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Date: May 15, 2016 (Sunday) - Five Doves Final Timeline to Armageddon... · Date: May 15, 2016...

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Date: May 15, 2016 (Sunday) Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves, Subject: The Final Timeline to Armageddon and Gematria 161Everyone Please Read This [Thank you John for activating the URL Links throughout and posting this as a PDF Article] Dear reader, MAKE SURE THAT YOU FIRST READ MY POST TITLED: The Haggai Prophecy and Iyar 2 are Now Upon Us dated May 8, 2016. It now appears that this Iyar 2 is a one week warning or a 10 day warning or both. If one changes Iyar 2 (Chabad Calendar) to the Julian Calendar it become May 21 (Iyar 13). It is all part of a very intricate puzzle. So continue to keep the prophecy from Haggai 2:18-23 and 2 Chronicles 3:1-2 foremost in your mind as you read this post. 2 Chronicles 3:1-2(KJV ) Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the LORD appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite. 2)And he began to build in the second day of the second month, in the fourth year of his reign. [ Concerning the Purpose of Dr Owuor’s Message—Time is Now Completely Over; and, the Rapture can now happen at any momentApril 27, 2011 the very day that the LORD took David Wilkerson home to heaven. ] REMEMBER AND THINK CAREFULLY The Parable of the Fig Tree in a Certain Man’s Vineyard

Date: May 15, 2016 (Sunday)

Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves,

Subject: The Final Timeline to Armageddon and Gematria 161—Everyone Please Read This

[Thank you John for activating the URL Links throughout and posting this

as a PDF Article]

Dear reader, MAKE SURE THAT YOU FIRST READ MY POST TITLED: The Haggai Prophecy and Iyar 2 are Now Upon Us dated

May 8, 2016. It now appears that this Iyar 2 is a one week warning or a 10 day warning or both. If one changes Iyar 2 (Chabad Calendar) to the Julian Calendar it become May 21 (Iyar 13). It is all part of a very

intricate puzzle.

So continue to keep the prophecy from Haggai 2:18-23 and 2 Chronicles 3:1-2 foremost in your mind as you read this post.

2 Chronicles 3:1-2(KJV)

Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the LORD appeared unto David his father, in the place that

David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite. 2)—And he began to build in the second day of the second month, in the

fourth year of his reign. [ Concerning the Purpose of Dr Owuor’s Message—Time

is Now Completely Over; and, the Rapture can now

happen at any moment—April 27, 2011 the very day that

the LORD took David Wilkerson home to heaven. ]


The Parable of the Fig Tree in a Certain Man’s Vineyard


Luke 13:6-9(KJV)


Dr Owuor’s April 27, 2011 message came just 3 days

before May Day (May 1), 2011.

Notice that April 27 + 14 days (inclusive) = May 10, 2011

Now add 5 = (Grace) Years and you come to May 2016.

May 10, 2016 (Iyar 2, 5776)

2011 – “The Initial Observation Year”

+ 3 years




Then add One More Year after digging and dunging


The Final Judgment Year – Judgment by Fire


Please recall that May Day (May 1) is the date for the Satanist’s highest feast, the Feast of Beltane; and, it is the date that the Free Mason Illuminati under the guidance of Adam Weishaupt

started the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776, the same year of America birth on July 4, 1776.

We are all aware on our LORD’s Jewish Feast Days in the Spring; and, we have been watching the Feast of Purim and the Feast of

Passover very closely for signs.




Dr David Owuor has given a large number of important prophecies. I want to show you two of those prophecies right

now. How many days are there from March 11, 2015 and May 16, 2016?

Answer: 432 days (RMI) –234 The Vincent Tan Terminal

Number! or 1.18 years [1 year; 2 months; 5 days | 14 months + 5 days | 61 weeks + 5 days |

308 weekdays | 1.18 years] 234/153 = 1.53 demonstrating the “Netting Out” of the Sons of


Published on Mar 11, 2015 (Wednesday) [**This message was received at about 3:00AM (Kenya Time)**]




Pasted from <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSC5fT6Ppvw&hd=1>



Kindly visit www.repentandpreparetheway.org & www.jesusislordradio.info for more information

The 4th BRM of the Tetrad marked Tabernacles Day 1;

Day 2520 of the 7 Biblical Years of Trib was Sept 23,


It's now high time for us to be " Tabernacled" as

the LORD's Mighty Prophet (Dr David Owuor) was



[Following is the tremendous Vision of the LORD when he wrote across the entire sky—“TABERNACLED”]

Look at this major Sign of Noah—Gematria 120 and 121

120 = 12 x 10 121 = 11 Squared (11 x 11)

How many days are there from July 31, 2013 and sunset May 17, 2016? Answer: 1020 days or 1021 days

[dropping the zero = 120 and 121]

[2 years; 9 mo; 16 days | 33 mo + 16 days | 145 weeks + 5 days | 728 weekdays or 729 weekdays | 2.79 Years or 2.8 years]

Notice that 9 cubed = 729 28 = Eternal Live

Published July 31, 2013



Pasted from




Now let’s look at some KEY May timelines starting with Jesus’ Ascension Day (Ali “Yah” Messiah) May 17, 2015.

Now we are one year later; and, again Tuesday May 17, 2016 is a

very KEY high watch date.


After Friday the 13th (May 13, 2016), we have Pentecost—Omer count 50 on Saturday May 14, 2016. Adding 3 days, the Sign of

Jonah, to the Jewish Chabad Calendar brings us to May 17, 2016.

We were warned that the number “17”—Victory bears extremely close watching. We are supposed to watch KEY Purim and

Passover Signs as well. In 2016 February 22, 2016 was Jewish Purim.

There is a Full Moon coming on May 21, 2016 peaking @

21:14(UTC) (Iyar 13, 5776). So let’s look at John Lawler’s Moon Phase Prophecy for possible clues.



Please remember that John Lawler got a word from the Lord December 30, 2010 that

a massive explosion would happen when the Moon is at the Top of its Phase.

Monday, Monday February 22, 2016 was

the Jewish Feast of Purim (Adar 13, 5776) and it fit perfectly @ 1881 days post December 30, 2010

How many days are there from December 30, 2010 and sunset

February 22, 2016 (l Adar 13, 5776--Jewish Purim)?

