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I 'hr· :AD r cES VAUXHALL VICTOR 1 ng performance and Amoz f h' . 1 ge results rom t IS m1 eo d 'pped four door Se an. eqUI gas fully THE DAILY NEWS Vol. 6!. No. 69 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1958 lPrice 7 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons. donesian Troops Capture Oil Field U. K. ,l. Troubles ver Election r• n' ,,·.;c:'\ .. ,H\ l't·, ..... •::'1'1' , , •\ I;· l:•·:f;J!II ·"' Ol'\\1 r: .. ·, · ... ··. Ph·L·t io1 . :::·· ,. :-. ·• : ,..,: 111 n;; tnt'J . 1 he prol!ram was exhausted and unable to rep!)·. llarid jJurray, contesting the ;o·at under the Liberal home ruk lmnner, fwd said Mrs. Elliot l'."lls wilhhulrling information she ··: .,. 1, llt;l!l:;u- I1Jcl rcrt•ivcd from a hish·ranking "'" ofiil'inl !hat lhe go,·crnment has .. r' .. , , n•J intention o! building a steel •C • • ":. tu- 'plnnt in Scotland. . " ..... , ,.,.,,_ram nnrl• llf:TRACTIOS .. ->, · ·:· oi unw Elliot's soli- "' .: ..... · , dtm·s had demanded a retraction ·.::-.:,.' ;. < ··' , ,,,Jiowrd added he has in ten- .; _ .. ·, '··, eon-. I lot' of ohhgmg unless Jus own •· .. ··,:. ;,. :. .. :. 11ht'l'l' lawyers insist on il. · · .. .: ., ••• 1 .l :\Irs. Elliot. threatening legal '·'' .' .... '" ,, , : tl:•· attion. said the remark. besides · :·,:; .. ·::·l:n nn 11w run. untrue. a gross abuse · :', .:. , .• of lht•ir ultt•lc\'ision. . -\nthony running in the ' · · ·' , .. "' \fr;. \l't'sl seat ol Torrington l\Jil:-t'l'\':1' 't· •,Hi)\l)t:l;f1f(i n!:-; haJ 2i, declilwd an invitation to atJoear on a llRC programa in lll'i'tc'l. Ilr said he has a sched· : · .. n nl<· of 14R lined un and · ·· .' l:nw o:1 rm1't aitord to t•d;r timr orr. ....... ... -·· ...... ,: ... _,., ,.,.- ... . .. ' .. ...... ....... . . - : ... "",...., .. ., ....... ............. .,. :crash Rebel Into Zone JAI\.ARTA. lndoncsia-AP-The Indonesian gm·ernmcnt Thursday announced the capture of the oil fields near Pakanbaru in rebellious central Sumatra and said the Caltex Oil Com· pany now is free to resume operations. Rehel sources iit Singapore said central Sumatran forces wilhdrew to the outskirts of Pakanbaru. They said they had no inform•· tion on casualties or whether the two sides 8till were fighting around Pakanbaru T h r Indonesian go\"crnment I .-----.----:-- claimed Pakanbaru, the Caltex lr<< s only crpss·tsland headquarters city 15 miles south. tlhP. end of the road IS west of the bi!! Minas oil field, ; P.ad.ans. _ch1c! rebel centr• 125 was captured \Vdncsday. i mrhne miles . Premier jlwmla, who an· ; A Call ex _Ia':? er satd tht nounced the canture, said raltex ' comp.any . awa1t govern· could now resmi1e onerations "in ; ment s .of!JcJal to pro- tho• company so des-ires... I ceed ":lth operations. . CLOSt:ll sl:-.CE MOSDA y . President S1karno for the The Anwri<'an-owned companl' , tunc attacked the rebels m a slnll down on the glol speech at Malang In ol lhr lndonrsian gol'ernment. 'ca,;l ,lal·a. _ I and l'l.·acuul••d some wonwn and Ile accus.o•d the rebel milila_ry {'hildrPn ol its :Loou to 4.000 ('Ill·. cllll•f. I.t.-Col. Achmad Hussem, plo,·rcs to Sin!!apon·. · anc1 the !'ebel premier, Sjafr!'d· 1 'l'lw cuptlll'(' of Pakanbai'U and d111 Prawtranegara, of belraymg 1 thr nearhy oil field. if confirmed. the; "struggle create a i "·ould put IIH' of umtary state. and. of bemg I Stlkarno wrll on the ·pawns of nations. These ! wa,· to eontrol uf dial arras 11owers. smrl, want to drag In· · und1•r the of thr rebel gor. · into one of the big power crnmt•nt sl'l un Feh. 1-i. blocs. Thl' town of is ahnosl in fie c·harl!rrl reiJPl,.Ll.-Cof. eds s. Oppose I'RAMINGHA:\1. tlm•e 1·hildren, shown with mother, Salvatore Campo, uf Framingham. :\lass .. lll't• d·:ltmlcd tn die medic11l researchers find a ciu·c fnr cystic fihrosis. Nine times 1\lrs. C:IIIIJ!O )up; lcamcd she was to become a mother; [om· times lost her hahit•s thP ccntrP or lllP troniral island; VPnt.ie of the or trying to anrl as I rittr a still . incomplete i buy arms in Japan and hig!111 Thi" is rcntral Suma· the Philippines. Proposal ! through pl'cmntmc births; one lived until he was three; three are in the 2-to·4. year bracket and all 1 are victims of the incurable dis('ase crstic fibrosis. Now with her ninth birth, 1\lrs. Campo will I Jive in fear ror the next three months when doc tors will be able to tell whether her fourth living L b p t In Britain Tlw h•tll'r. (lat(•d March 5, a or ar y r:,·.t:•T· __ \ikit<t spells out for the fir.<t time Hns· child, Josc11h Gem·ge. has the disease. Left to right:-Rnhert. 4; Anne, :l; 1\frs. Campo, and .Joan, _ 1 h:u·.-d;l)' Prcsi· i for Jinkins Eben· 2. Mrs. Campo's grim predicament has attracted attention of the press in Englami.-I.N. Photo. --------------------- 0 ·--- ··f Sl · __ M ________ -- W1·n a·yelectl·on it! d·id i proposal at an East-West gummit WI. dow ;l:.o . 81 n an . . inler,ontinental hal· 1 conference first was announced in .. . .. . · . I a memorandum to the United - · (iL:\SGOW. Scotland Reuters) ll'd ,·otes. Conscrvati1e Dni:r-. Anwrican 'Stales Feb. 28 and repeated In a · Britain's Labor party dealt the Katharine Elliott 8,850, Scot- . !In : letter to l'iscnhnwcr March e. 1 t'onsrr1·atil·e government pres·; tish Home Rule candidate David b1'11.1:r Ft'b. 8. 1\hrushchcl''s new letter to the' D f d li li b d tigc a blow Thursday by captur·: Illurray 1.622 and independent Ia- . q;11 that London weeki)' declared: "\\'e. e en s · er us an. the. parliamrntary seat of; borite William Park 587. carci:dh· r•aiin::" Dulles' al!rrc to the question of· · t.<. l\clingra1e with a small major- i ln a straisht fight in the 1955 on ·:·,,m. hr frlt the control of cosmic space-that , it:: I :::ene1·al election Elliott's to •(l.rl •rc·ond lrt-. in fact question of intercon·: In a fotlr-corncrrrl Ia·: husband, Col. Walter Elliott, won tincntal ballistic rockets. 1' horite the sPaL !or the Conservatives by ---------- , 'l'ORO:'iTO ZCI'•-Tiw Onlm·io· sh" a,l;(•d ;l n•port•·t·. tinw there unt1l I wa' 16. . . • lir's in l1i, te{'l\>'. Tlwn··, a I 1 b · 'bol'll widow of Ather! ,\nastnsia' "I .iust wnnt lo tnllll' l1ad; to "I met my hu:<lmnd when I was of vuhlic ,c110ol age ami 1i1rn · -·· --·-- · ··---------·---- : :/· 3 r pleaded !or secrecy Thursday ;md the cil)' wlll're I had l11erl ''" a not quite ltl. I was in New Yo•·k' thrn•'s a baby girl a yem· old.", D)JJ.lJ() Personc.o. caused by Elliott's death. defended the man once known as · g1rl. whL•I'r my motlwr and sis-· with Ill)' fallwr on a \'isit to jfrs. said came IJ ! - ,.., · Present standing in the 630-seat the chief executioner lor a mlll'· 'ter lil'l•, and to bP at TH"nce," the; relatiws there anrl I met him at lo 'l'oi'Onto in :\m·rmhrr "and I house now is: Conservatives and 11 a 11 .1.'1} o·e Of· lhr 41·yrnr·old . .• ... He \I' ICI')' nltraet-1 .. ,IJ.I. I hair May Vote. tiberals 5 · . . '---' .._ woman finid her chic( frar was. The two "1\'r IH're marri,•rl ·'"on after· to gt'l by on. I thP in- J ""' The follows by a month v that hct' late past who killed her hushnnd still hli\'C I \\as l!l. were \t'l')' hilphy. I sllranec, of cour,e. n R h)'eiection at Rochdale in which I would become known to hrr · 1101 been ' I he 11 · . . . . . . . . . the government candidate finish· J , d t• , neighbors in the exdnsi\·r To- 1 She said she 1r:1s horn in ('op.' man. lie neHr tolrl me his husi· . Shr _said that_ 111 \•:w 'ork Jlhnd prr-IJn> u: Con ad;;. 1{ eel a third behind 1 uca· '101l'I'Onto district where she Jii'('S with! per Cliff. Onl .. n<•ar Sundhury. I .... 1 didn't l•now ahoul 111 r;l 111 a llud,on Jllt_cr mansion thry .arr of . \'Ollng oge,. may . Labor and Liberal opponents. _; · ! three of her four children. 1 Italian·born immi· i him till l'cars lalct· and .... I had hchmrl a IO-foot !loorlht frncr pa- 1·otr. tn the hderal get! in!: Jess than one-third of the She declined to discuss an:; uf: granl who !rom the docks ur: lo read it in lhr. papaers. I' trolled IJy Doberman Pmschers.' As a blind .of Canana: total \'OIP. . ",\ m·t 11. 01 .k of well the or. .. sh?t · to. the of;"' .. n,EUEVED "Hr nscrl to to .church with. they may a trusted, .. rl nr;:anizcd. small 1101\'ersttles and to as he sat, tn a hut bcr s Clllllc, .. gale genn to I he , . \I hc.n I askrd lum. lu. I old me I nl<! nwy Sunday. 'I he duldren fncncl to go tnto the poltmg I Persons who bave not reeth•· colleges will play a large role In chan· at the Park Sheraton Hotel church. . s . Ill l tnw .all those !lungs. I w•·nt too. We ncl·rr lailrrl. :\ow booth with them to m;,rk their . I r.:".r inr ilw .\('adia. drlcrmining the luaure success of In New York last Oct. 25. He had I .. Ana>lasm. who smd i about hun and I belw,·ed: h(s not Hen buried in a tonse- :J:dlots. The friend will be re· thJ:! · f'l:"•! -;•:•! ·tlmr,dnl' Canada's higher education pro- been more lhon 30 ,uses anolhcl' name now .. >md I crated cemetery. qui reel to take oath to keep : .. i. d··n·nu·niizc;l "ram .. the chairman of killings as onetime head execu-J sin spent her early years m To-• liP adorPrl the cluldn•n. 1\c : h . f 1 bJ' d \Oters list should check right ·' i; l':r h < m(·lholl' ef Unil'ersity Fund said. tioner for Inc., during a rontc1- . . J had four and he was ah1:ays nice, ''1'1 r. lost and 1'111 a ncr- ; t c. \Ole 0 1 le 111 person a. away so that they may be list· . ih of 36·year cr1me carect·. j falhcr was m a hu!'mcss to them. Our oldest son ts at law· ,·ous wreck \\'llh worry. I hal'e a; sertct. cd during the two remaining m c:.n: .. ::. Mr. Frost. formerly of "My baby, my childrrn-hnw !'herr-he hacl a elwin of meat l school in York and the other· heart condition and l'l'e heen 1 Cards thi• information. days, lllarch 14th and 15th, to· ;,.u"i · 10 ti:r prrss. :\.S.. Acadia University can they live if people know wl1o m11rkr.ts .... I was cducaled m i three arc with me. The sec- . goinl! to thr doctor hrre to all blind persons in Canada day ;.nd tomorrow .at the •r••rl 11 niwr.'il\' mrol· needs additional classrooms, in· they are, who their father was,'' 1 Em·ope and spent most of my I onct hoy wants to be a doctor. 1 sccomd day. God gil'e peace." i have gone out from each di· Courts of Revision now being · 'rl011h\r" hy i96:. anrl creased laboratory facilities and visional headquarters. ·held. '"" '"' rra••d facilities· more teachers to meet the ex- The cards were sent because Information as to whether a ner''"' "lr, ; peeled influx of students In the in the past there has been some ' person is registered or not on : nrar future. confusion concerning this the voters list for this eleetion ngton I Action Recession · 'CP •-The An cisht·man delugation led by 11 a' tQ!d Thursday that · AFL CIO president George and consumers plan lllleany and Walter Reuther hand· · spending Lhis t'll him a "crash program" In a that a quick J White House conference. It cal- ot Prll'ute demand Jed for reduced taxes. increased to the re· : unemployment insurance and l nncd I stcp·ups in defence and puhlic- studws were issued works spending, . to reinfot'Ce , l\IEI\10 TO IKE 1 . cncs lor stepped-up 1 They said they will send Eis· Ptndmg or tax reduction enhower a memorandum today to L I shew that present signs all point 0 j' to a worsening business and un- . · Jchtgan surl'cy re- employment situation. satd consumers are Asked whetber Eisenhower Pia the business out. showed concern over the situa- hous" 0 cut down spend· lion, Meany replied: "He certain- a es, new cars, heme ly did." nd furniture. The defence department mean. was a joint while promised to raise to $10,-. 8 1 c department of 00·1,000,000 the amoun of job pro· nd the securities vidlng contracts It will place dur- SI'E'' ing the first six months of the t : .. , DI!IIC: year IUSIO"S' ' ' •men to I for. plants LONDON-CP - J,or1l Ged· as $:l2.11011:1MHI,OOCI tics, president of the Institute recor1 I' Pared With oast of Petroleum said Japan Is . Such _S.17,iTlfl. !m'ning out 4o;OOtJ-ton tankers source a 1 1 "' est.rncnl m four months, and 85,000·ton new J?hs. tankers in five montbs. He said · President he is convinced that "many of that llOint that there in Europe- the receuion a '11orsen. 1 1ncluc.lng Britain-are no long· · er competitive." LOYALTY DINNER-Over 900 persons attended the Loyalty Di11ner of Wesley United Church at lhe C.L.B. Armoury last night. The dinner was held to open ihe Church's combined funds can- vass for· 8205,000, Among the speakers we1·e Mcss1·s. A. M. Woolridge, G. T. Baggs, C. Moores, F. Kinsman, and D. Clarke; while Mr. Albert Driscoll was chairman for the evening." Nearly $60,000 has already been pledged. I vision because some of the de·: may be obtained by calling I putr returning officers were not the campaign headquartera of I aware of the section of the any of the candidates, or by Dominion election act which ' visiting the Courts of Revision dc;,ls with this situation. (Sec· from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and lion 63, sub- section 10). · 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Canadian Appoi.nted To Queen's Staff OTTA\\'A ICPI - Quel'n Eli. He was appointed to the Gov. zabeth has picked a Canadian crnment House staff as assistant Esmond Butler, to become a ' to Lionel i\lassey, son and secre· member of oersonal staff. itary to the governor general. ·Government flo usc announced : He has travellorl with 1\lr. 1\las· Thursday that :llr. Buller. 35, as- 1 sey on some 75 tours, including a sistant to the secretary to Gov. I trip to the Arctic. ernor General 1\lasse!/, will rclin- The son of an Anglican minis· quish his duties on March 18. He! ter, he was born in Wawanesa, leaves for London Monday. I :llan. . In to his press duties 1 ! He holds a bachelor of arts de· at Buckmgham Palace, Mr. But- gree from the University of To- allached to the external .af- rcnlo, and studied at the Univer- for 1 sityof Geneva and at the Insti- o_t _Jus wtll, act . as tute of International Studies in ha1son of!1cer with the Geneva. · government on preparahon for the visits of the Queen next .--- .. --------·, years and Princess Margaret this summer. . Queen Elizabeth is to open the ! Sl. Lawrence Seaway next year : and Princess is to at-[ tend the British Columbia centen- ary this Y<•ar. ' Mr. Buller's appoinlment is to I terminate atler the Queen's visit. No successor to his post at Gol'· ermnent House has been named. WAR VETERAN ! ! A navv veteran of the Second I I World \Vm·, the tall, handsome Weather Ol'l•t·cast, with occasional light snow mixed with rain. lligh today 35. TEMPERATURES Montreal ...... 27 38 Moncton ...... 31 40 Ilali!ax ······· 33 42 ....... 32 38 32 36 I hachclur is a lieutenant com- ( mandeL· in the reserve. I'----------- St. John's ..... .,




r cES

VAUXHALL VICTOR •1ng performance and

Amoz f h' .1 ge results rom t IS m1 eo d

'pped four door Se an. eqUI

gas fully THE DAILY NEWS

Vol. 6!. No. 69 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1958 lPrice 7 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons.

donesian Troops Capture Oil Field U. K.

,l. Troubles ver Election r• n' ,,·.;c:'\ ..

,H\ l't·, ..... ~!;Ill ~\ •::'1'1'

, , •\ I;· l:•·:f;J!II ·"' Ol'\\1 r: .. ·, · ... ··. ~': Ph·L·t io1

. ::~~ :::·· ,. :-. ·• : ,..,: 111 n;; tnt'J

. 1 he prol!ram was exhausted and ~lw wa.~ unable to rep!)·.

llarid jJurray, contesting the ;o·at under the Liberal • home ruk lmnner, fwd said Mrs. Elliot l'."lls wilhhulrling information she

··: .,. 1, llt;l!l:;u- I1Jcl rcrt•ivcd from a hish·ranking n~"n:h "'" ofiil'inl !hat lhe go,·crnment has

.. r' .. , , ••notl~h. n•J intention o! building a steel •C • • • ":. ,,.·,n~ tu- 'plnnt in Scotland.

. " ..... , ,.,.,,_ram nnrl• DE~IA:"IiD llf:TRACTIOS r· ,.:;~ .. ->, · ·:· ,~, oi unw ~lt.ml~' ~:lid ~Irs. Elliot's soli-"' .: ..... · , dtm·s had demanded a retraction

·.::-.:,.' ;. < ~, ··' , ,,,Jiowrd ~ncl added ~h.at he has n~ in ten­.; _ .· .. ·, '··, ,;·.,,~ow eon-. I lot' of ohhgmg unless Jus own •· .. ··,:. ;,. :. ··:~:·,, .. :. 11ht'l'l' lawyers insist on il. · · .. . : ., ••• '· 1 .l l:mr;d:~y. :\Irs. Elliot. threatening legal '·'' .' .... '" ,, , : tl:•· ea:~eli- attion. said the remark. besides

· :·,:; .. ·::·l:n nn 11w run. bcin~ untrue. wa~ a gross abuse · :', .:. , .• of lht•ir ultt•lc\'ision.

. -\nthony Ho~·lr. running in the ' '· · · ·' , .. "' \fr;. \l't'sl countr~· seat ol Torrington


't· •,Hi)\l)t:l;f1f(i

t· .·t~lh n!:-; haJ

~!arl'il 2i, declilwd an invitation to atJoear on a llRC programa in lll'i'tc'l. Ilr said he has a sched·

: · .. n ~.:ain-1 nl<· of 14R mrctin.~s lined un and · ·· .' l:nw o:1 rm1't aitord to t•d;r timr orr.

....... ~· ... -·· ...... ,: ... _,., ,.,.-... . .. ' .. ...... ·~ .......

. . -: ... "",...., .. ., ....... ~ ............. .,.

:crash Rebel

Into Zone

JAI\.ARTA. lndoncsia-AP-The Indonesian gm·ernmcnt Thursday announced the capture of the oil fields near Pakanbaru in rebellious central Sumatra and said the Caltex Oil Com· pany now is free to resume operations.

Rehel sources iit Singapore said central Sumatran forces wilhdrew to the outskirts of Pakanbaru. They said they had no inform•· tion on casualties or whether the two sides 8till were fighting around Pakanbaru •

T h r Indonesian go\"crnment I .-----.----:--claimed Pakanbaru, the Caltex lr<< s only crpss·tsland roa~. ~t headquarters city 15 miles south. tlhP. ;outhwc~t end of the road IS west of the bi!! Minas oil field, ; P.ad.ans. _ch1c! rebel centr• 125 was captured \Vdncsday. i mrhne miles a\~·ay. .

Premier jlwmla, who an· ; A Call ex _Ia':? er ~ere satd tht nounced the canture, said raltex ' comp.any ~~II . awa1t ~he govern· could now resmi1e onerations "in ; ment s .of!JcJal mstru~t10n~. to pro-tho• company so des-ires... I ceed ":lth ou~. operations. . CLOSt:ll sl:-.CE MOSDA y . President S1karno for the ~rst

The Anwri<'an-owned companl' , tunc attacked the rebels m a slnll down ~londa)'. on the ad\'ic~ glol e~·uff speech at Malang In ol lhr lndonrsian gol'ernment. 'ca,;l ,lal·a. _

I and l'l.·acuul••d some wonwn and Ile accus.o•d the rebel milila_ry {'hildrPn ol its :Loou to 4.000 ('Ill·. cllll•f. I.t.-Col. Achmad Hussem, plo,·rcs to Sin!!apon·. · anc1 the !'ebel premier, Sjafr!'d·

1 'l'lw cuptlll'(' of Pakanbai'U and d111 Prawtranegara, of belraymg 1 thr nearhy oil field. if confirmed. the; "struggle .~o create a gr~at i "·ould put IIH' ~owrmncnt of umtary state. and. of bemg I Pn·>id~nl Stlkarno wrll on the ·pawns of !om~n nations. These ! wa,· to eontrol uf dial arras 11owers. h~ smrl, want to drag In· · und1•r the ~\'.'a)' of thr rebel gor. · donc~ia into one of the big power crnmt•nt sl'l un Feh. 1-i. blocs.

Thl' town of ~0.0011 is ahnosl in fie c·harl!rrl th~l reiJPl,.Ll.-Cof.

eds s.

Oppose I'RAMINGHA:\1. :\Ia~~.-Thcst• tlm•e 1·hildren, shown with tlu~ir mother, l\1'r~. Salvatore Campo, uf Framingham. :\lass .. lll't• d·:ltmlcd tn die unlc~s medic11l researchers find a ciu·c fnr cystic fihrosis.

Nine times 1\lrs. C:IIIIJ!O )up; lcamcd she was to become a mother; [om· times ~he lost her hahit•s

thP ccntrP or lllP troniral island; VPnt.ie of the C:elebe.~ or trying to anrl as I rittr a still . incomplete i buy ford~n arms in Japan and hig!111 a~·. Thi" is rcntral Suma· the Philippines.

Proposal ! through pl'cmntmc births; one lived until he was three; three are in the 2-to·4. year bracket and all

1 are victims of the incurable dis('ase crstic fibrosis. Now with her ninth birth, 1\lrs. Campo will

I Jive in fear ror the next three months when doc tors will be able to tell whether her fourth living L b p t In Britain

'IITrlll:\1'~ Tlw h•tll'r. (lat(•d March 5, a or ar y r:,·.t:•T· __ \ikit<t spells out for the fir.<t time Hns· child, Josc11h Gem·ge. has the disease. Left to right:-Rnhert. 4; Anne, :l; 1\frs. Campo, and .Joan, _

~•··~ 1 h:u·.-d;l)' Prcsi· i ~ia's reason~ for Jinkins Eben· 2. Mrs. Campo's grim predicament has attracted attention of the press in Englami.-I.N. Photo.

p~;:.~·:~::~:~~:~;~~~~~:i~~~~r~~s~~i~f~~~~~ur:·~:::,:~s~~:i~:· ---------------------0·--- ··f Sl · __ M ________ -- W1·n a·yelectl·on it! d·id l'l'taliator~· i proposal at an East-West gummit WI. dow .· ;l:.o . 81 n an . . inler,ontinental hal· 1 conference first was announced in .. . .. . ·

. I a memorandum to the United - · ~ (iL:\SGOW. Scotland • Reuters) ll'd 10.~10 ,·otes. Conscrvati1e Fo1t~r Dni:r-. Anwrican 'Stales Feb. 28 and repeated In a · Britain's Labor party dealt the ~lrs. Katharine Elliott 8,850, Scot-. ~f ~tat•· <•~>~H'rc.t !In : letter to l'iscnhnwcr March e. 1 t'onsrr1·atil·e government pres·; tish Home Rule candidate David

b1'11.1:r Ft'b. 8. • 1\hrushchcl''s new letter to the' D f d li li b d tigc a blow Thursday by captur·: Illurray 1.622 and independent Ia­. q;11 Thur-~ln)· that London weeki)' declared: "\\'e. e en s · e r us an. in~ the. parliamrntary seat of; borite William Park 587.

carci:dh· r•aiin::" Dulles' al!rrc to discus~ the question of· ~;. · t.<. l\clingra1e with a small major- i ln a straisht fight in the 1955 on ('r.,~"' ·:·,,m. hr frlt the control of cosmic space-that , it:: I :::ene1·al election i\lr.~. Elliott's

to •(l.rl ~ •rc·ond lrt-. i~ in fact th~ question of intercon·: In a fotlr-corncrrrl fi~ht. Ia·: husband, Col. Walter Elliott, won tincntal ballistic rockets. 1' horite ~Irs. ~lary ~lcAiister pol-~ the sPaL !or the Conservatives by

---------- , 'l'ORO:'iTO ZCI'•-Tiw Onlm·io· sh" a,l;(•d ;l n•port•·t·. tinw there unt1l I wa' 16. . . • lir's in l1i, te{'l\>'. Tlwn··, a ~irl I 1 b · 'bol'll widow of Ather! ,\nastnsia' "I .iust wnnt lo tnllll' l1ad; to "I met my hu:<lmnd when I was of vuhlic ,c110ol age ami 1i1rn · -·· --·-- · ··---------·---- : :/·3r ~~t~fa~/1·~~e 0~ye~e~~~ pleaded !or secrecy Thursday ;md the cil)' wlll're I had l11erl ''" a not quite ltl. I was in New Yo•·k' thrn•'s a baby girl a yem· old.", D)JJ.lJ() Personc.o. 1,·~s caused by Elliott's death. defended the man once known as · g1rl. whL•I'r my motlwr and sis-· with Ill)' fallwr on a \'isit to ~"c jfrs. ,\n~,;tasia said ~hr came IJ ! - ,.., · Present standing in the 630-seat the chief executioner lor a mlll'· 'ter lil'l•, and to bP at TH"nce," the; relatiws there anrl I met him at lo 'l'oi'Onto in :\m·rmhrr "and I house now is: Conservatives and

11 a 11.1.'1} o·e Of· d~rn ~~gi.ntrl'l'icll', lhr 41·yrnr·old ~;t'~~~~~~1,~~- ~~~~~ita: . ~ .• !~mty ... He \I' a~ ICI')' nltraet-1 in~~t"~i~~ s:.~;)~~~~~;; .. ,IJ.I. I hair May Vote. ~~:~c~~~n~,;~~~a;:t tiberals 5· . . '---' .._ woman finid her chic( frar was. The two hlack·~lo\HI ~1111111rn "1\'r IH're marri,•rl ·'"on after· rnou~h to gt'l by on. I ~ol thP in- J ""' The clr.~tion follows by a month

v that hct' late hushand'~ past who killed her hushnnd still hli\'C I \\as l!l. \\'!~ were \t'l')' hilphy. I sllranec, of cour,e. n ~ccrcl R h)'eiection at Rochdale in which

I would become known to hrr · 1101 been cau~ht. ' I thou~ht he w~s 11 hi~ huoinc~s · . . . . . . . . . the government candidate finish·

J , d t • , neighbors in the exdnsi\·r To- 1 She said she 1r:1s horn in ('op.' man. lie neHr tolrl me his husi· . Shr _said that_ 111 \•:w 'ork l~r.v Jlhnd prr-IJn> u: Con ad;;. 1{ eel a disa~trons third behind hi~ 1 uca· '101l'I'Onto district where she Jii'('S with! per Cliff. Onl .. n<•ar Sundhury. I ncs~ .... 1 didn't l•now ahoul 111 r;l 111 a llud,on Jllt_cr mansion thry .arr of . \'Ollng oge,. may . Labor and Liberal opponents. _; · ! three of her four children. 1 ,\nastasi~. Italian·born immi· i him till l'cars lalct· and .... I had hchmrl a IO-foot !loorlht frncr pa- 1·otr. tn the hderal ~lecllon. • get! in!: Jess than one-third of the

She declined to discuss an:; uf: granl who ros•~ !rom the docks ur: lo read it in lhr. papaers. I' trolled IJy Doberman Pmschers.' As a blind citizrn~ .of Canana: total \'OIP.

. ~)<In:)' ",\ m·t 11.01.k of lwl.l-pla~l:u. well the as~ociates or. Anastasi~ .. sh?t · ~~:ookly~. to. the !1~1:one ~·oom of;"' .. n,EUEVED 111~1" • "Hr nscrl to ~0 to .church with. they may l'hoo~e a trusted, .. !;;m~ rl nr;:anizcd. small 1101\'ersttles and to ~eath as he sat, tn a hut bcr s Clllllc, .. gale genn ousl~ to I he , . \I hc.n I askrd lum. lu. I old me I nl<! nwy Sunday. 'I he duldren fncncl to go tnto the poltmg I Persons who bave not reeth•·

;ll·arlawlin~ colleges will play a large role In chan· at the Park Sheraton Hotel church. . s . Ill ~rasn l tnw .all those !lungs. the~· I w•·nt too. We ncl·rr lailrrl. :\ow booth with them to m;,rk their . I r.:".r inr ilw .\('adia. drlcrmining the luaure success of In New York last Oct. 25. He had I ~Irs .. Ana>lasm. who smd >l~c i s~u' about hun and I belw,·ed: h(s not Hen buried in a tonse- :J:dlots. The friend will be re· ~~":li::e:h:~\llg·i~fere~ha~or thJ:! · f'l:"•! -;•:•! ·tlmr,dnl' Canada's higher education pro- been blam~ f~r more lhon 30 ,uses anolhcl' name now .. >md 1 111 ~~· • • I crated cemetery. qui reel to take ~n oath to keep

: '~::: .. i. d··n·nu·niizc;l "ram .. the ~:cneral chairman of killings as onetime head execu-J sin spent her early years m To-• liP adorPrl the cluldn•n. 1\c : h . f 1 bJ' d \Oters list should check right ·' i; l':r h < m(·lholl' ef (i 1 ~ A~adia Unil'ersity Fund said. tioner for ~lurder Inc., during a rontc1- . . J had four and he was ah1:ays nice, ''1'1 r. lost w~·ight and 1'111 a ncr- ; t c. \Ole 0 1 le 111 person a. away so that they may be list· . ih ,:.::!r~r~ of hi~hcr 36·year cr1me carect·. j "~ly falhcr was m a hu!'mcss to them. Our oldest son ts at law· ,·ous wreck \\'llh worry. I hal'e a; sertct. cd during the two remaining

m c:.n: .. ::. Mr. Frost. formerly of Arg~·le, "My baby, my childrrn-hnw !'herr-he hacl a elwin of meat l school in ~ew York and the other· heart condition and l'l'e heen 1 Cards ~iving thi• information. days, lllarch 14th and 15th, to· r!~on ;,.u"i ·10 ti:r prrss. :\.S.. ~aid Acadia University can they live if people know wl1o m11rkr.ts .... I was cducaled m i three arc her~ with me. The sec- . goinl! to thr doctor hrre ~~·ery to all blind persons in Canada day ;.nd tomorrow .at the

•r••rl 11niwr.'il\' mrol· needs additional classrooms, in· they are, who their father was,'' 1 Em·ope and spent most of my I onct hoy wants to be a doctor. 1 sccomd day. God gil'e m~ peace." i have gone out from each di· Courts of Revision now being · 'rl011h\r" hy i96:. anrl creased laboratory facilities and visional headquarters. ·held. '"" '"' rra••d facilities· more teachers to meet the ex- The cards were sent because Information as to whether a

ner''"' "lr, ~rcnmmodale ; peeled influx of students In the in the past there has been some ' person is registered or not on ln•·r•~'r. : nrar future. confusion concerning this pro-~ the voters list for this eleetion

ngton I


Recession · 'CP •-The ·~o'. An cisht·man delugation led by 11 a' tQ!d Thursday that · AFL • CIO president George

and consumers plan lllleany and Walter Reuther hand· · spending Lhis t'll him a "crash program" In a hope.~ that a quick J White House conference. It cal-

ot Prll'ute demand Jed for reduced taxes. increased l~c ~nd to the re· : unemployment insurance and l nncd ~tat~s. I stcp·ups in defence and puhlic­studws were issued works spending,

. to reinfot'Ce , l\IEI\10 TO IKE 1 . cncs lor stepped-up 1 They said they will send Eis· Ptndmg or tax reduction • enhower a memorandum today to

L I shew that present signs all point 0j' ~[1 e ~ighly.rcgurded to a worsening business and un-

. · Jchtgan surl'cy re- employment situation. satd consumers are Asked whetber Eisenhower

Pia ~~ the business out. showed concern over the situa­hous" 0 cut down spend· lion, Meany replied: "He certain­

a es, new cars, heme ly did." nd furniture. The defence department mean.

r~port was a joint while promised to raise to $10,-. 8

1 c department of 00·1,000,000 the amoun of job pro· nd the securities vidlng contracts It will place dur-SI'E'' ing the first six months of the

t : .. , DI!IIC: year IUSIO"S' '

' •men ~xpuct to I lllt'n~inr for. nc~,. plants LONDON-CP - J,or1l Ged·

as co~ $:l2.11011:1MHI,OOCI tics, president of the Institute recor1 I' Pared With oast of Petroleum said Japan Is . Such c~~~[e1 ~r _S.17,iTlfl. !m'ning out 4o;OOtJ-ton tankers

source a 1 1"' est.rncnl m four months, and 85,000·ton

to~d new J?hs. tankers in five montbs. He said · 'l'bur~a President he is convinced that "many of that llOint ~0 that there ~hi! ~hipbulldcrs in Europe-

the receuion a '11orsen. 11ncluc.lng Britain-are no long·

· er competitive."

LOYALTY DINNER-Over 900 persons attended the Loyalty Di11ner of Wesley United Church at lhe C.L.B. Armoury last night. The dinner was held to open ihe Church's combined funds can­vass for· 8205,000, Among the speakers we1·e Mcss1·s. A. M. Woolridge, G. T. Baggs, C. Moores, F. Kinsman, and D. Clarke; while Mr. Albert Driscoll was chairman for the evening." Nearly $60,000 has already been pledged.

I vision because some of the de·: may be obtained by calling I putr returning officers were not • the campaign headquartera of I aware of the section of the any of the candidates, or by Dominion election act which ' visiting the Courts of Revision dc;,ls with this situation. (Sec· from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and lion 63, sub- section 10). · 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Canadian Appoi.nted To Queen's Staff

OTTA\\'A ICPI - Quel'n Eli. He was appointed to the Gov. zabeth has picked a Canadian crnment House staff as assistant Esmond Butler, to become a ' to Lionel i\lassey, son and secre· member of l~er oersonal staff. itary to the governor general. ·Government flo usc announced : He has travellorl with 1\lr. 1\las·

Thursday that :llr. Buller. 35, as- 1 sey on some 75 tours, including a sistant to the secretary to Gov. I trip to the Arctic. ernor General 1\lasse!/, will rclin- The son of an Anglican minis· quish his duties on March 18. He! ter, he was born in Wawanesa, leaves for London Monday. I :llan. .

In ad~ition to his press duties


! He holds a bachelor of arts de· at Buckmgham Palace, Mr. But- gree from the University of To­le~. allached to the external .af- rcnlo, and studied at the Univer­f~lrs. depart~1cnt for th~ duraho~ 1 sityof Geneva and at the Insti­o_t _Jus ap~omtm~nt, wtll, act . as tute of International Studies in ha1son of!1cer with the C~nadmn Geneva. · government on preparahon for the visits of the Queen next .---.. --------·, years and Princess Margaret this summer. .

Queen Elizabeth is to open the ! Sl. Lawrence Seaway next year : and Princess i\Iar~aret is to at-[ tend the British Columbia centen-ary this Y<•ar. '

Mr. Buller's appoinlment is to I terminate atler the Queen's visit. No successor to his post at Gol'· ermnent House has been named. WAR VETERAN !

! A navv veteran of the Second I I World \Vm·, the tall, handsome

Weather Ol'l•t·cast, with occasional

light snow mixed with rain. lligh today 35.

TEMPERATURES Montreal ...... 27 38 Moncton ...... 31 40 Ilali!ax ······· 33 42 s~·dney ....... 32 38

32 36 I hachclur is a lieutenant • com- ( mandeL· in the reserve. I'-----------St. John's .....


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There IS a of human kindness which no and a great field of human

government can ever reach.

reserve n1obilize, government can ever

suffering no

It is the task o.f tl1e Red Cross to organize the vast resources of human kindness to relieve tl1e infinite ·variety of human pain.

When you give to Red Cross, you are not only helping to make every community in Newfoundland a happier, healthier, safer place. in \vhich to live-you are also giving so that the hungry may b~ fed, the naked clothed and the sick made well ·in all_ the sad places of this troubled world-

so· do

Headquarlers- Newfoundland Division, The Canadian Red Cross Society-

55 Duckworth Street, St. John's


parsons joined ,tl outbreak of \\ c as a Fighter

in both t~e and the 1n, rising to I

'Lieutenflnt · returning frr parsons has :

in St. John's \' for himscl

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l!·cc!c.~ .. · ~.:\ \lr. Eric :r~.i:c~ 'l·;n·,-;:Pr. Can·

!~~·!•'•·;; !':·;,tl:<• l.!·~C\IP, ''•:~ 0 ' ·., hnm will

Purchase Shares In R.N.C.

'fORO:'\TO. tCPI - The l'lnanclal Post sa~·s It un· derstands the Suez Canal l'011111any has purchased a bluck of about 250,000 shares In British Newfound· land ('ot·poratlon. at a price or about 1.250,000,

The seller, the Post add• was Frobisher Ltd., Can· adlan Ltd.. Canadian min· in( roncern '1\'hich has been the principal explora· lion arm of the big Ven· tnrcs Lid. organlntlon.

BrIt I~ h Newfounllland has large mineral and othr.r lease1 In LAbrador and Nt"·foundland.

The D(Jily News FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1958

-St. J. Ambulance N·ame Champions In




Green, black, : brown, fawn

59c 75c 1.25

First .Aid



GREEN 'N' GOLD RIBBON 1" WI Of . .. .. .. .............. ..... .. . .. . 5 c yard

2" WIDE ............................... 12c yard




.j I

.:t • •. ..



·-·---.. --·-· .. ------~---.. -- . THE DAILY NEWS

In The News 'N e'll Put the New One

Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper


Canada ........... .. United i<lngdom and all

The DAILY NEWS Is a morning pape1 established In 1004, aUd published at the News Bullnlng, 355-359 Duckworth Street, St. John's. Newfoundland, by Robinson & Company, Llmlled.

MEMBERS OF TOE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled

to th& use Cor repubUcatlon of all news despatches In this paper credited to n or tD the Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein.

All Press s~rvlce and feature articles In this paper arc copyright and their reproduction Is prohl_blted.



Forelgll Countsles ... S14.00 per annum Authorized as second class mall Post Offlcea :·~

Deplll'tme~t, Ottawa., .. lJll.W ~lembcr Audit Bureau Qf

lt has been often contend· ed that the provincial govern· me.nt in Newfoundland carries burdens that ou.ght to be as· sumed by municipalities and that police, fire and education charges ought to fall upon the local taxpayers. That is all very well in theory. It could not work out in jll'ac­tice for the simple reason thut there is not one communitv in Newfoundland that can raise enough money without excessive taxation to meet the full costs of all the funda· mental services that loc;,l government must supply, The clinching argument is that thr economists who pl'epared tlwt part of the cnsc for revision having to do with relatil'c burdens of taxation were ahi<' to prove that Newfoundland is overburdened' bv the stand· nrd of comparison set up in Term Twenty Nine.

would have \O increase its present revenues by 60 per cent. Mainland authorities have expressed the opinion that the business tax in this city is the highest in Canada and that no more may be reason· ably expected !rom this source. It would follow that the residential property tax would have to be increased by much more than 100 per cent to produce the revenue to meet the charges that those who think the city is under­taxed would have us pay. This

. is \'irtually a reduction to ab­surdity. That kind of money cannot be found In this town without seriously reducing the living standards of many in the lower and middle income groups. But the fact Is that if St. John's is to be able to assume all the burdens re· quired to bring standard city services up to the level they ought to reach, tax increases in the future are inevitable.


--------=~~~---------FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1958

This Election The fcdel'al general election cam­

·' paig~ is rapidly running its course. . Polhng day is less than three 1\'eeks

away. This seems a convenient mo­ment to examine the issues and discu~s their particular relationship

. to this pro,·ince, Thr pumose of the election i~ to

procure stable government for Can­:~d<l. Til a: me •n:; a govemment with P. clear majol'ily in the House of

i l'o! !llllllll~. For \\'ilhout a majority, a go,·ernment has neithet• security nor room for manocu\'l'e, ·

In spite of the present economic rcce~sion, Canada is on the threshold of a great future. Big developments, such as the St. La\\'rence deep water­wa~·. are m progress. The north is entering an era of disco\·erv and exploitation. Go\·ernment ca;1 help only to regulate the climate in which economic growth may best be nur­tured.

But in helping to establish the Pconomic climate and in adjustin" the financial and social policies of<> the nation to the \'ast changes that are Jn the mnking, gm·ernment cannot be left in the position where it must l:\'oid boldnes~. postpone decisions and sub~titute temporization for action ber.:~u<e it does not command a par li nmcntar~· majority.

Another stalemate could ha\'e grave c·onscqucn('cs. It follows that the first dut.'' of the Yotcrs is to decide "'hich of the l\\·n major parties, the Conser­n:!i\·cs or the Liberals. should form a majorit~· go\'ernment.

* .. Xo m;1ttcl' what may be said in

elel'l ion ('<tlllpaign~. there is not much doubt th.;t each of these parties has the caparit~· for good go,·ernment.

They do not differ in essentials. The CotFclTi\ti\ es are in manv re­~peC'ts as liberal as the Liberals. who, in their turn. often t'e\·eal themselves to be as conser\·ati\'C as the Conser­vative5.

In tcmt> of national policy it might therefore,' be said that the 'ctifferenc~ between the major parties is that of Tl\'eedledum and Tweedledee.

But the Liber.Pis ha\·e held office for more than twenty years. Thev rose in tllat time to heights of great­ness but they hn\'e grown stale .They nt>e:l time in opposition to see th~ working~ of parliament and go\'ern­ment from the other side of the fence and to rebuild their vit~lity and re­fre~h their thinking. There is a very strong possibility they will get th~t useful and salutary experience. ·

Election predictions are neither ~afe nor wise but there is a growing ron\'iction on the mainland that the Conservath·es will fonn the next p.o\'ernmcnt although with what par liamentary strength no objective wmmentator is prepared to venture

c. gue""· * •

In Xewfoundlancl, national issues have ·hard!~· been discussed. The Plection in this pro\'ince has taken on a very local aspect which was probably inevitable in all· the cir­cumstances.

The Conservatives, fortified by the unexpected victory of last June, are feeling their oats. They acquired a new spirit and are fighting their best campaign since Confederation.

The Liberal high command was relatively inactive last June but is now employing its full resources in an effort to elect its candidates in all se\'en ridings. , This seems a case of party enthusiasm overriding the 1ealistic interests of the province,

These interests demand that ·New­foundland be represented in both major parties.

Our needs and ,viewpoint cannot be adequately expressed on any other basis and it was a fortunate thing for this province that the 'Liberal monopoly on the federal seats was broken in the last election.

Apart from anything else the re­vision of the financial terms 'or union !s likely to be among the early bus­mess of the new parliament. It would ' be deplorable If the complete cause to be developed in the House of Commons could not be put forward from both sides of the House.

We believe that it is vital that Newfoundland should elect cancliclatc~ of both parties and that it would be dangerous to do otherwise.

• • This, in te11ns of population and

developed wealth, is a small pro\'ince. remote from the mainstream of Can­adian thought and action.

We simply cannot afford to take chances on QUr representation in Ottawa. We believe it would be calamitous to have all our member;; in one party, particularly if that part;: were to forms the national opposition.

Neither can we afford to allo\\' loyalty to a national party to domin­ate loyalty to the province when we have so much to do that can only be done by a full recognition in Ottaw<1 of our claim to equality of opportuni­ty in all reasonable respects.

Large Liberal majorities have to be overturned in all but five riclings. That may be possible in some of them. But the first step towards assurin"

"' a proper division of representation rests with St. John's.

We believe, therefore. that the provincial interest requires and their own experience and ser\'ice amplv justify the return to parliament ~f W. J. Browne and James l\IcGrath.

• • • It may be said, perhaps

[l·uthfully, that some rcsiden· tial properties in St. John's arc taxed nl a much !own· rate than similar propet·tie~ in Halifax. But it is extremely dou.btful if the raisin-g of ap· prm~als on the few tlwt ;,ro undertaxrrl would make up a large additional revenue. The hulk of income taxation is paid hr a great number of small taxpayers rather than n small number of large tax· payers. ~lorrover, it has' to r,~ considered that the criterion of taxation within a province is the total extracted from the puhlic in relation to capa· city to pa)'. \\'ilh the cost ot 1i1·ing established as about 12 per cent hi~h0r ·in St. ,Tohn's than in Halifax and with the salrs tax superimpr.srrl on this highrr co't of consumer ~onrls of all ldnds, it is nro!:alllv true to say that while ;nm~ inrlivirtnals co11lrl pa)' more without being badly hurt, tbr total amount of taxation cnJ. leclc'l hy all gol'ernmrnl< in Xrwfonndland is rcl:lth·el1· hi~her than in any other prol~­ine~.

1!1 • •

If ll'e tak<' the cn.<r of ~t. .Tohn'.<, we would find that the burdens of poliee nnrl fire deonrtmenl.< would a1lrl n millinn <hllars to cit1· rl:'le!Hl· ilurc.<. Tlwrr nr~ pcoplr. 1•:llo .<rem to thinl< thnt an d•lca· tion t::x ~hnuld also he ,·ol­lcr~crl. On tlw ns,umptian t!l:;t a yield of less th~n S51l~.ooo would he the minimum to hr~ rxrcrlcrl from thi:; .<ourcc, it would mean that St. John's

• • • We have been prompted to

discuss this subject by the growing problems of many local governments in New­foumll~nd. These have been emphasized by the present contro1•ersy in Corner Bronk o1·er the taxation of Bowaters, They may be seen also in the situation ill Bell Island where. the town council, to supply an efficient water and sewer­a~e system and to pro\:ide the local roads and other serv­ices so badly needed, would three million dollars. T hi s ha1•e to incur a debt of about would involve carrying charges of S250,000 a year nnd thc;e, added to the stanrlard main· tcnance costs. would impose a very hca\'Y burden on the people on the island. It ma1· he mlrlcd that the low stanrt· ani of housin~ in \\'ahana could not possibly justif)' ta):· ation of the level required to meet such costs.

