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Day 18 -- Popular Diet Programs

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Day 18 -- Popular Diet Programs Dieting Review : All the diet and weight loss information you never wanted . . . below is a fairly comprehensive list of many of the more recent popular diet plans. There is a brief overview with pro’s, con’s, and recommendations for or against. As I have never been on any of these diets, I cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of these descriptions, but they should be relatively close to actuality. And if you have any information to add or detract, I am open to correction. Also, if you have heard of other diets that are not included and would like some more info on them or would like to share what you know, I will be more than happy to try to look them up or add your comments to future lectures. On the Quiz 2 review sheet, I will identify the specific diets I want you to know info about – the others will be merely for your reading pleasure (be aware of their existence as diet fads tend to recycle in various ways over the years – like clothing trends . . . go plaid!). I WOULD RECOMMEND THAT AS YOU REVIEW EACH DIET, MAKE A 2-3 LINE SUMMARY OF THE KEY POINTS TO HELP YOU REMEMBER THEM. Remember, when choosing a diet plan or weight loss program make sure to follow these guidelines: Make sure that it safe and contains all the recommended daily allowances. The aim is to cut calories and not important food groups and vitamins. In the case of weight loss, slow and steady wins the race. A diet should not lose more than a pound a week as studies have shown that rapid weight loss usually means a gain in weight over time. Before starting any diet you should consult a doctor or nutritionist who will be able to advise you on a suitable diet and weight to aim for along with addressing any health risks.
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Day 18 -- Popular Diet Programs

Dieting Review : All the diet and weight loss information you never wanted . . . below is a fairly comprehensive list of many of the more recent popular diet plans. There is a brief overview with pro’s, con’s, and recommendations for or against. As I have never been on any of these diets, I cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of these descriptions, but they should be relatively close to actuality. And if you have any information to add or detract, I am open to correction. Also, if you have heard of other diets that are not included and would like some more info on them or would like to share what you know, I will be more than happy to try to look them up or add your comments to future lectures.

On the Quiz 2 review sheet, I will identify the specific diets I want you to know info about – the others will be merely for your reading pleasure (be aware of their existence as diet fads tend to recycle in various ways over the years – like clothing trends . . . go plaid!).


Remember, when choosing a diet plan or weight loss program make sure to follow these guidelines:

Make sure that it safe and contains all the recommended daily allowances. The aim is to cut calories and not important food groups and vitamins.

In the case of weight loss, slow and steady wins the race. A diet should not lose more than a pound a week as studies have shown that rapid weight loss usually means a gain in weight over time.

Before starting any diet you should consult a doctor or nutritionist who will be able to advise you on a suitable diet and weight to aim for along with addressing any health risks.

There is no one-size-fits-all diet, and what works for a friend may not necessarily work for you. With healthy eating and exercise, anybody can lose weight.

Atkins diet informationThe Atkins diet was devised by Dr Robert C Atkins. Dr Atkins was a pioneer of the high protein/ low carbohydrate diets that are so popular today. Dr Atkins published his book 'Diet Revolution' in 1972 and it was an immediate bestseller. The theory of a low carb diet had been around for some time (William Banting devised a similar plan in the late 19th century). It was Dr Atkins that popularized the theory that you can eat all the proteins you want and lose weight as long as you eat no carbohydrates. Over the years Dr Atkins modified his position, and the diet now allows non-starchy vegetables and some unrefined fruits and grains. The Atkins diet does not allow sugar, simple carbohydrates, or refined grains and starches wherever possible.

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The Atkins program is a high protein diet in the purest sense and allows almost no carbohydrates at the start of the diet. The diet works by inducing a state of ketosis in the body, and you may eat as much food as you like while in this state. Ketosis is when the body believes it is starving and is deprived of carbohydrates to burn so it burns fat instead. There is some dispute whether or not ketosis is damaging to the body (especially the liver), and debate also exists as to whether the body burns lean muscle mass for fuel or just fat. You can check if you are in the state of ketosis by checking your urine for the presence of ketones with a urine test stick or serum blood test for acetone of B-hydroxybutyrate.

The first two weeks there is an induction phase which is like the original 'diet revolution' where carbohydrates are very restricted. There should be a large initial weight loss that will be mainly water. After the first induction phase there is a transition or ongoing weight loss stage this involves slowly increasing the amount of carbohydrates in your diet until your body comes out of the state of ketosis. This can be seen by testing your urine or when you start to gain weight. When you are within 5lbs of your target weight, you enter the last stage of the diet which is 'maintenance', and it is life-long.

Atkins Diet : Reasons for It actually works Is safe if you keep some carbohydrates in your diet Can have lots of protein and fat and still lose weight

Atkins Diet : Reasons against It has a high drop out rate for the induction phase Bad breath is a side effect of this diet Careful choices of food are needed in the induction stage to get your

recommended intake of vitamins and minerals Often, the high protein, low carb foods come packaged with a large amount of fat.

Thus, long-term usage will lead to increased risk of heart disease.Atkins Diet : VerdictThe Atkins diet is an effective diet and is very good for weight loss especially in the short term and is based on proven results. To succeed on this diet you must enjoy eggs, meat, and high Protein foods and be prepared for a life without some foods. The Atkins diet does not promote balanced eating but if followed correctly, it is relatively healthy. It is important that you have at least 8 glasses of water per day with this diet to flush the ketones from your body and help avoid having bad breath. Also, it is only good for the short-term as long-term will lead to atherosclerosis and renal insufficiency.

Beverly Hills Diet InformationThe Beverly Hills diet was created by the actress Judy Mazel (Actress=a good qualification?). It is a type of food combining diet. It claims that by following the plan for the full 35 days a weight loss of 10-15 pounds is expected. The diet is mainly based on fruit which, it claims, contains the enzymes that can activate the human body's metabolism to burn fat faster, while combining a protein with a carbohydrate can destroy

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the enzymes which slow down the process causing an increase in body fat. Some of the points stated in this diet have no scientific background at all.

Beverly Hills Diet : Reasons for None

Beverly Hills Diet : Reasons against No long term success stories Monotonous Not enough proteins, fat, various vitamins and minerals in the diet Can cause diarrhea Based on unscientific facts

Beverly Hills Diet : VerdictThe Beverly Hills diet does not live up to its promises of being healthy, preventing disease, detoxifying and rapid weight loss. It is very unhealthy and unsafe. There may be some weight loss but there are a variety of different diets around that are far healthier and easier to follow.

Blood Type Diet informationThe Blood Type diet was devised by Peter D'Adamo, M.D, and was popularized in the book 'Eat Right For Your Type'. The basic premise for this diet is that the four main blood groups each react in different ways to different foods. This is because humans evolved in different ways for the four different blood groups (O, A, B, and AB). For instance blood type A developed as humans domesticated animals and is therefore better suited to grains, while type O is the hunter and requires meat in its diet, and type B is suited to dairy products. This diet is not based on any scientific facts and there are glaring inconsistencies within the book with very little proof as to its conclusions. You would be lucky to lose any weight as a type A, B, or AB diet. If however you were type O then you would be following a low carbohydrate high protein diet and the diet would result in weight loss. The type O diet has all the health risks associated with a low carb diet like the Atkins diet.