Answer: 1881 days <--[Notice this amazing Chiasmus of "188", the Gematria of the Cyclical Mega Earthquakes; 188 = 153 –The Sons of God + 35 Hope--(The Blessed Hope Titus 2:13)—The


[**1881 is a Chiasmus of "188" the cyclical Mega EQ Number**]

The Full Moon Peak for the "Big Bang" February 22, 2016, or 2-22-16 @ 18:19(UTC) and is after sunset in Jerusalem

Notice that 2:22 is (2 x 1:11) <--[111 is a Chiasmus of 11]


11 = Disorder and Judgment Yet "22" = LIGHT or the Day of Light <--[222 is a Chiasmus of


The number "1881"has America's Bohemian Grove Signature all over it!

The men of Bohemian Grove in America first instituted their vile Cremation of Care Ceremony to the wicked ancient Canaanite

owl-god Molech at midsummer's night in the year 1881 In the year 2015 this ceremony as conducted on Saturday July 17,



How many days are there from December 30, 2010 and May16, 2015 (@ sunset May 17)? Answer: 1600 Days or 1599 Days <--This was May 17th Aliyah [Ali "yah"] Messiah--Jesus' Ascension Day. Notice that May 17th, 2015 is a 2-Month warning to Friday July 17th, 2015 which was the Cremation of Care Ceremony to the Canaanite god Molech at Bohemian Grove. We all know who

resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Gematria 1600 is linked on the Bible Wheel to Holy Communion through 1 Corinthians 11:33(KJV);

and is the "capstone verse" of warning against desecrating the precious body and blood of Jesus Christ.

This is a most clear warning against the Free Mason--Illuminati

practitioners and their families who have infiltrated our American Churches now for many years; their numbers are in the millions.

1 Peter 4:17(KJV) For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end

be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

*9777 / 977 = 10.007 164 7 9


1Co 11:27

Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the

Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.


1Co 11:28

But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that



1Co 11:29

For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh

damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.


1Co 11:30

For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.


1Co 11:31

For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.


1Co 11:32

But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should

not be condemned with the world.


1Co 11:33

Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.


Pasted from


Connecting Jewish Purim to Passover

September 23, 2015 (Yom Kippur) Connection

How many days are there from September 22, 2015 (@ Sunset = 23rd) and February 22, 2016? <--[Monday, Monday Feb 22, 2016

= I Adar 13, 5776 -- Jewish Purim]


Answer: 153 Days + 35 days = 188 days

[March 26, 2016 (sunset)--Gill Broussard --Planet 7X Connection] March 26, 2016 = linked to II Adar 15, 5776 (Shushan Purim)

How many days are there from September 22, 2015 and March 26,

2016 (sunset to sunset--inclusive)? Answer: 188 Days = (153 + 35)

Notice "Wedding Ring" Solar Eclipse Sign on March 20, 2015 (Adar 29, 5775/Nissan 1, 5775)

This was the end of Jewish Calendar Year 2014; and, Nissan 1 was the start of Jewish Calendar Year 2015

Now a year later Jewish Calendar Year 2015 has an extra Leap Year Month (2 Adar 1-29, 5776) ending on Friday April 8, 2016 (2

Adar 29). Jewish Calendar Year 2016 starts on Nissan 1, 5776; which is

Saturday (Shabbat) April 9, 2016!

How many days are there from March 20, 2015 and March 31, 2016?

Answer: 377 days; 1 year 11 days (notice 111) 12 months 11 days (1211) RMI 1121-->

My Address was 11201 Lake Steilacoom Dr SW Tacoma WA 98498 [The Address of my Crucifixion Site; Mark 8:34(KJV)

And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take

up "his cross", and follow me. 834 - 234 = 600--War -- Spiritual Warfare Commences!


234 is the Vincent Tan Terminal Number (end/death of the flesh)] 234/153 = 1.53 -- The Netting Out of the Big Fish Catch

______________________________ continue above timeline analysis

53 weeks = Marriage Supper 53 weeks + 6 days notice 536 (RMI) 635 = (35--Rapture + 600

War--S.D.) 269 weekdays (RMI) = 962 --(962 - 262 = 700)

or 1.03 years subsums to 13 (RMI) 31 = Offspring I am a sinner reconciled and born again from above and filled (Baptized)

with the Holy Ghost; and, now I am the adopted Son of "The Rabbi", Harvey "The Rabbi T"



(See Nicole Poon Picture Below)

How many days are there from April 25, 2013 and May 10, 2016 (Iyar 2, 5776)?

Answer: 1111 days or 3.04 years [3 years + 15 days | 36 months + 15 days | 793 weekdays

158 weeks + 5 days 158 matches 1 Thes 5:8(KJV); May 10 + 5 days = Sunday May 15, 2016; which follows Pentecost on @ sunset Saturday May

14 (Torah Calendar).

How many days are there from April 25, 2013 and Monday, Monday May 16, 2016? Answer: 1117 days

[3 years; 21 days | 36 months; 21 days | 159 weeks; 4 days |3.06 yrs] How many days are there from April 25, 2013 and Tuesday

May 17, 2016? Answer: 1118 days

[3 years; 22 days | 36 months; 22 days | 159 weeks; 5 days |3.06 yrs]


25th April 2013/Nicole Vision Picture 33 of 40

I still prayed for those who were suffering in pain and sickness. I asked God for healing and relief to them. Let us follow our Lord Jesus to the promised land.

God showed Jesus standing on a cloud and a ring that was carved "HOLY RING" hanging above the earth. Two angels were blowing trumpets and the countless doves were flying upward from

the earth.

Pasted from


WHAT I NOW SEE IN NICOLE POON’S "THERMOMETER" IMAGE BELOW: Red shows the end of the Republican Party and the Republic of the United

States of America as we know it. America’s time is over! It’s very, very sad.