• • • The simrle fact seem~ to

be that the peculiar mture of thr. Nel'.'[oumlland econonl\' and the adrlitional fact that local govemment is of such recent ori~in romhine to throw upon the shoulders of thr. pro1·incial administration many char.~es that arc heinl! met with difficult)' by ln~al ~o1wnrwn1s on the main· laml. This province anrl its incorporated communities will hai'C to ~row much richer he· fore we ran hone to he nhle to meet more th:ln a frnctiQn of the needs of our urhan ;;rca' out of e:Jher local or prorincial taxation.



Editor Daily News, Dear Sir-1 think that the

Americans arc right in con· ductin!: their rocket and sate!· lite 1:xperiments in full view of the public and the world.

- ~~ ~ ·-Strength For The Day i What Others Are Sa~ing[

Outside of the fact that it woula seem to them to be pa· ticntl~: impossible in a coun· tr)' like the States to keep the thing a secret in peace time, your friends and enemies are more likely to accept as facts your successes if you are equally frank about admitting your failures. . Arlmitt~r.;y some of the press in the States committed excessc:> of press agentry in rcportin::: the !mild up of the satellite program hut that is par for the course in that country or indeed in any countr)' where a rclutivr· ly free preos exists. There is a n~tural antidote for this son ol thing and that is the f:1ct that the second or third time it i; no longer news all(! the sen>~tion seekers turn else;\ here leaving the field to those a gcncies interested in presenting facts only. So I ~ay mOL'<' power to them for hal'ir.g the courage to risk humiliation. I sometimes wish !hal our own governments were iiS f:-3nk about their failures and projects invoh·· in!< the public purse.



As John Wesley lay on his death­bed, he raised his arms to hea\·en and cried: "But the best of all is, God i~ with us."

That noble declaration has been quoted millions or times in the past century and three quarters. John Wesley was born Into an Engli~h generation that had about gi\'en up all pretense of Christianity. Vitality had gone out of religion to such an extent that the churches were empt~· and clergymen ever)•whet·e treated with contempt. When Weslev died a very old man, he had the satisfac­tion of seeing religion restored in England to its rightful place. And his followers for generations would quote his words: "But the best of all is, that God is with us.''

Yet this is only one half of a glor~ ious and very arresting truth. God is with us and on our side, but He is also on the other side. ,

Model'll Christianity lays almost its entire emphasis upon the practical aspects of religion. Christianity is often regarded by world leaders pri­marily as a moral improvement en­terprise. It is designed to make the world a better place in which to live. But Jesus was always talking about heaven, He tried to bring heaven down onto the earth, but he also kept pointing men to the heaven above and to God who reigns there.

God is here. He is on our side. But He is also on the other side-on the other side of sound and space and time.

MODERN FREIGHT TRAIN From the St. Thomas Ti!Tles-J ournal

Not many years back it was quite common for an impatient pedestrian or motori~t to exclaim at a railway crossing that. the freight train that delayed him "must have been a mile long." He was quite right because· trains of 100 cars, or 110 which· used to be the limit, if figured at 40 to 50 feet, per car, and the distance in be­tween each car added, the total length would be 5,000 to 6,000 feet or more.

VSE f'OR DOOR K:'\OCKEII~ Winnireg Free Press

B1 ilbh nutcracker makers had noticed that tloorknocl\cr:;, which hnsicall)' are bars of mclal hinged, could he ~old exempt from purchase tax, wh~rcas nutcrackers, which basically arc bars of metal hin~cd, were taxed 15 per· c~nt.

So they bored two small holes in one arm of their nut­crackers and sold them, tax free, as doorknockers.

If the buyer, instead o( using the small holes to nail his knocl;cr to the door pre· !erred to crack nuts 11 ith it, that was surely his affair. A man might crack nuts with his teeth. Should a 15 per­cent, nutcracker tax, then, be imposed on dentures?


Fredericton Gleaner There is a particular!~' htart

warming story out o[ WeY· mouth, Nova Scotia, where three weeks ago the boat· building plant of We~·moulh Industries Limited was badly damaged in a fire, throwing 100 men out of work. · But the fire has not beaten

Weymouth, its boat-building industry, or its worltmen. De­spite a 300,000 loss in the fire it is expected that boats will be shipped from •Weymouth again by the end of March.

The damaged buildings are being rc buill and the com­pany's employees arc donal· ing their time without pay to the reconstruction job.

The decision, made by the men on their own initiative, is a key factor in the firm's quick return to production.

TIIREE TOO 1\fANY Sault Slc, Marie Star

What had happened to the drivers in Sault Ste. Marie? Alreardy, only two months past January 1 we have three tratric deaths upon our col­lective conscience.

! dom Doukhobors.

The more incorrigible •sons· seem likely to accept an in· 1·itation to go back to Rus· sia. Since their oniy contri· bution to this province seems to ha1·e been dynamiting of railways, bombings, nude par ades and !(cneral trouble· makmg, we would be glad to see the last of them.

A I.EADf:RS' DEBATE? Halifax Chronicle-Herald The reported proposal h~·

some Liberal strategists that Hon. Lester Pearson meet Prime ~linister Dicfenbaker on the same platform some time before ballots are cast ~larch 31 is an interesting and constructive suggestion. Such a debate would revive one of the best features of early post-Confecleratlon poli· tics and provide a means for 5hootins rlown on the spot ~orne o[ the half-truths now flowing from orators in the current campaign.

Yours very truly, l:LAlSDE STEWART.


CUA~CE Editor, Daily News

Dear Sir:-In ll!C 1930; Prime :\liuistcr lt. B. Bennett told the c~nadian people: "1 will blast my way into the markets of the world." The result of his "blasting" are well known. The)' were disastrous.

We now hai'C another Tory Prime )linislct·-the first since Bennett. H i s ill·considered policieo have already disturh· ell Canrda's natural trade pat· teru and contributed to the business recession which has brought in its wake our first emergency since the depression.

Through a very peculiar tw1st of fate Mr. Diefenbaker found himself Prime )!inister in June

L,\ROUR DIVmES IS of last year. Could we expcet BRITAIN him to be the directing force

St. John's News in the C~·binet and Parliament? A sharp dividing line on lf the members of his Cabinet

foreign policy has been drawn had some prel'ious experience between the practical and sen· to help guide him, perhaps he r.ible members of the British and they could have dealt with Labour Party and the theor· tense situations as they arose, etical socialists who make un hut they all lacked experience. th.e party's intellectual left The Government 01 Canadr. for wmg. 8 months ~as ~e~n run mostly

A stout old Lahourite like by the semor ciVIl ~ervants. , Emmanuel Shinwell has come . On~ of ~~~. D1efenbaker s out stl'ongly for bipartisanship pecuh~r dec1s~ns was to try in foreign policy. He has seen a~d diVert .15 ,o of our trade the practical side of balancing wt~h .the Un.lted States~~ Gre~t Russian power with Western Bnta1~. Th1s has re~ ted 1.n power in the nuclear !ielc' un~a~mess and. confus_1on., He .1s

and has derided the Foots and bulldmg up anh-Amertcamsm m 1\likardos, the Gait.skels and C;)na~a. U.S. Ambassador Mer­Wilsons who seem to think chat 1s greatly concerned, (see that 8 disarmed west can be Newsweek of Feb~uary 3). . safe In a world in which Rus· E~ery day D1~fenbaker. Is sia alone is armed. !'lakmg more. enem1es .In WllSh·

The thing that is difficult mgton: H.e u creatm~ more to garsp is how any sensible ~onfus10n .m trade. He IS mak· person can afford to trust the mg eondittons tougher at home Russians to the point of agree· for h~ndreds of thousands of . 1 h Canadians. mg t? et t em have the only Diefenbaker, through his stu· atom1c weapo?s in Europe. pidity has thrown away the op­For th.e, fact IS. that on!y . by_ portu~ity for hundreds of stockp1hng gUided m1ss1le, th ll "nds of Canadians to earn and ?ther nuclea.r weapons a ~lrl~g. for .1~stant re~ahatlon can If you 'are unemployed, you Russia~ aggress1v~ power be can blame him mainly, for in neutr.ahzed as a first step to tcrferring with your Jiving. practical disarmament, Through h i s Inefficiency.

There can be no doubt in anyone's mind that highway accidents arc ncar!~/ always avoidable. Why, therefore do we have to face this unaitcr· .able fact that our highways proved fatal to three well· beloved persons in the fii'Sl two months in 1058?

PLYMOUTH; England-CP­GLAD TO EE TJIEI\1 GO Gun~cr Peter Staines had a

bungling and lack o[ under standing of the duties of a Prime Minister-lost for the voters-the unemployed of Can ada-hundreds of millions of dollars of w~:oges.

Vancouver Province pint of beer on the army !or We can sec nothing but recruiting his brother and 8

~1eneflts for British Columbia Said his_ commanding officer, m the proposed migration to Lt.·Col. Richard Webster· Russia of the Sons of Free· "We're proud of you."

Canada, under Liberal Gov. ernments, was very prosperous

Edson In Washin By PETER EDSON

Dems Grab Legislative Bal~ Head For Vote-Time Goal

WASHIXGTO~-INEA) - '·We are into another do-nothing session of COi;~:·e;s.' one Republican leader. off the record. •·] . seen politics being played harder or worse."; another.

Principal complain of the Republicans il: with the Democrats in control of all r-m1orp.::­

committees. the minority can't find majority what the year's legislative

be . Two months of the pre.;ent session of Co:f

are now down the drain. There are only five months to go if the Congress is to adj for fall electioneering.

So far fewer than 20 puolic laws ::.r:e passed by Congress and signed by Pre5idrnt

hower. They cover principally three supp]i::nenti

-Fang has to his premil

It is quite an i and gives hir

for his expandil

ng is going cameron Broth

the residence of and the

company's l It is to be be seen bu

fill a long·f community. first sod for Jo~

new buildi today but from

with ~Jr. Rorke 1 decision as t~

until it is l!oWel'er,

to the c• nrnnPrh• and 1

POSlUOn tJ their lar1

Depart i

propriation bills. fi\'e technical tax law amend:1 and such things as renaming a ccupl~ o! Kiwar<h Cl authorization for the President to issue an over 1 statehood centennial proclamation and apprOit Strat Pike, a Ft. ).her. Va., monument to commemorate thi~~t 0i~ nirplan~ flight on aD Army installation. in emerger

President Eisenhower':;; legislative in St. J d t . h intere~

nearl\' 100 specific recommen a tons ''5 ''"·.lljili~rnett1in~ that h most "completely lost sight of. . understand ar

These recommendations were con tamed: President"s state of the union, budget. education, farm. labor, foreign trade, and other special message:). .

Congress is now pursuing a com[;:~:e,y pendent course and taking its time in program it will enact this year.

OnlY one clue has been gi\·e nso L:· 0~ the pri~cinal items on this Democrat p1 be. At the S!OO-a-plate Democratic Washington. Senate i\lajority Leader Ly~.dcr. son named 10 subjects to which Con~:e>S give priority. . J

Johnson's list was largely overlo''''~'' ex-President Truman was principal sp<'·'·'er.

· l't · ·ks made 1•' ~l!er affair. Harry:; po 1 e Iemar . . .. ing and more memorable r.eadmg. .,. · Senator Johnson's 10-pmnt progr~ •.. specific. either. He just menti~ned :~·.~,., .. 1

which there would be action. Without ~ .. ,,,

the legislation would contain. . , Princioal reason for this was thal

al CommW~ees ~re still holding hearing~ on I 't ,,·en these subjects. On some they 1a~en t.· n Johnson didn't want to give the Impn:~otO· dictating to Congress on what laws to

But this was his list, with bref. 1 comments added to indicate the scope o

may ventually come out. . . Housing-Senator Spark~an ~D-\ ~· \,

readv introduced this first b1ll, gomg \\a) administration proposals. ·. Education-it will probably include for primary, secondary, college and training and facilities.

up to June of last year and since then there has been a great decline in emplorment:

Diefenbaker by d1sturbmg natural trade relations with the United States has lust several billion dollars worth of Ameri· can money that would be spent in Canada this year. In take home pay this money repre­sents a living w;:.ge for hundred~ of thousands of our Canadian ~itizens.

You tbe voter, must decide :1etween Liberal Policy and Tory Policy, Ask yourself the fiUestion: which party can give you the assurance of better liv· ing conditions in the immediate years &head7

On the one band the consistent record of Liberal of you will •• ,.,@lllD'P ·

pression of the ment. All of you bl recollections ol t months ol the To!!' baker Government. ~ . d't' ns '' lion of con 1 to r

Tory Governme.nt 0

Unemploymet Ill rel'>Ching the Voters must think make up their . I am sure in and comparison the!' Liberal. The issue U up to the people.

week's mectin! Boys' Public the winner part in the

to be held in



o far on ~ pro~ralll L' dinner Lyndon

.ookcrl , nea 1\ er at li\·el~er



Newsy Briefs Obituary

CARBONEAR, March 11-Ce· ' ~·- cilia Gear, beloved wife of Mr.

, , \ 'l \I.• !'d' 111 - Richard Ge f N th B ·' .... : .:.,.

1111 .. r: 111• of . CARBONEAR, March l().;..A of fish from South Cout ports. r! ar, 0 or ern ay,

. ;:: ·;.h :.,.11

,,r,• ~~oin~ Well Baby Clinic will be held Her return cargo will be of ~!!s~t ~~~~~ on Sunda~ In he~ .1 ~. ;·, !:::; ;lllcl \\'alls in thll Red Cross Hospital on fertilizer for Harvey and Com· 1 nev:r Yi 11 year. d fecease

, "' , ... :1 ".t 1, 11d a the third Thursday of the pany,. Ltd., and general cargo u Y recover~ rom an

· ~··~·: 1,.,. 11 •. 1, lwir.~ month, ,,larch 20th a n d William Oates, Water Street ftt:c~ 11°fth pnc~m~ruk suff~red

; .. , · i,·,·t.-um i:< to mothers are asked to bring the East, is not feeling well and is tabs haom' e ouugt'l 5 be tept 8 oukt ,,., · ' little tots along. They are un· under the doctor's care. We e n 1 a ou a :-vee

,:. •'•" ,•r I 1 :~. 1 ~0111~ able to •et there with out being II wish him well before her death. The late Mrs. t!H n n"' It 1 ~ •11. • o • Gear was a model wife and

· 11 h 1, tilt• 1oh 1s taken, so please mothers, take - mother 1£1 i h if f . I h , , .... ,·It will h!• them. Mrs. John Mattick ood two the go'odsaocrf tchonsg ehrsel odr • I 1 .t' ' ... hild h . i d 111 e s e ovc · : ,, : '" .,, !>uli1Ln,: he· •. -, -- c ren ave reJO ne r. 1 even to the end, for her lasi '

, 1 1 " .r tilt' ••x· ~lr. c,r) \\ nreham had the :\lattick and are now residing I thoughts were of h h b d · ~··~' r.;.,: ... , ::. 1 t'l';:in·•l. . misfortune. to h~vc the tops of in the capital, where they will who Is well over e~~ht~s Y:~r~ 1

.. _ _ .. 1 1 wu of Ins imgers se\·ered I have the good wishes of all their 1 o£ age She WJIS a d .0 t c th - Jl , ! }' 1\hilc working at W. J. 1.\!oores, friends. Jllay their stay there i lie and died as she\ 1~ d a


}Ul ( mgs L!d .. on Wcdncsdap last. Mr. I be very happy. . I oustanding christla~. ~~~vivt~ ~ \\ :;rchmn was taken to the Red \ -- ' I are her husband two 0 n

. rro>o Ho~pital, where Dr. Ro)vc Mrs. Arthur Penney Wll6 a re· James at home 'and Tl s ns, !• ·.! 1 • . · • ·' l'::·~r attended to his injuries. Be 1 cent visitor from St. John's. teach~r at the ' Boy~' l~mas,

• 1,, ~. • • • '" '"' rol\1 h:ul to remain In the lnstitu·l -- Whitbournc· three da ht~"!~ 1t ,, ", ·, ., lntJ1 11 :·tll'~ tion for 8 couple o£ days and

1 The Earle freighting Service 1\frs. Patrick l\lcCarth~· u~op ~~j

. , . _. , , .1!11. ~mpl; is now on the way to com·~· Ltd., has taken possession o£ Mrs. Gus Howell Northern ;ar, !:• ~. , .. c .. · d.r., bu,.· plctc rccol'cr~·. the old po~t office and already and 1\lrs. Jnmc; Butt of t~l~

-- , It is part!~ filled with potatoes, town· one brother Michael H ~lr .. I.Ia~nah of the. C~na~i.~n 1 turnips, ca.bbage, onions, flour, J gan, 'at Norris Ar'm, and nin~:

Hl d u os:. head quat !CIS dt\IS· etc.: and rt looks as If every teen grandchildren to all vr 1011, was m town on Satut·day a\·r.rlable Inch o£ space will be whom we extend deepest sym· nnd l:nnfcr.rcd with Mrs. Chand· used to store the Company's pathy. Funeral took place at !cr. Supmntendent of t~c hos·

11argc . stocks o£ provisions, Northern Bay this morninR at


ptt:tL on !"alters relatmg to : groccrtes n~d mea!Ji. While 10 o'clock, following Solemn i the tnslltull~m. He hopes to re·l much or !herr goods are ship· Mass of Requiem, celebratcJ . turn on \\ ednesday,. when a I ped to La~rador ports, the com· by Monsignor E. J, O'Brien. !

.l·hn Rorkr further conference wrll be held.\ pany carrres on a retail and 1

-- wholesr.le business here. Ex· i ::. ' · ,,:.::n~ •x:~• ~li~s ~lary Kennedy, who· re· pandlng business compelled

: :n 1''' 0 '•'r ccntly graduated f r o m St. I them to find more space, sence : : ~. '"' tilullli clare's ~lcrcy Hospital School the purchase of the old post

.·.- • • . ~,.~~~n!nanr'!" - · · ·' 1 .. ut· thr~1

-:·. 1bn ,.,.,,r . c ~·' Clil'l\•

of :o\'urslng is now on the staff o£Iice. Capt Guy Earle has his of the Red Cross Hospital. She office In the building while Mr. bc~nn duties on )larch 1st. and F. G. Earle occupies that In we trust her stay will be the main premises. 1 lengthy and happy, -- \

Sgt. Hammond, accompanied

Sketches b)'


'"OLU tn::JJUU1't.t.U LUVt;" Patients at the Red Cross by three cadets, arrived from Jlo,pilal now includ ~Irs. :llark Salvation Army headquarters;

· Cc•k at'd )Irs. John Ash, Vic· St. Julin's on Saturday, for

Dr!Hll'tment · ~~~~~1~ !IJ~pc~''~·sl~~~mb~o~~~ ci~~~~\ ~~~~:e~h!e~r;;~s~~~v\~: :\Irs. Frank Noseworthy, Har· was held on Saturday night,

:: \f: ''· ·. h 6-n~ bour Grace South; Masters I with three on Sunday, r.t 11 .-::l :.· ... : w. :1nd J. Bill)' Seaward of New Perllcan J a.m., 3 and 7 p.m. The visitors

and Lewis. King of Perry's Cove; 1 were Introduce~ to the con greg· •. • :• ,. ·y nwdc·rn


~Irs. Cyrtl Case. of Salmon 1 atlon at the ftrst meeting .bY !·.:• ~ .. , .. :. ,. 11 tlw hR,r· cove: an~ :\Irs. Eliza A. Clarke \the Corps Officer, Sr. MaJor !>:r ;.r ~ :• rq•nrpl'rl

1 or Vrctorra. Eason, who extended to them

I want a real old·fashioned love , • . a gentle girl and true , . . who with a smile can turn gray clouds , , . into the fairest blue . . . I need a girl 1

with beauty that . , , goes be· yond form or face • • , a :1 falthiul sweetheart I can hold 'It • . . in heaven!); embr£oCe . . . i · one who can say I understand 1

. , . with just a fleeting glance ;

.•• a darling who will see me through • • • the roughest cir· ' cumstance • • • mr heart re· ., quires tenderness ••. give me


someone with this • . . and I I wil have a trer..>ure chest . , • , o£ most enchanting bliss • . . I perhaps I'm reaching for the I stars , , , that roam the skr I · above , , , but I will search 1·

until 1 find . • . a real old· 1 fashioned love. 1

''-~·· (';;,,, for d;~pln~· i - \a real Carbonear welcome. The · "'·'· ,.~.<,, f1l! the ' The adjourned meeting of the services were well attended and · •! r::··nmm who t:nited Church congregation will proved very worthwhile. The

~i•h tn h.- r::!r1! with be held on Thursday, .March 13, I Serger..nt delighted his hearers T!:r !1.,,·., i• ,·1nrn•d 1dth nt 8 p.m. In the Church hall.\· with several musical selections,

:: h:.o!r·.::"' at1d the As some very important mat· . understand he Is a talented mu· ~·;;::~> r.: 1, ,11trartin· tcrs are to be discussed, It is i slclan. ': m:· .• , R J..:w n.•,ort· 'hoped there will be a large at· I ------

d .. ~ .. ~~ •,, :.1 :1:t•n w1•rn· . tcndance. .. ::· :.!~l·r. ··! ;tll ace~:. : Road Program

~ir: . ::·r l'·.:.t thr htt''· : The Infant daughter of ltev. : 11 :: .• pn:wint~ tlie : :\lr. and Mrs. B. B. Snow was r:·''. :. •i \.,. thr Ctlm- 1 christened Kathryn Gladys I;il· 1

1 !ian. on Sunday last, by Rev. ; CARBONEAR, March 10 -

: A. '/\. llolmnes. ll'he Government's new road· • 'I • 1 - \building programme, as an·

·am~ . eCllll ~ l We regret to •hear that :llr .. nounced during ~he past few ~ ' Andrew Oates, o£ the South days by the Prenner, Is a topic

Side, suffered a heart attack o£ much talk theEe days, al· \li. ~brch lO-At whilst working at Saunders, most. much as the forth-coming

Th:;r;dn's ~r.c ... tm~ of the ' Howell and Company. on 1\lon· election. Roads ha~e played a I K·i·~•r. 1 • c: 11 h. which :dar. Latest reports say he Is prominent place m your re­

pmidf~ 01 ,.r ~11 rrc~i· 1 resting comforta~ly and he has porters notes during the past, · J. St~at l':;.r. Kt\\'anian 1 our \'frp best wrshcs. at times she has went so !r.r as

l!GQrl !pnk·· on ~matem : - t~ state that with good roads and :he p•:o ;1 can and ::\lr. ~lyles Furlong, repre· we ~ould soon build up a large ;1;:. in rnH· .,1.::des ~ul'll sen tin:: C. A. Hudson, Is. In I tourrst trade. She has. put

!~ •· .1 .. Ju:·; l;;st town and is e.ng~ged audltmg i roads a!tead of hotel, m?tel and 1: ·.1;1 .~ ... ~ 1 r.:: talk the book3 of Fmn s Garage. He such hke .1\Ccommodahon for, . ''-" .. : 1.· · 1:'· hearers is registered at Goff's Hotel. as often pomted out~ the great· ::r:!i·:-t;r. · r:rt agree I est number o£ tourrst we may

1 Mr. Wilfred Nicholl. ac· expect will be those with re­~ro.•., .. ,.. .. r.o; will lc·a·: countant with the Department latlves In our province, all o£

Week's Sew· Thrifty __




~~· E·.,. :· :~!~~ Sprakin~: of Tra.ns~ort. Moncton, N.B. whom have qul~e a few dollars . :~.~ ·.· ::.:·.,,!. nf which who ts m Ney,ioundland on to .spend, whrle some have

roc· .1r •"r Provincial business for his Department, considerable amounts. Many of 1 .··

!' '' r.r:~ m St. John's sp~nt the wcek·end with his· them would come if they we~e : ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. able to travel by car to drf· : Nicholl. £erent parts of the Island, ·1 - especially those of£ the Avalon

Neil Earle, son of !llr. and Peninsula. Now it looks as If ! ~Irs. George Earle, South Side, they will be able to do that celebrated his eleventh birthday much sooner than we had eK· . a few days ago, We extend to peeled. We now that all the I ·

\1..\f: '•!:nil 111

_ him best wishes !or many happy mentioned rooos will be of In· returns. tcrest to many people and all

· •~·' '· ''"" ''''"t·i~tir.~ will watch the progress o£ road .\r.~::.-:,: sc:wo!; h•·hl :.liss Shirle•· Nicholl o! Bell buidlng with interest but to the • ·.•, ~,~,,. 1 •hi< r.. Island was in town o~er the wr ter t ree o t em,. at least, . I r ~ •::~·. ".· ffi('t'l in!! in ,} I 1 b r h

·•it· ... , j · e,1' weck·end. the guc5t of lllrss Ann will hold the limelight for p,.,: .' ' .. ."' ·",''~!. T.lr .. ·Butt, Southside East. ·quite some time, le, that lead· · .... .. · ,. latr 1r • · •>r· •.,. ·. ·, .

1 mg to Grates Cove, the one

·b~,: .. , ··: : ,1'1~"' ~~~~ ~lr. and Mrs. Oscar Rose of leading to Salmon Cove, r,nd or. 101 •• , ·''· '"!' " L. Bell Island were guests of Mr. last,, but not least, that con· . ., . · · · mn~wnr; · and ~Irs. Ted Churchill for the nectmg Bay D'Espolr with the

....... . -:, l .111\'rntlc· clc· • · • i. "·, . 1 . 1 week·cnd. woods road. Thrs last mentron· • . •· · · ·~ .1 a pro 1· d · d Ill b I h tr. Co:~.or.r_:,!. 1, i< 3 oh·, - e roa w r ng new ope :\ t .. ,., ,

1 ·

1 pr 1 :'llr and Mrs. Herbert Swain and new lfe to that section of

" j, J .r .. (t our .. . :n;l ...... i · i.1 · i• ;, ,roh· ' o! Bell Island were recent the South Coast which, up to

tr.a~, p:.n< r,f thr ~~~;del ' RUests of 1\lr. and :\Irs. Churc· recently ~~ often been refc~; a prr1hh·tr. 1 11 . 1 i r " t. · hill red to as the forgotten coast.

to , 1·.r~-,··,. 1 ,~ " .• rclal i • After visiting parts of that sec· • •' · m:nr cc ' ti ] · ;r.~ how to ·deal with 1 Mr. and Mrs. c~·rll Case of on on a coup e o occasrons

o1r., of lh~ m~io'r IJl:c<· Salmon Co\'e and rejoicing In yo~tr reporhtert wast. c1ompekllled ~of

o r.u:· ;,~e. Hi.<· 1 ~ 1k 11.~, the birth or a son, born at the wr e a s or ar rc e as ng. 1 ,,,.J ' ~'•lr ,1r th· , , . Hed Cross Hospital and so are It were not possible to burld h: .. R•··:. 11·. 11 ~ n. ~~;;,: · ~l:. a~d lllrs. Elias Cole of such a road but, I guess, many · ·:· rndor•c•l A Vrctorra. thought I was a bit wrong In hour follower! · · · · the head. Nice to find out 1

· A son was born to Mrs. was not. Here's luck to the new · Florence Cole, of Victoria, as road·bulldlng programme. I've 1 well as to !\frs. Marjorie Gosse, travelled the Grate's Cove road, of Spaniard's Bay, whlll' a son 1 too, and only lwt year that to

I w~s born to ~Irs. Mildred Vat· I Salmon Cove sands. It was a ~larch 10 _ ' ers of Victoria. To the proud 'I nightmarish experience.

Church \\'nman·1 parents we extend warmest con· , 1

h. heir! . its wcr kl)' 1 gratulations. 1 Ho"'pl"tal 1 1' ennmc. with the .~ ~h G, F.. Soper in · Sorry to have to report thnl . •

.It wa~ dt•cirlcrl tn hol!l ' :\Irs. RO)' Mahaney has had to Committee and Cookie Sale n I re·enter the Red Cross Hospital.

Howell and Com. -- • tomi Street store on I :llr. Ted Churchill arrived ~~e~£ Saturday, \larch i home frorit Goose Bay, where ; 1 . crs ol the 1~socia· he has been employed for

~~II as their frir·nds, some time, during the past th 0 send their dona· week.

e store a~ ~arll' as -ion that day. It was i Mr. Edward Burke, CNT soc' at the meeting to


operator at Corner Brook was Halri el'ening in the In town, the guest of ~llss Ann

16th 1 onh \\'e!lne3dn~·. Butt. of' ho w lch all . the

t e congre~atton ore ~roaram•nT.here will be a

The M.V. ••Alcala", owned by The Earle Freighting Ser· vice, 1s loadlni dry fish at Bay Roberts, for Halifax,

Sew·easy Printed Pattern, to brighten your summer! Sew these gay fashions now - won­derful for sun and fun. Care­free T·shirt with convertible neckline, slim shorts, pedal pus· hers.

Printed Pattern 4532: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 shirt takes 21,2 yards 35-lnch fab. rle: shorts, 1 'ril yards.

Printed directions on each pat· tern part. Easier, accurate.

Send FIFTY CENTS (in coins) (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Please print plain• ly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER.

Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWS, Pattern Dept, 60 FRONT ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT.


' tr' • • ,

_;..,._, __ -

Sew and Save· You save when you sew your own fashions for Spring and Summer •.. and you save even more when you. buy your fabrics from The Royal Slore5. V!e have all the newest colors, patterns and textures .•• ready to sew into wonderful fashions for the Nhole family ! Now is the time to see, select.

Sole Agent for

BUTTERICK The Easy-to-Use



· Wo·ol Clan Tartans T ex-Made Cottons We have a grand assortment of wool plaids in a55orted clan designs, 54 inches wide .. Popular for skirts, suits, slacks and chlidren's wear. About 14 different clans to select from. Price per yard .............................................. $2.00

WOOL JERSEY English wool jersey cloth in navy, red, wine, brown, peacock blue and royal blue; 54 inches wide. Price per yard .......................................... ...... $3.00

A big assortment of well known "Tex-Made" dress cottons in charming Polka Dot, Floral and Check designs. They are 36 inches wide and will launder beautifully. Special per yard ............................................ 62c.

TAFFETA Rayon Taffeta in plain shades of lavender, gold, green, lemon, brown, g:·ey, wine, red, navy and light blue; 38 inches wide. Special per yard ............................................ $1.00

Dress Nylon Sheer Nylon This dress Nylon is 40 inches wide and comes in popular Polka Dot designs •• White:Oots on ground ~hades of red, ~ovy, lig'·t blue .and powder blue • Price per yard .................. $1.40

You will love these sheer Nylons. They come in grpund shades of pinK, blue, gold and aqua. Printed in assorted pretty designs; 50 inches wide . Price per yard .................. $1 .SO

Spring-Lovely Fabrics VElVETEEN English Velveteen in plain shades of rose, green, wine, lavender, light blue, gold, navy and black. 36 inches wide. Excellent quality, very moderately priced. Special per yard .................................................... $2·50 DRESS NYLON _ Ground shades of rost, aqua, red, fawn, brown, blue and purpfe, nicely printed in contrasting patterns, 40 inches wide. Also plain navy, black and white. Price per yard .................................................... $1 .50 REPP CLOTH Rayon blend Repp Cloth in navy, wine, red, brown, aqua, green and black. It is 57 inches wide and popular for suits and skirts. ~. d 1 nee per yar .................................................... $1.90 GABARDINE Popular for suits, skirts and school uniforms is this Rayon Blend Gabardine. It is 60 inches wide and shown in navy, wine, brown, fawn, blue, white .1nd black. Price per yard .................................................... $2.50 BENGALINE • A fine cord material in plain shades of pink, aqua, green, wine, red, saxe, navy, black and white. 45 inches wide. Price par yarcl. ................................................... $1.50 DRESS SILK Colors of light blue, pink, lemon and white. 45 inches wide. Price per yard ...................................................... $ I .35 NYLON DRESS NET. 72 inch' Nylon Press Net at a new low price. Shown in aqua, torquoise, lavender, red, nile green, pale blue, champagne, maple sugar, maize, dark green, pink, rose, cotillion blue, navy, white and block. Special per yard .................................. : ................... 6Sr:.·



followed bv every woman

Is asked to open and to The "Lila B. Boutller" Is en·

route to Halifax with a carao

CARBONEAR, March 11-A meeting of the Hospital Com· mlttee was held In the Board Room of the Red Cross Hospl· tal this evenlnj!, with the vice chairman presiding. There was a fairly large attendance snd much work was satisfactorily disposed of. Froin reports glv· en by the Superintendent, Mr1. Chandler, and the Treasurer, Mr. S. T. Jones, It could easily be seen that the hospital Is functioning very satisfactorily and filling a long felt need In the eommunlty, Aa time goes on It will likely expand In area and scope of operation.

BAYONNE, N.J. (AP)-The lwt battleship of the United States Navy was retired Satur· day. After nearly 13 years of service, the 45,000·ton Wisconsin will return to· Inactive status here with 30 other obsolete ships. The Wisconsin had a fighting career from the time it was loonched In 1943. Her powerful 16·lnch guns were used J

in the Second World War and the Korean War. llnB&Jllllllllllllllll['1llllnmJ~::'I!tJIIllllllil:l~"''il':;gur~'··:··~~·:····~.::::z:a:;;w::;·I:!L:i<l.:.,; ~;;,:~;.~c..~.:J::J(.w;;l.:w.J."""."!:l~j~.~•••';~~:·~l:'l!lllJaii'Jt:~


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-::.'.~~-."'!_, __ c~~L"~~,~~~·-:¥_F_O_R·-. _T ___ H ___ E--L-ADIES * i The t•csular wcrkly duplicate cr, 50 Lc~larchant Road, re· 1 I

bMd~c tonrnament ~~~s held ~nt~ announced the engage·~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ww~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­

lr.ost \\'cdnesda~· cl'cning In the . mcnt or their daughter, Flora, ~tcuainc of the Newfoundland to \\'illiam, son of Mr. t.ttd Mrs. Hotel and the following is a Kitchcncr Crowlt:'y or Western list or wintlt'rs: 1 a>a~. '' 51\llllliCI' wedding is

North·Soulh-1. Mr. and ~h·s. planned. t'. Vogl: 2. R. Jean• anti L. ·--·-Stel·ens: 3. A. King and C. ElllliL\LI> ISI.I~ Whitten. ,IJr .• lame~ lluugh. wlw spent ,

E1\S'f·\\'EST -- t. 1:. Muot'l•s : a holid~y in Ire laud last year, and Capt. n. Hayden: 2. \\'. ! will !lii'C an ilhtstt·atcd lecture Newbury and R. Stone: 3. ft·llt. t•n '.''fhc Emerald Isle," in and ~Irs. D. ErickJr·n. li:Jwca· Street Church Lecture

Interest in these tournaments llr·ll on St. Patrick's night at is ln!ensi!ying as e1·idencrd b)· 8 o'clock. The meeting will be the good turn·out and it is hop· under the auspices of the ed thb interest will continue. Aftcmoun Aul'iliary of the Wo· A welcome is extended to any man's ~lissionary Society of .and all ba·idgc players to come the Church. along next Wednesday ei'Pning. , Pia)' commences shr·rp at B p.m. WEDUI:'\G TO:IIORROW

GET .\CQU,\I~TED PARTY Gamtna Chapter o{ Beta

Sigma Phi held thrir ~et ac· quaintrd party ·on :\lunda~· reb. 24th. at the home 11! thl' Pro· gramme Director ~lis> .\laa·jorit• Br.ll.

The t hrmr wa~ a fntw~· hat party. Prin·s whrrc ~i\'cn foa·

The wedding of Gerald, son :of ~tr. and ~Irs. ~larshall Gray

of 62. l'rcshwater Road tc.kes plaet• on Saturda~·. ~larch 15th at Channel to :\liss Barbara llr·nd, youn~est dflughter of ~lr. ilnd :'lh·s. ~!organ Hand ol l'hannel. Gt•rald is working at Red Hock with the ·Canadian :\atiJn:;l Tclcgr;.phs. •

the nw>t ori~inal. which was . . . .. . . . -, -.-W<'n !I). )It'>. In~ rid Frilllk anrl 1 TH Kl'. t.s (,0;'1\Jo. the mo"t roloriul. ,,·11n by ~li.<s Pl'ilrllcall.l· all a'rH'I'I'rd srr·t.• Carol Chair, ~lr>. Ruth ~laun· · for the . play 'Trudie Song" dcr took rulourrd mu,·ics ol whtch ~~•1.1 l~c ma st~gc . at the mock fa;hinn p;.rarir. llt>hop I· raid l ollr~r Hll!htol'lum

The ~ur>ts wrrr ~lr> .. \lartlw unclrr I h r dtreciHlll John Britton. .\1r.•. ln~rirl Frank. llolmt'' nn St. !':..trick's night Mrs. Gloria Shtll'i. ~lb> .lane h .. ,.,. l~rrn rithra· bookc~ ~or Brian ancl ~lb .• l'rancr; llralr)'. ~old. Some ~cnra:al adnussaon

On ~londa). ~lan·h lOth t;;.m· >Cillo\ 11'111 he a\'allablc f?r !he ma t'haptcr hclrl thrir ~!oriel · play, and an odrl scat 111 the MectinJ: fur future member> at re>l't'I'Cci orctton were lclt by the 'i\\'l'A. Allrr the usual yrs.tcrday afternoon ;,t the box , businc~s mcctin~ thr Cultural o_Htcc at Bowl'ln~ Brothers. rrogrammr, which 11·a~ to ~cc 1 heatre Arls pcrsot~nel have and to ~now. w;1.1 taken 0~· r·ll llccn .on duty _all thas week at . the member.•. ~~i~.l ~lar,inric the ltrkrt o(hcc. a~d rrpt1rt Ball wa1 con1·rn~r for the much antcrcst 111 thc11· pia)',

First Fashions Ffom Puerto Rico .:~: ... ::, .. _:.1 ....... -_ ...... ,

-· ·-~

------· .... ~\

.. --··"1 ...... ,.,__,_, ......•. ._ .......... _ ... _ .. -~ .......... --···-·"' ................. -.,.~ ....

From the sunny Island of Puerto IHc·o rome thrsr. fashions throu~h alloHr use of appliqurd llo\\·ea·s. Sheath itsell is with ' Sll.,:tish rrrllnl[, all of thrm h1· l'nrrtn Rican dcsi~n· nram-colorcd linen, Is a Carlotta Jlenite7. drsign. Thr clc~a'll ('rs, The.\' all nmkr use of thr hrnullfnl handwork or thr. l'ucrto Rican woman favor Island cmhroitlcry Hen lor thrir island. Short nenlnJ: ~own tlrfll hy J.~·dla Rodrit:ucz de lrisure hlllll' fashions. Shirt Md hlousr (ri:lhll h~· ~lr.la Pons



II ASTRO-GUIDE" For Friday, March 14

Present-For You and Yours . . . Good aspects for buying for home. Make it a family co-operative venture, and Jet all members help in selection as well as in the work involved. In p.m .. spend time with .tho~e "ho stimulate you mentally. Optimi~m and cheerfulness pre· dominate under pr~nl radia•

, • , Thoma~ Hart Benton, Future · · ·Half of 1hc "champion of the West," wa~ ~OU inc,~a~e in lhe

'f h 14 178, LJ m lhe nexl 10 lcar1 . on " arc • .-· ' .c "omen. Thtre wi'it b• ·

wa~ U.S. senator from M1ssoun. crease of men in prim~ , He was a great uncle of the age [!roups. In 1966.

famous painter who bi:ars hi~ be 700,000 l:wcr men to 34 th~n today.

The Day Under Your Sign (Barn M.rch 21 to April 20)

~how 't'.tr lfll'f"I:':.,Tirm lwrtily If \our: lou·,J l'lnr brin.~:~ )'til a !-•:rpri~e.

• 1-itl

(Auq, 23 lo Stp!. ?ll _, •. ,,t;r P•:•• k1111 f'<l'Hr :u:-t }PII t-:tn .. olot a prt]r~~m. •