Blood Type Diet : Reasons for Weight loss is likely to result with all blood types due to restricting food intake Type O diet relies on proven diet principles

Blood Type Diet : Reasons against Difficult information on each type to remember Impractical for a family of different blood types No scientific basis Nutrient deficiencies for most types

Blood Type Diet : Verdict

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The Blood Type diet is an interesting but flawed diet that is not based on sound dieting principles. It may result in weight loss if followed correctly but there are many better diets to follow with a proven record and based on sound advice. The Blood type diet is a good example of style and marketing over substance.

Cabbage soup diet informationThe cabbage soup diet was allegedly created in the 90s for patients recovering from surgery. A watercress version is also available but most types of vegetable soup would do. Some versions claim that cabbage has unique fat burning properties, this however is untrue. The weight loss is because of the low calorie contained in the diet. During the cabbage soup diet you can eat as much cabbage soup as you want throughout the whole seven days. Some additional foods have been added to the recent versions of this diet.

Cabbage Soup Diet : Reasons for You will lose weight after following this diet Can eat as much soup as you want throughout Diet period is only one week (which is reflective of the long term impact)

Cabbage Soup Diet: Reasons Against Very boring selection of available food Short term side effects can include headaches, weakness and decreased

concentration Weight loss is mainly water and is only temporary as very little actual fat is burnt Diet does not contain the body's required vitamins and mineral

Cabbage Soup Diet : VerdictNot a viable diet for someone who needs to lose more than a few pounds and should not be followed for more than seven days. You should leave at least two weeks before restarting (though I am sure you wouldn't want to see another cabbage for quite a while after a week). The weight loss will unfortunately only be temporary. The cabbage soup diet is however a better option than the average junk food diet. Now to put my own spin on this diet, a soup diet could be beneficial if it were more homemade then canned with a variety of foods. Soup is a great way to eat vegetables as all the cooked ingredients are consumed in the broth. Adding some meat and/or tofu will add the protein while minimizing fat intake. The worst thing about canned soups in the sodium content – so definitely go for low-sodium if you see it at the store.

The F-Plan Diet informationThe F-Plan Diet was devised by Audrey Eyton and published in 1982 and has been one of Britain's best selling diet books since. The F-Plan diet is a high fiber diet that is low in fat and high in carbohydrates. The basic principles of the F-Plan diet are firstly that fiber itself is low in calories, fills you up so that you feel satisfied, and takes time to digest so you feel full for longer. Secondly insoluble fiber passes through the digestive system untouched. Therefore, it has no fat or calories and cleans the digestive tract so you can

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eat as much as you want. The F-Plan diet bans the consumption of low fiber foods such as refined flours, breads, white rice, peeled fruits or cakes and biscuits. High fat foods such as cream or whole milk are banned. Fruit juices are also banned, as fruit must be eaten whole. The Permitted foods are all high fiber foods such as bran, brown rice and whole-meal breads and low fat foods.

F-Plan Diet : Reasons for Lack of dietary fiber has been linked to diseases such as bowel cancer,

constipation, varicose veins and hemorrhoids By eating fiber instead of fats or sugars the body will ingest less calories. Which

should result in weight loss F-Plan Diet : Reasons against

The diet is difficult for vegetarians to follow and almost impossible for vegans as skimmed milk is part of lots of meals

The F-Plan diet doesn't include any exerciseShould not be taken by anybody with wheat or gluten intolerances

Lots of fiber can deplete certain vitamins and it lowers the rate at which others are absorbed.

F-Plan Diet : VerdictThe modern diet does not include enough fiber and it is important in the fight against certain diseases. Unfortunately the F-Plan diet recommends too much which can lead to diarrhea and bloating. A good target is to eat the amount that results in normal bowel movements. Overall, though, there is a lot that can be gleaned from this plan in terms of a healthy way to increase daily fiber consumption.

Fit For Life Diet InformationThe Fit For Life diet is a food combining diet that recommends eating specific combinations of foods at certain times of the day. The authors of the book 'Fit For Life' Harvey and Marilyn Diamond devised it in the early 80s. The diet is made up of 70% fruits and vegetables with all other foods making up the other 30%. There is no calorie counting or portion control, as the authors believe that poorly combining foods and not overeating or lack of exercise causes weight gain. The diet claims that eating foods incorrectly will cause them to become rotten and not be digested properly causing fat to be stored and wasting the bodies energy. So by following the proper food combining rules and timings the outcome will be better health, more energy and significant weight loss. There will be weight loss on this diet but it is due to the high proportion of low calorie foods.

Fit For Life Diet : Reasons for Should lose weight No portion control Weight loss is quite rapid

Fit For Life Diet : Reasons against No scientific basis to some claims

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Rules are complex and difficult to follow Eating foods at specific times is not as beneficial as claimed Requires serious changes to your current diet habits

Fit for life : VerdictFood combining diets like this works mainly because it is low in calories not because of any of its claims. Although all the fruits and veggies sound like a good plan, there must be balance!

Grapefruit Diet informationThe Grapefruit diet is based around the premise that grapefruit contains fat burning properties and is similar to the cabbage soup diet. There are several versions of this diet and their duration varies from 7 to 21 days. Most of these diets are very low in calories, usually about 800-1000 calories. The diet recommends high quantities of caffeine drinks like coffee (no milk or sugar).

Grapefruit Diet : Reasons for You will lose weight following this diet Easy to follow

Grapefruit Diet : Reasons against Boring selection of available foods (bitter taste!) Not enough vitamins or minerals Weight loss is mainly water and will return when normal diet resumes Low calorie diets can cause fatigue, nausea and constipation

Grapefruit Diet : Verdict Grapefruit does not contain any fat burning properties and all weight that is lost is due to the diets 800 -1000 calorie intake. Grapefruit is a healthy fruit that is fat free and low in calories but any similar diet based on any fruit would work (apple diet, orange diet, kiwi diet, etc). It would also be unhealthy and not give the required nutrition. If you are after a short-term plan like this, the cabbage soup diet is a better version, although with both diets the weight soon returns.

Hay diet informationNow my rabbit really enjoys this one! The Hay diet is a food combing diet created by Dr William Hay in the early 1900's – don’t worry, there will be no eating in the barn tonight. It is based on the idea that the body can not cope with proteins and carbohydrates at the same time because of the way they are digested. This came from the belief that the human body is used to eating only one type of food at time and that the combining of

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food is a modern habit that our ancestors never did. The hay diet states that there are things wrong with modern eating habits. These are:

Poor elimination of wastes and toxins Eating to few alkaline forming vegetables and fruits Incompatible mixing of food

This can be remidied by the hay diet because it: Cuts down on protiens starches and highly processed foods Improves the elimnation of toxins Increases the intake of vegtables, salads and fruits Doesn't mix any foods that fight

It also has some other more outrageous claims from the reduction of stress to the reports of previously stubborn medical conditions that have unexpectedly responded to correct food combining. According to the plan, you should eat 60% fresh fruits and vegetables, as much as possible in their raw state. The remaining foods should be proteins or starches that shouldn't be eaten together or within at least 3-4 hours of each other.

