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Data Warehousing and Data Mining Data Warehousing and Data Mining Winter Semester 2009/10 Free University of Bozen, Bolzano DW Lecturer: DM Lecturer: Johann Gamper [email protected] Mouna Kacimi [email protected] http://www.inf.unibz.it/dis/teaching/DWDM/index.html

Data Warehousing and Data MiningData Warehousing and Data Mining

Winter Semester 2009/10Free University of Bozen, Bolzano

DW Lecturer: DM Lecturer:

Johann [email protected]

Mouna [email protected]


OrganizationL tLecturesTuesday & Thursday From 10:30 To 12:30. Rooms are dynamicOffice hours Dr. Kacimi: Thursday From 14:00 to 17:00

(appointment by email) (appointment by email) ProjectsLab hours Tuesday From 14:00 to 16:00. Room is dynamicRequirements: obtain at least 18 points in each of the followingRequirements: obtain at least 18 points in each of the followingProject: - use & implement algorithms

- write a project report- present the project present the project

Exam: - have knowledge about the course- be able to present it

TextbooksTextbooks• Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, “Data Mining: Concepts and

Techniques”, Second Edition, 2006• Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, and Vipin Kumar, "Introduction to

Data Mining" Pearson Addison Wesley 2008 ISBN: 0-32-134136-7Data Mining , Pearson Addison Wesley, 2008, ISBN: 0 32 134136 7• Margaret H. Dunham, “Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced

Topics”, Prentice Hall, 2003

D t Mi iData Mining


Introduction to Data Mining Part I: Introduction

Data Analysis and Uncertainty

Part I: Introduction & Foundations

Classification & Prediction

Cluster Analysis

Part II: Supervised Learning

Part III: Unsupervised Cluster Analysis


Part III: Unsupervised Learning

Part IV: Summary & Open problems& Open problems

Chapter I: Introduction & Foundations

1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Definitions & Motivations 1.1.2 Data to be Mined1.1.3 Knowledge to be discovered 1.1.4 Techniques Utilized 1 1 5 Applications Adapted1.1.5 Applications Adapted1.1.6 Major Issues in Data Mining

1.2 Getting to Know Your Dataj i1.2.1 Data Objects and Attribute Types

1.2.2 Descriptive Data Summarization1.2.3 Measuring Data Similarity and Dissimilarity

1.3 Basics from Probability Theory and Statistics 1.3.1 Probability Theory1 3 2 Statistical Inference: Sampling and Estimation 1.3.2 Statistical Inference: Sampling and Estimation 1.3.3 Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing and Regression

1.1 Definitions & MotivationsWh D t Mi i ?

Explosive Growth of Data: from terabytes to petabytesData Collections and Data Availability

Why Data Mining?

Data Collections and Data Availability Crawlers, database systems, Web, etc.


Business: Web, e-commerce, transactions, etc.

Science: Remote sensing, bioinformatics, etc.

S i t d Y T b t Society and everyone: news, YouTube, etc.

Problem: We are drowning in data, but starving for knowledge!

Solution: Use Data Mining tools for Automated Analysis of Solution: Use Data Mining tools for Automated Analysis of massive data sets

What is Data Mining?

Data mining (knowledge discovery from data) Extraction of interesting (non-trivial, implicit, previously unknownand potentially useful) patterns or knowledge from huge amount p y ) p g gof dataData mining: a misnomer?

Gold Mining Not Stone MiningStone

Alternative names

Knowledge Knowledge Mining?Data

Alternative namesKnowledge discovery (mining) in databases (KDD), knowledge extraction, data/pattern analysis, data archeology, data dredging information harvesting business intelligence etcdredging, information harvesting, business intelligence, etc.

Knowledge Discovery (KDD) ProcessK l dView from typical database

systems and data warehousing communities

Evaluation & Presentation


Data MiningPatterns


Selection& transformation

Data Warehouse

& transformation

Data Cleaning

& Integration

Data Warehouse

Data mining plays an essential role in the knowledge di


discovery process

Knowledge Discovery (KDD) ProcessData Cleaning Data Cleaning

Remove noise and inconsistent dataData Integration

Combine multiple data sources Combine multiple data sources Data Selection

Data relevant to analysis tasks are retrieved form the data

Data transformationTransform data into appropriate form for mining (summary, aggregation, etc.)

