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Data Acquisition where you need it when you need it how you need it • Accurate • Flexible • Easy-to-use • Portable • Networked • Expandable to thousands of channels
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Data Acquisitionwhere you need itwhen you need ithow you need it

• Accurate• Flexible• Easy-to-use• Portable• Networked• Expandable

to thousandsof channels

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Fluke Data Acquisition SolutionsAdapt to Your Needs


Get the data youwant, where, how and when you want it.Fluke gives you a broad choice inhow you collect and transfer datafor process monitoring and labora-tory test systems. You can choosea stationary or portable system.Transfer data to internal memory,to a removable memory card, or toyour PC. Choose a standalone ordistributed networked units. Andyou can expand your system from20 to 1,000+ channels, dependingon the series.

Regardless of which you chooseyou’ll always get Fluke’s wellknown accuracy, reliability, speed,and ease of use. All Fluke dataacquisition products feature unique,built-in universal signal condi-tioning and a plug-in UniversalInput Module to enable you tomeasure virtually any type ofsignal without having to purchaseextra equipment. Plus, powerful,easy-to-use Windows-based soft-ware supports easy configuration,advanced trend analysis, profes-sional-quality reporting, andenables you to quickly buildhuman-machine-interfaceswithout any programming.

Any data acquisition applicationthat requires high accuracy, easysetup, and convenience calls forFluke data acquisition products,which is why you’ll find themwidely used for:• R & D applications• Environmental testing• Product testing and process

validation• Troubleshooting• Manufacturing test systemsWhether you’re gathering data ata high-voltage substation, anuclear power plant, in a cleanroom, on a production line, or onan automotive test track, Flukedata acquisition products canmake your job easier by deliveringthe data you need, when andwhere you need it.

Accuracy, flexibility and ease of use comestandard From a 20-channel Hydra™ Series portable data logger to a 1,000+ channel precisiontemperature measurement 2680data acquisition system, Flukedata acquisition products shareseveral unique advantages.• Built-in signal conditioning

saves time and moneyFluke’s data acquisition prod-ucts were the first to integratesignal conditioning directlyinto the instrument. Assignany measurement function—thermocouple, RTD, volts, frequency, or ohms—to any or all channels.

• Removable Universal InputModule connects any signal Our unique, patentedUniversal Input Module allowsyou to connect and measurevirtually any electrical orphysical parameter. Thermo-couple reference junctioncompensation occurs automat-ically by sensing the tempera-ture of the input module’sisothermal block. Virtually anycombination of sensor orsignal lines may be connectedto the input module, which isplugged into the back of thedata acquisition unit. You canpre-wire extra input modulesat each test site and moveyour data acquisition unitsfrom one location to another.

• Rugged design for reliableperformance. Fluke dataacquisition products aredesigned to stand up to ruggedindustrial environments withsome models operating from -20° to 60° C. A sturdy metalchassis effectively shieldsagainst electromagnetic inter-ference so you can maintainhigh measurement accuracyon low-level signals regard-less of surrounding noise.They are tested to stringent

shock and vibration standardsand to withstand surges of upto 1500V input on most models.All units conform to IEC, CSA,and CE standards.

• Isolated circuitry for topaccuracy. Fluke analog meas-urement circuitry is fullyisolated channel to channel,input to output, and input toground, supporting direct measurement of voltages up to300 V ac rms.

• Scan triggers, includinginterval, push button, external,and alarm triggers, scan alldefined channels.

• Mx+B scaling is available oneach channel

• Channel monitoring from thefront panel. Select measurementrates from 4 readings per second(rps) up to 1,000 rps, dependingon model. Front panel lockoutprevents unauthorized tamperingor accidental setup changes.

• Two alarms can be set foreach channel

• Real-time clock offers precisetime stamping of data

• Closed-case calibrationdelivers reliability and traceability

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The Fluke 2680 Series:Precise and versatilestandalone or networkeddata acquisition The Fluke 2680 Series delivers theprecision necessary for meticulouslab work along with the ruggedflexibility to meet the everchanging needs of industrial appli-cations. Run one standalone datalogging system with 20 to 120universal channels or connectseveral networked data acquisitionsystems to serve 2,000+ channelson your LAN.

The Fluke Hydra™ Series:Portable, flexible dataacquisition anywhere youneed it. The portable 20-channel FlukeHydra Series transfers data eitherto internal memory (Hydra DataLogger), to a removable memorycard (Hydra Data Bucket), ordirectly to your PC (Hydra DataAcquisition Unit).

The Fluke NetDAQ® Series:Distributed, networkeddata acquisition thatworks with what you haveDistributed Fluke NetDAQ unitsplug right into your existingnetworks to send data directly to a PC. This saves the cost ofsetting up a new network and allows multiple users tosimultaneously view data in realtime. NetDAQ units can also beused as a portable dedicatedsystem connected to a notebookcomputer for maintenance, product validation, research, andtroubleshooting applications.

Versatile software for easy setupWindows®-based software makesour data acquisition instrumentconfiguration and data analysis as easy as a few mouse clicks.• Powerful, flexible, and easy-

to-use Fluke DAQ software,included with every 2680Series unit, makes it easy toinstantly configure your 2680AData Acquisition System or your

2686A Data Logging System.You can add OLE for ProcessControl (OPC) and/or powerfulHuman-Machine-Interface (HMI)development system modules atany time to expand your appli-cation’s capability.

• Data logger software for theHydra Series and for NetDAQenables you to create multiplesetup files and save them to ahard disk or to a memory cardfor quick reconfiguration. It alsoenables you to save data in avariety of file formats andestablish Dynamic DataExchange (DDE) link withspreadsheet programs toanalyze the data in real time.

• Optional Trend Link for Flukesoftware provides comprehen-sive trend plotting, batching,and analysis capabilities for theHydra and NetDAQ systems. Itcombines the look and feel of achart recorder with the analyt-ical power of a PC.

Model Series Universal Basic DC PC Interface Channels Max Signal Accuracy Per System ThroughputConditioning Rate (Rdgs/s)

Hydra Series Yes 0.018 % RS-232 21 to 42 17PCMCIAIEEE-488

NetDAQ Yes 0.01 % Ethernet 20 to 400 100010 BaseT

2680 Series Yes 0.01 % Ethernet 20 to 2000+ 300010/100 BaseT

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Top precision andscalability forstandalone or networked dataacquisition The Fluke 2680 Series dataacquisition systems combine the best of lab precision withthe rugged flexibility required in rapidly changing industrialapplications. Whether youchoose the 2680A Data Acqui-sition System with high-speed10/100BaseT Ethernet networksupport or the 2686A Data Logging System, you can seam-lessly expand your system anytime, from 20 to more than2,000 channels, just by addingmodules and chassis.

Both models feature six slotsin each chassis that you can fillwith modules as needed tomeet your application require-ments. Five slots in each chassisare available for any combina-tion of 2680 Series 20-channelanalog input modules. The sixthslot is reserved for a 2680Series digital I/O relay moduleto add control capabilities toyour system. If you don’t needthe sixth slot for control, youcan plug in an additionalanalog input module, increasingyour channel count to 120 in asingle chassis.

