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#DataVizInSixWeeks, week 2: Visualization Types

Date post: 04-Dec-2014
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Week 2: A survey of data visualization forms and types. Introduction to Visual Analytics is a course taught at OCAD University, Toronto.
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  • 1. #DataVizInSixWeeksAn Introduction to Visual Analytics course taught atOCAD University, TorontoWeek TwoVisualization typesAnne StevensCopyright Anne Stevens 2014

2. The basicsBar graphs, stacked bar graphs, grouped bar graphsHistogramsStacked area graphsScatterplotsLine graphsSparklinesCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 3. Enrico Bertini. Fell in Love With Databit.ly/infovis14-l2Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 4. Enrico Bertini. Fell in Love With Databit.ly/infovis14-l2Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 5. Enrico Bertini. Fell in Love With Databit.ly/infovis14-l2Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 6. nikonians.orgHistogramCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 7. Block Histogram vs. Bar ChartCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 8. maths.nayland.school.nzBox and whisker chartCopyright Anne Stevens 2014wilsonmar.com 9. wikipedia.orgBullet chartCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 10. Martin Wattenberg, Baby Name Voyager. 2005babynamewizard.com/voyagerStacked Area ChartCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 11. docs.enthought.comScatterplotCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 12. Hans RoslingGapminder.orgBubble diagram / Balloon race diagramCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 13. Bubble diagram / Balloon race diagramDavid McCandless. Snake Oil Supplementsinformationisbeautiful.net/play/snake-oil-supplements/Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 14. easynotecards.comSparklineCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 15. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 16. PiesPie chartCoxcombRing chartCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 17. Coxcomb diagramCopyright Anne Stevens 2014Diagram of the causes of mortality in the army in the East. Florence Nightengale. 1858decohan.wordpress.com/2011/10/07/nature-of-visualisationGrey = disease. Pink = battle wounds. Black = other causes. 18. Ring chartCopyright Anne Stevens 2014infodesignpatterns.com 19. Spatial structuresCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 20. Paul ButlerCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 Visualizing Friendship 21. Heat mapCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 22. Thematic maps (Choropleth maps)Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 23. Borzu Taleiawww.fromdatatodecision.comCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 24. World population.worldmapper.org/svg/map2/index.htmlCartogramsCopyright Anne Stevens 2014Alcohol & cigarette importsworldmapper.org/display.php?selected=56 25. Networks and hierarchiesNode link diagramNetwork mapsTopologic vs topographic mapsTreesAdjacency matrixIcicle tree, sunray treeTreemapCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 26. Node link diagramCopyright Anne Stevens 2014c/o Fanny Chevalier 27. Topological network mapCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 28. Tube map, 1908http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tube_mapCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 29. Harry Becks original Tube map, 1933http://britton.disted.camosun.bc.ca/beckmap.htmCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 30. Map of the Interneten.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Internet_map_1024.jpgCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 31. TreesCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 32. Geneaquiltswww.aviz.fr/geneaquilts/Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Adjacency matrix 33. Circular treesCopyright Anne Stevens 2014c/o Fanny Chevalier 34. Icicle Trees Sunray TreesCopyright Anne Stevens 2014c/o Fanny Chevalier 35. TreemapCopyright Anne Stevens 2014Jean-Daniel Feketehttp://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/VisuMillion/ 36. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 37. Map of the Marketmarketwatch.co Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 m/tools/stockresearch/marketmap 38. FlowsTimelinesTemporal structuresFlowsThread arcsSankey diagramsClocksSpiralsCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 39. New York Times. The Ebb and Flow of Moviesnytimes.com/interactive/2008/02/23/movies/20080223_REVENUE_GRAPHIC.html?_r=0TimelineCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 40. Charles Minard, Napoleons March on Moscow. 1869http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Minard.pngTimelineCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 41. Sankey DiagramCopyright Anne Stevens 2014Info Design Patternsniceone.org 42. Thread arc diagramCopyright Anne Stevens 2014visualcomplexity.com 43. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Martin Wattenberg, The Shape of Song.turbulence.org 44. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Ben Fry, Revisionist Historyhttp://benfry.com/deprocess/ 45. Spiral Clockemn.fr/z-info/spiraclockDoug McCuneVisualizing Cyclical Timedougmccune.com/blog/2011/04/21/visualizing-cyclical-time-hour-of-day-charts/Doublas Ian ScottAfricas Population Growth from 0 AD to 2050 ADvisualizing.org/visualizations/africas-population-growth-0-ad-2050-ad-combined-maddison-and-united-nations-dataCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 46. Textual structuresCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 47. Tag clouds, wordlesCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 48. Word Treehttp://www.openbible.info/blog/2007/09/visualization-genesis-word-trees/Word treesCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 49. Twitter StreamGraph for Kleenexthoughtgadgets.com/beyond-sentiment-analysis/Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 50. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014Jeff Heerhomes.cs.washington.edu/~jheer//files/zoo/ 51. Fanny Chevalier et alDiffamationCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 52. Multi variant dataCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 53. Parallel CoordinatesData Stories, Ownership of Assets and Amenities by District (Proportion of Households)http://datastories.in/Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 54. Tulip Software c/o Fanny ChevalierStar plotsCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 55. codeproject.comRadar chart, Spider chartCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 56. Charles Minard, 1869Napoleons March on Moscowhttp://Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Minard.png 57. Small multiplesDot matrixMatricesSmall multiplesCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 58. Income Structure 2005, Net Income Distribution by Boroughinfodesignpatterns.comDot MatrixCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 59. Dot matrix matrixCopyright Anne Stevens 2014Political Party Landscape 2006. Number of Seats per Party and Borough Assemblyinfodesignpatterns.com 60. Jeffrey Heerhomes.cs.washington.edu/~jheer//files/zoo/MatrixCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 61. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 62. Jeffrey Heerhomes.cs.washington.edu/~jheer//files/zoo/Small multiplesCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 63. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 64. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 65. HybridsCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 66. Luisa Bufardeci. Landscapeslouisabufardeci.net/pages/land/land.htmlCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 67. Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 68. A Tour through the Visualization ZooJeffrey Heerhci.stanford.edu/jheer/files/zoo/Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 69. infodesignpatterns.comCopyright Anne Stevens 2014 70. Questions ?Copyright Anne Stevens 2014 71. #DataVizInSixWeeksAn Introduction to Visual Analytics course taught at OCAD University, Torontostevensanne.comFollow the blog here@3_ring_binderAnne StevensCopyright Anne Stevens 2014