Hay Diet: Reasons for Intake of foods not restricted Allowed to snack on neutral foods Should lose weight on this diet

Hay Diet: Reasons against No scientific basis although some of the concepts make sense Impossible to follow correctly (some foods contain proteins and starches) Complicated plan of which foods can be mixed Difficult to follow long term

Hay Diet: Verdict The Hay diet is the earliest version in a long list of food combining diets. If there was any basis to these diets or they did half of what they claimed, then everyone would have heard about them and/or tried them. The Hay diet is not the panacea of all ills as is claimed, but the overall diet is reasonably healthy and should help you lose weight, if you can follow it.

Rosemary Conley's Hip and Thigh Diet informationRosemary Conley developed this diet in 1983 and was a UK best seller. The diet has hardly changed in the last twenty years and it is basically a very low fat diet that encourages lots of vegetables, starchy carbohydrates and regular exercise. The diet comes with a comprehensive exercise plan designed to help with weight loss and muscle tone. The diet bans quite a lot of foods but the recipes are easy to follow and hunger is not a problem on this diet. The diet encourages three regular meals and is sensible and well balanced, based on proven dietary facts. Rosemary Conley's Hip and Thigh diet does not make you lose weight on specific areas of the body (this is a diet myth) and the weight loss that occurs will be from all over the body. Generally the hip and thighs are the last areas of fat that is lost during dieting, the diet does contain some exercises that

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will help you tone the hips and thighs. But remember, spot reduction does not occur – the hips and thighs of women, and the abdomen of men, simply have a natural tendency to store fat, thus as the body loses fat, a proportional amount is lost from these areas as well – they simply have more to begin with!

Rosemary Conley's Hip and Thigh diet : Positives No calorie counting Well balanced nutritionally You will lose weight by following this plan and the weight can be kept off Lots of vegetarian options Hunger is not a problem as the meals are filling

Rosemary Conley's Hip and Thigh diet : Negatives The amount of fats allowed is a little bit on the low side and can be hard to get

used to. The preparation of meals requires a lot of weighing The diet does not help you lose weight specifically from the hip and thighs. The plan includes exercise

Rosemary Conley's Hip and Thigh diet : VerdictThe Hip and thigh diet is recommended, as it is a well balanced diet that includes exercise and is based on sound principles. It should improve overall health as well as helping you lose weight. No diet can make you lose weight specifically from one area of the body and the hip and thigh diet is no exception.

Hollywood diet informationThe Hollywood diet is a type of fasting diet that relies on a 'miracle juice' which is the only thing that can be drunk during the 48-hour duration of the diet. The 'miracle juice' is derived from plant juices that are supposed to be a scientifically formulated blend of minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants that cleanses the body of toxins. Apparently this will cure a whole variety of ailments caused by modern day living. These ailments range from skin problems and bad breath to depression and illness. You would hope it would cure all these as it costs around $20 per bottle. The Hollywood 48-hour miracle diet also claims weight loss of up to 10 pounds in 48 hours

Hollywood diet : Reasons for Should lead to some temporary weight loss As a form of detox it is not too unhealthy – similar to fasting

Hollywood diet : Reasons against Expensive

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Weight comes straight back on once diet finishes Intense food cravings Can cause dizziness and cramps

Hollywood diet : VerdictThe Hollywood diet is like most fasting diets; there will be a weight loss if followed for 48 hours. However, the weight loss is mostly water and will return when the diet finishes. The idea that 48 hours will give genuine results for weight loss is laughable. This diet should not be followed and is just a very expensive way of achieving some water loss.

Mayo Clinic Diet informationThe Mayo Clinic Diet is a high fat low carbohydrate diet that is in no way related to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota USA . The Mayo clinic website states: "We can offer you clear and official advice: don't believe any of these diets. They did not originate at Mayo Clinic and are not approved by Mayo Clinic. These diets may promote temporary quick weight loss. However, they are not nutritionally balanced or a safe method of weight loss for long-term success. Such diets can be dangerous for some individuals." 'The Mayo Clinic Diet is available in many forms but most talk about the fat burning qualities of grapefruit. The diet allows as much grapefruit, meat and high fat foods as you can eat to control hunger but not much else. The Mayo Clinic diet completely eliminates all sugars and starches from the diet and limits caffeine intake. It also advocates that grapefruit, salad and bacon should be part of each diet.

Mayo Clinic Diet : Reasons For No portion control Can eat as much as you like

Mayo Clinic Diet : Reasons against Grapefruit does not burn fat and eating lots of fat doesn't help you lose weight Limited carbohydrates can cause weakness Eating foods associated with heart disease is encouraged Diet doesn't contain some required vitamins and minerals

Mayo Clinic Diet : VerdictThe Mayo clinic Diet is a perfect example of a fad diet that uses a famous name to promote a useless product. This diet will not help you loss weight and encourages overeating of unhealthy foods. Both the real Mayo Clinic and I would recommend that you avoid it. Below is the link to the May Clinic’s nutrition page:http://www.mayoclinic.com/findinformation/conditioncenters/centers.cfm?objectid=000851DA-6222-1B37-8D7E80C8D77A0000

The Mayo Clinic has even published their own book in 2005 called Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight for EveryBody: A lifestyle approach to permanent weight loss which is probably a better option for weight management.

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The Mediterranean DietThis is more a loose description of the eating habits traditionally associated with the people of that region than an actual diet. Originally identified through the low numbers of chronic disease and higher life expectancy throughout the region despite a high fat diet, studies such as those conducted by Dr Peter Ballmer (Director of Internal Medicine at Kanton Hospital) have indicated that the diet may be a preventative factor. Things that can be eaten daily on this diet include:

Bread (without butter or margarine) Polenta Pasta Fruit Vegetables Grains Potatoes Rice Olive oil Cheese Yogurt Wine (optional and in moderation) Things that should be eaten only a few times a week include:

o Eggs o Poultry o Fisho Sweet foods

Red meats should be eaten a few times a month (or more often in smaller amounts)

This diet includes regular physical activity being taken on a daily basis. Part of the key to this diet is the fact that olive oil is the main source of fat. It contains around 70% simple unsaturated fatty acids, which are though to increase HDL (good) cholesterol and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Also eating fish a few times a week is a good provider of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Mediterranean Diet : Reasons for Generally recommended by health professionals. Easy to modify to suit a vegetarian diet. Daily exercise also benefits physical, psychological and social being as well as

improving resistance to disease. Can help to manage cholesterol levels.

Mediterranean : Reasons Against

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In the traditional Mediterranean diet, fresh fruit and vegetables were eaten mostly raw with little to no processing, which is not so easy to obtain in the busy modern lifestyle.

