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Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio,...

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Data warehousing Concepts What is Enterprise? What is Business Domain? It is collection of various Departments BE USA (sales) T CEO E L UK (sales) EDWH (TD) GM Australia (sales) India (sales) OLTP Databases (Operational Databases): Characteristics: 1. Data volatile (Data keep on changing) 2. Normalization (Eliminating Redundancy): applying the normal forms on database tables 3. Maintains Current Data (No historical data) 4. It Doesn’t support for business analysts 5. Designed for Transactional Process(Running Business) W. H. Inmon (1987) Father of Data warehouse * Designed for Decision Making process (analyzing the business) * Historical Data * De-Normalization * Static (Non-Volatile) Data warehouse: It is a database which is designed for analyzing business and decision making process It contains required data in a required format according to business analyst Sql server Oracle Db2 File system Historical Data Read Only Data Summarized Data Business Logic - + + --- ===== $$$$$ wallmart Reporting operations Reporting Tools Report Developers ETL operations ETL Tools ETL Developers
Page 1: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Data warehousing Concepts

What is Enterprise? What is Business Domain?

It is collection of various Departments


USA (sales)



UK (sales)



Australia (sales)

India (sales)

OLTP Databases (Operational Databases):


1. Data volatile (Data keep on changing)

2. Normalization (Eliminating Redundancy): applying the normal forms on database tables

3. Maintains Current Data (No historical data)

4. It Doesn’t support for business analysts

5. Designed for Transactional Process(Running Business)

W. H. Inmon (1987) – Father of Data warehouse

* Designed for Decision Making process (analyzing the business)

* Historical Data

* De-Normalization

* Static (Non-Volatile)

Data warehouse:

It is a database which is designed for analyzing business and decision making process

It contains required data in a required format according to business analyst

Sql server



File system

Historical Data

Read Only Data

Summarized Data Business


- ++





Reporting operations

Reporting Tools

Report Developers

ETL operations

ETL Tools

ETL Developers

Page 2: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Data warehouse: Ralph Kimball

DW is a database which is specifically designed for analyzing the business but not for business transactional


DWH is a design to support decision making Process

Characteristic Features of Data warehouse (OLAP):

Time Variant:

DW is a time variant db which supports the users in analyzing the business with different time


r variance






e Q1 Q1


Non-Volatile: DW is a non-volatile db Once data entered into DW, It doesn’t reflect to the changes which take place in operational sources

Integrated DB: DW is an integrated db which can store the data in an integrated and homogeneous format T E

Subject Oriented DB: DW is a subject – Oriented DB which supports the business needs of individual depts. In the Enterprise Ex: Sales, HR, Accounts, Loans.. etc Decision Supporting System (DSS): Since a DW is a Design to support decision Making Process hence it is called as Decision Supporting System (DSS) Historical Database Read Only Database








0 Time

Year, quarter, month,

Week, day, hour, min,









Page 3: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Differences between OLTP and DWH (OLAP) databases OLTP Databases: 1. It is designed to support operational monitoring 2. Data is volatile 3. Current data 4. Detailed data 5. Normalized data 6. Designed to support ER Modeling 7. Designed for running the business 8. Designed for clerical access 9. More number of joins 10. Few indexes

Data warehouse database (OLAP):

1. It is designed to support decision making process 2. Data is non-volatile 3. Historical data 4. Summarized data 5. De-normalization 6. Designed to support Dimensional modeling 7. Designed for analyzing the business 8. Designed for managerial access 9. Few joins 10. More Indexes

Data Acquisition: It‘s process of extracting the relevant business information, transforming the data into a required business format and loading into a DWH It’s is designed with following process:

Data extraction

Data Transformation

Data loading

Staging area (Buffer)

Extraction Loading


Types of ETL:

There are 2 types of ETL tools used in implementing data Acquisition

Code Based ETL:

o The data acquisition apply can be built using some Programming Languages like SQL, PL/SQL



ERP Sources


DWH Transformation

Data Acquisition

Page 4: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Eq: SAS BASE, SAS ACCESS, Tera data ETL Utilities ( bteq, fast load, fast export, multi load, tpump )


Development cost

Testing Increases


GUI Based ETL Tools:

Designed ETL application with a simple graphical user interface, point and click techniques

Ex: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI

Data Extraction:

It is a process of reading the data from various types of sources such as relational sources, ERP sources,

mainframes sources, other sources etc

1. Relational Sources:

a. Oracle

b. Sql server

c. Teradata

d. DB2

e. Informix

f. Sybase

g. Red bricks

h. Neteeza

i. Mysql

j. Ingress

2. ERP Sources:

a. SAP R3

b. J.D.Edwards

c. Baan

d. Ramco Marshall

e. People soft

f. Sieble CRM

g. Oracle Applications

3. Mainframe sources:

a. COBOL files

b. IMS files

c. DB2

4. File sources:

a. Flat – files (text files,.csv,.txt,.xls,)

b. Xml files

5. Other sources:

a. Web log files

b. TIBCO MQ series

c. PDF

Data Transformation:

It is a process of cleaning the data and transforming the data into a required business format.

Page 5: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

The following data transformation activities take place in staging area

Data merging

Data cleansing

Data scrubbing

Data aggregation

Data Merging:

It is process of combining the data from multiple inputs into a single output. There are 2 types of data merging


1. Vertical Merging: One table data beside another table data is available.

2. Horizontal Merging: One table data below another table data is available.

empno staging


OLTP(Oracle) job




OLTP(sql server) loc

Oracle(ny) Staging Area

Sql server(ca)

Data cleansing:

It is a process of removing unwanted data from staging It is a process of changing inconsistencies and inaccuracies



Source (DB)







Sales(s1)100 rec

Sales(s2)150 rec


India italy Autralia austria

Country Initcap(country) India Italy Australia Austria

Sales Amount $7.0 $9.950 $10.01


$7.00 $9.11 $10.01



100 records (s1)

150 records (s2)


Page 6: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Data Scrubbing:

It is process of deriving new data definitions


Data Aggregation:

It is a process of calculation the summaries for a group of records using aggregate functions (avg, max, min….etc)


It is a temporary memory where the above data processing activities takes place

Data loading:

It is a process of inserting the data into a target system. There are 2 types of data loads

1. Initial load (or) full load

2. Incremental load (or) Delta load

Initial (or) Full Load:

It’s process of loading all the required data at very first load

Incremental (or) Delta Load:

It’s a process of loading only new records after initial load

Customer + Cid + Cfname + Clname

Sales + Sid + Product + Qty + Price

Cname=Concat (cfname,



Customer + Cid + Cname

Sales + Sid +product + Qt + Saleamnt

Page 7: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

ETL Plan:

CLIENT GUI (designer)


S.Def T/R rule T.Def

+ Cid +cid +cfname +cname +clname +gender Source DB +gender

Source DB Target DB

ETL Plan

ETL PLAN: An ETL plan defines the graphical representation of data flow from source to target

It is designed with following inputs

Source Definition which defines extraction

Target Definition which defines loading

Transformation rule which defines Transformation(business logic)

ETL Plan tool

Mapping Informatica

Job Data stage

Graph Ab-Initio

Top-Down DWH Approach (W.H. Inmon):

According to W.H.Inmon, first we need to design an Enterprise Data warehouse, from EDW design a

small form of subject Oriented Department Design specific DB known as Data Mart.

Data Marts

Customer Customer +cid +cfname +clname +Gender(0,1)

T_Customer Concat (fn,ln),

decode (G,0,female,male)

T_CUSTOMER + CID +CNAME(fn,ln) +GENDER(0-f,1-m)

Extract Transformation Loading






Page 8: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Bottom-Up DWH Approach (Ralph Kimball):

According to Kimball, first we need to design department specific DB known as data marts, then integrate

all the Data marts into an Enterprise DWH

Data Marts

Data Mart (DM):

Data Mart is a subject oriented DB which supports the business needs of individual department in the


DM is known as high Performance queries structures (HPQS)

There are 2 types of DM

1. Dependent DM

2. Independent DM

DM are logical which never contains data

DM contains only views

DWH Life Cycle:

The following are the different phases involved in building a DWH

Business Requirements Collection- BA

Data Modeling- DA

ETL Development Phase-ETL Developers

ETL Test Phase- ETL Testers

Report Development Phase- Report developers

Report Test Environment- Report Testing

UAT (User Acceptance Test)- for the sack of user acceptance

Deployment- DM (User Manual, Help)