You can also link multiple120-channel systems togetherseamlessly for the widestpossible view of your data. Andwith TCP/IP connectivity you

• Universal Input Modulesprovide precision measurementof thermocouples, dc voltage, ac voltage, Ohms, RTDs, ther-mistors, current, frequency.Connect any input type to anychannel to match your applica-tion requirements – no “wasted”channels.

• Superior thermocouple measurement accuracy(J, K, R, S, T, N, L, U, C, B)

• Multiple speed and scanselections

• Universal input conditioning for any input, on any channel,any time (Vdc, Vac, Ohms,frequency, RTD, thermocouple,thermistor or current)

• Optional precision, high-isolation analog universalinput module (PAI) or fastscanning analog universalinput module (FAI) to connectand measure virtually any elec-trical or physical parameter

• Computed channels, in addi-tion to the 20 analog channels,that perform custom calculationsusing addition, subtraction,multiplication, division, log,natural log, exponent, squareroot, absolute value, and integerfunctions. Math channelsfeature the same alarm capa-bility as analog channels whichsaves having to perform sepa-rate post calculations onchannel data. It is also espe-cially useful for monitoring andalarming on real-time calcu-lated values such as power,flow, volumes, pressure, andmore.

can connect to existing LANs todistribute information wherever itneeds to go. Whether you needspeed and throughput, isolatedprecision, or digital I/O and relays,the Fluke 2680 Series can scale upto thousands of channels to meetyour needs.

The Fluke 2680Series: Key features• 120-channel capacity chassis

designed for small- and large-scale precision data acquisitionapplications.

• User-scalability from 20 to120 universal analog inputchannels, which can includedigital input/output and alarmcontact outputs in a singlechassis.

• De facto standard EthernetTCP/IP protocols whichprovide a network interface to10/100 BaseT.

2686A Data Logging System

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2680 Series

• Fluke DAQ software whichcontrols all functions and datafiles, communicates with andcontrols Fluke 2640A, 2645ANetDAQ® products, providesreal-time and historical trending

• Powerful optional softwarefor reporting, HMI development,and OPC server.

• 20 digital I/O and 8 form C, 1 Amp relay output modulefor hard control of equipment

• Multiple power sources: 100to 240 V and 9 V to 45 V dc

Choose your chassisfor standalone ornetworked dataacquisition The Fluke 2680 Series offers thechoice of networked data acquisi-tion, stand-alone data logging, or acombination of both. Choose fromtwo basic chassis models—the2680A Data Acquisition System orthe 2686A Data Logging Systemand then add the modules asneeded to meet your requirements.

2680A Data Acquisition System chassisThe Fluke 2680A Data AcquisitionSystem is the choice for multi-channel applications requiringreliable Ethernet communications.It features a front-end style dataacquisition system that communi-cates and distributes dataanywhere you need it to go. The10 BaseT and 100 BaseT commu-nications interface makes itcompatible with both older andnewer network platforms.

2686A Data Logging SystemchassisThe Fluke 2686A Data LoggingSystem writes data to a memorycard for easy retrieval and storage,making it ideal for remote loca-tions and mobile or non-computerassisted data logging applications.The system comes with a 16 MBPCATA flash memory card, andsupports memory cards of up to 1GB to log data in standalone modefor easy storage and retrieval. The2686A is easily configured forstand-alone data logging opera-tions by simply selecting a presetconfiguration from the memorycard. It can also be used innetworks in tandem with the2680A to provide the extra datasecurity of a memory card.

Chassis Analog On board PC interface DIO/chassischannels/ memorychassis

2680A 120* none Ethernet 20 DIO + 8 relay10/100 BaseT DPST relays

2686A 120* PCATA Flash Ethernet 10/100 20 DIO + 8 DPSTto 1 GB BaseT relays

Module Readings/ Channels/type Isolation Basic TC accuracy sec (max) (volts DC) (type K)

2680A-FAI 1000 20 / universal 50analog

2680A-PAI 100 20 / universal 150 / 300 analog

2680A-DIO** N/A 20 / digital; 30 N/A8 / relay

Fluke 2680 Series chassis and module selection chart

Choose yourmodulesYou can equip each 2680 Serieschassis with up to six modules ofthe same type or combine fast-analog input (2680A-FAI) andprecision analog input modules(2680A-PAI) along with a digitalI/O (2680A-DIO) and relay module.Both the 2680A-FAI and the268A0-PAI modules support a widerange of inputs including dc volts,ac volts, RTD, Ohms, thermocouple,thermistor, dc current, ac current,and frequency. Other sensors andtransducers, such as load cells,pressure sensors, and displacementsensors can be easily incorporatedinto your measurement system.Buy just the modules you need inthe combinations you need themand expand your system as yourrequirements grow.

2680A-FAI: The speed tocapture dynamic processchangesThe Fluke 2680A-FAI module is aperfect choice when you need alot of information in a hurry andstill need to maintain a highdegree of accuracy for your meas-urements. The 2680A-FAI moduleprovides chassis throughput ratesof more than 3,000 channels-per-second. Specially manufactured

2680 Series DIO Module and Universal Input Module

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field effect transistors (FETs) allowup to + 50V input, well above the15V industry norm, and channel-to-channel isolation to give youmore confidence in the integrity ofyour measurements.

2680A-PAI provides highprecision and high isolationfor the most demanding jobs The Fluke 2680A-PAI 20-channelhigh precision, high isolationmodule serves the mostdemanding jobs where precisionand isolation are critical. Some ofthe most notable applications forthis module include temperaturemeasurement in semiconductorand pharmaceutical manufac-turing, as well as nuclear plantperformance monitoring. The2680A-PAI module offers 300V ofisolation on two channels and150V on 18 channels, as well as18-bit resolution and excellentthermocouple accuracy, all in ascalable system.

2680A-DIO: Digital I/O andrelay outputs add control For data acquisition systems thatalso require control functionality,the Fluke 2680A-DIO digital I/Oand relay output module provides20 digital I/O and eight hard-contact 1 Amp relays to providethe security and control you need.This equips each chassis torespond to a wide range of alarmor control situations. The 2680A-DIO also includes an up/downcounter with preset start countcapability, so you don’t need tobegin all counts at zero.

Input Range Resolution Accuracy (3-Sigma)1

DC Volts 90 mV to 150/300 V 0.3 mV to 1 mV 0.01 %AC Volts2 300 mV to 150/300 V 10 mV to 10 mV 0.3 %Resistance 300 Ω to 3 MΩ 1 mΩ to 10 Ω 0.015 %Frequency 15 Hz to 1 MHz 0.01 Hz to 100 Hz 0.05 %RTD (Pt100) -200 to 600 °C 0.003 °C 0.06 °CThermocouplesJ -100 to 760 °C 0.02 °C 0.35 °CK -100 to 1372 °C 0.02 °C 0.4 °CT -100 to 400 °C 0.02 °C 0.3 °COther Thermocouple types R, S, B, C, E, N, L, U

Model 2680A-PAI Module

Input Range Resolution Accuracy (3-Sigma)1

DC Volts 90 mV to 50 V 3 mV to 10 mV 0.02 %AC Volts2 300 mV to 30 V 10 mV to 1 mV 0.3 %Resistance 300 Ω to 3 MΩ 10 mΩ to 100 Ω 0.02 %Frequency 15 Hz to 1 MHz 0.01 Hz to 100 Hz 0.05 %RTD (Pt100) -200 to 600 °C 0.03 °C 0.16 °CThermocouplesJ -100 to 760 °C 0.2 °C 0.7 °CK -100 to 1372 °C 0.2 °C 0.8 °CT -100 to 400 °C 0.2 °C 0.7 °COther Thermocouple types R, S, B, C, E, N, L, U

Model 2680A-FAI Module

1 Total instrument accuracy for 90 days following calibration and ambient temperature range of 18 to 28 °C. Includes A/D errors, linearization conformity, initial calibration error, isothermality errors, refer-ence junction conformity and power line voltage effects within the range from 107 V ac to 264 V ac.

