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Date: 12/02/2020 To, UGC - CARE and UGC journal committee ...

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1 Date: 12/02/2020 To, UGC - CARE and UGC journal committee members, PMO Public Grievances, Ministry of Higher Education, India. Sub: Complain about UGC-CARE list of journals without quality - improper checking, and less Indian Journals. I have already complained 2-3 times about journals on UGC-CARE portal with journal TITLE and ISSN and mentioned proof with links and screenshots, why again and again your committee asking proofs? From your side your committee can not check journals? It clearly looks partiality and miss practices going on by UGC CARE committee itself in current list from June-2019. In past UGC list there was also partialities and miss practices found. I am also sending this same letter with proofs to PMO public grievance cell and higher education ministry with same details. UGC CARE committee should recheck my prior complaints carefully, because this a matter of inequality and underestimation in published research consideration, future research publication scope and also publishing field of our country. Many journals with quality publication from India still not added in UGC CARE list after all 6 months time over. UGC-CARE consideration and checking policy is looking improper, that If any citizen complain about any journal with proof, then only UGC-CARE office will check that journal quality and proofs, so this shows purely inability of UGC CARE committee about journals list. I am sure that by UGC CARE (June-2019) directly added listed around 700 journals without proper checking, because some of journals showing status as discontinue from Sept-2019 on UGC-CARE portal. If prior - all journals were checked properly with their quality and criteria, there’s no need to discontinue / remove it now. Even there is recommendation form which need to submit with proper setup channel through University / College IQAC. Then how those 700 journals directly added? UGC-CARE and UGC committee members should know that from Indian ISSN Agency web portal : 23,459 ISSN assigned from 1986 to 2018. This mean nearly 12000 to 15,000 ISSN journals may be running properly with regular publications in India. UGC CARE Group - 1 :- Science 333, Social Science 266, Arts & Humanities 287, Multidisciplinary 35, Indian languages 171, In all categories many journals are from Abroad publishers, It’s nearly 35% journals are from India. Only 109 in Web of Science and 430 in Scopus journals are from India in their whole list of journals from beginning of both agencies evaluation history. This is also not a good practices going on for other journals which are run by Indian publishers and universities although fulfilled past UGC criteria, and UGC-CARE criteria. Last year UGC removed many journals without proper checking, although those journal with quality publication and fulfilled past criteria too. This way, almost researchers, professors, students published research work, with given efforts, time and money, now becomes less important as per new UGC - CARE circulars. As per JULY-2018 gazette for API score, in criteria clearly mentioned Peer-Reviewed OR UGC listed journal publication consideration, now many universities head authority, interview committee members are asking for only UGC CARE listed journal publication papers will be considered for score


Date: 12/02/2020


UGC - CARE and UGC journal committee members,

PMO Public Grievances,

Ministry of Higher Education, India.

Sub: Complain about UGC-CARE list of journals without quality - improper checking, and less

Indian Journals.

I have already complained 2-3 times about journals on UGC-CARE portal with journal TITLE and

ISSN and mentioned proof with links and screenshots, why again and again your committee asking

proofs? From your side your committee can not check journals? It clearly looks partiality and miss

practices going on by UGC CARE committee itself in current list from June-2019. In past UGC list

there was also partialities and miss practices found.

I am also sending this same letter with proofs to PMO public grievance cell and higher education

ministry with same details. UGC CARE committee should recheck my prior complaints

carefully, because this a matter of inequality and underestimation in published research consideration,

future research publication scope and also publishing field of our country. Many journals with quality

publication from India still not added in UGC CARE list after all 6 months time over.

UGC-CARE consideration and checking policy is looking improper, that If any citizen complain about

any journal with proof, then only UGC-CARE office will check that journal quality and proofs, so this

shows purely inability of UGC CARE committee about journals list.

