Comstock [Joy Nicholson, Marin Riley, Florence Stanley] (actresses and character names are not necessarily in order)Whitaker, Mr. (1967) announces Jason's new job at the Cannery [mentioned only]Woodard, Ghost of Dr. Dave (1967) [Peter Turgeon] Woodard, Ghostly Voice of Dr. Dave (1967) actually Barnabas trying to terrorize Dr. Hoffman [Peter Turgeon]

1968====Adam (1968) The man-made man [Robert Rodan]Barmaid (1968) [Carol Ann Lewis]

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Bartender at the Blue Whale (1968) relief shift [Tom Gorman]Blair, Cassandra (1968) marries Roger [Lara Parker]Blair, Hands of Cassandra (1968) as she prematurely ages [Judith Lowry]Blair, Nicholas (1968) Angelique's "manager" [Humbert Allen Astredo] Bronson, Stuart (1966) Burke's P.I. [Barnard Hughes]Browning, Ghost of Maude (1968) juror at mock trial [Maggie Benson]Clark, Jeff (1968) a.k.a. Peter Bradford/ marries Vicki Winters [Roger Davis]Clark, Victoria "Vicki" {Winters} (1968,1796) [Carolyn Groves] Collins, Adam (1968) Barnabas' nom-de-guerre [mentioned only]Collins, Angelique {Bouchard} (1795,1897,1968/70) Barnabas' wife [Lara Parker]Collins, Barnabas' hand (1968) [Tim Gordon]Collins, Cassandra {Blair} (1968) Angelique! [Lara Parker]Collins, Hands of the aging Cassandra {Blair} (1968) [Judith Lowry]Collins, Ghostly Voice of Jeremiah (1968) [Addison Powell]Collins, Sobbing voice of Josette {du Pres} Collins (1968) [Florence Stanley]Deputy #1 (1968) [Tom Murphy]Deputy #2 (1968) [Angie Brown]Deputy Sheriff (1968) the sadistic one [Clifford Pellow] Diabolos (1968) Nicholas Blair's supervisor [Duane Morris]Eltridge, Leona (1968) a.k.a. Danielle Roget, life force for Eve [Erica Fitz]Evans, Ghost of Sam (1968) [David Ford]Eve (1968) mate to Adam, obviously [Marie Wallace]Findley, Janet (1968) exorcist [Cavada Humphrey]Findley, Janet (1968) falling down the stairs [Alex Stevens]Forbes, Ghost of Lieutenant Nathan (1968?,1795) [Joel Crothers]Forbes, Ghost of Suki (1968) [Jane Draper]Friedlander, Donna (1968) Carolyn's friend killed by werewolf [Beverly Hayes]Gravedigger (1968) [Peter Murphy] Ghost of a headless man (1968) [Duane Morris]Hoffman, Dr. Julia (1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995) [Grayson Hall]Jarret, Mr. (1968) [Bob Fitzsimmons]Jennings, Amy (1968) sister of Tom and Chris [Denise Nickerson]Jennings, Christopher "Chris" (1968/70) Quentin's great-great-grandson, twin brother of Tom [Don Briscoe]Jennings, Christopher "Chris" (1968/70) as the werewolf [Alex Stevens]Jennings, Thomas "Tom" (1968) (b.1944/d.1968) Chris' twin [Don Briscoe]Johnson, Harry (1968) housekeeper's son [Craig Slocum] [Edward Marshall]Justice of the Peace (1968) [Thomas Spratley] Lang, Dr. Eric (1968) the monster maker [Addison Powell]Lang, Ghost of Dr. Eric (1968) [Addison Powell] Lang's Creation (1968) before we know it as Adam [Duane Morris]Nurse (1968) [Beverly Atkinson]Nurse (1968) when Barnabas is exposed to sunlight [Katherine Balfour]Nurse (1968) at Wyndcliff Hospital [Ann Davis]Nurse (1968) Miss Prichitt [Bobbi Ann Woronko]One-armed ghost (1968) summoned by Nicholas, the arm was used by Lang [ ]Parks, Amos (1968) painter [mentioned only]Policeman (1968) speaks with Angelique/Cassandra [James Shannon]Simpson, Ghost of Ezra (1968) judge at mock trial [Tom Gorman]Stokes, Professor T. Elliot (1840,1968,1970/71,1995) [Thayer David]Tate, Ghost of Ruby (1968) juror at mock trial [Natalie Norwich]Templeton, Dr. (1968) Julia asks Dr. Lang about him [mentioned only]Tobias, Dr. (1968) Collins' family doctor, treating David [mentioned only] Trask, Ghost of the Reverend/1795 (1968) [Jerry Lacy]Weeping woman (1968) [Florence Stanley] Wick, Phyllis (1795,1968) the governess [Margot Head] [Dorrie Cavanaugh]

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1969====Alexander - Leviathan Boy (1969) [David Jay]Alexander - Leviathan Boy as Carolyn, age 8 (1969) [Lisa Ross]Audrey The Leviathan Vampire Girl (1969) [Marsha Mason]Bellboy at Mr. Death's "Stopping Off Place Hotel" [Brian Sturdivant] Best, Mr. (1897,1969/70) a.k.a. Mr. Death [Emory Bass]Braithwaite, Ezra (1969) silversmith as an old man [Abe Vigoda] Chavez, Ghost of Beth (1969) Quentin's mistress [Terry Crawford]Collins, Ghost of Jenny (1969) [Marie Wallace]Collins, Ghost of Quentin (1969) [David Selby]Corey, Olivia (1969/70) a.k.a. Amanda Harris [Donna McKechnie]Douglas, Grant (1969/70) a.k.a. Quentin Collins [David Selby]Joseph - Baby Leviathan (1969) [a rag doll]Juggins, Mr. (1969) David's imaginary playmate, a cover-up for the ghost of Quentin [Mannequin]Long, Sailor Jack (1969) identifies the Naga Tattoo [Ken McMillan]Monroe, Harrison (1969) reclusive artist a.k.a. Charles Delaware Tate [Roger Davis]Monroe, Voice of Harrison (1969) [Ed Riley] Montine (1969) gallery owner, friend of Olivia Corey [mentioned only]Nakamura, Mr. (1969) aide to Olivia Corey [Sho Onodera]Osmond, Professor Henry (1969) art restorer, Tate specialist [Ronald Dawson]Policeman on desk duty, Collinsport (1969)Prescott, Mr. (1969) a.k.a. Paul Stoddard [Dennis Patrick]Prescott, Mr. (1969) lurker, face unseen [Tom Gorman] Racosi, Voice of Magda (1969) [Grayson Hall]Stuart, Ned (1969) Sabrina's protective brother [Roger Davis] Stuart, Sabrina (1969) Chris Jennings' girlfriend [Lisa Richards]Tate, Charles Delaware (1969) the aged recluse [Roger Davis]Thorne, Fredric (1969) (b.1942) (See Grant Douglas) Todd, Megan (1969) Leviathan guardian [Marie Wallace]Todd, Philip (1969) Leviathan guardian [Chris Bernau]Unknown Man (1969) a.k.a. Grant Douglas, hit by a car driven by Barnabas [David Selby]Voice (1969) which terrorizes Paul Stoddard [John Harkins]

1970 ====

Bat of Hell (1970) summoned and captured in the graveyard by Jeb [Bil Baird]Blair, Ghost of Nicholas (1970) [Humbert Allen Astredo]Bradford, Ghost of Peter (1970) [Roger Davis]Brand, the Reverend (1970) marries Carolyn to Jeb [Donald Hotton]Bruno (1970) a Leviathan follower [Michael Stroka]Cloaked Shadow (1970) haunts Jeb (actually Peter Bradford) [special effect]Collins, Ghost of Thadeus "Tad" (1970,1995) [David Henesy]Collins, Quentin (1897,1970,1995) The Quentin [David Selby]Curse Shadow (1970) Angelique's punishment for Jeb [special effect]Davenport, Hand of Sheriff (1970) [George di Cenzo] Davenport, Mrs. (1970) wanted a silver tea strainer [mentioned only]Davenport, Sheriff (1970) turned Zombie by Jeb Hawkes [Ed Riley]Death (1970) (see Best, Mr.) [Emory Bass] Drew, Roxanne (1970) psychic and vampire [Donna Wandrey]Findley, Thomas (1970) resurrected as a Zombie by Jeb (b.1927/d.1969) [James Shannon]Gunston, Nelle (1970) Leviathan devotee [Elizabeth Eis]

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Guthrie, Lawrence (1970) Investigator for the state of Maine [Jered Mickey]Hackett, Bert (1970) Michael's non-existant father [mentioned only]Hackett, Evelyn (1970) Michael's non-existant mother [mentioned only] (obviously they were only mentioned - they are non-existant!)Hackett, Michael (1970) Leviathan adolescent [Michael Maitland]Hanged man (1970) apparition appears to David [Joseph Mosca]Harridge, Daphne (1840,1970) 1840 governess, resurrected [Kate Jackson] Harridge, Ghost of Daphne (1970,1995) 1840 governess [Kate Jackson]Hart, John (1970) resurrected as a Zombie by Jeb (b.1952/d.1970)Hawkes, Jebez "Jeb" (1970) marries Carolyn Collins Stoddard [Christopher Pennock]Hawkes, Spectre of Jebez "Jeb" (1970) speaks to Carolyn in a dream [Christopher Pennock]Haza (1795,1970) Leviathan devotee [Robin Lane]Hooded figure (1970) [Liliane Sandor]Hutchins, Mrs. (1970) an alcoholic Leviathan lackey [Camila Asland] Miller, Ghost of Ivan (1970,1995) a.k.a. Gerard Stiles [James Storm]Oberon (1795,1970) Leviathan devotee [Peter Lombard]Pace, Emory (1970) resurrected as a Zombie by Jeb (b.1935/d.1970)Ross, Amos (1970) resurrected as a Zombie by Jeb (b.1930/d.1970)Roxanne (1970) Willie's fiancee [mentioned only]Rumson, Angelique (1970) Sky's beloved wife [Lara Parker]Rumson, Schuyler "Sky" (1970) publisher and more [Geoffrey Scott]Shaw, Sebastian (1970) astrologist and clairvoyant [Christopher Pennock]Stiles, Ghost of Gerard (1970,1995) actually Judah Zachery [James Storm]Stoddard, Corpse of Paul in the coffin (1970) [Dennis Patrick]Stoddard, Corpse of Paul on ground (1970)Stoddard, Paul (1969/70) Elizabeth's husband (b.1920/d.1970) [Dennis Patrick]Stokes, Ghost of Carrie (1970) [Kathy Cody]Stokes, Hallie (1970) niece of Professor Stokes [Kathy Cody]Stokes, Professor T. Elliot (1840,1968,1970/71,1995) [Thayer David]Sue Agatha (1970) the sister of Willie's fiancee Roxanne [mentioned only]Sykes ((Sikes)), Joe (1970) does errand for Sheriff Davenport [mentioned only]Todd, Alexander (1970) [David Jay] Todd, Michael (Hackett) (1970) [Michael Maitland] Zachery, the Ghost of Judah (1970,1995) in possession of Gerard Stiles [James Storm]Zombie = Sheriff Davenport (1970) Jeb's 1st attempt (b.1935/d.1970) [Ed Riley]Zombie = Thomas Findley (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1927/d.1969) [James Shannon]Zombie = John Hart (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1952/d.1970) [Cliff Cudney]Zombie = Emory Pace (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1935/d.1970) [Chuck Morgan]Zombie = Amos Ross (1970) resurrected by Jeb (b.1930/d.1970) [Paul Grier]Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [James Donahue] Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [Al Lust]Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [Chuck Morgan]Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [James Langrell]Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [Richard W. Mollick]Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) resurrected by Stiles [Victor Romano]

=================================================================PART IIe. - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/ 1995 (ABC) =================================================================

Beechum, Henry (1995) (b.1967/d.1995) [tombstone shown]Collins, Barnabas (1795,1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995) [Jonathan Frid]Collins, Ghost of Thadeus "Tad" (1970,1995) [David Henesy]

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Collins, Quentin (1897,1970/71,1995) The Quentin [David Selby]Ed (1995) the records clerk [Ronald Dawson]Flagler, Jeanne (1995) a victim, Victor's wife [photograph shown]Flagler, Victor (1995) a bystander [Cliff Cudney] Fredericks, Carolyn (1995) Carolyn {Stoddard} Hawkes [Nancy Barrett] Harridge, Ghost of Daphne (1970,1995) [Kate Jackson]Hoffman, Dr. Julia (1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995) [Grayson Hall] Johnson, Mrs. Sarah (1966/69,1995) Collins' housekeeper [Clarice Blackburn]Miller, Ghost of Ivan (1970,1995) a.k.a. Gerard Stiles [James Storm]Sheriff (1995) [Don Crabtree] Stiles, Ghost of Gerard (1970,1995) actually Judah Zachery [James Storm]Stoddard, Carolyn Collins (1966/71,1995) [Nancy Barrett]Stoddard, Ghostly Voice of Carolyn Collins (1995) spoke through Julia Hoffman at seance [Grayson Hall]Stokes, Ghost of Carrie (1970,1995) [Kathy Cody]Stokes, Professor T. Elliot (1840,1968,1970/71,1995) [Thayer David]Zachery, the Ghost of Judah (1970,1995) in possession of Gerard Stiles [James Storm]

=================================================================PART IIf. - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/ 1680PT (ABC) =================================================================

Collins, Amanda (1680PT) wife to Brutus [Nancy Barrett]Collins, Brutus (1680PT) tyrannical head of the 1680's family, he wrote THE LETTER about THE ROOM and THE LOTTERY [Louis Edmonds]Collins, Constance (1680PT) Brutus' sister [Grayson Hall]Forsythe, James (1680PT) young merchant, partner to Brutus [Keith Prentice]Forsythe, Sarah (1680PT) sister of James [mentioned only]Forsythe, the decomposed body of Sarah (1680PT) [a skeleton with a wig]

Collins, Mortimer (1748PT) visited the dentist, why that was noteworthy sure beats me! [mentioned only]

Collins, William (pre-1830PT) tried to escape THE CURSE [mentioned only]

=================================================================PART IIg. - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/ 1841PT (ABC) =================================================================

Braithwaite, Tim (1841PT) a foolish youth [Dick Sabol]Braithwaite, Body of Tim (1841PT) a dead, foolish youth [John Kuhner]Cabot, Daniel (1841PT) carries the news of Bramwell's ship [mentioned only]Collins, Barnabas (1820PT) brother of Justin [mentioned only]Collins, Bramwell (1841PT) son of Barnabas & Josette [Jonathan Frid]Collins, Ghost of Brutus (1841PT) [Louis Edmonds]Collins, Catherine {Harridge} (1841PT) wife of Morgan [Lara Parker]Collins, Daphne {Harridge} (1841PT) wife of Bramwell [Kate Jackson]Collins, Flora (1841PT) wife of Justin [Joan Bennett]Collins, Gabriel (1841PT) alcoholic son of Flora [Christopher Pennock]Collins, Josette {du Pres} (1841PT) [Mary Cooper]Collins, Julia (1841PT) sister of Justin [Grayson Hall]Collins, Justin (1841PT) "The forgotten man", husband of Flora [David Hurst]Collins, Ghost of Justin (1841PT) [David Hurst] Collins, Melanie (1841PT) adopted child of Flora and Justin [Nancy Barrett]Collins, Morgan (1841PT) artist son of Flora [Keith Prentice]Collins, Quentin (1840,1841PT) he and Daphne fall into PT for a brief while

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[David Selby]Collins, Quentin (1841PT) son of Flora and Justin [David Selby] Drew, Samantha (1841PT) nurse to Justin Collins [Virginia Vestoff] Fletcher, Dr. (1841PT) treats Bramwell for gunshot wound [mentioned only]Forsythe, James (1841PT) spirit possessing Morgan Collins [Keith Prentice]Hamilton, Dr. (1841PT) [Colin Hamilton]Harridge, Catherine (1841PT) married to Morgan, loves Bramwell [Lara Parker]Harridge, Daphne (1840,1841PT,1970) she and Quentin fall into PT for a brief encounter [Kate Jackson]Harridge, Daphne (1841PT) sister of Catherine [Kate Jackson]Harridge, Dr. (1841PT) father of Catherine and Daphne [mentioned only]Harris (1841PT) 2nd footman [Gordon Russell] North, Claude (1841PT) grandfather of Claude North (1970PT) (b.1814PT/d.1866PT) [mentioned only] Perry, The Reverend (1841PT) marries Morgan to Catherine [Emory Bass] Robinson, Ezra (1841PT) sits around town warning folk about the weird Collins family [mentioned only]Stiles, Gerard (1841PT) a ner-do-well with pshycic ability [James Storm]Stokes, Ben (1841PT) the caretaker [Thayer David]Stokes, Carrie (1841PT) the caretaker's clairvoyant daughter [Kathy Cody]Trask, Lamar (1840,1841PT) Lamar falls into PT and dies [Jerry Lacy]Woman in White (1841PT) a spectral being [mentioned only] Young, Kendrick (1841PT) Boston customs official, brother to Stella [John Karlen] Young, Melanie {Collins} (1841PT) [Nancy Barrett] Young, Stella (1841PT) Flora Collins' private secretary [Gaye Edmond] Young, Ghost of Stella (1841PT) [Gaye Edmond]

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=================================================================PART IIh. - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/ 1970PT (ABC) =================================================================

"I'm so confused by everything" Carolyn Collins Stoddard Hawkes

Bouchard, Angelique (????PT) ancestor of Alexis & Angelique Stokes [mentioned only]Collins, Barnabas (????PT) married Josette du Pres (b.1770PT/d.1830PT) [mentioned only]Collins, Josette {du Pres} (????PT) survives her husband Barnabas [mentioned only]Stokes, Ben (????PT) ancestor of Alexis & Angelique Stokes [mentioned only]

Barmaid at the Eagle (1970PT) Buffie Harrington [Elizabeth Eis]Bartender at the Eagle (1970PT) [Kenneth McMillan]Block, Wilfred W. "Fred" (1970PT) Loomis' groundskeeper and caretaker [Edmund Hashim] Chase, Larry (1970PT) family lawyer, Chris' partner [Ken McEwen]Cockatoo, stuffed (1970 PT) Tim Stokes' pet [a real stiff]Collins, Amy (1970PT) Chris' sister [Denise Nickerson]Collins, Angelique {Stokes} (1970PT) Quentin's 1st wife, sister of Alexis, (b.1939PT/d.1969PT) [Lara Parker] Collins, Barnabas (1795,1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995) [Jonathan Frid]Collins, Chris (1970PT) family lawyer, estate manager [Don Briscoe]Collins, Daniel (1970PT) son of Quentin & Angelique [David Henesy]Collins, Ghost of Joshua (1970PT) [Louis Edmonds]Collins, Maggie {Evans} (1970PT) married to Quentin [Kathryn Leigh Scott]Collins, Quentin (1970PT) master of Collinwood, married to Angelique, then married to Maggie, father of Daniel [David Selby]Collins, Roger (1970PT) brother of Elizabeth, another poor relative at Collinwood [Louis Edmonds] Drew, Roxanne (1970PT) psychometrist, body providing life-force for Angelique [Donna Wandrey]Duvall, Mrs. Minnie (1970PT) Buffie and Yaeger's landlady [Camila Ashland]

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Edwards, Ghost of Dameon ((Damion)) (1970PT) [Jared Holmes]Evans, Jennifer (1970PT) sister of Maggie {Evans} Collins [mentioned only]Gladstone, Horace (1970PT) Boston chemist [John Harkins] Hamilton, Inspector (1970PT) [Colin Hamilton] Harrington, Buffie (1970PT) Eagle barmaid [Elizabeth Eis] Hess, Bruno (1970PT) composer and pianist [Michael Stroka]Hess, Corpse of Bruno (1970PT) a deceased composer and pianist [Mannequin] Hoffman, Dr. Julia (1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995) [Grayson Hall]Hoffman, Julia (1970PT) Collinwood housekeeper [Grayson Hall]Hoffman, Ghostly Voice of Julia (1970 PT) guarding the life-force body [Grayson Hall]Longworth, Dr. Cyrus (1970PT) the Dr. Jekyll character [Christopher Pennock]Loomis, Carolyn {Stoddard} (1970PT) Will's wife [Nancy Barrett]Loomis, William "Will" ((Hollingshead)) Hollingsford (1970PT) an alcoholic author [John Karlen]North, Claude (1970PT) "not an ordinary man" [Brian Sturdivant]Paxton, Frank (1970PT) police inspector looking for Yaeger [Stanley Grover]Policeman (1970PT) investigates Sabrina's death [Phillip R. Allen] Richardson (1970PT) The family Hoffman worked for prior to Collinwood [mentioned only]Reeves, Dr. (1970PT) Collins' family physician [mentioned only]Steve (1970PT) Buffie Harrington's pseudo-beau [George Strus]Stoddard, Elizabeth {Collins} (1970PT) poor relative living at Collinwood Roger's sister, Carolyn's mother [Joan Bennett]Stokes, Alexis (1970PT) Angelique's twin [Lara Parker]Stokes, Hannah (1970PT) Timothy's sister, medium/mystic [Paula Laurence] Stokes, Timothy "Tim" Elliot (1970PT) step-father of Alexis and Angelique, mad scientist [Thayer David]Stuart, Sabrina (1970PT) lab assistant, fiancee of Cyrus [Lisa Richards]Trask, Mr. (1970PT) Collinwood's butler [Jerry Lacy]Wicks, Aldon (1970PT) property owner, rents farmhouse to Yaeger [Ray Carlson]Yaeger, John (1970PT) Mr. Hyde character [Christopher Pennock]

=================================================================PART IIi. - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS / INCOMPLETE ENTRIES (ABC)=================================================================

Blanchard [Cliff Cudney]Hand of dead man (appeared 1970) [Charles Rush] Hands in coffin (appeared 1969) [Natalie Norwich]Nurse [Greta Markson]Policeman [Harry Osborne]Stranger (appeared 1969) [Charles Rush]Young woman (appeared 1969) [Amy Yaekerson]



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This is a list of the 44 names/words appearing in the 1897 wordsearchwhich follows the 1897 character listings.------------------------------------------------------------------------

================================================================PART IIIa. - DARK SHADOWS CAST MEMBERS : ALL-STARS (ABC) ================================================================

Humbert Allen Astredo: Nicholas Blair (1968,1970); Evan Hanley (1897) Ghost of Nicholas Blair (1970); Charles Dawson (1840)

Nancy Barrett: Carolyn Collins Stoddard (1966/71,1995); Millicent Collins (1795); Millicent {Collins} Forbes (1795); Charity Trask (1897); Carolyn {Stoddard} Hawkes (1970); Carolyn Loomis (1970PT); Carolyn Fredericks (1995); Amanda Collins (1680PT); Leticia Faye (1840); Melanie Collins Young (1841PT)

Clarice Blackburn: Abigail Collins (1795); Ghost of Abigail Collins (1795); Mrs. Sarah Johnson (1966/69,1995); Sobbing woman (1966); Minerva Trask (1897); Hallucination of Minerva Trask (1897)

Joan Bennett: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (1966-1971); Naomi Collins (1795); Judith Collins (1897); Judith Collins Trask (1897); Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (1970PT); Flora Collins (1840); Flora Collins (1841PT)

Don Briscoe: Chris Collins (1970PT); Christopher "Chris" Jennings (1968/70); Thomas "Tom" Jennings (1968); Timothy Shaw (1897)

Kathy Cody: Carrie Stokes (1840); Carrie Stokes (1841PT); Ghost of Carrie Stokes (1970,1995); Hallie Stokes (1970)

Terry Crawford: Ghost of Beth Chavez (1969); Beth Chavez (1897); Ghost of Beth Chavez (1897); Edith Collins (1840)

Joel Crothers: Joe Haskell (1966/67); Lieutenant Nathan Forbes (1795); Ghost of Lieutenant Nathan Forbes (1968,1795)

Thayer David: Matthew Morgan (1966/67); Ben Stokes (1795); Professor T. Elliot Stokes (1840,1968,1970/71,1995); Sandor Racosi (1897); Ghost of Sandor Racosi (1897); Victor Fenn-Gibbon (1897); Count Andreas Petofi (1897); Timothy "Tim" Stokes (1970PT); Mordecai Grimes (1840); Ben Stokes (1840); Ben Stokes (1841PT);

Roger Davis: Peter Bradford (1795); Jeff Clark (1968); Ned Stuart (1969); Dirk Wilkins (1897); Charles Delaware Tate (1897,1969); Harrison Monroe (1969); Ghost of Peter Bradford (1970)

Louis Edmonds: Roger Collins (1966/71); Joshua Collins (1795) Edward Collins (1897); Roger Collins (1970PT) Amadeus Collins (1692); Brutus Collins (1680PT)

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Daniel Collins (1840); Ghost of Daniel Collins (1840) Ghost of Amadeus Collins (1840); Ghost of Brutus Collins (1841PT); Ghost of Joshua Collins (1970PT);

Dana Elcar: Sheriff George Patterson (1966/71)

David Ford: Andre du Pres (1795); Sam Evans (1966/68); Ghost of Sam Evans (1968)

Jonathan Frid: Barnabas Collins (1795,1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995); Barnabas Collins' doppelganger (1897); Bramwell Collins (1841PT)

Anthony George: Burke Devlin (1967); Jeremiah Collins (1795)

Grayson Hall: Dr. Julia Hoffman (1840,1897,1967/71,1970PT,1995); Countess Natalie du Pres (1795); Magda Racosi (1897); Julia Hoffman (1970PT); Constance Collins (1680PT) Julia Collins (1841PT); Julia H. Collins (1840)

David Henesy: Daniel Collins (1795); Daniel Collins (1970PT); David Collins (1966/70); Thadeus "Tad" Collins (1840); Ghost of Thadeus "Tad" Collins (1970,1995); Jamison Collins (1897)

Kate Jackson: Ghost of Daphne Harridge (1970,1995); Daphne Harridge (1840); Daphne {Harridge} Stiles (1840); Daphne Harridge (1841PT); Daphne {Harridge} Collins (1841PT)

John Karlen: Willie Loomis (1967/71); Carl Collins (1897) William "Will" ((Hollingshead)) Hollingsford Loomis (1970PT); Desmond Collins (1840); Kendrick Young (1841PT)

Jerry Lacy: Tony Peterson (1968); the Reverend Trask (1795); Ghost of the Reverend Trask /1795 (1968); Lamar Trask (1840) Lamar Trask (1841PT); Mr. Trask (1970PT); the Reverend Gregory Trask (1897)

Donna McKechnie: Amanda Harris (1897); Olivia Corey (1969/70)

Diana Millay: Laura {Murdoch} Collins (d.1785) Laura {Murdoch} Collins (1897) Laura {Murdoch} Collins (1966/67)

Alexandra Moltke: Victoria "Vicki" Winters (1795,1966/68)

Denise Nickerson: Amy Collins (1970PT); Amy Jennings (1968+); Nora Collins (1897)

Lara Parker: Angelique Bouchard (1795) Angelique {Bouchard} Collins (1795,1897,1968,1970); Cassandra Blair (1968); Cassandra {Blair} Collins (1968); Catherine {Harridge} Collins (1841PT); Angelique du Bois (1897); Angelique du Val (1897); Angelique {Bouchard} Collins' doppelganger (1897) Angelique Rumson (1970); Alexis Stokes (1970PT);

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Angelique {Stokes} Collins (1970PT); Miranda du Val (1692,1840); Catherine Harridge (1841PT); Valerie Collins (1840)

Dennis Patrick: Jason McGuire (1967); Mr. Prescott (1969); Paul Stoddard (1949,1969/70); Paul Stoddard's corpse in the coffin (1970)

Christopher Pennock: Jebez "Jeb" Hawkes (1970); Spectre of Jebez "Jeb" Hawkes (1970); Cyrus Longworth (1970PT); John Yaeger (1970PT); Sebastian Shaw (1970); Gabriel Collins (1840); Gabriel Collins (1841PT);

Mitchell Ryan: Burke Devlin (1966/67)

Kathryn Leigh Scott: Maggie Evans (1966+); Josette du Pres (1795) Josette {du Pres} Collins (1795) Ghost of Josette {du Pres} Collins (1966BB,1968,1970) Rachel Drummond (1897); Lady Kitty (Soames) Hampshire (1897); Maggie {Evans} Collins (1970PT)

David Selby: Ghost of Quentin Collins (1969); Quentin Collins (1897,1970/71,1995); Unknown Man (1969); Grant Douglas (1969/70); Quentin Collins (1840,1841PT); Quentin Collins (1970PT) Quentin Collins (1841PT)

Sharon Smyth: Sarah Collins (1795); Ghost of Sarah Collins (1967)

James Storm: Ghost of Ivan Miller (1970,1995); Ghost of Gerard Stiles (1970,1995); Ivan Miller (1840) Gerard Stiles (1840); Gerard Stiles (1841PT);

Michael Stroka: Aristede (1897); Bruno (1970); Bruno Hess (1970PT); Laszlo Ferarri (1840)

Virginia Vestoff: Samantha Drew (1841PT); Samantha {Drew} Collins (1840)

Marie Wallace: Eve (1968); Jenny {Racosi} Collins (1897); Ghost of Jenny Collins (1897,1969); Roget, Danielle (1795) Megan Todd (1969)

Donna Wandrey: Roxanne Drew (1970PT); Roxanne Drew (1970); Roxanne Drew (1840); Ghost of Roxanne Drew (1840)


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This is a list of the 32 names/words appearing in the 1840PT wordsearch which follows the 1840PT character listings.

================================================================PART IIIb. - DARK SHADOWS CAST MEMBERS : THE MAJORS (ABC) ================================================================

Camila Ashland: Mrs. Minnie Duvall (1970PT); Mrs. Hutchins (1970); Mrs. Purdy (1840)

Emory Bass: Mr. Best (Death) (1897,1969/70); Minister (1841PT)

Chris Bernau: Philip Todd (1969) Leviathan guardian

Elizabeth Eis: Nelle Gunston (1970); Buffie Harrington (1970PT) Mrs. Mildred Grimes Ward (1840)

Conard Fowkes: Frank Garner (1966/67)

Paul Kirk Giles: the Reverend Bland (1795); the Reverend Alton Brook (1795); Judge (1795); Judge (1840)

Tim Gordon: Barnabas Collins' hand (1968); Ghost of Jeremiah Collins (1795); Ghost of Jeremiah Collins (1897); Hand of Jeremiah Collins (1795); Minister (1968); Petofi's Hand (1897); Witness at the gallows (1796); Blue Whale patron (1967) Tom Gorman: Body of Jeremiah Collins (1795); Gaoler (1796); 3rd Judge (1795); Second Servant (1795); Ghost of Ezra Simpson (1968); Blue Whale patron (1967) Bartender at the Blue Whale (1968); Mr. Prescott (1969)

Carolyn Groves: Victoria "Vicki" Winters (1796,1968); Victoria "Vicki" {Winters} Clark (1796,1968) Victoria "Vicki" {Winters} Bradford (1796)

John Harkins: Lieutenant Costa (1967); Garth Blackwood (1897); Mr. Strach, (1949); Voice (in hotel room) (1969); Horace Gladstone (1970PT)

John Lasell: Dr. Peter Guthrie (1966)

Ken McMillan: Bob Rooney (1970) bartender at the Blue Whale; Bartender at the Eagle (1970PT); Sailor Jack Long (1969) identifies the Naga Tattoo

Duane Morris: Diabolos (1968); Ghost of a headless man (1968); Lang's Creation (1968)

Peter Murphy: Gaoler (1795); Gravedigger (1968); Shroud (1967); Cemetery Caretaker (1966/67); Dr. Thornton (1795);

Bob O'Connell: Bob Rooney - Bartender at the Blue Whale (1966/68); Mr. Mooney - Bartender at the Eagle (1795)

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Natalie Norwich: Ghost of Ruby Tate (1968); Ghost of Josette {du Pres} Collins (1969); Hands in coffin (appeared 1969)

Addison Powell: Voice of the Ghost of Jeremiah Collins (1968); Judge Matigan (1795); Judge Wiley (1840); Dr. Eric Lang (1968); Ghost of Dr. Eric Lang (1968)

Lisa Richards: Sabrina Stuart (1969/70); Sabrina Stuart (1970PT)

Ed Riley: Sheriff Davenport (1970); Voice of Harrison Monroe (1969); Zombie = Sheriff Davenport (1970)

Robert Rodan: Adam (1968)

Geoffrey Scott: Schuyler "Sky" Rumson (1970)

James Shannon: Guard (1796); Hangman (1796); Policeman (1968); Thomas Findley as a Zombie (1970)

Craig Slocum: Noah Gifford (1795); Harry Johnson (1966)

Florence Stanley: A wailing widow of Widow's Hill (1967); Ghost of Josette {du Pres} Collins (1966); Sobbing voice of Josette {du Pres} Collins (1968); Weeping woman (appeared 1968)

Alex Stevens: Christopher "Chris" Jennings as the werewolf (1968/70); Quentin Collins as the werewolf (1897); Janet Findley falling down stairs (1968)

================================================================PART IIIc. - DARK SHADOWS CAST MEMBERS : THE MINORS (ABC) ================================================================

Mart Aldre: Stand-in for Paul Stoddard (1969)Mark Allen: Sam Evans (1966) Phillip R. Allen: Policeman (1970PT)Andrew Amic-Angelo: Blue Whale patron (1967)Calvin Ander: Hotel Clerk (1966) Arthur Anderson: Cab Driver (1966)Michael Ann: Restaurant Customer (1966) Fran Anthony: Stand-in for Dr. Julia Hoffman (1967)Walter S. Arnold: Blue Whale patron (1966)Marc Ashton: Stand-in for Gregory Trask (1897)Beverly Atkinson: Nurse (1968)

Conrad Bain: Mr. Wells (1966,68) Bil Baird: Bat of Hell (1970); Bat (1795+) Henry Baker: Istvan (Istfan) (1897) Katharine Balfour: Nurse (1968) Diane Ball: Blue Whale patron (1966)Dodie Bauer: Restaurant Customer (1966)John Baragrey: James Blair (1966)Leslie Barrett: Judge Handley (1795) Joanne Bayless: Blue Whale patron (1967)

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Betty Beaird: Ghost (1966) John Beal: Judge Vail (1840) Lee Beery: Joanna Mills (1840)Theodore Beniades: Policeman (1967)Maggie Benson: Ghost of Maude Browning (1968)Jacqueline Bertrand: Ghost (1966)Martin Best: Guard (1840)Anita Bolster: Bathia Mapes (1795)Robert Bonds: Blue Whale patron (1967)Jean Pierre Boru: Bartender at the Blue Whale (1949)Katherine Brace: Sandy (1966) Marlin Bradley: Blue Whale patron (1967)Amber Brie: Stand-in for Angelique (1970PT)Angie Brown: Deputy #2 (1968) Barbara Brownell: Caped figure (1897) Janet Burtis: Ghost of widow (1966)

Paul Caffrey: Witness (1795)Angus Cairns: Sheriff George Patterson (1967) Steve Calder: Executioner (1795); Executioner (1840) Audrey A. Campbell: Blue Whale patron (1966) Ray Carlson: Aldon Wicks (1970PT) Dorrie Cavanaugh: Phyllis Wick (1795,1967) Vala Clifton: Maude Browning (1795) John Connell: Lieutenant Dan Riley (1966/67) Richard Cooke: Blue Whale patron (1967) Mary Cooper: Josette Collins (1841PT) Alexander Cort: Tate's creation (1897) Don Crabtree: Sheriff (1995) Carol Crist: Susie the waitress (1966) Ed Crowley: Policeman (1967) David Cryer: Man in the woods (1795) Cliff Cudney: Blanchard (undated); Victor Flagler (1995) John Hart as a Zombie (1970) Michael Currie: Constable Jonas Carter (1966) Keene Curtis: Judah Zachery's Voice (1840) Philip Cusack: Ghost of Abram Howell (1897)

Gwen Van Dan: Blue Whale patron (1967); Secretary to Mrs. Hopewell (1966) Jani Darnagle: Nurse Packard (1967) Tony Darnay: Ghost of a widow (1966)Diana Davila: Julianka (1897); Ghost of Julianka (1897) Ann Davis: Nurse (1968)Ronald Dawson: Ed the records clerk (1995); Professor Henry Osmond (1969) Steve Dawson: Blue Whale patron (1967)George di Cenzo: Sheriff Davenport's Hand (1970) Judah Zachery's headless body (1840)Alfred Dillay: Cloaked figure (1967)Beverly Dixon: Blue Whale patron (1967)Christine Domaneck: Barmaid (1840) James Donahue: Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) Lynn Dovel: Blue Whale patron (1967)Frank Downing: Restaurant Customer (1966)Willis Downsing: Blue Whale patron (1966)Jane Draper: Suki Forbes (1795); Ghost of Suki (1968) Alice Drummond: Nurse Jackson (1967) Betsy Durkin: Victoria "Vicki" Winters (1968)

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Elizabeth Earl: Blue Whale patron (1966) Gaye Edmond: Stella Young (1841PT); Ghost of Stella Young (1841PT) Ghost of Harriet Collins (1840)Jenny Egan: Hortense Smiley (1840) Lenore Ellin: Blue Whale patron (1967)Andrew Elliot: Blue Whale patron (1966); Restaurant Customer (1966)

Joel Fabiani: Paul Stoddard (1966/67) Charlotte Fairchild: Maid (1968) Mary Farrell: Mrs. Lenore Fillmore (1897) John Felton: Blue Whale patron (1967) Erica Fitz: Leona Eltridge (1968) Bob Fitzsimmons: Mr. Jarret (1968) Tom Foral: Blue Whale patron (1967) Fred Forrest: Blue Whale patron (1967)Hugh Franklin: Richard Garner (1966) Millicent France: Blue Whale patron (1967) Ivor Francis: Dr. Franklin (1967) Kay Frye: Pansy Faye (1897); Ghost of Pansy Faye (1897)

Gary George: Body of Tim Braithwaite (1840) Robert Gerringer: Dr. Dave Woodard (1966/67)Bill Gish: Blue Whale patron (1966)George Goff: Waiter (1966) Anthony Goodstone: Bailiff (1796) Jay Gregory: Blue Whaler patron (1967)Paul Grier: Amos Ross as a Zombie (1970)David Groh: Hangman's assistant (1796); Ghost of a One-armed man (1968)Stanley Grover: Frank Paxton (1970PT)

Michael Hadge: Buzz Hackett (1967)Jim Hale: Executioner (1795); Hand holding scimitar (1897)James Hall: Willie Loomis (1967)Barbara Hollis: Blue Whale patron (1967) John Hallow: Stationmaster (1897)Colin Hamilton: Inspector Hamilton (1970PT); Dr. Hamilton (1841PT) Roger Hamilton: Constable Jim Ward (1840)Tom Happer: Jeremy Grimes (1840) Lloyd Harris: Dr. Welles (1840) Sara Harte: Restaurant Customer 91966)Edmund Hashim: Wilfred Block (1970PT) Beverly Hayes: Donna Friedlander (1968) Margot Head: Phyllis Wick (1795,1968) Frances Helm: Nurse (1967) Howard Hemig: Gaoler (1795) Alfred Hinckley: Train Conductor (1966); Dr. Ian Reade (1897) Herb Holcombe: Adam Bilodeau (1966)Jared Holmes: Ghost of Dameon ((Damion)) Edwards (1970PT)Isabella Hoopes: Edith Collins (1897); Ghost of Edith Collins (1897)Donald Hotton: the Reverend Brand (1970) Pat House: Blue Whale patron (1967)Barnard Hughes: Stuart Bronson (1966) Cavada Humphrey: Janet Findley (1968) David Hurst: Justin Collins (1841PT); Ghost of Justin Collins (1841PT) Elaine Hyman: Ruby Tate (1795)

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Liz Ingleson: Restaurant Customer (1966)

Charles James: Restaurant Customer (1966)Bill Jamesend: Blue Whale patron (1967) House Jameson: Judge Crathorne (1967) David Jay: Alexander Todd (1970) Paul Jenkins: Blue Whale patron (1967) Charles Johnson: Minister (1840) Dennis Johnson: Deputy (1967)Page Jones: Restaurant Customer (1966)Marilyn Joseph: Lorna Bell (1840) Joseph Julian: Wilbur Strake (1966)

Jeanne Kaplan: Blue Whale patron (1966)Russ Karsen : Blue Whale patron (1966) Jordan Kean: Guard (1840) Harvey Keitel: Blue Whale patron (1966) Colleen Kelly: Susie the waitress (1966)Daniel Keyes: Cemetery Caretaker (1966/67)John Kuhner: Body of Tim Braithwaite (1841PT)

John La Motta: Ghostly Gypsy Juror #2 = Marco (1897) Robin Lane: Haza (1795,1970) James Langrell: Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) Audrey Larkins: Crystal Cabot (1796) Judd Laurence: Blue Whale patron (1966)Paula Laurence: Hannah Stokes (1970PT) Carol Ann Lewis: Barmaid (1968) Gene Lindsey: Randall Drew (1840); Ghost of Randall Drew (1840)Allan Lindstrom: A Blue Whale patron (1966) Peter Lombard: Oberon (1795,1970) Deborah Loomis: Tessie Kincaid (1897); Ghost of Tessie Kincaid (1897)Judith Lowry: Angelique {Bouchard} Collins' hands (1795); Hands of Cassandra Blair (1968)Bennett Lubin: Blue Whale patron (1967)Al Lust: Zombie = pirate crew member (1970)Karen Lynn: Wanda Paisley (1897) Pat Lysinger: Blue Whale patron (1966)

Michael Maitland: Michael Hackett Todd (1970) Michelle Mantvidas: Blue Whale patron (1966/67) Greta Markson: Nurse (undated)Tom Markus: 1st Judge (1692) Richard Marr: Restaurant Customer (1966)Leo Marrell: Zeb Cartwright (1966)Edward Marshall: Ezra Braithwaite (1897); Harry Johnson (1966)Marsha Mason: Audrey The Leviathan Vampire Girl (1969) Tom Masters: Blue Whale patron (1967) George Mat((t))hews: Amos Fitch (1966) George McCoy: Blue Whale patron (1967); Eagle patron (1795) Ken McEwen: Larry Chase (1970PT) Michael McGuire: Judah Zachery's head (1840) Pat McNamara: Restaurant Customer (1966)Rosemary McNamara: Ghost of Josette {du Pres} Collins (1967)Patrick McVey: John Harris (1966)John Meranda: Cop (1897) Maryann Merrick: Blue Whale patron (1966)

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Paul Michael: King Johnny Romano (1897) Jared Mickey: Lawrence Guthrie (1970) Harry Eldon Miller: Blue Whale patron (1967) George Mitchell: Matthew Morgan (1966) Sandy Mitchell: Stand-in for Josette du Pres Collins (1795)Jim Mixon: Customer (1966) Tom Mixon: Blue Whale patron (1966)Vic Mohica: Ghostly Gypsy Juror #3 = Stefan (1897)Richard W. Mollick: Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) Chuck Morgan: Zombie = pirate crew member (1970); Emory Pace as a Zombie (1970) Dan Morgan: Riggs (1795) Joseph Mosca: Hanging figure (1970) Tom Murphy: Footsteps (1966)T.J. Murphy: Deputy #1 (1968)

Carl Nicholas: Judge (1840) Joy Nicholson: A wailing widow of Widow's Hill (1967); Blue Whale patron (1967)

Vince O'Brien ((O'Brein)): Sheriff George Patterson (1967/68); Lieutenant Dan Riley (1966/67) Bridget O'Donnell: Ghost of Widow (1967)Sho Onodera: Mr. Nakamura (1969)Harry Osborne: Policeman (undated)

Norman Parker: Judah Zachery's headless body (1840) Wendy Parker: Blue Whale patron (1967)Clifford Pellow: Deputy Sheriff (1968) Dean Perchall: Stand-in for Willie Loomis (1967)Jack Pickett: Restaurant Customer (1966)Lovelady Powell: Portia Fitzsimmons (1967)Keith Prentice: James Forsythe (1680PT); Morgan Collins (1841PT) Morgan Collins possessed by Forsythe (1841PT)Kathleen Quint: Blue Whale patron (1967)

Sheila Ray: Laura Collins' scream (1966)Diann Redford: Blue Whale patron (1966)Douglas Reid: Blue Whale patron (1967)Frank Rerch: Blue Whale patron (1967)Charles Reynolds: the Reverend Johnson (1840); Minister (1971) Marin Riley: A wailing widow of Widow's Hill (1967) Victor Romano: Zombie = pirate crew member (1970) Jane Rose: Mrs. Mitchell (1966) Lisa Ross: Alexander "Todd" as Carolyn, age 8 (1969) Hanford Rowe: 2nd Judge (1795)Ann Rugiero: Blue Whale patron (1967)Charles Rush: Guard (1840); Hand of dead man (appeared 1970); Stranger (appeared 1969)Gordon Russell: Harris (1841PT)

Dick Sabol: Tim Braithwaite (1840,1841PT)Anthony Sacco: Cloaked figure (1970)Arlene Sand: Stand-in for Angelique (1795)Alfred Sandor: Sheriff George Patterson (1968)Liliane Sandor: Hooded figure (1970)Joe Della Sarte: Judah Zachery's headless body (1840);

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Ghostly Gypsy Juror #5 = Sergio Kodash (1897) Ed Sauter: Deputy (1967)Frank Schofield: Capt. Bill Malloy (1966); Ghost of Capt. Bill Malloy (1966)John Servetnik: Cannery Executive (1966)Ingrid Severson: Blue Whale patron (1967)Lana Shaw: The widow Romano (1897)Rebecca Shaw: Barmaid at the Eagle (1795)Paul Shenan: Judah Zachery's head (1840) Mary Lynne Shields: Blue Whale patron (1967) William Shust: Dr. Fisher (1967)Mel Sigan: Restaurant customer (1966)Neil Sigan: Restaurant Customer (1966)Al Smith: Blue Whale patron (1966)Thomas Spratley: Justice of the Peace (1968) Jack Stamburger: Doctor (1795) Fred Stewart: Dr. D. Reeves (1966)Jessica Stewart: Blue Whale patron (1967)Ray Stewart: Restaurant Customer (1966)Gail Strickland: Dorcas Trilling (1897); Ghost of Dorcas Trilling (1897) George Strus: Steve (1970PT)Brian Sturdivant: Bellboy (1970); Claude North (1970PT) Susan Sullivan: Ghost (1967) Elizabeth Swain: Ghost of a widow (1966)Larry Swanson: Blue Whale patron (1966)Dolph Sweet: Ezra Hern (1966) Margo Tacey: Restaurant Customer (1966)Ann Teeman: Blue Whale patron (1966)K. C. Townsend: Sophie Barnes (1897) Barbara Tracey: Woman (1840) Paul Trahan: Blue Whale patron (1967)Peter Turgeon: Dr. Dave Woodard (1967); Ghost of Dr. Dave Woodard (1967); Ghostly Voice of Dr. Dave Woodard (1967)

Scott Upright: Blue Whale patron (1967)

Abe Vigoda: Ezra Braithwaite (1969); Otis Greene (1840) Robert Viharo: Harry (1966) at the Blue Whale Paul Vincent: Deputy (1897); Policeman at Collinsport Gaol (1897)Peter von Neil: Witness #2 at the gallows (1796)Ray von Orden: Ghostly Gypsy Juror #1 = Andreas (1897)

Diane Walker: Carolyn Collins Stoddard (1968) (filled in for 1 day, 9/11/68, ep # 578)Robert Warlock: Jailer (1897) Hal White: 2nd Judge (1795) Elizabeth Wilson: Mrs. Hopewell (1966) Richard Woods: Dr. Dave Woodard (1967) Bobbi Ann Woronko: Nurse (1968)

Amy Yaekerson: Young woman (appeared 1969)Barbara Young: Blue Whale patron (1966)


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================================================================ NAME First Episode Last Episode---- ------------- ------------Mark Allen #0005 (07-01-66) #0022 (07-26-66)Humbert Allen Astredo #0521 (06-25-68) #1196 (01-25-71)Conrad Bain #0001 (06-27-66) #0632 (11-26-68)Nancy Barrett #0002 (06-28-66) #1245 (04-02-71)Lee Beery #1179/1180 (12-31-70) #1193 (01-20-71)Joan Bennett #0001 (06-27-66) #1245 (04-02-71)Chris Bernau #0893 (11-26-69) #0968 (03-11-70)Clarice Blackburn sobbing woman #0037 (08-16-66) One episode only Mrs. Johnson #0067 (09-27-66) ????Don Briscoe #0554 (08-08-68) ????Kathy Cody #1072 (08-04-70) ????Terry Crawford #0646 (12-16-68) #1186 (01-11-71)Joel Crothers #0002 (06-27-66) #0658 (01-01-69)Keene Curtis ????? ???? ????Thayer David #0038 (08-17-66) #1245 (04-02-71)Roger Davis #0404 (01-11-68) #0938 (01-28-70)Jane Draper #0419 (02-01-68) #0512 (06-12-68)Louis Edmonds #0001 (06-27-66) #1245 (04-02-71)Dana Elcar #0054 (09-08-66) ????David Ford #0035 (08-12-66) #0530 (07-08-68)Conard Fowkes #0092 (11-01-66) #0180 (03-03-67)Hugh Franklin #0092 (11-01-66) #0246 (06-05-67)Jonathan Frid #0211 (04-18-67) #1225 (04-02-71)Anthony George #0262 (06-27-67) #0390/0391 (12-22-67)Robert Gerringer #0231 (05-15-67) #0334 (10-05-67)Grayson Hall #0265 (06-30-67) #1245 (04-02-71)David Henesy #0004 (06-30-66) #1165 (12-11-70)Barnard Hughes #0027 (08-02-66) One episode onlyKate Jackson #1067 (07-28-70) #1235 (03-19-71)John Karlen #0206 (04-11-67) #1245 (04-02-71)Daniel Keyes #0154 (01-26-67) #0317 (09-12-67)Jerry Lacy #0357 (11-07-67) #1198 (01-27-71)John Lasell #0160 (02-03-67) #0185 (03-10-67)Marsha Mason #0915 (12-26-69) One episode onlyMichael McGuire ????? ???? ????Donna McKechnie #0812 (08-05-69) #0934 (01-22-70)Kenneth McMillan #0991 (04-13-70) ????Diana Millay #0123 (12-14-66) #0760 (05-23-69)George Mitchell #0006 (07-04-66) #0016 (07-18-66)Alexandra Moltke #0001 (06-27-66) #0627 (11-19-68)Denise Nickerson #0632 (11-26-68) ????Bob O'Connell #0001 (06-27-66) ????Lara Parker #0368/0369 (11-22-67) #1245 (04-02-71)Dennis Patrick #0193 (03-22-67) #0933 (01-21-70)Christopher Pennock #0935 (01-23-70) #1237 (03-23-71)Keith Prentice #1200 (01-29-71) #1245 (04-02-71)Lisa Richards #0692 (02-18-69) #1033 (06-10-70)Robert Rodan #0485 (05-03-68) ????Mitchell Ryan #0001 (06-27-66) #0248 (06-07-67)Frank Schofield #0003 (06-29-66) #0126 (12-19-66)Geoffrey Scott #0923 (01-07-70) #0980 (03-27-70)Kathryn Leigh Scott #0001 (06-27-66) #1108 (09-23-70)

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David Selby #0639 (12-05-68) #1230 (03-12-71)Sharon Smyth #0255 (06-16-67) #0415 (01-26-68)James Storm #1066 (07-27-70) ????Michael Stroka #0791 (07-07-69) ????Susan Sullivan #0156 (01-30-67) One episode onlyPeter Turgeon #0335 (10-06-67) #0362 (11-14-67)Virginia Vestoff #1119 (10-08-70) ????Abe Vigoda #0684 (02-06-69) #1124 (10-15-70)Marie Wallace #0595 (10-04-68) #0971 (03-16-70)Donna Wandrey #1046 (06-29-70) #1177 (12-29-70)

================================================================PART IIIe. - DARK SHADOWS CAST MEMBERS : ALL-STARS (ABC) FIRST APPEARANCE ON DARK SHADOWS BY EPISODE NUMBER ================================================================ EPISODE # DATE NAME--------- ---- ----#0001 (06-27-66) Conrad Bain#0001 (06-27-66) Joan Bennett#0001 (06-27-66) Louis Edmonds#0001 (06-27-66) Alexandra Moltke#0001 (06-27-66) Bob O'Connell#0001 (06-27-66) Mitchell Ryan#0001 (06-27-66) Kathryn Leigh Scott#0002 (06-28-66) Nancy Barrett#0002 (06-28-66) Joel Crothers#0003 (06-29-66) Frank Schofield#0004 (06-30-66) David Henesy#0005 (07-01-66) Mark Allen#0006 (07-04-66) George Mitchell#0027 (08-02-66) Barnard Hughes#0035 (08-12-66) David Ford#0037 (08-16-66) Voice of Clarice Blackburn (sobbing woman)#0038 (08-17-66) Thayer David#0054 (09-08-66) Dana Elcar#0067 (09-27-66) Clarice Blackburn#0092 (11-01-66) Conard Fowkes#0092 (11-01-66) Hugh Franklin#0123 (12-14-66) Diana Millay#0154 (01-26-67) Daniel Keyes#0160 (02-03-67) John Lasell#0193 (03-22-67) Dennis Patrick#0206 (04-11-67) John Karlen#0211 (04-18-67) Jonathan Frid#0231 (05-15-67) Robert Gerringer#0255 (06-16-67) Sharon Smyth#0262 (06-27-67) Anthony George#0265 (06-30-67) Grayson Hall#0335 (10-06-67) Peter Turgeon#0357 (11-07-67) Jerry Lacy#0368/0369 (11-22-67) Lara Parker#0404 (01-11-68) Roger Davis#0419 (02-01-68) Jane Draper#0485 (05-03-68) Robert Rodan#0521 (06-25-68) Humbert Allen Astredo#0554 (08-08-68) Don Briscoe

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#0578 (09-11-68) Diane Walker#0595 (10-04-68) Marie Wallace#0632 (11-26-68) Denise Nickerson#0639 (12-05-68) David Selby#0646 (12-16-68) Terry Crawford#0684 (02-06-69) Abe Vigoda#0692 (02-18-69) Lisa Richards#0791 (07-07-69) Michael Stroka#0812 (08-05-69) Donna McKechnie#0893 (11-26-69) Chris Bernau#0915 (12-26-69) Marsha Mason#0923 (01-07-70) Geoffrey Scott#0935 (01-23-70) Christopher Pennock#1046 (06-29-70) Donna Wandrey#1066 (07-27-70) James Storm#1067 (07-28-70) Kate Jackson#1072 (08-04-70) Kathy Cody#1119 (10-08-70) Virginia Vestoff#1179/1180 (12-31-70) Lee Beery#1200 (01-29-71) Keith Prentice


*** WORD SEARCH SOLUTIONS *** -------------------------------------------------- Well - if the lists of included words weren't enough of a help - here are the charts of where all the words appear in the 1897 and 1840PT character word search puzzles which appear right after their respective character listings section. --------------------------------------------------

----------------------- -- DARK SHADOWS 1897 -- -----------------------

E . G . . . . D N A H Y . . . R O D N A S . S I U . Y . . . . O . . Y R . Y . . E . . . . N F . Q . P . . . . O S . . O . T T . H . . . I O N . I . S . . F N W . . . G I I A . . . N L T . O . L . Y L A B . K . . A E N R . . A . L E . . S . E O P E . . . C W . L R . A V . T O P . . . I W G T . . . . H A E . . G T H . R C . . . . E M H N . . . T . Y L . . S . . C I N . . . R . C A . A S I . . . G B I . . . D L I . . E . H . . J A A M . E . . H . . . . O L T . W . A . . . B R . R I . R I S O C A R O I N . . V . . . A B . O . I N . O . . S . . W N E . E . . . N . . N . B . S E . M . . T . N G U Z . . . R . . A . . L . O T R . L . . S I . Q . . . A . . M . . Y U . A . E V . L . . L S . . . B . J O . T A T E . M . . D A . I . L A . . T . . R E . . . T W . E . . . E . . F O C . D R A W D E N . . I H . S . M A G D A . C R . . A . . . . . N . K A R E G N A G E L P P O D . S . . . . F A Y E L . . . V A M P I R E D . . K H A M P S H I R E . . . J U L I A N K A . . S N I K L I W . E D I T H D N O M M U R D .

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------------------------------------ - DARK SHADOWS 1841PT - ------------------------------------

. . . . E E M O O R . . . J . T I . . . G . A C I N . . E U M . A A . . R R . E . W L . . S . A A . S E H E C . . . E . . H . R . I . T M . N N B O . . . . . T . . D R S . I O . E A S R L D . . . N . E . R . T T A T . G . T A L R . . A . N . A . L O I R . R R . E M I E . M B I . C I . H K . B O . A . L W N W A E R . M . W . . E . M . . M S L E S S N E A . N . E L . S . E . . A I A L K . H . I . G E . E . . N . F L R S L G T N . D I . H Y . H . L A R N . A . I R J T R . P R O U A M C R B U Y E T A O R O H R A S S T Y D W A A G T R T . . . H . I O O . . . . N F L . . K E N D R I C K . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------------

====================================================================PART IV. - DARK SHADOWS CAST FILMOGRAPHY/VIDEO APPEARANCES (ABC)====================================================================This is not yet a complete compendium - we're working on it!

Compiled from many sources including:

the Movie DataBase Server at The PC User Group UK ([email protected]) "Dark Shadows Festival - 10th Anniversary Celebration" (booklet)"Dark Shadows - Halloween Festival 1992" (booklet) "Halliwell's Film and Video Guide" "Leonard Maltin's Movie and Video Guide 1994";Signet Books"The Dark Shadows Companion" - by Kathryn Leigh Scott"The Film Encyclopedia" - by Ephraim Katz "VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever 1995"; Visable Ink Press"The Dark Shadows 1995 Calendar" The Dark Shadows Festival books"The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network TV Shows (1946-Present)" - by Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh; 1992 edition"Video Movie Guide 1992" - by Mick Martin and Marsha Porter"The Soap Opera Encyclopedia" - by Christopher Schemering ; 1987.

as well as E-mails from various fans and interested parties

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================================================================ -------------------------------------------All titles are assumed to be movies unless otherwise indicated:"xxxxx" = a television series "xxxxx" (mini) = a TV mini-series(TV) = made for TV or cable (V) = made for video movie(*) = currently available on Video Tape for home viewing

The name in square brackets after the citation is the name of the character the actor/actress played in that film.The date in square brackets after an artists name is their birthdate.

FORMAT: ARTIST Fname Lname (Birth Name) [Birth month day]: FILM TITLE (RELEASE YEAR) (ON VIDEO) [CHARACTER NAME] ----------------------------- IVa.- ALL-STARS: -----------------------------

Humbert Allen Astredo [April 4]:

Nancy Barrett [October 5]:

Belizaire the Cajun (1986) (*) [Rebecca]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV: "The Doctors" [Cathy Ryker] "One Life to Live" [Rachel Wilson] "Ryan's Hope" [Dr. Faith Coleridge]

Joan Bennett [February 27]:

Valley of Decision, The (1915) Power (1928) (*) Three Live Ghosts (1929) Mississippi Gambler (1929) Disraeli (1929) (*) [Lady Clarissa Pevensey] Divine Lady, The (1929) Bulldog Drummond (1929) (*) [Phyllis Benton] Puttin' on the Ritz (1930) Crazy That Way (1930) Moby Dick (1930) (*) Maybe It's Love (1930) Many a Slip (1931) Doctors' Wives (1931) Hush Money (1931) She Wanted a Millionaire (1932) (*) Wild Girl (1932) Weekends Only (1932) Me and My Gal (1932) Careless Lady (1932) Trial of Vivienne Ware, The (1932) Arizona to Broadway (1933)

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Little Women (1933) (*) [Amy] Man Who Reclaimed His Head, The (1934) Pursuit of Happiness, The (1934) Mississippi (1935) [Lucy Rumford] Two for Tonight (1935) Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The (1935) She Couldn't Take It (1935) Private Worlds (1935) Big Brown Eyes (1936) Navy Wife (1936) Wedding Present (1936) Thirteen Hours by Air (1936) [Felice Rollins] Two in a Crowd (1936) [Julia Wayne] Vogues (1937) (*) (a.k.a. Vogues of 1938) I Met My Love Again (1938) Trade Winds (1938) Texans, The (1938) Artists and Models Abroad (1938) Housekeeper's Daughter, The (1939) Man in the Iron Mask, The (1939) (*) [Maria Theresa] Man I Married, The (1940) Son of Monte Cristo, The (1940) (*) [Grand Duchess Zona] House Across the Bay, The (1940) (*) Green Hell (1940) She Knew All the Answers (1941) Man Hunt (1941) [Jerry] Wild Geese Calling (1941) Confirm or Deny (1941) [Jennifer Carson] Scotland Yard (1941) Wife Takes a Flyer, The (1942) Twin Beds (1942) Girl Trouble (1942) [June Delaney] Margin for Error (1943) Woman in the Window, The (1944) [Alice Reed] Nob Hill (1945) (*) Scarlet Street (1945) [Kitty March] Colonel Effingham's Raid (1945) (*) Woman on the Beach, The (1947) [Peggy Butler] Macomber Affair, The (1947) [Margaret Macomber] Scar, The (1948) (*) Secret Beyond the Door (1948) (*) [Celia Lamphere] Hollow Triumph (1948) [Evelyn Hahn] Reckless Moment, The (1949) (*) [Lucia Harper] Father of the Bride (1950) (*) [Ellie Banks] For Heaven's Sake (1950) Father's Little Dividend (1951) (*) [Ellie Banks] Guy Who Came Back, The (1951) Highway Dragnet (1954) (*) We're No Angels (1955) (*) [Amelie Ducotel] There's Always Tomorrow (1956) [Marion Groves] "Too Young to Go Steady" (1959) [Mary Blake] Desire in the Dust (1960) (*) Gidget Gets Married (1972) (TV) Eyes of Charles Sand, The (1972) (TV) Inn of the Damned (1974) Suspiria (1977) (*) [Madame Blanc] Suddenly, Love (1978) (TV)

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This House Possessed (1981) (TV) Divorce Wars: A Love Story (1982) (TV)

also appeared in episodes of the following TV show: "The Guiding Light" [as herself]

Clarice Blackburn [February 26]:

Pretty Poison (1968) (*) [Mrs. Bronson] Man on a Swing (1974) [Mrs. Brennan]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "One Life To Live", "The Guiding Light" "As the World Turns" [Marian Connelly,RN] "The Doctors" [Theodora Van Alen] "The Secret Storm" [Mary Lou Northcote] "Where the Heart Is" [Amy Snowden] "Love of Life" and was a Writer for "All My Children" (1979-??)

Don Briscoe [March 20]:

Kathy Cody [November 30]:

Snowball Express (1972) Charley and The Angel (1973) (*) Double Indemnity (1973) (TV) Girls on The Road (1973) (*) Superdad (1973) (*) Babe (1975) (TV) Illegally Yours (1988) [Cable-TV Housewife]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Gunsmoke", "Cannon", "Barnaby Jones" "The Edge of Night" [Laurie Ann Carr]

Terry Crawford [February 13]:

Midnight Cowboy (1969) The Swap a.k.a Sam's Song (1984) Sharky's Machine (1981) [Woman]

Joel Crothers:

"Santa Barbara" (1984) [Jack Lee]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Lamp Unto My Feet" (his father, George, was Producer), "The Edge Of Night" [Dr. Miles Cavanaugh], "The Secret Storm" [Ken Stevens], "Dobie Gillis", "Goodyear Theatre" "Somerset" [Julian Cannell]

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Thayer David:

The Legend of the Sea Wolf (1958) (*) [Mugridge] Time to Love and a Time to Die, A (1958) Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959) (*) [Count Saknussemm] The Story of Ruth (1960) (*) "The Wild Wild West" episode "The Night of the Samurai" [Hannibal Egloff] "The Wild Wild West" (1969) episode "The Night of the Spanish Curse" [Cortez] Little Big Man (1970) (*) [the Reverend Silas Pendrake] Savages (1972) (*) Save the Tiger (1973) (*) [Charlie Robbins] Hearts of the West (1975) [Bank Manager] Eiger Sanction, The (1975) (*) [Dragon] Secret Night Caller, The (1975) (TV) [Mr. Henry] Rocky (1976) (*) [Jergens] Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox, The (1976) (*) [Widdicombe] "Roots" (1977) (*) (mini) [Harlan] Nero Wolfe (1977) (TV) (pilot) Amazing Howard Hughes, The (1977) (TV) [Floyd Odlum] House Calls (1978) [Phil Pogostin]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "General Hospital" [D.L.Brock]; "Charlie's Angels"; "Spider Man"

Roger Davis [April 30]:

PT 109 (1963) (*) Ride The Wild Surf (1964) (*) Alias Smith and Jones (1970) (TV) [Narrator] "Alias Smith and Jones" (1971) Flash and the Firecat (1975) (*) Nashville Girl (1976) (*) "Aspen" (1977) (mini) Ruby (1977) (*) "Galactica 1980" (1980) episode "So This Is New York" "Galactica 1980" (1980) episode "The Night The Cylons Landed" The Young Country ( ) (TV) [Stephen Foster Moody] Killer Bees ( ) (TV) Conquest of the Earth ( ) (TV) also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Matlock", "The Highwayman", "Quincy", "The Bionic Woman", "Medical Center", "The Bold Ones", "The Big Valley", "The Twilight Zone" (original series) "The Gallant Men" [Private Roger Gibson] "The Innocent and the Damned" (mini) [Max Kendrick] "Redigo" [Mike], "Night Gallery"

Louis Edmonds [September 24]:

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Come Spy With Me (1967) Exterminator, The (1980) (*) [CIA Chief]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Hallmark Hall Of Fame", "Studio One", "I Spy", "Young Dr. Malone", "All My Children" [Langley Wallingford]

Dana Elcar: "Guiding Light, The" (1952) "Edge of Night, The" (1956) Fail-Safe (1964) [Foster] Fool Killer, The (1965) (*) [Mr. Dodd] Borgia Stick, The (1967) (TV) Boston Strangler, The (1968) [Luis Schubert] Sound of Anger, The (1968) (TV) Deadlock (1969) (TV) [George Stack] Maltese Bippy, The (1969) [Sergeant Kelvanev] Whole World Is Watching, The (1969) (TV) Learning Tree, The (1969) (*) [Kirky] D.A.: Murder One (1969) (TV) Soldier Blue (1970) (*) Sarge (1970) (TV) (a.k.a. Badge or the Cross, The (TV)) Zigzag (1970) [Harold Tracey] San Francisco International (1970) (TV) (a.k.a. San Francisco International Airport (TV)) Adam at 6 A.M. (1970) (*) Bravos, The (1971) (TV) Gunfight, A (1971) (*) Death of Me Yet, The (1971) (TV) Fireball Forward (1972) (*) (TV) Great Northfield, Minnesota Raid, The (1972) [Allen] Dying Room Only (1973) (*) (TV) Hawkins on Murder (1973) (TV) Sting, The (1973) [F.B.I. Agent Polk] Senior Year (1974) (TV) Panic on the 5:22 (1974) (TV) Heat Wave! (1974) (TV) The Shaming (1975) Report to the Commissioner (1975) St. Ives (1976) Baby Blue Marine (1976) Law of the Land (1976) (TV) Gemini Man (1976) (TV) "Centennial" (1978) (mini) [Judge Hart] Samurai (1978) (TV) Champ, The (1979) Crisis in Mid-air (1979) (TV) Nude Bomb, The (1980) (*) (a.k.a. Return of Maxwell Smart, The) Death Penalty (1980) (TV) Mark, I Love You (1980) (TV) Condorman (1981) (*) [Russ] Buddy Buddy (1981) [Captain Hubris] Day the Bubble Burst, The (1981) (TV) Help Wanted: Male (1982) (*) (TV) Forbidden Love (1982) (*) (TV)

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Quarterback Princess (1983) (TV) Blue Skies Again (1983) (*) I Want to Live (1983) (TV) Jungle Warriors (1984) [Michael] 2010 (1984) (*) [Dimitri Moisevitch] Sweet Revenge (1984) (TV) All of Me (1984) (*) [Burton Schuyler] Code of Honor (1984) (*) There Were Times, Dear (1985) [Don Mason] Time to Live, A (1985) (TV) "MacGyver" (1985) [Peter Thornton] Toughlove (1985) (*) (TV) Inside Out (1986) (*) Murder in Three Acts (1986) (TV) (a.k.a. Agatha Christie's 'Murder in Three Acts' (TV))

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "A Time to Live" [Dr. Clay] "Baa Baa Black Sheep" [Col. Lard, USMC] "Baretta" [Inspector Shiller]

David Ford:

1776 (1972) (*) "Search for Tomorrow" (1975) [Karl Devlin]

Jonathan Frid [December 2]: (born John Herbert Frid)

Devil's Daughter, The (1972) (TV) [Mr. Howard] Seizure (1974) (*) [Edmund Blackstone]

Anthony George [January 29]: (a.k.a George, Ott)

Under My Skin (1949) [Rico] Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950) [Thug] You Never Can Tell (1951) [Detective] "The Untouchables" (1959-60) "Checkmate" (1960-62) [Don Corey]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Search For Tomorrow", "One Life To Live"

Grayson Hall (Shirley Grossman; Shirley Grayson):

Satan in High Heels (1962) (*) The Night of the Iguana (1964) (*) [Judith Fellows] That Darn Cat (1965) (*) Adam at 6 A.M. (1970) (*) "Night Gallery" (1970) episode "Certain Shadows On The Wall" "All My Children" (1971) Gargoyles (1972) (*) (TV) [Mrs. Parks] "Kojak" (1974) episode "Hush Now, Don't You Die" [alcoholic mother]

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The Great Ice Rip-Off (1974) (TV) What Really Happened To The Class of '65 (1975) (TV) "One Life To Live" (1982) [Euphemia Ralston]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV show: "The Man from U.N.C.L.E.", "Chrysler Theatre"

David Henesy [October 20]:

Kate Jackson [October 29]:

"Rookies, The" (1972) Limbo (1972) [Sandy Lawton] Satan's School for Girls (1973) (*) (TV) [Roberta Lockhart] Killer Bees (1974) (TV) [Victoria Wells] Death Cruise (1974) (*) (TV) [Mary Frances Randey] Death Scream (1975) (*) (TV) [Carol] (a.k.a. Woman Who Cried Murder, The) "Charlie's Angels" (1976) [Sabrina Duncan] Death at Love House (1976) (*) (TV) [Donna Gregory] James at 15 (1977) (TV) [Robin] Thunder and Lightning (*) (1977) Topper (1979) (TV) [Marion Kirby] Dirty Tricks (1980) (*) [Polly Bishop] Thin Ice (1981) (TV) [Linda Rivers] Inmates: A Love Story (1981) (TV) [Jane Mount] Making Love (1982) (*) [Claire] "Scarecrow and Mrs. King" (1983) [Amanda King] Listen to Your Heart (1983) (*) (TV) [Frannie Greene] "Baby Boom" (1988) [J.C. Wiatt] Loverboy (1989) (*) [Diane Bodek] Stranger Within, The (1990) (TV) [Mare] Homewrecker (1992) (TV) [Voice of computer] Quiet Killer (1992) (TV) [Dr. Nora Hart] Shrine of Lorna Love, The (1993) (TV) Adrift (1993) (*) (TV) [Katie Nest] Empty Cradle (1993) (TV) [Rita Donohue] Armed and Innocent (1994) (TV) [Patsy Holland] "Arly Hanks show" (pilot)

John Karlen [May 29]:

Daughters of Darkness (1971) (*) [Stefan] Cool Million (1972) (TV) (a.k.a. Mask of Marcella) Night of Terror (1972) (TV) Shirts/Skins (1973) (TV) Picture of Dorian Gray, The (1973) (TV) Frankenstein (1973) (TV) Police Story, The (1973) (TV) Melvin Purvis: G-Man (1974) (*) (TV) Kansas City Massacre, The (1975) (TV) Trilogy of Terror (1975) (*) (TV) Delancey Street: The Crisis Within (1975) (TV) Small Town in Texas, A (1976) [Lenny]

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Miller's Delight (1978) Return of Mod Squad, The (1979) (TV) Last Ride of the Dalton Gang, The (1979) (TV) Long Days of Summer, The (1980) (TV) Pennies from Heaven (1981) (*) [Detective] American Dream (1981) (*) (TV) [Coach Ritter] "American Dream" (1981) Rosie: The Rosemary Clooney Story (1982) (*) (TV) (a.k.a. Rosie (1982) (TV)) "Cagney & Lacey" (1982) [Harvey Lacey] "Winds of War, The" (1983) (*) (mini) Racing with the Moon (1984) (*) [Mr. Nash] Gimme An 'F' (1984) (*) [Bucky] Impulse (1984) (*) [Bob Russell] Hostage Flight (1985) (TV) [DiSalvo] Native Son (1986) (*) Return of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer, The (1986) (TV) Welcome Home, Bobby (1986) (TV) Daddy (1987) (TV) Downpayment on Murder (1987) (TV) [Albert] Police Story: Burnout (1988) (TV) [Capt. Harrison] Babycakes (1989) (*) (TV) [Al] Cover Girl and the Cop, The (1989) (TV) "Snoops" (1989) [Lieutenant Sam Akers] Nightmare on the 13th Floor (1990) (*) (TV) Dark Wind, The (1991) [Jake West] In a Child's Name (1991) (TV) [Joe Silvano] Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin (1991) (TV) [Jake Morrison] Calendar Girl, Cop, Killer? The Bambi Bembenek Story (1992) (TV) [John Garner] Surf Ninjas (1993) (*) [Mac] Without Warning: Terror in the Towers (1993) (TV) [Jack McAllister] MacShayne: Winner Takes All (1994) (TV) Cagney and Lacey Movie (1994) (TV) [Harvey Lacey] Cagney and Lacey Movie (1995) (TV) [Harvey Lacey] "Mad About You" (1995) [Jamie's Father]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Naked City", "Hawk", "Kojak", "Trapper John M.D.", "Fame", "Vegas", "Murder She Wrote"

Jerry Lacy [March 27]:

Play It Again, Sam (1972) (*) [Bogart] Money, The (1975) Fighting Back (1980) (TV) [Dr. Jenson] Chiller (1985) (TV) [Jerry Burley] "The Love Boat" (1990) episode "A Valentine Voyage"

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "As the World Turns" (1971) [Simon Gibley] "Love of Life" (1972-78) [Rick Latimer] "The Young and the Restless" (1979-81) [Jonas] he was also a writer for "Newhart"

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Donna McKechnie [November 16]:

"Hullabaloo!" (1965-66) [Hullabaloo Dancer] The Little Prince (1974) (*) [the Rose] Twirl (1981) (*) Breakin' Through (1984) (*)

Diana Millay [June 7]:

Tarzan and the Great River (1967) "Perry Mason" ( ) episode "The Case of the Bouncing Boomerang" "Perry Mason" ( ) episode "The Case of the Resolute Reformer" "Perry Mason" ( ) episode "The Case of the Unwelcome Bride"

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Playhouse 90", "Studio One", "Omnibus", "The U.S. Steel Hour", "Robert Montgomery Presents", "Bonanza", "Gunsmoke", "The Ed Sullivan Show" (with comedians Wayne and Shuster), "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.", "Rawhide", "Wagon Train", "My Three Sons", "The Rifleman", "Route 66", "Dobie Gillis", "The Virginian", "Thriller", "Maverick", "Father Knows Best", "The Secret Storm" [Kitty Styles] ]]

Alexandra Moltke [February 11]:

Denise Nickerson [April 1]:

Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) (*) [Blueberry] "Search for Tomorrow" (1971) [Liza Walton Sentell] Smile (1975) (*) [Tolstoy, Shirley/"Miss SanDiego"] Dark Side of Innocence, The (1976) (TV) [Gabriela Hancock] Zero to Sixty (1978) (*)

Lara Parker (Mary Lamar Rickey) [October 27]:

Hi, Mom! (1970) (*) [Jeannie Mitchell] Save the Tiger (1973) (*) [Margo] Airport, 1975 (1974) Race with the Devil (1975) (*) [Kelly March] Adventures of the Queen (1975) (TV) [Barbara] "Washington: Behind Closed Doors" (1977) (mini) Solitary Man, The (1979) (*) (TV) "Galactica 1980" (1980) episode "So This Is New York" "Galactica 1980" (1980) episode "The Night The Cylons Landed" "Capitol" (1982) [Linda] Foxfire Light (1984) (*) "Night Gallery" episode "The Trevi Collection" China Lake Murders, The (1990) (TV) [Helene Harrelson]

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Desperate Voyage ( ) (TV) People Like Us ( ) (TV) Conquest of the Earth ( ) (TV) also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "F.B.I.:The Untold Story", "P.S. I Love You", "Highway To Heaven", "Remington Steele", "The Fall Guy", "The Highwayman", "Doctor's Hospital", "Hawaii-Five-O", "City Of Angels", "The Night Stalker", "Kung Fu", "S.W.A.T.", "The Incredible Hulk", "Jessica Novak" [Katie Robbins], "A New Day in Eden" (1982-3) [Betty Franklin] "Rockford Files"; Kojak

Dennis Patrick [March 14]:

The Time Travelers (1964) (*) "Lost in Space" (1966) The Golden Man [Mr. Keema] Joe (1970) (*) Dear Dead Delilah (1972) (*) "Dallas" (1978) [Vaughn Leland (1979-1984)] Georgia Peaches, The (1980) (TV) [Wade Holt] (a.k.a. Follow That Car (TV)) Choices (1981) (*) "Perry Mason" ( ) episode "The Case of the Tarnished Trademark" Advice to the Lovelorn (1981) (TV) [Dave Marsh] "Rituals" (1984) [Patrick Chapin] Heated Vengeance (1987) Chances Are (1989) [Archibald Blair] The Air Up There (1994) (*) [Father O'Hara] Macbeth ( ) (TV) Kidnapped ( ) (TV) Taming Of The Shrew ( ) (TV)

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Eight Is Enough", "Rituals", "Paradise", "Coach", "Murder She Wrote", "The Twilight Zone" (new series), "Night Court", "The Missiles Of October" (mini), "Bert D'Angelo/Superstar" [Capt. Jack Breen], "Murder She Wrote" [blackmailer], "All in the Family" [aluminum siding salesman], "Mod Squad"

Christopher Pennock [June 7]:

"Somerset" (1972-3) [Dana Moore] Savages (1974) (TV) Great Texas Dynamite Chase, The (1977) [Jake] California Suite (1978) (*) [Policeman] Frances (1982) [Dick] Basic Training (1985) (*) [Major Magnum] Caged In Paradiso (1989) (*)

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows:

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"The Guiding Light" [Dr. Justin Marler], "The Young & Restless", "General Hospital", "Days Of Our Lives", "Somerset", "Melrose Place", "Baywatch", "Simon & Simon", "High Mountain Rangers", "A-Team", "Riptide", "Knots Landing", "Strike Force", "Dynasty", "The Love Boat"

Mitchell Ryan:

Monte Walsh (1970) (*) [Shorty Austin] Hunting Party, The (1971) My Old Man's Place (1972) (*) [Martin Flood] High Plains Drifter (1972) (*) [Dave Drake] Magnum Force (1973) (*) [Charlie McCoy] Friends of Eddie Coyle, The (1973) [Waters] Electra Glide in Blue (1973) (*) [Harne Poole] Reflection of Fear, A (1973) (a.k.a Autumn Child) (a.k.a Labyrinth) "Executive Suite" (1976) [Don Walling] Two Minute Warning (1976) [The Priest] Medicine Hat Stallion, The (1977) (*) Sergeant Matlovich Vs. the U.S. Air Force (1978) (*) (TV) The Christmas Coal Mine Miracle (1977) (*) (a.k.a Christmas Miracle in Caufield, U.S.A.) Having Babies III (1978) (TV) Flesh & Blood (1979) (TV) Angel City (1980) (*) (TV) [Silas Creedy] Monkey Mission, The (1981) (TV) Choice, The (1981) (*) (TV) [Jerry Clements] Of Mice and Men (1981) (*) (TV) Five of Me, The (1981) (*) (TV) Penalty Phase (1981) (TV) [Judge Donald Faulkner] Death of a Centerfold: The Dorothy Stratten Story (1981) (*) (TV) Uncommon Valor (1983/I) Uncommon Valor (1983/II) (TV) Kenny Rogers as The Gambler - The Adventure Continues (1983) (TV) [Charlie McCourt] "Santa Barbara" (1984) [Antony Tonnell] Fatal Vision (1984) (TV) [Paul Strombaugh] Hostage Flight (1985) (TV) [Captain Malone] "North and South" (1985) (mini) [Tillet Main] "Robert Kennedy & His Times" (1985) (mini) [Robert McNamara] Northstar (1986) (TV) Penalty Phase (1986) (TV) [Judge Donald Faulkner] Lethal Weapon (1987) (*) [The General] "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (1987) episode "The Icarus Factor" [Kyle Riker]

"Favorite Son" (1988) (mini) [Dan Eastman] Winter People (1989) (*) [Drury Campbell] Ryan White Story, The (1989) (TV) Margaret Bourke-White (1989) (*) (TV) [Patton] (a.k.a. Double Exposure (1989) (TV))

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Judgment (1990) (*) (TV) Deadly Game (1991) (TV) In a Child's Name (1991) (TV) Majority Rule (1992) (TV) Aces: Iron Eagle III (1992) (*) [Simms] Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993) (*) [Gray Edwards] Danielle Steel's 'Star' (1993) (TV) [Harrison Barclay] The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them (1993) (*) Blue Sky (1993) [Ray Stevens] Speechless (1994) [Wannamaker] Hart to Hart: Home Is Where the Hart Is (1994) (TV) [Chief Carson] Gramps (1995) (TV) [Oliver] Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995) (a.k.a Halloween 6) "Murder, She Wrote" (1995) [Brent Renwyck] Judge Dredd (1995) [Hammond]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Julie Farr M.D." "Chase" [Captain Chase Reddick] "The Chisholms" [Cooper Hawkins] "High Performance" [Brennan Flannery] "General Hospital" [Frank Smith] "Matlock"

Kathryn Leigh Scott (Marlene Kathryn Kringstad) [January 26]:

Turn of the Screw (1974) (TV) [Miss Jessel] The Great Gatsby (1974) (*) Brannigan (1975) (*) "Space:1999" (1976) episode "Dorzak" [Yesta] Providence (1977) [Miss Boon] The Greek Tycoon (1978) (*) Witches Brew (1979) (*) Visitor from the Grave (1981) (*) [Penny Von Bruton] Murrow (1986) (*) The Last Days of Patton (*) Assassination (1987) [Polly Sims] "Star Trek:The Next Generation" (1989) "Who Watches the Watchers" [Nuria]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Jake & The Fatman", "Matlock", "Paradise", "Dallas", "21 Jump Street", "Hawaiian Son", "Magnum P.I.", "Police Squad", "Dynasty", "Philip Marlowe: Private Eye", "Big Shamus, Little Shamus", "Hammer House Of Horror", "Little House on the Prarie"

David Selby [February 5]:

Up the Sandbox (1972) (*) [Paul Reynolds] The Girl in Blue (1974) (*) Super Cops, The (1974) [Robert Hantz]

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Telethon (1977) (TV) "Washington: Behind Closed Doors" (1977) (mini) Rich Kids (1979) (*) [Steve Sloan] Night Rider, The (1979) (TV) Love for Rent (1979) (TV) Doctor Franken (1980) (TV) Raise the Titanic! (1980) [Dr. Gene Seagram] "Flamingo Road" (1981) [Michael Tyrone] Rich and Famous (1981) (*) [Doug Blake] "Falcon Crest" (1981) [Richard Channing (1982-1990)] King of the Olympics: The Lives and Loves of Avery Brundage (1988) (TV) (a.k.a King of the Olympics) Dying Young (1991) (*) [Richard Geddes] Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hilltop Drive (1992) (*) (TV) [Shag Williams] Jackie Collins' 'Lady Boss' (1992) (TV) [Martin Swanson] Intersection (1994) (*) [Richard Quarry] Headless Body in Topless Bar (1996) [Bradford Lumpkin] Mighty Ducks 3 (1996) White Squall (1996)

Sharon Smyth [October 29]:

James Storm [August 12]:

"One Life to Live" (1969) [Dr. Larry Wolek] "The Secret Storm" (1971) [Sean Childers] The Invasion Of Carol Enders (1974) (*) Trilogy Of Terror (1975) (*) Kansas City Massacre (1975) (*) (TV) Killer On Board (1977) (*) Ants (1977) (*) "The Doctors" (1979-81) [Dr. Mike Powers] "The Young and the Restless" (1983-86) [Neil Fenmore] Without a Trace (1983) [Reporter]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "The Bold & The Beautiful" [William Spencer], "As the World Turns", "Hardcastle & McCormick", "Blacke's Magic", "The Rockford Files", "Barnaby Jones", "Police Woman", "Kung Fu", "Mannix"

Michael Stroka [May 9]:

Thirty Six Hours (1964) King Rat (1965) (*) [Miller] "The Edge of Night" (1975-6) [Dr. Quentin Henderson] Contract On Cherry Street (1977) (TV) Harem Nights (1990) (*) [Detective Simms] Closer, The (1991) [Board Member]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Home Front"(pilot), "Rome Sweet Rome"(pilot),

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"Buck Rogers In The 25th Century", "Wonder Woman", "Cliffhangers", "Next Step Beyond", "The Twilight Zone" (original series - 3 episodes), "Combat", "Twelve O'Clock High"

Virginia Vestoff:

Such Good Friends (1971) [Emily] 1776 (1972) (*) [Abigail Adams] Wedding, A (1978) (*) [Clarice Sloan]

Marie Wallace [May 19]:

appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Somerset" [India Delaney], "The Guiding Light" [Johnsie], "Fame", "Fantasy Island", "Car 54 Where Are You?", "The Gary Moore Show", "The Perry Como Show"

Donna Wandrey [May 11]:

appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "As The World Turns [Barbara Ryan] "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", "Another World, "The Edge Of Night", "Ryan's Hope", "The ABC Afterschool Special "Umbrella Jack""

---------------------------------- IVb.- THE MAJORS: ----------------------------------

Camila Ashland:

Sybil (1976) (TV) [Cam] "General Hospital" (1976-7) [Alice Grant] 10 (1979) (*)

Emory Bass:

Cheap Detective, The (1978) (*) [Butler] 18 Again! (1988) [Art Teacher] Hart to Hart: Old Friends Never Die (1994) (TV)

appeared in episodes of the following TV show: "Angie" [Phipps]

Chris Bernau [June 2]: appeared in episodes of the following TV show: "The Guiding Light" [Alan Spaulding]

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Conard Fowkes:

"The Edge of Night" (1963) [John Paul Anderson] "The Edge of Night" (1967-8) [Steve Prentiss] "The Secret Storm" (1969-70) [Paul Britton] "Search for Tomorrow" (1977) [Dr. Allen Ramsey] Family Business (1989) (*) ["Caper" Detective]

appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "As the World Turns" [Donald Hughes] "Hidden Faces" [Arthur Adams] "A Time For Us" [Paul Davis]

Tom Gorman:

It's My Turn (1980) [Himself]

John Harkins:

Popi (1969) (*) [Harmon] Fear on Trial (1975) (TV) [Hartnett] Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo (1977) (TV) [Sylvan] Acapulco Gold (1978) Being There (1979) (*) [Courtney] All God's Children (1980) (TV) [Dr. Munter] Penalty Phase (1981) (TV) [Mr. Hunter] Absence of Malice (1981) (*) [Davidek] Six Weeks (1982) (*) [Arnold Stillman] One Shoe Makes It Murder (1982) (TV) Amityville 3-D (1983) (*) [Clifford Sanders] (a.k.a. Amityville III: The Demon) Right of Way (1983) (TV) Attack on Fear (1984) (TV) City Killer (1984) (TV) Seduction of Gina, The (1984) (TV) Birdy (1984) [Doctor Weiss] "Dream West" (1986) (mini) [Secretary of State] Inherit the Wind (1988) (TV) [Judge] Rampage (1988) [Dr. Keddie] This Gun for Hire (1991) (TV) "Boys, The" (1993) [Harlan] Love, Honor & Obey: The Last Mafia Marriage (1993) (TV)

appeared in episodes of the following TV show: "Doc" [Fred Fenner]

John Lasell:

Fear on Trial (1975) (TV) "Twilight Zone" (1961) episode "Back There" [John Wilkes Booth] "One Step Beyond" ( ) episode "Tonight At 12:17"

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Ken McMillan: Serpico (1973) (*) Malone (1975) "Rhoda" (1977-8) [Jack Doyle] Girlfriends (1978) (*) [Cabbie] Chilly Scenes of Winter (1979) Whose Life is it, Anyway? (1981) Ragtime (1981) (*) Dixie Changing Habits (1982) Blue Skies Again (1983) The Killing Hour (1984) Reckless (1984) Dune (1984) (*) Cat's Eye (1985) Armed and Dangerous (1986) Runaway Train (1986) The Three Fugitives (1989) (*) also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Our Family Honor" [Commissioner Patrick McKay] "Suzanne Pleshette is Maggie Briggs" [Walter Holden]

Bob O'Connell:

Strangers in the City (1962) [Dan] Madigan (1968) [Man] Big Fix, The (1978) [Policeman] Sting II, The (1983) (*) [Clancy] Turk 182! (1985) (*) [Jail Cop] Wise Guys (1986) (*) [Race Track Bettor] Outrageous Fortune (1987) (*) [Gate Attendant]

Addison Powell:

