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Dartmouth Caring Impact

Date post: 07-May-2015
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Dartmouth Caring Helen Vines, VINESWORKS and Beverly Jones, South West Forum
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Dartmouth Caring

Helen Vines, VINESWORKS andBeverly Jones, South West Forum

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DC - Who and why Charity set up in 1988, 6 staff and over 60

volunteers. Seeks to; “Help people stay in their home as long as is

safely possible” Holistic approach to supporting clients

with multiple needs Services free at point of delivery Turnover 2010/11 = £131k Collaborative working with local partners

and agencies Rapidly expanding range and take-up of

services to meet increasing needs

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A flavour of DCIn 2010/11

7967 interventions made/delivered, a yearly growth of 23%, including (not exclusively):

1648 home visits made, a yearly growth of 28%. 852 shopping collections made, a yearly growth of 22% 826 transport journeys made 1991 Lunch Club hot meals provided 266 post-hospital discharge follow-ups (new service) 132 counselling sessions given, of which 99 were GP referrals (new

service) 97 attending Memory Café in 7 months (new service) 78 Health & Wellbeing Checks for Carers (new service)

60 volunteers given their time freely, 30 of them regularly

1000+ volunteer hours given, a minimum value of £10,410**

Minimum of 36 preventions of re-admissions to hospital after 91 days, saving the NHS a minimum of £126,000 on re-admission costs, and directly meeting NHS Outcome.

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Tell the story plus… Case study includes quantitative outputs, and…

Qualitative narrative and images Financial data and monetisation where appropriate, eg.

• 1000+ volunteer hours given, a minimum value of £10,410. • Minimum of 36 preventions of re-admissions to hospital after 91

days, saving the NHS a minimum of £126,000 on re-admission costs, and directly meeting NHS Outcome.

Links to relevant strategies eg. JSNA, Devon’s Joint Commissioning Strategy for People with Dementia

Testimony and anecdotes from range of perspectives:• delivery partners inc NHS Trust, Complex Care team • delivery staff including Bridge Workers• clients and clients’ carers

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What value to whom?



Delivery Partner

Commissioners Dartmouth CaringServices

£££ saving of prevented readmissions

“refreshing to have somewhere to turn for prompt help with the jobs that do not fit in to a specific category but are none the less essential”

Torbay NHS Trust

“Working for Dartmouth Caring has allowed them into homes as a friendly face but with their clinical back grounds they are alert to potentially more complex problems and can quickly get a client signposted to the relevant medical professional preventing deterioration to more serious consequences.”

“Day Care for people suffering dementia needs careful planning and Dartmouth Caring helped Sharon manage that process. Peter now spends three days a week in one day care and two in another and according to Sharon, he has “blossomed”.“

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Of value to all“We have forged a relationship where I am able to provide community centre support, advice andclinical supervision and in return they have beenavailable to act as my eyes and ears providingresponsive visits and checking on my patientsWhen appropriate. I have found them to bewilling, approachable and professional.

Several of my patients have commented on how impressed they were with the post-discharge follow-up that the BWs have initiated saying that this made them feel less isolated and a little special. Let’s face it we could all do with that from time to time especially following an illness.

I’m sure the BWs role with expand and evolve over time and I hope that the idea will take off in other areas.”

Extract of letter from Community Matron for Totnes/Dartmouth, Torbay NHS Trust, April 2011

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Lessons learned

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Keep it Simple

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Key Points VCS organisations often bring wider social,

environmental and economic benefits. Longitudinal studies could produce valuable

information for policy makers. Small organisations will need help to evidence social

value outcomes.

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Helen Vines, VINESWORKS• Social auditor and social accounting trainer (10 yrs+)• SAN South West Regional Co-ordinator, and founder director and

Company Secretary of SAN• CES Outcomes Champion and PQASSO Mentor• Social Impact Tracker trainer• Social enterprise business adviser and evaluator• [email protected] 07811 161280 / www.vinesworks.co.uk

Beverly Jones/Deborah Fisher, South West Forum• Project Managers – Stronger Voice Greater Influence• [email protected] 01392 247901• [email protected] 01392 247901• www.southwestforum.org.uk