2 Accuracies for crest factor to 2.0.

Memory Card / 20 ch 40 ch 60 ch 80 ch 100 ch 120 ch Active Channels

16 MB 100,548 66,765 50,074 40,059 33,382 28,613128 MB 800,000 528,000 400,000 320,000 264,000 224,000256 MB 1.6 M 1.056M 800,000 640,000 528,000 448,000512 MB 3.2 M 2.112 M 1.6 M 1.28 M 1.056 M 896,0001 GB 6.2 M 4.224 M 3.2 M 2.56 M 2.112 M 1.792 M

2686A Active Channels and Memory Card Capacity (Scans)

Estimating space: 80 bytes / scan + 4 bytes / channel scanned. (Allow 4.5 % overhead for card formatting)

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2680 Series


Powerful Fluke DAQ softwarestreamlines setupand performanceEach Fluke 2680A and 2686Acomes with our powerful, highlyflexible, and easy-to-use FlukeDAQ configuration software. Fluke DAQ software enables you to instantly configure your 2680Series unit for any situation,configuring each input for: • Input type• Alarms• Math functions• Totalizer function• Digital I/O lines• Scan speed• Interval• Trigger typeYou can also use Fluke DAQ soft-ware to set up data files, collectand chart data in real-time orhistorical mode, and manage PCcard files. And you can use FlukeDAQ to collect data from yoursystem the way you need to anddistribute it where you want it.You can share data with others,anywhere on your LAN oranywhere around the world usingWeb servers.

Fluke DAQ software alsoenables you to integrate FlukeNetDAQ® data acquisition products(2640A and 2645A) into your2680 Series system, providingalmost unlimited channels workingtogether seamlessly.

Optional softwareextends systemcapabilitiesFluke has partnered with indus-trial software developer Indusoft tocreate additional tools to extendthe power of your 2680 Seriessystem. These optional softwaretools enable you to create HMI’sand develop custom applicationsthat interact with other equipmentand software packages. Refer tothe Optional Software section atthe back of this brochure for moreinformation.

Fluke 2680A-DEVSW: HMI development softwareThe optional 2680A-DEVSW Indusoft Web Studio developmentsoftware is an object-orienteddevelopment program that workswith Fluke DAQ software. Thisunique development softwareenables programmers and non-programmers to develop modernHMI’s which open graphicalwindows to your application.

Fluke 2680A-OPC: Communicate with any application supporting OLE for Process ControlThis OPC server software providesthe configuration interface for the2680 Series and also offers acommon communication link toany software package that

supports OPC. Create customapplications using 2680A-OPC software and just aboutany popular industrial soft-ware package such asWonderware®, LabVIEW™,Test Point, or Indusoft WebStudio, as well as softwarefrom Canary Labs, DaisyLabs, and others. Open, non-proprietary OPC supportenables you to use the soft-ware you choose or the soft-ware you create.

Fluke 2680A-DLL library: For developing or modifyingapplications The 2680A DLL library providesthe full DLL toolbox for applicationsoftware developers who need towrite original programs for the2680 Series, using Visual C++,Visual Basic, and other languages.

2680 Series Fluke DAQ Software

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• Universal Input Module:Connect 20 analog inputs orvirtually any sensor typewithout external signalconditioning

• 2680A Series Interfacing:Compatible with 100BaseTand 10BaseT standards; usesTCP/IP protocol via RJ45connector, Cat 5. RS-232input for calibration.

• External Trigger: Activatescanning with real-worldevents

• Totalizer: Pre-settablestarting count up/downcounter

• Alarm Outputs: Flag out-of-limit conditions to externaldevices

• Power: Accepts 100 to 240 V ac, or 9 to 45 V dc.Can operate from both simultaneously for fail-safepower operation.

Channel capacity (2680A or 2686A)20 to 120 channels per chassis (6 analog input modules of 20channels each)One master alarm (open collector)per chassisCommunications:10BaseT/100BaseT, TCP/IP viaRJ45 connector, Cat 5

Math functionsIn addition to its analog anddigital input channels, eachsystem supports 60 computedchannels. Calculations includetime & rate, addition, subtraction,multiplication, division, log,natural log, exponent, square root,absolute value, integer functionand average.

Measurement speed (2680A-PAI)Slow: 6 readings/second nominalMedium: 41 (50 Hz), 48 (60 Hz)readings/second nominalFast: 143 readings/secondnominal (5 readings/second forVAC nominal, 140 readings/second on 300 Ω range, 37 readings/second on 3 MΩrange)

Measurement speed (2680A-FAI)Slow: 45 (50 Hz), 54 (60 Hz)readings/second nominalMedium: 200 readings/secondnominalFast: 1000 readings/secondnominal (5 readings/second forVAC nominal, 370readings/second on 300 Ω range, 44 readings/second on 3 MΩrange)

Analog to digital converter2680A-PAI: 18 bit, multi-slopetype2680A-FAI: 16 bit, multi-slopetype

Common mode rejection2680A-PAI:AC: ≥120 dB (50/60 Hz, ±0.1 %max 1 kΩ source imbalance)DC: ≥120 dB2680A-FAI:AC: ≥100 dB (50/60 Hz, ±0.1 %max 1 kΩ source imbalance)DC: ≥100 dB

Normal mode rejection50 dB @ 50/60 Hz, ±0.1 %

Common mode voltage maximum2680A-PAI: 300 V DC or V AC rms(channels 1,11); 150 V DC or V ACrms (all other channels)2680A-FAI: 50 V DC or 30 V ACrms (all channels)


Totalizing inputPre-settable starting count up/down counterDC coupled, non-isolated, max +30 V, min -4 VMax count: 4,294,967,295Minimum signal: 2 V peakThreshold: 1.4 VRate: 0-5 kHz (debounce off)Hysteresis: 500 mVInput debouncing: None or 1.66 ms

2680 Series Chassis

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Ordering informationHardware:Model # Description2680A Data Acquisition System

Chassis, 6 slots2686A Data Logging System

Chassis, 6 slots, with ATA Flash memory drive,includes 16Mb memorycard

2680A-FAI Fast Analog Input module20 universal channels,50V Max isolation. 1000ch/sec scan rate, 16 bitresolution

2680A-PAI Precision Analog Inputmodule 20 Universalchannels, 300V Max isolation, 18 bit resolution140 ch/sec scan rate