Mating Game, The (1959) [De Groot] Thomas Crown Affair, The (1968) (*) [Abe] Reincarnation of Peter Proud, The (1975) (*) [Reeves] Three Days of the Condor (1975) (*) [Atwood] MacArthur (1977) [Admiral Nimitz] (a.k.a MacArthur, the Rebel General (1977))

also appeared in episodes of the following TV show: "Way of the World", "Mod Squad"

Lisa Richards [May 5]:

"Where the Heart Is" (1972) [Vicky Lucas Hathaway] "One Life to Live" (1974-5) [Susan Barry] Prince of Central Park, The (1977) (*) (TV) [Laurie] Rolling Thunder (1977) Return (1985) (*) Beat, The (1988) [Amy Kahn] Eating (1990) (*) [Helene] Seasons of the Heart (1994) (TV)

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also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "The Doctors", "The Guiding Light", "Moonlighting", "Hooperman", "Highway To Heaven", "Lou Grant", "Fantasy Island", "Falcon Crest"

Robert Rodan [January 30]:

Looking For Love (1964) Goodbye Charlie (1964) Minx, The (1969) [Henry Baxter]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "The Gary Moore Show", "Day In Court", "The Karen Show"

Geoffrey Scott [February 22]:

"Where the Heart Is" (1972) [Jeffrey Jordan] Dark Side of Innocence, The (1976) (TV) [Tony] "Dynasty" (1981) [Mark Jennings] First and Ten (1985) Morning After, The (1986) (*) [Bobby Korshack]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Concrete Cowboys" [Will Ewbanks] "Cliffhanger: The Secret Empire" [Marshal Jim Donner]

James Shannon:

King of the Gypsies (1978) (*) [Courthouse Photographer] Blue Steel (1990) (*) [Maitre D'Hotel]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV show: "How to Survive a Marriage" [Dr. Max Cooper]

Florence Stanley:

Up the Down Staircase (1967) (*) [Ella Friedenberg] Day of the Dolphin, The (1973) (*) [Women's club member] Prisoner of Second Avenue, The (1974) (*) [Pearl] Fortune, The (1975) (*) [Mrs. Gould] "Fish" (1977) "My Two Dads" (1987) [Judge Wilbur] Outrageous Fortune (1987) (*) [Ticket Agent] Maybe Baby (1988) (TV) [Ebba] Quiet Little Neighborhood, A Perfect Little Murder, A (1990) (*) (TV) [Cynthia Corman] "Dinosaurs" (1990) [Voice of Grandma Ethel] "Nurses" (1991) [Dr. Riskin] Trouble Bound (1993) (*) [Granny] Trapped in Paradise (1994)

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also appeared in episodes of the following TV show: "Joe and Sons" [Aunt Josephine]

Alex Stevens:

Shamus (1973) (*) [Knifer] Scanners (1980) (*) [Programmer 3] Alphabet City (1984) (*) [Hitman #2] Code of Silence (1985) (*) [Angel]

------------------------------ IVc.- THE MINORS ------------------------------

Mart Aldre:

Mark Allen:

Who Was That Lady? (1960) [Joe Bendix] "Travels of Jamie McPheeters, The" (1963) Marlowe (1969) [Attendant] Farewell, My Lovely (1975) (*) [Detective] Penalty Phase (1981) (TV) Dangerous Pursuit (1990) (TV) [Dr. Kaplan] Deception: A Mother's Secret (1991) (TV) [Dr. Friel] Child of Darkness, Child of Light (1991) (TV) [Father Milsap] Chrome Soldiers (1992) (TV) Moment of Truth: Why My Daughter? (1993) (TV) [Minister] White Angel (1993) [Murder Witness]

Mark Allen:

Phillip R. Allen (a.k.a. Allen, Phillip Richard)

Trapped Beneath the Sea (1974) (TV) [Lcdr. Hanratty] Helter Skelter (1976) (TV) [Sgt. Manuel Gris] Midway (1976) (a.k.a Battle of Midway, The (1976)) "Alice" (1976) [Mitch Aames (1981-1982)] "Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries, The" (1977) Lady in Red, The (1979) [Elliot wess] (a.k.a Guns, Sin and Bathtub Gin (1979)) Onion Field, The (1979) [District Attorney Marshall Shulman] Mommie Dearest (1981) [Pepsi Executive #1] Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) [Captain Esteban] In Self Defense (1987) (TV) [Public Defender] Very Brady Christmas, A (1988) (TV) [Ted Roberts] Last to Go, The (1991) (TV) [Hendrick] Mortal Sins (1992) (TV) [Lt. Williams]

Andrew Amic-Angelo:

Calvin Ander:

Times Square (1980) [George]

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Arthur Anderson: Midnight Cowboy (1969) [Hotel Clerk] Green Card (1990) [House Committee] Stolen: One Husband (1990) (TV) [Minister] (a.k.a I Want Him Back! (1990) (TV))

Michael Ann:

Fran Anthony:

Walter S. Arnold:

Marc Ashton:

Beverly Atkinson:

Conrad Bain:

"Love of Life" (1951) Coogan's Bluff (1968) (*) [Madison Avenue Man] Madigan (1968) [Man] Last Summer (1969) (*) "The Edge of Night" (1970) [Dr. Charles Weldon] I Never Sang for My Father (1970) (*) [the Reverend Pell] Who Killed Mary What's 'Er Name? (1971) (*) [Val] Bananas (1971) (*) [Semple] Anderson Tapes, The (1971) (*) [Dr. Rubicoff] "Maude" (1972) "Diff'rent Strokes" (1978) C.H.O.M.P.S (1979) (*) A Pleasure Doing Business (1979) (*) Child Bride of Short Creek (1981) (*) (TV) "Mr. President" (1987) [Charlie Ross] Postcards from the Edge (1990) (*) [Grandpa]

Bil Baird:

Henry Baker:

Seizure (1974) [Jackal] After Hours (1985) [Jett] Money Pit, The (1986) [Oscar]

Katharine Balfour:

America, America (1963) [Sophia Kebabian] Love Story (1970) (*) [Mrs. Oliver Barrett III] Teachers (1984) [Theresa]

Diane Ball:

Dodie Bauer:

John Baragrey:

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"Thriller" ( ) episode "A Wig For Miss Devore"

Leslie Barrett:

"Twilight Zone" (1960) episode "I Shot An Arrow Into the Air" [Brandt]

Joanne Bayless:

Betty Beaird:

John Beal:

Break of Hearts (1934) (*) Little Minister, The (1934) (*) [Gavin Dishart] Miserables, Les (1935) (*) [Marius] M'liss (1936) [Stephen Thorne] Madame X (1937) (*) Double Wedding (1937) (*) [Waldo Beaver] I Am the Law (1938) (*) Port of Seven Seas (1938) Cat and the Canary, The (1939) (*) [Fred Blythe] Ellery Queen and the Perfect Crime (1941) [Walter Matthews] Great Commandment, The (1942) (*) [Joel] Edge of Darkness (1943) (*) Chicago Deadline (1949) [Paul Jean D'ur] Remains to Be Seen (1953) [Dr. Glenson] Vampire, The (1957) (*) [Dr. Paul Beecher] (a.k.a. Mark of the Vampire (1957)) Ten Who Dared (1960) (*) "Another World" (1964) [Jim Matthews] Legend of Lizzie Borden, The (1975) (TV) Amityville 3-D (1983) (*) [Harold Coswell] (a.k.a. Amityville III: The Demon) (a.k.a. Amityville: The Demon) Kid Who Loved Christmas, The (1990) (TV) [Cameron] Firm, The (1993) (*) [Nathan Locke]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV show: "Road to Reality" [Dr. Lewis]

Lee Beery:

Theodore Beniades:

Maggie Benson:

Jacqueline Bertrand:

A corps perdu (1988) [Mere] (a.k.a A corps perdu - Besinnungslos (1988)) (a.k.a Straight For The Heart. (1988)) Six Degrees of Separation (1993) [Mrs Bannister's Guest]

Martin Best:

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Anita Bolster:

Saboteur (1942) (*) Heaven Can Wait (1943) (*) [Mrs. Cooper] Henry Aldrich Haunts a House (1943) [Mrs. Norris] Thin Man Goes Home, The (1944) (*) [Hilda] Going My Way (1944) (*) [Mrs. Quimp] My Name Is Julia Ross (1945) [Sparkes] Scarlet Street (1945) (*) [Mrs. Michaels] Lost Weekend, The (1945) (*) [Mrs. Foley] Two Mrs. Carrolls, The (1947) Judge Steps Out, The (1949) [Martha] Robert Bonds:

Jean Pierre Boru:

Katherine Brace:

Marlin Bradley:

Amber Brie:

Angie Brown:

Teen Vamp (1988) All-American Murder (1992) [Laurie Grant]

Barbara Brownell:

River's End (1941) [Betsy] Mark of the Witch (1970) [Sharon] Going Home (1971) [Betsy] It Happened at Lakewood Manor (1977) (TV) [Marjorie] (a.k.a Ants! (1977) (TV)) (a.k.a Panic at Lakewood Manor (1977) (TV))

Janet Burtis:

Paul Caffrey:

Angus Cairns:

Steve Calder:

Audrey A. Campbell:

Ray Carlson:

Dorrie Cavanaugh:

Vala Clifton:

John Connell:

"Young Dr. Malone" (1958-63) [Dr. David Malone] Fail-Safe (1964) (*) [Thomas]

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All the Kind Strangers (1974) (TV) [Baby] Family Business (1989) (*) [Wake "Suit" Cop]

Richard Cooke:

Mary Cooper:

Bright Victory (1951) [Nurse Bailey]

Alexander Cort:

Don Crabtree:

Carol Crist:

Ed Crowley:

Madigan (1968) (*) [Man] Bananas (1971) [FBI Security] Serpico (1973) (*) [Barto] Bridge of Adam Rush, The (1974) (TV) [Matt] Three Days of the Condor (1975) [Ordinance Man] Network (1976) (*) [Joe Donnelly] Witness (1985) (*) [Sheriff] Fan, The (1981) [Caretaker] Witness (1985) [Sheriff] Running on Empty (1988) [Mr. Phillips] Family Business (1989) (*) [Charlie]

David Cryer:

"Where the Heart Is" (1970-3) [Dr. Hugh Jessup] Escape from Alcatraz (1979) (*) American Gigolo (1980) (*) [K. Curtis] "Kennedy" (1983) (mini) Jacobo Timerman: Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number (1983) (TV) New York Stories (1989) (*) [Suit]

Cliff Cudney:

Cops and Robbers (1973) [Perpetrator] Nighthawks (1981) (*) [A.T.A.C. Man] Once Upon a Time in America (1984) [Mounted Policeman] Model Behavior (1984) (*) [Bouncer] House on Carroll Street, The (1988) (*) [McKay] Malcolm X (1992) (*) [Limo Driver]

Michael Currie:

"French Atlantic Affair, The" (1979) (mini) Loving Couples (1980) (*) [Ken] Change of Seasons, A (1980) (*) [Ken] Any Which Way You Can (1980) [Wyoming Officer] Firefox (1982) (*) [Capt. Seerbacker] Pray TV (1982) (TV) (*) [Artie Allman] (a.k.a. Mixed Blessings (TV))

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Mae West (1982) (TV) [Bill Le Baron] Airplane II: The Sequel (1982) (*) [Businessman #1] Quarterback Princess (1983) (TV) [Chairman] Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land (1983) (TV) (a.k.a Starflight One (1983) (TV)) [Dr. Hyatt] Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1983) (*) [Rafferty] Sudden Impact (1983) (*) [Lieutenant Donnelly] Philadelphia Experiment, The (1984) (*) [Magnussen] Deadly Intentions (1985) (TV) [Dr. Lawrence] Dead Pool, The (1988) (*) Distant Thunder (1988) [Coach Swabey] In the Shadow of a Killer (1992) (TV) Devlin (1992) (TV) [Major] Man Without a Face, The (1993) [Mr. Cameron]

Keene Curtis (15 February 1925, Salt Lake City, UT):

Macbeth (1948) [Lennox] Blade (1973) (*) Lady's Not for Burning, The (1974) (TV) Strange New World (1975) (*) Stowaway to the Moon (1975) (TV) American Hot Wax (1978) [Mr. Leonard] Heaven Can Wait (1978) (*) [Oppenheim] Buddy System, The (1984) (*) [Doctor Knitz] Sliver (1993) (*) [Gus Hale] Gypsy (1993) (TV) I.Q. (1994) [Eisenhower]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "The Magician" [Max Pomeroy] "One in a Million" [Mr. Cushing] "Cheers" (1982), as John Hill (1992-93) "Hawaii Five-O" (1968), as Vincent Gorden (ep 'Killer at Sea')

Philip Cusack:

Gwen Van Dan:

Jani Darnagle:

Tony Darnay:

Diana Davila:

Play It Again, Sam (1972) (*) [Girl in Museum]

Ann Davis:

Ronald Dawson:

Steve Dawson:

George Di Cenzo:

Face Of The Enemy ( )

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also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Joe's Life", "Equal Justice", "Murder She Wrote", "The Equalizer", "Dynasty", "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", "Magnum P.I.", "Blacke's Magic"

Alfred Dillay:

Beverly Dixon: Missing Pieces (1983) (TV) [Receptionist]

Christine Domaneck:

James Donahue: Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) [Canada]

Lynn Dovel:

Frank Downing: Coma (1978) [Kelly]

Willis Downsing:

Jane Draper:

Alice Drummond:

"Where the Heart Is" (1969) Where's Poppa? (1970) [Woman in Elevator] Man on a Swing (1974) [Mrs. Dawson] King of the Gypsies (1978) [Zharko's Nurse] Sanctuary of Far (1979) (TV) [Grace] "Park Place" (1981) [Frances Heine] Eyewitness (1981) [Mrs. Deever] (a.k.a. Janitor, The (1981)) Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The (1982) [Governor's Secretary] Ghostbusters (1984) [Librarian] Funny Farm (1988) [Mrs. Dinges] Suicide Club, The (1988) Running on Empty (1988) [Mrs. Powell] House on Carroll Street, The (1988) [Woman at Hearing] Money, Power, Murder (1989) (TV) Animal Behavior (1989) [Site Committee] Awakenings (1990) [Lucy] Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990) [Carolyn] "Lenny" (1990) [Mary] "Frannie's Turn" (1992) Daybreak (1993) (TV) [Anna] Money for Nothing (1993) [Mrs. Breen] Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) [Mrs. Finkle] I.Q. (1994) [Dinner guest] Nobody's Fool (1994) [Hattie] To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995) [Clara]

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Betsy Durkin:

Elizabeth Earl: Letter, The (1940) [Adele Ainsworth] River's End (1941) [Linda Conniston]

Gaye Edmond:

Jenny Egan:

"Mr. Peepers"(1953-5) [Agnes Peepers] Pollyanna (1960) (*) [Mildred Snow] They Might Be Giants (1971) (*) [Miss Finch]

Elizabeth Eis:

appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "The Guiding Light", "Delvecchio"

Lenore Ellin:

Andrew Elliot:

Joel Fabiani:

Ironside (1967) (TV) [Dr. Schley] "Department S" (1969) [Stewart Sullivan] Longest Night, The (1972) (TV) [Barris] One of My Wives Is Missing (1976) (TV) [Father Kelleher] Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977) (*) [Barney] "Dallas" (1978) President's Mistress, The (1978) (*) (TV) [Jim Gilkrest] King Crab (1980) (TV) Attica (1980) (TV) [Senator Gordon Conners] "Dynasty" (1981) Reuben, Reuben (1982) (*) [Doctor Haxby] Tune in Tomorrow... (1990) [Ted Orson] (a.k.a. Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter)

Charlotte Fairchild:

Mary Farrell: Airplane II: The Sequel (1982) [Alice Wilson]

John Felton:

Erica Fitz:

Bob Fitzsimmons:

Tom Foral:

Fred Forrest:

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Futz! (1969) [Sugford]

Hugh Franklin:

Millicent France:

Ivor Francis:

Tiger Walks, A (1964) [Mr. Wilson] "Bright Promise" (1969-72) [Prof. Mitchell] Pieces of Dreams (1970) [Father Paul Schaeffer] Hard Frame (1970) (*) "Dusty's Trail" (1973) [Mr. Brookhaven] World's Greatest Athlete, The (1973) Prisoner of Second Avenue, The (1974) [Psychiatrist] Busting (1974) [Judge Simpson] Amazing Spiderman, The (1977) (TV) (a.k.a. Spider-Man (1977) (TV)) North Avenue Irregulars, The (1979) Zone of the Dead (1979) (*) House of the Dead (1980) (*) Goldie and the Boxer Go to Hollywood (1981) (TV) [The Doctor]

Kay Frye:

Shamus (1973) (*) [Bookstore Girl]

Gary George:

Robert Gerringer:

Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight, The (1971) [Commissioner McGrady] "The Guiding Light" (1972) [Adam Thorpe] Way We Were, The (1973) (*) [Dr. Short] Exorcist, The (1973) (*) Sentinel, The (1977) (*) [Hart] "Texas" (1980-1) [Striker Bellman] "The Edge of Night" (1983-4) [Del Emerson] Beat, The (1988) [Dr. Morningstone]

Bill Gish:

George Goff:

Anthony Goodstone:

Jay Gregory:

"Somerset" (1972-3) [Carter Matson] Taps (1981) (*) [Interviewer] Paul Grier:

David Groh (21 May 1941, New York, NY):

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Mark of the Hawk, The (1957) [Ming Too] (a.k.a. Accused (1957)) "General Hospital" (1963) [D.L. Brock] Two Minute Warning (1976) (*) [Al] Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich, A (1978) (*) [Cohen] "Rhoda" (1974) [Joe Gerard (1974-1977)] Murder at the Mardi Gras (1977) (TV) Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich, A (1978) [Cohen] Dream Merchants, The (1980) (TV) [Rocco Salvaore] Tourist (1980) (TV) This Is Kate Bennett... (1982) (TV) Zertigo Diamond Caper (1982) (*) Hot Shot (1986) (*) Broken Vows (1987) (TV) Return of Superfly, The (1990) Menu for Murder (1990) (TV) (a.k.a. Murder at the P.T.A. Luncheon (TV)) Stoned Age, The (1994) [Dad] (a.k.a. Tack's Chicks (1994)) Illegal in Blue (1995) [Dist. Attorney Frank Jacobi]

Stanley Grover:

"That Was the Week That Was" (1964) "Somerset" (1974) [Mark Mercer] Network (1976) (*) [Jack Snowden] "Married: The First Year" (1979) [Bert Baker] Being There (1979) (*) [Baldwin] "French Atlantic Affair, The" (1979) (mini) Ghostbusters (1984) (*) [Reporter] Falcon and the Snowman, The (1984) (*) [NSA Inspector] Fandango (1985) [Phil's Dad] Betty Ford Story, The (1987) (TV) [General Haig] Heaven and Earth (1987) [Colonel Stuckey] Warm Summer Rain (1989) [Father] Shannon's Deal (1989) (TV) [Card Player] Masters of Menace (1990) [Judge] False Arrest (1991) (TV) [John Montaine] Mrs. Cage (1992) (TV) [Martin Cage] Private Matter, A (1992) (TV) [Judge] Walton Thanksgiving Reunion, A (1993) (TV) [Sheriff Gilmore] Confessions: Two Faces of Evil (1994) (TV) [Judge #2] Roswell (1994) (TV) [Straw Hat Vet]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Married: The First Year" [Bert Baker]

Michael Hadge:

Mister Buddwing (1965) [Counterman] Carlito's Way (1993) [Diamond Room Man] Shadow, The (1994) [Inmates] Hits! (1994) [Gun Man]

Jim Hale:

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James Hall:

And Now Miguel (1966) [Ranger] Dog and Cat (1977) (TV) [Frank] "Nicholas Nickleby" (1978) (mini) [Croupier] Force of One, A (1979) [Moss] China Syndrome, The (1979) [Harmon] Little Treasure (1985) [Chuck]

Barbara Hollis:

John Hallow:

Colin Hamilton:

Two Minute Warning (1976) (*) [Governor Diller] Alexander: The Other Side of Dawn (1977) (TV) True Confessions (1981) [Headwaiter] Flashdance (1983) (*) [Maitre D'] Flicks (1987) [Butler] Wedlock (1991) [Minister] (a.k.a. Deadlock (1991))

Tom Happer:

Lloyd Harris:

Sara Harte:

Edmund Hashim:

Outsider, The (1961) [Jay Morago] Hellfighters (1969) (*) [Colonel Valdez]

Beverly Hayes:

Margot Head:

Frances Helm:

Revolt at Fort Laramie (1957) Ugly American, The (1962) Shakedown (1988) [Guest] (a.k.a. Blue Jean Cop (1988)) Electric Moon (1992) [Emma Lane]

Howard Hemig:

Alfred Hinckley:

Herb Holcombe:

Jared Holmes:

Isabella Hoopes:

Boston Strangler, The (1968) (*) [Bertha Blum] Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The (1974) (*)

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[Woman on Platform] Grace Quigley (1984) [Old Lady] (a.k.a. Ultimate Solution of Grace Quigley)

Donald Hotton:

Nightwing (1979) [John Franklin] China Syndrome, The (1979) [Dr. Lowell] Hearse, The (1980) [Reverend Winston] Mae West (1982) (TV) [Edward Eisner] One Dark Night (1983) [Dockstader] Brainstorm (1983) [Landan Marks] Deadly Lessons (1983) (TV) [Robert Hartigan] Calendar Girl Murders (1984) (TV) [Mr. English] (a.k.a. Insatiable (1984) (TV)) (a.k.a. Victimized (1984) (TV)) Children of the Night (1985) (TV) [Dr. Norris] Soul Man (1986) [Mr. Wicher] Invaders from Mars (1986) [Old NASA Scientist] Triplecross (1986) (TV) [Andrew Wingate] Hot to Trot (1988) [Minister] Rampage (1988) [Dr. Leon Gables] Settle the Score (1989) (TV) [Doc Stevens] Buried Alive (1990/II) (TV) Dances with Wolves (1990) [General Tide] Late for Dinner (1991) [Dr. Chris Underwood] Runestone, The (1992) [Ask Franag] Bodyguard, The (1992) [Reverend Hardy]

Pat House:

Barnard Hughes (16 July 1915, Bedford Hills, NY):

"Love of Life" (1951) "Guiding Light, The" (1952) "Secret Storm, The" (1954) Young Doctors, The (1961) Borgia Stick, The (1967) (TV) Midnight Cowboy (1969) [Towny] Where's Poppa? (1970) [Colonel Hendricks] Dr. Cook's Garden (1970) (TV) Pursuit of Happiness, The (1971) [Judge Vogel] Hospital, The (1971) [Drummond] Cold Turkey (1971) Deadhead Miles (1972) Rage (1972) [Doctor Spencer] Borrowers, The (1973) (TV) Sisters (1973) [Mr. McLennen] "Doc" (1975) [Joe Bogert ("Doc")] Guilty or Innocent: The Sam Sheppard Murder Case (1975) (TV) UFO Incident, The (1975) (TV) Oh, God! (1977) [Judge Baker] Ransom for Alice (1977) (TV) Tell Me My Name (1977) (TV) Kill Me If You Can (1977) (TV) See How She Runs (1978) (TV) [Betty's Father] Sanctuary of Fear (1979) (TV) [Father Brown]

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Homeward Bound (1980) (TV) "Mr. Merlin" (1981) [Max Merlin] First Monday in October (1981) [Chief Justice Crawford] Best Friends (1982) [Tim McCullen] Little Gloria...Happy at Last (1982) (TV) Tron (1982) [Dr. Walter Gibbs / Dumont] Caribbean Mystery, A (1983) (TV) [Mr. Rafiel] (a.k.a. Agatha Christie's 'A Caribbean Mystery' (1983)) Sky's No Limit, The (1984) (TV) (a.k.a. Sky's the Limit, The (1984) (TV)) Maxie (1985) [Bishop Campbell] (a.k.a. Free Spirit (1985)) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1985) Under the Biltmore Clock (1985) (TV) [Ludlow Whitney] Where Are the Children? (1986) [Jonathan Knowles] "Cavanaughs, The" (1986) [Francis "Pop" Cavanaugh] Night of Courage (1987) (TV) Lost Boys, The (1987) [Grandpa] Hobo's Christmas, A (1987) (TV) Da (1988) [Da] Home Fires Burning (1989) (TV) Day One (1989) (TV) [Secretary Stimpson] Guts and Glory: The Rise and Fall of Oliver North (1989) (TV) Incident, The (1990) (TV) [Doc Hansen] "Blossom" (1991) [Buzz Richman] Doc Hollywood (1991) [Doctor Hogue] Lincoln (1992) (TV) (voice) [Horace Greeley] Miracle Child (1993) (TV) [Judge] Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (993) [Father Maurice] Trick of the Eye (1994) (TV) [Harry Pitt] (a.k.a. Primal Secrets (1994) (TV)) Past the Bleachers (1995) (TV)

Cavada Humphrey:

Naked City, The (1948) (*) [Mother] Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967) [Miss Flannery]

David Hurst:

Perfect Woman, The (1949) Mother Riley Meets the Vampire (1952) [Mugsy] (a.k.a. My Son, the Vampire (1952)) (a.k.a. Vampire Over London (1952)) After the Ball (1953) [Perelli] Shoot First (1953) [Lex] (a.k.a. Rough Shoot) Mad About Men (1954) One Good Turn (1954) All for Mary (1955) Confession, The (1964) [Gustave] (a.k.a. Quick, Let's Get Married (1964)) (a.k.a. Seven Different Ways (1964)) How to Steal the World (1968) [Jan Vanovech] Maltese Bippy, The (1969) (*) [Doctor Strauss] Hello, Dolly! (1969) (*) [Rudolph Reisenweber] Nero Wolfe (1977) (TV) (pilot) Boys from Brazil, The (1978) (*) [Strasser]

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Skokie (1981) (TV) [Sol Goldstein] Boy Who Had Everything, The (1984) [College Runner]

Elaine Hyman:

Liz Ingleson:

Charles James:

Bill Jamesend:

House Jameson:

Naked City, The (1948) [Dr. Stoneman] Parrish (1961) [Oermeyer] Mirage (1965) [Bo] Swimmer, The (1968) [Mr. Halloran]

David Jay:

Little Drummer Boy Book II, The (1976) (TV) (voice)

Paul Jenkins:

One Is a Lonely Number (1972) [James Brower] Marcus-Nelson Murders, The (1973) (TV) [Al Stabile] Chinatown (1974) [Policeman] Fear on Trial (1975) (TV) [Paul Martinson] Network (1976) [TV Stage Manager] Night Games (1980) [Sean Daniels] (a.k.a. Love Games (1980)) Heart of a Champion: The Ray Mancini Sory (1985) (TV) [Steelworker] Sneakers (1992) [Playtronics Lobby Guard - Night]

Charles Johnson:

Dennis Johnson: Abduction of Kari Swenson, The (1987) (TV)

Page Jones: Lilith (1964) Marilyn Joseph:

Joseph Julian:

Jeanne Kaplan:

Russ Karsen :

Jordan Kean:

Harvey Keitel (13 May 1939):

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Who's That Knocking at My Door? (1968) (*) Mean Streets (1973) (*) [Charlie] Virginia Hill Story, The (1974) (*) (TV) [Bugsy Siegel] Shining Star (1975) (*) (a.k.a. That's the Way of the World) Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1975) (*) [Ben] Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976) (*) [Ed Goodman] (a.k.a. Buffalo Bill and the Indians) Taxi Driver (1976) (*) [Sport] Mother, Jugs & Speed (1976) (*) [Speed] Welcome to L.A. (1977) [Ken Hood] Duellists, The (1977) (*) [Gabriel Feraud] Fingers (1978) (*) [Jimmy Angelilli] Blue Collar (1978) (*) [Jerry] Eagle's Wing (1979) (*) [Henry] Bad Timing: A Sensual Obsession (1980) [Inspector Netusil] Saturn 3 (1980) (*) [Benson] Deathwatch (1980) (*) (a.k.a. Mort en Direct, La) [Roddy] That Night in Varennes (1982) (*) [Thomas Paine] (a.k.a. Nuit de Varennes, La) Border, The (1982) (*) [Cat] Pierre dans la bouche, Une (1983) [The fugitive] Exposed (1983) (*) [Rivas] Corrupt (1983) (*) (a.k.a. Copkiller (1983)) Falling in Love (1984) (*) [Ed Lasky] Nemo (1984) [Mr. Legend] (a.k.a. Dream One (1984)) Star Knight (1985) (a.k.a. Caballero del Dragon, El (1985)) (a.k.a. Knight of the Dragon, The (1985)) Camorra: the Naples Connection (1986) (*) [Frankie] Off Beat (1986) (*) [Mickey] Wise Guys (1986) (*) [Bobby Dilea] Men's Club, The (1986) (*) Blindside (1986) (*) Complicato intrigo di donne, vicoli e delitti, Un (1986) (a.k.a. Camorra (1986)) [Frankie] Inquiry, The (1987) Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam (1987) (TV) (a.k.a. Dear America (1987) (TV)) Dream One (1987) [Mr. Legend] (a.k.a. Nemo) Pick-up Artist, The (1987) (*) [Alonzo] Last Temptation of Christ, The (1988) (*) [Judas] Cordial Gorbatschev (1988) (a.k.a. Caro Gorbaciov) January Man (1989) (*) [Frank Starkey] Two Jakes, The (1990) (*) [Jake Berman] Two Evil Eyes (1990) (*) [Roderick Usher] Batalla de los Tres Reyes, La (1990) Bugsy (1991) (*) [Mickey Cohen] Mortal Thoughts (1991) (*) [Det. John Woods] Thelma & Louise (1991) (*) [Hal Slocumb] Sister Act (1992) (*) [Vince LaRocca] Bad Lieutenant (1992) (*) [Lt.] Reservoir Dogs (1992) (*) [Mr. White] Rising Sun (1993) (*) [Tom Graham] Dangerous Game (1993) (*) Young Americans, The (1993) [John Harris] Piano, The (1993) (*) [Baines]

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Snake Eyes (1993) [Eddie Israel] (a.k.a. Dangerous Game (1993)) Point of No Return (1993) (*) [Victor the Cleaner] (a.k.a. Assassin, The (1993)) Pulp Fiction (1994) (*) [Winston Wolf] Imaginary Crimes (1994) [Ray Weiler] Somebody to Love (1994) [Harry Harrelson] Monkey Trouble (1994) (*) [Shorty] (a.k.a. Pet (1994)) Clockers (1995) [Rocco Klein] Vlemma tou Odyssea, To (1995) [A] (a.k.a. Gaze of Odysseus, The (1995)) (a.k.a. Regard d'Ulysse, Le (1995)) (a.k.a. Ulysses' Gaze (1995)) Smoke (1995) [Auggie Wren] Get Shorty (1995) (cameo) [Himself] Blue in the Face (1995) [Auggie Wren] Head Above Water (1996) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) [Jacob Fuller]

Colleen Kelly:

Daniel Keyes:

"Where the Heart Is" (1969-72) [Ben Jessup] I Never Sang for My Father (1970) (*) [Dr. Mayberry] 1776 (1972) [Dr. Josiah Bartlett]

John Kuhner:

John La Motta:

Robin Lane:

James Langrell:

Audrey Larkins:

Judd Laurence:

Paula Laurence:

Firepower (1979) [Woman Guest] Crossing Delancy (1988) (*) For Love or Money (1993) [Mrs. Vigushin] (a.k.a. Concierge, The)

Carol Ann Lewis:

Gene Lindsey:

All the President's Men (1976) [Baldwin]

Allan Lindstrom:

Peter Lombard:

Tempest (1982) (*) [Mackenzie]

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Radio Days (1987) [Abercrombie Host]

Deborah Loomis:

Hercules in New York (1970) (a.k.a. Hercules - The Movie) (a.k.a. Hercules Goes Bananas)

Judith Lowry (27 July 1890, Ft. Sill, OK):

Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The (1944) [Nurse] 13 Rue Madeleine (1946) [Peasant woman] Miracle Worker, The (1962) [1st Crone] Ladybug, Ladybug (1963) [Grandmother] Trouble With Angels, The (1966) [Nun] Night They Raided Minsky's, The (1968) [Mother Annie] Husbands (1970) [Stuart's grandmother] Anderson Tapes, The (1971) [Mrs. Hathaway] Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, The (1972) [Nanny] "Phyllis" (1975) [Sally "Mother" Dexter]

Bennett Lubin:

Al Lust:

Karen Lynn:

Pat Lysinger:

Michael Maitland:

Michelle Mantvidas:

Greta Markson:

Tom Markus:

Richard Marr:

Leo Marrell:

Edward Marshall:

Frasier, the Sensuous Lion (1973) Jackson County Jail (1976) [Mr. Blight] Twisted (1992) [Karl Yaeger]

Marsha Mason (3 April 1942, St. Louis, MO):

"Love of Life" (1951) Hot Rod Hullabaloo (1966) "Where the Heart Is" (1969) Blume in Love (1973) (*) [Arlene] Cinderella Liberty (1973) (*) [Maggie Paul] Audrey Rose (1977) (*) [Janice Templeton] Goodbye Girl, The (1977) (*) [Paul McFadden]

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Cheap Detective, The (1978) (*) [Georgia Merkle] Promises in the Dark (1979) (*) Chapter Two (1979) (*) [Jennie MacLaine] Only When I Laugh (1981) (*) [Georgia] Lois Gibbs and the Love Canal (1982) (*) (TV) Max Dugan Returns (1983) (*) [Nora McPhee] Surviving (1985) (TV) Heartbreak Ridge (1986) (*) [Aggie] Trapped in Silence (1986) (*) (TV) [Jennifer Hubbell] Dinner at Eight (1989) (*) (TV) [Millicent Jordan] Stella (1990) (*) [Janice Morrison] Image, The (1990) (*) (TV) [Jean] Drop Dead Fred (1991) (*) [Polly] "Sibs" (1991) [Nora Ruscio] I Love Trouble (1994) [Sen. Gayle Robbins] Nick of Time (1995) [Eleanor Grant]

Tom Masters:

George Mat((t))hews (7 November 1984):

River's End (1941) [Malloy] Wing and a Prayer (1944) [Dooley] Up in Arms (1944) [Blackie] Corn Is Green, The (1945) [Trap Driver] Pat and Mike (1952) [Spec Cauley] Last of the Comanches (1952) (*) [O'Rattigan] (a.k.a. Sabre and the Arrow, The (1952)) Yankee Buccaneer (1952) City Beneath the Sea (1953) [Capt. Meade] Acte d'amour, Un (1953) [Henderson] (a.k.a. Act of Love (1953)) (a.k.a. Quelque part dans le monde (1953)) Great Diamond Robbery, The (1953) [Duke Fargoh] Man with the Golden Arm, The (1955) (*) [Williams] "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" (1955) [Sam Donleavy] ( 1/8/56) (ep. 'The Big Switch') Proud Ones, The (1956) [Dillon] Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957) [John Shansey] Buccaneer, The (1958) (*) Heller in Pink Tights (1960) "Glynis" (1963) [Chick Rogers] Going Home (1971) [Malloy]

George McCoy:

Tonino und Toinette (1994) (TV) [Robbi] (a.k.a. Tonino and Toinette (1994) (TV))

Ken McEwen:

Michael McGuire:

Danny Boy (1946) [Pudgie] Dog and the Diamonds, The (1953) They Might Be Giants (1971) [Telephone Guard]

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Blade (1973) [Quincy] Hard Times (1975) [Chick Gandil] (a.k.a. Streetfighter, The (1975)) Report to the Commissioner (1975) Great Wallendas, The (1978) (TV) Sanctuary of Fear (1979) (TV) [Lieutenant Bellamy] Ballad of Gregorio Cortez, The (1982) [Sheriff Glover] Partners (1982) [Monroe] "Winds Of War, The" (1983) (mini) "Empire" (1984) [Edward Roland] Bird (1988) [Brewster] Shakedown on the Sunset Strip (1988) (TV) "War and Remembrance" (1989) (mini) Karen Carpenter Story, The (1989) (TV) [Sheldon] "Nowhere Man" (1995) [Robert/Lenny] (ep 'The Spider Webb' (09/95)

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "It Takes Two", "Major Dad"

Pat McNamara:

American Hot Wax (1978) [Gordie] Prototype (1982) (TV) [Landlord] Airplane II: The Sequel (1982) [Businessman #2] Challenge, The (1982) [Fight Promoter] (a.k.a. Sword of the Ninja (1982)) Blue Thunder (1983) [Matusek] Crimes of Passion (1984) [Frank] (a.k.a. China Blue (1984)) Brass (1985) (TV) [Lieutenant Hanley] Stone Pillow (1985) (TV) [Daggett] Squeeze, The (1987) [Arnold Drisco] Lean on Me (1989) [Police Officer] Cabinet of Dr. Ramirez, The (1991) [Killer] Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) [Sheriff Perkins] Claude (1992) [Al Dewey] (a.k.a. Trusting Beatrice (1992)) Cagney & Lacey: The Return (1994) (TV) [Skipper] Danielle Steel's 'Zoya' (1995) (TV) [Stage Manager]

Rosemary McNamara:

Patrick McVey:

Easy Come, Easy Go (1947) [Gambler]

John Meranda:

Maryann Merrick:

Paul Michael:

Pennies from Heaven (1981) (*) [Bank Teller] Masque of the Red Death (1989) (*) [Benito] Batman (1989) (*) [Cop]

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Jared Mickey:

Harry Eldon Miller:

Fuzz (1972) [Police Garage Attendant]

George Mitchell (1905):

Phoenix City Story, The (1955) [Hugh Britton] 3:10 to Yuma (1957) [Bartender] Wild and the Innocent, The (1959) [Uncle Lije] "Twilight Zone" (1960) episode "The Hitch-hiker" [gas station man] "Twilight Zone" (1960) epidoe "Execution" [elderly man] "Twilight Zone" (1961) epsiode "Jess-Belle" [Luthor Glover] Kid Galahad (1962) [Sperling] Third of a Man (1962) Twilight of Honor (1963) (a.k.a. Charge Is Murder, The (1963)) "Thriller" ( ) episode "Portrait Without A Face" Unsinkable Molly Brown, The (1964) (*) [Monsignor Ryan] Nevada Smith (1966) [Paymaster] Flim Flam Man, The (1967) [Tetter] (a.k.a. One Born Every Minute (1967)) Learning Tree, The (1969) Andromeda Strain, The (1970) (*) [Jackson] "Outer Limits"

Sandy Mitchell:

Gettysburg (1993) [Fiddle and Guitar Player]

Jim Mixon:

Tom Mixon:

Vic Mohica:

Richard W. Mollick:

Chuck Morgan:

Dan Morgan:

Charly (1968) (*) [Paddy] Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight, The (1971) [Muldoon]

Joseph Mosca:

Tom Murphy:

Snapper, The (1993) (TV) [Pal 1]

T.J. Murphy:

Carl Nicholas:

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Joy Nicholson:

Vince O'Brien ((O'Brein)):

Hoodlum Priest (1961) [Assistant District Attorney] "Search For Tomorrow" (1974-5) [Hal Conrad] Annie Hall (1977) (*) [Hotel Doctor] Six Degrees of Separation (1993) [Grandfather at Baptism] Quiz Show (1994) [Edmund "Bunny" Wilson]

Bridget O'Donnell:

Sho Onodera:

Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The (1974) (*) [Mr. Matsumoto]

Harry Osborne:

Norman Parker:

"Falcon Crest" (1981) [Julius Karnow (1989-1990)] Prince of the City (1981) [Rick Cappalino] Killing Hour, The (1984) [Larry Weeks] (a.k.a. Clairvoyant, The (1984)) Turk 182! (1985) [Dr. Salco] Murder: By Reason of Insanity (1985) (TV) [Judge Gold] Leap of Faith (1988) (TV) [Marty] (a.k.a. Question of Faith (1988) (TV)) Who Gets the Friends?(1988) (TV) [Everett Harden] Bonfire of the Vanities, The (1990) [Det. Goldberg] Up Close and Personal (1996) [Mark Lindler]

Wendy Parker:

Clifford A. Pellow:

I Am a Camera (1955) Hustler, The (1961) (*) [Turk] Magnum Force (1973) (*) [Guzman] Hustling (1975) (TV) [Man in a Business Suit] Comes a Horseman (1978) [Cattle Buyer] Love and Bullets (1979) [Police Captain] Gideon's Trumpet (1980) (TV) [Justin Pike] Ruckus (1982) [Homer] White Dog (1982) [Sheriff] Blue Thunder (1983) [Allen] Murphy's Law (1986) [Lieutenant Nachman] Betrayed (1988) [the Reverend Russell Johnson]

Dean Perchall:

Jack Pickett:

Lovelady Powell:

"That Was the Week That Was" (1964) I Never Sang for My Father (1970) [Norma]

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Possession of Joel Delaney, The (1971) [Erika] Happy Hooker, The (1975)

Keith Prentice:

Boys in the Band, The (1970) (*) [Larry] Cruising (1980) [Joey]

Kathleen Quint:

Sheila Ray:

Diann Redford:

Douglas Reid:

Frank Rerch:

Charles Reynolds:

Marin Riley:

Victor Romano:

Jane Rose:

Lisa Ross:

Hanford Rowe:

Ann Rugiero:

Charles Rush:

Gordon Russell:

Tumbleweeds (1925) [Noll Lassiter]

Dick Sabol:

Cotton Comes to Harlem (1970) (*) [Jarema]

Anthony Sacco:

Arlene Sand:

Alfred Sandor:

Liliane Sandor:

Joe Della Sarte:

Ed Sauter:

Frank Schofield:

Wrong Man, The (1957) [Department of Correction Guard]

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Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976) (*) [Senator Lane]

John Servetnik:

Incident, The (1967) [Bartender]

Ingrid Severson:

Lana Shaw:

Rebecca Shaw:

Paul Shenan:

Mary Lynne Shields:

William Shust:

Rivals (1972) [Culloux] Seduction of Joe Tynan, The (1979) [Ned Townes]

Mel Sigan:

Neil Sigan:

Al Smith:

Thomas Spratley:

Jack Stamburger:

Fred Stewart:

Misleading Lady (1932) [Babs] Splendor in the Grass (1961) [Del Loomis] World of Henry Orient, The (1964) [Doctor] In the Heat of the Night (1967) [Dr. Stuart] New Leaf, A (1971) [Mr. von Rensaeller]

Jessica Stewart:

Ray Stewart:

Gail Strickland [May 18]:

Drowning Pool, The (1975) [Mavis Kilbourne] Dark Side of Innocence, The (1976) (TV) [Heather] Bound for Glory (1976) Baron, The (1977) Gathering, The (1977) (*) (TV) [Peggy Thornton] One on One (1977) (*) [B.J. Rudolph] President's Mistress, The (1978) TV) [Gwen Bowers] Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story, A (1978) (TV) [Dorothy] Who'll Stop the Rain (1978) (*) [Chairman] (a.k.a. Dog Soldiers) Snowblind (1978) (*)

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Norma Rae (1979) [Bonnie Mae] Gathering, Part II, The (1979) (*) (TV) [Peggy] Letters from Frank (1979) (TV) Rape and Marriage: The Rideout Case (1980) (*) (TV) King Crab (1980) (TV) Matter of Life and Death, A (1981) (*) (TV) Eleanor, First Lady of the World (1982) (*) (TV) Life of the Party: The Story of Beatrice (1982) (TV) My Body, My Child (1982) (TV) Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land (1983) (TV) (a.k.a. Starflight One (1983) (TV)) Lies (1983) (*) [Jessica Brenner] Uncommon Valor (1983/I) [Helen Rhodes] Protocol (1984) (*) [Ambassador Marietta St. John] Oxford Blues (1984) (*) [Las Vegas Lady] "Insiders, The" (1985) [Alice West] Hyper Sapien (1986) (*) (a.k.a. Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star (1986)) (a.k.a. People from Another Star, The (1986)) "What a Country" (1986) Heartbeat (1988) (TV) "Heartbeat" (1988) [Marilyn McGrath] Man in the Moon, The (1991) (*) [Marie Foster] "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" (1992) [Olive Bray Davis (1992-3)] Burden of Proof, The (1992) (TV) [Fiona Cawley] (a.k.a. Scott Turow's The Burden of Proof (1992) (TV)) "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" (1993), (ep. 'Paradise') Barbara Taylor Bradford's 'Remember' (1993) (TV) Three of Hearts (1993) (*) [Yvonne] Silent Cries (1993) (a.k.a. Guests of the Emperor) Barbara Taylor Bradford's 'Remember' (1993) (TV) When a Man Loves a Woman (1994) [Pam] American President, The (1995) [Esther MacInerney]

George Strus:

Brian Sturdivant:

Sullivan, Susan [18 November 1944, New York, NY]: "Another World" (1964) [Lenore Moore Curtin] "World Apart, A" (1970) [Nancy Condon (1970-1971)] No Place to Run (1972) (TV) "Rich Man, Poor Man - Book II" (1976) [Maggie Porter] Magnificent Magnet of Santa Mesa, The (1977) (TV) City, The (1977) (TV) Having Babies II (1977) (TV) [Dr. Julie Farr] Roger & Harry: The Mitera Target (1977) (TV) Incredible Hulk, The (1977) (TV) [Dr. Elaine Marks] New Maverick, The (1978) (TV) [Poker Alice] Comedy Company, The (1978) (TV) Having Babies III (1978) (TV) [Dr. Julie Farr] "Having Babies" (1978) [Dr. Julie Farr] (a.k.a "Julie Farr, M.D." (1978)) Deadman's Curve (1978) (TV) Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) [Woman] Breaking Up Is Hard to Do (1979) (TV)

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"It's a Living" (1980) [Lois Adams (1980-1981)] (a.k.a "Making a Living" (1980)) Marriage Is Alive and Well (1980) (TV) City in Fear (1980) (TV) Ordeal of Dr. Mudd, The (1980) (TV) "Falcon Crest" (1981) [Maggie Gioberti Channing (1981-1989)] Cave-In! (1983) (TV) Rage of Angels: The Story Continues (1986) (TV) [Mary Beth] Perry Mason: The Case of the Ruthless Reporter (1991) (TV) [Twyla Cooper] "George Carlin Show, The" (1994) [Kathleen Rachowski] Danielle Steel's 'A Perfect Stranger' (1994) (TV) [Kaye] "Monroes, The" (1995) [Kathryn Monroe] Elizabeth Swain:

Larry Swanson:

Campus Man (1987) [Nerd #1]

Dolph Sweet:

"Edge of Night, The" (1956) Young Doctors, The (1961) "Another World" (1964) [Lieutenant Gil McGowan] "Trials of O'Brien, The" (1965) [Lieutenant Garrison] You're a Big Boy Now (1966) [Francis Graf] Swimmer, The (1968) [Henry Biswanger] Finian's Rainbow (1968) (*) [Sheriff] Lost Man, The (1969) Out-of-Towners, The (1970) Telephone Book, The (1971) [Obscene Phone Caller Four] Fear Is the Key (1972) Sisters (1973) Cops and Robbers (1973) (*) Migrants, The (1974) (TV) [Sheriff] Lords of Flatbush, The (1974) Amazing Grace (1974) (*) Billy: Portrait of a Street Kid (1977) (TV) [George] Which Way Is Up? (1977) Killing Affair, A (1977) (TV) Deathmoon (1978) (*) (TV) [Lieutenant Russ Cort] Heaven Can Wait (1978) [Head Coach] "King" (1978) (mini) [J. Edgar Hoover] Go Tell the Spartans (1978) [General Harnitz] Marciano (1979) (TV) [Si Menchlemann] Act of Violence (1979) (TV) [Detective O'Brien] (a.k.a. Deadline Assault (TV)) Aunt Mary (1979) (TV) "Studs Lonigan" (1979) (mini) Wanderers, The (1979) [Chubby Galasso] Gideon's Trumpet (1980) (TV) [Charlie] Below the Belt (1980) "When the Whistle Blows" (1980) Reds (1981) (*) [Big Bill Haywood] Two Lives of Carol Letner, The (1981) (TV) Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy (1981) (*) (TV) [Waldrop]

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Acorn People, The (1981) (*) (TV) [Donald Bradshaw] "Gimme a Break" (1981) Margo Tacey:

Ann Teeman:

K. C. Townsend:

How to Murder Your Wife (1964) Husbands (1970) [Barmaid] Below the Belt (1980) [Thalia] Burning, The (1981) [Hooker]

Barbara Tracey:

Paul Trahan:

Peter Turgeon (Boyd Higginson Turgeon) [25 December 1919]:

Muscle Beach Party (1964) [Theodore] World of Henry Orient, The (1964) (*) Dove, The (1968) [Uncle Anders] Last Summer (1969) Airport (1970) (*) American Gigolo (1980) (*) [Julien's Lawyer]

Scott Upright:

Abe Vigoda [24 February 1921, New York, NY]:

Devil's Daughter, The (1972) (TV) [Alikhine] Godfather, The (1972) (*) [Tessio] Toma (1973) (TV) Newman's Law (1974) (*) Story of Pretty Boy Floyd, The (1974) (TV) Godfather, Part II, The (1974) (*) [Tessio] "Barney Miller" (1975) Having Babies (1976) (TV) "Fish" (1977) Comedy Company, The (1978) (TV) How to Pick Up Girls! (1978) (*) (TV) Cheap Detective, The (1978) (*) [Sgt. Rizzuto] Gridlock (1980) (*) (TV) (a.k.a. Great American Traffic Jam, The (TV)) Death Car on the Freeway (1980) (TV) "Santa Barbara" (1984) Cannonball Run II (1984) Stuff, The (1985) [Guest Star in "Stuff Commercials"] Vasectomy: A Delicate Matter (1986) (*) Plain Clothes (1988) (*) Look Who's Talking (1989) (*) [Grandpa] Prancer (1989) (*) [Orel Benton] Keaton's Cop (1989) (*) (TV) Joe Versus the Volcano (1990) (*) [Waponis Chief] Fist of Honor (1992) (*) Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993) (voice)

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[Salvatore Valestra] Harlem (1993) [Gus Molino] (a.k.a. Sugar Hill) North (1994) [Alaskan Grandpa] Jury Duty (1995) [Judge Powell]

Robert Viharo:

Valley of the Dolls (1967) [Director] Return to Macon County (1975) [Whittaker] Bare Knuckles (1977) I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (1977) Happy Birthday, Gemini (1980) Hide in Plain Sight (1980) [Jack Scolese] Night Stalker, The (1987) Romero (1989) [Colonel Ernesto Dorio]

Paul Vincent:

Arthur (1981) (*) [Waiter] Barbarians at the Gate (1993) (TV) [New York Limo Driver]

Peter von Neil:

Ray von Orden:

Diane Walker:

Robert Warlock:

Hal White:

Elizabeth Wilson [4 April 1925, Grand Rapids, MI]:

Picnic (1955) [Christine Schoenwalder] Patterns (1956) (*) [Marge Fleming] Tunnel of Love, The (1958) (*) Goddess, The (1958) [Nurse] Happy Anniversary (1959) Birds, The (1963) (*) [Helen Carter] Graduate, The (1967) (*) [Mrs. Braddock] Jenny (1969) (*) [Mrs. Marsh] Catch-22 (1970) [Mother] Little Murders (1971) (*) [Mrs. Newquist] Day of the Dolphin, The (1973) [Mrs. Rome] Man on a Swing (1974) [Dr. Anna Wilson] Prisoner of Second Avenue, The (1974) (*) [Pauline] Miles to Go Before I Sleep (1975) (*) (TV) Happy Hooker, The (1975) (*) Sanctuary of Fear (1979) (*) 9 to 5 (1980) (*) [Roz] Once Upon a Family (1980) (TV) Incredible Shrinking Woman, The (1981) [Dr. Ruth Ruth] Million Dollar Infield (1982) (TV) Grace Quigley (1984) (*) [Emily Watkins] (a.k.a. Ultimate Solution of Grace Quigley, The) You Can't Take it With You (1985) (*) Where Are the Children? (1986) (*) [Dorothy Prentiss]

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Believers, The (1987) (*) [Kate Maslow] "Nutcracker: Money, Madness & Murder" (1987) (mini) Conspiracy of Love (1987) (*) (TV) [Lilly Woldarski] Burning Bridges (1990) (TV) [Freda] Regarding Henry (1991) (*) [Jessica] Addams Family, The (1991) (*) [Abigail Craven] Skylark (1993) (*) (TV) [Harriet] "Alex Haley's Queen" (1993) (mini) Quiz Show (1994) [Dorothy Van Doren] "Scarlett" (1994) (mini) [Aunt Eulalie] Nobody's Fool (1994) [Vera (uncredited)] In the Best of Families: Marriage, Pride & Madness (1994) (TV) (a.k.a. Bitter Blood (1994) (TV)) Spring Awakening (1994) (TV) [Mrs. Pierson] Boys Next Door, The (1996) (TV) [Mary Fremus]

Richard Woods:

Rage of Angels (1983) (TV) [Seth Needham] (a.k.a. Sidney Sheldon's Rage of Angels (1983) (TV)) Fresh Horses (1988) [Buddy] Mr. North (1988) [Willis] Miller's Crossing (1990) [Mayor Dale Levander] I.Q. (1994) [Suit] Hudsucker Proxy, The (1994) [Board Member]

Bobbi Ann Woronko:

Amy Yaekerson:

Barbara Young:

------------------------------------- IVd.- Dan Curtis (Filmography as Director): ------------------------------------- "Dark Shadows" (1966) House of Dark Shadows (1970) Night of Dark Shadows (1971) Night Strangler, The (1972) (TV) Norliss Tapes, The (1973) (TV) Dracula (1973) (TV) Turn of the Screw (1974) (TV) Melvin Purvis: G-Man (1974) (TV) Scream of the Wolf (1974) (TV) Kansas City Massacre, The (1975) (TV) Trilogy of Terror (1975) (TV) Burnt Offerings (1976) Curse of the Black Widow (1977) (TV) Dead of Night (1977) When Every Day Was the Fourth of July (1978) (TV) Express to Terror (1979) Last Ride of the Dalton Gang, The (1979) (TV) Mrs. R's Daughter (1979) (TV) Me and the Kid (1980) Long Days of Summer, The (1980) (TV) "Winds of War, The" (1983) (mini) "War and Remembrance" (1989) (mini)

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Dark Shadows (1990) (TV) Intruders (1992) (TV) In Advance of the Landing (1993)

----------------------------------------------------- IVe.- Robert "Bob" Cobert (Filmography as Composer): ----------------------------------------------------- Ladybug, Ladybug (1963) "Dark Shadows" (1966) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1968) (TV) House of Dark Shadows (1970) Night Stalker, The (1971) (TV) Night Strangler, The (1972) (TV) Dracula (1973) (TV) Melvin Purvis: G-Man (1974) (TV) Burnt Offerings (1976) Last Ride of the Dalton Gang, The (1979) (TV) Me and the Kid (1980) "Winds of War, The" (1983) (mini) "War and Remembrance" (1989) (mini)

====================================================================PART V. - DARK SHADOWS ==== IN MEMORIUM ========================================================================

"We'll Never forget any of them" Dr. Julia Hoffman

Syd Andrews - Frank Bailey - Bil Baird - Katharine Balfour (9/3/90) -Joan Bennett (12/90) - Chris Bernau (6/14/89) - Clarice Blackburn (8/5/95) - Ed Blainey - Anita Bolster (6/85) - Angus Cairns - Barbara Cason (6/18/90) - Joel Crothers (11/6/85) - Thayer David (7/17/78) - Ronald Dawson - John Devoe - David Ford (8/83) - Hugh Franklin - Robert Gerringer (8/89) - Paul Kirk Giles - Timothy Gordon (9/93) - Tom Gormon - Grayson Hall (8/7/85) - Jared Holmes (9/94) - Isabella Hoopes (8/87) - House Jameson - Dorrie Kavanaugh (12/83) - James Langrell (9/19/94) - Vincent Loscalzo - Judith Lowry (11/29/76) - George Mat((t))hews (11/7/84) - Tom McCue - Kenneth McMillan (8/89) - Everett Melosh - Edward Melton - George Mitchell - Sho Onodera - Arthur J. Ornitz - Rudy Piccirillo - Keith Prentice (9/27/92) - Ed Riley - Jane Rose - Gordon Russell - Craig Slocum (9/78) - Francis Swann (1983) - Dolph Sweet (5/8/85) - Art Wallace (12/94) - Virginia Vestoff (4/82)

--------------------------------------Data for the "In Memorium" listings was assembled from:

Kathryn Leigh Scott's "My Scrapbook Memories Of Dark Shadows"Kathryn Leigh Scott's "The Dark Shadows Companion"the ShadowGram Fanzine and off the Internet from [email protected] info base

Our Thanks - and our memories............

================================================================= PART VI - DARK SHADOWS CREW (ABC)


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A: (Listed by Job Title/Position) -----------------------------------

Executive Producer = Dan CurtisProducer = Robert Costello / Peter Miner / Lela Swift / Director = Dan Curtis / Lela Swift / Pennberry Jones (a.k.a. Roger Schope) / Dennis Kane / Henry Kaplan / John Sedwick / John Weaver Jack (Sean Dhu) Sullivan / Story created & developed by = Art WallaceWriters = Art Wallace / Joe Caldwell / Ralph Ellis / Sam Hall / Malcolm Marmorstein / Gordon Russell / Ron Sproat / Francis Swann / Violet Wells

Scenic Design = Sy Tomashoff / John Dapper

Set Design = Trevor WilliamsMusic composed by = Robert CobertMusic Supervisor = Sybil Weinberger / Art De CenzoCostume Design = Mary McKinley / Ramse Mostoller / Hazel Roy / Stanley SimmonsGraphic Arts = Milt HonigProp Master = Joe Fitzgerald

Wardrobe Mistress = June PuleoMake-up = Dennis Eger / Vincent Loscalzo / Bert Roth Special Makeup = Dick Smith, S.M.A.Hair Stylist = Jack LeGomsHairdresser = Edith Tilles / Irene Hamalin

Associate Producer = George DiCenzo / Sy TomashoffAssistant to the Producer = Diana Paliotta / Harriet Rohr / Diana Wenman / Gloria Banta / Nancy Harwich

Associate Director = Patricia Bannon / Bob Livingston / Ken McEwen / Alan Pultz / Michael Stanislavsky / Jack (Sean Dhu) Sullivan / John Weaver / John Sedwick / Alan PollackAssistant Director = Michael ReamUnit Manager = Joe Adams / Gary Blohm / Michael Brockman / Patrick Plevin / Al Kassel / Clem Egolf / Paul WathanTechnical Director = J.J. (Jake) Lupatkin / Bill Degenhardt / Deet Jonker / Bill Morris / Al Smith / George Whitaker / Lou Marchand / Steve VernickLighting Director = Roz Bigelow / Mel Handelsman / Alan Holden / Tom McCue Everett Melosh / Howard Sharrott / Henry Behar / Dick Weiss / Harvey Kalfin / Bill Itkin / John ConnollyBoom Operator = Max JughansAudio = Anthony Amodeo / Frank Bailey / Nick Carbonaro / Leonard Hirshfield / Jack Kelly / Tom McCue / Henry Plimack / Fred Ripple / David Thuesen / Cy Chaiken / Morley Lang / Joel Rosenberg / Dick Rose / Sy Paget / Nick Bobrick

Sound Effects = Ed Blainey / Bernard Fambrough / Terry Ross / Pete PrescottVideo Engineer = Nicholas Besink

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Video = Andy Balint / Girish Barghava / Hector Kicelian / Michael Michaels / Dick Moller / Pete Murphy / Indra Sadoo / Ross Skipper / Rudy Piccirillo / Erskin Roberts / Dave White / Michael Altieri / Lee Burton / Stu Goodman / Lee Langston / Ed Pontorno / John Wood / Roy ThompsonVideo Editor = Frank Guiliano Videotape Editor = Randy Cohen / Frank Rubin / Manfred Schorn / Bob Steinbeck / Charles Stephensen / Fred Labib / Alex Moskovic / Chester Nowel / Chester Pawlak / Carl Pollack / Danny Rosenson / Rene Labat / Gary Duda / Chuck Gardener / Indra Sadoo

Engineering Supervisor = Bill BlumelStudio Supervisor = Burt Sussman / Bill EganStudio Services = Bill KneeshawStage Manager = Syd Andrews / John Devoe / Lee Fairchild / Edward Melton / Murdock Pemberton / Tom King / Ernest Baxter / Marvin Long / John Olff

Production Assistant = Melissa Foster / Karen Kayser / Pat Moran

Announcer = Bob Prescott / Bob Lloyd

Broadcast Operations = Thalia VerganelisCommercial Coordinator = Pat Nesbit / George Patrick

Miss Scott's Clothes by Junior Sophisticates Fashions courtesy of OHRBACH'S Series created by Dan CurtisDan Curtis Television Productions

-------------------------------------------- B: (Listed by Last Name - Alphabetically) --------------------------------------------

Joe Adams = Unit Manager Michael Altieri = VideoAnthony Amodeo = Audio Syd Andrews = Stage Manager Frank Bailey = Audio Andy Balint = Video Patricia Bannon = Associate DirectorGloria Banta = Assistant to the Producer Girish Barghava = Video Ernest Baxter = Stage Manager Henry Behar = Lighting Director Nichlolas Besink = Video Engineer Roz Bigelow = Lighting Director Ed Blainey = Sound Effects Gary Blohm = Unit Manager Bill Blumel = Engineering SupervisorNick Bobrick = AudioMichael Brockman = Unit Manager Lee Burton = VideoJoe Caldwell = Writer Nick Carbonaro = Audio

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Cy Chaiken = Audio Robert Cobert = Composer Randy Cohen = Videotape EditorJohn Connolly = Lighting DirectorRobert Costello = Producer Dan Curtis = Series creator / Executive Producer / Director John Dapper = Scenic Design Art De Cenzo = Music Supervisor Bill Degenhardt = Technical Director John Devoe = Stage ManagerGeorge DiCenzo = Associate ProducerGary Duda = Videotape EditorBill Egan = Studio Supervisor Dennis Eger = Make-up Clem Egolf = Unit ManagerRalph Ellis = Writer Lee Fairchild = Stage ManagerBernard Fambrough = Sound Effects Joe Fitzgerald = Prop MasterMelissa Foster = Production Assistant Chuck Gardener = Videotape Editor Stu Goodman = VideoFrank Guiliano = Video EditorSam Hall = Writer Irene Hamalin = Hairdresser Mel Handelsman = Lighting Director Nancy Harwich = Assistant to the Producer Leonard Hirshfield = Audio Alan Holden = Lighting Director Milt Honig = Graphic Arts Bill Itkin = Lighting DirectorPennberry Jones (a.k.a. Roger Schope) = DirectorDeet Jonker = Technical Director Max Jughans = Boom Operator Harvey Kalfin = Lighting DirectorDennis Kane = DirectorHenry Kaplan = Director Al Kassel = Unit ManagerKaren Kayser = Production Assistant Jack Kelly = Audio Hector Kicelian = VideoTom King = Stage ManagerBill Kneeshaw = Studio Services Rene Labat = Videotape EditorFred Labib = Videotape EditorMorley Lang = Audio Lee Langston = Video Jack LeGoms = Hair Stylist Bob Livingston = Associate DirectorBob Lloyd = AnnouncerMarvin Long = Stage Manager Vincent Loscalzo = Make-upJ.J. (Jake) Lupatkin = Technical Director Lou Marchand = Technical Director Malcolm Marmorstein = Writer Tom McCue = Lighting Director / Audio Ken McEwen = Associate Director

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Mary McKinley = Costume Design Everett Melosh = Lighting Director Edward Melton = Stage ManagerMichael Michaels = VideoPeter Miner = Producer Dick Moller = VideoPat Moran = Production Assistant Bill Morris = Technical Director Alex Moskovic = Videotape EditorRamse Mostoller = Costume Design Pete Murphy = VideoPat Nesbitt = Commercial Coordinator Chester Nowel = Videotape EditorJohn Olff = Stage ManagerSy Paget = AudioDiana Paliotta = Assistant to the Producer George Patrick = Commercial CoordinatorChester Pawlak = Videotape EditorMurdock Pemberton = Stage ManagerRudy Piccirillo = VideoPatrick Plevin = Unit Manager Henry Plimack = Audio Alan Pollack = Associate DirectorCarl Pollack = Videotape EditorEd Pontorno = Video Bob Prescott = Announcer Pete Prescott = Sound Effects June Puleo = Wardrobe Mistress Alan Pultz = Associate DirectorMichael Ream = Assistant Director Fred Ripple = Audio Erskin Roberts = VideoHarriet Rohr = Assistant to the Producer Dick Rose = AudioJoel Rosenberg = Audio Danny Rosenson = Videotape EditorTerry Ross = Sound Effects Bert Roth = MakeupHazel Roy = Costume Design Frank Rubin = Videotape EditorGordon Russell = Writer Indra Sadoo = Video / Videotape EditorJohn Sedwick = Director / Associate Director Manfred Schorn = Videotape EditorHoward Sharrott = Lighting Director Stanley Simmons = Costume Design Ross Skipper = Video Al Smith = Technical Director Dick Smith = Special Makeup Ron Sproat = Writer Michael Stanislavsky = Associate Director Bob Steinbeck = Videotape EditorCharles Stephensen = Videotape EditorJack (Sean Dhu) Sullivan = Director / Associate Director Burt Sussman = Studio Supervisor Francis Swann = Writer Lela Swift = Producer / Director

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Roy Thompson = VideoDavid Thuesen = Audio Edith Tilles = Hairdresser Sy Tomashoff = Associate Producer / Scenic DesignThalia Verganelis = Broadcast Operations Steve Vernick = Technical DirectorArt Wallace = Story created & developed by / Writer Paul Wathan = Unit ManagerJohn Weaver = Director / Associate DirectorSybil Weinberger = Music Supervisor Dick Weiss = Lighting DirectorViolet Wells = Writer Diana Wenman = Assistant to the Producer George Whitaker = Technical Director Dave White = VideoTrevor Williams = Set Design John Wood = Video

================================================================PART VIIa. - THE COLLINS FAMILY TREE / REAL TIME (ABC)================================================================

The Collins Family Tree =======================

Isaac-(?) | | |---------------------------------|---------------| | | | (?)-(?) Theodore-(?) Amadeus-(?) | | | | | |[1795] | | (?)-(?) |--------------|------------------| |---------------|Joshua-Naomi Jeremiah-Laura(1) Abigail Daniel-Harriet Millicent-Nathan | -Josette(2) | Forbes | | (annulled) |------------------| |Barnabas-Angelique Sarah | | (?)-(?) | | |----------------------|[1840] Flora-(?) Gabriel-Edith Quentin-Samantha(1) | | | -Daphne(2) Desmond-Leticia | | | | |----------|-------------| | Caleb Geoffrey-(?) Charles Thadeus "Tad"(1) | |[1897] |---------|-----------------|------------------|Rev. Gregory-Judith Edward-Laura Carl Quentin-Jenny Trask | | | | |---------------------| |--------| Jamison-(?) Nora (?)-Lenore son

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| | | |[1966] |---------| |--------| Paul-Elizabeth Roger-Laura(1) Jennings-daughter daughter-HaskellStoddard | | -Cassandra(2) | | | | | | | | |-----|-----| | Jeb-Carolyn David(1) Tom Chris Amy JoeHawkes

It should be noted that throughout the later part of the 1970 episodesBarnabas, Julia and Quentin(1897) keep refering to Quentin(1840) asthe Great-grand-uncle of Quentin(1897). This just isn't so. Salute the writers or just accept that, once past cousins, Collins relatives were impossible to keep straight, even for the Collins. Quentin(1840) was brother to Quentin(1897)'s Grandfather and was therefore Quentin(1897)'s Grand-uncle. Now he may well have been a great or even super Grand-uncle but he was most definitely not a Great-grand-uncle.

================================================================PART VIIb. - THE COLLINS FAMILY TREE / PARALLEL TIME (ABC)================================================================

The Collins (PT) Family Tree ============================

| |---------------------| | |1680 PT Brutus-Amanda Constance | | |---------------| Son 1 Son 2

(note Joshua Collins is the son of one of Brutus' sons)

1795 PT Joshua-Naomi | | |-----------------|---------------------| | | | | | | Julia Justin-Flora Barnabas-Josette | | | |1841 PT | | | |------|------|------| | son son son Bramwell-Daphne(1) | -Catherine(2) |--------|-------|-----------------------| Quentin Gabriel Morgan-Catherine (*) Melanie-Kendrick Young | | |-------|--------|

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Child 1 Child 2 Child 3

* Melanie was adopted by Justin and Flora - but in reality was the daughter of Justin and Josette.

Bramwell and Catherine are expecting a child when the storyline ends,but we never hear if the child is born or not. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ NO DEFINATIVE INFORMATION EXISTS FOR PT BETWEEN THE 1840's AND 1970's AND THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT THE TWO PERIODS COULD BE SEPERATE TIME BANDS AND THEREFORE UNRELATED, BUT THEN THEY COULD BE CONTINUOUS AND RELATED TIMEBAND, YOU'LL HAVE TO SOLVE THAT ONE YOURSELF.\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

1970 PT

| | | | | |--------------| PaulQuentin-Angelique(1) (M)-(F) Roger Elizabeth-Stoddard | Maggie(2) | | | | | | |-------| | Daniel Chris Amy Willie Loomis-Carolyn

=====================================================================Part VIII.- MIND PROBER PERSONALITY PROFILES OF DS CHARACTERS=====================================================================[This section is taken from a few board posts done in April of 1994 byJudy P5000 (Judy Phillips, founder of the DS Folder on AOL) and appears as originally sent - with only format changes. Minor added text/editors notes are in [ ]. Thanks to Judy for her permission to include these in the FAQ.]

All the recent discussion on personality types has reminded me of an old computer program I have, called Mind Prober, which gives you a personality profile of a person based on the answers to a few questions (actually, you put in Yes or No to a list of about 100 adjectives.) After putting myself... and everyone else I've ever known to this test, I've recently gotten the idea to start using it to psychoanalyze DS characters.....

Following are the personality profiles of:

Barnabas Collins Quentin CollinsDr. Julia HoffmanAngelique Bouchard

---------------------------------- THE MIND PROBER - Barnabas Collins ----------------------------------

"I'm my own worst critic!" Mr. Collins [hereafter called B.C.] might say

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in a moment of insight. He can be a strict judge of his own accomplishments, and quick to believe that others judge him likewise. Shy and sensitive to criticism, he is most comfortable alone, or with those few special people who he has learned to trust.


At first meeting Mr. B.C may seem wary of becoming involved with others. He is likely to enter into a relationship only with someone who is willing to be a steady, and kind partner. It is best to meet him in a quiet, non-threatening situation. His natural tendency to move slowly is due to his secret fear of being rejected. If the relationship encounters rough waters, he is likely to blame himself.


The pressures of everyday living probably weigh heavily on Mr. B.C.. He is likely to worry that a great number of things in life could, and probably will go wrong. Even ordinary complications are seen as insurmountable problems. If there is no let up of pressure, he may resign himself to difficult situations with an attitude of helplessness. During these times you are likely to see him withdraw from others. Although he needs support, he may be unable to ask directly for help.


Mr. B.C. will work hard at perfecting his skills. He may be reluctant to discuss his personal interests with any but his closest friend. When he does talk about a hobby or project he's working on, it's with a close friend or two in familiar surroundings. His interests tend to be middle of the road - nothing too spicy or exotic, but personally very rewarding.


Mr. B. C. will move slowly toward a sexual encounter, all the while giving subtle hints of his interest. He will spend a great deal of time testing his prospective partner's willingness and acceptability. Once he has received sufficient assurance that the feelings are mutual, he is likely to show tenderness and commitment to his companion. However, he would probably feel tremendously hurt by rejection or infidelity on the part of his lover.

WHAT MAKES MR. B. C. TICK=========================Mr. B. C. would secretly like to live in a world of beauty and tranquility, inhabited by gentle people. In such a setting he could feel free to express himself without fear of criticism or exploitation. In the meantime, he deals cautiously with others, testing their goodwill and intentions before allowing them to come close. He sometimes feels the

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need for a protective shell. While Mr. B.C. is generally a quiet person who spends a good deal of his time alone, he is likely to have a few friendships which are quite important to him. Friendships seem to be an all or none phenomenon, as he forms an intimate bond with the few people he allows near him.

--------------------------------- THE MIND PROBER - Quentin Collins ---------------------------------

Outspoken and confident about his opinions, Mr. Quentin Collins [hereafter called Q.C.] won't hesitate to let you know what is on his mind. However, social tact is not one of Mr. Q.C.'s strong points. You are likely to notice his occasional sarcasm or teasing of others. He doesn't have much curiosity about other's reactions, preferring to do what he believes is right.


Mr. Q.C. chooses friends who seek excitement, and are able to create their own entertainment. Although Mr. Q.C. can make a favorable first impression, underneath his attractive exterior is a person who can unintentionally hurt others. He doesn't understand that his sense of humor can make him a difficult person to be around. When Mr. Q.C. is involved in a project or cause, his high energy level may cause others to burn out if they spend very much time with him. Personal loyalties and emotional relationships may have little importance to him during such times.


A certain amount of stress adds excitement to Mr. Q.C.'s way of life. It keeps him alert and on his toes. Even when the pressure builds, he's still likely to act as if he were in control. If the stress does grow beyond his ability to cope effectively, he may act recklessly without thinking of what he is saying or doing.


Mr. Q.C. can be described as a self starter. He is not likely to be afraid to tackle a complicated problem or try a challenging project. Few things intimidate him. He constantly struggles to prevent life from becoming boring or mundane, by pursuing interests that are novel or unusual. Expect him to be a trend setter - the first on the block with the latest invention, gadget, attitude, or idea.


The way to keep Mr. Q.C. interested in sex is to let your imagination

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run wild. You will continually need to come up with new and divertingsuggestions to keep his interest high. He likes changing routines and surprises. He can be a creative and intense partner, however, emotional intimacy doesn't much interest him. His self-sufficiency allows him to enjoy being alone, as much as he enjoys being with his partner.

WHAT MAKES MR Q.C. TICK=======================

Mr. Q.C. is his own person, and tends to be quite sure of himself. He does not accept ideas or values without question, but will take the time to evaluate them and make his own decisions. Others may see him as insensitive or uncaring, because he finds it hard to appreciate their perspectives. He prefers to involve himself with ideas and things instead of people. Mr. Q.C. has a quick temper, and will not hesitate to let you know if he disagrees with you. This kind of person does not take criticism well, and can be quite argumentive. Mr. Q.C. is not bothered by confrontation - provided he wins, and may even enjoy fighting with others.

------------------------------- THE MIND PROBER - Julia Hoffman -------------------------------

Live and let live might be Ms. Julia Hoffman's [hereafter called J.H.] attitude toward life. Her relaxed, casual manner reflects her tolerance for other people and their lifestyles. However, if she feels mistreated or wronged, she will not take it lying down. Her even temperament has its limits, although they are far and broad.


Ms. J.H. is a stable, well grounded individual. If you are in trouble, she is the person to call. She would make a good neighbor, or friend, because you can depend on her to be there most of the time. Her pleasant, even temperament makes her an easy person to be involved with. She rarely takes part in intense emotional conflicts unless she has due cause to become angry. She prefers easygoing companions and good times.


When life throws Ms. J.H. a curve, she runs with it. Problems in everyday living don't usually bother her. When all does not go well, she can usually stay calm. Typically she is free of the emotional highs and lows that can come from ordinary stress. If undue pressure builds up in Ms. J.H.'s environment, you might notice that she momentarily loses control. This is just a temporary state however, and will probably pass once the stress lets up.


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Ms. J.H. cheerfully joins in with family or friends in activities they allenjoy. She is able to change her plans, either to take advantage of an invitation, or to spend time alone working on personal hobbies. She tends to be content with a variety of personal interests. Her preferences will usually mirror those of other people in her immediate environment.


Ms. J.H. can be a considerate and adaptable partner. Her style of lovemaking can range from gentle to assertive, depending on her companion's needs. She is likely to be fairly adept at figuring out what you want. Compatibility guides her sexual behavior, as long as your requests are within the bounds of what she considers reasonable.

WHAT MAKES MS. J.H. TICK========================

Ms. J.H. lives in a state of internal balance. When something occurs to threaten this balance, she makes a few adjustments in her life and - voila! - all is again in harmony. You may be certain, that anything causing her to lose control is a serious situation indeed. Disorganization and chaos may bother Ms. J.H. She could spend a lot of her time arranging things so that her life is predictable and she is in control. Ms. J.H. will want background information on any issue before she takes action. If life gets a bit hectic, expect her to step back and take stock in what is going on around her.

------------------------------------ THE MIND PROBER - Angelique Bouchard ------------------------------------

This is one person who does not want to be cornered or overly committed in any situation. Ms. Angelique Bouchard [a.k.a. Miranda du Val, Angelique Collins, Valerie Collins, Cassandra {Blair} Collins and Angelique Rumson will be called A.B. from here on] likes to stay free of constraints that could prevent her from doing what she wants. Her personal goals will take precedence over the plans other people may have for her.


Interpersonally, it may seem like Ms. A.B. is mad at something or someone. Her aggressiveness is actually her way of protecting herself. She is likely to be suspicious of people with whom she is in a relationship. Ms. A.B. figures out what other people are secretly planning, often making assumptions on shaky grounds. She then makes decisions about how involved she will let herself become, usually preferring to stay out of the way of others.


When stress builds up in Ms. A.B.'s life, she prefers to handle it alone.

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She may act more reclusive than usual, becoming sarcastic and cynical. Coping with stress is not one of her strengths. She finds life difficult to adjust to even in the absence of acute stress.


Ms. A.B.'s pursuits would not usually be called middle of the road or main line. She seeks out unusual subjects which can lead to the development of specialized, unique knowledge. It would be difficult to talk her into hobbies or projects that require close work or cooperation with others. She is her own person and the sole decision maker over which way her interests will take her.


Ms. A.B. tends to believe strongly that sexual relationships have to be conducted in specific ways. She is convinced that things have to be just so in order for them to be good. She is likely to demand that her partner go along with her wishes or ideas. Although she may miss out on a lot, she usually will resist changing. She has her guidelines and requires that they be followed. A willingness to concede or bend to others is not her forte.

WHAT MAKES MS. A.B. TICK========================

Ms. A.B. is not likely to share the ideals and values of mainstream society. She finds it difficult to see eye-to-eye with others, and prefers to avoid conflicts and spend her time alone. Expect her to engage in unusual projects without the confounding influence of others. For Ms. A.B. being able to stand on her own two feet is very important. An independent person, she is not likely to ask others for personal favors. She dislikes behaving in a helpless, ingratiating fashion.

================================================================= PART IX. - COLLINWOOD FLOOR PLAN (ABC)=================================================================(This section originates in 1.08 and is still a work in progress)From: [email protected] COLLINWOOD DRAWING The Main Floor/Central Section of COLLINWOOD

(1) ____________________________________[---------]______________________ | |______| |___| |___________| ^^^^^ | | (2) (3) (4) (5) _| | (6)| | | |_| | ______ ____|

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| ___ ____ | | | | | (7) | | | | | | | | | |___| |(9) | | (10) | (11)| | | | | | | | | | ___ |____| | | |____| | (8)| | | | | | |___| |______| | | | | | | | | | | | | D R A W I N G R O O M | | | | | | | | _____ | | | | | | | (12)| | | | | | | |_____| | | | | (15) __________ |(37) | (13)_____ (14) | *-* (16)| (17)___ | \ |__________|_____|____========== ==========____|__________|____|___|__| \ |///////////////////// /////|___|/////////////////|===| | |___| (18) (19) |_________| |===| | (20) |===| | \ =|\ (21) (22) \ =| \ |===| | __ |===| | (24) ________________ | | |XXX| | (23) /TTT\ | | | | |XXX| | \TTT/ | *-* (25) XX | | | |(36) | |___________(26)_| | | |XXX| | | | |XXX| | | | |===| | |__| |===| | F O Y E R (27) |===| | |===| | (28) |===| | ======================(35) | (29) ___ (30) (31) | | | | | | | | | | | / | | | XX XX | | | | | | | | | | | / |///////////////////// //////////////////////////////// | __ | | XXX (32) (34) | | | | (33) |__| | |____________======== ========____________| FIRST FLOOR (1) = Fireplace (Portrait of (2) = Window - with a view Jeremiah Collins above it) of the sea (3) = Portrait Of Issac Collins (4) = Bench

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(5) = Secret Panel Door (6) = Portrait of Theodore Collins (7) = Chair (8) = Chair (9) = Coffee Table (10) = Sofa(11) = Chest Of Drawers (with model (12) = Desk sailing ship on top)(13) = Liquor Cabinet (14) = Double Doors To Drawing Room(15) = Table (16) = Telephone(17) = Portrait of Benjamin Collins (18) = Grandfather Clock(19) = Portrait Of Unknown Collins (20) = Table(21) = The Study (Roger's Den) (22) = Doorway to Servant's Quarters & Kitchen(23) = Chandelier (24) = Table(25) = Telephone (26) = Statue (Man With Shovel Digging)(27) = Divan (28) = Stairway(29) = Portrait of Barnabas Collins (30) = Candelabrum Planus(31) = Candelabrum Planus (32) = Coat Rack(33) = Main Entrance Doors (34) = Chest (with 4-legged stand)

2ND FLOOR (35) = Upstairs Guard Rail (36) = Stained Glass Windows(37) = Doorway To Bedrooms and the East & West Wings

The attempt here is to create the 4 sided room which would conform to theoutside walls of the mansion - rather than to show the 5 or 6 sided space used to shoot the series.



\ \ |---------------------------- (1) \---------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (2) | | (3) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------| |------------------------------| |//////////////////////////| |//////////////////////////////| |--------------------------| |------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | / | | | / | | | (4) | | (5) | | | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------| |------------------------------| | ________________| | | | | \ |__ \_________ _______________________________ |=| (6) |//| | |=| |//| | |=| |//| | (7)|=| |//| (8) | |=| |//| | |=| |//| |

(1) = Door to West Wing (2) = Victoria Winters' bedroom(3) = Carolyn Stoddard's bedroom (4) = Elizabeth Collins Stoddard's bedroom(5) = David Collins' bedroom (6) = Door to bedrooms(7) = Guard rail above foyer (8) = Hallway to East Wing Bear in mind that the second floor tended to mutate whenevernecessary for a plot device.



_ (1) _ ___________________________O__|_|__O_______________________|_|___________| | | | | | | || |____| |_______________| |_____| || (2) (3) (4) || || ______ / | | | (6)/ | | | (5) || |______| || (7)=|| || ____________________________||___ _ | || | | | ||---| |(8) | _||___|_| | |_|| | || | (9) || | _||_____ | |_|| | | || |(10) | ||_____| |____________________________|

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| || ______|| _____ | _ || | | (11) (14)| |_| || |_____| | (15) || ____________ |______|| | _ | || | |_|(12) | (13) || |____________| || || ||_________________________________________________________________________|

(1) = Clock & circular shaped paintings (2) = Clothes cabinet (3) = Fireplace (4) = Table with portrait above (5) = Chair (6) = Door (7) = Light switch (8) = Double windows & step (9) = Bed with canopy & 2 portraits (10) = Chest Of Drawers (11) = Chair (12) = Lamp (13) = Desk (14) = Table (15) = Lamp

================================================================PART X. - DARK SHADOWS DOCUMENTS (Wills & letters & such) (ABC)================================================================-----------------------------------------------------------(a) THE NOTE: Vicki's only tie to her past.-----------------------------------------------------------

Her name is Victoria - I cannot take care of her.

-----------------------------------------------------------(b) THE LETTER: from Brutus Collins to his children 1680PT-----------------------------------------------------------

To my Children;

There is a curse upon our family, on this house. I sit this nightin the room where it started, knowing I must stay til morning and confront our enemy. If I live through the night and come from thisroom with sound mind, this letter will never be read. But if I should die, or be changed by what must happen here, then one of you must do as I am doing here. The curse will continue.

The room is quiet now, but I have the feeling it will not be for long.

O my children, what a heritage to leave you. You must choose the one to enter the room fairly. I would suggest a lottery. You will know when the time comes. One of you will see the specter of a Woman in White. I will not explain why this curse started, but I know in the depths of my soul that it is useless to run, to leave this house we love so much. And if you do not follow what I have said, doom and destruction will come to you all.

I write this, hoping that in the morning I will burn it. But I fear not.

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Written this day, the tenth of March 1680

Brutus Collins

------------------------------------- (c) The Will of Daniel Collins - 1840 -------------------------------------

The Will of Daniel Collins (his original Will)----------------------------------------------

We never have the exact text of this - but basically it giveseverything to Quentin.

The Revised Will of Daniel Collins - read following his death ---------------------------------- by his lawyer Desmond Collins

I, Daniel Collins, being of sound mind and body, do hereby on this day make out my last Will and Testament, superseding any other earlier for I am troubled of spirit and am desirous of ending this struggle that has so occupied me since the arrest of my son.

I do hereby decree that this Will will be accepted as final and may it bring peace to my troubled family.

To my son, Quentin, I bequeath my father's time piece which I have oft promised him.

I have come to believe my own son's guilt and therefore he is notfit to be my heir and carry on the familial responsibility so entailed.

The heir, officially designated below, will act as unofficial guardian of my grandson Tad Collins who, at the age of 21 if he is stillalive and in residence at Collinwood, will receive my entire estate. In the meantime Tad Collins and his mother Samantha are never to be denied room and board at Collinwood, along with a weekly stipend to be decided upon by the said heir.

Should Samantha Collins choose to remove her son, Tad, from the estate, said heir will have no further responsibilities, monetary or otherwise, toward them..

As to the main deposition of the estate, monies, factories,fishing fleet, let me make it quite clear that I have considered carefully the result inherent in my decision. But I feel I have no other choice but to leave them, until Tad comes of age, to the man I regard as my rightful heir, my son, I call him that because I have come to love him as a son, Gerard Stiles.

My son Gabriel, his wife and children are always to have a home at Collinwood. My heir, Mr. Stiles, will see that Gabriel receives an allowance commensurate with his needs.

As Gabriel's children are to receive certain monies at 21 from

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my late wife's estate, I make no further mention of them.

...........(there may be a gap here with misc. bequests not read aloud by Desmond)...................

In the unlikely event that my original heir, my son Quentin Collins is declared innocent of all charges in his current trial, all monies, properties, commercial ventures are to be returned to him.

The Re-Revised Will of Daniel Collins - burned by Gabriel Collins-------------------------------------

I Daniel Collins being of sound mind and body do hereby reinstate my original will, which leaves all my properties,estates, monies to my beloved son, Quentin.

------------------------------ (d) Ezra Braithwaite's ledger ------------------------------

16 Apr 1897 One starred medallion engraved with quotation: "to guard you from the wrath of Cerberus" Ordered by Miss Beth Chavez, and charged to the

account of Quentin Collins."

----------------------------------------- (e) Dr. Eric Lang's tape recorder message -----------------------------------------

"Julia, Julia, if you do the experiment again. If both Barnabas and my creation live. If they both live, Barnabas will be free and healthy as long as Adam lives. Adam will drain Barnabas' affliction from him but will not suffer from the disease itself if he lives. But if Adam dies, Barnabas will be as he was before."

================================================================ PART XI.- DARK SHADOWS HEADSTONES, TOMBSTONES AND MARKERS ================================================================

A Guide to the Cemeteries and crypts in and around Collinsportrepleat with bloopers, writers changing minds and the evervariable history of Collinsport. Don't be confused by movinggraves, switched headstones or historical revisionism.

Coming in this space in the next version of the DS FAQ.

But while you wait (patiently) you can mull over these conundrums andgraveyard inconsistencies, all of which will give you a clue as towhy the editors feel it necessary to collect and collate the graveyarddata - and why the viewer must beware.

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NAMES: The headstones certainly can't be used as spelling guides. In 1795 Jeremiah's headstone has his name spelled Jer((i))miah instead of Jer((e))miah, the spelling corrects itself later in the series.

DATES: Sarah Collins' headstone in the mausoleum says 1784-1795 but she died in January of 1796!

When Josette dies her headstone says 1174-1795, but its already 1796! Victoria Winters show up in 1795. During the trial, Abigial names the date: October 12 of 1795. Later on Nathan tells Millicent that he has chosen a date for their wedding, ie: March 2. Millicent remarks that the date is only about a month away. Therefore it would put them in late January or early February 1796. They must have entered 1976 already, and thats when Josette departs.

Of course the whole mess gets even muddier in the 1840 flashback when everyone refers to these events as having been in 1797!

AGES(LIFESPANS): In earlier episodes they say that Sarah was 10 when she died, but in the 1795 flashback, she dies on her 11th birthday.

Josette gets gypped out of three years of life, while also being placed in a whole different century!. In episode 50, when the ghost of Josette opens the family history to her listing, it shows her dates as 1810-1834, for a total of 24 years, in the 19th century. But during the 1795 flashback her new span is 1774-1795, totaling only 21 years, and in the 18th century!. Even using the 1796 date - she loses a couple of years!

While you are at it - check the Q&A section for data on Gerard Stiles' dancing tombstone - locations of the props didn't always pass continuity check.

================================================================ PART XII. - DARK SHADOWS QUOTABLE SAYINGS : (ABC) ================================================================

"The ghosts of the past are always frightening." Roger Collins

"A watched pot never boils, to coin a phrase." Roger Collins(ed. note: gosh! we wish we'd said that!)