I am sure that by UGC – CARE (June-2019) directly added listed around 700 journals without proper

checking, because some of journals showing status as discontinue from Sept-2019 on UGC-CARE

portal. If prior - all journals were checked properly with their quality and criteria, there’s no need to

discontinue / remove it now. Even there is recommendation form which need to submit with proper

setup channel through University / College IQAC. Then how those 700 journals directly added?

UGC-CARE and UGC committee members should know that from Indian ISSN Agency web portal :

23,459 ISSN assigned from 1986 to 2018. This mean nearly 12000 to 15,000 ISSN journals may be

running properly with regular publications in India.

UGC CARE Group - 1 :- Science – 333, Social Science – 266, Arts & Humanities – 287,

Multidisciplinary – 35, Indian languages – 171, In all categories many journals are from Abroad

publishers, It’s nearly 35% journals are from India. Only 109 in Web of Science and 430 in Scopus

journals are from India in their whole list of journals from beginning of both agencies evaluation

history. This is also not a good practices going on for other journals which are run by Indian publishers

and universities although fulfilled past UGC criteria, and UGC-CARE criteria. Last year UGC

removed many journals without proper checking, although those journal with quality publication and

fulfilled past criteria too. This way, almost researchers, professors, students published research work,

with given efforts, time and money, now becomes less important as per new UGC - CARE circulars.

As per JULY-2018 gazette for API score, in criteria clearly mentioned Peer-Reviewed OR UGC listed

journal publication consideration, now many universities head authority, interview committee

members are asking for only UGC CARE listed journal publication papers will be considered for score


only. Often UGC circulars also not clearly clarify and making confusions. In this practices almost

researchers and universities teaching staff in hesitation and suffering.

Journals without proper publication ethics (many journals with only 1 page policy), publication and

other policies, journal description, indexing proof, impact factor proof and criteria of UGC, such

journals do not fulfilling present UGC-CARE criteria, or past UGC criteria although included directly

in UGC-CARE list. Why your committee doing such practices?

UGC committee even depends on abroad organization listings like Web of Science, SCOPUS. These

both agencies having their own specific limited criteria for evaluation of print and online journals,

which are also varied. Web of Science and Scopus listed journals publishing research papers, articles

the same way as other non listed journals publishing. There are many journals which listed as specific

1 year period in Web of Science OR Scopus listing, and not selected - listed in other year listing. So

what type of criteria do UGC decided for such journals. SCOPUS, and Web of Science both agencies

considering DOI, Citations etc. DOI is also one type of extra income generated source created by

abroad developer, which is providing digital number / link with charging yearly fees with per document

fee. Institutions, organizations, Journals need to purchase with cost in USD/Euro. It reflect as extra

cost considered in publication. Some of organization providing free service for uploading of research

document like Google Scholar, Academia, Internet Archives etc. Why researchers need to pay extra

for only such digital number, link rather than giving important to own research work. As for print

publication there is not such requirements, no need of any DOI and it consider same point score for

online and print publication.

Abroad Journal publishers, Scopus and Web of Science journals charges $ 70 USD to 700 USD for

only 1 research article / paper publication - such high fee, our Indian researchers, students and even

teaching faculties can not afford. Your committee should think over such different aspects as per Indian

situation. While, Indian publishers journal with quality publications with fulfilment of UGC

criteria, which are not considered still in UGC CARE list, they are charging nominal - affordable

Rs.500 to 2500 per article/paper. Only few are free journals with yearly, biannual publication, Often

cases arise that journal , publisher website showing free publication on their web portal, Not given any

fee details on their website, after author’s submission – process – acceptance, they are indirectly

charging processing fee, which is also miss practices. Even there is no difference in online publication

of journals which are listed or non listed, in online journal publication there’s PDF copy, XML view,

which are downloadable, some publishers are not even offering free view – download option after all

charging high publishing fee. It mean they run as only a business. Some journals publish with

protected options, shows only title, author details and abstract as free view, while open access journals

which provides free to view and download options. It also come to know that now in online

publications uploads of PDF/XML/word-PPT file format, open access journals published

papers/articles theory and contents can be found/caught easily in plagiarism checkers. While protected

published papers/articles theory and content matter can not be easily searchable. Then how we can

consider exactly plagiarism matter with percentage. In online world some any details can be share

online easily and removed too. Print publications theory and content matter are not available online

or searchable, then how can be consider it is original or not? So concept of consideration of plagiarism

is also looking limited thinking peoples work.