Not good if you are after rapid weight loss. Daily exercise! (depending on your point of view)

Mediterranean Diet : VerdictAll in all, the Mediterranean diet is ideal for a healthy lifestyle and can help to prevent heart and circulatory diseases by cutting out 'bad' fats and replacing them with the simple unsaturated fats, such as those found in olive oil which helps to regulate cholesterol levels. This is why many health professionals recommend it. It is not so good if you are after rapid weight loss though as it is more of health based diet.

Pritikin diet informationThe Pritikin diet was developed in the late 1950s by Nathan Pritikin (founder of the Pritikin Longevity Center in California). The Pritikin diet was initially developed as a program to prevent heart disease and is a low fat high fiber diet. The Pritikin diet includes regular exercise, with a minimum of a 45-minute walk per day. The diet is based upon choosing meals that contain 400 Calories or less per pound (of food). This method is easier than calorie counting but requires some mathematical approximation. Processed foods such as pasta and white bread are eliminated in favor of whole grains while most fats are exchanged for fruits and vegetables. The diet is mainly vegetarian and there is no need to restrict portion sizes. The Pritikin diet encompasses a very healthy range of foods and generous portions that should fill you up without any danger of weight gain.

Pritikin Diet: Reasons for No portion restrictions Suitable for vegetarians Nutritionally safe Encourages healthy eating Can be helpful for heart conditions

Pritikin Diet: Reasons against Excludes foods such as animal fats and some dairy products Difficult to follow long term as it is quite restrictive Still involves some calorie counting Diet is low in calcium

Pritikin Diet: VerdictThis diet is safe and helps the prevention of heart disease. This diet is a healthy option that offers a chance of long lasting weight loss. It is also a very good option for the vegetarian dieter.

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Protein Power Plan InformationMichael and Mary Eades published the Protein Power Diet in 1995. It is a high protein low carbohydrate diet similar to the Atkins Diet but with more scientific data and better researched. The Protein Power Diet comes with literature that includes calculations for discovering your ideal diet plan and how many carbohydrates and proteins you may consume based upon your height, weight, activity level and body fat percentage. High protein foods such as meats, poultry and fish are encouraged as is milk, cream and cheese. While following the Protein Power Diet you should stay away from high carbohydrate foods such as pasta and bread.

The diet is followed in three stages. Stage one is 'Intervention', which has very low carbohydrate intake that is followed until you near your ideal weight. Stage two is 'Transition' where some carbohydrates are slowly reintroduced into your diet until your ideal weight is met. 'Maintenance' is the last stage when your carbohydrate intake is increased to keep you at your ideal weight. The Protein Power Diet also recommends set exercises which amount to weight lifting to keep up muscle mass and short, vigorous aerobic activity to simulate our caveman ancestors.

Protein Power Plan : Reasons for Weight loss guaranteed if the plan is followed Initial weight loss is fast Does have some scientific basis

Protein Power Plan : Reasons for The initial loss is mainly water and returns very quickly Carbohydrates are excluded. The amount of protein relating to activity is lacking in scientific evidence Not a good plan as it cuts out many healthy foods

Protein Power Plan : Verdict The Protein Power Diet is very similar to the Atkins diet as both are very restrictive about carbohydrates. The Protein Power Diet is the harder of the two to follow, as you can not eat all you want and some people find that hunger is a problem on this diet. On the plus side, fiber is not counted in the Protein Power Diet so the amount of carbohydrates you can eat each day is higher. This diet is easy to follow and weight loss is quick and easy.

Scarsdale diet informationThe Scarsdale diet was devised by Dr Herman Tarnower in the 1970s. It is a seven to fourteen day diet plan that uses artificial sweeteners and herbal appetite suppressants. There is a strict diet program to follow which allows fruits, vegetables and lean animal fats and no snacking. The Scarsdale Diet was one of the first low carbohydrate, low calorie diets and any weight loss that is seen on this diet is the result of the low calorie intake (about 1000 calories) and not the supposed 'chemical reactions' as claimed. Like the Atkins diet there is a large initial weight loss which is mainly water. The Scarsdale diet claims it can have a weight loss of one pound per day. The Scarsdale diet doesn't

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recommend any exercise as part of the diet plan especially for those over 40. This is due in part to the low caloric value of the diet plan.

Scarsdale Diet : Reasons for Rapid weight loss Easy Plan to follow No limit on portion size

Scarsdale Diet : Reasons against Weight loss is mainly water not fat Very strict diet plan Weight is quickly regained Herbal appetite suppressants can be dangerous Low in many vitamins and minerals

Scarsdale Diet : VerdictThe Scarsdale diet is like most low carb diets and will help you lose weight over the 7 to 14 day diet plan. It is however unhealthy and as with the Atkins diet the weight that is lost will soon be regained once the diet is finished. There are other low carb diets available which are less restrictive about what you can eat.

SlimFast informationSlimFast is a meal replacement diet that relies on two SlimFast shakes, one for breakfast and one for lunch, and a normal meal for dinner. Each SlimFast shake has about 240 calories and with a normal meal, the diet should have a daily intake of 1000-1200 calories. The Slim Fast shake contains added vitamins and minerals in attempt to make up what would be eaten in the two missed meals. The Slim fast diet will help you lose weight due to its low calorie content.

SlimFast : Reasons for A good diet for the more overweight dieter One of the simplest diets on the market Fast weight loss Convenient You get to eat real food with this diet

SlimFast : Reasons against SlimFast shakes and snacks can become repetitive, especially if you have a sweet

tooth Does not teach good eating habits Expensive

SlimFast : VerdictThe SlimFast diet is a good option for the seriously obese dieter as it is an easy option that will lead to quick results. It is not a good option for the average dieter, as it doesn't

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teach healthy eating habits and a meal replacement system is not a viable long-term diet. The SlimFast shakes, however, are a healthier option than having a fast food meal or skipping meals altogether.

The South Beach Diet InformationHopefully you have a good feel for this one by now. Developed by Dr Agatston in 1999, to help patients avoid or combat heart problems, it also boasts weight loss. It works on the idea that carbs cause weight gain, which is similar to the Atkins diet, however the South Beach diet does not eliminate carbs completely. It divides them into 'good' carbs (e.g. high fiber cereals, wheat breads) and 'bad' carbs (e.g. biscuits, pasta). 'Bad' carbs make you feel full temporarily, but cause your blood sugar levels to rise sharply. When they fall again they leave you feeling lethargic and hungry. The South Beach diet also differentiates between 'good' fats (monounsaturated) and 'bad' fats (saturated). You eat 3 healthy balanced meals a day and snacks are allowed, however, by eating the right kinds of foods you will feel fuller for longer.

The South Beach diet works in 3 phases: Phase One - 2 weeks of strict dieting. This is the initial weight loss period. You

still eat normal portion sizes but nearly all carbs are avoided. In studies people lost between 8 -13 lbs. during this phase.

Phase Two - lasts until you reach your desired weight. 'Good' carbs are slowly introduced while weight loss continues.