"With all our ghosts, we don't need any strangers in the house." Roger

"Welcome to the beginning and the end of the world." Burke Devlin

"I wish my wife could wiggle like that." PI Strake (about Carolyn)

"Tomorrow has a habit of arriving on schedule." Roger

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"A drink, a drink! My kingdom for a drink!" Sam Evans

"A sober man is not a happy man." Sam Evans

"Never try to figure out a woman. It's a waste of time." Burke

"Don't come near me. Don't touch it. No one touches it. No one. No one sees it. Now you stay away. You stay away." a shy Willie Loomis to Jason

"I'm sorry to make you fix that sandwich again, but I have no desire to get sick -- not while evil walks the streets of this town." Mrs. Johnson to Maggie

"No one ever made money on revenge." Liz to Burke Devlin.

"Now you can tell us all where we're going. " Burke to David "I am not an animal, I'm a human being" Vicki

"There are no buts.....only facts and justice" Roger Collins

"Nothing is impossible for an accomplished burger.....burglar." Inspector Paxton

"I saw fang marks,....I wouldn't lie about a thing like that..." Bruno (1970)

"Don't explain myself to me!" Quentin Collins (1970PT)

"I make the decisions in this house. I always have and it will continue to be the same." Quentin Collins (1970PT)

"Naturally she looks just like her...... I just wish she didn't look so uncannily like her." Quentin Collins (1970PT)

"I felt I was coming closer and closer.... to truths better left unknown." Horace Gladstone

"No one has ever found an abstraction in a test tube." Cyrus Longworth

"It's wrong.....it goes against the natural order of things." Alexis Stokes

"I feel like a different woman now!" Angelique (posing as Alexis)

"Perhaps,......I'm changing." Angelique (posing as Alexis)

"If I knew the answer to Dameon Edwards, I'd give it to you." Trask (uhhhhh - what was the question?)

"I will no longer bow to fate." Barnabas

"If I thought I could join him, I would stay here forever." Dr. Julia Hoffman (referring to Barnabas)

"and now - later - the party is over" Voice over announcer

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"I've listened very carefully since I've been here." Barnabas

"Do any of us know where our dreams come from?" Alexis (Angelique)

"I'm engaged in a rather unusual scientific practice." Yaeger

"The fact is, she got there. So she must have some way of getting there!" Quentin PT

"Mr. Barnabas is a member of the Collins family - that name alone indicates integrity." Elizabeth Collins Stoddard PT

"Somebody should have realized that Cyrus and Yaeger, were never seen together." Quentin PT

"I should warn you that I don't enjoy playing games." Inspector Hamilton

"I find this all so hard to believe." Quentin PT

"Time past and future, our time and parallel time, the curse is still with me!" Barnabas Collins

"You mustn't ask and I mustn't tell." Mrs. Johnson

"Growing up is learning to be sensible." Hallie Stokes

"Nobody goes for a walk at one o'clock in the morning." Dr. J. Hoffman

"A visitor only stays for a week." David Collins

"Carolyn has no song, in fact Carolyn cannot sing." Elizabeth Collins Stoddard

"Why can't we ever find out what causes these things?" Quentin

"I'm only interested in the living." Gerard Stiles

"I can't believe it... Quentin dead! But, he was so alive!" Desmond Collins

"Quentin dead, how could he be? I didn't kill him!" Daniel Collins

"That man is his father's son!" Lamar Trask (speaking about Barnabas)

"Barnabas Collins is the only man I ever loved" Angelique

"A vampire has a great many powers." Quentin

"It's the luck of the Collins'. We seem to attract every oddity on Earth." Desmond Collins

"Everything is never alright in this house." Quentin 1840

"I don't know where I'll be in the future." Gerard Stiles

"There is nothing on earth that can keep us together - aaaaa - apart!" Roxanne Drew to Barnabas

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"Let's play out this tawdry little scene to its conclusion." Angelique/Valerie

"Death is merely an extension of life. Judah Zachery will live on and he will have his revenge." Judah Zachery unmasked - 1692

"Logic will not give us the answer." Lamar Trask

"I've never harmed anyone, just for the sake of harming them." Angelique

"You are an angel among gargoyles." Quentin to Daphne

"When I'm through with you - you'll have nothing, because you are nothing." Daniel to Gabriel

"I think it would be best if I remained in the dark shadows." Stiles

"Instincts do not constitute proof." Flora Collins

"Barnabas is quite human, all too human, I'm afraid." Julia Hoffman

"Anyone can hold a seance. Anyone can try to communicate with the dead. That does not constitute witchcraft." Desmond Collins

"When a woman has sad thoughts, she shows it. When another woman sees her, she knows it." Julia to Daphne

"Ghosts don't knock!" Gerard to a frightened Samantha

"I'm getting rather tired of people accusing me of everything." Gerard

"I don't know anything anymore." Samantha Collins

"When I was born, I saw the light of day and when I die, I want to see the dark of night." Quentin Collins (1840)

"So this is how it all ends." Barnabas Collins

"Your beautiful face, so quiet, as if you were asleep." Barnabas Collins (to the deceased Angelique)

"Am I never to see your eyes again?" Barnabas about Angelique

"I never guessed that beneath my rage, I felt a love as strong as yours." Barnabas Collins

"I don't know what to say, except thank you." Barnabas Collins

"It made me realize something I've always known but never admitted." Barnabas Collins

"She is my only love - and I never knew it!" Barnabas about Angelique

"I know now, I know how I feel." Barnabas

"Quentin's staircase is a joke!" Desmond Collins

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"I love New York." Leticia Faye (Did she know Ed Koch?)

"The refrigerator is filled with food and that's an encouraging sign." Prof T. E. Stokes

"Its been a pleasant winter - so calm and peaceful. I really enjoyed it." Elizabeth Collins Stoddard

"I'm sick of wondering what happens in that room!" Gabriel Collins (1841PT)

"This family never does anything in a CONVENTIONAL way." Quentin Collins (1841PT)

"Julia doesn't get along well with outsiders." Melanie Collins

"Funny, an undertaker buried by two women in a field." Julia Collins (1841PT)

"The only thing wrong with the Collins (family) is 160 years of opinionated fear." Catherine Harridge

"Everyone in this family is dangerous." Julia Collins

"Don't be gentle. Threaten me! Frighten me!" Catherine Harridge

"I didn't murder her, I left her alive." Melanie Collins

"She is what the family needs now, a woman with common sense." Julia Collins

"If we can just find a way of telling the truth without anyone really knowing what happened." Quentin Collins (1841PT)

"I'm a rather young woman, but I'm still a woman!" Daphne Harridge

"I don't know what any of this madness means." Morgan Collins

"All men's clothing look alike." Morgan Collins

"Brother killing brother - It's not the first time its happened in the Collins' family." Quentin Collins (1841PT)

"If she killed him, she deserves to know." Morgan Collins

"I want to talk to you seriously, this is much more important than the plague!" Morgan Collins

"I learned a long time ago never to trust or confide in a Collins. It could be fatal." Morgan Collins possessed by J. Forsythe

"For a Collins, there is no such thing as a happy ending." Melanie

"Sleeping is not one of the safest things you can do in this house." Morgan Collins possessed by J. Forsythe

"If you came here looking for truth, you came to the wrong place." Melanie Collins

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"You must tell me, tell me, you must." Julia Collins

"I've given her nothing to live for and now she's dying." Bramwell

"There is never anything to be cheerful about in this house." Kendrick Young

"The dark shadows at Collinwood were but a memory of the distant past." Voice over

===================================================================== Part XIII.- DARK SHADOWS ON THE SCI FI CHANNEL=====================================================================

The 1966 Dark Shadows series (all 1225 episodes) are currently in their second run on the Sci Fi channel. The dates below will give you target dates for the starts and finish of the different storylines.These dates are APPROXIMATE! They are subject to change due to pre-emption for Holiday Specials or Movie Marathon weeks. (The April 1994Movie Marathon has been adjusted and marathons thru 3/15/96) In any event the storylines should not begin prior to the listed dates.

03/16/95 Exit the cast for the last time03/17/95 My Name is Victoria Winters....................

08/23/95 thru 12/08/95 The resurrection of the vampire Barnabas Collins and his search for a substitute Josette

12/11/95 thru 02/27/96 The 1795 Storyline

02/28/96 thru 07/15/96 The Adam & Eve storyline and the Dream Curse

07/16/96 thru 07/18/96 1796 mini flashback

07/19/96 thru 08/12/96 The ghosts of Quentin Collins and Beth

08/13/96 thru 12/19/96 1897 Storyline Quentin Collins & Beth Chavez Quentin Collins portrait The Hand of Count Petofi Quentin going to hell to reclaim Amanda 12/19/96 thru 02/20/97 The Leviathans

02/21/97 thru 04/18/97 1970 PT The murder and return of Angelique Cyrus Longworth and John Yaeger

04/18/97 thru 04/25/97 1995 - Collinwood in ruins

04/25/97 thru 05/23/97 1970 - the calm before the storm

05/23/97 thru 07/21/97 1840 - Judah Zachery

07/22/97 thru 08/21/97 1841 PT

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And then - maybe they will start all over again!

The episode chart below is fairly reliable - but varies whenever the Sci-Fi channel decides to throw in a holiday marathon or movie week, pre-empting the really good shows, like Dark Shadows!

AIR DATE EPISODE # AIR DATE EPISODE # AIR DATE EPISODE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2/12/96 440 3/25/96 496 5/ 6/96 557 2/12/96 441 3/25/96 497 5/ 6/96 558 2/13/96 442 3/26/96 498 5/ 7/96 559 2/13/96 443 3/26/96 499 5/ 7/96 560 2/14/96 BEAUTY & 3/27/96 500 5/ 8/96 561 2/14/96 THE BEAST 3/27/96 501 5/ 8/96 562 2/15/96 444 3/28/96 502 5/ 9/96 563 2/15/96 445 3/28/96 503 5/ 9/96 564 2/16/96 446 3/29/96 504 5/10/96 565 2/16/96 447 3/29/96 505 5/10/96 566 2/19/96 448 4/ 1/96 506 5/13/96 567 2/19/96 449 4/ 1/96 507 5/13/96 568 2/20/96 450 4/ 2/96 508 5/14/96 569 2/20/96 451 4/ 2/96 509 5/14/96 570 2/21/96 452 4/ 3/96 510 5/15/96 571 2/21/96 453 4/ 3/96 511 5/15/96 572 2/22/96 454 4/ 4/96 512 5/16/96 573 2/22/96 455 4/ 4/96 513 5/16/96 574 2/23/96 456 4/ 5/96 514 5/17/96 575 2/23/96 457 4/ 5/96 515 5/17/96 576 2/26/96 458 4/ 8/96 516 5/20/96 577 2/26/96 459 4/ 8/96 517 5/20/96 578 2/27/96 460 4/ 9/96 518 5/21/96 579 2/27/96 461 4/ 9/96 519 5/21/96 580 2/28/96 462 4/10/96 520 5/22/96 581 2/28/96 463 4/10/96 521 5/22/96 582 2/29/96 QUANTUM LEAP 4/11/96 522 5/23/96 583 2/29/96 MARATHON 4/11/96 523 5/23/96 584 3/ 1/96 464 4/12/96 524 5/24/96 585 3/ 1/96 465 4/12/96 525 5/24/96 586 3/ 4/96 466 4/15/96 526 5/27/96 587 3/ 4/96 467 4/15/96 527 5/27/96 588 3/ 5/96 468 4/16/96 528 5/28/96 589 3/ 5/96 469 4/16/96 529 5/28/96 590 3/ 6/96 470 4/17/96 530 5/29/96 591 3/ 6/96 471 4/17/96 531 5/29/96 592 3/ 7/96 472 4/18/96 532/533 5/30/96 593 3/ 7/96 473 4/18/96 534 5/30/96 594 3/ 8/96 474 4/19/96 535 5/31/96 595 3/ 8/96 475 4/19/96 536 5/31/96 596 3/11/96 476 4/22/96 537 6/ 3/96 597 3/11/96 477 4/22/96 538 6/ 3/96 598 3/12/96 478 4/23/96 539 6/ 4/96 599

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3/12/96 479 4/23/96 540 6/ 4/96 600 3/13/96 480 4/24/96 541 6/ 5/96 601 3/13/96 481 4/24/96 542 6/ 5/96 602 3/14/96 482 4/25/96 543 6/ 6/96 603 3/14/96 483 4/25/96 544 6/ 6/96 604 3/15/96 484 4/26/96 545 6/ 7/96 605 3/15/96 485 4/26/96 546 6/ 7/96 606 3/18/96 486 4/29/96 547 6/10/96 607 3/18/96 487 4/29/96 548 6/10/96 608 3/19/96 488 4/30/96 549 6/11/96 609 3/19/96 489 4/30/96 550 6/11/96 610 3/20/96 490 5/ 1/96 551 6/12/96 611 3/20/96 491 5/ 1/96 552 6/12/96 612 3/21/96 492 5/ 2/96 553 6/13/96 613 3/21/96 493 5/ 2/96 554 6/13/96 614 3/22/96 494 5/ 3/96 555 6/14/96 615 3/22/96 495 5/ 3/96 556 6/14/96 616 AIR DATE EPISODE # AIR DATE EPISODE # AIR DATE EPISODE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/17/96 617 7/29/96 679 9/ 9/96 739 6/17/96 618 7/29/96 680 9/ 9/96 740 6/18/96 619 7/30/96 681 9/10/96 741 6/18/96 620 7/30/96 682 9/10/96 742 6/19/96 621 7/31/96 683 9/11/96 743 6/19/96 622 7/31/96 684 9/11/96 744 6/20/96 623 8/ 1/96 685 9/12/96 745 6/20/96 624 8/ 1/96 686 9/12/96 746 6/21/96 625 8/ 2/96 687 9/13/96 747 6/21/96 626 8/ 2/96 688 9/13/96 748 6/24/96 627 8/ 5/96 689 9/16/96 749 6/24/96 628 8/ 5/96 690 9/16/96 750 6/25/96 629 8/ 6/96 691 9/17/96 751 6/25/96 630 8/ 6/96 692 9/17/96 752 6/26/96 631 8/ 7/96 693 9/18/96 753 6/26/96 632 8/ 7/96 694 9/18/96 754 6/27/96 633/634 8/ 8/96 695 9/19/96 755 6/27/96 635 8/ 8/96 696 9/19/96 756 6/28/96 636 8/ 9/96 697 9/20/96 757 6/28/96 637 8/ 9/96 698 9/20/96 758 7/ 1/96 638 8/12/96 699 9/23/96 759 7/ 1/96 639 8/12/96 700 9/23/96 760 7/ 2/96 640 8/13/96 701 9/24/96 761 7/ 2/96 641 8/13/96 702 9/24/96 762 7/ 3/96 642 8/14/96 703 9/25/96 763 7/ 3/96 643 8/14/96 704 9/25/96 764 7/ 4/96 644 8/15/96 705 9/26/96 765 7/ 4/96 645 8/15/96 706 9/26/96 766 7/ 5/96 646 8/16/96 707 9/27/96 767 7/ 5/96 647 8/16/96 708 9/27/96 768 7/ 8/96 648 8/19/96 709 9/30/96 769

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7/ 8/96 649 8/19/96 710 9/30/96 770 7/ 9/96 650 8/20/96 711 10/ 1/96 771 7/ 9/96 651 8/20/96 712 10/ 1/96 772 7/10/96 652/653 8/21/96 713 10/ 2/96 773 7/10/96 654 8/21/96 714 10/ 2/96 774 7/11/96 655 8/22/96 715 10/ 3/96 775 7/11/96 656 8/22/96 716 10/ 3/96 776 7/12/96 657 8/23/96 717 10/ 4/96 777 7/12/96 658 8/23/96 718 10/ 4/96 778 7/15/96 659 8/26/96 719 10/ 7/96 779 7/15/96 660 8/26/96 720 10/ 7/96 780 7/16/96 661 8/27/96 721 10/ 8/96 781 7/16/96 662 8/27/96 722 10/ 8/96 782 7/17/96 663 8/28/96 723 10/ 9/96 783 7/17/96 664 8/28/96 724 10/ 9/96 784 7/18/96 665 8/29/96 725 10/10/96 785 7/18/96 666 8/29/96 726 10/10/96 786 7/19/96 667 8/30/96 727 10/11/96 787 7/19/96 668 8/30/96 728 10/11/96 788 7/22/96 669 9/ 2/96 729 10/14/96 789 7/22/96 670 9/ 2/96 730 10/14/96 790 7/23/96 671 9/ 3/96 731 10/15/96 791 7/23/96 672 9/ 3/96 732 10/15/96 792 7/24/96 673 9/ 4/96 733 10/16/96 793 7/24/96 674 9/ 4/96 734 10/16/96 794 7/25/96 675 9/ 5/96 735 10/17/96 795 7/25/96 676 9/ 5/96 736 10/17/96 796 7/26/96 677 9/ 6/96 737 10/18/96 797 7/26/96 678 9/ 6/96 738 10/18/96 798 AIR DATE EPISODE # AIR DATE EPISODE # AIR DATE EPISODE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/21/96 799 12/ 2/96 861 1/13/97 923 10/21/96 800 12/ 2/96 862 1/13/97 924 10/22/96 801/802 12/ 3/96 863 1/14/97 925 10/22/96 803 12/ 3/96 864 1/14/97 926 10/23/96 804 12/ 4/96 865 1/15/97 927 10/23/96 805 12/ 4/96 866 1/15/97 928 10/24/96 806 12/ 5/96 867 1/16/97 929 10/24/96 807 12/ 5/96 868 1/16/97 930 10/25/96 808 12/ 6/96 869 1/17/97 931 10/25/96 809 12/ 6/96 870 1/17/97 932 10/28/96 810 12/ 9/96 870 1/20/97 933 10/28/96 811 12/ 9/96 871 1/20/97 934 10/29/96 812 12/10/96 872 1/21/97 935 10/29/96 813 12/10/96 873 1/21/97 936 10/30/96 814 12/11/96 874 1/22/97 937 10/30/96 815 12/11/96 875 1/22/97 938 10/31/96 816 12/12/96 876 1/23/97 939 10/31/96 817 12/12/96 877 1/23/97 940 11/ 1/96 818 12/13/96 878 1/24/97 941

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11/ 1/96 819 12/13/96 879 1/24/97 942 11/ 4/96 820 12/16/96 880 1/27/97 943 11/ 4/96 821 12/16/96 881 1/27/97 944 11/ 5/96 822 12/17/96 882 1/28/97 945 11/ 5/96 823/824 12/17/96 883 1/28/97 946 11/ 6/96 825 12/18/96 884 1/29/97 947 11/ 6/96 826 12/18/96 885 1/29/97 948 11/ 7/96 827 12/19/96 886 1/30/97 949 11/ 7/96 828 12/19/96 887 1/30/97 950 11/ 8/96 829 12/20/96 888 1/31/97 951 11/ 8/96 830 12/20/96 889 1/31/97 952 11/11/96 831 12/23/96 890 2/ 3/97 953 11/11/96 832 12/23/96 891 2/ 3/97 954 11/12/96 833 12/24/96 892 2/ 4/97 955 11/12/96 834 12/24/96 893 2/ 4/97 956 11/13/96 835 12/25/96 894/895 2/ 5/97 957 11/13/96 836 12/25/96 896 2/ 5/97 958 11/14/96 837 12/26/96 897 2/ 6/97 959 11/14/96 838 12/26/96 898 2/ 6/97 960 11/15/96 839 12/27/96 899 2/ 7/97 961 11/15/96 840 12/27/96 900 2/ 7/97 962 11/18/96 841 12/30/96 901 2/10/97 963 11/18/96 842 12/30/96 902 2/10/97 964 11/19/96 843 12/31/96 903 2/11/97 965 11/19/96 844 12/31/96 904 2/11/97 966 11/20/96 845 1/ 1/97 905 2/12/97 967 11/20/96 846 1/ 1/97 906 2/12/97 968 11/21/96 847 1/ 2/97 907 2/13/97 969 11/21/96 848 1/ 2/97 908 2/13/97 970 11/22/96 849 1/ 3/97 909 2/14/97 971 11/22/96 850 1/ 3/97 910 2/14/97 972 11/25/96 851 1/ 6/97 911 2/17/97 973 11/25/96 852 1/ 6/97 912 2/17/97 974 11/26/96 853 1/ 7/97 913/914 2/18/97 975 11/26/96 854 1/ 7/97 915 2/18/97 976 11/27/96 855 1/ 8/97 916 2/19/97 977 11/27/96 856 1/ 8/97 917 2/19/97 978 11/28/96 857 1/ 9/97 918 2/20/97 979 11/28/96 858 1/ 9/97 919/920 2/20/97 980 11/29/96 859 1/10/97 921 2/21/97 981 11/29/96 860 1/10/97 922 2/21/97 982 AIR DATE EPISODE # AIR DATE EPISODE # AIR DATE EPISODE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2/24/97 983 4/ 7/97 1042 5/19/97 1101 2/24/97 984 4/ 7/97 1043 5/19/97 1102 2/25/97 985 4/ 8/97 1044 5/20/97 1103 2/25/97 986 4/ 8/97 1045 5/20/97 1104 2/26/97 987 4/ 9/97 1046 5/21/97 1105 2/26/97 988 4/ 9/97 1047 5/21/97 1106

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2/27/97 989 4/10/97 1048 5/22/97 1107 2/27/97 990 4/10/97 1049 5/22/97 1108 2/28/97 991 4/11/97 1050 5/23/97 1109 2/28/97 992 4/11/97 1051 5/23/97 1110 3/ 3/97 993 4/14/97 1052 5/26/97 1111 3/ 3/97 994 4/14/97 1053 5/26/97 1112 3/ 4/97 995 4/15/97 1054 5/27/97 1113 3/ 4/97 996 4/15/97 1055 5/27/97 1114 3/ 5/97 997 4/16/97 1056 5/28/97 1115 3/ 5/97 998 4/16/97 1057 5/28/97 1116 3/ 6/97 999 4/17/97 1058 5/29/97 1117 3/ 6/97 1000 4/17/97 1059 5/29/97 1118 3/ 7/97 1001 4/18/97 1060 5/30/97 1119 3/ 7/97 1002 4/18/97 1061 5/30/97 1120 3/10/97 1003 4/21/97 1062 6/ 2/97 1121 3/10/97 1004 4/21/97 1063 6/ 2/97 1122 3/11/97 1005 4/22/97 1064 6/ 3/97 1123 3/11/97 1006 4/22/97 1065 6/ 3/97 1124 3/12/97 1007 4/23/97 1066 6/ 4/97 1125 3/12/97 1008 4/23/97 1067 6/ 4/97 1126 3/13/97 1009 4/24/97 1068 6/ 5/97 1127 3/13/97 1010 4/24/97 1069 6/ 5/97 1128 3/14/97 1011 4/25/97 1070 6/ 6/97 1129 3/14/97 1012 4/25/97 1071 6/ 6/97 1130 3/17/97 1013 4/28/97 1072 6/ 9/97 1131 3/17/97 1014 4/28/97 1073 6/ 9/97 1132 3/18/97 1015 4/29/97 1074 6/10/97 1133 3/18/97 1016 4/29/97 1075 6/10/97 1134/1135 3/19/97 1017 4/30/97 1076 6/11/97 1136 3/19/97 1018 4/30/97 1077 6/11/97 1137 3/20/97 1019 5/ 1/97 1078 6/12/97 1138 3/20/97 1020 5/ 1/97 1079 6/12/97 1139 3/21/97 1021 5/ 2/97 1080 6/13/97 1140 3/21/97 1022 5/ 2/97 1081 6/13/97 1141 3/24/97 1023 5/ 5/97 1082 6/16/97 1142 3/24/97 1024 5/ 5/97 1083 6/16/97 1143 3/25/97 1025 5/ 6/97 1084 6/17/97 1144 3/25/97 1026 5/ 6/97 1085 6/17/97 1145 3/26/97 1027 5/ 7/97 1086 6/18/97 1146 3/26/97 1028 5/ 7/97 1087 6/18/97 1147 3/27/97 1029 5/ 8/97 1088 6/19/97 1148 3/27/97 1030 5/ 8/97 1089 6/19/97 1149 3/28/97 1031 5/ 9/97 1090 6/20/97 1150 3/28/97 1032 5/ 9/97 1091 6/20/97 1151 3/31/97 1033 5/12/97 1092 6/23/97 1152 3/31/97 1034 5/12/97 1093 6/23/97 1153 4/ 1/97 1035 5/13/97 1094 6/24/97 1154/1155 4/ 1/97 1036 5/13/97 1095 6/24/97 1156 4/ 2/97 1037 5/14/97 1096 6/25/97 1157 4/ 2/97 1038 5/14/97 1097 6/25/97 1158 4/ 3/97 1039 5/15/97 1098 6/26/97 1159 4/ 3/97 1040 5/15/97 1099 6/26/97 1160

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4/ 4/97 1041 5/16/97 1100 6/27/97 1161 4/ 4/97 1042 5/16/97 1101 6/27/97 1162 AIR DATE EPISODE # AIR DATE EPISODE # AIR DATE EPISODE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/29/97 1163 8/10/97 1226 9/21/97 6/29/97 1164 8/10/97 1227 9/21/97 6/30/97 1165 8/11/97 1228 9/22/97 6/30/97 1166 8/11/97 1229 9/22/97 7/ 1/97 1167 8/12/97 1230 9/23/97 7/ 1/97 1168 8/12/97 1231 9/23/97 7/ 2/97 1169 8/13/97 1232 9/24/97 7/ 2/97 1170 8/13/97 1233 9/24/97 7/ 3/97 1171 8/14/97 1234 9/25/97 7/ 3/97 1172 8/14/97 1235 9/25/97 7/ 6/97 1173 8/17/97 1236 9/28/97 7/ 6/97 1174/1175 8/17/97 1237 9/28/97 7/ 7/97 1176 8/18/97 1238 9/29/97 7/ 7/97 1177 8/18/97 1239 9/29/97 7/ 8/97 1178 8/19/97 1240 9/30/97 7/ 8/97 1179/1180 8/19/97 1241 9/30/97 7/ 9/97 1181 8/20/97 1242 10/ 1/97 7/ 9/97 1182 8/20/97 1243 10/ 1/97 7/10/97 1183 8/21/97 1244 10/ 2/97 7/10/97 1184 8/21/97 1245 10/ 2/97 7/13/97 1185 8/24/97 10/ 5/97 7/13/97 1186 8/24/97 10/ 5/97 7/14/97 1187 8/25/97 10/ 6/97 7/14/97 1188 8/25/97 10/ 6/97 7/15/97 1189 8/26/97 10/ 7/97 7/15/97 1190 8/26/97 10/ 7/97 7/16/97 1191 8/27/97 10/ 8/97 7/16/97 1192 8/27/97 10/ 8/97 7/17/97 1193 8/28/97 10/ 9/97 7/17/97 1194 8/28/97 10/ 9/97 7/20/97 1195 8/31/97 10/12/97 7/20/97 1196 8/31/97 10/12/97 7/21/97 1197 9/ 1/97 10/13/97 7/21/97 1198 9/ 1/97 10/13/97 7/22/97 1199 9/ 2/97 10/14/97 7/22/97 1200 9/ 2/97 10/14/97 7/23/97 1201 9/ 3/97 10/15/97 7/23/97 1202 9/ 3/97 10/15/97 7/24/97 1203 9/ 4/97 10/16/97 7/24/97 1204 9/ 4/97 10/16/97 7/27/97 1205 9/ 7/97 10/19/97 7/27/97 1206 9/ 7/97 10/19/97 7/28/97 1207/1208 9/ 8/97 10/20/97 7/28/97 1209 9/ 8/97 10/20/97

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7/29/97 1210 9/ 9/97 10/21/97 7/29/97 1211 9/ 9/97 10/21/97 7/30/97 1212 9/10/97 10/22/97 7/30/97 1213 9/10/97 10/22/97 7/31/97 1214 9/11/97 10/23/97 7/31/97 1215 9/11/97 10/23/97 8/ 3/97 1216 9/14/97 10/26/97 8/ 3/97 1217 9/14/97 10/26/97 8/ 4/97 1218 9/15/97 10/27/97 8/ 4/97 1219 9/15/97 10/27/97 8/ 5/97 1220 9/16/97 10/28/97 8/ 5/97 1221 9/16/97 10/28/97 8/ 6/97 1222 9/17/97 10/29/97 8/ 6/97 1223 9/17/97 10/29/97 8/ 7/97 1224 9/18/97 10/30/97 8/ 7/97 1225 9/18/97 10/30/97 ================================================================= PART XIV. - DARK SHADOWS Q & A (ABC)=================================================================

The Collins Family Paradox: ===========================(a) "There are too many unanswered questions!" Daniel Collins


(b) "It's not healthy to ask questions!" Gabriel 1841PT ===========================================


*** { WARNING - There are plot spoilers inherent in this guide} *** [ Honestly - lots of them! ]


LIST OF QUESTIONS ANSWERED IN THIS SECTION:------------------------------------------





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BACK TO 1968








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N01: WHO IS MARILYN ROSS?N02: HOW MANY DARK SHADOWS NOVELS WERE THERE?N03: WHICH ARE THE SCARCEST OF THE NOVELS?N04: JUST HOW PROLIFIC WAS MR. ROSS?-------------------------------------------------------------------------

A01: WHAT WAS THE ORIGINAL TITLE FOR THE SERIES?A: The story bible was titled: "Shadows on the Wall"

They had also considered: Castle Of Darkness; The House On Widow's Hill; and Terror At Collinwood

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A02: WHAT'S IN A NAME?A: T. Elliot Stokes = Probably meant to be T. Eliot Stokes Sam Hall was a big fan of T.S. Eliot. He and Grayson inhabited the coffee house, Russian Cigar smoking, literary clique of the West End, where Eliot was no doubt well Quoted.

Dr. Julia Hoffman = The script called for noted serologist Dr. Julius Hoffman, to be the fearless vampire hunter. That's why before he/she appears, everyone is using male pronouns. Then along came Grayson Hall, wife of DS (1966) writer Sam Hall and mother of writer Matt Hall who would later be technical advisor to the resurrected DS (1991).

Josette du Pres = was originally called Josette La Freniere - but this was later changed by script writers to Josette du Pres

Victoria Winters = Sheila was considered as a name before they chose "Victoria" Winters.

Mr. Juggins (David's mannequin friend) = was this an inside joke reference to Max Jughans, the boom operator?

Amy Jennings, younger sister of Tom and Chris Jennings was consistently refered to as Molly before we actually met her - and then she was Amy.

Bartenders have always had to put up with less than sober patrons calling them whatever was on the tip of the tongue at the moment. Imagine how much worse it is in Collinsport - between actors gaffs and writers fickle mood. Joe Haskell calls the bartender at the Blue Whale "Punchy", Burke calls him "Andy", Sam calls him "Bill" and finally Sam calls him "Bob" (Bob Rooney as we all know was indeed the Whales Bartender.)

There is also a good deal of Biblical reference in Dark Shadows Names - particularly in the 1795 flashback. This is quite appropriate since biblical (Old Testament in particular) names were a mainstay in colonial New England. Lets see what we have:

Lets take the immediate family first:

Barnabas - the son of consolation - a model of piety in a New Testament vignette - there is also the Epistle of Barnabas (a non canonical text) which originated in Egypt ca. 130. It is characterized by an extreme allegorical interpretation of the Old Testament, which enabled some groups of early Christians to find reference to Christ in every Old Testament incident and story. Joshua - fought the battle of Jericho, general who took over leadership of the Israelites after Moses died. Naomi - Ruth's mother-in-law Sarah - wife of Abraham Jeremiah - a prophet Abigail - one of the wives of King David

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Other family members and friends:

Isaac - he laughed - son of Abraham, patriarch of Israel Andrew - brother of Peter - apostle Judah - one of the 13 sons of Jacob (Israel), he was a brother of Joseph, the kid with the multi-colored coat Peter - Chief of the apostles - the rock Purity - a virtue (another popular type of name in the early colonies, along with Faith, Hope and Charity) Daniel - remember the lions den Nathan - prophet during the reign of King David Noah - managed the flood rescue project Ben(jamin) - Jacob's youngest son Ruby - If not a virtue or a flower try a gemstone

Bye the way - Carolyn Stoddard could could also take some comfort in the fact that old Buzz had a traditional side too. In Genesis we read of Uz and Buz, brothers - the sons of Abraham's brother Nahor.

A03: HOW DO THEY EXPLAIN ALL OF THE LOOK-ALIKES?A: The theory of Astral and Ancestral Twins. (there's Cathy who's lived most everywhere........)


(in case you don't recall - Marsha Mason - wife of playwright Neil Simon - was in the Leviathan storyline as Audrey, the Leviathan vampire girl.)

A05: WHAT LITERARY CLASSICS WERE ADAPTED FOR DARK SHADOWS?A: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde = R.L. Stevenson (Yaeger/Longworth) Frankenstein = Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Dr. Lang/Adam/Eve) Orpheus in the Underworld = (Quentin/Amanda Harris) Rebecca = Daphne Du Maurier (Quentin/Maggie/Hoffman in 1970PT) The Cask of Amontillado = E.A. Poe (Trask et al, walled up) The Cthulhu Mythos = H.P. Lovecraft (the Leviathan episodes) The Lottery = Shirley Jackson The Monkey's Paw = Guy de Maupassant (Petofi's Hand) The Monkey's Paw = W.W. Jacob (Petofi's Hand) The Picture of Dorian Grey = Oscar Wilde (Quentin's Portrait) The Pit and the Pendulum = E.A. Poe (Quentin vs Petofi/Aristede) The Premature Burial = E.A. Poe (Elizabeth Collins Stoddard) The Tell-Tale Heart = E.A. Poe (Barnabas in 1970PT among others) Turn of the Screw = Henry James (Quentin/Beth or Stiles/Daphne) Wuthering Heights = Emily Bronte (Morgan/Catherine/Bramwell)

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A06: WHAT WAS DS COMPETITION WHEN IT ORIGINALLY AIRED?A: When Dark Shadows aired at 3:30 p.m. EST, replacing "Never Too Young" in the ABC-TV daytime lineup, NBC had "You Don't Say" and CBS was airing "Edge Of Night".

A07: WHICH ACTORS REFUSED TO WORK DURING THE 1967 NABET STRIKE?A: Robert Gerringer (Dr. Dave Woodard) and Daniel Keyes (Caretaker). Their roles were recast.

A08: HOW ACCURATE IS COLLINSPORT HISTORY?A: The history, timeline and intercharacter relationships in Dark Shadows are thoroughly consistent at any given moment. If, however, you are one of those nit pickers who insists on consistency between any given moments - then give up! All Pre-Barnabas arrival and Post-Barnabas arrival dates and historical incidents are at odds. Even within sections of storyline - dates, names and events can change radically. (Laura (The Phoenix) is given more birth and death days then you could imagine). In the early episodes it is stated over and over again that Elizabeth's Great-Grandfather Jeremiah built Collinwood. But Elizabeth is descended from Daniel Collins - the son of Jeremiah's brother, Theodore. And as we learn in the 1795 flashback - Collinwood is built by Joshua Collins when he is planning to give the Old House to his son Barnabas, as a wedding gift. Vicki opens an episode by saying, " Collinwood sits as it has for 130 years." Thus implying that it was built in 1836 - or at least stopped walking around at that point. In the same episode Roger says the house was built in 1816, and we all know from the 1795 flashback that the house existed in 1796! Of course in Parallel Time, Brutus Collins was already ensconced in Collinwood in 1680!

So try not to get too manic and be happy for the "facts" we have.

B01: WHAT WAS THE LOCATION USED IN THE ABC SERIES FOR EXTERIORS?A: Collinwood was the Carey Mansion in Newport, Rhode Island - also called Seaview Terrace. The rearview of the Estate was most often used.

The Old House was on the Lyndhurst Estate in Tarrytown, NY. (it burned down in 1969)

Collinsport was modeled after Essex, Connecticut - where exteriors were shot for the Pre-Barnabas stories.

The Collinsport Inn is The Griswold Inn in Essex, CT. The Blue Whale was The Black Pearl in Newport, R.I.. Other outdoor location film shots inserted include: The train speeding through the countryside at night The Collinsport Railway Station Platform The Outside of Sam Evans' Cottage The exterior of the Caretaker's cottage

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The backyard of Collinwood - stone terraces, walls and gardens The docks down by the boatyard

B02: JUST WHERE IS COLLINSPORT, MAINE?A: Along the coast of Maine near Frenchman's Bay in Hancock County, 50 miles from Bangor. The town is primarily an artist's colony and summer resort, but it is also the home base of the Collins Cannery and fishing fleet.

Collinwood is a 30 minute walk from the town.

Collinwood was built in 1795/6 on the highest hill in the area, Widow's Hill, so named because women from the town would go there to look out to sea, hoping for their loved ones return. On stormy evenings - what other kind are their in Collinsport? - you can still hear the mournful wail of the bereft women. In the Pre-Barnabas tales - the house had been built by Jeremiah Collins, who kicked the widows off the hill and forbade their return. Nice Guy!

The house is situated 100 ft above the base of the cliff. The road off of the estate is about 200 ft long (Roger Collins lost control of his car 100 feet from the bottom of the hill - which was considered to be about halfway down.) Burke Devlin estimated it would have cost $250,000.00 to build Collinwood in 1966, land not included.

The Old House is also on the estate. A short cut from the main door of the New House (Collinwood) "past the greenhouse, through that clump of trees" to a fence, then a quarter mile further on."

Simm's Cove is 2 miles north of the cannery Lookout Point is half way (15 min walk) between Bill Malloy's house and the cannery B03: WHO LIVES WHERE IN COLLINSPORT (1966-70)?A: On the Estate:

Collinwood (the Main House): Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Carolyn Stoddard, Roger Collins, David Collins, Mrs. Johnson, Victoria Winters and at various times Maggie Evans, Adam, Harry Johnson, Paul Stoddard, Jason McGuire, Willie Loomis, Amy Jennings, Hallie Stokes, Quentin Collins, Cassandra Blair Collins, Dr. Julia Hoffman and more ghosts and spirits than you'd care to hear about! the Old House: eventually Barnabas and Willie Loomis live there. the Caretakers Cottage: Matthew Morgan (the cottage is about 100 yards from Collinwood, through the trees and can't be seen from the Main House). If you stop by when he is in a good mood, and that is rare, you may get some food, served on Blue Willow china. Laura Collins.

In Town: the Blue Whale: nobody lives here - but they all hang out here! Collinsport Inn: Mr. Wells is the manager in residence, Maggie

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Evans works here and Burke Devlin rents three rooms on the top floor when he blows into town. Laura Collins, Chris Jennings and Paul Stoddard were also guests here. Sabrina and Ned Stuart. the Stokes House: Prof. Timothy Elliot Stokes, Adam. the Lang House: Dr. Eric Lang and Adam, Eve, Jeff Clark. the Cottage that Nicholas rents: Nicholas Blair, Angelique, Adam and Eve (it's also known as "The House by The Sea") the Constable's Office and Jail: the Eagle Hill Cemetary: Caretaker the Antique Shop: Megan and Philip Todd and an assortment of Leviathan Brats. Nearby: the Rumson Estate: Sky and Angelique Rumson and houseguest Carolyn Stoddard. B04: HOW MANY ROOMS WERE THERE IN COLLINWOOD (NEW HOUSE)?A: Elizabeth tells Victoria there are 40 rooms when she arrives, but in a voiceover Vicki says there are 80. I'd trust Elizabeth - Vicki was just over enthusiastic.

B05: HOW MANY SERVANTS WERE NEEDED TO RUN COLLINWOOD? A: Before Elizabeth Liz fired the entire Collinwood staff and went into seclusion, the staff consisted of 2 chauffeurs, 3 cooks, an upstairs maid, a butler, a housekeeper, a handyman, several gardeners, and dozens of temps when the occassion warrented.

B06: HOW MANY SECRET ROOMS ARE IN THE OLD HOUSE?A: According to the plans there are 4 Secret rooms/passages.

B07: WHY WAS THERE A SECRET ROOM IN THE MAUSOLEUM?A: It was built during the American Revolution to store weapons in.

B08: WHAT IS THE COLLINWOOD PHONE NUMBER?A: In 1897 it was Collinsport 332. (and if you need medical assistance in 1897 call 641 for Dr. Brooks) By 1966 population explosion forced a fourth digit and the number became - Collinsport 4099.

In 1969 you could reach the Antiques Store Phone # = Collinsport 6817

P.I. Bronson's number in New York is Lexington 2-0098

B09: WHAT DS CAST MEMBER, HAD A SPOUSE SO JEALOUS THAT THE SPOUSE ACTUALLY SHOT AT THE CAST MEMBERS AGENT, BECAUSE THE SPOUSE THOUGHT THE AGENT WAS INTERESTED IN TOO MUCH MORE THAN THE CAST MEMBERS CAREER? A: The Agent in question was Jennings Lang and while talking to his client in a parking lot he was shot at by a very jealous husband, Producer / Director William Wanger, who went to Jail for two years. Even in Hollywood they frown on shooting agents, though I think it does only count as a misdemeanor. When the shooter came out of prison, his loving wife was still waiting for him.

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They reconciled and remained together until his death, 15 years later.

William was the third husband of stately and oh-so-proper Joan Bennett, our very own Elizabeth Collins Stoddard.

Her first marriage was in 1926 when she ran away with "the son of a millionaire" at the age of 16. By 17 Joan was a mother, by 18 she was divorced.

Second hubby was writer Gene Markey.

She married William Wanger in 1941, although he had contracted her as one of his principals in 1934 after her critical success in Little Women. The shooting was in 1951 and Wanger died in 1968 during DARK SHADOWS tenure.

Bye the way, while we are on the subject and in case anyone cares, Joan was the younger sister of Film star Constance Bennett and the daughter of Broadway Matinee Idol and later popular supporting actor - Richard Bennett. Both girls got introduced to Hollywood when pops took a sabbatical from the NY stage to direct "talkies". Third sister Barbara also was in the movies, but only briefly.

Gosh - those girls could have produced enough Bennett cousins to compete with the Parallel Time Collins Family. (And while we count husbands - Constance was survived by her fifth spouse!) Ahhhh Hollywood!

B10: OK, WHILE WE ARE DEALING WITH GOSSIP -WHAT DID HAPPEN BETWEEN ALEXANDRA MOLTKE AND CLAUS von BULOW?A: Well, in order to simplify this we will use the concise yet detailed answer which Lora Melby posted on the net:

Subj: The Other Trial of the Century (Von Bulow)

(From: [email protected], Lora L. Melby)

One of you asked me for details on Alexandra Moltke Isles' involvement withClaus Von Bulow. Since I'm going through the effort of compiling theinformation (sole source: Reversal of Fortune by Alan Dershowitz), Ithought I might as well share it with the rest of you.

* Alexandra:

The daughter of a Danish Count, Alexandra was born in Sweden but grew upin New York. Like Sunny Von Bulow before her, she attended the ChapinSchool. Alexandra's society debut was in the 1964-65 season. Shebelonged to the Colony Club, and, following Dark Shadows, married, had ason (Adam), and divorced.

* Alexandra and Claus:

They met by chance in April 1978 at the exclusive Knickerbocker Club in NewYork (it has nothing to do with basketball). However, their parents knew

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each other, and Count Moltke and others helped young Claus flee Denmarkafter the Nazis invaded in World War II. In addition, their grandfathershad been ministers together in the Danish government (Alexandra's wasforeign minister).

Their chance meeting initiated an immediate friendship, which swiftlyblossomed into romance. By March 1979, they began discussing marriage. InApril, she started pressuring -- asking "Would six months be suitable?" forClaus to make the break with Sunny. In the summer, she went to visit hermother in Ireland. When she returned, things were tense between her andClaus -- she was afraid he would never leave Sunny.

In December, she again traveled to Ireland. There she received aphone call from Claus saying that Sunny was in a coma. Sunny quicklyrecovered. When Alexandra returned to New York, Claus gave her theimpression that Sunny had attempted suicide because Claus was in love withsomeone else (Alexandra). Alexandra was skeptical that it was an activesuicide attempt, but felt Sunny could have been acting on a subconsciousdeath wish. For that reason, she stayed away from Claus for a few months.In May, the hospital established that the coma was from natural causes(reactive hypoglycemia?). So their romance renewed.

Late in the summer of 1980, Claus announced that he had gotten himself anapartment. At first, Alexandra thought it was a sign that he intended tomarry her, but she was quickly disillusioned. Angry over his lack ofcommitment, Alexandra left for a job in Washington. Claus tracked herdown, and they had coffee together at the Watergate Hotel. He proposed,but she said no.

Although they were no longer on intimate terms, she still felt warmlytowards him. She even invited him to her son's Christmas carol recital anddropped off Christmas presents for him at the apartment he shared withSunny's apartment (but they had already left for Newport). One of thegifts was wrapped in paper featuring hearts with bandaids on them. Thenext time she heard from Claus was when he informed her of Sunny's finalcoma.

In January 1981, Claus' stepdaughter, Ala, confronted him with rumors thathe was having an affair. Claus admitted his involvement with Alexandra,explaining that Sunny had been disinterested in sex since the birth ofCosima (13 years before). He claimed that Sunny had given him permissionto conduct discreet sexual liaisons.

Also in January 1981, Alexandra and Claus started to see each other morefrequently. To try life as a family together, they took her son (then age11) to Nassau in February. His daughter Cosima stayed home due to chickenpox, but they took a trip with her two months later, to Florida. Alexandraknew Claus was suspected of attempted murder but thought it "a pack ofnonsense."

In July 1981, Claus was indicted by a grand jury (allegedly, he hadattempted murder by injecting Sunny with insulin in December 1979 and againin December 1980). Alexandra's attorney advised her to stay away fromClaus, and she complied (except for a visit on Christmas Eve).

* Alexandra and The First Trial (February 1, 1982 to March 16, 1982):

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The prosecution used Alexandra to establish a motive. According to theirtheory, Claus didn't love his wife, Sunny, but he loved her money andsociety life. He loved Alexandra, but a divorce would leave him in reducedfinancial circumstances. If Sunny were to die an apparently *natural*death, Claus could keep both the money *and* Alexandra. Since it isdifficult to differentiate between insulin produced by the person'spancreas and insulin externally administered, an insulin injection was anideal choice of weapon.

Alexandra told the court that she didn't like being referring to as Claus'mistress. The prosecutor then asked her if she still loved Claus. Shepaused and responded sadly, "I don't know." He then asked if she stillthought the attempted murder charge was "a pack of nonsense." Again shereplied, "I don't know." This testimony was extremely damaging -- here wasa woman who obviously had strong feelings for her former-lover but whononetheless considered him potentially capable of the crime.

Despite the damage, the defense waived cross-examination. Supposedly, thegentlemanly Von Bulow didn't wish to submit her to further publicexamination. However, in an interview after the trial, Alexandradiscounted this and hinted vaguely that "there could have been some bombsdropped." One of her friends explained that although Alexandra hadn'tlied, she had held back, not wanting to be the cause of Claus' ruin. Inany event, the truly damaging testimony was provided by Sunny's maid, MariaSchrallhammer.

After 31 days of testimony and 37 hours of deliberation, the jury foundClaus guilty of two counts of assault with intent to murder.

* Alexandra and the Second Trial (April 25, 1985 to June 10, 1985):

With the aid of attorney/author Alan Dershowitz, Claus successfullyappealed the conviction and was granted a retrial. During the appeal andsecond trial, Claus was involved with a woman called Andrea Reynolds (who,unlike Alexandra, didn't insist on marriage).

Again, Alexandra was to be a key witness for the emotional (or "soapopera") part of the prosecution's case. Deep down, however, Alexandradidn't think she was the real motive: "The money was the motive," sherevealed to Sunny's financial advisor, "He had me for free."

As the prosecution's case neared conclusion, Alexandra still had notappeared. Rumors were flying that she had fled the country to avoidtestifying. There are two theories for her late appearance. 1) She wantedto create a dramatic entrance (reportedly she was enhancing her looks at anexclusive English spa called Forest Mere). 2) She and the prosecutionwanted to avoid putting her on the stand again by relying on her previoustestimony.

Indeed, the prosecution made a motion to allow Alexandra's previoustestimony into evidence. The defense objected because (a) she had not beencross-examined (due to Claus' "chivalry") and (b) the state hadn't gone toenough effort to locate her. The judge agreed. The prosecution had thelong Memorial Day weekend to track Alexandra down.

Her appearance was a media circus. She was greeted at the airport by theprosecution and plenty of cameras. Police escorted her to Boston's

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ritziest hotel. Guards protected her 24 hours a day. However, the jurywas sequestered and witnessed none of the spectacle.

Alexandra dropped one of those bombs she alluded to after the first trial.She discussed a telephone conversation with Claus after the first coma.She testified: "He said they had been having a long argument, talkingabout divorce that had gone on late into the night. She had drunk a greatdeal of eggnog, and then he said, 'I saw her take the Seconal'. And thenhe said the next day when she was unconscious that he had watched her,knowing that she was in a bad way, all day. And watched her and watchedher. And finally when she was on the point of dying he said that hecouldn't go through with it, and he called and saved her life."

This "bombshell" suggested that the defense was correct in insisting thatSunny -- not Claus -- brought on the first coma, but it made him lesssympathetic to the jury. In the words of the defense lawyer, "She provedhe was a cad, not a wife killer." The best the defense could do inresponse was to get Alexandra to admit her bitterness -- after all, she hadwritten a letter to Claus after the first trial, suggesting that they getback together (which they did not do). Alexandra said, "You do some crazythings when you're in love." This caption appeared below her full-pagephoto on the front page of the New York Post.

In the prosecution's closing argument, they discussed motive. "AlexandraIsles is the reason, the motive, the moving force behind each injection,each coma... You will recall the deadline set in April 1979 by both ofthem: 'Let's be together by Christmas-time.' What a coincidence that thefirst coma happens at Christmas-time."

Claus was acquitted, and Alan Dershowitz believes that Claus really wasinnocent. He always behaved as an innocent man would -- he was forthcomingand didn't attempt to control or restrict their investigations.

* Alexandra and the Letters:

It didn't come out in either trial, but around the time of the final coma,Alexandra had delivered a bag to the Von Bulow apartment building. Thedoorman took it up to the apartment -- where only Sunny was home. The bagwas open and unmarked, and contained love letters and presents that Claushad sent to Alexandra. Several hours later, Sunny overdosed on aspirin (apossible suicide attempt). Some believe that Claus and/or Alexandra weretrying to instigate the suicide by flaunting the affair.

B11: WHAT OTHER ROLE IS DENISE NICKERSON (AMY JENNINGS) FAMOUS FOR?A: She was the little nose-picker Violet Beauregard in "Willy Wonka". She ate some gum, turned into a giant blueberry, and got rolled down to the juicing room by the Oompa-Loompa's. (Now-a-days she is a Nurse!)

B12: WHO GETS THE FIRST LINES IN DARK SHADOWS?A: In the first episode - the first lines are Victoria Winters' (Alexandra Moltke) thoughts heard by the audience:

"My name is Victoria Winters. My journey is beginning - a journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me, and link my past with my future.

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A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place - to the edge of the sea high atop Widow's Hill - a house called Collinwood. A world I've never known, with people I've never met. People who tonight are still only shadows in my mind, and who will soon fill the days and nights of my tomorrows."

B13: WHAT WAS VICTORIA WINTERS FIRST MEAL IN COLLINSPORT?A: At the Collinsport Inn, Vicki had a roast beef sandwich, rare - and a piece of apple pie.

B14: WHOSE BEDROOM DID VICTORIA WINTERS GET?A: Vicki's was given the room that had been Elizabeth's bedroom until Elizabeth got married.

B15: WHERE WAS VICTORIA WINTERS BEFORE COMING TO COLLINWOOD?A: She was at the Hammond Foundling Home in NYC - along with 152 children. When she was found as an infant she had a note which said her name was Victoria. Her last name came from the season in which she was found. $50 came for her care, each month from the time she was 2 until she was twenty (or 16, or 18, depending on which episode you wish to quote!). It was postmarked Bangor, ME. B16: WHY ARE ROGER AND ELIZABETH ALWAYS VERGING ON A FIGHT?A: Well, for starters, you can bet it has something to do with good old sibling rivalry. Roger born on September 14, 1925 is 8 years younger than Elizabeth who was born on February 28, 1917. There was probably quite a bit of tension as they were growing up - and Roger even got stuck with Elizabeth as a baby sitter! Things did not get better when their father died some time prior to 1946, and left everything to Elizabeth. Even a pompous poser like Roger deserves a bit of sympathy. How annoying it must be to have to depend on his older sister for an allowance.

B17: WHAT DID MATTHEW MORGAN DO BEFORE BECOMING CARETAKER AT COLLINWOOD?A: Mathew Morgan swept floors at the Collins' Cannery before he became Caretaker at Collinwood 18 years ago at the same time that Liz became a recluse. Maybe he got the job on the reputation of his home baked muffins.

B18: WHAT WOULD I FIND ON PAGE 20 OF STRAKE'S REPORT?A: That is where the information on Joe Haskell starts.

B19: WHAT WAS JOE HASKELL"S JOB?A: Joe was a fisherman who worked for the Collins' fleet. He also dates the Bosses daughter, and shortly after we all arrive at Collinsport, he is given a desk job as a "checker" in the main office. His goal is to save enough money to buy his own boat (when the story begins, he still needs $2,375 for the down payment) the profits from which will be used to buy a second boat and so on until he is master of a fleet. (Shades of Enoch Snow!)

B20: HOW MANY ROOMS DOES BURKE TAKE AT THE INN?A: 3 (on the top floor) - although his room was #24, and when Laura stayed

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there - she was on the third floor in room #31 Go figure!

B21: WHOSE MOTHER WAS ALSO HIS GREAT-GRANDMOTHER?A: David Collins - His mother was Laura the Phoenix - married to Roger Collins, son of Jamison Collins, who was the son of Laura the Phoenix and Edward Collins!


B23: WHAT WAS ROGER AND LAURA'S ADDRESS IN AUGUSTA, MAINE?A. Roger and his wife, Laura, were married the day after Burke Devlin's manslaughter conviction. They moved to Augusta, Maine, where they resided at 427 Hilldale Avenue. Roger returned to Collinwood - alone - just 30 days before we see Vicki arrive. He says his wife is "away".

B24: WHO WAS RANDY?A: Carolyn Stoddard's imaginary friend that used to visit her when she was 9 years old. He had dark hair and brown eyes and always wore a red sweater. He would play on the beach and climb trees and the last time she saw him was on her tenth birthday when he brought her a piece of sea glass that looked like clear green water. (Special sample of the obscure from The DS Q&A Book Vol. I)

B25: WHAT WAS ROGER COLLINS' PET NAME FOR CAROLYN STODDARD?A: Kitten. (Shades of Robert Young and "Father Knows Best") Detective Strake calls Carolyn a "Fire eater" While Bill Malloy calls her "Princess"

Other pet names/nicknames of note: Elizabeth calls Roger "Fool" but then Roger calls Elizabeth "Fool" Buzz Hackett calls Elizabeth "Mommie" - oh my! Roger affectionately calls David the "Little Monster" and Maggie Evans calls Vicki a jerk , J-E-R-K! Carolyn calls Collinwood - "The House of Usher" and refered to Bill Malloy as "old chin whiskers"

B26: HOW MUCH TIME DID BURKE DEVLIN SPEND IN PRISON?A: After his 1956 trial and conviction in Bangor, Maine, on the charges of manslaughter, Burke served 5 years, 1 month, 3 days and 7 hours. (Roger testified against him and then ran off with Laura, in whom Burke was also interested). After leaving prison, Burke took 5 years to make his fortune (in Montevideo, Uruguay) and then returned to Collinsport after a 10 year absence.

B27: OK, SO WHO TURNED DOWN THE LOGANSPORT OFFER, HERN, HEARNE, AHEARN OR ADAIR?A: Hern, Ezra (actor #1)(1966) listens to Burke's offer to work at Logansport Cannery im episode #89. In episode #99, Hern, Ezra (played by Dolph Sweet)(1966) turns down Burke's offer to work

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at Logansport Cannery First of all lets be clear (Aha) there were 2 actors who played this part. One "listened" to Burke's offer and we don't know who played the part. 10 episodes later a second actor, Dolph Sweet, turned down Burke's offer. That's why he's listed twice in the character list. Easy - well, here's the ugly part... The character is listed in the credits as "Hearne" and in The History of DS as "Ahern", but Burke calls him "Adair" and some sources list him as Hern.

Watch ep. #89, its a DSFAQers nightmare. Burke calls Ezra Ahern and Adam Bilodeau by the names Ezra Bilodeau & John Adair (Amos Fitch does call him Ezra "Ahern" ). But that's not all!! Burke forgets his lines again, makes some up and dumps them into Amos Fitch's lap!! Amos starts looking around - looking like he forgot his lines thanks to Burke - then Amos Fitch does some improvising himself and "makes his move" and leaves!! Since Amos Fitch calls him "Ahern" and he's listed that way in The History of Dark Shadows, our bet is that "Ezra Ahern" is correct. B28: WHAT ARE CAROLYN"S FAVORITE FLOWERS?A: Little yellow roses.

B29: WHAT WAS BILL MALLOY'S FAVORITE SONG?A: "What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor?" Fitting enough for a man who started out as a deck boy on the Collins' Fleet. (He earlier said he swept the floors at the cannery). And ended up as autopsy report # 220612. Funny - he didn't look 612ish!

The following is from a post on the Prodigy board: Posted on Prodigy's DS board on 5/30/95

Bill Malloy's favorite song, as those of you know who've been following along with Sci-Fi's bouncing ball (watch out for those swamp things!), is "What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor?" It's an example of a shanty (shantey, chanty or chantey) song. These were sung by sailors as they prepared to leave and enter a port and while in the process of sail management and rigging adjustment. "Drunken Sailor" was probably used to get the ship out of port. The chorus "Weigh, hey, and up she rises," sexual innuendo aside, refers to the act of weighing anchor. A two count pull on the chains, 1. weigh and 2. hey, and then a pause to retrench while they sing "up she rises."

The verses were cleaned up when the chanteys were brought ashore to the schools and music halls. The original verses were warnings to unfledged seamen, embarking on their first voyage, as to what would happen if they stepped out of line. For example: "Pull out the bunk and wet him all over." They would not be wasting something as precious as fresh water, and nobody would bother to bring a bucket to haul seawater, if you catch my drift.

There are three strains of verses:

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1.) Macho/prison stuff, such as above, which threatens physical pain as well as mental torment and humiliation;

2.) homosexual verses, in which the poor drunk lad is shaved head to foot, wigged with a mop and put to the service of the crew, after which, to compromise him so no authority would believe his tale ...

3.) he is placed in a compromising position vis a vis the captain's (or owner's or, in one version, a first mate's) daughter.

To the song at hand: The verses will replace the line "What shall we do with the drunken sailor?" The weighing anchor chorus separates the verses.

What shall we do with the drunken sailor? (x3) Early in the morning.

Weigh, hey, and up she rises. (x3) Early in the morning. (Also heard as "Hooray and up she rises.")

So what shall we do? How about: - Put him in the longboat until he's sober. - Put him in bed with the Captain's daughter. - Shave his stomach with a rusty razor. - Take the Baby and call it Bo'sun. - Turn him over and drive him windward. - Put him in the scuffs until the horse bites on him. - Heave him by the leg and with a rung console him.

I'm not offering to explain any of these. If you look in a dictionary, it'll give you alternative meanings to these words. Then, use your imagination.

B30: CAN I GET A SPECIAL EDITION "BURKE DEVLIN" PEN?A: Burke Devlin gave his pen to Carolyn. He had previously given to one to James Blair. There were 4 remaining pens in the limited edition and they were left in South America where Burke bought them. Maybe thats the important business he had to fly back on?

B31: WHERE DID BURKE DEVLIN"S PLANE CRASH AND HOW MANY WERE ABOARD?A: The plane Crashed in Belem, Brazil. (Brazil is not a very good Place for Collins' and their friends - see 1840's) There were 16 Bodies Burned beyond recognition.

B32: WHAT IS THE FAVORITE GROUP PASTIME AT COLLINWOOD?A: Why, seances of course, with exorcisms a close second. Regardless of time period and in either real time or Parallel, nothing gets the Collins clan as worked up as a good seance. When you want general information, tidbits of history, or helpful hints from the dearly departed - just get light a candle and sit

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everyone around a table.

Use a professional medium or wing it with amateurs. You'll never find out what you wanted to know in the first place - but you will pick up some handy data, or lose family members in the attempt.

Some noteable excurisons into the other plane include:

(1795) Countess Natalie du Pres and Joshua Collins have a seance to summon Bathia Mapes.

(1840) Gerard Stiles has a seance to contact the 1795 Rev. Trask.

Lamar Trask wants to speak with his dad so he can avenge his death. Faithful Flora Collins rounds out the seance party. The Reverend Trask appears and tells them they are surrounded by evil and to beware of the cross. "Evil is doing evil. Evil will walk again now." (Trying to warn them about the awakening of Judah Zachery). All of this is in episode #1126.

(1966) Dr. Peter Guthrie's Seance at Collinwood

Convinced that Josette {du Pres} Collins' ghost could add vital information to his investigation of the supernatural and yield information about the mysterious Laura Collins, Dr. Peter Guthrie decided to hold a seance at Collinwood. The particpants were Dr. Peter Guthrie, Carolyn Stoddard, Roger Collins and Victoria Winters. (Dr. Guthrie also used a tape recorder for later reference).

Just as it appeared they were starting to make contact with Josette's ghost, the Drawing Room doors flew open, breaking contact with Josette. An unrecognizable figure was standing in the dark doorway but it turned out to be Laura Collins. She had changed her mind and decided to attend the seance after all.

The seance began again and Victoria Winters soon became possessed by Josette's ghost and began speaking French. Just as she starts to say a name, Laura Collins uses the powers of the Phoenix to end the seance. Victoria Winters screams and then faints.

Translated later by Dr. Guthrie, Josette's ghost had said:

"A person, someone who sleeps without sleeping, dreams without dreaming. There is an innocent child, a boy, one who is in danger. Fires that have occurred through the centuries. There will be another one soon. There's an evil presence in this house."

(1966) Dr. Peter Guthrie's Seance at the Old House

Dr. Guthrie felt that he needed to contact Josette's ghost again. He chose to have this seance at the Old House so that there would be no interruptions and according to David Collins, Josette's ghost would be nearby. Victoria Winters, Sam Evans and David Collins wait for Dr. Guthrie but Laura Collins has caused his car to burst into flames. Tired of waiting, they decide to have the seance without

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Dr. Guthrie. During the seance, David Collins becomes possessed by David Radcliff((e))'s ghost. Thru David Collins, he relives his death by fire of a hundred years ago with his mother Laura Murdoch Radcliff((e)).

(1967) Roger hosts a seance at the Old House.

This takes place at Barnabas' costume part. Attending the seance are Barnabas Collins, Roger Collins, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Victoria Winters, Burke Devlin and Carolyn Stoddard. Victoria Winters is possessed by the ghost of Josette du Pres Collins. She relives her death at Widow's Hill. This is episode #281.

(1967) Victoria is sent back to 1795 during a family seance

(1968) David Collins & Amy Jennings hold a seance.

A private affair in the West Wing of Collinwood, this seance was an attempt to contact Quentin Collins. They are interrupted by Victoria Winters in episode #640.

(1968) A seance is held to contact Jeff Clark.

Prof. Stokes holds a seance with Victoria Winters, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Carolyn Stoddard and Chris Jennings in the Drawing Room at Collinwood to make contact with Jeff Clark. But instead they are contacted by someone called Magda. Magda speaks thru Carolyn Stoddard and warns "You must stop him". (They do not know she is referring to the Ghost of Quentin Collins who is up to no good). This is episode #642.

(1969) A seance to solve the puzzle of Janet Findley's demise.

Prof. Stokes holds a seance with Mrs. Johnson, Maggie Evans and Barnabas Collins in the Drawing Room at Collinwood to contact Janet Findley. Mrs. Findley speaks thru Mrs. Johnson and says "The children, the panel, the room. I found that room. I went in there and then, then, he killed me." (Another warning referring to the Ghost of Quentin Collins). This one in episode #682 - won't these people ever listen!

(1970) Barabas has a seance.

The reason, what else, to contact Josette du Pres Collins thru Maggie Evans. This is when Josette tells Barnabas that she waited for him but he never showed up, so she took poison. She then releases him from any vows he has made to her. (This was done so that Barnabas could fall in love with Roxanne) This is episode #948. (1841PT) Quentin, Flora & Melanie try to contact Brutus

(1841PT) an attempt to exorcise Morgan/Forsythe

Quentin, Julia, Catherine, Carrie Ben, Morgan participate.

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(1970PT) Angelique {Stokes} Collins is murdered at a seance

C01: WHERE IN ENGLAND WAS COUSIN BARNABAS SUPPOSEDLY FROM?A: Cadogan Square, London. The family had supposedly moved there when their original estate in Coventry burned to the ground.

C02: OK, SO JUST WHATS THE STORY WITH CADOGAN SQUARE? (thanks to [email protected] (Stephen R Shutt))A: Cadogan Square, mentioned in several scripts of the original series, and in some volumes of Dan "Marilyn" Ross' DS novels in the late Sixties, is a real place in London. In the early Barnabas episodes of 1967, Barnabas gives this as his London address, and further mentions a friend, Nile Bradford (whom Burke Devlin later learns died in the 1830s). In House of Dark Shadows (the 1970 film), Barnabas again gives this as his address in London, then changes the subject when Professor Stokes asks an inconvenient question about friends of his who live in the square.

According to a book on London street names I acquired during a recent visit to the Metropolis, the name Cadogan refers to a family of the peerage, who once owned property in this district of Belgravia. The name occurs in several geographical designations (Cadogan Square, Cadogan Place, etc.) and in the celebrated Cadogan Hotel, where Oscar Wilde was arrested for the dubious 'crime' of "posing as a Sodomite" in 1895. John Betjeman, later Poet Laureate of England in the early years of the current reign, wrote a celebrated poem about Wilde's arrest at the Cadogan Hotel. The poem was at one time very well known and much recited in certain circles, and this may have led to a deadline-desperate writer pulling that name out of his hat for Barnabas' townhouse address in London.

Here is the poem.

He sipped at a weak hock and seltzer As he gazed at the London skies Through the Nottingham lace of the curtains Or was it his bees-winged eyes?

To the right and before him Pont Street Did tower in her new built red, As hard as the morning gaslight That shone on his unmade bed.

"I want some more hock in my seltzer, And Robbie, please give me your hand-- Is this the end or beginning? How can I understand?

"So you've brought me the latest _Yellow Book_, And Buchan has got in it now. Approval of what is approved of Is as false as a well-kept vow.

"More hock, Robbie--where is the seltzer? Dear boy, pull again at the bell! They are all little better than cretins, Though this *is* the Cadogan Hotel.

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"One astrakham coat is at Willis's-- Another one's at the Savoy: Do fetch my Morocco portmanteau, And bring them on later, dear boy."

A thump, and a murmur of voices-- ("Oh why must they make such a din?" As the door of the bedroom swung open And TWO PLAIN CLOTHES POLICEMEN came in:

"Mr Wilde, we 'ave come for tew take yew Where felons and criminals dwell: We must ask you tew leave with us quoietly For this *is* the Cadogan Hotel."

He rose, and he put down _The Yellow Book_. He staggered--and, terrible-eyed, He brushed past the palms on the staircase And was helped to a hansom outside.

It helps to know that "Robbie" is Robert Ross, Wilde's great friend,who was his literary executor and had such works as Ballad of ReadingGaol and De Profundis published. The Yellow Book was a literary reviewwith a decadent-sounding title. The contents rarely lived up to the promise of the name or the AubreyBeardsley illustrations. Willis's and the Savoy were (and, in the caseof the latter, still are) a dining room and a hotel where Wilde was muchseen in the Nineties. After Wilde fell in love with Lord Alfred "Bosie"Douglas he increasingly spent the night at such glamorous venues as theSavoy. The Cadogan Hotel was perhaps a less well-heeled pied-a-terre forWilde's adventurous "feasting with panthers" but it provided themise-en-scene for the disaster he had (judging by what he told Andre Gide)so frantically courted through the latter years of his career.

C03: WHAT DECORATES THE DOOR TO THE OLD HOUSE?A: A Lion's head knocker similar to the one on the doors of the Medici Palace in Rome. It is odd and should be noted that all though the Old House has double doors, there is only one knocker. It would have been more likely to have a pair. I guess this is another example of Collins family penny pinching.

C04: CAN I GET A CANE LIKE BARNABAS HAD?A: The Cane is available from a company called Dutch Guard. They have a large selection of canes. Their cane number 117 is listed as "Large Dog/Wolf Head" and its description by the quote which says "Yes, this is the one!" The price of the "Willie beater" is $296.00. The general description of their canes is:

Exquisite Alpacca Metal handles are mounted on genuine Maple (black) tapered shafts, with rubber tip standard, 36" length (see order blank if you need your cane cut). Alpacca metal is an alloy of Sterling Silver with Nickel added for strength, a softer feel and to prevent tarnish. Heads are made in Hamburg,

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Germany by one of Europe's finest silversmiths.

(the catalog is free) If you're interested, their number is 1-800-821-5157.

C05: WHO MADE BARNABAS' TABLEA: Oliver Bennett of Marion, Massachusetts.

C06: WHERE DOES DR. JULIA HOFFMAN HIDE HER CASE NOTEBOOK ON BARNABAS?A: The locked diary was originally being hidden from everyone, particularly from Barnabas - but later it was just hidden to help keep Barnabas' secret from the others. In 1967 it was kept in three locations. In order they are: (1) IN A METAL STRONGBOX (2) THE COLLINWOOD GRANDFATHER CLOCK (3) TONY PETERSON'S SAFE After Barnabas became a regular part of Julia's life: (4) Back in a metal strongbox, kept in the armoire in her bedroom.

C07: WHAT RHYME DID BARNABAS TEACH HIS SISTER SARAH WHEN SHE WAS LEARNING TO WRITE?A: When the ghost of Sarah appears to Barnabas for the one and only time, she prevents Barnabas from killing Julia. She asks Barnabas if he remembers the rhyme, makes him repeat it, and then tells him he's been bad.

That evil is wicked, Is well understood. The wicked are punished, So you must be good.

C08: WHAT WAS THE RHYME THE GHOST OF SARAH COLLINS TOLD MAGGIE EVANS TO HELP HER ESCAPE FROM BARNABAS?A: And Sarah's new rhyme is: One, two, away they flew Three, four, by the door Five, six, count the bricks Seven, eight, the clue is grate Nine, ten, home again

C09: WHAT STOPS BARNABAS FROM KILLING DR. JULIA HOFFMAN?A: Barnabas is stopped by the appearance of the Ghost of his sister Sarah who points out that he is being naughty (see Sarah's verses). It is the only time he sees the ghost - and she isn't bouncing her ball or singing "London Bridge is falling down"!

C10: WHAT WAS THE STORY OF JOSETTE - BEFORE THE WRITERS CHANGED THEIR MINDS?A: We have already warned you that "History" is a relative concept to the Collins family, so when you ask for a definition you need to specify at what point in history was the item you are requesting relevant -

For example before Barnabas appears (and entrenches himself) on the

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scene Carolyn refers to Jeremiah as her great-grandfather (although she is later descended from Daniel and the NY Collins'); the dates under Josette's portrait in the family history at this point are 1810 - 1834; in one episode we are told that Jeremiah was a 6th generation descendant of the founder of Collinsport, who married Josette LaFrenier of Paris in 1830 and started construction of the new house in the same year.

Note that the writers were improvising like heck as the flashback approached. This then is the story of Josette - as Barnabas himself tells it - After his arrival at Collinwood and prior to the 1795 storyline. (But of course we all know it holds no water - when we actually see the events of 1795 )

The setting: There is a storm over Collinsport (how unusual) and Collinwood has lost its electrical power. In this setting Barnabas shows up to tell Vicki & Carolyn a bedtime story. JOSETTE'S STORY As told by Barnabas Collins on May 19, 1967 to Victoria Winters and Carolyn Stoddard during a thunderstorm at Collinwood. "There was a night such as this. A night when a young beautiful woman was pressed to the limits. She could no longer accept what the future held for her. She knew she had to destroy herself before she became something she did not want to be. She had quarreled with her lover. She tried to send him away but he would not be put off.He tried to put his arms around her but she broke away from him and run out into the stormy night. Her white dress contrasted against the darkness. He ran after her as she headed for the one place on earth that seemed to be designed for the termination of life. Rain drenched her, the winds buffeted her blowing her long hair wildly. Her clothing was torn by the low branches. The small white feet were bruised and mudstained with the stoney cruel pathway to the summit of the cliff. The shouts of her lover were lost in the wind as he moved swiftly after her. Near the top she stumbled over a large rock, crying hysterically, she limped and crawled to the edge of the precipace. Her lover reached her, clutched her, spinning her around to face him. Her eyes were wide with terror as the lover held her tightly, his lips pressed against her throat. Soon she grew limp and he released her. Suddenly there was a last surge of energy. She broke free and hurled herself off the cliff. Her scream reacting and echoing as she plunged downward. Her body was impaled on the large craggy rocks below. Her lover descended to the bottom of Widow's Hill. He found her body broken, lifeless, bloodless. As violent as her death was the expression on her face was one of serenity. As if this were the best possible ending to her life." (From Episode #233 written by Malcolm Marmorstein) C11: WHO WAS AT THE SEANCE WHEN VICKI IS SENT TO 1795?A: Present at that seance (a favorite pastime at Collinwood) were: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Julia Hoffman, Victoria Winters, Barnabas Collins, Roger Collins and Carolyn Stoddard.

D01: WHEN DID MILLICENT AND DANIEL COLLINS PARENTS DIE?A: They died in 1790. But don't feel sorry for the orphans.

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When all hell breaks loose at Collinwood - only Daniel is left to inherit the whole mess.

D02: WHO TAUGHT BEN STOKES TO READ & WRITE?A: In a truly magnanimous mood - Master Barnabas performed that task. Would he have done so - if he knew Ben were going to keep a diary of what REALLY went on at Collinwood?

D03: HOW DOES ANGELIQUE KEEP JEREMIAH COLLINS FROM LEAVING COLLINWOOD?A: She makes Joshua seemingly disappear. Actually she turns him into a black cat.


D05: WHO STAYS AT THE THREE BELLS INN?A: Countess Natalie Du Pres and her niece Josette stay there briefly when they leave Collinwood for awhile. D06: DO JOSETTE AND BARNABAS EVER LET EACH OTHER GO?A: Near the end of the 1970 Leviathan storyline the ghost of Josette appears to Barnabas in the Cemetery and returns the ring he had given her. She is off to her rest, and releases him from all promises.

D07: WHAT KIND OF POISON DID NAOMI COLLINS TAKE TO COMMIT SUICIDE?A: Nightshade. also - poisoned - Mrs.Trask (1897) In 1840 Gerard gets poison for Gabriel to use on his wife.

D08: HOW CAN I DRIVE AN OPPONENT OUT OF A SAFE HOUSE INTO THE ARMS OF A WAITING WITCH HUNTER?A: Well if you believe the good Reverend Trask (and of course, we don't), then he drove the witch, Victoria Winters, from the Old House with the following:

"The next mortal to cross this threshold shall be known to hold the power of evil. I proclaim the power of goodness and I announce its presence to the entire house.

<Pick up a tree limb with 3 branches-grasp a branch with both hands>

I give warning to the powers of darkness, that the powers of of light are at hand. Yield yourself to their command and spare yourself their awesome force which is about to strike your very soul. Victoria Winters, Victoria Winters, the powers of light have come to do battle with the the powers of darkness. Your destruction is at hand.

<Lay down tree limb.> <Draw a circle with chalk at front door entrance and write "V"inside it>

Victoria Winters, Victoria Winters, come forth. Surrender yourself to the powers of light. Victoria Winters, let the witch come forth. Victoria Winters let the witch come forth.

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<Write last initial "W" inside circle>

Victoria Winters the dust now knows your name and the earth shall proclaim it to the sky. Come forth to this threshold.

<Sprinkle dirt across door entrance>

Cross from darkness into light before the burning fires of goodness drive you forth in terror and in fear. Victoria Winters, Victoria Winters, answer the summons of the powers of light. Answer, come forth, answer. Surrender yourself before the consuming fires of goodness drive you forth.

<Light the 3 branches>

Victoria Winters your name is now known to fire. Surrender yourself, come forth, you will be consumed. You will be consumed. Evil show thyself. The powers of darkness are conquered now. Come forth. Come forth. You are summoned by the forces of everlasting light."

<Lay tree limb down, stomp out fires> <Hide>

After Victoria Winters runs into his waiting arms, he then says:

"The powers of darkness are conquered now. The powers of light are triumphant. Down witch, down on your knees. <Force her down to her knees>

Down, down, down into the dust. I have the witch. I have the witch."

But, as we all know, it was Angelique's efficient spell that actually worked, not Trask's "mumbo jumbo" as Barnabas described it:

So in case you ever need it - here's the Angelique method:

<Build a house of Tarot cards 3 levels high>

"I call upon the heart of fire that burns within the heart of ice. The fire that freezes and does not consume itself. I summon the eye of fire that burns within the icy eye that watches over all evil. I call it to this room of my own creation. Heart of fire, heart of ice. Fiery eye of coldest evil.

<Light the house of cards>

Burn. I command you to come and burn, burn, burn. Eye of fire, heart of fire. I summon you from the evil icy wastes of the world beyond. Burn, burn, burn. Heart of fire. Heart of fire that burns in the heart of ice. Heart of fire, fire that burns in the heart of ice. Eye of fire, heart of fire, burn,burn, burn."


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A: Well it might seem so - but lets look at the facts. Obviously Judah Zachery's 1692 trial and execution were geared to coincide with the trials in Salem, MA. It is indeed scheduled prior to the last "official" trial in MA. which took place in 1693. But that certainly didn't take the laws off the books or put an end to "witch scares".

[email protected] posted the following concise summary to the alt.tv.dark_shadows Newsgroup:

Here, for those interested, a few facts gleaned from _The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology_ by Rossell Robbins.

The majority of witch trials in America took place in New England mostly in Massachusetts. Outside of the well-known Salem trials, only about a dozen witches were ever executed in New England.

The Salem trials were in 1692.

The last witchcraft trial in Massachusetts was in 1693. The defendant was found Not Guilty. There were a few minor incidents in the South as late as 1709. The last execution for witchcraft in the United States was in 1692. Witches were hanged, not burned, in England and New England. (ed. note - they were also stoned or crushed) The last witch executions in European countries were: Holland 1610 England 1684 Scotland 1727 France 1745 Germany 1775 Switzerland 1782 Poland 1793

(ed. note - Hmmmmmmm well see about that later)

I found one VERY interesting piece of information about the Salem trials. In addition to the well-known group of eight girls who were the star witnesses, several other young people made accusations of witchcraft against their neighbors. One of these accusers was a 19-year-old girl named Sarah Trask. An ancestress, perhaps?

