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DAY 1 - From Faith to Greater...

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Page 2: DAY 1 - From Faith to Greater Faithstorage.cloversites.com/bethelworldoutreachchurch/documents/Pray… · seen His amazing healing miracles. This gave her faith to believe that Jesus

DAY 1 - From Faith to Greater Faith

John 11:21-22 "'Lord,' Martha said to Jesus, 'if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.'" 

Martha was a close friend of Jesus and had, undoubtedly, seen His amazing healing miracles. This gave her faith to believe that Jesus could have healed her brother, Lazarus, if only He had gotten there sooner. But Jesus was not content for Martha's faith--nor ours--to remain at the same level. In waiting four days after Lazarus had died, Jesus provided a kind of "laboratory" in which Martha's faith could grow--IF she responded correctly. And she did! She believed with all her heart that Jesus' Heavenly Father would give Him whatever He asked for. What about us? Are we content with the level of faith we've had for years? What "laboratory" does God have you in that is a means for your faith to grow to new level? God help us to respond like Martha with a greater faith and believe God more than ever before.

Anna Cosand, Children’s Ministry & Member

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DAY 2 : Seek & Speak

Matthew 6:33So many times in my life has God proven himself true to His Word with this verse. My amazing husband, our healthy finances, my very peace and joy—my blessed life, in short— are evidence of making the act of seeking him first the right thing to do. Look for proof in your own life! Think of a time when God provided for you because you sought him first. Give thanks to our loving Father!  Romans 4:17bThe latter half of this verse gives insight into the power of the Great God we serve. Our God breathes life into people and situations that were thought to be deceased and unredeemable. He speaks new things into existence. The exciting thing is that we, as his children and followers, can do the exact same thing. What’s a situation in your personal realm that needs life spoken over and into it? Speak it now.

Aslan Anderson,Property Supervisor & Member

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DAY 3: His Presence

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

During the many storms in my life, I’ve often walked alone. Even though at times it has been a painful and lonely journey, I know it was for the best; those difficult times taught me reliance on Him and to lean not into my own or / and other’s understanding. Even though I can’t see my Father, I know He is always present; His love, time and attention towards me are not contingent on what I say or do. His presence is shown to us through various means; usually it’s through the most simplistic ways the Father always shows us that He’s been there all along. The blessing is His Presence; nothing else is needed or required.

Brenda Malone,Database Manager, Discipleship Assistant & Member

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DAY 4: Who Are You Blessing?

Genesis 50:20-21

Joseph was sold, enslaved, imprisoned and then providentially promoted a ruler in the same land where he had experienced difficulties. Throughout his ordeal, he had identified that God called him to be used for the benefits of others. Therefore when he got the promotion, he was not filled with anger against his siblings nor pride but rather held on to the reason for the promotion - to be a blessing. We all must identify why God has blessed us. There are other people whose destinies are tied to ours, therefore, we must not fail to be all that God has called us to be so that we can "nourish, comfort and speak kindly to them" like Joseph did to his siblings. True happiness and fulfilling life come from living in such ways.

Several years ago, we understood this principle and started a business with the aim of blessing others. God graciously continues to make our business grow even when other such businesses are failing. We have been able to build a home for a widow, establish micro-finance program and support God's work more than ever before. He is ever faithful.

Geoffrey Nwankwo, Member

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DAY 5: My Portion

After the economic demise of our country and the loss of jobs in our own home, Rainey and I experienced financial struggles for the first time in our marriage. We came together in agreement to be diligent with our tithes and stood on the word believing He would take care of us. After attending Financial Peace University and working on building our savings back up, our air conditioner went out and found that the bill for the repair was exactly the amount we had saved. Since that time our income has doubled and we continue to see God working in miraculous ways.

Phil. 4:19 My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.Ps. 16: 5-6 O Lord, you are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; you maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes I have a good inheritance.Ps. 34:8-10 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lion may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

Harriet & Rainey Kirk, Counting Staff, Volunteer & Members

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DAY 6: Blessing Your Neighbor

Galatians 5:14 and Proverbs 3:27Love your neighbor as yourself....do not withhold good to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.  