Manner~ Make Friend~

··········· ...., ...... ,,

L!BRA (Sept •. ll to Oel.llJ !\r,..,.· h tl.'=' t1r.'~ t-~ lt.~:t 1 imprt~'i'm- ~1•r::·k b~~:y. · l

~~~~:::~R~~~ ~~~:·l! ',',O,~t rntr r.n )'\IUr 1,,,.. ""~-~ f • q~·.··

CAPRICORN (0«. ll '' A~:,.ct\ ,;u=~~·t •;·. r' .•.. 1,.:..to!1. Rr~t:ic~ ~r.r.·o>i 1 •• .,·,.:;

AQUARIUS IJe•. lO lo F11, J. .. , 1)11~ l'~r•r.·, .- ":'! •n·~ ,,.1ancr- il pm .. ~~r; .. ,.

PISCE~ (Frb. 19 to 1,1.,,~ 1 t~c:,·l intrrl"" ,., • , '':rrl ln•n•l ... J:•fu•, ,, ,.~ •• ,,.

tel Jf"l~~. ,., ... :~ [M.,;.

\dw:hcr or nn1

up lo you.

n:!:hl all('r .... ~,._r('IJ~~ · ·>! .··ou hr. nr·,· :-

. .<il '1"\' r·r·.~ri"l\', ~;: t ,~· .. ,_. 1o n]a\· r-r::i{ h·: .

JI'OUp. Gonlalez has shrath top rmtrlrd whh 'lrrrd hal·k and hrm· dr Alrl(ria u~r same desil(n in hand·rmbroirlcry. P?.Pl'- arr in I ,\lo~l'llflNhON n;,\ AND linr in Sp:ami~h ra~hlon. F.mhroirlery is lavlshrd o1·rr bodice nolll'r.•··rotored lint'ln. htHed high in Spanish st~·lc. Thc'e arc d 1 ~lt!SifALE ,. II 1·uu are in1·itd lu a w•.· ( m::

' ih 1.' Jll'ogr:ani.. R"•:a•J:~ •· arr not· onh >;;· 11:: ·

likr th~ pro~ra::;. f.·:· · implyin~ that ~\:< r.rr"~ Jil<c it has ta"" ~i1a· :;

WEilSESII.\ \' n:U.OW!oilllP and front. A simple sheath hrcomes ctabo•·ate (eentrrl clesigns which C()mhlnr a romantic air with modem !1~1ur. and 'th~ recmtion foiloll'ing. you The ~lacdonalrl Fcllow~hip t •1.1 ·I· 11 Jcl aal•wci· the inl'itation and

cluh will hod an afternoon tcr.o · R\' GAIU·: IJUGAS · tneir 0\\'11 in~rnuit)' In produce blur. coffee brown Md beach' anti wrlcomr l'l>tlor~. ar:: , ~ 110 1o tl \Jl·ide a ~•cddin"

to yours.

ni::ltl \11'. ~kGr; In' ;~ctii'C cam! u~ert in~ at B01

iwd a:-O ~UC':<t ~ ll. m;:gin~. :

.11,11. the pre>i tuuntllan•l r. c.

~It·. Bert Butt. John·=-- h~suranc

f.W.'RS ,\fEET/ ;11 t.'t•Pirr< Wr

p r. t··.ndi< : • :-:: .1 • .lim ~ , · r;t • :a· ht''l c·a .p~:i·~:1 :;, Ill':,

·, ,., ,,n1~"' (·:·;qt,P

ri·!l li:.ll to mr r , Cl:';'! 1•:;.• lli'J

1{;.!: : ~·d OJ;('

'l f}lr IHll:· \'':l~· :w o·.rrll•n\' L'' 1

.. , i1r 1•. a' fill rd The regular meeting of llac Wednc~da)· Fellowship Clull ol Cochrane Street l1nitr.d Church was held on ~larclt 5th. The worship scn·icc w~>!i led hy Mrs. Belli' Arklcs. A bu~incss period !otiowed and plans were finalized lor the home dclircn· ' or turkey tea;, which was held ' on ~larch 8th. Other bu~incss I within the church was di;cu»· 1

ed. A social hour conducted the · meeting. I

and musicale on St. Patrick's · ~~n Juan. Puerto llil'O -:- fashion~ holh tot· th': bland anti hei~:c tlrrs~ according];· hut always ' a ' 0 'rnr lc " ,._.,·n ·n~· frt."II"• h· • :\h\ 1 At lhc opcnmg t1 I I for r· po ·t \ ollr ttc ot h l with a certain restraint which i' prrsrnt. n ' •~c <pr;,~<·r.• .:d : i

afternoon at the \'\\'CA Club s' .. J- II I I II. b ' , .. ·,I' I ·t:' I . t' l'. . c .nl I cahc ~ The rl~gant Puerto Rican wo· ,."rl' "tffnrent !roll\ thn look of It 1'011 ~rr im iterl to thr lrcrl- .' II•" prr,id•·L Room. Han·c,· R· Jd 1 an uan o c on us cau uu , t a) a me anr c1 cmug cot aes ~ , " , , • 1 t'o out '' • ·'· ' tropic~! island, ,.i,itors got thrir 30 tbigncrs was shown at the men lo1·e prcl!y dolhP.s ~nd slr.~k clothes in the Sates. ding but not to lie rrccp 1 n. "''":;:l:un ol ,,

first glimpse of elegant Puerto hotel opcnin~ here. ,111\\'c e•:o!l·ed thrtr own pat'tltU· ~:::~~~~-~-~-~-~-~-;;;;.,·;;;-,;.;-·.;.;· ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;.;;;~.;;..~.;..;.;.;,;;;:~~f.·~ie '!;J:·•ht:ll. Rican fashions. These indudctl hand·sct-rrnetl lar and charmmg way of las·

For years. purrto Rico lta.< cottons and linens, embroi:ler~d hion. one which combi~es a !"o· ....... ". ........ bPen famed lor· its lo,·d~· t•mllroi silk. silk taffetas stiffened willa dern loul; wnh a detnutl'!y Spa.

dery. But often, the handwork semi . precious stoucs, ]Willi dr nish Jrcling_. 'fhcy lo1 e to dress was wasted on infrriot· lab· >oic and dailfons. The brilliant lor co!'l;ta1l parttes. for lunc. ric aud poor tit'si~n. This ha, coloring of the islnnd ilst•lf i• rc· lwons. tor dinners whcthrr at . l'ltPrto. Ri~:m,dP~igners are n~· llrded in Pn<·rto Rican ta:;hions: home or in restaurants. Put'rlo mg the :Spantsh flal'ur of the I~· ·sugar cane grern~. Spanish red, Rkans ilrt• ll'arml)· ho~pitahle lund, the lo1·el~· emllroidcry Bll<l ~un·dretwhcd· ~·cllnw. ('ariiJbean. Pl'OPIP who entertain rrequently



AIR~IAS SOOI.EY -:'\11w 11 !1 h Canncl:t's :o;ATO

· .. , ·., l':m·ope i~ Air· man first cla.ss Donald H.

.:llrs. Bernard Nora·is. the! eonvenor or the col!ce part)' I for the Ladies Auxiliary ol the Sisters of Sen·ice, and her as· sistants ~Irs. John R. O'Dea, Mrs. Patrick \\'adden, llliss Edna Keough and .:lliss Oli1•e Green \\ill be on hand in St. Patrck' morning at the Sisters of Service hostel on Garrison Hill. ~Irs. Da\'id Doody and !\Irs. A. Croke will hr.oi'C home cooked rolls. brPad, cakes and cookl~s lor their stall and !\Irs. A. Burton and ~Irs. J. Russell ha1·e a line a>!ortmcnt i of apron; !or their sale, which • takes pl&ce during the coffee party. All lricnd5 o! the Si>· ten ol Scr1·ice hostel and it' work 1re in,·ited to meet then on o!llnday morning from 10.30 . · -'~u)'cd a~ .an Arma· t 12 30 , mcnt s~ ;tcmtc tech01c1an at No.

0 · · 3 Fighter \\'ins. Zweibruckcd,

OUT OJ' HOSPITAL Germany. AC·l Sooley's parents The man)' iriends o! ~lr. Gor· are ~~r. and !\Irs., Eugcn~ II.

don J, Oke will be pleased to: Soole~ o{ Hearts Dchght, learn that he is now com·alesc· : Newfoundland.


2 cups of brown sugar

Doctor Jordan Says 2 cups applesauce BY EDWlN P. JORDAN. M. D 1 pound of raisins 'seedless) ' HEART DISEASE NEED NOT r Heart As5ociation. the Xational 1 package of dates, cutup 1 MEAN ESD OF WORKING I Society for Crippled Children S cups flour I LIFE 1 and Adults and numerous other 2 lsps. cocoa , -- organizations may prore of 1• lsp · salt R\' EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D. great help. '• cup peel ' What about the Pmployer's '• cuo or chooned nut meats. On~ of the most important l'iew on the emnloyment of those

walnuts or pecans pi'Oblcms r~laled to heart dis· who ha1·r som~ hrart trouble'? Siccs to ~uit your ta~te 1 rin· rase is the question of work and This ha~ undergone a rrmark·

namon, nutmrl(. a sprrk employment for tho~e who arc able rhange in recent yrar<. of do1·e and gingc1·, if )'OU afllicted with some kind of hrart · Formerly. m a n y employers like 1 ·. trouble. werr afraid to allow an~· l'ictim

I cup sl10rtenin~ "' · The hi::hr~t hltrdlt for thr of ht•art disease to work for 2 I~P~. soda, added to the apl· heal'l patient to o1·rrcomc i~ !Par them lwrause thcr Celt !Onle·

plrsauce In most casr~ this fear is not thin~ bad mi~ht happen. Cream shot·irning. Add .~ugar .. iuslilied by the facts, since a' !1;0\\', :'>lOST employers real­

applesauce. fruit and nuts, then high proportion of patents wtih ize that when the job is adjusted flour to which salt. cocoa and het·:tt dis!'ase can and should lle ' to the person they can safely spices hai'C been added. Beat actil'ely l'nlJll~yed in. so.me oc. hire man~· of those . who han thorough!~· between additions of cupatwn outsade or anstde the~ some form ot heart dtsease. Ac· the flour mixture and aner all :home. I tun~ly man~· or them become es· has been added. Turn into a I . It has been shown b~yond. que~ ; pcctally l'alued employes. ga·eased square pan and hake for i Ito~ lhatwhen work. ~s suatably i One r.tudy or the wor~ done by , lng at home following a \'ery /

aeriom operr.otion recently at the Grace Hospital.

2'~ho urs in a slow oren. , adJUsted to the ah~ht:o-. of the a. groun ?I prrsons. wtlh .heart

Beauty AI' des Editor's Notr: Thi> is an olrl. hcarl, useful occupatton ts al to, d!scase 111 companson wath .a recipe, triPd and trur, and 1 tht• ~ood. . . >tnlll~r group oft1.10se who dtrl .

J,EAVII'\G TODAV __ tltink)'nu will fiml it rlrlicious. . ~low can onr t~ll what w~rk IS • ~aol. showrrl \'Pry !title dtfferen~e. Mrs. Harold SteeiP, anrl her' Mfl~eratP exercise ke~ps IIllis· 1! i~al.~n an rxcrllc~t keeper. if HlllahiP. !m· ~!•e person wtth a. m .work rlone .. In r~ct, lhe rllf-

•mAII son. PPier Doug!~~. lea1·e ' des ton~d ami hrlns fight CatiguP. ; ~~~·o.n. a <:hanrc-whtch it nrvpr he~rt ~~lmrnt · . . ~PI encc .· 11 ~~ 1 ~ fa' or , of the. here today lo return tn their, Tl r h' ·d k 1 ld. wa~ 111 our hotts~. 1hrrc atP ampiP mcasm~.~ .rmtp 111th heat! lroubl~.

. ,. a Iter , end·· le acP .. ~. 111 . an, nee ~~m~ ., a1~1lahle Ioria~· for thr. rloclor to Tht:< rlors not mran, of roursr. home tn Ha.tf x, a . · P~ r ! not he m r aookrd 10 thr IIPckb le.~t thr oatirnt and find onl ex· that all l'ictims of hr.arl disease ang l~rte month.l. \\'l~h •I ~. ' ~tht~l ohf ~o~d hralth. ~~ la~er, ,. aactl)· the all!ount of work that can work. Rut it docs mean Steele 1 parents: Cuptaan and ~caas. enPftts or excrctse \\Ill. K1if/.lii Son oan be safcl:r done. Sometimes that I he mere nrrsence of heart Mn. A .. Thornhill, Le~larcltant , show· 'work restrictions are not ncces· : disease docs not- imply the end of Road. Lieutenant Steele has ! • . PEOR 1 ' sarv at all but in manv case:< · a useful work life been In a cruise in the Carl· I Lapsllcks run a gamut of colors . • , lA 11 - AP .- A the' heart ~alicnt can pertorn; ' Again, howr1·rr.' I shall hDI'e bbean with the Canadian Nuvy, a~d 0:8Y match.a co~tume. How· 1 des~onocnt fathH 1.ook has son , ll~eful functions in industry with to poinl out that heart di~ease in HMCS ~lootka, and is due i c~er, a! a.dress •.s braght, b~ more! 1 ~ dmncr Tuesday mght, bought onlv slight restriction on actirilv. • cannot be considered as a single back In Halifax toda)', I conservallre ll'llh the. lipstick ha~ toys. and candy ·and then, i ON.'CE TillS HAS been dcte'r·, problem. So far as most occu.

__ sahde. Also, red clothmg calls pohce saa.d, penned a }engthy 1 mined by the physician in l pat ions a r e concea ned, the · IRISH PLAY cor a quieter. shade than you note to has e.stranged Wlfe and ! charge, the next problem is to , amount o! reseri·e in the heart

Nothing could be much more I m•ght ordinarily use. ~~ot ~rd ~~\~d th; b1 at~d I find an occupation which fils the · is likclv to be more Important ; Irish than "Three Tickets to A perfume ih;rt has become b 1~se. · f I..o 01 1c~ ~un 32 e I health needs of the indil·idu~l. I than tile pa~ticular label put on !

Killarney," the three r.ct play, r.onrcnlratP.d can be stretched for a~dae~l~ six·~e!r·oid 5~~on,Ron: In this task the Amertcan lhe hrart atlment. which Is being staged on Mon· 1 further satisfactory use. Do this nle In Larson's apartment. ·- --·- -day afternoon and evening at by adrling a matching cologne or -' __ ....._ ____ , the Holy Cross auditorium, Pa· toilet water. Tills thins out the trick Street. Miss Kathleen concentrate efrectil'ely Hayes ls directing this annual event of a.n Irish play for St. Patrick's da)', and Mr. George AI.L MUSICIANS O'Brien has designed and made I BOURNEMOUTH. Eng. ICPI the 1tage settings as well as I Rock 'n' roll bands in this Hamp· rehearsed lor a part in the ' shire seaside resort will hold a pi&)', jamboree to raise money for the

town's symplton)' orchestra.

LEFT fo'~R CALIFORNIA GOOD IDEAS Mrs. fred Dunn and hrr 1 1 '"I'O" 1• 1 d 'CPI 1~ d h b A I r i ·~· ". ~ns an , - .. cAs

aug tcr, • ~ar ara nn, c t for imnrol'in~: production melh· here o~. F rt?ay la~t by plane I ods won .£~5i cacb lor two em· ~n a Vl~tt wtth . her aunt, l\.lr~.: ployce~ at a lar&c auto factory r. ~!crrlel at ~ltcl Valley, C<th·~ in this Bcdfordshire town. i fornta. ply.

. -----· ..... --.... -·----------

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$J~ sends 400 EXPORT

CIGARETTES or any other Macdonald Brand

Postage included Mall order and remlltance loa


MACDONAlD TOBACCO INC. P .0, Box 490, Pia co d' Armot,

Montreal, Qut,

.J Between Us Women By RUTH MILLETT


SOf''S EARS I IIOPf: HE SEES IT Memo to fathers of sons: 1 Well, you can hope your bus·

Here's a lettP.r {rom a mother· band doesn't miss this column thal might possibly remind you· for the.re's a chance he may rea· that a son is more likely to do f.S hz~ llus IPI~er could hare been hi~ father doc~ than as liis: writtenhy hts wale. father or mother says he should ! But whrther he nor.~ or not you rio. ; rar. say to ~·our ~on: "Your

1 The letler is a comment on a · father has os man~· good qual· recent column in which T listed · itics I don't ha\'e to pretend to

: a Cr.w thin~;s mothers could do to ; you thai he is perfect. So !he ' help their sons grown into men 1 fact t!1at he ne~lc~ts, to ~o a !hang ' · who would make good husbands doesn I mean tt L~n t •n:'portant i

and fathers. for you to learn to do 1t. Nor 1

This mother writes: "It is all does the fact that he may do very well for you to remidn moth something without thinking make ers of their responsibility !or it the t~ing Co_r you. to do:.: rearing sons who will some day There s nohmg dasloyal tn that be good husbands, but you should kind of statement. And it mi~ht

help your son to see that "hke I ~ave added a P.S. Cor fathers. father, like son" is a good thing . I m ~urc '!'any lathers would only when the son chooses to benefitted smcc my own husband copy his lather's good qualities reads your column even more instead of his faults. faflh!ully than I do.

"I have tried for years to ln· Women who smoke must heed still hi my own son the l'ery their hands. Quite often nicotine qualities you mention in yom· stains detract fi'Om well·groomed I

, article-but do you know what hands. Rub lemon juice or perox·

I hi~ answer usually is? 'Why shold , ide on fingers to chase away ycl· 1

I do it'! Dad doesn't' I lowish brown ~tains. For heavy : "llowdo you set around that : st:Jokcrs. it is best to !!'el at the

--~-------- snswer when it hapJlcns to he the i stains early.

Thla ofltr Ia avbl•ct to any change In O!!nrnmont .. gulallont.




A light weight plain over. Obtain­able in flat, wedge, medium, cuban, hi-cuban and spike heels. Sizes 4·1 0

A varnished, light weight unlined all­

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feature with anti-skid autsole.


e LIGHT-WEIGHT OVERS B!a('k. !ight-wri~ht olain 01·rr. CIIILDR E:\"S. sizrs 3 In I~ . MISSES'. ~it.rs 12 1o • 1 ............. · YOt'TIIS'. ~i7r< I 1 · I~ ................... .. \\'0\!f:;-."S. ~i7r> 4 · 9

GF.:\TS' <izrs 6 to II. .....................

Light·wcighl pla~tic rain shoe. Loop anrl button

ener. Reinforced heel. Women's Hi and Lo •



heights. Misses' Lo only.

Misses' sizes 4 · 10 1\!isses' sizes 10 • 3

!rltwr h:,\f• <·•• not htrn tul'

I .lunr Ia•!. IIOol•l·'···'•·'·'"' tl:e>r "

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DEC/\ER '1'. 1.·. canrlidat~ . hitc Ray-Lab:·:

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; __ sr __ Jo_H_N_'S~,_N_F_Lo_._,_FR_ID_A_Y_,_M_A_R_CH __ 1_4,~19~5~8----------------------------------~------------------------------------------~7--•

HE ELECTION CAMPAIGN 1 ra$t a land>hde 1 1cton for r h h :<.:hallie Glanger In (;land ralls Sout s o' re I\\ lute Ra~·Lah1 ado1 The 1'1 c m1cr sa1d ~cstnrlay he Is con 1 meed on the basis of the en· thusiasllc support Liberal can\ • •

ot1servat1ves Liberals d1date Granger has recel\·cd 1n N /urban sections of the ridm~ that ews 1 he, w11l roll up a huge majonty.

I I o

I I \til

I I \\,1"'

I \Ill'

1 hr

' . ,,, Hill ~

"' I ttl I I It

II 1, II Ill o 1 ., \ .!l

1h11 ty or forh )ll'ople-this Mr. Smal111ood said h1s cur· lime thr~ are dralllng erolld~' O'GRADY I Thursday l\!r Pickersglll and rent tour of central Newfound- F t ul [Olll hundred. Uberal Incumbent Greg ~lr. CurtiS VIsited Moreton's Har· I land has proved equally as SUC· ox rap I COl PI of the SalvatiOn Arm~

O'Grady held a b1g meetmg bo111, Br1dg~port. and Carter's I cessful as the tour he made t110 I here, rehnqmshed h1s post here In~! night at Avondale. 0\er 350 1 !'01e an~ they held 1 b1g meet- \leeks ago He said In el'ery cen- i recently, Capt and .Mrs lvany II INTER.

\It Gr1~ld \\ mtPI, thr P C ' ttlllul,•lr for Bona11sla·1'111lh11 ~··tc•. 11 ho mll•uuptcd bts 011· 1 ht• •Jlnt ~.1mpa1gnmg In take 11JI t 111 tlw Bu,trd of '1'1 .ule's an· pu,,! 1111'<'1111~ lt>!l Ill' ~estcrda1' 1\111111' It .un to rellll n to the hu~111H!"

11cople tuwed out to meet th,e '!n~ at Summerford last night. I tre he has visited there has been · · H SA. Z.!EETING I ~nd daughter Mar1lyn left he1e l.tberal candidate for St John •

1 rolla) l\lr. Plcketsglll 11111 con· llemcndous enthusiasm !or Mr The Home and School Assocr· March 1st and are presently

Ea~l. Special spcakPrs at the tmue ht~ lour of Twllllngate Glnnger and the Liberal parb allon of Foxtrap held a meet· sta~mg m St John's It 1s e, ml'ctino \ler~ Mr. O'Grad~. Cap 1 111th 11r1ls to Bo)d's l'o\e, "1hcre has bcftn a tremen• l~g here 10 the school recent peeled that other Sahahon nf.

~ 1 1 ' I~. The meetmg \1 a\ opened by ( 1 'V t.m Matt Whelan, !\!ember of Buell\ Ba), Ne11stcar, Com dous upswm" 10 Liberal support the president, Mt Charhe Hat leers 1111 be takmg 01er the the Pro\11\Cial Go1•ernment and ' fot t <.:o1 e, and Campbellton. 10 central ~ell foundland," the ten who mtroduccd the guest Long .Pond <.:orps m the \er~ lion. Phil Le11i~, the other mrm· Mr Plckersglll plans to re Plcm1e1 saul 1\!r. Smallwood speakel lllr C Hatcher prin· near rutUJe hrt tor the DistriCt m !be Pro· turn to Lcwisporte lhts e\enm~ hid anolhet b1g rally last mght Clpal 0( lh~ Queen El;zabeth I 1

I II , I ·I \II , \1 mlel \1111 IIICN II llh his ' .mpo~l~n rhaum.tn \\'lntflcld l'.tnlll,ll't 111 I r111'1m1 tr this m••l111' ~ It 1 n s11 tnri thruul(h 11 l' l't•.n ll111lingatr and Bona· 1 t•t t :\n1th arc.t•

1 meml Go1e1nmcnt. and on Snturda1, 1£ the II Lather 1 nt c,rand ralls 'l'omght he I!Jir RPgJOnai lhgh School The 1 TOpS81•1 FolloiiiDl! a 1er) surcrs.rul I< ~ullablt, 1111! begm a tom hold a t.tlll at I.e111~porle and meetmg was 1erv 11 eu 'attend·


I lilt ' I

I• lit

•11 ,. ,.

II '

ttl I I'

to It


I- I \I ..

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I t • 1 1~ h u1

\--11\1 I 11111


1 .111111·11~11 ch .. nman Bannister 1 ,, 111 tlw m e.1 dutm;! the pn!l '' '. tnrlhelrP<III~thatelcr~· ' I r·~ he• 11cnt lhr pco]llc arr """u'h 1• .ttl 11~ to nll'rl the

I' t t. ndulr.tr 11 lulr. a• 111th 1'l nl hr1 pin<~· h!' h,t< 11~1ted I' I 'lillllllCil( I< T\llllllll;l Jugh

"' \lmtr1 and ~It·. Bann1ste1 pJ,11 tn spt•tlfl the next 11eek or ,,, 111 lhr I ogo nnd 111 llllnfl.lte .ur ' .tnrl then lo •tart 11ork· lh hu ... ~m:.:-\m !h cm I' I Ill~ <u[•h plat~· as 1 ,\1111111\ tllr Lumscl(•n and Bad· gl'l t; (lliB \


lion \\ T B1 011 nr the PC ', r, nrltd.ttr 111 St Joh11'5 West

, • 1 1 "'' rt du\ rol'l rrted a mistake 11 lur h I)( rm red through a typo

't ~l.tllllll.li e11 ot 111 a statement 1 .otl•lhllll cl to hun \\cdncstiR\

llw •l.tllmcnt •n~~c,tcd that , \It lltul IH h,td hl'rn nr~oti

111~ 1111h the ::S<•IIfoundlnnd 1 .ht .illrl Ptl\\rr ( ompanl' 111th ,, 1 ll'll tn ha1mc thr dt>ruptrd I''' t r 1 rtutnl'd to thr people

1, "• lw f·oulrl•

' r


\<llttll~ 1111, •hould h.l\t rl tn.•tllhr P 1 randulatr

' , IH _nl? .. un~ 11 1lh I he ln•tr~l I" 1 ' I Jr[ tt 1r 1 nmp.ml' ancl t nl 111'h 1111 :\r11tnunrlland I 1.t'i net l'ullt'l l lll\lpanl

'llht' II I• lhr l nllt'CI To11n< I lo lltl I om pam 11 h1rh 1< rr

, r •IHl'l•lhlr fn1 >11110i1JIIj( lh~ I' 1\1 I In lhC (otHilcJ, thP !'t

,, 1 .ltn' \1 r-1 'anrhdatr a>ked t 1 111 lh,' lhl•<llllelltolllll'lllarlr

1'11 ~1, 11111111lr ~~~ lllnllnr sr.ul " , •n•l llt,tl he i< hnpp1 to h, fthle to

,,, •, "pu11 lh,tt lhr nU1etal~ of the 1 111 l 1 nllt•d I '"'11' h '' a•slll eel him

, 1 "' llttl •hr1 a1r dum~ I'ICnlhm~ ., ' < pn--1hlt• tu rrt•llll the liouhle

11 111 tiH' lollttl<1, ,,,, 1 and th,tl the\ tot"' 1'\llC, r lu ha1~ the po11er b~ck

:·, 1 I· In thr oil 1 Ill this 1\~~krnd I I !]It f

I ttHl

''" linn \\' 1 Bl'llll nr. 1' t ran· • '' rltd ttr lnt St .Juhn'~ \\e<t ~pent •m • t ,I< 11h11 holrlm~ mePIIIIJ(S In

\, 1 tht• <rttlemcnl of I Cl mensa , •t n I h1• til <I meetm~ took plae" 1n

nrl 'h,, 'dltlul hou<e l't R11 er llrnd 11 r a 1 4 ~0 11 m \ t 6 p m he mn1< d

I , 11 ontu Admn.tl< I 01r 11hrlr ~lr

meeting the !,Jbclal candidate of commumhcs m l-ogo d1stnct on Sntuula1 mnht he 1111! hold d b b th • d 1 I 1 • • ~ y o men an 11 omen o

r.tlled upon M1cke~ Duggan am ~- • a rail~ at Sprm;:dale the communitY. Several 1m Ius orchestra to supply l'!ltcr· 111Gfl\1'.4'1 ACROSS 1 • f b lammenl for the lar.gc gnthcrmg :\I::II'I'OL'NDL.1.ND PREMIER ON AVAI.ON :~:c'~:s~~~e~~o~g ~~~~ss :e~~: Sume of the people at the mtel· A \OUng St. Johns lall~rr P1enurr Smal111nod Will thro11 the installahon of 11 atet and mg clam1en that the m!'ehnJ: h;~s a-ked II h' Pnme !lllfll>•!'r im 1\ell(hl behmd the three sewage After some discuss ton 1·a~ on~ 11£ t111 latgcst e1er held DwfNtbaker ha~ statler! to A1alon l'enm~ula candidates In on th•~ 1ery tmportant matter 111 the lmll • :;rl\o(,tte con;•hucuon of a <ec· the ~la1ch 31st r~dHal elechon the me~hn lias closPd tu mel't

l.1heral h~ad<tllatlrr• In CI.B ot:d 11an~ <.:anada H1gh110l Ill n~xl 11rek The Premter has an· a am ~om:llme m March \rmoun sLUPlletl all aet11 lites \\ t••l~tn ( anada 11 hrn the fl, >t nouncrd plans to be•m ach1 e 8Th ( 1 -(, d r 1 1 ' d • b h • l b J !'\ " e •II oUI C~ 0 ox 1ap l.tst m~hl "Ghan 1" toom •. one nsn t lr~n . m.t In • " 11 ' campn1gnmg next week In the held thl'tr regular meet tug he.c campaign manager, !or LiberAl undltnd .John C <.:1osh1r. sl;n ndmgs of St. ,John'• East, St 1 eh 24 and 1185 1e11 II I'll at cancltdnte GrC!! 0 (,lady, sa1d of t A. Crosbie of St. John' John's West, and Tnmt)·Concep· tended The mePhn II a< un East F.nd headquarters closed qucotwncd the 111sdom of thr t10n rler the command ~f Acting l.t~t mght so as not to mter!ere Prmle ~hmstcr's pohr) as he ~~~ Small II ood uid he plans Captain Grace Batten lltlh a special luncheon bemg s]lokc on tele11s1on Wednrsdav to campaign extens1vely m all planned for the Armoury b~ mght in support of the .Lihrtal thtl'e r1dmgs. The Premier's I "c~le~· United Church candtrlatcs Ill St. Johns East campaign schedule Will be an·

The hea<lquarlcls off1ces are and West nouncrd next 11eek. He 11111 Long Pond apart it om the mam floor 11hrrc )h Crosbie asked 11 II ether It 11 ork m St .Tohn'~ East 111111 the dinner was held but )!r llould be 111ser lo 1ntc for a candidate (,reg 0 Grad,, in St Coomb~ explained that he and party 11hich Is talkmg about John's West \lllh candidate ~lr O"Gra<ly !eel that the~ lnuldmg a second Trans Canadn 1 ~onard ~hiler, and In Tr1n1t~· should do r~cryl11ing m thc1r Hlgh11ny m the 11est or a party ronccpt1on wtth candidate J1m po11 er to facilitate the church 11 hich has promtsed to. contrt· rucker dmne1 The hcadquartr.rs ofh· hute 90 per cent of the cost of res w1ll be open ajlam lhts construction of the hrst 11 an• mornmjl. l anada Ht:lhll ay acro~s !'\ell·


Pats1 Greenslade, 11 ho has been home hc1e for the past month through 11lness, rctutn· ed to her classroom Pats~ 1s on the tcachmg ataff at Span

l1ard's Ba1


The regular ht·monlhly meet mg of the 'l'opsatl branch o£ the Red l ross 11as held m thr Parish Hall F'cb 24th The pre<ulcnt, )115 !•abel aBrnes Pl<"ldcd 11th a 1en lat,.:e nt trn<lance The mmute~ nf the pre11nus mretm!( 11 ere rear! In the scc1ela1' ~!tss (, ~lcDonalr! 'I he rrgulat. husmess of I he mretmg 11 as then attended to

It 11as announced at a prt•l 1ous mectmg that a free 12 lesson 'course 1\oulrl he gnen to all mtrrested, hegmmng Feh 24 111 home nu1 smg 'fhh course ha~ 0011, for \3rl0lb

1 easons been postponed unt1l September nexl

Follo11 m~ the husme« rtf the meetmil the usual cup ol tea was sen eel b\ se1 era! of the laches The mer.ttng lla· closed b\ the pre•Hlent, to meet agam on ~larch lOth

Upper Gullies The T.1beral cnndld.tiP m St foundland ~lr Crosbie pomted

.1o1m's East has announced plans out that the propo>al to h111id for another big pubhc ntrdmg a pa1c1t htgh11a~ ac1oss :Sell [or tonight GiCII O'Grad1 sa•d loundland 1s one of the clucf he 11 1ll ho!li a meetm~ lom•ht planks of the Liberal pn1 '' nl rh:ht o'clock at Bnuhne. ~lr ~!1 Cwsbw, a studrnt Ill I'~ O'Grarh mll he atromprmcrl hllc.tl science, saul I he Lthrt, l b1 Clr.or.gp :\l~htmg.tlr !.lhe1 al pa11~ 1s th~ onh pari\ 11 l11r'1 member of the l.egl'latuJr lo1 h.1s ptO\Nl '''elf cnpahlr < l St ,John'~ :'\mth nl~t•tt•·g I ,,n.llol' Pl~·cnt' <tO

'fhe Lthcral mcumbent In Humber Sl Georgf'~ ts contmu mg to can1pa «n m 111 ban ~eel· tons of hlo mhng while 11~a1t· mg the ~trllal of a helicoptl!r 11 htch 11111 take him on a tour nl St llarhe Herm~n N Baltrn \\ cdne<dal co1 ered thP aru het11 ern Detr Lake and Cornet llrnok

Velma Porter, daughter of Mt and Mrs Wilfred Porter. 11 ho I! m nurses tramm',! at the Grace Hospital <pent l week end home 111!h her fam 11~ last 11 eck.

Mrs Helen \\'1semn and t11o E\IPLO\ MDT lliPROI'I:'iG rlaughlets ha1c taken up r~>~ The emplo1ment <ltuntwn rlrnce lllth her parent' hrle bs lntprolrd shghtll this pa~t ~~~ and \lr< ;l;oah H1rlcout 11rck aftc1 the sleet storm 111lh

l.nst 111ght )h 0 (;I ,tdl ht•ld IICJI111C < I I• l!e •aiel \ Oh' I • •I a mertm~ at AHtnrlnlc '' th 1n1 (,,p: 0 1;1.ul• 111 St lu1t'' Captatn :l!atthell' Whrlan ',th Fn•t anr1 I.Col'ald ~ll!lrt 111 St e1 al memhc1 !n1 Hm lwur \l,nn luhn\ \\ C•l r.1 e 1 r.trs lot I • •ler and olher special ~pcokft< P. l'c~.-on ant! fn1 the I'''' t,tl

1 ulh.' \\hi( '1 1" 1ilfl nnh o 1r \'nleh (' 1 PtOI ICIP I ra-t rll'• 111e (lltr tn Lanadt < (\tr ~llt

PICK~ RSG/f I I hr l.tl¥"ral mr lllltlwnt 111 tltr

urlm~ of Bon,,11stu 111 tlhngnlr 11as ~tceted 11 llh an rnthmta•lir meeuuc at f\1 11lm~atr \\'c•tr• clnv nl-l!hl The llonuurahle l W rickrl ~g11l ~ncl the Honour ahlr !.P>he R t'ml•• ~tlotnr\ C:enrral o! :-\1.'11 toundl.tnrl. 'pntr to one of the h1~g~-t polnwol lotlltrs 111 the 111•tOI\ of Til 1! lln~ntc rlropllr had 11 e,tthrr un Wedncsda1· mght.


Nnnon.t~ 11l•

G\\'DLR 1/o\llr • The lug~e•t muJUtlt 1 e1 rr

•.tlln a l1ber~i (anrlld.ttc in t.andrt 11111 be gl\cn t harllc ( 13n;lPl Ill the )JatCh aJ-t lecl < 1al r 1c~twn", 11tc Gandct l.1h t'l ;~I tnmtnlllcc lot cc.o>l 1 r·lCl rla1 altr r a 1011>111!: puhltc 11wetmg held thc1e h1 P1em1et .luoeph Smull11oud \\ edncsdal 11ght Gander cm respondents for 1110 local nc11s med1a <ub­'tal11tatrrl thr sucre;, of the PtemJCI'S Ialli In suoporl or ~lr lotan~rl. lhr cand riate 111 1;1 and fails\\ lute Ba1 Lab• a· dnr

A < 01 respondent for one ra~10 •tat10n hied a •tm) <allnl{ 5Umr

~11 Batten rhattrd 11tth 'oter• and shook band< 10 'dozen< of !•nnw< He 1 tstlrd Pa•rdena, ~llrlland and South Btook ~!r Battrn held a meeting at Ho11 le1 Jn,t ndll

If 11 ro~thcr rondt!lon~ pre1 rnl \li Balten from makmg ht> 1 rllcontl't trtp toda1 l•r plnn< tn holrl mrcltn~s at St I mtan" nhd :it Da1 1d's.

Tl'CKER r.un In in~ and chrrt< J!l rPI·

ed lthr•, l camlulate t.m 'fuel. PI ~t lhP lll''t SHlr Of !iUllll\

••de \1 ( dil( ,d.! I as he rnntmnerl 1.,. c.uliU'•ITt!( alonl! the .outh -trir ol 1 rtmh B<" ~lr [t•cl.ct ts mnkmg £Dod pi ogrr•< a~ he nu•he• through to11ard Concept ton Ba1

:\I • Tucker hu lnrludrd ~!at k1.1r.d ::SorthiiP't Brook !lan1 (o1r Queen'• Cn1r. r.oohtr, 1horn1Pa lttlillrll 1 ome B' • th·.nce ~mman·-1 o1e. 1 oq t nH and t hare I At m tn the ( u11 ent •chrrlul•

11 hll<t he1 husband llon ' n an1 men arounrl tlu- a1 r.a em membrt ol the Can,tdwn fotcc plm('rl trmporar1h 111lh lhP I< at prrsrnt 111 tr.u111ng al l n1trrl 101 11• l:icctl1<' l o 1• ito Km:Hon Onta110 Ron rxpeeb h.td thr11 electltc ltnP, ,onrl lo trlurn horne 111 lull poJr, scl!teh rlamagr<l 111 the GIRl. Gl Jnf s 4 \n BIW\\'\ -to1m -•nrl c•x!ra hch had to

lf.S Mn;r lw hnrrl on lo help 1cplace the II r lor?! as-ortdlon of lh f.dlrn hn(s anrl pole• In •omr

(,,rl l.turlr< ot I ong Punt! n.ul toxll·•!l h< ld ,t merlin~ 1n I"' 11 ap ~chon! trb !!4th at 3 311 pnt Th~ mcctm~ 11a, •me t f'd 111

the usual m<~nnrr b\ thr pll'·t drnt ~It< Sadie S< ali 1 ne mmntPs of th~ pt e1 Hlll' mec' mg 11r1e 1earl h1 the ,peJetull Be< trice SimP'"" Ill '•Hirn• r'.!enrlcrl a II HOI •ttlcl mr to ~lis Ethel \',,tel' thr lnrm< lJIIISIOnal (omm:,,umrt ot Conception B.t• :iou!h and to Mrs G11en 1Ja11r Dbtltct (om mt'>tonrr for Kclh.<:(tell s fn I Hopei' ell ,tlso to illt s \ er.t Coates, Dlltslon;~l Comm1ss1o~ er fot tltl• atea P1rsenl also , •• t< ~lr< Ella r.teen''••rle 01' 1•1ct Comml><onrr fot Lon~ Pnnrl and Fox Tt.tp

pl.tcr• .tlon~ thr r toulc lnr< IH1e hurl to '('Clllr cro•• artn• let l••nu• pr.-1- tt't.tl •uch t ~·c• o• thel Ullllrl 'lit I, th"ll I r~d I 1 pol< • :\n doubt th1• I' 11,0 1r ~ to he n gtr at rxpm•c lo the rompnn~ but perhaps a hi• •stll~ In mam 1d1o h:;l" lwr.n out nf 11ork fm month• It t. unrle1 •tood that <on''' nt lho•e nwn (Oulrln t qunltfl fo1 uncmplo) ment m-manre I' '' In lhr-P mrn that nerhap• lhr SOl Tll SHORE-T\\ 0 rh1ps fell 1n the nght du~r I ton

1 "' \1 I 1tamot· 11a< r":tnman

Mr Halle\ ('nlr tliP P I cand1date fo1 BtH'ID·Btii?,PO H• tPt da1 hnrd up on the •1rlc of the l'ortunc '!o11n L'ounc1l on the qnestwn of the 1eopcmn~ ol th~ Fo1 tnne ft•h plant and thr trande1 ol ronttnl of the dra~gPr f1om thr ~Oitllllr pl,llll BOn mrn and 11omt·n attcnclr~l mr.r ER

After the regul.n hu•mrs; r 1 th~ mreltng 11 as attended to \It • Ella Green• lade ga1 e a 1 en rxcrllcnt 1 rport to t hr r.,ll (,Uidc< of l.ong Pond an! I oxt1 ap ~nrl of thr R O\\ntP

pnrk• of J.or.~ Pone! and t ox II oP lot the pa't H II

'11 \he Bnl!rt' hne !orem;tn 'lith tne l T E t 1111h hl< ctr, ol me~ 1 ho h,l\e hern •tatlnr. rd on I hr Pouch ( r11 r L111r tm lhr pa•l sr\crtl momh< ha•f hQr•n mo1 eel t n Frll l>bnrl •o nr!p •e-lnte thP rlamm!c the1r fndt111etl 111 the Clrll from hue Hr H•m !:i('Oit R tlph Srott \\ 1lham \nthOil\ Lhza Da11c n! S•·· I 1 01 r ar.d othr1 mrn I om l n· t 1 np a nrl Pnuch r111 r

tdt "lHI ol R 30 p 111 nnothcr mc•rt •' I ~~~ t··~ 1 , ' hrlrl at Km!(mrn'• t'o1c

t1H 111 '''f homr nl hnrs Dutton I I ln ,,n,llrl to a qnc-t10n a'krrl I,

"I agree entltcl' 111th the

I -


r- llf I •I

• rltr Ht• rr Hrarl mertm~ t•on· "',11111~ lill' 1 ~ Ill oil krt [tlr { 1 •ll ll•h ~II Ill Ill\ llr Sllt[[l 1 1"1 sr natot Krnnrch Dem of \1, •• hrd ll•llrtl ~r\1 lllllll· "' lck and harlmfot mrrl the :-.;r\1 J'·m •II II k ~m rt nment th~l

<land taken b~ 1 hr 1' ortnnP 10\1 n rounr1l anrl 1 hr I'~'Oillr ol Fot tun~ ' \h tole ,,11r1 m 3 messa~e 10 P ( llrad<JI'r.tlcl < 111 St .Johns 'Tlu< " nnotlm m a ,II mg of un!ulhl!ed anr1 htnkton pr01111<r• 11l11ch ha\e hren made to the prnnlr of the sot•th coa•t b' Pll'nttct Small 11oorl and the l.1herals t11rt part of the mnr m lhon dolhtr~ 111 ~rlrht!Onal r.Jr.nts from lhr p (' ~:nvrrnment 111 Ott all a < nuld 1 rcllfl somr of tl11' mone1 (houlrl he used to put tlu• nl~nl hack 111 operation ~nd th1 rc hundrNI p~ople back to 1101 k, particularh at 1111~ ttmr 11 hen the demand for !'\r11 foundl.tnd f1<h 1s unqucshonabh l11gh m the t'mted !'tate!," the r (

,. ,, I 1 I It tl

I l '' t ~ 1 the r 11 "' no dan~r1 of tltr.


I I I s pl.t('lnl( .till dull on It e•h 1 ·11 tmnollrcl It om l anada Thl< ru n111~ \h flrm1nr 11111 hr

• '' nl hnl<hn~ n mrrtm~ al \\ lllr•> t 1 ' r." ,,, Rao pm Jlr 1111l he ac

r ••mp 111rrl h' G Rex Renouf, r:n1'f ,... \' It \

! I 11 • IIAJr\'1-.T r • < n

lnr I' t candid. te {ot' T1111· candidate saul 1 ,. tl' t tonrrptton Art Ba1nett h< lrl A 1rporl)e-terda~ horn ram­I 111 ,til ~llltlU 1.1~llt mc<•tm~ lR llt11 p .. tgn headquarter~ or the P ('

1 11 11 \\ crlursd,,, mght and c.mdulate 111 Bnrm-Bumeo, Jl,n milt~ thrn nne hunrhrd IO\I•rs 1e' Cole disclosed that \lr It 1 nell up I tom >uch pJa[·es R> Cole helrl three 1e1'' succcs•ful

I !

'1 n

1 t ,, IJ< rop Rt~ht, Arlc',IOn: :"\o1th· 'mt•etmgs rrslerda'' The fusl . ' •ilr lot•t Ru10k, Queens (Ole, Ran 1110 11err at Jacques Fontame

tlum South nntl lllllllcll and St. Bc1 nntd'~ \\'ednesda~ 111 adrhllon a d~legatton n! nfternoon and then \\'ednesda\

.tl.lltll ,t 1lnzcn m~mhe1~ of the nl~hl he 11ounrl till the d,t, '• t I,,Jt•nllllt• I' t'. hr.urh attrnd. act11itic~ 111th another ralh· at t•rl 111 a hoch Ba1 L'Argent •

tl.r mertlng A conc,tlOitrlent The Pto' m~tal :\hm<trr of lo1 Dnothet merha saul the1r llt~hi'UI< ha< urger! 1ot~r< til I' I'll' 111011' than 500 pcrtplr 111 1 clldor.d to remember the altr•11rla11rr and 11 11 a, "the h _ he I chi, thc1 can rrrrn P h' :::.c•l public me< ttng r\rr l11lrl 1 r!N•tm 2 I.1hc .11 t.conarcl 1\ltllrt 111 (,.,ndrl ' \n ar1ual count h1 111 St Juhn, \\ c-1 1 hr 1Jonou1 mrmbl't< of lhr Gan<lr1 Llbr1.l ~blc (, 1 rgo 1 ~ T Po11r1 <prak ~nmm1ttcr <hrtiiCrl Iii.'\ IJC0Pil mg nt a me~tlnl! m ~ctnlanrl I· mmr<l 11110 Pte l rrsccnt Tltc en \\'cdnesda' mght pomtrd • Ire rn <.anrlcr T01. n<ttr to hrar r111t that ~11 \Iiller < 1lo•c alleg the PrPmlrl F.rluc 111011 '~"' 1,1nce 11 nh thP piO\lmlal j!OI '''<'I' Rolle \!lnrs \lint H 1 rt nmcnt c .n mean nr11 road­heouglt \lunlelpai A.f!au< \1m ll· crt! 1 oarls hmlgc- •mpro~eu 1'!r1 Ahhott ftiHI !.about 'l.n mcd~ealo :;ncl cnucatwnnl sr•t Hrt Ballnm a• 1hr1 rn•lot •rd . 1cc< [or thr people o! thr

I'Onlllll<SoOnCI ~~~ • (,I' P ll

Da11e lhrn ~n1r a tepott u t hr Com mt<,l(tllel t;onf c1 en< •' 11h1eh liD• hr1rl al l.ranrl F.tl'' Orl 7-10 19.i7 11m trpot t 1•ns 1ecel\ed \'llh much mtr r-t C \PT 1\ \\Y P.f' 1\Q[ 1~/lb

IllS PO$f rh,nlie (olan~et for tht ~latch ~outhclll ~hotr. On the other c.,otaln liar\\ 11110 ha; hre•l 31~1 eleclton 'ltanrl \lr P01or1' •a•rl all \011 111 char~,. of lhe Lon.(( Pon•l

111 7f R\ s HO>I~ fRO II 'II ''fl£:\ I /T.I f'

\lr• l.tiH l l.r1n 1 c,ur•w'l !11 mr lht• 11rek rnrl l.urn St< pltrnullr aflrl 'P' nrhn~ 11 r l'llltCI ll\Ontl>< lhrl~ 11t1h hit d, u~l11r1 1 \I Ha' monel Po1 1r•

\II \\ tll.am II \101 gan -\t hut S[OJ1 lHtk S(oll i!Hllll

J'.tntcrl ~h Hon Srot! 10 Pot" h l 01 e l••t 11 rt'h nn a hu'tn''' I lp

Dozen, or olhrr Ganrlrl \01 ran ~!'( C. om the Tortr~ ·~ . a .;.;;.;...;.;;;.; _____ .;..._..;;,;..;.;.;..; ___________ _ N'S heard the ralh As 11 11 a~ htl o! sort !Oap and a mce let f•lped out 01 e1 a pub he ador•·! tcr •• "-tcm 11 luch blanketed the a1 ca jlr )Iiller htmsrlf ptcked llttlun a t a<hu~ of a qu~tlu up the t><uc of 11 hnt ha• been of a llltlr ~lr GrHn~cr hmt•t If. done lor the nrhn~ He charl!r d 11 hen he spoke 1 rt Cl\ ed a (!I o thai people m !hr tural ~re~• longt'd 01aUon o! St ,Johns West ha1e be•n

badh neglected b1 the P ( 111 nr:l'ORTS ~AI. Sf, s 1YS Cllmhent. lie potnted out ·h~t

:\F:\1 SM:\X ~ll Bro11ne lind been the 1 RPports that P1 rm1e1 Small· member !rom 1949 to 1P53 anrl

1\0orl let balh attacked a group !title had been done fo• the EDITOR'S !IIOTf;: •rbe Family Council eons1sls or • of hetlllcrs m an amhrnce at pcop!P then II~ <atd e1en le•s judge, a ps)chlatmt, three clergymen, a ae\\spaper ed1tor a !.1s roll\• 111 Clanrler on Werlnes hr.~ been rlone rlurmg the ra•t t~omun's editor and ll'o wrlttrs l.ach arhrl~ 11 a sum01ary or 11a1 mghl hall' burn denounced Pt;:ht month~ the dlllahou of an actual case llistory. Tile Council reports on problems that

[I llci

' '~'' d ' t 11rll)1 n Thr nu r.llnl! 11 ·•' r1t•<clthl''l ~lr. I' ole'~ heaclq uartc1 s II'

h\ n Gandrr ne11 ~ em re,pond·l th~ P (' go1 et nmenl lla1 e bceu dealt l'lth by responsible JJ:e11c1es and counselurs , rnl M hem'.( rompleteh false ~lr Po11er told the more 11'"11 SUE ~I -11, high t1me Ktd are g0111g trt Met alan;! It< high 111P cor1csponnent <aid he had 140 10ters 11ho altendcrl the BroUwr p1trhrd 111 • lime Kid brnthrr pitched 111

1 1111 1 r attended the rallv from start to I Ferr~lnnd meehn~ that the GF.ORt.E ~I -lit• ,1ould If he • • •

·At \our Lihrarv. J


" The [j~herman of toda~, sa~ s Robelt ll. SquJrcs m th~ Canadian Geographical, mt:•t haH knowledge and a b. hllef !ar ;;1 eater than those •Jf ;us countcq art of s1xty ) eal'S ago And he goes on to show lh&t the tard1bonal sktll and r~· sourcef•Tine. s of 'he Ncw1ound· land lisherman must be aug. mcn~!d by techmcal tramm11 in today'; world of electromc na\1· gatwn .. l a1ds, dJCscl engmc~ and mechamcal dragg111g

A fishenes Traming Pro gumme was set up by the Government of Newfoundland m 1952 and two mstructors, one in na1 1gahon and one in engineer mg. were sent out to vr.nous ~ettlemenh to form elasse~ for flshermc The schools have grown from seven to twenty In the mtenemng ~ears and there IS the possibility that 111 thr. future a f1~hery trammg ve~se! ma' proceed fram one nttle· mrnt to anoth~r to ~~~ e mstruc lton 11nt only 10 na11gahon 11111 engmrermg but abo m 1!11" mentan marme bwlolfl, f1shlng method< tccounhng and even cookm~


The Canad1an 11rtter Thomas B t o•tam ha~ bren called a ma•ler of popular h1stor1cal romance In hiS recent no\el Belo~ thr Salt he goes back In English hlslor'' to the hme of the famous Kmg .John, slgne~ of the ~!agna Charta. •

The slo11 revolves around the rclahon<htp or England, Ftanc•' and Rome-parhcuiariy' Kmg J.1hn s 11olcnt mlSU!t o[ poll ct The ~ccnes reflect \ tvid 13th ccntut~ hf,c 11 1th 111 lack of h~ g1cne or com[ort or gen­eral htcracv on the one hand, and tt. atmosphere of nob1bty <·ml ch11alr) on the other

C O>!am guide, h1s two kmght· h ltr1oc~ lhrnu;;h ad1cnture altcl ,uh rnturr - thc1 lace -.;plf"tl;: th'0\CJ~ and a::,~ae;,Jn-= Thr~ rnnft•r 11 llh thr Pope, aJtn del' the k1ng 1 hc1 re-cuc a heauttlui lad) !rom a fPrtrc>•. ,!,nd 1la. rre prc-cnt at !lumJ' me de at the s1gmng of t1w ht, I otiC l hart a 11 htch 11 a• lo ehan:;e t 1c h1 to, • ol the IOitrl

11 \l'l'Eil Hl:i 10111 You can 1 under• land In-lot v

111thout map· maps ch31l;!e htotor) and h1ston change, maps

Goslmg Ltbr· ., h~> n crnt h acqutrcd an atbs lhat doe,•ll '1 mucl1 p1rl11 e place> a> ttlu 'llatc lu-tol\ It, c lied 11 Atlas or \\ orld H1stun and Is put out b Rand 'lc:>\, lb In a p1 cbee R R Palmer potnt> out thai map· arc rclat~d to cnti17:JlHtll 111 tnat lite\ ''o11 th rh-tr.lmiJOn nnr' trl'tce,!lra tton .tt •JH Cldc pettn ,, lap, Ill 'h: A.tJ,' 31C d11 tdctl In Ill !I\ r ;.:rnup:-, thn ... l• tf'' ...1 111 ~ anctt•nt ttmc, mcda 1! En:<tpc, mo .c1 n E!llopr \'ta ,!,lr ea anrl \nwnra, an<l lhr 1101ld of the 'I 1rnttelh ten tun

t ommentane. 111t~rlra' rtl 11 11h the mans help to coni rt thr 2Clocrnl (art• of the t1mrs 111 t c'alloll to hHoiiC I chang•

1'1. ,\(I~ PIWBI.DIS !•1 " J IJ11loi'' •pcct h tu thr

n.tllon 1 puhh·hl'd in \Ita I Specrhrsl lhc Bnll•h Pnm• ~hnl•ter 11 letrcd 10 1\Ctlld pear~ as 'h • problem rtf our da~

I here ntc t11o \Ia~· h• trunk- of m.unt"nung II One 1•

h1 m.mt.untng the f u I l ,tll•n;:th nt out alliances on thP ~~ ouncl· th t! thr flee 110rtri 1111 IOlh ,. 11! •land together or f.tll together The othrr w:•v t. b~ unl!rmg nc~:oiHIIIOn-m ~p1tc of failure alter fa.l'lre to exrrt an unrcmtlllng dfort to get sontc ~grremcnt \'•llh the Rusmns fot rl1•arm~mcnt and a le,•entn~ of tPnsulll

"I here I' hopr m thr fart thai an r\en b~lancc o! po11cr makes 11ar ~l the moment almo~t un­po.otble Therefore '' hate1·er plans ;;re propn•ed, th1s arl 1 antag~. •a~< ~lr 'f~cm1lan, mu•t not be lo't In the mean umr, eHn effort must be marie to11ard ehminahon o! <ome 1\eapons and reduction 111 othrrs, md the crrahon of h ~real a mea.ure of conf1

dence a~ po<s1hle between the oppotng poll er•.

t!l'f If 'l

'rlt ,J \r I k "' h II

l 1 ororl 1 d

, - l!'tl rncmuagm~ !11 ~11 ll~r· ports that his' reception all nr·lt'• (ampatj!n hearJqua1 trr• ~long th~ coa•t hM hrcn ~~r"l .. nd aflr1 \lr Harnett had ad- lrnt 11 1th I' t' •ent11nenl sun rltt--rll the attrntnr grtthrlm~ giOIIIDg r1e11 da•

fmt>h and hraul the P1cm1e1 L1beial pall\ ts lhP pa1h could GEORGE M -! re<~•nt Sue$ n.ake no rommrnts •uch a> ,,h,ch ha• b1ought famth allm• • • • P"ORI,\ T'l AP ~

I I d r1 takmg that attitude She knolls, - -those 11 uc 1 11ere altnbute to ances, old age pens1ons, an Sl ~; .\1 _ 1 tlnnl h k a• 11 ~ 11 as 1 do, I hat m' kid de<nonclent father took h1~ sOt! hun other soc1al 'rcuntv benefit~ m t 111 1m a T d It b '""'t

I romp1lmmng 111fc but some brothel 1s ant• ol the <11ellcst lo lltmwr ue~ av mg 1 • 0\111u It 11 a~ •uggr<IPr m a rrport dudmg unemplo' mrnt 111sur th , 1 ~ 11 , s 1111 earth He 1_11.1 011• to ' 11Im to• s and cand~ and then.

lw hrld a quc<llon anrl ansi\C'r La~t m~hl ~~~ rolr hr.lrl a t•erwd 1o11 those present mccltM at Rencnnllr t:ast r.~ I IH •I \lr

\It> " Amon:: the mteresterl •prak· tnm;!ht the scene slults tn B~l rr< !rom the !toor was onr old I!Olam for another mrrlt~~ ~rntlrman named S1meon Arlr) ~1r Cole spent ~r~terda~ ''•tl ol Adrl!on. 11 hn had bern 101 lng supportN s m the Hr \hlir. ,omr 11mc a contractor tn the frrrence1tlle, Anderson·~ (ole Jll m I ncr or Quebec, and a long a1 ea

r~om Gander that the Pt cmtcl ar.ce He •a1d unemplo, ment m mgs sure gc 1111 goal .. ., " Fr)r 'e r• m1 h h d h "hlrk hi· 1 ··prllt·IIJllltle·· If he pr. 1cc •aHl 11~nned a l~ngthv C"llrrl thr~c or four hecklers suranc• for fishermen. mho· ' r ·' us an as ·' " ' , " ,- t 1 t t h t • do"'n t "Ontrll'ute no,1. 11 , note to h1s cstrangPd 111£e and "t11o le~gcd p1gs' 11 hen thc1· at rluced thanks to I he 11ork nl the con 11 lll ca 0 IS paren ' sup '·' • ' b d t b th Jll "l bnc•u•c he "• 11 1 m,111ane II •hot and ktl!ed the o~ an Irrupted to prevent him from Honou1able .J W Plckersgtll P01 1 gnmg em l(tnerous ' ' fi ' ' ~ f d th

( I • ft 1 'I " th t d 'I '!1 h•·other rcc"ntl,. hou•ltt hun•e!f Pollee. oun 2c ~pPakm~ at the ~tart of the h·~ meant m01c to the 1s tcr· ~~ s an( oans a on ·' ' ' " L ~ • t 1 1 ld • ,• h<tnt<' and 1, 1n liP to hi• e·r·. hodtrs of I OIH< I arson, ...

tunr. L1he1 a I. r .. lh 'fhe ne11 s corre•pondcnt I rolk or Ne11 foundland than an'' ~e rcpalf t cou n t be help " ' ·• d 1 ld R •alfl l'ihal the Prcm1cr really 1 other thmk that has happened ed, I knm1 but II came out of 10 deh' I knoll for a fact th~t ~:~. 11~~ I~~-~~~~ 0 ~pa~~cnlon

~lr A1le' 1n1d "I ~oted [nr 1'11 Wilfred l.anrlrt anrl I \Olrd 1!11 MncKc•n71e K1ng hut no11 I m 1otmg for Dlr.fcnbalter and liar nett and that's that"

~Jr. Harnett 11 as tn the ('ala hna a1ea \esterday and he held 1!11 re dtffcrent public meetmg~ 111 the area )Csterda~.

McGRitTII •aul 11n< that he 11as 1erv fa •tnce people fmt began rha11· our fannl~'• pochl JUst the he hn•n I b1111ght a new su1t m 1'hP P I' candtdat~ for St m1har 111th Gander for 1! 11aslmg ft'h frum the coastalwatNs s.une Bcstdes tht< (,eorgc ~car·

.Tuhn s East. \f1 James ~lel.rAth thrre that hP hnd brcn a pig of the l·lanrl Hr. snld ~~~ helped h1s brothel lh1ough col Of COlli" the mr•nr' 1' 11 t chsclo•cd \C~tei!IRI aftrtnoon fnrmel "1he Prem1r1" the '1'1ckersgtll anrlthr L1brral part\ lc~e o~ <cndmg hun g1fts of exact!\ gu•hmA 111 nt) homr. that hi" hali rtecned 11ord from nc11s cot·rcspondcnt •a1d, "told I cannot be for~otten for 11hat money. ~~~h~r I hal~ hr~n able to <lo lion George Her<. ~~~m~ler of the meeting that he had ra1sed they"dld to get uncmplo~ment Now George~ [,1thc1 11011 t <·1~ I hair for m) parents and Tran•port that he 11111 he in pt~~ 111 Gander, and knew morr. lmsutancc for fJShermtn be able to 11ork am morr Hr hrnthrr hetaus~ Sut and 1 St. John's on Monday. March rbout p1gs-both four-legge~ 1 The Honourable !llr Po11er asks for nothmg-but 1,e )lno11 budget ' 0 carefulh nnd hfllr 24th for a onr.-dav !lop 1 anrl t110 legged pigs-than ~n~


also cxplamcd to the people of that Soml securll~ 110n t ro~e 1 paled 001111 rxprn r~ to th• :\lr ~lcGrnth 1~sucd an inll· , ether man m Newfoundland." Fern land that the thmgs that expenses. George'> b r 0 t h c r hon~ \h brother doe~n t knoll

Art llarnclt the P. C. cand1· tnllon to Mr Hees some da1s The nc11s correspondent. 11ho were most Important for th~m hasn't elen asked how the folk" ho11 :o do that elate for Trmlt~ ·Conception keot ngo, m the hope thnt the Trans- covered the mechng for a St to -get for example, tmprol ed , _ _ _ _ • ' • up his hectic pace of puhhc port :\llnlste1 would be able to 1 ,John's news medium, said when med1cal scmces, soc1al ser· for at least the next fell )ears TilE COU:O.:UL It's not too mcctlnlt~ vestcrda1· 111th meet speak to the people of St I the heckling began the Prem1e1 1 1ces mcreased educattonal ' -- hard to become "the sweJle•t in~s at Chamney's East and I John'~ East concernm11 a num told the hecklers they were foo-l I grants and abo~e all, good ~!URRAY gu) on earth on the bas1s of Utampncy's West. lie had a I ber of matters of spec1al mter ish for they were hecklin~ Con ; roads would have to come from 1 Provmc1al Affa1rs Mmlsl(:r mtcnhons.

~N "' lhr tr .. m tlurd meeting at 7 o'clock at 1 est in the rldlng 1 federation, the new veteJans 1 the Provincial Liberal Govern Murray who also attended the 1 No, 11e don t doubt K1d lr 111' 11 n rl•lr~alion Port R~xton and two hours later In thi~ connection Mr. Me homes at Gander the Gamier 1ment Smce Mr ~hllcr 1s the 'rally at 1-'err)land appealer! to'Brother's mtentwns But tt dres

• ''' 1' 1 h k' t th 1 • I · ' k n d rc 1 ~.r 1 h, 1, ,•''r t rtr rr hr II'M ~pen mg n r pcnp~ Gr.tlh~aid~·esterdnythatheha~ltownsite, and all of the thln!!S member of the Liberal Pa11~. lhevoter~tosupportMr.Mtllcr,,ln e rral w1 a~ e 011 torn 111 lie lr• tlt•t'' left ot Tr1ntty at Ius lourth meet schedul<'d a giant meetlnR on !hut ha1e been done for Gandrr I he ,can add h1• vo1ce to thai ~becau•e m domg ROthey 'ICt'e rnytlug at all \\1thoul11tl1 and

ll" , ,1, ' 11111!1, nf I he Ill'' nl tlw rla1 EPll hlancl on !he dn~· 1\lr Hers sinee l'onferlernhon "Thnl" 1 of thr Pro1 1ne1al representntt\e eurm11g the fr1endsh1p of ull effort, goori mll·ntlons he !Pep •l•mt n~' '' 1111 "Itt• ''"' ~lran11illle a d~h~ahon of I~ expPeled and that tht' Trans I' the ne\\s correspondent stated. m askmg the Pronnctal Go1 I Liberuls, PIO\lDClai and ~·ed mg, mere !I 'rnm~ th~ purpose ''" rt•l~•llnn I hat I he )h llarn~lt's .npporter~ culled 1 J!Ort Mlnlsler will he imlted "brought the house d011n 11ith 1 ernment for these benefits for l'lal Mr l\lurra1 11a~ as1uretl ot mnkmg tlw lntrndt•r ft·el

r,( 1111"" 10111111'' '''" 111 nl I'(' hrn!iCJUorler~ ~·e•ter to tuke part In thiS merllllil shouts ~nd cheers for the Pte St John's West llts opponent b1 Rcur~s of h1s conshluent- I.OOtl

~~\1( 1 , 11 ~~11 1011 ' •I' il1e da) f1om Spnnrn11l' Bny nnd I' The ~linlsler or 'l'rnnspnrt i• mier." lie satd "lhter or four at ho11e1rr ha~ none of tltese ad that the1 110uld support \!1 'I ''oulrl < lllltlhult• 1f I 11 .tnd B1e.1 rnmr thr1r tPport5, llke oth~n com rxprrttd to be asked to clarih· tlhe back of the hall rhrl the 1antanc~ ~11 ~ou can gt•t from i\hlle1 on polhng da~ 'h could '3'' <.ontl lnl~ndrr

"ll~r,1 ( 1 cant ling from all pal'ls of the lid the po5ltion of the Federal Go1 1 heckling and thc1• didn't do an~ the 'l'oty s1d!', Mr POIICI san!, ~!Iller and ~h :lhui&\ had 1hat Ll.•s c.1r of both coli 1••t rl~c1ton tho! <I 111m~ 1 1n~. rllpre~~ed conftdenee that 'ernment concernmg the n~11 1 more after that" i; a ImP of soft soap and a mce l•eld mechngs at Sl Shotts, sc1cn~~ rnd pocketbook r 1 m. c eampat~n la.t 'tlus t1mc ~lr. Harnett Is jloln~ frt·rv which !5 hPin~ hmlt for 1 llrltcr '!'hat'~ ali you llA\e "ot Portugal Cole and 1 lrlnit), and !'or KHI Brnther' $~!r, a• ~!a"ah;m~ tn thr,tr1 11111 'fnmt~ConcPptiQn Wlth•the.llcll lslandPortHgal Co1r. T.A:-.:nsunr:f'Ollf.RA~GT;R itrn from them ••ncP 194!1 1•erc rrcel\cd l'tlh ~real llcll,,,ll• o1111 t.cor•!r •lt<llllrl

oug t out onl) a comfortable margm. I se11ice. 1 Premier' Smaih~ood has fQre I That s all )Oil can get [I om them (TICndilncss and enthu•Ja>m a11akcn Ius h1 'th~r to hi< mor.tl

Thr [lrrl t 1 '"' Outpn•l Jlu• ptlal 111 C a1 honrar - ftr•l Rd (ln•s llo•pltal tn lhr PI'J\Irr~ - ~~ amon~ thr br•t ~qn•IIPNI ;;nd operatrd 111 all n( ranarl_;>

1 he Nr1• fnundland D11 i•1on nl the r.cd t:1 o« IS 1\Q\\ ftn~l· 1zm~: plan~ for an exlrt me blood ~en 1ce m tim p• 01 mcc

~lore than three thou~and ~r liclcs mcludmg surh 1tem- ·• beddmg. beds, and 11 hrd chairs, 11ere loaned out to ~1ck persons la•t )Car b~ the Red C1 o•s S1ck Room l.oan Sent~e.

r~pon•1biht~ 11 Is rcail\' not Gcor,w's r.fla1r to ron•1CI1•r Ius hrothe•, hurlget ptllblems If tltt' bop ll .. nt, lo l11e h"\011\~ ht• mco•••e th. 1 , ht• busmr,3 It tlnutl rh.n~t· his o!JIJ~a hou:-.

11 !.• '· 1h fm h.1 ! Er thl!r s eo.tH 111 r.ce 11c h:~c a not 1111 th t r; '' "r ' •II he r:' 1r.~ thrl)lr~h the no P [nr tl·e rc I of I.Js life

I I i' I


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New York Exchange

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l'ul•m~;n 7(1(r 4t= .. 4i~• .._,. • .. of rlrunkPnnPt.". ' Rartw C(lrn 9~0•1 ~:i'• 3.1~, ,,,~~

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I"' I" Hu•l,\ -"' )II~'' 110 IMO • ~\ "ontr .. l ~l"'k l:>rhAn!•-lhr It f. lhbk• "1,:. ~.!n j~\ ;n \t~ • :t rQuntlllnn~ in rPnl,. unJ~r.-. m~rlt."'rl ' .

X < Pl'('l~rr•l ~~~ ~~~ ·~~ !7.., tl 1. Orld ln1, lld-·F.'.·ftl\lfttnd. ).1-t-;:\· f Rn~o tJII ~on 1.!!1 t~n t!n n&:hl!\, lw-F:,·YtAJ'rant~) t r.nt Orl t'tlfl i7fl • 11 ";\' ~ .s ,.,., 1

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~ .. :-, \l11 1 1·'. <.rf'f' O·l r~V~ ";>~) .w' :~n \lum lpr rn 1~,.:.. ,..,. 1 "\~ Kains, forrtnan of ll1f' Th"fP wa~.; ~ fflrmaht,v bP.· I" 1• • l'"'ll" r,rl -:;,1n 111•1 Rt'l ,1'11'1 ""~ ,\rcu 11:jn N ".!" 5~~ ,~ il Rl 1\ h 1 · h '"" 1 • 1 l'u>r' :"'·' , , , 1 \II•• 01 ..,.1 •10 , 17,, 17 '• or !', a, jusl Jold !1\P~Il 11Pn! th~l might a1·•

.:';(l '~; .... ",1 " .. · ~, ::.~~·~:.'•"r ;;~~ ~~\ .:V., ~~\ ' ~~~~ .. ~~~nnl ~!r• 1 1 Hhltlt ·"hararlin that ~nmr· rxi.:tefl lwr,~rt·n ~trnn~rl'!ii. \'tt , •• ·, 1;.; ~~ 11'1 \ (if'n rrt \ :~ ;il"o 1M \M 1ft R$tllk '~ (.):!1:~ day he Intend~ lo \\'in tiJf~ Da\r ~nrw hettrl' than thl~. ~~~.~ 1\ 11 \; 12~ .• ~ . : \ir.r~:~~; ,'~~~ ~,17 '• 1;·· g·· ,., ~;.w: . .r ~ IIVl :;i:; 17'• 17'• ,, ranch, "hh·h nlu~tl 'l'l'i<h~s He had hrt~h\rnPrl hi> Calltr.r·~

'"'Ill I" \0 10 • t llnmr 0•1 ~ 71? \fAit ,, ,. -- '• B•U r··· 1111 \II'• 41', '"•. ~·· '" iral·r to his 5011 ~nrl I final hnllr< h~ hl< 11110\e(·nminl!. R"' ,. '"' ,. ·I HnmtOII n ''" 'I'·'· I! " BOl\At .,. ?' 14" ,., ,,. Ji, . I I hi .,, . '"1' 11 11 t1 n B 0•1 (; l?lO '~'• ' "• • '• Ro"•' ~ r~· ,; '''I ,:, ' II I I am~ II par ners p. " tr lllur11 .•<·Hl abrup\1~· "I 211"P VWl :.; ~~ 26 -1 .Jumn Pnd tnoo 2~ 21 !'~ Rn\ll'l~"r ''"' 4M IM .s 1111 ltta\·lng RJilt'tt. T a y 1 or \Oil "nur half o( Rlork S tn·

\~~~ \; ~~ \~ -t k?.1~r'• 1;";;, 2 o~ 2,; ?,: -1 , =~·~.1 1~';, .;~~~. :;;, :;.• , mret~ Oa1·e slmadln. thr ~ight. 11 hil~ f'm ~till i1·ing. rll :.=,1;~' ~!"~~~ 1.:\',a ~~~! _ ,. '~I 1 f1::o~!t\' ~~~ ~i~ .. ~1~-a ~~,~ _ '-11 :~~"'$~,~: rt~, ;~;:: ~;'') ~2•~ ~- • 1 son, who ha!l; ju'§t returnPd gi,·r Tn~· hi Eo hRJf whfln I rhP. ::"' "' ~~· 1"' -l ~-•• Ptto JOO 200 200 !n 41 neE s nr :10 , 48,, "48,1 li•, : from flghlln~ In the Con· If h~ !lnr>n't w~nl 11 !hat Will =:·o '' 1• " ·12 -: B•!3•nl 11~ 2l 2~ ?~ ~c rorr~t 100 110 , wo to•, -- 'I' fed Prate cavalr•· from 1862· ., 'II b 1 1 ttle 'om· !": ... .:J ·~ !.0 ,., ·1 y '!1~;-nb jt)l) 11~ 11~ 11~ Rr Pnu .. r 4,(1 $ttl ... , tt•. I ,J I e up ~ ynu 0 se • ,,. :1 :• 1; "c.-• 27M 31 29 31 ,, ac rone xd •·"' s••'• 11., 41,, _ , 1 1 65. 101111 trouble. Will you bunk

Rtt'Uh Sl F80fl ~~1. "'"A 44:'!. 1' Ro,at llut 24:!.00 '''~ 40'• $11, · ,, !"t•'" Rut f.laoo r.·" r. • 2:· ~ Strt'lkn 161)0 !t)J, :to ~o ·- ''J ~IC:fln\ 112Jrtl 4fl 4 471• 4f '-rtrr' ft i~..OO lP u:., 16 • , ,

'Std Bra11d• lCI\'1 -40 1 ;~ <16-~• -'ft'• •,. itt! 1)1\ fiiJ qftQII 4:f" 4.], t 451 •

I o;;u! OJI lnd '?Of! 411" 4(1!1,. -li', ~ '• ~td Chi XI 2~{1n 51 1 ,~ :\n-. s·~. ~t\ld' rai k ~ l'• :\1 • :1'.. ,, reu• l o ,il)(l 1;11.. Mr, FiJ" ~o 1.

'r!df' v. .. , H' I !(1(1 12~ I '22" • !Zl. • ' TmU:,.n 22(11J U'• 1:v. ::.~~. •'J

T\-r,,t r. ~~ '; .,.,~ .!4~~ Pn (. art'l A4W P4 1 ~11, ~~ • .... l"td A.1r 1~on ;7:, ; • :;~•,




Stea1nship Mo~-emeitls

SF.WfOI""iOI,i\:'>ill I" \SAOA tP~I·tn2 STE,\:'IfSRIPS 2ilh, Samt .lohr

ll~ll~ l•lr II tlur .~1. .l11hn'; ~!llh Hahfa' \1•r 1\an·h 14 .• ntllllg \lnn·h li •· .fohn"• Apnl :;1 ·:

' llr,ifurd II lPnl In!: IJ;;hfa\ !\I h. for :\r" ., "' \l,trl'h 14, dtlt• i'l. .John"• \lorrh Brook I i .. •athng ilialtl ,\Jarrh 1a

Brll• lol• If l•aring IJahC;.:. ~l•t"l'h 2~. dnP S1 . .lohn'1 llurh ?.4. •alltnil ~larrh :!6.

Rrr\fnrtl II l•.w•n~ fla hf;~' ~larrh 24, dur St . .lnhn·~ 'larch

J ot'l H.tllltltua

ltup St .J,·l·· • IP~ItllE ~1-tCI• ·~ :•· a11~ :\•11 YJJrl. rrn:"it;s~ 11 1r.r.11

