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Data analysis: Preparing for your research data analysis using R

Data analysis:

Preparing for your research data analysis using R

2 IT Learning Centre

Preparing for your research data analysis using R

3 IT Learning Centre

Preparing for your research data analysis using R

Revision Information

Version Date Author Changes made

2.0 Jan 2013 Esther Ng Created

2.1 October 2015 Steven Albury updates

2.2 October 2016 John Fresen Complete Revision

2.3 November 2016 John Fresen Complete Revision

2.4 February 2017 John Fresen Revision of content and slides

2.5 May 2017 John Fresen Complete Revision


John Fresen make this document available under a Creative Commons license: Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike. Individual resources are subject to their own licensing conditions and all copyright of such resources is acknowledged.

Useful Websites Dr Mark Gardener R website http://www.gardenersown.co.uk/Education/Lectures/R/nonparam.htm#what_is_R R-bloggers Learn R https://www.r-bloggers.com/how-to-learn-r-2/ Quick-R website http://www.statmethods.net/index.html The Pirate’s Guide to R Dr Nathanial Phillips http://nathanieldphillips.com/thepiratesguidetor/ R-bloggers https://www.r-bloggers.com/ Germán Rodríguez Introducing R http://data.princeton.edu/R Michael Friendly’s website http://www.datavis.ca/ Alastair Sanderson http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/~ajrs/R/index.html

Resources A strength of R is its help files. Use the internet – it has almost all the answers.

4 IT Learning Centre

Preparing for your research data analysis using R

Data Types

R has a variety of data types including: scalars, vectors, data frames, lists


a <- 2

b <- 3

c <- 10

vectors (numerical, character, logical)

A vector is a one-dimensional array.

All elements in a vector must have the same mode(numeric, character,


a <- c(1.1,2.7,5.3,6.4,-2,4,5.8) # numeric vector

b <- c("John","Jill","Bill") # character vector

c <- c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE) #logical vector

Refer to elements of a vector using subscripts.

a[2] # 2nd elements of vector

a[4] # 4th elements of vector

a[c(2,4)] # 2nd and 4th elements of vector

to create a vector c()






Useful vector commands length() # finds the length of the vector

max() # finds the largest element of the vector

min() # finds the smallest element of the vector

sum() # finds the sum of all elements

cumsum() # finds the cumulative sum of all elements

mean() # finds the average of all elements

sd() # finds the standard deviation of all elements

sort() # sorts a vector

quantile(variable, level) # finds the quantiles of a vector

jitter() # Add a small amount of noise to a numeric vector

range(x) # Returns the minimum and maximum of x

5 IT Learning Centre

Preparing for your research data analysis using R

rev(x) # List the elements of "x" in reverse order


A matrix is a two-dimensional array.

All columns in a matrix must have the same mode (numeric, character, etc.) and the same length.

data frames

A data frame is more general than a matrix, in that different columns can have different modes (numeric, character, factor, etc.).

Most data sets that we import are data frames.

e.g. 1: The numbers in your budget Month Mortgage Utilities Food Clothing Travel January 1100 240 405 105 42 February 1100 201 390 47 42 March 1100 280 430 20 42 April 1200 245 386 156 42 e.g. 2: Student grades Student Gender English French Math Physics Chem John male 65 55 98 94 65 Jill female 92 93 95 75 78 Daniel male 71 61 99 96 86 Anna female 89 91 92 68 74 Susan female 74 68 52 54 53


An ordered collection of objects (components). A list allows you to gather a variety of (possibly unrelated) objects under one name.

Data structure in R

Rows represent cases. Columns represent variables

Exercise 1

Consider two vectors, x, y



What is the value of: x*y

6 IT Learning Centre

Preparing for your research data analysis using R

Exercise 2

Consider two vectors, a, b



What is the value of: cbind(a,b)

Exercise 3

Consider two vectors, a, b



What is the value of: a<=b

What is the value of: which(a<=b)

Exercise 4

Consider two vectors, a, b



What is the value of: rbind(a,b)

What is the value of: cbind(a,b)

Exercise 5

If x=1:12

What is the value of: dim(x)

What is the value of: length(x)

Exercise 6

If a=12:5

What is the value of: is.numeric(a)

Exercise 7

Consider two vectors, x, y



What is the value of: which(is.finite(x/y))

What is the value of: which(!is.finite(x/y))

Exercise 8

Consider two vectors, x, y



What is the value of: x<y

7 IT Learning Centre

Preparing for your research data analysis using R

Exercise 9

If x=c('blue','red','green','yellow')

What is the value of: is.character(x)

What is the value of: is.numeric(x)

Exercise 10

If x=c('blue',10,'green',20)

What is the value of: is.character(x)

sum((x - mean(x))^2)

Exercise 11

The weights of five people before and after a diet programme are given in the table. Before 78 72 78 79 105

After 67 65 79 70 93

Read the ‘before’ and ‘after’ values into two different vectors called before and after. Use R to evaluate the amount of weight lost for each participant. What is the average amount of weight lost? Exercise 12 Create the following vectors in R using seq() and rep(). (i) 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5,...,12

(ii) 1, 8, 27, 64,...,1000

(iii) 1,−1, 2, 1, 3,−1, 4, 1, 5

(iv) 1,0,3,0,5,0,7,...,0,19.

(v) 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,...,9,10,...,10

8 IT Learning Centre

Preparing for your research data analysis using R

Reading data into R

See: The R Book Chapter 3 https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-data.html http://statmethods.net/input/importingdata.html

Text files can be read into R with the read.table() or read.csv() command. There are several options that can be supplied with this command

a) skip – this refers to the number of lines in the file that should be skipped before the actual data is input (default is zero)

b) header – this refers to whether the first line should be read in as column names (R will count the number of entries in the first and second row, setting this to true if there are 1 fewer entries in the first row than the subsequent rows)

c) fill – this refers to whether rows which have fewer entries than others are filled with blank fields (if this is not explicitly stated and there are rows with fewer fields than others, R will produce a warning message)

d) na.strings – this refers to the character string that symbolises ‘not applicable’. The default setting is “NA”.

e) sep – this is the field separator. The default setting is whitespace ie. "" f) read.csv(file.choose()) is very convenient for reading data from a data file. The file.choose() part opens up an explorer type window that allows you to select a file from your computer. By default R will take the first row as the variable names.

The file is read into R and a dataframe is created. This can be converted to a matrix with the as.matrix() command. This is useful when mathematical operations are performed on the data.

When reading tab delimited text files rather than white-space delimited text files, the command read.delim() can be used. In read.delim(), the default setting for sep is “\t”. When reading a file with comma-separated values, the command read.csv() can be used.