2680A-DIO Digital I/O and relaymodule, 20 DIO , 8, 1 Ampcontacts, Totalizer (one perchassis max)

Software: Application Description2680A-APSW Fluke DAQ configuration

software for 2680 Series(included with 2680A and 2686A)

2680A-904 Trend Link for 2680 Series; includes 2680A-OPC server software

2680A Indusoft Web Studio,-DEVSW Development software

for Fluke DAQ2680A-DLL DLL Library for

2680 Series2680A-OPC OPC software for

2680 series

Accessories:Model # Description2680A-180 Universal Input Module,

extra connector 2680A-102 2680A-DIO connector

module, extra connector2620A-101 Shunt resistor set (12 ea),

10 ohm, 0.1 %2680A-800 16 MB ATA Flash memory

card for 2686A 2680A-801 128 MB ATA Flash

memory card for 2686A2680A-802 256 MB ATA Flash

memory card for 2686A2680A-805 512 MB ATA Flash memory

card for 2686A2680A-810 1 GB ATA Flash memory

card for 2686AY2680 19-inch rack mount kit

for 2680 Series


2680 Series Specifications

Digital inputs/outputs: 20Threshold: 1.4 VHysteresis: 500 mVMaximum input: +30 V, min -4 V; non-isolatedLogical “zero” output:0.8 V max |out = -1.0 mA (1 LSTTL load equivalent)1.8V max |out = -20 mA3.25V max |out = -50 mALogical “one” output:Output voltage depends onexternal load 3.8V min|out = 0.05 mA (1 LSTTL load equivalent)

RelaysQuantity: 8Type: Form C; DPSTCurrent: 1 amp, non-inductiveOperation time: 75 ms

Alarm associationsEach Digital I/O may be randomlyassigned as a digital input, statusoutput, or alarm output (associatedwith any input channel or channels)

Trigger inputMinimum pulse: 5 µsMinimum latency: 100 msInput “High”: 2.0 V min, 7.0 V maxInput “Low”: -0.6 V min, 0.8 Vmax non-isolated, contact closure and TTL compatible

ClockAccurate to within 1 minute/month for 0 °C to 50 °C range

General Specifications

Power100 to 240 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz 100 VA max, or 9 to 45 VDC (50 W max - all slots filled + memory card installed) (if bothsources are applied simultane-ously, the greater of AC or DC isused.), at 120 V AC the equivalentDC voltage ~14.5 V

Temperature, humidity (non-condensing)Operating: -20 °C to 28 °C, ≤90 % RH; 28 °C to 40 °C, ≤75 % RH; 40 °C to 60 °C, ≤50 % RHStorage: -40 °C to 70 °C, 5 % to 95 % RH

AltitudeOperating: 2000 mStorage: 12,200 m

StandardsAll inputs: IEC Overvoltage rating Category II Product conforms to the followingsafety and emission standards:EN50082-2EN55022-1EN55011 class AEN610000-4-2,3,4,6,8EN61326EN61010-1, CAT IICSA C22.2 No. 1010.1

Operating temperature-20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)

Storage temperature-40 °C to 70 °C (-40 °F to +158 °F)

Size18.6˝ x 17˝ x 9.3˝ (473 mm x 423 mm x 237 mm)

Weight2680A/2686A chassis only: 18.86 lbs. (8.47 kg)2680A-FAI: 1.74 lbs. (0.79 kg)2680A-PAI: 2.66 lbs. (1.21 kg)2680A-DIO: 1.75 lbs. (0.80 kg)

InterfacesEthernet: Conforms to IEEE 802.3Ethernet standard, compatible with 100BaseT and10BaseT standards, uses TCP/IPprotocolRS-232C: For calibration only

System Requirements• IBM compatible, Pentium II

processor • Microsoft Windows®

NT/98/2000/XP • 64 MB RAM• 150 MB free hard disk space • VGA or SVGA display, 100 %

IBM compatible with 2 MBVideo RAM (VRAM)

• CD-ROM drive • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0

or later

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Portable, flexiblesolutions for stand-alone or PC-baseddata acquisitionThe Hydra Series offers easyportability along with Fluke’sbuilt-in signal conditioning andUniversal Input Module at aprice to fit your budget. You caneasily retrieve data from FlukeHydra units via the RS-232interface or through a modem in upload or real-time mode.Channel information and meas-urement parameters can be setup directly from the front panelor your PC.

Choose from three FlukeHydra Series models, allfeaturing removable memorycard data storage, internalmemory storage, and directreal-time data transfer options.Should power fail, these instru-ments automatically resumedata collection when power isrestored.

Key Hydra™ Seriesfeatures• Review the min/max and last

readings from the front panel• Channel 0 accepts standard test

leads from the front panel forquick measurements

• Monitor a selected channel fromthe front panel

• Use the Channel function toconfigure measurement typeand range for each individualchannel

• Use the Memory Card Drive (in2635A only) to store data andinstrument configuration on aportable, non-volatile memorycard and transfer collected datato your PC for later analysis

2635A Hydra Data BucketThe versatile Hydra Data Bucket isthe ideal choice for gathering andtransporting large volumes of dataand for working extended periodsfrom remote locations. It offers:• Flexible storage. The Hydra

Data Bucket comes with a 256K PCMCIA card and can beequipped with optional 1 MB, 2 MB, or 4 MB memory cards tosuit your data storage needs.

• Versatile data transfer. Datamay be uploaded from thesecards via the Hydra RS-232port, the optional 263XA-803memory card drive, or from yourcomputer’s standard PCMCIAslot. You can transfer real-timedata to a PC at the same time itis recorded to the memory card.

• Quick setup. Simply push afew front panel buttons or loadinstrument setups from thememory card.

• Fail-safe features. The HydraData Bucket warns of a lowbattery or low memory conditionon the memory card. Its internalmemory buffer continues to storeup to 70 scans while the card isremoved and replaced.


Hydra Data Bucket

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Hydra™ Series

Ordering information2620A Hydra Data Acquisition

Unit2620A/05 Hydra Data Acquisition

Unit with IEEE-488interface

2625A Hydra Data Logger2635A Hydra Data Bucket

(256 KB memory card)2635A-1MB Hydra Data Bucket

(1 MB memory card)2635A-2MB Hydra Data Bucket

(2 MB memory card)2635A-4MB Hydra Data Bucket

(4 MB memory card)Includes: Instrument, Universal InputModule, line cord, user manual, HydraLogger Software, RS43 cable

Options and accessories2620A-100 Extra Universal Input

Module263XA-803 External PC Memory

Card Drive263XA-804 Memory Card-256 KB263XA-805 Memory Card-1 MB263XA-806 Memory Card-2 MB263XA-807 Memory Card-4 MBRS43 RS-232 cable;

(DB9 to DB9), Hydra to PC; 1.8m (6 ft)

26XXA-600 Hydra Portable BatteryPack

2620A-101 Current Shunt, 10 Ω, 0.1 % for 0 to 100 mA,Qty (12)

M00-200-634 19" Rack Mount KitY8021 Shielded IEEE-488

Cable, 1 MeterP/N 889589 Service Manual

Application software*2635A-901 Hydra Logger2635A-902 Hydra Logger with

Trending2600A-904 Trend Link for Fluke*IEEE –488 not supported

2625A Hydra™ Data LoggerThe Hydra 2625A provides a low-cost alternative for standalonemonitoring operations with: • Built-in nonvolatile memory

that can store more than 2000scans.

