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Page 1: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in









JULY 2013

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Page 2: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................5

Background & Rationale Scope & Structure

2. SITE & CONTEXT...................................................................................................6

Site Description Surrounding Context Planning History

3. PROPOSAL................................................................................................................11

Development Proposal Landscaping Vehicular & Pedestrian Access Car Parking

4. PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT................................................................................13

National Policy Local Policy Supplementary Guidance

5. PLANNING APPRAISAL............................................................................................18

Principle of Residential Development Layout & Design Considerations Highways Tree Protection Sustainability, Accessibility, Regeneration

6. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................20

Summary Conclusion

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Page 3: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in


Background & Rationale

1.1 This Planning Statement is submitted in support of a planning application made to

Tameside Borough Council by Aintree Holdings Limited for the erection of a 96 bed

residential care home, landscape, access and parking at the site of the Darnton

Building, Darnton Road, Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 9RJ. It has been prepared by

Ludlam Associates in conjunction with Red Apple Architects.

1.2 Its purpose is to provide further information about the proposal and how it relates to

adopted planning policy and explains how all of the relevant matters relating to

planning have been taken into account.

1.3 In addition to the Planning Statement the application is submitted with the following

documents and drawings;

• Design & Access Statement (Red Apple Design)

• Transport Statement (Transdat Solutions)

• Tree Survey (TPM Landscapes)

• Topographic Survey (Norman Oliver)

• Proposed Site Layout (Red Apple Design)

• Landscaping Scheme (TPM Landscapes)

• Proposed Street Scenes (Red Apple Design)

• 3d Visualisations (JBS)

Scope & Structure

1.4 The scope of this Planning Statement has been set out in accordance with advice

from Tameside Borough Council, the local planning and highways authority.

1.5 The Planning Statement is structured into six sections as follows;

• Section 2 describes the characteristics of the site and the surroundings context.

• Section 3 sets out the details of the proposal including the layout and design of

buildings, landscaping and arrangements for access and parking.

• Section 4 considers the national and local planning policy context examining how

the proposal fits within the policy framework.

• Section 5 provides an appraisal of the planning issues and outlines the intention of

creating an attractive and sustainable environment.

• Section 6 summarises the Planning Statement and draws conclusions.

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Page 4: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

2. SITE & CONTEXT Site Description

2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in Ashton-under-

Lyne. It is shown on the photographs below. The site occupies an area of

approximately 0.777ha and is semi-circular in shape as shown on the Site Location

Plan. The plot is situated on the northern side of Darnton Road with vehicular access

at either end of the site. The site boundaries are defined by the adjoining highways

and the surrounding land and buildings which form part of the Tameside General

Hospital Complex.

2.2 The site is occupied by administrative services for Tameside General Hospital. It

presently comprises a large three storey building originally designed as a Victorian

infirmary. This is a surplus to requirement 2/3 storey administration building

comprising around 34,875sq. ft. of accommodation. The site has very little

landscaping with extensive car parking of around 150 spaces.

2.3 The topography of the site is predominantly flat with a small number of mature trees

which are located along the boundary with Darnton Road.

2.4 The site has recently been marketed on behalf of Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation

Trust. A copy of the marketing particulars of Colliers International is attached. The

applicants have negotiated to purchase the site.

Surrounding Context

2.5 Ashton-under-Lyne is an established market town in the Borough of Tameside

situated to the east of Manchester City Centre. As a settlement it is well defined by a

linear pattern of development orientated along Manchester Road (A635) which is the

primary route connecting the town with Manchester. Retailing needs are served by

the town centre and various other local district centres as shown in the attached

context diagram. The area has a variety of shops and local services and a good

selection of parks and recreational open spaces. The residential streets are loosely

formed in a grid structure around the district centre and are very well connected

allowing a good degree of legibility and permeability. The area is largely enclosed by

the built form and the surrounding public open spaces.

2.6 The site lies 1.3 kilometres to the east of the town centre within the St Michaels Ward

of Tameside Borough which is bounded by Stamford Park to the east and the River

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Page 5: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

Tame to the south. This is an attractive neighbourhood which is home to the

Tameside General Hospital and Ashton-under-Lyne Sixth Form College.