Caution: It is always a good idea to check whether your file has been read in correctly using command such as these

head(x,n=y) – prints first y lines of x

tail(x,n=y) – prints last y lines of x

summary(x) – this provides further information about the objects depending on its class. In the case of a numerical matrix, it supplies information on the measures of central tendency and spread

Other files such as SPSS, SAS files: The package foreign, allows on to read data stored by Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, and more

Removing variables and attached data

rm(ht) #removes the variable ht

rm(list = ls()) # removes all variables

detach(buttonsdata) # detach the buttons data

9 IT Learning Centre

Preparing for your research data analysis using R


1. Two sample tests

2. One-way ANOVA

3. Two-way ANOVA

4. Multiple linear Regression

5. Chi-squared tests

6. Logistic Regression

7. Kernel Regression

8. Other Regressions

9. Probability distributions

10. Control statements and loops

11. Writing your own functions

Example 0: Graphics

Example 0: Graphics


Read the buttonsdata.csv. data.0 <- read.csv(file.choose())


Please open a word document into which you can develop your code and paste the results and graphics output from R. There are 2 different types of plotting commands – high level and low level. High level commands create a new plot on the graphics device, low level commands add information to an existing plot.

High level plotting commands

These always start a new plot, erasing anything already on the graphics device. Axes, labels and titles are created with the automatic default settings. We consider the following high level plotting commands:

• hist()

• barplot()

• boxplot()

• plot()

• qqplot() and qqline()

• pairs()

• par()

# par(mfrow=c(2,3)) partitions the graphics window into

# a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns

We consider the following low level plotting commands that add to the existing plot:

• abline()

• lines()

• points()

• locator()

• text()

plot() command

The plot() function is the most commonly used graphical function in R. The type of plot that results depends on the arguments supplied.

If plot(x,y) is typed in, a scatterplot of y against x is produced if both are vectors.

If plot (x) is typed in and x is a vector, the values of x will be plotted against their index. If x is a matrix with 2 columns, the first column will be plotted against the second column.

Other formats include plot(x~y), plot(f,y) where f is a factor object and plot(~expr) etc. These are detailed in the help pages on plot.

Example 0: Graphics

To produce a scatterplot representing the relationship between height and weight, for the buttonsdata, we can use the following command

plot(ht,wt) or plot(wt~ht)

This gives a plot of all our data. But, we might want to do a number of things:

• add a title to "Plot of weight vs. height for buttons data"

• re-label the axes to "height (inches) " and "weight (pounds) " use xlab="height (in)" use ylab="weight (lbs)"

• control the limits of each axis: height between 50 and 90 - use xlim=c(50,90)

weight between 50 and 250 - use ylim=c(50,250)

• colour diabetics in red and non-diabetics in blue diab <- which(db==1) non.diab <- which(db==0)

• add grid lines abline(v=c(55,60,65,70,75,80))


and even much more • • •

plot(ht[diab],wt[diab], xlab="height(in)", ylab="weight(lbs)",

xlim=c(55,80), ylim=c(95,200), col="red",

main="Plot of weight vs. height for buttons data\n diabetes in

red; non-diabetes in blue")




hist() command Let’s put histograms of ht, wt and BMI into a 1 by 3 matrix of plots Frequency histograms: par(mfrow=c(1,3))




Probability histograms: par(mfrow=c(1,3))




barplot() and table command

Let’s create tables for db and bp using the table() command and then plot barplots of the table, and put them in a 1 by 2 matric of plots: table(db)




main="Barplot comparison of Normal vs. Diabetic",

Example 0: Graphics

names.arg = c("Normal","Diabetic"))

barplot(table(bp), col=c("lightblue","mistyrose"),

main="Barplot comparison of Normal vs. Hypertensive",

names.arg = c("Normal","Hypertensive"))


• use the ylim() function, inside the barplot command, to get the y-axis on both the

above graphs the same

• by dividing the table() by the number of observations, inside the barplot

command, convert the above barplots to probabilities (percentages)

boxplot() command Boxplots express the relationship between 2 variables, one continuous and one discrete. They represent a five point summary - the smallest observation (sample minimum), lower quartile (Q1), median (Q2), upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation (sample maximum). Let’s plot boxplots of ht against db, ht against bp, weight against db, wt against bp in a 1 by 4 matrix of plots. Here is the first boxplot:

boxplot(ht~db, col="grey")


use help for boxplot to find out how to put names on the x-axis put appropriate main headings onto the plots

qqplot(), qqnorm() and qqline() commands a Q–Q plot ("Q" stands for quantile) is a probability plot, which is a graphical method for comparing two probability distributions by plotting their quantiles against each other. First, the set of intervals for the quantiles is chosen. A point (x, y) on the plot corresponds to one of the quantiles of the second distribution (y-coordinate) plotted against the same quantile of the first distribution (x-coordinate) If the two distributions being compared are similar, the points in the Q–Q plot will approximately lie on the line y = x. If the distributions are linearly related, the points in the Q–Q plot will approximately lie on a line, but not necessarily on the line y = x. The most common use of the qqplot is to check for normality. This is achieved a combination of the qqnorm() and qqline() which superimposes the line on which the plot would lie if it were normally distributed. Deviation from the line suggests deviation from normality. In reality no data are ever exactly normal, the normal distribution is at best a simple approximation.

Example 0: Graphics


Check ht, wt and bmi for normality using qqnorm() and qqline() by plotting three plots

on a 1 by 3 matrix of plots. Add suitable axes labels and titles. qqnorm(ht)


These many different plot functions are detailed in the document http://cran.r- project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf

Some other options for modifying the graph include

text() – adds text to the graph

legend() – adds a legend to the graph

abline() – adds a line in the format y=ax+b

polygon() – adds a polygon

A full list can be found in the ‘Introduction to R’ manual on the R website.

Two Sample Tests in R

Two Sample Tests Basically, the t-test compares two conditional distributions making the assumptions

• that both samples are random

• independent of each other

• come from normally distributed population with unknow but equal variances.

If we can’t assume equal variances, we can modify the test, and specify this in the formulation of the test. But this distorts our thinking a bit.

As a numeric example, consider the hypothetical weights (lb) of boxers and wrestlers below, posing the question: Assuming equal variances, do boxers and wrestlers come from populations with the same mean?

boxers: 175, 168, 168, 190, 156, 181, 182, 175, 174, 179 wrestlers: 185, 169, 173, 173, 188, 186, 175, 174, 179, 180

These data are stored in the file fighter_weights.csv

If we cannot assume normality, we use the non-parametric test called Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test; we will see this test in a future post.

Before proceeding with the t-test, we check the approximate normality using a Q-Q plot and evaluate the assumption of homoskedasticity (homogeneity of variances) of the two groups, using a Fisher’s F-test.

