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David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

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Dangers of Using Political Preference Functions in Political Economy Analysis: Examples from U.S. Ethanol Policy. David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics. Paper prepared for presentation at the 16 th ICABR Conference, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Dangers of Using Political Preference Functions in Political Economy Analysis: Examples from U.S. Ethanol Policy David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics Paper prepared for presentation at the 16 th ICABR Conference, ‘The Political Economy of the Bioeconomy: Biotechnology and Biofuel’ June 26, 2012 Ravello, Italy
Page 1: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Dangers of Using Political Preference Functions in

Political Economy Analysis:Examples from U.S. Ethanol Policy

David S. BullockUniversity of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Paper prepared for presentation at the 16th ICABR Conference,

‘The Political Economy of the Bioeconomy: Biotechnology and Biofuel’ 

June 26, 2012Ravello, Italy

Page 2: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

• Rausser and Freebairn (1974)


Political preference function approach.

• Empirically measure political power of interest groups.

Page 3: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Many studies followed:

• Paarlberg and Abbott (1986) • Lianos and Rizopoulos 1988) • Oehmke and Yao (1990)

Page 4: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

And continue to be published:

• Rausser and Goodhue (2002)• Redmond (2003)• Simon et al. (2003)• Burton, Love, and Rausser (2004)• Atici (2005)• Atici and Kennedy (2005)• Lence et al. (2005)• Lee and Kennedy (2007)• Francois, Nelson, and Pelkmans-Balaoing (2008)• Rausser and Roland (2008)• Ahn and Sumner (2009)

Page 5: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Typical Results

“Group A was 2.72 times as powerful as

group B.”

Page 6: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Two decades ago, von Cramon-Taubadel (1992) and then Bullock (1994)

published serious critiques of the PPF method.

Page 7: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

But, obviously, they had little impact on the literature

Page 8: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

This is largely my own fault. I have been known to write

arcane papers.

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So here I present a step-by-step example of dangers of

using the PPF approach.

Page 10: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

To do so, I develop a model of U.S. ethanol policy, and apply

the PPF approach to it.

Page 11: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

The model is every bit as rich and descriptive of U.S. ethanol policy as are several that have recently been published in ag

econ journals.

Page 12: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

The data I use are similar to those used in many other PPF


Page 13: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

I didn’t design this model with PPF methodology in mind. It’s just a model, like many other

models in the policy literature.

Page 14: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

I illustrate my arguments with a multi-market, multi-policy-instrument, partial equilibrium model of the

U.S. ethanol policy.

Multi-market, multi-policy-instrument model

II. The Model

Page 15: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Crude Oil Refinery-specific capital and labor

Ethanol-specific capital and labor

Corn-specific land, capital,


Livestock-specific land, capital,


Petrofuel Biofuel

“Fuel” Meat

Labor (taxed for government revenues)

Page 16: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Policy Instruments Modeled:Ten independent policy instruments

tb, per-unit tax/subsidy on biofuel tg, per-unit tax/subsidy on petrofuel (gasoline) tc, per-unit tax/subsidy on cornto, per-unit tax/subsidy on crude oiltr, per-unit tax/subsidy on refiners and distributorsta, per-unit tax/subsidy on ethanol-specific resourcestl, per-unit tax/subsidy on non-corn meat input resources (livestock)tf, per-unit tax/subsidy on fuel (retail)tm, per-unit tax/subsidy on meatqbman, (producers of “fuel” must use some minimum amount of biofuel)

Page 17: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

One dependent policy instrument: tw (tax on labor). Biofuels policy must be paid


Page 18: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Interest groups

At most disaggregated:

•Corn suppliers•Crude oil suppliers•Oil Refiners/Distributors•Suppliers of ethanol-specific resources (think ADM)•Livestock suppliers•Labor suppliers (“employees”)•Labor demanders (“employers”)•Consumers of fuel and meat

Page 19: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Leontief production technologies (goods produced

by zero-profit firms):



Crude oil



g an

d di






Non-corn biofuel resources


n to







to m


Biofuel Petrofuel Meat

Page 20: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Simple model of fuel production: petrofuel and biofuel are perfect

substitutes in the production of “fuel.”







Page 21: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Feasible Welfare Manifolds

Concept central to understanding PPF methodology: welfare


I discuss feasible welfare manifolds in detail in another paper.

Page 22: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics


n+1 interest groups:

Group 0: governmentGroups 1, …, n: other interest groups

Page 23: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Government’s strategies involve policy instruments



Per-unit biofuels subsidy (tax if < 0)

(Production mandate)

A particular policy

X, set of feasible policies

Page 24: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

A vector of market parameters ,

(supply and demand elasticities, perhaps)

Page 25: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Group i’s welfare depends on government policy:

ui = hi(x, i = 0,1, … , n.

Page 26: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Payoff vector function h maps set of feasible policies into

“welfare space.”

u = h(x, ) = (h0(x, ), h1(x,),…, , hn(x,))

Page 27: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics








“feasible welfare manifold”

Every place the government can send the interest groups

{1,2} here is the set of utility-bearing groups

Page 28: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Welfare manifolds are a generalization of Josling’s

(1974) and Gardner’s (1983) surplus transformation curves.