2.7 Directly to the north of the site is a service road connecting with Fountain Street.

To the east is an area of woodlands leading to Mellor Road. To the south side of

Darnton Road is the college. To the west are various residential streets leading to the

town centre.

View of the site from Darnton Road

View of the site entrance from Darnton Road

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Page 6: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

Planning History

2.8 The application site has no relevant planning history.


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Page 7: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in


Development Proposals

3.1 The application is for full planning permission and proposes the erection of a 96

bedroomed care home facility (C2: Residential Institution) with associated access,

parking and landscaping following demolition of all the existing structures on the site.

It is submitted following pre-application discussions and advice from Officers relating

to the principle of the development, design and layout of the proposed new building

and the provision of car parking.

3.2 The proposal has the following characteristics;

• A 96 bed roomed care home with a gross floor area of 5620sq.m.

• The building would 3 storeys in height.

• The building would have a smaller footprint than the existing Darnton House and

be positioned slightly closer towards Darnton Road.

• The layout of the ground floor comprises 32 bedrooms all with en-suite bathrooms,

lounge, dining room, offices and other resident’s facilities.

• The layout of the first floor comprises 32 bedrooms all with en-suite bathrooms,

lounge, dining room, and other resident’s facilities.

• The layout at the second floor comprises 32 bedrooms all with en-suite

bathrooms, lounge, dining room, and other resident’s facilities.

• All bedrooms are to be fully accessible to wheelchair users.

• It is anticipated that the care home would employ up to 50 full and 15 part time

members of staff over 3 shifts in a 24 cycle

3.3 The scheme involves the comprehensive redevelopment of the entire site to create an

attractive environment with all the qualities of a sustainable development. The Design

and Access Statement explains how the building sits within the street scene.

Vehicular & Pedestrian

3.4 Access to the site is taken directly from Darnton Road with a single entrance and exit.

The service road is to be retained in order to maintain access to adjacent properties.

The access route is illustrated on the Site Layout Plan below.


3.5 In terms of parking provision for staff and visitors there are 49 spaces in total all

individually marked, with 4 disabled access spaces adjacent to the main entrance.

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Page 8: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in


3.6 The landscaping of the site is designed to retain as many existing trees as possible

and supplement these with additional planting in the sensory gardens and alongside

the site boundaries. A small number of trees are to be removed to facilitate the new

access. Any approval of this application could be subject to a condition requiring

further details of a landscaping scheme and planting schedules to be submitted for

approval by the LPA prior to implementation.

Proposed Site Layout & Landscaping Scheme

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Page 9: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in


4.1 The planning application should be considered in the context of the following national

and local planning policy and guidance:

• National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

• Saved Policies of the Tameside UDP

• Supplementary Planning Guidance and Documents

National Planning Policy

4.2 The DCLG adopted the National Planning Policy Framework in March 2012. The

NPPF brings together the existing Planning Policy Statements, Planning Policy

Guidance Notes and some Circulars into a single consolidated document.

4.3 The NPPF signifies a change in policy towards a presumption in favour of sustainable

development, which should be seen as the; “golden thread running through plan

making and decision taking“.

4.4 In particular Paragraphs “13 of the Framework sets out the presumption in favour of

sustainable development. Paragraph 196 of the Framework confirms the tests in

s28(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and s70 of the Town and

Country Planning Act 1990 and that the Framework is a material consideration in

planning decisions. Paragraph 197 states that in assessing and determining

development proposals, local planning authorities should apply the presumption in

favour of sustainable development.

4.5 The NPPF advises that for plan making this means that LPA’s should “positively seek

new opportunities to meet the development needs of their area”. In terms of LPA

decision taking this means “approving development proposals that accord with the

development plan without delay”.

4.6 Chapter 7: Requiring Good Design provides that planning policies and decisions

should aim to ensure that developments:

• will function well and add to the overall quality of the area, not just for the short

term but over the lifetime of the development;

• establish a strong sense of place, using streetscapes and buildings to create

attractive and comfortable places to live, work and visit;

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Page 10: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

• optimise the potential of the site to accommodate development, create and sustain

an appropriate mix of uses (including incorporation of green and other public

space as part of developments) and support local facilities and transport networks;

• respond to local character and history, and reflect the identity of local surroundings

and materials, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation;

• create safe and accessible environments where crime and disorder, and the fear

of crime, do not undermine quality of life or community cohesion; and

• are visually attractive as a result of good architecture and appropriate landscaping.