Data mining Extract data patterns

Pattern EvaluationIdentify truly interesting patterns

Knowledge representation Use visualization and knowledge Use sua a o a d o edge representation tools to present the mined data to the user

Typical Architecture of a Data Mining System

Knowledge BaseGuide the searchEvaluate

Pattern Evaluation

User Interface


interestingness of the results


Data Mining Engine


hierarchies User believes

Database or Data Warehouse Server

Constraints, thresholds, metadata, etc.

Data cleaning, Integration and selection


WarehouseWorld Wide

WebOther InfoRepositories

Confluence of Multiple Disciplines

Database Technology StatisticsTechnology

Data MiningMachineLearning


Patterni i OtherRecognition



Why Confluence of Multiple Disciplines?

Tremendous amount of dataScalable algorithms to handle terabytes of data (e.g., Flickr had 3.6 billion images in June, 2009)

High dimensionality of dataData can have tens of thousands of features (e,g., DNA microarray)

High complexity of dataData can be highly complex, can be of different types, and can include different descriptors p

Images can be described using text and visual features such as color, texture, contours, etc. Videos can be described using text, images and their descriptors, g g paudio phonemes, etc.Social networks can have a complex structure...

New and sophisticated applicationsApplications can be difficult (e.g., medical applications).

Different Views of Data Mining

Data View

Kinds of data to be mined

Knowledge view

Kinds of knowledge to be discovered

Method view

Kinds of techniques utilized q

Application view

Kinds of applications

1.1.2 Data to be Mined

In principle, data mining should be applicable to any data repository

This lecture includes examples about:

Relational databasesRelational databasesData warehousesTransactional databasesAd d d t b tAdvanced database systems

Relational Databases

Database System Collection of interrelated data, known as databaseA set of software programs that manage and access the datap g g

Relational Databases (RD)A collection of tables. Each one has a unique nameA table contains a set of attributes (columns) & tuples (rows) A table contains a set of attributes (columns) & tuples (rows). Each object in a relational table has a unique key and is described by a set of attribute values. Data are accessed using database cust Id Name age income


Data are accessed using databasequeries (SQL): projection, join, etc.Data Mining applied to RD

cust_Id Name age income152...



24000 €...

trans Id cust Id method AmountPurchases

Search for trends or data patternsExample:

predict the credit risk of costumers based on their income, age and

trans_Id cust_Id method AmountT156...



1357 €...


Data Warehouses

A data warehouse (DW) is a repository of information collected from multiple sources, stored under a unified schema.

Data sourcein Bolzano

Data sourcein Paris

Data Warehouse


Query and Analysis Tools


Data sourcein Madrid

Loadrefresh Client

Data organized around major subjects (using summarization)Multidimensional database structure (e.g., data Cube)

Dimension = one attribute or a set of attributesDimension one attribute or a set of attributesCell = stores the value of some aggregated measures.

Data Mining applied to DWD t h t l h l d t l iData warehouse tools help data analysisData Mining tools are required to allow more in-depth and automated analysis

Transactional Databases

A transactional database (TD) consists of a file where each record represents a transaction. A transaction includes a unique transaction identifier (trans_id) and a list of the items making the transaction. A transaction database may include other tables containing other information regarding the sale trans_Id List of items_IDsg g(customer_Id, location, etc.)Basic analysis (examples)

Show me all the items purchased by David Smith?

T100 I1,I3,I8,I16

T200 I2,I8

... ...

Show me all the items purchased by David Smith?How many transactions include item number 5?

Data Mining on TDPerform a deeper analysisExample: Which items sold well together?Basically, data mining systems can identify frequent sets in transactional databases and perform market basket data analysis.