Phase Three - returning to normal. This is all about maintaining your desired weight with a healthy balanced diet. If at any point the dieter starts to gain weight again simply return to phase one.

As with all diets it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and it is also recommended that followers of the South Beach diet take a daily calcium supplement (preferably with vitamin D to aid in absorption). It is not recommended for people with kidney problems. Dr Agatston says "Everyone will cheat or fall off the wagon at times. This does not mean forget it."

South Beach diet : Reasons for Scientifically sound and recommended by Dr Cheskin of the John Hopkins

Weight Management Center. It improves cholesterol and insulin levels It does not omit any major food groups, rather it is about finding a balance It had only a 5% drop out rate in tests

South Beach diet : Reasons against Much of the initial weight loss may just be water loss caused by cutting out carbs.

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Can be limiting if you are unable to eat or dislike dairy products. It can be hard to find the time to prepare meals in a busy modern lifestyle and it is

easy to be tempted by fast food and ready meals.

South Beach diet : verdictOverall this is a good diet. It keeps your heart healthy while reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol. It has one of the lowest dropout rates for modern diets and provides practical eating patterns. It provides quick weight loss at the beginning and a steady weight loss continues until you reach your ideal weight. With this diet the weight is more likely to stay off.

Subway Diet informationThe Subway Diet was popularized by Jared Fogle who lost 245 pounds by eating only subway sandwiches for a year. The Subway Diet is basically a low fat plan, which works because you consume fewer calories than you use. There is no cheese, mayonnaise or oil allowed on any of the subs. Below is what Jared Fogle ate for a year to lose 245 poundsBreakfast:Coffee (not a great start) Lunch: A six-inch turkey sub, no mayo, no oil and a bag of baked potato chips. Dinner: A foot long veggie sub. Drinks: Unlimited diet soda through the day.

Subway Diet : Reasons for Easy to follow No cooking

Subway Diet : Reasons against Expensive Boring Not enough vitamins or minerals . . . not too balanced

Subway Diet : VerdictThe Subway Diet is a great personal success story, it is not however a good or sensible diet. There is no mystery to it; if you use more calories than you consume you will lose weight, but no one would suggest a 1000 calorie day diet of just chocolate. However, subway is a great alternative to fast food – just look at the calorie content of what you are ordering and go easy on the sauces. My personal favorite is the grilled chicken on wheat bun with the southwest sauce (I’m not dieting) and salad on top (lettuce, tomatoes, olives) with oil and vinegar. But be aware that this is not on the diet because it is higher calorie than the turkey or veggie subs.

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Sugar Busters Diet InformationThe Sugar Busters Diet first came about in mid 1990s. The theory behind it is that sugar is toxic and when sugar is eaten it causes an increase in insulin which in turn encourages weight gain. This means that refined sugar in cakes, sweets and fizzy drinks are all ruled out in the Sugar Busters Diet. However, some healthy foods are also banned from this diet such as potatoes, pasta and carrots as the Sugar Busters Diet discourages food with a high glycemic index. The Sugar Busters Diet follows a 30% protein, 40% fat and 30% carbohydrate plan that doesn't limit portion sizes

Sugar Busters Diet : Reasons for Eliminates lots of unhealthy junk foods from your diet Too much sugar is eaten in the modern diet and it contains only empty calories Clear food guidelines and meal plans Steering clear from sugar is a good premise to a diet that will help with long term

weight loss No calorie counting or portion control

Sugar Busters Diet : Reasons against Sugar is in no way toxic Eliminates too many healthy foods as part of its guidelines

Sugar Busters Diet : VerdictThe Sugar Busters Diet has no scientific basis as sugar is not toxic and the glycemic index of the foods is a lot less important than calories in/out (unless you are a diabetic). However removing excess sugar from your diet is a good idea as sugar contains only empty calories with no nutritional value. There is no good reason for this diet to eliminate healthy foods, as most problems with insulin relate to obesity and too high a calorie intake not the high glycemic index as claimed.

Somersizing Information Somersizing was developed by TV celebrity Suzanne Somers. Suzanne Somers has published several diet books each book adds updates to her original plan. The Somersizing diet is a mixture of several ideas as it is part food combining and part Atkins style low carb diet. It eliminates several refined foods including sugar and white flour and recommends eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Fruits should be eaten alone while vegetables should be eaten with fats and proteins. There is no portion control and the diet recommends eating frequent small meals

Somersizing : Reasons for You can eat all the proteins and fats that you like No need to monitor portions Reduces the sugar intake and therefore lots of junk foods Encourages lots of small meals

Somersizing : Reasons against The high protein/ high fat diet is linked to heart disease

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Low in fiber and can cause constipation Complex meal plans are needed to follow the food combining rules Some claims are Unsupported by scientific evidence

Somersizing : VerdictThe Somersizing diet should help you lose weight as it follows a low calorie plan and the elimination of junk food is always helpful in any diet. Food combining has very little scientific evidence and if you follow this plan you should be aware that some recommendations can encourage a high fat intake.

Weight Watchers informationJean Nidetch founded weight Watchers in the early 1960s. It has evolved over the years from a food exchange system that gave a set number of calories and food exchanges to follow for each meal and snack. Now, Weight Watchers is a points-based system whereby points are assigned for each food based on fat, fiber and calorie content. Each person is set a daily points target and can eat any variety of food that adds up to that total. Each person is responsible for meeting his or her own targets. The Weight Watchers program is conducted in a group support system with weekly meetings. It has a global network of support groups and meetings involving over 20 million people. Weight Watchers also offers an online program for those who do not wish to attend weekly weigh-ins.

Weight Watchers : Reasons for Group support can be helpful and encouraging Any foods can be eaten Weight Watcher groups are very wide spread Proven weight loss method with a strong track record Lots of products available Diet is safe and promotes good eating habits

Weight Watchers : Reasons against Not all people enjoy weekly meetings which can be particularly daunting if you

haven't lost any weight Weight loss is slow (I would actually say this is a benefit) Not easy to translate non Weight Watcher products into their points equivalent

Weight Watchers : Verdict Weight Watchers is a very good method of losing weight especially for the heavier dieter. It has a proven record and its emphasis is on healthy eating and long-term weight management. It is very good for those dieters that enjoy group support and can handle its pressure.

Zone Diet Information

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The zone diet was created by Barry Sears, PhD. This is a low carbohydrate plan that claims to balance protein, carbohydrates and fats in a 40%-30%-30% ratio. It is meant to optimize the body's metabolic function by regulating blood sugar levels. By regulating insulin production in the zone diet it claims will maximize fat loss and reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease. The Zone's eating plan is a combination of a small amount of low-fat protein, fats, and carbohydrates in the form of fiber-rich vegetables and fruits. Proteins should be eaten in every meal and snack. Carbohydrates should be twice the size of the protein portion. These include vegetables, beans, and whole-grains. "Unfavorable carbohydrates" such as brown rice, pasta, bananas, bagels, etc. should be eaten in smaller portions. The main problem with the zone diet is that the 40%-30%-30% ratio is very strict and hard to follow especially as the meals also have to be split into blocks within your own unique combination. As this plan is so complicated it has over the years been simplified. However, Barry Sears is quite adamant about having the correct amount so by doing a simplified version you are not really following the zone. The whole diet plan is low in calories (typically 800-1200) which is probably the most likely cause for weight loss rather than regulating insulin levels.