God gives us opportunities every day to be a blessing; we just need to open our eyes.  Two weeks ago at the grocery store, the gentleman in front of me didn't have money for his food.  So I offered to pay for his with mine.  This week the two ladies in front of me did the same thing.  The lady at the checkout had no money, so the lady behind her paid for her groceries.  We were all strangers, all from different countries, all speaking different languages, but we are all neighbors.

Jennifer McKinney, Volunteer & Member

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DAY 7: The God of Abundance

Ephesians 3:20

In my short time as a missionary I have learned that God can do far more with the little I have than I ever could. He is the God of abundance and is able to multiply the seed I sow in faith. Many times it is a challenge to believe anything good can come out of what seems like such an insignificant contribution. Yet, each time I have trusted His word and given my best, He has brought about an increase in my life and the lives of others beyond anything I could have imagined! A little truly becomes much in the Master's hand.

LaWanna Wilson,Missionary & Member

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DAY 8: Work On Me!!!!!

Luke 8:48  And he said unto her,” Daughter, be of good comfort: your faith has made you whole; go in peace”

Have you ever wondered why God would ask the poor to meet a monetary need? For me, I knew He was saying give a large sum of money but I looked at my financial situation and thought, “WHY NOW? I have a wife and kids to support. I can't risk that amount, God.”A few weeks went by and I finally surrendered. I said “God I’ve seen Your works before, so I’m going to trust You again”. Needless to say, God didn’t miss a beat and neither have my finances since that moment.Jesus said to the woman after she touched him  “Your faith has made you whole. Go in peace”… I believe God is perfecting us with every step of faith to the point in which we completely trust Him and not our own ability. Praise God for every opportunity to trust HIM. He’s working on making you and I WHOLE…

Marcus T. Moore, Member

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DAY 9: He Provides

Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." 

In 2010 as three members of our family prepared to go on a mission trip, we knew we had to trust God for the finances to do so.  At the same time, God prompted us to give to others who were also going on mission trips.   As we gave, we watched our need fulfilled!  God did provide all the finances.  He is good!  All the time!

Patti McCoy,BFA Co-Director & Member

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DAY 10: Small Faith, Big Results

Malachi 3: 10 “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there might be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

Have you ever been prompted by God to do something so wild, so out of your normal experience, that you knew it HAD to be an act of faith? We have always tithed 10% regularly as a family, but recently we decided to take God at His word and test Him in this area. We increased our giving by 1%, despite both being free-lance and not having a regular income. The very day that I wrote the extra check, we were flooded with calls for business. The extra business was enough to provide for a period of slower income that we are facing toward the end of this year.

This verse in Malachi invites us to test God in our giving. It is the only place in scripture where we are encouraged to test God, maybe because He has a blessing in mind for us, be that blessing financial or in another area of our lives. In what ways can you test God with your giving?

Jesse and Camille Blinn, Members

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DAY 11: The House of Joy

Psalm 122: 1 I rejoice with those who say to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

Growing up, my grandmother would constantly repeat this verse to me. When my grandmother’s house burned down in my teen years, I saw a living example of the joy of the Lord in her attitude. As a young person, that joy was attractive to me.I think about this verse now when I come to church at Bethel. I’ve gone through significant loss myself: my family, my job, and a house. Bethel became to me my fortress of solitude, where I could get away from the pain and get close to God. Even though I’ve gone through tough times, I hear others’ stories that encourage me. I’ve connected with others who help me through the difficulties. And I’ve seen change in my own heart, resurrecting the lost things in my life.

God wants us to make this great exchange: giving Him our loss and pain and receiving from Him joy abundant. And He wants to do this in the family atmosphere of the local church. What pain or loss is God encouraging you to give to Him today?

Wade Winfree,Usher & Member

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DAY 12: Your Will Be Done

Zechariah 4:6-7“Not by might, not by power but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty. What are you, O mighty mountain…you will become level ground.”