As far as in our country almost 900+ universities, 38,000+ colleges, 11,900 stand-alone institutions

and thousands of researchers, teaching faculties. Your committee should think over first about Indian

students, researchers, teachers perspectives. In present list of UGC-CARE abroad journals are more

than Indian journals. What it mean? Other journals of Indian universities and publishers are not given

more important. On name of abroad agency listing and quality only. Weather abroad private agencies

listing is authentic ? Let give answer if UGC and UGC-CARE committee has check each journal.


In the same last 4-5 months after UGC CARE list arise, some of the listed publishers also doing miss

practices in publication offering fast publication with extra charges, few people working as third parties

to help in publication in UGC CARE, Scopus, Web of Science journals – offering in social media

openly with extra charges and in this way researchers also insist for higher payment and some fraud

practices too.

This is just from random checking and observation and found.

Find below Journals: weather they are with ISSN, Proper guidelines, Editorial

board, proper criteria and publication policies as per UGC, Indexing, online availability….


24 Comparative Constitutional Law and

Administrative Law














Nothing available online on National Law University website, about this journals, some of same

TITLE matching website , links available in google search - its confusing without ISSN.



61 Supreme Court Journal ALT Publications NA NA

JOURNAL without ISSN: Showing Supreme Court Journal , ALT Publication, Check its contact

details, and website. Where is ISSN, Proper guidelines, Editorial board, proper criteria and

publication policies as per UGC, Indexing ?

All know that Supreme Court is located in Delhi and this ALT Publications address is of Hyderabad.


3) Less quality - Scopus journal

61 International Journal of

Agricultural Technology



Association of Agricultural

Technology in Southeast


2630-0613 2630-0192

This journal’s ethical-publication policy looking improper and set in only 1 page, there are no other

policies, although considered in Scopus, That’s a big question ? How Scopus considered such

journal? Journal showing only photo as indexing no proofs.

Where is this journal’s Indexing proof, Impact Factor proof, Publication fee details ? Even in Scopus

matrix its citations also not available.


4. Journals without ISSN. (UGC & UGC-CARE first criteria ISSN must for selection)

Indian languages and Arts & Humanities categories –

716 Sambodhi Buddhagaya Buddhagaya Centre, Maha Bodhi Society of India NA NA

161 ஆவணம் Journal of the Tamil Nadu Archaeological Society NA NA

170 ಅನಿಕೇತನಾನಿ Karnataka Sahithya Academy NA NA

166 வரலாறு Journal of Dr.M.Rajamanikkanar Centre for Historical



158 સમીપ Samvad Prakashan NA NA

160 ଝଙ୍କାର Jhankar Publisher NA NA

132 এবং মহুয়া K. K. Prakashan NA NA

119 साधना Sadhana Prakashan NA NA

101 शब्द रुची Granthali NA NA

109 संगना संगीत नाटक अकादेमी NA NA

88 लललत Majestic Prakashan NA NA

82 युगवाणी Vidarbh Sahitya Sangh NA NA

83 रंग-प्रसंग National School of Drama NA N

84 रंगवाचा Vasantrav Acharekar Sanskrutik Pratishthan NA NA

85 राजभाषा भारती Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home

Affairs, Government of India


77 महाअनुभव Unique Features NA NA

71 भाव अनुबंध Marathi Sahitya Mandal NA NA

61 प्रलतष्ठान Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad NA NA


55 पहल Pahal Jabalpur NA NA

56 पालल - प्राकृत - अनुशीलनम् ,

पालल - प्राकृत - अनुशीलनम्

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan NA NA

58 पुरोगामी सत्यशोधक Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Samata Pratishthan NA NA