FAQ CO-EDITOR TIM CHOATE HAS SUPPLIED US WITH THE FOLLOWING LISTING: ( based on research from http://www.ucmb.ulb.ac.be/~joan/witches/TIME_LINE.html )

------------------------------------------------------ TIME LINE OF WITCH HUNT TALLIES SINCE THE 11TH CENTURY ------------------------------------------------------(NOTE: (fnu) = first name unknown)

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????- Balcoin, Marie: burned in the reign of Henry IV of France????- 20 executed in the reign of King James VI of England????- 3-4000 killed during Cromwell's tenure in England????- 30,000 (approx) burned by the Inquisition????- 900 killed in Lorraine, France????- Barton, William: executed in Scotland????- Deiner, Hans: burned at Waldsee, Germany????- Dunhome, Margaret: burned in Scotland1233- First Papal ordinance directly dealing with witchcraft- Bull by Pope Gregory IX (Ugolino, Count of Segni), to Conrad of Marburg, bidding him to proceed against the Luciferians. July 30 of that year, Conrad of Marburg murdered on the highway in pursuit of his duties1234- 8000 "Stedingers" killed on 27 May1239- 180 burned for witchcraft at Montwimer, France on 29 May1258- Bull by Pope Alexander IV (Rinaldo Conti), to Franciscan Inquisitors, bidding them refrain from judging any cases of witchcraft unless there was some very strong reason to suppose that heretical practice could also be amply proved1275- Barthe, Angela de la: burned at Toulouse, France

14th Century:

1307- 36 Knights Templar died under torture in France1310- Albano, Peter of: died in prison1310- 54 Knights Templar burned in France on 12 May1312- DeMolay, Jacques: Grand Master of the Templars, burned in France on 22 March1314- 39 Knights Templar burned in France on 18 March1315- Marigny, Enguerrand de: hanged in France1317- Geraud, Hughes: burned in France1320- 200+ burned at Carcassonne, France (between 1320-1350)1323- "Some" burned at Kilkenny, Ireland1324- Meath, Petronilla de: burned as a witch in Ireland, on 3 November1324- Nottingham, John of: died in custody, Coventry, England1330- Andrius, Barthelemy: burned at Carcassonne, France1330- Andrius, Jean: burned at Carcassonne, France1330- Andrius, Phillippe: burned at Carcassonne, France1335- Ciceron, Andre: burned at Carcassone, France1335- Delort, Catherine: burned at Toulouse, France1335- Georgel, Anna Marie de: burned at Toulouse, France1335- Rodier, Catala: burned at Carcassone, France1335- Rodier, Paul: burned at Carcassone, France1335- 63 burned at Toulouse, France1352- 8 burned at Carcassonne, France1357- 31 burned at Carcassonne, France1387- 67 burned at Carcassonne, France between 1387-14001399- 1 burned at Berlin, Germany

15th Century

1400- "Several" witches burned at Simmenthal, Switzerland1423- "Several" burned at Carcassonne, France1428- 200+ executed in the Valais, France between 1428-14341428- 167 executed in l'Isere, France between 1428-14471431- d'Arc, Joan: burned at Rouen, France on 30 May (note: the witchcraft charge in this case was -implied- and not specific)

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1432- 16 executed in Toulouse, France1437- 150 executed in Briancon, France1438- with 10 others Greland, Jean: at Chamonix, France1440- Rais, Gilles de: on charges of witchcraft, executed 26 October1441- Bolingbroke, Roger: hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn, England on 18 November1441- Jordemaine, Margery: burned at Smithfield, England on 27 October1446- 3 burned in Savoy between 1446 and 14471453- 7 killed at Marmande, France1455- 1 burned at Locarno, Italy1459- "Many" burned in Arras, France1460- Jennin, (fnu): burned at Cambrai, France1470- 2 burned in Burgundy, France1472- 3 burned at Forno-Rivara, Italy1474- 2 burned at Levone, Italy1475- 5 burned at Forno, Italy1479- 12 women and "several" men burned at Edinburgh, Scotland1482- 4 burned at Metz, Germany1482- 48 burned at Constance, between 1482-14861484- 2 burned at Toulouse, France1485- 41 witches of unknown name at Lombardy, in the domains of the Duke of Austria, County of Burbia1485- Walpurgis at either the diocese of Strasburg or Constance, in the town of- Hagenau or Ratisbon accused of power of preserving silence by burning first-born sons in an oven and was eventually burned1485- Nembroth, the English Nimrod accused of magic and encouraging people to worship fire1485- Stadlin; at Boltingen, a town in the ducy and diocese of Lausanne, Switzerland, accused of inducing miscarriage with a serpent. This witch was judged by John Nider and was eventually burned1485- Staufer; at Berne, Switzerland, accused of changing into a mouse and was eventually stabbed1485- a Bath-woman at Ratisbon accused of raising tempests and was eventually burned1485- Anna von Mindelheim at Constance, twenty-eight German miles from the town of Ratisbon in the direction of Salzburg accused of causing hail storms in the field of Kuppel. This witch was judged by a Justice named Gelre and was eventually tortured and burned, Ratisbon, Bavaria1485- 2 burned in Chaucy, France1488- 1 died in prison, at Metz, Germany1488- 1 executed at Brieg, Germany on 19 July1488- 1 executed at Salney, Germany on 3 July1488- 1 executed at Vigey, Germany on 15 September1488- 2 executed at Juxney, Germany on 19 August1488- 2 executed at Mairange, Germany on 25 June1488- 2 executed at Salney, Germany on 12 July1488- 3 executed at Chastel, Germany on 26 June1488- 3 executed at Mairange, Germany on 17 June1488- 3 executed at Metz, Germany on 1 July1488- 3 executed at Salney, Germany on 19 July1488- 5 executed at Thionville, Germany on 23 August

16th Century

1500- Amalaric, Madeline: burned in France1500- Bragadini, Mark Antony: beheaded in Italy

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1500- 1 executed in France1507- 30 burned in Calahorra, Spain1510- 1 burned in Saxony, Germany1510- 60 burned in Northern Italy1515- 500+ burned in Geneva, Switzerland1518- Kuhnlin, Elsa: burned at Waldsee, Germany1518- Paeffin, Elsa: burned at Waldsee, Germany1518- 64 burned in Val Camonica, Italy between 1518-15211521- 2 burned in Besancon, France1523- 100 burned in Como, Italy1524- 1000+ in Como, Italy1528- Wachin, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany1531- Mullerin, Elsbet: burned at Waldsee, Germany1536- "A large number" executed at Saragossa, Spain1540- Morin, (fnu): burned at Rouen, France1540- deLarue, (fnu): burned at Rouen, France1545- Echtinger, Barbara: imprisoned for life at Waldsee, Germany1546- Askew, Anne: burned for witchcraft1549- 1 burned at Lyons, France1549- 7 burned at Nantes, France1555- 3 burned at Derneburg, Germany on 4 October1556- 1 burned at Bievires, France1557- Douglas, Janet: burned at Castle, Hill, Scotland, on 17 July1557- Hezensohn, Joachim: beheaded at Waldsee, Germany1561- 5 burned at Verneuil, France1571- "Many" burned in France1572- Bowman, Janet: burned in Scotland1572- 1 burned at St. Andrews, Scotland1573- 70,000 killed in England after 15731574- Arnold, (fnu): hanged at Barking, England1574- Garnier, Gilles: burned as a werewolf in Dole, France1574- "Several" executed in Paris, France1574- 80 executed in one fire at Valery-en-Savoie, France1576- Dunlop, Bessie: burned at Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland1576- Pajot, Marguerite: executed at Tonnerre, France1577- Doree, Catherine: executed at Courveres, France1578- Harvilliers, Jeanne: executed in France1578- 3 executed in Dorset, England1578- 36 persons executed at Kilkenny, Ireland1581- Beuchel, Anna: Buckh, Appollonia: Einseler, Catharina: Flieger, Catharina: Isolin, Madlen: Rosch, Maria: Scharber, Elsbeth: Schwarz, Eva: Wuncil, Brigida: all burned at Waldsee, Germany on 6 July1582- Gabley, (fnu): executed at King's Lynn, England1582- 18 killed at St. Oses, England1583- Bonnet, Jean: burned at Boissy-en-Ferez, France1583- Quattrino, Dominic: burned at Mesolcina, Italy1583- "Several" burned in Mesolcina, Italy1585- Hacket, Margaret: executed at Tyburn, England on 19 February1585- Lachenmeyer, Waldburg: Reich, Maria: Treher, Anna: Wirth, Trauben: all burned at Waldsee, Germany on 5 July1585- Uhlmer, Barbara: Rohrfelder, Margaret: Sailler, Ursula: all burned at Waldsee, Germany on 24 August1586- Dormar, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 9 October1586- Erb, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 9 March1586- Hoyd, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 24 November1586- Isel, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 7 November

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1586- Kleiss, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 30 October1586- Marguerite, (last name unknown): burned at Paris, France1586- Martin, Marie: executed in France1586- Mayer, Christina: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 9 October1586- Mirot, Dominic: burned at Paris, France1586- Rauffains, Catharina: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 7 November1586- Schneider, Felicitas: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 9 March1586- Schultheiss, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 9 March1586- Sechelle, (fnu): burned at Paris, France1586- Stadelmann, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 7 November1586- Weiss, Agatha: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 9 October1587- Fray, Ursula: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 12 June1587- Kless, Catharina: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 12 June1587- 368 persons killed for witchcraft between 18 January, 1587, and 18 November, 1593, in the diocese of Treves, France1588- Pearson, Alison: burned in Scotland on 28 May1588- 1 burned at Riom, France1589- Cunny, Joan: hanged in Chelmsford, England1589- Henry III, King of France: assassinated on 1 August1589- Huebmeyer, Appela: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 11 September1589- Huebmeyer, Barbara: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 11 September1589- Prentice, Joan: hanged in Chelmsford, England1589- Schnelling, Anna: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 11 September1589- Stubb, Peter: executed as a werewolf near Cologne, Germany1589- Upney, Joan: hanged in Chelmsford, England1589- 133 persons burned in one day at Quedlinburg, Germany1589- 2 burned at Cologne, Germany1589- 48 burned in Wurttemberg, Germany1590- North Berwick Witches of Scotland Trials of Johnne Feane, Agnes Sampsoune and others: Cunningham, John: burned at Edinburgh, in January 1591; Duncan, Gellie: hanged in Scotland in ; Macalzean, Euphemia: burned in Scotland for witchcraft, on 25 June, 1591; Napier, Barbara: hanged in Scotland in 1591; Sampsoune, Agnes: tried, strangled, and burned for a witch in Scotland1590- 54 burned in Franconia, Germany1590- 10 -daily- were burned (average) in the Duchy of Brunswick, Germany, between 1590-16001591- 1 burned in Ghent, Holland, in 15911591- 300 burned in Bern, Switzerland, between 1591-16001594- Balfour, Alison: burned at Edinburgh, Scotland, on 16 December1594- Birenseng, Agata: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 25 June1594- Fray, Margaret: burned at Waldsee, Germany on 25 June1595- Calles, Helen: executed at Braynford, England on 1 December1595- Newell, Joane: executed at Barnett, England on 1 December1595- 9 executed in Toulouse, France1596- Cockie, Isabel: burned as a witch, at a cost of 105 s. 4 p., in England1596- Jollie, Alison: executed in Scotland, in October1596- Stewart, Christian: strangled and burned in Scotland, in November1597- Belon, Jean: executed in France1597- Chamoulliard, (fnu): burned in France1597- Goodridge, Alse: executed at Darbie, England1597- Roulet, Jacques: burned for being a werewolf, at Angiers, France1598- Aupetit, Pierre: burned at Bordeaux, France1598- 1 burned in Ghent, Holland1598- 24 burned in Aberdeen, Scotland1599- Hoppo, (fnu): executed in Germany

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1599- Kerke, Anne: executed at Tyburn, England1599- Stadlin, (fnu): executed in Germany1599- 77 burned in Vaud, Switzerland

17th Century

1600- 40,000 executed between 1600-1680 in Great Britain1603- Pannel, Mary: executed in Yorkshire, England1603- 205 burned at the Abbey of Fulda, Germany between 1603-16051606- Harrisson, Joanna, and her daughter: executed in Hertford, England1607- Grierson, Isobel: burned in Scotland1607- "Several" witches executed in Derbyshire, England1607- 24 burned + 3 suicides in Hagenau, Alsace, France1608- Tod, Beigis: burned at Lang Nydrie, Scotland, on 27 May1608- "A number of women" burned at Breehin, Scotland1608- 1 burned by a mob at St. Jean de Liuz, France1608- Maria Commenaers, St. Joris Weert, d. Louvain, Belgium, divinatrice1610- Dorlady, Fernando: burned at Vesoul, France as being the Devil's banker, on 18 January1610- Dorlady, Mansfredo: burned at Vesoul, France as being the Devil's banker, on 18 January1610- 22,000 (approx) executed in Bamberg, Germany between 1610-18401610- Aegidius Bettens, Hekelgem, d. Alost,magie, denonce par le mayeur (Son proces est instruit par la justice civile)1610- Judocus Van Bombrugghe, Balegem, d. Oordegem, supersition1610- le sacristain, Linkhout, d. Diest, superstition1611- Gaufridi, Louis: burned at Marseilles, France at 5:00 pm on 30 April1612- Barber, Mary: Bill, Arthur: Browne, Agnes: Browne, Joan: Jenkenson, Helen: all executed in Northhampton, England on 22 July1612- Bulcock, Jane & John: Device, Alizon: Device, Elizabeth: Device, James: Hewitt, Katherine: Redfearne, Anne: Robey, Isobel: Whittle, Anne: Nutter, Alice: all executed in Lancaster, England1612- Demdike, Elizabeth: convicted, but died in prison, Lancaster, England1612- Preston, Jennet: Sutton (mother) (fnu): both executed in Bedford, England1613- Sutton, Mary: executed in Bedford, England1615- Hunt, Joan: hanged in Middlesex, England1616- Berrye, Agnes: hanged at Enfield, England1616- Rutter, Elizabeth: hanged in Middlesex, England1616- Smith, Mary: hanged at King's Lynn, England1616- 18 killed at Orleans, France1616- 9 hanged at Leicester, England1617- Galigai, Leonora: beheaded at the Place de Grieve, France on 8 July1618- 8 hanged at Londinieres, France1618- Catharina Verloo, Herenhout St. Pieter, d. Herentals, poisen1619- Baker, Anne: executed in Leicester, England1619- Flower, Joan: died before trial, at Lincoln, England1619- Flower, Margaret & Phillippa: executed at Lincoln, England in March1619- Green, Ellen: executed in Leicester, England1619- Willimot, Joan: executed in Leicester, England1619- 200+ executed at Labourt, France1620- Boulay, Anne: burned at Nancy, France1620- Poiret, (fnu): burned at Nancy, France1621- Chalmers, Bessie: Chatto, Marioun: Hamyltoun, Christiane:

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Harlow, Bessie: Kent, Margaret: Mundie, Beatrice: all tried for witchcraft in Inverkiething, Scotland1621- Sawyer, Elizabeth, hanged at Tyburn, England on 19 April1622- Couper, Marable: Dyneis, Jonka: Jones, Katherine: Reoch, Elspeth: Scottie, Agnes: Yullock, Agnes: all burned in the north of Scotland1622- Wallace, Margaret: executed in Glasgow, Scotland1624- 2 executed at Bedford, England1626- Haan, George: burned at Bamberg, Germany, with his wife, daughter and son1626- 168 executions in the district of Miltenberg, Germany1626- 40 executions at Berndit, Buttan, Ebenheit, Wenchdorf and Heinbach, Germany1626- 56 executions at Mainz, Germany1626- 77 executions at Burgstadt, Germany1626- 8 executions in Prozelten and Amorbach, Germany1627- Hennot, Catherine: burned in Germany1627- 900 executions at Bamberg, Germany between 1627 and 16311627- 85 burned in Dieburg, Germany1627- 79 burned at Offenburg, Austria, from 1627-16291628- Desbordes, (fnu): burned in France1628- Junius, Johannes: of Bamberg, executed as a witch, on 6 August1628- Bursten-Binderin, (fnu): Ancker, (fnu): Babel, (fnu): Babel, Zuickel: Bannach, (husband) (fnu): Bannach, (wife) (fnu): Basser, Fredrick: Batsch, (fnu): Bebelin, Gabriel: Beck, (fnu): Beck, Viertel: Bentz, (daughter) (fnu): Bentz, (mother) (fnu): Berger, Christopher: Beutler, (fnu): Brickmann, (fnu): Bugler, (fnu): Canzler, (fnu): Crots, (son) (fnu): Edelfrau, (fnu): Eyering, (fnu): Fleischbaum, (fnu): Gering, (fnu): Glaser, (fnu): Goldschmidt, (fnu): Gutbrod, (fnu): Hafner, (son) (fnu): Hammellmann, Melchoir: Hans, David: Hans, Kilian: Haus, (wife) (fnu): Hirsch, Nicodemus: Hoecker, (fnu): Hofschmidt, (fnu): Hofseiler, (fnu): Holtzmann, Stoffel: Jung, (fnu): Knertz, (fnu): Knor, (fnu): Kramerin, Schelmerey: Kuler, (fnu): Lambrecht, (fnu): Liebler, (fnu): Lutz, (fnu): Meyer, (fnu): Rum, (fnu): Rutchser, (fnu): Schellhar, (fnu): Schenck, (fnu): Schickelte, (fnu): Schleipner, (fnu): Schneider, (fnu): Schutz, Babel: Schwartz, (fnu): Schwerdt, (fnu): Seiler, (fnu): Silberhans, (fnu): Steicher, (fnu): Steinacher, (fnu): Steinbach, (fnu): Stier, (fnu): Stolzberger, (granddaughter) (fnu): Stolzberger, (son) (fnu): Stolzberger, (wife) (fnu): Stuber, Laurence: Sturmer, (fnu): Tungerslieber, (fnu): Vaecker, Paul: Valkenburger, (daughter) (fnu): Wagner, Michael: Weydenbusch, (fnu): Wirth, Klingen: Wunth, (fnu): All were beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany1628- Gobel, Barbara: Mark, Bernhard: Wagner, (fnu): all were burned at Wurzburg, Germany1629- Hunter, Alexander: burned at Edinburgh, Scotland1631- Bull, Edmund: hanged at Taunton, England1631- Valee, Melchoir de la: burned at Nancy, France1631- 3 executed at Lindheim, Germany1633- Pomp, Anna: executed at Lindheim, Germany1634- Grandier, Urbain, burned at Loudon, France on 18 August1640- Lamb, Dr.: stoned to death by a mob at St. Paul's Cross, London, England1640- 30 burned in Lindheim, Germany between 1640-16511643- Barker, Janet: burned in Scotland1643- Brown, Janet: burned in Scotland

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1643- Brugh, John: burned in Scotland1643- Cumlaquoy, Marian: burned at Orkney, Scotland1643- Fynnie, Agnes: burned in Scotland1643- Lauder, Margaret: burned in Scotland1643- Peebles, Marion: burned in Scotland1644- Wanderson, (wife 1) (fnu): executed in England1644- Wanderson, (wife 2) (fnu): executed in England1645- New England witch trials 1645-16921645- Lakeland, (fnu): burned at Ipswich, England1645- Lowes, John: hanged at Bury, England1645- 150 killed in England in the last six months of 16451645- 20 executed in Norfolk, England on evidence of Matthew Hopkins1646- Louis, (fnu): executed at Suffolk, England1647- Young, Alse, Windsor, CT. - hanged1647- Boulle, Thomas: burned at Rouen, France on 21 August1647- Baroni, Catterina: Camelli, Domenica: Caveden, Lucia: Cemola, Zinevra: Gratiadei, Domenica: were all beheaded and burned at Castelnovo, Italy, on 14 April1647- Younge, Alse: hanged in Connecticut, North America, on 26 May1648- Jonson, Mary, Wethersfld, CT. - hanged1648- Jones, Margaret: executed in Charlestown, MA. - 15 June1648- 2 executed at Norwich, England1648- 220+ in England and Scotland, on evidence of a Scottish Witch-finder, circa 1648-16501649- Bulmer, Matthew: hanged at Newcastle, England1649- Knott, Elizabeth: hanged at St. Albans, England1649- Palmer, John: hanged at St. Albans, England1649- 14 hanged at Newcastle, England1650- Allen, Joan: hanged at the Old Bailey, London, England1650- Lake, Mrs. H.: Boston, MA. - Executed1650- 2 killed by a mob at Auxonne, France1651- Carrington, Joan & John: Hartford, CT. - hanged1651- Parsons, Mary: Springfield, MA. - Executed1651- Bassett, "Goody": Stratford, CT. - hanged1651- Kendal, Mrs.: Cambridge, MA. - Executed1652- Adamson, Francis: executed at Durham, England1652- Ashby, Anne: Browne, Mary: Martyn, Anne: Reade, Mary: Wilson, Anne: Wright, Mildred: all hanged at Maidstone, England in July1652- Huxley, Catherine: hanged at Worcester, England1652- Peterson, Joan: hanged at Tyburn, England in April1652- Powle, (fnu): executed at Durham, England1653- Newman, Elizabeth: executed at Whitechapel, England1654- Gilbert, Lydia: Windsor, CT. - hanged1654- Lee, Mary: Maryland, hanged at sea1654- 102 burned in Zuckmantel, Germany1655- Boram, (mother) (fnu) & (daughter) (fnu): hanged at Bury St Edmunds, England1656- Hibbins, Anne: Salem, MA. - hanged in Boston, MA. on 19 June1657- Jennette Huart-and others strangled and burned as witches in Sugny, Belgium in March1658- Brooks, Jane: hanged in England on 26 March1658- Richardson, Elizabeth: Maryland - hanged at sea1658- Grade, Katherine: Jamestown, VA. - hanged at sea1658- Oliver, Mary: burned at Norwich, England1658- Orchard, (fnu): executed at Salisbury, England1658- 18 burned at Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland

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1660- Brose, Elizabeth: tortured to death in the castle of Gommern, Germany on 4 November1661- Allen, Jonet: burned in Scotland in 16611662- Greensmith, Nathanial: Hartford, CT. - hanged, accused by his wife1662- Barnes, Mary: Farmington, CT. - hanged1662- Greensmith, (fnu): hanged in Hartford, CT., on 20 January1662- Greensmith, Rebecca: Hartford, CT. - hanged1662- Sanford, Mary: Hartford, CT. - hanged1663- Cox, Julian: executed at Taunton, England1663- Schuler, (fnu): burned at Lindheim, Germany on 23 February1664- Cullender, Rose: executed at Bury St Edmunds, England on 17 March1664- Duny, Amy: executed at Bury St Edmunds, England on 17 March1664- Style, Elizabeth: died in prison, at Taunton, England1670- Drummond, Alexander: executed in Edinburgh, Scotland1670- Oswald, Catherine: burned in Scotland1670- Weir, Thomas: burned between Edinburgh and Leith, Scotland, on 11 April1670- 85 executed at Mohra, Sweden, on 25 August1674- Foster, Anne: hanged at Northhampton, England1674- 71 beheaded or burned in Sweden between 1674-16771678- 11 burned at Prestonpans, Scotland1678- 90 burned at Salzburg, Austria1680- Thompson, Annaple: burned in Scotland1680- Craw, William: burned in Scotland1680- Deshayes, Catherine: burned on 22 February1680- Hamilton, Margaret: burned in Scotland1680- Pichler, Emerenziana: burned at Defereggen, Germany on 25 September1680- Pringle, Margaret: burned in Scotland1680- Vickar, Bessie: burned in Scotland1680- 36 executed in Paris, France1682- Edwards, Susanna: hanged at Bideford, England1682- Lloyd, Temperance: hanged at Bideford, England1682- Trembles, Mary: hanged at Bideford, England1684- "Several" burned at Rouen, France1687- 3 executed (Suzanna, Isle and Catherine (last names unknown) at Arendsee, Germany1688- Glover, "Goody": Salem, MA. - hanged1690- 36 burned at Nordlingen, Germany between 1690-16941692- Tituba (Carib Indian Slave): tried, Salem, MA.1692- Salem Witch Trials: (a dog was also executed)1692- Dustin, Lydia: MA, died in prison on May 101692- Osborne, Sarah: Salem, MA. - she died in prison in Boston on May 101692- Bishop, Bridget: Salem, MA. - hanged on June 101692- Good, Sarah: Salem, MA. - hanged on July 191692- Howe, Elizabeth: Topsfield, MA. - hanged on July 191692- Martin, Sussanah: Amesbury, MA - hanged on July 191692- Nurse, Rebecca: Salem, MA. - hanged on July 191692- Wildes, Sarah: Topsfield, MA. - hanged on July 191692- Burroughs, George: Wells, MA. - hanged on August 191692- Carrier, Martha, Andover, MA. - hanged on August 191692- Jacobs, George (Sr): Salem, MA. - hanged on August 191692- Proctor, John: Salem, MA. - hanged on August 191692- Willard, John: Salem, MA. - hanged on August 191692- Foster, Anne: died (in prison) on September 171692- Corey, Giles: Salem, MA. - pressed to death on September 191692- Corey, Martha: Salem, MA. - hanged on September 221692- Easty, Mary: Salem, MA. - hanged on Septemnber 22

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1692- Parker, Alice: Salem, MA. - hanged on Septemnber 221692- Parker, Mary: Andover, MA. - hanged on Septemnber 221692- Pudeator, Ann: Salem, MA. - hanged on Septemnber 221692- Redd, Wilmott: Marblehead, MA. - hanged on September 221692- Scott, Margaret: Salem, MA. - hanged on Septemnber 221692- Wardwell, Samuel: Marblhead, MA. - hanged on Septemnber 221693- Chambers, (fnu): died in prison, in England1697- Reid, John: hanged himself in prison, in Scotland1697- 5 burned at Paisley, Scotland, on 10 June1698- 9 persons burned at Burghausen, Germany all under 16 years of age, on 26 March1699- 1 burned at Antrim, Ireland

18th Century

1704- Corset, Janet: killed by a mob at Pittenweem, Scotland1705- Rattray, George: executed in Spott, Scotland1705- Rattray, Lachlan: executed in Spott, Scotland1705- "Many" burned at Spott Loan, Scotland1716- 2 persons killed in the Trentino, Austria, between 1716-17171718- 1 executed in France1722- 2 persons, a mother and daughter, burned in Scotland1728- 13 burned at Szegedin, Hungary1730- 1 burned at Szegedin, Hungary1738- 13 burned at Szegedin, Hungary on 23 July1744- 3 burned at Karpfen, Germany1746- 1 executed at Szegedin, Hungary1746- 3 burned at Muhlbach, Germany1749- Mossau, Renata von: beheaded and burned in Bavaria, Germany on 21 June1751- Bayerin, Anna: executed at Salzburg, Austria1751- Osborne, Ruth & (husband) (fnu): killed by a mob at Tring, Herefordshire, England1752- 1 executed at Maros Vasarheli, Romania1772- Nathan, Abraham: executed at Haeck, Germany on 24 September1772- 100+ executed at Haeck, Germany between 1772 and 17791775- Schwaegel, Anna Maria: beheaded at Kempten, Germany on 11 April1782- Anna Goeldi, hanged at Glaris in Switzerland, June 171792- The last trial and judicial execution in Europe itself was probably that of two aged beldames, Satanists, who were burned at the stake in Poland

19th Century

1800- "Several" burned in South America during the 1800's1808- Russel, Alice: killed by a mob at Great Paxton, England 20 May1865- "Dummy" (name unknown; he was deaf-and-dumb): killed by a mob at Sible Hedingham, England on 3 August1875- Turner, Ann: murdered in England

20th Century

1922- Challiot, (fnu): murdered at St. Georges, France in February1925- 1 shot by a policeman at Uttenheim, Germany on suspicion of being a werewolf, in November1929- 1 murdered in Pennsylvania

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Currently - elderly individuals, mostly women, are being killed as witches in South Africa

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D10: WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT THE DARN MUSIC BOX?A: It was actually a perfect gift for a cow-eyed young man to give to his intended. Music boxes were invented in Switzerland in or around 1770. So when Barn ordered one for Josette - he was getting her a still unique and expensive token of his affection. (or affliction)

D11: SO SAY I WANTED TO TURN SOMEONE INTO A VAMPIRE, ANY SUGGESTIONS?A: This is Angelique's curse that made Barnabas a vampire:

I set a curse on you, Barnabas Collins. You wanted your Josette so much. Well, you shall have her. But not in the way you would have chosen. You will never rest, Barnabas. And you will never be able to love anyone. For whoever loves you shall die! That is my curse, and you shall live with it through all eternity!

Then he's bitten by a bat, to seal the deal!


E02: WHO STARTED THE DREAM CURSE AND HOW DID IT GO?A: The dream curse was Angelique's pet idea. Who else! It was to get even with Barnabas and make everyone else miserable while she was at it. She started the ball rolling with Maggie and intervened with Sam Evans when the curse almost ended short of its goal. Through sight and sound and faceless terror. Through endless corridors by trial and error. Ahead a blazing light does burn. And one door leads to the point of return.

Images behind the doors of the Dream Curse:

1 = a skull (Josette's music) 2 = guillotine 3 = a headless man (Lang's creation) laughing 4 = the skeleton bride (Angelique laughing) 5 = bats 6 = spider in it's web 7 = wolf (growling) 8 = Carolyn Stoddard's gravestone (Dec. 8, 1948 - July 15, 1968) 9 = Angelique (only seen by Professor Stokes) 10 = Maggie wearing black looking at Sam Evans' coffin 11 = blazing light leads to a vision of Barnabas, dead,

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on the floor of the Old House,

E03: WHO HAD THE DREAM AND IN WHAT ORDER?A: (DREAMER) (visions seen, refer above ) Maggie Evans had the dream (1) and told Jeff Clark, who had it (1, 2) and told Dr. Eric Lang, who in turn dreamed (1, 2, 3) and told Dr. Julia Hoffman, who dreamt (1, 2, 3, 4) and blabbed to Mrs. Sarah Johnson, who had the dream (1, 2, 4, 5) and had to tell David Collins, who dreamt (1, 4, 5, 6) and relayed to Willie Loomis, who dithered, dreamt(1, 2, 4, 7)and spilled his guts to Carolyn Stoddard, who had the dream (1, 2, 4, 8) and told poor Sam Evans, who had such a time that he dreamt (1, 4, 2, 10) and died. [ Professor Stokes ] butted in trying to end the curse (9) [ Angelique ] wasn't to be stopped so she invoked [ Sam Evans' ghost ], who from the grave told Victoria Winters, who dreamt (1, 2, 4, 11) and passed the baton to Barnabas Collins, (1, 4, 2, 11) and the buck stopped there!

Concluding Note: When Barnabas follows the Light to the Old House, he awakens without being bitten by a bat. He later hears 3 knocks at the door. He opens it, steps outside and is bitten by a bat (hears Angelique laughing). The curse has worked its evil.

[ Professor Stokes interrupted the order of Dream Curse by having the dream himself, but Angelique resurrected Sam Evans so that he could continue the Dream Curse and tell Victoria Winters the dream. ]

[ Carolyn Stoddard was summoned by Prof. Stokes and Barnabas by Cassandra herself. ]

E04: WHAT WAS THE NAME OF VICTORIA WINTERS DREAM HOUSE?A: Seaview. Originally owned by Caleb Collins, now part of the Collins Family holdings.

E05: WHO WERE THE "JURY OF THE DEAD"? They were the group summoned by Reverend Trask at the mock trial of Barnabas. They were the spirits of Jeremiah Collins, Ruby Tate, Maude Browning, Suki Forbes, Lt. Nathan Forbes and Ezra Simpson.

F01: WHEN WAS THE "1897" FLASHBACK FIRST AIRED?A: The 1897 storyline ran from March thru November of 1969.

F02: WHO OR WHAT WAS MR. JUGGINS?A: Mr. Juggins was David's name for the costumed dressmakers mannequin found in the abandoned West Wing of Collinwood. It was dressed up to resemble the 1897 Quentin to help avert suspicion from the kiddies strange antics, directed by Quentin's ghost.


F04: WHAT IS THE BOOK OF THE DEAD? COULD QUENTIN HAVE OWNED IT?A: It is highly unlikely that Quentin would have had a copy (at least

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until well after the 1897 episodes) and if he did, it would not have been the pocket sized version everyone at Collinwood was studying. The 1st of the pocket guide/tourist versions was not published until 1920.

The Book of The Dead is not really a book in its own right, but rather a collection of funereal texts, poems, hymns, spells, incantations, litanies, magical formulae, names, words of power, and prayers from various and often disparate sources. The largest grouping of these texts is called the Theban Recension of the Book of The Dead and the largest single source of this version is the Papyrus of Ani. This was the first of the works to be publicly published. It was published by its principal translator E.A. Wallis Budge of the British Museum as a three volume set between 1890 and 1894. This was definitely not what Quentin had in that the original publication was done full folio, oversized in a limited edition for scholarly use. The standard book size edition wasn't published until the Medici Society 2-volume set in 1913. The single volume, small format, field reference version wasn't published until 1920.

The term "Book of the Dead" is actually of fairly modern coinage. It was used by tomb robbers and treasure hunters in the 1800's to refer to any papyri in the possession of a plundered mummy.

Kitab al-Mayyit = book of the dead man - or more appropriately a dead man's book. This was what was offered to western archaeologists who took the term as a title for the material rather than a description of the material. As the trade became more intense the plural was was more often used, giving us Kitab al-Mayyitan = book of the dead (men) (pl)

F05: WHAT IS THE STORY WITH THE I-CHING?A: The storyline calls for characters to cast the I-Ching wands in an attempt to traverse time. They are successful when they throw, and meditate on the 49th Hexagram, which they call "Change".

The I-Ching (Book of Changes) is a system of divination and prediction which originated in China. The " Book of Changes" is thought to have been written in 1150BC by King Wen with the assistance of his son, Duke Chou. Modern versions also include the commentary and added thoughts on the system by Confucius and his disciples. An individual seeking to use the system casts six flat wands or rods. On one side each rod has a solid single line, on the other a broken line. The solid line is called is called firm, the broken line is called yielding. The six wands are thrown and then stacked to form a hexagram, made up of two trigrams. ie: _ _ _ _ _ _ This arrangement of six yielding lines is called K'UN _ _ (The Passive Principle) it is hexagram #2 _ _ the upper trigram and the lower are the same and represent _ _ the earth, female aspects and a passive nature.

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The opposite of this is hexagram #1 which is 6 firm lines - called CH'IEN (The Creative Principle) and represents heaven, male aspects and an active nature (ok - its a chauvenist system!) Now let us disect the DS pick hit hexagram:

YIELDING Although DS Called it "Change" the ancient texts are a FIRM a bit more definative. They call it "REVOLUTION" KO FIRM The upper trigram is LI (Fire, Brilliance and Beauty) FIRM The Lower is TUI (a body of Water, Pool, Marsh, Joy) YIELDING FIRM The Text says:

"Revolution. Not before the day of its completion will men have faith in it - sublime success! Determination in a righteous course brings reward; regret vanishes!"

The commentary points out that a stalemate is mandated by Fire above Water and that ultimately all revolution returns on the wheel to its original state.

Now how any of this could aid time travel - well only a DS writer could figure that out.

F06: WHAT DOES ARISTEDE CALL HIS KNIFE/DAGGER?A: The Dancing Girl. (It should be noted that when we first meet Michael Stroka as Bruno in 1970 - he is, once again, brandishing a knife, though not the same knife as his 1897 character)

F07: WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT WEREWOLVES?A: "It's no ordinary animal. It wears clothes and walks like a man!" Elizabeth Collins Stoddard

Keep in mind that it's nice to know the background - but don't expect Curtis & company to stick to it.

as AOL DSer Shebastorm observed:

the first rule of DS of course is NEVER to follow the rules of any legend....copy from all horror shows, but never quite follow the rules of any of them, make up your own rules as you go along, and be sure and change those often! That way fans will still be talking about DS in 25+ years! It worked, didn't it!

none-the-less the ACADEMIC AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA online at Prodigy says:

WEREWOLF - {wair'-wulf} In European folklore, a werewolf is a man who at night transforms himself or is transformed into a wolf (a process called lycanthropy) and roams in search of human victims to devour. The werewolf must return to human form at daybreak by shedding his wolf's skin and

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hiding it. If it is found and destroyed, the werewolf dies. A werewolf who is wounded immediately reverts to his human form and can be detected by the corresponding wound on his body. Similar creatures exist in folklore worldwide: the tiger, boar, hyena, and even cat are were-animals in areas where wolves are not found.

CLOSE BUT ONLY A FIFTH OF THE PICTURE! (additional research provides) Werewolves appear as far back in legends as vampires, and are as universal. The encyclopedia only dealt, and then briefly with a class B Werewolf, admittedly among the most dangerous but hardly the whole story and certainly not Quentin's plight. Class B's are usually sociopathic malcontents with a slight familiarity of the black arts. They choose to transform and do so by use of external magical amulets or talismans. (ie: invoking the power of a specially prepared wolf skin) They can change any night - not just during the moons full phase, and they retain thought and memory when they transform (I guess otherwise they wouldn't know enough to remove the talisman and become human again) and usually hunt with malice aforethought. Unlike curse victims - class B's seek and kill for profit, greed and revenge. They are truly a nasty lot. (FYI the werewolf in the Narnia Chronicles, by C.S. Lewis, was a class B)

Class A : Top Necromancers or Werewolves by nature. They need no talismans, change at will and are classed chaotic Neutral. They may or may not do good or evil depending on their mood. Their state of being is a natural fact and not a supernatural curse or blessing. Bjorn or the Bjornings (in J.R.R. Tolkien's Ring Trilogy) was a Class A.

Class B: Werewolves by choice. (If anybody is interested I could post a lovely 1740's incantation to promote such a transformation) As above - they are the true villains, nasty, sly and as a rule without conscience or remorse.

Class C: Victims who survive an attack, but have lost blood to a werewolf. These are the hapless souls of the horror genre. They have no memory of their beastly actions and only learn of their actions through indirection and assumption. They then live in agony over their plight. In classic tradition a werewolf is no more capable of suicide then a vampire, and just to make it harder - the death blow must be struck in love, out of caring and mercy.

Class D: A Curse! It's Quentin time.

Class E: The most hapless of all - the Inherited Lycantroph - they didn't want it, they didn't deserve it - they are just stuck.

By the way - I am surprised that the encyclopedia left out the three best known were-creatures (after wolves) - In Scandinavia and among the Eskimos, it is the were Bear (color as appropriate), The Vikings believed whole tribes of berserkers could become giant and invincible bears. (By the way fans - Berserk is old norse for - bare chest - the berserkers went into battle, no matter the temperature, with their shirts off)

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The Scottish / Irish Selkie, Man/seal, is a were beast, although much more of a sex machine than the others.

And probably the most venerated were beast in the 20th century - the were-Lion of the African plains - It was the basis of the Mau-Mau ritual of drinking drugged lions blood and then donning a lions skin prior to raids on the "colonial oppressors". Wer = Man Wulf = Wolf in Anglo Saxon

GERMAN = Werwulf FRENCH = Loup-garu SCOTTISH = Warwulf SLAVIC = Volkodlak

F08: WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT DS WEREWOLVES?A: They always rip their shirts but never remove their shoes or pants. Most amazingly they always shrink! David Selby (Quentin Collins) stands well over 6 feet tall, Don Briscoe (Chris Jennings) is also over 6 feet tall. Alex Stevens - who portrayed both Quentin and Chris as the werewolf was under 5 feet 8 inches tall. So every time the full moon rose the lycanthroph would shrink 4 to 6 inches when he became the wolfman.

F09: WERE THERE ANY BORROWINGS FROM OTHER CINEMA WEREWOLVES?A: Most noteworthy "borrows" were (a) the poem Jeb recites and (b) the flower that Sabrina believes can cure Chris Jennings.

(a) The Poem (Snippet): Even a man who is pure in heart And says his prayers by night, Can become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms And the Autumn moon is bright. was originally written for the script of the 1941 Universal release, "The Wolfman" starring Lon Chaney Jr. (Creighton Tull Chaney) in the title role.

(b) The flower, the Moon Poppy, was a major plot device in Universal's 1935 venture "Werewolf of London" starring British screen idol Henry Hull as the Werewolf/Botanist. In this movie the flower was referred to as the Marifasa Lupina Lumina. The existence of such a night blooming remedy is recorded in Gypsy lore and legend. It supposedly grows in "the East" or on high mountain ledges and is very rare. Modern identification of the legendary plant or a botanical analysis of it does not exist. Although Gypsy healers of the present day acknowledge the existence of the wolf bloom - they have not and apparently will not identify it for "gaijen" (outsiders). F10: WEREWOLVES VERSUS LEVIATHANS, SINCE WHEN?A: Admittedly the storyline takes a large leap of faith here - but maybe not as large as may at first appear. As is referenced elsewhere in these Q & A the Leviathan concept in Dark Shadows is deeply enmeshed with the Ugaritic/Sanskrit Naga. Werewolves are virtually synonymous, in European folklore, with the

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traveling bands of Gypsies - the Romany people. The Romany language has been tied closely to Sanskrit and much of the Gypsy magic and legend is grown from the Indo-Aryan mythos. So Werewolves and the Naga do have common footings and even if done by the DS writers only as a means to an end -ie: there was an unresolved werewolf handy - the rivalry may indeed be explained as a natural outcome of the ancient mythology.

F11: WHERE CAN I FIND OUT MORE ABOUT WEREWOLVES?A: Suggested references include:

The Werewolf - Montague Summers, London, 1933 Werewolves - Elliot O'Donnell, London 1912 The Book of Were-wolves:being an account of a terrible superstition - Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould, London, 1865 (He also wrote the Hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers) Der Werwolf - Dr. Wilhelm Hertz, Frankfurt 1862 Dialog und Gesprache von der Lycanthropia: oder der Menschen in Wolff verwandlung -Theophilus Lanken, Frankfurt, 1686

Montague Summers, was a sort of Prof Stokes for his time, his published works include:

The History of Witchcraft and Demonology (1926) The Geography of Witchcraft (1927) The Vampire, His Kith & Kin (1928) The Vampire in Europe (1929) The Werewolf (1933)

All of them were reprinted often and by various houses during the late 1960's.

F12: WHAT DOES PETOFI DO TO EDWARD AND FOR HOW LONG?A: Pompous Edward Collins thinks he is the Earl of Hampshire's Butler, and spends his time whining and groveling from 7/23/1897 to 8/28/1897.

F13: WHO WAS THE INSPIRATION FOR COUNT PETOFI?A: Petofi was loosely based on the mysterious alchemist who claimed to have found the secret to immortality - Count Saint Germaine.

F14: WHEN PETOFI VIEWED THE FUTURE, WHAT DATE DID HE VIEW?A: The date on the newspaper when Petofi used the I Ching to travel forward in time - was October 28, 1969.

F15: WHERE CAN YOU FIND A SPARE HAND WHEN YOU NEED ONE?A: Well - you can look in the lovely inlaid wooden chest, just the perfect size - which the Romano Gyspsy tribe kept Petofi's magic mit in. But if you can't locate the tribe - Remember that in 1897, Magda has the cask - as does Lawyer Hanley, for awhile.

But for real enjoyment - see where else you can find the barrel lidded chest. In 1966 it sits on a table between Vicki and David's rooms on the second floor.

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In 1680 Brutus had it on a table in the drawing room. Those Collins do take good care of their possessions!

While you look for Petofi's Cask through time and parallel dimentions - also keep your eye out for the Leviathan box - which keeps popping up , and the infamous Dark Shadows quilts which are often dressing sets in two locations at the same time!

F16: HOW OLD IS AMANDA HARRIS WHEN QUENTIN FIRST MEETS HER?A: Ready - of course its a trick question! She is just over 2 years old - talk about cradle robbers. Charles Deleware Tate created Amanda by painting her portrait March 11, 1895. As you remember - his talent was such - that whatever he painted, appeared in real life.

G01: WHEN DID PAUL STODDARD MAKE HIS DEAL AND WITH WHOM? Paul Stoddard flees Collinsport - 12/04/49 - in the process he makes a deal with Mr. Strach, a representative of the Leviathans, for 20 years of Good fortune and success. Paul Stoddard has to pay the fiddler - 12/04/69.

G02: IF THE BLUE WHALE IS FULL, WHERE CAN I GO FOR A GOOD BAR FIGHT?A: Try the Hi Hat Lounge, Portland, Maine; it works for Quentin.

G03: WHERE DID AMANDA HARRIS ATTEMPT SUICIDE?A: Dead Mans Leap - on an unspecified NYC Bridge. (Probably the Brooklyn Bridge judging from from the cable design)

G04: WHERE WAS THE RUMSON ESTATE?A: Little Windward Island, Maine.

G05: WHAT THE HECK IS A STINKY, SLIMY, LEVIATHAN, ANYWAY?A: The Earliest references (and probable origins) are in proto-Cabalistic Judaism - although other Ugaritic and Near Eastern Mythologies also include the Leviathan. The root "Levi" is the same as that of the Jewish Priest Cult - the Levites, and in its earliest form the Leviathan was a servant of the "most high" - guardian of the oceans and sort of the Constable of creation.

As time went on her (yup, I said her) reputation became tarnished and she was mated to Behemoth, grand demon of the earth. The two had a very uneasy marriage which was to climax with Leviathan's redemption, in the destruction of Behemoth during the final days of the end times. "The seas will Boil" is seen as a reference to the battle between the two.

The Book of Enoch - casts Leviathan as Mistress of the seas and Behemoth as Dominator of the land.

A common myth has Leviathan and her mate created on the fifth day of the Judeo/Christian Creation - They are so powerful and long lived - the very apex of creation - that G-d regrets the action and slaughters the male beast to provide food for the soon to be created humans. This of course annoys Leviathan greatly and causes the rift between her original role as G-d's enforcer and her later persona as the epitome of terror and a mega-evil force, as well as her hatred and disdain for

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the human race.

Some Christian sects in the Middle ages used Leviathan as the beast that swallows Jonah.

Depending on the source - Mystic texts of the dark ages on have identified the Leviathan as - a whale, a large snake (ie: NAGA or the Scandinavian Midgard Serpent) or a crocodile (the ancient Egyptian "avenger of the gods")

In DS the writers combined elements of Lovecraft/Judeo-Christian mysticism/ and the Pre-Hindu Naga mythos to give us Jeb Hawkes et al.

G06: HOW DO THE NAGA AND THEIR BOOK FIT INTO THIS?A: Naga is the Sanskrit word for serpent.

The Naga-Loka were the ancient serpent gods (were-snakes) of the Indus valley - their worship/veneration has devolved to the current day Cobra cults. Many villages still have a Naga Stone guarding them (similar to the Shivalinga used as a plot device in INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM). The Naga-Loka were banished to the underground kingdom by Brahma. There they were constrained to bite only the truly evil or those whose appointed time of death had already come.

The flute used by snake charmers is a nagasuram - sort of an oboesque flute - Coming from the region of mountains on the border between India, Burma and Pakistan - known as the Naga Hills, in the state of Nagaland. In the period between 1865 and 1880, the Naga people, headhunters of this region, were exterminated by the British Colonial Forces.

Nag is the Northern Indian term for the King Cobra (similar to the African word Simba (Lion) used as many a lion's name) and was used by Rudyard Kipling in his story "Riki Tiki Tavi" as the name for the menacing king cobra (whose charming and equally menacing wife was called Nagaina) (Maybe if Prof. Stokes and Julia had imported a dozen mongoose to Collinsport, the Leviathan storyline would have progressed quicker!)

The image of the entwined, multi-headed serpent is a common on the Naga stones and appears extensively in the frieze work of the ruins of the ancient university of Nagarjunakonda in Andhra Pradesh.

G07: HOW CAN YOU TELL THAT YOU ARE DEALING WITH A LEVIATHAN LIFE-FORCE?A: Check their right wrist for an interesting birthmark. Joseph, Alexander, Michael, Jeb had a crescent moon birthmark.

H01: WHO LIVES WHERE ON THE ESTATE IN 1970PT?A: Rose Cottage = Bruno Hess Loomis House (the Old House) = William & Carolyn Loomis (later joined by a nervous Amy) Collinwood = Quentin and Maggie Collins, Daniel Collins, Roger Collins, Elizabeth Collins, Amy Collins, Hoffman, Angelique

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Stokes Collins, Alexis Stokes and Mr. Trask. Carolyn often stays over. Also the ghost of Dameon ((Damion)) Edwards. The Old Shack at Findley Cove = Roxanne (when not at the Stokes Cottage) The Collins' Mausoleum = Claude North

Characters nearby and in the village of Collinsport:

Mrs. Duvall's Boarding House = Minnie Duvall, Buffie Harrington, and John Yaeger Longworth's Home & Lab = Cyrus Longworth (later joined by a very nervous Bruno Hess), and apparently Sabrina Stuart, who is on the premises at all hours of the night and day. Aldon Wick's Farmhouse = where Yaeger brings Maggie The Stokes' Cottage = Timothy Stokes, Roxanne:the life-force body.

H02: WHERE DID QUENTIN AND MAGGIE HONEYMOON?A: The Lovebirds frolicked on the French Riviera.

H03: JUST HOW DEAD IS ANGELIQUE SUPPOSED TO BE WHEN WE ARRIVE IN 1970PT?A: She was 30 years old when she passed away during a seance, 6 months before Quentin arrives with his new bride, Maggie. Mourning just isn't what it used to be. (What, dead 6 months and still not forgotten?) But then 6 months seems to be a standard among the Collins family. In 1840 Samantha Collins marries Gerard Stiles 6 months after her husband Quentin is missing at sea and presumed dead.


H05: WHAT DO WE CALL THE SECRET INGREDIENT IN CYRUS LONGWORTH'S COCKTAIL?A: Aside from "plot device" we could refer to the chemical compound, as did its creator (Horace Gladstone), as "the synthesis". Actually it was called "the synthesis" so often, that one could have visions of Sam Carvalis referring to his Carvel soft serve as " the Product". "The product is the very best product on the market. The product is made of only the finest ingredients. I am sure you will enjoy this product." Maybe the secret ingredient in Carvel Ice Cream was "the synthesis"?

H06: WHY DID THE PT COLLINS HAVE A YEARLY COSTUME BALL?A: It was held each year to celebrate Quentin and Angelique's Anniversary.


H08: WHO WERE THE PRIMARY SUSPECTS IN THE MURDER OF ANGELIQUE (PT)?A: Quentin Collins, Bruno Hess, Will Loomis, Mr. Trask, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard,

Sabrina, Cyrus Longworth, and Roger Collins also were at the seance. Julia Hoffman was in the house - but not at the seance.

H09: WHO DID HOFFMAN THE HOUSEKEEPER WORK FOR BEFORE THE COLLINS FAMILY?A: She worked for the Richardsons and was a friend of Inspector Hamilton and his wife.

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H10: WHAT DID BUFFIE HARRINGTON DO BEFORE BEING A BARMAID?A: She was employed as a domestic at Collinwood.

H11: WHERE DID EVERYONE GO WHILE HALF THE CAST WAS FILMING "HODS"?A: Maggie Evans Collins was staying with her sister in New York. Barnabas was trapped in a coffin by Will Loomis. Will Loomis had sequestered himself so that he could write in peace. Hoffman had been sent to visit relatives in Boston. Elizabeth and Roger kept making trips to Boston and Portland.

H12: HOW DOES ONE TIME TRAVEL AT COLLINWOOD?A: - Dream travel is the safest - experience the past or future in the relative comfort of your own canopy bed. - Not very reliable but - a seance can send you back and forth in time. It can also give you psychic scars for life, or end your life! - If you are stuck away from the main house - try the I-Ching wands. But read up carefully to make sure you have the correct grouping. If it is anything other than Hexagram #49 - change - throw again and start over. - In the East Wing - there is a large room which can send you to Parallel time and vice versa. - In the West Wing - there is the "Stairway In Time" for linear travel, built in 1840 by Quentin Collins Esq. - Check with your astral travel agent and be sure to have the appropriate wardrobe and currency. ( If a medical professional be sure to bring your black bag and lab supplies - you'll need them!)

I01: WHAT YEAR DID BARNABAS AND JULIA VISIT IN THE FUTURE?A: 1995 - although Barnabas keeps changing his mind and at one point says 1998 and at another says 1997. But then the events of 1795 keep being referred to as 1796 or 1797. Ah Continuity!

I02: WHO LIVES WHERE ON THE ESTATE IN 1995?A: Rose Cottage = destroyed Old House = Barnabas, Julia, Quentin Collinwood = The Ghost assembly: Gerard Stiles, Daphne Harridge, Tad Collins, and Carrie Stokes The Old Shack at Findley Cove = Carolyn {Stoddard} Hawkes "Fredericks"

I03: WHERE HAD QUENTIN COLLINS BEEN FROM 1970 TIL 1995?A: He had been a "guest" at the Stormcrest Sanitarium.

J01: WHERE DOES MAGGIE EVANS END UP IN 1970?A: She becomes a "guest" at the Wyndcliff Sanitarium.

J02: WHO WAS THE MOST GENEROUS OF THE GHOSTS AT COLLINWOOD?A: That honor would have to go to Daphne Harridge - she was always leaving "tokens" about.

Gifts from Daphne: to David: model of the 2 masted China schooner - "Java Queen" to David: a complete and pristine young man's outfit circa 1840 to Hallie: a lovely party outfit complete with pantaloons and

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hair ribbons circa 1840 to Quentin: a bouquet of Lilacs and a kiss, sigh! to Elizabeth: Porcelain Figurine of a governess and student

J03: WHO IS THE FIRST TO NOTICE THE PRESENCE OF STILES IN 1970?A: If you count David's photo of Maggie and Quentin with Stiles appearing to lurk in the background, then we'd have to credit David with the first inkling, followed by Carolyn and then Quentin (heavily into denial). But the first to feel Stiles' presence and recognize it for what it is, would be the ever popular Dr. Julia Hoffman, who shares her feelings with Barnabas as soon as she enters the house. In the "flesh" or "ectoplasm" Stiles is then seen by the Kids, Elizabeth, Carolyn, Barnabas, Mrs. Johnson and finally Quentin.

J04: WHAT WAS DAPHNE HARRIDGE'S FAVORITE SCENT?A: Lilac. It filled the surrounding area whenever her ghost was near.

J05: WHAT WERE CAROLYN'S CLUES TO THE 1995 PUZZLE?A: Just before she died Carolyn wrote down six clues that would lead to the moment the - - - - hit the fan at Collinwood in 1970 creating the 1995 which Barnabas and Julia witnessed. These were: 1) The night of the Sun and the Moon 2) the night Rose Cottage was destroyed 3) the unfinished horoscope 4) the night I (Carolyn) sang my song 5) the picnic 6) the murder --------------------------------------- W A R N I N G : GENUINE SPOILER SECTOR: ---------------------------------------

1) Its an Eclipse! (or Sebastian Shaw's medallion : ) ) 2) Rose Cottage is a Doll House! Although as David points out, It looks a lot more like a Mansion then a Cottage. But it is also a real location on the property. Carrie Stokes had always wanted and dreamed about having a doll's house which would be called Rose Cottage. Leticia Faye decided to give her one as a Birthday present. Leticia asked Quentin (always good with his hands) to build the doll's house. He did (obliging chap that he was) and modeled the toy after the McGruder Mansion, on or very near the Collinwood Estate. Despite its obvious mansion demeanor, Carrie insisted on calling it Rose Cottage - soon local folk took to calling both the doll house and the mansion it was designed after - Rose Cottage. In the 1970's the real house is again called McGruder - ie: the old McGruder place. Stiles causes the doll's house to burn. 3) Carolyn's horoscope is never finished! 4) Her song is Leticia Faye's hit - "I Wanna Dance With You" 5) The picnic is when Stiles appears in David's photo! 6) Everybody gets iced, but Daphne goes first.

J06: WHAT IS THE INSCRIPTION ON GERARD STILES HEADSTONE?A: "In darkness he did live and die" Just for the record his grave is conveniently located next to

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the Grave of Daphne Harridge. She, and most others buried in Collinsport, did not get an inscription, only her name and dates. It should be noted that dates on a tombstone in a Collinsport cemetery may well change from week to week as is needed for the plot. Maybe they are not "carved in stone" after all. And while we are on the subject of Tombstones:

Talk about your restless dead!!! Good Grief, things are hopping in the Collinsport Cemetery.

When Julia and Barnabas went Grave hunting in 1970 (post 1995) they found:____________ ____________ ____________| GERARD | | DAPHNE | | THOMAS || STILES | | HARRIDGE | | JENNINGS || | | | | || 1811-41 | | 1818-41 | | 1944-68 |------------ ------------ ------------But when Daphne brought Quentin to the Cemetery, a week later, it was:____________ ____________ ____________| THOMAS | | DAPHNE | | GERARD || JENNINGS | | HARRIDGE | | STILES || | | | | || 1944-68 | | 1818-41 | | 1811-41 |------------ ------------ ------------At the beginning of the next episode, when they reprised the scene -I guess Tom had gotten annoyed at being moved because......____________ ____________ ____________| | | DAPHNE | | GERARD || (*) | | HARRIDGE | | STILES || | | | | || | | 1818-41 | | 1811-41 |------------ ------------ ------------......... he left altogether!

(*) very lightly written non-character tombstone replaced the very dark,clear and large inscription of Tom Jennings gravestone..........

Of course the Collins' cemeteries are never good places to do research.They certainly can't be used as spelling guides. In 1795 we see thatJeremiah's headstone has his name spelled Jer((i))miah instead ofJer((e))miah, but somehow the spelling corrects itself later in the series.

They are not much good for dates either. Sarah Collins, headstone in themausoleum says 1784-1795 but she died in January of 1796. In earlierepisodes they say that Sarah was 10 when she died but in the 1795flashback, she dies on her 11th birthday.

J07: WHEN AND WHERE WAS THE "JAVA QUEEN" DESTROYED?A: The Java Queen, notorious scavenger of the sea, was lost in a storm Thursday the 27th, August 1841, just off the coast of Collinsport. J08: WHAT DID THE CREW OF THE "JAVA QUEEN" CONSIST OF?A: 23 brigands and cut-throats.

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J09: IF BORED WHILE VISITING COLLINWOOD - WHAT CAN I FIND IN THE PLAYROOM?A: Inventory of the Playroom: a wagon and a wooden sled; an orange kite; an antique trunk (possibly filled with dress up clothes); a cast iron stage coach pulled by white horses; a stuffed Tiger toy; a stuffed Lion toy; a stuffed Monkey toy; a stuffed Doggie toy; a stuffed Lamb toy; a Mandolin (hanging on wall); a Carousel Music Box with 5 horses and 5 swan boats; a Hunting Horn; 3 Rag Dolls - Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Andy and a blonde rag doll; a very sturdy Rocking Horse; a Croquet set; a Military Officer's Hat (looks Naval?); a Military Snap Drum; a Snare drum; a large, fully furnished doll's house with two little doll folk (three after they add Carolyn's effigy) and electric lights (go figure); and a model of the pirate schooner Java Queen (when it isn't in David's room) are among the toys.

In terms of furnishings we have a candlestick and table (for seances); an accent table (stand for Carousel Music Box); a stool; 2 chairs w/arms; 2 straight-chairs; a rocking chair; a dresser with a chest on top; a pair of large stork ornaments flanking the fireplace; and a large portrait of a young boy and girl with a very ugly dog.

J10: HOW DO YOU EXORCISE A GHOST IN THE HOME?A: With a divining branch in hand step outside the house and say: 1) I abjure thee, contemptuous and evil spirit, By the judge of the quick and the dead, By the maker of all things, By Him who has power to put thee in Hell, Depart in haste from the confines of this house.

2) Thou restless and unquiet shade, Creature of the netherworld pit, Where the fire is never quenched Return to thy winding sheets, And set the living free, in the name of the Lord.

3) Alien spirit, defiler of innocence, Persecutor of virtue, In the name of the Lord, Cast thyself back to the outer darkness, From whence thee came. (Quentin Collins, 1970)

J11: WHAT'S SPECIAL ABOUT THE FENCED-IN, OVERGROWN AREA IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CEMETERY?A: It was an area reserved for the burial of cruel and mean criminals and misfits (you'll find Gerard's friends there).


Where the North woods path is narrow You be at sixes and sevens but look for the "H" and follow the arrow that points to Maggie Evans.

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The "H" was on the tombstone of Jeremy Harrow (H - arrow , get it!?)

J13: WHAT IF I ENJOY LOOKING FOR ERRORS IN CONTINUITY? Then Dark Shadows is your show and 1970/1840 are perfect time periods. A few examples: 1) When the children are beginning to freak out in the playroom, David is having a fine time riding the rocking horse. When Hallie confronts him at the beginning of the next episode she says she saw him playing with "the boat", no mention is made of the horse. 2) Sebastian Shaw's horoscope for Carolyn is labeled, in big black letters " CAROLYN STODRARD HAWKES " Ooooops! 3) and for those who wonder if evil is ever really destroyed - The Leviathan Box, destroyed several months earlier - is back in one piece and sitting on a table in the Collinwood Drawing Room. Oh Well! 4) Angelique is refered to as a servant girl from the British West Indies. She was from Martinique, a French possession! 5) All of the storyline which took place in 1795 is constantly referenced as having taken place in 1796 or even 1797.

K01: WHO LIVES WHERE ON THE ESTATE IN 1840?A: COLLINWOOD: Daniel Collins, Quentin Collins, Samantha {Drew} Collins, Thadeus "Tad" Collins, Gabriel Collins, Elizabeth Collins, Julia H. Collins, Ben Stokes, Carrie Stokes, Gerard Stiles (until the Samantha affair), Hortense Smiley, Daphne Harridge, Bainbridge THE OLD HOUSE: Barnabas Collins, Valerie Collins ROSE COTTAGE (the McGruder Place): Flora Collins, Desmond Collins, Leticia Faye, Gerard Stiles (after the Samantha affair), the Head of Judah Zachery.

and nearby:

A House on the edge of town: Lamar Trask An abandoned lighthouse: the captive Julia H. Collins The Drew Household: Roxanne and Banker Drew Weatherby Farm: Mordecai Grimes The Police Station: Constable Jim and Mildred Ward other locations of interest: the Collinsport Apothecary Trask Memorial Chapel - funeral home - on Front Street Collinsport Bank - Mr. Drew is the CEO Collinsport Star - all the news we care to print The Collinsport Police Station and Jail The abandoned Fishing Shack at Indian Cove

Eagle Hill and Gallows Hill Cemeteries

K02: WHERE DID GERARD PICK UP LETICIA FAYE?A: Backstage at the Tivoli Music Hall.

K03: WHAT'S THE STORY WITH THE MASK OF BA'AL?A: Another pastiche from the over-fertile minds of the DS writers.

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..............how come a metalic South American Mask - looking vaquely Olmec or even Aztec - possibly Jaguar cult, gets stuck with some pretty fake looking baubles and then attributed to Baal - a Ugaritic diety??

To give them their due - or chalk it up to dumb luck - at least using the mask with lightning made sense, and regeneration or restorative powers would fit within the scope of Ba'als pervue. Baal (Ba'al or Bel or later Belos) was the Ugaritic fertility God, son of Dagon, whose power he usurped to become head of the Canaanite and Phonecian pantheons - later translating to a Peloponisian Belos - the prototype of Zeus (aha - the lightning)

Fertility being what it was in the near east - Baal was styled as the god of fertility and life - and to have either you needed moisture - so he became (by the 14th Cent BC) called "Lord of Rain and Dew" "He who rides on the clouds" " wielder of the fire of the sky"

Baal Shamen was the Lord of Heaven, master of life and ruler of the storm.

oh yeah - in hebrew ba'al came to mean "owner", "posseser" or " Lord of" ie: an archer was a "ba'al arrows".

ah yes, Dark Shadows - a crypto archaeologists nightmare! : ) =

K04: WHAT'S THE STORY WITH QUENTIN(1840)'S RING?A: According to Gerard - He and Quentin came across the ring while in an upriver village in Brazil. It was worn by the local witchdoctor. Quentin admired the ring. Gerard obtained it from the witchdoctor and gave it to Quentin as a gift.

Teri Darcy describes the ring in case you haven't watched closely: - " it's a circle with a cross or an X (depending which way it's tilted) over the top of it, extending out past the edges of the circle. As MIEno mentions, it does look quite impractical to wear. Not only would it catch on things, it could put out Daphne's eye one of these days if he isn't careful smooching her, or give her a goose if he doesn't watch where his hands are behind her! "

To which we add: Whoever worried about it catching on things had a good point - it is a lethal piece of jewelry. The closest Artifact that the ring matches is hardly a token of witchcraft or evil. It is in fact a ward of protection. The ring, which may well have been built as a prop - but was more likely picked up at a jewelry or antique bazaar - appears to be of Scottish/Celtic design. Anyone familiar with clan badges and sporan emblems can attest that the Scots had no fear of sharp edges and oversized jewelry that had sticky points. The shape of the "X", encircled and with gems on the points is known as the "Ward of St. Andrew".

St. Andrew (his name means "manly", how fitting for Quentin to wear his ward), brother of Simon Peter and patron of Scotland, was highly revered in the early church - even held above Peter as the protokletos, the first disciple, he was a follower of John

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the Baptist (severed head!!!!! Judah Zachery fans take note) in the desert and after the Baptism of Christ he followed Christ and convinced his brother Peter to do so also. Andrew was crucified in 60/70 AD on an X shaped cross with even sides (according to a 4th cent source).

His body and his severed head (a mocking gesture on the part of his executioners, referencing the beheading of his original master, John) were entombed together in Patras, Greece, where the death took place.

In 357 AD, the Body was moved by Imperial command from Greece to Constantinople. During the 8th century parts of the body arrived in Scotland. In 1208 what was left of the body and the ever present head were taken to Amalfi, Italy for enshrinement. In the early 15th century - the head was ordered to Rome by the pope, who put it in St. Peters Basilica. So at that point the head was in the Vatican , 1/2 the body was in Amalfi and 1/2 was in St. Andrews, Scotland - except for a few knuckles and other minor joints, which had ended up , lord knows how, in the hands of German Princes and a few wealthy French Families.

And that is pretty much how it stood, or lay, til 1964 - when as a gesture of friendship between the Vatican and the Greek Orthodox community - Pope Paul VI sent the head back to Patras as a gift. The Encircled Saltine Cross brings a charm of strength and protection to its bearer. In the case of Quentin's ring the gems appear golden yellow and purple. The golden yellow is probably Amber, very popular among the Scots and Vikings as a representation of the Sun (a symbol of the dispelling of evil force) and the purple amethyst, very popular in Clan jewelry, it represents the purple heather of the highlands which itself was a ward against wiccan influences. The piece was probably a pre-Christian Druidic design - in which the circle was the world and the Even sided cross represented the cardinal directions/winds - but as with so much - it was absorbed by the Christians, and reinterpreted using an overlay of Christian symbology as the pagan sway diminished in the highlands. In any event - It was a positive, not a negative symbol and is - Big surprise - being misused by our errant writer friends in the DS bullpen.

Quentin could be wearing the ring - because the Collins were of Scottish ancestry (we never did find out where they came from in the UK) - which would account for their Presbyterian/Calvinist philosophical leanings (but not the high level of alcoholism), or because he liked golf - St. Andrews is of course home of the Royal and Ancient Club - the first golf course in the world and the Vatican of Golf rules.

Or he may have gotten it as a prize in a box of "Cracker Jacks". Sorry - Couldn't resist.

K05: WHERE DOES QUENTIN'S VOODOO DOLL COME FROM?A: The storyline answer is that it comes from South America, a gift to Quentin from Desmond. It may be that the Collins family is in bad need of a curator, however, because the figure is very definitely an African carving.

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K06: WHERE DID DAPHNE HARRIDGE WORK BEFORE COLLINWOOD?A: She was employed at the Collinsport Star, the hometown paper.

K07: WHICH OF THE "BLACK ARTS" DID GERARD STILES BOAST PROFICIENCY IN?A: Gerard claimed to be an expert at palm reading, numerology, astrology and seance management. Gosh sounds more like a New Ager than a warlock!

K08: DOES GERARD DO ANYTHING TO RELAX?A: Gerard plays whist and chess.

K09: WHY DOES JULIA HAVE TROUBLE PRACTICING IN 1840?A: Well - Julia's major problem is being a bit ahead of herself. Time travel can be disorienting. In order to vivify Judah, she sends out for adrenelin (epinephrine) and amazingly gets it! Amazing since the field of endocrinology didn't really start til experimentation in 1891-1894. Adrenelin itself was not isolated until 1901. (The researcher involved, Jokichi Takamine wasn't even born until 1854.)

And while we are getting picky - Julia should not have had a metal Stethescope - in 1840 it would have been a wooden instrument.

K10: WHO STAKES ROXANNE DREW?A: No one. Roxanne is disintegrated by the sunlight at dawn. Her brother, Randall, armed with a cross, holds vigil in her mausoleum and as dawn approaches prevents her from gaining access to her coffin. She is caught in the rays of the rising sun and no more Roxanne.

K11: WHAT DID LASZLO, THE INEPT GYPSY PICKPOCKET, PILFER?A: Gerard Stiles watch fob. The fob was decorated with an image of The Colossus of Rhodes, 100ft high statue of the Sun God - Helios. One of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.

The fob portrays the Medieval (and technically impossible) idea that the statue straddled the harbor entrance. It actually was erected to one side of the harbor and served as a beacon and warning tower. A jar atop its head contained fire - a lighthouse. The Colossus crumbled in 225 AD during an earthquake. The ruins lay in situ for almost 400 years until 900 Camels carried away the scrap metal when the Arabs overtook Rhodes in 653 AD. Helios was a prototype of Apollo, the Sun God, lord of the theatre, music and art. Not really suitable for Gerard, is it? K12: CAN WE REVIEW THE HISTORY OF JUDAH ZACHERY?A: - The Strange Case of the Pagan Head - (as they called it in the press) ==================================

- On November 5, 1692, in the town of Bedford, Massachusetts - Judah Zachery, nicknamed "the Devil's son", was found guilty of

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109 counts of witchcraft by a citizens Tribunal.

- The prosecution of Zachery succeeded principally on the testimony of Miranda du Val, a disciple of Judah, who testified against him in exchange for immunity from prosecution and a safe escort out of the country. [[NOTE: Miranda was employed as a chamber maid in a Bedford household when she met Judah Zachery and had become part of his coven.]]

- Judah Zachery was hung til dead and then beheaded. He had cursed all who had participated in his conviction.

- Amadeus Collins was one of the three Judges on the Tribunal.

- The grandfather of Otis Green was the executioner who carried out the sentence of the Tribunal. He was also in charge of burying the headless body (and oddly enough - along with it "The Mask of BA'AL" - a magic talisman which reportedly could restore life to the dead). A humongous cross was wedged against the coffin, in an grave in the Gallows Hill Cemetery, unmarked except for an uncarved headstone.

This unmarked tombstone is over a hidden crypt with a secret entrance activated by pulling a ring on an adjacent stone. This exposes the stairway down to the secret crypt.

- The head was displayed on the town green as a warning to Judah's followers to mend their ways.

- Two of the Tribunal Judges and their families died out within a short time after the execution. Only the Collins family carried on. Amadeus and his direct descendants all died accidental deaths.

- Miranda changed her name and headed for the West Indies. Eventually she ended up on the Island of Martinique working for the du Pres family as Angelique Bouchard in the late 1700's. [[ NOTE: We feel it needs to be mentioned that his is another case of DS revisionism. Although it fits the 1840 storyline it creates a continuity problem, because in 1795 the Countess Natalie du Pres remarks about Angelique's childhood in Martinique. This has given rise to the theory that Miranda was re-incarnated as Angelique although the 1840 explanations would seem to give her a continuous, though ageless, lifespan]]

- The head disappeared from the town green and was believed to have been in the possession of a woman later hung as a witch.

- In 1803 there were a series of 4 decapitations in the Bedford area.

- In October of 1803, Otis Green, grandson of the executioner, was tried and found guilty of committing the crimes. In his confession he blamed the whole mess on a demon head which had come into his possession and in turn, possessed him.

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- The Head never turned up. At the same time as the trial, a young man who worked as Green's handyman skipped town, shipped out to the East and (it was assumed) took the head with him.

- Otis Green served his time in Prison. He was eventually released and became an antiques dealer. He died of a heart attack when the head returned to Collinsport. [[NOTE: It should be noted that the character - Otis Green - was played by Abe Vigoda - whose other DS persona was that of the elderly silversmith - Braithwaite - who also died of a heart attack at Collinwood. Talk about typecasting!]] - The young handyman turned up dead in the port of Macao - the head was missing.

- and so start the tragic events of 1840!

- While traveling in the Far East in 1840, Desmond Collins finds the head and brings it to Collinwood as a gift for his cousin, Quentin Collins. The head excercises its power over him and he never gives it to Quentin.

- The Head having gained temporary control of Desmond, also gives orders to Leticia and then Julia in an attempt to be reunited with its body. When this fails the head facilitates Judah Zachery's total possession of the ner-do-well Gerard Stiles, who embarks on the systematic destruction of the Collins Family.

- Before the Dynamic Duo traveled back to 1840 - It was the ghost of Gerard (possessed by Judah) who had caused the Havoc of 1970 which resulted in the decayed Collinwood of 1995 as well as the list of dead, mad and missing Collins family members. Apparently he had only partially succeeded in 1840 before meeting some temporary end. And so he came back as a ghost in 1970 to complete his plan.

- With Barnabas and Julia in 1840 - Gerard/Judah's plan accelerated, but then ended in the destruction of the head and the final death of Judah Zachery, negating the time periods post 1840, which we had already seen.

K13: WHAT IS THE OATH/PLEDGE OF THE JUDAH ZACHERY FAN CLUB?A: Devil help me, My body and soul I give to thee, for in return I ask to be granted the secret powers from the deepest pits of hell. Sealed with a kiss.

K14: WHAT LAW DO THEY TRY QUENTIN UNDER?A: He is tried for "The Infamous Practice of Witchcraft" under state law 119 (4/26/1696) which was unfortunately (for Quentin) carried over from the Massachusetts colony legal code by the Maine Articles of Statehood. (Where's a good lawyer when you need one - see Question M19)

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The law calls for a 3 member tribunal to judge charges of witchcraft if 6 citizens set forth depositions naming the same individual as a practitioner of the Black Arts. If found guilty - the penalty is death by beheading. (The old community standards ploy!)

Desmond is caught up by a 1690 Law - which states that a warlock's followers die with him.


K16: WHAT MAKES LETICIA REALIZE THAT GERARD IS JUDAH ZACHERY?A: The cards, and as Leticia will tell you "the cards don't lie!". When she first read Gerard's fortune in the cards - she saw that he would become wealthy, but would never truely love a woman. When she read the cards for the possessed Gerard she drew three cards: The Queen of Hearts - He was in love with a woman. The Queen of Spades - He was replacing someone else he had loved and lost. The Ace of Clubs - She would marry him while hating him. After seeing this - Leticia tells Desmond: "I read the fortune of another man. I saw the future of Judah Zachery."

K17: WHERE DID QUENTIN AND DESMOND HIDE FROM THE POLICE? A: In an abandoned fishing shack at Indian Cove. K18: WHO HAS A DO-IT-YOURSELF WEDDING WITHOUT AID OF CLERGY?A: Desmond and Leticia conduct their own "wedding" in the Jail.

K19: WHO IS PRESENT AT THE 1841 WITCHCRAFT EXECUTION?A: Desmond and Quentin, of course, attended by Barnabas. For the state we have Judge Vail, 2 guards and a hooded executioner. Gerard Stiles and Lamar Trask are there as spectators/witnesses - and Angelique shows up at the last moment with the head of Judah Zachery.

K20: WHO IS THE EXPERT ON PARALLEL TIME?A: Well of course Prof. Stokes can fill you in on the details. But if you want the complete story, you should check Quentin's source - Prof. Ernest Weisman - proponent of the Weisman Theory - He is on the faculty of the University of Vienna. He posits the the concept of twin worlds in "Concurrent Bands of Time" - and that's about as close to Parallel Time as you get!

K21: WHERE DID LAMAR TRASK DIE?A: In the Parallel Time room in the East Wing. He stumbles in there while fighting with Barnabas. In that band of time, Flora & Julia find his body and not knowing who he is, bury him in secret. Isn't that what you'd do? While burying him - Julia picks his wallet and finds out he is a Trask - she supposes he might be related to the Collinsport Trasks - the local bakers.

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K22: WHO IS ON THE 1840's HIT LIST? (FOR SCORE KEEPERS).A: The Almost Dead: ---------------- - Leticia stops Gabriel from choking Gerard with a rope. - Gerard stops Samantha from knifing Daphne. - Angelique stops Gerard from shooting Barnabas with silver bullets. - Roxanne stops Trask from killing Barnabas by entombing him behind a basement wall (her ghost brings Julia and Angelique to the rescue). - Julia saves Desmond from a near fatal bullet wound inflicted by a Jail Guard. - The Ghost of Daniel Collins stops Gabriel from killing Daphne - Samantha shoots Joanna, but why bother shooting a ghost? - Angelique tries to kill Gerard/Judah with the ever popular voodoo doll, but his powers are stronger and he takes away her powers. - Leticia tries to knife Gerard/Judah - he fends her off.

The Dead: --------- - Lorna Bell is murdered by Charles Dawson and Gerard/Judah = sacrifice. - Roxanne dissolves in the sunlight, thanks to Randall = evaporation. - Otis Green is given a heart attack = witchcraft. - Daniel dies at Gabriel's hand = induced heart attack. - Randall is murdered by Gabriel = choking. - Mrs. Ward is murdered by Gerard Stiles = witchcraft. - Mordecai Grimes is murdered by Gerard Stiles = witchcraft. - Edith Collins is murdered by Gabriel = choking. - Gabriel Collins is murdered by the Ghost of Daniel = accidental death. - Samantha is murdered by the Ghost of Joanna Mills = accidental death. - Charles Dawson is murdered by Angelique = hit with a candlestick (do you think DS inspired CLUE?). - Gerard/Judah is killed by Desmond = gunshot. - Lamar Trask kills Angelique = gunshot. - Barnabas kills Lamar Trask = knife in the gut during a tussle.

K23: ARE THERE LOOSE ENDS AT THE END OF 1840/41?A: Do Vampires stalk the Collinwood woods? The writers made a very weak attempt to settle things up. We do know there were two weddings. Daphne and Quentin went down to Boston for an 1841 wedding and Desmond and Leticia got married in New York.

But what ever happened to Laszlo, Angelique's faithful (?) gypsy retainer? He just vanished once Angelique and Barnabas formed an alliance. And we'll never know how Joanna Mills' ghost managed to make every one think she was alive. Did she come for revenge or for love? We'll never know.

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And just how did Roxanne (1970) become a vampire? and are there others?

And now that the truth is out, will Carrie and Jeremy Grimes get back together? I guess the writers figured nobody cared.

K24: WHAT IS THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE 1971 COLLINSPORT SOCIAL SEASON?A: The opening of the Collinsport Historical Center repleat with attendance by the entire Collins Clan and a speech by Roger!

L01: WHO LIVES WHERE ON THE ESTATE IN 1841PT?A: COLLINWOOD: Justin Collins, Flora Collins, Julia Collins, Morgan Collins, Gabriel Collins, Quentin Collins, Stella Young, Samantha (Drew) THE OLD HOUSE: Bramwell Collins, Josette Collins the Stables the Toolshed

and nearby:

The Harridge House: Catharine Harridge, Daphne Harridge Kendrick Young is staying at the Inn

other locations of interest: the Trask Bakery the Eagle Tavern

L02: WHO SEES THE WOMAN IN WHITE IN 1841PT?A: When it is time for Justin Collins to die, the specter is first seen in the woods by Morgan Collins, later Melanie sees it through Justin's bedroom window. Finally Justin sees the specter, for the second time in his life - he had seen it when his father was about to die.

Morgan sees the Woman in White for a second time at the funeral of Justin Collins.

L03: DOES THE SPECTER HELP ADD ANY INFO ABOUT THE COLLINS FAMILY?A: Well, it could (just like the use of St. Andrew's Ward in Real Time 1840). A Woman in White who beckons the "soon to be deceased" is a Celtic tradition. The Irish have the Bean Sidhe (or as it is commonly called - the Banshee) and the Scots have the Ban Sith. Both terms translate as "Woman of the fairies". The appearance of a Banshee foretells the death of a member of the family of those who see or hear her.

The divergent tradition tells us that the Irish Banshee is very noisy. Wailing, whining and screaming while she floats in the circling like a vulture to get the soul of the "soon to be deceased".

The Scottish version is quiet and earth bound - she wanders the moors and highways beckoning the doomed to follow her.

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The Collins woman in white sounds very much like the later rather than the former.

Add to that - the stereotypical Collins traits of penny-pinching, hard dealing businessmen with grumpy, sarcastic personalities and definite drinking problems - and they look more Scottish all the time. Come to think of it - all that lightning and thunder and the desolation of Widows' Hill - only a Scot would settle there - it would be reminiscent of the moors.

L04: BEFORE 1841PT, HOW MANY PEOPLE HAD BEEN CHOSEN BY THE LOTTERY?A: Six members of the Collins Family had been chosen by the lottery to spend the night in the Locked Room prior to 1841PT. Three died and the other three went insane. When Justin was in the room in 1830, his adopted daughter Melanie joined him. She also ended up with a strong touch of insanity, or as they put it - she is "subject to fits". It seems more likely that she is possessed or channeling.

L05: WHOSE BUST IS ON THE TABLE IN THE UPSTAIRS PARLOR FOYER(1841PT)?A: Italian Poet/Philosopher Dante Alighieri He must have been a real favorite of the Collins Family, his bust also graces the mantelpiece in the locked room! (Call the set dresser!!!!). Also in the locked room is the lovely classical bust of a Zeus-like being which in 1995 real time is on the 2nd floor railing in the foyer and falls, almost killing Julia.

L06: WHOSE PORTRAIT HANGS ABOVE THE PIANO (1841PT)?A: A portrait of Thomas Jefferson hangs over the parlor piano.

L07: HOW DID JULIA AND FLORA PLAN TO INSURE STELLA YOUNG"S SILENCE?A: They were going to give her $5,000 - that was quite a bit of cash in 1841 - even in Parallel time!

Really quite a generous offer when you consider that over a hundred years later, Roger Collins only gave Sam Evans $15,000 for his silence in 1956. L08: WHATS THE SCOOP ON THE 1841PT QUENTIN?A: Quentin had been away 7 years in prison - for manslaughter. He killed a man who spread stories about the Collins' Gosh - why would anyone tell tales about such a charming and normal group! I guess Quentin just felt he had to protect the family's good name..........sure!

L09: WHAT HAS BRAMWELL BEEN UP TO?A: Besides taking grimy and surly lessons...... Bramwell was away 5 years - to make his fortune. He is dealing in import/export, just like old Amadeus, and has a ship on it's way to the orient from the Indies.

L10: WHATS THE STORY WITH MELANIE?A: Well, when we first meet Melanie Collins, we find that she was adopted at 6 mos. of age by Justin Collins. He claims she came from the Concord Orphanage on whose board he sat.

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We of course know this is fishy from the start, and are not too surprised when we find that Melanie was the product of an affair between Justin Collins and Josette Collins - while he comforted her during her grief over the loss of her husband, Barnabas.

L11: HOW DOES GABRIEL ESCAPE THE TOWER ROOM AND WHERE DOES HE GO?A: Gabriel escapes the tower room by making a "rope" ladder out of the drapes. He then gets a horse and high tails it to the Eagle tavern - racing past the Old House on his way. The Tavern is where Morgan catches up with him, after Gabe makes a deal with the young Braithwaite.

L12: HOW DID DAPHNE LEARN TO READ PALMS?A: When they were dating, Gerard Stiles taught Daphne to read palms.

L13: JUST WHAT IS 1841PT ABOUT ANYWAY?A: Well, IMHO, it's about 6 weeks too long! But beyond that, there seem to be three major threads within the storyline

(1) POOR MELANIE'S PAST: Just who is she, and who were her parents? (and who cares!)

(2) THE STAR-CROSSED LOVERS: (Morgan and (Catherine and Bramwell) and Daphne) A self-explanatory, Wuthering Heightsy kinda deal.

and of course (3) THE CURSE: There appear to be 4 overdramatic and overemphasized parts to the curse:

"IT" - the heart of the mystery. "THE LETTER" - 1680 - from Brutus Collins, doesn't explain IT, but outlines the procedure for facing IT. "THAT ROOM" - locked double doors in the West Wing, specified in THE LETTER, is where IT dwells. Morgan was 5 or 6 when he first heard of THE ROOM, so IT really does overshadow the life of a Collins. When it was Justin's turn for the sleepover, Melanie followed him into the room - and that's why she's the way she is. (Personally I blame it on the writers) "THE LOTTERY" - chooses the person who has to stay overnight in THAT ROOM with IT according to THE LETTER. THE LOTTERY is supposed to be held within two days of the death of the master of the house. An event foretold by the appearance of the spectral Woman in White. There seem to be, however, many caveats and special cases which reshift the date and time of the draw.

I'm not really sure (about alot in this storyline) how the Plague fits into this, but apparently folk trying to escape IT end up with the Plague - or the Plague shows up to punish family members when they try to avoid THE LOTTERY. This is what happened to William Collins who was followed by IT wherever

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he went - when he tried to escape Collinwood and THE LOTTERY.

The general story was that the Plague had been brought by a seaman from the Orient. The outbreak began at Collinwood and spread to the Village. In 1680, 4 family members and cartloads of villagers died and then it stopped as quickly as it started.

Plague symptoms are a raging fever and the appearence of black spots. In the current storyline both Melanie and Quentin display plaque symptoms. Both, however, miraculously survive.

In a touching tribute to family values and maybe the only mention of Christmas in all of DS, it should be noted that the Vase, traditionally used to draw THE LOTTERY slips from, was a Christmas gift from James Forsythe to Brutus. It came from the Indies aboard the vessel "Faraday".

OK so have we got the ground rules? (You may reference the complete text of THE LETTER in the texts section of this FAQ - if need be) Let us move on to THE LOTTERIES held in 1841PT.

Draw #1 : Called for by consent after the appearance of the Woman in--------- White and Justin's ensuing death.

First Cut - Morgan, Quentin and Gabriel are to participate - Bramwell is asked but declines.

Second Cut - Flora announces she and Julia are to participate.

However they don't act quickly enough and Melanie comes down with the Plague (quickly followed by Quentin - for no apparent plot reason!?!)

Third Cut - Morgan, Quentin, Gabriel, Julia, Flora and Catherine.

This grouping is determined by a formal vote. They vote as to whetheror not to let the women participate. Quentin and Morgan vote firmly NO.Flora, Julia and Catherine want equal responsibility and vote YES.Weaselly Gabriel also votes YES - since the more entrants, the betterhis personal odds of survival!

Flora prepares the slips, Quentin draws first and the lucky winner is:Gabriel Collins! Gabe cheats death by hiring one of the Eagle TavernLouts to take his place. The village lad arrives, switches places withGabe and is dead by morning. Gabe, however, was in THE ROOM, waiting forthe lad, just long enough to fall under ITS spell and ends up alooney-toon anyway.

This necessitates:

Draw #2 - Called for by Morgan/Flora upon the disappearance of Gabriel.---------Morgan, Quentin, Flora, Julia and Catherine participate.Catherine gets the X - but Morgan takes her place after changing thelocks on THE ROOM, so no one can rescue him. Actually he entrustsQuentin with the new keys. Seems they had made a secret pact never to

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let one of the women really have to spend a night in THE ROOM.

Morgan spends the night quietly - but in the process is possessed bythe Spirit of James Forsythe. This spirit transference apparently takesplace when Morgan, while exploring, none too brightly, touches one ofthe undecayed corpses in the secret counting room attached to THE ROOM.

Draw #3 - Is called for by the Ghost of old Brutus himself, who-------- obviously doesn't like the way everyone is playing the game.

Julia, Flora, Morgan and Kendrick are the only participants.Quentin is in Boston on business and THE LOTTERY can't wait.(In reality, actor David Selby, missed the last few shows because hewas hospitalized with appendicitis) Kendrick draws the "X" but neveractually goes into THE ROOM. Morgan substitutes Bramwell and Catherinefor Kendrick at the last moment.

There you have it - good luck. Among the oddities of THE ROOM are it'sconnection via a series of secret panels and halls to the secretcounting room with the 160 year old, perfectly preserved and undecayed,corpses of John Forsythe and Amanda Collins, as well as the fact thatcandles seem to burn eternally in both THE ROOM and thecounting room, even though, theoretically, no one goes there.

L14: WHAT MAKES "THAT ROOM" STAND OUT IN 1841PT?A: Each of the doors has a large metallic Imperial (5 tyned) Crown over a large figure of a standing Eagle with spread wings and tail feathers mounted on it. Not a very subtle way to hide it!

L15: WHO IS ON THE 1841PT HIT LIST? (FOR SCORE KEEPERS)A: The Dead: -----------

- Brutus Collins killed Sarah Forsythe and buried her in the cottage basement.- Brutus killed James Forsythe and enshrined him in the secret counting room.- Brutus killed Amanda and left her to keep James company.- Brutus stabs Constance - heck, he was on a roll.

- Lamar Trask drops in from 1840 to die of his Knife wound.- Justin attempts to slash Stella Young but she is saved by the arrival of Julia and Flora. They lock her up for safe keeping - she ends up with a knife in the throat.- Justin dies in bed of (more or less) natural causes.- Tim Braithwaite takes Gabriel's place and is killed by whatever is in the Locked Room.- Morgan sets out to shoot Gabriel - but in a scuffle accidentally pushes him against the drawn sword of a suit of armour. Gabriel is skewered in what must be one of the bloodiest moments of the entire series.- Morgan goes in the same ignominious way as Gabriel - he accidentally falls from the roof of Collinwood while trying to avoid Kendrick and Bramwell in a scuffle.

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The Attempts: ------------- Melanie tries to stab Catherine, while Catherine sleeps. But Catherine wakes up and wards off the attack in time.- Gabriel tries to knife Kendrick (only a flesh wound).- Gabriel tries to knife Daphne (Bramwell stops him).- Gabriel tries to asphixiate/burn Morgan - Morgan escapes.- Morgan shoots Bramwell in a duel (again, a flesh wound).- Gabriel almost stabs Flora - foiled by Kendrick.- Kendrick stabs Gabriel while stopping the attack on Flora. (yet another flesh wound!) - Kendrick threatens Flora with the knife - But Quentin sends him packing.- Morgan (possessed by Forsythe) tries to strangle Julia (thinking she is Constance) with a rope - again Quentin to the rescue.- Daphne is about to blow her brains out - Bramwell unknowingly interrupts.- Gabriel is about to strangle Flora with his tie - Julia interrupts. (Gabriel just can't seem to get anything right).- Gabriel bangs Julia on the head - but not hard enough!- Daphne dies of an undiagnosed - yet terminally tedious - malady.- The spirit of Brutus tries to entomb Julia and Morgan in the secret counting room - But Melanie rescues them.- Gabriel is about to stab Catherine - she talks him out of it- Gabriel attacks Melanie and stabs her in the upper arm. As he then closes in for the kill - Kendrick stops him. Again no serious harm and Gabriel just can't seem to get anything right.- Melanie attacks Kendrick and Julia with a knife - he talks her down.- Morgan knocks Bramwell out and locks him in THE ROOM to die.- Morgan throws Catherine into THE ROOM, 3hrs later, to meet a like fate.- the Spirit of Brutus takes on Catherine and Bramwell one at a time, trying to destroy them - each supports the other and together they outlast Brutus - their love triumphs. (Big Surprise !!!!!)- Morgan shoots Bramwell (again, see above) and you guessed, another insubstatial flesh wound.- Morgan is about to fire the coup-de-grace point blank into Bramwell, when Kendrick appears and fights him off.- Morgan takes Catherine to the roof at gunpoint, planning to push her off. While Morgan gloats to Bramwell, Kendrick again appears in the nick of time and Catherine goes free.- The last attempted homicide is - so we are led to believe by a very angry bunny rabbit (ala Monthy Python) which jumped high enough to get a piece of Melanie's neck! Oh really now!

L16: WHICH IS THE "LOST" EPISODE?A: The lost episode is # 1219. It has been recreated by MPI Video with other footage and a narration by Lara Parker. It is near the climax of the 1841PT storyline. The main event is the announcement of Bramwell and Daphne's marriage.

L17: WHO (OR WHAT) IS THE SURPRISE GUEST IN EPISODE #1241?A: Bramwell and Kendrick are in the Drawing Room having a chat when Camera "1" rolls into view through the large double doors. You know it is camera "1" because it lingers and turns to your view, so that the giant #1 is clearly visible. We knew the Collins family was rich - but wow, their very own

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TV cameras to record their daily lives. And in 1841 no less!

M01: WHAT IS THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER PAINTING IN THE COLLINSPORT AREA?A: And the winner is "A View of South Wales" by Charles Delaware Tate (a.k.a. the Quentin Portrait) Other contenders would include:

- the 1795 or 1967 portraits of Barnabas. These were very important to have around when, as a vampire, he couldn't cast a reflection. How else would he remember what he looked like? - The 1795 portrait of Josette, which served as a gateway to the past.

- The 1795 portrait of Angelique, which allowed her to gain control over Collinwood in 1968, but had her age terribly when Sam Evans over-painted it.

- In 1841PT you might want the lovely landscape entitled "The Bridge at Biddleford Creek".

- The portrait of 1970PT Angelique which hums lullabies on demand and can be a very sympathetic listener. (Brahms' Lullaby to be exact)

- The lovely 1890's portraits of Amanda Harris by Charles Delaware Tate. (The Quentin and Amanda portraits together, would brighten any drawing room)

- prize for short life span goes to the portrait of Maggie Evans Collins which Quentin unwraps and then slashes in 1970PT. Typical of the talented art in Collinsport - the portrait bleeds.

- Charcoal sketch of Roxanne Drew by Claude North (1970PT). - Self-portrait, sketched by Joanna Mills while in the Asylum.

- Those who prefer photography could try a David Collins original. Particularly one of his lovely family shots - with specters in the background (ie: Quentin and Maggie being scowled at by Stiles)

- For understated elegance the paper silhouette of Gerard Stiles is nice.

- The Antique portrait of Angelique is a favorite amongst her fans. But try and get it before Sam Evans has his way with it.

- And while we are mentioning Sam Evans - his early work did garner a certain amount of critical praise. But be careful how much you offer to pay, after all, he was willing to do Burke's Portrait for a thousand dollars.

- and off course we can't omit his really hot portrait of Laura the Phoenix

M02: WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE IN COLLINSPORT TO SEARCH FOR A LOVED ONE?A: Eagle Hill Cemetery is first choice - but if that doesn't work try waiting at the Gazebo at midnight. Or you could hang out in the wooded areas on the estate, or in the park across from the

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Police Station in Collinsport.

M03: WHO DIES/DIVES OFF WIDOW'S HILL?A: Well lets see we have: Josette du Pres (1796) Victoria Winters Bradford (1797) Jeb Hawkes (1797) Samantha Collins (1840) Istvan (Istfan) (1897) Beth Chavez (1897) Capt. Bill Malloy (1966) Phillip Todd (1970) Jeb Hawkes (1970) (again!) Samantha Collins (1841PT) And just for the record - those ubiquitous widows who haunt the place are Rachel Comstock, Abigail Tolliver and Margaret Findley

As a footnote - we must admit that technically you could say that Bill Malloy died "off" Widow's hill" as in "off shore". But he was actually killed at Lookout point, a mile north of Widow's Hill. His body was spotted from Widow's hill by Vicki and Carolyn.

M04: HOW CAN YOU BE SURE OF COMPANY IF YOU ARE LONELY AT COLLINWOOD? A: It is always easy to get company at Collinwood - but if pressed you may try one of these sure fire methods:

1) Leave all your doors unlocked. Collinsport is a friendly town and someone or something is sure to drop by. 2) Hold a seance, somebody is guaranteed to show up. 3) Set out the dips and chips - then go up to the tower room and wave a green flag out of the window, three times. Then run back downstairs - company will be in the parlor before you know it! 4) Hide in the secret room at the Collins Mausoleum. People are always going there to mill about.

M05: WHAT IS SUGGESTED READING WHILE IN COLLINSPORT?A: The Official "History of the Collins Family" even though it is mostly fiction made up to comfort the descendants. It would be more reliable if you could get a copy of the report that Strake prepared for Burke Devlin. And for the true and unexpurgated version of Collins life - try and locate Ben Stokes' Diary.

The "Book of the Naga" makes for good "light" reading. "Astrology" by Louis MacNiece could also be a useful read.

You might ask Liz for one of the "THE ROVER BOYS" novels. (she has the whole set packed up in the basement, they were favorites of the pre-adolescent Roger) Or borrow Burke Devlin's copy of "THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO".

David Collins might lend you one of his do-it-yourself magazines, such as the one called "MECHANO", only 35 cents in 1966. But don't let him near your car!

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For scientific reading you might want to look for Dr. Lang's journal or better yet, Julia's journal.

Vicki recommends "AMERICA SAILS THE SEAS".

If you are looking for romantic drivel try: "A Summer's Death" by Flora Collins "Whispers from Heaven" by Flora Collins "Love Song from the Hill" by Flora Collins "Love's First Summer" by Flora Collins "The Call of the Wild Goose" by Flora Collins "Winter Secrets" by Flora Collins "Flora Collins' Journal" by (of course) Flora Collins (but you'd have to go to the Collinsport Historical Center to find it. Elizabeth gave it to them.)

On a really slow evening you could try Angelique's favorite: "The Seventh Level of Witchcraft"

Or try something from Quentin's reading list: "The Thoughts, Words and Deeds of Quentin Collins Esq. as set down by his own hand" (1840) "The Egyptian Book of the Dead" "Mastering the I-Ching" "Relics of the Anti-saints" "Treatise On The White Witches" "A Study Of The Druid Use Of The Supernatural"

Also on the Arcane side there is: "The Journal of Judah Zachery" written by Judah Zachery and posthumously by Judah Zachery with the help of Desmond Collins and Gerard Stiles.

If you arrive in PT Collinsport - must reads would include the following favorites by local author William H. Loomis: "Pride of Lions" (made into a feature film) "Gold Hearted Lover" (yet again a feature film) "World Beyond the Doors" (another film, does this guy have Hollywood connections, or what?) "The Life and Death of Barnabas Collins" (This book may also be available in real time Collinsport, It travels well!)

In extreme crisis - there is of course "The Bible" - Justin took great comfort having Melanie read it to him, or so we are told.

M06: HOW DOES ONE GET THE NEWS IN COLLINSPORT?A: Gossip! But if you want to resort to the printed word, try The Collinsport Star or the Collinsport Courier or The Collinsport Gazette. A lot of papers for a small town!

M07: WHICH IS THE MOST POPULAR CARD IN A COLLINSPORT TAROT DECK?A: Hands down the winner is the "Tower of Destruction"; it keeps

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showing up at seances, and as a warning that ghosts and spirits are restless. Angelique (1970PT) is followed by it. It shows up in 1968/69 as a precursor to the takeover by Quentin's ghost, and in 1897 it hangs around Quentin whenever Magda has her deck out. A close runner up would be "the Hanged Man". It keeps popping up in 1840.

It appears that reading the Tarot is a major plus among the Collins intimates. We assume with Magda it was a family gift. Desmond Collins claimed to have learned his technique from gypsies on the plains of Macedonia.

M08: WHO GETS THE AWARD FOR BEST UNDERWEAR MODEL?A: Kathryn Leigh Scott, her Mini skirts were so mini, that in episode #981, as Quentin carries her over the threshold, she displays her panties. (ok, so they do that in half the commercials now-a-days, in 1970 it was very racy) A close second prize would be for Alexis (Lara Parker) running around Collinwood at all hours in her peignoir, wondering what was upsetting Maggie.

Both KLS and LP did a wonderful job in the decolletage parade when they spent the better part of a week in their nighties as the 1970PT story began to reach its climax. Roxanne wasn't exactly chopped liver either.