~~~ .. ; i ::; !1 !.l'::&i"r !..IJ.• C:~ t. !.!'lo .. • !..t'',! t,,m 1..•. ~l'

~'"ro \!. 1" '"'- ~~ ' r:· ... tl'lM 1R lR IR Brown ~2~ 1~1'1 .. , w, 11)1~. - '•' '• I .,, 11 • 0 th h ... !'"" !'' :·• 1'1 ·! 1" =••r.rlor ;on 122 120 120 ·-A su\lhd rr .~ m *3~,, 3~, ~~·, _ 1, WI 1 tC crew. r e ousP. ,., ' •• ·; 11' t" -In '~ 0·)> M'l 280 ?!0 1!0 Cal Pou· ·~ 'toR'• "~~'• ·~·· X\'Jll I HP could ~CP that Bluett \Iii~ '" l" ., i ()~~It' 1123 149 ll~ llP ., Con Crm M2 s:~·. ?R '8 ·r· "" "d nl tt r I I • 1 d "11 h

1 2fi •atlln~ again ~larrh 211. 1 1 Brllp l.•lr II l•avinlt llahl"•;

I' \lar<it :11, duP St. John·~ Aprtt I 2, •atlm;t ag.uu Apnl 4.

Bt•dford II le;wing J(;dtf;·~;

!'\rwfounol•nn c:" ,\lan•h 12 "'·" I , ..•

20. Lra1 mg r· ·• "' " a11d llaltfnx \l · h.! Jolm·~ l1~~t·h :•7 . · • !.'": .:;~ ....

L~:-!:" ~1J Lou• .. ct Lvr.dhll ~!::run "l::!.dsen ~lalor!lr M::.ntnt C ~lara\rn ~tareon ~hn•lmr. ~!arlin

~ ..... ,"~ !J.; tu I~ .. •2 r~c p,.,.. u:-n ~11~. 171,. 171.~ -'i c11n c .. m l'r ~0 ~2~, ... 211 ,, : 11, ~ 1 " :\t , ~at n UP ~o t ~. •· wear~. So t1re( an 1 e rlfl ·.,,, " ·1 '! -1 lr'" 11,.1 ~~"' 21 :!:1 21 j ct lndn 100 m•, ?R 2R' _:_ ,: 1 wan\ a few minutps•alone w1\h lonJ~cr could stand Kain~ off.

,, •• '>

. '"' ' ic I


., '' ,, " -4 Pormn ~ 7M 179 m 179 + 4 Bank. Cum llO S13 IJ !3_ -- '• . m\· son .. . Th!"' 11"'•5 'l"hl· he had "11'"11 2r,~, !f) 11'1 11'1 PerU\' on,. tf'K)n a 78 :a. 1-l!i Brtw 58j $2FI ";!i:l• .,43"- ~.f. ~ .:'1 ' l • ,. I" • ~n l~ 2' •1 'I I P•rll'oh 700 17R m 179 • t c Br•w rr zlo w 28 28 1 Dave looked a\ the JliUrd•ro\1< Oa1·e h1. ,· .sit•. re of the ranch

4'11l =':".~ !!-s ~i\ . Ptru' Oils ltw.'l 78 7ft 78 ... ~ C Bronze 110 $25,1 4 :!:Itt,. ... , ,- " !lM 210 o; 201 -1 I Pe1ro1 ~9illl ~ l>fi 57 _3 c Celan 1100 11~,, 1~,, j:,,: 1lighl piling up behind Kains' now. Bluett thought that tied


um 1Cl 103 lll.1 -I 1 Ph:II'P• lM 73 75 7~ ·l c Ch•m •II 200 4"" 19.> 4140 1 eve• There wauld be no per.ce Oa1·e up so 11e woultln't bP able ~00 ~ 1 3 i 1.-.:: i 1 'l - 1-a Pondrr ~'lOO 28 28 28 -4 H)•dro C 200 s;a, ;1 4 ;14 "' '• • • :·. moo ,•J 3 33 -2 'Pro•o Gao 3330 Ul ?tlll ltlll JL t·>~ stl•, 1,,, JM, _ '• m l~a111s so long a~ an~'one stood to run ~gain, so he'd hold Kain.•

.51)1) a;l2 1)'2 612- 12 Rlchlo'IJ IM~ U8 II IIR c 1 I p 1' I 1• 1 ~, •1 .. ,, •o _ 1 Rock•· p -2 n ow pr ~ • ~P. lC' •• • betw~en him and the Block S and his crew lrom laking o1·er " ""' oJ I~S::J l31"l IJI~ 1:11~- ~~ ! Cdn 011 JOO $2~1~ 241, ''il 1 - 14 '

mon u•, u ll'- '' Ro)·all•• zll 113'• 13 13'• lcdn 1.111.-o ,:.o \13 11 j, , Bul there woulrl be no furlhPr Block ,!; ntirelv. Dave sm•1etl. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;., Sopph:rr 17!lQ 3 '" 01 ·~ Cdu Ptl pr '' 'II 11 ti 1· . t · II ft 1 t 1 1 1· ,· 1 k • h" r 1. scurl\· :!:~~ : 35 ::n :!J:! _ 1 rPn 11~ ·s.•h, .H' .. ~~~~ . ~. < 1sag1 eemen tn 1e n 1re. , ~• t t dH 11~ vt1rr nu\\ I!\


Red Cross line



F'IIO~! NEW \'ORK: l"ort A'·alon ..... F~b. 27 Fort Avalon , ... :liar. 27

FRO~! ST. JOHN. S.B.: Fort An!on .... ~tar. ~ F!ll't A1•alon . . . ~Iar. 2S

FRO~! Hr'I.LIF AX: Fort Avalon .!>tar. 11 Fort Avalon . . Apr. 1



'!0 ~tW YORK VIA CORNER BROOK Fort Avalon ..... ~tar. 15 Fort Avalon ..... Apr, 5

' -"'·· r.. ~Joat't', Olal 58!10 m

F1 ffiNJo:SS WITiiY & CO., L'I'B. . .

W A'l't:U S'l'ltJ-:I:'r •:AS'I'

Hallin Saini J11hn, N.R

Jlrrw \'nrk lUontrea '

St<ul l-1ct- i'Kl 4b~ 45 ~5 _-' ~ lnt Pow 1~o t~~ • 1;t. 17 1 1 Kain~ \HIS a pat1t•nt. !tilOW·\\Ol'k· gilt h~Hin"t \wen nrre~s:u·y. Hr .SnurJ"' ·UOII 11J1: ~~~ 10 • 1 ~ (. \'If krn 7"'11 ~·J 1• , ''4'l ~·Ill • I !~noonrr (Itt() 21 ~o~i :!I J 1 1 rocJ..hnu 1;,0 ~li~: -H1 Kf- mg a' ver~ar~. \\'ilK KOIJI~ lu hr111~ 1\.ains to stan\letl ~~ 76 <?I 16 •I IS~~ ond s ~~~ liM', u ' "'• ,, ··Lu\er. !hen,'' Kr .. n~ >aul ~uti hi> knf't'' 11 ithoul Blu~ll"• Tc:oc C,.t 50!1 3fi 1 :J ( orby .\ U)(J 5lil 6 Jil 4 iii, Tr1"d ou JOO 40 ~o 4n ., !li 1 rro"n Zttll 3~\ 5161 , 1•1t:r l!t'l _ ~: he \\'(•nt out. mtiUf'll\tll'Hlg

t'n °•1• 1'."7l Z'' :!111 2111 IJ•'" A " •• • • Dn1·~ felt an awkv.ardnPs• Dave lilled hi~ Pve' •·Jn lht 'Ulr,•" ~Jlf) n 1fl';a 4~1~ 21 1 I 0 DrldJ:f 7~0 S'.!l 2"', ~·)I•• . • ' ''"'''•urn 1,;oo 67 --~ ''"' S••r "" <26;, i,;, , , bel ween ht~ falhrr and h1m \hal hou>c. Ru1 fir~\ 1"11 half a look It;· IIO.I;!Iil ~~~ I!~ t:n t:n ·! 0 Coal nr IOO \7'• h 71 • • ' ' WOI!Id he )O!ld tinte eas!.IJd at )"O",lr cr"\l·.·• . 01"'('1111~ t.no ],,., 1~n 1;, I til Fndl'\ I() ~n~. ')(.•l )AI a ,., f!t• t

'''11,.,. "I" l~tw'l "':11 ZR .•.:: ~ Ootn Slnll•~ l:.!!l $~•. ·, s J. 1 Thr. room in whi<'h he .~toori • • ::-,~~~:" ,'.: t•;,., 1 ~1 I~ ,., ::~~ ::::~1 t;;~ ~:~;· 1 i~' '1:· -- •• hadn"l rhan~~cl. hut Df·l"~ was n.\ n: strpprcl lrnm t h p 1 '" ( •• l"'l • •, llu rnnt ~•; '17' 17' " ' a rhftrren\ man from thr bov ranth hnuse thinkinn of ShPrt''"· \H nr, rt• lf'INI 1 I' I' ~·1 Ouf"nnt rr 17n JM Rn ~" 1 • · rt · ~ ' "'"R~ r.11)· .~ .u 1,. 10 ., whn h;on rulriPn awa)·. An hi~ He lou~h1 \he •lron~r~t urRP ''""' "