The month of May 2016 is a horrific time for change, and will be brought to full fruition by Obama's Donkey Democrats/Socialist/Communist party and their

Cohorts, which include many Republican politicians. There will not be an election in November (IMHO); America is about to be judged by Almighty God; and, nothing and no one (not even Donald Trump) can delay it any longer. The

Democrats are a blue color matching the blue left in the Nicole Poon thermometer device; however, Obama and his Democrats will not be ruling for

long in America after its very imminent destruction. Obama will declare Marshall Law on all leftbehinders and will round up everyone left alive into FEMA Concentration Death Camps. The suffering will be horrific; but, The

Almighty will bring America to a quick end by September 11, 2016. Everyone who is not marked for extermination (beheading) will have to flee out of

Babylon (America) to their country of origin, just as the Bible prophesies. No one will be able to live in America after its double destruction.

Israel with her blue Flag is destined to become the World Power. She is about to rule supreme after the imminent battles of WW3, Desert Storm War 3; the


Psalm 83 War of the Inner Circle Enemies of Israel; the Ezekiel 38/39 Gog/Magog War; and, then finally the Battle of Armageddon which I believe

will happen in September 2016.

Our magnificent Almighty Father, the Judeo-Christian Triune Godhead and the Holy Angels have triumphed. The Ball Game is over and Lucifer and his Cohorts

(includes fallen angels and men) have lost. There is no more time for them except what our Father allows. His word and commands are final. There are no appeals or bargaining for more time. From the moment of the imminent

Rapture of the righteous elect both dead and living, all the prophesied judgments of the apocalypse will be poured out in rapid fire succession.

The wicked rulers of this world will rule with the beast for one hour and they will have one mind and will give their kingdoms and power to the Beast

(Lucifer; his antichrist and his false prophet) the Satanic Trinity.

Revelation 17:12-13(KJV)

12) And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received

no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

13) These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the


No one has ever really definitively solved the secret meaning of what is really meant by ruling “one hour” with the beast. We all are familiar with the term “24/7”. There are 7 days in each week and there are 24 hours in each day.

7 x 24 = 168 7 x 23 hours = 161

Gematria 23 = Death; Gematria 24 = Priesthood The Luciferians are under a death sentence, that is what they have earned for


LOOK AT THE APRIL FOOL’S TIMELINE April 1, 2016 + 161 days (7 x 23--Death) comes to 9-9, 2016 (Sept 9,

2016) On the Torah Calendar (9-11) September 11, 2016 falls on Sunday

Tishri 9, 5777; which @ sunset becomes Tishri 10 (Yom Kippur--The Day of Atonement); which @ sunset is

9-11 (September 11, 2016)

Please notice in the following Nicole Poon Vision Picture that the red (WW3) meniscus of this strange thermometer sets squarely on April

Fools Day, April 1, 2013;


5th April 2013/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 3 of 40

I asked for Holy Spirit leading our Bible studies, speaking to us, taking away our inner bitterness, filling us with God's words and giving the precious messages to this world.

God showed a glass test tube with red and blue in it being hung in the air. It indicated the degrees 4 in red. Some soldiers were rising a red flag with white star on it. Some missiles were

flying. After seeing this, I asked God for the clear message. God then showed a firework appeared

above the flag.

Pasted from <https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsApril2013>





The 3rd URL Link following shows that Tuesday May 10, 2016 is, in fact, IYar 2, 5776 on the Jewish Chabad Calendar

Please notice in the above Nicole Poon Vision Picture that the red (WW3) meniscus of this strange thermometer sets squarely on April Fools Day,

April 1, 2013; then thermonuclear war is depicted in the very next picture.

If the LORD is not guiding my actions, how is it that I posted the mother of all nuclear war posts (warnings) on Five Doves on this exact date of April 5, 2013?

Please click on the following URL Link; and verify for yourself that

my Five Doves Post on April 5, 2013 has the following title:


Nuclear War Revealed--This Will Blow Your Mind In addition, notice that there are exactly 35 days = Rapture

from sunset April 5th, 2016 and May 10, 2016 (IYar 2, 5776)--Jewish Chabad Calendar and it starts @ sunset Monday,

Monday May 9

Harvey Troyer (5 Apr 2013)

"NUCLEAR WAR PROPHECY REVEALED—This will Blow Your Mind—Watch the Videos—and Read the Updated Articles"

Pasted from


1st April 2013/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 2 or 40

1st April 2013/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 2 or 40

This day we still studied about Jacob he wrestled with God and changed his name into Israel. We learned the lesson that God most often chooses those who in some way are

foolish, weak, lowly, or even despised so that not one of us may boast that we deserve God's blessing.

God showed that a foundation of heavenly temple was built.

Pasted from <https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsApril2013>

[**Notice that 1100 days + 61 days = 1161 days**]


Gemtria 1161 (RMI) = 1611 is given in this timeline to verify the authenticity of our Authorized King James Version of our Bible

and the Gematria of its numbering system. [**Also, 1161 = 1000 + 161; 161 = (7 x 23—Death)**]

[**There are exactly 61 days from March 17 to May 17, 2016**]

Nicole Poon’s Ides of March Sign March 15, 2013

How many days are there from March 15, 2013 and March 17, 2016 (sunset to sunset inclusive)?

St Patrick’s Day Sign

Answer: 1100 days**

The following Nicole Poon Vision Picture is a mighty warning of impending judgment about to come upon America, it fulfills Isaiah 18:3 and the entire Chapter of Isaiah 18:1-7; which is America the

Endtime Babylon.

Isaiah 18:3(NIV--1984) All you people of the world, you who live on the earth, when a banner [flag of ensign] is raised on the

mountains, you will see it, and when a trumpet sounds, you will hear it.

15th March 2013/ Nicole Poon Photo 26 of 45 <--[The Ides of March]

15th March 2013/ Nicole Poon Photo 26 of 45 <--[The Ides of March]


This day we studied the scripture about Jacob who took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and would be God's House. We were so

shock that this scripture just described as same as the previous vision shown. We praised God that He is so real.

God showed a picture with red and black frame and red digitals 9>6 74. A American flag was shown in a wilderness. I have asked God for the meaning but

there was no answer.