Zone Diet : Reasons for Good amounts of fruits and low starch vegetables Low in saturated fats Restricts low nutrition carbohydrates Steady weight loss if followed exactly

Zone Diet : Reasons against Very complicated and too scientific Restricted calorie intake means it is difficult to stay on it Eliminates some highly nutritious foods and is low in whole grain and calcium Expensive to follow if you purchase all the pre packaged zone products Time consuming as you should have six meals a day

Zone Diet : VerdictThe diet is very hard to follow and most weight loss is due to the low calorie intake. The higher calorie versions of this diet are safe although all versions are low on some nutrients. It can be a worthwhile short-term diet for those dieters that enjoy a bit of routine in their diet.

Maker’s Diet: The 40-day health experience is a program based on biblical and scientific principles

Your body, mind, and spirit are inexorably linked and heavily interdependent in the pursuit of total health. The body serves as the "house" for both mind and spirit; therefore, properly maintaining the body is essential to overall health. Unlike the endless fad diets and health programs littering the American landscape, The Maker's Diet is designed to produce noticeable results — through balanced, whole-food nutrition, not dangerous, quick-weight-loss gimmicks. The 40-day program is divided into three two-week phases. These three phases are easy to follow, and each features foods that are healthy and delicious. When you’ve finished the 40-day program, you’ll enter into the Wellness for Life program, the maintenance phase of the diet.   The Maker's Diet is based on the following tenets:  

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Biblical Principles   Obeying the Father Just as God handed down His moral law in the Ten Commandments, the dietary guidelines he set down were designed to preserve our health. God’s dietary guidelines are not some narrow-minded religious exercise meant to set apart certain people from their neighbors. They were given by a loving God to save His people.   Always observe God’s dietary laws. Eat any fish with fins and scales but avoid fish or water creatures without them (Lev. 11:9-10). Those to avoid include smooth-skinned species such as catfish or eel and hard-shelled crustaceans such as crab, lobster, or clams. The meat of animals with a cloven or split hoof that also chew the cud (Lev. 11:3) can be eaten. This includes cows, goats, sheep, oxen, deer, buffalo, and so forth. Do not eat swine (pigs). They have divided hooves, but they do not chew the cud. These are unclean animals (Lev. 11:7-8).   Scientific Principles  The Three I’s  The Maker’s Diet is designed to attack the three I’ s — insulin, infection, and inflammation. By balancing insulin, you can improve physical, mental, and emotional health; also, balancing your blood sugar will result in sharpening your concentration and enhancing your mood. By reducing infection, you can lessen the toxic burden placed on your body by your daily contact with germs. By lessening inflammation, you can reduce aches and pains and decrease risk factors for such diseases as heart disease and cancer. By attacking these three I’ s, you can improve your appearance and increase your energy and begin to reverse the process of accelerated aging — living life the way you were meant to live it.

Phase 1: Correcting Harmful Imbalances

Phase 1 makes up the first 14 days of the 40-day health experience and sets the foundation for your success. Phase 1 focuses on…   • Knowing which foods to enjoy or avoid: Because Phase 1 targets cleansing the body and correcting imbalances, it is essential to begin by eliminating the foods or chemicals your body is addicted to. For many, these are junk foods that include sugars, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and preservatives.   • Learning to choose healthier foods: Success on The Maker's Diet will come from establishing and maintaining a higher standard of quality for the food choices you make.   • Understanding the value of advanced hygiene: As important to overall health as diet or exercise, proper hygiene is completely overlooked by most simple diet or health plans. The Maker’s Diet advanced hygiene system was inspired by the guidelines laid out in the Bible. It is a revolutionary approach to achieving greater health and is fundamental in supporting your immune system.   • Imbuing one’s life with prayer and purpose: For greater resolve, each day of the journey toward optimal health will begin and end with prayers of thanksgiving, healing, and petition.   The components of Phase 1 should greatly reduce your risk of incurring disease. Throughout the 14 days, the program outlined in Phase 1 effectively helps your body reduce insulin sensitivity and balance the omega-3/omega-6 ratio vital for decreasing inflammation and enhancing the health of your immune system; this, in turn,  will reduce your chance of infection. But even more important, you’ll begin to achieve a greater sense of balance — mind, body, and spirit.

Phase 2: Returning to Optimal Health

Phase 2 of The Maker's Diet continues the journey toward optimal, total-body health. Having completed the first (and most restrictive) portion of the program in Phase 1, you should start seeing positive changes in your appearance and mood and have a feeling of well-being. You may also notice your clothes are looser as the waistline starts to melt away.

Spanning days 15-28 of the 40-day health experience, Phase 2 continues the body's trend toward healthy weight loss and includes a greater variety of foods, while helping you establish the healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.   Of course, there are still foods to avoid, but now there are even more to enjoy! As one progresses from Phase 1 — the most restrictive portion of the diet — into Phase 2, the food options will expand considerably. Phase 3 will reintroduce some previously eliminated foods — for example, more varieties of fruits, dairy, and starches such as sweet potatoes.

Phase 3: Claiming Health for Life Realizing your health goals

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Phase 3 spans days 29-40  of the 40-day experience. Phase 3 adds even more food options, culminating in a healthy, balanced diet that can and will sustain your overall health for a lifetime.   A dieter will have noticed some significant improvements in his or her health and may be approaching an ideal weight, or may find that weight has already stabilized. During Phases 1 and 2, the body will have returned to optimal health levels by restoring the immune system and balancing blood sugar — all because of the work that has been done to create and maintain healthy eating habits.   Phase 3 of The Maker's Diet allows and encourages healthful, balanced eating from each of the food groups. In other words, there are more foods to enjoy! Phase 3 reacquaints the dieter with healthy grains and foods higher in natural sugars and starches, including bananas, potatoes, breads, and popcorn, to name a few.

Now in my opinion, there is a great deal of similarity here with the South Beach plan – just a few more scriptures thrown into the text to attract the religious dieter. Looks pretty good to me overall.

Jenny Craig

Jenny Craig Inc.According to the official company web site:

Jenny Craig, Inc. is one of the largest weight management service companies in the world.

Jenny Craig offers a proven, comprehensive program that, through sound nutrition and simple activity, helps clients achieve the balance necessary for optimal weight loss and personal well-being.

Jenny Craig Weight Management ProgramThis is available in one of two ways:

By attending a Jenny Craig CenterThis option involves personal, one-on-one consultations at Jenny Craig Centers. You are assigned a trained weight loss consultant to help you plan nutritionally balanced diet menus. The diet foods are purchased from Jenny Craig. There are Jenny Craig locations throughout the country.