Page 29: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics







“feasible welfare manifold”

{1,2} here is the set of utility-bearing groups



“feasible welfare submanifold”

Page 30: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

III. PPF Results using the model

A. One policy instrument, two interest groups

Page 31: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Corn farmer/ethanol producer welfare

“Everybody else’s” welfare

Decrease ethanol tax or increase ethanol subsidy

Increase ethanol tax or decrease ethanol subsidy

If in PPF model we assume ethanol tax/subsidy is the only instrument:

Status quo policy result: (∆U1, ∆U2) = (0, 0)

Page 32: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

PPF weights would be:

Farmers/ethanol producers: 0.514

Everyone else: 0.486Corn farmer/ethanol producer welfare

“Everybody else’s” welfare

Slope = -1.059

Political power weights:

Corn/ethanol industry: 0.514Everyone else: 0.486

Interpretation: “The corn/ethanol industry is just a little bit more powerful than the rest of society.”

Page 33: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Corn farmer/ethanol producer welfare

“Everybody else’s” welfare

Slope = -0.93

Because their weight droped by 0.03, corn/ethanol industry loses about $23 billion.

BSay we had observed an ethanol tax of $1.00/gal. What would our PPF method say that the political power weights were?

Political Power WeightsCorn/ethanol industry: 0.482Everybody else: 0.518

Page 34: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Slope = -1.22


Corn farmer/ethanol producer welfare

“Everybody else’s” welfare

Compared to status quo, corn/ethanol industry gains about $42 billion. C

Say we had observed an ethanol subsidy of $1.50/gal. What would our PPF method say that the political power weights were?

Political Power WeightsCorn/ethanol industry: 0.551Everybody else: 0.449

Page 35: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

So what seems like a fairly small change in political power weights leads to a huge change in transfers!

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Corn farmer/ethanol producer welfare

“Everybody else’s” welfare

Reason: the welfare submanifold is nearly linear.

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What if instead of looking at the ethanol tax/subsidy, we

decided to look at the gasoline tax?

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Status quo

To a point, raising the gasoline tax improves the welfare of both groups!

What’s going on? Higher gas tax allows a lower labor tax, less distortion.

Page 39: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

But “negative” political power weight means that government can’t be solving the max problem.

Positive slope!

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Now say we assume that the policy instrument is the

ethanol mandate:

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Increasing the mandate benefits the corn/ethanol industry, but hurts everyone else.

Page 42: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

“True” political power

Your measurement of political power

A little weird: surplus transformation curve is not concave. If you measure the slope to get a political power measurement, you may be using the wrong measure, because the actual solution might be a corner solution.

Page 43: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Corn farmer/ethanol producer welfare

“Everybody else’s” welfare

biofuel use mandate

petrofuel tax/subsidy

biofuel tax/subsidy

Using instruments separately

Is one of these instruments “better” than the others?

Is that even a very good question?Better question: how are these instruments best combined?

Page 44: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Also, it should be clear that the political power measure obtained from PPF methodology very much depends on which instruments are modeled.

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B. Two instruments, two interest groups

Page 46: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Corn farmer/ethanol producer welfare

“Everybody else’s” welfareInstruments used simultaneously:•biofuel tax/subsidy•Petro-fuel tax/subsidy

Result: 2-dimensional welfare manifold

Page 47: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Corn farmer/ethanol producer welfare

“Everybody else’s” welfareMost PPF studies just assume away this problem by having the number of interest groups be 1 more than the number of policy instruments in their models.

But then the “observed” policy outcome will almost never be Pareto efficient, and therefore you can’t get PPF weights.

Page 48: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

C. Three instruments, two interest groups

Page 49: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Corn farmer/ethanol producer welfare

“Everybody else’s” welfare

Instruments used simultaneously:•biofuel tax/subsidy•petrofuel tax/subsidy•biofuel use mandate

If we allow the third instrument to be used, and our model has two interest groups, this just expands the welfare manifold, and we still can’t get PPF weights from the observed policy.

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D. Two instruments, three interest groups

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And if we disaggregate the interest groups a little more, it changes the whole picture: a 2-dimension manifold in 3-space: Now we can get PPF weights again…

Welfare submanifold when only the petrofuel tax/subsidy and the biofuel tax/subsidy are used

Page 52: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

E. Three instruments, three interest groups

Page 53: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics

Corn farmer/ biofuel producer welfare

“Everybody else’s” welfare

Petrofuel producers’ welfare

Allowing the use of another policy instrument changes the whole picture again. Now we have 3 instruments and 3 interest groups. Again, an “observed” policy will take us to an interior point in the welfare manifold. Result: Can’t get PPF weights.


Page 54: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics


• The best way to measure the “political power” of interest groups is by examining the sizes of the transfers brought about by policy, not by measuring the slopes of a contrived surplus transformation manifold at a contrived “observed” point.

Page 55: David S. Bullock University of Illinois Dept. of Consumer and Agricultural Economics


• Like this: “Group A received $x, which was taken from group B, which lost $y.”

• Not this: “Group A’s political power weight is 0.xx and group B’s is (1 – 0.xx).”