4.7 Chapter 4: Promoting Sustainable Transport is particularly relevant and states that

Local Planning Authorities should take into account:

• the accessibility of the development;

• the type, mix and use of development;

• the availability of and opportunities for public transport;

• local car ownership levels; and

• an overall need to reduce the use of high-emission vehicles.

4.8 Chapter 6: Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes:

• Para. 47 states that local planning authorities should significantly boost the supply of


• Para. 50 states that to deliver a wide choice of high quality homes, widen

opportunities for home ownership and create sustainable, inclusive and mixed

communities, local planning authorities should plan for a mix of housing based on

current and future demographic trends, market trends and the needs of different

groups in the community, including older people.

• Para. 159 states that local planning authorities should have a clear understanding of

housing needs in their area and should prepare a Strategic Housing Market

Assessment (SHMA) to assess their full housing needs. The SHMA should identify

the scale and mix of housing and the range of tenure that the local population is likely

addresses the need for all types of housing, including the needs of different groups in

the community, including older people.

• The glossary defines older people as:

• “People over retirement age, including the active, newly-retired through to the very

frail elderly, whose housing needs can encompass accessible, adaptable general

needs housing for those looking to downsize from family housing and the full range of

retirement and specialised housing for those with support or care needs.”

Local Planning Policy

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Page 11: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

4.9 The NPPF establishes a presumption in favour of sustainable development that

accords with the prevailing development plan. It follows that it must first be

considered whether the proposals are in accordance with the objectives, policies and

proposals of the development plan and then to determine whether there are any other

material considerations that need to be examined in the decision making process.

4.10 The relevant local planning policies are contained within the Tameside Unitary

Development Plan which was formally adopted by the Council on the 17th November

2004. The UDP sets the vision, spatial strategy and policies for the development of

the Borough and is saved as a Development Plan Document beyond its expiry date of

27th September 2007. It is therefore necessary to consider the saved policies from the

extant Revised UDP.

4.11 The site is identified in the UDP Proposals Map as being within a predominantly

residential area but without any specific allocation.

4.12 Whilst The Darnton Building dates back to the construction of the original hospital, it

has no particular architectural or historic merit and is consequently not listed, nor is

this a Conservation Area.

Tameside UDP Proposals Map Extract 29/07/13


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Page 12: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

4.13 The following Tameside UDP Policies are relevant to the determination of the


4.14 H1: Housing Land Provision. Prioritises new housing construction on previously

developed land and reuse of empty and underused buildings for residential purposes.

The application site is considered to be a brownfield site and its redevelopment for

residential use is supported by the provisions of policy H1.

4.15 H2: Unallocated Sites. The Council will permit the redevelopment of previously

developed land for residential use where sites are not specifically allocated for this

purpose. The application site is unallocated in the Proposals map and is considered

as a windfall site that contributes to the overall supply of housing in the Borough

4.16 H4: Type, Size & Affordability of Dwellings. The provision of new housing should

incorporate a range of dwelling types, sizes and affordability to meet the needs of all

sections of the community and help to create better balanced communities for the

future. The proposal is for a residential care home for the elderly and is designed to

meet the specific housing needs of an ageing population in the long term.

4.17 H5: Open Space Provision. New housing development will be expected to provide

open space and facilities, proportional to the intended number of occupants, in a safe

and convenient location within or in close proximity to the site and to make suitable

arrangements for ongoing maintenance. The proposal includes extensive landscaping

and a sensory garden for residents in a sheltered and peaceful position on the site.

The grounds are secured with attractive fencing and boundary treatments to soften

the overall appearance of the development and create an attractive and safe

environment for residents.