In R you can do this as follows:

Read the data data.1 <- read.csv(file.choose())


Plot the two data vectors using a Q-Q plots to check for approximate normality and using side-by-side boxplots to get an idea of the two conditional distributions.


qqnorm(salary[sex == "m"], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ plot of male salaries", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(salary[sex == "m"])

qqnorm(salary[sex == "f"], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ plot of female salaries", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(salary[sex == "f"])

boxplot(salary~sex, col="grey", main= "boxplot: salary by gender", xlab= "group", ylab= "weight (lb)", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

Two Sample Tests in R


F test to compare two variances

data: weight[group == "boxer"] and weight[group == "wrestler"]

F = 2.1028, num df = 9, denom df = 9, p-value = 0.2834

alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1

95 percent confidence interval:

0.5223017 8.4657950

sample estimates:

ratio of variances



var.equal=TRUE, paired=FALSE)

Two Sample t-test

data: weight[group == "boxer"] and weight[group == "wrestler"]

t = -0.94737, df = 18, p-value = 0.356

alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0

95 percent confidence interval:

-10.93994 4.13994

sample estimates:

mean of x mean of y

174.8 178.2

Finally, clean out the variables and the data, to be ready for the next analysis:

rm(list = ls()) # removes all variables

detach(data.1) # detach the file data.1

What are the conclusions?

Practical 2: One way ANOVA

Practical 2: One way ANOVA chickwts The one-way ANOVA compares two or more conditional distributions making the assumptions

• that the samples are random

• independent of each other

• come from normally distributed population with unknow but equal variances.

It generalizes the two sample t-test to many samples.

As a numeric example, consider the chickwts data.

An experiment was conducted to measure and compare the effectiveness of various feed supplements on the growth rate of chickens.

Format: A data frame with 71 observations on the following 2 variables. weight: a numeric variable giving the chick weight. feed: a factor giving the feed type.

Details: Newly hatched chicks were randomly allocated into six groups, and each group was given a different feed supplement. Their weights in grams after six weeks are given along with feed types.

Source: Anonymous (1948) Biometrika, 35, 214.


1. Read the data into R 2. Obtain Q-Q plots for each group 3. Plot side-by-side boxplots for each group 4. Check variance assumptions (using Bartlett’s test) 5. Perform ANOVA 6. Do multiple comparisons

data.2 <- read.csv(file.choose())



qqnorm(weight[feed == "horsebean"], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ horsebean", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(weight[feed == "horsebean"])

qqnorm(weight[feed == "linseed"], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ linseed", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(weight[feed == "linseed"])

qqnorm(weight[feed == "soybean"], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ soybean", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(weight[feed == "soybean"])

qqnorm(weight[feed == "sunflower"], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ sunflower", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(weight[feed == "sunflower"])

Practical 2: One way ANOVA

qqnorm(weight[feed == "meatmeal"], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ meatmeal", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(weight[feed == "meatmeal"])

qqnorm(weight[feed == "casein"], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ casein", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(weight[feed == "casein"])


boxplot(weight~feed, col= "grey", main= "Boxplot of chick weights by feed", xlab="Feed", ylab= "weight", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

bartlett.test(weight ~ feed)

Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances

data: weight by feed

Bartlett's K-squared = 3.2597, df = 5, p-value = 0.66

test.1 <- aov(weight~feed)


Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

feed 5 231129 46226 15.37 5.94e-10 ***

Residuals 65 195556 3009


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Practical 2: One way ANOVA

Pairwise Comparisons – Bonferoni adjusted

pairwise.t.test(weight, feed, p.adjust="bonferroni")

Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD

data: weight and feed

casein horsebean linseed meatmeal soybean

horsebean 3.1e-08 - - - -

linseed 0.00022 0.22833 - - -

meatmeal 0.68350 0.00011 0.20218 - -

soybean 0.00998 0.00487 1.00000 1.00000 -

sunflower 1.00000 1.2e-08 9.3e-05 0.39653 0.00447

P value adjustment method: bonferroni

Another multiple comparisons procedure is Tukey‟s method (a.k.a. Tukey's Honest Significance Test). The function TukeyHSD() creates a set of confidence intervals on the differences between means with the specified family-wise probability of coverage.

TukeyHSD(test.1, conf.level = 0.95)

Tukey multiple comparisons of means

95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = weight ~ feed)


diff lwr upr p adj

horsebean-casein -163.383333 -232.346876 -94.41979 0.0000000

linseed-casein -104.833333 -170.587491 -39.07918 0.0002100

meatmeal-casein -46.674242 -113.906207 20.55772 0.3324584

soybean-casein -77.154762 -140.517054 -13.79247 0.0083653

sunflower-casein 5.333333 -60.420825 71.08749 0.9998902

linseed-horsebean 58.550000 -10.413543 127.51354 0.1413329

meatmeal-horsebean 116.709091 46.335105 187.08308 0.0001062

soybean-horsebean 86.228571 19.541684 152.91546 0.0042167

sunflower-horsebean 168.716667 99.753124 237.68021 0.0000000

meatmeal-linseed 58.159091 -9.072873 125.39106 0.1276965

soybean-linseed 27.678571 -35.683721 91.04086 0.7932853

sunflower-linseed 110.166667 44.412509 175.92082 0.0000884

soybean-meatmeal -30.480519 -95.375109 34.41407 0.7391356

sunflower-meatmeal 52.007576 -15.224388 119.23954 0.2206962

sunflower-soybean 82.488095 19.125803 145.85039 0.0038845

plot(TukeyHSD(test.1, conf.level = 0.95),las=1)

Practical 2: One way ANOVA

# las=1 achieves axis printing horizontal

The left margin needs to be increased in the above graph to accommodate the long names. It is fairly straightforward to set the margins of a graph in R by calling the par() function with the mar (for margin!) argument. For example,


par(mar=c(bottom, left, top, right)

sets the bottom, left, top and right margins respectively of the plot region in number of lines of text.

Another way is by specifying the margins in inches using the mai argument:


The numbers used above are the default margin settings in R. You can verify this by firing up the R prompt and typing par("mar") or par("mai").You should get back a vector with the above values. The bottom, left and top margins are the largest because that’s where annotations and titles are most likely to be placed.

By trial and error, I used to produce the plot below


Practical 2: One way ANOVA

Mow, setting the margins back to default:


Clean up:

rm(list = ls()) # removes all variables

detach(data.2) # detach the file data.1

What are your conclusions?

