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Day - Philip A. C. Clarke - Archives MOOD OF WONDER.pdf · to try and recapture mood of the story....

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Christmas Day will soon be here. Over l · nd and sea, in deep wistfulness as well as in great faith, will be proclaimed anew that message first heard on Judean hills two thousand years ago - "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people ... " Original message c me to band of shepherds watching flocks. In silence of night, in the darkness, above dull routine of humble tasks, simple herders of sheep heard the angels sing. Then, following the celestial music they hasten- ed to Bethlehem and found Ia ry, Joseph and the Babe, lying in a manger. all so wonderful and so incomp rehensi- ble. Need t o Recdpt ure , ood of onder How we cherish the simple beauty of the story. And every Christmas we need to try and recapture mood of the story. Is a mood of wonder. Zlement of glad and joyous surprise in the story. in atmosphere of wonder. Here is a child born to very humble parents. In a stable. Cradled in a manger. Birth announced by an angel and cele- brated by chorus of angels - "Glory to God in the highest". Then come wise men from the east - on camel s who se crunching feet have crossed many leagues of desert. They h ve followed a star. All so wonderful. Then those gifts of gold, frankincense and my rrh. So wonde rful. Save to admit we find it hard to capture mood of wonder . 'Ne grow critical and captious. \'J lose Jesus among the cellophane. Holiday rather than .- holyd y. Uneasy feeling we are being sentimentalized and co mme rci:ilized. 11ss the wonder of it all in the hectic hurry. The season for many will be merely a holiday rather vaguely associated with birth of Christ. Feasting and drinking in a world where des- perate multitudes are hungry and cold. of gifts, in many cases between people who have just about everything one could wish for - un-

Christmas Day will soon be here. Over l · nd and sea, in deep wistfulness as well as in great faith, will be proclaimed anew that message first heard on Judean hills two thousand years ago -"Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people ... "

Original message c me to band of shepherds watching flocks. In silence of night, in the darkness, above dull routine of humble tasks, simple herders of sheep heard the angels sing. Then, following the celestial music they hasten­ed to Bethlehem and found Iary, Joseph and the Babe, lying in a manger.

~ as all so wonderful and so incomp rehensi-ble.

Need t o Recdp t ure , ood of onder

How we cherish the simple beauty of the story. And every Christmas we need to try and recapture mood

of the story. Is a mood of wonder. Zlement of glad and joyous surprise in the story. l'~oves in atmosphere of wonder. Here is a child born to very humble parents. In a stable. Cradled in a manger. Birth announced by an angel and cele­brated by chorus of angels - "Glory to God in the highest". Then come wise men from the east - on camel s who se crunching feet have crossed many leagues of desert. They h ve followed a star. All so wonderful. Then those gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. So wonderful.

Save to admit we find it hard to capture mood of wonder . 'Ne grow critical and captious. \'J lose Jesus among the cellophane. Holiday rather than .- holyd y. Uneasy feeling we are being sentimentalized and comme rci:ilized. 11ss the wonder of it all in the hectic hurry. The season for many will be merely a holiday rather vaguely associated with birth of Christ.

Feasting and drinking in a world where des­perate multitudes are hungry and cold. ~xchange of gifts, in many cases between people who have just about everything one could wish for - un-


less it be inner happiness and pe ce. ~dna St. Vincent Millay; "For this your Mother sweated in the cold; for this you bled upon the tree; a yard of tinsel bought and sold; a paper wreathe; a day at home for me".

But surely, we are among those who would ob­serve the season worthily. Surely our prayer is that the Spirit of Christmas and the Mood of Won­der shall fall upon our spirits light as a mantle of snow - as clean and as transforming as mantle of snow.

C..tught t he .ionder

Should be grateful for all who help us capture mood of wonder. They help us

because they had the mood themselves. What a houseparty it would be if we could bring them to­gether! Brother Charles Vlesley - "Hark the her­ald angels sing"; Phillips Brooks - "0 little town of Bethlehem"; Dr. Martin Luther - " 1 way in a manger"; Joseph Mohr - "Silent night"; George Frederick Handel - "Messiah". Hhat a party!

111 ~t Lew lallace - "Ben Hur". Story f Three J-..f-'1~ings - Gaspar, r.1elchior, B l thasar. ·. ho can for­

get the chariot race? .~md the artists. All who have caught the mood of wonder and have sought to convey it to others .

.n11d of course, Dickens i:illd his "Christmas Carol. '1Jhat a blessing it has been. It dances, it leaps, it sings. "Sings like a happy man go­ing home; nd, like a happy and good man, when it cannot sing, it yells" - Chesterton. t-hould be read every Christmas with the Christmas Story . Mi ght seem a little stuffy and old-fashioned and rather simple. Might say it is little impossible and far-fetched. Never anyone so tight-fisted as ~benezer Scrooge. And Bob Cratchit had inferior­ity complex. Should have told where Scrooge to go. Thrown coal scuttle at him and hit him with ruler.

