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David Sedláček

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David Sedláček. Contents. DOM manipulation X3D specification GeoVRML NurbsVRML. 2. DOM manipulation. DOM Manipulation: setting attributes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Computer Graphics Group David Sedláček
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Computer Graphics Group

David Sedláček

Page 2: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics Group



1. DOM manipulation

2. X3D specification

3. GeoVRML

4. NurbsVRML


Page 3: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupDOM manipulation

3X3D Inspired by X3Dom talk at Fraunhofer IGD (Sep. 2012), texts and images are adapted from the talk also

DOM Manipulation: setting attributes<transform id=“boxTR”>


<material id=“mat” diffuseColor=“1 0 0”></material>

</appearance><box id=“redBox”></box><inline id=“inID” url=“nic.x3d”></inline>


JS manipulation:

document.getElementById(‘mat’).setAttribute(‘diffuseColor’,’green’);document.getElementById(‘redBox’).setAttribute(‘size’,’1 2 3’);document.getElementById(‘boxTR’).setAttribute(‘rotation’,’1 0 0 -3’);document.getElementById(“inID”).setAttribute(“url”,”path/model.x3d”);

- This cause replacing of inlined geometry “immediately”

Page 4: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics Groupid / DEF

4X3D Inspired by X3Dom talk at Fraunhofer IGD (Sep. 2012), texts and images are adapted from the talk also

1. If both id and DEF are set both attributes will have different values

2. If only DEF is given id is unset3. If only id is given DEF and id will be set

<Transform id=‘trNode’ DEF=‘tr’> … </Transform><PositionInterpolator id=‘p1’ DEF=‘p1’ key=‘…’ keyValue=‘…’ /><OrientationInterpolator DEF=‘o1’ key=‘…’ keyValue=‘…’ />

Test (valid/invalid):document.getElementById(‘trNode’);<ROUTE fromNode=‘o1’ fromField=‘…’ toNode=‘tr’ toField=‘…' />document.getElementById(‘o1’);<ROUTE fromNode=‘p1’ fromField=‘…’ toNode=‘tr’ toField=‘…' /><ROUTE fromNode=‘p1’ fromField=‘…’ toNode=‘trNode’ toField=‘…'


Page 5: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupAttributes cont.

5X3D Inspired by X3Dom talk at Fraunhofer IGD (Sep. 2012), texts and images are adapted from the talk also

<transform id=“boxTR”><shape>

<box id=“redBox”></box></shape><inline id=“inID” url=“nic.x3d” nameSpaceName="carusel"></inline>


How to read attribute ?document.getElementById(‘redBox’).getAttribute(‘size’);

How to access inlined elements ?• Define nameSpaceName• To access nodes nameSpaceName.”__”.inlinedNodeID (two



Test it !

Page 6: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupDOM mani. - jQuery

• js Library for simpler DOM manipulation– http://jquery.com/– CSS-like selectors

document.getElementById(‘mat’).getAttribute(‘diffuseColor’);$(‘#mat’).prop(‘diffuseColor’); -do not use $(‘#mat’).attr(‘diffuseColor’);


<shape id=‘redBoxShp’><appearance><material></material></appearance></shape>document.getElementById(‘redBox’).getElementsByTagName(‘material’)[0].getAttribute(‘diffuseColor’);

$(‘#redBoxShp material’).prop(‘diffuseColor’);


Page 7: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupDOM manipulation

7X3D Inspired by X3Dom talk at Fraunhofer IGD (Sep. 2012), texts and images are adapted from the talk also

Node appending / removal

<group id=‘root’></group>

JS to add nodes:root = document.getElementById(‘root’);trans = document.createElement(‘Transform’);trans.setAttribute(‘translation’, ‘1 2 3’);root.appendChild(trans);

JS to remove nodes:root.removeChild(trans);

Page 8: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupEvents

8X3D Inspired by X3Dom talk at Fraunhofer IGD (Sep. 2012), texts and images are adapted from the talk also

HTML Events: User Interaction through DOM Events

<transform id=“boxTR”><shape>

<appearance><material id=“mat” diffuseColor=“1 0 0”></material>

</appearance><box id=“redBox”

onclick=“document.getElementById(‘mat’).setAttribute(‘diffuseColor’,’green’);” >



Test it !

Page 9: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupEvents cont.

9X3D Inspired by X3Dom talk at Fraunhofer IGD (Sep. 2012), texts and images are adapted from the talk also

<transform id=“boxTR”><shape>

<appearance><material id=“mat”></material>

</appearance><box id=“redBox”></box>


<script type="text/javascript">document.onload = function() {

document.getElementById(‘redBox').addEventListener('click', function() {document.getElementById('mat').setAttribute('diffuseColor', ‘green');

}, false) };</script> Test it !

Test it !

Page 10: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupAnimation control

• Similar to VRML– Time sensor– Setting time of the event (in sec)– new EventIn: pauseTime, resumeTime

<timeSensor DEF='time' id='timeS' loop='true' cycleInterval='5' startTime='-1'></timeSensor>

document.getElementById("timeS").setAttribute("startTime",(new Date()).getTime()/1000



Test it !