11·~ '!' '"'• h '• t•n•m rr~ ~ Z"'l 'I 1 • fathrr wa• no longPr thr ·~mr. nf rtdJn~ b~rk In town and ]!.~ '·~" ;o !I J', \ "- F.n.tm Pr" P :'M qn ttn nn '•ln.,. . ,, ,., 1:>, ~;,, _ (, rnl'l 't.<• , •• ,,, ,, ,, That rr;-rntlul ~rt nn ht• brin~in~ her lo Rind S Thrrr

~~~. 1 •• ' 1"' •1·, w, - '' r,., rl•)· Zl' <11 11 ' ,, ' !athrr'1 mou1h \\Pn1 throu11h ,,.,.~ plenl) nl ronm in thr hi~ Ult '~-''4. ~,:, '~'' _ 1'11 fras~tr :~, ~•4·• ?1s 4 "'"' • T•rr"'m t•!l "''• 1~ t••• _ ,, lt.hn•au •il h ll'o j·' ., D;-1• Bluett 1\"a~ drAtd of hou•• and 11 11onld h• u pror

.\lun1ll'1 '":".HTRIAI • r.a• ·' re ~~ 1' lm•; t•~' i~2,; • K a1n.•' rr fnr h~r I~ bP h•rr a~ tn · 2,:1"1 u,,, 1rt, VlltJ _ ~, Gatli1•111J -~~ , 3., ~u ,,.. .,

~"''" 'lid ''' 'l'l • ,., r.at ·'"" pt ·~~ noi:, m•~ 1,,.,, - - Blurtt 5pDke In a cnsp m1l• \11 e abor• a ~alonn But under A SEW TOY

r Br•·• 112~ <l' l''• ~~ o;•n l!tk• IM ''• ~'• ·;,, " , I , h" 'T 1"11 . h ld 't 111•••• •·• '11 11 11 _ ,, Grn O!nom 1, 5 '!"• 111, .,.,, "' ar:-- ,a• ton. ' omorrow lh~ :trr.um;\anc~~ e cou n 1111• 1 ""' Wl ••• !'• - •• o.;"c 100 '~' " '5 • ~ ha;.~ a chore for you I'm nn in1 tte h~r to Block S: not Mth i . Be!SI! 15 out 111 the ~ arrl pla) · ~-., ~,._. ~" II~" u ••'• -'• · GS \Taru &:9 ~·~ ·;,, • .. , b k h h d f mg w1th a new to•· It is A ntc•

1 Pblna ~·" 1.11 ,1,, ,,, -.v, ,1 GL l'ar•r !til 'l.l'' ,;.., ,; longer a le to rna e t !Ae ar a crP ,, that •vatten fnr h1s tr;t · · 1 1 . ~:':!';.;.;>;: 1~ !1~· ~~:• 11•;.: ,1 Gn>~um 23 ,, ·, ,; 19 ' • '1 rtde~." break in ord~r tn test ht> to; for she ~as to !l !)' ~111 1 1t '" • I t~;itn\lTit s.,.- ~ il; ~ 3ll; ,rr;- •• ~·~!llou B g~ ~~r· ~~•; JP • Dave a~ked ~lowlj•. "Prol~'s m~ttle I. the. open Air. _If ~·nu _u·ould 1ikP I "•lkm 1114 S%7 2'i3%1•~ _ ,. H ~mlh pr n• u3 43 43 '1


. shack yond~r··· I CJo·e b•· the •table he e· ugh! a picture nf thts to~·- JOin all the i Total oaleo: l.m.ooo. d ~~ r~t A ~il -~~ 4~·· 4r" ·I "You \\ill t~oke the men and' a gli~pH; of 111:0 figures~ He I n~tnhtbder~dndmotb ~o!~~~~~ds~~~:~gg' I, Imp 011 m 3S9'-" 39" 391 \" ut the fe r of the Lord t"nto · d Ka1' The " 1 0 u e lm! Tob 1 o~ s13'·i u~; m! .,. • P . a . recognize one as ns. with dot number twenty-eight. 1

S!:\1' TORK CLOSI~'II ~TOCKS l:d t~e~ta m SJO~i 30'• !O:i thiS plowman. Burn hiS place other man looked very much Try your paints or cra~·ons on : Bt tht Caaa!llaa l'rua I Ac 2.75 rr 300 esl7 ' st·· ~l ~ If he puts up any kind of re· like Creen. A~ Creen stepped this picture 'I

~g;~ ~:~~tr ~\ ~;~~,e~(! ~~~ ~~ fleko rr 17'1~ 7~ 77 HI sistanee." into saddle he fntqitively sens· _ _: ___ ·---,------C an1 o ~~" :>:Y c.,.. 111 , lnt JR?' ;;~•em :l:; ~-I> "His mistake was to move on ed trouble. As the horse mov· but Dave guessed he was not c•"t~110" ll'• ~.~,. Corp Jl'• LlnlerPL, ~4s 141 4l'i •i +110 us.'' ed into a lightened area he touah enough. The reputation t!Au•o !:\ l''• Std Oil ~-J Wo 1 auren ~ r?~ 1!2 11 17 • 1 " d · b C.•n t!oo w, t:•d Atreroll 3~~ Macm\11 B '? , 2,,, '-''• ??'i + ~ "A mistake," Bluett admitted, recogmzed the sorre. · Juan Dave had earne With Illos Y ~~·,~~~·;.. ,;1 ,,~:fn~~~m lia: I~~~~~·· ~W ,~; • !;:; • ,1:• and- nov.:· his lips -parted In his Gatling had lent· ~~'!I m 'Yolf had reached this far and ~ad·

, 1nt T an1 T 311.\ Mme•· pr 3l ll7'• 4,,1 171l grev smile. "I held this o£! be- Creek. Creen wr.s r1dmg swiftly Its effect on these men, keymg

I ~~~!~A8 ~~ ~~·~ ~~·· ?~'• + •• cause a man has got to Jive with toward a screen of-scrub oak. them inside.

1 • !l!ont Loco 135 1m, IS'• ~~~ ·:.~· his conscience." He caught the feeling of eyes From the corner of his glance --- TELC '~~r'n~11 1~ nJ;• Ul' f~~· + ~ It ·was a sign of age when a watching from the bunkhouse, he caught vague movement ~--· 1 ~ st.car m ?'"; ll'; II':_,, man considered his conscience; then the unmistakable serape of against the atable siding and

IJ~I~-~~· 1 l~ m~ m~ ~::· ~·10 a young man did what he want· a boot sole beside- him. A man. again thOU!lht of Morgan, the



I DIVIDEND No. 187 No1l~e is h~reby glvtn that divi·

I dend No. 187 of forty cents (40c) per share for tht quarter endin1 March Jl, 1958, bas b•en declared

, ~ upon tbe !bare1 of the Company p;t\••ttl• ThuJSday, 11a)' 1, 195~. 1~ >hordtuldtJ; of r•,ord kl th• do,e 111 hu·iau·"'~ 'fhur ... day, o\prtl J. 1'~511

lly Urol<r ol I ho ll<•110l,

I ' R. B. TA \' I.OR, fiecrtlary.

, HamULon, Canada, Marcb 7, 1958.

~aelli'jf•'• soo 111~ 17l'o 11~ ed and never let it disturb his appear~d silently from the most dangerous man In ·his P~'.~r er~ ~d.~ ••~: u: ug - 2 sl~cp. str.ble shadows. It was GallD, r.g:t~.~ ~ ~~~· r~> 33'< It was Bluett who begr..n thP the 111811 with the huge torso; I "Step away from the w~l\, Prl•• Bl 1000 ••~>4 4r• ~~~· _ ll talk about th~ war. man larg~r than •'~rris. ~lur~~n." he ~Ji.J Ieveil~·. "I iikr l'wv Tranr ,_2; Ill'~ lllo 11 1> ''nit! you rlo lhe job WP!I?" he "Wherr du vou fiJure you're Ito ·ee a snakt bt-iore h~ 1'

II..U.III N.t.t G,n ~~~ $ 1 ~ 2l .. , 'JJ'• ' ~ J Qut I·•~. •!• il<l_ Ju , :ro asked. I he~dfd'!". Gollo. asktd.: lie wa> 1 s1rikes." : h11"' 1A\, C1•• ll• 0 lll11 ll'• u•,- \i - "! aal'e el'en·thing I !tad Hke a bubo wolr hunlina "its 1 "There was a 1motbered oath os. gn. ~m us•, ss ll - ;. ' • · · l • '

l l,l•l•'.B tit bllol m !>u 3,; Th~•·~ were just too ma!Ji' Fed- 1 kill. · from the d11rk side uf !he ilable; K'.; ~~orp llli,, llt;• 1~:· 11:;• I er~l<" • • ·and Morgan stepped hl\VHd '" c,,,,, At•r 1.,, to; ~j 91 -1 I "That's all that mr.llfrs .. · 0:\.\'E'S molllh broke m a hun 111 long stl'tdes. ll311o said.: "'••'• s ' 111 "~'• ""1' 1 ~' II rl J{ I '· I · . I . l"·t 'II • .,,,.,, 1.11 ""• 2·, 1; • _ '• lu~ll HllSII'~I'e e no.~! up taun1111g !mile "li's l!mr,\o "\\'htn we"t'f 1111st~t you "'·'"'" ~ u, 11• ·>'' l!l - •· ·t n d UIH'XJJN'lfdl\' ~nlllf'tf. ,ftlJl hnll'hn~ ll~sn·t K·,m• told know lull tanglfd with •t~lllf· Sol i;.N \'l -t!:\ !'1-1 ~~ ~~ 1 I • o ' ' • • I ' ' • ' ', ~ • •t

''•k• 2'"' $14 14 2• . 1 • "Somellme 1011 mn,t 1~11 mr 1011 '"fl"'" · liody uttlerenl than tern~. . ~~~r' .. e~~ 1,.;::'799~'.' 2~'• ·,~;· 2:• 'how I"OII raplured thai general, 1. He· c~m~ to a hall ~~ Jla1·~·, "it will lake more !han R: t'n Sltrl • z11111 1u' ~~ 1~ • · ' fnr I want tn know." . word< ancl na1·p ~tudiPd lh~ ·~I •trnng jR>w tn do it." DavP £lung ' ~~~h r.~nr '~~00'2~40 2~ '~~~ I So Fllnrll. Inn, hart heard that i of hi• monlh ann ~aw a n~r~·e at liim anrl •aw r.allo flinch.

I Zrllors t~! 121 r. 11 + .,. ~tory. DF·Ve ~~~~perted it han rruivPr Gallo might be tnu11h. I - (TG Be Continued)

Apl'll I. dut Sl. .Johu"s April 3. <ailing agam Apnt 4.

1 Ht'lle l~lr II lu1·tng Halifax April 9. rlur St. .John·, April 11 ~>alhlli! aga1r. Apnl 12

Bedl••rJ II le~\ illY. ll•ltfa~ 'Aplll II due St .. lt•lJtt\ April

14 'alill.t( ~gittll :\JHII (,~ ('1. \liKE S n;-\ \ISIIII'.~ CO. '"'""Jl<>tl le"\111~ S\ Ju\111

:\ tl \I'' dt 18. !•:11 in~ tbht .•. : .\l .. 1d1 ~I ilu~ Si .John, .\lanh ~4 •.ttllll~ ~~:tin ~1:11 rh 2.~. . • \o1 ''""'I leol\ ing Si Jllhn .

\ II. -\prtl l. lra1 10~ Halifax April 2~. l.tal 1.

Aprtl 4. duP St .John·, Apl"il 2~ anrl llnlil"' \;• : i. sat ling again Ap11l 8. · St .fohn's \1> • '•

• RP!rtgrr~lton. >ami' ria~· for : r•rt" :So\ a Srotu1 ,._,, 1rzL

AprtJ 2~. rlu~ ,. lo·n T.Pann; /t'lr P

Fl1R.'\ESS RJ;O I'JIOSS 1.1:\'E

fort '" alnn llu~ St .lnhn·~ \Jm:h 1a

le3• m;: Marr.h 1~ for s~" Yerk 'n rnrnet Brook. ~fld

ton ~In a. n• r 1~. ciue.S\. .lnhr •



ST •.




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tp tls .lrohn





t ROLLERS .... ' IU r.11r' t SCRAPERS

t: R;l~r.'(ln

' \l~rrh 2S. ,., ~7. ~.,1:!1

: "r J.l\·o: pool. , •1 ;., .• I! ar1DI ~ 1. dut St. l·"urin~ for . \l;,r 2P. cue

nd BMtnn •>fun ,.,pr 4

du• !it •taill tune

·''"lul I•~'Jn! ll. ''"' St

Ll'~' 111~: M " Apr:: & WINDOWS >t , l 21 ) n•l








MARCH 1 1959



Let us help you with your

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Modern Tiles and












Suburban Home Has ~uxury of Penthouse

R:r ,JOHS 0. 11. 1\'AI.L\CE Tilt: DESIRE to nrlnpt luxun· ·

r~atures or penthouse lil'ing to suburban and rountr)' scttin~:s was responsihl~ lor the c·rration of I his striking yet· practical ranch house.

Double and ~~·~n triple u~e r~ms an~ .Iil·ing arcus plus op· ~lonal adchllons for growing lam· 1ly needs make this ~xceplional house with its abundant terraces lan:wr still.

The basic house is just Ol'er 1,800 squnrc feet-well below ihc TillS HOUSE WAS DESIGNED for sophisticated living In a suburban or country setting. It has luxury features usually found In

&leek penthouse apartments. Yet the size of the bouse Is moderate,

settings, The inlerest today Is in a luxury house with unusual features th!t would be right at home in a sleek, top-of-the-world p~nthouse.


11\\'·!14 .... A suburban or t·ountry humr insplrrd br the luxor 1enlurrs or a ~nthou~r

"Yet, this plan has been achi· eved within a moderate budget, krycd to todny's economic reali· tie.•. Sl;illful use of the outdoors makrs I he house still larger. A~nin. like a penthouse, this is ont··levd lil'ing plus 8 partial ha~emrnt with exira teenager play opace anrl working utili­til':-"

t'Jn; IIF.Ito0:\>18 POSSIBLE

Ha,ic arr<l~ include three bed· rooms. two baths, li1•ing room. dining 1'00111 and kitchen plu~ 8

~pori~ or r<'creation room which ean be,·nme a fourth hedroom m·

h:~lll')' l'l;b~. En•n it ~n optionnl study which can become a fillh maid's room ~nd third halh aH· lwdJ·onm.

rwt Cltt

. '· ....... . : ~ . . ·,

ac!c\rd. lhc squan· tonla~c ~!ill is Aclditionall,·. the arra o1w tlw mnd£•r<Hr. ~:ar<ll!l' ean he com·crtrd into a

llr.<i~llt'rl h.l' I he WI·!! knm• 11 nmicl's room wilh hath·-or into an·hitN·t. l.c.<!Pr l'o!1rn. il ha.' a pla)Tuom area for childt·t·n hrPn ~<'lr·t·lrd ~s 11\\'.n.t in th€ h;m.i)' lo suprrl'ision from the

~Tl' !IY TillS I·'I.OOr. 1'1..\ '\ rlo~rJ~· fnr R full irlra m thr llonhlr and r\'rn triplr·use area~ In this rHrJttional hou~e. Tilr optional maid'~ room and thin! bath !'an br adllrd n1·er the l(ara~~:e aru

ann to the rlinin~ room. Th<• .tit. rlwn ha~ a srn·ke Pntr:Jn<e. llnnse nf thr \\'rck ~cries. kil dwn

Cohen sal's: Tl1r kilc·hrn. 24'~ O)' P•, frrt. • is lnr~e enough ~o 1 hat n srpar·

HW·!I·I lends it>rlf to nn11sunt rlrcoriltin,[! st•hrmr.>, r>pr<'iDil)' in thP ar~a ol the lwo·waY fire· plnce. thr rnn~ni!irent windows throu;rhout the house and the

"Todny's morlrrn.< want sophis· · nit• hrrakfast room may he set ticated lil'ing on a prnthonsr nff in lhc m·ca. Tlwre is a hut· scale in ~uburhan and countr~· lt·r·~ panlry, open to the kitchen

THIS RF.AR l'IEW ~hows, from left In right, the s~reened-in dining pon·h, thr barhrcue grill and tht• 30 by HI foot terrure

Send this coupon for your STUDY PLAN YOV CJ.N GET a ~ludy plan for The Fionse o! The Week by filling in your ~ame and ad· rlreH on the cuupnn on lhJS page ~n~ sending it with 35 eent5 to this ne11'spn~r.

This stutlr plan ~ho•.n ~ach fioor of the house togrth"r with each of the four elevations, front, rear and sides of the house. It Is scaled at \-it-Inch per foot. It Includes a guide on ''How to Get Your House Bnllt"

You can take this study plan to your hank or other mort;:ag" lende1• and to ;·our bu:ld~r and grt rough r>:nnate; Otl t11e co-: or conslruc11on in this area, as well a.; an idt'a or th~ cost in relateion to your budget.

With this informatrion you will know wltether you ~·:ih want to proceed witlt construe· tion by ordering working bhle· prints direct from the architect and asking for bids for the work.

,pmt- room. rlP>Jgnerl particular. n!'sired ami more cupboards and lr for hobbies. r.abin~ts. The serl'ice area lead~ · (1thrr uncommon fratnres in. to ~larway~ up to the maid's

chide an art gallery, a gl ide·oUI room and down to lh beasement. har which sen·es both indoor ami 1he ~en·ice 1·estibule could outdoor areas. and a ma~ter herl· ~en·e a~ a mud room with coat room with sliding glass doors hooks for wet and soiled play opening onto a dropped sun ter• clothes. The sen·ice entry does race. . not go out to the garage. There

This terrace is surrounded by is another entry to the garag~ a fence and a stone wall for pri· and laundry. The laundry i.~ on ,·ac)'. It cou!tl serl'e ideally, too, the main level hut it cn11lr\ hP as an area lor the carriage of an pbccd in the lmsrmrnt. infant at nap I ime. The mastrr h:•droom h::~ < ~

The house, Cohen sum~ up, "is ver:tilation s;·Et(·m that opr:·atP.~ just made :or the family that with the li~ht fh•ure. F.arh tim• misses dty lil'ing and ~·ct. for the light is turned on the l'entiJa. the children. ·wants to adapt such tor goes into oprration. li1·in:: to the suburbs and coun· There arc thrPc terraces-trr " -entrances, rear and sun bath

in:ILT·IS KITCHEN DESK terraces - and the screened-in The kitchen is suited to "one· rear dining porch.

woman" homemaking hut i[ a The house has a total of 12 maid is used. or if extra help is lm~e room closets plus basement required f ort•ntertainin~. the hut- storage and attic storage abol'e lrl'S pantry permits two or more thr garage-and an outdoor gear persons to work in the kitchen closet at the rear. and pant1·y area without clutter Exterior materials include or cli:;comfort. stone, wood shingles. \'crtical sid-

The kitchen ha:; a bt1ilt·in desk ing. plywood battens for the gab· l':ith shPiles ahnl'l'. The butler's les. asphalt shin~les for the roof p~nl rl' has an rxtra sink and ann wood fencing and stone wall­spnr<' !o1· another clishwa~her if in~·.

. ... -·-- ·- ·-···--- ---- ·--r-----------~--~-~


Building Editor. Enclcsed is 35 cen1s. Pf~ase sene! "'e a copy ef the s!u:iy

p!on of Tht House of The Week, Design HW-94 ' I I I .

Na"'' --------:-:-·--=------·- I (f1uu ''"'U Strttl --------------------

t I C~t Stolt . I L-----------·-----.J ~ -- -


We have a Special Credit Plan covering the sale of materials for home impro~ements which allows you to obtain up to $3,000 worth of materials now and then take up to three yeors to pay. Easy payment terms are available on all amounts from $30.00 to $3,000.00. HERE'S ALL YOU DO • • •

1. Look around your home and decide upon what improvements you wish to make. 2. Visit our Building Department and decide what materials you require. 3 .. ·Ask if you can make your purchase under the HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN. 4. Fill in a simple application form - select your Payment Plan. 5. Use. the materials purchased to effect your improvements. 6. Make a monthly payment on your account for the agreed period.



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Automatically Here lti amazing heating capacity !or so compact an air conditioning unit 1

From the stainless steel cumiJustlon cham· ber · through the supe,· efficient heat ex· changer the McClary Oll·Fired Winter Air CondltlonP leatures the longest fire travel of any similar unit of Its size-with 211% ·to IIOo/o greater heat capacity.

The air stream from house to heating unit Is cleaned, refreshed, warmed and redlstrl· buted to the house In a system of truly advanced design. · .

Ernest Clouston Limited WATER ST. DIAL 4183


The !Jaily Neu's Silhouette Contest

No. 53

1. The Silhouette Contest is simple' and easy to work. lt consists ot 60 ~ilhouctlc dr:1win~s ol wirlcly knawn persons and 120 picturrs All you hal'c to do is identify the silhouettes, not bv namr hut by pairing them with pictures of the people you think are portrayed in 1 he ~ilhouctte. Ea'cl. pcr~on shown in ~ilhoucttc will be shown by picturr­but not necessarily on the same cl:l~·. In additim• thrrc will be 60 pictures of other persons who wil• not he ~hown in .;ithoucttc clrawings. Thus you 11·ill h:l\·c 120 pictures fmm which to make ymu liO selections to ;:!o ll'lth the flu ~ilhourttr.<. Kcr)l the 60 left n\·cr pictures. The~· will he nt·cdcd tnt the final Silhouette Scn•mhlt•. 2. Tllr ~ontest >larted \\'cdn•'.•tlay_ .T;muary 1~

19:i8. Each dny ~londay through S;•lnr<la)' for 60 da)·s one silhouette anrl lwn pidm·rs will be rrint­rrl. Aftrr )'Oll hal'e paired a 'iihmll'tlc with a picture, pa~tc or in ~omr. wa)' fastrn th~ m:1lchin~ pai1· on a single "hcrt of papl'r. ,\11 liO ,heels arr to be fa.,tcncd together in order and each sheet should beat· vour n:m1e.

3. The Daily News will aw:~r·: ~;,oo in r;"h rri1.c~ fo the winners. There are no cnlry Ires. The prizes are:

I. ~~:10 2. st:;n 3. 5100

4, 'rhc cnntrsl is open to all rr.~l<l('nf.< nf :'o:rw· foundland with the exception ot rmph1~·ce, of The Daily News and members of lh~ir familic~. Not more than one prize will be awarded in any Ollf. immediate family.

5. The final ~ilhouette and picturrs will appear on Saturday, March 22, anrl with this set will appear a master score sheet on which you must enter the numbers of :vour silhouette-picture com· binations. Do not 5end in l'Ollr rntrles until all &ilhouettes and pictures ha,:e been published,

6. The contestant getting the greatest number of the 60 regular silhouettes correctly solved i! automntical1•1 the winner of the first prize. Second highest score gets second prize. and ~0 on.

'1. A Silhouette Scramble will be published with Silhouette No, 60. This will consist of a number of sili!Ouettes which arc to be identified fr,·m the 60 pictures left over from the regular contest. This Silhouette Scramble will be used by the judges ONLY in case of tics. If tie~ exist in the regular contest. then those contestants mal·ing the best sco;·es in the Silhouette Scramble will be declared winners. Contestants should submit wah their completed entries a statement of M words or less on "The Feature I Like Best in The Daily News." These statements will be eonBIO<'r~d by the jud!(es only In case there still are ucs alter the Silhouette Scrambles have been judge!!. Winners will then be determined by the aptness and originality of their comments

8. Address entries to Silhouette Contest, The Daily News, Box 972. St. John's. All entries ~1us1 he postmarked not tater than Saturday, Apnl 5, 1958, Entries must be sent with first class postage [ully paid, since The naily News cannot be rcspon· sible !or entries delayed because of improper ad· dress or insufficient pos(age or for any other reason not received at Tile Daily News in dne time.

9. By entering the contest, the participant agrees to accept the decision of the iudges as final.




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foir weather when you 0!waYI


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The Daily News Eat



lT'orlcl !"ve11ls In Pictures '·'

.. a

-- T!:crc·, ~omething mighty unusual about a lion who walloll':-: in snow. a~ Caese1r. the · :: :; .. ~··:·:he Dctn-cr Zoo. is doing here. Caesar b nine ~·ears old Hnci u,:cd to the l'ri.~id ll'i .~rs

> "ril' llr -rem~ to enjoy the sno wand may be he believes tlwt there's nulhing il polar bear L'Hn

: i:e <o:i·t ··io hcltcr-being the king o! beasts, of course.-(l.N. Photo).

YORl\ I:. a huddle before United Nations Trusteeship Council meeting are Ambassador Omar ':e:~ -t<mriing of lhe new United Arab Republic (formerly Egyptian delegate\: Rafic .J oL,,pti ;:;.::(·:~ . of S~Tia. and Zaki Kenawi (seated) of Egypt. Their section is tabbed "United Arab ':c". ·r·:~r L'.A.R. toda~· replaced the separate memberships of Syria and E).:~·pt b~· letter from :? 1 .. \. :'cc. General Dag Hammarskjold declaring that the union henceforth is a "~iPgle member l:~:·c-i \':ttions." This reduces the U.N. membership to 81, although formal action must await

. !'L':· oc~;;ion of the general assembly. Meamwhile . .Ken.awi will occupy the seil.t on the trus­cn·,t!lC'ii.--d.:\. Photo).

W.'\SHII\GTOR D.C.·-Tntcrnation:1l :-:rwialite-tumed -diplom<1!. Prim·e .t\li Kh~n. right. is shown witt1 As.;i:-lant Secretar.\· of State for ;\c\\' b::.t(;m :\ff air:<, \Vill::•m };1. Rullltt·ec. as he paid a briel r<'urtesy call at the Siat11 Department. Ali is Paki~ tan's new dele,ilate to the Cntied !\a lions.-! I.N. Hwto). ·

WASHINGTOX. D.C.-Lyman C. Conger. Kohler Comp<lil~· coun:<cl. right. i,; ~hown as he rejected a proposal ad,·anced by Emil Mne~·. left. C.-\ \V Se,· retar~·-'Lca.,urcr that the four-yeat· labor dispui.e with Kohler be arbitrated b~· the Senate racket;; prober~ or negotiators appointed by President Eisenhower. Conger said the company could not ~ccept compulsory arbitration. In center: is another Kohler counsel. Ellison D. Smith.- I LN. Photo).

LOW ...... -'~• ... '" .• . .C-~~~-:~)' · · .


:! , m; ,Ju. dy coal and wood stove has c

This 30" electric range has four handy Microtube surface units with separate seven-heat switches lor each. The 24" oven is .completely automatic and is


""""' -~-------

\~~ :00:§)@ ~ @@ a


' !




'fhi~ apm·tmcnt·~i7.e !•lcdl'ir ranae

is BHi in el'cr~·thing except size

and price. Only 21" wide, it has

4 Chromalox ~Iicrotuhe surface

nnits with 7·heat switches, and a

large-size "Even-Heat" oven with

smokeless broiler. Just right far

YOUR kitchen.


$ •


1Lep fire-1:-ox with replc. ·eable grate. a · grate-bars, and asbestos fire-

f~J.!p ! h d ' backing. It's a an some addition to ; · any kitchen, with white porcelain en-! • :It ' exterior, chromium trimmed

I ardware and gunmetal cooking top. See it to-day.


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i$ < tit~

• ._ ........... ; .......... .

I l

j -· ' ..... ·!· . :'

I 1 )


Monthly Terms ·


... ~- ~-

. :>perated by the new, one-knob dock ,_ __ control. Beneath the giant "Even-Heat"

1 oven is o spacious storage drawer for ·j' pots and pans. See this kitchen won-1 der i . our showrool'!'.





I 'I


! I

I i I


. r

·' I

' I I

.. .'·


BELL ISLAND ·NEWS All Forms of Protection

~-----------------------------,1 B II I I d .·Jackman e San . :Nomination·

Edl .. tori· ais ·Today Mr. D. I. (Nish) Jackman, who

. is standing as Independent J

' Labor candidate for the riding :

Power Restored of St. John's East in the Fcdcrf))J election on !\larch 31st, will be : nominated today, Mr. Jackman 1

represented the district of I!nr· !

Bell Island will start getting back to normal bour Main-Bell Island in House 1

' of Assembly for a number of next week. The restoration of electricity will give ycnrs. and was for twenty yer.rs, · the miner~ the wherewital for their daily bread. president or the Wallnna Mine I

Tw Workers' Union. Mr. Jackman's o weeks loss of work with the stop-gap unemploy- campaign manager is Mr. Ron

ment insurance payments coming up later was a Pumphrey.

Newspaper Of Bell

[From The Files Of The Daily News]

History Island

Part 2 Chapter 37



!People In Mr. Richard H. Gosse, West

Wabana made a business trip to St. John's. Tuesday morning.

. He returned in the afternoon.

The 1\lr. F. Jar1i; "'

h . •i Lo · t P c.apltal aurin week doing bu'intss 1

. --Mr. and Mr·. Jil.t. i Mr. J. Salvage olf Heap and returned from a bri~ ! Partners, Limited, was here ! St. John's Tu . !! :from St. John's Tuesday on a .__: ' business trip. Mr .. s~Iby ·,\men

: cent vtsltor to lht ~~. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. New·. .- ---

hook, son John, Dr. W. Temple·' Mr. Tom Dwyer man and Mr. W. J. Somerton, capital Tue;dn

· went to Whitebourne Tuesd;..;.· . business trip. ~~ ! morning to attend the funeral ' the afternoon. ·of the late John C. Brown, who; ---passed away suddenly at that Mr. C. A. ~1~akl!r place on Monday. cent busines• 1·isit~

John'•· Mr. Cyril Diamond was here

severe blow to miners and business generally not ------ , from st. John'~ during the Mr. Ra)·mor.d only on Bell Island but in St. John's. Hockey News I' JOURNEY'S ESD I A Bell Island miner, Lance guests of w. N. Butler, man·: week on a "" "SS \'isit. a visitor to thf

A f th . · d l t . t On No\', 22, 1918, elel'c!l Corn.1ral Matthew Brazil, who ager of the Co-Op Store. 1 d~·. He return~ri the

I s abr ads e mbmfes are concerne ·1~ ec nc mo thors . , days after the 8i{lning of the lliecl in Frhruary this year, was. Mem~ers of dthe ~W.V.A... Mr. Rich: .. r ..... >ley went to ·-

1a\·e to e ried e ore power is app 1ed and at e BELL ISLA:-\~-On mectm:: Armisticl', Albert, King of the with Ser~t. Ricketts when hP the Bngades an hun reds of· the Capital Tuesda~· on a ,·isit, Mr. and \!n. [I time of ":riting com pam· officials could not assure , ~ur press dencllme for !odny's Ilel~inns: returned to his cnpi- won the v.c. L. Cpl. Brazil re· citizens were on hand to greet to his brother Domnic who is were recent .,.L'ItO!'!

. · . . · I ISSUe of the DAILY NE\\ S Bell , tnl m triUmph after an absence ceil'rd the DistinguisiJerl Cnn· the returned veterans. Bunting very ill at the sanatorium. capital. Ul that everythmg would be m readmess to open .


Island Section. there is no of more than four years, dur- cluct Medal. th~ Croix M . was flying everywhere. The the mines on Monday. Something definite will br chance of ~etting a line·up of ing which his name had gonr currrr. and 'lilitary :llcdal. G:W.V.A. was represented b/" Mr. Bert Stevens was in St.. !.ir. Peter Pitts kno\vn over the weekend and miners will be advised i !he Bell l~l~nd AII·S;ar l'ntr~· , around the w~rld for his her?ic, The citation accompanying the L~eut. R. Burnham and Sta.f .. John's Tuesday doing busines~. capital reeently

• • • • • 1 tn the seml·fmal All-Nfld. ~In)·. defence of h1s country. 1he aware! rPad as follows: Sergt. C. 0. Butler. The C.C.C.I He returned home the same

by mob1le transmitters, radiO and notices posted m II offs. There. has hcr.n consl{~er· Ro~·al Nfld. Regiment formed a "For con~picuous gallantry were present under Capt. J. :'11., daY the companv office. able shuffhn~: of hnes rlur!ng guard of honour to the Kin~ nnrl devotion to tlut~·. On thr Greene. Lieuts. J. J. Murph~· · ·

One thlng is certain. the power was restored 1 recrnt. ~~·ecks ancl . ever)·thm~ on hi.s triump~al entry into, 141h octo11er. 1913. durin~ thr and Edward Lahey with the· :IIr. Diamond E. White. . . . ·hock e) 1\ ISP conct•rntni: the . lo· Brussels. the !II cwfoundlanrlers ad \'a nee from Lel!)!ehem toward drum and bugle hand under In- 1\ 1nch m;:,nager, Great Eastern Mrs A lot\ Tl k

as fast as It was human!~· poss1ble to get It back ! c.al team srrm~ to be hnywtrc. represrnting the Dominions the LPys. all his p!Jtoon rxcept structor Stone. The C.L.B. were Oil and Import Company. Ltd, in· st.' Johen's lc !r,

thanks to the tireless efforts of linesmen and power lh«.> snmr spirit of cooperntwn °1'rrsPns. On D«.>c. 13 the fir>t him><•lf and onp man hrcamP u~der !he command. of Capt.· B~ll Island. returned from a· ~hopping trip ff . l t tl e 0 rce 'n the Goulds and on Bell between play1•rs: te:nn m~nng1•·. ba1talion of th«.> Re-giment was rasualtirs. \\'lwn thl' attack \\m. L1~dsay and Lteut. J. J., business trip to thP. capital, ... _

O !Cia S a 1 S U •. 1 , , • ment and co~rlung 1s olmou~l)' with the first Colonial troops· was temporarily hrld up hy :\IIller w1th the ~ew ~ra~s hand · Wedne!day afternoon. I Mr. Roy ).aland. In all probab1hty no group of men an~\\ hete iackmg for some rl'ason or to rnter Germany, ma1·chin~ four field guns firine at \'er.1· 1~ndrr T!:;

1taffDSer;;t.r·". BJ .. ~~~r- __ to St. John',

In Newfoundland, or m·er the entire Dominion. ·other. Rdl (,land fans .. who ~~ross the Rhine at Colognr rio<r ran~~. this N'.C.O. wPnt . tm. 1e om. 1re r1ga r ~lr. Cvril J. Butler. local sub·· ing. . ·k d . I ·d d ndrr su ·l difficult conditions hm·r hi'Pn. support Ill!! ho~!kry Wllh the Army of Occupation. forwanl with llw platoon wh1rh was rrprrsrntcd hy Prrs. J. A. co!lectcir is m·er hi~ operation

II 01 e so 1Cll ~n ll • c 1 . ·: 111. thr ltnnt. :n·r not sattsllrd And so thr long journey tlwt I'. as attempting to nutfl:lnk thr Hu~hrs a_nd Ch1cf F. .. T. Ryan at a rit,· hospit;:.J. His man\' ~lr. Our hats are oft to these gentlemen of the pol\ e! .with th~ \\'U)' HH!l~> lmn• 1U!T· ]!;~, begun (our yeilrs earlier guns. \\'hPn thr platoon coulr! Ah r;.ceptlon cdom~tt~~ fro~ friend~ ivish him I speedr re·; from ~ trip to th! companies for their noble effort. It was the first ~rl out. Th:1t I> 1f wr 11wr to fin:1lly r:~me to an rnrl. It h:1d, ,,rJvanrr 110 furthrr on account. t t• .tremen un rr 1 •• eppan covrr'' · da. ft 1' d I d I . . 'tt d tl s 1· . .llld~l' from the comrnrnts of lrd from :'iewfoundland to of tlw fii'P from thP firld guns· and T. A. Conwa)' turnPd out · · ~ a ernoon me of ut~· to t 1cm an t le,\ atqUJ e lCm. e 'e~ !'IHII~ n·al ~uppot·trrs of the England. then to Scotland, bac!' 1 and machinr ~uns. L. ('pl. . with thr hose reel and haulrrl Mrs. Silh)· Hil!hmore was in 1 Mr. Rupert fl!'~'

magnificently, If C\'er thCI'e were awards for peace- !ram. Son11• of thr pbyrrs •·~·(· again to Endand. thrn throur,h • Rt·azil and anothrr m:m ,.olnn- Sergi. ~.ll't.calfr ann Pte. Vokry. St. ,John's Tuesday on a routine' crnt visitor time \\"Ork lll emergetlC\', Jike ribbO!lS and medRIS in lllChlll'l.l to hlamr. tl·l·l' C ~J<Il'lJ. the ~lrnt!PI'ranean to .l~ypt. t::ril)' rlouhlrrl forwanl ll'ith a . ~11 >OCWIJPS W~re. repr~Sent;d shoppin~ trip. ]and.

. . ·. f . . tl , I d .. while ~ome suppo1 !PI> Ia) tlw !rom thrre to Gai!Jpnh and 1 Pll'i< cun hv short rushr~ un- mrlnd1ng the Patnotlc Assoc!a- ... _ -· .. wartime for the f1ghtmg mces, len acco a eo blame on plnyPrs for not prnl'· hr.ck to F.g,,·pt. thrnrc to tit tl;e,- rcachrrl a position well lion. Salvos of mmketr~ were !!hould be gi1·en all those who did so well to restore ; ti~in;l harrl enough anrl other· !;ranee anrl Fland~rs anrl nnl': on th~ kft flank. on arrivin~ fired and theer was a b1g .par· the sen•ices The light and power men and the ! W_lse not ,kecpm~ in grJOrl con· mto GPrmany. Behmd them on h(•rP. whilr th~ othrr man npen. a de. Thr hoy~ wer~ entertamed Electric Power

' . l dttwn. the hattlefields o1·er whi<·h rrl fir~ with hi~ Lewi~ jlnn. at the Star Hall and the C.L.B. , telephone company workers Will long be rem em-~ . It Is dd. inile now that '.h~ the,1· fought, the~· left 1200 L. Corn. Brazil fired. with his Armoury. T~e. G.W.V.A. he!!l . Power was restored. to Bell 1 enj~ying "Reddy bered for their devotion to duty. first. ~\\'(> gr.n;L·s m the. scmor clra?. rifll'. l'ndcr this co,·ering fire a dance at mg,ht. , 'Island by the Nfld. ~1ght and 1 agam, and 1t is

A M V A A'nsworth general manager of the i scm1-fmals w1ll he pla)~.d on Ltke the famous song of the the plntoon was a hi~ to ad1·ancr , 'J!le. Great \\ ar Veterans A_s·; Power ~or_npany . "ednesday. ed by th?se . . • 5 r. · ·. 1 ' , • _ 1 Bell Isl~nd. T~e {>prncr 1\lll he 291h, ~nrl ~anlltrP the hostile ~un:t • soc1ahon, had b«.>en formed .m, mght; Th1s Is. the ftrst hydro to J wh~ recetved 11

Newfoundland Light & Po\\ er Com pan~, has re I thl~ Fnday mrht at 9.30 and "IVI1crrr·rr the Red Trinrtylc anrl en~hle the ad\·nnce to push St. Johns after the war w1th. the tsland s1nce February 28, on 1ts return acro!s marked his workers tackled the big repair job un- the ~ccond game on Saturday u·cnt, forward.. '


, Harold l\litchell as first Presi-1 when the disruption was caus· The Wabana Ltght fl' h. I .' rl the general public took the loss of 1 nicht. I' It left its mark bcltinrl it." • · dent and B. B. Harris, Secre- ed by the heavy glitter storm er and Company '•nc Ill~ ~ an . The Regiment esta'11ished a Somp of the local hoys re· t~ry, 1 which swept the whole Avalon incessantly and

r-(1\\'('t' in their ~tride. N N •J • ' 'record as a fighting force that tmned in FPhruary .. 1919. from! i . , l'eninsul.a. ~fan3• residents on the power as ThP \n,s of rlectricitv for a couple of days, in 0 Op, nn I was second to none in thr omseas. The matn horl~· o[ On Fvebc. 19 .s.etr~dt. tThho~ r ~ i the mam hne here are now local IYJtem

. ' · 1 h · · ':British ArmY 6 Ji? mPn hnrl 1\'e1rfonndl:mders returnerl on kctts. · ., VISI e e. s an ~· 1 "" r~··P nf tltP <'It~·. !'.bows up con.clusl\'e Y t e 1m· 'No r_nonr)'. n? rr.one)', no work hecn accepird · f~r sm·i~e. june 1 ,~, when 956 men lanll·: en h,is first visit outs1d.e St: • a met

1 .. ,rt '" 1,,"' r•f rlr•·t rir·it~· in our lives today.. Our I G t m t~~~ m.~~~·E 1 . . ThPre were 3i57 casuallies of e~ in St .. Tohn's from the .ror- ,.Tohn s. Hec w~l ac~;np~me~ bf Puzz/Jvng ~~e: :arkef· .,;th , , • ·• 1 , " · ld t b on such a high plane I 0 n~ 1 011 n · 0 Sl\ e us a . whom 1150 harl died. Decora- 1 siran. 21 soldiers and sa1lors 'Cap!. L. · · urp l • erg · • · ,. . , ' 11 ' &('I '1 . 1\ .ll,.. \\fill no e. . , shtne. 'lions for hrn\'PI'\' \\'Pre awarderl hl'lon~ing to Bell Island wrrc Rohmson and Pies. Shears and EAST BRUNSWICK. N. J.l hat!. .- 1\'e d:cl not get our electnclt~ as cheaply .as we . .· to morP than 2io. The highest ~irrn a hi~: recPption n~xt day. :llaher. B«.>ll I_sland turne~ ou! I -AP-Police were stumped -----«

do. One of the greatest benefits to mankmd is No hen~ 111 the. kllchen, got militar)' honour in the Empire. '' lwn they reached the Beach. en masse to llelcome the )OU~~ \ Wednesday on tne identitr CHESTERFIELD, electricitv and onlv when we lose it for a time and G t noll~~fe ~~~~~~n~~ gil·e us a· the Victoria Cross, l~nrl bern 'Iheir nnmes were: Segt. Edg~r: ~ef~· Ad ~am,moth pa~:~: ;i~~ an? motives of vandals who: A ~r-like 1111en

. • . • 1. 't . t- O no. 1 01 a bestowl'd on onr of tis mem· \letcalfP, C'orp. r.u~ C'o~nors. 1 r an e v;as prese ld pamted swast1kas on 158. hallm this Derbi'Jii'.irll thmk about 1ts wonders do we rea IZe 1 s tmpor shme. ! hers, Srrgt. Thos. Ricketts. who L Corp. Pat Power. Prl\'atrs , an nddress and a purse of go i gravestones in a Jewish ceme-) itym Puzzled Dlllc1.au:1~ ance not onlv to our home life but to everyday bus- , . . h'll (I : d 11as the yonn.gest holcler of thr Phil l'ow~r. Snm \ole. r:~o. at the Orang~ H~11 ·• :n t~e 1 ten·. The black swa~tikas were I the combinatiOil nf . h. f th ovince Cant fmd m~.c 1cren, usc V.C. at that time. Out of s~\'rn r,idrout. :l!ichnel Dl\')'er. Art1!lll'.c?urse of.a 1 ree- a~ say :.spray·painted on both ~idr~ ofla!'inths and fr~h mess and t e economy O e pr ' 1 to h~·\'e mne), . . million British ~oldiers who !'P:trh . .T:~~. Trarers. Patk. Hir· mted \'a nons ~eh~ols, was tak·'1 the gravestones at Beth Abra·: hall.

Think of all the people employe~ th~ough t~1e 1 Got n~ K1lowntt·E to gn•e us a srtwd in the war only 500 won l:P)', .Tos. Ri(lrout. s. \Yarfonl. 1 rn throullh the mme~. and was i ------- . - ____ .. - ---·------sales of electric appliances and the variOUS mdustnes I shme. thr v.c. Ches. r.rrrnin.<!. f'hns. Rnrnrs thl' !(uest of the. cu.rhng ~~~~' .

od Th tl ht one gives to I 150 men hac! \'ohmterrrd .John VokcY. \\'nlte1· and A1 ann nthPr org~mzat!on~.. , making those g~ s.. e more 10ug . ! No brcarl in the P•·•ltry, no fmm Rrll lslnnrl. Se,·en receh·· l\'an,·. and ·sr:~men :llart~n But- ice camr In dunn!! hts \'lsll 11~~: the eledrtCill s1tllat!On the more amazmg are the clothP' nn tlll' linr. t>rl rommi>.<ionrd r:~nk. n;nP lrr. l.ro Prnne)' a_nd F.dw:trd Srrg~. Rlck~rts t hadAt thoaA'", t~, results and therefore we get back to the fact that 'Got 11 " Kiluwatt·E to J;IH us a \',we nw:mlrrl rlrcorations anrl Quiglrl'. SPr)!t. :ITa1or Hnl But- nrros~ the 1~e 0 g~ '~

, t l' , •ithout electricit\· todfly. We feel ' shine. Ill receh·rrl promotion~ in !cr. :11.:1.. wn'. mi.~ thrm ~c Pnrtu~nl Cole. v.e ,canno 1\e v. . . •. . . . • . . . _ olhrr way'. 2!1 had pa11! thr romp('"'"cl h)· h1s 111fr 11ho 11ns som· for the commumt1es long demed this 1mpm tant No DOS\0 nells. m) 11 u-rrl to Supremr sacrificP. a Sl·olti<h las,ir. Thry wrrr f:VF:XT.'_!•:t~~-"~ !!l1.o_1_

· f table 1\\•ing Some dav the\' 1 be fme. 1 -----·-----·---. - .-.. -" ..

asset to more com or . · . . · ·d , Got no Kilowatt·E to gile us n I , · T \T" • too will enj'oy the great benefitS of hghtm_ g an shlnl'. Tr.lbute :writer hl' wa~ a real friend a~d Hees 0 lSlt I 1 h" pa»ln!! IS a real peroonal ' ' heating energv pro\·ided by power compames. ' , ~. 111••••• ,\ strrlin~ personality. , h

·· Go fetch me ... ~n fetch me A ; ·' .. W1 BOT1'LF. OF WINE. ' I deep human sym.rathy, a~idir.~ i , a ana

GOT TO HAVE SO~IETHl:-IG .JOHN C. BROl\'N faith In the ui!Jmate tnumph , TO GIVE t!S A SHINE. ! of good o1·er e,·il, a sense oi . THANKS! LAURA ~tuRRAY. 1

1 humour finllinl! expression In \ BELL ISLAND-- :IIr. George ' Bv liAX STARES , every utterance. 'Ihese attrih-, Hees, Minister of Transp~rt In

The Wabana Eoys' Club 1 !lis life 'was gentle; • utPs comhined with knowledge . the Federal Government 1s eX·

wishes to thank se,·eral people Stlnda,r Services ! Anrl the elements so mixed In 1 ~ long experience in human; peeled to arrive here on the

for their interest and generos· i him · affairs made him more than a island ~omewhere between the itv during the past week. Mr. AXGLICA:'l . That nature mi!lht stan1dd up I worthwhile friend and as such :March 15·20. While here he sieve Neary arranged 10 have (Fourth Sunday in Lc11t) And 83Y to all the wor : I we mourn him. 1 will address a meeting in the a generator Installed near the I st. Cyprinn's-Rcctor, Re1•er· · "This was a MAN." I ~lr. Brown was a member of 'c.L.B. Armoury and ~peak on

Last Saturday the Wabann council office. This generator, ·end T. E. Smith; Assi>tnnt , the An~lican faith. He lol'erl "The Ferry Service." Mr. James Bors' Club was open for th1·ee ·we unr!crst~nd .• en me from the . Priest. Re\·erend H. \V, Sibley. ' . When on ~londay, :It arch 10, his church, and was an in· i ~tcr.rath, Federal Member for 1essions In order that our many ·

1 T.B. Assocmtton. The To\\11 'B.A.; Organist. ~!iss :11. L. Jrn· lt wns learned here at Bell Is- ; de fatigable worker for the · St. John's East will accompany

memhers would have ~orne·. Council then off~red to ~upply , nings, L.R.AJI. 8.30 n,m., Hoi~· lnnd !hat Mr. John C. Brown; Parish during his sojourn herP.: ~Ir. Hees. ,.,.here to go as most attractions :the Boys' Club w1th power The ' Communion: 11 a.m., :\latins: Supermtendent . 0! the Boys In social li!e he was a prout· : tn the community were closed 're>uit of this kind of!cr was 2.30 p.m., Suncln)' Srhool: 7 llomp and Trammg School at · inent mrmher of the Kiwanis ; due to laek of power. Large i that we were able to run, en a p.m., El'ensong and Sermon. \\'hit bourne. l.tad passer! away Club. hal'ing joinrd thr Club ! numhr.r~ ramr. to the club on ·limited scale, a programme for 1 St. Mary's-8.30 a.m.. Hoi~· . suddenly at hls home that rla)·. when former here in :->oremhet· Saturrloy morning at 10.30, also our members. Boys of the com· Communion: 11 a.m., Matins: many on the Iron Is.le felt thnt . 1950, lie was one of the 29 at 2.30 p.m. and at 7.15 p.m. In munit~· were th~s able t~ .t~ke; 7 p.m .. Erensong and Sermon. they h~d parted With a ver,· charter members and at the All upward~ of three hundred part in supemscd actn·tlles. ,


· UNITED CHURCH rli•i.tr fnend whom they _Io,•rll timP of his lea\'ing in 1953. he bnys usert thl' facilities of the 'Linesmen from Dominion Wa· Minister. Reverend N. R. and whom they han ".11 l 0 )'Nl. ·was rice·president of the club. eluh rluring the dar and ni~hl hana Ore connected the club Hodder. 11 a.m .. Di\'ine Wor· · ~!r. Brown was R natl\'e ?f This granrl gentleman has •e~sions. with lhr source of power. . 1 fhip: 2.30 p.m., Sunday School: · K.mg's Co\'e. B. B., and ll'as m now passed from the militant

It Ita.< not be~n po,sihle to All we can say is ~ btg 7 p.m., Di\'ine Wor~hip. 'hts 4.'ith year. to the life triumphant. and we

Thinking It Over

Jhtht the gymnasiUm suffi· "thank you" to ~lr. Neary. a~cl 1 SALVATIO.'\' AR~IY 1 The late John Brown's nnmr trust ihat his awakening In, riently to run off regularll' other ~em hers o! the C?unc1l, •1 Senior ~Iajor \\'all ace anrl was housr~old on the isla nil that mystical unchartered ·ian~ ' . . . . . . ,

I ~ b k b 11 •ames f t1 t mt 1·e t m the 1 ~I 1 'k c · where he hved for mnn)· yrnrs b . d th borrlrr shall he, 1he m?ter \\I!JCh measures i ~chedu e.. . ~~ et a • . or trlr ~:rea e -s . i anc . rs. 't ·c .0. s. 11 a.m.. rlm·inn which he was for some- c) onf I e d th t th" mol'" our electnclty. our gas ~r . o~r I d>lri~ the past two weeks. hi>)'S of our comm~mty. 'Holiness ~leeting: 2.30 p.m. . ~ . . peac~ u an a • < I ,. l t b t'lwated If It ·s l'hcse game~ will be play~d at Mr. Gonion lila run was Vet')' Sunday Srhool; 6 p.m .. Youn~ li~le prmc1pal of the \\'est ahunrlant life shall be his for : ~'a er ~anno d: If tit t' ' I later date. kind to u~ and arranged to hal'e l'ocplc's ~lreting; 7 p.m., Sa]. ~!lines Adnglican S~ho.ol. In 1~H , e\·rrmore. I:~ ~~~r~~~ ~u~i~·g one~ p~·~:dr