Story shows how spirit of Christmas took the raw materials of tragedy, sordidness, pain, and transmuted them into goodness and beauty. Scrooge forgot his almshouses for poor, prisons for poor debtors. Came to see mankind, charity, benevo­lence were his business. Mood of wonder. e~ ~~ ,

n bt ory of onder But to get back to Jesus -the story of His birth is filled with V\Onder and with

beauty. That feeling of wonder appears in the New Test ment over and over. s story unfolds, you find people marvelling. Prophecy ran as follows; "His Name shall be called 1 ~onderful!" Prophecy fulfilled in His lifetime. People were amazed. People wondered. They marvelled.

Peo ple wondered at His birth. Venerable doctors wondered at His insights vhen He made His call upon them at Temple when twelve. They wondered at His teaching. Element of surprise and wonder in it. "Man smites thee •• " "Forgive seventy times seven .•. First shall be last .•• To him t bd. t hath shall be given". No man spake like this man. Speaks with authority.

Story moves to swift climax and tragic ap­p rent defeat and death upon Cross. ~ven there He sped.ks amazing word s - "Forgive them!" There is wonder there. J-illd that was not the end of the story. On the third day there was a shout of triumph - ''He is risen from the dead".

And n i ght I say that today, nineteen cen­turies after His wonderful birth, life, death and resurrection, He is still the object of wonder. He is the central figure of the ages. Lecky, Renan, Brightman. /ha t tributes!

.illd it all sturted at Bethlehem- with a Child. ,e need to get back to Bethlehem, back to that Child - there is a journey to be made . I know, we are faced by life ' s realities; fog gets in our hearts; star becomes obscured; lose our way . But we must recapture mood of wonder.

Canon Dick Shepherd of St, r,1art in ' s in the Fields. Dark, foggy , cold evening. On way to ..£ast i:nd of London. Unromantic bus. Cold in his head. Poor church. Depressed group. Sa t in the back. Then procession started. Children caught in spell of Bethlehem's Child. Shepherds, wise men , ctngels, l•Iary and Joseph - Christ child. All in front of blue curtain. rlbove it was a star.

"I was caught by whole thing. Forgot my aches and pci ins. Gloom and fog. Making great fool of mysel f. , ith tears on cheeks I tried to say wi th them, ' Glory to God in highest .• '"

"The simple record of Jesus' active life bas done more to regenerate and soften mankind, than all the disquisitions of philosophers and all the exhortations of moralists". - m. H. Lecky

"Thou art destined to become to corner­at one of humanity in such w1 s e, that to tear thy ~arne from this world would be to shake it to its foundations ••••• All the ages will proclaim that, among the sons of men, there is none born that is greater tllan Jesus". - Ernest Renan

"A Being who, nineteen hundred years after His death, can cause a civiliz­ation to quest ion its own foundations, is no insignificant Jewish Carpenter. He is a figure of world importance " -

Edgar Bright nan e "Incomparably the gr.eatest leader the world bas ever known, judged by the test of the ages, is Jesus Christ •••• the supremely important thing in the development of the highest leadership, is a growing acquaintance and a deepen-ing fellowship w1 th the Central Figure."

- J ohn R. Mott

Albany, N. Y. THE TRINITY HERALD Dec. 18, 1948

i\ C!Cbrt~tma~ ~reettng And Mary said:

My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour

Let us reply: 0 magnify the Lord with us, And let us exalt his name together.

May your hearts be glorified by God's presence and power this holy season.

Mr. and Mrs. Hobal't F. Goewey Lillian A. Johnson Minnie C. Myers


Sunday at 7:30 P. M.

Mary Findley Ades, Organist and Choir Director

Marjorie Nichols Jones, Soprano

Eleanor M. Foote, Contralto

John G. Smyth, Tenor

Ernest Bliss, Bass

The Chancel and Junior Choirs

"The March of the Three Kings" Old Provencal

Solo-Ernest Bliss

"Come All Ye Shepherds·· Bohemian

"Our Lord is Born·· Norwegian Solo-Marjorie Nichols Jones

'·Good Christian Men·· Latin

"Carol of the Bells' · Russian

"New Born"

"Christmas Song''

"Carol of the Wind"

"Bell Carol"







CANDLE LIGHT CAROL SERVICE Our annual carol service will b e

presented Sunday evening, December 19, at 7:30 o'clock. The Junior and Chancel Choirs will participate. The carols will be drawn from many lands and many times. One very old one is called a "Norsk" carol, but at this time we would say Norwegian. Also there are two very ancient Latin songs. Then more modern ones are from Bo­hemia, Silesia, Canada, Russia, Negro and Amencan. All are beautiful. Come and bring your friends to a lovely Christmas sen·ice. •

YOUNG ADULT GROUP The Young Adult Group will meet in

the Club Room for a social hour after the Carol Service on Sunday evening.

