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Data Collection Tools Session 2 (Participant)

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1 ICT Integration into Teaching and Learning using Data Collection Tools (Secondary) Session 2 04 Mar 2008 @ CHIJ St. Theresa’s Convent educational technology division Username: 7023teach01 Password: stc01 Domain: S-zone
Page 1: Data Collection Tools Session 2 (Participant)


ICT Integration into Teaching and Learning using Data

Collection Tools (Secondary)

Session 2 04 Mar 2008 @ CHIJ St. Theresa’s Convent

educational technology division

Username: 7023teach01

Password: stc01

Domain: S-zone

Username: 7023teach01

Password: stc01

Domain: S-zone

Page 2: Data Collection Tools Session 2 (Participant)

2Teacher’s Computer





Group 1 Group 2

Group 3 Group 4

Group 5 Group 6

Group 7 Group 8

Group 9 Group 10

Group 11

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Session 1 What are data collection tools? Experiencing the use of data collection tools

in lessons Value-add in using data collection tools


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Session 2 Designing ICT-based lessons Lesson Planning and creation of

resources Sharing of lesson plans & resources


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Determine value-add of ICT

Designing ICT-based Lessons

Step 1Determine Learning Outcomes

Step 4 Evaluate and Review

Step 2 Design

Lesson Tasks

Step 3 Decide on


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Learning outcomes must be

specific measurable achievable realistic timely

Step 1: Determine Learning Outcomes

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Step 2: Design Lesson Tasks

Areas for consideration:a. Pedagogy

b. Thinking skills

c. Meaningful activities

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Step 2: Design lesson tasksa. How does ICT support the selected pedagogy?

– Inquiry-based learning





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IBL Matrix

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IBL Matrix

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Step 2: Design lesson tasks

• Use digital or video camera to capture real world observations, event or phenomenon

• Pose questions related to the photograph and video clip

• Formulate hypothesis for investigation

a. Inquiry-based learning - Question

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Step 2: Design lesson tasks

• Collect data using digital or video camera

• Conduct experiments using dataloggers for investigation

a. Inquiry-based learning - Evidence

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Step 2: Design lesson tasks

• Analyse and evaluate data collected by tools such as digital camera, videos and dataloggers

• Summarise evidence from the experiments and observation

• Construct explanations based on the analysis and summary

a. Inquiry-based learning - Explanation

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Step 2: Design lesson tasks

• Examine other resources available• Establish relationships based on

observations (e.g. images, graphs or video clips)

• Make meaningful connections between new information and prior knowledge

a. Inquiry-based learning - Connection

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Step 2: Design lesson tasks

• Present the results of experiments using images, graphs or video clips

• Communicate and justify the explanations

• Form logical argument and conclusion

a. Inquiry-based learning - Communication

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Step 2: Design lesson tasks

b. Thinking skills:• Focusing skills (Question)• Information gathering skills (Evidence)• Analysing skills (Explanation)• Organising skills (Explanation)• Evaluating skills (Explanation)• Generating skills (Connection)• Integrating Skills (Connection)


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Step 2: Design lesson tasks

c. Meaningful activities

Authentic activities are meaningful as they tap on pupils’ experiences in the real world

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Step 3: Decide on assessment

Forms of Assessment Data Collection Tools

Practical work(e.g. Investigate the effect of light intensity on photosynthesis)


(experimental data)

Field/Project work/Trails(e.g. Study the effect of water pollution in an ecosystem)

Digital Camera (image)

Video Camera (video)

Reflections/Journal/Portfolio(e.g. Create science portfolio on SPA skills)

Digital Camera (image)

Video Camera (video)

How does ICT support assessment?

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Evaluation guidelines:• Learning Outcomes

– Did pupils achieve the learning objectives?– What were some common learning misconceptions?

• Value-add of ICT– Could learning be more efficient without the use of ICT?– Did the use of ICT bring about better understanding?– How does the use of ICT enhance the learning process?

Step 4: Evaluate and review

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Evaluation guidelines:• Lesson Tasks

– Was sufficient time allocated for each of the activities?– Were the tasks manageable by students?

• Assessment– Did the mode of assessment consider student profile?– Were assessment rubrics fair?

Step 4: Evaluate and review

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Use of data probes to record data

Photosynthesis and Respiration

Rate of reaction

Use of videos

Chemical Changes

Use of digital camera

Moment of a force

Classification of matters

Sampling of lessons

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Lesson Resources

• Lesson Plans• http://www.moe.gov.sg/edumall/mp2/base_stds.htm • http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/supportpack/subject.aspx?t=2& s=15• http://intranet.moe.gov.sg/science/SPA/OSPA.htm

• Use of Videos• http://ideas.wisconsin.edu/subject.cfm?sid=3

• http://www.chemistry-videos.org.uk/chem clips/home.html

• http://www.teachersdomain.org/resources/tdc02/sci/life/oate/decompose/ index.html

• Use of Dataloggers• http://www.rogerfrost.com

• http://sciencescope.co.uk/experimental_notes.htm

• Use of Camera• http://schools.hpedsb.on.ca/sg/quinte/digital_still_cameras.htm#mathsci

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Have a Break20 min

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Working Session

• Lesson planning • Lesson plan template/ checklist• Baseline ICT standards (pupils)

Creation of resources

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Sharing of lessons by participants

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Session 1 What are data collection tools? Experiencing the use of data collection tools

in lessons Value-add in using data collection tools

Session 2 Lesson planning and creation of resources Sharing of lesson plans & resources


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