Pasted from <https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsMarch2013>

Nicole Poon’s Midnight Train to Gloryland Revisited:

It seems to confirm the connection to the use of the Julian Calendar; just as May 10 (Iyar 2)and May 21, 2016 are connected.

On January 11, 2016; the Julian New Year date; this timeline showed the Vincent Tan Terminal Number as 2.34 Years (see

below) Notice that the 96 in the above 2013 Ides of March vision picture

is written 9>6; which may be pointing to Rosh Hashanah on September 6, 2013. Nicole Poon was given the amazing and

beautiful vision picture of the Midnight Train to Gloryland on that date.

Now it seems to be pointing to Pentecost (May 14, 2016) + 3 days the Sign of Jonah to May 17 from sunset Monday May 16, 2016

May 10, 2016 (Iyar 2, 5776) may have been a “One Week

Warning” to May 17 (Iyar 9)

How many days are there from September 6, 2013 and May 17, 2016?

Answer: 984 days or 2.69 years

[2 years; 8 months; 11 days | 32 months + 11 days | 140 weeks + 4

days] Gematria 269 (RMI) = 962

962 – 262 = 700; Gemtria 262 is linked on the B.W. to Isaiah 21:1 and 700 = (7—the Seal of God x 100—the Elect)

In addition 140 = (4 x 35—Hope…the Blessed Hope—(the Rapture) and 4 = Earth Door…Revelation 4:1…Come up hither (the




How many days were there from September 6, 2013 and sunset January 11, 2016?

Answer: 856 days or 2.34 Years <--[The Vincent Tan Terminal Number]


The Midnight Train to Gloryland

6th September, 2013/Nicole Poon Vision Photo 6 of 30 Dear God, thank you for Your guidance, let Your Spirit lead each of us in our heart,

let everyone can experience Your Presence and Power...Come soon to take us home. In Your Name, Amen.

God showed many of us going quickly to a cross light in various way, train, car, kite in mid night.

Pasted from https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsSeptember2013

My Dream Vision of December 11, 2011Revisited:

Harvey Troyer’s Monday, Monday Timeline Notice this amazing 2nd confirmation of the Gematria



How many days are there from Sunday sunset December 11, 2011 and sunset Monday, Monday May 9, 2016?

Answer: 1611 days or 4.41 years [Do not fail to notice this amazing authentication of the 1611 King James Version of our Holy Bible; authenticate means to prove that

something is real, true and genuine.] [4 years; 4 months; 28 days | 230 weeks + 1 day | 1150 weekdays]

1150 = 50--Pentecost x 23—Death; or 115 = (5--Grace x 23—Death) x 10—Testimony; Law; and Responsibility

1 Timothy 1:17(KJV) Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be

honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. The Holy Bible : King James Version. electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version. Bellingham WA: Logos Research

Systems, Inc., 1995, S. 1 Tim 1:17

How many days are there from March 15, 2013 and May 10, 2016? [1000 + 153--The Sons of God; 1000 means Divine Completeness and

Father's Glory] Answer: 1,153 days or

3:16 years <--[John 3:16; Rev 3:16] 3 years; 1 month; 26 days

37 months + 26 days 164 weeks; 5 days

823 weekdays [**823 (RMI) = 328/2 = 164; 164/2 = 82 (RMI) = 28--Eternal Life**]

3.16 years 316 (RMI) = 613—The Exact Number of Jewish Laws including the

Ten Commandment from Mt Sinai written in tablets of stone.

Saturday May 14 2016, 06:13:09 UTC

16 hours ago

Offshore Valparaiso, Chile

3.2 55.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed



Notice that this appears in the EQ for Pentecost (May 14th)—

Chabad Calendar: 32 = Covenant; 55 = Bride; 9 = Divine

Completeness from the Father; Fruit of the Spirit

The Midnight Hour has finally arrived: Look at this

Cinderella Carriage and Timeline; which forecasts our

Imminent Departure!

24th February, 2013/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 37 of 44

24th February, 2013/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 37 of 44

I thanked God for His great love and grace to give us vision in our daily devotion that make us keep going on.

God showed a carriage speeding to the bright light in snowy night, that I was reading God's word in peace. I feel like God told three things: 1.The world now is in

darkness and cold. 2. Time is running out fast. 3. I am peace in God.

Pasted from <https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsFebruary2013>

How many days are there from February 24, 2013 and May 10, 2016 (Iyar 2)?

Answer: 1173 days (sunset to sunset inclusive)

1173 days - 262 days = 911 days America's 911 was and is intimately linked to Isaiah Chapter 21; the Desert

Storm War(s) Chapter.


We will now have Desert Storm War 3 where America the Endtime Babylon falls in Isaiah 21:9; Gematria 262 (above) is linked to Isaiah 21:1 This is yet another reminder of Obama's 911 secret where 911

days/365.242 = 2.5 years of real time that he has lost to carry out his program of New World Order terror for Lucifer.

[1173 - 3 = 1170; 1170 = 110 + 60--(2 x 30) + 1000] 1000 + 110 = 1110--(666--the AC + 444--the FP)

110 points to Psalm 110:1-7(KJV) <--1117 = 1 Timothy 1:17(KJV)


30 = Dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ

170 = (74 + 96) <--[96 - 74 = 22--Light of the Day of Light] 170 = 30 + 140

140 = [4 x 35--Hope; the Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13--the Rapture); 4 = Earth Door…Revelation 4:1…Come up hither…the Rapture)]

Another Midnight Train and the Real All-Seeing Eye

Following is another Nicole Poon vision picture of a Midnight Train

that I really like. This Train’s timeline is shown in the following two

Nicole Poon Vision Pictures! It’s to the point!

Gematria 6 in the number of man and the evils of Satan; 216 = 6

cubed! That’s enough; game over!

188 is the cyclical Mega EQ number; it’s time for the big one from

the Sixth Seal Revelation 6:12-17(KJV)



188 = (153—the Sons of God + 35—Hope—Titus 2:13--(the



Notice how 788 days = (188 + 600—War)

How many days are there from March 20, 2014 and sunset May

16, 2016?