Advanced Database Systems(1)

Advanced database systems provide tools for handling complex data

Spatial data (e.g., maps)Engineering design data (e.g., buildings, system components)Hypertext and multimedia data (text, image, audio, and video)Time-related data (e.g., historical records)e e a ed da a (e.g., s o ca eco ds)Stream data (e.g., video surveillance and sensor data)World Wide Web, a huge, widely distributed information repository made available by Internetmade available by Internet

Require efficient data structures and scalable methods to handleComplex object structures and variable length recordsSemi structured or unstructured dataSemi structured or unstructured dataMultimedia and spatiotemporal data Database schema with complex and dynamic structures

Advanced Database Systems(2) Example: World Wide Web

Provide rich, worldwide, online and distributed information services.Data objects are linked togetherU t f bj t i li k t thUsers traverse from one object via links to anotherProblems

Data can be highly unstructuredDifficult to understand the semantic of web Difficult to understand the semantic of web pages and their context.

Data Mining on WWWWeb usage Mining (user access pattern) Web usage Mining (user access pattern)

Improve system design (efficiency)Better marketing decisions (adverts, user profile)

Authoritative Web page Analysis p g yRanking web pages based on their importance

Automated Web page clustering and classificationGroup and arrange web pages based on their content

Web community analysisIdentify hidden web social networks and observe their evolution

1.1.3 Knowledge to be Discovered

Data mining functionalities are used to specify the kind of patterns to be found in data mining tasksData mining tasks can be classified into two categories

Descriptive : Characterize the general properties of the dataPredictive : Perform inference on the current data to make

predictions pWhat to extract?

Users may not have an idea about what kinds of patterns in their data can be interestingdata can be interesting

What to do?Have a data mining system that can mine multiple types of patterns to handle different user and applications needs patterns to handle different user and applications needs. Discover patterns at various granularities (levels of abstraction)

CountryCityStreet Example of differentgranularities

(levels of abstraction)Allow users to guide the search for interesting patterns

Characterization and Discrimination (1)

Data can be associated with classes or conceptsExample of data from a store

Classes ConceptsClasses Concepts

printers computers Big Spenders Budget Spenders

Class/Concept descriptions: describe individual classes and concepts in summarized, concise, and precise way.

printers computers Big-Spenders Budget-Spenders

Data characterizationSummarize the data of the class under study (target class)

Data Discrimination Compare the target class with a set of comparative classes (contrasting classes)

Data characterization & Discrimination Perform both analysis

Characterization and Discrimination (2)

Data CharacterizationSummarize the general features of a target class of dataTools: statistical measures, data cube-based OLAP roll-up, etc.pOutput: charts, curves, multidimensional data cubes, etc. ExampleSummarize the characteristics • 40 50 years old

Costumers profile

Data Discrimination

Summarize the characteristics of costumers who spend more than 1000€

• 40-50 years old• Employed• excellent credit ratings

Comparison of the general features of a target class with the general features of contrasting classesOutput: similar to characterization + comparative measuresExample

Compare customers who shop for computer products regularly( more than 2 times a

Comparative profileFrequent costumers

Rare costumers

80% 60%regularly( more than 2 times a month) with those who rarely shop for such products(less then three times a year)

80% •Are between 20 and 40•Have university education

60%•Are senior or youths•Have no university degree

Frequent Patterns, Associations, Correlations

Frequent patterns are patterns occurring frequently in the data (e.g., item-sets, sub-sequences, and substructures)

Frequent item-sets: items that frequently appear together Example in a transactional data set: bred and milk

Frequent Sequential pattern: a frequently occurring subsequenceExample in a transactional data set: buy first PC, second digital p y gcamera, third memory card

Association AnalysisDerive some association rules

buys(X, “computer”) ⇒ buys (X, “software”) [support =1%, confidence=50%]age(X, “20...29” ) ∧ income(X, “20K...29K”) ⇒ buys (X, “CD player”)[support =2%, confidence=60%]

Correlation Analysis Uncover interesting statistical correlations between associated attribute-value pairsp

Classification and Prediction

Construct models (functions) based on some training examplesDescribe and distinguish classes or concepts for future predictionPredict some unknown class labelsPredict some unknown class labels

Age Income Class label

27 28K Budget-Spenders

35 36K Big-SpendersSupervised Learning

Classificationmodel (function)


65 45K Budget-Spenders examples

Class labelAge Income

[Budget Spender]

Typical methodsDecision trees naive Bayesian classification logistic regression

ClassifierNumeric value

Unlabeled datag

29 25K[Budget Spender (0.8)]

Decision trees, naive Bayesian classification, logistic regression, support vector machine, neural networks, etc.