God’s word is powerful and alive and able to rightly divide truth from false, life from death, spirit from flesh. I have found that to be especially true this year in taking Zechariah 4: 6-7 as “a light unto my path” for 2012. As I have allowed this verse to permeate and seep into every pore, cell and marrow, I have come to see how often I try to fix things, to rescue people, to move those mountains before me. It has, also, shown me how miserably I fail whenever I place myself in that role. All power, honor, wisdom and glory are His and when He speaks on our behalf it is done. Nothing I do, nothing we do in our own might and power will have lasting value. When we build apart from the Lord Almighty, we build in vain. Thank you, Lord, that our part is but to say  "Jesus, we submit to you and pray, Your will be done on earth as in heaven."

Wanda Collins, Member

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Psalm 34:5: "Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."

I have always struggled with self-esteem issues and when God showed me this verse, I smiled. Not just an on-the-surface cute smile, but a deep to-the-core-of-my-being smile. He was showing me that any and all ugliness in my life was and is overcome by His beauty, mercy, grace, and love.


Every time the enemy tries to tell me otherwise, I remember this verse and smile.

Nancy Huebner,Volunteer & Member

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DAY 14: Trust

Philippians 4:6 : Do not be anxious about anything, but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petition , with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  

I Battled with worry and anxiety until I truly surrendered it all and now I hang on to this as my life verse- simply put:  Trust God, stay calm, don't freak, fervently pray and move forward! He always meets me in this place. 

LJ Tufo,Office Manager & Member

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DAY 15: Trusting God with Big Things

Philippians 4:13When we moved to Nashville 13 years ago, we packed all our possessions into a U-Haul and moved without a job, but starting a new business on our own. On our way driving to Nashville, we received two offers for our home in Iowa. We received that as confirmation. Within two weeks of our move to Nashville, I received an offer fora large contract. This contract provided for all our financial needs. Furthermore, due to our long-standing relationship with a bank, we were able to qualify for ahome mortgage, even though we couldn’t provide proof of steady income. That same week, we took our eldest daughter to college for her freshman year. It seemedeverything was happening at once! But we prospered and grew in faith through that season, because Christ’s strength sustained us through every step of the way.

No matter what season of life you are going through, Christ is sufficient. His strength is there for you in ease and in transition; in time of need and of blessing. Are you trusting God for big things? He is worthy of your trust!

David Stock, Greeter & Member

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DAY 16: I Am Surrounded By His Favor

Psalms 5:12 For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield.Personal Reflection: I have loved this scripture for years because it boasted of God's blessings and favor but recently I see more of my story (ladies: this is my story) in this passage. This chapter is a cry/prayer for protection from David. He talks about the wicked and their devices and how these will fall but then he begins to talk about joy and gladness and even being sheltered from the wickedness. I can look back now on times of severe distress in my life and it was almost as though I were in a bubble. Or I could describe it as divine armor. In and of myself I would have never survived those times much less come out of them BETTER. I realize now that we endure hardships and distresses but the favor of God can insulate us from all the harm and wickedness. Godly armor provided by His favor. The word says we are pressed but not crushed, persecuted not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed. Basically, we are blessed beyond the curse favored/covered in distress. A mighty fortress is our God!!

Andrea Hood, Member & Volunteer

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DAY 17: Breakthrough is Coming!

Gal. 6:9: “Be not weary in well doing for you will reap if you faint not.”

In 2009 I was drowning in debt from poor choices and medical bills. The interest on my credit cards was eating me alive, and I dreaded sitting down to pay bills. How could a $5.00 payment make a dent on a balance of $1,500+? I had always tithed, but in that season God gave me a fresh revelation of giving as an act of love, not duty. I began to seek out ways to give abundantly to every opportunity. I vividly remember one Sunday morning watching as the offering bag passed from one hand to another, and no one was putting anything in. Tears filled my eyes that so many were passing up the opportunity to give. In my heart I said, "God, I only have $2.00 cash, but it's yours," as I placed my envelope in the bag. God saw my tender heart, and in His mercy, He rescued me!In October 2009 I received an unexpected letter stating I would be receiving checks totaling over $9,000 in a few days. I thought it was a sweepstakes letter and researched online to see if it was legit.