Answer: 788 days or 2.16 years [6 cubed]

[2 years; 1 month; 26 days | 25 months; 26 days | 112 weeks; 4 days]

Notice the following Warnings from the Vernal Equinox of 2014

20th March 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Photo 19 of 31

I still prayed for the plane and all the people regarding that. I also prayed for those who were in need. Actually being saved from this world to our eternal dwelling in Heaven by the

Lord is our great hope. God showed a huge eye monitoring the daily living of this world.

Pasted from <https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsMarch2014>

[**The Fall of the West (Rapture and Sudden Destruction) is predicted by Isaiah in Chapter 24, his Classic World War 3 Chapter

of the Bible. Notice that Isaiah 24:17-18 mentions the pits and snares depicted here by Nicole Poon via the LORD himself!]

Isaiah 24:14-18(NIV--1984) They raise their voices, they shout for joy; from the west they acclaim the LORD’s majesty. 15) Therefore in the

east give glory to the LORD; exalt the name of the LORD, the God of Israel, in the islands of the sea. 16) From the ends of the earth we hear singing: “Glory to the Righteous One.” <--[this depicts the



But I said, “I waste away, I waste away! Woe to me! The treacherous betray! With treachery the treacherous betray!”

17) Terror and pit and snare await you, O people of the earth. 18) Whoever flees at the sound of terror will fall into a pit; whoever

climbs out of the pitwill be caught in a snare. Luke 21:35(KJV)

35) For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face

of the whole earth.



20th March 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Photo 18 of 31 <--[Notice the very NARROW ANGLE OF


This world is changing rapidly day by day. We pursue but still know a few. We do not know what tricks

are being secretly. I asked God, how soon will you come? We do not know. As soon as the rapture take

place, many will not know where the believers will have gone. This is what the great hope we have. Help us to prepare ourselves to be taken, to enter your kingdom. Forgive our sins and lead us walking in

Your righteousness. God showed two crabs being on the sand where there were many deep pits with red measure and red

liquid in them, that are the dwelling of the crabs. There was a white cross in a woods with a series of red flag.

I think that God now has prepared well many dwellings for us in Heaven with His victory.

Pasted from <https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsMarch2014>

Scientists know that our entire Solar System bobs up and down on the ecliptic (including our Earth) at this critical time of alignment of the Vernal Equinox as we go through the dark rift.

Because of the extremely narrow angle of the rapidly approaching Black Star to our Earth's

position on the ecliptic (0.12 degrees) as it is coming in under the ecliptic, the bobbing up and down could (IMHO) suddenly cause Magnetic Portal Connections to align prematurely

around May 20/21, 2016 dangerous target alignment date when all hell can (and is expected by some experts) to break loose.

Notice that May 10 (Iyar 2) converted to the Julian calendar becomes May 21, 2016. _____________________________________________________________________


WHAT IS THE ‘FEAST’ IN JEREMIAH 51:39(NIV—1984)? Is it the Feast of Pentecost May 14, 2016 – Jewish Chabad Calendar?

39 But while they are aroused, I WILL SET OUT A FEAST FOR THEM AND

MAKE THEM DRUNK, so that they shout with laughter— then sleep forever and not awake, declares the LORD.


Now let’s look at some John Lawler’s Prophecy Timelines from

December 30, 2010.

How many days are there from December 30, 2010 and sunset

Monday May 16, 2016?

This is actually the start of Tuesday May 17 (Virginia Arnke’s 17)

Answer: 1964 days or 5.38 years

[5 years; 4 months; 16 days | 280 weeks; 4 days | 1402 weekdays

280 = 28—Eternal Life x 10—Testimony; Law and Responsibility

4 = Earth Door; Revelation 4:1…Come up hither (the Rapture)

538 – 238 = 300; 238 = (2 x 119—The Perfect Sacrifice) showing

that America the Endtime Babylon will now be sacrificed in the

Great Purim Switch for the Nation of Israel.

Gematria 300 = 30—Dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ x 10—

Testimony; Law; and Responsibility

Can you determine which number (above) shows my H.S. Grad

Year from Adair H.S. [Remember Adar versus Adair? Adar is the

Jewish Purim connection. The time is now! Dan of godshealer7

prophesied on March 10, 2012: “It Begins and Ends on Purim”]


We are in a Sudden-Death Overtime and the Great Horn (Shofar)

is about to sound (IMHO)!


From March 10, 2012 to Jewish Purim February 22, 2016 is 1,444

days and 1030 weekdays; now notice how this timeline extends to

the following KEY dates!

This demonstrates the 11 day conversion to the Julian Calendar!

1444 + 78 days = 1522 days (May 10, 2016—Iyar 2, 5776)

1444 + 89 days = 1533 days (May 21, 2016—Iyar 13, 5776)


1533 days = 4.2 years the exact Gematria of Nimrod—the AC

Where have you seen “1533” before?

[**280 x 2 = 560; 560/365.242 = 1.533 or 1.533 23 00 23**]

[Notice (above) 1030 becomes 130; which is the Gematria for the

Cup of the LORD’s Wrath—Isaiah 51:23; the great Purim switch.]





Notice all highlighted Gematria carefully including reverse mirror

image numbers (RMI)! The second EQ (below) shows 280 + 1 in

RMI; coupled with 16—Love; 280 is the exact number of the

Human Gestation period from fertilization to full term birth.

The Human Genome is “46” = (2 x 23—Death); 446/2 = 223; and

223 (RMI) = 322, etc, etc. Gematria 58 = (2 x 29—Departure)

and 100 = the Elect; the Ecclesia; the called out ones for the


Wednesday May 11 2016,

12 hours ago

Northern Colombia

4.2 152.0** CSEM-EMSC Feed



14:46:09 UTC

Saturday May 14 2016, 18:21:06 UTC

4 hours ago

Northern East Pacific Rise

5.8 10.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


How many days are there from December 30, 2010 and sunset

Monday May 16, 2016?