48 नव अनुष्टुभ Anushtubh Pratishthan NA NA

50 पंचधारा Marathi Sahitya Parishadms NA NA

39 तदभव Tadbhav NA NA

30 केल्याने भाषांतर Sunanda Vidyasagar Mahajan NA NA

18 अस्मितादशश Nivedita Gangadhar Pantawane NA NA

Aligarh Muslim University NA NA فکرونظر 8

102 Itihasa- The Indian

Historical Review

Indian Council of Historical Research NA NA

107 Jhankara Jhankar Publisher NA NA

12 Aniketana Karnataka Sahithya Academy NA NA

23 Asmitadarsh Nivedita Gangadhar Pantawane NA NA

25 Avanam Journal of the Tamil Nadu Archaeological Society NA NA

33 Bhav Anubhandh Marathi Sahitya Mandal NA NA

54 Ebong Mohua K. K. Prakashan NA NA

63 Fikr- o- Nazar Aligarh Muslim University NA NA

144 Kelyane Bhashantar Sunanda Vidyasagar Mahajan NA NA

149 Lalit Majestic Prakashan NA NA

161 Mahaanubhav Unique Features NA NA

179 Nav Anushtubh Anushtubh Pratishthan NA NA

189 Pahal Pahal Jabalpur NA NA

190 Pali- Prakrta Anusilanam Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan NA NA

191 Panchadhara Marathi Sahitya Parishadms NA NA

204 Pratishthan Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad NA NA

211 Purogami Satyashodhak Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Samata Pratishthan NA NA

217 Rajbhasha Bharati Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home

Affairs, Government of India


218 Rang Prasnag National School of Drama NA NA

219 Rangwacha Vasantrav Acharekar Sanskrutik Pratishthan NA NA

224 Sadhana Sadhana Prakashan NA NA

232 Sambodhi Buddhagaya Buddhagaya Centre, Maha Bodhi Society of India NA NA

233 Samipe Samvad Prakashan NA NA

237 Sangna संगीत नाटक अकादमेी NA NA

246 Shabd Ruchi Granthali NA NA

258 Tadbhav Tadbhav NA NA

264 The Calcutta Journal of

Global Affairs

The Research Centre for Eastern and North Eastern

Regional Studies


289 Varalaru Journal of Dr.M.Rajamanikkanar Centre for Historical



300 Yugvani Vidarbh Sahitya Sangh NA NA

Almost all non ISSN magazines / journals do not have proper editor board, peer-review policy,

publishing ethical policy, author guidelines and other UGC-CARE criteria although directly added. Is

it consider standards practices?

While other Indian journal publishers giving their best efforts for running journals, for journal

indexing, following UGC & UGC-CARE criteria and recommended by many professors from

universities. Although not being considered.


5). Scopus Journal, do not have editor board details as per UGC-CARE criteria, No contact person

name, Publication fee, paper processing fee not mentioned , No Author guidelines available. No

cite score available as per Scopus – 2018.

412 Journal of

African Union


Adonis and Abbey


2050-4292 2050-4306



6). Scopus Journal, do not have editor board details as per UGC-CARE criteria, No Publication fee,

paper processing fee not mentioned , No cite score available as per Scopus – 2018.

694 Research Journal of

Textile and Apparel

Emerald Publishing Limited 1560-6074 2515-8090



7) Check publication charge of this Scopus journal - Article Publishing Charge (APC) of $ 698.

863 World Journal of

Meta Analysis

Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. NA 2308-3840



8) Journal do not have full details of reviewer as per UGC-CARE criteria and fee not mentioned on

website :

864 World Journal of Science, Technology

and Sustainable Development

Emerald Publishing


2042-5953 2042-5945


843 Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics Vidyasagar University 0975-8003 NA

Check this link – page - http://vidyasagar.ac.in/files/dspace/economics/about.pdf

All policies on 1 page: http://vidyasagar.ac.in/files/dspace/economics/policies.pdf

No proof of indexing.