II is hoped that ou1· regular a T.V. set put in the club so vntion ~leetinn. w ten un er Commtsswn of Gov- ' To his wife the former Lil· 1 ·1 d' .11 b d' t d 11 ' f " ~ e t th f' t B ... H · · . t 1c rea me: w1 e a JUS e 1e

programme will be in opera· 'tha~ h0)'8 . could se(' some (J : Come to worship, I r~m~~ .. e r~ 1 °~.5 orne !ian Btu·ton, 1\~o chtldrrn. mo· i next time The meter measures tion next week which inclurle.; thetr favol'lte programmes. Our I' a~ t ~;~?~~~ c 00 \\a~ open· ther and two ~tsters. our derp· J' totals. and over 8 period ot time basketball games. floor hock~)'. · members appreciate this kin~!· R • h .J <' n It ourn~, an :llr. est srmpathy 1s extended . 't b 1 . One cannot cheat 8 badminton, mechanics. wood· 1 ness on the part of Mr. lllartm •. )J.ff ~!3VS 'wown wa~ np~otnted as the "Our friend~ love m, we en· :un~i~~~::· meter even if he work model planes, radio, pho· 1 of Simpsons Scars. • h 1fJ .su~~{'~!en1 ent, 1a dpodst.thhr joy them a.nrl from the!ll 11h•e reads It himself. tol!ra'phy and other groups. : Mr. Cyril ~loakler donated a Congratulr,tions a n d best ~ un I IS amen e e.. . part like ships that pass m t e God measures our total lives,

11 1 ~ rncourn~inl! tn see so 50 lb. hal( of pc~nuls to the wishes to ~lr. Joey Pryon, \\hen. the home was destroyed ni{lht." He may leave our activities up 111 ~n)· lmy~ rnmin~ in ria)' aftt•r rluh. and thr~e hn,·e h<'en l!i\'· popular .crew member of the by ftre, temporary quarters to us from time to time but over 1i~'·· 111 n·nrw mrmhrr.<hin<. rn nut to our mrmhrrs a~ n 1 f~rr~·. "K1pawn" who celebrated , were set up on Bell ~stand anrl T o ('11 h our life span there is' an accu-Sn.mr hn~~ ll:td a ''"rd in tfl!',li •p•·rail t11•al. lm h1rlhrla~ ~larch !l. JiiTr. Rmwn. oncr a~atn rel!Jrn· ~;JOOS \,en rate measure. We cannot cheat and riirl nnl rrnrw in 1957. ht!l Thr Hn,~· !'1 11 1, h .. , lwr 11 ahl1· fl·'f'l!')' lnrt!J·i~,. ~rrctlngs to cd to the Island he lo\'PCI so God by sinning and trring to 1,.P Jlflll' ~. 1 • 11111 ~ IO:ill {':u·:l• I'• rridr;. ;>rlrlili,n;,J .'<'l'l'irr ~lr,. \'.'e.,lr~· rhurr·hill who rr(p. wr11. wh~rr thr Homr ll'ns 1~· hide our waywardness. FPw ""-''· ~rr thrrr. 11 '"' ''" thru>!~l!nul lhr f'la't wrr!, hrat1:d hrr h:•·JIHI:t)' \!ar~·h 11. r~lr~ lllihl_ l.m;~ whrn th~ nrll' BELL lSL.".XD-Th~ Bell Is· The only way to keep our lives n~t •r" lh;,l lhrr flrr pril'ilr~l'tl th~n!.:, to frirnrt~ ol till' rluh Sprl'l~l crrPtlll~~ fl'lttll ( :trol. homr at \\ hlthournr wa< oprn· bnn ).inn~ rluh will l~olcl its as they must he is lo conrcss our In h:11 r· ~ fin)·~· ('luh in tlwir <lid uur mrmhrr., '~)· "thnnl: ll.·t•PY lmthrl;,y ~:rrPiin:< '" 011;. . 'rr~n~a• hl·mnn•hl;· d 1 n n P r ~ins to God with every mistake. ('nmmunlty·. )'Oil" to tht'H' 11 rnplr. ~Irs. ·'''"P r.osq· n lnn1cr !lrll I hr I11Ch r~~:ll'(l an'l PSI~rm mrPtm~< at thr \\ nhn~a C'oun- If we do this we sh~ll find the

llrt''nt rt·~r·;nl'h ~~~~ ~hnwn ----.. ___ .... -.- Islander now rc''idin~ in r.nll. in whirh hr wa• hrlcl wrrr tr~· \luh. total measure acceptable to God. that ph)~ir.1 I filliP'S of m11 Mr. an't 'Irs. \Villi~ Jr.rvis whn relehrates .her hirthlln)· .tu~llfirrl h~· a nohilitv of .char· I All Lions arc 1rc~ne>tPrl to 1·outh in canada iravrs much were vl~ltor~ to the capital Mnrt'11 18. r.rectmgs from her . n.rtrr nnd n remnrkahle mteP.- 1 mret at thP Town Hall. T~es-io be tlelired. ~~~ a result the 'Monday evening. rlnughtcr Evelyn. I nty. Truth.fully, he wns a man day, ~larrh. lR, 6 p.m. sharp for NEW TYPE boys' clubs of canada In eo· I , of unhlcmtshed character, and transpm·tal!on to the club. . LONDON <CP>-A motorcycle

. . •'th th b . ' I b r· I D . . knPW no guile. His relationship firm has produced the world's ~fe~~~~ic~l have e de~~fop:~l : t~at our mem~er~ will want ~-~' I{' \Cf ral\'Jl}JJ' I with his co-worker.~ was al· BELL ISLAND-The Bc11 Ys· i fi.rst fibregla~s motorcycle. De-

. I h ld h I .lve a. part n lt. Your. bo.), I . )"t ! ways harmonious. His sense of :land Kiwanis Club held the . signed to provtde almost c~mplete prog;r~tl~. 1 1 ~tt ~tl~~ e P to cl~b trtes t.o keep Ull 1ytth all : . Bell Islam! Lions C 1 u b 1 humour. his optimistic nature i regular luncheon meeting ·on I protection [rom weath~r. It costs re'I~IH )\'' 11h s 11

8' . /C'I 1 1 •. r~ce.1•1 t de\~loprut'ltts m the tlt'kf't UI'UWIIlg pw;tpuuNt due: ~nil hi~ ardent spirit left nn 'Wednr•sda\' ni~~ht in the Curl· I £257. · lr ,,a l.tna ~~~~ lll loiS hll'> l'!uh h!'ld. to storm . · d l'bl · · · · · 1 - ·----------------1111 thr nrcr•saJ')' intonll'!tion ir d tl. 1 1 · . · , 1t1 r I e nntll'l'>swn on tho>P ml! rtuh loungr• If was t 1e t'e"al·din" thi's 'pronramme' an·l'lr a\'Omlt"lm'Cbae lfl~ t(l'(l!l,~l.nhalll \fnr.,'l\\'2l~ghwill IIOW l:ttc plaCI' hr nwt and f'lldea•·ed him to. fil'>t IIH'Clin~ ol thr C'luh sinr~. A two-minnll•s period of sol-:

.. ~ · ~ • 1 r , r o tr ., n auro . rrr 1 nl his man f · 1 JJ' 1 1 1 'lth ,.. 1· 1 · C11h · 1 1 · j before lnng we hope to m~kr RCI\'s' Club attr.nd at lr.· st lit . · 1 • •• Y r1em s .. 1s 1nr. \'a~ e , anar !an .e~!On . 1 • cnce was o >serve I m m~mory 1 start Tho!e who qualifl' hi·· pronramm·' a w·~ k C ·'1·1 °1hnc · 2

5_; ]lrt~r. .. "" .. SIOO.Oo 1• capac1h~s for makml! fr1ends: 'wh~rP mrrtm!!< w~rr. prrnons· of the late John Brown. a for.

• • • • • • ~ ' rC . omp 0 c . nu. (lrtzl' . . • • • • • • 50 00 ' hP like~ P"OJl]A lik I I t 1'· I . h lei h I ~ . .· . ~ t f h B Ill passm'l! te~t~ rerc1ve a 1·cry at· Bon' C'lub regular! with .0 , ~ rl . 1 . " ' •·· N o a • ) r . nrncr .. o11 n. . mer 11ce-prestuen o t e e traetil·r certificate. we know frie~rl~ y ) ur T~ k prize · ··:··· · 21i.OO With pronl~. to hrln ppnnl~ r'lr! Th~ rl11h nrr-i~pnt. B. W Js!anrl cluh. who pa!sl'd awayj

· IC cis are ~hll on snle. to be With people." To the , Tucker, was in the chair. at Whitbourne this week.

Some babies just never seem to be siill .•. ever wonder where they get all the active babies are just what Heinz had in they set about developing INFANTSOY. is a delicious Baby Cereal with erlra body-building, energy-building protein. It's from soya beans and other essential grains r~~. it's easily digested by young tummies, and Jill Heinz Cereals a new flaking process meiiJIS that it's smoother, easier to mix, than any other cereal on the market. And here's big news ••• lnfantaoy sells at the same low price as other Heinz Cereals.


If it'• So by food, Hoit>• ...,k., it,,; ...I Hoi•• .,.,, H bollet


y NEWS, s·

EW -A.gricultural . Sedtal

wa.~ proclaim effect on Mar

is administer( consisting of 1

chairman. ~- H. and

r. !'lfr. Pe the l\larl

tbe oepartm~ and ~lr. Turr

of the ole Support I

is Assistant o£ Agric

of the A:!ricu Board. ~:

Chairrr Prices St

continue for • adl'iscr to t~c

price stablll The new boar' all. assets. lial

of the old Committe

rarmcrs and of farm on

hrcn appointed. this committee ' ~:dward Islanrl dairy and potatc

ry of the

B. Lemoinl and Presider

Catbolique des (

_ n. Ferron. ( of Co-operati\'

Quebec. -- G. A, ~~~

of Ontal"ir L'nitcd Dairy an

1\·e and ac ization<.

- Alhert Cl actil'c with fas




"Reddr It is aurelr

se fortunais :eel it 1m aerols ths lana Light 111 lmpany art

and will 11 npaln i

m progreats,

o~ILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1958 ~===============~===---=-----...;___--_._;....._,-i3 EWS FOR FARMERS\ Radio

I P.C.,


2.15-A \\'oman Conle:;s2: 2.30-News in a llinut~. 2 31-~latinee. 3.00-News in ~ Minute. Programmes

• 10.00-Eventide. ' 10.30-Federal Election

I (mainland).

11.30-CBC National 1'\ews. 11.45--Federal Election.


3.01-\\'estern Jamboree . 3.30-ll:cws in a Minute. 3.31-Western Jamboree. 4.00-Gen. Prov. News. 4.05--Ranch Party. 4.30-News.

. 12.00-Ciosc Down,


5.30-Superman . 6.00-News and Weather. 6.05-VOe:~l Bulletin Board. 6.15-Sportscast. 6.20-lllclody Man. 6.45-News.

\CJOM-CJOX: Prodaimed

\c' I• )ll:tlllli,!Nt'd h) ·.~ 11 , 1 .nr.c PI 1.. II'.

,'il31rn1:.11. ,\. 11 'I.' II; n '

, -h fn\'ll~ ;"dHi ~ 1. .' ll·:;,b .. Ill l'f'ill''·:·ll

l •• ' ~ ' · 1 ,,1 :hr ";nkflll!::

:hr l'<'l'•'rlllll'llt nl .• , .11111 11:- Tttl'llt'r I' .. n "I .,,. n!fl \·:

. ..• .. ··-·· . ·--------~ ___ ..

/ \Plan For ' Greater Sheep FRIDAY, March 14th.

6.28-Sign On. 6.30-Brcakfast Club. 6.35-News. Production

At thr inl'ilalion of the lion. 7.00-Bre:tklast Club. . Douglas S. Harknr,~. ~linistrr 7.30-News. or Agriculture, represrntatil·c~ 7.35-Brcakfast Club.

f 7.55--Ncws . o the shrep industry from 8.00-Brcakfast Club

- ; across Canada mrt I'Ccenl!ol in 8.25_Ncws. · Ottawa. Th~ conference · w;1s H.:IO-Bit ol the Dav

: ca.lled to plan a program to 8 3- • • I

. :>-Sportscast. >tunu atr sheep procludion and 8.40--Breakfast Club.

: impro1•c the position o£ the in· O.OO-A Date With Den"•· · dustrv ' ·. 10.00-Ncws.

7.00-Break the Bank. 7.15--This Is the Story. 7.30-Cream of the Crop. 9.45-Nc\1'5,

10.00-Conlraband. tll.30-Ciub "590." 10.55-News. 11.00-Sportscasl I 1.10-I•'orecast. 11.15-Ciub "590." 12.00-Ncws in a ~llr.u!e. 12.01-Ciub "590."

' 1.00--Ncws and Clflse Down.


TV Jo'RIDA \', ~larch 14th.

2.30-0peo House. 3.0~~1atinee. 4.30-Howdy Doody • 5.00--Hiddcn Page~. · 5.30-Childrcn's Program. 6.00-Range Rider. 6.30-Ncws. • 7.00-Var'.ety Playhoust, 7.30-Aiaddin. 9.00-The Plourr, }'amilv . 9.30-To Be Aunouucrd.'

10.00-A. E. Hickman Show. 11.00-Xews, 11.10-The Late Show.

4.31-Ranch Party. 5.00-News. 5.li1-:The Record Sho~. 5.30-News.

• 5.31-The Record Shop. 6.00-News. 6.05--Bullctln Board. 6.10-National News. 6 15--Sports. 6.25--News. 6.30-Top Tune~ or our Time. 7.00-Ncws. 7.01-Right To HappineSI. 7. 15-Pa~sing Parade. 7.30-l'\ews. 8.00-:\ew~. 8.01-The Best from the W rst. 8.30-Ncws. . rru·f~ :\IIPI,ill't Hll,lr(i

. ,, ,,.Joi,,nl nrp· ,. ,,f .\ ~l'l('lllt Ill•'

· ~·' 11·.r .-\·~:'ll'U1tur:.l ,

;,:r~,,:·t f-•'·'.~.··1 .. 'lr. .\. · ~ru~: 1 ~~ ' ll:,IJ'nl~lll nl

ln1 we11comin~ .the dclcgalrs. 10.05-A Date With Denvs

:,rr. Tar mess pomted out that !0.30-Burton's of B · ! sheep production is one hranch . street. anner I CBN 1------

8.31-Best from the West. 9.00--News. 9.01-Nfld. Soiree. 9.30-Sirollin' Tom. !1.45--Dosco Kew1.

lO.'iO-Ncws. 1 ur~l P1 h'~"- ~11p1w•·• · ~~ ~·N'~1n:11· 1•11' ~t tinu• . . ~..:~ : .. r: ~~~ tl~r IH'\' •

~" l''':t'l .f..hlll~<d 1 (ln :

'' Thr 1., '·' hn:t rrl •r 11 ·

1r. ~11 ,,,-r\~ l::d,ililit ~. . . ,.: tl1• ,.J.J hoard

o£ agnculturc that can be ex· ltu.45-A Date with Denys paneled at this time without. 10.55-il\ews · fear or cxc.ccdin~ the nc~ds of 11.00-.Jukc. Box Jamboree ! FRinAY, J\farch Hth. the domestic market lor rithcJ . 11.~5-Ncws. . \ 7.30-CBC News. woo! or Jamb. . 12.00-Bargain Hour. 7.30-Top of the :\lorning.

1.hc ro.I~Icrence, undr1• lh•·. 12.1S-Ramblin with. Recorda ' 8.00-CBC News and Weather el!a1rmanshtp of s. c. Barry,; 12.:IO-ll:cw~. · 8.15-Musical Clock. ·

'n.trcrtot• of the Prorluction Srr. 12.4S-Fisherman's forecast 9.00-iMornin" Devotions. ll'tcc Ottawa. a;:r~!'d on ~ num l.lfi-Sportscast. · 9.15--Programme Previti\', ' hrr ot sug~cst 10ns 11rcsrnle'l 1.3o-i':ews. 9.20-0rgan Stylings.

t•.ooc.u.M-611. h~·th~ !lelc~alrs to inl•reRsc in·. 1.45-)lmir ~tar~ nf lhe ('r.n· 1!.:10-Rcrords at Random .. t'""'""_,.. lerc'l 111 ~h<'ep production, ~nrl· tur•·. 10.011-Crcam of the West.

'''·' ,.,,,n•nl:tr<' err· ,.,,.,,..rfWI'u!C. 3·U. re ~ 1 1 11 ' 10.10-Iris !'ower. F•;•.•.'.rd l·l·nrl ·- .1. c.mm!'nc cc le appointmrnt 2.00-llambling with Rrcorns. IIJ.2U-IIuth !larding.

'.:fl ;'"; r•>l.otft 1'"" ;''I bet I'm the only kid on the block wlth a ohauffeurl" I

0~ a t~ontin,u!nS: l'Ollllllittrc tn 2·55

-Ne\\'S. . 10.25-CBC New~ • '~n·e .'e su l.Jrrl further ~tudy · :J.OIJ-Dollars on Parade.- 10.30-Atl:mtic School

u:tinmlc s~curit~· clausr m .Itl' 1

levels as cletcrmincd u1· the I and ucl·clnp the . grou:1dwork . 4.00-Ncws. Broad·

.\: :.1 'I! ~~r-::;ni;·:· "tfl' r!'P·<II;l~'il. 'lctn

1: I •"'"'"''' dairy Act to rn>urc that for nine kc~·j' Board on the <1dl'icc of the ,\d·. fo1·. a broad natwnal shc~p 4.05-Westernaircs. cast. 1':. ·.•lt•m •!• commodilics, no matter how l'isory Committee with the ap·: poi!C,\'. 4.55-.Ncws. Il.OO-Frcd \Varin~ Show.

\ .. ::, .. :,.;:•·· ,;, .. Cultir"· drastic a decline prices may' proval of the Go1·ernor 1·n I federal anrl prorindal de·: 5.00-.lolelody Man. !!.15--Paradc of Stan.

I Pn I I f

. , '11.30-Showcase.

tHkt>, larmrrs arc guarantee!! Council. 1 'r mens o agncu.ture were -- fl f',: "" c;cnrrnl :1 minimu of 80 prt· cent of the


It is txpecten that most. it · u.rgl'd to in.creasc their ext en· cu!lure to gi1·c greater stabilitl' , l1.45-Regina :\lcBride.

··: 1 • ··'!" :·. :irr Fr•l· ha>c prier, that i~ of the al'l:r· not all o£ 1hc minimum prices I sto~ wm·k tn lraininJ: young to the sheep industry by pr~· 12 ·00-A~nouncer's Choict. A.:i:•r. a~e pl'icc dul'ing the preecding, for the nine mnnclatorv com·: m.cn . ll'hn lacked cxpNience · l'idin:z deficiency payments on l~.l5-D~nncr Bell Bt·cakclown. ' ,; \ \h-<";,~u• 1 tl'll )·cars. Thrsc nine key eom·l modities will soon be aimou~c· i ll'ilh sheep in the details of wool. through the Agricultural


5-.\lld Day Serenade.

. l'rr 1':1· '' ·c·. l'nitr•l morlitie,..are cattle, hQ.Il~. ~hee 11; 1 cd. Also, scl'r.ral o1her com· • ~hct•p management. lnstanrrs .Siahilization Act. : 1.00-Doyle Bulletin. · ·•· .. , "~"'''""· rr•·· hutt~1·. cheese. eggs. and wheal,. moditics not on the mandntllr'·, wct'e reported whcrr this had · 1t was establishrd that !herr i 1.30-CBC. News and Weather. : l"''' I'· ·: '""' l'ouJ. n_nls a.nd h~rlcy cxcrpt in the • li~~ will bP; named and tludr h.een succes~ful with 4·H Sheep was a ron.oiderahlc potential . 1.45-:lluSICal Proaramme. r··r': · '' •·'''

1 "ctilr in Uutacllan \\ hrat Board areas. i price~ set 111 the ncar futu 1·e. < lubs organiZNI unrict· the 511 • m;~rket for freshly kilied Can· ~.00-\\'ords and ~tusic. In arldition 1o thr mandatmy . pcr\·ision of cxperiencrd nwn. ndi;m h1mh and that a maior 2.15-:o;!ld. ::;chool Broadcast.

\ ;;.,' ' "' m,li;. ft11nr pl'irc of RO per cent. the . 1':w plat•r nf rrMsbrrcdin~ problem facing the indu~ir,· 2,:10-Atl;~nlic School Broad· i;.rm nr- Mt prnl'idc~ that thr Board , DR:\:\JA. ,soliRCF. I! proan.ms in imru··n·in~ produr· was to de1·~Jop procluction t~ l'<~>l.

mn)· with thf apJll'OI'AI ol the ,LO:-Il_lO:\ Zt I ~ - l.ond~m s tion efficiency wa; explored. It mrrt thi; ricmanrl. 2.45-Thc Happy Gong. \ n·r.1 '": '·'ill lor l;u\'ernnr in Council, r'tahli<h rcstmmstcr public school tlu.nks wa~ ~~~~ge~trcl that morr rlfrc· To encourage the con sump· :115-For thr Piano.

illi'I'OI'I price~ at a his:h~r len• I. 11

1 has P[Odllcl'cl more thcatncal tive usr could he mad~ <It sill'· lion of Canadian lamb in com· :1.30--<"RC :'\rl\'s.



\ Tuc·:1 lhilll 110 prr crnt ol thr base;(~ wt 11 m~ .all)' ot~lrr sch.t~ol. i plus cros;-hrccl western fc· petition with othrr meals anti 3.33--Tr;nJ> l'onnclr. ~latincc. p·icr and this unclouhtcdll' will\ "lrldAdlptacttc~~ 1l~ttl~tdr SIJI ,Jkoh

1111 (

11•Icl· mnlr~ for form flocl<~. 11 wa< in~urc it' identification fi'Om ~.:10-CBC 1\cw~.

l II .· h • ~ • • .r s 11101'. ac ll lCI'l. . 1 h • · cltl'lletl Ol' t'I'O e 1 b tl '.,, 1'1'n1nl\' 1'1

. 'r le case \lit some commod· ani• Michael Sh 1

. ; 1epnr rcl t at somr .10.000 hracl . z n am . 1c con· •.. ,.,-. '. 1 ncs. . ; ~· , llle'. 1 cp C)· 1 of wcstet·n rauqr rwc ;lock had .ltre~cc requested that the 4.45-Childrcn's Storl'.

l - fi ·1

\ld\mnon. For these nine kr1· rommorl· 1 I hcl'n exported last fall to the l!I'<HIIll!! and branding of dress· 5.15-Jo'ishcrics Broadcast. . \;rr · ;"rmrr ancl itie~ the mandatory floor price I STURDY SWI:II:IIER 1 Unitrd States. Or~anizrrl rl'oss· 'ed Jamho be cxlcnriNI throu~h 5.45-1\indnrgartcn of the :\ir

rrr•:d··n• nf ran~· ot· a ~upport price hhthtr than I LJ<:ICESTER, EnglAnd •CP'-, brerdin!l pro~rams u~inl! exist·! the cooperation of prol'incial 6.00-lntrrmeao. I ~~ ll~rf r1·onuc· ·the. mandatory floor prlce will: On his 83rd birthday Thoma~ Ad· 1 in~ local hrecrl~ were rl•port~ ,an~ frrlrr~l gonrnmcnt mar· 6.25-l'rogramme Prcl'icw. ,


,. • • be 111 effect at all limes. I nett went Cor his weekly swim at , to hal'e shown con>irlcrahlc .-ctm~ ~crncr~. li.30-Supprr (;ur;t. (~' 11 ""'"'- \. F .. Ell The guaranteed ~·early prices the local bath~. He spend~ about : Jlromtse. ; Rrnrc•l'nl~tJI'cs a11endrd thr 6.45--\\'e~tcrn Cararan. !r.'l rwlr. farmrr for the nine mandatory com· 45 minutes each week in the ·conference from the l'3narlian i.C:J-tEt: :'\ew' & \\'eat her. n! thr ~:rnnu' ~rl·

1 moditics

11nd tnr other com· water. 1


Srl'cral drlr~mtcs ur~rrl thr Cooprratil'e Wool l;rnwcrs. Thr 7.t.i-:o;atural History. p,; ·•rr_ ~o the .\:ri· 111odit~es fot•. which price sup· ncrr'. of a hrtt~r ~y~trm of farm . Can.adian Sheer Breeders A,,~. 7.23-[;v Line. ";::,·, ~.~IPPOII. B~a:rl. pot·t Is rcqmrcd will norrn&lly ; rrrch~ to prm tclc for lhr r.~· ; cia~ ion. several local ~herr a<- 7.30-Tors Torlay.

. lc ..... IIu.,l StahlhZ<i· he set durmg the lirst thr<·~ ~Ef~Ril~ rorlTJ,J\R tahh~nmer1t of nrw f(O('KS In snr!atwns .thr :'ial1onal Collll<'ii 7 4,j-tlo) lr flullctin ''!II r·••hll,h ~ ~y;tcm months of each ~·tar and will L0:\001\ ICP• -:- Outp~t. of at·~as suitrrl to shrct' rai.-ing of Canadian ~lrat r~d;rr~. thr s l:i-1\;1\\':dclc.

CJON FRIDAY, March 11th.

&.30-'Ihe Bob Lewis ~now.

10.01-0flidal Deteclil't. 10.30-National Newa. 10.45--Houseparty. 11.00-News in a Minute. ll.ol-Sportl.

: 11.15--Houseparty, Newa. : 1.01-Sign Off.

6.30-Nfld. News. 6.35--Weathcr Fo!'fcast. 6.45--News and Forecast. 7.00-Ncl\'! and Sports. 7.05--I.ocal Weather. 7.15-What's Cookin'. 7.20-Bob Lewis Show. 7.30-Round the World Nell'S. . 7.3r>- \Vca1hcr Summary.

vous 7.45-Nfld. News and Weather .. ____ ..;. _____ _

6.00--N ational Anthem and Sign On.

8.00--Nfld. News. 8.05--Prov. Weather. 8.15--Shippin& P..eporL 8.~5--Kiddies Corner. 8.30-Nfld. News. 8.35-\\'eather Forecast. 8.40--Bob Lewis Show. 8.45--Morning Merry-go-round. · 9.05--lllusic for Milliont. 9.30-News in a Minute. 9.31-Westward to Music. 9.45--Laura Chilton.

,0.00--Ncws in a :\linute. 10.01-:'llartin's Corner. 10.15-Goldcn Madonna. 10.30-Ncws in a ~linute. 10.31-Startimc. 10.4:1- Eleven for the ~~;;ne:J. 10.55--.Juke Box Rc1·iew. u.oO--:o;cws in a ~linute . I 1.03-Tht·cc Generations. 11.30-Honour Your Partner. 1 1.45-Swifl's :'\Ioney ~Ian. 12.00-Ncws in a Minute. 12.01-Town and Country. 12.30-Ncw~. 12.31-Town and Country. 1.00-Local anrl National

Headline News. 1.01-Town and Country 1.05-Weather Forecast. 1.15-~ ews. 1.~5-Editori~l Comment. 1..10-Sporl!.

8: Jli-Sundia.l. 6.30--World News u4

Weather. 7.30-World News and ISuppl)' 8.00-Breakfast Club • 8.30-:Man About .!lluslc. 9.00-lt Happened last nlghL

11.00-Turn Back the Clock. 11.30-Juke Club. 12.10--World and Local New•

and Weather. 12.20--.Juke Club Continued. 12.30-Hillbilly Matinee. 1.00-Behind the Stol')', 1.15--0ne M&n's Famil)'. 1.30-Strike it Rich. 1.45--Grand Central Station. 2.00--New Yorken . 2.15-March of Evenh. 2.30--Music Room . 3.00-News. 3.05-lllusic Room (cont.). 3.30--New~. 3.35-Stewarl Foster Show. 4.00-N ews. 4.05-Grand Ole Opry. 4.30-Checkin' ln. 5.00-Ncws. 5. 15-~tu~ie . 5.30-l.eadin~ Que•tlon. 6.00-:o;ew~. · fi or>-Spotli~ht on ~tu:-ic . 6.30-:'\CII'S. 6.3j-~[u;ir. :u~:·•n1rrrl pm~s be in effect for lwch't mo

11 'P_I.1ono;:raph rrrords m thr. l111tr<l 1 anrl to a5slst prr~cnt !lock O'l'n· Canar

1ian Fcdcr~tinn of ,\·•ri- a.:111- ;~ 11 ,ir>l l'r.,~r~m

. · .Jr.·l c•·mllloditic< i~ each casr after b · 11 lS! Kl~~dom reached 78.284.000 in Cl's to cnlar;:c their operation.<. culture. thr lntcrprJrincial. 3.·1~-1\ilhcn Corner. The pl'iccs Cor non·n~~: tset.l 19.~7 · a~ lncr~asc of 18 11er. eent The confct·rncc cnclot·scd Forme•s t'nion Council ancl; n.to-r.c:i~i•lll· T;~ik. commodities will he tor~ 1 ~~cr 11h9~6 a~d ~4 per cent lu;:hrl' 'rarhci' r~qucsts mRcl~ to the !rom prodnl'ial anrl frdcr;~l ' 9.15-J"c,:rr~l Elcrlion Lihcn··l

~c 1 an ~ 19~4 f1~ur~. Frdera: Department of .\~ri· drp.1rtmrnts of a·2riculturc anrl , fm;~'nlanrlt a~rit•tJ!Inral rollr~c~. 1 ~.~:i- -l.ra:ur of l'ompo;rr•.

1.45-Art Baker's 1'\otrhouk. 2.00-:\CIIS in ~ mnute. Z.Ol- \\'hat's Cook in'. :!.03-Thc Story of Jane


i.OO-Spnrts ·ro~'"· 1 7.15-Roh ~nrl Ril~·.

7.30-Bnnb ~nrl \'nirn










Th · e Store With the Checkerboard Sign

• • Ul 10




2 ll 3 , X 4

2 X 5 2 X 6






Blue, Red, Green "JUMBO", 36 in., 108 squore feet. "RUBEROID", 18 in., 36 in.,

45 and 55 lbs. TARRED FELT, 36in., 1~ lbs. SLATE SURFACE, 18 in., Red and Gretft PLASTIC CEMENT ENGLISH TAR, 5s, .40s ROOF COATING, 1-S gallon tins





14" 4' X S' PLYWOOD

~ in., % in., 'A in.,





i• ;; I

~ •j



'• I

'· ., ., ~ ..

~~ . ~

'i ' ~ .l . .. i'


1 ..

. I

.. •.


Senior ''B'' Hockey Semi-Finals Start On Two Fronts To.night

Durelle Meets Anthony To.n Will Aim For Knockout Vic

By JOE. MacSWEEN j EXCELLENT TITLE CHANCE 1 fight also will be htld The scmi-Cinals of All· New· St. John's In the semis two pert)' manager NEW YORK CP - Canada's Cy Markson, managing di~ec· 1 !real", said Shahan.

foundlund "B" competition games straight, Making the 'trip for the St. Yvon Durene will be aiming for' tor of the International Boxmg; Durelle's Maritime open on \,\vo fronts to~ight. Bell This year the Island l!ockey John's squad will be 19 players a knockout when he meets Club, said in an inten·iew 'Fhurs· · could go to see It

1 Island face St. Johns In .the coach, Joe Byrne will tee a with coaches Howle 1\lecker and Tony Anthony of New York in day that Durellc's chance for I the Mo.ntreal fans:: 1

East Coast series with Gr:md )'Dung but experienced team. Jack Vlnicombe expected to . their light-heavyweight bout at a title bout will be "excelle~t" Despite the betting Falls meeting Gander In the\ Joe Penney will go between the use the following lineup: Goal, In an TV interview on Thurs· cause the game is runninG Madison Square Garden toni(lht. if he makes an impressive i plenty of New York ' West Canst plardowns. pipes for the Miners with Jim Merv Greene, defence: Hugh day night City pro'c>sional smoothly th~t we must }et the 1 purells, after tough tral~ing, j showing agains~ anthony.. A~thony, hol?~r

Grand Falls dcfcnled Corner I Byrne ready as sub. Both play· Fardy, Bern Gooble, Len hockey coach Howie ~lecker setup here m the Cap1tal be· said Thursday, he Is determmed Durclle now tl ranked No .. 2 ad1an and Bntt!h Brook threl' games to enter th1·l ed last season. On defence Coughlan !\tax Howell and Noel said that unless the Hockey ·

1 come overlooked. Now Is the 'to let nothing stop his march~ among contende1s for the title, 1 pound titles.

semi-finals while Gander got ·four veterans will perform as Hutton: forwards: Ted Gillies, League here comes up with a . time to get at the roots of the toward the world crown held by' following Phlladelp~ia's Harold! Durelle ha~ been past Buchans three games to, Gordon Butler, Steve Delaney, Mike Woodford. Noel Sparrow, strong constitution hockey here :evil that set us back for three . Archie Moore, who Is 41 at least. Johnson. Anthony is ranked Anthony one to enter the semis. These :Bill Norcott and Tom Cobb arc Lloyd Cooke, Warren England. may become dead before long. :years with a disorganized hoc· I . The fighting French-Canadian t~ird. ~t9ore has beaten Johnson : T~e Cana.dian two teams will pia)' at Gander : slnted to see acttoa. Nine for· Bill Gillies Ray Bowe Tom I have to go along with ~tccker key league. fisherman left most of the talk· f1ve t1ml!s. 1 Hmnan~ 1n the with a reported 200 Grandi wards have be~n named but no Murphy and' Lloyd Kelly: Also In this point-but I be quite I To me the m()st hearten· ltng to his manager, Chris Sha. Markson said there are tenia·' at Mad1san Square Falls fans trnvelllng to the Air· I Jines were Indicated. Up front going alon~ will be Irv Walsh satisfied if the Hockey League ] ing announcement by the City :ban of Moncton, N.B. 1 live plans for "one or two" 1\lon· · 31. . port. Grand Fnl\s are defend·: thr Islanders will ha1•e veterans and Ron Sklrvlng as sub goal· came up with a constitution- . Council was that 8 three man : "I'm afraid of those decis·; trcal bout.s for Dun• lie, on~ POWER PU:\'C7f~ lng eha~pions ,hi the "B" d.i· George. Connors and :\like Nor· les and forwards Ralph Rowsell any kind of one. commisslan separate from the :ions", said Shahan. i likely opponent. being Yobnde. An.thony: 23, .hn1 a vision \l'llh a. w1n ~l'e,r Bell (s. c~tl llith Juniors Bart Ford, and George Philips. Jed Gam· For tlte past two years or , City Council would run our : "I thought Yvo!l won when he 1 ~ompey, who 1s schedu.led to ord, mcludmg 23 land In the finals m 117. Nick Kennedy and Frank Pow· berg Is proper!)' manager of the, more tbe League has beep bus company. Three lnde· ~fought Anthony m Detroit nine; f1ght Rory Calhoun ApnJ. 2 .• , tosses. all were kayos.

11 tl E 1 C h , cr. Only. one of. the famous


team. 1 operating wit~out a legal con· pendent men 'have been chosen ·months ago. So did the crowd I Shaban stressed that Durclln s punchmg Tony usuau1 c{e on. le as oast 1 c 1 Power brothers Will be In unl· , . stltution. Grant yau the by t:he Council. No Oilmmis· and the television viewers. But . first aim is a title bout and loses b~· knockont~. open ~g lllo game~ of ~~e best 1 f~rm as Htlb~rt will pia)' but The St. ~ohn s team Wlll · J.cagne has a drafted con~tltu. 5ion with representatives of it was called a draw. 'arlrl~d: The bout 11iii he 0f file games series IIIII ~akc ~Bill and Cyril ":on't. Other spend the mght on Bell Island I tion bnt It never got pass the . City Jlall pulling the strings. WANTS ANTHONY STOPPED· "After thi~ fil!ht. !herr will :-\BC and CBC' .. ! 11 P.!t P adc~~~ on B~ll .. Island tomght forwards are Pat ~Brien, Gerry i with the !!Xccptlo!!. of Lloyd 1 draftln~ stages and acloptlon Not lilte the Stadium Com· : "When Yvon stop~ them I'm be nobody else for Mnore hut Shahan sai;l 1he:e U • aturda) llllh the encount· i Tayl.or,. ~olm Fllzgeral? and 1 Cooke and Bill G1lhes who arc I by sections. The new con· , mi!J.;ion .and its various 03m. ; sure. I'd like to see him stop Durelle-I'm going to really ~ome confusion about tr scheduled to start at 8.30 · Kevm c.rn1g. Tom Kent IS man·J· students at Memorial and have stltutlon of the League was mittees. The Council must Anthony." i demand it." record becauOP h• List season the Islanders took • ager with John Perry as pro· classes on Satur~ny morning. never passl!d legally at any have seen the poor results or i A Durelle-Pompey figh_t mi~h: as an amateur 'nd

meeting of the Lea;(ue to the I such a Commission and de· Durelle, restle~s and strong. he helcl around !lin~ 21 m ~~en- hnttl.c~ were 1·: be5t of my knowledge. 1 clcted that for good opera· at 175 pounds, JOgged arou~d. !real, but '"we w11l rle~mlt.rly mumhc~: llr '>i<l As the situation stands at the i lions the men 1ppointed Centra! Park Thursda? .but dul ; sign for ~loore before f1ght1ng record 1• 93 :,zht>,

present time there is nothing to should have a free band. no ?~xmg. 0.r h~avy trammg, The· Pnmpe~·.'' . lR losses. twn rb·,. 1 stop even Howie !l:!eeker !rom I'm calling on !\:!ayor Mews I official v;elgh·m will be at 12


MOORE 1~ MOXTREAL cor.test. Durell~ hi! playing with a local team for and his she councillors to start noon EST today. "If I have my way, the :Moore out 3i. the Boyle Trophy. Grant you1 the ball rolling on the Stadium ------------------ -· ----

H. h s h I G City Curlers if the situation ever arose there setup. A three man committee Baseball I T w· A Ta lg C 00 ames ,would be heck to play but answering to the Council only i WO InS 1e

1 The St. John's Curlers, ! neYcrtheless this just proves on once a year should be appointed I 1 '

. . . the !\len's and Ladles team, 1 what our League Is operating to run the Stadium. A manager ROIIDdup · • ., • H Pcppcncll fa INns and St. game in the last quarter with: nre on their way borne 1 under We have residence rules should he chosen and he onlv 1 CIVIl Seryrace OC

P~t's r•m up l'irtories in Hish fire called against him. Hr,rry I aboard the CNR express at but as' we ha1•c no legal constilu· ~answer to the Committee. An B Tl A. · t d p ' I Sch I B k tl>· II t. . P . . k' f I p II ' . ' . . h . y le ~SOCia e rcss '

tlO as l' a nc 1011 )es· r~;oms ·1 o t te epperre the present time after cop· ilion the residence rules are of· advertisement m t e NEWS th1s Boston Red Sox still u b t : . . \erday afternoon. The Fr,lcon; team 11as the top scorer of the ping both lnter.town titles ten sidestepped. During the I week called for applications for n w th. f' rth t" .eah·l ~uckmasters dropped Fish· I Barron put • r N: dropped )lacphcro;on 55·31 while contest with 16 points while at Corner Brook. ! past season we have had several I th. position of manager of the e ' on d ~~r ~u rk ~ ra~g t ·erles 6·2, N ahonal Health stop· 4 11 of the ! ' ' · St. Pat's jumped on St. Charlie Parsons of I he Macks In a three day series I ~ainlandcrs come here and step! St~dium. No doubt this person r:s7~h!~r fif~w In ~x tri:: ces 'ped CNT 5·1 and City Council going to Clar;,. and 1\hchael's for a 42·31 win. had 14 to head his team Ed~ar Hickman's team took I into our local league. No one' will be appointed within • shor, 1 d . yes-~ and ~l~ntal ~ospJtal tied 4-4 as 1 have t~e. opc•L. ' FALCOSS - ~IACPIIEUSOS LINEUPS · I the honours In th~ ·~len's 'checked on the amateur status 1 time if the manager Is not al· er a~ k ll' the C1v1l Servtce Hockey Leal!ue 1·0. \\ luttcn ·r .. m · One of the !Jest games of the 1 FALCO:XS-Pryjomski, 16; ~ series while Jean Stenia· I of these . players or worried ready pic~ed for the Stadiu!". Susce r:~d r!~i~va~l ~~~~1~ held its wee.kly sess1on at the 3.05 o~ t~;h ~C"~1:1 t:e~

aeason ~Hw the falcons defeat Joyce 13· Neff n· Harmon 1 rorcl's rink won the Inter· II about reSilience rules. But I believe that the cons1d· 1 combined to limit fue Ameri Arena last mght. FlSfiERIES ~ 1 a~r 1 h 1 tf · 2 vn a the :\tncpherson "Scots" &t the '6· Au'slin ' 4. lllo~ton '3. New 2: I town Ladles serfe.q, .:'lleekcr In his Interview cration as to a ~ew manager can League champions to si~ BUCK:\tAST~R·~-d b o;;\ 1 a~ a\1

1 35

St P t' •ym Tl e 1' pcrr II ' ' ' ' ' ' A call goes out this morn· ' laid most of the hJame for should not be cons1dercd by the ... 1 . 1 Buckmaster s 1re a race a ~· ea . -. a s ~. . I c~ e )IACPHERSON-C. Pr.rsons, i our ho~k Y setu " on lbe I Council until the Council con· !'I s and B~l Y Cons?lo droye of goals in the opening period. I surance m>trkt. :4

squad ran up a 2G·l!i . half : H: Yetman, 6; Hawkins, 5; I !::~:r "~~:~g t~~~ep::~: ~~ I u~ckcy L:;gue this must siders our present setup at the. m the run m Boston s HI VIc· I added a single in the second I assist going tc time scol'e and then outpomtcd B1·own~ 3· Pittman 3 ' h b h i 1 1 th I St d' 1 tory. The shutout was one of and registered three in the it 3·1 at the P'''' the ~lacks 29-lj in the second ST p,\T:S-ST MICiiAEL'S I the Express which Is due to a\'el eenl char en ng o o ler . a .!~mh. h d .... f t I two on Thursday's exhibition third while holdin• Fisheries to! stanza In t;~· t I t · th · . ll ' ' • arrh·e ltere around 12.45 peo11 e w 10 ave tome um er . ..e ave a enoUsu o en 1 .1 'th R N 1 k' V't o 1 · . ·

s anr a o gam .ctr selcn I \\Ill St. Pat's countered 21 points I this afternoon. All Curlers tile fire for some of the I and twelve man Commissions. I ral' ~~~ . ay are~ I, I o a single score in the first and, Health reglstrro~ l

of the year. in both halves of their game ' and the public In general blame. But Meeker's opinion 1 Let the Stadium be run by 1 Valentmeth, and Dick ~m middle stanzas to take a 6·2 1 Whitten getting h1s :llt.rphct·son too~ mor~ . re· With St. :llichael's while holding I are reqnc~ted to make a Is his personal fc!elings just I Lhree men answerable ro the 1 anc~ of Cleveland blankt~g win. 1.45 on ":'al~h'• pa!s

bounds than th1 Falcons 111 ~ • St. lhke's squad to 18 opening ' r b t th as my opinions are. In my i Council only once a year. We · Bai~tmore, 2·0 at Tucson, Am. Butler fr?m Wo~sley a~ 0.20 , enc~ scormg at .o.05 ~:nml' that saw roth tcums use stanza points and a 16 finn! ;ra~f~~y e~.:f,to!'to :r:et th: opinion the llockey teague I could get some good men to I ?!her g~mes. the world of the openmg penod gale the agam drawml( ,r,e a zone llct~.nce Ior the whole frame total to take the victory 1 ~ewfouncllancl Champions. must take some of the blame I manage the Stadium right :champion ?.L~Iwaukee Braves Bucks a quick advantage but: .Rcfe.rces Gfl·' encou~ller. Char u; Parsons and 42·34. i It Is hoped that all enrs but no one 'llho has been I here in the City hut applica· 'cuffe~ Johnn? ~odres for six Pike o~ a .pass from Barron at ~~II P.lke handed Hawktns. of the Scots wl:ged a Kel' Fisher paced the Irish I available will be at the arouncl the Stadium the past I !Ions no lloubt are slow com· runs m two mmngs. a.nd whl~· ,10.50 bed It at. 1-1. The Bu~ks I hes With Heallh ' battle \nth June and :>;eft ol in th' first cri d with 7 oints I Ralhva)' reception and all four vears can honestly sav I lng In - ami this )J due to ped Los -?ngeles 8 2, DetrOit I took over ag:un at 12.50 \\ lth I the l'cprel'l'cli >quad for con· whilec Bern P ;ll~rshall ~rank i car owners are requestetl to that the I.eague Jmsn't been 1 the present op~ratlng 1 r. s~nmmed 51X home runs In .an 1

1 Worsley _countering un.assis:ed . Two final .

trol of I he h;~ckboards and the . ' I h 1 fo the 1 greatlv 'hancllcappetl throu~h ran"ements B 6 VIctory over Kansas C1ty to make 1t 2·1 as the f1rst fm·. :\lent a! gave tne )Jacks came 1111 wllh the most. Smith an~ Doug .Phela-n all had ~:~~!'f:! 1 e r cars r I the' 1iu1t' of a bad ~etup In : Th~ Stadi~m ls public utility at Lakel~nd, Fla.; Cincinnati ~ isherl. Martin gave the "ser· 1 a 4-4 tie with Cit,· Guard Barr~· 1'1·rjom~kl of the 4 to their credtt. Tom A.ns;t I management. 1 just as much as the bus service topped Pltt~bu~gh 7·3 at Fort I vice" squad a 3:1 lead at 2_ 45 \teams. came up , Falcons wr·s theil· best man as got th~ other 2· On St. llh~e s! • , The City Fathers and the :and if three mrn are cllpable ~lyers, Fla., eight. sec.ond Inn· 'of the second wtth ~n unas~1sl·j the f1rst peno<, · he carried the ball for most John ca.rter and P.eter Squires II Curhng Ne\VS ; Stadium Commission should run of running a bus sen•ice surely mg runs enabl~d \\ as~m~ton to ed tally but Art T1llcr f1red got three m the . of their pla~·s ~nd used a one · got.5 pomts each With~ Wells 1 :under cover of ~teeker's opinion. I we can fmd three men who can coast ~ast Phila?elphla 9·1 at one f?r Fisheries at 4.50 to • a :'-2 advantag~ ~G:n1 band push shot to good advant· I havmg 4 and John MaJor get· I Last night's Junior Di1·ision Now that hockey here Is hitting I look after the operations of a Cle.arna.tcr, Fla., Daryl Spen· have 1t cl~se at 3·2 at the start: th1rd. ){ental a e to be their high oint et· 1 tlng 2. results. \ nr. all time high Is the time to I stationary utility such as the I' ccr 5 !y;o homers ~elped San of the th1rd. ! to have it end in t:r p g 1 :llal'shall came up with 81 Red 33, White 38. 1 start hf'Use cleaning. Not he· ~lemorial Stadium Francisco. crush Chicago Cu~s Bucks tallied three unans· i Peddle from D N rr d p . k' I points In the second frame to Blue 23 Green 42 r . at Phoemx, and Gene Greens wered goals In the fiual frame. I Smith at 4.01 of

a\'e 0 e r,n · royJoms · 1 pace the Irish with Angel and Tonight'~ draw lor· the Senior : / rbl single e~ablcd ,st. Louis King got number !our at 1.00 I it !·0 for Menial bot~. h~d ~0 fOlnth ~~ t~~~~. Fisher both netting 5. Smith' Division is: I Offers To Buy Leafs '~ ~ge C~Jcago "hlte Sox unassisted; lllcPhee countered regtstere~ at H 12 ere It 111 t e lrst a \Ill g t 3 nd Phelan added the I 7.00 p.m 113·2 In 14 lnnmgs at St. Peters· from Ross at 10.15 and Rogers I pass to II ell up. Jo~ce, Austm and Harmon all 0 a . , Red vs Blue · burg, Fla. clued it up at 14.45 unassisted. squad went ahead gettmg two poi~ts each, to ac· . other 2. On the St •. lhchael s , ' 9 00· m TORONTO CCPl - An offer to the Leafs the Rcgenc yRockets.l Sammy White doubled and Referees Dave McDonald and' second on a ~Mt count for the t'•lcons' 26 total. te~m Jo~n. Cart.er hit .for 6 [ White v• 'Gre:~ · buy the Toronto Maple Leafs arold E. Ballard, one of the scored on Consolo's single In Gordon Thomas called 15 pen· 1 unassisted but On the ~lacks 'harlie P&rsons 'P?lnts With Squues havmg . 5. • ST. :P.\T,RICK'S DAY Hock~y Club an ~ :\faple Lc~f m~mbers ~f the sevcn·man com· 1 the Red Sox' victory over the allies. Both teams had a mis·l out for three came up with 10 pomts while J.1m Candow potted 2 With j BONSPIEL Gardens by a prc~1dcnt. of a b1g m1ttee w~1ch operates the hocky 1 Yankee~· hitles.~ wonders at conduct against them. Fisher· Pearce Yetman had 4 and Browne chip· i smgle freew throws going to 1 10.30 a.m. Toronto. construction f1rm has club, sa1d the offer had been ,, s.arasota. ~ull.ivan worked the ies had one fighting trip to the , at 4.55; 1\leeker · ped in two. : Wells, M~jor and Woolgar. ~Sir L. Outerbridge s. H. Stack been reJected. made and rej~cted. f1rst three mnmgs for the ":In· sinbin and six minor one In·. erl at 5.25 and

Boh J O)'Ce nipped In 11 ' St. Pr.t s drew 14 of the 27 1 R L 't J R The offer was made by John 1 OFFER REJECTED ners and set down t11e nme eluding a team penal!\' Bucks from 'lleeker at points to pace the Falcons in fouls dished out by referees )l'rs ~'''lyre Mrs \Vhef:~ D. Fie~berg, owner of the Re· "There are certain stipulations 1batters he faced were handed two fighti~g sent· ; City team a 4-: the fi11al frame with Proyjom· Ed Browne and AI Haynes. Kev lllss 'It Carnell • · gchncy fol w~ird~ Hotel a~d ~ead 1?1 ~· tdhat h1a\·ek to beb met 1bdefohrc G~r· I Al Kalie and Frank Boll1ng er.ces, one misconduct and four ,

1 the start of tht third

. . .. h f h I · h t · · · a ome >111 mg orgamzauon. •e ens s oc can e so " e smd. h h't t . h r d . 1 . H 11 f c dr ski addtng ~IX. Hfu·nw~l 11~·\l -1, r 1~ er o t e rts was op 2.00 p.m. offered to buy the National "The offer did not m~et the re- eac } \\o o.me uns an two mmutes pena he~. . usse ro:r. 01 i Morton gut 3 w1th i'\ew aurl. po1nt getter of the encounter 1 w. Watson ~Irs. Sparkes i Hoekev League club and the Gar· quirements." , Lou Sk~zas and ~1m H~gan .one . HEAI.TII-C.l'i.T. g~t ~~~ntal r.ose ~~·-Austin both ha1·ing 2 and Neff: with 12 while John Carter of I F. Hue R, French I dens ~~·here it plavs its home' Associated 1\'i!h Finberg in the apJece m the T1gers·A ~ wmd: Nahonal. Health. overcam~. n i w1th h1s second ~o.l had 1. on the Scots Hawkins: St. ll!ike's had 11. I :ltrs. ~1. Casey ~lr. R, Belli games for $4.000,()()0, conditioll1111 offer was George Duthie. sports b~~~~n sh~gfe~t, an~1 No~mt Za~ . 1·0 CNT f1rst per1od lead \\lth: man at 10.38 had tbe registered 5. Charlie Parsons . LINEUPS I :\trs. Smythe A, Crane on being able to change I he name I director of the Canadian National ~h m ~ pa~r o, ~?~ I es i ~a ~~h 'thr~e d sco~e\ In the . sec~~d: en~ 4~i p~eler~eshr! got 4, Pittman picked up 3, Yet·· 51'. PAT'S-Flsher, 12; Mar· of the team. He wanted to call Exhibition. ' 1~ . ~~a ors 1 rl ngn ~t~t:v lphe.n~ t and f wothmo~; in ~: a.n

1B1 1 1~ ~··h

man hnd 2 r.nd Browne added shall, '10; Smith, 7; Angel, 7; C, H. Da\'ie! .!ltrs. Lester a elg I runs sco n a o It lr o e eat a te egram 1 smg. e .pena Y " I Phelan 6 ?.:rs. :McLellan G. Giannou were out. · boys . 5-1. : getting 1t.

1. ' ·. , • 111 :\1 c v R 'd Rorr McMillan's three-run I Referees Bob Frick and Bob i ST. ltiCHAEL S-Carier, 11, • rs. . . ,asey J, 'Pet:~s Feild Take 10-4 Retllrn To homer WI& the clincher fo B H k

Rehkop£ called 27 fouls with I Squires, 10; Wells, 6; Major, ll; c. Rockwell Cincinnati, and an outfielder, I antam oc ey 1/l going to the Falcons. Dave : Dadscock, 2; Candow, 2; Wool· c. Hall w·· 0 T' Hockev Bobby Gene Smith, pitched the