Example 3: Two-way ANOVA potato yield

Example 3: Two-way ANOVA potato yield Two-way ANOVA, like all ANOVAs, assumes that

• the observations are independent

• are normally distributed

• have equal standard deviations

The mean and spread of the conditional distributions are modelled under these assumptions. If any of these is in doubt, the ANOVA calculations are correspondingly in doubt.

Although some formal checks are possible via tests statistics, graphical representations are often the best check.

We consider the Erin and Fisher’s potato data in the file EFpotatodata.csv looking at

potato crop yield on plots subjected to various treatments of potash and nitrogen using a Latin Square experimental design. The data was kindly made available by Margaret Glendining, Rothamsted Experimental Station. For details see Edin and Fisher (1929).

Brief outline:

• Read the data into R

• Obtain Q-Q plots for each group

• Plot side-by-side boxplots for each group

• Check variance assumptions (using Bartlett’s test)

• Perform ANOVA

• Do multiple comparisons

data.3 <- read.csv(file.choose())



nitrogen potash yield

1 0 0 317.5

2 0 1 363.0

3 0 2 368.0

4 0 4 381.5

5 1 0 314.0

6 1 1 383.0

Example 3: Two-way ANOVA potato yield

Means and summary statistics by group


sum = summarySE(data.3,




nitrogen potash N yield sd

1 0 0 4 349.6 39.4

2 0 1 4 349.4 27.8

3 0 2 4 359.0 23.2

4 0 4 4 348.9 78.2

5 1 0 4 346.2 38.3

6 1 1 4 402.2 25.0

7 1 2 4 410.9 45.3

8 1 4 4 403.5 40.4

9 2 0 4 421.1 80.8

10 2 1 4 472.9 50.9

11 2 2 4 461.2 45.6

12 2 4 4 467.9 27.5

13 4 0 4 426.9 84.6

14 4 1 4 499.5 35.5

15 4 2 4 520.6 29.0

16 4 4 4 552.6 16.2

Plots of main effect and interactions


boxplot(yield ~ nitrogen:potash, las=3,

xlim = c(-0.5,16.5), ylim = c(250,700),


data = data.3,

xlab = "nitrogen.potash",

ylab = "yield",

main = "Boxplots of potato yield\n vs. nitrogen and potash",

cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5 )

legend(-0.5, 700,

c("nitrogen=0", "nitrogen=1", "nitrogen=2", "nitrogen=4"),

fill = c("gray", "blue","cyan","magenta"),bg="white")


col= c("gray", "blue","cyan","magenta"),lwd=4, lty=1, type="b",



main="Fisher’s Potato Yield Data \n Plot of means",

cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex=1.5)


legend(0.8, 700,

c("nitrogen=0", "nitrogen=1", "nitrogen=2", "nitrogen=4"),

fill = c("gray", "blue","cyan","magenta"))

Example 3: Two-way ANOVA potato yield

Fit the linear model and conduct ANOVA

model = lm(yield ~ nitrogen*potash)


Analysis of Variance Table

Response: yield

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

nitrogen 1 199358 199358 87.9368 2.299e-13 ***

potash 1 21341 21341 9.4134 0.003231 **

nitrogen:potash 1 13439 13439 5.9281 0.017892 *

Residuals 60 136023 2267


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1



lm(formula = yield ~ nitrogen * potash)


Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-129.746 -26.909 5.662 34.193 121.037


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) 357.1750 14.2841 25.005 < 2e-16 ***

nitrogen 26.1429 6.2341 4.194 9.19e-05 ***

potash 0.7536 6.2341 0.121 0.9042

nitrogen:potash 6.6245 2.7208 2.435 0.0179 *


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 47.61 on 60 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.6325, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6142

F-statistic: 34.43 on 3 and 60 DF, p-value: 4.546e-13

Example 3: Two-way ANOVA potato yield

Graphical checking of the model assumptions


hist(residuals(model), col="gray",

cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex=1.5)


cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex=1.5)


plot(fitted(model), residuals(model), pch=19,

main="Residuals vs fitted values",

cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex=1.5)


Clean up:

rm(list = ls())


What are your conclusions?


Edin, T. and Fisher, R.A. (1929) Experiments on the response of the potato to potash and nitrogen. Studies in crop Variation, Volme XIX, April, 1929 PART II

Example 4: Multiple Linear Regression

Example 4: Multiple Linear Regression Regression assumes that

• the observations are independent

• are normally distributed

• means lie on a straight line

• have equal standard deviations

The mean and spread of the conditional distributions are modelled under these assumptions. If any of these is in doubt, the regression calculations are correspondingly in doubt.

Although some formal checks are possible via tests statistics, graphical representations are often the best check.

Problem and Data

The data given in the appendix were collected on 31 cherry trees and represent the

• diameter (in inches) at a height of 4.5 feet from the ground

• height (in feet) of the tree, and the

• volume of usable wood (in cubic feet) that was cut from the harvested tree

The objective was to develop a model to predict the volume of usable wood from the measurements of the diameter and height of the tree so as to be able to estimate the economic value of wood yield for a plantation of cherry trees.

Model Building Considerations

To guide our model building, we might model a tree as either a cylinder or a cone, as a first approximation. To this end, recall that the volume of a cylinder of diameter d and height h is


and that the volume of a cone of base diameter d and height h is

12/2hdv .

Taking logs of these formulae transforms the multiplicative model into an additive model. Thus, we have

)4ln()ln()ln(2)ln()ln( hdv

for a cylinder and

)12ln()ln()ln(2)ln()ln( hdv

Example 4: Multiple Linear Regression

for a cone. These suggest that it may be useful to transform the data to logs before fitting a

linear regression model. Denote the transformed variables by )ln(vlv , )ln(dld ,

)ln(hlh .

Brief outline

Perform an analysis that will lead to a regression model for predicting the average volume of useful wood that can be cut from a tree of given diameter and height. You might consider, inter-alia, the following points in your analysis but do not be restricted to this list.

Consider the univariate marginal distributions, the matrix of scatter plots, and comment on the correlation of the predictor variables. Are the transformed variables normally distributed?

1. Fit the regression model, construct the ANOVA table, the summary of estimated coefficients, assess and interpret the regression.

2. Perform a graphical analysis of the residuals to assess if the assumptions on the error terms are reasonable.

3. Are both predictor variables necessary? If not, which is the better variable to retain? Fit the appropriate model and assess and interpret it.

4. How accurate is the prediction equation?

5. Can you make useful simple recommendations about estimating the volume of usable wood from measurements of diameter and height?