1.- Quentin's Theme / Shadows of the Night 2.- London Bridge is Falling Down 3.- Josette's Music Box Theme 4.- I'm Gonna Dance For You / Pansy's Theme 5.- Ode to Angelique 6.- The Dream Curse 7.- Dancing at the Blue Whale 8.- Magda's Curse 9.- Curse of the Full Moon 10.- Romance at Collinwood

M10: WHO GETS THE AWARD FOR WORST CASE OF BAD TASTE IN CLOTHES? (EVEN FOR THE LATE 60's / 70's)A: 1970PT Quentin's Orange Plaid Jacket has got to be winner in the male garment category.

M11: CAN I GET INTO TOWN WITHOUT DISTURBING THE FAMILY OR STAFF?A: Depending on the time frame you are visiting - no problem. In the pre-modern Collinwood, just slink out to the stables, mount a horse and ride like the wind. In modern day Collinwood there is a bus which passes the estate and stops in town. It is a long walk down the hill to get to the stop, so leave yourself extra time. Bus and train schedules are kept in the station wagon glove compartment.

M12: HOW CAN I VERIFY THAT MY WATCH HAS THE CORRECT TIME?A: Just pick up the phone and ring the operator. She'll be glad to help. It works for Sam Evans!

M13: WHAT SHOULD I ORDER AT THE BLUE WHALE/EAGLE ?A: No Collins ever refuses a Sherry (or in most cases - several Sherries),

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and they all seem to hit the Brandy when the Sherry decanter is out of reach. Quentin was fond of Scotch, as was John Yaeger. Larry Chase liked Scotch on the rocks, but never drank when discussing business, good idea for a lawyer. Wimpy Cyrus Longworth probably preferred milk, but ordered a Sherry when need be, and of course was quite fond of slugging down "the Synthesis". Tim Stokes loved Martinis, particularly when made by his favorite daughter, Angelique. Count Petofi accepted Sherry at Collinwood, but when on his own ordered Chartreuse or Champagne. Champagne was available at Collinwood for special occasions - ie. weddings and funerals, of which there were many. Don't even bother offering the various Trask men a drink - they are all tea-totling goody goodies. Ben Stokes was a full fisted rum drinker.Gabriel (1841PT) is also mighting fond of Rum - but would probably drink hair tonic in a clench. Bill Malloy, Joe Haskell and the cannery crew drink beer. And if Burke is buying - the sky's the limit. We will resist the Bloody Mary jokes! But may we suggest you try - this drink based upon the show:

The Barnabas Collins:

A Vodka Collins with a shot of Grenadine. (our submittor writes: I first stumbled upon this drink at the Topeka Civic Theatre in Topeka, KS. It usually stumps the barkeeps and provides much entertainment while they desperately try to prove they know how to make any drink.) Well Toto,.......

M14: WHAT SHOULD I ORDER AT MY LOCAL LIQUOR STORE?A: ********************************** ******** VAMPIRE Wines ********* **********************************

Cabernet Sauvignon (is the one we tested)

The label: (primarily Black with white text and grey, gold and red hi-lites) has a neat image of a Vampires Head , teeth bared, floating above the name VAMPIRE in a White, slashed text tinged with red.

Produced and bottled in the Dealu Mare South of the Transylvaian Alps Product of Transylvania

The back label reads:

This wine has been carefully aged in oak barrels under the watchful eyes of a master winemaker whose wines fare extremely well in international competitions.

Only the finest wines produced near Transylvania are awarded the Vampire distinction.

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This wine comes from the Dealu Mare, South of the Transylvania Alps. In the 15th Century, this region was ruled by Vlad Tepes (aka Count Dracul), a great general who led his people into many bloody battles.

Dracul's powers were so fierce that tales of Vampires rapidly spread throughout the land giving rise to a legend.

Vampire Wines: The Legend Lives!

People who demand great taste, demand Vampire Wine.

* * * * * * * *

For further Information call 1-310-Vampire (This number will get you voice mail at the importer as well as a voice mail opportunity to be placed on the Vampire Wine mailing list. This is also the number to call, to find a retailer in your area who carries the Vampire line of wines - even though as we all know - Dracula never drank.........Wine.)

There is also a Merlot and a Sauvignon Blanc available with the Vampire label.

At the NYC Wine shop - the Vampire Wines were appropriately priced at 6.66 a bottle. (How's that for marketing.)

It makes a good drink - if you tire of sherry during those long DS screenings.

M15: ARE THERE SOUTHPAWS AT COLLINWOOD?A: Victoria Winters is left-handed (she writes a note at her desk) as is Gerard Stiles (he tells Mordecai Grimes he can't write because his left hand is bandaged. Sam Evans (David Ford) is also a lefty.

M16: WHO ARE THE PIANISTS AT COLLINWOOD?A: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (1966-70) plays the piano (at least some weird chords), Quentin (1897) dabbles but prefers (the phonograph), Angelique (1970PT) and Bruno Hess (1970PT), but only his own compositions. Burke Devlin and Carolyn can both play "Chopsticks" and David Collins has hit a few keys also.

M17: IS THERE SOMEWHERE IN TOWN TO STAY IF I JUST, CAN'T GET TO COLLINWOOD?A: After a hard night on the town one could go to the Collinsport Inn or seek less expensive lodgings on the docks near the Eagle/Blue Whale at the Greenfield Inn. Matthew Morgan says that to stay at Collinwood you need strong nerves and good brakes.

M18: WHAT IF I NEED TEMPORARY OFFICE SPACE?A: No problem! Just follow the posted signs and inquire at 18 Southbay. (the notice was posted in the alleyway when Julia is searching for the bricked up Barnabas in 1840)


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----------------------------------------------- Bradford, Chase, Collins, Collins, Collins, Dawson, Drew, Garner, Garner, Graham and Hanley ----------------------------------------------- Just don't hold out too much hope for winning your case!

Peter Bradford (1795) defended Vicki at the witchcraft hearings --------------- Barnabas Collins (1840) He defended Quentin in court and after all, he is a blood-sucker. Quentin calls him competant and reliable. Desmond Collins (1840) lawyer Charles Dawson (1840) lawyer and Satanist Randall Drew (1840) New York Lawyer Silas Graham (1840) Quentin calls him incompetant when the tribunal suggests him as replacement for Desmond, but the others are not all that great either. --------------- Evan Hanley (1897) Collins' lawyer and a Satanist --------------- Judge Crathorne Frank Garner (1966) Elizabeth's lawyer's son, is he a lawyer too? Isn't it a congenital weakness? Richard Garner (1966) Elizabeth's personal lawyer Tony Peterson (but don't let him near your daughter) --------------- Larry Chase (1970PT) Collins' family lawyer Chris Collins (1970PT) Collins' family lawyer ---------------

And maybe you could get some help from the judges -

1692 - 1st Judge Amadeus Collins ---------------- 1795 - Judge Matigan (refused to be Vicki's lawyer, he must have had a practice if he bothered to refuse!) Judge Handley (main judge at Vicki's trial Judge; 2nd Judge; 2nd Judge #2; 3rd Judge ---------------- 1840 - Judge Vail; Judge Wiley; 2nd Tribunal Judge; 2nd Tribunal Judge #2; 3rd Tribunal Judge ----------------

If you need a prosecutor (persecutor) just look up the appropriate Trask - they're all awfully good at attacking folk. Or if you are in 1840 - maybe you can convince Amos Fuller to rescind his resignation.

M20: WHO CAN I COUNT ON IF I NEED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN COLLINSPORT?A: You'll live longer if you take two asprin and get out of town - but if you insist on being treated while in Collinsport:

Long Term Practice, available on call in most time frames: -----------------------------------------------------------

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Dr. Julia Hoffman, noted serologist, then a psychiatrist sedatives and hypnotism for all all occasions - she may not cure you but - you won't notice or care. 1795 ------------ Doctor, examines Barnabas after the bat bite Dr. Thornton, treats Barnabas after Angelique's choking spell

1840 ------------ Dr. Welles (1840) Joanna Mill's Doctor at Sanitarium Dr. Whitaker (1840) Tad's Doctor

1897 ------------ Dr. Brooks, internal medicine Dr. Ian Reade

1960s+ ------------ Dr. Dave Woodard, family practice Dr. D. Reeves, medical treatment and free advice, straight out of "Our Town" Dr. Eric Lang, specialist in reconstructive surgery Dr. Fisher; Dr. Landis Dr. Franklin Dr. Peter Guthrie, expert in psychic phenomena, for psychosomatic ills Dr. Templeton, consulting surgeon Dr. Tobias, family practice

Nurse's Registry - seems like Nursing wasn't a prominent profession ---------------- in Collinsport - until the 60's

[Beverly Atkinson]; [Katharine Balfour]; [Jani Darnagle]; [Ann Davies]; [Alice Drummond]; [Frances Helm]; [Greta Markson]; [Bobbi Ann Woronko]

Nurse Packard (at Collinwood Hospital) Nurse Jackson (at Wyndcliff Hospital) Nurse Pritchett Nurse O'Donnell at the Foundling Home Parallel Time: --------------- Dr. Hamilton (1841PT) Dr. Harridge (1841PT)

Dr. Reeves (1970PT) Collins' family physician

Samantha was a live-in Nurse for Justin Collins Daphne Harridge Collins practiced first aid

M21: WHO CAN I TURN TO, WHEN IN NEED OF CLERGY COUNSEL?A: It probably won't do much good, and you may find yourself on the defensive, if not on trial - but:

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1797: ----------- the Reverend Trask or the Reverend Brook

1840: ----------- the Reverend Johnson or the Reverend Stone

1897: ----------- the Reverend Gregory Trask

1960's: ----------- the generic Minister or the Reverend Brand

Parallel Time: ----------- the Reverend Perry or Minister #2 (1841PT)

N01: WHO IS MARILYN ROSS?A: Marilyn Ross was a pen name (one of many) for Canadian author Dan Ross who wrote all of the Dark Shadows novels as well as the novelization of the movie "House of Dark Shadows". He was one of the most prolific paperback novelists of the 60's/70's. He wrote on subjects which ranged from westerns to agnosticism and world religion. He wrote under at least a dozen names, choosing "Marilyn" as the most suitable for his "gothics".

N02: HOW MANY DARK SHADOWS NOVELS WERE THERE?A: There were 32 Dark Shadows Novels in all, 33 if you add the novelization of "House of Dark Shadows". There was no novelization of the second film.

N03: WHICH ARE THE SCARCEST OF THE NOVELS?A: The last few, published after the show was off the air, had the lowest printings and are the hardest to find now-a-days.

N04: JUST HOW PROLIFIC WAS MR. ROSS?A: Prolific enough to be listed in the 1988 Guiness Book of World Records for Having the most published Book titles of any Author.

When Dan Ross died on 11-1-95, at the age of 82, he had to his credit: - 356 novels - 600+ published stories - at least 12 plays

Over the length of his career he used 21 pseudonyms. He wrote murder mysteries, gothic romance, historical romance and westerns.


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PART XV.- DARK SHADOWS STORYLINES AND LITERARY REFERENCES (ABC)================================================================= ( A work in progress - vers 1.08)

TIME PERIOD EPISODES # OF EPISODES AIRDATES (# NOT SHOWN) (DAY OF WEEK)----------- -------- ------------- ------------- 1966-67 1-210 210 (3) 06-27-66 to 04-14-67 (MONDAY) (FRIDAY) 1. Who are Victoria Winters' parents?2. Burke Devlin's revenge for his manslaughter conviction.3. The mysterious car crash.4. Who murdered Captain Bill Malloy?5. The Phoenix.6. The death of Paul Stoddard. ----------------------------------------1967 211-36 4-17-67 to 11-17-67 (Monday) (Friday) 7. The resurrection of the vampire Barnabas Collins and his search for another Josette.8. Dr. Hoffman's attempt to cure Barnabas.9. Barnabas Collins terrorizing Dr. Julia Hoffman. -----------------------------------------1795-96 366-461 94 (2) 11-20-67 to 04-01-68 (MONDAY) (MONDAY) 10. Angelique Bouchard's vampire curse on Barnabas Collins.11. Victoria Winter's witchcraft trial.12. Trask vs Barnabas. [ The Cask of Amontillado = E.A. Poe (Trask walled up) ]13a. The love story of Peter/Jeff and Vicki over the centuries. (the reincarnated lovers) [ The Sense of the Past = Henry James ]

------------------------------------------1968-69 462-660 196 (3) 04-02-68 to 01-03-69 (TUESDAY) (FRIDAY)

13b. The love story of Peter/Jeff and Vicki over the centuries continues. (the reincarnated lovers) [ The Sense of the Past = Henry James ]14. Adam & Eve. [ Frankenstein = Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Dr. Lang/Adam/Eve) ]15. The Dream Curse.16. Elizabeth's fear of being buried alive (Angelique's Curse). [ The Premature Burial = E.A. Poe (Elizabeth Collins Stoddard) ] -------------------------------------------1796 661-666 6 01-06-69 to 01-13-69 13c. The love story of Peter/Jeff and Vicki over the centuries concludes. (the reincarnated lovers) [ The Sense of the Past = Henry James ]

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-------------------------------------------1969 667-700 34 01-14-69 to 02-28-69 (TUESDAY) (FRIDAY) 17. The ghosts of Quentin Collins and Beth Chavez. [ Turn of the Screw = Henry James ]

-------------------------------------------- 1897 701-886 184 (2) 03-03-69 to 11-17-69 (MONDAY) (MONDAY) 18. Quentin Collins & Beth Chavez. [ Turn of the Screw = Henry James ]19. Quentin Collins portrait. [ The Picture of Dorian Grey = Oscar Wilde ]20. The Hand of Count Petofi. [ The Monkey's Paw = Guy de Maupassant ] [ The Pit and the Pendulum = E.A. Poe (Quentin vs Petofi/Aristede)]21. Quentin going to hell to reclaim Amanda. [ Orpheus in the Underworld ] (Quentin/Amanda Harris) ------------------------------------------------1969-70 887-980 90 (4) 11-18-69 to 03-27-70 (TUESDAY) (FRIDAY)22. The Leviathans. [ The Cthulhu Mythos = H.P. Lovecraft ] -------------------------------------------------1970 PT 981-1060 80 03-30-70 to 07-17-70 (MONDAY) (FRIDAY)23. The death of Angelique Collins and her household grasp. [ Rebecca = Daphne Du Maurier (Quentin/Maggie/Hoffman) ]24. Barnabas entombed [ The Tell-Tale Heart = E.A. Poe (Barnabas in 1970PT among others) ]25. Dr. Cyrus Longworth's experiment. [ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde = R.L. Stevenson ] -------------------------------------------------- 1995 1061-1070 10 07-20-70 to 07-31-70 26. The destruction of Collinwood. ------------------------------------------------- 1970 1071-1109 39 08-03-70 to 09-24-70 (MONDAY) (THURSDAY) 27. The ghosts of Gerard Stiles and Daphne Harridge. [ Turn of the Screw = Henry James ] 28. The doll house and Rose Cottage. ----------------------------------1840 1110-1198 85 (4) 09-25-70 to 01-27-71 (FRIDAY) (WEDNESDAY) 29. The Head of Judah Zachery.

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30. The possession of Gerard Stiles by Judah Zachery.31. The witchcraft trial of Quentin Collins. -----------------------------------1841 PT 1199-1245 46 (1) 01-28-71 to 04-02-71 (THURSDAY) (FRIDAY) 32. The Locked Room and the Lottery. [ The Lottery = Shirley Jackson ]33. Bramwell & Catherine's love affair. [ Wuthering Heights = Emily Bronte ] =================================================================PART XVI.- DARK SHADOWS EPISODE CHRONOLOGY (ABC)=================================================================TIME PERIOD EPISODES # OF EPISODES AIRDATES (# NOT SHOWN) (DAY OF WEEK)----------- -------- ------------- ------------- 1966-67 1-365 361 (4) 06-27-66 to 11-17-67 (MONDAY) (FRIDAY) 1795-96 366-461 94 (2) 11-20-67 to 04-01-68 (MONDAY) (MONDAY) 1968-69 462-660 196 (3) 04-02-68 to 01-03-69 (TUESDAY) (FRIDAY) 1796 661-666 6 01-06-69 to 01-13-69 (MONDAY) (MONDAY) 1969 667-700 34 01-14-69 to 02-28-69 (TUESDAY) (FRIDAY) 1897 701-886 184 (2) 03-03-69 to 11-17-69 (MONDAY) (MONDAY) 1969-70 887-980 90 (4) 11-18-69 to 03-27-70 (TUESDAY) (FRIDAY) 1970 PT 981-1060 80 03-30-70 to 07-17-70 (MONDAY) (FRIDAY)

1995 1061-1070 10 07-20-70 to 07-31-70 (MONDAY) (FRIDAY)

1970 1071-1109 39 08-03-70 to 09-24-70 (MONDAY) (THURSDAY) 1840 1110-1198 85 (4) 09-25-70 to 01-27-71 (FRIDAY) (WEDNESDAY) 1841 PT 1199-1245 46 (1) 01-28-71 to 04-02-71 (THURSDAY) (FRIDAY) The Dark Shadows Companion lists 1245 episodes but 20 of those don'texist. Three are listed as "No episode." The other 17 have duplicate

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numbers. The 20 episode #'s are: 109 = No episode 532 = 533 913 = 914110 = No episode 633 = 634 919 = 920 = 921131 = No episode 652 = 653 1134 = 1135225 = 226 801 = 802 1154 = 1155368 = 369 823 = 824 1174 = 1175390 = 391 894 = 895 1179 = 1180 1207 = 1208 =================================================================PART XVII. - DARK SHADOWS EPISODE AIRDATES (ABC)================================================================= = = = =(a) - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9 6 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = =JUNE-1966SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 26 27/#01 28/#02 29/#03 30/#04 JULY-1966 01/#05 0203 04/#06 05/#07 06/#08 07/#09 08/#10 0910 11/#11 12/#12 13/#13 14/#14 15/#15 1617 18/#16 19/#17 20/#18 21/#19 22/#20 2324 25/#21 26/#22 27/#23 28/#24 29/#25 3031 AUGUST-1966 01/#26 02/#27 03/#28 04/#29 05/#30 0607 08/#31 09/#32 10/#33 11/#34 12/#35 1314 15/#36 16/#37 17/#38 18/#39 19/#40 2021 22/#41 23/#42 24/#43 25/#44 26/#45 2728 29/#46 30/#47 31/#48 SEPTEMBER-1966 01/#49 02/#50 0304 05/#51 06/#52 07/#53 08/#54 09/#55 1011 12/#56 13/#57 14/#58 15/#59 16/#60 1718 19/#61 20/#62 21/#63 22/#64 23/#65 2425 26/#66 27/#67 28/#68 29/#69 30/#70 OCTOBER-1966 0102 03/#71 04/#72 05/#73 06/#74 07/#75 0809 10/#76 11/#77 12/#78 13/#79 14/#80 1516 17/#81 18/#82 19/#83 20/#84 21/#85 2223 24/#86 25/#87 26/#88 27/#89 28/#90 2930 31/#91 NOVEMBER-1966

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01/#92 02/#93 03/#94 04/#95 0506 07/#96 08/#97 09/#98 10/#99 11/#100 1213 14/#101 15/#102 16/#103 17/#104 18/#105 1920 21/#106 22/#107 23/#108 24/#109* 25/#110* 2627 28/#111 29/#112 30/#113 DECEMBER-1966 01/#114 02/#115 0304 05/#116 06/#117 07/#118 08/#119 09/#120 1011 12/#121 13/#122 14/#123 15/#124 16/#125 1718 19/#126 20/#127 21/#128 22/#129 23/#130 2425 26/#131* 27/#132 28/#133 29/#134 30/#135 31 = = = =(b) - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9 6 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = =JANUARY-1967SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 01 02/#136 03/#137 04/#138 05/#139 06/#140 0708 09/#141 10/#142 11/#143 12/#144 13/#145 1415 16/#146 17/#147 18/#148 19/#149 20/#150 2122 23/#151 24/#152 25/#153 26/#154 27/#155 2829 30/#156 31/#157 FEBRUARY-1967 01/#158 02/#159 03/#160 0405 06/#161 07/#162 08/#163 09/#164 10/#165 1112 13/#166 14/#167 15/#168 16/#169 17/#170 1819 20/#171 21/#172 22/#173 23/#174 24/#175 2526 27/#176 28/#177 MARCH-1967 01/#178 02/#179 03/#180 0405 06/#181 07/#182 08/#183 09/#184 10/#185 1112 13/#186 14/#187 15/#188 16/#189 17/#190 1819 20/#191 21/#192 22/#193 23/#194 24/#195 2526 27/#196 28/#197 29/#198 30/#199 31/#200 APRIL-1967 0102 03/#201 04/#202 05/#203 06/#204 07/#205 0809 10/XXXX 11/#206 12/#207 13/#208 14/#209 1516 17/#210 18/#211 19/#212 20/#213 21/#214 2223 24/#215 25/#216 26/#217 27/#218 28/#219 2930 MAY-1967 01/#220 02/#221 03/#222 04/#223 05/#224 0607 08/#225-26 09/#227 10/#228 11/#229 12/#230 1314 15/#231 16/#232 17/#233 18/#234 19/#235 2021 22/#236 23/#237 24/#238 25/#239 26/#240 27

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28 29/#241 30/#242 31/#243 JUNE-1967 01/#244 02/#245 0304 05/#246 06/#247 07/#248 08/#249 09/#250 1011 12/#251 13/#252 14/#253 15/#254 16/#255 1718 19/#256 20/#257 21/#258 22/#259 23/#260 2425 26/#261 27/#262 28/#263 29/#264 30/#265 JULY-1967 0102 03/#266 04/#267 05/#268 06/#269 07/#270 0809 10/#271 11/#272 12/#273 13/#274 14/#275 1516 17/#276 18/#277 19/#278 20/#279 21/#280 2223 24/#281 25/#282 26/#283 27/#284 28/#285 2930 31/#286 AUGUST-1967 01/#287 02/#288 03/#289 04/#290 0506 07/#291 08/#292 09/#293 10/#294 11/#295 1213 14/#296 15/#297 16/#298 17/#299 18/#300 1920 21/#301 22/#302 23/#303 24/#304 25/#305 2627 28/#306 29/#307 30/#308 31/#309 SEPTEMBER-1967 01/#310 0203 04/#311 05/#312 06/#313 07/#314 08/#315 0910 11/#316 12/#317 13/#318 14/#319 15/#320 1617 18/#321 19/#322 20/#323 21/#324 22/#325 2324 25/#326 26/#327 27/#328 28/#329 29/#330 30 OCTOBER-1967 01 02/#331 03/#332 04/#333 05/#334 06/#335 0708 09/#336 10/#337 11/#338 12/#339 13/#340 1415 16/#341 17/#342 18/#343 19/#344 20/#345 2122 23/#346 24/#347 25/#348 26/#349 27/#350 2829 30/#351 31/#352 NOVEMBER-1967 01/#353 02/#354 03/#355 0405 06/#356 07/#357 08/#358 09/#359 10/#360 1112 13/#361 14/#362 15/#363 16/#364 17/#365 1819 20/#366 21/#367 22/#368-69 23/XXXX 24/#370 2526 27/#371 28/#372 29/#373 30/#374 DECEMBER-1967 01/#375 0203 04/#376 05/#377 06/#378 07/#379 08/#380 0910 11/#381 12/#382 13/#383 14/#384 15/#385 1617 18/#386 19/#387 20/#388 21/#389 22/#390-91 23

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24 25/XXXX 26/#392 27/#393 28/#394 29/#395 3031 = = = =(c) - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9 6 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = =JANUARY-1968SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 01/#396 02/#397 03/#398 04/#399 05/#400 0607 08/#401 09/#402 10/#403 11/#404 12/#405 1314 15/#406 16/#407 17/#408 18/#409 19/#410 2021 22/#411 23/#412 24/#413 25/#414 26/#415 2728 29/#416 30/#417 31/#418 FEBRUARY-1968 01/#419 02/#420 0304 05/#421 06/#422 07/#423 08/#424 09/#425 1011 12/#426 13/#427 14/#428 15/#429 16/#430 1718 19/#431 20/#432 21/#433 22/#434 23/#435 2425 26/#436 27/#437 28/#438 29/#439 MARCH-1968 01/#440 0203 04/#441 05/#442 06/#443 07/#444 08/#445 0910 11/#446 12/#447 13/#448 14/#449 15/#450 1617 18/#451 19/#452 20/#453 21/#454 22/#455 2324 25/#456 26/#457 27/#458 28/#459 29/#460 3031 APRIL-1968 01/#461 02/#462 03/#463 04/#464 05/#465 0607 08/#466 09/#467 10/#468 11/#469 12/#470 1314 15/#471 16/#472 17/#473 18/#474 19/#475 2021 22/#476 23/#477 24/#478 25/#479 26/#480 2728 29/#481 30/#482 MAY-1968 01/#483 02/#484 03/#485 0405 06/#486 07/#487 08/#488 09/#489 10/#490 1112 13/#491 14/#492 15/#493 16/#494 17/#495 1819 20/#496 21/#497 22/#498 23/#499 24/#500 2526 27/#501 28/#502 29/#503 30/#504 31/#505 JUNE-1968 0102 03/#506 04/#507 05/#508 06/XXXX 07/#509 0809 10/#510 11/#511 12/#512 13/#513 14/#514 1516 17/#515 18/#516 19/#517 20/#518 21/#519 2223 24/#520 25/#521 26/#522 27/#523 28/#524 2930 JULY-1968 01/#525 02/#526 03/#527 04/#528 05/#529 06

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07 08/#530 09/#531 10/#532-33 11/#534 12/#535 1314 15/#536 16/#537 17/#538 18/#539 19/#540 2021 22/#541 23/#542 24/#543 25/#544 26/#545 2728 29/#546 30/#547 31/#548 AUGUST-1968 01/#549 02/#550 0304 05/#551 06/#552 07/#553 08/#554 09/#555 1011 12/#556 13/#557 14/#558 15/#559 16/#560 1718 19/#561 20/#562 21/#563 22/#564 23/#565 2425 26/#566 27/#567 28/#568 29/#569 30/#570 31 SEPTEMBER-1968 01 02/#571 03/#572 04/#573 05/#574 06/#575 0708 09/#576 10/#577 11/#578 12/#579 13/#580 1415 16/#581 17/#582 18/#583 19/#584 20/#585 2122 23/#586 24/#587 25/#588 26/#589 27/#590 2829 30/#591 OCTOBER-1968 01/#592 02/#593 03/#594 04/#595 0506 07/#596 08/#597 09/#598 10/#599 11/#600 1213 14/#601 15/#602 16/#603 17/#604 18/#605 1920 21/#606 22/#607 23/#608 24/#609 25/#610 2627 28/#611 29/#612 30/#613 31/#614 NOVEMBER-1968 01/#615 0203 04/#616 05/#617 06/#618 07/#619 08/#620 0910 11/#621 12/#622 13/#623 14/#624 15/#625 1617 18/#626 19/#627 20/#628 21/#629 22/#630 2324 25/#631 26/#632 27/#633-34 28/XXXX 29/#635 30 DECEMBER-1968 01 02/#636 03/#637 04/#638 05/#639 06/#640 0708 09/#641 10/#642 11/#643 12/#644 13/#645 1415 16/#646 17/#647 18/#648 19/#649 20/#650 2122 23/#651 24/#652-53 25/XXXX 26/#654 27/#655 2829 30/#656 31/#657 = = = =(d) - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9 6 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = =JANUARY-1969SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 01/#658 02/#659 03/#660 0405 06/#661 07/#662 08/#663 09/#664 10/#665 1112 13/#666 14/#667 15/#668 16/#669 17/#670 1819 20/#671 21/#672 22/#673 23/#674 24/#675 2526 27/#676 28/#677 29/#678 30/#679 31/#680

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FEBRUARY-1969 0102 03/#681 04/#682 05/#683 06/#684 07/#685 0809 10/#686 11/#687 12/#688 13/#689 14/#690 1516 17/#691 18/#692 19/#693 20/#694 21/#695 2223 24/#696 25/#697 26/#698 27/#699 28/#700 MARCH-1969 0102 03/#701 04/#702 05/#703 06/#704 07/#705 0809 10/#706 11/#707 12/#708 13/#709 14/#710 1516 17/#711 18/#712 19/#713 20/#714 21/#715 2223 24/#716 25/#717 26/#718 27/#719 28/#720 2930 31/#721 APRIL-1969 01/#722 02/#723 03/#724 04/#725 0506 07/#726 08/#727 09/#728 10/#729 11/#730 1213 14/#731 15/#732 16/#733 17/#734 18/#735 1920 21/#736 22/#737 23/#738 24/#739 25/#740 2627 28/#741 29/#742 30/#743 MAY-1969 01/#744 02/#745 0304 05/#746 06/#747 07/#748 08/#749 09/#750 1011 12/#751 13/#752 14/#753 15/#754 16/#755 1718 19/#756 20/#757 21/#758 22/#759 23/#760 2425 26/#761 27/#762 28/#763 29/#764 30/#765 31 JUNE-1969 01 02/#766 03/#767 04/#768 05/#769 06/#770 0708 09/#771 10/#772 11/#773 12/#774 13/#775 1415 16/#776 17/#777 18/#778 19/#779 20/#780 2122 23/#781 24/#782 25/#783 26/#784 27/#785 2829 30/#786 JULY-1969 01/#787 02/#788 03/#789 04/#790 0506 07/#791 08/#792 09/#793 10/#794 11/#795 1213 14/#796 15/#797 16/#798 17/#799 18/#800 1920 21/XXXX 22/#801-02 23/#803 24/#804 25/#805 2627 28/#806 29/#807 30/#808 31/#809 AUGUST-1969 01/#810 0203 04/#811 05/#812 06/#813 07/#814 08/#815 0910 11/#816 12/#817 13/#818 14/#819 15/#820 1617 18/#821 19/#822 20/#823 21/#824 22/#825 2324 25/#826 26/#827 27/#828 28/#829 29/#830 3031

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SEPTEMBER-1969 01/#831 02/#832 03/#833 04/#834 05/#835 0607 08/#836 09/#837 10/#838 11/#839 12/#840 1314 15/#841 16/#842 17/#843 18/#844 19/#845 2021 22/#846 23/#847 24/#848 25/#849 26/#850 2728 29/#851 30/#852 OCTOBER-1969 01/#853 02/#854 03/#855 0405 06/#856 07/#857 08/#858 09/#859 10/#860 1112 13/#861 14/#862 15/#863 16/#864 17/#865 1819 20/#866 21/#867 22/#868 23/#869 24/#870 2526 27/#871 28/#872 29/#873 30/#874 31/#875 NOVEMBER-1969 0102 03/#876 04/#877 05/#878 06/#879 07/#880 0809 10/#881 11/#882 12/#883 13/#884 14/#885 1516 17/#886 18/#887 19/#888 20/#889 21/#890 2223 24/#891 25/#892 26/#893 27/#894 28/#895 2930 DECEMBER-1969 01/#896 02/#897 03/#898 04/#899 05/#900 0607 08/#901 09/#902 10/#903 11/#904 12/#905 1314 15/#906 16/#907 17/#908 18/#909 19/#910 2021 22/#911 23/#912 24/#913-14 25/XXXX 26/#915 2728 29/#916 30/#917 31/#918

= = = =(e) - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9 7 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = =JANUARY-1970SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 01/#919 02/#920 0304 05/#921 06/#922 07/#923 08/#924 09/#925 1011 12/#926 13/#927 14/#928 15/#929 16/#930 1718 19/#931 20/#932 21/#933 22/#934 23/#935 2425 26/#936 27/#937 28/#938 29/#939 30/#940 31 FEBRUARY-1970 01 02/#941 03/#942 04/#943 05/#944 06/#945 0708 09/#946 10/#947 11/#948 12/#949 13/#950 1415 16/#951 17/#952 18/#953 19/#954 20/#955 2122 23/#956 24/#957 25/#958 26/#959 27/#960 28 MARCH-1970 01 02/#961 03/#962 04/#963 05/#964 06/#965 0708 09/#966 10/#967 11/#968 12/#969 13/#970 1415 16/#971 17/#972 18/#973 19/#974 20/#975 21

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22 23/#976 24/#977 25/#978 26/#979 27/#980 2829 30/#981 31/#982 APRIL-1970 01/#983 02/#984 03/#985 0405 06/#986 07/#987 08/#988 09/#989 10/#990 1112 13/#991 14/#992 15/#993 16/#994 17/#995 1819 20/#996 21/#997 22/#998 23/#999 24/#1000 2526 27/#1001 28/#1002 29/#1003 30/#1004 MAY-1970 01/#1005 0203 04/#1006 05/#1007 06/#1008 07/#1009 08/#1010 0910 11/#1011 12/#1012 13/#1013 14/#1014 15/#1015 1617 18/#1016 19/#1017 20/#1018 21/#1019 22/#1020 2324 25/#1021 26/#1022 27/#1023 28/#1024 29/#1025 3031 JUNE-1970 01/#1026 02/#1027 03/#1028 04/#1029 05/#1030 0607 08/#1031 09/#1032 10/#1033 11/#1034 12/#1035 1314 15/#1036 16/#1037 17/#1038 18/#1039 19/#1040 2021 22/#1041 23/#1042 24/#1043 25/#1044 26/#1045 2728 29/#1046 30/#1047 JULY-1970 01/#1048 02/#1049 03/#1050 0405 06/#1051 07/#1052 08/#1053 09/#1054 10/#1055 1112 13/#1056 14/#1057 15/#1058 16/#1059 17/#1060 1819 20/#1061 21/#1062 22/#1063 23/#1064 24/#1065 2526 27/#1066 28/#1067 29/#1068 30/#1069 31/#1070 AUGUST-1970 0102 03/#1071 04/#1072 05/#1073 06/#1074 07/#1075 0809 10/#1076 11/#1077 12/#1078 13/#1079 14/#1080 1516 17/#1081 18/#1082 19/#1083 20/#1084 21/#1085 2223 24/#1086 25/#1087 26/#1088 27/#1089 28/#1090 2930 31/#1091 SEPTEMBER-1970 01/#1092 02/#1093 03/#1094 04/#1095 0506 07/#1096 08/#1097 09/#1098 10/#1099 11/#1100 1213 14/#1101 15/#1102 16/#1103 17/#1104 18/#1105 1920 21/#1106 22/#1107 23/#1108 24/#1109 25/#1110 2627 28/#1111 29/#1112 30/#1113 OCTOBER-1970 01/#1114 02/#1115 0304 05/#1116 06/#1117 07/#1118 08/#1119 09/#1120 10

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11 12/#1121 13/#1122 14/#1123 15/#1124 16/#1125 1718 19/#1126 20/#1127 21/#1128 22/#1129 23/XXXX 2425 26/#1130 27/#1131 28/#1132 29/#1133 30/#1134-35 31 NOVEMBER-1970 01 02/#1136 03/#1137 04/#1138 05/#1139 06/#1140 0708 09/#1141 10/#1142 11/#1143 12/#1144 13/#1145 1415 16/#1146 17/#1147 18/#1148 19/#1149 20/#1150 2122 23/#1151 24/#1152 25/#1153 26/#1154-55 27/XXXX 2829 30/#1156 DECEMBER-1970 01/#1157 02/#1158 03/#1159 04/#1160 0506 07/#1161 08/#1162 09/#1163 10/#1164 11/#1165 1213 14/#1166 15/#1167 16/#1168 17/#1169 18/#1170 1920 21/#1171 22/#1172 23/#1173 24/#1174-75 25/XXXX 2627 28/#1176 29/#1177 30/#1178 31/#1179-80 = = = =(f) - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9 7 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = =JANUARY-1971SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 01/XXXX 0203 04/#1181 05/#1182 06/#1183 07/#1184 08/#1185 0910 11/#1186 12/#1187 13/#1188 14/#1189 15/#1190 1617 18/#1191 19/#1192 20/#1193 21/#1194 22/#1195 2324 25/#1196 26/#1197 27/#1198 28/#1199 29/#1200 3031 FEBRUARY-1971 01/#1201 02/#1202 03/#1203 04/#1204 05/#1205 0607 08/#1206 09/XXXX 10/#1207-08 11/#1209 12/#1210 1314 15/#1211 16/#1212 17/#1213 18/#1214 19/#1215 2021 22/#1216 23/#1217 24/#1218 25/#1219 26/#1220 2728 MARCH-1971 01/#1221 02/#1222 03/#1223 04/#1224 05/#1225 0607 08/#1226 09/#1227 10/#1228 11/#1229 12/#1230 1314 15/#1231 16/#1232 17/#1233 18/#1234 19/#1235 2021 22/#1236 23/#1237 24/#1238 25/#1239 26/#1240 2728 29/#1241 30/#1242 31/#1243 APRIL-1971 01/#1244 02/#1245 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Remember that 20 of the episodes don't exist.For reference, these episodes are:

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109 = No episode 390 = 391 823 = 824 1154 = 1155110 = No episode 532 = 533 894 = 895 1174 = 1175131 = No episode 633 = 634 913 = 914 1179 = 1180225 = 226 652 = 653 919 = 920 = 921 1207 = 1208368 = 369 801 = 802 1134 = 1135 DATES WITH NO EPISODE SHOWN 11/24/66 = Thanksgiving Day (Thursday)11/25/66 = Day After Thanksgiving Day (Friday)12/26/66 = Day After Christmas Day (Monday) 04/10/67 = AFTRA Strike (Monday)11/23/67 = Thanksgiving Day (Thursday)12/25/67 = Christmas Day (Monday) 06/06/68 = RFK Assassination (Thursday)11/28/68 = Thanksgiving Day (Thursday)12/25/68 = Christmas Day (Wednesday) 07/21/69 = Apollo 11 Moonwalk (Monday)08/20-21/69 = ???? (Wednesday-Thursday)11/27-28/69 = Thanksgiving Day - Day After Thanksgiving Day (Thursday - Friday)12/25/69 = Christmas Day (Thursday) 01/01/70 = New Years Day (Thursday)01/02/70 = Day After New Years Day (Friday)10/23/70 = ???? (Friday)11/27/70 = Day After Thanksgiving Day (Friday)12/25/70 = Christmas Day (Friday) 01/01/71 = New Years Day (Friday)02/09/71 = ???? (Tuesday) DATES WITH MORE THAN ONE EPISODE NUMBER 05/08/67 225 = 226 11/27-28/69 894 = 89511/22/67 368 = 369 12/24/69 913 = 91411/22/67 390 = 391 01/05/69 919 = 920 = 92107/10/68 532 = 533 10/30/70 1134 = 113511/27/69 633 = 634 11/26/70 1154 = 115512/24/68 652 = 653 12/24/70 1174 = 117507/22/69 801 = 802 12/31/70 1179 = 118008/20-21/69 823 = 824 02/10/71 1207 = 1208

NOTES: XXXX = no episode number for this airdate

At first the airdates with no episode shown were assigned a number.Later on, they started numbering the episodes just before or justafter the airdate with no episode shown with double episode numbers.And on three occasions, they waited a week to a month before anairdate was assigned two episode numbers. (Giving an episode twonumbers was done to keep them in multiples of five).

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It seems strange to me that Dark Shadows would be shown on11/26/70 Thanksgiving Day and not shown the next day but that'show my source of information lists it.

=================================================================PART XVIII. - DARK SHADOWS - MPI VIDEO TAPE # / EPISODE # GUIDE================================================================= NOTES:

- The list starts with tape MP 5001 (the arrival of Barnabas at Collinwood)DS episode #211. This tape has an additional 15 minutes summarizing thepre-Barnabas episodes. - The first 8 video tapes are edited. All other videos have 5 episodeson each tape except the last tape, MP 5200, which has only 4 episodes buthas an additional 15 minutes of footage including an epilogue. - Each video has an additional prefix MP. In the table below, 5001 wouldbe MP 5001 and is Volume 1. The last video is MP 5200 and is Volume 200.

- Tape #5201 begins the "Collectors Series" of pre-Barnabas episodes. - The number in parenthesis indicates an episode with duplicate numbers.For example, episode #225 and #226 are the same episode. - For reference, Kathryn Leigh Scott's book THE DARK SHADOWS COMPANION,has a brief summary of each episode. Or you can use the Dark ShadowsEpisode Guide in the DS FAQ. It lists the episode numbers and thecorresponding time period. (Ex: 1795 #366-461)

----------------------------------- After Barnabas ARRIVES:

MP 5001-5008 211-270 (59 episodes edited down to 40) ((225=226)) MP# EPISODE# MP# EPISODE# MP# EPISODE# MP# EPISODE#---- ------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- --------5009 271-275 5057 513-517 5105 756-760 5153 1002-10065010 276-280 5058 518-522 5106 761-765 5154 1007-10115011 281-285 5059 523-527 5107 766-770 5155 1012-10165012 286-290 5060 528-533(1) 5108 771-775 5156 1017-10215013 291-295 5061 534-538 5109 776-780 5157 1022-10265014 296-300 5062 539-543 5110 781-785 5158 1027-10315015 301-305 5063 544-548 5111 786-790 5159 1032-10365016 306-310 5064 549-553 5112 791-795 5160 1037-10415017 311-315 5065 554-558 5113 796-800 5161 1042-10465018 316-320 5066 559-563 5114 801-806(1) 5162 1047-10515019 321-325 5067 564-568 5115 807-811 5163 1052-10565020 326-330 5068 569-573 5116 812-816 5164 1057-10615021 331-335 5069 574-578 5117 817-821 5165 1062-10665022 336-340 5070 579-583 5118 822-827(1) 5166 1067-10715023 341-345 5071 584-588 5119 828-832 5167 1072-10765024 346-350 5072 589-593 5120 833-837 5168 1077-10815025 351-355 5073 594-598 5121 838-842 5169 1082-10865026 356-360 5074 599-603 5122 843-847 5170 1087-10915027 361-365 5075 604-608 5123 848-852 5171 1092-1096

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5028 366-371(1) 5076 609-613 5124 853-857 5172 1097-11015029 372-376 5077 614-618 5125 858-862 5173 1102-11065030 377-381 5078 619-623 5126 863-867 5174 1107-11115031 382-386 5079 624-628 5127 868-872 5175 1112-11165032 387-392(1) 5080 629-634(1) 5128 873-877 5176 1117-11215033 393-397 5081 635-639 5129 878-882 5177 1122-11265034 398-402 5082 640-644 5130 883-887 5178 1127-11315035 403-407 5083 645-649 5131 888-892 5179 1132-1137(1)5036 408-412 5084 650-655(1) 5132 893-898(1) 5180 1138-11425037 413-417 5085 656-660 5133 899-903 5181 1143-11475038 418-422 5086 661-665 5134 904-908 5182 1148-11525039 423-427 5087 666-670 5135 909-914(1) 5183 1153-1158(1)5040 428-432 5088 671-675 5136 915-921(2) 5184 1159-11635041 433-437 5089 676-680 5137 922-926 5185 1164-11685042 438-442 5090 681-685 5138 927-931 5186 1169-11735043 443-447 5091 686-690 5139 932-936 5187 1174-1180(2)5044 448-452 5092 691-695 5140 937-941 5188 1181-11855045 453-457 5093 696-700 5141 942-946 5189 1186-11905046 458-462 5094 701-705 5142 947-951 5190 1191-11955047 463-467 5095 706-710 5143 952-956 5191 1196-12005048 468-472 5096 711-715 5144 957-961 5192 1201-12055049 473-477 5097 716-720 5145 962-966 5193 1206-1211(1)5050 478-482 5098 721-725 5146 967-971 5194 1212-12165051 483-487 5099 726-730 5147 972-976 5195 1217-12215052 488-492 5100 731-735 5148 977-981 5196 1222-12265053 493-497 5101 736-740 5149 982-986 5197 1227-12315054 498-502 5102 741-745 5150 987-991 5198 1232-12365055 503-507 5103 746-750 5151 992-996 5199 1237-12415056 508-512 5104 751-755 5152 997-1001 5200 1242-1245 -------------------------------------------------The Collector's Series - the story pre-Barnabas' arrival and complete shows of the episodes edited on tapes 5001-5008 finishing old storylines and introducing Barnabas:-------------------------------------------------5201 01-05 5202 06-10 5203 11-15 5204 16-205205 21-25 5206 26-30 5207 31-35 5208 36-405209 41-45 5210 46-50 5211 51-55 5212 56-605213 61-65 5214 66-70 5215 71-75 5216 76-805217 81-85 5218 86-90 5219 91-95 5220 96-1005221 101-105 5222 106-112 5223 113-117 5224 118-1225225 123-127 5226 128-133 5227 134-138 5228 139-1435229 144-148 5230 149-153 5231 154-158 5232 159-1635233 164-168 5234 169-173 5235 174-178 5236 179-1835237 184-188 5238 189-193 5239 194-198 5240 199-203

To be released later in 1995:

5241 204-208 5242 209-213 5243 214-218 5244 219-2235245 224-229 5246 230-234 5247 235-239 5248 240-2445249 245-249 5250 250-254 5251 255-259 5252 260-2645253 265-269 5254 270+ extras

- All tapes in the Collector's Series include slates and ABC network announcements.- Tape 5201 includes original commercials- Tape 5209 has a bonus interview with Alexandra Moltke

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- Tape 5213 has a bonus interview with Louis Edmonds- Tape 5217 has a bonus interview with Nancy Barrett- Tape 5221 has a bonus interview with Kathryn Leigh Scott- Tape 5225 has a bonus interview with Clarice Blackburn- Tape 5229 has a bonus interview with Diana Millay- Tape 5233 has a bonus interview with Lela Swift- Tape 5237 has a bonus interview with Dennis Patrick- Tape 5241 has a bonus interview with John Karlen- Tape 5245 has a bonus interview with Jonathan Frid- Tape 5249 has a bonus interview with Jonathan Frid- Tape 5253 has a bonus interview with Sharon Smyth- Tape 5254 includes bonus episodes 499, 873 and 915 with orig commercials #499 = Aged Angelique blinds Sam Evans #873 = Petofi travels from 1897 to 1969 #915 = Leviathans threaten Barnabas with vampire curse -------------------------------------------------------MPI Video Four-Packs (20 episodes / 4 tapes = 420 min.)-------------------------------------------------------

The first tape is MP 5001 and the remainder are MP 5500-5563. 5001 1-pack (5 episodes)5500 3-pack (15 episodes)5501 4-pack (20 episodes) 5563 2-pack (then story continues with 5502)

The remainder are all 4-packs: MP# EPISODE# MP# EPISODE# MP# EPISODE# MP# EPISODE#---- ------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- ---------5502 271-290 5514 513-533(1) 5526 756-775 5538 1002-10215503 291-310 5515 534-553 5527 776-795 5539 102-10415504 311-330 5516 554-573 5528 796-816(1) 5540 1042-10615505 331-350 5517 574-593 5529 817-837(1) 5541 1062-10815506 351-371(1) 5518 594-613 5530 838-857 5542 1082-11015507 372-392(1) 5519 614-634(1) 5531 858-877 5543 1102-11215508 393-412 5520 635-655(1) 5532 878-898(1) 5544 1122-1142(1)5509 413-432 5521 656-675 5533 899-921(3) 5545 1143-1163(1)5510 433-452 5522 676-695 5534 922-941 5546 1164-1185(2)5511 453-472 5523 696-715 5535 942-961 5547 1186-12055512 473-492 5524 716-735 5536 962-981 5548 1206-1226(1)5513 493-512 5525 736-755 5537 982-1001 5549 1227-1245* * this 4-pack has only 19 episodes.

The Collector's Series -------------------------------------------------5550 01-20 5551 21-40 5552 41-60 5553 61-805554 81-100 5555 101-122 5556 123-143 5557 144-1635558 164-183 5559 184-203

To be released later in 1995:

5560 204-223 5561 224-244 5562 245-264 5563 265-270+ =====================================================================

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PART XIXa. - DARK SHADOWS PLOT SYNOPSIS (ABC)=====================================================================(the editors downloaded this section from Vlad III's excellent web site <http://www.vampyre.wis.net/vampyre/index.html> and thank him)


*** { WARNING - There are plot spoilers inherent in this guide} *** [ Honestly - lots of them! ]


Due to the extreme number of episodes and plot lines this synopsiswill not go into full detail. Those aspects of the show which followits supernatural nature will be concentrated on. The Dark ShadowsCompanion has been a great help in creating this. Any comments onsomething I have forgotten or left out will be greatly appreciated.Please forgive any spelling or punctuation problems.

== Episodes 1 - 300 ==

Dark Shadows began with the arrival of Victoria Winters to theCollinwood estate, hired as the new governess for the Collins family.Having been raised as an orphan she is convinced that a key to herpast lies with this family in Collinsport, Maine. She soon finds thatthe Collins family is far from normal. Her ward, David, is a constanttrouble and has a developing interest in the occult. For the firstcouple of months the plot centers around attacks on Victoria's lifeand the grudge between the Collins family and businessman Burke Devlin.Things remain pretty much like any other soap. Nothing happens out ofthe ordinary until episode 70. With failing ratings Dan Curtisdecides to go out with a bang. While playing in the Old House Daviddiscovers Josette's portrait, and subsequently her ghost. Inaddition, after being locked (by David) in the closed off section ofCollinwood Vicki encounters the ghost of Malloy, a recently murderedcharacter.

The plot proceeds with the hunt for Malloy's killer and Vicki'spast. The murderer, Matthew, takes Vicki captive and hides her in theOld House. David is convinced by Josette's ghost to help her.Josette's ghost appears and protects Vicki when Matthew tries to killher. He soon dies from fright after being visited by the ghosts of theWidows Hill widows.

Now that the murder has been solved the plot shifts. LauraCollins, Roger's wife and David's mother, has returned to Collinwoodto get a divorce and custody of David. This is bewildering to all, asLaura supposedly died in a fire in Phoenix, Arizona. Even more so when it is discovered that her body was positively identified in the remains.It is then revealed that Laura is a phoenix, but the family doesn'tknow this yet. The Collins family gradually gather clues. Aftertracing Laura's maiden names through women who appear to die everyhundred years a psychic investigator, Guthrie, is called in. Guthriediscovers that Laura has some sort of powers but is unsure what sheis. He decides to conduct a seance to contact Josette and exposeLaura. Guthrie is killed by Laura. The seance goes ahead as planned.Laura makes her move to destroy David and herself in flames. However,

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Vicki has been warned by Josette's ghost and she saves David.

Having survived more trials, Dark Shadows is again plagued byratings problems. The supernatural was called on again to save theshow, this time with a vampire. Willie Loomis, a drifter, had beenintroduced briefly already in the series. Willie was fascinated withthe portrait of Barnabas Collins and the legend about a secret familytreasure. While searching for the treasure in the family crypt hediscovers a chained coffin, the perfect place to hide jewels.Unfortunately when he opens the lid a hand emerges, grasping Williefirmly about the neck. Thus is introduced Barnabas Collins.

Barnabas assumes the identity of a cousin from England and"arrives" at Collinwood. A weakened Willie is found at the BlueWhale, with puncture wounds on his wrists. He is diagnosed assuffering from blood loss. Barnabas gains permission to move into theOld House, with Willie as his servant. Barnabas sees a resemblance inMaggie to his lost love Josette. He devises a plan intended torecreate Josette. After several night meetings with Barnabas Maggiebecomes weaker and is hospitalized. Everyone thinks she dies, untilher body disappears. She is in fact being held captive by Barnabas.To protect himself, Barnabas switches the blood samples Dr. Woodardtook from Willie. Maggie eventually escapes through the aid of Sarah,the ghost of Barnabas' nine-year-old sister. Maggie suffers from amemory loss and has reverted to her childhood. She is found by Samand secretly sent to the Windcliff Sanitarium. Her doctorthere is Julia Hoffman. Barnabas has now switched his intentions toVicki, hosting a costume ball to get Vicki in Josette's dress. At theparty a seance is held and Vicki goes into a trance. Josette speaksthough her.

Meanwhile, Julia Hoffman has been probing into Maggie's mind.She finds, under hypnosis, that Maggie is deathly afraid of the nameBarnabas. Julia decides to go the Collinwood to find the answers,posing as a visiting historian. While at the Old House she noticesthat Barnabas casts no reflection. She returns to find Barnabas inhis coffin and offers to help him find a cure. Dr. Woodard and Burkestart to become curious about Barnabas. At the same time Sarah helpsMaggie escape. She stumbles into the Blue Whale and collapses. Juliais then forced to hypnotize Maggie to cover her memory of Barnabas.However, Barnabas has come to the conclusion Maggie must be killed.When he attempts to do this he is stopped by Sarah's ghost. Barnabas'plans are in doubt when Vicki decides to marry Burke. Therefore,Barnabas decides that Burke must be destroyed. == Episodes 301 - 600 ==

Anxious to be with Vicki/Josette Barnabas urges Julia to hurrywith the cure. Julia has however become highly enamored of Barnabas.Meanwhile Burke continues to investigate Barnabas, to Vicki'sdisapproval. Sarah starts to show up often. She shows David thesecret room in the crypt and leaves her doll in Maggie's room. Allattempts by Barnabas to talk to her prove fruitless. He becomesafraid that she will expose him. David is locked in the secret roomwhen he hides there from Barnabas and Willie. Barnabas knows Sarahtalks to him and is afraid that he knows the truth. Sarah helps Davidout of the room and Burke arrives before Barnabas can do anything.

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David does, however, start to have nightmares about Barnabas.

With Maggie's memory returning she is once again a threat. Thepolice shoot an intruder outside her bedroom, only to discover it isWillie. Barnabas has decided to frame him for Maggie's kidnapping.Dr. Woodard diagnoses Willie as mentally unsound.

Barnabas has now switched to scare tactics with David. However,the boy sneaks into the Old House and finds the open coffin. Juliamanages to stop Barnabas from killing him. David's story has caused asearch to be conducted of the Old House by Burke and Dr. Woodard, itturns up nothing. Unfortunately, Sarah has been talking to Dr.Woodard. He confronts Barnabas and later steals Julia's notebook,containing the specifics of Barnabas' condition. Julia is forced byBarnabas to help kill Woodard. The death is made to look like a heartattack.

Vicki becomes distraught when she learns that Burke's plane hascrashed without survivors. Barnabas takes this opportunity to getcloser to her. However, Julia is jealous and hypnotizes Vicki so thatshe finds Barnabas very unattractive. Growing impatient Barnabasforces Julia to hurry the cure. As a result he ages to his true ageof 200 years. Carolyn coming to check on David's story sneaks intothe Old House. The aged Barnabas catches her and puts the bite onher, which causes him to return to normal, and with a new slave.Carolyn catches Julia hypnotizing Vicki and Barnabas is furious. Heswears to kill her. Julia saves her life by blackmailing Barnabaswith her notebook, which she has given to Tony Peterson forsafekeeping. Carolyn attempts to steal it but is caught. Barnabasstarts to play mind games with Julia. Sarah visits her but will nothelp her. Sarah tells Barnabas that he must be "good". A seance isheld to determine if David is telling the truth. While it is going onVicki disappears.

Vicki has been transported to 1795. She meets Barnabas before hebecame a vampire. There is a striking resemblance between the old andnew Collins families. Jeremiah, Barnabas' uncle, agrees to help Vickiget hired as the new governess. Josette's maid, Angelique, arrives.She has her own plans for Barnabas. When his fiancee arrives(Josette) Angelique uses witchcraft to cause Barnabas to nearly choketo death. She then uses her witchcraft to turn the Collins servant,Ben Stokes, into her slave. She casts a spell causing Jeremiah andJosette to fall in love.

Millicent Collins, a family heiress, arrives. When Jeremiahtries to leave town, Angelique turns Barnabas' father Joshua into acat. Natalie suspects there is a witch but believes it is Vicki. Sheurges Barnabas to hurry with the wedding. Before it can occurJeremiah and Josette run off together. Unfortunately, it does notchange Barnabas' mind. Natalie and Joshua's sister Abigail findVicki's charm bracelet and are convinced she is a witch. Jeremiah andJosette return. Barnabas challenges Jeremiah to a duel, which he winsby mortally wounding Jeremiah. Abigail has meanwhile solicited theaid of Rev. Trask, a fanatic who supposedly reveals witches. Barnabasand Nathan hide Vicki in Collinwood, which is under construction.Upset by events Angelique takes it out on Sarah. She promises to cure

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her if Barnabas will marry her. Jeremiah, who has been in a coma, dies.

Barnabas now agrees to marry Angelique. As an added incentive,she has enlisted the aid of Jeremiah's ghost. Barnabas isdisinherited for his wedding plans, but is given the Old House as awedding gift. Vicki tells Barnabas she is from the future. Ben iscaught by Abigail and confesses his part. Thinking Vicki is in theOld House Rev. Trask exorcises it. Angelique causes Vicki to run outof hiding into the Rev's waiting arms. She is put in jail. Ben isforced by Barnabas to reveal Angelique. Barnabas tries to kill herbut she threatens to kill Josette. When Barnabas shoots Angelique shebelieves she is dying and puts a curse on Barnabas. A giant bat issent to him. When she doesn't die she regrets this and tries to saveBarnabas. Josette believes Vicki is the witch and implores her tohelp Barnabas. Unfortunately, Barnabas dies anyway. Angelique doesnot want him to revive as a vampire so she goes to stake him. Herises and kills Angelique.

Sarah sees Barnabas and follows. When he finds his first victimshe is terrified and runs away. Ben later finds her in the cemetery.She has contracted pneumonia and dies in Barnabas' arms. Feelingremorse Barnabas tells Ben to put a stake through his heart. Thespirit of Angelique returns and prevents this. She then summonsJosette and Barnabas nearly bites her. In a short time he can nolonger hold back and bites Josette, the subsequent strange behavior ofJosette does not go unnoticed. Joshua discovers that Barnabas' coffinis empty.

To stop Barnabas' plans at having a vampire bride, Angeliquecalls Josette to Widow's Hill and causes her to fall to her doom. Thewitchcraft trial of Vicki begins. Barnabas decides to revive Josettebut is shocked by her disfigured face. She wishes to return to death.Barnabas moves his coffin to the Old House basement but is caught byAbigail, who dies from fright. Vicki is accused of being responsible.

During Vicki's trial Ben tries to tell the truth, but Angeliqueshows up to testify. Vicki is sentenced to hang. Barnabas knows thatTrask is responsible for this. He kills a woman and puts her inTrask's bed. He later forces Trask to write a declaration of Vicki'sinnocence. After which he bricks Trask up in the Old House basementto die.

Meanwhile, Joshua has discovered Barnabas' coffin and decides hemust destroy Barnabas. Millicent is bitten by Barnabas. Joshuabrings in a good witch, Bathia Mapes, to help Barnabas.Unfortunately, she goes up in flames with a little help fromAngelique. Vicki escapes from jail but is wounded. Nathan tellsNaomi that Barnabas is a vampire. She takes poison and dies as shetells Barnabas that she forgives him. When Barnabas finds out it wasNathan who told her he plans to kill him, and does. Joshua finds heis unable to destroy Barnabas so he chains his son in the coffin toprotect the Collins name. Vicki is hung. Peter vows to someday findher. When the hood is removed Vicki is gone, replaced by PhyllisWick. Vicki has returned to the present.

Barnabas is now afraid that Vicki learnt of his condition in thepast, so he bites her. He is terrified to learn she has bought a

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portrait of Angelique. Barnabas convinces Vicki to marry him. Beforethis can happen though Vicki wrecks the car they are in, when she seesa Peter look-alike. In the hospital, Barnabas is exposed to sunlightand learns he is partially cured due to a blood transfusion. Thehospital doctor, Lang, has an assistant who looks just like PeterBradford, Jeff. Vicki believes he is in some way Peter and calls offthe wedding. Dr. Lang plans to finish the cure and give BarnabasJeff's physical features, by transferring him to a body made of humanparts.

Roger arrives with a new bride, Cassandra. It becomes obvious toVicki that she is actually Angelique. Angelique renews Barnabas'curse with a dream curse, passed on to whoever it is told to.Cassandra kills Lang. Julia plans to finish his experiment but whenshe does the results are not right. Barnabas is still alive, but thecreature comes to life, as Adam. Adam gradually matures and learns totalk. Barnabas has Sam age the portrait of Angelique, and Cassandraages as well. Cassandra has it stopped by blinding Sam. Willietaunts Adam and he escapes. After he tries to kill Barnabas, Barnabasdecides to kill Adam. Adam kidnaps Carolyn but is later captured. Heis put in jail but escapes. He saves Carolyn from leaping off Widow'sHill, and then jumps himself. He is not killed however. Julia andseveral others hold a seance to contact Trask in the hopes he can stopAngelique. Trask is set on revenge with Barnabas however. He holds amock trial with Barnabas' 1795 victims and finds Barnabas guilty.When Julia sees Josette's ghost she realizes what has happened toBarnabas. He has been walled up in the Old House basement. Julia andWillie save him.

Meanwhile the dream curse has ended, because Sam dies before hecan relate it to anyone. Trask is finally successful in exorcisingAngelique. However, Warlord Nicholas Blair arrives, posing asCassandra's brother. He searches for her and eventually brings herback. Cassandra raises Sam so that he can tell the dream to Vicki.Barnabas tries to help her by listening to the dream. He survives itbut is then attacked by a bat and is believed to be dead. Juliadiscovers that Adam is alive and knows Barnabas is because of the linkthey have. Stokes and Julia save Barnabas, who is still human.

Nicholas learns that Julia brought Adam to life. He befriendsAdam. When Cassandra tries to kill Adam, Nicholas is upset and takesher powers away. Cassandra confesses to Barnabas but he refuses toforgive her. Adam is upset that Carolyn doesn't like him and demandsa mate for him be made. Vicki decides to marry Jeff but Adam kidnapsher. Nicholas brings Angelique back as a vampire under his control.When Adam starts to get testy, Julia agrees to make him a mate. Tomis killed by Angelique, and returns as a vampire. He attacks Juliawho then stops the experiment. Barnabas comes to the rescue andstakes Tom, although the coffin is later missing. Willie tellsNicholas how Adam was made and Angelique overhears. She bites Jeffand uses him to start the experiment, intending to resurrect herself.Vicki calls off her wedding because of Jeff's strange behavior.Barnabas manages to stop the experiment but is beaten around by Adamfor it. Maggie's memory of Barnabas starts to return.

Carolyn now volunteers to be the life-force for the nextexperiment and Julia begins. However, something goes wrong and

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Carolyn dies, but the body disappears. She later reappears in fullhealth. Danielle Roget is summoned by Nicholas to serve as a lifeforce for his own experiment. As it happens she was a very nastyperson from the 18th century. Danielle's body, Adam, and the new Eveall disappear afterwards. Eve appears to tell Nicholas about herhatred for Adam. == Episodes 601 - 900 ==

Barnabas plans to kill Eve, so Adam hides her in Nicholas'basement. When Barnabas goes there he finds Angelique waiting. He isbitten by her and is put under her spell. However, Nicholas forbidsher from seeing Barnabas without his permission. Joe is rejected byAngelique and tries to kill himself. When Barnabas takes him to Juliathey discover bite marks on his neck. Nicholas sends Eve on a trip tothe past to meet Peter Bradford, who she is in love with via Jeff.Unfortunately, Peter does not feel the same way. Nicholas proposes toMaggie but is turned down.

Barnabas is ordered to poison Joe by Angelique. Joe in turntries to strangle Barnabas. Julia discovers that Peter has beenbitten and tries to lock him up, but he escapes. Angelique tries torun off with Barnabas, but he escapes and is found by Vicki. Itappears that Angelique has been getting around when Julia finds thatAdam too has been bitten. Nicholas decides to destroy Angelique, buthe cannot find her, the coffin is empty. It appears that Angeliquegot wise and moved it. She sends Eve back in time to 1796 to findPeter. Peter is in jail, waiting to be hung. He refuses aid from Evebut gives her a note just before he dies. Eve returns and gives thenote to Jeff, who then calls off the wedding with Vicki and goes toPeter's grave. When he digs it up he finds it empty. Adam kills Eve.Chris Jennings arrives, mistaken by some for his brother Tom.Angelique takes a field tip to the Netherworld to discuss some thingswith Diabolos (a.k.a. Satan). She tells him of Nicholas' love forMaggie. Subsequently, Diabolos orders Nicholas to sacrifice Maggie ina Black Mass. Vicki learns of these plans so Nicholas calls up TomJennings to stop her. He is destroyed by Barnabas.

Adam tries to revive Eve but is stopped by Barnabas. Around thistime Nicholas is believed destroyed by a fireball. Adam kidnaps Vickiin order to try once more at the experiment, but he fails. Jeffdiscovers that he is indeed Peter Bradford. Jeff and Vicki aremarried but Jeff fades back to the past. Amy, Chris' sister, movesinto Collinwood. David shows her a phone (disconnected) where shetalks to Quentin Collins. David and Amy then hold a seance to contactQuentin. Meanwhile, another seance is held so that Vicki can contactJeff. David and Amy are possessed by the ghosts of Quentin and BethChavez. They then try to kill Roger. As a result, a psychic medium,Janet Findley, is brought in to investigate. Unfortunately, thechildren trap her and she dies of fright when Quentin pays a visit toher. Jeff stops by the present one more time and takes Vicki to thepast with him (in reality the actress was pregnant). Maggie takesover as governess.

Following several shadowy appearances, Chris transforms into awerewolf and attacks Joe. With many strange things occurring Barnabasdecides to take the children to Boston for awhile, for safety. Joe

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starts having vampire and werewolf dreams and is put in WindcliffSanitarium. There is evidence that Vicki wants to return to thepresent and that she dies in the past. Barnabas decides to timetravel to save her. Angelique offers to help in the past, but changesher mind. Vicki is saved when Barnabas torches Angelique. Barnabashas himself chained up in his coffin and is revived in the present byJulia and Willie.

All this while Liz was believed to be dead; actually she wasparalyzed in her coffin (the actress was doing a play). After shesenses Carolyn is in danger, attacked by the werewolf, she revives.One of Carolyn's friends visits Chris and is killed by the werewolf.Chris is jailed for the murder, but is released when Barnabas providesan alibi. Chris confides in Barnabas. The ghost of Quentinrecognizes Chris as his descendant and tries to poison him. David ispunished by Maggie and gets very upset, he vows revenge. WhenBarnabas finds a child's coffin with a pentagram in it he calls inEzra Braithwaite for assistance. Ezra realizes who Quentin is butdies of fright. Chris is protected on the next full moon by Barnabas.David is punished for not following Quentin's orders. Quentin startsto be a very annoying ghost and the family abandons Collinwood. Davidsneaks back in and ends up in a coma. Barnabas attempts an I Chingtrance, to contact Quentin, but ends up in 1897.

Barnabas uses the same line of being a cousin from England, butQuentin is suspicious. Quentin has been trying to get hisgrandmother, Edith, to reveal the family secret. She realizes thatBarnabas is the secret. Edith dies and Quentin has her will stolen.Barnabas finds another Josette look alike in Rachel. Quentin and EvanHanley hold a ritual in order to obtain aid in dealing with Barnabas.They get Angelique. She puts Rachel under a spell and Barnabas mustthen get a amulet from the gypsy Magda to protect her. Everyone isshocked when they learn Judith, the house mistress, is Edith's onlybeneficiary.

Previously Quentin had married Jenny, but his eyes roamed. Heran off with his brother's wife, Laura. Leaving his pregnant wife athome. She has twins, a son and a daughter. Since Jenny is consideredto be insane the children are taken away and Jenny is locked in thetower room. Quentin returned later.

Now Jenny escapes and attacks Rachel. Judith tries to hideJenny, but she escapes when she hears Quentin's music. Jenny stabsQuentin and leaves him to die. Angelique is summoned by Barnabas tohelp. He is resurrected in a sort of zombie state, possessing Jamison.When he starts misbehaving, a ceremony is performed to try and bring thingsback to normal (or Collinwood's equivalent). Rev. Gregory Traskattempts to exorcise Quentin from Jamison's body. When things workout, Trask thinks he is responsible. Barnabas bites his daughterCharity. Laura Collins now returns to Collinwood. Much to Quentin'sanger, since he saw he burnt on a pyre in Egypt (the phoenix returns).He tries to kill her and is injured. Angelique offers to help, butonly if Barnabas marries her. Laura is warned by Rachel about herchildren's treatment at Rev. Trask's school. When he refuses toreturn the children to her the school catches fire.

Quentin tries to destroy Laura's source of supernatural power.

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Laura calls on the god Ra for aid. Clues gather for the rest of thefamily about Laura's true nature. She admits to returning for thechildren. It has decided by Quentin and Barnabas that they mustdestroy Laura. However, she has already sent Jenny to stop them.During a struggle, Quentin kills Jenny.

It turns out the Jenny was the sister of Magda, a gypsy witch.She (Magda) places the werewolf curse on Quentin and his descendants. Notrealizing that she had a niece and nephew by him, who are also cursed now.

A character names Dirk, who works for the Coillins family, finds a diary in the grave of Ben Stokes. Laura learns from it that Barnabas is a vampire and plans to destroy him. Quentin attempts another ceremony intended to destroy Laura. Ra is again called on by Laura in order to destroy Angelique. Laura has written a letter to Judith describing Barnabas'condition. Barnabas manages to destroy it after attacking Dirk.Laura attempts to take the children into the fire with her, but she isdestroyed by a spell Angelique's casts.

Quentin now devotes his time to the werewolf curse. WhenBarnabas cannot get any straight answers he bites Beth, she becomeshis slave. Barnabas is told by Magda about a possible cure forQuentin, but Barnabas has his own problems. When Dirk reveals hissecret Barnabas attacks him, he later rises as a vampire. Dirk triesto get Barnabas to bring Angelique back to life, but then Edwardstakes Dirk.

Enter Count Petofi. A powerful, yet eccentric, sorcerer. Petofihad been a werewolf in the past and had killed the last unicorn. In addition, for killing one of them, the gypsies severed his hand,where his power was centered. It now travels the earth in its ownbox. Magda returns after a long trip with the mysterious box containingthe Hand of Count Petofi. She hopes it will cure Quentin.Carl sees Barnabas enter the mausoleum and is trapped there byQuentin. Barnabas rises and kills Carl. Barnabas later finds hiscoffin chained up and with a cross on it. Trask is now on Barnabas'trail and attempts to use Charity to trap him. Trask marries Judithand reveals to her Barnabas' secret. Magda uses the hand of Petofi inan attempt to cure Quentin.

However, the werewolf is caught in an animal trap and the hand is stolen by Evan Hanley. Judith has now come to the opinion that she isMinerva, Trask's recently deceased wife. Minerva's ghost is raised byTrask and Evan. Judith is "persuaded" to commit herself. Aristede, anew character, forces Quentin to relinquish the hand to him.Quentin then goes to Angelique for help. Unfortunately, Angeliqueattempts a cure but fails. A gypsy, Julianka, persuades Barnabasthat she can cure Quentin, if the hand is returned to the gypsies.Aristede again captures Quentin and threatens his life if he doesn't give Aristede the hand again. Julianka is found dead. When she is contacted through a seance she refuses to help Quentin and curses Magda.When Magda's loved ones start to die she tries to destroy the hand.

A new character appears, Victor Fenn-Gibbons. Magda and Quentinsoon discover that he is in fact Count Petofi, come for his hand.Petofi devises a cure for Quentin. Charles Delaware Tate arrives topaint Quentin's portrait. He has been given a power by Petofi.

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Instead of Quentin turning into a wolf his portrait does, it alsogives the effect of immortality. Through a few plot manipulationsPetofi is reunited with his hand. Count Petofi tries to extort thesecret of time travel from Barnabas. He chains Barnabas in hiscoffin. Quentin manages to release Barnabas. Magda is placed ontrial by the gypsies. Quentin now appears to be fully cured, butPetofi has made a deal with Edward to trap Barnabas.

Back in the present, Beth's ghost appears and explains to Juliahow Quentin dies. Julia travels back to 1897. Julia agrees to stayand cure Barnabas, but she is taken hostage by Petofi who wants the I-Ching wands used in time travel. Barnabas manages to rescue her. Heand Angelique make a deal to destroy Petofi. Lady Kitty Soamesarrives, and surprise, she looks just like Josette. Before this canbe expanded on, Barnabas is staked by a possessed Charity. His coffinis sealed in a cave. Petofi discovers that he needs a body in thefuture to time travel, so he begin manipulations to possess Quentin.Julia is called back to the present. Angelique is warned about themind switch.

Now it is revealed that Barnabas was not killed (he actually tooka vacation). It was only a double created by Angelique. In fact, heis human again (Julia's cure worked). Kitty is becoming aware thatshe is Josette and goes to Barnabas. Angelique is forced to tellPetofi how she created the double. Petofi attempts to time travel butis called back. Quentin manages to reverse the mind switch and ordersAristede to kill Petofi. Judith has returned, fairly sane, with theknowledge that Trask is after the family wealth. She has him brickedup in Quentin's room. Though the effects of several sub plots, Petofiis destroyed in the burning studio of Tate. Kitty fades into the pastand Barnabas does likewise. Josette believes that he has betrayed herand kills herself.

Barnabas is captured by the Leviathans, a Lovecraftian race ofancient beings. Barnabas is returned to the present with the task offinding a suitable couple to raise a Leviathan child. There are twonew inhabitants of Collinsport, Philip and Megan Todd. They run alocal antique shop. Megan is given the box containing the essence ofthe Leviathan leader and the Leviathan comes to live with them. PaulStoddard now appears, Carolyn's father. The book on the Leviathans isstolen by David. Paul realizes that the Leviathan's want Carolyn, dueto a deal he had made with them years ago. == Episodes 901 - 1245 ==

Evidence of the Leviathan child comes when Carolyn hears loud,and strange breathing coming from the baby's room. Due to his successbefore in the series, Quentin is brought back. While taking a driveBarnabas hits a man who mysteriously looks just like Quentin. The manclaims to be Grant Douglas, but Julia believes him to be Quentin.Meanwhile the Leviathan child has aged rapidly into a little boy, andis introduced as Alexander. The Leviathan's gain control of Liz andPaul realizes who Alexander is. Julia attempts to restore Grant'smemory as Quentin, but to no avail. Julia discovers that HarrisonMonroe is in fact Charles Delaware Tate. Alexander ages further andis now introduced as Michael. Barnabas is ordered by the Leviathansto kill Julia, but tries to bring her into the group instead. Paul

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escapes from Collinwood and goes to the police. Chris goes to Tate inthe hopes that he can cure him by painting his portrait. Olivia Coreyreveals that she is actually Amanda Harris and tells of a pact shemade in 1897. In order to survive she must get Quentin to remember.Julia discovers that Angelique is back. She is married to Sky Rumsonand wants nothing to do with the Collins anymore.

Michael traps Maggie in a secret passage and orders Megan to killPhilip, but Barnabas stops her. Michael is ready to transform intothe next stage but he is having second thoughts. Barnabas decides tohelp Paul and saves him when he is attacked. When Julia shows Quentinhis 1897 portrait his memory returns. It was gone due to damage tothe portrait. Amanda and Quentin try to escape the mysterious Mr.Best but their plans go awry and Amanda is buried alive. The sheriffinvestigates the antique shop but only finds Jeb Hawkes, the fullygrown Leviathan child. Jeb believes it is Barnabas who has betrayedhim. Julia realizes who Jeb is and confronts Barnabas. To Barnabas'rage Jeb proposes to Carolyn. Barnabas then goes to Angelique andbegs her for help.

Jeb hides Maggie in a crypt, with Sheriff Davenport (who he hasraised from the dead). A Leviathan follower arrives in town, Bruno.Sabrina attempts to cure Chris with a special flower. As it turns outthe only thing which can harm a Leviathan is a werewolf. Jeb getsedgy when he finds out there is one near. Bruno tells Jeb thatSabrina can identify the werewolf. Jeb's true nature is revealed toCarolyn in a dream. The werewolf attacks, but doesn't kill, Jeb.Barnabas prevents Jeb from learning who the werewolf is and conducts aseance to contact Josette. Philip attempts to steal the Leviathanbox, but is caught by Jeb. Due to Barnabas' treason against theLeviathans, Jeb decides to punish him. Barnabas is bitten by avampire bat, a becomes once more a vampire. As revenge, Barnabas setsfire to the antique shop. Julia agrees to try and cure him again.Nicholas Blair returns to town to help the Leviathans, whose plansseem to be going wrong. Barnabas makes Megan his servant. Angeliquediscovers that her husband is a Leviathan. Quentin saves Maggie fromBarnabas.

Without a husband, and just a little bit peeved, Angeliquereturns her sights to Barnabas. She casts a spell causing Quentin andMaggie to fall in love. Jeb decides he actually loves Carolyn andrenounces his Leviathan ties. Because of this Blair punished him witha shadow which follows him everywhere, growing larger. A hanging manis seen in David's room. Bruno learns that Chris is the werewolf andorders Davenport to destroy him during the next full moon. He changeshis mind and decides to get in good with the Leviathans by destroyingJeb. He tricks Jeb into getting trapped with Chris just before thefull moon. Megan is attacked by Barnabas.

Jeb learns that Julia cured Barnabas once and has her kidnappedby an army of zombies, in the hopes that she can make him human.Nicholas warns Julia not to interfere. Zombies bury Quentin alive.Carolyn has a dream and learns that Jeb killed her father. PeterBradford's ghost appears and threatens to destroy Jeb. Philip fallsoff Widow's Hill to his death. Angelique vows to destroy Jeb.Carolyn and Jeb are married.

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With failing ratings a new twist to time travel is tried, thistime sideways in time. Barnabas discovers a room in the closed offeast wing which looks into a parallel universe. Julia informsBarnabas of Stokes' theory of parallel time. Carolyn learns about theshadow which is stalking Jeb. To protect Chris, Sabrina tries to killBruno. Bruno takes her hostage and sets a trap for Carolyn, trappingher with the werewolf. Angelique finally agrees to help Jeb, if hekills Nicholas. The shadow curse is transferred to Nicholas and he iskilled by it. Sky vows revenge and pushes Jeb off Widows Hill,unfortunately he was human enough to die. Barnabas observes theparallel universe for a time and decides to enter, in the hopes thathe will be cured of vampirism.

In the parallel universe things are different. Julia is ahousekeeper in league with Angelique and Barnabas never became avampire. When he enters he is still a vampire though and attacksWillie Loomis' wife Carolyn. Willie, who is an author (of the historyof Barnabas Collins no less), traps Barnabas and learns everything.He chains Barnabas in a coffin. The newlyweds Quentin and Maggiereturn to Collinwood. Quentin's first wife, Angelique, is dead andhis son is David. David decides to drive Maggie away, he believes hismother is going to return. Angelique's twin sister Alexis arrives.Scientist Cyrus Longworth is experimenting with the good and evilsides of people. Maggie leaves Collinwood out of jealousy of Alexis.Bruno thinks Alexis is Angelique and tries to dig up her grave but isstopped by Quentin. Cyrus tests his formula with Jekyll/Hyde effects.A seance is held to contact Angelique. As a result Sabrina believesAngelique was murdered. Hannah Stokes informs Bruno that Angelique'sspirit is at Collinwood. Quentin and Alexis come to the opinion thatAngelique isn't at rest. Collinwood is haunted by the ghost of DameonEdwards. Under the influence of his potion, Cyrus becomes John Yaegerand flirts heavily with Buffie Harrington, the Blue Whale barmaid.Bruno tries to kill Alexis, believing she is Angelique.

Angelique comes to life and kills Alexis, taking her place.Dameon's ghost warns Quentin he'll die by hanging. Angelique tries toget rid of Dameon's ghost. Gladstone finds out about Cyrus/Yaeger andblackmails him. Daniel becomes mesmerized by Barnabas' portrait.Joshua Collins spirit warns there is an evil spirit at Collinwood.Yaeger discovers a passageway to the Old House basement and findsBarnabas' coffin. Will stops him from opening it but is bitten byBarnabas, who "arrives" posing as an English cousin. Quentin issuspicious of him. Angelique reveals to Hoffman who she is andperforms voodoo on Quentin. Angelique brings Maggie back toCollinwood hoping to dissolve her marriage with Quentin. Angeliquekills lawyer Larry Chase, using his body heat to survive. Buffie isbitten by Barnabas and become becomes his spy. Maggie is driven tosuicide but Liz stops her from killing herself. Barnabas confrontsAngelique. She goes to her father Timothy Stokes for help. Yaegerkidnaps Maggie.

Barnabas returns briefly to normal time. He talks to Julia thenreturns to parallel time to save Maggie. Yaeger kills Sabrina andtries to kill Maggie but Barnabas saves her, killing Yaeger/Cyrus inthe process. Julia arrives just in time to stop Hoffman from stakingBarnabas. She kills Hoffman and takes her place. Julia discovers howAngelique is staying alive. Barnabas and Julia find Stokes secret

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lab. Quentin is framed for Angelique's and Bruno's deaths. Angeliquepanics when Barnabas takes a life force from the secret lab.Angelique tries to get Barnabas' secret out of Will, but he jumps fromthe tower room to his death. Barnabas manages to partially revive thelife force (a.k.a. Roxanne Drew).

After various events Angelique finds out who Julia is. Roxannecomes fully to life, killing Angelique as a result. Barnabas bitesRoxanne and later rescues Julia. However, Roxanne dies. Barnabas isdistraught over Roxanne's death. Collinwood is set on fire by Stokes.Julia and Barnabas return to normal time, but the year 1995. Theyfind Collinwood deserted. Carolyn is insane and living in a beachshack. She is convinced that the family will return. The sheriffwarns Barnabas and Julia to leave. Barnabas and Julia see David'sghost. They are warned of danger by Quentin. Gerard's ghost appearsto Quentin and Julia. Quentin believes Prof. Stokes is responsiblefor Collinwood's disaster. Barnabas finds out Carolyn is dead anddiscovers her description of the destruction of Collinwood. Thesheriff is killed by Barnabas.

Julia and Barnabas manage to return to the present by using astairway through time. It is learned the Daphne (who appeared as aghost in the future) was the 1840 governess. Her and Gerard's gravesare found. Liz consults an astrologer after learning about thefuture. Stokes niece, Hallie, is found dressed in 19th centuryclothing. A west wing playroom is discovered by David and Hallie.Daphne's ghost appears to Quentin and he discovers her diary. Daphnetries to kill Quentin but he convinces her not to. The spirit of TadCollins speaks through David. Barnabas meets Roxanne Drew, who isidentical to the parallel time Roxanne. A dollhouse is found by Davidand Hallie. The dolls look like them in 19th century clothes. Theydestroy the dolls but discover them back in the dollhouse. Their 1840counterparts are seen in the playroom. It is learned that thestairway used by Julia and Barnabas was made by Quentin. David andHallie's 1840 counterparts motion them toward the staircase but itdisappears. Gerard's ghost menaces David. Liz is warned by Sebastianthat the stranger in her future may not be alive. Gerard possessesLiz and appears to David and Hallie.

Maggie collapses and Julia discovers bite marks on her neck.Barnabas convinces her that he was not responsible. Julia prepares togive Maggie a blood transfusion. After Carolyn sees Gerard she ispossessed by Leticia Faye. Barnabas and Julia decide they must getDavid and Hallie out of Collinwood. However, Gerard leads David tothe real Rose Cottage (a.k.a. the dollhouse). David and Hallie arepossessed by Tad and Carrie. They conduct a ceremony to bring Daphneand Gerard back to life. The newly risen Daphne talks to Quentin.She refuses to help Gerard come back so he sets fire to the Cottagewith her in it. Carolyn (a.k.a. Leticia) stops him. Julia findsthat Daphne is alive. Barnabas confronts Gerard. Willie discoversMaggie next to an empty coffin. The other vampire is Roxanne.Barnabas stops Sebastian from killing her and chains her in thecoffin. Maggie is taken to Windcliff. Sebastian announces Gerardwill take control of Collinwood. Gerard kills the children. Juliatravels back in time to 1840 by using the stairway.

Julia hides from the current inhabitants. She is saved from an

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insane Daniel Collins by Ben. Ben and Julia set Barnabas free, buthe doesn't recognize her. Julia poses as Barnabas Collins sister fromEngland. Barnabas and Roxanne decide to spend eternity together.Julia tries to stop him and Barnabas attacks her. The 1970 Barnabaspossesses his 1840 body and saves her. Daniel gives Barnabas the OldHouse. Ben is shown the mystical head of Judah Zachery. Judah'spowers kill Ben. The head also affects Desmond. Samantha issurprised when her dead husband Quentin arrives. He tells her thatTad is also alive. Daphne meets Quentin and decides that he is theman she is going to kill.

Lamar Trask uses Leticia's powers to discover what happened tohis father, the Rev Trask. Desmond discovers the vault containing thebody of Judah. Lamar's father warns of evil. Judah escapes andkills Tim Braithwaite. Samantha tells Quentin that Tad is not his sonand that she will stay married to Gerard. Julia tries to warn Daphne.Angelique discovers that Barnabas is free. Julia and Leticia try torejoin Judah's head. Angelique warns Barnabas that she will turnRoxanne into a vampire. The jeweled mask of Judah is needed toreunite the head and body. The mask is found and the body revived butin a coma. A fire burns the body but the head lives. Angeliqueremembers Judah's original threats of revenge in 1692. Gerard hidesJudah's head. With Charles Dawson's help Judah possesses Gerard.Barnabas meets Roxanne's brother. Angelique hides Julia in aabandoned lighthouse. Quentin reveals to Gerard his time traveltheories. Gerard (a.k.a. Judah) tries to bring Edith and Daphne intothe coven. Daphne admits she is the sister of Joanne. Barnabasrescues Julia and Roxanne rises as a vampire. Quentin is accused ofbeing a warlock. Randall is killed after finding Judah's mask.Quentin is arrested for the murder. Gerard and Charles talk Danielinto changing his will. Gerard convinces Angelique that Judah hadpossessed Quentin.

Daniel suffers a stroke and dies. His sole beneficiary is Gerard.The constable's wife dies in Quentin's cell and he is now on trial forwitchcraft. Samantha testifies that Quentin brought a spirit toCollinwood. Ben's diary is found and subsequently Trask's skeleton.Lamar bricks up Barnabas in the basement. Angelique realizes thatGerard may be Judah. Desmond is arrested and admits to having Judah'shead. Prof. Stokes arrives from the future with information.Barnabas shows up mysteriously as Quentin's lawyer. Gerard hasMordecai Grimes killed to prevent testimony for Quentin. Daphne seesparallel time in the east wing. Quentin is convicted but he andDesmond escape. Daniel's ghost killed Gabriel. Quentin and Daphneare trapped in the parallel time room but escape. Joanna forcesSamantha off Widows' Hill. Daphne is put under a spell and marriesGerard. Quentin is sent back to jail and Barnabas goes to Angeliquefor help. Gerard takes away Angelique's powers. But she still stopsthe execution by arriving with Judah's head, freeing Gerard. Lamarshoots Angelique and she dies in Barnabas' arms. Julia and Barnabasreturn to the present to find everything back to normal, history hasbeen changed.

That ends the normal story line and characters for Dark Shadows.The last plot line took place in the parallel time of 1841. BramwellCollins (played by Jonathan Frid) tries to convince Catherine to marryhim instead of Morgan Collins. Before Justin Collins dies he gives

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Morgan a letter describing the curse on the family. Morgan is put incharge of the lottery. A drawing to determine which of the family isto spend the night in the cursed room. If they come out sane thecurse is broken. Bramwell abducts Catherine. It is discoveredMelanie Collins has a mental disorder. She discovers Stella Youngbeing held captive in the tower room, but Stella is stabbed and dies.With a memory loss Melanie is not for sure if maybe she killed Stella.Morgan and Catherine prepare to marry.

Bramwell loses his duel with Morgan, wounded in the process (hedidn't fire his gun). Gerard Stiles and Kendrick Young find thesecret grave of Stella. The family is warned during a seance that thelottery must take place. Melanie gets the plague. Gabriel Collins ischosen to stay in the room but escapes from Collinwood. Quentin comesdown with the plague. Morgan returns Gabriel and he spends the nightin the room. The next morning Morgan discovers a villagers dead bodyin the room in place of Gabriel. Justin's spirit warns the curseisn't over. Having gone insane in the room Gabriel attacks Kendrick.Bramwell tries to marry Catherine's sister Daphne but Catherine triesto stop them, to no avail. Catherine is pregnant with Bramwell'schild. Catherine gets the next turn in the room but Morgan takes herplace. He comes out insane, possessed by James Forsythe, the man whoplaced the curse on the family. The ghost of Brutus Collins hauntsMorgan. Kendrick discovers Melanie has a split personality. Catherineadmits she loves Bramwell and Daphne becomes suicidal. Julia is savedfrom Morgan by Quentin. Forsythe's spirit reveals why he cursed thefamily.

Daphne gets an undiagnosable illness. Brutus ghost traps Morganand Julia in a secret corridor with two bodies. Morgan kills Gabriel.Josette Collins, Bramwell's mother, reveals to Melanie that she andBarnabas are her parents. Daphne dies. Melanie marries Kendrick butgoes insane. The lottery is held again and Kendrick draws the slip.Morgan learns Catherine is pregnant. He traps Bramwell in the roomand adds Catherine when he finds out the child is Bramwell's. She istemporarily possessed by Amanda Forsythe. Bramwell and Catherinebanish Brutus' ghost and break the curse. Morgan wounds Bramwelland tries to kill Catherine but Kendrick stops him. Melanie recovers.Two bite marks are found on Melanie's neck. Ben comments there maybe a vampire around. However, the final voice over reveals that itwas merely a wild animal loss on the estate. So ends the originalDark Shadows series. ================================================================= PART XIXb. - DARK SHADOWS EPILOGUE (ABC)================================================================="You're much closer than friends, you're enemies. Neither of you can resist torturing the other." Sky Rumson, speaking to Barnabas about Angelique

In case you're curious - Here's What Really Happened to Barnabas & Co.by Sam Hall (TV Guide, Oct. 9, 1971)

---------------------------------------[[ NOTE: with minor alterations (mostly cuts) this text is on MPI videocassette Vol.. 200 - after Dark Shadows last episode. It is

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titled BEYOND THE SHADOWS and is narrated by Roger Davis, the two major textual or conceptual variences are inserted into the this TV Guide text, below, and placed in double bracketts [[ ]] for identification ]] ---------------------------------------

When Dark Shadows recently went off the air, the audience was left with all of the troubled characters - and many questions as to their fate. We had certain long-range plans for most of them [Mr. Hall was one of the writers of Dark Shadows - Ed.] - but what the characters would do with the rest of their lives can only be fantasy. However, after three years of living with them, I feel I know moments of their future.