• Flexible data retrieval thatenables you to upload storeddata, or transfer real-time datavia modem or directly to yourPC via the RS-232 port.

2620A Hydra™ DataAcquisition UnitThe Hydra 2620A is ideal forapplications that require directconnection to a PC for real-timedata collection.• Easy-to-use front-end. An RS-

232 serial interface makes iteasy to connect the Hydra DataAcquisition Unit to a PC ormodem for real-time dataacquisition. The 2620A can alsobe used as a 20-channel panelmeter.

• IEEE interface. An optionalIEEE-488 interface allows youto easily integrate the 2620Awith other IEEE-488 instru-ments and your PC. The 2620Adelivers workhorse performancefor a wide variety of applicationssuch as test and monitoringsystems.

Menu-driven soft-ware simplifies setupHydra Logger software, includedwith all Hydra models, provides anintuitive graphical interface thatmakes it even easier to configureand access the powerful featuresof your Hydra units without anyprogramming.


Model Universal Signal Nonvolatile InterfaceConditioning Data Storage

2635A Data Bucket Yes PCMCIA Card RS-2322625A Data Logger Yes Internal RS-2322620A Data Acquisition Unit Yes None RS-2322620A/05 Data Acquisition Unit Yes None IEEE-488

Choose the Hydra Series that matches your requirements

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• Universal Input Module:Connect 20 analog inputs ofvirtually any sensor typewithout external signalconditioning

•• Hydra Interfacing: Use RS-232 interface to connectto printer, PC or modem

• External Trigger: Activatescanning with real-worldevents

• Totalizer: Count on/offevents, updated at everyscan

• Alarm Outputs: Flag out-of-limit conditions to externaldevices

• Power: Accepts 90-264 V ac,or 9-16 V dc. Can operatefrom both simultaneously Hydra™ Series

Channel capacityAnalog inputs: 21Digital I/0 and alarm outputs: 12 totalTotalizer: 1

Measurement rateSlow: 4 Rdgs/s nominalFast: 17 Rdgs/s nominal (1.5 Rdgs/s for V ac, Hz and Ωinputs nominal)

Analog to digital converterDual slope type, linear to 17 bitsCommon mode rejectionAC: ≥120 dB (50/60 Hz, ±0.1 %max 1 kΩ source imbalance); dc:≥120 dB

Normal mode rejection53 dB (60 Hz, ±0.1 %)47 dB (50 Hz, ±0.1 %)

Common mode and normalmode voltage maximum300V dc or V ac rms (channels0,1,11) 150V dc or V ac rms (allother inputs)

IsolationAnalog input to analog input, andanalog input to any digital input:meets IEC 1010 for 300/150 voltsreinforced and ANSI/ISA-S82.01-1994 and CSA-C22.2 for 250 voltssingle insulation

Current measurementsAC or dc current measurements upto 100 mA may be accomplishedusing the 2620A-101 10 Ω CurrentShunt Strip

Totalizing inputDC coupled, non-isolated, max+30V, min -4 VMax count: 65,535Minimum signal: 2 V peakThreshold: 1.4 VRate: 0-5 kHz (debounce off)Hysteresis: 500 mVInput debouncing: None or 1.66 ms

Digital inputsThreshold: 1.4 VHysteresis: 500 mVMaximum Input: +30 V, min -4 V;non-isolated

Digital/alarm outputsThe open collector output lines arenon-isolated, TTL compatible

Alarms associationsAlarm outputs 0-3 are fixedassignments associated to chan-nels 0-3. Alarms for channels 4-19are mapped to digital I/O lines.Digital I/O may be used as adigital input or alarm status output(associated with any input channelor channels).


Hydra Series (Universal Input Module Removed)

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Hydra™ Series Specifications

Trigger inputMinimum pulse: 5 µsMaximum latency: 100 msRepeatability: 1 msInput “High”: 2.0 V min, 7.0 V maxInput “Low”: -0.6 V min, 0.8 V max non-isolated, contact closure andTTL compatible

ClockAccurate to within 1minute/month for 0 to 50 °C range

Power90 to 264 V ac 50 or 60 Hz (<10watts), or 9 to 16 V dc (<4 watts).(If both sources are applied simul-taneously, the greater of ac or dcis used.) At 120 V ac the equiva-lent dc voltage ~14.5 V.

Temperature, humidity (non-condensing)Operating: 0 to 28 °C, ≤90 % RH 28 to 40 °C, ≤75 % RH

40 to 60 °C, ≤ 50 % RHStorage: -40 to 75 °C, 5 to 95 % RH

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)Passes FCC EMI Class B Equip-ment, VDE 0871B, and CE-EN61010, CE approved

SafetyComplies with applicable sectionsof the IEC1010, ANSI/ISA-S82.01-1994, CSA-C22.2, and CE stan-dards as noted above

Weight3.0 kg (6.5 lbs)Dimensions (HxWxD)9.3 cm x 21.6 cm x 31.2 cm (3.67" x 8.50" x 12.28")

InterfacesRS-232IEEE-488 (Optional, 2620A only) –Disables RS-232 interface while in use

Hydra™ 2625A DataMemory• Stores 2,047 scans

Scan contents• Memory life: 5 years minimum;

at 25 °C• Date and time stamp• All defined analog input

channel values• Status of four alarm outputs and

eight digital I/O• Totalizer count


Input Range Resolution Accuracy (3-Sigma)1

DC Volts 90 mV to 150/300 V 1 µV to 10 mV 0.018 %AC Volts2 300 mV to 150/300 V 10 µV to 10 mV 0.13 %Resistance 300 Ω to 10 MΩ 10 mΩ to 1 KΩ 0.013 %Frequency 15 Hz to 1 MHz 0.01 Hz to 1 kHz 0.05 %RTD (Pt100) -200 to 600 ºC 0.02 ºC 0.05 ºCThermocouplesJ -100 to 760 ºC 0.1 ºC 0.39 ºCK -100 to 1372 ºC 0.1 ºC 0.45 ºCT -150 to 400 ºC 0.1 ºC 0.39 ºCOther Thermocouple types R, S, B, C, E, N

Hydra™ Series

Detailed specifications are available on request.1 Total instrument accuracy for 90 days following calibration and ambient temperature range of 18 to 28

°C. Includes A/D errors, linearization conformity, initial calibration error, isothermality errors, referencejunction conformity and power line voltage effects within the range from 90 V ac to 264 V ac.

2 Accuracies for crest factor to 2.0.

Memory Card Size Channels in Scan

4 10 20256 KB 8900 4800 27101 MB 36860 19860 112102 MB 74110 39910 225504 MB 149039 80251 45359

Hydra™ 2635A Memory Card capacity—number of scans

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Distributed dataacquisition whereand when you need itFluke NetDAQ networked dataacquisition units are a powerfulcombination of hardware andsoftware seamlessly integratedto deliver your data directly overyour network. These systems,along with optional Trend Linksoftware, enable multiple usersto view just the information theyneed in real time, from anywhereon the system. View current,temperature, voltage, and moreon the same screen at the sametime. You can also monitorseveral units simultaneouslymaking it ideal for small-to-medium sized equipment moni-toring, product testing, andprocess validation applications.A NetDAQ unit can also be usedas a portable dedicated systemconnected to a notebookcomputer for maintenance,product validation, research, andtroubleshooting applications.