Answer: 1964 days or 5.38 years

[5 years; 4 months; 16 days | 280 weeks; 4 days | 1402 weekdays

Notice that 343 = 7 cubed—the Signature of God and Resurrection; and,

my number “20” Redemption is shown prominently. Thank you Jesus

for adding Oklahoma yet again. Gematria 738 = (238 + 500); and this

EQ struck on May 14 (Pentecost = 50); so 500 = (50 x 10); and I have

already shown you why 238 = (2 x 119) is so important. Gematria 119

also means: Spiritual Perfection and Victory (119 = 7 x 17)—hello Virginia

Arnke! The very signature of God (7) x (17--Victory)! I really like that!

17:11:10* find 1117 and 1118 appearing on this blessed

Pentecost (see below); and, notice that 1117 is stomping 11:10

where 1110 = 666—the AC + 444—the FP. Then also notice 1331

which is “11” cubed; which shows how a chiasmus of 13—

(Apostacy; Depravity; and Rebellion) is intimately linked to “11” –

Judgment of the Disorder (the Ordo ab Chao) of the Luciferians.

Saturday May 14 2016, 03:43:31 UTC

18 hours ago

Southern Alaska

2.0 20.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed



Saturday May 14 2016, 03:39:27 UTC

18 hours ago

Oklahoma 3.0 5.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday May 14 2016, 17:38:40 UTC

4 hours ago

Dodecanese Islands, Greece

2.5 22.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Saturday May 14 2016, 01:19:14 UTC

2 hours ago

Southern Iran

4.5 15.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Friday May 13 2016, 17:11:10* UTC

10 hours ago

Dodecanese Islands, Greece

2.8 16.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Thursday May 12 2016, 11:17:48 UTC

15 hours ago


2.2 2.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed


Thursday May 12 2016, 13:11:18* UTC

13 hours ago

Dodecanese Is.-turkey Border Reg

2.2 8.0 CSEM-EMSC Feed



Thursday May 12 2016, 13:31:06 UTC

13 hours ago

Southern Alaska

2.1 108.0* CSEM-EMSC Feed


Wednesday May 11 2016, 14:46:09 UTC

12 hours ago

Northern Colombia

4.2 152.0** CSEM-EMSC Feed


1533 - 1381 = 152 <--153 = The Sons of God "The Big Fish Catch Number"

152 falls short and does not qualify for inclusion with the Sons of God.

[**Please read the following John Lawler Timeline connection to

the 4th Blood Red Moon of the Tetrad very carefully**]


"The John Lawler Connection to Sept 28, 2015"

How many days are there from December 30, 2010 and September 28 (@

sunset), 2015? <--[The 4th BRM of the Tetrad (Tabernacles Day1)]

Answer: 1734 days <--[1734 - "234" = 1500 days 1237 weekdays

Now look at this! 534 days is the exact timeline from the 1st to the 4th BRM of

the Tetrad; and it produce 381 weekdays

John Lawler's 1734 - "534" = 1200 The "381" is a permutation of 1533

560/365.242 = 1.533 23 00 23


I have published for several years now that the Human Gestation period from fertilization to full term birth is 280 days; and, 280 x 2 = 560.

560/365.242 = 1.533 23 00 23

Obama's "381"--with "8" being (Obama's missing 8) the man in the middle (the Bee gees), has permutations as follows adding up to

1533. <--[381 + 1000 = 1381—Obama’s Mysterious Number from

August 29, 2012 given to Nicole Poon by God]

381 183 831

138__ 1533

I showed everyone multiple times that "1381 days" is the exact number of days from Obama's first inauguration January 20, 2009

and Thursday November 1, 2012 (Cheshvan 17, 5773)

Wednesday May 11 2016, 14:46:09 UTC

12 hours ago

Northern Colombia

4.2 152.0** CSEM-EMSC Feed


1533 - 1381 = 152 <--153 = The Sons of God "The Big Fish Catch Number"

152 falls short and does not qualify for inclusion with the Sons of God.

How many days are there from January 20, 2009 (Obama's first inauguration) and Thursday November 1, 2012 (Cheshvan

17, 5773)?

Answer: 1381 Days


29 August 2012/Nicole Poon 1381 Vision-- Obama in disguise turning America into a Police State for Marshall Law

I prayed for those who were unsaved and ill, God showed one wearing a

helmet and a transparent eye mask and covering his mouth with a handkerchief, his back was with the number 381 in a "1". After seeing that, I

asked God for the meaning, but no answer.

Pasted from


This demonstrates literally Hosea 6:1-2; 2 Peter 3:8(KJV)




Re: Nicole Poon's Vision Picture August 29, 2012 and the Number

381 Inside a "1" was intended to show us the timeline of Obama from

his first inauguration (January 20, 2009) to November 1, 2012 (Cheshvan 17, 5773)

Remember this from above: 534 days is the exact timeline from the 1st to the 4th BRM of the Tetrad; and it produce “381

weekdays” The number 381 has permutations or transpositions as follows: 381, 183,

138, 831. Added together these four total 1533.


1533 - 1381 = 152 <--153 = The Sons of God "The Big Fish Catch


**All those who "voted in" number 1381 (Obama--The Antichrist) are short of 153--(The Sons of God) and are at risk of being left behind to be

FINALLY JUDGED at the Rapture and Sudden Destruction unless they fully repent of this sinful condition. You cannot knowingly and

willingly serve both God and Satan and be a true Son of God ready for the Rapture.

2 Thessalonians 2:7-15 The Mystery of Lawlessness (American

Standard Version 1901) 7 For the mystery of lawlessness doth already work: only there is one that restraineth now, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then

shall be revealed the lawless one, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth, and bring to nought by the manifestation of his

coming; 9 even he, whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 and with all deceit of

unrighteousness for them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie: 12 THAT THEY ALL MIGHT ALL BE JUDGED who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Michael Servetus Execution October 27, 1553 on Tabernacles -- Murdered by John Calvin


1553 - 1533 = 20--(Redemption) <--Michael Servetus died a most horrible death at the hands of the Arch Heretic John Calvin in Geneva

Switzerland October 27, 1553. He was tied to a wooden stake and slowly roasted to death using green wood to greatly increase his suffering. Michael begged John Calvin for death by beheading; Calvin

refused his last-minute request. [The backwards mirror image (of the above): 3551 - 3351 = 200 <--(20--Redemption x 10--


Testimony; Law and Responsibility) <--Talk about our God reversing a horrendous wrong!]