By joining the Jenny Craig Direct At-Home ProgramThis allows you to participate in the Jenny Craig Program from the convenience of your own home. You enjoy weekly "phone-meetings" with your trained Consultant, and order your food in at least two-week increments.Weekly support consultations are done over the phone, toll-free and Jenny Craig menus and support materials are delivered to your door.

Calories and Weight LossThe calorie-level of your menu plan will vary according to your need. The lowest calorie level is 1200 calories per day. The Jenny Craig Program has been designed to result in a weekly weight loss of 1-2 pounds or 1% of your body weight.

Menu PlansAll menu plans that are nutritionally balanced according to the recommendations of the USDA Food Guide Pyramid and U.S. Dietary Guidelines. Clients can choose from more than 70 food products. Each is manufactured to the specification of our dieticians, approved by our Medical

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Too Much Control for Comfort?The Jenny Craig Program is based on the consumption of pre-packaged meals. This is very convenient to begin with but this close dietary supervision can cause problems once the diet ends. The dieter may not be ready to "go it alone." To put it another way, short-term weight loss goals take priority over the need to learn new eating habits.

Too Expensive?The Jenny Craig Program requires you to purchase Jenny Craig food products, which are more expensive than the pre-packaged meals in a standard food store. Phase One of the program requires you to purchase a set number of meals which can cost up to $400.


The NutriSystem Nourish program is all about convenience. They sell pre-packaged (heat and

eat) meals from their website and ship them to your door. They have an ongoing deal that will

supply one weeks free food with every 4 week order). This amounts to $293.72 for 5 weeks

food. This is effectively fast food for weight loss. If you are not prepared to eat processed food

(i.e. increased sodium), then this is not for you.

Jenny Craig vs Nutrisystem

Both of these diets are about pre-packaged foods and portion-controlled weight loss. Jenny

Craig charges a membership fee (which requires signing a contract). Nutrisystem has no such

contract and membership is free. Jenny Craig allows you to visit with a counsellor, whereas

Nutrisystem only offers phone counselling.

The average customer stays for 9.5 weeks. This shows that NutriSystem is useful for getting

back on track, but it is not a permanent answer. After finishing your stint with Nutrisystem you

must go back to preparing your own meals - and this is a critical time (and an issue with every

on-and-off diet).

Diet and Nutritional Aspects

The Nutrisystem diet is based around the glycemic index. They have options for men, women,

diabetics, and vegetarians. Typical daily calorie amounts will vary from 1200 to 1500, and each

days food consists of 3 meals and 2 snacks. The macro-nutrient ratios are approximately 55%

carbohydrates, 25% protein and 20% fats. The have 2 additional programs for women and men

over 60 - the only difference here is the addition of one months supply of a multivitamin-


So it seems that people do add some fresh fruit and vegetables into the mix - and indeed

Nutrisystem recommend adding 4½ cups. Alcohol should be avoided, but tea, coffee, and diet

sodas are okay. Exercise is fully recommended with beginner, intermediate, and advanced

workout plans available.

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So... will you lose weight?

Strictly follow a 1200-1500 calorie diet - such as Nutrisystem, and most people will lose weight.

It's a simple formula of reducing energy intake. How long the weight loss will continue is

something that cannot be easily answered. This is the same with virtually every diet - you

reach a plateau and something will need to change (changing exercise patterns, lifting

weights, changing nutrient ratios, etc.). However an appraisal of most opinion sites on the web

show that people (a) Definitely lose weight with Nutrisystem and (b) Tend to get tired of the

food after 2-3 months.

Dr. Phil’s Ultimate Weight Loss Solution

What more would we expect from a popular psychologist other than a psychological perspective on weight loss. Diets fail, he says, because we rebel and we don't have a system in place to support us when we're not in the mood to stick to our plan. In the following excerpt, Dr. Phil explains step-by-step how to examine and challenge your habits of mind—and stop medicating yourself with food. Regaining control of your feelings is not only the key to losing weight, but also to your overall well-being. These seven steps will show you how to do it!

Step 1: Take Ownership of Your ReactionsImagine you apply for a job you really want but you're not hired. Your reaction could be: "Hey, I don't like getting turned down. But I know in my heart I am talented and competent, and I'll apply for another job." You're being rational and realistic, yet you're not likely to get upset and suffer a huge blow to your self-worth. On the other hand, maybe your reaction is, "I'm such a loser. I blew the interview, and I got what I deserved. That job was too good for me. They knew I couldn't cut it. Give me a bag of chips so I can feel better." What happens in the wake of that thinking is a feeling of stress, and maybe depression. You believe that not getting the job made you upset, when in fact, it was your thinking that hurt you.

Whatever the situation, you can choose your reaction. The events in your daily life have only the meaning you assign to them. This is why one of my life laws states that there is no reality, only perception. If your response is counterproductive, test your perceptions more often and become more accountable for how you react to problems. Stop being overly sensitive to the negatives, while filtering out the positives. Recognize where your outlook is distorted so that you can make adjustments.

Make no mistake: I'm not suggesting you interpret everything in a Pollyanna fashion. If you experience one of life's top stressors—say, the death of a child or a divorce—it's not rational for you to interpret that in any way as being good. But you have a choice about whether that event will be your undoing or whether it becomes something you deal with in a constructive manner, creating meaning and purpose out of your suffering. That can take any number of forms, from counseling other victims of tragedy to volunteering for a cause. The most important choice you have is what you do now. The past is over. The future hasn't happened yet. The only time is now.

Step 2: Resolve, Rather Than React to, Life's ProblemsYou can either sit around and stew, or you can make the choice to take action and adopt a solution-side approach. If it's a bill you can't pay, whining and worrying won't satisfy your creditor. If it's an argument with your spouse, withdrawing and brooding won't bring things to resolution. What's more, none of these situations will get better if you respond by stuffing yourself with food. Stop living reactively and begin to choose the right attitude and the right behavior to generate the right results. Remember that action—not reaction—gets meaningful, constructive results. Those old sayings have long lives because they're true: No one ever climbed a hill just by looking at it. You can't get anywhere unless you start. When you're accountable for your problems and their solutions, you are an agent of change.

Rethink Weight Loss  Regaining control of your feelings is not only the key to losing weight, but also to your overall well-being. These seven steps will show you how to do it!

Step 3: Decelerate Your Thinking

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Changing your emotional responses, and the unwanted eating behavior that flows from them, requires slowing down, listening to your thinking, evaluating your reactions, and altering them. That's why you must learn to put your mind into slow motion like a videotape. I know this sounds like a tall order, but let me assure you that it will be one of the easiest and most effective ways to manage your emotional life. If you have open emotional wounds, then you will "feed the need." Food can be a great comforter and can create weight that is a great excuse to drop out of all or part of your life.

How about you? Do you need weight as a coping mechanism? Are you sabotaging yourself for some unapparent reason? Slow your thoughts down, and listen attentively. Trust me; you did tell yourself something if you now feel angry, mad, anxious, frustrated, sad or depressed. From now on, whenever you get upset, listen ever so carefully to what you're telling yourself. Be sure to write your thoughts down. This helps you appraise them more objectively and allows you to get some perspective.