Neff of the winners left the; gr.r, 1. ~:;~~~~~~~~:. Mrs. Marshall In ver Igers . " ~!!:a~:~in~~~r ~~c~~~~nw~=~ Cook Leads Black H NHL ROUNDUP L Dowering ).lrs.F~·fn:~ .'t Hr. Grace TORONTO <CPl- Centre Bilf no one else available. Smith

1\ Kennedy, who put down his · won when Ken Boyer beat out I 4·00

p.m. hockey stick in. fa\.·or of h,is pen.! a bunt, moved up on an ut I t F• t ~rs. K. Hibbs Mrs. Moyse The Fcildian senior hockey h h d h d n 0 Irs ltrs. Howse Mrs. E. Horwood team took a 10·4 win over the . as c angc IS mm agam. H~ I and Heored 011 Green's single.

-' 1 it 1 t dl t d os ession of . . . IS to return to Toronto ~larlboros BOSTO:'\ <1.P 1 - lllontrea • tro n o un spu e P s A. J. Dunne J. A. Campbell Concephon Bay re1gmng of the ontario Hockc1• Association goulie Jacques Plan~e rece.iH·d a ·the No. ~ position. D. Breen R, F. Horwood champs, Shearstown Tigers, last Junior A Series Mondav 1 By WILSON BUTLER 1 period for tripping, concussion and possible spme In· NIIL STANDINGS night at t~c ~r. Grace Stadium 11 Kennedy, an arts stud~nt at the ! I Coultas of the (" jury and Boston wing Jerry Top· By THE CASADIAN PRESS . R. !lloyse L. Taylor ir an exhlblhon game. : University of Toronto, left llfarl· : p w r• k Black hawks lead by the five into the box in pazzini was sidelined fur the hal· p w L T F A Pt 'E. Craniford ~trs 0. Conroy Led by goals by ~ob Cole and horos to concentrate on his educa· . ee ee IC et I goal performance of St~n Co~k iod for cross ancc of the season Thursday liJont~al k 65 ~~ ~: ~~ ~~ ~:~ ~ :\Irs. Carter J. A. Meehan D~n ~utler th~ Ft>ild came up lion. He figurt>d in the New York coasted into a first Pace tie Referees for night as the Bruins battered the New or 65 H Buckingham S. Moores With SIX goals In the last frame Rangers Toronto Mnplc l.cafs S l} Lo ll1>5 I for first place in the Section W. Butler ar.d National Hockey League champ. Bosto~ 65 25 26 14 180 173 64 . to walk away from the Tigers. deal for goalie Jacques Marcotte e er SeS c]!! (A) division of the. Bantam year. Shots on toal ion Canadiens 7·3. • DetrOit 64 25 27 12 151 188 62 , J. McCarthy T. S. Clift· The Blues held· a 3·1 lead at in which Leafs got the goalie and. ·· Leag,ue 8.5 Iiley ~hltcwashedl the Canadian~ lR. at!

Johnny Aiken, Boston ~ractiCe I To~onto 64 21 32 11 181 199 53 Yrs. J. Pratt the end of the first frame. The Rangers got pro rights to Ken· : R }1 Of the Canadians 9 to ~- . ; Blackhawks lP. go&lie for silt years makmg his Clucago 65 21 37 7 143 181 49 ~r~. J Stentaford Tigers outscored the Feild in nedy. I esu s Cook opened the scormg for I Next r..ll!fl profe>sional dcllut, was the l'ic· i Thursday Night's Scores ~Irs. M. Levitz K: O'Regan the second frame 2·1 for a 4·3 E h•b• • A P W hockev plaver hit I t~e Blac.khawk~. at 4.10 of the I The next garr.o If. tim of all·but one of the DostoniJ\Iontreal 3, Boston 7 R, ~oyse Mrs. B. Strong score at the end of the period. X I IliOn I hard ~~~k !~ Wedn.esda.; night j fll'st penod scormg on a lovely I tam League PTt goals as he succeeded I'lante in t' Games saturday, March 15 In the last frame the Blues • I h'l t t . t h I 'ut the play by Dcrmont Connolly and I Tuesday of n~xl tl tl d al·ed "attic Chlcarro at Montreal . . . ll w 1 e ou rv. mrr o e P o 't'k .. h. c k tt d h. : te >on -~o ' " · !> T. Stentaford R. Goudey scored s1x while holdmg the Baseha Pee '"e Hocke~,. League I•• 1 e mtlrp ) · oo ne c 15 · 4.30 p.m. thr Bronco llorl'ath got two goals DetrOit at Toronto " e ' . I d f th H k at 11 00 I d and an assist ami \'ic :;wsiuk II New York at Boston C. K. Howse A, Cox Tigers to a lone marker. ' j The ·voung future hockey s~on or e . aw s . . Bruins, an {'r. spinning into the Montreal goal. Games Sunday, March 16 L. Stead W. Shelley Cole had a hat trick for the New York ooo 000 000-0 ~ 1 player \Vas calling on neighbors ~mutes Of the f.trst and agam 4.30 p.m. wbPn rllt

The un. pact •cnt Plante back : .. !\tontrcol at New York Anoth~r Mrs. M. Cox Blus while Don Butler was the B~ston OOt 000 OOX-1 5 0 : selling the Pee Wee Hockey !IItle o1•er a mmute l~ter he meet the Red! " 7 00 p m top po'1nt getters as he •arne • . · 1 converted Bob Dowdon s pass '1 ward where his head hit the goal I Toronto at Chicago · · · I • • Monroe, 1\taghe (4l James (7) League sweepstake. H1s sa es . . ____ __.

cross·bar. Detroit at Boston. J. E. Butler J. G. Bearns I up With two goals and fcur as· 'j Die k (j) and Berra· F Sullivan were good but when he return· f~r th.e third Hawk tally to. Jacques, leading In the race lor , ~Irs. G. O'Leary sisls. Grant, Harding, Burt. Suscc (4) Schroll ('/) a~d Daley: ed to his home and checked his gJI:e h~s team a 3 to 0 lead I B d ll

the Vezina 'frophy as the goalie I Mrs. J, E. Butler ~lercey and Harold Ryan added ' W-F. Sullivan. L-Monroe. sales for the evening he found g,omg mto the second ~en~l. Ur e e allowing the fewest opponent : p dd ' D Another A~other Sl~gles !or the Blues who were At Lakeland, Flam that he was fi\'e dollars short. Connolly open~d the sconng 1n 1 • . . 5cores, was can·ied olf the ice i a y S ay Another Mra T. 0 Leary Wlt,h~ut Bow~, Cooke, Walsh and Kansas Cityc 02 000 04~ 7 o The five dollar shortage was the second penod as he put the~ BRADE~TO:\. '}a on the shoulders . of the team. ; 9.00 p.m. Phillips. Chff Langille played Detroit 100 010 oox~ 9 0 the result of losing a five dol· Halks out front 4 to 0 at the I Burdette s1gnrd lu . ·mate alter he fell forward hea1·ily 8 1• T'J W. Weir Mrs. Allan in the nets !or the Bluea. Terry, Reed (4) Gorman <Sl lar bill (the only one he had). thre.e minute mar~ with Cook 1 with the world ·da.' on his face, !ca1·ing patches of j OW Ing I l D. M. Clouston E, S. Spe~cer and House, Smith (6); Shaw, This unfortunate mishap oc· nethng number fll'e a! 12.45~

111ee Bral'es ;hm'out'

blood in the c~case. I Mrs. Tessler G. Kmght I Aguirre (7) and Hegan, Lau (7). curred in or around Churchlll and Bob Dowdon d~ntmg th, I record 12-da} holdt'd ~~ Midway of the .first pcri~d. ~Irs, w. McDonald A. Hood I pee Wee Hoclrey W-Shaw. L-Terry. HRs: KC- Park Apartments and it would twl?es for nUi~ber SIX at 13.10 ~urdette yecel;e

Toppazzlni, Boston s hustling ANNUAL EVENT BEING I " Lopez, Held; Det-;-BoUing 2, Ka· be appreciated if the finder of ass1sted by llhkc Murphy ,for IS~··~· 8 SIZ~.ah penaltY·kllier und 2Hoal scorer, JIELD AT ST. PAT'S N. P. Rockwell A. J. Lush • TO·DAY line 2, Skizas. Hegan. I the five dollar bill would pleasr , a 6 to 0 lea.d at th~ end of tl!c I h1s 19a7 ~alar~. llhat ran into a stick behind the J\lon· AI.LEYS H Wy~e Mrs Rockwelll4.1l5 p.m.-Cans~s vs. Jets. . , At CJcUrwater. Fla. call 7476 and make a Pee Wee 1 se~nd peno~. B_11ly Morns· th~skiet:~~;d;~l treat nets and fell clutching at a Mrs A:•· Hood V. Clouston 4.55 p.m.-Hurrtcanes vs. Lib· Washington 080 000 001-9 14 1 1 hockey player very happy se~ got the c_anad!ans o_n the 1 .. • r g. , bleedinc right eye. He was rushed The annual bowling game S. Cannon W. MacDonald erators Phil 100 000 000-1 5 o · score sheet w1th f1ve mmutes If I d1dn t I 1 to a hospital where it Inter was !! 35 p m -Nelso~ vs Hood Lumenti, Clevenger (5) Stobbs S • S , gone in tbe third period as he It was .reportt~ Cot learnedhewouldnotlosctheeyc ~~:~:rct!~ean:tctvf~h:~:. c. Rockwell J. Stoneman 6:10 p·.m:-nep.ulse v~ York. (9) and Courtney, Korcheck W: t Pat'S CDIOfS poked .i~ a goalmouth pass b;enbh~ldmfh~~1\7 but would not be able \O play vice Leagues wDI be held ).Irs. Stoneman Mrs. Thistle SATURDAY· Sanford, Semproch 131 Green 18) from Wilham Coultas and John t e ~~Is t '·ct again this year. I Mrs. Lush Mrs Clouston 8 00 am -Repulse vs Hood Gray (9) and Lonnett. W-Lum· p • T • h Stamp to ruin Peter Roberts' son VIC orcs a~d JUST A YEAR AGO . St. Patrick's mornLng at 11 Mrs. Cannon B. Rockwell 8:30 a:m:-comandoes. vs. in. entl: L-Sanford. HR: Wash- rae tire ont!! t chanch of his second shutout. pl:te NgameyWo~

It was just a year ago Thurs· 1 o'clock at St. Pat's Bowling Spares-J. Taylor; M. Rideout, lantry, Chr!Siey. · L' Billy Coultas counted u~asslst· Oler ew or day night that Toppazzinl re· · A~~~s. following ten lop W. Sheeley, P. Ledlngham, H. 9.00 a.m.-1\lagnificent vs. Vic· At Bradenton, Fla. teTamhewS1.1t1. hPoaltd's as~~~~o~~c~:fs ed again for the Canadians at turned after a fii'C·II'eek layoff S. Winsor, C. W, Mainwaring, tory Los Angeles 000 001 001-2 8 0 7.00 to make the score read a~ the result of multiple ·racial bowlers will participate: Mrs. Watson, T. Griffiths. R • ·A C h Milwaukee 240 000 02x~ 10 1 evening at 6.15 at the Stadium. Hawks 6 canadians 2 to end lacerations suffered In Detroit. The curlers who were to eSJ ans S , OaC )'odres, Craig C3l Gi~llom· Team manager Frank Coffey the Can~dlans' scoring. Dow·

Flem Mackel! got the Bruins 'Con1merclal League: Corner Brook are due In by ~ bardo (6J and Wa)ker, P1gnato requests a full turnout. don started the Hawks on the going at 17.01 of the first period G, Wadden, P. French, to·day's express. BRADENTON. Fla. IAPl-Bob 151; Fox, Mackenzm 14) Holte· scoring spree again at 13.00 when he Intercepted In the Bos· W. Oakley, J. Walsh, G. A parade from the train to Keely, only survivor of the Mil· bart (71 and Crandall, Goldfader SI' «ns Contract unassisted and Cook netted his ton 1one and skated in for a Fuller. Spares: T. Car· the club has been organized and waukee Braves' big coaching <71 · W-Fox. L - Padres. HR: "' fifth also unassisted at the unassisted tally. roll, R. Cullmore. as many curlers who can arc shakeup last year after they won LA-Montemayer. EDrdONTON ICPl _ Mike La· fourteen minute mark while

Boston beat Aiken five times in requested to attend with their the world's series resir,ned Thurs· At Ft. Meyers, Fla. k' r th Dowdon rounded out the scor· lod hil u t 1 Cl 11 s 1 c· · t' 100 300 0"0-7 11 2 shuk, 19·•·e:~r-old roo te o . e the second per w c mon rea ,. erv ce: cars to give them a welcome day because of his health. mcmna 1 • ' ing in the game at 14.40 un·

produced one. J. Wndclen, C. Locke, F. home. Train time Is 12.45 p.m. The 41-year-old bullpen coach Pittsburgh, . 010 100 001-~ 5 2 ~~~r J~o:~=~~W~~\~~n ~~~ier~:~:~~: assisted to make the final score Canadiens tnlllcd twice In the Rodgers, P. Brewer, 1.. a 1•eteran of 12 years with the Cade, \\ nght 16) J. Sm.tth :6) d Blackhawks 9, canadians 2. Kitchener leads

third period ns Boston let up but Rt>es. Spare: W. Barroo. N&tional League club under scv· and Acue; l.aw. R .. Sm1th 4) ~~~h ~~~~nt~~ Eh;~i~~~~~he ~~:~ Two penalties were handed semi-finals 3·2, one McKenney got a SCI'Cnth goal!'


NOTE:-Piayers are asked era! managers. tendered his res· Face (7l .and Krav1tz, .Peterso~ out In the game that to each I Quebec • near the finish for the Bruins. . There will be the usu11 to be on time so tha.t the ignation In a letter from his St. (~). W-~1ght. L- .Smith. HRs: announced Thursday, club as Dawe o[ the Black- Quebec 3 Montreal •

The triumph moved Boston prizes for Highest Three game can start SHARP at Louis home to general manager C1n - Pmson, Mcl\l!llan, Palys, The six-foot one-inch 190·pound h k got th gate In the third Chicoutiml 3 ShalliniJII from 1 thlrd·place lie with De· Frame and Hllhest Single. 11 o'clock. John Quinn. Pgh-Freese, Stuart. fullback played· largely a defen· aw 1 e


Basketball' Welcome

Falcons-St. Pat's Win I Planned For




$19~ UP




and models

j I

the illumine

The ((

14, -



key . CANADI.ul allonal LtiP' 1 Boston 7 ~ 1tarlo Junllll' 4 1gh 1 HamUI011 tl 1 wins best~ tal 3-1. oJ1t ~ t. NOHA • & SudburY • ,r leads liut~e , 3·2, one!.­•uetwe Lt .. ~ ~lontre~U-31ihl~~






s199.9s UP




Cabinets in superb modern design, custom-craftec! from the finest woods. Not only lending distinction to any room, but acoustically designed to complement the most advanced high fidelity equipment. The Super M speakers, most advanced of their time, are standard equipment in all Rogers Majestic sound instru­ments. With their perfected design, they reproduce sound with absolute fidelity.





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Custom models to fit the dash of all the popular makes

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with Aerial and installe~ in $79.50 ON EASY TE'RMS

The: Great Eastern Oil .

Company, Limited



• I NOR Til .J842 ¥109

• !

•aH oft:\JD4

WEST (I)J EAST .Q9l (1107 ¥K842 "7603 • AK76 + QJ02 "10 53 olo Q 7 2


.AK653 ¥AQJ .103 .K86

Both vulnerable West North East South Pa:.-. Pass Pass I • Pass 2 • Pass 4 • Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead-• K

I I I,:


I i-======~

.I I By OSWALD JACOBY ; Written !or NEA Service i HERE Is another hand from 1 , my good friend Charley Cole· 1 man. I 1 Again It Is a problem in dum· ' 1 my play 10 don't look at the l East &lld West hands Jf you can 1 restrain yourself. 1 Against the !our·spnde eon· 1 · tract West opens the king of :· diamonds. East plays the queen I 1 and West puts him In with the ' i jack. East returns the three of I . hearts and West\~; king wins J

I the trick. Another her.rt Is play· i .·ed and South is in. 1 i South plays the ace and king \ , of trumps and drops the queen I · from the West hand. Now all i he needs to make his contract j

lis a club finesse but If South , I on his toes he will realize that 1 I the Hub finesse is not going to 1

,work. I : West has. z.lready revealed 12 ' high card points. The queen of clubs would give him 14 points




and he sure!y would ha~e 1 BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES

I opened the btddlng had thts j been the case.

South sees that he can make 1





I the hand if West holds the ten : · t'llt \.O~.'D 1 of clubs. Hence, he goes over j . \'11 ~ -'''--.-"'

sce-~,:::.1'\' .. ·,·.::..(o 1 c'\::"\- ;:\:-:: .: Cfl., ~vr;;~-.tOO'i: ,-----, r-1----""-'-7--·; f>, t=·r._:,:t.\t,\' 1..\'i"E IS · 1-\£>\S l:it'>.\.iS

1 to dummy and leads the jack of ~\a.n'IJ ~ ~ 10 ff:ff:~~ 1 clubs I Ot:t:ER ~'e "'-~~~t> ~ I No~ look at the East and I ... "n-\\'0 COO\." ~ 11-E West hands and you see that : iU~\~(::1 \'01~ IN ~ South has brought his contract , \.\r'E · home. f

If East ducks, South just Jets , •. the jack ride. If East covers, I I South takes with the king and · finesses succes~fully against / West's ten. . ·

! I .

I Q-The bidding has been: I I Wut North Eut South · ll• 2• Pass ?

I You, South, hold: .8 6 5 ¥2 .A K 8 7 6 ... K 8 7 4

i What do you do? i , A-Bid five clubs. This Is n j slight overbid but It should 1 shut out tbe opponent• tffec· · tlvely.

TODAY'S QUESTION The bidding is the same as in

. the question just answered. ! You, South, hold: t .A ¥865 .AK878 ... K87 4

Whnt do you do now? (Answer Tomorrow)







The three cheers that help , the moat are smiles, optimism 1 and encouragement. 1 I * • • , : Breakdowns come to people j ' who worry too much about not ' i knowing how not to worry. ' . . . , Here's a sweet thought for : you. We're already reading pre·


. !

I dictions for a flne run of maple I : &ugar 1ap, I I e e e

! If getting high up In tbe 1

. world makes you look down i ' on others, we hope you don't. '

BOt ~ ·fs qoo I .

Dutcl\ Apple Ja~·





ROC~'~' 'RO\...\.\N 1 \..\\-(~ R\6\-\i 0~ ~ M'i:.~ l'r\E>il\ ' ·





To 8~ oN SALARY wmt COST -OF- LI\/!N6

I ! I I I ' l !

. i


.. '

.. i


LOS A~GELES ( APl-Stab- 1 fused. t~ ide~tlr~ his a~sailr.nt. 1 bed three tlmes by a bookmaker. explammg: Thts book!c ~aid ! p t to "'hom he owed ~1.200. Scy·\ he'd cut ofr ~~~~ credtt, tf I 1 aram OUfl mour Barish. 37. Sftturday re·. told ~·ou cops hts name. .

To-day Capitol


Tomorrow "THE RISING Of'


Football ·.Big Four Doesn't




doors. Saturday, when officials 1 meeting," hope e1·crything will b~ cut and Chilton, t.-o ..... , .. ,..J>r'""' dried, they'll put a rubber stamp with Sam Lerner of to their Thursday-Friday deci- O~tFU's legal adv· siqns at an open meetmg. wlil press for the ~1•

~:1•ery year since 1955 when the ; !lelc for the Grey c1!ll · . Bir; Four and WIFU booted the I "I've been gil"en Up,

1 A p t Qf o t • R f u ; ORFU out of the cup picture, the· by my league and a : ny ar ' n arlO • • . i C:RU an_nual se_ssions hal·e been I thrm. with ' ' . . wildaffa1rs behmd closed doors. I and m el'ery w31.

When a good sto1·y gets info, B1· JACK SULLIVAN 1 to cut the . ORFU's Grey Cup' "This will be another knock-down said. · A tense and exciting! sc~ the hands of a master lilm· I Canadian Press Staff \\'rller ticket allolmrnt to 200 from the

I drama, "The Enemy Be ow. :craftsman, the results usually' TORO~TO ICPI'- The Cana· usual 2,300. The ORFU knows all' :opens tomorrow at the ~ara· ·lead to an Academy Award. dmn football League, known about the resolution.•


. JOHN FORD'& FINE&1' illi.!'.'ll A proud, puslonate, TW'f«t picture ••• crowded with laughter, drama, conflict and beauty , •• from the man Who gave you "The In£ormer," "How Green Wt11J M1 Valley" and ''The Quiet Man,


·~-tk~~ ,.-lth l'layon from the

Abbey Thtalff CompAny INTRODUCED BY

TYRONE POWER !'o<r"n l'laY hl FrankS. Nu1<nt

l'rodut•d"by Mi<hoel KU!anio D!:'f<ltd by John Ford

J>Nen•.td b¥ Waroer Br.._

l'ilmtcl ill lh llltNicflel• ilul/



E\'ENING SHOWS:. '! O'CLOCK-9.00 M1\TISEF.-2 p.m.

ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: t\'E"il"iC';-AI'lt'I.TS ..... 7~~. (Rti.DREN ...... ~Sr.

MATlSEE~,\OI'I,T!i ... ~Or. rnn.nR r.:-o. . . . . %5c.





REID'S CONFECTIONERY Cigarettes, Fruit, Ice Cream

ar-1 Drinks. A complete line !If AUTO ~CCESSORIES

alw ys in stock D AL 90141



Armature \\'orlu

38 Bambrick

Street Dial 7191·2

We Give Good Stl'Tict. Rmran Slmt. Dial t!OS4


HARUi..U S:'I:OW & SO:'\, LTD.

Jndu~trlal Eiertrlclan• i7 Hammon S1rtet.

oruce zm Res. .all'/

: m~unt Thentre. and th.e amhcncc This has not hecn the cxccp· · more familiarly as the Bill Four "That isn't news to us," said i Will be held In a VIS~ of sus· I tion in the case of John ford. and \\'estern I n t e r provincial Maurice Chittonof Sarnia, o!fi· I pense as each succccrlmg scene , but more so 1 he rule ..• si~ Football Vnion. is makin~ it clear cia! ORF£1 delegate to the meet· ! unfolds on t~e ~crce~. , 1 times. It seems more th~n it doei'n't want any part of the ing. t'Wc've known about it for i, Pr~du~cr·Dtrcctor Dick Po~1cll likely that the famed director Ontario Rugby ~·ootball t;nion in some time. Wait until you sec 1111 hts fmt cCfort at ~wenltct_h ·has once a~:ain applied the same th•! pro pictul·e. some of their other resolutions .. : Century-Fox, hns .!lll'en thts I formula to his latest Warr.r~· This was evident \\'ednfsrlay, They'll makl' your hair curl."' , story of a ctuel-to·thc-dcat.h na·: Bros.' prc><•ntation, '"The Ris· en• of the Canadian Rugby Un-~ The first two days delegates 1

1 1•al battle between a U.S. de·ltn~ of the ~loon," which opens ion three -day annual meetin::. will air their \"iews-and there'll . stro~·er Ntd a German s~lb·; tomorrow at the Capitol. . with a rrrort the CFL proposes' he some hot words-behind closed eny

ight 1 man~e such e~>pcrt handling : Ford has Jon~ wanted In :that tt, can be rat~d one of the :make a film in lrrl~nd utilizin.-~ 1 best pictures of l~s typ~ ever 1 Irish artists. whom he feels are : flmcd. ·Many servtcc pictures I among the finest in the world. ' i have come • out of H~!l)·wood I "T.he Rising of the Moon" is i hut ~or1e hale ha~ themtdness tins film and Ford has chost•n I of dtalogue, . action and tech· thr~c outstanding stories tn ~ical prrfec~10n th:;! makes porlra)' the inherent charactc•·,

I The. En em) BI'IO\\ a I most of his beloved Irishmen. · ' classrc. , .. I .Justics, as l'irwed throu~l1 i I ~he f,ld and accepted. Nal ~ 1 the proud e)"rs of an Irish gen· I ax1om that a fasl·":r 01'10g dt•· · tlcman or thP old sod is con-' 1 stroyer and th.e silent, hut trasted affectionate!)' wHh : dcadh·. subm_nrme nrc el·~nl)' "The Majesty of the Law" in ' n.tatcheci furmshcd the mollva· , a stor)· by Frank O'Connor. : lion fo~ the super·chargcd sea . "A ~linutc's \\'Hit," adapt~r\ ' chase tn the p1cture. But the from the comrch· 1>1· Martin J. calibre of the rrspectil·c com· ~tcllugh is the "sec~nd 'cpisorle:

1 manders of the two l'rs::cls pr~· ~nd rHcals the irrepres:<iiJlr' 1 \'ides _the hum~n drama. ThNI' gairl)' of the Iri~h.

. matclung of ll'lls r.·llrl maneuv· 'fhr thil"d segment '"Thr R!>· , erin~ for ad\'~ntag~ I~ rh:al the in~: of thr ~loon," h.1· bd.1·. 'drath hlow •~ famnahn~. to Cirrgory, f1·om which tlw titlr ! 1~atc~. Bert' I~ real, sptnP· was taken. i~ thr dramatic anrl tmghn~ drama. . 1 :rrtion-fillctl :recount of th~ rs·

As the ~kipper of thr Amen· · t•;:pr of a political pri,;onH un· • can destro)'er escort on. P~·lrol der ~cnl<·ncr of rtrath. It is duty in 1hc South Atlantic. Hoh·: subtitlcrl "1921'' and is intend·

, crt ~litchum is. at his l'~r)' zest. eel to show the peoplr's lo)·alt)· Curt Jurgens upholds h1s repu· · 1iurinn the Black and Tan 11'11!'

lation as one of Europe's top j refcr1~cd to as the "Trouble<." stars in his dch~1t as th~ com· Tyrone Power nan·atrs "TI:·~ · mandcr of the German ll·Boat. Jlisin~ of thr ~loon," a Fom· ThP prrformam·r~ ol the en- Prorinrr~ prncluction for \\'~r , ~tar~ ;.rc wnrth)' or Maclrmy! nr1· 1l1w. rronk S. :-\u~cnt, Awanl rnn.•irl~ratinn. T h r )': 11 rntr 1hr ,rr~rnpbn. hrralh'! l'itatil) into «>nry · <erne. ·'l>lr11tlit1 prrformanr•~ arr a ·

,\Ill llrdi.,nn. whn al~n makr' rrrrlit to thr ~rniu~ n[ 11irk 3 r!rhnt 111 I hi; plrlurr ·~ tltr · l'owrll. Hr lirml)' r.-tahli,hr.•: rxrrutii'P nfflf"•r n( ihr dr· him,rll a• onr of tnti~)··~ ~real ' •tro1·rr. turn• in an rwriiPnl crra\ll'r l•lrnt'. r~1·f••rmanrP. flthrr mrmhrr~ of Thr fi11al '~'~'n•• in 1\"hi•·h · th, ~nrror1int ra~t. Thrndorr tho rlr:.trn)·rr ram' thr ~llh· Bike!. llu~~dl l'ollin~. 1\nrt m;.rinr anrl thr t11·o ship< ~ink 1\l'n~rr. frronk Albrrt~on ancl J:il'r "Thr F:nrm)" Below" A'

What's Missing?

ACROSS 1-anddog

light ~-and

sound 8 Distant

12 Brown October-

13 - ancl purl 14 Pedestal part 15 Donee ~1ep 16 Entertaining

tales 18 Landed

propcrtie~ 20Dancer,-

Cn>lle ~I Exi"t !!:!Spnre-24 Flesh:.· fruit 26 Foundation 2i "l\1v Gal-' 30 Tal~e

nngeance 3~ Scratch 24 Fasten again ~;, ldenl state 36 Insect 37 Reside 39 Rolling •Iones


~a\herno-40 Notion 41 Wicked 4~ Gaze fixedly 45 European

1an~uago. 4~ J.n,·ely places HCord ~am• .~~Airlanrl-

5' Bihliral weed MCul NT ~j Subterfu~~ M Snow wh1cle ~7 Blackhird

DO\"I'N I Ske1·c1e~1 1arment

2-and alack!

30ld or New

4 What a hockey player docs

5 Prince Charles Rnd Prjncesa

6 Ctlcbra1ion 24 Kind of 38 Servnnt 7 And so forth rublter •o Angry

(a b.) 25 Baking 41 t'ound~d 8 Wor~hip chamber 4~ ~tnst 9 A- wor~e 26 Prol"e fnh~ 43 Forbidden

than death 27 Y.wr~rcen tr£c 41 W"r ~od tO Arabian gulf ~8Sacred bull 46 French father I I A•cended ~9 ~lcednw• 47 Imminently t7 Guide 31- the li1·1 4R 1ndian 19 AmphilhPater 3:: ciaesar was 50 Po"e"i,·e 2~ Gh·e forth Jne pronoun

I• ~ , • 1 IS 11 I~ II 1 111 li

~ I~

' ' <I :1 '~;_:-, lO

I 'l/ ,_:,; llt Ill ~t ~ (./'.

'·• ~ 117 ! rl

~ Ill !JL l H I Ill Jl, 1 i! . /, !1 . '

u !I

111 ~I l1l .· 'II ~~ 17 1! ~) ~ fl p~ Ill Jf


"" rl II



TIM!:S OF ~HOWS F.VF.SISG snows: 1 p.m.-9.r•o

MATISEE 2 P . .\1.

ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS F.\'J-:;\;1:-iG-,\Dl"LTS ..... i5c.

IIATI!'iEES-ADULTS .... 50c.

Rft ..... \1.11 ("01.\1.\" - HEHY 1.1~~1!\RR ·­

~1.\I:X-\"1:"\fJ-:ST I'Rif"E-I'E'ff:R I.OilP.I:- .

REm·:RO in "THE STORY OF ~1.\:'\1\l\"11' -

f.RF.Al'EST ~T.\R <".\ST F.ri:R .\SSF.!Iflii.F.fl-

JOII:" I.rBLA;I;l_' rrrss Staff \\ r 1cp 1 - CHnad:

"tinhl lllOIIl'Y., I th/ Bank of _ca

.James [• .. 1

in his annu:

war. po{nl> in the rrpt

a ~n:!~t·stion tilal ,ire small hon

1 · '"'·t• · on'r lal';.!t'

lc·nd!n~ mone)· h and aJ.,0 a d.,tlaral

lt\l.•oOaiJ•'·~ l'COROillll" : thai he i< opl ·

i . .:~lll' in tlw w;;~ hrou~ht th1· P1 LJtin~~ 1o pow1

that so-~aiiN

t!l:a:~o:;~~~~~11h;olc!in~ 1111

: Biff Elliot ar~ suprrb. The sma~hing climax. 1

~------------------------------------------------------- Lea(



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EMPIRE FRUIT STORES For the Freshest Frnit In


144 Patrick Slrtet, Dial 285% 37& Duckworth St., Dial !911

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Wirint: Ma1crial8, Wire And UNDERWRITERS AT Cables, Motor~. Starter~.

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DIAL :14fi9 Complete up-to-nat•

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' Slf.JIT'S f. A' LAST ! . -;.

270 1!13 2" 1:!n 234 2: tno 22!1 2 ~01 2i~ 2 i!l7 !131 9:

~11 2n!l 21 . ., . ., 2~0 2'

1~6 1~7 It :!Ui 240 "' ~ jfl~ 881i g;

:; C~-2 -----------------....r. llei.rocl 2H 18t 2

REAL ESTATE :. Eii:Gtt 15 j :wo

STOVES ;, Yem1an !81 160

---------- --------· EViy 1na 2oi i\OTJCE

For Appl"ai~al.~ of R~al E~tate and Auclions in pril·at•

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JOR!'i D. O'DR!SfO!.L So. 1 Binrford Plac~


f:\L:\fER'S SERVICE ST.-HI0:'-1



R. W. JlA"R.~t:S . . iSIJ i48 ; 1-'l.<;ua."r-l J!'i STOL'It VI.. • . Moore !n8 1n2 1

l'tOSTOS RIU:m. M~rl' ~28 184 l OIL l!l'R\UJ L G~el:o· 2iln Hl1 I

Immeriiate ;l€ii•m l ~~is· 168 1!1fi 2 DIAl. ~2:11 -~ 7i3 762 i

TRASI\ FOU~On 1 unr~t 239 226 J&Z "tH Tr. R ~T. 1 ~)fer 2t;4 2fl6 Manufacturm « · Fiitl~n~ 2:1!1 18!1

MAID 0~"~ I".IJ.O\ li~ltl ~~2 ~g:

DIAl, S085 ~·or all your PAINTING, ___ ......,;;,;,.;,;,-.... __ FISH STORES ROOFING, and CHIMNEY ELECTRICAL SERVICE ~~~~~--




DIAL 3518


REGAL R.'~G!I ~ed lnd-~6! 146 DIAL 3815 • 7lll :, t:l!J 141

231 186



Rll O'CHIPS • I IAL ms




Plano and Organ Showroom; TOPSAIL ROAD


Guaranteed against Cuts, Blowouts, Bruises,

Under Inflation. CaD MARSHALL MOTORS

At reasonable ratet. PHONE 93430R.



HAMILTON A\'ENUE Heating and Ventilation.

Structural and Re·lnforclna Steel

DIAL 22!6 80 PRESCOTT ST. Service, Quality. Variety

DIAL 6426

DIAJ, 4183


Dial 4902A Fact!II'Y: Water St., Hr. Grace

P.O. Box 358 Specialists in Motors, G~nerators. Steam Irons and

all Houschol•l Appliances.


SERVICE Electrical Conlraeter

408 Water Street, st. John's, NcwfoundlantJ.


TORBAY ROAD Rep. General Eledrle 71 PLEASANT ST. TmE REPAmJNG U Kings Road Dl•l 1918 DIAL Z9S8 WASHING

Packing, Crating, Shipping Wedding Photos, Portraits BATI'ERY CHARGING Agents for Allied Van Lines HEARING AIDS

T. c. mBBS, Manager ---------- and Commercial Pholo8Taphy GREASING

Water St. Dial 80031


130 l!li 19~ 296 1:!7 131\ 20i :!~0 667 8il ro.-1

186 2~2 2U2 221

A-1 TAXI Jl~3

For all your Bu!ldin& Requirements caU

80161 - 80118 • DIAL 801'71 Phone 6344

Res. 6455: Office 90061·2 BEL TONE HEPUNGc --AM_E_R-lt._S_T:I_O_l' ________ n_I_Ar_. -t-109 __ _

GLASSES LEDRJ.;W'S EXP".ESS LTD 17 LON<~·s HILL SEkVICES CAL Hit .\ \'1. ;,• ~lns--3



Complele up-to-d!t' e sen·ice Merr11neetlng Road

D'!AL 7166



Complet • Church rurni$h in&s and Religious Article.

DIAL mz 166 WATER 'sT.


DUSTBANE Newloubdiand'• Cleanest

word!. Obtainable at R. J. COLEMAN LTD.

tte · 248 DUCKWORTB ST. DIAL 2415



can be obtained pt CONNORS DRUG STORE

334 WATER ST. DIAL 2208



Col'ering St. John'~ "ith Fast. Efficient Service. U HAMILTON AVE,

DIAL 69115



24 Hour Service for Repairs to Motors, · Generatora and

Househnld AppUaneea.

l'IAL 5199



E. and S. BARBOUR LTD. Distribulors of:

Kell'in Marine Diesels Keh·ln Ricardo Gas Engines.

Full Line of Spare Parts. 472 • 474 '~ATER ST.

DlAI. 41111



Re..-~ r.~wpm••l to llirt• r.radeu. Crant Tracka.

C:l'll~h~d Slnne, Road Gravfl rleU>ertd $3.[)0 per Inn.


l'h••• 3m-tw W•ltr 11. Wnl !1, Joba't.


HOW~E OF FLOWERS Serving St. John's rrom 1 locations:



IIR DlJCltWORTR 8T. l,cu~11 and lone dl&lanrt movluJ, puklnr, cratlnr and shlppina. Mrmb•ro ol !'.W.A. and M.M.T.A

Aatnls for (lnllrd V•rl llnu. D. R, J.f'DR.F.\\', MAS'AGEa

Oltfre ~lt15. ~·ar•hnau te~'!!



Gift~. Games, Toys, No\'rlties. Cout's Cards

for all occasions DIAJ, 426.~



You Choice of what you need DIAL 6160


BELTONE IJIAL 7612L li£ARING Newfoumllaml 1·iews artistic· GLASSES ally mounted ana framed.

CALL __ s_e_e_o_l_lr __ se_le_.ct-io_n_. ____ __ S. W.SHOR1


WHOS:E BIRTHDAYi Certainly a handmac;e article from NO~IA if only the BCII

will do.


NO DOWN PAYMENT !M\' MONTIILY PAYMENTI • Storm Sa1he.1 and Doon a Add that uln rooms. • Modemlu your kltehtlll

Colllael W, 8. PARSONS LtD,

Lonr Poad Road Dial 111111




New Loca!!nn: !01 • !11 DUCKWORTH ST. Paper Md Pap~r Products.

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APPLIANCES. DIAL 3001 to 3005



WEST END TELEVISION T.V.-Radio-Car Radio Repairs

'705 WATER STREET just as cheap as In St. John'F When selecting a Diamond CALL 58&5 ,

SEltYICE o Ou, H'KS Al'K a a.;t"KWEUTORI • W.o\~Ht:Hs e R.,~GI-''i.



Tunillt and R'!'pairinl. o. .. r Thirl'~' yun' PXPtritDet a•rures t·ompettnt servtcil"'l·

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'rhnnt ~;WJ







and have them delivered to Ring see our private Diamond your door without charge. 13ooth.

We give D.P.S. StamJIII DIAL 4502

At Night, Day, Holiday or • Sunday for Fast Service and Guaranteed work caU 7127A.

With Free Tricolour P1arhllt.P CALL 5675

ALLIED AGENCIES :!17 New Gower St.

DIAL llSO · r.7l i Am·where AnY plartL

• An~· lii;Jc. T

U ROllll SERI"tel •


ACE or SUPF.D T~ DIAL m' · ~




Tailor-made SUp ar!ll

DIAL &«t #




DJAJ, 3015

For ·Our Readers' Convenienc -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

248 202 16i

273 234 865 851

144 18!1 148 188 184 251

165 i!!:l

2fifi 192 180 20i 835

151 105 209 11!1 584

158 187 241 208 i94

l:i4 112 100 101 447

257 255



s ·lOrK



e D~Ji1 t!7 • 92718


·turtra el ' A\'.'.LO~ and RASGEI

115 • 7UI

:R A\'E. uo . ,,. An~ place.


mooiSG ro. ,LISTII II STEJliSI ! Slip C4!~­L 1441


L 3011

Of Cana

nY ~xistance "

Of ight Money Policy l


PUBLIC NOTICE LICENSED INSURANCE COMPANIES "' n~,;r~1 alinJ: unemploymrnt un- '~rl'd bank about thr aliailabil· :

1:1 horro11 mg was made easier al· ily gf money for small borrow-~ • .o·:.o :,, I.,, tt•;· lht·~· ton~ llOII'I'r, , ers. . · ·. · .·

'l'i,ill llllliWI' has nPI'Cr be 1 d r 'th lh t ~otlce ·~ h~t·eby gti'('JI that the follo\1111!1: ln~uranrt Com· ., . 11~·!a·~

' ' ;:.:· , , ; I ',111:1d;t,

t~"· ~ ·. ,· 1. 1· l.tiYO<'

:<·~· ;:: , ;.~mtlnl rr·

dt•'t;h. dl'fincrl 1·n et'th •r canen . 111 ••

1.eahtmg wt .. t co.n rol(·~rs· paniPs are licensed to operate in ~ewfoundland durmg the

• • c 1· , tD tg money quc.~uon, •OI'·It · . . 1' 31 t o ·t b 19"8 t t h nwgn. hut cx11erts sa~· it apjlt'ars · ernor COI'RP stated that durin" •.c~nstng ) cat en< mg s c ? cr. . J , pursuan o t e. pro· to nwnn money at relati1·cly high i the period before last August_: : I'IS10ns of ~he Ltl! lnsuranc~ Compant~s Act and The Acctdent intt•J·cst rates nnrl relaliwl~· hard ! when the • supply of borrowing, Insurance Compantcs lLicensmgl Ad:- ·

· ·····! ot 'hr to nhtatn otht•rw_l~e for such op· 'money started rising-11n abnor· 1 Cla&!~R of ... t: .. ·: .. ,,:•p<·ar .. d t'r:tlwns as hou~mg mortgages. 1 mally high demand lor mone~· I Com~an;v Insu~ance .. · ·· ,, i''''''"';Jl .. \Jlo.rt IJ•om ~ctting into seem· I far outran the supply. . Acadta !nsm·ance ro~pan' ..................... .

, :·: , ln·tion mg dt~ll~l't·cment on a hefty p0.1 "The impression seems to hal'e . Aetna Casualt!>' an~ Surety Compan~· .. .. .. ...................... D '" "lint· litwal 1s::uc II' til~ the ~:m·et·nment arisen that the mon~~· supply was 1 Aetna l~surance Comp~ny ................................. C co~t•rn- that .rmploy tum. Canada's top· bring contracted," h~ said. "This i Aet.na Ltfe Insurance Company ......................................... B l.d•"J at t·;u:~lll!! hunk ~l!k~r also deli I'· I wa~ not the case.'' Alhance Assurance Company ................................................. 'E

. .. '' .1' in •·rt'd nn ndmonttton to the chart· Sl:PPL\' !!\'CREASED Allstate Insurance Company ........................................... D . ('J't•d hat:ks to gil'e a break to! "The supply of mon~~· in· Amer!can Automobile Insurance Company ................................ D

· ,,.. Ill· 'nwll hotTnwrrs su1·h as lartneu · creased and it.~ 1·etocill· of rifl'lt· American Insurance Company ................................ E • 1·"': nmt indil i<tuats lookinl( lor per· I tat ion rose 1·erv 51ibstantinllv American National Fire Insurance Company ...................... C '·'': ,.,., ··r· l 'tlll::tl lo;ms lur non·sprculati\'e ~ "'fbi' phrase •tight monc1· poi· Anglo Scottish Insurance Company Limited ....................... E

· · " " · rurpu"'' lie)·' may sometimes he u~ed to A lias :\ssurance Compan~· Limited ...................... E . oJIJ•' Stw·:ld tht• bunk, linrl It nrres· · l'der to matt~r~ other than mon· . . · · c: ,,., 1,, · ,,,,' 1u rntion thPit· loan money. ctary malter~." Balotsc ~larme lnsu~ance Company Ltmlled ................. .

":t.ll• . ,,, till' t'\<•nl of a llt'::tiY d~mand. I "There has ncl'rr hrt•n 8 'tiulll ,llcacon lnsuram·e l ompan~· ................ B :'•':•lit 'h•· <n!d. tlll'r should limit thrir monry policy' in ('anada sit;t:,• 1 B1·~1·rr lnsura~ce (:ompany· 1

• , . FF; '·· ',;m. r.tltunmg to the held of large the 1•stablishment of the Ccntrnl ·~utter lmtlrt'lton a~1d Insurance Lumpan~· of Canada ... i··,,·:t•··· lll;•n<. 'Bank t3 \'ear~ 8~0 " l,oston Insurance l ompanr F.

· "• r :.,., ~:..: \t.I.IICIIUIIIIH:Rs t'IRST j "Circuinsta~ces.:' ht snid. Briti>h An:cr~can Assurance .''olllll<lnY . . .. ............... ~ , : l:ch< lh•• fn·,t !'<ill should be to .he "mi~:ht ari~e in whkh a sounrlt BrJli>h ~l'lallon Insurance .lompaJ~)' L1m1ted ............... .1'. ; 1 ·'""· •rl'dil·ll'ol"lh)' m•rcls o~ ~~1811 bn~l· money polic)' might rrquirf' an, Bnt~;h l.n111:n AssnrancP l.ortJOration ..................... (

~,,.,,.,.,, lamWJ'S und tndii'Jdunls-! actual reduction of the monrl' i llr1ttsh Emptre A~snranre t CJmpany . .. .................... F. lilt hulin;.: a 'rra,onable" )"·et of ~upply, hut thi~ has not in tact ; Briti>h Law I nsurancc Company Limit I'd ....................... E

... , '""'' l•wn' for hOJI>ing m'l'os~ Can· happened." • I British :"\orthwestcrn Insurance l ompany ....................... C , • ~ ... ''~'n; •••i,=t . , But he addrd that f'I"Pn durin~: llril~sh Oak ln$Urance l'ompan~· Limitr<l. . .................... (: ,''··!I .• 1. lltr rl'port potnlrd out that lhr tloe 19.;:;.:;; p~riorl of in!1alionar1·' Brillsh Traders' Insurance Compiln~· Limned ...................... C .'' ,. '.''.' · 1 ~o·l I'J'JICJI' in prr1·ious ~·rar~ ha~ 'pressure, therl' Wll~ no polic'~· Of .. · , , ·. . , • . ,

.' · ,, dirt! <'\Pir>'<'rl <·nmrrn tn lht> clwrt· · rrdlldnJ: the,grnrral mon 1, s . : '."lrdotHatHan,tdian ln:•Uiallrf' 1-ompan~ F. .. . -·-··-· .. _ ·-· .. _ .. _ _ . e. up , 1 dcdnnt~n lnsurant'P Company ................. C

{, [ B NT j'Noti• lieS Oil i canada Accident and •:ire Msurant·r l'o~npan~· . . ......... c •• .Jo • elVS .... : (';,nada Hralth and ACCident Assurance l orporauon F

: l'anada l.ife Assurance Company .. B -- :TJ p } : l'anada Src·urity Asstu•ant•e Company F. :ll:m·h nrtl~r> h)' the Battalion i Je 0 es 'l';:nadian Fire Insurance Compan)' ................... F.

l'o>mmandin.q OflirPr r,vealrd ll'anudian General Insurance L'umpany ........................... E 111'0 Hry important annonnef'· By GRACE M. SPARKES • · · ·r I B

t I . , Conadtan l'rem1er Lt e nsurance Company .......................... .

ntrn ~. name ~·. a ~pertal church · d' E pHadr #,nil t•amp. The first published list of · C;;na tan Surety Company • .. . . _. . .. ... . . .................... •

" ., CICFRCII I'ARAD". \'nters "hich 1 ha\'e scrn for lar and General Insurance Corporallon Ltmlted ................... C

:·• i ~4~ 1 '' 1 1 t' , nnturv Insurance Companv Limilrd y.; , , • : 1 ll ~pr~·ial paradr for all I 1e coming Fetit•ral c ec 1011 . (' · • G ·l 1 .. · , (' . E • ·• ~._·,:,;~ ~,\,1·~., romnn.miran .. ts ".i,ll l.Jr. hrld a.t II' as h~nging ,r..lntost torn to . omml'rt r ~n7ra ns.uan< e . om pan~ . . ~~!1 " ',,.. shred• on p 1 1 tl . t t>mmemal t:nwn Assm·ance C.:ompan)' l.tmlled E

., .• "'I" thr Atnl<lm) on I hutsd,,~·. Aprtl · • a o e a •~ COl·'(' 1 d 1· L'f A · r B ···' ,·:': ., ,'',;' ~rd at 7.:lo p.m. for the pur·. ner ol Church Hill and Dut·k· ~ .one e~a ton. I e ssocla lUn.. . ............ c ''·': 1 , hBJ r I' · w rtl S I 1 k Connecticut ~·1re Insurance compan~· .............. .

·.. - pn,e o 3tlem mg the Easter 'i' t • treet. . oo erl .up t.o: rontinental rasualt)' company .. ... . ............................ D

:'" ::Ri ~~i;, ~~;~~~"i1~: xe\;[~~~~:~~~ c!~h: ~~~er;~a~n~ol!~~~ w~~ah~:~~edtt I Continental Insurance Com punY . . . ............................. F; .' ·,, ~~·, i\1i . f •: Contingency lnsu1·ance Company I.imi:ed ........................... c ... Jo;q 48~ Pilral. · but ound that only a few 1 cu~peratil'e Fire and Casualty Company ............................ E ~;1'1 :;~.;: BAT1'A.UO\' r.~~!P ·names we~• left on each page, l Co·opnalil'e Life In:mrance Com pan~· .............................. ll

0,::: 9R1 2~~~ ,. i'1l;hr/~";:fl.~~~~al~~n ~:a~tp audd tne1

wtnd and wtather had I cnrnhiil Insurance l'ompany Limited ................................. r. t• • r •m· .r re rna e ltese namrs almo~t too· Crown Life Insurance Company ....................... B

' lmm Tne>d~1·. Jul1• 8th to l'ri· · indiNiinrt to read. ~, r, Iii I dJ)', .lui)' :!lith. _~..; in thr pa~l Walking up tht hill past llominiun !.if~ Amtr~nrr l'mnpan)' ........... B

•. ,. t11" ~·t·ro~·· thr r:,mp will be di· the lbt YPStCl'day ntuming 1 ~omm11:~1 of .l anad~ (,cnrr.al ln~urance l'ompany ............. n ·.~;; ~01•1 1idNI into two sPrtinn•. Thr wondrrrd ju~t how lung the list I r.o.~ie t:Jre ( omp~ny u.f New "l'u~k. . .............. C l!l:l .Jun:nr T1·ainin~ l'orps wi!l he waa there and what purpo~e it, ~~gl,e Star .ln~urance Con:pany Limited ...................... E

!ifl!l IIJHit•J' l'Unl'a,: !rom Tul's!l~1·, Sl'l'l""· , 1 •.•• atm.! L1le AssUI'an.ce l.umpan.l'. . ............... B . ;;, ~:;H ~2titi .In!)· Rlh. tn Tur<tla)', .Tul~· lnti1. A(';he lime C tl l . F d · f.conunnc ln>ltrance l ompan~· I.tmttrd . I'

I nom 11hirh datp thf' srnior~ will al . 0 te a•t P • i Emplo1~rs' [,iabilill' Assuraner Corporation Lmitrd E ; 74 ;,::4 tot't'llli.'' the 1·amp site ro Friel")', tr. edlrctton man)' of the ll;t.l • J.o!nglisit and AmPri.can Insurance l'ompany Limited .. F. :~~ ;,R4 .lull' :?.ilh. poste on poles and htuldmgs: Euuitahlt~ Fire and ~larinr ln,Ul'anct' t'omparll' E

In Ia U uh

(; \ 'IES

Y ::·.: 5:.1 H:\TT:\1./0.\' OF/-'lt'ER~ ~~'''!'~ H•l'll duwn alnw>t as Equitable Life Assuranre Sociell' or the United Stale! I! ;, f. :·•·, ~:n :in4 Till' Al'alon Battalion ulfirtrs Qlllckly •~ they were put then·. · :::~ ·': ~"a ~~li:: .. nnu;tl nweting will br h~ltl Some ol the liMs posted in· Ft·drral lnsuranl't Com pan~· ~:

toll Satunln)·. April l~th. at the llonsing 'area were put up hdrration In~uranre Company of Canada . E :.' 45 p.m. Tlw Rnttalion ~tafl rl~· rercntly ju~t b~t'ore a rain; t:!delity and Casuall~· Company o! !\1'1\' York .............. ~~

'· 1;:~ ,;;,~ ,,dr·rl to hold thi.• lmportant,atorm. Alter the storm nothing!l·utehty 1nsur~nc~ lompan~· of.Canarla . . .F ~·; ' :.11: ~lui ,,, .•. ,,11~ in thr ait~rnoon in~tend' left on th~ puper coultl be ric· F1dehty·Phoemx Ftre Insurance t ompany of Jliell' "l'ork E

~:;~ titi:.! of at ni~ht in nrciPr to ~h·e offi. l ei(Jhered wher~ the list~ were II~'irll'rnan·s 1-"und 1nsurance Company . .. . E , . :·:~~ tii i , ..... , :tn<l <"ilapi:Jin• outsidt St./ written with ink. ! l .. ireman's ln>ut·auce Company of 1\ewark, ::oiew Jersey E '• v_.; !n•• ~Jifll ·.~·;h•;"• an ~~pol'tnnit.l' to alt~nd. 'l'he Canada l'l~·rtion art calls: Grnrral Arci~er~ M~uranre co.mpany of Canar~ . . E

· . . hr rl · r of the aftP.~noon :for mnny reguattom ann pro· Genrral Acetdent Fire and Ltfe Assurance Corporatton · :r ~'I" :>4il ·• -:·H>.n a huffrt 5Upper ."'II br 'cedures. Many ol IJhem mily be i Limited . . . . .. . ... . . . . ........................... E

"'·' "44 lwltl Ill the Armour,\' which wlt11 very nece~sarv but thi~ regul 1 G 1 E · h 1 · C t' D ;:;.:, oHn t t~. 1 h ttl 1 d' ' A 'I · " r .. 1 .enera . xc ange n~uranre orpora ton ........................ .. 1 .. , ~t:R .'r. ~:· .Jet Y P .a te~ llXI·, lion which requireA that all Globe Indemnity Company of Canada . . .............................. E