Cherry Tree Analysis

Step 1: Read and attach data

data.4 <- read.csv(file.choose())



d h v

1 8.3 70 10.3

2 8.6 65 10.3

3 8.8 63 10.2

4 10.5 72 16.4

5 10.7 81 18.8

6 10.8 83 19.7

Step 2: compute the log-transformed data

ld <- log(d)

lh <- log(h)

lv <- log(v)

Example 4: Multiple Linear Regression

Step 3: Plot marginal distributions of transformed data



col = "grey", main= "Histogram of log(d)", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)


col= "grey", main= "Histogram of log(h)", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5 )


col= "grey", main= "Histogram of log(v)", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5 )

Step 4: Plot the bivariate distributions of transformed data in a matrix



main= "Scatterplot matrix of transformed data", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex=1.5)

Example 4: Multiple Linear Regression

Step 5: fit the linear model to the transformed data and get summary and anova:

fit1 = lm(lv ~ ld + lh)



lm(formula = lv ~ ld + lh)


Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-0.168561 -0.048488 0.002431 0.063637 0.129223


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) -6.63162 0.79979 -8.292 5.06e-09 ***

ld 1.98265 0.07501 26.432 < 2e-16 ***

lh 1.11712 0.20444 5.464 7.81e-06 ***


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.08139 on 28 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.9777, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9761

F-statistic: 613.2 on 2 and 28 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16


Analysis of Variance Table

Response: lv

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

ld 1 7.9254 7.9254 1196.53 < 2.2e-16 ***

lh 1 0.1978 0.1978 29.86 7.805e-06 ***

Residuals 28 0.1855 0.0066


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Step 6: Compute predicted values and residuals:

yhat <- fitted.values(fit1)

e <- residuals(fit1)

Step 7: Assess the regression and assumptions graphically




main= "observed vs fitted values", xlab= "fitted values of log(v)", ylab= "observed values of log(v)", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex=1.5)


plot(e, pch=19, cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.5)


qqnorm(e, pch=19, cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.5)


plot(ld,e, pch=19, cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.5 )


plot(lh,e, pch=19, cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.5)


plot(yhat,e, pch=19, cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.5)


Example 4: Multiple Linear Regression

This is just a beginning. There is much more to multiple regression than presented here.

• model assessment

• influential observations

• regression diagnostics

• model selection

• other regressions Just to mention a few directions.

We do run a full day course on multiple regression.

Clean up:

rm(list = ls())


What are your conclusions?

Example 5: Chi-squared tests

Example 5: Chi-squared tests Chi-squared tests are usually used to compare two or more probability distributions, and usually to the discrete conditional distributions in a two-way table.

Example : Comparing two surveys – Chi-squared test

(Comparing two discrete probability distributions)

A survey is taken twice, both before and after a PR campaign to boost the leadership image of a politician. The pollsters wish to see if there the new public relations campaign to boost his image have been effective. Here is the data:

before after

Favourable 45 56

Indifferent 24 35

Unfavourable 35 47

Translating these data into probability distributions gives:

before after

Favourable 45 (43%) 50 (38%)

Indifferent 24 (23%) 34 (26%)

Unfavourable 35 (34%) 47 (36%)

Totals 104 131

These two conditional distributions are very close but it seems as though his standing as a leader may have declined. It seems as though the advertising campaign has not been successful boosting the politician’s standing as a leader but rather may have damaged it. Could this observed decline be due to random sampling or is it large enough to consider a significant drop.

Comparing two discrete probability distributions is usually done via a Chi-squared test. But there are numerous methods to do this.

The standard hypothesis is to ask if the two probability distributions are equal.

If the two observed distributions are from the same parent distribution that we can pool the observations from both samples to get a better estimate of the parent distribution as follows:

Using the best estimate of the parent population give the expected numbers in each of the weeks expressed in red

Week 1 Week 2 Totals Best estimate of parent

Favourable 45 40% 0f 104 =42.04 50 53.18 95 (40%)

Indifferent 24 25% of 104 =25.67 34 32.47 58 (25%)

Unfavourable 35 35% of 104 =36.29 47 45.91 82 (35%)

Totals 104 131 235

𝜒2 =∑(𝑜𝑏𝑠 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝)2


Chi-squared = sum of (observed – expected)^2/expected

Example 5: Chi-squared tests

before after

Results of Survey Before vs After













= (45-42.04)^2/42.04 + (24-25.67)^2/25.67 + . . . + (47-45.91)^2/45.91 This follows a Chi-squared distribution with 2 degrees of freedom.

How do we do this in R?

Enter data via keyboard x <- matrix(c(45,24,35,50,34,47),3,2)


Pearson's Chi-squared test output

data: x

X-squared = 0.64984, df = 2, p-value = 0.7226

Conclusion: The large p-value suggests that this is a non-significant

difference between the two probability distributions.

probs <- cbind(x[,1]/sum(x[,1]),x[,2]/sum(x[,2]))

barplot(probs, main="Results of Survey Before vs After",












Read data from a CSV file

The data has been saved in a file surveySIAS.csv

survey.data <- read.csv("E:/surveySIAS.csv",head=TRUE)


> data

before after

1 45 50

2 24 34

3 35 47


Pearson's Chi-squared test

data: data

X-squared = 0.64984, df = 2, p-value = 0.7226

Clean up

rm(list = ls()) # removes all variables

detach(survey.data) # detach the survey.data

Example 6: Logistic Regression UWC data

Example 6: Logistic Regression UWC data

Success Probabilities for the UWC Data

Step 1: Read Data

uwc <- read.table("E:/uwcdata.txt",header=TRUE)


plot(rating,result, ylim=c(0,100), pch=19)

abline(h=48, lty=2)

Figure 1: Scatterplot of UWC data showing pass mark

Step 2: Calculate and plot pass-fail data

z <- 1*(result >= 48)


Step 3: Fit the logistic Regression

fit2 <- glm(z ~ rating, family=binomial)

Step 4: Plot the fitted values on the scatterplot


30 35 40 45 50 55








Example 6: Logistic Regression UWC data

Figure 2: Success Probabilities Calculated from Logistic Regression

Step 5: Assess the Logistic Regression



Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)

(Intercept) -8.89671 2.02980 -4.383 1.17e-05 ***

rating 0.20111 0.04938 4.073 4.64e-05 ***

Null deviance: 126.90 on 101 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 105.19 on 100 degrees of freedom

AIC: 109.19

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Step 6: Calculation of Success Probabilities

prob2 <- fitted.values(fit2)


Step 7: Cross Tabulation


main= "Creating a cross tabulation ") abline(h=47.5,lty=2)




30 35 40 45 50 55









Example 6: Logistic Regression UWC data




> a


v (0,34.5] (34.5,39.5] (39.5,44.5] (44.5,60]

(0,47.5] 17 31 16 6

(47.5,100] 3 6 10 13

Success probabilities across the conditional distributions of the

cross tabulation

probs <- c(3/20,6/31,10/26,13/16)