Combine from one to twentyNetDAQs into an integratedsystem of up to 400 channels.Use an existing network or simplyconnect directly to your PC. Twomodels offer a choice of scanspeeds (up to 1,000 rps), andaccuracy (up to 0.01 %) to meetyour needs. And both NetDAQmodels use Fluke's patentedUniversal Input Module whichaccepts any combination ofanalog input types for each of its20 channels—without requiringexternal signal conditioning.

NetDAQ® is designed to fitinto your system

The versatile NetDAQ system offersflexible options for data distribu-tion.• Configure a dedicated

system. Simply daisy-chainone or more NetDAQ units toyour desktop or notebook PC forquick, easy data collection.

• Add NetDAQ® units to yourhigh-speed network. AddingNetDAQ units directly to yourexisting network saves the timeand expense of setting up largededicated networks andenables you to implementdistributed applications withNetDAQ units in multiple loca-tions enabling multiple PC usersto monitor data in real time as itis collected. NetDAQ Loggersoftware works with anyEthernet network that usesTCP/IP communications protocoland supports major networkoperating systems includingMicrosoft, Novell, Banyan Vines,and others. Built-in 10Base-T(twisted pair) connector gives you options for hookupconfiguration.

• Add a dedicated NetDAQ®

system to your companynetwork. Isolate your dataacquisition application from therest of the network while stillallowing multiple-user viewing.This prevents your data acquisi-tion application from beinghampered by network opera-tions and protects it fromnetwork failure.

• Quick results you can rely on.The NetDAQ system supports3,000 rps from multiple instru-ments ensuring high throughput


With all these capabilitiesNetDAQ addresses the escalatingneed for measurement, recording,and analysis tools that enable you to improve quality, maximizeprocess efficiency and meet regu-latory requirements.

Key NetDAQ®

features• Expandable systems from

20 to 400 analog channels• High accuracy readings, up

to 0.01 %• High throughput, to support up

to 3,000 rps • Distributed design enables

multiple users, equipped withTrend Link software, to viewtrend data at the same time

• Network flexibility enables youto add to your existing Ethernetnetwork or set up as a dedi-cated system

• Replaces chart recorders

Fluke NetDAQ®

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NetDAQ Series

Ordering information2640A NetDAQ Data Acquisition

Unit (100 rps)2645A NetDAQ Data Acquisition

Unit (1,000 rps)Includes: Instrument, NetDAQ LoggerSoftware, Universal Input Module andpower cable. (User manual includedwith NetDAQ Logger software.)

Application software2640A-911 NetDAQ Logger2640A-912 NetDAQ Logger with

Trend Link2600A-904 Trend Link for Fluke264XA-903 Developer’s Toolbox

Options and accessories2620A-100 Extra Universal Input

Module2620A-101 Current Shunts, 10_, for

0 to 100 mA, Qty (12)Y2641 19" Rack Mount Kit,


A system of up to 400 channels can be configured by connecting multiple NetDAQ units to one PC.

for all units. Plus on-boardmemory provides a data bufferin case network traffic preventstimely delivery of time-stampeddata to the host PC.

• Computed channels save time.In addition to its 20 analoginput channels, each NetDAQunit supports 10 computedchannels. The computed chan-nels perform custom calculationsusing addition, subtraction,multiplication, division, log,natural log, exponent, squareroot, absolute value, and integerfunctions. Math channels featurethe same alarm capability asanalog channels which saveshaving to perform separate postcalculations on channel data. It is also especially useful formonitoring and alarming onreal-time calculated values suchas power, flow, volumes, pres-sure, and more.

• Count more than four billion“on/off” events. Both NetDAQmodels include a totalizer inputchannel which is continuouslysampled and recorded.

NetDAQ® 2640AThe Fluke NetDAQ 2640A deliversextremely high accuracy and reso-lution to provide calibration-levelperformance:• Measures up to 300 V at up to

100 rps• Offers 0.01 % volts dc—0.3 °C TC

accuracy and 18-bit resolution• Scans from 6 to 100 channels

per second

NetDAQ® 2645AThe NetDAQ 2645A delivers higherspeed data acquisition making itideal for applications that requiremore dynamic signal capture. • Directly measures multiple inputs

of up to 50 V at 1,000 rps• Delivers 0.01 % V dc - 0.3 ºC TC

accuracy and 18 bit resolution• Scans 48 to 1,000 channels per


NetDAQ® Logger andoptional trendingsoftware give you thedata you need whereyou need itFluke’s intuitive NetDAQ Loggersoftware makes it easy to set upand configure up to 20 NetDAQs.Combining NetDAQ Logger soft-ware with our optional trendingsoftware enables multiple users toeasily monitor processes andimport data into spreadsheetprograms for further analysis. Thisprovides more efficient operationand improved productivity. NetDAQLogger software supports:• Setting up multiple NetDAQ

units, distributed throughoutyour facility in a grouped modeto create a “virtual instrument”that synchronizes and directs alldata to a single data file

• Recording only readings outsidethe range of your normalprocess limits to save valuabledisk space

• A choice of languages at instal-lation, including English,French, Spanish, or German

• Easy network configuration• Advanced triggering modes• File Rollover feature that auto-

matically creates a new datafile at a specific time or whenyour file reaches a specified sizelimit


Model Reading/sec Resolution Max. Input Basic TC(Max) (Volts DC) (Volts DC) Accuracy (Type T)

2640A 100 0.3 mV 150/300* 0.3 °C2645A 1,000 3.0 mV 50 0.7 °C

Choose the NetDAQ Model that matches your requirements Optional Developer’sToolbox speedssystem integrationThe optional Fluke NetDAQ Developer’s Toolbox allowsprogrammers and developers toautomate and customize NetDAQoperation using Visual Basic, C orC++ programming languages. Itincludes a set of routines whichmanipulate NetDAQ measurementhardware through NetDAQ Loggerfor Windows software.

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• Universal Input Module:Connect 20 analog inputs ofvirtually any sensor typewithout external signalconditioning

• NetDAQ Interfacing: Portsfor both 10Base-2(coaxial)and10Base-T (twisted pair)are provided for convenientnetwork cabling. RS-232input for calibration

• External Trigger: Activatescanning with real-worldevents

• Totalizer: Count on/offevents, value reported withevery scan

• Alarm Outputs: Flag out-of-limit conditions to externaldevices

• Power: Accepts 107-264 V ac,or 9-16 V dc. Can operatefrom both simultaneously forfail-safe power operation



Channel capacityAnalog inputs: 20Computed channels: 10

Computed channelsTen computed channels can becreated by processing analoginput channels and othercomputed channels with addition,subtraction, multiplication, divi-sion, log, natural log, exponent,square root, absolute value, andinteger functions.