Page 11: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupAnimation - js

• Other animation types – by JavaScript anim.– setTimeOut(method,500)

• do method() 500 ms from now– setInterval(method,500)

• do method() every 500 ms until stoped

anim.start = function() {anim.timer = setInterval(anim.anime,20)};anim.stop = function() {clearInterval(anim.timer); anim.timer = null;};anim.anime = function() {

h = anim.height * Math.sin(anim.iter*anim.speedFactor*Math.PI);anim.iter++; document.getElementById('boxTr').setAttribute('translation','0 '+h+'

0'); };


Test it !

Page 12: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupAnimation - js

• Reaction on changed values– Write own method which check time to time, that some

values has changed– jQuery – watch plugin

• Not working properly with X3Dom TimeSensor and Interpolators

$('#boxTr').watch('translation', function() { $('#info').html(




Test it !

Page 13: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupFollowers

• X3D animation nodes• Interpolates from current value to destination

– DAMPERS • color, coordinate, orientation, position, position2D, texCoord

• no end of transition, approach destination asymptotically but very quickly

• ease-in and asymptotic ease-out

– CHASERS • orientation, position, position2D, scalar

• terminate after given amount of time• ease-in and ease-out


Test it !

Page 14: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupFollowers – cont.

– Followers (abstract node)• event-in: set_destination, set_value• event-out: isActive, value_changed• fields: initialDestination, initialValue

– CHASERS • field: SFTime duration [0;inf)

– DAMPERS • fields: SFTime tau [0;inf), SFFloat tolerance ( -1 or [0;inf) )

<positionDamper id='pda' DEF='pdamper' tau='0.8' initialDestination='0 0 0' initialValue='0 0 -50'></positionDamper>

<route fromNode='pdamper' fromField='value_changed' toNode='boxTr' toField='translation'></route>

js: document.getElementById("pda").setAttribute("set_destination",pos);


Test it !

Page 15: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupPrototypes – 1)

• Inlined files– each inlined file has own namespace– change object properties after inline load

<inline id="box1id" url="./x3d_files/colorBox.x3d" onload="box1Loaded();" nameSpaceName="box1"></inline>

function box1Loaded() {

var box = getInlinedElement('box1', 'barevnaKrychle');

box.getElementsByTagName('Material')[0].setAttribute('diffuseColor','0 0 1');


function getInlinedElement(inName, id) {

return document.getElementById(inName+'__'+id);

} 15X3D

object id used in X3D file

Test it !

Page 16: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupPrototypes – 2)

• PROTO nodes - reinterpretation<ProtoDeclare name='colorBox'><ProtoInterface>

<field accessType='initializeOnly' name='barva' type='SFColor' value='0 0.9 0'></field></ProtoInterface><ProtoBody> <shape><appearance> <material disffuseColor="0 1 0"> <IS><connect nodeField='diffuseColor‘ protoField='barva'>

</connect></IS> </material></appearance><box></box></shape></ProtoBody></ProtoDeclare>

<colorBox barva='1 0 0'></colorBox>


Test it !

prepare interface, default values

1 0 0



Page 17: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupHUD

• Heads-Up Display– Displays information as a part of

user interface

– HTML5 elements styled by CSS• Can be nested in X3D element• Absolute positioning• Z-index higher then scene z-index• Empty DIVs block X3Dom



Test it !

Page 18: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupRuntime API

var e = document.getElementById('the_x3delement'); e.runtime.showAll();

• The runtime api provides programmatic live access to the system– View controls: nextView(); prevView(); showAll(); …– Projections and Picking: viewMatrix();

getWorldToCameraCoordinatesMatrix(); getViewingRay(x,y); PickRect(x1,y1,x2,y2); …

– Callbacks: noBackendFound(); ready(); enterFrame();

• More at: http://x3dom.org/docs/dev/api.html


Page 19: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupMath

• js object Math for trivial mathematical tasksvar x = Math.PI;var y = Math.sqrt(16);

• X3Dom.js - support for vectors, matrices,…– developers docs https://github.com/x3dom/x3dom

var norm = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(event.normalX, event.normalY, event.normalZ);

var qDir = x3dom.fields.Quaternion.rotateFromTo(new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(0, -1, 0), norm);

var rot = qDir.toAxisAngle();

t.setAttribute('rotation', rot[0].x+' '+rot[0].y+' '+rot[0].z+' '+rot[1]);


Page 20: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupAR & X3Dom ?

20X3D Inspired by X3Dom talk at Fraunhofer IGD (Sep. 2012), texts and images are adapted from the talk also

No problem 1. Video capture & display


2. Object detectionMarker tracking FLARToolkit (Flash AR Toolkit)

3. 3D real-time renderingX3Dom (flash window overlay)

Test it !

Page 21: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics GroupAR & X3Dom ?





<matrixtransform id=“rootT”>

</matrixtransform><transform> HUD if we want </transform>


3D scene

function set_marker_transform(value) {document.getElementById(‘rootT’)

.setAttribute(matrix, value);}





Page 22: David Sedláček

Computer Graphics Group


… end of this part



1. Přidat ukázky animací a routování

1. bitLODGeometry / texture

2. http://www.x3dom.org/x3dom/test/functional/BVHRefiner.html

3. Shadery, cube map

2. Uděláme z toho samostatnou přednášku X3D + X3Dom

3. Možná další příklady X3D / VRML (vztah k 1.)

4. X3dom + js (interakce, prototypy, shadery, ar?)