[1] 0.1500000 0.1935484 0.3846154 0.8125000

Pearson’s Chi-squared Test


Pearson's Chi-squared test

data: a

X-squared = 19.1575, df = 3, p-value = 0.0002536

Pearson’s chi-squared tests if the conditional distributions of pass

rate given rating are independent

Clean up

rm(list = ls())


30 35 40 45 50 55






Creating a cross tabulation



Example 7: Kernel Regression UWC data

Example 7: Kernel Regression UWC data

Kernel Regression – the idea

Kernel Regression of original UWC data

Also called Kernel smooths

Step 1: Read the data

data.7 <- read.csv(file.choose())



Step 2: Fit Kernel regressions to original UWC data

ks.xy.5 <- ksmooth(rating, result, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = 5)

ks.xy.7 <- ksmooth(rating, result, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = 7)

ks.xy.10 <- ksmooth(rating, result, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = 10)



30 35 40 45 50 55






-4 -2 0 2 4








Example 7: Kernel Regression UWC data

Step 3: Plot the data and kernel regressions


main= "Kernel Regression of Original data ") lines(ks.xy.5,col="green",lwd=2)



30 35 40 45 50 55






Kernel Regression of Original data



Example 7: Kernel Regression UWC data

Kernel Regression of UWC pass-fail data

Step 1: Fit kernel regressions to pass-fail data

z <- 1*(result >= 48) # pass-fail data

ks.xz.5 <- ksmooth(rating, z, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = 5)

ks.xz.7 <- ksmooth(rating, z, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = 7)

ks.xz.10 <- ksmooth(rating, z, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = 10)

Step 2: Plot pass-fail data and kernel regressions


main= "Kernel Regression of Pass-Fail data ") lines(ks.xz.5,col="green",lwd=2)



Clean up

rm(list = ls())


30 35 40 45 50 55







Kernel Regression of Pass-Fail data



Example 8: Other Regressions UWC data

Example 8: Other Regressions UWC data

Other Regressions

Once one realises that regression is modelling the mean of conditional distributions many possibilities open up. Here are a few alternatives – but there are many, many more.

Our conclusions, for any analysis, depend in part on the assumptions and algorithm chosen. If various methods corroborate, that reinforces our belief in the conclusions.

lm, ksmooth, loess, kknn, step regressions


fit.lm <- lm(result~rating)

fit.ksm.7 <- ksmooth(rating,result,kernel="normal",bandwidth=7)

fit.loess <- loess(result~rating)

yhat.loess <- fitted.values(fit.loess)

fit.kknn.40 <- kknn(formula=result~rating, k=40, distance=2,


yhat.kknn.40 <- fitted.values(fit.kknn.40)

## fit a sep function - steps at quartiles of rating x = c(35,39,43)

## meansin each region y = c(a,b,c,d)

x <- quantile(rating,probs=c(0.25,0.5,0.75))

a <- mean(result[rating<=35])

b <- mean(result[rating>35 & rating<=39])

c <- mean(result[rating>39 & rating<=43])

d <- mean(result[rating>43])

y = c(a,b,c,d)

step.fun <- stepfun(x,y)



## Plot individual regressions on a 2 by 3 matrix of scatterplots


# linear regression


main="Linear regression",

cex.main = 1.5,cex.lab = 1.5)

rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col =





abline(fit.lm, lwd=3)

Example 8: Other Regressions UWC data

## kernel regression


main="Kernel regression",

cex.main = 1.5,cex.lab = 1.5)

rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col =






## loess regression


main="loess regression",

cex.main = 1.5,cex.lab = 1.5)

rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col =






# KNN regression k-nearest neighbours


main="k-nearest neighbours regression",

cex.main = 1.5,cex.lab = 1.5)

rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col =





lines(rating,yhat.kknn.40, col="red",lwd=3)

## Step function regression


main="Step function regression",

cex.main = 1.5,cex.lab = 1.5)

rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col =






## add all fitted regressions: lm, ksmooth, loess, kknn, step


main="All regressions",

cex.main = 1.5,cex.lab = 1.5)

rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col =





abline(fit.lm, lwd=2)



lines(rating,yhat.kknn.40, col="red",lwd=2)


Example 8: Other Regressions UWC data

Clean up

rm(list = ls())


30 35 40 45 50 55






Linear regression



30 35 40 45 50 55






Kernel regression



30 35 40 45 50 55






loess regression



30 35 40 45 50 55






k-nearest neighbours regression



30 35 40 45 50 55






Step function regression



30 35 40 45 50 55






All regressions


Example 9: Probability distributions

Example 9: Probability distributions

See: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf (page 33)

R has a set of built-in functions related to probability

distributions. These functions can evaluate the

- probability density function (prefix the name with ‘d’)

- cumulative distribution function (prefix the name with ‘p’)

- quantile function (prefix the name with ‘q’)

- simulate from the distribution (prefix the name with ‘r’)

where the name refers to a set of R names eg. ‘norm’ (normal), ‘unif’ (uniform), ‘binom’ (binomial), ‘chisq’ (chi square), ‘hyper’ (hypergeometric) etc.

The full list can be found in the official R manual accessible here

Let’s generate a random sample of 1000 observations from a normal distribution with a mean of 5 and standard deviation of 2, and store the data in a vector “r.vals” (short for random values).

r.vals <- rnorm(1000, mean = 5, sd = 2)

(look up help for rnorm)

Task: Compute the summary and standard deviation of vals in a 1 by 2 matrix of plots:

• plot a probability histogram of r.vals – colour it grey

• generate a vector x of length 100 from the min(r.vals) to max(r.vals)

• compute a vector y equal to the density of the normal distribution with mean and sd

of r.vals

• superimpose the graph of x and y on the probability histogram of r.vals

• plot a qqnorm and superimpose a qqline of the data in r.vals

Example 10: Control statements and loops

Example 10: Control statements and loops See http://cran.r- project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf page 40 http://statmethods.net/management/controlstructures.html https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/tutorial-on-loops-in-r#gs.uVzoMAk

If/Else and Ifelse

if (condition) expr_1 else expr_2

Example y <- 1

if(y>2) x<-3 else x <-4


[1] 4

Example z<-1


if(y<2&&z<2) x<-3 else x <-4


[1] 3


This can be achieved with ‘for’ or ‘while’. The syntax is as follows… for (i in n:m){expr}

where n is the first value and m is the last value of i for which the expression within curly brackets should be evaluated


my_results <- vector() # this creates an empty vector to store results

my_matrix <- matrix(c(1,2,3, 7,8,9), nrow = 2, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)

my_matrix # this generates a matrix for testing purposes


[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 1 2 3

[2,] 7 8 9

Example 10: Control statements and loops

for(i in 1:3){ #this loops through the numbers 1 to 3

+ mean(my_matrix[,i])-> my_results[i] # mean of each column in matrix

+ print(i)}

# this prints the counter so that we know which column we are up to








[1] 4 5 6

Exercise Loops and If/Else statements

In this exercise, we will explore loops and if/else statements in R

Task 1


Step 1

The dataset ‘airquality’ contains daily airquality measurements in New York in 1973. It is a dataframe with observation of 6 variables – mean ozone in parts perbillion, solar radiation, wind in miles perhour, temperature in degrees fahrenhait, month and day of month. View the first few lines of the dataset with the command head().