Elizabeth Collins Stoddard remained the matriarch of Collinwood. Afterthe sudden death of her brother Roger, she was determined to hold theCollins' family empire together until Roger's son David was old enoughto take over and she did with the help of an elegant, very bright manfrom Boston to help her and with him she finally found some personalhappiness.

Roger Collins, just before this death, discovered the secret that his cousin Barnabas was a vampire, but he told no one, and vowed to end Barnabas's unhappy existence. Armed with a stake and a hammer, he discovered Barnabas's coffin during the daytime, but Angelique appeared and killed Roger. She forced Willie Loomis to carry Roger's body to the woods, where it was found. Death was attributed to a heart attack.

Shortly after the funeral, Mrs. Johnson was cleaning out Roger's room. She swore later that a cold hand had touched her. At first everyone felt she was simply hysterical. But one night, Carolyn saw Roger's ghost standing in the great hall. The ghost pointed a spectral finger at the portrait of Barnabas Collins. When Carolyn implored the spirit to speak, it disappeared.

Carolyn, with the aid of T. Eliot Stokes and Julia Hoffman, attempted a seance to find out why Roger's spirit could not rest. But the seance was unsuccessful. It is known that on certain stormy nights Roger's ghost can be seen coming down the stairs, staring at the portrait of the man who caused his death. Carolyn Stoddard found herself more and more interested in the worldof the occult. She knew that with the death of her husband Jeb Hawkesone part of her life was finished and she was determined to understandthe unknown forces which had taken him from her. She began studyingwith T. Eliot Stokes and then went to a large university which had adepartment of psychic research. While there she discovered that sheherself was the reincarnation of Leticia Faye, a woman who had livedat Collinwood during the 19th century.

Working with various mediums she became a psychic-research investigator. She published many books on the supernatural and established a foundation to examine the existing evidence of the world beyond. She continued to regard Collinwood as her home and established a mother-daughter relationship with Amy Jennings which contributed greatly to the stability of that confused and very scared young child.

Years later Carolyn remet Adam who had loved her so deeply. He had become

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a successful and sophisticated man, and he wanted to marry her. But she knew she could not go back in time. They parted warm friends.

As time went on Quentin Collins found living at Collinwood more andmore difficult. He was unable to forget his love for Daphne, thoughboth she and Gerard were finally at peace. And he was afraid to loveagain - afraid that his own secret would be discovered. For, as long asCharles Delaware Tate's portrait existed, Quentin would not age. And hewell knew that if he destroyed the picture, he would suffer the awfulcurse of the werewolf. Finally, he left the town of Collinsport to roam the world - Athens, Alexandria, India... always hunting some solution for his existence. And with each country, he became more and more withdrawn. He became more aware that he could never become close to another human being.

Often he was tempted to return to Collinwood, destroy the portrait and kill himself before the full moon could cause him to change into the wolf man. But some slight hope stopped him from doing that. For, at the beginning of his travels, he had heard rumors that there existed a man - a man with a wooden hand and miraculous powers. A man who had transcended time - a Count Petofi. And so Quentin kept on, looking for the Count, knowing that if he could find him again perhaps the Count could take pity on him and help him find peace at last. Maggie Evans, who left Collinwood with Phillip, [[ Sebastian Shaw, ]] ((NOTE: who the heck was Phillip???)) returned a year later a divorced woman. She moved into her father's cottage and began working at Wyndcliff, the private sanitarium. There she remet her former fiancee, Joe Haskell. With her help, Joe managed to regain his sanity. He left the sanitarium with no memory of Angelique and the circumstances which had caused him to lose his mind. Joe and Maggie married. He returned to the Collins' fishing fleet. They lived happily in Collinsport.

But Chris Jennings and Sabrina Stuart did not have Maggie and Joe'sluck. For they found they could not run from the curse that afflictedhim. Though they had a few days of happiness when they leftCollinsport they were both aware that time was their enemy. For soonthe moon would be full and Chris would become the werewolf again. Theyconstructed a cell to lock him in. But when he became the wolf man, hebroke out of it and killed Sabrina. Her brother [[ Ned ]] found herbody that same night. The following morning, Chris returned to theirhome. When he discovered what he had done, he committed suicide.

Barnabas was deeply affected by Chris's death. He and Julia Hoffmanhad tried desperately to help Chris. Barnabas identified with him verymuch. He began to feel that it was only a matter of time until he too would become a victim of his curse. When he learned from Angelique that Roger had discovered his secret, his depression deepened. Again, Barnabas felt that he had brought new tragedy to those he loved at Collinwood. He knew that his vampirism would be discovered.

Julia and Willie Loomis decided they must get Barnabas to leave Collinsport.They were both willing to sacrifice their lives and travel with him. He finally agreed to go, but just before they were to start, Barnabas became very ill. Julia was astonished. She knew that Barnabas could not, because of his vampirism, have human ailments. Yet the mysterious fever so ravaged

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him that Julia feared for his very existence. She suddenly realized that there could be only one explanation for Barnabas's illness. Adam. She remembered the mysterious link which began to exist when Barnabas helped bring Adam to life. At the time Adam disappeared from Collinwood, they knew that if he died, Barnabas would, too. Julia knew she must find Adam, wherever he was. Adam must have the same fever. He had to be cured if Barnabas were to be saved.

Enlisting the aid of T. Eliot Stokes, she did find Adam - in the Far East. She managed to cure him, but in the course of the treatment, she contracted the illness herself. She was near death when Barnabas - wellnow - came to her. He realized how he loved her, and promised her that if she lived, they would marry.

They were married in Singapore. Barnabas felt they must never return to Collinsport. Angelique must not find them - for she would never allow Julia to live. So they stayed on. Julia began working with an Asian doctor and experimented with a new treatment which she was positive would take away the curse of Barnabas's vampirism. They began the treatments. They were successful. Barnabas Collins at last could walk in the light of day - walk with the woman he loved, but walk with an ever present fear - a fear that Angelique would find them, and destroy the only happiness he had had in his life.

No audience will see these stories playing out. But for those for whom the characters were real, these are merely signposts pointing the direction the characters might have gone.-------------------------------------------------------------------------================================================================= PART XXa. - DARK SHADOWS CHARACTERS/CAST MEMBERS (NBC) 1991=================================================================

- DARK SHADOWS (NBC) 13 hours broadcast Jan - Mar of 1991-----------------------------------------------------------------

EPISODE AIRDATE EPISODE AIRDATE EPISODE AIRDATE -------- ------- -------- ------- ------- -------# 1,2 1/13/91 # 7 2/01/91# 3,4 1/14/91 # 8 2/08/91 # 11 3/08/91# 5 1/18/91 # 9 2/15/91 # 12 3/15/91# 6 1/25/91 # 10 3/01/91 # 13 3/22/91

- Time Frames - 1991 (present) 1790 (Flash back)-----------------------------------------------------------------"All I can say is, Barnabas Collins must be a wonderful man"

Mrs. Johnson-----------------------------------------------------------------n.b. to keep life interesting, subtle and not so subtle, character changes and relationship changes were made between the 1966/71 and 1991 shows. These lists must therefore be ever separate and have no positive interface. ------------------------------------------------------------------

Amos, the Reverend (1790) at Millicent and Jeremiah's funerals [Apollo Dukakis]

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Bouchard, Angelique (1991,1790) the witch, d.1790 while trying to stab Barnabas [Lysette Anthony]Bradford, Peter (1790) lawyer, Collins' family friend [Michael T. Weiss] Braithwaite, Judge Isiah (1790) [Brendon T. Dillon]Bystander (1790) [James Langrall]

COLLINS: Abigail Collins (1790) Joshua's sister [Julianna McCarthy]COLLINS: Barnabas Collins (1991,1790) our hero ? [Ben Cross]COLLINS: Daphne Collins (1991) niece to Roger and Elizabeth [Rebecca Staab]COLLINS: Daniel Collins (1790) Barnabas' youngest brother [Joseph Gordon-Levitt]COLLINS: David Collins (1991) Roger's son [Joseph Gordon-Levitt]COLLINS: Jeremiah Collins (1790) Barnabas' younger brother, marries Josette du Pres, dies in duel as a result of Angelique's witchcraft [Adrian Paul]COLLINS: Ghost of Jeremiah Collins (1790) resurrected by Angelique, throws himself off the cliff at Widow's Hill COLLINS: Josette {du Pres} Collins (1790) Jeremiah's wife [Joanna Going]COLLINS: Joshua A. Collins (1790) Barnabas' father, shipbuilder [Stefan Gierasch]COLLINS: Laura Collins (1991) Roger's wife, a witch, in an asylum in England [mentioned only]COLLINS: Millicent Collins (1790) introduced as a cousin, she is engaged to Jeremiah, and becomes Barnabas' 1st victim [Barbara Blackburn]COLLINS: Naomi Collins (1790) Barnabas' mother [Jean Simmons]COLLINS: Roger Collins (1991) David's father; Maggie Evans' lover [Roy Thinnes] COLLINS: Sarah Collins (1790) Barnabas' sister (d.1790) [Veronica Lauren]COLLINS: Ghost of Sarah Collins (1991) [Veronica Lauren]

COLLINS/STODDARD: Carolyn Stoddard (1991) Elizabeth's daughter [Barbara Blackburn]COLLINS/STODDARD: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (1991) Roger's sister [Jean Simmons]

Collinsport Apothecary (1991) [Charles Lane]Crone (1790) the Reverend Trask's housekeeper/assistant [Courtenay McWhinney]Customer (1790) at The Deer's Head Inn [Richard Burns] du Pres, Andre (1790) Josette's father [Michael Cavanaugh]du Pres, Countess Natalie (1790) Andre's sister [Barbara Steele]du Pres, Josette (1790) Barnabas' fiancee, marries Jeremiah, jumps off the cliff at Widow's Hill [Joanna Going]

Evans, Bailiff Henry (1790) [Eddie Jones]Evans, Maggie (1991) has psychic powers, Roger's lover [Ely Pouget] Evans, Sam (1991) owner/bartender at the Blue Whale [Eddie Jones]

Fisher, Dr. Hiram (1991) [Wayne Tippet]

Gardener (1991) [Georg Olden]Gloria (1991) Barnabas' victim [Hope North]

Harker, Deputy Jonathan (1991) [Steve Fletcher]Haskell, Joe (1991) Daphne's boyfriend [Michael T. Weiss]

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Hoffman, Dr. Julia (1991) [Barbara Steele]

Innkeeper (1790) at the Deer's Head Inn [Robert S. Telford]

Johnson, Mrs. (1991) housekeeper [Julianna McCarthy]Jury Foreman (1790) [Dick Valentine]

Local Tough (1991) Barnabas' victim [Michael Buice]Loomis, Ben (1790) Collins' servant [Jim Fyfe]Loomis, Willie (1991) Mrs. Johnson's nephew [Jim Fyfe]

Minister (1790) [Donald Wayne]

Nurse (1991) [Joanne Dorian]

Paramedic #1 (1991) [Rif Hutton]Paramedic #2 (1991) [Steve Fletcher]Patterson, Sheriff George (1991) [Michael Cavanaugh]

Reverend (1991) officiates at Daphne's funeral [Basil Langton]Roadhouse Band (1991) [JB and the NiteShift]Roberts, Doctor (1790) [Ralph Drischell]

Tate, Ruby (1790) tart in Collinsport, Barnabas' 2nd victim [Shawn Modrell]Trask, the Reverend (1790) the witch hunter [Roy Thinnes]Trask's female victim (1790) [Laurel Wiley]

Wick, Phyllis (1790,1991) governess [Ellen Wheeler]Winters, Victoria "Vicki" (1991,1790) governess (b.1966) [Joanna Going]Woodard, Professor Michael (1991) specialist in the occult [Stefan Gierasch]

================================================================= PART XXb. - DARK SHADOWS CAST MEMBERS / CHARACTERS (NBC) 1991=================================================================

Lysette Anthony: Angelique Bouchard

Barbara Blackburn: Carolyn Stoddard; Millicent Collins Michael Buice: Local Tough Richard Burns: Customer at The Deer's Head Inn

Michael Cavanaugh: Andre du Pres; Sheriff George Patterson Ben Cross: Barnabas Collins

Joanne Dorian: Nurse Brendon T. Dillon: Judge Isiah BraithwaiteRalph Drischell: Doctor RobertsApollo Dukakis: the Reverend Amos

Steve Fletcher: Deputy Jonathan Harker; Paramedic #2Jim Fyfe: Ben Loomis; Willie Loomis

Stefan Gierasch: Professor Michael Woodard; Joshua A. CollinsJoanna Going: Victoria "Vicki" Winters; Josette du Pres; Josette {du Pres} Collins

Joseph Gordon-Levitt: David Collins; Daniel Collins

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Rif Hutton: Paramedic #1

Eddie Jones: Sam Evans; Bailiff Henry Evans;

Charles Lane: Collinsport ApothecaryJames Langrall: Bystander (1790) Basil Langton: the 1991 Reverend Veronica Lauren: Sarah Collins; Ghost of Sarah Collins

Julianna McCarthy: Abigail Collins; Mrs. Johnson Courtenay McWhinney: Crone Shawn Modrel: Ruby Tate

Hope North: Gloria

Georg Olden: Gardener

Adrian Paul: Jeremiah CollinsEly Pouget: Maggie Evans

Jean Simmons: Naomi Collins; Elizabeth Collins Stoddard Rebecca Staab: Daphne Collins Barbara Steele: Dr. Julia Hoffman; Countess Natalie du Pres

Robert S. Telford: Innkeeper at the Deer's Head Inn Roy Thinnes: Roger Collins; the Reverend Trask Wayne Tippet: Dr. Fisher

Dick Valentine: Jury Foreman

Donald Wayne: 1790 Minister Michael T. Weiss: Joe Haskell; Peter Bradford Ellen Wheeler: Phyllis WickLaurel Wiley: the Reverend Trask's female victim

JB and the NiteShift: Roadhouse Band (1991)

================================================================= PART XXc. - DARK SHADOWS (NBC) 1991 CHARACTERS=================================================================

Bouchard, Angelique (1991,1790) the witch [Lysette Anthony]

Collinsport Apothecary (1991) [Charles Lane]

COLLINS: Barnabas Collins (1991,1790) our hero ? [Ben Cross]COLLINS: Daphne Collins (1991) [Rebecca Staab]COLLINS: David Collins (1991) Roger's son [Joseph Gordon-Levitt]COLLINS: Ghost of Sarah Collins (1991) [Veronica Lauren]COLLINS: Laura Collins (1991) Roger's wife, a witch [mentioned only]COLLINS: Roger Collins (1991) David's father; Maggie's lover [Roy Thinnes] COLLINS/STODDARD: Carolyn Stoddard (1991) Elizabeth's daughter [Barbara Blackburn]COLLINS/STODDARD: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (1991) Roger's sister [Jean Simmons]

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Evans, Maggie (1991) has psychic powers, Roger's lover [Ely Pouget] Evans, Sam (1991) owner/bartender at the Blue Whale [Eddie Jones]

Fisher, Dr. Hiram (1991) [Wayne Tippet]

Gardener (1991) [Georg Olden]Gloria (1991) Barnabas' victim [Hope North]

Harker, Deputy Jonathan (1991) [Steve Fletcher]Haskell, Joe (1991) Daphne's boyfriend [Michael T. Weiss]Hoffman, Dr. Julia (1991) [Barbara Steele]

Johnson, Mrs. (1991) housekeeper [Julianna McCarthy]

Local Tough (1991) Barnabas' victim [Michael Buice]Loomis, Willie (1991) Mrs. Johnson's nephew [Jim Fyfe]

Nurse (1991) [Joanne Dorian]

Paramedic #1 (1991) [Rif Hutton]Paramedic #2 (1991) [Steve Fletcher]Patterson, Sheriff George (1991) [Michael Cavanaugh]

Reverend (1991) officiates at Daphne's funeral [Basil Langton]Roadhouse Band (1991) [JB and the NiteShift]

Wick, Phyllis (1790,1991) governess [Ellen Wheeler]Winters, Victoria "Vicki" (1991,1790) governess (b.1966) [Joanna Going]Woodard, Professor Michael (1991) [Stefan Gierasch]

================================================================= PART XXd. - DARK SHADOWS (NBC) 1790 CHARACTERS=================================================================

Amos, the Reverend (1790) [Apollo Dukakis]

Bouchard, Angelique (1991,1790) the witch [Lysette Anthony]Bradford, Peter (1790) lawyer, Collins' family friend [Michael T. Weiss] Braithwaite, Judge Isiah (1790) [Brendon T. Dillon]Bystander (1790) [James Langrall]

COLLINS: Abigail Collins (1790) Joshua's sister [Julianna McCarthy]COLLINS: Barnabas Collins (1991,1790) our hero ? [Ben Cross]COLLINS: Daniel Collins (1790) B's youngest brother [Joseph Gordon-Levitt]COLLINS: Jeremiah Collins (1790) B's younger brother [Adrian Paul]COLLINS: Ghost of Jeremiah Collins (1790) COLLINS: Josette {du Pres} Collins (1790) Jeremiah's wife [Joanna Going]COLLINS: Joshua A. Collins (1790) Barnabas' father [Stefan Gierasch]COLLINS: Millicent Collins (1790) a cousin [Barbara Blackburn]COLLINS: Naomi Collins (1790) Barnabas' mother [Jean Simmons]COLLINS: Sarah Collins (1790) Barnabas' sister [Veronica Lauren]

Crone (1790) the Reverend Trask's housekeeper/assistant [Courtenay McWhinney]Customer (1790) at The Deer's Head Inn [Richard Burns]

du Pres, Andre (1790) Josette's father [Michael Cavanaugh]du Pres, Countess Natalie (1790) Andre's sister [Barbara Steele]

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du Pres, Josette (1790) Barnabas' fiancee, marries Jeremiah [Joanna Going]

Evans, Bailiff Henry (1790) [Eddie Jones]

Innkeeper (1790) at the Deer's Head Inn [Robert S. Telford]

Jury Foreman (1790) [Dick Valentine]

Loomis, Ben (1790) Collins' servant [Jim Fyfe]

Minister (1790) [Donald Wayne]

Roberts, Doctor (1790) [Ralph Drischell]

Tate, Ruby (1790) tart in Collinsport, Barnabas' 2nd victim [Shawn Modrell]Trask, the Reverend (1790) the witch hunter [Roy Thinnes]Trask's female victim (1790) [Laurel Wiley]

Wick, Phyllis (1790,1991) governess [Ellen Wheeler]Winters, Victoria "Vicki" (1991,1790) governess (b.1966) [Joanna Going]

================================================================= PART XXI. - DARK SHADOWS CREW (NBC) 1991=================================================================

A: (Listed by Job Title) ---------------------------------

DAN CURTIS TELEVISION PRODUCTIONS INC.in association with MGM/UA Television Productions

Executive Producer = Dan CurtisLine Producer = Norman HenryAssociate Producer = Bill Blunden / Armand MastronianiCo-Producer = Jon Boorstin / William GraySupervising Producer = Steve FekeProducer = William GrayExecutive in charge of Production = Ron von ShimmelmannCreative Consultant = Sam HallTechnical Advisor = Matthew HallCertain Characters developed by = Art WallaceSeries created by = Dan CurtisTeleplay by = Hall Powell, Bill Taub, Steve Feke , Dan Curtis, Jon Boorstin, William Gray, Linda CampenelliStory by = Hall Powell & Bill TaubExecutive Story Editors = Linda Campanelli / M.M. Shelly MooreMusic by = Bob Cobert

Director = Dan Curtis / Armand Mastroniani / Mark Sobel / Rob Bowman / Paul LynchDirector of Photography = Chuy Elizondo / Dietrich Lohman / Ed NielsonUnit Production Manager = S. Michael Formica1st Assistant Director = Dan Dugan1st Assistant Director = Bob della Santina2nd Assistant Director = John Syrjamaki

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2nd Assistant Director = Carl DubliclayExecutive Assistant to Dan Curtis = Ruth E. Kennedy

Production Coordinator = Barbara HallProduction Coordinator = Marcia Warwick / Laurie VieraProduction Associate = Deann Heline

Art Director = Janet StokesProduction Designer = Fred Harpman / Tony Cowley / Bryan RymanPortrait Artist = Jerry GebrSet Decorator = Tim Kirkpatrick / Jeannie GunnProp Master = Chris Eguia / Lance DodsonChief Lighting Tech = Nic Brown / Chuck SeptonKey Grip = Michael Coo / Bill WitthansSound Mixer = Pat MitchellSpecial Effects = Greg Curtis / John Gray / Eric RylanderSpecial Effects Assistant = Mike MeinardusSpecial Visual Effects = Bill Millar

Costume Designs = Rosalie Samplin WallaceWardrobe Supervisor = Donna BarrishWomen's Costumer = Deborah Squires / Shirley Cunningham / Karen DavisMen's Costumer = Rosalynda Wold / Paul Dafelmair / Ed BurzaMakeup Artist = Jack Petty / Mary Monsano / Dee MonsanoHair Stylist = Dee-Dee Petty / Laura Lee Grubich / Gus LepreAssistant Hair Stylist = Sue Boyd / Jan Van Uchelen

Script Supervisor = Steve DorschCamera Operator = Ed NielsonStunt Coordinator = Walter RoblesConstruction Coordinator = Rick WeldonTransportation Coordinator = Gene ClinesmithLocation Manager = John Farrow

Post Production Supervisor = Bruce A. PobjoyMusic Supervisor = Richard S. Kaufman

Supervising Editor = Bill BlundenEditor = Stephen Butler / Terry WilliamsAssistant Editors = Les Butler / Steve Butler / Mark HarrisMusic Editor = Chris LedesmaSupervising Sound Editor = Michael O'CorriganSound Effects Editorial = Stephen J. Cannell ProductionsRe-recording Mixers = B. Tennyson Sebastian II / John Boyd / Ed Suski / Dan Hiland / John J. Stephens

Stand-Ins = Jojo Jordan / Heather Kay / Brian Kinsel / Mary Mathews / Richard Sarstadt

Main Title Design = Bill Millar / Deena Burkett

Casting Assistant - LA = Wendi Matthews Casting - LA = Mary Jo SlaterCasting - LA = Robert W. HarbinCasting - London = Rose Tobias ShawCasting - NY = Deborah Aquila

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Filmed at Warner Studios and on location in Beverly Hills, CA

---------------------------------- B: (Listed by Last Name - Alphabetically) ----------------------------------

Deborah Aquila = Casting - NYDonna Barrish = Wardrobe SupervisorBill Blunden = Associate Producer / Supervising EditorJon Boorstin = Co-Producer / Teleplay byRob Bowman = DirectorJohn Boyd = Re-recording MixerSue Boyd = Assistant Hair StylistNic Brown = Chief Lighting TechDeena Burkett = Main Title DesignEd Burza = Men's CustomerLes Butler = Assistant EditorSteve Butler = Assistant EditorStephen Butler = EditorLinda Campenelli = Executive Story Editor / Teleplay byStephen J. Cannell Productions = Sound Effects EditorialGene Clinesmith = Transportation CoordinatorBob Cobert = Music byMichael Coo = Key GripTony Cowley = Production DesignerShirley Cunningham = Women's CostumerDan Curtis = Executive Producer / Series created by / Teleplay by / DirectorGreg Curtis = Special EffectsPaul Dafelmair = Men's CostumerKaren Davis = Women's CustomerBob della Santina = 1st Assistant DirectorLance Dodson = Prop MasterSteve Dorsch = Script SupervisorCarl Dubliclay = 2nd Assistant DirectorDan Dugan = 1st Assistant DirectorChris Eguia = Prop MasterChuy Elizondo = Director of PhotographyJohn Farrow = Location ManagerSteve Feke = Supervising Producer / Teleplay byS. Michael Formica = Unit Production ManagerJerry Gebr = Portrait ArtistJohn Gray = Special EffectsWilliam Gray = Producer / Co-Producer / Teleplay byJeannie Gunn = Set DecoratorLaura Lee Grubich = Hair StylistBarbara Hall = Production CoordinatorMatthew Hll = Technical AdvisorSam Hall = Creative ConsultantRobert W. Harbin = Casting - LAFred Harpman = Production DesignerMark Harris = Assistant EditorDeann Heline = Production AssociateNorman Henry = Line Producer / Unit Production ManagerDan Hiland = Re-recording MixerJojo Jordan (Jean Simmons) = Stand-InHeather Kay = Stand-InRichard S. Kaufman = Music Supervisor

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Ruth E. Kennedy = Executive Assistant to Dan CurtisBrian Kinsel = Stand-InTim Kirkpatrick = Set DecoratorChris Ledesma = Music EditorGus Lepre = Hair StylistDietrich Lohman = Director of PhotographyPaul Lynch = DirectorArmand Mastroianni = Producer / DirectorMary Mathews = Stand-InWendi Matthews = Casting Assistant - LAMike Meinardus = Special Effects AssistantBill Millar = Special Visual Effects / Main Title DesignPat Mitchell = Sound MixerDee Monsano = Makeup ArtistMary Monsano = Makeup ArtistM.M. Shelly Moore = Executive Story EditorEd Nielson = Camera OperatorMichael O'Corrigan = Supervising Sound EditorDee-Dee Petty = Hair StylistJack Petty = Makeup ArtistBruce A. Pobjoy = Post Production SupervisorHall Powell = Teleplay by / Story byWalter Robles = Stunt CoordinatorEric Rylander = Special EffectsBryan Ryman = Production DesignerRichard Sarstadt = Stand-InB. Tennyson Sebastian II = Re-recording MixerChuck Septon = Chief Lighting TechRose Tobias Shaw = Casting - LondonRon von Shimmelmann = Executive in charge of ProductionMary Jo Slater = Casting - LAMark Sobel = DirectorDeborah Squires = Women's CostumerJohn J. Stephens = Re-recording MixerJanet Stokes = Art DirectorEd Suski = Re-recording MixerJohn Syrjamaki = 2nd Assistant DirectorBill Taub = Teleplay by / Story byJan Van Uchelen = Assistant Hair StylistLaurie Viera = Production CoordinatorArt Wallace = Certain Characters developed byRosalie Samplin Wallace = Costume DesignsMarcia Warwick = Production CoordinatorRick Weldon = Construction CoordinatorTerry Williams = EditorBill Witthans = Key GripRosalynda Wold = Men's Costumer

================================================================= PART XXII. - DARK SHADOWS CAST FILMOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHY (NBC)=================================================================This is not yet a complete compendium - we're working on it!

Compiled from many sources including: the Movie DataBase Server at The PC User Group UK ([email protected]) "Halliwell's Film and Video Guide" "Leonard Maltin's Movie and Video Guide 1994";Signet Books

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"The Film Encyclopedia" - by Ephraim Katz "VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever 1995"; Visable Ink Press -------------------------------------------

All titles are assumed to be movies unless otherwise indicated:"xxxxx" = a television series "xxxxx" (mini) = a TV mini-series(TV) = made for TV or cable (V) = made for video movie(*) = currently available on Video Tape for home viewing

The name in square brackets after the citation is the name of the character the actor/actress played in that film.The date in square brackets after an artists name is their birthdate.

FORMAT: ARTIST Fname Lname [birth month day year]: FILM TITLE (RELEASE YEAR) (ON VIDEO) [CHARACTER NAME] ---------------------------------------------

Lysette Anthony [September 26 1963, London, England]:

Oliver Twist (1982) (TV) [Oliver's Mother] Ivanhoe (1982) (TV) [Lady Rowena] Krull (1983) [Princess Lyssa] Tug of Love (a.k.a. Etincelle, L') (1984) [Patricia] "Oliver Twist" (1985) (mini) [Agnes/Rose] "Lovejoy" (1986) "Three Up, Two Down" (1987) [Angie] Looking For Eileen (1987) [Eileen W./Marjan Faber] (a.k.a. Zoeken naar Eileen) Without a Clue (a.k.a. Sherlock and Me) (1988) [Fake Leslie] Jack the Ripper (1988) (TV) [Mary Jane Kelly] The Bretts (1988) "Campion" (1988) Lady and the Highwayman, The (1989) (TV) [Lady Panthea Vyne] Ghost in Monte Carlo, A (1990) (TV) Switch (1991) [Liz] Pleasure Principle, The (1991) (TV) [Charlotte] Husbands and Wives (1992) [Sam, an aerobics instructor] Hour of the Pig, The (1993) [Filette] (a.k.a. Advocate, The (1993)) Face the Music (1993) [Julie Sanson] "Moon Over Miami" (1993) Look Who's Talking Now (1993) [Samantha D'Bonne] Save Me (1993) [Ellie] Hour of the Pig, The (a.k.a. Advocate, The) (1993) [Filette] Hard Truth, The (1994) [Lisa Kantrell] Target of Suspicion (1994) (TV) [Jennifer] Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995) [Lucy] Dr. Jekyll & Ms. Hyde (1995) [Sarah Carver] Dead Cold Robinson Caruso (Mrs Caruso) The Advocate ( ) (TV)

Barbara Blackburn:

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Born Beautiful (1984) (TV) Chameleons (1989) (TV) [Andrea] "Movin' Right Along" (mini-PBS) "Ryan's Hope" [Siobhan Novak]

Michael Buice:

Interceptor (1992) [Rand] Demolition Man (1993) [Wasteland Scrap] Bigfoot: The Unforgettable Encounter (1994) [Hal]

Richard Burns:

Empty Bed, An (1990) [Kissing Man]

Michael Cavanaugh:

Enforcer, The (1976) [Lalo] Heroes (1977) [Peanuts] Gauntlet, The (1977) [Feyderspiel] Gray Lady Down (1978) Portrait of a Stripper (1979) (TV) [Steve] Lady in Red, The (1979) [Undercover Cop] (a.k.a. Guns, Sin and Bathtub Gin) 11th Victim (1979) (TV) [Steve] Any Which Way You Can (1980) [Patrick Scarfe] Gideon's Trumpet (1980) (TV) [Stocker] Xanadu (1980) Belle Starr (1980) (TV) [Jesse James] Miracle On Ice (1981) (TV) Comeback (1982) Forced Vengeance (1982) [Stan Ramandi] Night Partners (1983) (TV) [Henderson] Heart Like a Wheel (1983) [NHRA Boss] Blood Feud (1983) (TV) Dempsey (1983) (TV) Hunter (1984) (TV) Death In California, A (1985) (TV) Final Jeopardy (1985) (TV) [Garage Attendant] Hostage Flight (1985) (TV) [Bill Orfman] "Starman" (1986) [George Fox] Second Serve (1986) (TV) [Gene Scott] (a.k.a. I Change My Life (1986) (TV)) Two to Tango (1988) Street of Dreams (1988) (TV) [Lt. Marcus] Promised a Miracle (1988) (TV) Wolf (1989) (TV) Full Fathom Five (1990) [Garvin] People Like Us (1990) (TV) Kid (1991) [Walters] (a.k.a. Back for Revenge (1991)) Marilyn and Me (1991) (TV) [Winchell] Held Hostage: The Sis and Jerry Levin Story (1991) (TV) [Kaplan]

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False Arrest (1991) (TV) [Dr. Chandler] Somebody's Daughter (1992) (TV) [Aarons] Intruders (1992) (TV) [Soil Specialist] Hart to Hart Returns (1993) (TV) Prophet of Evil: The Ervil LeBaron Story (1993) (TV) Sworn to Vengeance (1993) (TV) [Pete Hall] "Fire Next Time, The" (1993) (mini) Donato and Daughter (1993) (TV) Tonya & Nancy: The Inside Story (1994) (TV) [Evy Scotvold] Passion to Kill, A (1994) [Robinson] Illegal in Blue (1995) [Lt. Lyle] Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story (1995) (TV) [Walter Wanger]

Ben Cross [16 December 1947, London, England]:

Great Expectations (1974) (TV) Bridge Too Far, A (1977) Chariots of Fire (1981) [Harold Abrahams] Coming Out of the Ice (1982) (TV) Lie, The (1984) "Far Pavilions, The" (1984) (mini) [Ashton Pelham-Martyn] "The Flame Trees of Thika" (1985) (mini) Assisi Underground, The (1985) [Padre Rufino] Strong Medicine (1986) (TV) [Martin] Unholy, The (1988) [Father Michael] Steal the Sky (1988) (TV) Nightlife (1989) (TV) [Vlad] Twist of Fate (1989) (TV) [Ben Grossman] Paperhouse (1989) [Dad] Eye of the Widow (1989) Jewelers Shop, The (1990) Nightlife (1990) She Stood Alone (1991) (TV) [William Lloyd Garrison] Live Wire (1992) [Michael Rashid] Diamond Fleece, The (1992) (TV) [Rick Dunne/Alex Breuer] Cold Sweat (1993) [Mark Cahill] Audacieux, Les (1993) [Campagna] (a.k.a. Deep Trouble (1993)) Dark Goddess (1994) [Dr. Samudaya] (a.k.a. Temptress (1994)) Ascent, The (1994) [Maj. David Farrell] First Knight (1995) [Prince Malagant] Hellfire (1995) (TV) [Marius Carnot] (a.k.a. Haunted Symphony (1995) (TV)) House That Mary Bought, The (1995) (TV)

Brendon T. Dillon:

Joanne Dorian:

Ironclads (1991) (TV) [Blossom] Just My Imagination (1992) (TV)

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Ralph Drischell:

Taps (1981) [Stewart] Crimewave (1985) [Executioner] Willies, The (1991) [Farmer Spivey] Scout, The (1994) [Charlie] White Dwarf (1995) (TV) [Dr. Gulpha]

Apollo Dukakis:

American Heart (1992) [Steve] Last Action Hero (1993) [Polonius]

Steve Fletcher:

Bounty, The (1984) [Valentine]

Jim Fyfe:

"Tanner '88" (1988) Kiss Before Dying, A (1991) [Terry Dieter] Program, The (1993) [Nichols] Young Indiana Jones and The Mystery of the Blues (1993) (TV) [Harold] Program, The (1993) [Nichols] Star Struck (1994) (TV) Frighteners, The (1996)

The Hitchhikers (Independent Short) also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Law & Order"; "Earth To Kids"; "Subway Network"; "Buy Me That, Buy Me That Too"; "Dr. Fad Show"; "Encyclopedia" (HBO series)

Stefan Gierasch:

Young Don't Cry, The (1957) [Billy] Hustler, The (1961) [Preacher] What's Up, Doc? (1972) [Fritz] Jeremiah Johnson (1972) [Del Gue] High Plains Drifter (1972) [Mayor Jason Hobart] Claudine (1974) [Sanitation Foreman] Blue Sunshine (1976) [Lt. Jennings] Carrie (1976) [Mr. Norton] "Captains and the Kings" (1976) (mini) [Gannon] Silver Streak (1976) [Prof. Schreiner] Great Texas Dynamite Chase, The (1977) [Hotel Clerk] Looking For Mr. Goodbar (1977) "A.E.S. Hudson Street" (1978) [J. Powell Karbo] Champ, The (1979) [Charlie Goodman] Beggerman, Thief (1979) (TV) Blood Beach (1981) [Dr. Dimitrios]

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"Winds Of War, The" (1983) (mini) Perfect (1985) [Charlie] "Dream West" (1986) (mini) [Trenor Park] Rosary Murders, The (1987) Spellbinder (1988) Incident at Dark River (1989) (TV) (a.k.a. Dark River - A Father's Revenge (TV)) Shannon's Deal (1989) (TV) [Klaus] "Shannon's Deal" (1989) [Klaus] Megaville (1990) Mistress (1992) [Stratland Sr.] Cruel Doubt (1992) (TV) [Judge Watts] Jack the Bear (1993) [Father-in-Law] Empty Cradle (1993) (TV) [Mr. Spizey] Dave (1993) [House Majority Leader] Junior (1994) [Edward Sawyer] Smell Of Money, The (TV) Murder in the First (1995) [Warden James Humson]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Cheers"; "Tales From The Crypt"; "Miami Vice"; "Murder She Wrote"; "Father Dowling Mysteries"; "Alfred Hitchcock Mysteries"; "Matt Houston"; "The Jeffersons"; "Werewolf"

Joanna Going:

"Another World" (1964) [Lisa Brady] Women & Wallace (1990) (TV) Final Analysis (1992) "Going to Extremes" (1992) [Kathleen] Wyatt Earp (1994) [Josie Marcus] Newport Night How to Make an American Quilt (1995) [Young Em Reed] Children of the Dust (1995) (TV) [Rachel] Nixon (1995) [Young Student] Eden (1995) [Helen] also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Frederick Law Olmstead" (mini); "Outpost"; "New Year"; "Colombo"; "Search For Tomorrow"; "The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd"

Joseph Gordon-Levitt [17 February 1981]:

Stranger on My Land (1988) (TV) Settle the Score (1989) (TV) [Justin] Hi Honey - I'm Dead (1991) (TV) [Josh] Danielle Steel's 'Changes' (1991) (TV) "Powers That Be, The" (1992) Beethoven (1992) [Student] River Runs Through It, A (1992) [Young Norman] Gregory K (1993) (TV) [Gregory Kingsley] Holy Matrimony (1994) [Zeke] Angels in the Outfield (1994) [Roger]

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Plymouth (TV) The Worst That Could Happen Road Killers, The (1994) [Rich] Great Elephant Escape, The (1995) (TV) [Matthew] Juror, The (1996) [Oliver] "Third Rock from the Sun" (1996) [Tommy Solomon]

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "L.A. Law"; "China Beach"; "Family Ties"; "thirtysomething"; "Murder She Wrote"; "Totally Hidden Video"

Rif Hutton:

Wavelength (1983) [Air Force Officer] Wanted: Dead or Alive (1987) [Agent] Stand and Deliver (1987) [Pearson] Moving (1988) [Reporter] "Doogie Howser, M.D." (1989) [Dr. Ron Welch (1990-1993)] Nick Knight (1989) (TV) [Reporter #2] (a.k.a. Midnight Cop (1989/II) (TV)) Borrower, The (1991) [Newscaster] Story Lady, The (1991) (TV) [Reporter] Moment of Truth: Stalking Back (1993) (TV) [Rep. Grayson] Star Trek: Generations (1994) [Klingon Guard] Bigfoot: The Unforgettable Encounter (1994) [Jess]

Eddie Jones:

On the Yard (1979) [Olson] Trading Places (1983) [Cop #3] "Equalizer, The" (1984) [Lt. Brannigan (1989)] C.H.U.D. (1984) [Chief O'Brien] Year of the Dragon (1985) [William McKenna] Invasion U.S.A. (1985) [Cassidy] Doubletake (1985) (TV) [Sweeney] New Kids, The (1985) [Charlie] (a.k.a. Striking Back (1985)) Believers, The (1987) [Police Patient] "I'll Take Manhattan" (1987) (mini) [Barney Koster] Case Closed (1987) (TV) Apprentice to Murder (1988) [Tom Kelly] She Was Marked for Murder (1988) (TV) Cadillac Man (1990) [Benny] "Kennedys of Massachusetts, The" (1990) (TV mini) [Jim Fitzgerald] Grifters, The (1990) [Mintz] Stanley & Iris (1990) [Mr. Hagen] Us (1991) (TV) Rocketeer, The (1991) [Malcolm] Sneakers (1992) [Buddy Wallace] League of Their Own, A (1992) [Dave Hooch] "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" (1993) [Pa Kent]

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Return of Ironside, The (1993) (TV) Final Appeal (1993) (TV) [Det. Ayers] Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom, The (1993) (TV) [C.D. Holloway] Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story (1993) (TV) Ed McBain's 87th Precinct (1995) (TV) [Jones]

Charles Lane:

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920) [Dr. Richard Lanyon] White Sister, The (1923) [Prince Chiaromonte] Dark Angel, The (1925) [Sir Hubert Vane] Winning of Barbara Worth, The (1926) [Jefferson Worth] Sadie Thompson (1928) [Dr. McPhail] Canary Murder Case (1929) Forty-Second Street (a.k.a. 42nd Street) (1933) [Author] Twentieth Century (1934) Crime of Dr. Forbes, The (1936) [Defense Attorney] 36 Hours to Kill (1936) [Rickert] Kentucky (1938) [Auctioneer] You Can't Take It With You (1938) [Henderson] Mr. Smith Goes to Wasington (1939) [Nosey] Its a Date (1940) Johnny Apollo (1940) [Assistant District Attorney] Invisible Woman, The (1941) Ball of Fire (1941) [Lawyer] Ellery Queen's Penthouse Mystery (1941) [Doc Prouty] Ellery Queen and the Perfect Crime (1941) [Prouty] Home in Wyoming (1942) [Editor] Tarzan's New York Adventure (1942) Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) [Reporter] It's a Wonderful Life (1946) [Real Estate Salesman] Moonrise (1948) [Man in Black] Call Northside 777 (1948) [Prosecuting Attorney] State of the Union (1948) [Blink Moran] Borderline (1950) Juggler, The (1953) [Rosenberg] Affairs of Dobie Gillis, The (1953) [Prof. Obispo] Remains to Be Seen (1953) [Examiner Delapp] Birds and the Bees, The (1956) Teacher's Pet (1958) [Roy] 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock, The (1959) Mating Game, The (1959) But Not For Me (1959) Music Man, The (1962) [Constable Locke] Papa's Delicate Condition (1963) It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963) [Airport Manager] Carpetbaggers, The (1964) "Twilight Zone" (1960) episode "Mr. Bevis" [Mr. Peckingpaugh] Billie (1965) John Goldfarb, Please Come Home (1965) "Pruitts of Southampton, The" (1966) [Maxwell] What's So Bad About Feeling Good? (1968) Did You Hear the One About the Traveling Saleslady? (1968)

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Sybil (1976) (TV) [Dr. Quinoness] Movie Movie (1978) [Judge] Little Dragons (1980) Return of the Beverly Hillbillies, The (1981) (TV) Dead Kids (1981) Strange Invaders (1983) [Professor Hollister] Sunset Limousine (1983) (TV) [Reinhammer] "Winds of War, The" (1983) (mini) Murphy's Romance (1985) [Amos Abbott] When the Bough Breaks (1986) (TV) [Van der Graaf] Date with an Angel (1987) [Father O'Shea] "War and Remembrance" (1989) (mini) Sidewalk Stories (1989) True Identity (1991) [Duane] Posse (1993) [Weezie] Acting on Impulse (1993)

also appeared in episodes of the following TV show: Petticoat Junction

James Langrall:

Basil Langton:

Veronica Lauren:

Forever Young (1992) [Alice] "Return to Lonesome Dove" (1993) (mini) [Sally] Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993) [Hope] Archie (TV) also appeared in episodes of the following TV show: "L.A. Law"

Julianna McCarthy:

Hammersmith Is Out (1972) "Young and the Restless, The" (1973) [Liz Foster] Gun in the House, A (1981) (TV) Last American Virgin, The (1982) [Counselor] Maid to Order (1987) [Elderly Lady] Bad Dreams (1988) [Nurse #1] First Power, The (1990) [Grandmother] (a.k.a. Pentagram (1990)) (a.k.a. Transit (1990)) Satan's Princess (1990) L.A. Story (1991) [Woman] House of Secrets and Lies, A (1992) (TV) [Ellen] Distinguished Gentleman, The (1992) [Blue Haired Lady] Donato and Daughter (1993) (TV) Striking Distance (1993) [Judge] Lightning in a Bottle (1993) [Wilma] When The Bough Breaks (1993) [Mrs. Voss] Frighteners, The (1996)

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also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Jake and the Fatman"; "Matlock"; "Highway To Heaven"; "Paradise"; "Cagney & Lacey"; "Mama's Family"; "L.A. Law"; "Stingray"; "Hill Street Blues"; "Lou Grant"; "Melrose Place"

Courtenay McWhinney:

After the Shock (1990) (TV) [Older Woman] Doing Time on Maple Drive (1992) (TV) [Clara] Majority Rule (1992) (TV) [Elderly Woman]

Shawn Modrel:

Hope North:

Curse, The (1987) [Esther]

Georg Olden:

Johnny Dangerously (1984) [Young Vermin] Explorers (1985) [Steve Jackson's Gang] To my Daughter With Love (1994) (TV) [Lou]

Adrian Paul [May 29th 1959, London, England]:

"Colbys, The" (1985) [Kolya (Nikolai) Rostov (1986-1987)] The Shooter (1988) (TV) Last Rites (1988) [Tony] "War of the Worlds" (1988) [John Kincaid (1989-90)] Dance to Win (1989) [Billy James] (a.k.a. Dance Academy II (1989)) Masque of the Red Death (1989) [Prospero] Love Potion No. 9 (1991) [Enrico Pazzoli] In the Nick of Time (1991) (TV) "Highlander" (1992) [Duncan Macleod] "Murder She Wrote" - "Danse Diabolique" (1992) "Owl, The" Failed CBS-pilot (1993) (TV) [Alex 'The Owl'] Cover Girl Murders, The (1993) (TV) "Phantom 2040" Animated TV series-voice of Gunner (1994)

Ely Pouget [1961]:

Wrong Guys, The (1988) [Nicole] Cool Blue (1988) (V) [Christiane] Shannon's Deal (1989) (TV) "Shannon's Deal" (1989) L.A. Takedown (1989) (TV) [Lillian] Endless Descent (a.k.a. Grieta, La) (1990) Curly Sue (1991) [Dinah Tompkins]

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"Friday the 13th" (1992) - Symphony in B# - Silent Victim (1993) [Lauren McKinley] Death Machine (1994) [Hayden Cale] "The Watcher" (1995) - Blood of our Children - [Rose Petersen] Tall, Dark and Deadly (1995) (TV) [Toni] Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (1996) [Cori]

Jean Simmons [January 31st, 1929]:

Give Us the Moon (1943) Mr. Emmanuel (1944) Meet Sexton Blake (1944) Kiss the Bride Goodbye (1944) Woman in the Hall (1945) Way to the Stars, The (a.k.a. Johnny in the Clouds) (1945) Great Expectations (1946) [Estella (younger)] Caesar and Cleopatra (1946) [Harpist] Inheritance, The (a.k.a. Uncle Silas) (1947) Black Narcissus (1947) [Kanchi] Hungry Hill (1947) Hamlet (1948) [Ophelia] Blue Lagoon, The (1949) [Emmeline Foster] Adam and Evelyn (1949) Trio (1950) [Evie Bishop] So Long at the Fair (1950) [Vicky Barton] Cage of Gold (1950) Clouded Yellow, The (1951) Androcles and the Lion (1952) [Lavinia] Angel Face (1952) [Diane] Young Bess (1953) [Young Bess] Affair with a Stranger (1953) Actress, The (1953) [Ruth Gordon Jones] Robe, The (1953) [Diana] Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954) Desiree (1954) [Desiree] She Couldn't Say No (1954) Bullet Is Waiting, A (1954) Egyptian, The (1954) Footsteps in the Fog (1955) Guys and Dolls (1955) (C:GG) [Sarah Brown] Hilda Crane (1956) This Could Be the Night (1957) Until They Sail (1957) Home Before Dark (1958) Big Country, The (1958) [Julie Maragon] This Earth Is Mine (1959) Grass Is Greener, The (1960) Elmer Gantry (1960) [Sister Sharon Falconer] Spartacus (1960) [Varinia] All the Way Home (1963) [Mary Follet] Life at the Top (1965) Mister Buddwing (1965) Soldier in Love (1967) (TV) Rough Night in Jericho (1967) [Molly] Divorce American Style (1967)

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Heidi (1968) (TV) Happy Ending, The (1969) (AAN) (GGN) [Mary Wilson] Say Hello to Yesterday (1971) [Woman] Mr. Sycamore (1974) Dominique (1978) [Dominique Ballard] (a.k.a. Avenging Spirit) (a.k.a. Dominique is Dead) "Dain Curse, The" (1978) (mini) Beggarman, Thief (1979) (TV) Jacqueline Susann's Valley of the Dolls (1981) (TV) (a.k.a. Valley of the Dolls) Small Killing, A (1981) (TV) Golden Gate (1981) (TV) "Thorn Birds, The" (1983) (mini) [Fiona Cleary] "North and South" (1985) (mini) [Clarissa Main] Midas Valley (1985) (TV) "North and South II" (1986) (mini) [Clarissa Main] Perry Mason: The Case of the Lost Love (1987) (TV) [Laura Kilgallen] Dawning, The (1988) [Aunt] Inherit the Wind (1988) (TV) [Lucy] Going Undercover (1988) Friendship in Vienna, A (1988) (TV) [Narrator] "Great Expectations" (1989) (mini) [Miss Havisham] Laker Girls (1990) (TV) [Connie Harrison] People Like Us (1990) (TV) [Peach] Sensibility and Sense (1990) (TV) They Do It with Mirrors (1991) (TV) [Carrie-Louise Serrocold] "Angel Falls" (1993) [Irene] One More Mountain (1994) (TV) [Sarah Keyes] How to Make an American Quilt (1995) [Em (artist's wife)] Daisies in December (1995) (TV) [Katherine Palmer]

Rebecca Staab:

"Guiding Light, The" (1952) "Loving" (1983) P.S.I. Luv U (1991) (TV) [Carole] Marrying Man, The (a.k.a. Too Hot to Handle) (1991) [Arlene] Love Potion No. 9 (1991) [Cheryl] "Trade Winds" (1993) (mini) [Ellen Sommers] The Fantastic Four ( ) [MS Fantastic] "Live Shot" (1995)

Barbara Steele [December 19th, 1938 or 1931, Trenton Wirrall, England]:

Sapphire (1958) Bachelor of Hearts (1958) Thirty-Nine Steps, The (a.k.a. 39 Steps, The) (1959) La Dolce Vita (1960) Your Money or Your Wife (1960) [Juliet Frost] Black Sunday (1960) [Witch Princess Katia] (a.k.a. Mask of the Demon) (a.k.a. Revenge of the Vampire) (a.k.a. La Maschera Del Demonio)

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(a.k.a. Mask of Satan, The) Pit and the Pendulum, The (1961) [Elizabeth Barnard Medina] "Alfred Hitchcock Presents..." (1961) Episode " Beta Delta Gamma " Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, The (1962) (a.k.a. Orribile Segreto del Dottor Hitchcock, L') (a.k.a. Terror of Dr. Hitchcock, The) (a.k.a. Terrible Secret of Dr. Hitchcock, The) 8 1/2 (1963) (a.k.a. Eight and a Half) (a.k.a. Otto e Mezzo) Danse Macabre (1963) (a.k.a. Castle of Terror, The) (a.k.a. Castle of Blood) (a.k.a. Danza Macabra, La) (a.k.a. Dimensions in Death) (a.k.a. Terrore) Ghost, The (1963) (a.k.a. Spectre, The) (a.k.a. Spettro, Lo) (a.k.a. Spettro de Dr. Hitchcock, Lo) Monocle, The (1964) Long Hair of Death, The (1964) White Voices, The (1965) Nightmare Castle (1965) (a.k.a. Amanti d'Oltre Tomba) (a.k.a. Faceless Monster, The) (a.k.a. Angel for Satan, An ) She-Beast, The (1966) (a.k.a. Revenge of the Blood Beast) (a.k.a. Satan's Sister) (a.k.a. Il Lago Di Satana) (a.k.a. Sister of Satan) (a.k.a. Sorella di Satana, La) Young Torless (1966) Terror Creatures from the Grave (1966) (a.k.a. Cinque Tombe per un Medium) (a.k.a. Coffin of Terror) (a.k.a. Five Graves for a Medium) (a.k.a. Tombs of Horror) Crimson Cult, The (1967) [Lavinia] (a.k.a. Crimson Altar, The) (a.k.a. Curse of the Crimson Altar) Honeymoon with a Stranger (1969) (TV) Caged Heat (1974) [Superintendent McQueen] (a.k.a. Renegade Girls) They Came from Within (1975) [Betts] (a.k.a. Parasite Murders, The) (a.k.a. Shivers (1975)) I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (1977) Cle sur la Porte, La (1978) Piranha (1978) [Dr. Mengers] Pretty Baby (1978) [Josephine] Silent Scream (1980) "Winds of War, The" (1983) (mini) "War and Remembrance" (1989) (mini) Goodbye Venice ( ) One Summer Of Sorrow ( ) Illusion, The ( ) Tief oben (1994)

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "Secret Agent"; "I Spy"

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Robert S. Telford:

Devil and Max Devlin, The (1981) [Camper Owner] Whose Life Is It Anyway? (1981) Two Moon Junction (1988) [Gardener] Ruby (1992) [Senator]

Roy Thinnes [April 6th, 1938, Chicago, IL]:

"General Hospital" (1963) "The Long Hot Summer" (1965) "Invaders, The" (1967) [David Vincent] Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (1969) (a.k.a. Doppelganger (1969)) [Colonel Glenn Ross] The Other Man (1970) (TV) Psychiatrist: God Bless the Children, The (1970) (TV) (a.k.a. Children of the Lotus Eater) Black Noon (1971) (TV) "Psychiatrist, The" (1971) [Doctor James Whitman] Horror at 37,000 Feet (1972) (TV) [Alan O'Neill] Norliss Tapes, The (1973) (TV) Satan's School for Girls (1973) Charley One-Eye (1973) Airport 1975 (1974) [Urias] Hindenburg, The (1975) [Martin Vogel] Secrets (1977) (TV) Codename: Diamond Head (TV) (1977) Stone (1979) (TV) "From Here to Eternity" (1979) (TV mini) [Captain Dana Holmes] "Falcon Crest" (1981) [Nick Hogan (1982-1983)] Freedom (1981) (TV) Scruples (1981) (TV) Sizzle (1981) (TV) Rush Week (1988) Dark Holiday (1989) (TV) (a.k.a. Passport to Terror (1989) (TV)) Blue Bayou (1990) (TV) [Barry Fontenot] "Inconvenient Woman, An" (1991) (mini) Lady Against the Odds (1992) (TV) Stormy Weathers (1992) (TV) [Andrew Chase] "One Life to Live" (1993) New Orleans (TV) ( ) Death Race (TV) ( ) Black Noon (TV) ( ) Tales of the Unknown (TV) ( )

also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "First & Ten"; "Murder She Wrote"

Wayne Tippet:

Rollercoaster (1977) [Police Captain Christie]

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Taps (1981) [Master Sergeant Kevin Moreland] Illusions (1983) (TV) Rage of Angels (1983) (TV) [Dunninger] (a.k.a. Sidney Sheldon's Rage of Angels (1983) (TV)) Noon Wine (1985) (TV) [Mr. Burleigh] Brass (1985) (TV) [P.C. Haines] Vengeance: The Story of Tony Cimo (a.k.a. Vengeance) (1986) (TV) Money, Power, Murder (1989) (TV) [Dunphy] Dream Team, The (1989) [Captain Lewitt] Madhouse (1990) Follow Your Heart (1990) (TV) JFK (1991) [FBI Agent - Frank] Line of Fire: The Morris Dees Story (1991) (TV) Honor Thy Mother (1992) (TV) Her Final Fury: Betty Broderick, The Last Chapter (a.k.a. Till Murder Do Us Part II (1992))(1992) (TV) In the Best of Families: Marriage, Pride & Madness (a.k.a. Bitter Blood (1994) (TV)) (1994) (TV)

Dick Valentine:

Sandcastles (1972) (TV) [Driver] Secret Night Caller, The (1975) (TV) [Bartender] Angel (1984) [Older Cop] Avenging Angel (1985) [Cop]

Donald Wayne:

Michael T. Weiss:

U.S.C. student films Ordinary People (1980) "Days of Our Lives" (1985) [Dr. Mike Horton] Take My Daughters, Please (1988) (TV) Howling IV: The Original Nightmare (1988) Big One: The Great Los Angeles Earthquake, The (1990) (TV) "2000 Malibu Road" (1992) [Roger Tabor] Amongst Friends (1993) [Drug Dealer] Careers After College ( ) Loop The Loop ( ) also appeared in episodes of the following TV shows: "An Evening At The Improv"; "Divorce Court"; "Coming On"

Ellen Wheeler:

"Another World" (1964) [Marley Love/Victoria Love] "All My Children" (1970) Tonya & Nancy: The Inside Story (1994) (TV) [Pam Bannister]

Laurel Wiley:

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Shock 'Em Dead (1991) [Monique] (a.k.a. Rock 'em Dead (1991)) Virgin Hunters (1994) [Annie] (a.k.a. Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000 (1994))

================================================================= PART XXIIIa. - DARK SHADOWS Q & A (NBC)=================================================================


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Q01: WHAT WAS THE LOCATION USED IN THE NBC SERIES FOR EXTERIORS?A: Collinwood was the Greystone Mansion in Los Angeles, California.

Q02: WHAT WAS THE VERSE CLUE TO THE HIDDEN TREASURE IN THE 1991 SERIES?A: The Graces dance above where the lion watches the dove

In the 1970 movie the verse was a more theological sounding:

The madonnas rest high above where the lion watches the dove

Q03: BESIDES THE CHARACTER NATALIE DuPRES, WHO IS A COUNTESS?A: Lysette Anthony (Angelique) was born in London, England on September 26, 1963. Her real name is Countess Lysette Chodski. Seems Demi-royalty is a necessary part of the DS formula - In the 1966 Series - Alexandra Moltke (Victoria) was/is the daughter of Danish Count Carl Adam Moltke and she was/is a very close friend of Claus von Bulow another member of the Danish Aristocracy.

Q04: WHO WAS THE VAMPIRE TURNED VAMPIRE HUNTER?A: Barbara Steele - Queen of the Fangs in the 1960's said at the end of that phase in her career:

" I want to play a fabulous vamp instead of a fabulous vampire." " I swear I'm never going to climb out of another coffin as long as I live." At that point she semi-retired from film to get married - She married a screenwriter - James POE!

True to her word - she returned to genre as Dr. Hoffman - hematologist , vampire hunter and confidant. But no fangs, thank you!

Q05: IS IT ME, OR IS THIS DARK SHADOWS ASKEW FROM THE 1966 DARK SHADOWS?A: Don't rush to your analyst. The 1991 TV series begins by following the darker and more violent trends of the film, House of Dark Shadows. When the series passes the films plot it continues to break new ground - freely adapting the original series characters and situations. It is a much darker group of people and plays better if you see it as yet another Parallel time band, rather than a retelling of the same story we see in the 1966 series. The differences run the gauntlet from minor to major. For Example:

1966 1991 ------------------------------- ------------------------------ - Collinwood is inundated by - Same thunder and lightning, thunder and lightning, but perhaps a bit less frequent, but hardly ever rain. No one carries now Collinwood is constantly an umbrella and no one gets wet. fogged in and it does rain! Barnabas and Vicki get soaked. - Victoria Winters is 20. - Victoria Winters is 25. - Burke gives Vicki a lift to the - Vicki walks from the station

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Inn from the station. to the Blue Whale. - Sam Evans is a local painter - Sam Evans is the owner/ and rummy. bartender at the Blue Whale Roger Collins is the painter. - Maggie is a tough waitress - Maggie is a slut who hangs with a romantic streak and a at her dad's bar, has an affair heart of gold. with Roger and dabbles in the Occult and Sculpture. - Willie Loomis is the ner-do- - Willie Loomis is the well sidekick of Jason McGuire moronic nephew of Mrs. Johnson - Dr. Woodard is an M.D. - Prof. Woodard is a specialist on the Occult. - Barnabas arrives 10 months - Barnabas shows up the same after Vicki shows up. night that Vicki does. - Barnabas always wears a tie! - Barnabas tends to turtlenecks. - The portrait of the 1795 - The Barnabas portrait is full Barnabas is waist up. length and from 1790. - Carolyn is a rebelious and - Carolyn is a wise-assed somewhat naive ingenue. slut. - Joe Haskell is Carolyn's beau. - Joe is Daphne's beau. - Joe was saving to buy a boat. - Joe owns a fishing boat. - Vicki has a comfortable - Vicki is given a suite with room that had been Elizabeth's a bedroom, a sitting room and before Elizabeth married. her own bathroom. (Were there bathrooms in the 1966 Collinwood?) - Julia Hoffman is brought - Julia, the noted Hematologist, to Collinwood surreptitiously is invited by Elizabeth, to treat with a flimsy cover story. Daphne and stay at Collinwood. - Julia is the Director of - Julia is a Professor on the staff the Windcliff Sanitarium. of New York University. - Events take place in 1795. - Events take place in 1790. - David attempts to do in his - David attempts to do in his Father by removing the bleeder father by burning a voodoo valve from the brake assembly doll made with his father's of his father's car. hair and blazer buttons. - Sarah sings "London Bridge" - Sarah uses the lyrics much until we are all ready to more sparingly - but you want to strangle her! gag David when he chants "If I catch this one, Daphne isn't dead" over and over again. - Jeremiah Collins is the younger - Jeremiah Collins is Barnabas' brother of Joshua. He is uncle younger brother. Joshua's son. to Barnabas. - Daniel is brother to Millicent - Daniel is Barnabas' youngest and a cousin to Barnabas. brother. - Millicent arrives to attend the - Millicent arrives to marry wedding of Barnabas and Josette her cousin Jeremiah. - Ben Stokes is the loyal family - Ben Loomis is an eye-patched retainer. pirate wanna be.

Q06. WHAT PRESENTS DOES DAVID HAVE FOR HIS GOVERNESS?A: A shoebox containing a dead and bloody rat, and a cigar box containing a tarantula named "Hairy". I think David likes Sarah better. He gave her a Bo Jackson baseball card and his favorite "puree" marble.


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A: - Basics would demand The Collins Family History, published in 1974. - Willie has a nice copy of The Book of the Dead, if you don't mind the drool on the edges. - Sarah Collins' diary is an interesting read, if you don't mind books which write themselves while you read them. - You can always just browse in the dusty old Library in the West Wing, if you don't have allergies.

Q08: HOW LARGE IS THE COLLINSPORT POLICE FORCE?A: Collinsport is either a town out of control or they have a force way outsized for such a small community - or perhaps they are just very pretentious. Sheriff Patterson rides patrol Car #27!

Q09: WHAT TIME IS BREAKFAST AT COLLINWOOD?A: 7 a.m., and don't be late!

Q10: WHAT DO WE KNOW OF BARNABAS COLLINS' POLITICS?A: He helped to get John Adams and Thomas Jefferson elected.

Q11: WHERE DID THE BUILDING MATERIALS FOR COLLINWOOD COME FROM?A: Collinwood was first built on the moors near Lyme Regis, on the South West coast of England. It was then disassembled, shipped to Boston by boat and carried to Collinsport in oxcarts, where it was reassembled. The floors are of Italian marble from Tuscany. The ceiling beams and railings are of cherrywood carved in Germany. The windows were obtained from the finest estates in Europe.

Q12: DOES MAGGIE EVANS GIVE ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN?A: Well, her key maxim seems to be: "Fishermen that go to bed early, don't make for an exciting love life."

Q13: HOW MANY PEOPLE WORKED ON THE RESTORATION CREW AT THE OLD HOUSE?A: I can't really see Barnabas (Ben Cross) doing anything besides managing - and in a surly manner at that - so we will go with Willie's count of 8 workmen plus himself, that's 9. 9 is a number Willie could fairly reliably count to, since it wouldn't involve more than the fingers on his two hands.

Q14: WITH ALL THE TECHNICAL ADVANCES - IS THIS DS FREE OF BLOOPERS?A: Well - let us just mention the scene in the 2nd half of the pilot where Prof. Woodard, Dr. Hoffman and the Sheriff are leaving Daphne's room and walking down a long hallway at Collinwood - accompanied by a boom mike. Enough said?

Q15: WHAT DOES BARNABAS PLACE IN THE ENTRYWAY OF THE OLD HOUSE WHILE DOING THE RESTORATIONS? A: A wooden umbrella stand which holds the wolfs-head cane along with five others. I guess he wanted a variety available when he lost his temper. Poor Willie!


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A: David was dismissed from the local school because he tried to burn it down. Folks in Maine just can't take a joke!

Q17: WHAT WAS DAPHNE'S FAVORITE VIEW OF GOD?A: According to her eulogist she favored the image of God the Shepherd and her favorite passage from the "Good Book" was the 23rd Psalm.

Q18: WHAT ARE WILLIE'S FAVORITE SNACKS?A: Mrs. Johnson's nut loaf and/or blueberry hotcakes with or without sausages. Cinnamon toast. Fried chicken and milk. "Einstein" Loomis refers to these as "Aunties goodies".

Q19: WHAT WAS JULIA'S PET NAME FOR BARNABAS?A: "Serology Experiment BC-1" or "the Monster" as in "At sunset I shall confront the Monster in his lair."

Q20: HOW LONG DID BARNABAS GO WITHOUT "FEEDING"?A: After Julia started treatments, Barnabas went 2 months without the bloodlust.

Q21: WHO SCARES THE HELL OUT OF DAVID IN HIS DREAM?A: In his dream David is chased by Daphne, Vicki and Carolyn, all sporting fangs!

Q22: WHAT FAMOUS BATTLE DOES DAVID REENACT?A: Using 200 year old tin soldiers, a gift from Sarah, David happily recreates the Battle of Bunker Hill, which it is properly notated actually took place on Breed's Hill, next to Bunker Hill. (Charlestown, MA., June 17, 1775)



Q25: WHAT IS THE ONE MEAL CAROLYN CAN PREPARE WITH CONFIDENCE?A: Spam and chips. Yum! I'll stick with Mrs. Johnson.


Q27: HOW DOES JULIA TAKE HER TEA?A: Usually plain, no milk, lemon or sugar - but on occasion it is spiked with a little poison, particularly if Carolyn is serving. Q28: WHAT TUNE DOES JOSETTE'S MUSIC BOX PLAY?A: Aptly enough we call it Josette's Theme - but it is the tune of the minuet which was playing for Barnabas and Josette's first dance together. The box was made-to-order in Boston.

Q29: WHAT SNAPPY VERSE DOES BARNABAS COME UP WITH WHEN HE ENSNARES CAROLYN?A: Blood of my blood, kin of my kin, soon you will walk with me, as my partner in the night.

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When I call, you will come, To do my bidding as I command. We are as one now.

Q30: WHO THINKS A OUIJA BOARD IS A FUN PARTY TOY?A: Roger and Maggie bring out the Ouija (French Oui and German Ja gives us the Yes-Yes board - how positive a concept!) Board to liven things up. The questions were as follows: 1) Roger asks if the state of Maine will secede and proclaim Collinsport the new capitol. ANSWER = NO 2) the Sheriff asks if the person who caused all the recent trouble in Collinsport is still around. ANSWER = YES 3) Sheriff asks if it is someone they know. ANSWER = YES 4) Sheriff asks what letter their name begins with. ANSWER = C 5) Sheriff asks if the "C" belongs to the killer's last name. ANSWER = YES 6) Roger then asks which letter does the first name begin with. At this point the game comes crashing to an end as Carolyn throws a tantrum and also throws the Ouija Board on the floor.

Q31: WHAT GOES ON AT THE SEANCES?A: At seance #1 - Maggie Evans presides, with Roger, Elizabeth, Carolyn, Barnabas, Julia and Vicki present. They contact Sarah, who speaks through Vicki - but then they lose Vicki in a cosmic trade for Mistress Phyllis Wick. (and a pitcher to be named later)

At seance #2, the family wants to try to get Vicki back - Maggie again presides, with Roger, Elizabeth, Carolyn, Barnabas and Julia attending. Sarah speaks through Maggie and warns them to stop mucking about with spirits. Too late! Julia has been possessed by the spirit of Angelique.

Maggie (ever helpful) performs an exorcism on Julia and drives the spirit of Angelique out of her. It then takes up residence in Maggie. Q32: FOR WHOM DID PHYLLIS WICK WORK BEFORE APPLYING TO THE COLLINS FAMILY?A: She had been employed, to rave reviews, by the Honorable Wilfred H. Cortney Esq. of Goshen, Coonnecticut.

Q33: WHAT ARE THE RUNIC SYMBOLS OF SATAN?A: machine wash luke warm tumble dry cool iron

(a zipper - metallic stitchery - is pretty damning too!)


Q35: WHAT WAS ANGELIQUE'S SPELL ON JOSETTE AND JEREMIAH?A: The love spell, aided by a special rosewater brew, was culminated by the use of two figurines in a rather compromised position. With lots of candle light and dressed in her underwear, Angelique chants:

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Two souls shall be as one Two hearts shall be as one Two lives shall be as one Dream on, dream on sweet liars Soon you will be lost

This produces steamy dreams for J & J and in the morning they can't keep their hands off of one another.

Q36: WHAT SONG DOES VICKI SING TO THE KIDDIES?A: Arlen's "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". She accompanies herself on Jeremiah's guitar.

Q37: WHO DIES ON WIDOW'S HILL?A: Josette jumps off the cliff at Widow's Hill, and so does the Zombie-like Jeremiah after he is resurrected by Angelique.

Q38: DOES BEN LOOMIS HAVE A POETIC SOUL?A: How can anyone doubt this. Just listen to the tender and loving eulogy he gives Angelique: Angelique, daughter of the devil, may the worms grow fat on your flesh and may you know as much pain in hell as you have caused here on earth. He then spits on the (unmarked) grave (in the woods) and says Amen!

Q39: CAN I GO SOMEWHERE FOR A DRINK AFTER ALL THIS?A: Try the Deer's Head Inn. If you drink enough, you might not notice that after the vampire attacks Barnabas it turns into a bat and flies straight through a closed window. (good trick even for a Vampire)

Q40: WHO SAVES BARNABAS FROM JOE HASKELL?A: Oddly enough, it is Angelique. When Joe sneaks into the Old House and attempts to stake Barnabas, he is killed by Dr. Hoffman who is, at that point, under the possession of Angelique and not responsible for her own actions.

Q41: WERE THINGS LEFT HANGING WHEN THE SHOW WAS CANCELLED?A: Absolutely. The pot was about to boil over. Joe had gone to Sheriff Patterson with his story about Barnabas, just before he was killed by Julia/Angelique. Vicki had just returned from 1790 - with the knowledge that Barnabas was "the" Barnabas, and a vampire. Maggie was possessed by Angelique. And everybody was giving everybody else meaningful and ominous glances.

Q42: CAN WE GET A BOX SCORE OF SUPERNATURALS?A: Vampires: Barnabas Collins, Daphne Collins, Prof. Woodard, an un-named vampire who takes the form of Josette Witches: Laura Collins, Angelique Bouchard Occult gifts: Maggie Evans

Q43: IS THE REVEREND AMOS WORTH KEEPING AN EYE ON?A: Well, Apollo Dukakis, who played the Reverend Amos, is the son of

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Actress Olympia Dukakis and the nephew of, the then governor of Massachusetts and presidential candidate, Michael Dukakis.

================================================================= PART XXIIIb. - DARK SHADOWS QUOTES (NBC)=================================================================

"Daphne is gone. Her pain is gone." Sarah Collins

"This room and everything in it doesn't exist anymore!" Roger Collins

"He's very different from other men I've met. He has a sort of old world charm about him." Vicki (about Barnabas)

"Moderation in all things - what a dull way to plod through life." Barnabas

"I'm in your room. I'm in your nightgown. And now I'm going to sleep in your bed." Vicki Winters

"Gee Barnabas, it's too bad you can't see yourself in the mirror anymore. You look terific!" Willie Loomis

"Scores will have to be settled." Barnabas

"There is nothing wrong with being old-fashioned, or a gentleman." Vicki

"If Joshua deems you mad, then mad you shall be. Come hell or high water." Peter Bradford

"Sister, for once in your miserable life, keep your damned opinions to yourself." Joshua Collins

"Excellent Ben! You're a superb mason." Barnabas

================================================================= PART XXIVa. - DARK SHADOWS FEATURE FILMS =================================================================

HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (1970) 98 minutes PG Barnabas Collins is back, with a vengeance!

Starring: Jonathan Frid as Barnabas Collins, vampireAlso Starring: Grayson Hall as Dr. Julia Hoffman, family physicianWith:Joan Bennett as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, the matriarchKathryn Leigh Scott as Maggie Evans, the governessLouis Edmonds as Roger Collins, the clueless, he becomes a vampireRoger Davis as Jeff Clark, Maggie's Beau, the heroJohn Karlen as Willie Loomis, Collins handyman, becomes Barnabas' servantThayer David as Professor T. Elliot Stokes, vampirologist, becomes a vampireNancy Barrett as Carolyn Stoddard, Elizabeth's daughter, she becomes a vampireDonald Briscoe as Todd Jennings, Carolyn's fiancee (In typical DS Style - Todd is Todd Jennings in the credits and press material, but throughout the film everyone calls him Todd Blake)David Henesy as David Collins, Roger's son David Patrick as Sheriff George Patterson

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Humbert Allen Astredo as Dr. ForbesLisa Richards as Daphne Budd, Elizabeth's private secretary and Barnabas' 1st victimMichael Stroka as a pallbearerPaul Michael as an old manJerry Lacy as the ministerTerry Crawford as nurse ShepherdBarbara Cason as Mrs. Johnson, the housekeeper

A Dan Curtis ProductionDirected by Dan CurtisAssistant to the Producer = George DiCenzoAssistant Director = William Gerrity, Jr.Production Supervisor = Hal SchaffelMusic Composed and Conducted by Robert CobertDirector of Photography = Arthur OrnitzProduction Designer and Associate Producer = Trevor WilliamsScreenplay by Sam Hall and Gordon Russell

Feature version of popular TV serial, recounting vampire BarnabasCollins' quest for a cure so he can wed Josette/Maggie. Nothingnew scriptwise, but beautiful locations, flashy direction andcamerawork, and some nice jolts make it an enjoyable chiller. * * * (Leonard Maltin's Movie and Video Guide) - - - - - - - - - - -

NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS (1971) 95 minutes PG When the sun goes down, the Terror Begins!(Original working title: The Curse of Dark Shadows")

Starring: David Selby as Quentin Collins / Charles Collins, Also Starring: Grayson Hall as Carlotta Drake, the housekeeper With:Lara Parker as Angelique Collins, Gabriel Collins' wife, a witch John Karlen as Alex Jenkins, author, Quentin's friendNancy Barrett as Clair Jenkins, Alex's wife James Storm as Gerald Stiles, handyman, henchmanThayer David as the Reverend Strack, witch hunterChristopher Pennock as Gabriel Collins, Charles' brotherDiana Millay as Laura Collins, Charles' wifeClarice Blackburn as Mrs. Castle, Sarah's mother, housekeeperMonica Rich as Sarah Castle, a young girl in the early storyline who becomes/possesses/grows up to be Carlotta Drake and introducing Kate Jackson as Tracy Collins

Produced and Directed by Dan CurtisScreenplay by Sam HallStory by Sam Hall and Dan Curtis

Ripoff exploitation film bears little resemblance to popular TV serial in predictable yawner about ghosts and reincarnation in New England. Followup to _House Of Dark Shadows_ lacks everything that made first one so good. B O M B (Leonard Maltin's Movie and Video Guide)

=================================================================PART XXIVb. - DARK SHADOWS Q & A / THE FEATURE FILMS

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=================================================================List of Questions:------------------01: WHAT WAS THE LOCATION USED IN THE DS FEATURES?02: IN THE 1970 MOVIE (HODS) WHAT WAS THE VERSE CLUE TO THE HIDDEN TREASURE?03: WHAT WAS THE ORIGINAL TITLE FOR "NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS"?04: WHAT WAS THE SHOOTING LENGTH OF NODS?----------------------------------------------------------------------Q01: WHAT WAS THE LOCATION USED IN THE DS FEATURES?A: Collinwood was the Lyndhurst Mansion in Tarrytown, New York. It was built in 1830 for the infamous robber baron - Jay Gould. The architect was Alexander Jackson Davis (style:Gothic Revival) Collinsport exteriors were shot in Norwalk, Connecticut.

The abandoned monastery on St. Eustace Island was shot at The Lockwood-Matthews Mansion Museum in Norwalk, CT.

Floorplan of Lyndhurst (Ground Floor)

__________________________________________ ___ | | | | | / \ __| | Game Library |___/ \____________ / ___| | Room | __ __ | | | / / Drawing | | | | | Pantry || | Room |--- ---+--- --- --- --- Dining | | \ \___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ Room |--------| \__ | | Foyer | | |_| | | Stairs| | | | | Study | |_| | | | |______|___ ___|________|____|_| |___ ___|________| Tower \ / \___/

Guest bedroom above foyer; bedroom above study; two bedrooms above the library, one across from the stairs, the other across from the bedroom over the study. Master bedroom over drawing room. Art gallery over game room. Bathrooms off the master bedroom and guest bedrooms. Master bedroom has a fireplace with a Holbein above it.

Q02: IN THE 1970 MOVIE (HODS) WHAT WAS THE VERSE CLUE TO THE HIDDEN TREASURE?A: The madonnas rest high above where the lion watches the dove

This was altered in the 1991 series to be the less religious: The Graces dance above where the lion watches the dove

Q03: WHAT WAS THE ORIGINAL TITLE FOR "NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS"?A: Original working title was: "The Curse of Dark Shadows"

Q04: WHAT WAS THE SHOOTING LENGTH OF NODS?A: It was originally a 2hr film - but was pared down to 95 minutes to fit the then standard horror film running time. It's no wonder there seem to be major storyline gaps. Grayson Hall once said of NODS - "If you could find the original script, it really was

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something quite wonderful" ( Tim muses: I wonder if Dan Curtis still has the 2 hour version? )

================================================================= PART XXV. - DARK SHADOWS VIDEO TAPES AVAILABLE=================================================================" Money is meant to jump from pocket to pocket" Magda Racosi

- House of Dark Shadows (MGM/UA) 1990 19.98

- Night of Dark Shadows (MGM/UA) 1990 19.98

The two DS movies: House of Dark Shadows and Night of Dark Shadows are also available on Laser Disc as a two disc set. The set also includes the original trailers for both films as well as tv spots for them.

The two tapes are available as a package for $34.96 (#3933) + 4.95 postage and handling from :

FUSION VIDEO; 17311 Fusion Way; Country Club Hills, IL 604781-800-959-0061 ---------------------------------

MPI HOME VIDEO; 1601 South 108th Avenue, Orland Park, Illinois 60462 1-800-323-0442 (Great free Catalog with lots of cast photos and episode info)

- Dark Shadows: The Collectors Series (ABC pre-Barnabas - and complete episodes 211-270, unedited)

Vol. 1 - 54 [ MP 5201 - MP 5254 ] Vol. 1 - 54 19.98 ea 4 Tape Multipacks 79.98 ea (Vol. 53/54) 2 Tape Multipack 39.98 ea

(Tape # MP 5254 has 4 episodes - #270 plus pick hits #499, 873, & 915 the later three with original, period, commercials)

- Dark Shadows: The Original Series (ABC - From Barnabas til the end) Vol. 1 - 200 [ MP 5001 - MP 5200 ] Vol. 1 29.98 Vol. 2 - 200 19.98 ea 4 Tape Multipacks 79.98 ea

Note: Vol. 1 - 8 are specially edited to highlight the Barnabas storyline, and not deal with prior issues.

The 4-packs of episodes #211-1245 (Vol. 2 - 200) have different MP numbers: MP 5500 - MP 5549. - Dark Shadows: The Revival series (NBC 1991) Vol. 1 - 12 [ MP 6310 - MP 6321 ] Vol. 1 29.98 Vol. 2 - 12 19.98 ea

- Dark Shadows: 25th Anniversary MP 6220 60 minutes 19.98- Dark Shadows: Music Videos MP 6442 40 minutes 14.98- Dark Shadows: Behind the Scenes MP 6191 60 minutes 19.98

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- Dark Shadows: Bloopers MP 6293 45 minutes 19.98- Dark Shadows: 1840 Flashback MP 6062 40 minutes 9.98

- The Best of Barnabas MP 6060 30 minutes 9.98- The Best of Dark Shadows MP 5000 30 minutes 9.98- The Best of Dark Shadows 2 MP 6191 30 minutes 9.98 - Scariest Moments from Dark Shadows MP 6061 30 minutes 9.98

- A Darkness At Blaisedon This rare 1969 Dan Curtis Production was an ABC-TV pilot for aprimetime series patterned after DARK SHADOWS! Aired only once, thisshow is now available exclusively to DS fans from MPI! Angela Martin inherits a haunted mansion (complete with a mysteriouscaretaker, portrayed by DS' Thayer David) and hires psychicinvestigators to discover the mansion's ghostly secrets! Also starsMarj Dusay (Star Trek), Kerwin Mathews (Voyage Of Sinbad), and DS'Louis Edmonds as Commodore Nicholas Blaise. MP 6363 52 minutes Color Not Rated $14.98, plus $4.50 shipping & handling

Now available from MPI ---------------------------------------- Dark Shadows Resurrected - The Video (MP 7052)- Dark Shadows Vampires and Ghosts (MP 7051)

Coming soon from MPI:--------------------------------------- Dark Shadows - 30th Anniversary Video


Dark Shadows videos are also available through:

AMH FILM DISTRIBUTORSPO BOX 164; 236 West Sycamore Street; Willows, CA 95988(916) 934-7168

They charge $17.95 for the $19.95 videos and $64.95 for 4-packs.


J & R MUSIC WORLD; 23 Park Row; New York, NYTelephone # is (212) 732-8600.

The 24 hour/7 day customer service/order department and catalog sales telephone # is: 1-800-221-8180 They sell individual tapes for $16.95 - a $3.00 savings from theoriginal price of $19.95. They also sell four packs for only $64.95.

------------------------------------------------- the Dan Curtis Macabre Collection - also from MPI: -------------------------------------------------

Page 279: Dark Shadows FAQ

BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA (MP 6353 100 mins $29.98) starring: Jack Palance FRANKENSTEIN (MP 6354 126 mins $29.98) starring: Robert Foxworth, with John Karlen

THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE (MP 6355 100 mins $29.98) starring: Jack Palance

THE TURN OF THE SCREW (MP 6357 118 mins $29.98) starring: Lynn Redgrave, with Kathryn Leigh Scott

THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY (MP 6358 111 mins $29.98) starring: Shane Briant, with John Karlen

DEAD OF NIGHT (MP 6356 75 mins $29.98) starring: Patrick Macnee, Joan Hackett

THE INVASION OF CAROL ENDERS (MP 6359 67 mins $29.98) starring: Meredith Baxter, John Karlen, James Storm

NIGHTMARE AT 43 HILLCREST (MP 6360 66 mins $29.98) starring: Jim Hutton, with John Karlen

COME DIE WITH ME (MP 6361 67 mins $29.98) starring: Eileen Brennan, George Maharis, Kathryn Leigh Scott

SHADOW OF FEAR (MP 6362 66 mins $29.98) starring: Anjanette Comer, Tom Selleck

================= PRE VIDEO VISUALS =================

---------------------- VIEMASTER DARK SHADOWS ----------------------

ViewMaster issued there story sets in packets of three reels - each reel having 7 scenes. A total of 21 stereoscopic images.

Text of the ViewMaster booklet accompanying the DARK SHADOWS disk set:


Dark were the shifting shadows that waxed and waned among the turrets and gables of the great house of Collinwood. Darker still were the shadows that deepened over the souls of those who dwelt within -- shadows of fear and evil and despair...It was fear, and a desperate necessity, that drove Barnabas Collins to leave the house in the dead of night to make his way to a lonely dwelling by the sea. Asleep in thathouse was Eve, a strange being whom he must destroy before her evilgenius could destroy Adam, her hapless mate within whose man-made bodypulsed the life-force of Barnabas himself. He didn't know that behindthis reasoning was Angelique, who wanted Eve killed to thwart the warlockNicholas, who had great and terrible plans for Eve and Adam. As the

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curtain lifts we see Barnabas stealthily approach Eve's bed, the lethalhypodermic in his hand. Overcoming his revulsion, he steels himself,flings back the covers...

* View-Master Reel One *

(1) An exclamation of dismay escaped Barnabas' lips. The form beneaththe covers was not Eve at all but an artful dummy. He had been lured into a trap!But who...how...? From the darkness came a low, mocking laugh and he whirled, staredincredulously. "You!" he burst out, his voice hoarse with sudden terror."But I thought you -- I thought Nicholas..." Again came the laugh. "You thought Nicholas had destroyed me --Angelique, your old love. Well, he didn't. At the last he let me live.And now, Barnabas -- " She moved a step toward him. He tried to recoilbut the heavy bed stopped him. "And now, _this_ is what I am!"The lovely lips parted in a smile and Barnabas froze in horror.In her mouth were not ordinary teeth -- but fangs! As the hypodermic clattered to the floor from his nerveless fingers,she lunged, clasped him in her arms and he felt those wicked fangs piercethe flesh of his neck.

(2) His strength ebbed, he staggered to a chair. She knelt beside him,her hypnotic eyes fixing him. "Now you are mine forever," she whispered."You can never escape me. Your will is now _my_ will."

(3) Every step a monumental labor, so weak had he grown, Barnabas draggedhimself back to the great house. Awaiting him were Dr. Julia Hoffman,who had created Adam by a series of transplants as part of Nicholas' greatexperiment. With her was Prof. Stokes. All Barnabas could tell them werethe lies Angelique willed him to voice. "I didn't -- do away with Eve," he panted. "She wasn't there. Nobodywas there -- I searched the house -- no one."

(4) But Adam was there in the house by the sea and he had at that momentawakened to the touch of his master, Nicholas Blair, who had sold his soul to Balberith, a Prince of Darkness. He exclaimed as his eye caught freshfang marks on Adam's neck, identical with those on Barnabas'. Also, Adamwas strangely weak, just as Barnabas was, and tormented by fear. His voicewas a whisper. "Nicholas -- something horrible has happened, hasn't it --something to do with -- with Angelique?" The handsome but sinister face of Nicholas was grim as he got to hisfeet. "It has," he told the frightened Adam. "But it won't happen again, Ipromise you. Now go back to sleep; I'm going now to have a word with --with a certain woman, and take care of the matter."

(5) Confronting Angelique, Nicholas told her bluntly, "You will have to stop seeing Barnabas -- at once!" "Stop seeing him!" She retorted. "But I need him! You know that." "Of course I know it. But I also know -- and so will you if you try torecall -- what Eric Lang's tape recorder message was." Her face told himthat she remembered. "Well, what he said was true. Just now I found fangmarks on Adam -- because of what you did to Barnabas. I forbid you to hurtAdam again, so you must find another to meet your -- your needs. Whennightfall comes again, summon Joe Haskell -- _not_ Barnabas." She sneered. "So you can have Joe's precious Maggie Evens for

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yourself. You -- " He glared her to silence.

(6) That evening, Maggie found Joe at the Blue Whale drinking despondently.They tried to talk, but the evil shadow of Angelique was between them; andas night drew near, Joe left the tavern and went to her against his will.But, filled with her unholy craving for Barnabas, she rejected Joe, tauntinghim with the mirrored scene of Maggie in the arms of Nicholas. Maddened, heseized a letter opener, plunged it into his chest and fell lifeless to thefloor. The merciless Angelique thought only of getting rid of the body. Sheneeded help. "Barnabas!" she whispered, knowing he must come in spite ofhimself.

(7) Impelled to answer Angelique's summons, Barnabas arrived to find herin a strange state of excitement, and on the floor, the lifeless body ofJoe Haskell, who had been his rival for the frightening affections of thewoman in white. "Take him away!" she commanded hysterically. Obeying, he caught sight of something that turned his blood toicewater. There on the dead man's neck were fresh marks like those on hisown. Was it possible? With Joe already dead, had Angelique...? His legsweak with the horror of it, it was all he could do to stagger out of thehouse with Joe in his arms.

* View-Master Reel Two *

(1) As fate would have it, the next evening was the time the mystery woman,Eve, chose to leave Adam's room for the first time, in defiance of Nicholas'orders, and on the terrace to encounter Jeff Clark. Recognition dawned slowly then ecstatically. "Peter!" she cried out,"Peter Bradford!" Bewildered, he denied the name, but she insisted. "But you _are_ Peter!_My_ Peter Bradford -- but -- but I saw you die! Long -- long ago --" A sobbroke from her and she ran from the terrace.

(2) Bewildered, Eve fled back to Adam's room only to find Nicholas awaitingher, demanding to know whom she had seen that disturbed her. Her answer wasconfusing, but it told him enough to know that Jeff Clark wasinvolved. Needing to know more, he mesmerized her to send her back to herprevious life nearly 200 years before. "Fix your eyes on the candle," he commanded, "and concentrate. You aremoving back through the years -- back --" First Eve went limp, then she stiffened and cried out, "Peter! I didit for _us_! For you and me I killed Philip -- because he would havekilled you! I swear he would! Peter -- don't look at me that way -- don'tcondemn me -- I tell you I _had_ to do it! Peter -- "

(3) Such was the force of Nicholas' mesmeric powers, that, for a time,Eve lost all awareness of the present, and returned completely to herprevious existence in colonial Collinsport, near the end of the 18thCentury. Reliving her tragic confrontation with Peter Bradford, shecried out again and again under the merciless lash of his anger at herslaying of Philip, who had tried to come between them. In the end Peterhad rejected her utterly with the cruel words: "Get out of my life andnever return!" But now Peter himself had returned! Watching her with fascinated eyesNicholas saw her suddenly snap out of the trance, tears streaming from hereyes, murmuring, "The man I saw tonight _is_ Peter Bradford -- and I love

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[The working of implacable fate lay behind Eve's confrontation with Jeffon the terrace. In the Collinsport of Colonial days grim tragedy partedthese star-crossed lovers at the very foot of the hangman's scaffold. Jeff,whose name in that earlier incarnation had been Peter Bradford, saved Eve'slife by confessing to a murder that she, not he, had committed.