Step 4: Challenge and Restructure Your Automatic ThoughtsBy overriding your mental conditioning, you can reprogram yourself and better manage your emotional life. Ask yourself:

Are my thoughts true? Do they serve my best interests? Do they advance and protect my health? Do they help me achieve my weight-management goals?

When you do this reality check, your beliefs, attitudes and evaluations of yourself will begin to change, no matter how long-standing they are. To be liberated from the control of negative emotions, you'll need to see the truth in the fact that you're responsible for upsetting yourself. It's wrong to continue in the belief that something or someone is causing you to feel emotions you don't want to feel. I know I keep knocking this into your head: You can't change other people or conditions; you can change only your reactions to them.

Step 5: Gain ClosureIf you allow ugly emotions to take root in your heart and mind, they will not remain specific to the situation that provoked them. They begin to contaminate all your relationships, and the person you once were begins to die. Maintaining anger, hurt, vengeance, hatred and other burdens eats away at your body and soul. If emotional pain or problems have cropped up in your life, you must insist on getting closure. This means you address the issue, then you slam the book shut and put it away. Whatever that takes, do it. A powerful process that I use to help people get emotional closure is what I call your Minimal Effective Response (MER). The operative word here is minimal. Let me explain what MER is not. For one thing, it is not seeking revenge or plotting ways to undermine other people. Taking such actions only harms you in the long run because you're still holding on to self-destructive emotions. MER seeks to satisfy your need for emotional resolution without creating a whole new set of problems. Maybe it means confronting yourself or the other person. Maybe it means taking legal action. Maybe it requires forgiveness or making an apology. Maybe it means writing a letter to someone or stomping on a wrongdoer's grave. Maybe it involves seeing a mental health counselor or turning the situation and its emotional battle over to God. There are many different ways to obtain MER; the key is to get maximum results for minimal expense. When you initiate your MER, trust me, it will lessen your need to use food as medication. To map out your MER, you can use the following questions:

What action can I take to resolve my emotional pain?  If I were successful and achieved this resolution, how would I feel? Does the feeling I will have match the feeling I want to have? Remembering the word minimal, could there be some other economical action that would give me the

emotional resolve I need?

 After considering your own emotional responses, and the nature and degree of the suffering you have endured, what is your MER? Maybe all you need to do is compose a letter and write down all your thoughts and feelings. Maybe you need to mail the letter. But whatever your MER is, you need to identify it and you need to do it. You need to say, "Okay, it's done. I've had enough. I will no longer allow you to rob me of my self-control."

Step 6: Learn the Power of ForgivenessThere's one more facet to this vitally important action called Minimal Effective Response (MER). The key with which you unlock your emotional prison and set yourself free may be forgiveness. Initially, forgiveness might be very hard for you, because you probably feel that it demonstrates weakness rather than strength. I submit to you that this powerful human act does anything but, and it may be absolutely essential in order for you to make positive change.

Let's be clear by what I mean when I use the word forgiveness: I'm talking about something that happens entirely

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within you. Forgiveness is a choice you make to release yourself from anger, hatred and resentment. I'm not saying that the choice is easy, only that it is necessary. You should also know I'm in no way asking you to take the position that whatever may have happened to you is now okay. Forgiveness is not a feeling that you passively wait to come over you. It is a choice you make. By not forgiving your wrongdoers, you allow them to lock you back into your prison, and they win. You see: Forgiveness of those who have transgressed against you is not about them. It's about you.

If you're unsure how to forgive, let me help give you a voice. You might say to yourself, "I am making a choice to forgive you. By doing so, I free myself from the bond I had with you through hatred, anger, resentment or fear. I take back my power and gain the freedom that only forgiveness can bring. You cannot hurt me and you cannot control me. I forgive for myself."  

Step 7: Cope Without FoodI strongly advise building simple relaxation into your daily life. If you're upset and treat yourself to a bag of candy because you "deserve it," get real. There are better ways to take care of yourself and restore calm. The alternatives include, but are not limited to, exercise (including yoga), meditation, deep breathing and listening to music. By most research accounts, these natural and inexpensive activities work directly on your nervous system by releasing endorphins, your brain's natural tranquilizers, to reduce anxiety.

Now you may be thinking: "Relaxation, breathing exercises, are you kidding? Give me something to eat!" My message to you right now is simply this: Guard against being close-minded. Your challenge is to consider all the possible coping skills available to you, other than eating, that will bring you the payoffs of peace and balance. Be willing to plunge into the unknown. Leave behind the safe, unchallenging, and familiar existence in order to have more.

As you incorporate tension-reducing activities in your life, you'll see that something as simple as breathing deeply can help you calm down so that you can avoid medicating yourself with food. As you learn to better manage your negative emotions, their frequency and intensity will fade, and you'll be less and less likely to slide back into self-destructive patterns. Your life will become much more orderly, peaceful and fulfilling. You'll push your emotional life to the best levels of who you are in your mind and heart. You'll have a newfound sense of freedom. You'll feel good about yourself and your body. You'll feel good about life, and you will live it to the fullest and best of your ability.

"I Eat Because…" ChecklistMore than 50 percent of all overweight people use food to cope with depression, anger and stress. Are you among them? You can't change what you don't acknowledge.

Check off the reasons you eat. Please be brutally honest in your answers:1. I munch when I get bored. 2. I like to eat with my friends, even if I'm not hungry. 3. I eat so the cook will not be offended. 4. I eat when I get depressed. 5. I eat when I'm lonely. 6. I eat when I get anxious about something. 7. There are times when my eating is out of control. 8. I like to nurture other people with food. 9. I will eat my way through a difficult time (like a divorce, a job loss, an illness or a broken dream). 10. I eat when I feel my energy go down. 11. I crave some foods. 12. I just like to have something in my mouth. 13. I eat even if I'm not hungry. 14. I like to celebrate with food. 15. I think about food a good deal of the time. 16. I have a tendency to binge. 17. I eat to be polite. 18. I'm sometimes embarrassed by how much I eat. 19. I eat to relieve stress. 20. I get upset if I overeat. 21. I eat because I get angry. 22. I'm displeased with my weight, but I overeat anyway. 23. I always clean my plate so as not to waste food. 24. I need high levels of sugar in my system. 25. Eating is my main enjoyment in life.

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For each "frequently" you checked, give yourself two points, for each "occasionally," give yourself one point, and for each "never," give yourself zero points. If your overall score is more than 35, it's likely that you have serious trouble with emotional eating and must get your self-defeating pattern under control. If your score is between 15 and 35, you struggle with emotional eating at times, and you could benefit from learning new coping strategies.

So again, this focuses on the psychology of weight loss, but could prove to be a valuable supplement to anyone serious about overcoming bad habits and hidden causes of their diet demise (other than laziness and ignorance of sound nutritional principles).

The End . . . almost . . .

Assignment: Simply state that you read this huge list. Also, let me know if there are other diets you would like me to comment on.

Reading: I think you had enough for one day!