4.18 H10: Detailed Design of New Housing Developments. The layout design and

external appearance of new housing developments are required to meet the following

design criteria

(a) a design which meets the needs of the potential occupiers, provides an

attractive, convenient and safe environment for the local community, and

complements or enhances the character and appearance of the surrounding

area, and

(b) suitable arrangements for parking, access to and from the highway, and delivery,

refuse and emergency vehicles, including access by pedestrians, cyclists and

disabled people, and for convenient access to public transport where

appropriate, with no unacceptable impact on the surrounding highway network,


(c) suitable landscaping and fencing, including retention of existing features such as

trees and hedges where practical, which enhance the appearance of the

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Page 13: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

development, ensure privacy and security where necessary, enable discrete

storage of wheelie bins and minimise the visual impact on surrounding areas,


(d) no unacceptable impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties through

noise, loss of privacy, overshadowing, or traffic, and

(e) minimisation of the opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour.

4.19 The proposal satisfies all of the above criteria and is designed as an attractive

residential environment that contributes to the character of the neighbourhood.

4.20 T1: Highway Improvement and Traffic Management. States that access

arrangements for development schemes must be designed to achieve the following


(a) improving safety for all road users,

(b) encouraging the use of non car modes,

(c) providing safe and convenient facilities for pedestrians and cyclists,

(d) improving road and community safety especially in residential areas,

(e) improving safety and the environment in town and local centres, assisting their

viability and encouraging new investment,

(f) assisting sustainable development,

(g) safe management of congestion problems,

(h) improving the efficiency and attractiveness of public transport and the

convenience and safety of passengers,

(i) providing for the needs of people with mobility difficulties,

(j) providing for the safe use of powered two wheelers,

(k) providing for the sustainable movement of freight,

(l) conserving and enhancing the valued characteristics of an area through the use

of appropriate design and materials.

4.21 The focus is achieving accessible and sustainable urban areas. The priority for

development is therefore reducing dependency on travel by car and promoting public


4.22 T10: Parking. New developments are subject to maximum and minimum standards

of parking provision in line with adopted policy. The standards for C2 use are as


C2:Care/Nursing Home 1 space per 4 beds 6% disabled spaces

4.23 The proposal provides 47 parking spaces in total and 4 disabled spaces which meets

the adopted standards for parking provision.

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Page 14: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

4.24 C1: Townscape & Urban Form. Proposals for new buildings should respect the

distinct settlement pattern, open space features, topography, townscape and

landscape character and the nature of the surrounding fabric.

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) and Documents (SPD)

4.25 The following supplementary planning guidance notes are of relevance in the

determination of this application:



4.26 The Design and Access Statement explains how the design of the proposals and the

landscaping of the site meets the guidance in the above SPD’s


5.1 The following issues are relevant in the determination of this application;

• The Principle of Residential Use

• Layout and Design Considerations

• Highways Impact

• Tree Protection

• Accessibility, Sustainability/Regeneration

The Principle of Residential Use

5.2 The Principle of Residential Use is supported by the following considerations:

The development of a brownfield site

5.3 The application site constitutes previously developed brownfield site that lies within a

predominantly residential area and is unallocated in Local Plan. Its redevelopment for

residential purposes is supported by the NPPF and local Policies H1 and H2 of the

Tameside UDP.

5.4 It is considered that the principle of residential use is acceptable on this site as it is a

highly sustainable location in a predominantly residential area.

Positive Impact on Residential Amenity

5.5 Relevant policies and guidance C1 seek to ensure that development does not have a

materially detrimental effect on surrounding residents.

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Page 15: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

5.6 The redevelopment of this site to provide a modern purpose built facility with

extensive landscaping treatment is of benefit to the character and appearance of the

area. The removal of unsightly overgrowth and hardstanding will further enhance the

visual amenity of the area and will benefit local residents.

Layout and Design Considerations

5.7 This is an application for full planning permission and is submitted with a site layout

which demonstrates that the development of a 96 bedroomed care home can be

accommodated on the site in a satisfactory manner.

5.8 A Design and Access Statement prepared by Red Apple Architects, is submitted with

the application, which explains how the above design has evolved, and how the

policies and guidance on development have been taken into consideration.

Highway Impact

5.9 A Transport Statement is submitted with the application. The development proposals

are demonstrated to be in accordance with the Councils Car Parking Standards, and

the new junction with Darnton Road which forms the site access exceeds the visibility

requirements in Manual for Streets.