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DAY 17: Continued

True enough, it was a company that provides assistance to previous disability recipients, and the money was mine to spend as I saw fit. When the checks came, I stared at them incredulously, amazed at how God had picked me up out of the pit of despair and set my feet on a firm foundation! As I paid off my credit card debt, my first check was tithing on God's unexpected blessing. Be faithful to give! God's Word can be "banked on"!

Cari Winsett, Children’s Ministry & Member

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DAY 18: Be Constant

Jeremiah 33:3: "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know". For years, I have been praying for God to provide answers to many prayers. Most of those prayers were followed by questioning God, “Why did this happen?” Why me?” “Why my family?” I felt that God was ignoring me when my prayers would not be answered. Often times God would remind me of Jeremiah 33:3 to strengthen my faith and give me encouragement. My interpretation of this verse was: he will tell me where my husband would get a new job, when we would get out of debt and when we would buy a house. It has taken me years to realize God was not ignoring me but was challenging me to grow deeper in my faith. The great and mighty things that God speaks about are areas that I was weak in. Although I am still waiting for some of those prayers to be answered, we have been able to pay hundreds of thousands off in debt, we have been given a phenomenal deal on a rental home, and God has confirmed where my husband is to be working.

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DAY 18: Continued

And along the way, we have remained constant in our tithing. Through this process God has taught me how to worship the Lord freely, know that he will always provide even when I doubt, and deepen my prayer life. You may feel you’ve been walking through the desert for a long time but God will deliver you from there. God will answer your prayers when you are ready to receive what he has for you. He wants to be glorified! Remember to pray for God’s will to be done not your will.

Gene and Cheri Frost,Men’s Ministry and Members

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DAY 19: What’s in Your Hands?

Exodus 4:2: “So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A rod.” (NKJV)

Has the Lord ever asked you to do something so big that you were overcome with immediate feelings of doubt, fear and inadequacy? Perhaps your thoughts were “No way,” “I can’t” or “How will I ever accomplish that?” Well, you’re not alone in experiencing these feelings or thoughts. Moses felt the same way when the Lord told him that he would be used to deliver the Israelites from the hands of the Egyptians. Moses began to give all kinds of excuses as to why God couldn’t or shouldn’t use him. But the Lord was not to be dissuaded. He basically said ‘Let’s start with what’s in your hand.’ I can identify with Moses. There were times when the Lord spoke to me to do or give something that I thought I couldn’t do or didn’t have; fear gripped me and doubt would try to settle in. I would question, “Has the Lord really spoken?” I, like Moses, also began to list my inabilities and inadequacies before the Lord—as if he didn’t already know them. I wanted to close my heart and my hand for fear of giving up or losing the thing I thought I had gained or attained.

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DAY 19: Continued

The problem with this response though is that anything closed allows nothing to come in or go out. Fortunately, there were those times when I resisted the enemy and submitted to the Lord. I realized that there is nothing that the Lord asks of me that he hasn’t already equipped me to do. I opened my heart and my hand—to cast down all my doubts and fears—and to give Him the opportunity to transform what was in my hand. I have never once been disappointed by saying “Yes, Lord”. Listen for God’s voice and don’t be afraid or surprised by what He may ask of you. It’s harvest time! Just as the Lord asked Moses, I ask you “What is that in your hand?” Whatever it is, God wants to use it for His purpose and His Glory!

Karen Smith,Greeter and Member

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DAY 20: May Entertain An Angel

Hebrew 13:2 “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.”

They say people everywhere have a twin somewhere. I guess I’m no exception. I had recently moved to Nashville. My wife and I had no jobs and we were living with our sister temporarily until we could find that special place God was leading us to call home. One evening, while driving home after extensive job searching, I glanced out the windshield and saw a young man who looked very much like someone I knew. When I looked again, I was then certain of it. This individual looked exactly like me. Go figure, he was homeless or appeared to be. He had a sign in his hand which read “The Contributor $1.” Go figure again, I had a season of homelessness myself. Needless to say, I heard God’s still, small voice say “Do a legal U- ie and go find out his story”. You see, it’s my practice not to just give to strangers, but when time permits I hang out with them to share a story or two and to find out what happened to land them in desperate times.