It seems many journals publication house do not shows publication / processing fee on but after

submission and on acceptance they are charging processing fee.

10). On main Journal website - do not have any indexing proof, contact details, no editor board

details, no published archive (issues), no peer-review and ethical policy, as per UGC-CARE criteria.

Improper arrangement details available on publisher, All issues available on indexing portal -


772 The Classical Outlook American Classical League 0009-8361 2573-4369




I know very well about Scopus and Web of Science practices, both only run as private evaluation

agencies to gain profit by making such listing for few publishers and universities journals, Main thing

is making indifferences in research and publication fields worldwide and there are more loss than its

benefit. Thomson Reuters Corporation holds ‘web of science’ which is purely a business company.

Scopus and Web of Science practices, both agencies are private and also run other business, if any

publisher accept their software, strategies, or paid money to their working personnel – evaluation team

member, they can add any journal in their listing. (As I given example of journal - details above

- 3rd journal ) There are many journals like so in both agencies listing without proper publishing

policies, editor bard, proof of indexing, contact details etc., they are not as per UGC past criteria and

UGC - CARE criteria although directly considered as good – quality journal on name of such agencies


I also come to know that Many Indian publishers which are fulfilling Scopus, Web of Science

criteria, applied to listing but these agencies even not reply for submission of journal receipt or email,

these evaluation agencies they are probably underestimating Indian journals and Indian universities


As in educational research more important should be given to researchers, professors work – time –

efforts and journal only, Not the outer listing agencies which are also affecting economically and


As per constitution our higher authorities, government, government service agencies should serve first

and do work for our citizens welfare - benefits, UGC CARE committee members are also Indian

citizen - All Indian professors, researchers, students are also Indian citizens, but this present situations

are going opposite, it’s like UGC CARE listed Scopus (39111), Web of Science (14514) journals are given

benefit, only 539 are Indian publishers journals. This directly means to insist or force our Indian

researchers, professors to expense more publication charges, to publish outer country journals. It

affects a lot as per economic condition.

It directly also mean that our own country’s higher authority people having less knowledge and giving

important to abroad agencies (scopus, web of science), and abroad journal publishers with blind trust.

While underestimating our own countries journals. As this practices seems abroad private evaluation

agencies and journal publisher people are more knowledgeable and intelligent than Indian?

Let me show any abroad countries higher education authority journals list with - Indian journals, Indian

universities journals, Indian publishers….!

Your committee should reply to my below questions:

1. UGC and UGC-CARE committee members have checked each journal listed in Scopus and Web

of Science? Weather they following UGC and UGC-CARE criteria or not ?

2. Why directly trust on the abroad business agencies listing by underestimating own criteria, Indian

Publishers and journals run by universities?

3. Why UGC CARE still not considering Indian journals with quality publications although as per

criteria and recommended by professors from universities?

4. Why given more important to abroad journals and publishers on name of listing? While in online

publishing is same way in – Indian and Abroad open access Journals.


5. UGC and UGC-CARE committee people from India and their first priority is to serve Indian

research community, Indian publishers, Researchers, Professors?

6. Weather abroad private agencies listing (Scopus and Web of Science) also authentic and with

quality journals?

7. Why still not added more Indian Universities journals, Indian Publishers journals and past UGC

listed journals, which are already recommended ? After all 6 months over ?

8. Why our own country researchers, professors this way insisted to publish with more publication

charges on name of private agencies – Scopus, Web of Science listing?

9. Have UGC & UGC committee calculated approximately number of Ph.D scholars, Master

students, Teaching faculties research papers/ articles publication requirement in India? Is

present listed Indian journals are enough for all publication requirements of Indian research


Hope your committee members will open eyes and check properly all matter!

Thanks & Regards,



Citizen of India

Copy Forwarded to:-

UGC - CARE committee members, (by online upload on UGC-CARE portal)

PMO Public Grievances, (by online upload on Public Grievances portal)

Ministry of Higher Education, India.

UGC (by email)