The Rapture is mysteriously aligned to Match Michal Servetus'

Execution Monday, Monday October 27, 1553!


A Tremendous Jewish Purim Sign

How many days are there from July 4, 2015 and sunset Monday, Monday February 22, 2016 (I Adar 13, 5776) inclusive?

Answer: 234 days -- "The Vincent Tan Terminal Number!

234/153--"the Sons of God" = 1.53 demonstrating "Netting Out" the Big Fish Catch of the Sons

of God 234 - 188 = 46--The Human Genome (46 = 2 x 23--Death) 188 = The Cyclical Mega EQ Number (153 + 35--Rapture)

How amazing is that?

Now add 4 days to February 22, 2016 and you come to Harvey Troyer's MMA (5th Anniversary)

234 + 4 = 238 238 = (2 x 119)

Gematria 119 is Bible Wheel GR LINK: The Perfect Sacrifice

and times 2 means that it will happen now. America was in year "238" up to July 4, 2015 when it rolled over

to 239 years old from July 4, 1776.



Obama sealed America's fate with his West Minster Abbey Stunt; the 2595 day timeline proves it. [2595 = 2520 + 75 (30 + 45)]

7 cubed = 343 days

343 x 7 = 2,401 days 2,520 days minus 2,401 = 119 days

How many days are there from July 8, 2015 and February 26, 2016 (inclusive)? <--[HT's Miracle Motorcycle Accident 5th

anniversary] Answer: 234 days -- "The Vincent Tan Terminal Number!

234/153--"the Sons of God" = 1.53 demonstrating "Netting Out" the Big Fish Catch of the Sons

of God How amazing is that?


The Perfect Sacrifice is 119 2 x 119 = 238

Published on Jul 31, 2015

The Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was an Illuminati chaos ritual pointing to September 23, 2015. They killed 239 people from 15 nations. These are among the last warnings for the Philadelphia Church to Board

the Ark.

Now if you are still asking: Harvey where’s the beef; meaning that

you do not put any real credence in what I am showing to you;

then please watch this Dahboo77 video and tell me why it is all

about the Number “238”. THIS SHOUL BLOW YOUR MIND!

These people know what they are doing; have you watched

Jonathan Kleck’s latest videos? Did you notice the number “108”

showing up prominently in the above EQs? There are not 108

paths to God as the heathens believe.


CERN Star Gate: 9/23, Dimensional Door Shown In Cancelled TV Show Called 'Rewind'


Pasted from <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT1x9Sx-Z-0>


Published on Aug 20, 2015 www.undergroundworldnews.com

The pilot for this show "Rewind" That was cancelled in 2013 is very

interesting. It makes a Lot of connections between the Star Gate in the clip and the Real Life LHC "LARGE HADRON COLLIDER".

It leaves one to wonder if the show was pulled because it revealed to much. Because just from the trailer, it looked like a very interesting show. One that may have left 1 too many people asking questions about

something "They" still want in the dark. Make sure to watch the full clip below:

Pasted from <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT1x9Sx-Z-0>



Partial Transcript: The Scientists have tapped into other dimensions by using the LHC Proton Collider. They pushed past "27" percent (One shy

of 28--Eternal Life) then she says that they found a way to push through that and their new LHC now caps out at "82" percent (which is the RMI or 28--Eternal Life…at which point the "Window" appeared.

Natural radiation is in a free flow from the past into the present. When it builds up the Window destabilizes and bounces. At this point we can't tell it where to go; and we can only estimate how long it will stay open.

At about 4:35 minutes into this video Dahboo77 shows the digital clock (see above) that has the 0:02:39 in red letters. He then shows

the opening up of interdimensional portals.


The chief scientist for the particle collider the asks, "can we use this window to alter history"? ABSOLUTELY!

Also, shown is how 9:23 shows up in the Simpsons Show

Fact: America's age from July 4, 1776 reached "239 years" on

July 4, 2015! Fact: America's age from July 4, 1776 reached "238 years" on

July 4, 2014! Apollyon Rising 2012 (5)

2012 (5) + 2016 (9) = (14) or year "2014" Fact: America's age from July 4, 1776 to July 2, 2015 was

238.99 years Per Wolfram Alpha America reached the full "239" years of age on

July 3, 2015 the eve of July 4th. [HT Note: This same paradigm worked for the Vincent Tan Terminal Number "234" from Gregorian year 2010; 1776 + 234 = 2010; on

July 2, 2011 America's age was 234.99; and, it then changed to 235 on July 3/4, 2012]

234/153 = 1.53 demonstrating the "Netting Out" of the Sons of God

153 is the "17th" Triangle Number Notice the "17"; again, Virginia Arnke (Are n Key)!

117 x 2 = 234 1117 x 2 = 2234

2234 is a Chiasmus of 223 and 234 223 (RMI) = 322

234 (RMI) = 432 --2 x 216--(6 cubed) Gematria "6" in the number of man and the evils of Satan What God has joined together, let not man put asunder! 1117 is the Number of God; 1117 + 1 = 1118 + 1 = 1119

19 (Faith) + 100 - (the Children of Promise) = 119--Spiritual Perfection and Victory (7 x "17" = 119)

119 x 2 = 238 -- Double Destruction "DD" Wages for Babylon 119 + 1000 = 1119


1000 = Divine Completeness and Father's Glory!


Notice that the False Religion of the Whore of Babylon must be destroyed to achieve our Father's Glory. We are made in his

image. Gematria 223 = [153--(the Sons of God) + 35--(Hope) + 35--

(Hope)] or [188 --(the Cyclical Mega EQ Number) + 35--(Hope)]; and, it is linked on the B.W. to Titus 2:13 The Blessed Hope--The

Rapture! ____________________________________________________

More Amazing Facts

1)--The Free Mason--Illuminati have pegged February 22 "2:22" on the clock of Independence Hall in Philadelphia on our $100.00 dollar bill as a cryptic secret warning date. This was revealed in

2004 in the Movie National Treasure starring Nicholas Cage.

2)--The above Nicole Poon Vision Picture from August 29, 2012 shows the number "381" inside of the number "1" and shows how

the LORD counts time.