Condemned to die on the scaffold, Peter heroically rejected Eve's pleas tosave himself by surrendering his soul to the powers of witchcraft which sheherself had embraced long ago. Thus an innocent man died in ignorance ofthe fact that Eve's powers would work on him even in death and that thetwo of them would meet again after long centuries had passed.]

(4) While Eve's retreat to the past was going on at Blair House, fearpermeated one of the rooms at Collinwood like a tangible thing. VictoriaWinters, trying to tell Elizabeth Stoddard about her plans for marriagewith Jeff, found the older woman returning again and again to the dreadconviction that had been growing on her for some time -- that her fatewas to be buried alive. Vicki's efforts to make light of this obsession met with no success."It's no use talking," Elizabeth insisted. "I can hear the spirits ofthe dead. They say I will be among them, but -- but I will not be dead!"

(5) In another room of the great house, time was running out for JoeHaskell who hadn't quite succeeded in killing himself. Poison, however,had been poured into his medicine by Harry Johnson, and now Barnabas,moving like a sleepwalker at Angelique's command, was about to feed theconcoction to the helpless man. He was aware that he was about to commita murderous act but was unable to stop himself. At the ultimate moment chance intervened. Julia Hoffman, seeking theProfessor, burst into the room barely in time to knock the spoon fromBarnabas' hand.

(6) Joe emerged at last, from his death-like sleep just in time to hearJulia say that the medicine was poisoned, and that Barnabas had tried togive it to him. Enraged, Joe seized a cord, and prowled the darkness untilhe found Barnabas dozing in a chair. Whipping the cord around thedefenseless neck, he jerked it tighter -- tighter. Barnabas' eyes bulged-- the world turned black-- Again, fate took a hand in the form of a woman. Mrs. Johnson appearedand, with a scream, hurled herself on the panting Joe, and loosened hisgrip on the murderous cord. Barnabas slid lifeless to the floor.

(7) Roger Collins, hoping to talk Elizabeth out of her obsessivedetermination to build a new, "safe" mausoleum, went with her to thefamily crypt. Sounds they heard there, interpreted by Elizabeth asspirit voices, turned out to come from Joe, who had come there, weakand terrified, to hide after his assault on Barnabas. Roger, aftercalming his hysterical companion, carried Joe back to the house.

* View-Master Reel Three *

(1) With the setting of each day's sun Angelique became bolder and morerebellious against her domination by Nicholas. She would outwit him andmake Barnabas hers forever. Then he, too, would sleep in coffins by day,and by night roam the world seeking...

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Luring him to a secret cave by the sea, she bared her fangs andgrasped him in her terrible embrace, draining his life essences almostto the last drop. When he recovered enough to speak he panted, "You'vegone too far. I'm going to die -- I _hope_ I die. And Nicholas -- Nicholaswill wreak a fearful vengeance on you." In reply she shrieked, "I defy him to do his worst. And you -- Youwill not die. You will be mine forever!" And with that she fled back toher crypt,for day was near.

(2) Though she defied him, Angelique did not deceive Nicholas. Discoveringthat Adam had weakened to the point of death, he knew that Angelique wasendangering the life of Barnabas and ruining his plans. For this she mustpay with her life -- and the only way to take the life of a vampire wasto drive a silver stake through her breast as she lay sleeping in her crypt... But when he arrived, armed with hammer and stake, Angelique's coffin wasempty! He trembled, aghast, for he knew why. Balberith, his own master, hadsummoned her to the Netherworld, and the outcome of that meeting could bodenothing but ill for Nicholas because he had been outwitted by Angelique'sgreed for Barnabas.

(3) The evil miasma of the Netherworld curled around the golden head ofAngelique and the hooded figure spoke in awesome tones: "My faithlessservant Nicholas has become enamored of a mortal female named Maggie,while you, Angelique, have defied him. You shall be rewarded -- and heshall suffer a dreadful punishment!" He paused while the screams of the damned swelled up and thenreceded. Then he went on: "As your reward, Angelique, I will remove thecurse I put upon you -- and you shall return to human form!"

(4) Only moments after the confrontation in the Netherworld, Maggie Evanspaid an unexpected call on Nicholas at Blair House. She seemed confused,almost trance-like. "What is it, Maggie?" he asked uneasily. "Why did you come here?" "I -- I don't know," she replied. "I only know I had to come. Somethingmade me -- some power that --" Suddenly stark terror filled her eyes. "Oh,Nicholas!" she gasped, "everything is getting dark -- and I can't get mybreath -- Oh, Nicholas, help me!" She reeled, staggered to the sofa, and collapsed. An unearthly humfilled the room, the lights went dim...

(5) "_Nicholas!_" Every vestige of color drained from Nicholas' face. Hisname had been called from the throat of Maggie, but it was not Maggie'svoice! It was the voice of Balberith, and the room seemed to pulsate withhis unholy presence. "Y--yes, Master," Nicholas quavered. "Prepare to meet your judgement, Nicholas!" Nicholas seized a chair to support his weight. "J-judgement?" he moaned. "Tomorrow you will appear before me. Prepare yourself."

(6) With supreme effort Nicholas pulled himself together after Maggie hadgone. His fertile brain worked swiftly. Balberith was calling him toaccount for letting Eve die, and for other sins as well. With some kindof plan perhaps he could stave off the utter destruction that threatenedhim. In a flash it came to him, and he dashed off to Collinwood to findJulia Hoffman. It all depended on her. Not even caring that Elizabeth was

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listening, he told her she must repeat the experiment, infusing new lifeinto the dead Eve. Balberith needed Eve so that she and Adam could starta new race of men who would be his servants. Horrified, Julia refused, and Nicholas played his trump card. "Verywell, then I will take Adam's life." Julia paled. "Then Barnabas too -- will die." His answer was an evil smile. She stared at him with revulsion, but at last she sighed withresignation. "So be it. You may bring Eve's body to my laboratory tonight."

(7) Nicholas' hour had come. He stood before Balberith in Limbo, pleadingfor one more chance. If the experiment worked he could go on serving hismaster in the human world -- and have Maggie besides. His proposal met cosmic scorn. "_I_ give no second chance, Nicholas,as you did with Angelique. No -- you will return here -- for eternity._But_ -- if the experiment is successful you may bring the woman with you." "Bring her! But that means she must die!" "Of course! On the Black Altar!" The fiend's laughter rose, fillingthe vast corridors of Limbo. "Go, Nicholas -- go back to earth -- andprepare your wedding plans!" Roiling masses of fog billowed about the towers of Collinwood asNicholas returned, creating, even by day -- dark shadows.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART XXVI. - DARK SHADOWS PRINTED MATERIAL: REFERENCE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------New or soon to be released - keep your eyes out for:

BIG LOU - Louis Edmonds biographyDavid Hofsted's DARK SHADOWS VIDEO REVIEWSRobert Cobert's Music & Photo Album- 12+ DS themes1897 DS CONCORDANCE IIThe LEVIATHAN CONCORDANCE

and of course the 1996 Dark Shadows Calendar is now available


THE DARK SHADOWS COMPANION : A complete history of the original 1966-71 series, edited by Kathryn Leigh Scott, including a brief synopsis of all 1225 episodes, a chapter by Lara Parker, and a foreword by Jonathan Frid. Dozens of color and B&W photos. 208 pages.

Title: The Dark Shadows Companion: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Author: Scott, Kathryn L., editor Pub. date: 09/1990 Publisher: Pomegranate Press, Limited, Beverly Hills, CA Binding: Hardcover. ISBN: 0-938817-26-4 Price: $ 24.95 Binding: Paper. Price: $ 15.95 2 Audio Cassettes Price: $ 15.95


DARK SHADOWS RESURRECTED : A complete history of the 1991 primetime series, including a detailed synopsis of every episode. Features a foreword by series creator Dan Curtis, behind the scenes details, and over

Page 285: Dark Shadows FAQ

200 color and B&W photos. 176 pages.

Title: Dark Shadows Resurrected Author: Pierson, Jim Pub. date: 03/1993 Publisher: Pomegranate Press, Limited, Beverly Hills, CA Binding: Hardcover. ISBN: 0-938817-24-8 Price: $ 24.95 Binding: Paper. ISBN: 0-938817-23-X Price: $ 15.95


MY SCRAPBOOK OF DARK SHADOWS MEMORIES: Written by Kathryn Leigh Scott - behind the scenes stories, 80 pages of color and B&W photos, a comprehensive plot summary and a listing of all of the Dark Shadows cast members. 152 pages.

Title: My Scrapbook Memories of Dark Shadows Author: Scott, Kathryn L. Pub. date: 1988 Publisher: Pomegranate Press, Limited, Beverly Hills, CA Binding: Hardcover. ISBN: 0-938817-03-5 Price: $ 21.95 Binding: Paper. ISBN: 0-938817-04-3 Price: $ 15.95


THE DARK SHADOWS ALMANAC: 30TH ANNIVERSARY BOOK To commemorate Dark Shadows' 30th anniversary (1996), Pomegranate Press has issued a deluxe entitled THE DARK SHADOWS ALMANAC. The volume includes a foreword by David Selby, new behind-the-scenes stories from DS personnel, hundreds of facts and detailed trivia, and dozens of rare and newly discovered color and black-and-white photographs.

Softcover $17.95 Hardcover $24.95 (add $3.50 shipping & handling: CA residents add tax as appropriate) Pomegranate Press; P.O. Box 17217; Beverly Hills, CA 90209 -----------------------

SHADOWS ON THE WALL by Art Wallace $9.95 The complete 96-page outline Art Wallace wrote for the series Dan Curtis created that became known as Dark Shadows. This rare discovery is an exact replica of the show's "bible" just as Art Wallace wrote it! (add $3.00 S & H ) Pomegranate Press; P.O. Box 17217; Beverly Hills, CA 90209 -----------------------

DARK SHADOWS PROGRAM GUIDE by Ann Wilson $9.95 A 96-page book with detailed information on every single episode of Dark Shadows - everything you want to know!] (add $3.00 S & H) Pomegranate Press; P.O. Box 17217; Beverly Hills, CA 90209 -----------------------

Special Hardcover Collector's Edition IORDER NOW at $39.95! (save $30.00!)Includes pre-publication photograph

Page 286: Dark Shadows FAQ

(add $5.00 S & H : CA residents $3.40)1. Hardcover edition of the "new" Dark Shadows 30th Anniversary Almanac2. Hardcover edition of Dark Shadows Resurrected (1991 NBC revival series)3. Art Wallace's Shadows On The Wall...original Dark Shadows outline4. Dark Shadows Program Guide--complete episode listing by Ann Wilson Pomegranate Press; P.O. Box 17217; Beverly Hills, CA 90209 -----------------------

Special Softcover Collector's Edition IIORDER NOW at $35.95! (save $34.00!)Includes pre-publication photograph (add $5.00 S & H : CA residents $3.06)1. Softcover edition of the "new" Dark Shadows 30th Anniversary Almanac2. Softcover edition of the Dark Shadows Companion3. Audio book-on-cassette of the Dark Shadows Companion (read by Jonathan Frid,Lara Parker,Kathryn Leigh Scott & Roger Davis)4. Art Wallace's Shadows On The Wall...original Dark Shadows outline5. Dark Shadows Program Guide--complete episode listing by Ann Wilson Pomegranate Press; P.O. Box 17217; Beverly Hills, CA 90209 -----------------------

Special Softcover Collectr's Edition IIIonly $79.95 (save $20.00! Very limited stock)Includes pre-publication photograph (add $5.00 S & H : CA residents $6.60 tax)1. Softcover edition of the "new" Dark Shadows 30th Anniversary Almanac2. Softcover edition of the Dark Shadows Companion3. Softcover edition of My Scrapbook Memories of Dark Shadows4. Softcover edition of Dark Shadows Resurrected5. Audio book-on-cassette of the Dark Shadows Companion (read by Jonathan Frid,Lara Parker,Kathryn Leigh Scott & Roger Davis)6. Art Wallace's Shadows On The Wall...original Dark Shadows outline7. Dark Shadows Program Guide--complete episode listing by Ann Wilson

Pomegranate Press; P.O. Box 17217; Beverly Hills, CA 90209

------------------------------------- Title: Dark Shadows in the Afternoon Author: Resch, Kathleen Pub. date: 07/1991 Publisher: Image Publishing of New York, Massapequa Park, NY Binding: Paper. ISBN: 0-685-50337-2 Price: $ 12.95 ------------------------------------- Title: Dark Shadows Tribute Book Author: Gross, Edward Pub. date: 03/1990 Publisher: Movie Publisher Services, Incorporated, Las Vegas, NV Binding: Paper. ISBN: 1-55698-234-8 Price: $ 14.95 ------------------------------------- Title: Dark Shadows - The First Year Author: Dark Shadows Fan Club Staff, ed Pub. date: 01/1986 Publisher: Fan Club Publishing, West Hollywood, CA Binding: Paper. ISBN: 0-317-05623-9 Price: $ 11.00 ------------------------------------- Title: Dark Shadows - The Last Year Author: Dark Shadows Fan Club Staff, ed Pub. date: 01/1986 Publisher: Fan Club Publishing, West Hollywood, CA

Page 287: Dark Shadows FAQ

Binding: Paper. ISBN: 0-317-05624-7 Price: $ 11.00 ------------------------------------- Title: Dark Shadows Episode Guide Author: Dark Shadows Fan Club Staff, ed Pub. date: 01/1986 Publisher: Fan Club Publishing, West Hollywood, CA Binding: Paper. ISBN: 0-317-05622-0 Price: $ 11.00 ------------------------------------THE HISTORY OF DARK SHADOWS Summaries of episodes 1-209, cast, crew & character listings, airdates, drawings, trivia and photos. Edited by Jim Pierson, Assistant Editor Geoffrey Hamel. 162 pages - published 5/1987. (out of print but often available through dealers)


SHADOWGRAM; The Official Dark Shadows Newsletter. $12 for 4 issues or $24 for 8 (USA & Canada) $20 for 4 issues (Overseas Air Mail)

Marcy Robin; 9441 La Rosa Drive; Temple City, CA 91780-3840 --------------------

DARK SHADOWS CONCORDANCES: (prices are U.S. funds and including shipping) - 1795 (episodes 365-461) [$19] - 1968 (episodes 461-571) Vol. I [$19] - 1968 (episodes 572-700) Vol. II [$19] - 1897 (episodes 701-791) Vol. I [$20] - 1897 (episodes 791- ) Vol. II (IN PRODUCTION) - Leviathan (episodes -981) (IN PRODUCTION) - Parallel Time 1970 (episodes 981-1060) [$15] - 1840 (episodes 1061-1245) [$20]

also available:

-Shadows in the 90's: Making of the NBC Series (Interviews, scenarios, photos & bios) [$25]

-The WORLD OF DARK SHADOWS Magazine $6 per double issue; 4 for $24.

Published 2-4 times per yr 160 pages per issue

Kathleen Resch; P.O. Box 1766; Temple City, California, 91780. ====================

DARK SHADOWS: THE INTRODUCTION OF BARNABAS Published 1988, covers episodes 210-365. A complete and detailed history of the first months of Barnabas. Episode summaries - foreword by Jonathan Frid - photos - copies of original production documents. over 140 pp $14.95

Dark Shadows Festival, PO Box 92, Maplewood, NJ 07040 --------------------DARK SHADOWS FESTIVAL MEMORY BOOK 1983-1993 144 pages commemorating ten years of Dark Shadows Festivals!

Page 288: Dark Shadows FAQ

See what the stars look like today! Over 200 fabulous photographs of the Dark Shadows Actors (And much more)! (B&W) Behind the scenes stories and rare features! Foreword by Dark Shadows star Marie Wallace (Eve)! $14.95 Also available: Dark Shadows CalendarsDark Shadows Festival Booklets

Dark Shadows Festival, PO Box 92, Maplewood, NJ 07040 --------------------------------------------


1993 - Dan Curtis Productions Imagine, Inc. / PO Box 9674 / PGH, PA 15226 Fantasy Trading Card Co. / PO Box 276 / Marion, NY 14505

(The company that originally issued these cards is no longer in business)

DS Trading Cards-60 cards-$17.95 (limited supply) from:

Dark Shadows Festival, PO Box 92, Maplewood, NJ 07040

These were supposedly available as a regular 60 card set - originallyfor $14.95 (although as you will see the Countess DuPres is on card #62!)or a deluxe set of 60 + 3 randomly autographed cards for $29.95or in random plastic packs of 5 cards for about 1.25 each

1 1967 Barnabas Collins (closeup - fangs and cane) 2 1795 Barnabas Collins inside the Old House 3 1795 Barnabas Collins outside the Old House 4 1968 Warlock Nicholas Blair overlooks Angelique's coffin 5 1795 Barnabas Collins on his death bed 6 1795 Barnabas Collins outside the Old House (weird angle) 7 1841PT Catherine Harridge 8 1968 Professor Stokes 9 1968 Angelique attacks Barnabas Collins 10 1967 Barnabas Collins at Collinwood (on the stairwell) 11 1967 Barnabas Collins bares his fangs 12 1967 Barnabas Collins (snarling) at Eagle Hill Cemetery 13 The Collinwood Mansion (at night of course!) 14 1968 Angelique in hell with Diabolos 15 1968 Barnabas Collins inside the Old House 16 The Collinwood Mansion (daytime) 17 1897 Count Petofi 18 1967 Barnabas Collins (left lapel raised - bat flying behind him) 19 1968 Angelique as a vampire (in front of Barnabas' portrait) 20 1841PT Flora Collins & Gabriel Collins 21 1841PT Catherine Harridge (sitting in chair) 22 1795 Barnabas Collins (in mid-air) 23 1897 Angelique 24 1968 Cast (on Collinwood stairwell) 25 1968 Carolyn Stoddard 26 1841PT Daphne Harridge & Bramwell Collins (sitting)

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27 1841PT Melanie Collins (sitting on bed) 28 1795 Barnabas Collins outside the Old House 29 1897 Quentin Collins (in front of Barnabas Collins portrait) 30 1795 Angelique and Josette DuPres (pictured in a mirror) 31 1967 Barnabas Collins (extreme closeup with cane) 32 1897 Gregory Trask and Judith Collins 33 1897 Pansy Faye & Carl Collins 34 1897 Aristede (closeup) 35 1795 Barnabas Collins (on stairwell - ready to attack) 36 1795 Barnabas Collins and Ben Stokes in the Collins' Mausoleum 37 1841PT Melanie Collins and Flora Collins 38 1795 Josette DuPres comes back from the dead 39 1967 Barnabas Collins (with cane - in front of portrait) 40 1967 Barnabas Collins (with cane - bat in background) 41 1968 Dr. Julia Hoffman and Barnabas Collins 42 1968 Adam 43 1968 Rehearsel (Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall, Humbert Allen Astredo) 44 1841PT Daphne Harridge (sitting in chair) 45 1841PT Josette Collins 46 1967 Barnabas Collins (with cane - baring fangs) 47 1967 Barnabas Collins & Maggie Evans dressed as Josette 48 1968 Joe Haskell, Barnabas Collins and Angelique 49 1967 Barnabas Collins frightens David Collins 50 1968 Willie Loomis 51 1795 Barnabas Collins (snarling in a doorway) 52 1897 Jamison Collins 53 1795 Barnabas Collins (on a balcony, arms raised) 54 1897 Rehearsal (Don Briscoe and Kathryn Leigh Scott) 55 1968 Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and Victoria Winters 56 1970PT Roxanne Drew and Barnabas Collins 57 1968 Jeff Clark has the Dream Curse 58 1841PT Carrie Stokes 59 1968 The Werewolf (Alex Stevens) 60 1968 Nicholas Blair and Eve 61 1897 Magda the gypsy 62 1795 The Countess Natalie DuPres

(NOTE: The information on the back of cards #58 and #60 were interchanged)

Among the randomly supplied - autographed cards - were David Selby,Lara Parker and Dan Curtis ----------------------------- #####SAMPLE CARD##### -----------------------------Notes for the Computer Conscious:

This is a "uuencoded" form of the original file. In case you don't already know, when mail goes out on the Internet most of the systems that have to pass on the mail will choke on any files that have bytes in them that have the high bit set unless it's being used for parity. In other words, they only respect the low seven bits. This means you should only send printable characters and control characters. Because binary files are probably split 50-50 on this it's necessary to convert the binary code into something consisting of only printable characters. For this you subject your binary code/data to a uuencoding program and it spits out an ASCII file. When the recipient gets the file he/she must

Page 290: Dark Shadows FAQ

subject it to the reverse process of "uudecoding" and reconverting it to the original binary file. The uuencoded file also contains the name of the original file and this is used to restore it to it's original name.

Normally what you would do would be to cut out the code sections - along the dotted line - WITHOUT allowing any Word Pocessing codes to creep in and name it something like "Ghost.UUE" then feed it to your uudecoder.

Check your local bulletin boards or service for a uupackage, ifyou don't already have one.

(Ie: extract32, available through AOL or UU520.ZIP, which we use)

----------cut here--------cut here-------cut here--------cut here------

This becomes a JPG of one of the DS Cards - when run throughthe uudecode program. It is card #38 - Josette returned from the dead.

section 1 of uuencode 5.20 of file dscard38.jpg by R.E.M.

begin 644 dscard38.jpgM_]C_X``02D9)1@`!`@$`M`"T``#_[0&A061O8F5?4&AO=&]S:&]P,BXU.@"TM````M```.$))30/I``````!X``P```!(`$@``````O`"0/_L_^X#!`)29`(%M*`/\`0````%H`6@`````#K`+0``!````9``!`````0```````2</``$`````M`````````````````````````````/^<_Z8/%`N:``@!````````````````M````.$))30/M```````0`+0````!``$`M`````$``3A"24T#\P``````!P``M````````.$))30/U``````!(`"]F9@`!`&QF9@`&`````````"]F9@`!`*&9MF@`&`````````#(````!`%H````&`````````#4````!`"T````&````````M.$))30/X``````!P``#_____________________________`^@`````____M_________________________P/H`````/__________________________M__\#Z`````#_____________________________`^@``/_N``Y!9&]B90!DM@`````'_VP"$``D&!P<'!@D)"0D."@H+#A$/#@X-$AH:%1`5&!D@(!X?'QXBM(R@I)20E)2$G*RPL+2\T-#0S+C0T-#0T-#0T-#0!"@H*#`L,#0T-#A02$!(3M&!H>'AH:(",E*"4C'2$J*S`P+"LE-#0T-#0T-#0T-#0T-#0T-#0T-#0T-#0TM-#0T-/_``!$(`3<`UP,!(@`"$0$#$0'_Q`&B```!!0$!`0$!`0`````````#M``$"!`4&!P@)"@L!``$%`0$!`0$!``````````$``@,$!08'"`D*"Q```00!M`P($`@4&!@@'`PUA`0`"$0,$(1(Q!4%181,B<8$R!A21H;%"(R054F(S-,%RM@D,')9((4]'P8W,U%N&B\;*#)D235&1%PJ-T-A<8TE7B9?*SA,/3=>/S1B>4MI(6TE<34Y/2EM<75Y?569G:&EJ:VQM;F]C='5V=WAY>GM\?7Y_<H.$A8:'B(MF*BXR-CH^`D9*3E)66EYB9FIN<G9Z?D*&BHZ2EIJ>HJ:JKK*VNKZ$0`"`@$"M!`0#!`0&"`8'!F<!``(1`R$Q$@1!46%Q(A,%,H&1%*&Q0B/!4C/1)/!BX7*"MDD-3%6-S-"4&%O&BLH,')C4(PD32DU2C%V1%539T9>+RLX3#TW7C\T:4I(6TME<34Y/2EM<75Y?569G:&EJ:VQM;F]B<W1U=G=X>7I[?'U^?W&"@X2%AH>(B8MJ+C(V.CX"1DI.4E9:7F)F:FYR=GI^0H:*CI*6FIZBIJJNLK:ZOK_W0`$``[_MV@`,`P$``A$#$0`_`*?4*;,J]S*\ESW"RWU#83L(8XZZ>6BM8.#394Y[*FW7M/)+[`)%9!,`'GPU63F6,+?M#`*P3N+),O#R21'9L:%7<L96-0Y]=IJHLJ-C&M,$`:AHF/)9L[V!;4:878M>3D.!W4BM@-AJ$[I/)"?+I&(<>\7&RD.:TL>XD`M$2"-9X,^16:!DM>0RV#8ULNW$<M#H/WE:;,EAQJWY-8-88-H<00#`$Q_E2/%M'8V$BBH9N*:LAS;'>FV2&%S@3J!IKY#[E6KOR[M<9]OZ4@"7$`>V7=].VJOUM4XO4&UN=0*Z*W2^SAKXU``YU0<NYA:^VH-..'2RLCMWGN"9)A",M54DHK`8ZMI^5?DV``EC'.%?\`!`,R4,XS]SK;<A^+4TQM#R3NDCQ_%19GLQ+_`%L9@8TMMDU/!D.\N_$*G>+\G,?<:'%CSN+"2`)[GPU1B9$ZE5BFWCY=WIY%3GNL%;P7/M=8X$"8(&J+U!MYS+&L?:ZKTQ94=[O:V!(&OS^2CB"LX#V/V/J<TDEK/=R`2/M$;NZ'D,MLKM(;<73#'`$!K-.-8U"`D3+15"FW<YC'5!_5+JZJQML!>XD:2("

Page 291: Dark Shadows FAQ


Page 292: Dark Shadows FAQ

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Page 293: Dark Shadows FAQ

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Page 294: Dark Shadows FAQ

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Page 295: Dark Shadows FAQ


Page 296: Dark Shadows FAQ

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-------------------- The Dark Shadows Book Of Questions And Answers Vol. 1-8. #1-$7.50, #2-$6.50, #3,4,5,6,7,8-$5.75 each Inside The Old House-fanzine usually bi-monthly,60+ pages, $3.00/issue The Best Of Inside The Old House-Vol. 1, 2, & 3 Each issue 80-100 pages-$10.00 + $2.50 postage (each) The Collins Family Tree-11"x 17" b&w photo of Collinwood with the Collins Family Tree superimposed, mailed in a mailing tube-$6.00

all are available from : Dale Clark 11518 Desdemona Drive; Dallas, TX 75228 ---------------------

Page 297: Dark Shadows FAQ

BARNABAS COLLINS IN A FUNNY VEIN: (Paperback Library - Feb 1969) --------------------

BARNABAS COLLINS: A PERSONAL PICTURE ALBUM: by Jonathan Frid (Paperback Library - Dec 1969) --------------------

THE DARK SHADOWS COOKBOOK: (Ace Books - 1970) --------------------

THE DARK SHADOWS BOOK OF VAMPIRES & WEREWOLVES: (Paperback Library - August 1970) --------------------

CINEFANTASTIQUE magazine - Vol. 1 #2 / Cover Photo of the aged Barnabas and Maggie Evans Feature story on HODS

CINEFANTASTIQUE magazine - Vol. 21 #3 / Dec 1990 Ben Cross and Jonathan Frid on the Cover. "Dark Shadows: The Return of the Vampire" Several Articles and many photos dealing with both the ABC and NBC series as well as the movies. --------------------

FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND - magazine - Warren Publishing Co.

#52 = Cover is a Closeup Photo of Barnabas (JF) showing fangs. Article: "Dark Shadows, Video Vampire Number One."

#59 = Cover is a Photo of Barnabas (JF) waist up, wearing cape and cane. Article: "All About Barnabas Collins"

#82 = Cover is a collage of headshots - Barnabas, as we know and love him; Barnabas aged from the failed experiment; Carolyn as a vampire. Cover text reads: Who let Barnabas out of his coffin? Why did Carolyn return from the dead? How did Barnabas live to be 175 years old? You'll find the answers in this issue's HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS A 10-page, exclusive photo story.

#88 = Article "Night of Dark Shadows: First photos of the new movie" .... A witch is hanged on the Collinwood estate! Evil spirits are released from coffins, doomed to roam the earth as "the Living Dead". Exclusive preview in this exciting issue. --------------------

CASTLE OF FRANKENSTEIN - magazine - #16 Cover Art - artists rendition of a full length Barnabas, with cape and cane, stalking the eerie woods accompanied by a scantily clad blonde.

Page 298: Dark Shadows FAQ


16 MAGAZINE, SEPTEMBER '69, Featuring Articles - "Dreamsville, Featuring David Selby"; "Would You Spend a Night With Quentin?"; "An Evening with Me" by David Selby; "Dark Shadows LP. The Original Music from Dark Shadows (w/words)"; "My Life In Pix, by Jonathan Frid, (chapter 3)"; "Dark Shadows At Home (Part 2), featuring Kathryn Leigh Scott and David Selby;" ---------------------

WEIRD TALES OF THE MACABRE, January, 1975, Featuring Article, "The Many Horrors of Dan Curtis" ---------------------

STORY DIGEST MAGAZINE, Gold Key, June, 1970, "Dark Shadows-Interrupted Voyage" ---------------------

THE VERY BEST OF THE VERY WORST BAD TV by Craig Nelson a Delta Book, Dell Publishing, NY,NY , 1995 $9.95 ISBN 0-385-31359-4

An honest, yet loving look at the shows we all remember. DarkShadows is featured as one of the Hall of Fame members. There isa photo of Jonathan/Barnabas showing his fangs (and the ring) featuredon the cover (!) along with - the Brady Bunch!

There is a wonderful photo inside, accompanying the article of Barnabas in full fang with Dr. Hoffman looking terrified/confused in the background.

There isn't a lot of DS material - but it's nice that it's there, andtell the truth - wouldn't you like to know who did the voice of Pugsleyin the Addams Family cartoon series? ------------------------

THE COMPLETE VAMPIRE COMPANION by Rosemary Ellen Guiley(find it yourself, if you insist...........)

The DS section is there - and I guess that's better than being ignored -but it is highly inaccurate and extremely patronizing. But if you must have everything that mentions DS - you'll need this one too.

It does have 4 photos - 3 from the 1991 series and one from 1966.

1) Ben Cross as Barnabas, full figure 19912) Jonathan Frid as Barnabas peering through the old house window3) The Old House , 1991

(even though the caption calls it Collinwood!)4) Barnabas bites Caroly, from the 1991 series

oh all right - I'll give you th e publishing data - but you've been warned!

MacMillan, NY, NY, 1994 ISBN 0-671-85024-5 $16.00 -----------------------------------

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* _Best of the World of Dark Shadows, The_ by Richard Robison, ed. ([pb] Imperial Press 1979; note: anthology)* _Dark Fires: Impressions from Dark Shadows_ by Edlyne Bond, ed. (Phantom Press 1980)* _TV Favorites_ by Linda Beech ([pb] Scholastic Book Service 1971) ( includes a section on DS)


SPECIAL QUENTIN POSTERS FROM DAVID SELBY David Selby is offering two different artwork posters for sale, to raise contributions for his favorite charities, including the Hollywood Children's Club and West Virginia University. A limited number is autographed by David. Each poster is only $10.00, plus $4.00 shipping per order. Send payment to: Mary Lesher; P.O. Box 565; Sparta, NJ 07871 If you'd like more details, including illustrations of the posters, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART XXVII. - DARK SHADOWS PRINTED MATERIAL: ENTERTAINMENT/FICTION----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- THE PAPERBACK NOVELS -----------------------

THE DARK SHADOWS SERIES by Marilyn Ross (Paperback Library)

01 Dark Shadows (12/66)02 Victoria Winters (3/67)03 Mystery at Collinwood (9/67)04 Strangers at Collins House (1/68)05 Curse of Collinwood (5/68)06 Barnabas Collins (11/68)07 The Secret of Barnabas Collins (1/69)08 The Demon of Barnabas Collins (4/69)09 The Foe of Barnabas Collins (7/69)10 The Phantom and Barnabas Collins (9/69)11 Barnabas Collins vs the Warlock (10/69)12 The Peril of Barnabas Collins (11/69)13 Barnabas Collins and the Mysterious Ghost (1/70)14 Barnabas Collins and Quentin's Demon (2/70)15 Barnabas Collins and the Gypsy Witch (3/70)16 Barnabas, Quentin and the Mummy's Curse (4/70)17 Barnabas, Quentin and the Avenging Ghost (5/70)18 Barnabas, Quentin and the Nightmare Assassin (6/70)19 Barnabas, Quentin and the Crystal Coffin (7/70)20 Barnabas, Quentin and the Witch's Curse (8/70)21 Barnabas, Quentin and the Haunted Cave (9/70)

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22 Barnabas, Quentin and the Frightened Bride (10/70)23 Barnabas, Quentin and the Scorpio Curse (11/70)24 Barnabas, Quentin and the Serpent (12/70)25 Barnabas, Quentin and the Magic Potion (1/71)26 Barnabas, Quentin and the Body Snatchers (2/71)27 Barnabas, Quentin and Dr. Jekyll's Son (4/71)28 Barnabas, Quentin and the Grave Robbers (6/71)29 Barnabas, Quentin and the Sea Ghost (8/71)30 Barnabas, Quentin and the Mad Magician (10/71)31 Barnabas, Quentin and the Hidden Tomb (12/71)32 Barnabas, Quentin and the Vampire Beauty (3/72)


NOTE: DS novels by Marilyn Ross for trade or sale -

If you'd like to track down some DS novels from the comfort of your terminal - try contacting Steve Houser at <[email protected]>. He has a monthly listing of books he has for trade or sale, and books that He is looking for.

--------------- GOLD KEY COMICS --------------- (Gold Key/Whitman 1968-76) 35 issues in series ( Prices are from the 10/94 Wizard Price Guide and are for comics in "Near Mint Condition" the comics originally sold for $ .15 each )

# 1 w/poster attached $ 150.00 # 1 w/o poster 60.00 # 2 90.00 # 3 w/poster attached 90.00 # 3 w/o poster 60.00 # 4 - 7 60.00 # 8 - 12 40.00 # 13 - 24 30.00 # 25 - 35 25.00

( The complete set of 35 would be worth in excess of $1250 without the posters and over $1400 with both poster issues )

DARK SHADOWS STORY DIGEST (Special w/photo cover) (Gold Key) 1970 = $50.00DARK SHADOWS - Giveaway Mini-comic - Whitman


# 2 - Photo of Jonathan Frid as Barnabas wearing his caped overcoat and cane, shying away from something. The caption reads "A missing body, an unknown motive, a hint of the supernatural - BARNABAS COLLINS!" Story is titled " The Fires of Darkness "

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# 3 - Return for Revenge, November, 1969 (with poster)

# 4 - The Man Who Could Not Die, February, 1970

# 7 - Photo of Jonathan Frid as Barnabas superimposed over a series of bat images. The caption reads " Terror Flies By Night " Story is titled " Wings of Fear "

# 8 - Cover painting shows Barnabas springing, larger than life, from his coffin to attack a young woman. There is an insert photo of Jonathan in the upper right. Story is titled " The Vampire Trap ", and brings Quentin to the comics.

# 9 - Cover painting shows Barnabas springing to attack a man in a cemetery, as a female ghost looks on. There is an insert photo of Jonathan in the upper right. Cover text reads " She who cannot rest, seeks a victim - Barnabas? Quentin? " Story is titled " Creatures in Torment "

#10 - Cover painting shows Barnabas, chained in a dungeon, being menaced by Termina, high priestess of voodoo and her zombie lackeys. There is an insert photo of Jonathan in the upper right. Cover text reads " Barnabas Collins! His earthly form enchained....His spirit enslaved!" Story is titled " Souls in Bondage "

#11 - Cover Painting shows Barnabas about to be attacked by a Golem. There is an insert photo of Jonathan in the upper right. Cover text reads "Look behind you, Barnabas - Your journey is at an end!" Story is titled " The Thirteenth Star "

#13 - Hell Fire, April, 1972#16 - The Scarab, October, 1972#24 - On Borrowed Blood, February, 1974#26 - The Witch Dolls, June, 1974#28 - The Visitor, October, 1974#33 - Quentin Collins, King of the Wolves, 1975#34 - Collinwood Possessed, November, 1975

-------------------------------- INNOVATION COMICS - DARK SHADOWS --------------------------------

Edited By David Campiti & Scott RockwellConsulting Editors: Jim Pierson & George Broderick, Jr.

BOOK ONE: 1 of 4 6/92 "Dark Shadows" Written by Scott Rockwell David Campiti Painted by E. Silas Smith Lettered by Vickie Williams

The cover painting " A Love Story Beyond Time " shows Barnabas embracing Vicki/Josette who is holding the music box. They stand in front of a full length portrait of the "original" Barnabas. The ghostly visage of Angelique pervades the background.

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BOOK ONE: 2 of 4 8/92 Same as I 1/4

The cover art shows the 18th century Barnabas, kneeling in a graveyard. Angelique, in a rather low cut undergarment, stands behind him and rests a hand on his shoulder. He holds the music box, she holds a pair of voodoo dolls. BOOK ONE: 3 of 4 11/92 Same as I 1/4

The cover art shows Barnabas and Dr. Hoffman being attacked by a throng of orcish creatures. In the background are the visages of Vincent and Lara Hoffman. (don't ask!)

BOOK ONE: 4 of 4 3/93 Same as I 1/4

The cover painting "Angelique's Revenge" shows (a lot of) Angelique, holding the music box. Swirling smoke from the music box contains the image of Barnabas, as a vampire.

NOTE: Innovation Publishing sold 2ft x 3ft poster versions of covers I:1/4 and I:4/4. ----------------------------------------BOOK TWO: 1 of 4 4/93 "Lost in Thought" $ 2.50 Written by Maggie Thompson Painted by Jose Pimentel Lettered by Vickie Williams

The cover features a brooding Barnabas with Collinwood and a full moon in the background and Vicki Winters in the arms of Nathan Fairfax in the foreground. "There's a new reason to fear the dark. TV's Barnabas Collins lives again!"

BOOK TWO: 2 of 4 5/93 Same as II 1/4 $ 2.50

The cover shows Barnabas (and cane) kneeling in the snow before a statue of Joshua Collins. The Grimm sisters, Allie and Thenno, are in the background. "An intimate stranger. The sisters next door. A Vampire's Obsession."

BOOK TWO: 3 of 4 6/93 Same as II 1/4 $ 2.50

This cover has Willie in the midst of a really bad dream. He sees Barnabas and the Grimm sisters, all showing fangs and on the attack!

BOOK TWO: 4 of 4 7/93 Same as II 1/4 $ 2.50

Strangest cover of the series. A Greco/Roman apotheosis, Barnabas, bare-chested, clutches Vicki, while the temple runs crimson and the Grimm sisters look on.

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--------------------------------------BOOK THREE: 1 of 4 11/93 "A Motion and A Spirit" $ 2.50 Written by Scott Rockwell Painted by Felipe Echevarria Lettered by Susan Dorne

The cover of this issue shows five tarot cards:

The Tower of Destruction (Collinwood) / Death (Sarah and David Collins)The Lovers (Barnabas and Vicki Winters) / The Devil (Angelique)The Fool (Willie Loomis)

and then INNOVATION went bankrupt!

The Innovation comics can be found at most Comic stores and prices range from $1.25 (50% of the cover price) to $3 each.

================================================================= PART XXVIIIa. - DARK SHADOWS AUDIO RECORDINGS================================================================="It can't be very dangerous. Music is seldom used to frighten" Barnabas

Compact Discs ($14.98) and Cassettes ($8.98) available: [RC= Robert Cobert] [CG = C. Grean]

-------------------------------------THE ORIGINAL MUSIC FROM DARK SHADOWS - Vol. ONE - CD8100

Features dramatic readings by Jonathan Frid and David Selby "I'll Be With You Always" "Quentin's Theme" "Josette's Theme" * * * * * * * * * * 1. Dark Shadows Theme/Collinwood [RC] (2:43) 2. I'll Be With You Always * [RC/CG] (2:23) 3. Josette's Theme [RC] (1:18) 4. A Darkness At Collinwood [RC] (3:23) 5. Meditations* [RC/CG] (2:28) 6. Night Of The Pentagram [RC] (2:42) 7. When I Am Dead * [RC/C. Rossetti] (1:41) 8. No. 1 At The Blue Whale [RC] (2:23) 9. Shadows Of The Night (Quentin's Theme) ** [RC/CG] (2:04)10. The Secret Room [RC] (2:28)11. Epitaph* [RC/C. Rossetti] (1:56)12. Seance [RC] (1:16)13. I, Barnabas * [RC/CG] (2:12)14. Back At The Blue Whale [RC] (2:09)15. The Old House [RC] (2:20)16. Epilogue * [RC/W. Shakespeare]/Dark Shadows [RC] (1:57)

* = Narrated by Jonathan Frid ** = Narrated by David Selby

Total Playing Time = 36:33

[ NOTE: The MUSIC VIDEOS tape credits the lyrics to "Meditations" to Lorin Grean ]-------------------------------------

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"Ode to Angelique" "Pansy's Theme" "The Dream Curse" "Playroom Theme" "Joanna" " Curse of the Full Moon" * * * * * * * * * * 1. Dark Shadows Opening Theme (:25) 2. Victoria Winters (1:35) 3. David Collins ( 1:31) 4. Laura The Phoenix (2:59) 5. Quentin's Theme (2:08) 6. Curse Of The Full Moon (1:33) 7. Josette's Room (3:09) 8. Dr. Julia Hoffman (1:33) 9. Roxanne Drew (1:54)10. The Dream Curse (1:01)11. Ode To Angelique (4:12)12. Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (1:54)13. Willie Loomis (1:45)14. The Playroom Theme (1:54)15. The Head Of Judah Zachery (1:41)16. Barnabas And Angelique (3:21)17. Pansy's Theme (1:54)18. The Hand Of Count Petofi (2:46)19. Joanna (1:50)20. I Ching Trance (3:29)21. Goodbye Collinwood (1:33)22. Eagle Hill Cemetery (1:46)*23. The Ghost Of Damion Edwards (1:47)*24. Widow's Hill (2:19)*25. Collins Mausoleum (1:43)*

* = CD Bonus Tracks

All Music By Robert Cobert

Total Playing Time = 52:46-------------------------------------


"Night of Terror" "Daphne's Ghost" "Elizabeth's Secret" "Romance at Collinwood" "Vicki & Peter" "Burke Devlin" "Josette's Doom" * * * * * * * * * * 1. Opening Themes I Dark Shadows II Collinwood (2:38) 2. I'll Be With You Always (2:44) 3. Josette's Music Box (:28) 4. Meditations (2:15) 5. When I Am Dead (1:38) 6. Quentin's Theme (2:04) 7. Epitaph (2:58) 8. I, Barnabas (3:22) 9. Epilogue (:47)10. Ode To Angelique (1:39)11. Elizabeth's Secret (1:28)

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12. Daphne's Ghost (1:34)13. Burke Devlin (1:42)14. Millicent Collins (1:30)15. Laura: Death By Fire (1:49)16. Vicki And Peter ( 1:30)17. Josette's Doom (1:42)18. The Courtyard (1:33)19. The Widows Wailing (1:41)20. Melanie And Kendrick (1:33)21. Dark Shadows At Collinwood (:51)22. 1970 Parallel Time (1:45)*23. Alexis Stokes (1:54)*24. Romance At Collinwood (1:32)*25. Night Of Terror (2:51)*26. Quentin's Theme (1:46)*

* = CD Bonus Tracks

All Music By Robert Cobert

Total Playing Time 49:44-----------------------------------


"Magda's Curse" "Adam & Eve" "Dancing at the Blue Whale" "Quentin's Stairway Into Time" "Danger at Collinwood" * * * * * * * * * * 1. Dark Shadows Theme (1:09) 2. Quentin's Stairway Into Time (2:19) 3. The Foundling Home (1:51) 4. Naomi's Suicide (1:29) 5. Carolyn Stoddard (1:38) 6. Laura's Scarab (1:02) 7. The Clock In The Foyer (2:40) 8. Vicki's Trial And Hanging (2:37) 9. Collinsport Maine (1:34)10 Adam And Eve At Blair House (1:02)11. The Transformation: Cyrus Longworth/John Yaeger (3:25)12. Dancing At The Blue Whale (2:17)13. Magda's Curse (1:24)14. Joe Haskell (1:54)15. The Tower Room (1:17)16. Sarah Collins (:44)17. The Leviathans (2:02)18. Catherine And Morgan (1:46)19. Pansy Faye Mentalist (2:21)20. The Reverend Trask (1:55)21. Samantha's Sorrow (3:24)22. The Room In Parallel Time (1:41)23. Windcliff Sanitarium (1:54)24. Danger At Collinwood (2:08)25. Quentin's Theme (2:05)*26. The Amazing Pansy Faye (1:29)*27. Pansy's Encore (1:05)*28. Ode To Angelique (2:24)*

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* = CD Bonus Tracks

All Music By Robert Cobert

Total Playing Time = 53:43-------------------------------------

NOBODY CARES ABOUT LANGLEY = LOUIS EDMONDS (CD) A DYNAMIC ARTISTS RELEASE (1993) (DA-ID) PART ONE-LIVE CABARET ===================== DON'T TELL ME L. Edmonds/Music & Lyrics 1:30 THIS YEAR'S KISSES I. Berlin/Music & Lyrics 2:10 YOU ALL I KNOW L. Edmonds/Music & Lyrics 3:30 LUCK BE A LADY F. Loesser/Music & Lyrics 1:40 WHAT ARE YOU DOING THE REST OF YOUR LIFE 2:40 M. Legrand/Music * A. Bergman and M. Bergman/Lyrics NOBODY CARES ABOUT LANGLEY L. Edmonds/Music & Lyrics 3:45 MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY J. Styne/Music 2:25 A. Green and B. Comden/Lyrics THERE BUT FOR YOU GO I A. J. Lerner and F. Lowe /Music & Lyrics 2:20 PART TWO ========== LOST L. Pockress/Music * A. Croswell/Lyrics 2:50 A SIMPLE GIRL J. Jennings/Music * A. Croswell/Lyrics 3:25 DOING THINGS FOR HIM G. Shelley/Music & Lyrics 2:35 SHE WILL CALL AGAIN G. Shelley/Music & Lyrics 2:35 HOW DO YOU KEEP THE MUSIC PLAYING M. Legrand/Music 3:45 A. Bergman & M. Bergman/Lyrics CLOWN TOWN G. Shelley/Music & Lyrics 2:00 WHERE IS LOVE L. Bart/Music & Lyrics 2:20 Musical Direction by Richard Danley TECHNICAL CREDITS: - Original Live Cabaret Recording by Dennis A. Baker and Brad Berlin at the Madison Towers Hotel, NYC, March 30, 1990 - Analog to Digital Soundtrack Transfer = Rich Cutler/ Magno Sound and Video, NYC - Digital Sound Editing and Effects by Evan Richey/The Place, NYC - CD Mastering and Production/Audio Mixers, Inc., NYC - Produced by Dynamic Artists, NYC / All Righs Reserved

Dark Shadows Merchandise Now Available Or Available In The Near Future:

30th Anniversary CD - includes rare singles and unreleased tracks - due May 1996

HODS/NODS Soundtrack - single CD w/ booklet - Rhino - due 4-23-96

Page 307: Dark Shadows FAQ

Josette's Music Box - replica of original (long awaited this new version should be ready by the 1996 Fest)

================================================================= PART XXVIIIb.- DARK SHADOWS LYRICS=================================================================----------------QUENTIN'S THEME: ----------------(Lyrics first used in 1897 sequence = Charity Trask's Dream)

Shadows of the night, falling silently.Echo of the past, calling you to me.Haunting memory, veiled in misty glow.Phantom melody, playing soft and low.In this world that we know now, life is here, then gone.But somewhere, in the afterglow,love lives on and on.Dreams of long ago, meet in rendezvous.Shadows of the night, calling me to you.Calling me to you............

------------BARNABAS #1:------------Midnight.A hush falls through the melancholy halls of Collinwood.A solemn moon casts dark shadows over the placid stillness of the old mansion.I, Barnabas, lie in deep sleep on my bed of purple velvet.Asleep, but awake to your thoughts, your feelings, your desires. Alone, but cradled by the presence of your mind.I hear your call. I feel your yearning.I know that you want me. I know that you need me.The oppressing weight of long lost time lies heavily upon me.The deepening gloom that covers me, binds me in my sepulcher.I hear your call. I feel your yearning.I must go to you.I struggle to free the invisible chains that bind me.I search in the embalmed darkness for a nebulous light that will lead me to you.I hear your call. I feel your yearning.I am with you.

------------BARNABAS #2:------------I'll be with you always, ever, forever.I'll always be near you, though far away.With my love beside you, you won't be lonely.We'll meet again dear, some distant day.So don't be afraid of the future unknown.For I am at your side. You are never alone.I'll be with you always, ever together.

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Eternally bonded, never apart.Always,Never apart.Always........................Never apart.

----------------------------------------------------------------PANSY'S SONG (sung by Pansy Faye and the possessed Charity Trask)----------------------------------------------------------------

I'm gonna dance for youGonna dance your cares awayI'll do the hootchie-cooAnd ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ayI'll sing an 'appy songAnd we'll dance the 'ole night longWhen the music begins, I'll give you some spinsI'll even invent a step or twoSo on with the showYou'll love it, I knowOh I'm gonna dance for you

-----------------------------CAROLYN'S SONG (Leticia Faye)-----------------------------I want to dance with you.Want to dance my cares away.I'll be so close to you.In your arms I'll always stay.Our hearts will beat in tune to the rhythm of our love.Though it's been said that life is a song,so why don't we both just dance along.Around and around together we two.I want to dance with you.

================================================================= PART XXVIIIc.- QUENTIN'S THEME - ROL (SOUNDBLASTER/ADLIB)=================================================================Subj: Quentin's ROL Date: 94-02-06 11:02:21 ESTFrom: [email protected]

appended is QUENTIN.UUE. The unencoded filecontains a playable ROL file of Quentin's Theme.

This is a "uuencoded" form of the original file. You see, when mail goes out on the Internet most of the systems that have to pass on the mail will choke on any files that have bytes in them that have the high bit set unless it's being used for parity. In other words, they only respect the low seven bits. This means you should only send printable characters and control characters. Because binary files are probably split 50-50 on this it's necessary to convert the binary code into something consisting of only printable characters. For this you subject your binary code/data to a uuencoding program and it spits out an ASCII file. When the recipient gets the file he/she must

Page 309: Dark Shadows FAQ

subject it to the reverse process of "uudecoding" and reconverting it to the original binary file. The uuencoded file also contains the name of the original file and this is used to restore it to it's original name.

Normally what you would do would be to cut out the part I sent and name it something like "QUENTIN.UUE" then feed it to your uudecoder. Check your local bulletin boards for a uupackage. (Ie: extract32, available through AOL or UU520.ZIP)

(It really is worth the effort, your computer can bekon Quentin's Ghost by playing his favorite piece)

=============================================================================Date: 94-02-06 11:02:21 EST From: [email protected] bob=============================================================================---8<----snippity----snippity---snip----8<-----section 1 of uuencode 5.22 of file quentin.rol by R.E.M.

begin 644 quentin.rolM```$`%QR;VQL7&1E9F%U;'0````````````````````````````````````(M``,`,``X````8`9@!F`&,`9(!F`&``````````````$``0`!``$``0`!``$`M`0`!``$``0`2`!(`$@`2`!,`$@`!``$``0`!``$``0`!``$``0`!``$``0`!M``$``0`!``(`````````````````````````````````````````````````M``!496UP;P!G*2Q#+$,L0T8``/!"`@``````@#_P!69F9C]6;VEX("`P`(H`MA0!&-,M@!DH`&`!&`!``1@`(`$8`&`!%`!@`2``8`$4`$`!%``@`1@`8`$8`M&`!*`!@`1P`0`$<`"`!(`#``2``8`$4`$`!%``@`1@`8`#\`"``_``@`/P`(M````"``^`!`````(`#H`&``W``@`.@`(`#D`"``W``@`.0`(````"``\`!``M/@`0`#P`"``Z`#`````(`#X`$`````@`-P`0````"``\``@`.@`(`#D`&```M``@`/``0````"``Y`!``.@`P````"``Z`!`````(`#D`$`````@`-0`0`#X`M&`````@`-0`(`#4`"`````@`-0`(`#0`"``U``@`-P`(#4`&````!``.@`0M````"``Y`!`````(`#4`$`````@`.0`(`#@`"``W``@`.@`(`#<`"``Y`!``M/``(`#H`*````!``/@`0````"``Z`!@`-P`(`#H`"``Y``@`-P`(`#D`"```M``@`/``0`#X`$``\``@````(`#4`"``Y``@`-P`(`#4`"``W``@````(`#X`M$`````@`-P`0````"``\``@`.@`(`#D`&`````@`/``0````"``Y`!``.@`@M````$P!(`"T`2@`P`%1I;6)R92`@,`!6;VEX(`$```!F;'5T90``````!@!6M;VQU;64@(#``5&EM8G(2``````!`/VT!7(]"/W0!N!Y%/WH!%:Y'/WT!<3U*M/X`!S<Q,/^L"<3U*/^\"%:Y'/_0"N!Y%/_D"7(]"/_\"``!`/T`$7(]"/T@$M%:Y'/U`$S<Q,/UP$N!Y%/V@$``!`/W0$N!Y%/X`$S<Q,/U!I=&-H("`P``!4M:6UB<@$``````(`_5F]I>"`@,0"*`(4`1C3+8`8```$`30`7`````0!*``\`M```!`$P`!P````$`2P`O`````0!+`!<````!`$L`#P````$`2P`'`````0!*M`"\````!`$T`%P````$`2@`/`````0!*``<````!`$L`+P````$`2P`6````M`@!+``\````!`$L`!P````$`2@`7`$$`!`!#``0`10`$`$8`!`!(``0`20`$M`$H`$`!&``@`00`0`$``"``_`#``2``0`$4`"`!!`!``/P`(`#X`,`!*`!``M1@`(````"``[`!``/P`H````$``_`!`````(`#\`$``^`#``/P`0`$,`"`!!M`!``/P`(`#X`$``Z``@`00`8````"``Y``@`.@`(````"``Y``@`.0`(`#H`M*`````@`/P`0`$,`"`!!`!``/P`(`#X`$``Z``@`/@`8`#P`$``[``@`/``0M`#\`"``^`"@````0`$$`$`!!`!``0``(`#\`,`````@`/P`0`$$`$``_``@`M.@`P````"`!!`!`````(`#L`$``_`#`````(`#\`$`````@`/P`0`#X`(```M`!0`30`,`%$`"`!-`!``40`(`````0!-`"\`5&EM8G)E("`Q`%9O:7@@`0``M`&9L=71E```````&`%9O;'5M92`@,0!4:6UB<A(``````$`_;0%<CT(_=`&XM'D4_>0$5KD<_?`%Q/4H_@`'-S$P_ZP)Q/4H_[P(5KD<_]0*X'D4_^0)<CT(_M``,``$`_0`1<CT(_2`05KD<_4`3-S$P_7`2X'D4_:`0``$`_=`2X'D4_@`3-MS$P_4&ET8V@@(#$``%1I;6)R`0```.M1>#]6;VEX("`R`(H`A0!&-,M@!@``M`@!2`!8````"`$T`#@```#H`40`.`%$`"`````(`30`.````.@!2``X`4@`(M`````@!-``X````Z`%$`#@!1``@````"`$T`#@````(`30`&`````@!-`!8`M```0`$4`"`````@`00`0````@``U``@`.0`(`#<`"``U``@`-P`(````"`!!M`!``00`0`#X`"````#``2``0`$4`"`!!`!``10`(`$$`,`!#`!``1@`(`$4`

Page 310: Dark Shadows FAQ

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=================================================================PART XXIX. - ADDRESSES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION/PARTICIPATION

Page 311: Dark Shadows FAQ

=================================================================To contact DS stars, cast and production crew:

Dan Curtis Productions; 10000 West Washington; Suite 3014 Culver City, CA 90232

Jonathan Frid; c/o Clunes Associates; 15 West 72nd St.; Suite 5R New York, NY 10023

Pomegranate Press, Ltd.; PO Box 17217; Beverly Hills, CA; 90209-3209 (Kathryn Leigh Scott's Publishing enterprise)


MPI HOME VIDEO; 15825 Rob Roy Drive; Oak Forest, Illinois 60452 1-800-323-0442 (free Dark Shadows Catalog) -------------------

Dark Shadows; PO Box 92; Maplewood, NJ 07040 (For Info on the annual Dark Shadows Festival and fan club info) -------------------

SHADOWGRAM; Marcy Robin; 9441 La Rosa Drive; Temple City, CA 91780-3840 (For newsletter and fanzine information) --------------------

Kathleen Resch; P.O. Box 1766; Temple City, California, 91780. (For plot summaries/concordances) --------------------

Dale Clark; 11518 Desdemona Drive; Dallas, TX 75228 (for The Dark Shadows Book Of Q&A or Inside The Old House-fanzine ) -------------------- IMAGINE, INC.; PO BOX 9674; Dept D; PGH, PA 15226 (1-800-926-6653)(According to DS Festival, they are no longer in business 1/1/95)

18x24 print of the Barnabas Portrait $29.95 signed 18x24 print of the Barnabas Portrait $49.95 62 card regular trading cards $14.95 62 card deluxe edition(w/ 3 autographs) $29.95 Box of 36 card packs (5 cards per pack) $69.95

=============================================================== PART XXX. - DARK SHADOWS AND THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY===============================================================

A). AMERICA ONLINE (AOL) - FORUM = Science Fiction & Fantasy KEYWORD ( Ctrl K) = SciFi then double click on Folder = Science Fiction Forum then double click on Folder = SF TV and Film Boards then double click on = Vintage Television Shows

and there among the 50 folders you will find

Dark Shadows 9 (soon to become Dark Shadows 10) (you'll also see one or two older DS Folders (7 & 8) as well as the repository of the daily episode updates)

Page 312: Dark Shadows FAQ

Hope that helps - com on down y'all

The Collinsport Star is the online newsletter of this active and engaging group which forms the nucleus of the Dark Shadows Online Fan Club on AmericaOnline. Frequent postings and a genial group make this board a friendly,informative and enjoyable stop along the Electronic Super Highway (What agrotesque term). Why not stop by and visit? Real Time Chats are held monthly,usually at 9:00 p.m. (ET) on the 13th of the month. Check the Folder orcontact Shebastorm to find out the keyword/room name of the month.

There have also been a series of weekly Sunday evening chats from 10:00 to 11:00 P.M. - the keyword/room name is "dark shadows" and theroom host is AOL member Quentcol.

They can also point you in the direction of a large selection of DS imagesand sound bites on file in the AOL Libraries as well as past issues of the Collinsport Star, episode guides and chat logs past.

Judy Phillips (AOL member JudyP5000) Folder Founder;Teri Darcy (AOL member Shebastorm) handles chats, updates and netiquette;Chris Elliott (AOL member BenJack101) Former Newsletter Editor;Susan Willard (AOL member SWILLARD); Liz McGillicuddy (AOL member Liz McG);Alane S. Megna (AOL member LoisAlane); Carla Keehn (AOL member CJKEEHN); Cathy Vocke (AOL member MadScntst); Dave Baumeister (AOL member DaBaum); Fracesca Poli (AOL member Teopista); Gregg Schoenberg (AOL member Dene); Jack McMullan (AOL member Hobbitton); Jane Harris (AOL member Jane Bob); Jonah J. Barrett (AOL member JonahsTale); Kricket Wood (AOL member KricketW);Martin Davenport (AOL member MDavnprt); Martin Derose (AOL member MartyD5493);Mary Eno (AOL member MIEno); Roy-Alan Hansen (AOL member DSLurker);(AOL member KayRand); Timothy Choate (AOL member TChoate1);Trudi Rosenblum (AOL member TrudiRose); (AOL member Windigate);Stewart Petrovich (AOL Member Quentncol); (AOL member ANGEL 56);Kathy Beyers (AOL Member KALABE); (AOL member RHIANNON T);Bobbi Martin (AOL Member Oblbobl); (AOL member SCPandich);Reed Waller (AOL member ReedVern); Susan Winters (AOL member SWinters1);Jim Hunter (JRH60); (AOL Member Windigate) and others...... ------------------------

DARK SHADOWS RELATED FILES ARCHIVED ON AMERICA ONLINE-----------------------------------------------------These files are available in the TV Gossip Archives #2Use Keyword: TV GossipThe dates given are the posting dates to facilitate retrievalthe archive #2 is almost entirely Quantum Leap and Dark Shadowsmaterial (the two most active groups in AOL SciFidom) and you mayneed to wade through alot of QL to get to the DS material(Which is why I've listed the posting dates, for reference)

=========================================================================DARK SHADOWS GIFs AND OTHER IMAGES------------------------------------------

03/16/94 Angeyes [MadScntst] Lara Parker batting those great big Angelique eyes03/16/94 Wolfie [MadScntst] Alex Stevens as the werewolf

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03/16/94 logo [MadScntst] logo superimposed on the Collinwood estate03/16/94 Crazyjen [MadScntst] Marie Wallace as Crazy Jenny Collins03/16/94 Petofi [MadScntst] Thayer David as Count Petofi 03/17/94 Qmuttons [MadScntst] David Selby as Quentin Collins complete with muttonchops. Quentin looks to be in a pensive mood.03/17/94 Daphne [MadScntst] Kate Jackson as Daphne, looking particularly ghost-like.03/17/94 Barnabas and Maggie [MadScntst] Barnabas (Jonathan Frid) and Maggie (Kathryn Leigh Scott) in an affectionate moment. 03/17/94 Barnabas with fangs [MadScntst] Barnabas Collins (Jonathan Frid) looking through a window and baring his vampire fangs at the world.10/22/94 MaggieFangs [CathyV7777] Kathryn Leigh Scott (as Maggie Evans) from the series DS. Maggie's in vampire mode.10/22/94 DavidCollins [CathyV7777] David Henesy (as David Collins) from HODS. David is playing a prank by pretending to be "hung" in a closet10/22/94 Amy,Quentin [CathyV7777] David Selby (as Quentin Collins) and Denise Nickerson (as Amy Collins) from the 1970PT storyline of DS10/21/94 Selby,Parker [CathyV7777] David Selby and Lara Parker from NODS. 10/21/94 Barnabas2 [CathyV7777] Barnabas Collins (played by Jonathan Frid). Barnabas is standing in front of a portrait of himself10/21/94 Barnabas1 [CathyV7777] Barnabas Collins (played by Jonathan Frid) Barnabas has his fangs bared and his cane in view.09/22/94 Convention collage [LoisAlane] a collage of pictures from the DS convention held this past summer. It has stars from the old series as well as the '91 revival.09/22/94 Jonathan Frid [LoisAlane] 1987 Jonathan Frid, Barnabas Collins in the daytime serial DS.09/11/94 Longsworth [LoisAlane] Cyrus Longworth (Christopher Pennock).09/11/94 Bruno [LoisAlane] Bruno (Michael Stroka).09/11/94 Quentin & Amy [LoisAlane] Quentin and Amy from the daytime serial DS, (David Selby and Denise Nickerson).08/03/94 David Selby at 94 DS Fest #3 [Liz McG] David Selby at the 94 DS Convention in LA08/03/94 David Selby at 94 DS Fest #2 [Liz McG] David Selby at the 94 DS Convention in LA08/03/94 David Selby at 94 DS Fest #1 [Liz McG] David Selby taken at the autograph table at the 94 DS Convention in LA, 31 July, 1994.07/27/94 Frid/Parker DS Fest 93 [Liz McG] An interesting shot of Jonathan Frid and

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Lara Parker onstage at the 93 DS Fest.07/27/94 Frid DS Fest 93 [Liz McG] Jonathan Frid onstage answering fan questions at the 93 DS Fest.07/06/94 Clarice Blackburn [LoisAlane] Clarice Blackburn (Abigail Collins)07/06/94 Parker-Scott Convention [LoisAlane] Lara Parker and Kathryn Leigh Scott, two stars of the daytime serial DS, at a convention for fans of the series.07/06/94 DS Convention Group [LoisAlane] group picture of some of the stars of the daytime serial DS, at a convention for fans of the series.07/06/94 New DS Barnabas [LoisAlane] Barnabas Collins (Ben Cross) from the DS revival TV series after he is unable to control his bloodlust.07/06/94 New DS Barnabas-Victoria [LoisAlane] Barnabas Collins and Victoria Winters, along with Josette's music box from the DS revival TV series.07/06/94 New DS Collins Cast [LoisAlane] cast photo of those residing in the Collins estate from the DS revival TV series.06/28/94 DS Rehearsal I [LoisAlane] a rehearsal of the daytime serial DS, during the 1897 storyline.06/28/94 DS Rehearsal II [LoisAlane] a rehearsal of the daytime serial DS, featuring an ABC camera and Jonathan Frid in sneakers.06/28/94 HODS Barnabas Staked [LoisAlane] Barnabas Collins getting his dues in HODS06/28/94 HODS Poster [LoisAlane] movie poster used to advertise HODS06/28/94 Josette's Music Box [LoisAlane] Josette's music box as featured in HODS06/28/94 NODS Angelique [LoisAlane] the witch Angelique in her boudior, NODS06/28/94 NODS Quentin [LoisAlane] Quentin in deep thought from NODS06/28/94 NODS Poster [LoisAlane] movie poster used to advertise NODS06/24/94 Angelique [LoisAlane] portrait of Angelique Bouchard 06/23/94 Maggie-Barnabas [LoisAlane] Barnabas Collins preparing to make a bride out of Maggie Evans with a portrait of his beloved Josette in the background in the daytime serial DS.06/22/94 Mitchell Ryan (Burke) [LoisAlane] Mitchell Ryan, Burke Devlin/Jeremiah Collins, both men who tried to take women Barnabas Collins loved in the daytime serial DS.06/22/94 Roger-Cassandra-Barnabas [LoisAlane] Roger Collins having a discussion with Barnabas Collins while Roger's wife Cassandra (who bears a striking resemblance to the witch Angelique with a black wig) looks on in the daytime serial DS.

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06/22/94 Barnabas-Julia-Adam [LoisAlane] Dr. Julia Hoffman and the man-made creature Adam getting to know one another better at Barnabas Collins' urging in the daytime serial DS.06/21/94 Marie Wallace (Megan) [LoisAlane] Marie Wallace, Megan Todd, Leviathan guardian, in the daytime serial DS. 06/21/94 Lisa Richards (Sabrina) [LoisAlane] Lisa Richards (Sabrina Stuart) 06/21/94 Dennis Patrick (Paul) [LoisAlane] Dennis Patrick (Paul Stoddard)06/21/94 18th Century Barnabas Portrait [LoisAlane] reproduction of the 18th Century portrait of Barnabas Collins featured in the movie HODS and copied from the original series portrait.06/05/94 Alexandra Moltke & Friends [LoisAlane] Alexandra Moltke, Victoria Winters, along with other characters from the "Adam" storyline of the daytime serial DS.06/05/94 Jonathan Frid Portrait [LoisAlane] full-length portrait of Jonathan Frid, who played the vampire Barnabas Collins on the daytime serial DS.05/31/94 Grayson, Nancy, & head [LoisAlane] Grayson Hall and Nancy Barrett as Dr. Julia Hoffman and Leticia Faye, respectively, (and Judah Zachery's head) from the 1840 storyline of the daytime serial DS.05/31/94 Jerry Lacy & Joan Bennett [LoisAlane] Jerry Lacy and Joan Bennett as the Rev. Gregory Trask and Judith Collins Trask from the 1897 storyline of the daytime serial DS.05/24/94 David Henesy [LoisAlane] David Henesy (David Collins)05/24/94 Thayer David [LoisAlane] Thayer David (Professor T. Eliot Stokes) 05/23/94 Kathryn Leigh Scott [LoisAlane] Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie Evans) 05/23/94 Collinwood Estate [LoisAlane] the house featured as the Collinwood estate 05/18/94 Roger Davis [LoisAlane] B&W/ Roger Davis (Jeff Clark) 05/17/94 Michael Stroka [LoisAlane] Michael Stroka, Aristede in the 1897 storyline 05/17/94 Alexandra Moltke [LoisAlane] B&W/ Alexandra Moltke (Victoria Winters) 05/14/94 Louis Edmonds & Joan Bennett [LoisAlane] Roger Collins and Elizabeth Collins Stoddard.05/14/94 Lara Parker [LoisAlane] Angelique Bouchard.05/14/94 Grayson Hall [LoisAlane] Dr. Julia Hoffman.05/11/94 Jonathan Frid [LoisAlane] B&W/ Jonathan Frid portraying Barnabas Collins05/05/94 David Selby [LoisAlane] picture of David Selby, who portrayed Quentin Collins in the TV Gothic soap opera DS.

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08/03/95 barnbook.gif [Dr.JuliaH] this is a bookmark depicting Barnabas Collins, to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Dark Shadows (1966 to 1996).08/03/95 cwoodmdl.gif [Dr.JuliaH] This is a model of Collinwood, as displayed at a Dark Shadows Festival in Newark, NJ in 1984.08/03/95 groupmem.gif [Dr.JuliaH] This is a group shot of Dark Shadows Fest-goers Roger Davis, Lara Parker, Robert Rodan, Diana Milay, Terry Crawford, Donna Wandrey, Jonathan Frid, John Karlen, Marie Wallace and Dennis Patrick. From Los Angeles 1991.08/03/95 selbywal.gif [Dr.JuliaH] "Quentin Collins" and "Crazy Jenny Collins" (David Selby and Marie Wallace) attend a Dark Shadows Fan Club Luncheon in L.A. in 1989.

02/05/96 Matthew's cottage [Miniuteman] Matthew Morgan's Cottage. The door on the left was the entrance to the caretakers quarters at Collinwood. Actually, an entrance to the Visitor's Center (Stables) at Lyndhurst, in Tarrytown, NY.

11/18/95 Dark Shadows Fest Collage Gif#2 [Madscntst] This is another black and white collage of Dark Shadows cast members at the 1995 Dark Shadows Festival in NYC, 8/18-20/95. Featured stars are: Chris Pennock (Jeb, Cyrus, et al.); Michael Stroka (Aristede, Bruno, Lazlo); Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie, Josette, et al.); Conard Fowkes (Frank Garner); Denise Nickerson (Amy, Nora); Sharon Smyth Lentz (Sarah Collins)

09/08/95 Dark Shadows Fest collage GIF [MadScntst] This is a black and white collage of Dark Shadows cast members at the 1995 Dark Shadows Festival in NYC, 8/18-20/95. Featured stars are: From the 1991 series: Barbara Steele (Dr. Hoffman) From the 1966-1971 series: Chris Pennock (Jeb, Cyrus, et al.); Denise Nickerson (Amy, Nora); Louis Edmonds (Roger, Joshua, et al.); Diana Millay (Laura); Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie, Josette, et al.); Michael Stroka (Aristede, Bruno, Lazlo); and Lara Parker (Angelique)

08/28/95 Dark Shadows Fest KLS JPEG [MadScntst] This is a color JPEG of Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie Evans) at the 1995 Dark Shadows Festival.

08/28/95 Dark Shadows Fest Louis E. JPEG [MadScntst] This is a color JPEG of Louis Edmonds (Roger Collins) at the 1995 Dark Shadows Festival.

08/28/95 Dark Shadows group picture [AlaneMegna] This is a color jpeg of : Nicholas (Humbert Allen Astredo), Adam (Robert Rodan), Cassandra (Lara Parker), and Barnabas (Jonathan Frid).

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08/28/95 Roxanne & Barnabas [AlaneMegna] This is a color jpeg of an ABC promo of Roxanne Drew (Donna Wandrey) and Barnabas (Jonathan Frid)

08/17/95 Joe&Maggie color JPG [TonyJM] This is a color JPG of Joe Haskell (Joel Crothers) and Maggie Evans (Kathryn Leigh Scott)

08/17/95 Quentin Collins color JPG [TonyJM] This is a color JPG of Quentin Collins (David Selby)

08/17/95 DS 30th Anniv. color JPG [TonyJM] This is a color JPG 30th anniversary portrait of three of the main characters

-------------------------------DARK SHADOWS RELATED TEXT FILES:-------------------------------05/31/94 DS Newsletter #1 [BenJack101]File: DSNEWS.ZIP (47304 bytes)

The first issue of THE COLLINSPORT STAR, AOL's unofficialDS fan club newsletter.

This issue contains original fiction, poetry, essays, and news about DS.-------------------------------05/31/94 DS Newsletter #2 [BenJack101]File: DSNEWS2.ZIP (45889 bytes)

This is the 2nd issue of THE COLLINSPORT STAR. The newsletterof the unofficial fan club of DS on AOL.

As always this issue contains original fiction, poetry and news.--------------------------------------------------------------THE EPISODE UPDATES/SUMMARIES ------------------------------- All DS updates (episode summaries) that have been written for AOL, through episode 300 are available in TV Gossip Archive #2. (Keyword: TV Gossip, then to Archive #2). Updates for episodes596-1245, with a few additional earlier episodes and others missing,were written during the first run of DS on SFC, and those for eps 1-300 were written during the current run. Update writers include Liz McG, John Wainwright, BenJack101/ BenJackson, Judy P5000/ Judy A P, LoisAlane/ LoisAl/ TonyJM/ AlaneMegna,SWILLARD, Shebastorm/ SadieShado/ ShebaSturm, Kricket W, GABLECLARK,GylaP, Kayrand, CJKEEHN, MIEno, CathyV7777/ MadScntst/ DrJuliaH, andothers. All files are zipped and require either a recent AOL v. for Mac orPKUnzip for PCs (available in the software libes). Some of the filesare all the way at the bottom of the list; to get them, just keepclicking on "More", and scroll past all the Quantum Leap and DS filesuntil you can't go any further! The following is a complete list of update files, and the some ofthe highlights from their storylines:

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DS Episodes Updates #9) 07/25 Dark Shadows updates 1-100 (very endof list) Episodes 1-100. Includes Victoria Winters' arrival at Collinwoodthrough the sightings of the ghosts of Josette and Bill Malloy.---Vicki meets some interesting people on a train, in a coffee shop, and at an estate called Collinwood---Young David Collins learns how to be a car mechanic---Carolyn shamelessly chases a man---Thoughtless ghost drips gooey seaweed all over a nice floor---Vicki finds a fountain pen-------------------------------------------------

08/12/95 Dark Shadows updates 101-200 [DrJuliaH]

Episodes 101-200. Includes the resolution of Bill Malloy's death through the arrivals of Jason McGuire and Willie Loomis.---Vicki isn't paranoid but someone is out to get her!---Vicki and Matthew share a cozy hideaway, but Matthew's heart isn't up to it---Sam plays with fire, while Liz finds a more "sedate" life---The gang learns the fine art of gravedigging---Laura Collins just burns everyone up---A pillar of society, Jason McGuire, arrives to court Liz-------------------------------

11/18/95 Dark Shadows updates 201-300 [MagdaRcosi]

Episodes 201-300. Includes Barnabas' and Julia's arrivals at Collinwood.--Willie searches for riches and gets... something else--Barnabas takes a "bite" out of crime--Jason courts Liz--My name is Josette Collins... no, my name is Maggie Evans... --London Bridge is falling down--Take the key and lock her up--Liz realizes she shouldn't have been so much of a "homebody"--Julia administers her first sedative--The Dark Shadows go color!-------------------------------

01/18/96 Dark Shadows updates 301-400 [MadScntst]

Episodes 301 to 400. Includes Vicki's engagement to Burke through Jeremiah' death in 1795.--London Bridge is still falling down!--Barnabas wants to stop a wedding--Barnabas feels his age--Vicki attends one too many seances--In 1795, Angelique Bouchard makes her grand entrance--Joshua gets catty--Barnabas stops a marriage--Abigail, Natalie and Rev. Trask go witch hunting-------------------------------

06/08/94 DS Episodes Updates #1 [BenJack101]

Page 319: Dark Shadows FAQ

Here is the first set of episode updates of the popular series DS that have been posted on America Online since November 1993 corresponding with their transmission off of the Sci-Fi Channel.

This set includes the "test updates" posts of episodes 478-481, 566-571, 588-589.

The set also has updates beginning with episode 596 (November 16, 1993) and going thru episode 621 (December 10, 1993).-------------------------------

07/17/94 DS Episodes Updates # 2 [BenJack101]File: DSUPDT2.ZIP (46017 bytes)

This is the second of a series of episode updates of the show DS corresponding with their transmition on The Sci-Fi Channel.

Episodes 622-683 as posted on the DS BULLETIN BOARD on AMERICA ONLINE from December 13, 1993-January 21, 1994 (updates for Episodes 637-638 and 647-648 were never posted)-------------------------------

DS Episodes Updates #3) 07/25 Dark Shadows updates 684-800(very end of list) Episodes 684-691, 694-715, 718-725, 728-800. Otherepisodes were never posted, to the editor's knowledge. Thanks to BenJacksnfor assistance. Includes the beginning of the 1897 storyline, through the arrival of Victor Fenn-Gibbons, aka Count Petofi.---Sabrina Stuart remembers a hair-raising experience---Barnabas I Chings back in time to meet Cousin Quentin---Crazy Jennie plays with her dolls---Quentin dies, becomes a zombie and then a werewolf-- some guys just can't get a break!---Fiery Laura Collins comes to town---Pansy Faye is gonna dance for you---Magda gets a very big hand---Aristede's pendulum hits below the belt!-------------------------------

DS Episodes Updates #4) 07/25 Dark Shadows updates 801-900 (very end of list) Episodes 801-835; 840-900. Episodes 836-839 were never posted. Includes the resolution of the 1897 storyline through the beginning of the Leviathans.---Count Petofi needs a hand---Jamison grows up, and Edward learns his place---Tate paints some interesting portraits---Quentin and Petofi are not themselves---Barnabas, Julia and Angelique pull a switcheroo---Barnabas joins a new club with Megan, Philip and David-----------------------------------

08/22/95 Dark Shadows updates 901-1000 [DrJuliaH]

Episodes 901-990,993-1000. Episodes 991-992 were not posted. Includes the Leviathan storyline through the beginning of 1970 Parallel Time.---Barnabas runs into a Quentin lookalike---Jeb Hawkes grows up fast

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---Olivia Corey races against time---Jeb is afraid of his own shadow---Something's not quite the same in the East Wing---Cyrus develops a drinking problem-------------------------------

08/22/95 Dark Shadows updates 1001-1100 [DrJuliaH]

Episodes 1001-1100. Includes 1970 Parallel Time, 1995, and the beginning of the Gerard/Daphne storyline.---Sisters Angelique and Alexis have a squabble---Maggie and Quentin undergo marital problems---Stokes has done a "body" of scientific experiments---The future is now and it doesn't look very bright-- everyone dies or goes bonkers---David and Hallie find some ghostly playmates-------------------------------

11/18/95 Dark Shadows updates 1101-1175 [MagdaRcosi]

Episodes 1101-1175. Includes the Gerard/Daphne 1970 storyline and 1840.---Barnabas falls for one of his own kind---Maggie finally gets out of this loony bin (or gets into one)---Julia uses not just any staircase and ends up further away than she thought---Barnabas becomes himself again---Judah Zachery loses his head---Daphne sticks up for her sister---The Trial of the (17th) Century takes place-------------------------------

11/18/95 Dark Shadows updates 1176-1245 [MagdaRcosi]

Episodes 1176-1245. Includes the conclusion of 1840 and 1841 Parallel Time (through end of series).---The Trial of the (19th) Century takes place---Stokes climbs some stairs---Barnabas finds, and loses, true love---Things are normal for a change in the present---Bramwell and Catherine carry on---Everyone goes nuts for a night in a dusty old locked room---All's well that ends well!!!

--------------------------------------------------------------This is also where the DS FAQ is located - but since you are reading it -you already have it!--------------------------------------------------------------

DARK SESSIONS / BOOK 1 (Episodes 1-26)WRITTEN BY MARTIN DEROSE (Prodigy: [email protected])Copyright 1994 by Martin Derose reproduced with permission by BenJacksn

DARK SESSIONS is a speculative story that takes place after the populartelevision series DARK SHADOWS completed its television run. Set some 20 years later, DARK SESSIONS attempts to tell the story of the Collins Family in the 1990s. It's a well written story certain to entertain

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DARK SHADOWS fans everywhere.

---------------------------------DARK SHADOWS FOLDER LOGS:---------------------------------For the Historically (Hysterically) minded - you can download thecollected posts on the AOL Dark Shadows Folder. Theyare also in the TV Gossip Archives.


AOL Dark Shadows Posts, Vol. "0" [April 12, 1995]

File: DSBB1.ZIP (69884 bytes)

This is a compilation of the very first posts on the AOL Dark Shadows message board created by Judy P5000 on 3/19/93. Posts continue through 12/31/93. See how the board evolved as early posters began the lively discussions that continue to this day! Thanks to BenJacksn for logging these posts!--------------------------------------------------

AOL Dark Shadows posts - Vol. 1 [March 29, 1995]

Volume 1: 3/94-6/94 - PC File AODSLOG1.ZIP

Personality types; Mind prober profiles of DS characters;Pendulums; Life's little DS instructions; Vampire decomposition, maggots and other fun conversation; DS and the Internet; What's your sign?; Lawnmowing; I'm Gonna/Wanna dance for/with you; Quentin vs. Barnabas--------------------------------------------------

AOL Dark Shadows Folder Logs #2 [March 29, 1995]

Volume 2: 7/94-8/94 - PC File AODSLOG2.ZIP

Genetics; Selby in bed; Selby's chest hair; Barnabas' star billing; Julia's medical knowledge; Leviathan folklore; Convention goodies--------------------------------------------------

AOL Dark Shadows folder Log #3 [March 29, 1995]

Volume 3: 9/94-10/94 - PC File AODSLOG3.ZIP

Yaeger's makeup job; Coffin contents; Prodigy wars;Parallel time relationships; Poetry; Cockatoos;Frid and Parker on TV--------------------------------------------------

AOL Dark Shadows Folder Log #4 [March 29, 1995]

Volume 4: 11/94-12/94 - PC File AODSLOG4.ZIP

1995; Hallie's ringlets; Sebastian's fashion sense;Playroom contents; Moving tombstones; DS books available;

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Beyond the Shadows; Stairways through time;Collins family secrets; Christmas poetry and other creative writings--------------------------------------------------

AOL Dark Shadows Folder Log #5 [March 29, 1995]

Volume 5: 1/95-2/95 - PC File AODSLOG5.ZIP

Whist; Quentin's ring; Will DS be re-run on SFC...YES!;Gabriel's muscular legs; More poetry; I Ching;Trial of the Century (19th); Bricklaying; Changing History;Best DS pairs; Brady-Collins connection---------------------------------------------------AOL Dark Shadows Folder Logs #6 [May 4, 1995]

This is volume 6 of the "collected ramblings" of the AOL Dark Shadows Message Board. It contains posts from the evening of 2/28 through 4/30/95.

Contains the following threads:Top 510 songs of the DS era; paternity and maternity at the end and beginning of the DS series; plot inconsistencies (as usual!);I Ching, cyberstyle; Board Politics; Different Sams and Matthews;Hooray for Hazel; DS Memories/poll of board posters; cast romances;roadkill stew!---------------------------------------------------AOL Dark Shadows Message Board #7 August 2, 1995File: !DSLOGS7.ZIP (167365 bytes)

This is volume 7 of the festivities of the AOL Dark Shadows MessageBoard. It contains posts from 5/1/95 to 7/31/95, and contains livelydiscussions about:

Finally, some ghosts!; Fest anticipation; DS Resources lists; Drunkensailor songs; The infamous DS "running story"; The new, improved andever-essential FAQ; New vs. old (the shows and the folders); Episodesin the wrong order; Web surfing; More hard polls; Heat waves on andoff the show; technology of the '60's---------------------------------------------------AOL Dark Shadows Message Board #8 [MadScntst] 10/13/95

This is volume 8 of the rollicking ramblings of the AOL Dark Shadows Message Board. It covers from 8/1/95 to 9/30/95, and includes the topics:--Before, during and after the Dark Shadows Festival--Polls ad more polls--Countdowns to the arrivals of Barnabas and Julia--WWW and other online DS resources--DS Almanac, Program Guide and other offline DS resources--Fiery Filksongs--Dating tips for DS fans---------------------------------------------------AOL Dark Shadows Message Board #9 [MadScntst] 01/18/96

This is volume 9 of the otherworldly orations of the AOL Dark Shadows Message Board. It covers from 10/1/95 to 12/31/95, and includes the topics:

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--Julia's arrival and the Angelique Countdown--Liz' wedding attire--DS goes color, and the end of "My name is Victoria Winters"--The Infamous Halloween Costume Party--Loving that bad Barn--Thanksgiving and Christmas filksongs, poems and letters--Comparing Burkes and Woodards--DS characters' New Year's Resolutions---------------------------------------------------

---------------------------------DARK SHADOWS SOUND BYTES (BITES?):---------------------------------09/12/94 Quentin DS SND file [LoisAlane] sound file that should be popular with female admirers of Quentin Collins from the daytime serial "DS." He speaks one sentence: "You're the only one I've ever loved." Actor is David Selby.11/21/94 DS.BarnFarewell.snd [KricketW] Barnabas Collins says, "This sounds suspiciously like a farewell. I warn you, farewells are not possible." Serves as a good sound when you turn off your computer.11/21/94 DS.BarnBanish.snd [KricketW] Barnabas Collins says, "Banish it now, I warn you." Makes a good sound when you delete or empty your trash.10/26/94 DS.Quentin.snd [KTeeDid] Quentin urges you to "do something, do something." Makes a good system beep. 10/26/94 DS.Julia.snd [KTeeDid] Julia says in her hypnotizing voice, "Open it and tell me what you see." 10/26/94 DS.Pansy.snd [KTeeDid] Charity Trask (possessed by Pansy Faye) gives a little giggle and says, "I expect you wonder what I'm doing here, eh?" 10/26/94 DS.Trask.snd [KTeeDid] the 1795 Rev. Trask incants, "You are summoned by the forces of everlasting light." 10/25/94 DS.Barn.snd [KTeeDid] the vampire Barnabas says, "You give me no choice," before biting his victim. A nice scream follows. ---------------------------------

Also in TV Gossip:These files are available in the TV Chat ArchivesUse Keyword: TV Gossip(the posting dates, to facilitate retrieval, are 1/30 and 1/31/95)

There you will find : 02/06/94 Chat at the Blue Whale 03/06/94 Chat at the Cottage 04/10/94 Chat in the Drawing Room 05/15/94 Chat in the Servants Quarters 06/00/94 Chat at the Antique Shop 08/28/94 Chat in the East Wing 10/01/94 Chat at the PT Eagle Tavern 10/31/94 The "infamous" Halloween chat at tthe Old House

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11/13/94 The Playroom party/chat 12/13/94 Chat aboard the "Java Queen" 01/13/95 Chat on Quentin's Stairway Thru Time 02/13/95 Chat in the abandoned Fishing Shack 03/13/95 Chat in The Locked Room 04/13/95 Chat in the Garage 05/13/95 Chat at the Blue Whale 06/13/95 Chat on Widow's Hill 07/13/95 Chat in the Evans' Cottage 08/13/95 Chat in the Kitchen 09/13/95 Chat in the Crypt 10/13/95 Chat in Maggie's Bedroom - Friday the 13th 10/31/95 The Collinsport Graveyard (3 hour party) 11/13/95 Chat on the Terrace at Collinwood 12/13/95 Chat in Josette's Room 01/13/96 Chat in 1795 - Time travel 02/13/96 Chat at the Eagle tavern - 1795 03/13/96 Chat in Lang's Lab

These are the recorded ramblings of the monthly meetings of the denizens of the AOL Dark Shadows folder.

==========================================================================B). PRODIGY - BULLETIN BOARD : Science Fiction Jumpword : Sci-fi bb Topic : Dark Shadows

CyberCollinwood is hosted by Craig Anderson, Prodigy member representative. He and the friendly regulars will gladly welcome you and help you find your way around the numerous ongoing subjects discussed under the DS topic.

Real-time chats are held at The Blue Whale every Tuesday night at 9 p.m. ET. Special online events offer question and answer sessions with actors from the series, trivia contests, role-playing, and other DS-inspired activities.

Don't hide in the woods! Knock on the door at CyberCollinwood. The drawing room is always accepting visitors. And it's amazing how many people like the hospitality so much they stay for years!

This note was sent to a newcomer on the Prodigy Board: ----------------------------- Hello ! If this is your first time visiting the Dark Shadows BB, I would like to greet you here at the door of Cyber Collinwood. It is a board of fun, intrigue and of information, about one of our favorite TV shows of all times. Dark Shadows comes in many formats, from the original Black & White shows of the 60's, the novels that were written by Marilyn Ross, ,the comic books, yes even DS Viewmaster reels, and the dramatic remake of the series in the 90's, ALL of this and more, is Dark Shadows. >>next>> Here on our board we remember this show by also remembering where we were when we first watched the show,

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and why we are so attracted by its mystery, years later. I give you the opportunity to post here and introduce yourself, and tell us what connections DS has meant in your life. We have a freindy group of very loyal fans here, and we are open to all new friends who care to visit, and post and learn about the show, its story,its trivia and its fun. Ask us what you will, show respect to your fellow posters while visiting here, and do feel free to join in any of our ongoing threads. Welcome Home to DS !