Step 2

For each day, we would like to create a hypothetical ‘wind- temperature’ score calculated by

2*Wind + temperature of that day – temperature of the next day

Write a loop to create this score for each day and store it in a vector. It is not necessary to calculate this value for the last day in the dataset. You should end up with a vector the length of the number of rows in the data frame minus one.

Hint – Let the loop variable i be the row-number

Task 2

If else statements

Step 1

For each day, we would like to create a conditional score based on temperature and solar radiation. If the solar radiation is higher than 150 units and the temperature is higher than 60 degrees fahrenhait, the score should be 1. If not, it should be 0. Write an ifelse statement to calculate this score for the all days in the dataset. You should end up with a vector of zeros and ones. The vector should be the same length as the number of rows in the dataset.

Example 11: Writing your own functions

Example 11: Writing your own functions http://cran.r- project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf page 42 When you need to perform a repeated function in R, a function can be written to perform this. The syntax to write a function is

my_function <- functionx(x){

y <- commands(x)



Taking the example in the ‘loops’ exercise

The dataset in question is ‘airquality’ data(airquality)


For each day, we would like to create a conditional score based on temperature and solar radiation. If the solar radiation is higher than 150 units and the temperature is higher than 60 degrees fahrenhait, the score should be 1. If not, it should be 0. Write an ifelse statement to calculate this score for the all days in the dataset. You should end up with a vector of zeros and ones. The vector should be the same length as the number of rows in the dataset.

Instead of writing a loop, we can write a function and apply it to the matrix. The argument to the function would be row of the matrix

The function would be written as follows

calc_score <- function(x){

ifelse(x[2]>150|x[4]>60,1,0) -> y



The function can then be applied to the matrix as follows

result <- apply(airquality, 1, calc_score)

Example 11: Writing your own functions

Exercise: Write a function to compute a Confidence Interval for a Correlation Coefficient (two sided)

let 𝑟 be a computed correlation coefficient based on 𝑛 observations. Write a function to use Fisher’s z-transformation to compute a confidence interval, with confidence coefficient 𝑝 (usually 𝑝 = 0.95) for 𝑟. The steps are given below: Step 1: transform 𝑟 to z: 𝑧 = 0.5 ∗ (ln(1 + 𝑟) − ln(1 − 𝑟)) Step 2: compute the quantile of the 𝑡 distribution, with 𝑛 − 2 degrees of freedom for the required confidence coefficient 𝑝 (usually 𝑝 = 0.95): 𝑞 = 𝑞𝑡(0.5 + 𝑝/2, 𝑛 − 2) Step 3: compute lower and upper confidence limits for z

𝑙𝑐𝑙. 𝑧 = 𝑧 − 𝑞/√𝑛 − 3

𝑢𝑐𝑙. 𝑧 = 𝑧 + 𝑞/√𝑛 − 3 Step 4: transform these lower and upper confidence limits back onto the 𝑟 scale: 𝑙𝑐𝑙. 𝑟 = exp(2 ∗ 𝑙𝑐𝑙. 𝑧 − 1) /exp(2 ∗ 𝑙𝑐𝑙. 𝑧 + 1) 𝑢𝑐𝑙. 𝑟 = exp(2 ∗ 𝑢𝑐𝑙. 𝑧 − 1) /exp(2 ∗ 𝑢𝑐𝑙. 𝑧 + 1) Try out you function using 𝑟 = 0.8, 𝑛 = 20, 𝑝 = 0.95 (lcl=0.529, ucl=0.923) 𝑟 = 0.8, 𝑛 = 100, 𝑝 = 0.95 (lcl=0.715, ucl= 0.862)

Solution: ci.corr <- function(r,n,p) {

z <- 0.5*(log(1+r) - log(1-r))

q <- qt(0.5+p/2,n-2)

lcl.z <- z - q/sqrt(n-3)

ucl.z <- z + q/sqrt(n-3)

lcl.r <- (exp(2*lcl.z)-1)/(exp(2*lcl.z)+1)

ucl.r <- (exp(2*ucl.z)-1)/(exp(2*ucl.z)+1)

result <- c(lcl.r,ucl.r)



Practical 1 Two sample comparison of starting salaries

Practical 1: Comparison of starting salaries Consider the starting salary data, contained in the file startingsalaries.csv, giving

the starting salaries for both males and females at a bank in 1979.

The research hypothesis is that female salaries are less than male starting salaries

The null hypothesis is that male and female salaries are equal.

These data are stored in the file startingsalaries.csv

1. Read the data into R

2. Provide Q-Q plots and side-by-side boxplots of the starting salaries for males and females

3. Test the assumption of equal variances

4. Test the assumption of equal means

5. What are your conclusions?

Practical 1 Two sample comparison of starting salaries

Practical 1: Comparison of starting salaries Consider the starting salary data, contained in the file startingsalaries.csv, giving

the starting salaries for both males and females at a bank in 1979.

1. Read the data into R

2. Provide Q-Q plots and side-by-side boxplots of the starting salaries for males and females

3. Test the assumption of equal variances

4. Test the assumption of equal means

5. What are your conclusions?

Possible solutions:

data.2 <- read.csv(file.choose())



salary sex

1 3900 f

2 4020 f

3 4290 f

4 4380 f

5 4380 f

6 4380 f


qqnorm(salary[sex == "m"], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ plot of male salaries", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(salary[sex == "m"])

qqnorm(salary[sex == "f"], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ plot of female salaries", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(salary[sex == "f"])

boxplot(salary~sex, col="grey", main= "boxplot: salary by sex", xlab= "sex", ylab= "salary", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

Practical 1 Two sample comparison of starting salaries


F test to compare two variances

data: salary[sex == "m"] and salary[sex == "f"]

F = 1.637, num df = 31, denom df = 60, p-value = 0.1022

alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1

95 percent confidence interval:

0.9062535 3.1465501

sample estimates:

ratio of variances



var.equal=TRUE, paired=FALSE)

Two Sample t-test

data: salary[sex == "m"] and salary[sex == "f"]

t = 6.2926, df = 91, p-value = 1.076e-08

alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0

95 percent confidence interval:

559.7985 1076.2465

sample estimates:

mean of x mean of y

5956.875 5138.852

Clean up:

rm(list = ls()) # removes all variables

detach(data.1) # detach the file data.1

What are your conclusions?