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DAY 20: Continued

Usually a testimony and an appropriate monetary blessing would be given and if God so desires a prayer and even an offer to receive salvation. This has really blessed me over the years having done this multiple times. Not always are there those who remind me of myself, but often I’ve left the encounter wondering, who blessed whom?

Mario Smith,Men’s Ministry and Member

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DAY 21:Trust God's Plans For You, He's Got Your Back

Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 139: 1-18: “I know the plans I have for you.  They are plans of good and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Sometimes in the middle of the storms and battles of our life, it is really hard to trust that God has a plan. Maybe there is a battle now in your life caused by a bad choice you made; like not listening to the still, small voice of the Lord when He said not to go back to school right now because it would mean spending less time with your troubled child who really needs you to be "there" right now.  Or maybe, you suddenly found yourself in the middle of a storm; like the day you "discovered" your husband lost his job four months ago, there’s a foreclosure notice on his desk, and a letter notifying you that your kids can't go back to until the tuition that is three months behind is paid.  However you came into the storm or battle in your life, know that God has searched you, knows you and has made provision for you right where you are...if you but believe His word.  David said in Psalm 139 that God knows every word on (your) tongue; He knows your sitting down and your rising up.

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DAY 21: Continued

He is acquainted with all your ways.  He knew where you would be before you did and already made provision for it.  Seek His provision, because He will show up.  Will you trust He has a good plan for your life today?   It's there.  God's got your back.

Carolyn Parris Foster,Every Nation Ministries HR Director & Member

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DAY 22: Persevere in Prayer

Matthew 21:22 NIV: “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

I am 11 years old and I have two younger brothers.  A few years ago, I wanted a baby sister and asked my mom if we can have one.  She told me to pray and I did for years.  My mom was taking medicines for her not to be pregnant but I kept on asking her to skip it so we can have a baby sister.  After two years, my mom got pregnant even when she was still taking medicines.  I was so thrilled that God answered my prayer!  I am so excited to take care of the baby when it comes out!

Simran Daswani, Child of Member

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DAY 23: God Speaks

Jeremiah 31:3 NIV: “The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”

We are trying to train our kids to hear from God.  We usually do this when they are about to sleep.  On numerous occasions, our youngest has come up to us and said that God told him he will be a pastor. One time when we were trying to find our way to a destination, he said, "Jesus told me, this is not the way".  I changed route and sure enough we were going the wrong way.   Recently he said, "Dad, God told me last night He loves me".

Samuel Daswani, Child of Member

(Additional comments by Vinay Daswani,Dir. of Administration and Member)

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DAY 24: God’s Word Never Returns Void

Isaiah 55:11 NIV: “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Years ago, my 10 year old son hardly smiled in school.  One time, his school had a "backward day" where kids had to wear their pajamas.  He thought of a smart way not to go through all the hassle of putting things together- he wore a smile the whole day.  We received a prophetic message for him that God will bring joy to his heart - that God will give him a cheerful heart.  Months after, his teachers were saying that he is such a joyful child and is always wearing a smile.

Savir Daswani, Child of Member

(Additional comments by Vinay Daswani,Dir. of Administration and Member)

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DAY 25: Lean on His Understanding

Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, and in all you ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.” I have always tried to do things in my own strength but had to take a serious look at my belief system when our finances fell through the floor. I had nowhere to turn except to God and His way of doing things. I decided to trust in him and tithe my money first before the bills were paid, instead of giving if there was anything left over. Immediately God turned our finances around. When normally there was not enough money to pay the bills now there is money. Leaning on my own understanding it did not add up but leaning on God made it easy. Not because of my ability but because of Gods word. Ask yourself, do you trust God with all your heart. Are you willing to be led by Him even if it doesn’t align with your understanding? God loves you and wants to direct your paths but needs you to surrender your own understanding and to lean on his Lordship.

David Hook,Property Manager and Member

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DAY 26: All Things Held Together

Colossians 1:17: He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

My husband and I went through a period of separation. During that battle that was clearly from the enemy the Holy Spirit spoke this verse to me. I began to meditate on it, speak it out loud, and write it down. I even put it as my husband’s caller ID in my phone! Every time Satan tried to convince me that our marriage was over and that the enemy would destroy us, I had this powerful verse from God. If we put Him first, had faith in His word, He would keep His promise. He did! We celebrated our 4th anniversary in June.In Him all things DO hold together:)

Lyndsay Strong,Member

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DAY 27: Praying the Will of God

Romans 8:26-27: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the spirit, because the spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.”