Craig Anderson DS Welcoming Committee ---------------------------------------

Other Prodigy DSers include:



C). INTERNET - There are currently 2 mailing lists related to the DARK SHADOWS: 1 for discussions, and 1 for daily updates of the episodes as they air on the Science Fiction channel. Both can be accessed by sending E-mail to the appropriate mail server:

- Mailing List - random discussions on DS matters. (note 11/94 - there has been a lot of trouble with getting and sending messages on this board - you might check with one of the FAQ authors to see if a new List server has been found for DS lovers) (note 2/96 - for a while this list seemed to clean up and was quite active but lately it seems deader than a brunette ingenue's chances of escaping reminding Barnabas of Josette, the conversations seem to have travelled to the newsgroup (see below) but one can never tell, the list may resurrect - like everything else DS related)

- this list is automatically maintained by a software package called Majordomo. To subscribe, you would send a message to

[email protected]

which contains the line: subscribe shadows

- That will subscribe the userid from which you sent the message, if you are using a gateway on GEnie, Csrv, AOL or the like. If you wish to subscribe another address instead (such as a local

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redistribution list), you can use commands of the form:

subscribe shadows other-address@your_site.your_net

- Daily Episode updates - following the Scifi Channel broadcasts

This list can be joined via a message to [email protected]. It will provide daily recaps of the episodes as they air on the SciFi channel. These updates are written by the capable, lucid and faithful update writers over at AOL. You can get your daily minimum requirement of vitamin D (S) posted to any E-mail address you chose.

If you are a sentimentalist and would like to acquire the complete set of the collected updates written by Pam Richardson for the Internet Shadows-update list - It is available at:

FTP site coulomb.uwaterloo.ca dir pub / shadows file updates 2,957,548 K


You can also sign on to the Dark Shadows Newsgroup on the Usenet: news:alt.tv.dark_shadows

join in a discussion, ask those burning questions, or just keep track of the storylines!

-------------------------------------------------------------- WWW - WEB SITES, VAMPIRES AND DARK SHADOWS -------------------------------------------------------------- There are now a plethora of Web Addresses to check out, surf to your hearts delight:

JUDY PHILLIPS DARK SHADOWS HOME PAGE-----========================================= This page has gotten much more graphical recently <http://www.epix.net/~jphill/shadows.html> If you want to get straight to the DS episode updates (plot summaries) then go to <http://www.epix.net/~jphill/update.html> or: The Dark Shadows Episodes Homepage - Judy Phillips <ftp://members.aol.com/judyp5000/dseps>

The David Selby Homepage - Judy Phillips <http://www.epix.net/~jphill/selby.html>------------------------------------------------------------------

THE DARK SHADOWS HOME PAGE (POMEGRANATE PRESS)============================================== <http://www.av.qnet.com/~melodyc/josette.htm>

is the address for pomnegranite press' homepage, "JOSETTE'S ROOM" maintained by Melody Clark

Page 327: Dark Shadows FAQ

------------------------------------------------------------------ Alane S. Megna brings us:

, /\ /\ , /|\ | |\__/| | /|\ / | \ \ @ @ / / | \ ________/___|___\___o_\V**V/_o___/___|___\________ | '^` '^` | | Dark Shadows Supernatural Page | |http://members.aol.com/darkkshad/super/natural.htm| | [email protected], [email protected] | |__________________________________________________| | / / \ / WW' \ / 'WW \ / \ \ | | / V \ / V \ | |/ \ / \| ' Y ' The Dark Shadows Supernatural Page is <http://members.aol.com/darkkshad/super/natural.htm>

The Dark Shadows Fan Fiction Page is <http://members.aol.com/darkkshad/fan/fiction.htm>------------------------------------------------------------------

DARK SHADOWS INTERNET SITES===========================

Action Kits International Homepage<http://www.gremlins.com/action_kits/index.html>

Boo's Dark Shadow Homepage<http://www.natural-innovations.com/boo/ds.html>

The Dark Shadows Supernatural Homepage - <http://members.aol.com/darkshad/super/natural.htm>

Magda's Tarot Unlike Quentin, you have a future...find out what it is!<http://cad.ucla.edu:8001/tarot>

Margie's World Homepage - Marge Matteson<http://members.aol.com/janu10/> Professor Stokes' I Ching. This one comes without the time-travel option.<http://cad.ucla.edu:8001/iching>

Video Store. A listing of all DS episodes, as well as the DSrevival series. Purchas them, or just use the listing for ahandy reference.<http://www.ids.net/picpal/darkshad.html> The SciFi Channel Homepage - Visit SciFi Channel's Dark Shadows Bulletin Board on the WWW And download DS and other SF/Fantasy/Horror goodies.<http://www.scifi.com>

Page 328: Dark Shadows FAQ

OTHER RELATED SITES===================The Cabinet Of Dr. Casey Homepage -- Casey Hopkins(The Horror Web Page)<http://www.cat.pdx.edu/~caseyh/horror/index.html>

The Dark Side Of The Web Homepage - Carrie Carolin<http://www.cascade.net/darkweb.html>

Joan's Witch Homepage<http://www.ucmb.ulb.ac.be/~joan/witches/intro.html>

The Salem Witch Trials Homepage<http://www.star.net/salem/witches.htm>

WEB SURFING AND THE MODERN BLOOD SUCKER:========================================



EMRY'S VAMPIRE PAGE---------***** <http://ucsu.Colorado.EDU/~whitneym/vamp.html>



HOUSE OF PAIN--------------------


MALKAVIAN WEB PAGE---------------


ORLOCK'S THRESHOLD----------*****




THE DRACULA PAGE------------*****




VAMPIRE DUCK PAGE----------------

Page 329: Dark Shadows FAQ


VAMPIRE WWW SERVER---------------


VAMPYRES ONLY---------------***** (Brad Middleton)




-------------------------------------------------------------------The latest version of the DS FAQ is available at the following site:

If you have http access, its at: http://www.natural-innovations.com/boo/ds.html

or by ftp: ftp://www.natural-innovations.com/boo/ds.html(This version is for MAC'S. If you have DOS, he has a file called binhex.exe to convert it.)

Vlad III, who maintains the Vampyres Only homepage, has the DSFAQ listed in his FAQS section!! You click THE DARK SHADOWS FAQ (DSFAQ***) and up pops Boo's home page address!!!! He has a great looking page. This is one of themost poplular web sites for horror and vampires fans!!

<http://www.vampyre.wis.net/vampyre/index.html><http://www.vampyre.wis.net/vampyre/faqs/dkshadows.html> -----------------------------------------------------------------------The FAQ is also posted in a semi irregular fashion toalt.tv.dark_shadows = DS Newsgroup. A forum for the discussion of Dark Shadows, old and new.


(D)1- Non Net Sites for FAQ & File Downloads:

For more mundane surfers the FAQ is also avaiable through several BBS's such as :


Page 330: Dark Shadows FAQ


"The InterDependent BBS" (UNA-USA) Winston-Salem NC USA 910-722-5164 *** 14.4K baud 24 hrs Visit us on the WWW at http://metro.turnpike.net/harperc/index.html Clarke Harper, SysOp

File Library #(12)-(FAQ or Fiction) :FAQ or Fiction - #12, 14 files. 1|AAVFAQ .ZIP| 56k| 7|alt.alien.visitors Freq.Asked Questions* 2|DS-107-1.ZIP| 51k| 1|60's Gothic soap, Dark Shadows FAQ pt I* 3|DS-107-2.ZIP| 63k| 1|60's Gothic soap, Dark Shadows FAQ pt II 4|E-ZINE .ZIP| 36k| 1|Info on Electronic 'Zines & copy of Weekly Weird New 5|F13 .ZIP| 8k| 0|Cursed objects list from Friday the 13th TV series (The board currently has DS FAQ 108 online - and will have 109 shortly after it goes public)

(D)2- )(evious Bulletin Board

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>* Welcome to...* * * * )( E V I O U S * * )(evious Telecommunications System Sysop: Framingham, Massachusetts * * Nels Anderson 508-788-6951 617-449-7322 * 300-28800 bps HST/v32/v34 4.3 Gigs


=============================================================== PART XXXI. - DARK SHADOWS FANZINES AND CLUBS===============================================================List complied by Teri Darcy for THE COLLINSPORT STAR

FANZINE: Shadowgram / Marcy Robin9441 E. La Rosa Dr; Temple City, CA 91780

Wyndcliffe Watch / May Sutherland / P.O. Box 7236, Tacoma, WA 98407

Shadows of the Night / Dan Silvio4529 Friendship Ave. 2nd Floor; Pittsburgh, PA 15224

The Music Box / Connie Jonas / P.O. Box 40366; Portland, OR 97240

Inside the Old House / Dale Clark / 11518 Desdemona Dr. ; Dallas, TX 75228

Dark Shadows Collectables Classifieds / Sue Ellen Wilson

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6173 Iroquois T./ Mentor, OH 44060

UPDATE: (11/01/94) Collinwood Chronicle / Shirley Stockel / #5 Hammes Dr.; Florissant, MO 63031is now defunct - back issues may still be available from Shirley

============================================================== PART XXXII. - DARK SHADOWS FESTIVALS==============================================================For more information and registration forms, send a self-addressed,stamped envelope to:

Dark Shadows Festival / P.O. Box 92 / Maplewood, NJ 07040.

----------------------------- THE 30th ANNIVERSARY DS FEST: ----------------------------- The Dark Shadows Festival for 1996 will be held June 28-30 at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott. � The Fest will feature original series stars, such as Lara Parker, David Selby, Louis Edmonds, John Karlen, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Roger Davis, Marie Wallace, Denise Nickerson, Diana Millay, Michael Stroka, Chris Pennock, Dennis Patrick, Donna Wandrey, Paul Michael and Lisa Richards.

1995 = New York, NY : 08/18 - 08/20 : The Marriott Marquis Hotel1994 = Los Angeles, CA : 07/29 - 07/31 : The Marriott Hotel1993 = New York, NY : 08/20 - 08/22 : The Marriott Marquis Hotel1992 = Los Angeles, CA : 10/31 - 11/01 : The Marriott Hotel1991 = New York, NY : 11/30 - 12/01 : Vista International Hotel The World Trade Center1991 = Los Angeles, CA : 06/28 - 06/30 : The Marriott Hotel1990 = New York, NY : 07/06 - 07/08 : Vista International Hotel The World Trade Center1989 = Los Angeles, CA : 03/03 - 03/05 : Marriott Hotel Hotel1989 = New York, NY : 09/03 - 09/05 : New York Vista Hotel The World Trade Center1988 = New York, NY : 08/19 - 08/21 : New York Vista Hotel The World Trade Center1987 = Newark, NJ : 08/28 - 08/30 : Gateway Hilton1987 = Los Angeles, CA : 10/30 - 11/01 : Marriott Hotel1986 = Dallas, TX : 07/25 - 07/27 : Marriott Hotel1986 = Newark, NJ : 10/24 - 10/26 : Gateway Hilton1985 = San Jose, CA : 07/26 - 07/28 : San Jose Convention Center1985 = Newark, NJ : 10/04 - 10/06 : Gateway Hilton1984 = San Jose, CA : 08/03 - 08/05 : Hilton Hotel1984 = Newark, NJ : 11/09 - 11/11 : Gateway Hilton1983 = Newark, NJ : 09/30 - 10/02 : Gateway Hilton ******************************

If you are interested in reliving past Fests - or finding out what went onwe might suggest the following source:

For more of the DS Fest experience you can obtain Video tapes from

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Fests past - for information, details and a list of what is available,Send a SASE to:

Louis Wendruck / P.O. Box 69A04 / West Hollywood, CA 90069

Or phone: 213-650-5112 The tapes $30/tape + $5 for High Grade tape + $3 First Class mail *****************************

For those who would like an idea of what happens at a DS Fest - We are including the following material from the AOL Dark Shadows folder

The 1995 DS FEST - NYC, NY

SCHEDULED GUESTS (not all showed up): David Selby, Lara Parker, Louis Edmonds, Denise Nickerson, Kathryn Scott, Terrayne Crawford, Marie Wallace, Donna Wandrey, Sharon Smyth-Lentz, Chris Pennock, Michael Stroka, Alex Stevens, Diana Millay, Roger Davis, Paula Laurence, Conard Fowkes. Guests participate in various Q&A and autograph sessions each day.Several present dramatic performances, including "DS on Broadway"events where some re-create their DS roles using actual originalscripts. Main events are held in the Marquis Broadway Ballroom, siteof occasions such as the Daytime Emmy Awards.

During the weekend there are rare videos to view, displays and a charity auction of DS memorabilia and actual props, Costume Gala, and more. The auction features wardrobe from both series. Open discussionsessions throughout the weekend invite all fans to share their ideas,preferences, opinions, and memories with each other. Fans can presenttheir own costumes at the Costume Gala.

There's a large area with merchandise such as fanzines, books,photos, collectibles, art, and other items for sale. Prices can rangefrom under $1 to $100+, depending on the piece. Many items hope todebut in this Dealer's Room: Josette's Music Box, Robert Cobert's MusicBook, Louis Edmonds' biography, DS CONCORDANCE books, DS VIDEO REVIEWSbook, fan novels, story collections, and fanzines, the DS Almanac (Pomagranite), and more.

A bus trip goes to the Connecticut location used as theCollinsport Inn in HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS. (Previously the FEST referredto this as the Blue Whale, but it actually was used as the CollinsportInn.) Buses leave the hotel in the morning and return mid-afternoon.

The FEST opens Friday evening.

Programming - guest talks/autographs, function rooms withmerchandise sales, displays, videos, discussions, etc. - begins Fridayevening and goes til after midnight, then continues Saturday, early morningtil after midnight. Activities on Sunday open early and run until theevening Banquet. The Banquet with the Stars offers a full meal, doorprizes, and special videos. Fans sit with individual DS guests asspace allows.

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There is a FEST roommate-matching service and volunteers help theconvention run smoothly by assisting with registration, monitoringdoorways and lines, etc. Volunteers are invited to an exclusive partyduring the weekend as a "thank you" for their help. SASE to the FESTfor info on roommates and volunteering.

===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== DS FEST 1995 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS

Friday, August 18

6:00 Opening Ceremonies 6:30 1966: Dark Shadows in Bangor 7:00 A Visit with Victoria Winters 7:30 Lara Parker and Roger Davis 8:00 Dark Shadows on Broadway: Pennock and Stroka 8:30 DS 1966: Edmonds, Scott, Millay, Fowkes 9:00 Autographs/ Dark Shadows 1967 Laura and David11:00 Dark Shadows Marathon: 1995 (Part One)

Saturday August 19th

10:00 DS Resurrected Video Preview10:30 Dark Shadows Fan Forum11:15 Dark Shadows Bloopers12:00 Dark Shadows In the Media12:30 Jonathan Frid at Collinwood 1:15 Dark Shadows Almanac Premiere 2:00 Charity Auction I 3:00 DS Kids: Nickerson, Smyth, Maitland 3:30 A Visit with Louis Edmonds 4:00 Dark Shadows Cast Reunion 5:00 Autographs/DS Through the Years 7:00 Lost Episode #1219 Recreation 7:30 Vampires and Ghosts Video Preview 8:00 Costume Contest and Party (Free Refreshments)/ Skit 9:30 Celebrity Tales of Terror / Dark Shadows on Broadway10:30 Dark Shadows Marathon: 1995 (Part Two)

Sunday, August 20

10:00 The Best of the Fest10:30 Dark Shadows Debates11:00 A Conversation with Carolyn Stoddard11:30 Dark Shadows Skit12:00 Spotlight on Barbara Steele12:30 Jonathan Frid's Shakespeare 1:00 Diana Millay's Psychic Phenomena 2:00 Charity Auction II 3:00 DS 1970PT: Wandrey, Pennock, Stroka 3:30 Roger Davis 4:00 Marie Wallace Dramatic Performance 4:30 Dark Shadows On Broadway: Lara Parker 5:30 Autographs 8:00 Banquet

(In addition, a separate video room offered many hours of episodes,

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movies and special Dark Shadows related programs) * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now if you'd rather have some first hand reportage - the followingtidbits (edited for our usage) appeared on AOL and/or PRODIGYduring the 1995 Fest

Subj: Re: In PersonDate: 95-08-20 01:26:02 EDTFrom: TZ Rich

"Satan in High Heels" was pretty dull-I went to the main room and watched the 1995 episodes.

As for the auction, a 2' balsa wood coffin with the DS logo on it (apromo item from the '91 series) sold for $400 (shame, there was abridge nearby I could have sold them) while a script autographed bymany cast members didn't fetch that much. As for the piece deresistance, Ben Cross' cape sold for $1300. Its new owner thenproceeded to WEAR it around the Fest

Parker, Nickerson, Smyth, Laurence, Edmonds, Scott, and Pennockwere all fabulous. They were receptive to all questions (Deniseseemed to plead the fifth when I asked her why they changed hercharacter's name from Amy to Molly). Even KLS, though selling herbooks, wasn't there for the money to be made. She's absolutely thenicest (and cutest) cast member. Her chipmunk cheeks made anappearance when, while my girlfriend took a pic of me and KLS, I toldher to "smile and say 'do you want some more coffee?' " Edmonds=fireball. He still had his wits about him, and what witsthey were. I actually got a little teary hearing him talk, his brashpompousness reduced to a harsh whisper. He played along gracefullywhen I asked him how he fit into that itty-bitty cat suit whenAngelique placed a spell on him in 1795. Did I feel dumb hearing thatthat question was asked by some wiseguy in L.A. last year. Sharon Smyth's daughter is soooo cute. She's 4 (5?) and hasthis porcelain doll face. She's the spitting image of her mom whenshe was younger.

Subj: DS FestivalDate: 95-08-20 12:03:29 EDTFrom: Card Cheat

It's my first DS Fest and I have to say that it's run far betterthen the Star Trek conventions that I've been to. The stars are waymore accessible and friendly. Do you think any of the trek starswould hang around after 11:00 to hang out with their fans? Eventsseem to generally take place on schedule. They intelligently have aWORKING mike for fans to ask questions(The mike never works at trekcons for some reason and the fans end up having to shout theirquestions). The fans are generally nice although there does seem tobe a few who take the show a bit TOO seriously. On Sat, PaulaLaurence spoke of the danger "celebrity stalkers" and as I lookedaround I saw a few potential candidates. Lara Parker and KathrynLeigh Scott look wonderful as usual. Lara Parker told a story aboutthe trouble she went to to send out some photos to fans(went to the

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post office and paid the postage herself) only to have one send itback in anger because it was not signed. She thought about somedeliciously evil responses but decided that to just not respond at allwould be the most cruel. Louis Edmonds is very frail but hecertainly has his wits about him. He's quite a hoot He brought avery shy young boy and his mother on stage on Sat. Who was that?Just a fan and and her kid? If you listened carefully he seemed toinvite them to his house. At the cast renunion on Sat not onequestion was asked of Christopher Pennock which was kind of sad.Denise Nickerson told of her experiences during the filming of WillieWonka and the Chocolate Factory. She said that during lunch breaksshe had to remain in her big blueberry costume while everyone elsewent off. A man was given the job of turning her every so often. Anyway, I had a great time on Sat.

Subj: Back from Fest (long post)Date: 95-08-21 20:17:13 EDTFrom: JanetDW381

I drifted in and out as I also spent time visiting my buddy fromQueens. The dealers rooms were pretty well stocked. With people aswell as items. Kathryn Leigh Scott was autographing her books andLouis Edmonds was autographing his C-D (I almost typed in album).I've got to hand it to the actors, the autograph lines were hugelasting appx. 3 hours each day, but most of them graciously hung inthrough it all! Personally, I couldn't handle that kind of line!

My star contact was limited! KLS signed my "Almanac", I brushed armswith Christopher Pennock while getting on the elevator and I watchedthe Tyson fight with Spike Lee sitting a couple tables over...ooooahhhhh!

Subj: Back from Fest (LONGER post)-1Date: 95-08-21 20:40:18 EDTFrom: MadScntst

As some have mentioned, there were a few down sides to this fest--the air conditioning (brrr!!!), the lack of a true "party" (at least*my* definition of a party) a disastrous autograph line, the absenceof David Selby, and one or two "abrupt" stars. My impression of RogerDavis is that he's not a jack*ss per se, but perhaps a little morehyper and less thoughtful than some of the others. He did have to getto a Broadway show on Sat (Sunset Boulevard- no I'm not a know-it-all,but I just happened to be standing there when he mentioned it) and hekind of rushed off. BTW I happen to like his Tshirts and got in on aspecial deal: 2 for $10! What a bargain!!! Diana Millay *was* alittle peculiar about autographs and photos (I witnessed her refuse tosign an autograph because she hated that photo!), but I guess this isjust a part of the stars each having their own personality and, forgosh sakes, being *human* like the rest of us! David Selby's absencehas already been mentioned: he was filming Mighty Ducks 3 on both Satand Mon and could not get away for only one day :'( Marie Wallace andDonna Wandrey apparently were not "allowed" to attend, due to somecontract/legal mumbo jumbo :-( And Michel Maitland, who played Ibelieve the older Leviathan boy, was a no-show. (Aw shucks! :-) ) Despite some pain and suffering experienced while seeking

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autographs, I must say that obtaining them were some of the biggesthighlights of the weekend! Here are some of the things that happenedto me (sorry, fest goers who have already heard my stories!)

1) Chris Pennock: this was my favorite experience of the weekend.Despite the fact that my fellow autograph line standers and myselfwere interrupting his dinner, I managed to babble to him that I namedmy cat Cyrus after his character. He laughed hysterically andremarked, "That's a *great* name for a cat!" Now, perhaps he was justhumoring me, but he at least *seemed* to be genuinely tickled! Headded that Cyrus was his favorite character (he confirmed thatCyrus/John Yaeger were his favorites the next day during a Q & Asession). I didn't notice it until later, but he included a "Hi,Cyrus!" in his autograph. What a sweet guy! :-)2) Louis Edmonds: though he did look alarmingly frail to me, otherswho saw him last year said that he is looking much healthier than hewas then, God bless him! He was kind enough to sit in the dealer'sroom both Sat and Sun to sign copies of his CD, "Nobody Cares AboutLangley". I mentioned to him that I used to watch All My Children andenjoyed his Langley Wallingford as well as his DS characters, and heanswered "So... this is something of a double whammer!" What acharacter he still is! Louis was slated to "perform" during thebanquet, but unfortunately I didn't attend that- I'd love to hearabout it! 3) KLS: she wins the award for longest hours spent with the fans,both on the loonnnggggg lines at the regular autograph sessions andthose in the lobby where her book was being sold. I "got" her twice,and she never stopped being gracious and charming. She made a pointof calling me by name, nd she smiled brightly for every picture thatwas asked of her. She is truly *younger* looking and *more* beautifulthan she looks on TV!4) Michael Stroka: sorry to disagree with the consensus, but I foundhim to be extremely funny and warm. He just has a crazy sense ofhumor, that's all! He came down the autograph line to sign for uswhile we were waiting to meet everyone else. When someone near measked him what he'd been up to lately, he announced "Getting operatedon for cancer", and believe it or not, he actually lifted up his shirtto reveal a very impressive foot-long scar going down the right sideof his chest!!! (Oh, if only it were Selby instead!!! ;-) ) Someonepointed to me and said "She does cancer research", so he proceeded totell me all about how they took out his kidney, his rib, and part ofhis vena cava (he repeated this at the Q & A sessions the next day, soeveryone else could hear ==:-O.) But his attitude is marvellous, andhe says he's doing really well. He looks fantastic, and I wish thebest for him!5) Denise Nickerson: a real trooper! They shut down the autographline the first night after we had waited over 3 hours. Ugghhh! Butbesides Conard Fowkes, who was only there for the one night, Denisewas the only one who stayed longer, and with her young kids there, toboot! I think she was a little punchy, because she signed my book "AmI having fun, or what?!" She was full of giggles, though, and thenext day she seemed considerably more rested and raring to go for moreof the same! BTW, TZ, someone asked Roger Davis about *his* TZ episode, andunlike Michael Stroka, Roger remembered it very well, naming DianaHyland as the costar and the fact that he got to age and also play adrunk. (The episode is called Spur of the Moment). He alluded to

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asking an "executive producer" to run lines with him, not knowing whohe was talking to... I don't think he actually said it was Rod Serlingbut I assume it was, since the question was "What was it like to workwith Rod Serling?"

Let's see, what else: I had nice chats with both Kathy Resch andDale Clark while I was spending money at their and other dealers'tables, I met a guy who makes $500 wolf's head canes (very nice) andsomeone who bought one who's a friend of JRH's :-) , I got to see LaraParker and Diana Millay try their darndest to auction a dress theyboth wore on DS for more than that Ben Cross cape (they were close:the cape went for $1300 and the dress only $1200). I took lotsa pixbut found I had my camera on the wrong setting about half the time--we'll see! Well, that's about it from me! Sorry for being so long-winded,but I hope I imparted *some* interesting info in this overblown post!I hope everyone who went had as wonderful a time as I did, and I hopethose of you who couldn't make it do get to attend one soon!

Subject: AT THE FEST !!!!! To: ALL Date: 08/19From: VVZT23B CRAIG ANDERSON Time: 0:38 AM

Today started with our trip to the Blue Whale in Connecticut. The place is fantastic! Food was great, the company was better! The booth in the back in the corner in the dark, where Barnabas and Willie met in House of DS has been left unrestored, and YES, we have pictures! >>>>>> The Fest began at 6 pm and featured DS video clips as well as presentations by Lara Parker, Michael Stroka, Chris Pennock, Louis Edmonds, and Kathryn Leigh Scott. Boy, was shepretty!! (That was a Craigy quote, yawl.) The Andersons during a break walked to the David Letterman Theatre and bought T-shirts from Sirajul himself! After getting back to the hotel we were standing in the lobby and Roger Davis walked straight up to >>>>>>> Lynda, and after she revived, she asked for his autograph. Our other faithful DS fans are waiting in line as we speak for up to 3 hours to get autographs of their favorite stars.

Subject: AT THE FEST !!!!! To: ALL Date: 08/19From: VVZT23B CRAIG ANDERSON Time: 1:15 PM

Hi DS Group, From the DS Groupees :) !!! Its Saturday Morning and the Fest is in Full Swing. Lots more people here than last night the hotel is Packed! Breakfast was provided in the Bill In Ga room, they were gracious hosts as we all headed down to the main ballroom to start watching outtakes from the 91 revival series. You wouldnt believe the amount of neat stuff to buy in the dealers room T-shirts, the DS Board Game posters jewlrybuttons books novels comic books THE Works !!!! The schedule for today includes the Collinsport Players and Live on Stage Bill Wilson and the BLUE WHALE TOP 10

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lists and his favorite side kick drummer !!!! We will let you know how it goes. There is so much happening and SO muchto do. Wish you were all here so I could bite your NECK<G> Memreping LIVE from Times Square NYNY 8/18 12:26

Subject: AT THE FEST !!!!! To: ALL Date: 08/19From: RWBE65A CRAIG ANDERSON Time: 4:42 PM

Dear DS Fans, So as luck would have it we walk through the door 20 feet away and sitting all alone... Louis Edmonds, I walk right up and shake hands introduce myself and tell him aboutthe Prodigy people, and take his picture !!!! So after chit chatting who walks up to Louis ???? Lara Parker and Diana Millay discussing Lunch plans, so I drop Debbie Smiths name from them working with her, and all of a sudden I notice that this is little ol ME in a 4 way conversation with LouisLara and Diana !!!!!! I thank them for all the fun, and walk out of the door right smack into Michael Stroka ( Aristede) he puts his arm around me and Lynda takes the picture. What A DAY!! >>>>>>

Subject: AT THE FEST !!!!! To: ALL Date: 08/19From: VVZT23B CRAIG ANDERSON Time: 6:53 PM

Dear Faithfull Note Readers !! :) AUTOGRAPHS OF THE DS STARS !!!!!! All the DS stars sat on stage this afternoon, and told us a little about what they are doing in their real lives and took time to take questions from the fans in the crowd, and ONE interesting thing came up that caught my ear was that there is a P O S S I B I L I T Y that through the rightpeople and the proper timing that a DS star could be interested in doing some ... LIVE CHAT on an online service,if the proper channels are followed...mmmmm :) >>>next>>>> Following this informal session with the stars fans lined up to get their books and photos autographed, and we got these just moments ago, along with PICTURES !!! Kathryn Leigh Scott Lara Parker Michael Stroka Denise Nickerson (Amy) Sharon Smyth (Sarah) Christopher Pennock (Jeb) Paula Laurence (Hannah) Diana Millay (Laura) We got Roger Davis ( Peter) and Louis Edmonds (Roger) earlier in the day !!!! What A DAY !! What a FEST!! What a great time. The costume party starts soon andlots of fans are already dressed to the era !! >>>next>>>>

Subject: AT THE FEST !!!!! To: ALL Date: 08/20From: VVZT23B CRAIG ANDERSON Time: 6:45 PM

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Hi gang, The Charity auction this afternoon went to the highest bidders with some BIG bucks with over $400 going fora signed script of DS #800 signed by Thayer David a photo ofAlexandria Moltke going for $300 and havent found out WHAT the Ben Cross DS Directors type chair went for, but it was for a good cause.

Subj: More Fest memoriesDate: 95-08-23 14:28:21 EDTFrom: JanetDW381 - Janet Darrow-Winter

I wanted to post one more memory of the festival. I particularlyenjoyed the discussions with the DS *kids* Denise Nickerson andSharon Smyth, while they couldn't dredge of the wealth of memoris ofthe adult stars, it was refreshing to get a childs eye view of theset. Perhaps, because I could most relate to the Amy charactor duringthe original run of the show. Too bad that David Henesy doesn'tcome back to the fests. I proferred the suggestion that one of the DSfield trips be to his restaurant....Hmmm the food couldn't be any worsethan the "Collinsport Inn"!!!

Subj: More Fest...Date: 95-08-23 19:34:36 EDTFrom: KALABE

Haven't seen anything on Alex Stevens at the Fest - he is thestuntman who played the werewolf & has gone on to bigger & betterstunts (French Connection, Superman, etc.). I really enjoyedlistening to him talk about his craft - what goes through his mind ashe's performing death-defying stunts. He said he's been in thebusiness for 40 years with no serious injuries - he said he studiesthe laws of physics and will not do anything that he can't do usingphysics first (or something like that). I particularly loved hisstory about walking out the front door of the studios everyday whilethe rest of the cast had to sneak out the back from the mobs of fans -no one rcognized him without the makeup - until one day after he'ddone an interview when someone yelled "There he is!," and lookingaround to see if another actor had followed him, realized they weretalking about him. He said people jumped him and began ripping hisclothes...well, you know they say turn about is fair play...he alsosaid he used to put on the gloves with the claws and slip his handaround a blackboard 1st thing in the mornings & rake the claws acrossthe board. He said it was funny because the actors would run fortheir scripts - because if he was working that day it meant someonewas going to get killed & possibly be off the show... Anyway, Ithought he was very interesting, and I heard you can contact himthrough his son on the internet, although I didn't get the address {:(

Subj: More Fest memoriesDate: 95-08-25 20:22:17 EDTFrom: Kayrand

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From all the previous posts, everyone probably has some idea ofwhat goes on at the festivals. For me, the most enjoyable partswere the times--and there were several--when the stars got up onthe stage. First they'd chat, then they'd answer questions. Thequestion and answer sessions are enjoyable even for someone who'dnever have the courage to get up to the mike to ask a question ofthe stars in front of all those people--the people who *do* ask thequestions often ask interesting ones.(I could only get the courageto ask a question of the DS costumer when there was wasn't much ofa crowd!) The Q & A sessions were informative and often veryfunny.

Interspersed throughout those "live" sessions were video segments.Some of the videos were just episodes of the show (concentrating ona certain period of DS; for instance, there was one on Judah), butother videos showed other things.

One of those "other things" was a tape of Jonathan Frid visitingthe original Collinwood. The video of the visit wasn't a smooth,slick production; it was more like someone's home movie, made forthe folks back home who couldn't come along on the trip. JF showedthe "at home" audience the outside of the mansion, and thenspeculated as to where the certain rooms (such as the drawing room)would be. He also faced an attack by what he called a "vampirebee" and referred to his own character as "Barny-boo." And, justfor the record (because it was brought up once here on the board),he pronounces his last name with a short "i", as in "did."

Another interesting video shown was "DS in the Media." This videoshowed several clips from various TV shows that mentioned DarkShadows. In one clip, Joan Rivers claimed to have remembered DSfrom her childhood, yet she seemed to think that her guest, DavidSelby, had played a vampire! That same clip showed David Selby*singing* Shadows of the Night! (What a riot that was!) Anothershow did a "time capsule" on 1967, showing first the various otherthings that had happened in 1967. Then they showed one of the mostimportant: the introduction of Barnabas. All in all, "DS in theMedia" was quite interesting.

Also shown were some taped interviews done with the stars. Irecognized some of them as the same ones (but different parts) thatare on the "Behind the Scenes" tape. The interview with AlexandraMoltke (part of the "Victoria Winters" interviews which featuredinterviews with the Victorias from the original and new DS)contained the story Sheba mentioned in an earlier post wheresomeone mistook the settings of the Old House for junk. I wasinterested to hear that, once Alexandra had had her baby, she wasasked to rejoin the cast. Although she was interested, she agreedto come back only if her character could be possessed or something.

Another thing I learned at the fest (this was when the stars wereon stage) was the pronunciation of the name of the actor who playedFrank Garner. It's CON-erd Fokes. (That's Conard, not Conrad, andit's Fowkes to rhyme with pokes.) Every time I saw his name in thecredits I'd wondered how to pronounce it. (And in case you werewondering, Conard Fowkes left DS to work on another soap opera--TheEdge of Night, I think.)

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While various things were happening in the main room, there werethree other rooms with other things to do. One room was the videoroom, which had different videos from those in the main room. Thetwo DS movies were shown, as well as a couple of movies the DSstars had been in. (My nine-year-old daughter couldn't understandwhy she couldn't see "Satan in High Heels," a movie she referred toas "Julia in High Heels.") Close to the video room was also adisplay room, featuring various photographs, posters, and otherDS-related things. I think that's where I saw the "16 Magazine"article on David Selby. It included a picture of him as a littleboy.

A third room was the dealers' room, which featured lots ofDS-related (and some *not* DS-related merchandise). The DS tapeswere for sale, as well as the compact discs and other DS "toys"like a tote bag and mug. There were also several tables whichcontained collectibles from the show. (I finally got to see theold DS music box featured in that advertisement from long ago. Iwasn't overly impressed!) There were also many photographs forsale, as well as various books about the series. (I'd heard aboutthe concordances; it was nice to actually *see* them in person!)

Other people have mentioned the autograph lines. I didn't stand inany of the really long ones. One autograph I did get was in thedealers' room, from Louis Edmonds. I bought his CD for my mother,and I also had the pleasure of hearing him tell me my mother is"daft." (I'd told him that one of the reasons my mother bought acomputer was so that she could read the All My Children boards.)

============================================================== PART XXXIII. - DARK SHADOWS SPINOFFS (NOT)==============================================================

Television wasn't quite so spinoff happy in the early 70'sbut if they had been we probably would have seen:

a comedy for the whole family:

--------------------------------------------------------------The Brady Curse ( by Shebastorm )

Here's the story of a vampire ladyWho was bringing up three vampy gals.All of them had pointy canines like their mother,Bloodsucking youthful pals.

It's the storyof a man named BradyBusy raising three neck-biters of his own,Coffin-dwellers living all together,Yet they were all alone.

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Then one dark night when the lady bit this fellow,They knew that things would go from bad to worse,If this group did not become a vampire covenThat's the way the world acquired the Brady Curse!

The Brady Curse, The Brady Curse!That's the way the world acquired the Brady Curse! ---------------------------------------------------------------or talk about your Odd Couples:

How 'bout this? A sitcom. A vampire and a werewolf sharingan apartment in New York. Bouncy theme song, and the narration begins...

On December 13th, Barnabas Collins was asked to remove himself from his crypt. That request came from his dead sister. Deep down, he knew she was right. But he also knewthat one day, he'd spank the living daylights out of her. With nowhere else to go, he arrived at the home of his longtime cousin Quentin Collins. Several years earlier, HIS ex-ghost asked him to move out requesting HE never return!

Can two reluctant undeads share an apartment without driving each other crazy???

(This came from Bill Wilson on Prodigy)

-------------------------------------------------------------------and who can forget all those wonderful appearances byCollinsport folk on I'VE GOT A SECRET. Not Tim Choate, who provides us with the following:

Travel back with me, if you will, to a time and a place when Dark Shadowswas still on ABC TV and the citizens of Collinsport occasionally guest starred on the weekly TV show I'VE GOT A SECRET...--------------------- My name is ELIZABETH COLLINS STODDARD and I'VE GOT A SECRET!<The SECRET is shown to the audience> MY HUSBAND IS BURIED IN THE CELLAR <The guest smiles broadly to the thunderous applause>We'll begin our questioning with...---------------------Other Guests were:

My name is ROGER COLLINS - <BOTH MY WIVES WERE OVER 200 YEARS OLD><Is it any wonder I'm an alcoholic?>-----------My name is CAROLYN STODDARD - <I'M THE REINCARNATION OF LETICIA FAYE>-----------My name is DAVID COLLINS - <MY MOTHER IS ALSO MY GREAT-GRANDMOTHER><evidence corroborated by his friend Mr. Juggins)-------------- My name is LAURA COLLINS - <I'VE LIVED AND DIED MANY TIMES> <So often, even I can't keep accurate track of the dates>

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<Is it just me or is it chilly in here?>-----------My name is VICTORIA WINTERS - <I WAS ON TRIAL FOR WITCHCRAFT IN 1795>-----------My name is MAGGIE EVANS - <I PLAYED CATCH WITH A GHOST>-----------My name is BARNABAS COLLINS - <I'M A 200 YEAR OLD VAMPIRE>(at least this week I am)-----------My name QUENTIN COLLINS is - <MY PORTRAIT AGES BUT I DON'T>-----------My name is SAM EVANS - <I MADE A WITCH GROW OLD WITH MY PAINT BRUSH>-----------My name is ADAM - <I WAS MADE IN A LABORATORY><and disappeared in a closet>-----------My name is DR. JULIA HOFFAMN - <I KILLED MY NAMESAKE IN PARALLEL TIME><of course I also murdered a colleague in real time......>-----------My name is COUNT PETOFI -<I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR A HAND FOR 200 YEARS>-----------My name is ANGELIQUE - <I'M ALMOST 300 YEARS OLD - AND STILL A TV SEX SYMBOL>-----------My name is ANGELIQUE - <I'VE BEEN TO HELL AND BACK - SEVERAL TIMES!>-----------My name is JEFF CLARK - <I WAS HANGED IN 1796 - NOW I'M A GRAVE ROBBER>-----------My name is DR. ERIC LANG - <I MADE A MAN IN MY LAB - REALLY!>-----------My name is DAPHNE HARRIDGE - <I'M AS LOVELY AS THE DAY I DIED - IN 1841!>(and I still smell as sweet as lilacs!)-----------============================================================== PART XXXIV. - DARK SHADOWS HOLIDAY CHEER==============================================================

Subj: Collinwood Christmas letterDate: 94-12-23 16:47:09 ESTFrom: SWILLARD

Collinwood Christmas Letter, 1975

Dear Friends,

As the holiday season is upon us once again, we reflect back over 1975 and realize that it has been another eventful year for the entire Collins family. As you know, I have not been in the habit of sending out Christmas letters, but the recent snow--snow that has not been seen on the grounds of Collinwood in so many years--has inspired me with the holiday spirit.

Speaking of spirits, Roger has been in such good spirits, as well as avoiding spirits, since he returned from the Betty Ford Unit of Wyndcliff recently. We have all been encouraging him in his 12 step program, but are hoping he will remove some of the inspirational bumper stickers from the car soon. They are a bit tacky.

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Carolyn surprised us this year by entering the convent. We didn't even know she'd converted. She has taken the name Sister Mary Leticia and hopes someday to become a missionary nun in Calcutta. I'm sure you will all join us in wishing her well in her chosen vocation.

You may have seen that unfortunate "60 Minutes" report on David's punk rock band. I'm sure we never encouraged that kind of behavior here. He will be out on parole in the spring.

Quentin is planning to have David as a guest on his talk show when he is "sprung". We all knew that Quentin had a wonderful personality, but didn't realize he was so talented. He is really giving "Phil" a run for his money. He has been nominated for the daytime Emmy award again this year. We expect he has a very good chance to win--daytime television is so tiresome in general.

We are still trying to replace Mrs. Johnson, who won the New York lottery last year. It HAS been a good year for the household help--Willie Loomis succeeded in his bid for Mayor of Collinsport. He ran on a pledge to "clean up the docks". He credits Barnabas with most of his success in life. "I owe it all to Barnabas", he told me after the election. Maggie and he have such a lovely baby girl, too.

Barnabas has been doing much better this year. We thought he might be heading for another breakdown last year after his fiancee Julia Hoffman lost her medical license. She had some unforunate misunderstanding with the Drug Enforcement Administration. And it turned out that she had never finished Medical School. I must admit I had my doubts about her from the beginning. Barnabas is often away visiting her at the State Women's Minimum Security Facility. Between that and his business, we hardly see him anymore. I do miss our gardening together at the Old House. We had become quite a team, and, as you may know, were very close to coming up with a new rose. (Barnabas wanted to call it "Josette"). Everything changed after his friend Adam was killed in that freak accident at the Cannery. Roger blamed himself, of course, which was probably whatfinally got him to admit to his alcoholism. "Every cloud..."

Well, I have gone on long enough. Most of you know about my engagement to Count Petofi. We plan to be married in June. I know it was quite a surprise to all my friends that I would consider remarrying after all these years. But my dears, I must tell you, when you meet a man with such amazing hands, well...

Seasons greetings and best wishes for a happy and healthy 1976!

Elizabeth Collins Stoddard

------------------------------ TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE YULETIDE ------------------------------ by Elizabeth McGillicuddy ([email protected])

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'Twas the night before Yuletide and within the great house,Everyone was plotting to murder their spouse;Angelique worked her spells to get Barnabas back, And hoped that dear Nicholas would cut her some slack.

David, for once, could be found in his bed,And he wasn't possessed, or out of his head. Julia was up, with long underwear on,Helping Barnabas stay out of trouble till dawn.

Quentin's music was keeping the West Wing awake,While Amy was doodling a four-headed snake.

The in-laws did their thing, with breathing and slime,And the East Wing existed in Parallel Time.

Roger was down in the drawing room alone,Drinking hot toddies and starting to get stoned.When Nicholas appeared in his natty grey suit,Fuzzy fedora and Tony Lama boots.A big Gucci bag was slung on his back,Filled with boxes and bundles and expensive knick-knacks.

Roger said to his brother-in-law with a sneer, "Don't tell me Cassandra will join us this year!Or have you stopped by just to drink and make merry?If so, may I offer you some extra dry sherry?"

Nicholas chuckled and gave him a wink."My purpose is certainly not what you think!My namesake won't come to this house anymore;He had too many problems when he tried it before.

"The moon chanced to be full the previous year, And werewolves devoured his eight tiny reindeer.He tried to slip down the chimney one night,And found that the fireplace was always alight.If Laura wasn't using it, Angelique would,And neither one of them even TRIED to be good.

"But the thing that finally drove him away,Was when Adam destroyed his miniature sleigh.So my Master has sent me as St. Nick's understudy,To pass out gifts to everybody.

"I don't need to ask if you're good boys and girls;With Vicki not here there's no chance in the world!But I still don't see why you should be giftless or worse - It's hard to be good when you're under a curse. I've got presents for all, and good cheer I will spread,To the folk in this household, living or living dead.

"Now Angelique's first, because we're old pals.I brought her a doll and some nifty new spells.

Next Barnabas (he's oldest so it's only fair)A net to prevent that unruly coffin hair.

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And to keep him away from the docks, where it's dank, A nice cushy job at the local blood bank!

And for Julia, who puts up with all of his guff,Some garlic to use when she's had quite enough;And in case she decides to charm him instead, A potion guaranteed to wake the undead.

David wants his mom, and he'll get his desire,With a personal, portable, reusable pyre.Little Amy's a tough one, she just wants her brother,And he has a problem she hasn't discovered.So I'll just end his curse, kill two birds with one stone, And counting Sabrina, that's three gifts in one.

"Poor Carolyn's husband is 'over the hill';His affliction's not one I can cure with a pill.She needs a new interest, and I've got a hunch, She'll enjoy her subscription to 'Boyfriend of the Month.'

"Liz wants a coffin with whistles and bellsTo get out from under one of Angelique's spells. I've found a new model that's totally neat;It comes with its own built-in ejection seat.

"Quentin got a collar to keep away fleas, And a player for his music, now out on CDs.

"For our favorite victim, Maggie Evans, poor stiff,A gift certificate good at Wyndcliffe

"So Roger, old buddy, that leaves only youWho hasn't received the gift that he's due.I've studied your needs, and I got you a carWith tamper-proof brakes and a built-in bar.

"That's all there is, I've reached the bottom of my sack.But not to worry, I ALWAYS come back!"With a clap of thunder and a burst of flame, A sonorous voice called Nicholas' name.He squirmed and he writhed and he sank out of sight,Screaming "Merry Yuletide to all, and to all, a good night!"

------------------------- "Barny the Moody Vampire" ------------------------- by Kiki Decker (to the tune of Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer)

You know Vicki, and Roger, and Maggie, and Quentin,David, and Willie, and Yaeger, and Carolyn,But do you recall the most famous Collins of all?

Barny the moody vampire,was a pretty cool guy,and if you ever saw him, you would be on Sci-Fi.

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All of the other Collins,liked to cast curses and such,they were always either,insane, possessed or lunch.

Then one nasty stormy night,Barny came to say:"if I don't get out tonight,Maggie I shall definately bite".

Then all the other Collins,locked him in his cryptas they shouted out with gleeall the rest is history.....

---------------------------------------------------- "Good King What's his name" ---------------------------------------------------- From: MARTIN DAVENPORT (JRSD32A) Prodigy

Angelique Bouchard looked out, in the winter season Revenge was upon her mind, Josette was the reason Josette took her man you see, while in Martinique Angelique did love him so, now will havoc reek!

Love potions were mixed and made, in her little hovel Ben Stokes did deliver them, sometimes with a shovel (sorry) Jeremiah fell in love, as Josette did with him Barnabas flew in a rage, vowing to kill them A duel was fought and one was dead, Josette was despondent 'Cause Angelique's witchcraft you see, Barnabas responded Later Angie got her man, she and Barn were wed It did not work out too well, later Barn was dead

He did not stay dead too long, just a day or two When he rose he searched for, you know who When he found her he did wrap, fingers 'round her neck When she died she went straight, down to heck

-----------------------------THE TWELVE NIGHTS OF YULETIDE-----------------------------From: Liz [email protected]

Well, it's time to kick off the season, so here goes.

On the twelfth night of Yuletide, my true love gave to me:Twelve mausoleums,Eleven vampire victims,Ten screaming maidens,Nine possessed children, Eight bricked up alcoves,Seven parallel time bands,Six silver bullets,Five pints of blood,Four evil ghosts,

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Three huge bats,Two howling dogs,And the head of Judah Zachery.

--------------------------------"Oh Little Town of Collinsport"--------------------------------From: Shebastorm

Oh Little Town of Collinsport,How still we see thee lie,Above thy deep and dreamless (!) sleep,The flapping bats go by.Yet in thy dark streets shinethA strange and eerie light,The terrors and fears of many yearsWill lurk through thee tonight.

------------------------------------------------ Oh, Collinwood, Oh, Collinwood------------------------------------------------From Melody Clark (posted on Prodigy): to the tune of "O, Tannenbaum".

Oh, Collinwood, Oh, Collinwood, How proud the lonely mansion Oh, Collinwood, Oh Collinwood, Malevolently handsome. When night is falling, gloom descends, The rising of a family friend, Oh, Collinwood, Oh, Collinwood, Will morning ever find you.

-------------------------------------------------- A DS CHRISTMAS SONG---------------------------------------------------Posted by Prof. T. E. Stokes (AKA Martin) on Prodigy to the tune of Nat King Cole's "A Christmas Song"

Laura roasting on an open fire Nich'las casting a new spell Terror Tots with their eyes all aglow Will find it hard to scream tonight You see that Santa's on his way He's loaded lots of dolls and goulies on his sleigh And every monster's child is gonna spy To see if Barnabas really cannot die So I offer you this simple prayer For Frids from one to 242 Merry Christmas To you!

------------------------------------------------- IN THE COLLINS MAUSOLEUM

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-------------------------------------------------to the the tune "Hark! The Harold Angels Sing" Posted by Prof. T. E. Stokes (AKA Martin) on Prodigy

In the Collins Mausoleum Lies a fellow in a box Put there by his dear old daddy Chained him there and locked the locks Then one day a man named Willie Got inside and found the box Thinking it was filled with jewels Broke the chains and forced the locks What he found was a surprise Barnabas who never dies! --------------------------------------------------- ANGELIQUE IS COMING TO TOWN---------------------------------------------------Sung to the Bruce Springsteen version of "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town." Posted by Kricket on Prodigy You'd better go pack, Or choose a new crypt, You'd better rent a hack, And give her the slip. Angelique is coming to town. She's making a curse, Sculpting a doll, She'll have you back Or cause your downfall. Angelique is coming to town. She sees you in the fireplace,She knows when you're with Rox,She's even mad at Julia,So you'd better give in or face a pox.

(You'd better give in or face a pox...)

Oh, you'd better go pack, Choose a new crypt, Better rent a hack And give her the slip. Angelique is coming to town. Angelique is coming to town. Angelique is coming to town. Let's rock, Angie...

---------------------------------------------------- QUENTIN THE WEREWOLF----------------------------------------------------Frosty the Snowman is welcome to sing along

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--Sheila on Prodigy Quentin the werewolf Will be howling out tonight At the full moonrise Just avert your eyes 'Cause he morphs into a fright Quentin the werewolf Transformation is a drag >> Gotta get a cure For this hellish tour Tate's got it in the bag. Nothing's worse than a gypsy curse When ol' Magda gets madAnd all the folks at CollinwoodThink he's only just a cad!

OH!.. >>Quentin the werewolf If he only just knew how When the portrait's done We can have our fun; Get your pentagrams out NOW! Just in case I'm not back ere I leave tonight Merry Christmas to all and to alla good FRIGHT!

=============================================================== PART XXXV. - DARK SHADOWS FILKS AND POEMS ===============================================================

From Melody Clark (posted on Prodigy)(written by Marcy Robin and Melody Clark)

Hey, Judah (sung to the tune of Hey, Jude)

Hey, Judah, Don't lose your head, It won't help you if off your shoulders. Now you've gone from horrible to worse, You know that your mom Taught you not to curse. >>

Hey, Judah, Oh, you're so bad, Take a nice girl and make her evil, She ratted, so now you're forced against a wall, It's really your fault, since you dropped the Baal. So let the ancient evil begin, But you won't win,

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The head that you need Is not on your shoulders, The wages of sin must all be paid, And if you don't pay, >>> They'll repossess you. Hey, Judah, (repeat first verse)


ON GUTHRIE"S DEMISEFrom: [email protected] (JEANFIGMEN)

One day a man came striding,To the door of Collinwood.Though he 'dabbled in the bizzare'He was surely a force for good.So single minded and focusedHe remained upon his goalThe Phoenix was an evil forceOne that surelyHe would control!

"Of course!" said all the regulars--"This man is the one!"("A man who could wear THOSE GLASSES with panache,"noted Roger, "He's the one who'll get it done!")

Victoria was enthralled (what else?)Carolyn the cynic came 'round.And even pure Joe HaskellTurned his shovel 'neath the ground.

Guthrie held a seanceand spoke with dear Josette(If SHE'D told them ALL the pastthey'd still be running yet.)

They dug up graves, they looked in books,All to frustrate LauraStockbrige, Radcliffe Collins!So young David would not be a goner.

It seems she loved to roast her kids, (Her particular view of heaven)Every hundred years or so(Except for 1897!)

But thin and purposeful GuthrieHe pushed our girl too far,And she sent him to a firey grave,By imploding his car.

It's really sadThat he missed outOn the "phenomena of the week"

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Just imagine what he would have madeOf Barnabas and AngeliqueNo our dear Dr. GuthrieWill never see the past,Will never wonder why on earthLeviathan Children age so fastHe'll never case the playroomfor visions of Carrie and Tad. Or wait for a phone call from Quentin or a duel with Nicholas the Bad!

But don't fret! (Scary Music)

There's another bespectacled Guthrie I have in mind Of course you all knowThe Phoenix needs a foe,In the land of Parallel Time!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Fire, by Bruce Springsteen and [email protected] (mwahahahaha)

(Dedicated to Laura Collins from Dr. Peter Guthrie)

I'm drivin' in my carI turn on the radioI wanna call you the undeadYou just say noYou say you don't like itAnd I know you ain't a liar'Cause when I drive, oooh, FIRE!!!

Late at nightI come by your homeI say I wanna stayYou say you wanna be aloneYou say you don't like meAnd ma'am you can't hide your ire'Cause I look down the road, oooh, FIRE!!!

You had a hold on me by the drawing room hearthA grip so tight only David could tear it apartMy nerves all jumpin'-- you really are a ghoulWell your eyes they burn but your heart stays cool... Romeo and JulietSampson and DeliliahWell they all diedIn a funeral pyreYour words say splitAnd my future looks dire'Cause I just crashed... and burned in FIRE!!! FIRE!!! FIRE!!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In honor of all the hardworking update writers, past, present andfuture, who each and every day provide us with an update of the show, I

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have composed the following filksong. It is based on "PaperbackWriter" which was by the Beatles, written by Lennon & McCartney,copyright 1966 (a good year!) by Northern Songs Ltd. Thanks toMadScntst for providing the original words for me to filch! ;>

Update WritersBy [email protected]/Teri Darcy

Hey, DS fans, will you take a look? They took us hours to write, almost like a book.Based on a show by a man named Dan And we love the show, so we wanna be update writersUpdate writers.

It's a crazy story of the Collins clanAnd we pay attention so we understand,All the characters and storylines,'Cause we love the show and we wanna be update writers,Update writers. They're one to four posts, give or take a few,We'll be writing more in a day or two,Short ones, long ones, every kind of style, And they're fun to read 'cause we wanna be update writersUpdate writers.

If you miss the show because you lost your lights,Or your memory failed you somehow overnight,Don't miss a thing, read all about it here, 'Cause we love the show and we love to be update writers,Update writers!

=============================================================== PART XXXVI. - SIGNS POSTED ABOUT COLLINSPORT===============================================================Originally posted by Liz McGillicuddy (Liz [email protected])

Signs Around Collinsport ========================

COLLINS MAUSOLEUM AND CONVENTION CENTERPrivate Rooms Available / Tell Your Friends ---------------------COLLINSPORT GLASS AND EXORCISM COMPANYDo bats keep punching out your panes?Do your candles keep blowing out?Doors open and shut? Chandeliers sway?We can help! ---------------------COLLINSPORT PLUMBERS - Out of business ---------------------COLLINSPORT ART GALLERYNeed some family portraits to add class to your house?We've got 'em. / Don't look nouveau riche. ---------------------ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Meeting weekly at the Blue Whale.

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Special sherry support group. / Family rates. ---------------------MERRY MAIDS OF MAINEOpening up another wing?Want to start using that old upstairs parlor?Need a hobby room in the basement?Call us, we're experts in cobwebs, wax, paneling, stone floors.We do things the old-fashioned way--no electricity needed.Discretion is our byword: Secret panels? Never saw 'em. Brickwork in odd places? Hey, it's your house. Coffins in the cellar? Taste is a personal matter. ---------------------COLLINSPORT LUGGAGE COMPANYTired of using that same old suitcase?So it's a family heirloom! Get modern! ---------------------COLLINSPORT FIRE DEPARTMENTAre your fireplaces always burning?Do you go away and leave your candles alight?You're playing with fire!Let us do a free home safety inspection. ---------------------COLLINSPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETYFamily histories our specialty.Our specialists live and work at your house for maximum efficiency.Our motto: "Hey, it's your family. The truth is what you say it is." ---------------------COLLINSPORT PAWNSHOPWe turn your old jewelry into cash fast. ---------------------COLLINSPORT GUN SHOPFeel threatened in your own home? And well you might!Want a pistol in every drawer? A couple of rifles?We've got 'em! Special on dueling pistols ---------------------COLLINSPORT EARTHMOVINGAre your cemeteries and madhouses too far from the house?We can fix it. We make the earth move.No longer will your kids have to walk so far to play, or to pay those surprise visits you love so much. ---------------------

=============================================================== PART XXXVII. - DARK SHADOWS TOP TEN LISTS ===============================================================


(These are off of the Prodigy DS Folder - mostly posted by Bill Wilson)and if you find yourself wondering about bunny jammies - you are not alone, must be a PRODIGY thing!

================================================================== Tonight's top 10 list, just in time for tax day, from the Home Office in Collinsport, ME:

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Top 10 Things Overheard at the Collinwood Branch of H & R Block! ----------------------------------------------------------------- 10. "I'LL give you reason #206! I'll BITE you!" 9. "No, Roger, removing it from your bloodstream at this point, will NOT exempt you from the liquor tax!" 8. "Yes, I suppose if your child is possessed, that makes TWO dependents." 7. "No, Mr. Collins, the Federal Government does NOT consider Parallel Time a legal address." 6. "Miss Collins, I don't care WHY you decorated your room in asbestos, but it's NOT considered a home improvement!" 5. "Mr. Blair, I fear you need to be more specific than 'V.P. From Hell' for your occupation." 4. "Well, I'd say if the child were dead half a year, and then alive half a year, you should get half a deduction." 3. "No, Miss Hoffman, I will NOT stare at your amulet. You owe $200!" 2. "Your only account is at a BLOOD bank?" 1. "DEATH I can live with, but TAXES su**!" ===========================================================Angelique's Top 10 April Fools Day Pranks! Here we go ... -------------------------------------------------------10. Crazy glue on the Ouija board. 9. Oiled music box with molasses. 8. Trick candles at the Old House. 7. Dipped Roger's voodoo doll's hand in warm water as he slept. 6. Put Rogaine in Liz's night cream. 5. Itching powder in the bunny jammies. 4. Put Nair in Judah's Brylcreme. 3. Ex-Lax Snickers bar for David. 2. Replaced Trask's hair gel with 10W40. (No one noticed) 1. Didn't tell Barnabas about Daylight Savings Time! ==================================================================Top 10 Signs You're Getting Too Old to Play Barnabas Collins. ------------------------------------------------------------- 10. You keep your fangs in a glass beside the coffin. 9. Dan Curtis presents you with a wolfshead walker. 8. You have to heat the blood before drinking. 7. As you rise, your body creaks louder than coffin lid. 6. Aging sequence is done without makeup. 5. Coffin lined with rubber sheets. 4. Elizabeth introduces you as "Dad." 3. They replace portrait in foyer with picture of Burgess Meredith. 2. William Shatner keeps calling for a riding partner. 1. Angelique whips your butt in racquetball!

========================================================= Top 10 Personal Ads in the Collinsport Gazzette-----------------------------------------------10. SWV seeks fiance; last seen cliff-diving. 9. M, my Black Mass isn't cancerous, just kinky! N. 8. SWF seeks SWM - must love seances and obnoxous 8 yr. old boys. 7. General handyman seeks 9-5 position for extra money. Unavailable evenings. 6. DWF thought she killed husband. Would like to try again. 5. Single white werewolf seeks woman with Dirt Devil. 4. DWM needs companion and mother for 8 yr. old.

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Phoenixes and witches need not apply. 3. MWM seeks meaningless fling with young, impressionable woman. Write Craigy! 2. SWM with wimpy voice needs special someone. Willing to time travel. 1. Stokes: Needed for exorcism in Salem. Quick! Write Demon Doc, c/o NBC Daytime!

==================================================================Top 10 Drinks Served at the Blue Whale New Years Eve Party -----------------------------------------------------------10. Bloody Mary (Duh!) 9. Roxanne-on-the-Rocks 8. Rum Stokes 7. Slo-Gin Frid 6. Brandy Alexandra 5. That Zima Cr*p 4. Tequila Sunset 3. Fang-'er-More Sling 2. Magda-rita 1. The Banana Zachery.

==================================================================Collinsport's Top 10 Most Returned Christmas Gifts. ---------------------------------------------------- 10. Quentin Collins' "Chia-Burns." 9. Compuserve Start-up Kits. 8. "Exorcist" Barbie. 7. "Night of Dark Shadows" -- The Director's Cut 6. Sarah Collins CD, featuring ... you know. 5. Bunny Jammies -- WITHOUT the WeeGee label! 4. That Zima crap. 3. Milton Bradley's "I-Jenga"! 2. "Chemistry My Way" by Cyrus Longworth. 1. Count Petofi's "Clapper."

================================================================== Top 10 Signs You've Hired the Wrong Governess! ----------------------------------------------10. Her name's Laura and she won't heed "No Smoking" policy. 9. Not enough waitressing experience 8. Refuses to do sappy "Wuthering Heights"-style intros. 7. Hand That Rocks the Cradle is separate from the rest of her body. 6. Can drink Roger under the table. 5. Tutors David in bunny jammies. 4. Plays solitaire with Tarot cards. 3. David's constantly singing that damned "Do-Re-Mi" song. 2. Still has rope burns on her neck from that Damien brat. 1. She's always on the phone with that dork, Bosley!

==================================================================In honor of George Washington's birthday, this week's list harkens back to the Collins family and fiends of the 1790s. You see, the first President passed through Collinsport once or twice in his career, and had a few gripes. That said ...Top 10 George Washington Collinwood Complaints. ------------------------------------------------ 10. Bratty Daniel keeps hiding my teeth.

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9. Trask constantly tying women to cherry tree. 8. Had to take Abigail for a walk. 7. Turns out my contemporary counterpart is called "Denzel". 6. These backwards people never heard of bunny jammies. 5. I'm President of the United States and the Blue Whale won't even name a lousy sandwich after me. 4. Forbes won't find me chicks. 3. Joshua reminds me of that old blow-hard John Adams. 2. Millicent keeps bugging me to get vetoed. 1. I cannot tell a lie: Barnabas sucks!

===============================================================Barnabas' Top 10 Post "DS" Jobs. --------------------------------10. Spokesman for Count Chocula. 9. O.J. Simpson defense witness. 8. Paper punch. 7. Replacement player for Red Sox night games. 6. Andy Warhol's "normal" friend. 5. Lawyer. 4. Phone sex for the Addams family. 3. Potential Bob Dole running-mate. 2. Elvira's boy-toy. 1. Singapore punishment officer!

===========================================================Top 10 Campaign Promises in the Collinsport Mayoral Race! ---------------------------------------------------------- 10. Free parking for your hearse. 9. Undead tax cut. 8. Good friend Ted Kennedy will take Angelique for a ride. 7. Full funding to come from a liquor tax on Roger Collins. 6. Children rising from graves CAN be considered dependents. 5. Will provide town with new blood. 4. Taxpayers in Parallel Time can use an absentee ballot. 3. Evil twins vote twice! 2. City dog catchers will stop bugging werewolves. 1. With hard work, dedication, and perserverence, we'll be the next Twin Peaks! =============================================================Top 10 Ways the O.J. Trial Would be Different if Directed by Dan Curtis.----------------------------------------------- 10. O.J. played by Zuni fetish doll. 9. Judge Ito's beard only appears under the full moon. 8. Jury sequestered by live burial. 7. F. Lee Bailey tries the I-Ching defense. 6. Reverend Trask added to defense team. 5. At climax, O.J. hurls Robert Shapiro out of courthouse window. 4. Marcia Clark seen clutching Johnnie Cochrane voodoo doll. 3. Flies, flies and more flies! 2. Ito rules "no cameras" after six stagehands are spotted. 1. Trial would be only as long as "The Winds of War"!

===============================================================Top 10 pick up lines used by Barnabas:-------------------------------------

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10. "What's a nice girl like you doing in a century like this?" 9. "You know, that was me in 'Chariots of Fire'!" 8. "Mine's o-negative, what's yours?" 7. "Excuse me for staring, but you remind me of seven of my ancestors." 6. "You know, Connie Chung lied. I NEVER called Angelique a bitch." 5. "How 'bout an old music box for an hour of your time?" 4. "Talk's cheap. Let's neck!" 3. "You can call me Boutros-Boutros Barney." 2. "Sorry. I didn't recognize you, Mr. Jackson." 1. "You've been bit by the rest, now get bit by the best!"

=================================================================Top 10 Signs Spring Has Come to Collinwood!--------------------------------------------

10. Vampires are better rested. 9. Wolfsbane and garlic plants in full bloom. 8. Swallows have returned to Julia's hair. 7. Constant rain is 10 degrees warmer. 6. Flies have re-established landing strip on Roger's nose. 5. Vicki's bed now populated with YOUNG tarantulas. 4. Widows are wailing love songs ... NOTHING but love songs. 3. Barnabas' coffin now has lid fan. 2. Adam's chugging coolant by the gallon. 1. Bite marks on Carolyn's neck belong to Easter Bunny! ============================================================Top 10 Rejected "Dark Shadows" Titles. ------------------------------------------------ 10. "Withering Frights" 9. "I Love Toothy" 8. "My So-Called Death" 7. "All My Ancestors" 6. "One Death to Live" 5. "As the Props Drop" 4. "The $1.98 Soap Opera" 3. "The K-Mart Kreepshow" 2. "The Blood and the Beautiful" 1. "Cheap and Cheaper"!

==================================================================Top 10 Perks Described in the Collinsport Traveler's Guide...------------------------------------------------------------- 10. This town has a life of its own! 9. The Blue Whale is divided into biting and non-biting sections. 8. Blood bank has 24-hour tellers. 7. Constant thunderstorms good for the complexion. 6. Home of the world-famous cliff-diving widows. 5. You haven't died 'til you've died here. 4. If your room isn't haunted, the kids stay free! 3. Only surviving styrofoam cemetery in the U.S. 2. Each hotel room supplied with low-hanging boom mikes. 1. No T.V.s ... No O.J. coverage!

==================================================================Top 10 Best-selling Exercise Videos...--------------------------------------

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10. Professor Stokes' I-Ching, I-Lose Workout 9. Angelique's Buns of Brimstone 8. Barnabas Collins' Suckin' to the Oldies 7. Count Petofi's One-Handed Pushups 6. Maggie Evans' Squeal-a-Meal 5. WeeGee and Timmy Bicker Away the Bulge 4. Nicholas Blair's Black Mass o' Fat 3. The Roger and Tom Collins Alcohol Diet 2. Burn Calories Burn by Laura Collins 1. Victoria Winters' Seance to Slimness!

==================================================================Top 10 Pet Peeves of Quentin Collins...----------------------------------------10. Roger keeps getting drunk and calling me "mutton-chop head." 9. Vampires get the good chicks. 8. Every time I get a good line that hokey soundtrack kicks in. 7. Every time I get close to a woman, she leaves me for another era. 6. Dental floss around here isn't worth a damn! 5. WeeGee goes to bed too early. 4. Not enough mousse for MY bad hair day. 3. Bozos come up to me and ask if I was that werewolf dude from "Falcon Crest." 2. No portrait of ME hanging in the foyer. 1. Local barber takes too much off the legs.

==================================================================Top 10 Signs that Your Playmate is Possessed...-----------------------------------------------10. Can spontaneously combust her Lincoln logs. 9. Sees "The Exorcist" as a coming-of-age film. 8. Plays all of her records backwards ... and sings along. 7. Slug on the sidewalk looks suspiciously like that kid who used to beat you up at recess. 6. Voice sounds like Bea Arthur's, only deeper. 5. Accesses PRODIGY with a disconnected modem. 4. Can play hide and seek all by herself. 3. Likes to play doctor ... witch doctor. 2. Two words: voodoo Play-Doh. 1. She does the hokey pokey and she turns her head around.

==================================================================Top 10 Least Favorite Nicknames of Barnabas Collins---------------------------------------------------10. All-Day Sucker 9. The Caped Crusader 8. Bucky 7. Angie's Boy Toy 6. Barnafuoco 5. The Bitemaster 4. Fridface 3. Bat-Butt 2. Barnaboob 1. Boutros-Boutros Barney

==================================================================Top 10 Ways to Get Thrown Out of the Blue Whale...

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-----------------------------------------------10. Wake up Bob. 9. Tell 'em Kolchak sent you. 8. Exceed the maximum occupancy limit of five. 7. Open up the White Whale across the street. 6. Make fun of the record. 5. Sing "London Bridge Is Falling Down" over and over and over... 4. Trip over Sam Evans' beer I.V. 3. Wear bunnie jammies. 2. Two words: garlic breath. 1. Ass first!

==========================================================Here is our first Prodigy community top 10 list. From the home office in Collinsport, ME, tonight's category:

Top 10 Things Overheard at the Collinwood Christmas Party! -----------------------------------------------------------10. "No, Quentin, I don't want to see you morph!" 9. "Is that an I-Ching wand in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" 8. "Look! Angie's caught Barnabas under the garlic clove again!" 7. "Let's go to the West Wing. Parallel Time's got Ice-T!" 6. "Somebody get Senator Kennedy's face out of the punch bowl!" 5. "Bite me!" 4. "Did anyone invite Boutros-Boutros Barney?" 3. "Who's the sexy broad wearing nothing but the bunny jammies?" 2. "Pay no attention to the head behind the curtain!" 1. "O.K. One more. Then we HAVE to get to that Scrooge guy!"

=============================================================== PART XXXVIII. - DARK SHADOWS LITTLE INSTRUCTION BOOK===============================================================Created : 94-03-14 21:08:49 EST (and there abouts)by members of the DS Forum on (AOL) reprinted in THE COLLINSPORT STAR

------------------------------------- DARK SHADOWS Little Instruction Book. (helpful hints for a successful life) -------------------------------------These are handy little guides to help those who live in that wonderful world we know as DARK SHADOWS. If ever you find yourself on a strange and frightening journey to Collinsport, Maine, keep in mind these little jewels to make your stay a little more enjoyable.

Contributors: Martin Davenport , Judy Phillips , Teri Darcy , Jane Harris , Cathy Vocke , Liz McGillicuddy , Alane Megna

(1) If things go wrong, get sedated. (2) If you come across a severed head in a box, leave it alone. (3) If you come across a severed hand in a box, leave it alone.(4) If you come across ANY severed body parts in a box, leave it alone. (5) Old houses are lovely in candlelight. (6) Listening to music, either from a music box or on a Victrola, is a great way to pass the time. (7) Be wary of "men of the cloth" who have widows peaks. (8) Watch out for people who have extra bricks and mortar

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in their basements. (9) A coffin is an excellent place to sleep during the day.(10) Try hard not to look your age. (11) People who say they are from England are usually full of surprises. (12) Know your incestors, I mean ancestors. (13) Stay up late, a lot of interesting things happen around 2:30 am. (14) Werewolves tend to be short, no one knows why. (15) If you want someone to feel guilty just say, "You betrayed me!". (16) Don't date anyone named "Buzz".(17) Keep livestock, roosters can be found on some of the finest estates. (18) Double-breasted suits NEVER go out of style. (19) Never use the doorbell, a knock is much more personal. (20) Have a portrait painted of yourself. (21) Support local artists, spiritualists, and antique dealers.(22) Every now and then take a parallel lane in traffic. (23) Watch out while driving by cemeteries, you never know what will pop out of them. (24) Never anger anyone named Angelique, Jeb, or Nicholas. (25) Find the type of significant other you want and stick to that type. (26) Love is eternal. (27) Obsession is not a dirty word. (28) Be careful near cliffs. (29) Keep secrets. (30) Be curious. (31) The Blue Whale is a great nightspot, in fact its the only place to go! (32) Modern conveniences are just that, convenient. They are not necessities.(33) Dreams tell us what we need to know. Listen to them. (34) Don't let anyone named Laura play with matches. (35) Some boxes are better left unopened. (36) Gypsies can be loyal servants. (37) Memory loss can be a good thing. (38) The practice of medicine is just that, PRACTICE. (39) If you marry a woman named Laura, prepare to get burned! (40) 1966 was a l-o-n-g year. (41) Blood IS thicker than water. (42) People tend to regret curses they put on others. (43) There are secret messages in classical music. (44) Eccentric is good. (45) Cats are unpredictable. (46) Don't go snooping in other people's basements. (47) Plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize. (48) When in doubt, look wistful. (49) Not every story has an ending. (50) Unique hairstyles can be sexy. (51) Screaming every now or then helps release pent-up emotions. (52) Running home from school is good exercise. (53) Some of the nicest people are cursed. (54) Think with your heart, not with your head. (55) You can't cheat fate. (56) Wear a heavy coat in all kinds of weather. (57) Carry a cane even if you don't need one. (58) Buy anything with Dark Shadows in the title, it is worth it. (59) Go into the shipping business. (60) Quit your job and write a history book. (61) Teach your children at home. It improves their imaginations.

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(62) Live in a house that is too big for you. (63) Every now and then a trip to Boston is nice. (64) Fall in love with the past. (65) Take a walk in the woods. (66) Take a walk in the cemetery. (67) Don't marry your nephew's fiancee, he won't like it. (68) If you are going to hit your spouse with a poker, make sure you did the job right. (69) Fall in love quickly and often.(70) Every house should have a secret passageway. (71) Know how to draw a pentagram. (72) Trust the children. (73) You meet the most interesting people when you are possessed. (74) "London Bridge is Falling Down" can get annoying. (75) When you hear heavy breathing coming from a closed room, don't open the door. (76) If you'd really rather not be disturbed, consider being buried without a gravestone so no one can find you. (77) If your new wife's hair seem a bit too black for her light complexion and blue eyes, be suspicious. (78) Save money by buying only one telephone, and moving it around from place to place in your house. (79) Try not to marry your grandmother. (80) Keep the fires burning in your fireplaces, always. (81) If you find yourself stricken with lycanthropy, put money aside each week to buy new shirts. (82) Young girls should aspire to be governess: it's a fun job. (83) Drink lots of sherry. (84) Wear mini skirts no matter what. (85) Know ALL the secret passageways in your house. (86) Don't teach your illiterate servants to read and write. (87) Snow is merely a figment of people's imaginations. (88) When approached by a dead person, it is polite to tell them that they are dead. (89) Avoid Martinique at all costs. (90) Pick one favorite song and never listen to anything else. (91) Pay no attention to the hour of the day, it does not matter. (92) Every house should have a drawing room. (93) Practice talking loudly so you can be heard over thunderstorms. (94) The uglier the personality, the better looking the man. (95) When you're being controlled by someone with supernatural powers, it is not necessary for you to understand. (96) Learn how to quickly fashion a stake from a piece of wood. (97) Love is better when the person you're in love with doesn't want you. (98) Refer to even your most distant relatives as "cousins." (99) All werewolves look alike. (100) Women doctors are better - they stay alive longer. (101) If you are telling the truth, nobody will believe you, at least not for several weeks. (102) "London Bridge" is even *more* annoying when accompanied by ball tossing. (103) A handy talent is knowing how to hold a seance. (104) A handy talent is knowing how to hypnotize someone. (105) You'll always know when you're about to start dreaming because your vision will get wavy. (106) Beware of anyone who wants to tell you the bad dream they had last night.

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(107) Pointy hair attracts women. (108) Mutton chops attract women. (109) Music boxes are a great way to attract women. (110) Mischievous boys who forget their lines attract girls, but they won't admit it. (111) Mini-skirts attract men. (112) Having your own laboratory in your basement won't necessarily attract men. (113) If you have your own lab in the basement, always keep it stocked with plenty of dry ice and colored water.(114) If you're about to be hung for witchcraft, switch places with someone. (115) Always know how to exit a secret room before you go in. (116) Keep some extra voodoo dolls around for those special emergencies. (117) Pass up any opportunities to attend the Shaw/Drummond School of Assertiveness Training. (118) Always remember that vampirism is not a disease; vampires are THE LIVING DEAD! (119) Capes never go out of style. (120) Practice fainting gracefully. It may come in handy. (121) Practice fainting gracefully in a mini-skirt. It may come in handy. (121) It's not neighborly to lock the front door, even at night. (122) Be careful when tumbling down the stairs. You may loosen the bannister. (123) Be careful when slamming doors. You may loosen the walls. (124) Candles and cigarette lighters are unreliable and unpredictable. (125) The best hiding place in the house is behind the drapes. (126) Twins always have problems. (127) If you've got nothing to do, hang around the servants quarters. (128) Keep a Farmers Almanac handy in case your gypsy ever clams up on you. (129) When you wake up from a bad dream, scream loud, and long. (130) When you need help from the police, deal only with the sheriff and no one else. (131) Have a car, but don't flaunt it. (132) If a little girl starts seeing stars on people's faces, keep an eye on her brother. (133) Fear can kill you. (134) Don't bother with an umbrella, you'll never get wet no matter how much it rains. (135) Wine glasses of the highest quality bounce when thrown against a wall or fireplace. (136) Completely ignore Christmas and all other holidays. (137) If one (or more) of the wings of your house is deserted/locked up, there is a reason for it. (138) Do not try to stake vampire at sunset. (139) If your loved one travels in time, follow. He/she WILL get in trouble without you. (140) ALWAYS believe the tarot cards. (141) Any child living at Collinwood will be possessed at least once. (142) Do not bother consulting the family history. The information you need will be wrong or missing. (143) Do not bother altering the family history. Your descendants will find out anyway. (144) If you are not directly descended from Daniel Collins, do not try to have children.

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(145) If someone you know suddenly starts wearing scarves, this is more than a fashion statement. (146) You look exactly like several of your ancestors. (147) No matter how foolish and debauched your family is, you will never lose the family fortune. (148) You will never find out what you want to know at a seance, but you WILL find out something interesting. (149) If the candles blow out, curtains billow, and doors blow open, something is going on. Trust me. (150) Never leave children unsupervised. Never. I said NEVER.(151) A governess does not necessarily constitute supervision. (152) Do not hire governesses for their looks. Especially if they look like Josette. (All dark haired young women look like Josette) (153) There is always a secret panel. (154) Any night when there is not a thunderstorm, there will be a full moon. (155) Time travel keeps you young. (156) Don't be afraid to admit you don't understand. (157) If you don't like the way things are going, return to a previous century and fix it. (158) Do not climb stairways that lead nowhere. (159) If your name is Carolyn, enter a nunnery. (160) Never install carpeting; it holds blood stains. (161) Never have the right dates put on your gravestone. It keeps everyone guessing. (162) There IS something strange going on in this house. (163) No matter what people tell you, it is NOT your imagination.(164) If your mother wants to take you to a special, wonderful place, make her show you the place on a map before you agree to go. (165) If Confucius couldn't master something, you might not want to be messing with it yourself. (166) Be careful who you enslave; they may betray you.(167) If someone offers you a drink, insist on pouring it yourself. (168) It's a wise man who wears a monocle. (169) Jewels can start all kinds of trouble. (170) If you possess innocent children and make them give you the burial your family never did, consider the possibility that you may be too tall to fit in a toy chest. (171) Surround yourself with the color green. (172) Children with stained glass windows in their bedrooms are bound to have emotional problems. (173) If you become a vampire's slave, consider turtlenecks for your attire. They are much more practical than scarves or shawls for hiding those tell-tale fang marks. (174) Hone your skills at being able to strike a person mute on a moment's notice. It is a handy talent - particularly when someone is about to reveal a terrible secret. (175) It's impolite to ask a vampire for a mirror. (176) In order to avoid any possible embarrassments when you transform from a werewolf back to a human, purchase your pants from the same shop David Banner buys his. They are guaranteed not to rip off, no matter what happens. (177) Don't invest in expensive bed linens. For the time you'll spend actually sleeping in the bed, they won't be worth it. (178) If you've always dreamed of being a governess, go to Collinwood. The only formal training required for the position is to have waitressed at a diner.

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(179) Have you hearing checked regularly. You'll need that sense acutely tuned in order to successfully eavesdrop through closed drawing room doors. (180) Never wonder about the fact that you look exactly like long-dead ancestors but you don't even remotely resemble anyone in your immediate family. (181) Learn to appreciate the concept of irony. (182) If you hear a squeaky noise at your bedroom window, the odds are that it is not simply a tree branch scraping against the glass. (183) Before you marry (especially if the blushing bride's name is Cassandra or Laura), do a little checking into her background. If she can't produce so much as a birth certificate, dental record or even a library card for I.D., you might want to reconsider your wedding plans. (184) Hide the family treasure trove well. You never know when you'll need it later in life - much later in life.

SPECIAL SECTION ADDED TO RULES FOR LIVING:------------------------------------------Thanks to [email protected], [email protected]

Some of the rules of dating that I was taught so long ago were...

RULES OF DATING ===============

1. Don't try and change people! (Barny flunks this one big time)

2. Don't be possessive! (Along the lines of "if you love something set it free...", again, Barn needs work in this area)

3. Try not to call your new lover your old lovers name. (Barn, are you listening? Let's face it, if Barn and Maggie were having sex....he'd scream out the name Josette....)

4. Accept it when someone says NO! Accept rejection gracefully. (Barn's a stalker)

5. Let the other person have equal say about where to go, what to eat and things to do on your date! (Barn apparently doesn't believe in an equal partnership)

6. Don't tell your date every five minutes that you're going to kill her. And if you must, don't be so obvious about looks over brains - telling her that only her beauty is saving her is really tacky.

7. It's really jumping the gun a bit to make her wear a wedding gown on the first date.

8. Don't be stuck in a rut as far as listening to the same music, staying in the same old place, etc.

9. It's upsetting to threaten to kill other people such as servants, your date's father, etc. in the presence of your date.

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10. Don't bore your date with your little hobbies such as woodworking, etc. until you know better whether she likes that sort of thing.

11. It's not polite to start thinking about chasing after neighboring governesses while you have your date locked up in a downstairs room.

12. Never give elaborately expensive jewelry so soon in the dating relationship.

13. Make sure you know the whereabouts of pesky younger siblings before you try any heavy handed tactics with your dates such as kidnapping and holding in locked rooms. Those darn kids can mess up a good thing every time! ;>

One more Dating and Barn point.....

14. "Shacking up" with your honey is permitted after the wedding and cerainly not on the first date.

Dating Rules for Parents ([email protected])------------------------

Here are a couple more dating rules I thought up, for parents and parents-to-be of young ladies who are dating.

1. It's not nice to leave your daughter's date standing outside the front door, and to tell him to leave most everytime you see him.

2. It's also rude to threaten to step on your future stepdaughter's date's shin, even if he is sprawled on the stairs like a slob.

3. It's not technically rude, but is somewhat tacky, to bribe your future stepdaughter's date to stop seeing her, especially if he's the type to tell her immediately afterwards!

While I'm thinking of the dating game, I have to include a couple of what seem to be Vicki's personal rules for dating. The main one seems to be that it's not allowed to date just any ol' guy who happens to be around. It's better to date one of the following:

1. An avowed enemy of the family who has sworn to destroy the whole bunch and who tells you the first 10 times he sees you to leave town.

2. A young lawyer who is basically a nice guy but who doesn't mind digging around in cemeteries and crypts, and who disappears from your life without a word of explanation.

3. A cousin of the family who appears out of nowhere with a story about England and who takes up residence next door immediately.

4. A man from the past who works digging up bodies and who doesn't know his own name.

(added by [email protected])

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Dating tip for Vicki:

Don't date anyone who speaks of events centuries in the past as if they were personal remembrances.

Dating tip for Carolyn:

Helmets, helmets, helmets!

=============================================================== PART XXXIX. - GENERAL HUMOR===============================================================

The following Jokes are taken from the Vampires Only web site <http://www.vampyre.wis.net/vampyre/index.html> with many thanksto Vlad III

------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pros and Cons of Dating a Vampire (Peter Shipley)------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro Con----------------------------------- ------------------------------------Long relationships Spend your time in a hypnotic dazeAllowed to stay out late Parents can be hellEasy weight loss You always feel tired (loss of blood)Centuries of experience Oral sex can be lethalImmune to all venereal diseases Always has cold feet (and blood)Always has amazing stamina Never able to spend the day in bedLoves neck nibbling Pet names that give you chillsRarely interested in arguing religion Strange friendsNever comes home with garlic breath Giggles at funeralsDon't have to worry about what color Hard to win an argument of clothes to wear. No romantic sunsets May forget own strength during orgasm

============================================================================One-liners ([email protected]) (adjusted for DS fans)----------

What's fast food to Barnabas? A GUY WITH REALLY HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE

Why did Barnabas subscribe to Vogue? HE HEARD IT HAD GREAT CIRCULATION

Why didn't Tom Jennings like the Red Cross? HE COULDN'T STAND THE COMPETITION

What's something to keep secret from Dirk? DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME.

Why did the dyslexic vampire starve to death? HE COULDN'T FIND ANY D-L-O-O-B

Why aren't the 2 Sicilian vampires talking? THEY'RE INVOLVED IN A BLOOD FEUD

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Why did Barnabas call an Asian mortuary? HE WANTED CHINESE TAKE OUT.


Notes from The COLLINSPORT FILM FESTIVAL and JAMBOREE (compiled, edited, and adjusted from material originally posted to the WWW by : [email protected])

---------------------------------------Barnabas Collins' Least Favorite Movies---------------------------------------DAWN PARTOL / HIGH NOON / THE SUNSHINE BOYS / THE SUN ALSO RISES /SUNBURN / SUNRISE / MORNING GLORY / THE MORNING AFTER /DAY FOR NIGHT / THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE





Cosmic Questions - inquiring minds seek to know:------------------------------------------------

- If Glenn Miller had been a vampire would his phone number have been Translyvania - 6 - 5000?

- If Carly Simon was a vampire, would she have sung "You're so vein?"

- If Tony Bennett was a vampire hunter would his song be

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"I staked her heart in San Francisco"?

- Would the "Ghoul Gazzette" be published by William Randolph Hearse?

- Would teenage vampires refuse to clean their tombs?

- When you meet a surfer vampire, do you say "You really suck, dude"?

- Is a vampire who can't face the truth about himself, a plasmaholic?

- If Vampires played in the NBA, would they dribble?

- Do Vampires make lousy lab technicians because they snack on the blood samples?

------------------------------------------------------------------------YOU KNOW YOU"VE BEEN WATCHING TOO MUCH DARK SHADOWS WHEN........

From Prodigy's DS board: NICHOLS RUSSO (UBJM25A) --You hear the phrase "cousin from England" and wonder if you should stock up on crucifixes and silver bullets. --If your answer to every problem is to hold a seance, you might be watching too much Dark Shadows. --You know you're watching too much DS when you wander up and down your stairs, expecting to be sent back in time.

--If you think the lyrics to a children's rhyme are "IChing, You Ching, We all Ching for I Ching," you might bewatching too much Dark Shadows.

--When you sit in an empty room, waiting to be drawn into Parallel Time, you know you're watching too much Dark Shadows. --If you expect pictures of your ancestors to look EXACTLY like you and your family, you might be watching too much Dark Shadows. --When your doctor is also your hypnotist, you know you've been watching too much Dark Shadows. --If you're afraid to open a box for fear it might contain Count Petofi's hand, Judah Zachery's head, or a Leviathan, you might be watching too much Dark Shadows. --If you confuse Phoenix, Arizona with Laura, you know you've been watching too much Dark Shadows. --If you see your cousin's new wife and think "Didn't she put a curse on me 200 years ago?" you might be watching too much Dark Shadows. Well, that's about as far as I got before my break ended, so if anybody's got any comments or further additions, jump

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right on in. And Added by : NANCY SINSKY (FFFC51B)

-- If you pour yourself a drink everytime you pass through double-doors, you've been watching too much Dark Shadows. -- If you think seeing the shadow of a boom mike means six more weeks of winter--you've been watching too much Dark Shadows. -- If you haven't left your house in 18 years--you've probably been inside watching too much DS!

In the same Vein.......

From the Prodigy board: You just might be a Vampire if...... - You start judging your dates by how many times a month they donate to the local blood bank?

- You consider the local blood bank one of your usual hangouts.

- You have a strange fear of sharp wooden objects.

- You start buying sunblock spf. 9000.

- Your dentist keeps cutting himself whilst cleaning your teeth.

- Bloody Mary is the name of your date, not your drink.

- You look at Kate Moss and think of her as a Lean Cuisine

- Your idea of being a two-fisted drinker is having your arms around the Doublemint twins.

- You see the movie Dracula as a self-help video.

- Your idea of meals-on-wheels is the Blood Mobile.

- Every time you look out the window dogs start howling.

- Your idea of take-out is the pizza delivery man stopping by.

- You think White Fang is a brand of toothpaste.

- Steaks suddenly become less appetizing.

- You get a panick attack every time someone mentions tanning beds.

- Friends start giving you self-tanning lotion as a gag gift.

- "Bats in the Belfry", refers to your relatives upstairs

- "I don't know what to wear", means you can't decide between

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the short black cape or the long black cape.

- You start using Nair on your face because you can't see yourself in the mirror to shave...

- You think convertable means, an open casket funeral.

- You read through this list and realize, you've done most of this stuff. (But of course this could just be the result of a sick mind)

=============================================================== PART XL. - LEGAL TYPE STUFF===============================================================

Copyright and Trademark Notice: In no case is use of any copyrighted material and/or trademarks without identifying symbols intended as a claim of ownership to those copyrights and/or trademarks. "DS-FAQ" is a non-profit project of list-making, collation and consolidation of data and factoids concerning DARK SHADOWS. If you feel you deservecredit for something herein, let us know - If you do, you'll get it.

DARK SHADOWS is a Registered Trademark of DAN CURTIS PRODUCTIONS, INC. All other copyrighted material, trademarks, and/or service marks cited herein are registered to their respective owners.

You may freely distribute this file or portions of it as long as you cite the original sources and the FAQ.

As Eeyore said "Thanks for noticing" Tim and Roy==================================================================