Practical 1 Two sample comparison of starting salaries

Practical 2: One way ANOVA

Practical 2: One way ANOVA excavation data

Excavation Depth and Archaeology

Four different excavation sites at an archeological area in New Mexico gave the following depths (cm) for significant archaeological discoveries.

The data are stored in excavation.csv

X1 = depths at Site I

X2 = depths at Site II

X3 = depths at Site III

X4 = depths at Site IV

Reference: Mimbres Mogollon Archaeology by Woosley and McIntyre, Univ. of New

Mexico Press

1. Read the data into R 2. Obtain Q-Q plots for each group 3. Plot side-by-side boxplots for each group 4. Check variance assumptions (using Bartlett’s test) 5. Perform ANOVA 6. Do multiple comparisons

Practical 2: One way ANOVA

Practical 2: One way ANOVA excavation data Excavation Depth and Archaeology

Four different excavation sites at an archeological area in New Mexico gave the following depths (cm) for significant archaeological discoveries.

X1 = depths at Site I

X2 = depths at Site II

X3 = depths at Site III

X4 = depths at Site IV

Reference: Mimbres Mogollon Archaeology by Woosley and McIntyre, Univ. of New

Mexico Press

1. Read the data into R 2. Obtain Q-Q plots for each group 3. Plot side-by-side boxplots for each group 4. Check variance assumptions (using Bartlett’s test) 5. Perform ANOVA 6. Do multiple comparisons

data.2 <- read.csv(file.choose())


Declare site as a factor

site <- as.factor(site)


qqnorm(depth[site == 1], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ Site 1", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(depth[site == 1])

qqnorm(depth[site == 2], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ Site 2", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(depth[site == 2])

qqnorm(depth[site == 3], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ Site 3", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(depth[site == 3])

qqnorm(depth[site == 4], pch=19, cex=1.5,

main= "QQ Site 4", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

qqline(depth[site == 4])

Practical 2: One way ANOVA


boxplot(depth~site, col= "grey", main= "Boxplot of excavation depths by site", xlab="Site", ylab= "excavation depth (cm)", cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)

bartlett.test(depth ~ site)

Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances

data: depth by site

Bartlett's K-squared = 1.7355, df = 3, p-value = 0.6291

test.1 <- aov(depth~site)


Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

site 3 12397 4132 15.14 7.99e-07 ***

Residuals 42 11465 273


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

pairwise.t.test(depth, site, p.adjust="bonferroni")

Practical 2: One way ANOVA

Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD

data: depth and site

1 2 3

2 2.9e-05 - -

3 5.1e-06 1.0000 -

4 0.5898 0.0203 0.0077

P value adjustment method: bonferroni

Another multiple comparisons procedure is Tukey‟s method (a.k.a. Tukey's Honest Significance Test). The function TukeyHSD() creates a set of confidence intervals on the differences between means with the specified family-wise probability of coverage.

TukeyHSD(test.1, conf.level = 0.95)

Tukey multiple comparisons of means

95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = depth ~ site)


diff lwr upr p adj

2-1 -35.36667 -53.409116 -17.324217 0.0000279

3-1 -36.91667 -54.033237 -19.800096 0.0000050

4-1 -11.77778 -30.411940 6.856384 0.3412430

3-2 -1.55000 -20.473081 17.373081 0.9962282

4-2 23.58889 3.282782 43.894996 0.0171237

4-3 25.13889 5.650816 44.626962 0.0067914

plot(TukeyHSD(test.1, conf.level = 0.95),las=1)

# las=1 achieves axis printing horizontal

Clean up:

rm(list = ls())


What are your conclusions?

Practical 5: Chi-squared tests diets

Problem and Data

Mediterranean Diet and Health : “Most doctors would probably agree that a Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, and grains, is healthier than a high-saturated fat diet. Indeed, previous research has found that the diet can lower risk of heart disease. However, there is still considerable uncertainty about whether the Mediterranean diet is superior to a low-fat diet recommended by the American Heart Association. This study is the first to compare these two diets. The subjects, 605 survivors of a heart attack, were randomly assigned follow either (1) a diet close to the "prudent diet step 1" of the American Heart Association (control group) or (2) a Mediterranean-type diet consisting of more bread and cereals, more fresh fruit and vegetables, more grains, more fish, fewer delicatessen foods, less meat. An experimental canola-oil-based margarine was used instead of butter or cream. The oils recommended for salad and food preparation were canola and olive oils exclusively. Moderate red wine consumption was allowed. Over a four-year period, patients in the experimental condition were initially seen by the dietician, two months later, and then once a year. Compliance with the dietary intervention was checked by a dietary survey and analyses of plasma fatty acids. Patients in the control group were expected to follow the dietary advice given by their physician.

The researchers collected information on number of deaths from cardiovascular causes e.g., heart attack, strokes, as well as number of nonfatal heart-related episodes. The occurrence of malignant and non-malignant tumours was also carefully monitored.”

For example, Table 1 shows the data from the Mediterranean Diet and Health case study.

Cancers Deaths Non-fatal


Healthy Total

AHA 15 24 25 239 303

Mediterranean 7 14 8 273 302

Total 22 38 33 512 605

The question is whether there is a significant relationship between diet and outcome. The first step is to compute the expected frequency for

Perform a Chi-squared test comparing these two distributions.

What are your conclusions?



De Longerill, M., Salen, P., Martin, J., Monjaud, I., Boucher, P., Mamelle, N. (1998).

Mediterranean Dietary pattern in a Randomized Trial. Archives of Internal

Medicine, 158, 1181-1187.

Practical 7: Kernel Regression Galton Family data

Practical 7: Kernel Regression Galton Family data


1. Import the GaltonFamilies.csv data

2. Compute the midparent height

3. Compute a binary variable z = 1 if male height >= 70 inches

4. Fit a logistic regression to the binary variable z on midparent height

5. Get the summary and anova for the logistic regression. Interpret.

6. Plot the male data with its logistic regression regression line

7. Perform a kernel regression on these data for various bandwidths using a normal


8. Plot the male height vs midparent height and draw horizontal line at height of 70

inches, and vertical lines at the quartiles of midparent height.

9. Make a cross-tabulation of the male height cutting at 70 inches and at quartiles of

midparent heights

10. Compute probabilities that son’s height >= 70 inches from your cross tabulation


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