Warranty Period- Production support

Maintenance- Production support

DW – Database design

A DWH is designed with following types of schema:

1. Start Schema

2. Snowflake Schema





Page 9: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

3. Integrated (or) Galaxy Schema (constellation schema)

Schema is a collection of objects (Tables)

Start schema:

A star schema is a logical database design which contains centrally located fact table which is surrounded by

dimension tables

Since the DB design looks like a star hence it is called star schema DB design

A fact table contains a composite key where each candidate key is a foreign key to the dimension tables

A fact table contains facts. Fact are numeric

Not every numeric is a fact but numeric which are of type key performance indicators are known as facts

A dimension is a descriptive data about the major aspects of business.

The Dimensions are used to describe key performance indicators known as facts.

A dimension table contains dimensions which are de-normalized

A star schema represents a simple subjects.

Customer Time


Product Store

Snowflake schema (DM)

In a snowflake schema a de-normalized dimensional table is spitted into one (or) more tables which results in

Normalization of dimensions


Query performance hampers coz of more number of joints


Table space can be minimized

Customer_id(pk) Name Address Phone Fax

Date_id(pk) Year Quarter Month Week Day

Product_id(pk) Category Sub-Category Product quantity

Store_id(pk) Country Region State city









Page 10: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Snowflake Schema




Integrated Schema (DW):

Fact constellation:

It is the process of joining two fact tables

Conformed Dimension (Reusable):

A dimension which can be shared by multiple fact tables is known as conformed dimensions.

Fact less Fact table:

A fact table without any facts is known as fact less fact table.

Junk Dimension:

A dimension with a type text description, Boolean and flags are known as junk dimensions

It can’t be used to describe the KPI (facts)

Dirty Dimensions:

In a dimension table if the record exist more than once with difference in non-key attribute is known as dirty


Eq: SCD type 2 tables









Customer_id(pk) Name Address Phone Fax

Date_id(pk) Year Quarter Month Week Day

Store_id(pk) Country Region State city

Product_id(pk) Category Sub-Category Product


Page 11: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Integrated schema:

Slowly changing Dimensions (SCD)

SCD captures the changes which takes place over the period of time there are 3 types of SCD:

Type1 SCD:

A type1 dimension keeps only the current values doesn’t maintain history


A type2 dimension maintains the full history in the target for each update it inserts a new record in the



A type3 dimension maintains current and previous information (Partial History)


An OLAP is a set of specifications which allows the client applications (Reports) in retrieving the data from


Fact 1 Fact2


of fact 1 and fact2)

Page 12: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Types of OLAP:

ROLAP (Relational OLAP) sql server, oracle , teradata

MOLAP (Multi – Dimensional OLAP) Essbase

DOLAP ( Desktop OLAP) ms-access, excel , foxpro

HOLAP ( Hybrid OLAP) cognos , bo

Business 80%




ROLAP: An OLAP which can query the data from RDBMS are known as ROLAP

Ex: Cognos 8.4, BO XI R3, Micro strategy, Hyperion

MOLAP: An OLAP which can query the data from Multi- Dimensional DB (Cube) known as MOLAP

Ex : Cognos 8.4, Bo XI R3, Hyperion Web Analysis, Micro strategy, Hyperion financial Reporting

HOLAP: An OLAP which can combine the properties of ROLAP and MOLAP is known as HOLAP

Ex: Cognos, BO , Micro strategy

DOLAP: An OLAP which can query the data from desktop db like Ms-Access, Excel, foxpro.. etc

Ex : Cognos, BO, Micro strategy

DB: Joints & types Views &types Materialized views Index & types Partition & types DCL commands

Sales Information

Locations Department Info

End User Interface (Gateway)

Page 13: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Informatica Power centre 8.6.0

An Informatica PowerCentre is a single, unified enterprise data integration platform which allows the companies and organizations to accept the data from multiple sources transforms the data into homogeneous format and delivers the data throughout the enterprise at any speed Informatica power centre is a clinet server technology and an integrated toolset used for designing, running, monitoring and administrating the plan of data acquisition known as Mappings Informatica power Centre is a GUI based ETL product from Informatica Corporation.