In addition, the followingpredefined selections are avail-able: the average of a group ofchannels, the difference betweenany two channels, the differencebetween a channel and a group of averaged channels.

Measurement rate (2640A)Slow: 6 Rdgs/s nominalMedium: 41 (50 Hz), 48 (60 Hz)Rdgs/s nominalFast: 100 Rdgs/s nominal (5 Rdgs/s for V ac nominal, 140Rdgs/s on 300 Ω range, 37 Rdgs/son 3 MΩ range)

Measurement rate (2645A)Slow: 45 (50 Hz), 54 (60 Hz)Rdgs/s nominalMedium: 200 Rdgs/s nominalFast: 1000 Rdgs/s nominal (5 Rdgs/s for V ac nominal, 370Rdgs/s on 300 Ω range, 44 Rdgs/son 3 MΩ range)

Analog to digital converter2640A: Multi-slope type, linear to 18 bits2645A: Multi-slope type, linear to 16 bits

Common mode rejection2640A: AC: ≥120 dB (50/60 Hz,±10.1 % max 1 kΩ source imbal-ance); DC: ≥120 dB2645A: AC: ≥100 dB (50/60 Hz,±10.1 % max 1 kΩ source imbal-ance); DC: ≥100 dB

Normal mode rejection50 dB @ 50/60 Hz, ±10.1 %Common mode and normal modevoltage maximum2640A: 300 V dc or V ac rms(channels 1,11); 150 V dc or V acrms (all other channels)2645A: 50 V dc or 30 V ac rms(all channels)

Isolation2640A: Analog input to analoginput, and analog input to anydigital input; meets IEC 1010-1Category II ANSI/ISA-82.01-1994and CSA-C22.2 No. 1010.1-92 for150/300 volts reinforced2645A: Analog input to any digitalinput; meets IEC 1010 Category II,ANSI/ISA-82.01-1994 and CSA-C22.2 No. 1010.1-92 for 150/300volts reinforced

Current measurementsAC or dc current measurements upto 100 mA may be accomplishedusing the 2620A-101 10 Ω CurrentShunt Strip


Fluke NetDAQ® rear panel (Universal Input Module removed)

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NetDAQ Specifications

Totalizing inputDC coupled, non-isolated, max+30 V, min -4 VMax count: 4,294,967,295Minimum signal: 2 V peakThreshold: 1.4 VRate: 0-5 kHz (debounce off)Hysteresis: 500 mVInput debouncing: None or 1.66 ms

Digital inputsThreshold: 1.4 VHysteresis: 500 mVMaximum input: +30 V, min -4 V; non-isolated

Digital/master alarm outputsThe open collector output lines arenon-isolated, TTL compatible

Digital I/O and alarm outputs8 total; totalizer: 1

Alarm associationsDigital I/O may be used as adigital input or alarm status output(associated with any input channelor channels)

Trigger inputMinimum pulse: 5 µsMinimum latency: 2 msRepeatability: 1 msInput “High”: 2.0 V min, 7.0 V maxInput “Low”: -0.6 V min, 0.8 Vmax non-isolated, contact closureand TTL compatible

ClockAccurate to within 1minute/month for 0 to 50°C range

Power107 to 264 V ac, 50 or 60 Hz (<15watts), or 9 to 16 V dc (<6 watts).(If both sources are applied simul-taneously, the greater of ac or dcis used.) At 120 V ac the equiva-lent dc voltage ~14.5 V.

Temperature, humidity (non-condensing)Operating: -20 to 28 °C, ≤90 % RH 28 to 40 °C, ≤75 % RH 40 to 60 °C, ≤50 % RHStorage: -40 to 70 °C, 5 to 95 % RH

AltitudeOperating: 2000m (6,500 ft) Storage: 12,200m (40,000 ft)

Electromagnetic Interference(EMI)Passes FCC EMI Class B Equip-ment, Vfg. 243, European NormsEN50081-1 and EN50082-1, CEapproved

SafetyComplies with applicable sectionsof CE, IEC 1010-1, ANSI/ISA-S82.01-1994, CSA-C22.2 No.1010.1-92 and CSA standards asnoted under “Isolation”

Weight3.7 kg (8.2 lbs)

Dimensions (HxWxD)9.3 cm x 21.6 cm x 39.4 cm(3.67" x 8.50" x 15.50")

Battery life10 years minimum for real-timeclock

InterfacesEthernet: Conforms to IEEE 802.3Ethernet standard. Compatiblewith 10Base-2 and 10Base-T stan-dards. Uses TCP/IP protocol.RS-232C: For calibration only. Theoptional NetDAQ Service Manualprovides step-by-step calibrationinstructions.

Data buffer memoryEach scan consists of computedchannels, time stamp, all definedanalog input channels, the statusof the eight digital I/O, and thetotalizer count.

The number of stored scansvaries with the number of chan-nels configured ranging from 6400scans for 1 configured channel to1,896 scans for 20 configuredchannels.


Input Range Resolution Accuracy (3-Sigma)1

DC Volts 90 mV to 150/300 V 0.3 µV to 1 mV 0.01 %AC Volts2 300 mV to 150/300 V 10 µV to 10 mV 0.3 %Resistance 300 Ω to 3 MΩ 1 mΩ to 10 Ω 0.015 %Frequency 15 Hz to 1 MHz 0.01 Hz to 100 Hz 0.05 %RTD (Pt100) -200 to 600ºC 0.003 ºC 0.06 ºCThermocouplesJ -100 to 760 ºC 0.02 ºC 0.35 ºCK -100 to 1372 ºC 0.02 ºC 0.4 ºCT -100 to 400 ºC 0.02 ºC 0.3 ºCOther Thermocouple types R, S, B, C, E, N

Model 2640A NetDAQ®

Input Range Resolution Accuracy (3-Sigma)1

DC Volts 90 mV to 50 V 3 µV to 10 mV 0.02 %AC Volts2 300 mV to 30 V 10 µV to 1 mV 0.3 %Resistance 300 Ω to 3 MΩ 10 mΩ to 100 Ω 0.02 %Frequency 15 Hz to 1 MHz 0.01 Hz to 100 Hz 0.05 %RTD (Pt100) -200 to 600ºC 0.03 ºC 0.16 ºCThermocouplesJ -100 to 760 ºC 0.2 ºC 0.7 ºCK -100 to 1372 ºC 0.2 ºC 0.8 ºCT -100 to 400 ºC 0.2 ºC 0.7 ºCOther Thermocouple types R, S, B, C, E, N

Model 2645A NetDAQ®

Detailed specifications are available on request.1 Total instrument accuracy for 90 days following calibration and ambient temperature range of 18 to 28 °C. Includes A/D

errors, linearization conformity, initial calibration error, isothermality errors, reference junction conformity and power linevoltage effects within the range from 107 V ac to 264 V ac.

2 Accuracies for crest factor to 2.0.

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Fluke data acquisition systems aresupported by a wide variety ofoptional software and develop-ment tools to support almost anyresearch or industrial application.

