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DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004
Page 1: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

DAWIA Streamlining

February 4, 2004

Page 2: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics

Service/Agency IndicatorCurrent Inventory1

Future Desired2

Sustainment Acq Log

Army ? 4,073 5500

Navy/Marine Corps

? 42063 ~4K4

Air Force ? 11835 12005

DLA ? 10 200

DCMA ? 266 506

MDA ? 2 20

1Data as of September 30, 20022Reflects “planning numbers”3Includes military and civilian4Based on current PB-23 exhibit; does not reflect on-going “assimilation” or downsizing5Based on AFMC Life Cycle Logistics; includes military and civilian6Based on Logistics Management Specialists only






Page 3: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

30-Sep-02 30-Sep-03 FY 04 Assimilation

Army 4073 5820

Navy 4206 4234

USAF 1183 1828

Other 38 92

Total 9500 11974

Revised Packard CountLife Cycle Logistics Workforce

Notes: 1. FY 03 reflects preliminary estimates of refined Packard Count2. Not clear why FY 02 count of 9500 is lower than 11,145 reflected in other workforce counts

Page 4: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

Guiding Principles

• Modernizing acquisition corps concept to achieve acquisition excellence

• Enhancing the Quality and Professionalism of the DoD AT&L workforce

• Improve acquisition career management capability

• Identify and effectively use resources

• Right people, right place, right time, right skills (Human Capital Strategic Planning)

• Improve career path definition

• Improve acquisition personnel programs

• Improve education, training, and experience of the DoD AT&L workforce

• Consistent and efficient business processes

Page 5: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

DAWIA StreamliningTitle 10, Part 11 (Personnel), Chapter 87

(Defense Acquisition Workforce)

• Sec 1702 – No change to authority of USD(AT&L)

• Sec 1703 – Director, AETCD no longer mandated

• Sec 1704 – No change to authority of SAEs; ensure policies of USD(AT&L) implemented

• Sec 1705 – DACMs no longer mandated

• Sec 1706 – Eliminated requirement for SAEs to establish ACPBs

• Sec 1721 – No change for USD(AT&L) to designate acq positions; in designating positions, the Secretary shall include, at a minimum, all acquisition-related positions in the following areas:

– (5) Logistics. (There are a total of 11 areas specified.)

• Sec 1722 – No change to USD(AT&L) requirement to submit a report listing all acquisition positions and identifying information on career paths

• Sec 1723 – No change to USD(AT&L) requirement to establish education, training, and experience requirements for positions

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• Sec 1724 – New requirement for USD(AT&L) to waive requirements, if necessary, for contracting positions

• Sec 1725 – Eliminated requirement to obtain OPM approval for civilian employee matters

• Sec 1731 – Eliminated separate Service Acquisition Corps and eliminated requirement for OPM approval with respect to civilian employees

• Sec 1732 – Eliminated separate Service Acquisition Corps

• Sec 1733 – Eliminated separate Service Acquisition Corps (filling of critical acquisition positions)

• Sec 1734 – Eliminated delegation of waiver to DACMs for PM assignments. Only SecDef can waive requirements

• Sec 1735 – No change to education, tng,and exp requirements for CAPs

• Sec 1735 – No change to previous repeal of Public Law 107-107

• Sec 1737 – Slight changes to definitions and general provisions

DAWIA Streamlining(Continued)

Page 7: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

• Sec 1741 – No change to Education and Training policies

• Sec 1742, 1743, 1744 – New provisions for internships, cooperative education, and scholarship programs

• Sec 1745 -- No change to provisions for tuition reimbursement and taining

• Sec 1746 – No change to Defense Acquisition University structure

• Sec 1747 – No change to Acquisition fellowship programs

• Sec 1761 – No change to MIS requirements

• Sec 1762 – No change to repeal of PL 107-107

• Sec 1763 – Eliminated reassignment of authority to other than USD(AT&L)

• Sec 1764 – Added authority to establish different minimum requirements

DAWIA Streamlining(Continued)

Page 8: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

Title 10 – Armed ForcesPart II – Personnel

Chapter 87 – Defense Acquisition WorkforceSubchapter III – Acquisition Corps

NDAA 1991 NDAA 2004


IGeneral Authorities &


Three elements of Acq System

1. Defense Policies, Processes, and Procedures

2. Defense Organizations and Infrastructure

3. Defense Acquisition Workforce

IIDefense Acquisition


IIIAcquisition Corps

IVEducation & Training

VGeneral Management


Issues1. PM Tenure / Major Programs2. Career Development3. Responsibilities4. Training & Certification

USD(AT&L)SAE’s – Ensure

AT&L Policies Implemented

AET&CD – 4th Estate DACM



AT&L– Designate Acq Positions

– Define Acq Positions

– Define Acq Career Paths

– Tenure Policy

– Education, Training & Experience Req

– C.O. qualifications Req

– BA + 24 hours business

ACPB may waive all Req USD(AT&L) may waive (If

significant potential, but document)

OPM Approval Service-level approval of




USD(AT&L) shall ensure an Acq Corps for DoD vs for each Military Service

OPM Approval The requirement that

the Service ACPB validate or certify experience or potential



– Acq Corps– GS-13 or above

– Applicants for employment must have the experience of GS-13

– Must meet USD prescribed educational req

– Must meet USD(AT&L) prescribed experience req (4 yr in Acq position)

– USD(AT&L) may waive Acq Corps eligibility req vs ACPB

– Mobility statement req

– Critical Acq Position – GS-14

– Tenure requirements

– Tenure waivers – Service Sec.