3)--My Miracle Motorcycle Accident (MMA) happened on Saturday February 26, 2011 @ 8:50PM (CST) in Austin, Tx

The above Obama timeline Aug 29, 2012 to the 4TH ANNIVERSARY of my

MMA February 26, 2015 is exactly "911" days and 130 weeks

There are also 1276 days to the 5 ANNIVERSARY of my MMA February 26, 2016;

However; it is also “911” weekdays in this time.



Enter Obama's Westminster Abbey Stunt May 24, 2011 5:24-8 matches Daniel 5:24 to 28

Obama signed the Guestbook 24 May, 2008

Sunset May 24, 2008 to July 3, 2015 = 2595 days [2595 days = 2520 days (2 x 1260) plus 75 days (30 + 45 = 75)]


This is a full Seven Biblical Years plus Daniels add 30 and 45 days per Daniel 12:8 and 12:9

This act is intimately tied to the age of the American Nation born July 4, 1776 and Barack Obama's Presidency Timelines!

2010 minus 1776 = 234 years <--[It changes to 235 years on July 3, 2011] 2015 minus 1776 = 238 years <--[It changes to 239 years on July 3, 2015]

How Many days are there from July 3, 2015 and February 22, 2016 (I Adar 13,

5776--Jewish Purim)?

Answer: 234 days <--[234/153 = 1.53--The Sons of God "Netted Out"]


How many days are there from February 7, 2014 and May 10, 2016?

823 - 223 = 600 600 = War; 223 = The Rapture and Sudden Destruction

Answer: 823 days [117 weeks; 4 days | 587 weekdays | 2.25 years]

How many days are there from February 4, 2014 and May 7, 2016?

[see second and third pictures following]


7th February 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 6 of 19 I still prayed for the same urgently...,we can do nothing for my kitty…just only rely on God. God showed a cloud in the sky in the shape of Jesus' face with fire under it,

and a series of fire balls in well prepared, three spaceships flying across rapidly were in urgent action.

Pasted from <https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsFebruary2014>


4th February 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 3 of 19

4th February 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 3 of 19

I continued to pray. God showed five people in white robes praying together. There was a fire in the

midst of them, and a extreme powerful bright cross light was above them.

Pasted from


How many days are there from February 4, 2014 and May 7, 2016?

823 - 223 = 600 600 = War; 223 = The Rapture and Sudden Destruction

Answer: 823 days [117 weeks; 4 days | 588 weekdays | 2.25 years ]

588 - 188 = 400 188 = [153--(The Sons of God) + 35--(Hope--the Blessed Hope Titus 2:13…the Rapture); 4--(Earth Door…Rev 4.1…Come up

hither) x 100--(the Elect)]



How many days are there from February 4, 2014 and May 10, 2016?

Answer: 826 days [2 years; 3 months; 6 days |118 weeks | 590 weekdays | 2.26 years ]

4th February 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 2 of 19

4th February 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 2 of 19

I prayed for those who are in need, for God's soon return, for my kitty for healing, for helping us to grow.

God showed Jesus rebuking a dragon, this dragon was powerless before Him.

Pasted from


How many days are there from February 4, 2014 and May 7, 2016?

823 - 223 = 600 600 = War; 223 = The Rapture and Sudden Destruction

Answer: 823 days [117 weeks; 4 days | 588 weekdays | 2.25 years ]

588 - 188 = 400 188 = [153--(The Sons of God) + 35--(Hope--the Blessed Hope Titus 2:13…the Rapture); 4--(Earth Door…Rev 4.1…Come up

hither) x 100--(the Elect)]


How many days are there from May 11, 2014 and May 9, 2016?

Answer: 729 days (9 cubed)

[1 year; 11 months; 28 days | 23 months; 28 days | 104 weeks; 1 days] [520 weekdays | 1.99 years]

11th May 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 7 of 22

11th May 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 7 of 22

I prayed a very short prayer. In my prayer I just thanked God for His amazing gift to us and asked Him for intrustion.

This vision seemed not to related to my prayer. God showed a golden star coming and entering another realm through a transparent sheet. A broccoli was swinging and a fighter jet was sweeping across. It puzzled us

about the broccoli.

Pasted from

<https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsMay2014> Notice how the following Picture is just 4 days after the Broccoli

Picture; I believe that this depicts the startup of massive beheadings

across America and around the world.


Revelation 12:9-11(KJV)


9)--And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:

he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10)--And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his

Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

11)--And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the


15th May, 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 9 of 22

15th May, 2014/Nicole Poon Vision Picture 9 of 22

Pasted from

<https://picasaweb.google.com/100359770173085133474/VisionsMay2014> How many days are there from May 15, 2014 and May 16/17,


Answer: 762/763 days

[**762 = (262 + 500); 763 = (263 + 500); and this a major

Pentecost = 50 Sign; 500 = 50 x 10—Testimony; Law; and



[2 years; 1 month; 1 days | 25 months; 1 days | 108 weeks + 6 days |

544 weekdays | 2.08 years]

[544 = 444—Judgment + 100—the Elect; 28 = Eternal Life; 108 (RMI) is

801; 801 dropping the zero is 81—(9 x 9) of 9 Squared.

801 by the why means Tyrant and how appropriate to drop “Mr Zero”!

Now notice how this points to Israel and Desert Storm War 3;

Gematria 262 + 1 = Gemtria 263; which are linked on the B.W. to

Isaiah 21:1 and 21:10, respectively

There is much more but let’s stop here.

Thank You for reading this article; let’s all be ready, there are no excuses

left; just do it!


Please pray mightily for the protection of God’s People (Israel) by God Yahweh and His Son Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is King of the

Jews. May Michael the great Prince of Israel and all his mighty warriors now stand up to protect the Holy People of Israel from

all of their Luciferian enemies! Amen and Amen!

Maranatha! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus!)

Harvey Troyer (YBIC) Emmaus Road Ministries

There is a wealth of information in this free booklet; please us it!

Beheading, God's Final Safety Net After the Rapture Click the following URL LINK to see for yourself!

Working URL Link to my "Beheading Booklet"