Incorporated in 1993

Java is the base programming language used to design Informatica engine

2 Flavors Power Centre Large-Scale Industry Power Centre Small & Medium-Scale Industry

Most efficient ETL tool in ROI(Return On Investment) Power Centre Components: When we install an Informatica Power Centre Enterprise the following components gets, Installed:

1. Power Centre Clients(designer, workflow manager, work flow monitor, repository manager) 2. Power Centre Repository(Info-> rep) 3. Power Centre Domain 4. Integration Services 5. Repository Services 6. Web Services Hub 7. SAP BW Services 8. Power Centre Admin console

ETL Plan A mapping is a logical representation of data flow from source to target. Mapping is designed with following definitions

1. Source Definition: It defines an extraction from source 2. Target Definition: It defines the loading into the target 3. Transformation Rule: It defines the business logic for processing the data

Source DB(scott) Mapping Target DB(target)

ODBC – Open Database connectivity It’s an Interface between back End applications to any application

Employee +Eid +Ename +Esal +Deptno

Employee Tax = sal * 0.20 T_employee


GUI Tool (client)

Eid Ename Esal Deptno

Empno Ename Sal Tax Deptno

T_Employee +Empno +Ename +Sal +Tax +Deptno

Page 14: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

I.Q 2 tools which can connect to integration services

Workflow Manager

Workflow Monitor Power Center Clients The following Power centre client applications gets installed

Power Centre Designer

Power Centre Workflow Manager

Power Centre Workflow Monitor

Power Centre Repository Manager ===== > Administrator Tool

1. Designer (D) :

Create Source Definition * Design Mapplet

Create Target Definition * Reusable Transformation

Define Transformation Rule

Design Mapping

2. Workflow Manager (W)

Create session for each mapping

Create workflow

Schedule workflow

3. Workflow Monitor(M)

View Session Status in the form of SUCCEEDED (or) FAILED

Get Session log. 4. Repository Manager (R)

Create , Edit, Delete folders

Create Users, Groups & assign permission & privileges(Adminconsole)

Development tools




Session Log,folder,user,pwd

Repository Services Integration Services

Source Database

Target Database

Web services hub

External clients




Workflow Monitor

Repository Manager

Power Centre Repository











Page 15: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

1. Node: 2. Service Manager:

1. Authentication 2. Authorization 3. Node Configuration

3. Application services 4. Power Centre Admin Console

Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4

No of Nodes = No of partitions

Power Centre Repository:

It is a system database which contains proprietary tables to store the meta data

It resides on a RDBMS

The repository tables contains metadata require to perform extraction, transformation and loading

The power centre client application can access repository db through repository services

Source definition

Target definition

Transformation rule


Workflows , sessions



Integration service uses repository objects to extract, transform and load the data

The repository also stores the administrative info such as users, permission & privileges

Repository stores the session status and workflow status created by integration services

Repository also stores the session log which is created by integration services

Integration service can access the repository through repository service

Master Gate

Way Node

(host takes

request from


334 333 332

Page 16: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Repository Service:

It manages connection to power centre repository from client application

It is a multi-threaded process that inserts, retrieves and update meta data in the repository db tables

It ensures the consistency of metadata stored in the repository

It accepts the connection request from following power centre applications

1. Power centre clients

2. Integration services

3. Web services hub

Integration Services:

It reads mapping and session info from repository

It extracts the data from mapping sources and stores in memory where it applies the transformation rules

that configure in mapping

It loads the transformation data into the mapping targets

Web series Hub:

When web services hub is started it connects to the repository through repository services to fetch the web-

enabled workflows

It’s a web service gateway for external hubs/clients

Web services clients access the integration services and repository services through web services hub

Run & monitor web-enabled workflows

Application services

It’s a group of services which provides power centre server based functionality it includes

Repository services

Integration services

Web services Hub

SAP BW services

Power centre Domain:

Informatica power centre has a service-oriented architecture that provides the ability to scale services and share

resources across multiple machines

Power centre domain supports the administration of power centre services.