5.10 Accessibility by sustainable travel modes, which include by foot, cycle and public

transport is analysed and demonstrated to be very accessible and in accordance with

local transport policies and the NPPF.

5.11 The site is ideally located for future residents, visitors and staff to take advantage of

the numerous public transport connections. The proximity to the local district centre

will contribute positively to the town’s aspirations to position new development in

accessible locations with close connections to local facilities for pedestrians and

cyclists. The proposals are in accordance with UDP Policy T1 Transport and Development.

Tree Protection

5.12 In order to comply with the requirements of Policy C1 a Tree Survey and

Arboricultural Assessment has been prepared by TPM Landscape.

5.13 The purpose of the survey and of this report is to identify the impact of the proposed

development of the site on trees, both within and immediately adjacent the site.

5.14 The development of the site will involve the construction of residential care home,

which does not require the removal of any existing trees. There are a small number of

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Page 16: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

trees at the boundary with Darnton Road that are to be removed in order to

accommodate the new access junction. However, mitigation for the impact of the loss

of these trees can be provided in the form of the following:

• The planting of trees and shrubs as part of a comprehensive landscape scheme

to replace those trees removed and to integrate the development into the wider


• The planting of native hedges where possible to provide linear habitats that link

to habitats located off site;

• The use of native species where possible;

• The production and agreement, in advance of the commencement of the

development, of a method statement for the protection of retained trees.

5.32 The report includes Tree Protection Measures which could be the subject of a

condition attached to the planning permission.

Accessibility / Sustainability / Regeneration

5.33 The NPPF promotes sustainable and accessible development in order to create

mixed and sustainable communities. National policy promotes high quality housing

with good access to jobs, key services and infrastructure. The NPPF also seeks to

deliver more sustainable patterns of development and a reduction in the need to

travel, especially by car. Sustainable and accessible developments are also promoted

under UDP Policy T1 Highways Improvement & Traffic Management.

5.34 The Transport Assessment demonstrates the accessible nature of the site in terms of

public transport availability.

5.35 The NPPF and Policy T1 encourage the redevelopment of brownfield land within the

urban area, in sustainable locations that offer a range of community facilities with

good access to jobs, key services and infrastructure. The sustainability benefits

associated with the proposal include:

• The proposal utilises brownfield land in the urban area

• The development will be sited close to public transport services, shops, education

and essential facilities

• The redevelopment will include sustainable construction techniques, including site

waste management

5.36 The application for residential development to demonstrate positive regeneration

benefits, which will be achieved by:

• Reusing brownfield land in the urban area

• Upgrading and improving the appearance of the site

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Page 17: DARNTON BUILDING DARNTON ROAD ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE …plandocs.tameside.gov.uk/anitepublicdocs/00186886.pdf · 2.1 The application site comprises the Darnton Building, Darnton Road in

• Enabling compatible land uses which better reflect surrounding development (in

height, scale and appearance terms)

• Providing essential housing which meet an identifiable needs of the elderly section

of society.

• Improving links to public transport services and through the surrounding green


5.37 Furthermore, the use will generate a significant amount of long-term employment,

both full and part-time.


6.1 This Planning Statement has analysed the relevant policies and guidance, and

evidence submitted with the planning application, to demonstrate that the proposed

development is appropriate by reason of compliance with policies and guidance, and

other reference to material considerations which indicate in its favour.

6.2 The development will deliver regeneration of a brownfield site in a highly sustainable

location in a predominantly residential area.

6.3 The development provides a residential care home with 96 bed spaces for the elderly,

which will contribute to meeting the shortfall in the supply of such accommodation

across the Borough.

6.4 The proposal is a well designed residential development that caters for the specific

needs of residents as well as those of the staff and visitors. The access arrangements

incorporate safe manoeuvring of vehicles entering and exiting the adjacent highways

as well as the safety of pedestrians using the pavements.

6.5 The site is well connected to the surrounding area and is within walking distance of

local shops and schools and is in an excellent location to make use of existing public

transport links and pedestrian and cycle routes.

6.6 The proposal is entirely consistent with the objectives of national and local policy

which aims to reduce reliance on travel by private car and encourage more

sustainable travel patterns by promoting public transport, cycling and walking. It is

therefore requested that planning permission be granted.

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