. , ~.Hi 2:HR l?.l). CIII'RCII PARADr. ~ollinlllist~ .mu~t be made pub· f:~eat Amer~can lndemnitr c:ompany ................................... D Tl t' 1 Ch h p 1 f ltc and ava1lable for all to read, G1eat Amer1can Insurance Companv .................................. E

I• •r 11'' •11

1btrc h ldarm es or 1 seemR superfluous at leut in Guarantee Companv of :Sorth Amei·ira ............................... E n<· 'ra· tm wt r r on un· , · · · G d' A • • 1 · · 1 E



·.· .. ·. :• .... ·, • .. , 1• . 11 • 11 • ..1 ftOth Newfoundlr.nd tf it mmts on I uar tan ssurance compan~· .nmtr( ............................... , - ·'"· r "' a r1noo .... p11 ~ . ; I 1. b I G d' I C f C d E ''•.1 .. ;:,.~ ~>91 · J..WIF.S AUXILIARY

1 t te tats e na posted out of uar tan nsurance .. ompany o. .ana a .......................... .

:~•1• 46:; 1'hc C.L.B. Ladirs' Auxiliarv 1 dour.<. Guildhall Insurance company Llmtted ................................ E

~u:\ R.;u ~',<•hi thrir. annu.1l me~Ung la~t I •. 1~ the regulation eal!s lor t~e Halifax ln~urance Company .............................................. E ~:lO :!Jiill lur·~dn)' ntght. The annual re·l hst. 10 lle put up 10 pubhc Hanover Fire lnourance Com pan:." ... .. ........................... C

n11rts ~howrd a very sueces.~ful ; places could not the. lobby of Hutlord Accident and Indemnity Company ....................... D ,_,, ~Hi ~~ ~I'HI' and this fine organizatio_n 1 the Conad~ P?st Offtce, which Hartford Fire Insurance Company . . .. ........................... E ~ :, ih.l fi8'1 1; to h~· rongrat~tlated on !hetr laft~r all ~~ ~overnment prop- Home Insurance Company . . . .................................. ,. E

!~4 liOR wort;, fhe t•lcrtton of offtcer~ crt~. be used. Hudson Bay Insurance Company E ~·:.. ·• ..!~~ tHla took placr rr.!'ultina as follow~: Somebody has to be hired to •.-· , · ·, R"~ 2Jillii l'rrsidPnt-:\lrs. P. B. Rendell. ta.k11 around the lists, and nail Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company of

Vier pre>iilent - Mrs. I. them to the poles. The nail~ or Canada .. .. ..... . ..... ....... .. .............................. E BarnP~. screws for 1ecurinl the lists Imperial Life Assuran~e Company of Canada ...................... B

,.,. ::4k J~:l f>i2 Sccretary-Mr~. S. Saunde~!. to the poles must be. paid for. Ir.demmty Insuranc~ (;()mpany of N~rt~ Amertca ............... D .,,,. ·:,,~ l>oc; :i!H 1'rrasurer-~lrs. A. S. Lewts. could not this fund be used Insurance Corporation of Ireland Ltm1ted ......................... E ,: : ·,.,-; ~2n 641 , F.xccull\'1' Commit!ee-h~lrs. A. to pay for apace inside places I I.aw Union and Rock Insurance Company Limited .............. C

.,.~·i ~o:! 7nP ~.dwards, ~~r~. G. f rene • ~~r~. where many people go (such L 1 d G 1 A s · L' 't d E P.'l\ ~~~~ 248~, 11 Xoel ~lr c s urrH Mra . • ega an enera ssurance octety tmt e .................. . r · j1 mi.~ \lr · • ~ ";~0j83 'I mtght be able to scan the li~ts? Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company ........................ ~;.

:~l~ ,;r· ~ h~.;,a~~. · r, Instead the money is betnll Liberty Mutual Insurance Company ....... ..... . .................... E ~,:,:1r.1' 5:,ro · · 1~~a '·('on ... r "r• D A , spent to put the lists outdoors Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company Ltd ... E

:f,p, ~.or. ' lene ,_,,. · · ' ' h I b d L' 1M 't b A C C ~·<l Jat filii Edward~. :\Irs. H. H. Haynes. , w ere sca.rce Y ~ny o .Y aces tverpoo •• am o a .ssurance ompany ......... :". . ....... . 1 ~;;, 1


t'arf\' on c L B Ktep the them and the f1rst wmd and London and Lanculure Insurance Company L1miled ....... C ; 1.;1 ~:~:: 2~i~ fla~ fl;·ing. · · ' W.R.C. rain makes. them useless. London and 1\lldl~nd. Gener~l lnsurace Compan~· E

· To me tt seems an awful London and Provmc1nl Martne and General Insurance waste of !omebody's good time Company Limited . . . . . .. . ..... F.

··q .. ~ 1 ; ::.;•t ""~ Thr man~· frirnds or l\fr. Gor· and mllney to have put up these !'London and Scottish Assurance Corporation Limited .. . E ~''' : 9:• ell li:!l dun .1. Ok~ will be pleased to lists and I could not but London Auurance ..... :. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .... E :~.:: H:•· ~4ti HOH lt·arn that he is now con\'alP5C· 1 spedutate about it a-s 1 plodded , London Guarantee and Accident Company Limited ....... E,

:·,,, ~~;~ 1,;4 r.:m m:z. at home following a very :up the hill to the Synod Hall llanuracturers Life Insurance Company . . ......................... 11 n::~ Riu 2~;,h '

11rrtous oper&tlnn recently at; ye~terday to m~ke aura that my Maritime Hospital Service Association ............................... F

t ~ Grace Hospital. , name was registered lor the 1\laritime Life Assurance Compkny ... . .... .. ................ B

1 0 1 165 180 228 1\73 , ~lectwr• on March 3111 •. •t th.e llerchantR 1\larine Insurance Company Limited ............... E

. I'll; : • ·.·. ~.n

l :.t I till ·lliO ill:i 1P.4 Hb

t41J 54a ~:u; 4nti i211 l!l3;j

:~I J! t

lHl ~~~!J ~R~

'1j !>~~aC:Us 2.iJ 236 217 &93 t.;ourt nf . Revision, whtth 11 :\lerit Insurance Company . . . . ... .. ...................... E

921 BU 86I 2710 stttmg thta week. ~:etropolitan Life In~urance Compn~r .................................. B

:h'alon-0 A. Bonnell t:. Beer . 1;, Oliver

143 I46 178 1!11 618

13~ I79 I76 171 1161

· . onarch Insurance Company or Oh1o ................................... c Montreal Life Insurance Company ...... : ........................ B Motor Union Insurance Company Limited .............................. E 2ft!\ ~a R R d

. J. Power l:iH \.i7 ~olB IRi 1711 5(lr, ~41 24~ H1i5 :!l,R ~04 262 flfi9 ROI'dl-2

8611 2375. ,1. Brennan 203 212 1 ' 1>. Neary 148 281 34 1 ~" :1911 P Walters 172 228

112 13:, 370 \\'i.\combe 233 252 lflfl 148 374 . 756 973 lill 115 384 ' :\mhrrst-1

lllotor Insurance Corporation ............................ ~ ................ D Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Associalion ............... l'

193 Ills ' eport oa t58 1112 1 •

Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada ..................... B ~:: 2~: I Bad· On W. C . j A repol·t from the \\'rst National Life Assurance Company of Canada . . ........... B

5114 1 Coast s&ld that some of the National Provincial Insurance Company Limited E

1711 • l Ne1vfoundland American Insurance Company Limited A 1:15 5fi4 roads leading out ° Corner Newfoundland ~·ire & General Insurance Company Ltd .. c 207 607 Brook· and In the nearby com· Newfoundland Marine Insurance Company Limited . . F 14n 634 munities are In similar condi· N y k u d 't 1

t. '·ew or n erwr1 crs nsurance Company .................... C

670 2399 1011: . N'ew Z I d I C L' 'I d ~~ I U t I d afternoon

· ea an nsu1·ance ompany 1m1 e ....................... _ p o yes er ay N i gk F' I c Jo'

.·~I:.-~ •

1Pineapple ·Bcantv



'''--~ \~~~~Jc~o~~.~~ .·

I HfiJNE 1~17 Cl.AUDE A. DAWI!

161 WATI::R ST. r.o. Bn na


CO., 'LTD. ' Radio, Television Washers ... · :

Refri~erators Deep Freezer~> • Electric RaJII!ers

Tenders For Reinforced Concrete Bridge

t. Sealed tenden will be r~· · reived up to Wednesday, April I

' 9th. 1958 for the construc.tion 1

or a reinforced concrete brtdge : 'at Ne\·le~ Brook. 10 miles west ; ! of Gtf.nwood. . ' 2. Plans and ~pecilications : ! fol' the reinforced concrete f

~tructure may be inspected al ·I he Roads Draughting Office. ' :Court House. St. John's and · topies may bP obtained upon application to the Revenue Clerk M this Department upon de· St·l your tnhle in pincapplr posit nf $25.00 which will be re· desi~n - c~siest l'ruchct! t'se fund,d to the lt>nderer if the largerdoily as •·enlcrpiecc, smol plans atul specifications are re·, lc:- forplnce mats. . lurnerl to the D~partment. Ootcnof u.;cs lor throe damt)

3. Trtulrr• must hr m~dr on doilies. Pattern ;::2R: crochPt Corm! prol'ided by the Depart·· directions fo1· 18 ann 13 inch mrnt and must bP ~uhmitted in doilies in :'\o. :;o t·otlon . a scaled f'nHlope adrlressed to ~~·nd TIIIR'I'Y·l-'1\'E .CF:STS thP Deputy Minister or lli~h· <in coins' lor thi~ pattern wa1·s. Thr word; "l'rndcr, •stamp; cannot hr atccptcd• to X~i·lr• ]l'ook Bridoc," are to ST. JOJIS'S DAILY NEWS.

'hr.' w~itten across the face of· l_lonseh~l~ Arls lkpt., 60 •·ao~T I . th. rnvelopc. · ST:• \\F •. ST, !ORONTO, 0:-iT. . 4 Tenders mu>t br acc·om· Prmt nlamly SAME. ADDRESS. pan.ictl b1· an appro\'ed accepted PATTERS !I>U~IBER.

i chequP for $100.00 as a ~ure(y · Send TWE!'.'T\'·.-1\'E CE:">TS


that the tenderer will. if sue·' more for a copy of our Allee ressful. enter into a contract ~rooks :>;ecdlecra!t Catalogut>. with the Deparlment. The :;uc· rwo ~omol.etc oatlern~ arc prm· ct>;sful tcnd~rer will be r~quir· ted. nght 1n t.he boo~- phis . a ell to rleposit further sums to 1'~1'lcty of d.es•g.n! _t~ 1 a_t ~·ou ~~~~~ h. II the total rlcposit up to llant to o~dcr. ctochr.t. knit .;~n percent of the amount of tm.J:, emhrmdrry. h11ck weanng, the accepted tender. to be held qmlts, toys, dolls. as ~ecurity for tbe proper and

noor Polishera. Gramophone•

Public Address Systema. Tape Recorders.


DIAL 3001 to 3085 WATER ST.

~ • •Q


Be Modern

Live satisfactory performance of I he WED:'</ESDA Y FELI.OWSIIIP 1

· t'ontract. In lieu of cash deposit The regular mcrling of the El l • II f . the .successful tenderer may. \\'edneFda)' Fellowship Club of ec rica v. 'furnt<h a suret~· boml approrcd Cochratte Street t:nitcd Church " hy thr Departmrnt for the· wa held 011 :\larch 5th. The 'Jt ~

I f 5or· f the total sum ' ' · - C Curd _. ~moun o ·0 o wor>hip sen·irc """' IPd hy . tendPrcd. Mr·. Brtll' Arkle~ A businrss LIGH • POWER

~. Thr Department doe< not ' ~ . · · . · =.,..,..:-:-.,.,,-----=-,.-h. 0 ·,, If t 1 the lowe·t pcnod tollowed anrl plans were. ,_c,:::o.:;;"';:.:P:;.":."~v ____ L:o:.::'""::.l..lT:.;r.!:.!:•

111 nl .. tc deor acccp " finalized for the home dch\·ery -or a Y en . f k I . I h 'd , o ••• ••• n. Jf)M·•~. N • 'a f. ..\ KSIGllT. o tur r~· Ira,, 1\'liC 1 was. c.

A~slstant Drt;llt\' :\linistrr. on ~larch 8th. Other ht~smrss Cheap, Reliable Department or Highl;'a)'~. ,within the churd1 1\"~S riJ;eu~S· Electricity In and c, 1 . .Jolin',<. !'\ewfoundland. 1 rd. A. soctal hour concluded the d ·' Aroun 51. John's marl2.2i.corl mer.llolg.

. Nor.th .. Pacifi~- Insurance ('ompan~· Limited "'orth West Fire Insurance Company ~orwich Union Fire Insurance Societ)' Limited

Occidental Fire ln,uraJwe I ·ompan~· Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation Old Republic Insurance l'ompan,1· Old Republic Lilc Insurance Compan)' .


E c E (' .; E B

Pocific Coast Fire Insurance Company .................... ··· · r: 'Palatine Insurance Company Limited .............................. ( ~Patriotic Assurance Company Liniiled ............................. C 'Pearl Assurance Company Limited . E ; Phoenix Assurance Company Limited ............. E

1 ~~~:e~iJ\';n~s~~~~=ti;~r:~a~:~~~~;rttord, Conn.) .. ~: · Prorincial Insurance Company Limited C 1 Prudential Assurance Company Limited (of England) ..... A


1 Railway Passengers Assuranct Company E I Reliance Insurance Company of Canada ...... C ; Reliance Insurance Company (ol Philadelphia) C , Ro,·al Exchange Assurance . .. . . ... ......... C ' Roi·al Insurance Company Limited E


Dietitian's Assistants

Application~ are in1·ited from females age 18·25 years with Grade XI Certilicalr. One year in Home Economics is prefer· able but not essential.

Successful applicant~ will br ·trained in the Supcrl'ision of

.· ·~

Salewal' Automobile Insurance Limited D Scottisti :\letropolitan Assurance Company Limited . ... . t' Scottish Union and Nalional Insurance Compan~· .... E Sea Insurance Company Limited ............ C Security National Insurance Company ........... r Serl'ice Fire Insurance Company of New York .............. D South British.Insurance Compan)' Limited ............... F.

, Food Service-training period .. approximately 5 months. Salary· -during training period will be $13i.50 per month. After train· ing this will be on the scale $1.980-100-2.200 per annum.

Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Comp~ny .~ ........ JI C State Assurance Company Limited . .. . ................. C Sun Insurance Office Limited . .. ................ }; Sun L\fe Assurance Company ol Canada . ................ ... B

Toronto General Insuranre Companr Traders General ·Insurance Company Transportation Insurance Compan)' Tral'ellers Indemnity Compan~· (Hartford.

I Truck Insurance Exchange ~

· t:nion As~uram·e Sol'ict~· Limit~rl

.......................... (' ............. E

. ........... ... Conn. l . .... D


Union lnsitrance Societ~· of Canton Limited l.'nion ~Iarine and Gcnrral Insurance Company Limited Union Mutual Life Insurance Company Uniou British lnsuranre Company Limited union Scottish Insurance Company Limited ............... E United States Fidelity and Guaranty Compan~· .............. E

\\'estern Assurance Company ... \\'estminister Fire Office . .

F. F. c E

Applications ~hould be for· · ward~d immediately to the Superintendent, General Hos·

· pita!, FJrest Road, St. John's.

I.EOXARD 1\IILLER, lU.D., Deput~· lllinister ·of Healttl, ·

TENDERS Arr im·it~tl lor the ~uprh· oF . World A1txiliary Insurance l'orporation Limit~d

World Marinr. & General Insurance Company Limited . the following:­Milk

.. Yorkshire Insurance Company Limited ............. .. E

~1eat.~ ,. ..

Zurich Insurance Company .............................. !\ Bread NOTE Ew

A-All classe.~ of Insurance. , Fish B-Lifc. Accidrnt anrl Sickness Insurance. i tu the Department ol llunicopal t'-l•'irc and other clasoes of Insurance lCXcluding Life and: Affairs and Supply for a period

Automobile). i of twelve months, ending 31St D-Automobile and ,,thcr classes of hisurance (excluding :March, 1959.

Li!e anrl Fire). I Form of Tender and Specific- • ·-&-Fire and Automobile and other classes of Insurance j ations may be obtained on aP.

( txcluding Life). .. plication to the Department of F -Insurance exclusil'c o[ Life. Fire and Automobile. ~lunicipal A!fairs & Supply.

251 1188 . the road leading to Bonavista ' 8 ra Ire nsurance ompany · ... · .................. ' d

. Non·Marine Underwriters, Members of Lloyd's .................. :Jo: 279 61141 was s~ill passable an no h!"il North American Life and Casually Company . .. . . .. . ... . B

447 5:t4 15~7 .1. LeGrow 210 227 · • i 1'. ~lor11an I113 212

2. No companies other than those listed above are authorized Tenders are due on noon . tn cart'Y on the uusiu~ss nf insurance in this Prol':ncc. 1 Mondil'. 24th ~larch. 1958. I Dated at Sl. John's this IOih day of March. A.D. 1958. 1 . L. G. CRUM.'\IEY, ' 1,, Blundon 218 1111

2~7 237 78!1 , 1.. Holloway 16 · 1!17 255 179 6115 I 751 707

!RO ~59 , w~s gtl'en to the t~·n~ of l'chtl'!C North American Life Assurance Company . B 1!1!1 lll!IIJ'Illowed to proceed over th1s North British and J!Cr<·antH~ Insurance Company Limited E' 909 24117 I section. I l'iorthern Assurance Company Limited ............................ E I J. G. CHANNING, , Drput)' Minister of Supply.

Superintendent of Insurance. 1 marl4,18

'· ... ·

j. :~ . . ~~

! I


I '

I I I t

I I i i I ' l



l; ,,




-----------------:--~ '

. ' '

' ' '·

' ·' . '

.. :'·

; :

' ,.,)_

' '



Tonight At 8:45 Schedule: 22 games for $10. each; 4 games for $15. each; 3 games for $25. each (lnd 1 game for $100. e BANK PRIZE $250. MUST BE WON TO-NIGHT

Voters· Of ~t. John'·s East MAKE SURE





'PHONE 4002-4003-4039 and


Vote Liberal Vote O'Grady


• and

1 " BIRCH LUMBER For Specifications and Prices


Safety Council Of Newfoundland

NOTICE is hereby given that c: General Meefing of all Mrmbers will take place on FRIDAY, March 2Bth, at 4.30 p.m. in the Board Room of the King George V Institute to receive nomination for Officers! and Directors for the year 1958-1959.


MEN ARE AVAILABLE Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers who will be busy during the warm months on large construction projects can help you now. For your repairs, aterations, or other work call your Contractor or the


COMMISSION '-----; -- ----- --·-·-----CLOTHES mab the man If CHAFI

makes the clothes







L. S. P •. U. 1

The Quarterly Meeting to be held TO· I NIGHT (Friday) at 8.30 o'clock.

I Business-Reading of Reports. I ., W. F. BREEN, President

.I W. ATKINSON, Recording Secretary ·-·-··-·

I I i



under the direction of Capt. J. J. O'Grady


I ! 'Jenny Kissed Me'

Also .:


Selections by the School Choir under the direction of Professor Norman Srowne

St. PATRICK'S HALL AUDITORIUM (Bonaventure Avenue)


Reserved seats ... 75c. General Admission .. 50c.

Tickets may be obtained from pupils of the School or by calling the School Office, 2166.


March 17th at 8 p.m.

Section B Semi-Finals ST. JOHN'S vs. SELL ISLAND

Bakony .... :. .. L25 Bleachers. . . .. ~ 1.00 G'iJI'leral Admission ........... .75c.

NOTE: Holding Seats on sale Friday and Sarurdciy. General tickets on sale Monday.



1- Inviting Subtrade Q~otations for construction of BUILDINGS and AIRFIELD FACILITIES (CY-58) Harmon Field, Newfoundland, same to reach our Office on or before March 20, 1958.

Eastern VVoodvvorkers Ltd. NEW GLASGOW, N.S.

mai'IIAl I-----·--·----····---·--·-·---·----·------!



RrAdquRrt~r•: llurnt l'ohtl, lillY tt .. Vf'rdP.

Burnt l'nlnt 'rhon• !'in. 5F4 ~1 .• lnlin'J 'l'hnnP ~27~1


In connection with the pres~nt Property Assess· ment, the Assessment Roll has been plpced in the hands of W. G.Adams, LL.B., and w;ll be open for public Inspection at the Council Office, Har­bour Grace, from 9.30 a.m. to S p.m., from Mar!=h 7th to 14th, both days inclusive.

F. H. PIKE, T.own Clerk

A BIG CARD PARTY will ~e held al

s•r. JOSI·:I'll'S A\llll'l'ORUJM 4olt· ~;i~u~l Hill Ro~d)' . .

ON ST •. PATRICK~S NIGHT ~1:\ltCJI 17th, S'l':\ll'I'INii •Nf-M.30 1'.~1.

Progt:esslve 45'5 ·· . ~uctitm l't'i7.~s S:lO.OO .. S20.00 and SlO.OU : •. ;, . tioild. Cash Prize!



:• .} .



I.i\"ing room. ~ ' and kllrh•n. ll:a:.



. 8.00-S:\J.\'ATION AR~l' l'OJ.U:GJ; PRACTISE.

4.00-Pl-:E WF.E HOCKEY. : 7.00-S'r. rAT'S PRM:TJSF..

830-GF.Sf.R;\1, SKATISG,

SAlURDAY: 7.011-HOJ.l' I'ROS~

PR.\l"t'ISI-:. S.00-1'1':1·: WH HO!'Kt:V.

1~.00-f:~l~llRJ-::'\'~ SKA~ISii. 1 •. 00-Gt.SER.\1, SKATISG. · 5.00-P~;E WEE ALL·STARS.

7.00-fil'.-\RilS PRACTI~F.. ~.:\0-Gt:SER.U SKATJI'iG.



PR,\t:TISt:. IMO-llf.:SIOR :\LJ •. SUR




! 2 .. 00-GE~F.R.-\1. SK.\TJSG. 6.1:>-ST. ROS'S PR.\eTISE. 800~"E('TIOS B SE~U·

F1SAI.S: sc .John'~ ''·'· 1\rll bland.

10.00-C'mlliERCIAI, HOCKEY

! ··--·--------~~ ·- ···-·


P. M. Donnelly PLntBI.'iG and HEATING

('ONTRACTOR ln~tallation And Repair•

lo all ·types IYSitma.

'Phone 5578F .48 FOREST ROAD




R:\J'R STl'I.J,St. and All type~ nf


OrES F'ROM Tt.:E!iiiA 'f TO SATl'ltDAY

DIAL 54n

For Fast Taxi Service



for - PRIMARY, •ELEMENTARY, AND HIGH SCHOOL GRADES - Including Principals and Vice-Principals.


Applications, together with references, should be mode to:


J. H. POllARD, Secreto.-y-Tr-easurer, car'! Curtis A'.ademy


------ -·-·-------


PROPERTY APPRAISEMENT Court of Revision will be held at the ·Memorial library in connection · with the recent Property Appraisement commencing on TUESDAY, March 1 Bth, 1958, to TUESDAY, March 25th, 1958, both days inclusive.

W. G. ADAMS, LL.B., Revisory Officer marll,IJ.14

TEACHERS The Amalgamated School Soard of Gander in­vites applications from TEACHERS to fill 1h• positions oft

1, PRINCIPAL. 2. SCIENCE TEACHER to teach Physics and

• Chemistry. · 3. Primary, Elementary and High School gradt

TEACHERS. New School, opened in September, 1957, will

have twenty-nine classes next school-year with an •nrolment of about eleven hundred.

£quipped laboratory for science teaching.

Residence for both married and ~ingltt tench. er•. Applicants should give full dtttail~ of quoli­ficntion~ and should forward recommendations or &ther references. Apply to the


HOTEL TAXI Dial 2424-2410

-------:~-·- - . -- ·----------


Open 6.30 a.m. to 2

1957 No. 969



i Behnrn Bulova Watrb Company • · I J.imited Plaintiff and Joseph · Nolan, farrying on bnsines&

undfr the firm and ~~~·le namf 1 or "~ulan'~ Jrwelltry'.. Dt· 1


Notice Of Sheriff's Sale


SWEEPSTAKE In Aid of the lion~ Club Swimming Pool


in beautiful two-tone finilh

50c. a ticket-3 for $1.00 - $5.00 book of 1.5


ln thr mallrr nr lh• Rollrrl Frrno·h Rohrrt• in thp Lri<"l or ron dp · . Prwino·r or

.1\ll per· . .-: • ~-~.~ .... l'J'~·di;nr ... o: 1, · .\-~- !

f'la an-. or d1· ·: ... ,;1, -·~. ·

fet·t in:z !ht· •.. · 1.f ,,

Ft•ent•h '"''" .. · P. ··. ., at'nrP~.;id t· .1.: , .. ·r-· arP hPrrh' ·, 1: H.·~~ parlit·u~ar: '::1 ·1 1/ :

<I:Tir r-&nr-~··d ... ··,, . eri Sf\li(•j'O(L n;·

w•,rth.r of F.. •. s.;,irl Tan·r1; t\f ~·r:r-r.' mini.,.trahtr ,, h~

eff<·rl~ n( • r.t· ' . ...i Ill' hf'fO!'P l:.r ~:-~

A D. l~:iR ..• ::.- ·•:,:r· >aid ArlmJ:•.·': .· .. :, 1 o~ dlstrihu· • :~~ ~~ h<J\'~fl~ rr~,1: I, l,r •

do.im~ or ,, r-, i .i ~.,

h~\'f" had n.,. , Jl.,lr<i a: ' :.,., ...

di1~- of \Lirr 1• \ I! ·r,:;

P.\RSO\"' A ltO!t· Solidtm•• (,.,

A llDR 1-:~~ ~It-Bride"• !! Sl. .lnhn'<

m~ r 1 R.2.~. apr:

• Spots out • No cleani~g od~

. • Colon sparkle · .. ; • !etter preq lost1 · '


(NFLD.i . R~· vlrhiP nf ~ \\'rlt nf Fi~rl ,. (One prize per person)

F'~ri~~ In mr riirPrtrrl in the (Pb14.•nrl.lf ~hn1·r. ('~II~P. ~no In ~~tisfy thr · -;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;=========;;;;;.;==;;;;;;;;;.;.;;;;;;;.;;.;;===.;;.;...;;;;;. ...

, 1'\P.WFOt:SOI..\' i>·~ ' DRY tl r .

•~i~~nr~· n[ thr ~~ill Writ I onri/ ,. . nr my DPpnt~· "'ill .•Pll nn thr OP.fPnrlanl'~ pr•mi.••• At Ganrl~r nr rl~•"·h~rr in r..nrl~>r at J'Ub·

, ll~ Aurtinn at 11 11( th.- elnrk in :tho mnrninR. TUI!Mby. MArrh i t~th, lii5R. All the ri0hl, titlr i 3.11d ln\t~•~' nf the Def!ndant

I in And to the ~lock-in-trade an!l · effech rnntalned on the premise!· of the D~fr.ndu1t •I Gs.nder afore!!aid. An lnYen· : tory of 111eh blgh elass 1oods \ consisting of jewel!ery, costume 1 jeweJiery, watches, elock!, I chlnaware, silverware, pen!, pencils etc., miy be obtained on application to this office or the Deputy Sheriff at Gander.

W. G. WARREN, 8herlff of Newfoundland.

Office of the Sheriff, The Court House, St. John's.

. . TERMS OF SALE I The highest bidder to be the

purchaser. If a 'dispute arises In any way, the article to be put up aguin. One-third of lht 1mrchase price tu be. paid. im·l mrdlalely at I he conrlu~lon of 1

: lhe Sule, the r~maintlPt' whPn: ! lakin~ pMS~~~iOII uf "the ~oncls · I whic·h mu~t be don~ wilhiu i l11~nll-fuur hour~ of ·thP ·'•lr. 1 If pa~·mrnl is m"tiP h~· 1·hrqur I it must he matlt .. Pi.d)lle. to t~r · :Sheriff nf Ntwfoundland · ann 'r~rtifird. if reqtle~leil ' by the · Shrriff.



I mar!4,1~ . . . '1-.,...;... ___ ..;_ _______ ~--------

. '


KIN~ ewspaJ


I 23 30 21 26 16 25 27 24


the distinguis! llost Reverend 1



"Mrs. 0 HOLY CR

M ~lary Go

Mulcahey, Belly Robson. Stella l'

specialities: :II Ann ~Iaber .. •I Sisters, Nich C Dancers. St. P: Polly Kelly. I Snow. .\ladom

Patricia Ann I hall at 5i6 \'

Reserve Sl.OO. Directed


Duties to





Patrie Ia Visf MI':KEY D


Require HIEF





: ( t"·;·


ni ng odort porkle e~s lasts



I N G 0 7 23 32 59 65

10 30 44 48 61

8 21 43 49 74

12 76 35 54 72

1 16 ~:o 56 63 9 25 33 46 64 , 5 27 31 51 70

13 24 t, 1 60 66 37 52 71

67 68



·: '"e ri:•':t~.c~:,hrti p:.trn1:a,e of His Grace thE \' .· ::, ·,.·:·o·tHI I' . .I ~l;intH'I' C ,UI. D.O.!


Tickets To Killarney" I

~~Mrs. Oleary's Cow" I


Patrick's Afternoon & Night MARCH 17th

. : l!.oi y I,,;;, (;l'l'l")" Costello. Bill Whclun. ~l;:t<b·.'· 1\c·:t,· PulL Gt•o, O'Hrien. Helen ~lolloy;

:, R .. ~~~::~. ~·.· 1L1 l'ila~. : ;rh·::.::::,·.-: .\lary Dougl;.s ~lcDonald. Ann Hoche .~1.:1 ',J,,'h"r .. •lerredt's T:tylor, ~lar)· Lou Collins, ~.;:~r·. \:eh Cullins. Rill and Pal Ho.~an. ~lounl D.::t·• ,. ': ]•;,trick's Com·ent Commercial Class

;_ .. ::,. 1 •• :i: .. IJtotty Baird. Rosa leta Bambrick, ~~.r:•'·· .\l•rlonno licalry, .loan Hurley. Accom·

P.:::r·.:, .\n" Hc•che and :\ora BrM:I. f ~a.: .. · ;:ti \\'a:t•r Strl'el or photw iifl2,\·ii11.

· R1••·''" ~1110. i:ir. fi1·n. 50r. ~tatinre 50c.• 20c, Direcred by Kathleen Hoyses


Dutie~ to begin in September.


TEACHER to teach French in higher grades

TEACHER for Grades ·7 and B TEACHEf for Grades 4 and 5 TEACHER for Grades 3 and 4 2 KiNDERGARTEN TEACHERS

Apply to HAROLD MANUEL, Secretary-Treasurer

or CLEMENT W)LLIAMS, Principal • 2a 1

........... _ - ··-·--···- --· ·-·----

Patrick's Night Dance Vista Country Club .


$2.00 Double


Required Immediately CHIEF ENGINEER




Refrigerator, S~ove, Heat Supplied.

Apply ..


MARCH 14, 19:>8

· Dancing, Dinlng-Nitel)'. 1

i.l Steaks Specialty. · i '•·· Mon. to Sat. 5 p.m.-1 n.m. ~ f Brookfil'ld Rd. Tel. 90026 f

/!' ***********:' ! -- + -·~- -· !

Velvet Horn • Club

PADDY'S DAY DANCE Time 4 p.m.-1 a.m. Prize.s and Fun with

Commondos Orches~ra. ( Jr 3.00 double.



'·~ •• ,us. ..... Oft. c ttn.-, ME.'..,...,.

~flr:er.:: 3· 17 =~"":"""-------·· •a..;.;;=~=:...::..-=-:__ '

·· - - - ·- "A hooked rug? You mean. you stole ll1:'~.r,;W~ marl2.4i

FOR SALE H~lp--W~nted - Male ONE UNIVERSAL I TWICF. AS GRF.AT IN '5R-s d F t •

1 Our New Spring and Sum·

0 a oun aln i mer samples or ~lade-to-


in ..... ood condition. 1 ~l~asure clothes, low prices. ,., ni~ prnfits. Free suit Be

Price $600.00. tht• first in ~·our rli~trict. 1 •

Apply BIDGOOD'S I Write at onre. Full or i

A Girl for General

Housework WATER 0 spare time. E1·cn bcl!in- 1

.F RD BRIDGE RD. ners make big pn)' e1·cr)· or

Dial 6967 I dar. c;oodwe::r <:lothes.

Dept. 12,60 P.O. Box 652, :\lontreal. Que. nml2.14

I TO RENT i-S~les Hel;-·w~nted 1: Unfurnish~d, second-floor 1 -Male APARTMENT on Goodridge 'OIJTSTA:\'DI:\'G OPPORTUSITY

S~reet, containing five I \\'~ have an immediate open· rooms and bathroom. II ing in St. .John:s and di~trict

I for an ag~resstve and \'l~or·

1 Loco tenants preferred... ous salesman, age 35 to· 60, Apply I to call on stores, offires,

TL.,.. Rova 1 T U t: garagt>s._ restaurants. hotels. I !!"~~ · .. r 5 • etc., Wllh our gua:anteed

C • j incandescent and fluorescent OmDaf!y ,I lamps. No week-end work. no

night work, no out of town

Must be fond of children. References required.

Apply to BOX 30, core Daily News



House Attached Garage.

1951 BUICK can be included in sale.

'Phon~> 5196 P .0 B'.>x 2080 i travelling. Preference gil· en mar14 20 ! to man with direct selling ex- Apply at Premises.

.. -- p(•rience. Successful appli· marll.4i

WANTrD cants will be personally ·in- ' __ .. ________ _ p;;. lcrl'iewerl in St. John's. 1

It is unlawful to use the mails with regards to sweepstakes,

the Committee advises woula-be purchasers or vendors not to

use this means of communication.



General Maid

Write Hi-Test Corporation. ! ROCK EXCAVATION Dundas. Ontario. ' Rock boulders or cliff removetl. .........

, mar13.14.15 :Done safely and guaranteed, 1 ~

Some knowledge of cooking pr~ferred.

I ~iN\•Ji"sT ... iN -RI\ST.-" -Sirep- rcgar.rlless of the nearness of . , , . . 'hmldmgs. At a cost al'nllahle to

~omfor~n~l>. \\c spec~a~tze ·all. Also shallow well drilling. m repamng and recondttlon· in~ all t~·pes Springs and A. CHARTRA~D,

T I h 5412 Mattresses. Guaranteed e ep one Wt11'k. Mnltrcssrs for back

nilntents a specialty. 'Phone i

' 644~ or 3361, Standard

lll'NS\'II.LF.. P.R. 'l'hone :\lr. George 1\nnnPll,

Dunnl'illr. after 3 p.m. mar14,1~ '

'·-----·-----~--------···-· ----


j Will Pay $10Q. tor an "S"


'Phone 6799F

BP.ddinl! Company, Ltd., ' At St. John's cAll ti700H Flower Hill. feb20.t1. , -·--- .. __ . ______ _

Repairs ·--­! RF.PATRS TO ALl, l\IAKES

II of Washing Machines, Floor

Polisht>rs, Vacuum Cleaners,

I etc. · For prompt service Dial 6013-L, G. Crane. !ebll,lmth.




THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP. We are now operat· lng six chairs. You can be assured of the best possible

THE CATHEDRAtW.H.M.A. service plus the least pos- . will be holding a slble waiting. 24 New Gower I

Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd.


Street, opp. Adelaide Mo- =~~--------,_,.. ..... -· COffEE PARTY • tors. If ~·o.u prefer appoint· ~mw-~iE-TIIODRUGCL-EAN· ~ I ment semce 'Phone 5367. ERS. Rugs and Carpet made '

in the Cathedral Parish Hall 1 in:AUTYI.AND, 129 Queen's to look like new. Von R d s EC Schrader process adds years

on • , , oa . P IAL - $15.00 1 1 f Cl d .

Aprl'l 17th. Cold Wavn $10.00; $12.00 o ife o rugs. cane In



Cold Wave $8.00; $10.00 home or at our plant. Permanent Wave $5.00. 'Phone 9103:!. New Method ' Open evenings. Dial 6534. Rug Cleaners, Freshwater


Sparkling ~·-· --------- ... ---- --,---,-- ----

.FOR ALL. YOUR SPARKLING and Painting needs. Spark­ling a speciality. Dial6013L,

Servic:e& Coming Soon






1 9 5 3 HILLMAN

$350 00

Baird Motors Ltd.

PASSENGER N01iiCES G. Crane. febll,lmth


I . t L . rl' I BAY v1ee contrac . Goul 1~g, ! Regular 8 a.m. train Jeavin!: · 135 Newtown. Roail. D1al i St. John's Monrlny, ~arch 17th.·

· 90370. feb25,3m. i will make connection at Ar·.

I Wall Wash.lng \ gentia with Motor Vessels , for :

the Bay Run and West Run ,

! WALL WASIDNG - Walll Placentia Bay. ! cleaned by .1ew machine. FREIGHT ACC~PTANCES 1

Results perfect; saves paint.-New Method Rug and Wall Cleaners, Fresh· water Road, "Phone 91033. ag25,1m.


Freight is accepted daily at : the Dock Coastal Shed for all I porls Soulh Coast Service but' -----· _._ .. ____ ,, ... -

CITY ·ANTENNA SERVICJ;, :in ordrr to !lU~rantee movcmqnt: 'l'clc\·ision·Antcnnas Install· i hy thi:. triJI of the S.S, Sprin~:· ed. Parts sold. Phone 92i61 : d;,le lrei;!ht must he .. at the: or 90173. • Dock Co:~stal Shed not later·

----- - --- --- · - .. · - than 3 p.m. Tuesday, l\!arch FREE SUITS FOR 500 MF.N



'SHOW MADE·TO·l\1EASURE / Shippers arc reminded !hat SUITS. We immediately perishabl~ tr~ffic is accepted. at : need 500 men willing · to owners nsk m accordance w1th wear and show our made·IO· Clause 23 of Bill of Lading,


DIAL 80378·9

. measure suits to their friends. Absolutely FREE sample outfit sent by return mail. Write now !or full information. Dept. 1760. Drew Little, P.O. Box 628, Montreal, Quebec. NATIONAL·




!-lave you checked to see if you are included on the VOTERS

LIST? If your name is not there you will NOT be able to vote

unless you visit a Court of Revision TO-DAY or TO-MORROW.

If you need transportation to ~ Court of Revision you

are advised to call one of these numbers and a Car will be

sent for you.

7552 7129 7070 707·1

80399 80195

The · Progressive Conservative Association Of Newfoundland

' I '

·- I.

; f I~.

' '


.. .. I



MILLEY'S Announcing

The Arr'ival .of

The New

Spring Shades and Styfes from

-to choose. ALL ONE PRICE .. 53.50


Fetters, Mclaren, Mirrlees Marine· and





and a full line of








BROWNIE HOLIDAY CAMERA, $'5.90 Outfit ........................................ $11.75 CAMERA, 1 iash Unit, Batteries, Bulbs, film and ao·oklet.



$9.25 •




BE CAUSED BY VIRt:S I --1 BY EDWIN P. JORDAN, i\1. D. 1 Today's first question deuls

with a subject for which medi­cine' as yet does not have a good


an~wrr. 'Please Don't Eat A-What c:msrs the !rr~qucnl

n•cmTcnce of canl;er son~s iu The Oc..:sies


FANCY TURNiPS-50 lb Sacks

: thr mouth? I hul'<l regular , 1 K $4 00 . checkups nnd am in perfect · ean. err .......... • •

FANCY PARSI'IIPS-40 lb. Hampers

• heulth. I do not smoke, cal be- Maggte - Now 1 tween meals or Ol'ercat.-R. A. : B t S 'th $ 00 : A-Although recurring l:unk<·r· 1 et Y m1 .. ----- - 4.


EXTRA FANCY "SUN KIST" CALIFORNiA· ORANGES, ll3s. sorrs are common. little is The White Witch l;r.own about them. 1'h<'Y har~ 1 El' b h G d $3 00 been suspected of being cam:('d rzo et ou ge •

I by allerl!Y. psychosomatic infltlc- Not By Br.:ad Alone EXTRA FANCY "DELICIOUS" 5 POINT APPLES-l'OOs and

nces or infection. Today the hn· VI d' - D d · 3 95 , ~·''' points more at a l'irus than · a 1m1r u rnt~.ev · "FRESH VAlLEY"•EGGS GRADE A SELECTED FOWl-averaging 7 imvthin~ else, thou~h if thiR is Time and The Hour "GRADE A" REGULAR Tt.;RKEYS and tnic. it is doubtless a dilfcn•nl . $ . l'irus fl'orn thnt can<inl! cold Howard Sprrng .. 3.50 "GRADE A" FANCY SElECTED BROILERS-Avercrging 6

~OI'<'~. 11 ha~ hrcn . cii~col-err•cl Sylvester • acci:lcntalll' tlwt rmsm~ lhr

AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES -GET OUR QUOTATIONS mouth with solutions ot ccrtuin G-aorgeflf: Heyer . $3.50

:antibiotics is llflcu cf[cctil'e, Inn G. · 1 My Right . 1 thi~ clo:!s not prcl'cnt rccmwnt·r ' am; an1Jcar~ to he helpful only Alfred Duggan .. .. $3.00 : as tong as it is hcinl! used. Ob- ~ntrerlucing Portugal 1 viousl~·. I'Ul'tht'l' worl\ on canker . . ~ sores is in ordct·. Cednc Salter ...... . $3.7 5 : Q-ls there a 1·ertain lime_ of The Voyage Of ! war when the hair is more lrl;~- · l h· to fall out'? Are there an~· Ma flower II , particular ritamins Ol' [oo~s th<.ll • Warwic/.. Charlton $3.75 would henelil the health o[ one s

'PHONES 5143 • 5144 QUEEN hair'?-Mrs. c. C~a llonge r-The Life

A-1 do not think that falling f h' 1 hair is related to the seasons .. 0 A Survey S tp :It is likely, howc,·cr. that ht• Capt G S. Ritchie $5.7 5 ·hair will !all out somc1rhat more Th G ~~ 5 • : i when the general health is 1m- ' e 0 _,_en overe1gn · ---------------'pair!J.d nnd when the lll'alth ~~~ Richard Church ... $3.75 :the scalp itse\1 is impairl'll, ett- d · he• because o! such disordt'n' Th!! Wen erful 0 Beauty Aids 1 as scborrhe.a or ~ossibb: hecaw'~-·. Jomes Thurber ... $3.95 I oi poor ClfCUlatwn. rhc e\ I·' Those,gamin hair c:uts that tht• 'dencc th~t an~· particuiHr '11<•· · ~ats SI'CIIl to he going in tor :;o 1 min or [ood specilicall)' henri it:< D • k & ( Ltd nll;~h now arc ttllr. to a point. · ! tlw health ol the hair is scant1·. I( S 0., , hul just because the)' are short 1 and nw belie[ is that there is no and shancd to the head 11ith l such substanrr. I The Booksellers praclicaliy no cnrl. doesn't mean

Q - Plt•nsc say somt•lhing : that hair and scalp should be about polyryst ic kidm·ys. I hal'e · ncglectf•d. ~lost hair cut so sl10rt

I bt'l'n told that l hare them and Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191 lrnds to look dull and lifeless hul'e relati1•cs who also have lhr : 1'. hid1 means only one thin,g,

1 disease. Do they tum into can· ---------- · more attention isneeded. • CCI ?-R. B.

I. A-This is a disorder in which many ,cyst~ lorm in one or both

· kicincvs. Tlw number of cysts . anc< the amount o I normal kicl- i Ill'\' tissues destroyed v'aril's. ' an;t this in turn inllucnccs lhc . trc;1tment. The cau~e is ob,,curr hut they are probably sometimc;s _

i of congenital origin and run 111 ·families as is su~~-:csted by R.B. Tlwy do not ordinarily turn into · cancel'.

Q-\\'hat is the causr o! in!lam mation of the pancrl'as'? The pain is terrific.-~!. ~. '

A-The pancreas is a small : . nl~nd lving in the abdominal · ~al'itv \l:hicl1 manufnctm·es diges : ti1•r juices and also the hormone WEI.COME WAGON

I -

A well-known cosmetic firm is I introducinl! a nrw blue make-up

I. th;~t is said to br different and cxdtin::. full o[ J: I amorous

I magic. It has a feminine delicate · . air and is th~ prefect complement ·to ~Pring's na1-y fa>hions. perfect : a!so with hlack and white and • will ~o on into summer as _iust ! t·ight wilh all the pastel shadeo.

' : ' -- ' 1 For sports and outdoor wrar .. n·~nlnr makeup can he ''aried.

; using a tinted sun-proof ceam m l place of an ordinary foundatio~. : wu h powder and other cosmellc : shades adjusted accordin~l;-. The French call it Plein Air or The , Frrsh Air Look. i

i insulin which has to do with the I / usc o! sugar. It can become rit- : HOSTESS _ ! her acutely or chronica~ly ~n· Will Knock on Your Door : H h Jd H" \ . I flamed. The rause or ns m- ! • . . · QUSe 0 tn S · I !lammation, hoii'CI'I'r, i~ usual\;·, With G1fts and Greetmgs ! impossible to tra1·c. In other 1 from Friendly Business ; wo~ds. why thepancrcas should 1 Neighbours and Your If hullt•r lrum lhl' rPtrigcnHor , he mflamed and not some othrr , ' organ or tbsues. and what it ' Civic and Social

is too cold to spread well, rlip a : -sihct· huller knife into hot waler.

c<,mes from. is still unknown. II Welfare Leaders i~ a serious condition: t herr is no O h . • f

: IIH•n ~lier ani! spread lhe hull~r

: spcrific remedy and thr palienJ n t e occasron o : nr·nls to h~ under frequent merli- The Birth of a Baby,·

' Wilh thr hot knife to m·oid hm · in~ it crumble.

cnlohserrallon. Arrivals of Newcomers to (' 11 TORONTO (CP)-Norman 11.

P I : __ ~ty: ~_a ___ ?:03~ ___ Rdl ha~ been appointed prcsi-UZZ e I drnt o! White :\lotor Company

~ . '(\ .l-.

1' • I~

----· ooovvooooecoooosooeco of Canada Ltd., succeeding : ~~0 j M Henry J. Nave. who has been

), • 19~'·10 'I anners appointed Pxecuti\'e l'ice-presi-'i.! · dent of White Motor Compan)·,

18 tf , M k Clen!and, Ohio.

"" " · a e ~ 11 A-POWER Jo'OR RL'SSIA , : F • d :\!OSCO\V, (Reuters) A string g • tl I' f/en S 1 of powerful new atomic power.

S I' • • ' stations will be built in the

•• ?.':l \~ /·1

I •• 0 .,.,.,;, 0 " 0 .... 00 ·Soviet Union within the next I -- few years, according to a Soriet

I The soont>l' you send a wedding technical chief. gift after receh·ing nn invitation _ . --- -------- -- --- · . the better. The gifts that arrive: m. her new home. showmg lo early arc the ones the bride has i fne_nds. Ctl'. . . _ time to enjov mentally "placing" · Gt!ts that arr_tve Just _before .

on our 60



Come in and talk over your remodeling plan1 ·

vs. We are more than happy to give you the

of our many years of experience in '~"'"""'"1~ .. We con sove you time and money too I

Budget terms can be on these projects with


''" estintflhtr gln11 without obligation on lillY

Home Improvement Project

HORWOOD LUMBER CO., WATER ST. WEST I · 1 \l'eddmg often fmd the bnde too .

bus~' and rushed to thoroughly i ; TV REPAIRS oipiiipr.eciiiiiaiiiteiiieiiia~chiiiiiiiiinadilili·id;;iiuiiialiiiigiiiifjj;t..· iiiiiiiiii_.iiiiiiiiiiiilli,_iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii"iiiiiiil


: 'P H 0 N E 7313 I Electronic

Centre Ltd. ' Do ~·ou rcmcmbct· the ~tory . 90 C M B • · 1 ahout the sour grapes? Join ~IIi A P ELL AVE. j

the numbered dots together. start • , h , I i !nJ: wi~h dot number one and end-~ Arter ours PHONE 6401 A

mg wtth dot number forty ~nd · · · · , you will have the picture of one , ________ m_RT~-___ 1

~r the characters in the story and I McGRATTAN-Born at St.1 1f _you have forgotten. the story, CJHre's ~lercy Hospital to Mr. Will than remembee 1t. Of cour~e and lltrs. F. c J\lcGrattan, a the grapes w~re not ~our, just i baby boy. too high for h1m to reach. Color -when finished.


RAINBOW "Gold Star" Molasses

TEA "Horsey" Orange Juice

Grape Fruit Sections Canadian



Onions Apples


Camera ............................................... $ 9.95

Outfit .................................................. $11.95 · Ta~es colour slides as well as colour and black and white ~nts. ,

Good Morning, Neighbor P~e1.e con11dc-r u• j,u1 1 •• rour fntnd1 &lid n••lhbora. If ,... ca• help Y~U in olllY Wit owlth rour in•ur&~~cc problo .... JUII .:..II '


... ,~It ~Yifdohg. Ouc• ftQII~ 'tot

0••1 I~ID 77St.

·-~ • ,..,.,~ o, I :'{; '

' 'I • , •'"' , :..<"! ''f '" f • l)"r''' ,, J .,.,_


COTTONS 49c yard


GOOD Five Point Canadian Cheese

GEORGE NEAL L TO. TELEPHONE '2264 · 3420 • 4440


vAUXH Amazing pen mileage resul equipped four

rushcl Wester MOSCOW-AF west Friday n status of Easter1

bring Soviet In an election l

denounce Pre~sirtenl Eisent

should includt states.

Khrushchev sa the proNi»S'

attempt from socialist Con

not remain ort leave our frien are true to our ref and to our interm and we would no

to test our P~

of 14.000 in palace roar•

Khrushche\' a1 has inte

missile else needed "to

who tries to

nstrt ]

said the 1 the compan

its financial re losing money I

declined to ell no immediat• P•·•ident and

H. '• Roper Trust 0

C. B. Ha,•e; of Eastern

... ~ .... w. filed an county cour

Charles receiver.

of credito March 21