Typical ApplicationsC dit d f d d t ti l if i b t Credit card fraud detection, classifying web pages, stars, diseases, etc.

Cluster Analysis

Unsupervised learning (i.e., Class label is unknown)Group data to form new categories (i.e., clusters), e.g., cluster houses to find distribution patternshouses to find distribution patternsPrinciple: Maximizing intra-class similarity & minimizing interclass similarity

Typical methodsHierarchical methods density based methods Grid based Hierarchical methods, density-based methods, Grid-based methods, Model-Based methods, constraint-based methods, etc.

Typical ApplicationsWWW i l t k M k ti Bi l Lib tWWW, social networks, Marketing, Biology, Library, etc.

Outlier Analysis

Outlier: A data object that does not comply with the general behavior of the data learning (i.e., Class label is unknown)Noise or exception? ― One person’s garbage could be another Noise or exception? One person s garbage could be another person’s treasure

Typical methodsOr ?

Typical methodsProduct of clustering or regression analysis, etc.

Typical ApplicationsUseful in fraud detectionExample

How to Uncover fraudulent usage of credit card?Detect purchases of extremely large amounts for a given account number in comparison to regular charges incurred by the same accountOutliers may also be detected with respect to the location and type of purchase, or the frequency.

Evolution Analysis

Evolution Analysis describes trends of data objects whose behavior changes over timeIt includesIt includes

Characterization and discrimination analysisAssociation and correlation analysisCl ifi ti d di tiClassification and predictionClustering of time–related data

Distinct features for such analysisTime-series data analysisSequence or periodicity pattern matching

e.g., first buy digital camera, then buy large SD memory cardse.g., s buy d g a ca e a, e buy a ge S e o y ca dsSimilarity-based analysis

1.1.4 Techniques Utilized

Data-intensiveData warehouse (OLAP)Machine learningMachine learningStatistics Pattern recognitionVisualizationHigh-performance...

1.1.5 Applications Adapted

Web page analysis: from web page classification, clustering to PageRank & HITS algorithms

Collaborative analysis & recommender systemsCollaborative analysis & recommender systems

Basket data analysis to targeted marketing

Biological and medical data analysis: classification, cluster Biological and medical data analysis: classification, cluster analysis (microarray data analysis), biological sequence analysis, biological network analysis

From major dedicated data mining systems/tools (e.g., SAS, MS SQL-Server Analysis Manager, Oracle Data Mining Tools) to invisible data miningg

1.1.6 Major Challenges in Data Mining

Efficiency and scalability of data mining algorithms

Parallel, distributed, stream, and incremental mining methods

H dli hi h di i litHandling high-dimensionality

Handling noise, uncertainty, and incompleteness of data

Incorporation of constraints expert knowledge and Incorporation of constraints, expert knowledge, and background knowledge in data mining

Pattern evaluation and knowledge integration

Mining diverse and heterogeneous kinds of data: e.g., bioinformatics, Web, software/system engineering, information networksnetworks

Application-oriented and domain-specific data mining

Invisible data mining (embedded in other functional modules)Invisible data mining (embedded in other functional modules)

Protection of security, integrity, and privacy in data mining

Summary of Section 1.1Data Mining is a process of extracting knowledge from dataData to be mined can be of any type

Relational Databases, Advanced databases, etc., ,Knowledge to be discovered

Frequent patterns, correlations, associations, classification, prediction cluster prediction, cluster

Techniques to be usedStatistics, machine learning, visualization, etc.

D t Mi i i i t di i li Data Mining is interdisciplinary Large amount of complex data and sophisticated applications

Challenges of data MiningEfficiency, scalability, parallel and distributed mining, handling high dimensionality, handling noisy data, mining heterogeneous data, etc.
