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DAY 3 CONFLICTS. Conflicts – Between Christianity and Science. Religion is a subset of culture....

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Conflicts –Between Christianity and Science. Religion is a subset of culture. Culture is how WE do things. It obviates the need to think. Breaking with culture is heavily suppressed.

We Will consider 3 topics

Origins of the universe (creation)

Generation of homo sapiens sapiens (man)

Response to cultural challenges.

Origins of the universe (creation)

What the Bible says

What science says

What the Bible saysGenesis1:2 earth exists but is formless and dark1:3 light is generated giving day and night (1)1:8 “vault” (sky) is created (2)1:9 land is created that generates vegetation (3)1:14 stars placed in the sky and the sun and the moon (4)1:20-22 birds in the air ; fish in the sea – can multiply (5)1:28-30 land creatures; man in God’s image with rule over all living things (6)2:2 God finished and rested, making 7th day holy (7)

What science says. Universe is Expanding. Universe Begins with a Bang. Universe is 13.798 Billion years old.. Earth is 4.54 Billion years old.. Formed by accretion

What science says. Between 542 and 522 million years ago, life goes from small groups of cells to ever larger and more complex fauna forms. (½ % of available time)

.Most major phyla appear(Animal kingdom has @ 35 phyla)

What science says

Permian mass extinctionThe Permian mass extinction has been nicknamed The Great Dying, since a staggering 96% of species died out. All life on Earth today is descended from the 4% of species that survived.

Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinctionK/T extinction - is famed for the death of the dinosaurs

Ordovician-Silurian mass extinctionThe third largest extinction in Earth's history, most life was in the sea

Late Devonian mass extinctionThree quarters of all species on Earth died out in the Late Devonian mass extinction

Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction

Half of all species on Earth died out

What the Bible saysTimeline

Event/Person PassageTotal Time from Creation (years)

God created everything. Genesis 1–2 0

Adam became the father of Seth at 130.

Genesis 5:3 0 + 130 = 130

Seth became the father of Enosh at 105.

Genesis 5:6 130 + 105 = 235

Enosh became the father of Kenan at 90.

Genesis 5:9 235 + 90 = 325

Cainan became the father of Mahalalel at 70.

Genesis 5:12 325 + 70 = 395

Mahalalel became the father of Jared at 65.

Genesis 5:15 395 + 65 = 460

Jared became the father of Enoch at 162.

Genesis 5:18 460 + 162 = 622

Enoch became the father of Methuselah at 65.

Genesis 5:21 622 + 65 = 687

Methuselah became the father of Lamech at 187.

Genesis 5:25 687 + 187 = 874

Lamech became the father of Noah at 182.

Genesis 5:28 874 + 182 = 1056

The Flood started when Noah was 600.

Genesis 7:6 1056 + 600 = 1656

What the Bible saysEstimate made by James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh (1640) AM is Anno Mundi (year of the world) Date for the flood 1656 AMDate for the flood 2348 BCCalculated date for creation 4004 BC

OthersVenerable Bede 3952 BCJohannes Kepler 3992 BC Isaac Newton 4000 BC

What the Bible says

What the Bible says

Types of SelectionGregor Mendel 1822-1884 used experiments with peas selecting ones to breed to establish laws of inheritance.

Charles Darwin 1809-1882 took 5 year journey around South America, 1831-1836, on HMS Beagle picking up fauna specimens – finding variations of same species on different islands- concluding “natural selection”

Great Apes




20 million years ago

7 million

1 million

Bipedal Hominini

Homo Habilis 1.7 million years ago

Neanderthals. Close human relative 12% DNA variance. 35,000 years ago Homo Sapiens (HS) reached Europe. Evidence of Neanderthals in Europe 250K years ago. Went extinct 24K years ago. European HS mated with and have 1-4 % DNA from them today

DNA – Code of All Life


Scientifically Modified Genesis1.1 About 13 billion years ago God said let there be light and a photon of very high frequency alternately became matter and energy and expanded to fill the universe.

1.2 Then God created our Galaxy 4.55 billion years ago, when Earth cooled for 4 billon years, He took simple cells and combined them to make very complex organic systems which, in 20 million years, provided the basis for all plants and animals

Scientifically Modified Genesis

1.3 Into each complex system He provided a data base to record what each life from was and a program to allow reproduction of this life form.

1.4 He called this DNA and saw that it was good.

Scientifically Modified Genesis2.1 He then provided a mechanism to allow all life forms to better themselves, when the need arose, to cope with changing conditions.

2.2 He called this evolution.

Scientifically Modified Genesis3.1 As the need arose, as in the case of the flood in Noah’s time, He caused an extinction event that destroyed a large proportion of all living things. This allowed surviving life to start over and generate new and better life forms.

3.2 In this way He created man in His Image.

. Under Greek democracy, Alcmeonidae was exiled on the grounds of reli gious pollution

. Socrates was condemned to death for  "failing to acknowledge the gods that the city acknowledges" and "introducing new deities".

. Galileo was sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life for claiming that the earth moved around the sun

Cultural Conflicts

Trial of Galileo. Galileo’s observations make clear that the Earth moves about the Sun

. He is brought to trail for saying so

. Cardinal Bellarmino warns that this observation violates Scripture

. Galileo is ordered to recant and is placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life. (1633-1642)

Atheist vs CreationistNo need for a God hypothesis Nothing comes from nothing

Obvious errors in the Bible Men are imperfect; languageshave limited expressability

All necessary explanations are Science does not refute but sheds covered by science light on God’s creation

Religions have done great evil Religious men do evil; Christianity preaches good

Intelligent Design Stephen Meyer. Constant living God

. 19th Century Science led to the new atheism

. 21st Century science leads to Intelligent design

Hubbel – Einstein – “There is a beginning”

Hawkings - Penrose Singularity theorem

Cosmological fine tuning


Is the canon the true word of God? If not, how do you decide which part is true?

Has science proved that God does not exist?