– Acq Fellowship Program

– DAU Structure

– USD(AT&L) tuition reimbursement & training

– USD(AT&L) repayment of Student Loans

– USD(AT&L) will establish req

– SAE’s ensure uniform implementation with other Military Depts

Service Dept Intern Program

USD(AT&L) will establish: – Intern Program

– Cooperative Ed Credit

– Scholarship Program SAE’s conduct Service Coop

Credit Program Scholarship Program





– USD(AT&L) ensures MIS capable of providing standardized info

– MIS minimum req:1. qualifications, assignments, and tenure2. exception / waivers of qual, asgn, and tenure3. relative promotion rates (Mil)4. Repealed

USD(AT&L) may establishDifferent min. req. - yrs of experience - educational req. - tenure req.



Page 9: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

•More Collaboration/Sharing•More Integration•Job Hiring Crossflow

We Must Train Differently!W

e m

ust b





k an

d ac






Agencies SAE’s DACM

4th Estate DACM


Other Staff Organizations

The DoD Acquisition


ISSUE: How to establish the Single Acquisition Corp that both recognize and builds on our past and forward leaning and captures a new vision for the 21st Century AT&L Workforce

The members of the AT&L Workforce are located in multiple and overlapping personnel environment

Page 10: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.


SPRDE, T&E, and Life Cycle Logistics

DAWIA/Support Workforce

Prog Mgmt ; Contracting;

Acquisition Support

Objective: Identified Workforce

Issue: Too many functional areas

Ind/Cont Prop Mgmt;

Purchasing AuditingBCE&FM; PQ&M; FE; andS&T Mgr; and IT

Page 11: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

Location of DoD AT&L Workforce as of September 30, 2002




Total: 212,482


Total: 132,593


Military & Civilians in major DoD Acq Orgs except DoD civilians assigned to Maintenance Depots (Shoppers)= 212,482

117,142 (55%) are non-AT&L workforce personnel performing support missions such as fire, police, HR, admin, acct’g, legal, engr techs, supply, transportation, and trades such as equip and facilities operations and maintenance.

95,340 (45%) are members of the DoD AT&L workforce performing direct Acquisition, Technology and Logistics functions.

Military & Civilians in DoD AT&L workforce, both in major Acq Orgs and outside = 132,593

95,340 (72%)are assigned to major Acq Orgs performing direct Acquisition, Technology and Logistics functions.

37,253 (28%) are assigned outside the major Acq Orgs performing AT&L duties for CINCs, Major Commands, Installations, Maintenance Depots and the Defense Contract Audit Agency.

Acq Corps


Page 12: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

Fowler Assessment

• Acquisition workforce “standardization”– USD(AT&L) with SAEs defines AT&L workforce requirements– Not based on “alternative realities”– Single Acquisition Corps

• More flex in attaining certification – Different experience, educational, tenure, and tng requirements– Challenge to rationalize with “standardization”

• Streamline obsolete and outdated DAWIA provisions• Changed DACM roles

– Possibly a DoD DACM• Eliminate redundancy in schools• Make Acquisition Corps meaningful• Opportunities for “professionalization”

Page 13: DAWIA Streamlining February 4, 2004. Third Cycle Results - DAWIA Life Cycle Logistics Service/AgencyIndicator Current Inventory 1 Future Desired 2 SustainmentAcq.

• Case/scenario based• GS 13 - 14• O4 - O5• Application/tool based

• GS 9 - 12• 03 - 04

Level II certification Level III certification

60 hours DL5 days classroom

50 hours DL5 days classroom


Intermediate Acquisition Logistics


Life CycleLogisticsProgram





Level I certification

25 hrs, on-line


of Systems Acquisition


• Knowledge based• GS 5 - 9• O1 - 03




26 hrs, on-line





35 hours, online1 week classroom


9 days classroom




Systems SustainmentManagement



Intermediate Systems

Sustainment Management

Life Cycle Logistics Career TrackLife Cycle Logistics Career Track

Additional EducationAcademia – Certificate/Degree

- System Design and Operational Effectiveness (SDOE)- Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Assignment Specific or Other Acquisition Training

- Reliability and Maintainability - Program Management - Configuration Management - Systems Engineering


* Dept of Navy workforce members take both courses