Add OPC and HMIcapabilities to the2680 Series withoutprogramming

Fluke 2680A-DEVSW: HMI design softwareThe optional Fluke 2680A-DEVSW tool is based on IndusoftWeb Studio, an object-orienteddevelopment program that workswith Fluke DAQ software. Thisunique development softwareenables programmers and non-programmers to develop modernHMI’s which open graphicalwindows to your application. Key features of this powerfuldevelopment package include:• An extensive graphics library • Drag and drop programming • More than 140 device drivers• OPC client/server compliance• Support for DNA, OPC,

DDE, OBDC, XML, SOAP, and Active X

• Automatic language translation at run-time

• Internationalization usingUnicode

• Web display and alarm paging • Support for imported graphics

formats • The ability to view multiple

clients from one web browser

Fluke 2680A-OPC: Createcustom applications with OLEfor Process ControlOptional Fluke 2680A-OPC soft-ware gives you the freedom tointegrate your 2680 Series intoany OPC-compliant application.Create custom applications using2680A-OPC software and justabout any popular industrial soft-ware package such as Wonder-ware®, LabVIEW™, Test Point, orIndusoft Web Studio, as well assoftware from Canary Labs, DaisyLabs, and others. Open, non-proprietary OPC support enablesyou to use the software youchoose or the software you create.

Fluke 2680A-DLL library: For developing or modifyingapplications The Fluke 2680A DLL library isdesigned for programmers whowant to develop or modify theirown applications for the 2680Series, using Visual C++, VisualBasic, and other languages.

Hydra™ Logger software Hydra Logger software, includedwith all Hydra models, provideseasy access to all the powerfulfeatures in the Hydra Series,enabling you to:• Access one or two Hydra instru-

ments at a time via RS-232• Establish modem communica-

tions for remote data acquisition• Convert files to .CSV or Trend

Link formats• Copy files from a Hydra Data

Bucket memory card to the PC• Store Data Bucket configurations

on a memory card for easy one-step field setup


All Logger software features point-and-click configuration dialogs.

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Optional Software


Trend Link for Fluke software

Gain advanced trending capabilitiesOptional Trend Link for Fluke soft-ware, available for Hydra, NetDAQand 2680 Series—enables you toeasily access, view, analyze, andcompare tremendous amounts ofreal-time or historical data fromany Fluke data acquisition product,making paper chart recordersobsolete. Trend Link makes it easyto:• Review real-time data in the

context of historical data forperformance or batch compar-isons

• Automatically view statistics onany channel and comparemultiple channels from differenttime periods

• Zoom in on a particular timespan for closer analysis

• View multiple windows—eachfeaturing different processparameters—in real time

• Calculate basic statistics such asmean and standard deviationfor any trend

• Create X-bar R charts and X-Yscatter diagrams for statisticalanalysis

• Import data directly into spread-sheet programs from trend plots

• Attach text notes to any pointon a trace that become part of apermanent record

Quickly find specific dataWith Trend Link you can quicklyscroll through volumes of historicaland real-time data looking for keyevents or changes in the process.The dead-banding feature lets youlimit recording to only those read-ings outside of the range of yournormal process limits, saving youvaluable disk space. Trend Linktime stamps data with millisecondresolution so you can find just thedata you're looking for. Then youcan compare multiple traces onthe same screen or zoom in on aparticular point in time.

Manage your data The File Rollover feature lets youmanage data file size, which is abig advantage for long durationdata collection. You can createnew data files when the filereaches a certain size, at a specifictime interval, or at a specified houreach day.

Document your resultsCut and paste the data and trendplots you generate with TrendLink software into spreadsheetand word processing programs togenerate presentation-qualityreports. Or print plots directly forhard copy documentation.

Optional Developer’sToolbox speeds systemintegrationThe optional Fluke NetDAQ Devel-oper’s Toolbox allows program-mers and developers to automateand customize NetDAQ operationusing Visual Basic, C or C++programming languages. Itincludes a set of routines whichmanipulate NetDAQ measurementhardware through NetDAQ Loggerfor Windows software allowingyou to:• Create custom user interfaces

for NetDAQ applications• Access real-time data and store

it in any format, such as acustom database

• Automatically load various setupfiles

• Change Mx+B values for eachchannel on an instrument

• Control digital I/O channels• Access and control the NetDAQ

serial port

Control bar provides fast, easy access to basicchart functions

Scroll through history

Alarm shading gives visual indication of alarmpoint violation

Status bars offerdetailed curve information

Main cursor barunder mouse control

Statistical processcontrol functiongenerates upper/lowercontrol limits

Notation systemattaches your commentsas a permanent part ofthe record

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Fluke CorporationPO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206

Fluke Europe B.V.PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The Netherlands

For more information call:In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or Fax (425) 446-5116In Europe/M-East/Africa +1 (31 40) 2 675 200 or Fax +1 (31 40) 2 675 222In Canada (800) 36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5116Web access: http://www.fluke.com/

©2004 Fluke Corporation. Specifications subject to changewithout notice. NetDAQ is a trademark of Fluke Corporation.Microsoft, MS-DOX, Windows, and Window NT are registeredtrademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Novell is a registeredtrademark of Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.3/2004 1267610 B-ENG-N Rev C

Fluke.Keeping your worldup and running.

Fluke measurementspecification philosophyThe accuracy specifications for theFluke 2680 Series, Hydra Series,and NetDAQ Series instruments arecalculated conservatively so thatthey include three standard devia-tions from the nominal value—thisis referred to as 3-Sigma. Morethan 99.7 % of the instrumentsproduced will perform within theerror limits. Rigorous screeningand testing procedures catch andcorrect the three out of 1,000instruments which could havefallen outside their publishedspecifications.

Many other products use a“rootsum-square” scheme, or onlyspecify the error band within onestandard deviation (1-Sigma) ofnominal. This method produces aspecification that appears to bemore accurate, but the resulting“typical” specifications correctlycharacterize only ~66 % of theinstruments produced. Thismethod is kind of like knowinghow accurate “most of the instru-ments” will be. The 3-Sigma spec-ifications for the 2680 Series,Hydra, and NetDAQ tell you howaccurate ALL of the instrumentswill be.Note: Listed specifications aresummary in nature. Accuracieslisted are most favorable withinthe stated range. You may obtaindetailed specifications bycontacting the offices listed on thisbrochure.

For complete product specificationsor information on other Flukeproducts, contact your local Flukesales representative.

Customer supportChoosing a data acquisition systemthat meets your specifications isonly the first step in making asmart equipment investment. Youalso need to choose a companythat can help you get up andrunning quickly and easily andthat will support you throughoutthe life of the system.

Fluke has addressed theseissues by assembling a widevariety of services that are solidlybacked by our sales and applica-tion support teams, world-wideservice centers, and state-of-theart parts supply system. Our offer-ings range from comprehensiveservice programs and technicaltraining to custom programmingand system consulting.

Extended warrantyservice agreementsWarranty extensions are availablein some locations to cover neces-sary repairs and performancetesting, including parts, labor, andreturn surface freight costs.Warranty extensions may not beavailable in all countries. Contactyour local Fluke sales office forspecific details.

Service parts andspare parts kitsA complete inventory of Flukereplacement parts, subassemblies,and modules are available. Contactyour local sales office to find outmore about the service programsavailable in your area or todevelop a customer program thatsuits your needs and budget.