The domain is a primary unit for management and administration of services in the power centre

The domain has the following components

Page 17: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

1. Node

It ‘s a logical representation of a machine. Domain may contain more than one nodes. The nodes can be

configured as a master gateway nodes and worker nodes

Configure the nodes (worker node) to run integration services and repository services. All the services

request in the domain passes through gateway node

2. Service manager:

It runs on each node in the domain and performs the following functions



Node configuration

It supports application services which run on each node

3. Application services:

Group of services that provides power centre server based functionality

Power centre admin Console:

It’s a complete web-based administration utility that is used to manage power centre domain

If you have a user login to the domain, we can access the administration console to perform administrative

tasks such as managing user accounts and domain objects

Domain objects includes services, nodes and licenses

Roles & Responsibilities


An administrator is assigned with following tasks

1. Installations and configurations in a distributed network environment.

2. Creation of system database known as repository

3. Repository backup and recovery

4. Managing the domain using admin console

5. Creation of users, assigning permissions and privileges

ETL Developer:

1. Design mappings according to ETL specification documents

2. Performing following ETL tests in the order

o ETL unit testing

o System testing

o Performance testing


Page 18: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

1. Creation of database user for source(scott,tiger)

2. Creation of database user for target(target,target)

3. Odbc driver connection (ora_scott_conn(scott),ora_target_conn(target))

4. Create the folder for ETL developer(folder name: jas)

Steps involved in defining ETL Process:

Create source definition

Create target definition

Design mapping with (or) without T/R rule

Create a session for each mapping

Create workflow

Execute workflow

1. Creation of Source Definition:

A source definition is created using source analyzer tool in the designer client component

UN: scott/tiger SystemDB(Repository)

Start->Programs->Informatica Power Centre 8.6.0->client->Power Centre Designer

2. Create target definition

3. Design mapping

4. Creation of session

5. Creation of workflow

6. Execution of workflow


It ‘s an object which allows to define the business logic for processing the data Transformations are categorized

into 2 types

Source analyzer Repository




Page 19: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

1. Active Transformations:

A transformation which can affect the number of rows (or) change the number of rows when the data is

moving from source to target is known as active transformation

Note: change in number of rows entry in transformation and exit from transformation

The following are the list of active transformations used for processing the data

Filter T/R

Joiner T/R

Aggregator T/R

Sorter T/R

Rank T/R

Router T/R

Transaction control T/R

Update Strategy T/R

Xml source Qualifier T/R

Normalizer T/R

2. Passive Transformations

A transformation which doesn’t affect the number of rows while data moving from source to target is

known as passive transformation

The following are the list of passive T/R used for processing the data

Expression T/R

Sequence Generator T/R

Look up T/R

Stored Procedure T/R

Eq: Active Transformation

Filter T/R

14(I) 14(I) 6(o) 6(o)

Extraction Transformation Loading

Example: Passive Transformation

14(I) 14(i) 14(o) 14(o)

Extraction Transformation Loading

Emp(sd) Sq_emp Sal > 3000 T_emp

emp Sq_emp Tax=sal*0.10 T_emp

Page 20: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Connected & Unconnected Transformations

Connected Transformation:

A Transformation which is participated in a mapping dataflow direction (connected to source and/or connected

to target) is known as connected T/R

It can receive multiple inputs and can provide multiple outputs

All active & passive t/R’s can be used as connected transformations

Unconnected Transformation:

A transformation which doesn’t participate in data flow direction (neither connected to source nor connected to

target) is known as unconnected Transformation.

It can receive multiple inputs but provide single output.

Following T/R’s can be used as unconnected

Lookup T/R

Stored Procedure T/R


Port = column

Ports and types of ports:

Input Port (I)

Output port (O)

A port defines column of a table (or) file

Input port:

A port which can receive the data is known as input port, which is symbolically represented as I

emp Emp_t Sq_emp


Page 21: Data warehousing Concepts - Krishna trainingEx: Informatica (7500) , datastage (700), ab-initio, data services, BODI Data Extraction: It is a process of reading the data from various

Output Port:

A port which can provide the data is known as output port, which is symbolically represented as O


1. Filter Transformation:

This is a type of an active T/R which allows to filter the data based on given condition

A condition is built with the following components

1. Port

2. Operator

3. Operand

Filter T/R supports single target to send the data. It is used to perform data cleansing activities.

It evaluates each input record again as condition and returns True or False

True indicates that data is given for further processing (or) loading the data into the target

False indicates that the records are dropped from filter T/r

True Input records satisfied with condition

False Records which doesn’t meet condition

It doesn’t support IN operator instead of it we can use OR, AND

Data loaded into only single target

Real time terminology for mapping: Data flow diagram (DFD) and high level process Diagram