Matthew 6:9-10: “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ ”

One particular morning as I went about my morning routine, the Spirit of God impressed upon me the necessity to pray yet I was unaware of who to pray for or how to pray. I prayed in tongues for a lengthy period of time with intervals of praise. The Spirit of God gave me a very distinct vision of Christ's Blood flowing from the heavens to the church roof and cascading through the parking lots to the street. The time of prayer was certainly intense.

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DAY 27: Continued

Later that evening, my husband told me how he had been using an electric saw to cut through a section of concrete wall on the upper level of the church and the Holy Spirit prompted him to cease using the saw and continue to bust apart the wall with a sledge hammer. As the wall fell, there before his eyes was a 220-volt electric line. A line that was not marked on the blueprints. I didn't need to know any details in order pray effectively, but I did need to pray according to His Will. You see, prayer is an instrument for God to accomplish what He wants, not what I want. He knows all things.

Lesia Hook,Volunteer and Member

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DAY 28: No Longer Haunted Houses

Matthew 12:43-44: “When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order.”

Galatians 5:19-23: “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions  and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Ephesians 2:10: “For we are god’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which god prepared in advance for us to do.”

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DAY 28: Continued

At one time we were haunted houses. All sorts of issues haunted us: anger, hatred, jealousy, rage, sexual immorality, just to name a few. Then Jesus, the Master Carpenter, came and restored what was once an old, cold, dark and dilapidated house. First, He rebuilt the foundation with His finished work on the Cross. He then built the walls of the house and put on a new roof by giving us a new mindset. Jesus fixed and sealed all the windows of the house so that there are no more leaking issues. Jesus then went beyond the job of a carpenter and became an interior decorator. He made a house a home by applying endless coats of joy to the walls of our hearts. He carpeted us with peace. He turned on the lights of love. Finally, He gave us a permanent house-warming gift by filling us with the Holy Spirit. What was once a haunted house is now the Temple of God! Thank you Jesus!

Lolita Johnson, Member

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DAY 29: Seek First

Matt. 6:33: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”

Before we do anything, we need to seek His will. He didn’t say SOME things would be added unto you; He said ALL these things will be added. There has not been a day when I’ve felt I or my family lacked anything. Some days may be hard, but no matter what, He’s the center of my day.

Michael Archie,Finance Manager & Member

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DAY 30: On the Edge

Are You on the Edge of A Breakdown or A Breakthrough? When you come to the very edge, you are at the very place God wants you. Luke 5:1-6: “One day as Jesus was standing by the Sea of Galilee with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God, he saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”  When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. 

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DAY 30: Continued

 Jesus sees your boat (your life, your plan, your dreams) – left by the sea from discouragement, unbelief and cynicism (“I give up!”), and He decides to get in.  Although you may think you are in control of things, He can quickly take over - He is no longer your passenger or even your co-pilot!  Until you give Jesus ownership (of your life, your plans, your life, your dreams), you’ll always live on the edge of your purpose, but never really reach it.  Leave behind discouragement, unbelief and cynicism and get ready for the net-breaking harvest that He has waiting for you.  This year, give Him your boat, come off the edge and try again!

Lisa Waters,Pastoral Care & Member

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DAY 31: Invest in our Children

Psalm 127: “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.  Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.” 

When we think about October 31st, several images pop into our heads; costumes, candy, and kids… especially kids.  That brief moment out of our year is a reflection of the rest, a snapshot of how we feel about our children.   There is something about those little faces that compels us to give without receiving, to love unconditionally, and to sacrifice wholeheartedly.  It is the next generation that we pour into and give our time, talents, and resources; not just in our own families, but the family of God.  This we know as a God-given instinct: children are the future and we must invest in them.  It is the only investment guaranteed to return dividends in the measure we have sown. Sweet.

Randy McCoy,Children’s Ministry Pastor, BFA Co-Director & Member