CHRISTMAS CAROLING The High School, College Age and

Young Adult groups will meet at the church at 7:00. on Wednesday evening to do caroling. Families of shut-ins who would like to have the group sing carols at their homes are asked to con­tact Miss Johnson on Sunday.

Rev. Fred Clark ' 10 Fifth J, ve • ,

T R I N I .y.lyverl=t~ 'RAt D Trinity Methodist Church, Albany, New York

Vol. 11 December 18, 1948 No. 15

The Lord Is Come


Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Is Come


Christmas Cantata


Anthem-"Bring Costly Offerings" Saint-Sa ens

Sermon By Dr. Goewey:


On this Christmas Sunday we bring our adoration and our strength to God. It is one of the supreme festivals of the Christian faith. It's theme is "God with us." It's prayer is fo1· peace within and without. Our Christmas music at its best, our church decorated to its most beautiful. Be with God at this high worship.

6:00, 6:30, 7:30-YOUTH GROUPS


Junior and Clmncel Choirs Carols from 10 Countries

ALTAR FLOWERS Altar flowers next Sunday will be

given in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson by the family.

OFFICIAL BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the

Official Board will be held Monday. December 20, at 8 o'clock in the Club R oom.

TRIM YOUR LAMPS! Remember Jesus' parable of the

bridegroom coming? And the sleepy virgins with untrimmed lamps and no oil?

That's a parable for Christmas Sun­day morning-of all mornings.

Have we let our spirits grow too tired or dull, soiled or burned-out, to greet Chnst? Let's not do that this year. Let's trim your lamps.

Or in today's terms: SET YOUR ALARM-to be ready for the worship of Christ. This Sunday celebrates one of the two greatest festivals of the w hole year: the coming of the Lord­to us. Let's not risk the "I know you not:·

FAMILY PEW Family Pew Day is kept at Trinity

the last Sunday in each month. This is the time when families have the opportunity to attend church together. Children are dismissed from their church school classes for this purpose, Dr. Goewey tells a story especially for children and the Junior Choir sings.

Some of our children are missing out on this chance to attend the "big church'' because their parents are not there to take them. We urge, not only for the sake of the children, but be­cause it is important for families to do worthwhile things together, that all families ·will make a special effort to attend church on December 26th.

WHITE GIFT Contributions for the White Gift in

the Church School will still be ac­cepted on Sunday if there are those w ho have not given as yet. It is asked that the Christmas stockings for the Methodist Hospital also be in by Sun­day.


THANKS TO WORKERS Mrs. Edith Mosher, Secretary of

Christian Social Relations and Local Church Activities of the Woman's So­ciety, expresses her thanks as chair­man of the Trinity Country Fair and Bazaar to everyone who contributed and helped in every way. The .fair was a great success both in finances and in church fellowship, and the service and gifts of all are much ap­preciated.


, What would we not give if for six days in Christmas week, I as your pastor, could visit every home in Trin­ity parish for just five minutes? We can do just that this week. Will you let me in? In one parish I used to do that at the door-step of every home once at Christmas. But here we have nearly five times as many members. Yet we may do it-by the help of sta­tion WPTR. Each morning at 8:55, if you will tune your radio to 1540 on the right side of your dial, I'll be there for an informal visit. This is the daily program of that station with inter­views "Behind the Pulpit" with Albany pastors. This is your minister's week. While we will be speaking to the whole community's listeners, yet the station has asked me to call it to our own people's attention. I am doubly glad because it is Christmas week, and I can bring you Christmas greetings. Tell your neighbors too. We hope, too, that our folks will get acquainted with the other pastors of the city through these services on other weeks and will come to know better the work of our whole Church, which is one in God.

For our people I am suggesting else­where in this Herald a Home Christ­mas Service for 8:45 A. M. on Saturday morning, to fit with this broadcast. Tune your radio beforehand, and be ready to turn it on at 8:55 for thi.s part of your service. May I visit you?

Your Pastor, Hobart F. Goewey

BAPTISM Baptism of infants will take place

on Sunday, December 26, Family Pew Day, at the 11 o'clock service. Parents wishing their children to be baptized are asked to contact Mrs. Erwin Oud­erkirk, tel. 3-3021.

COLLEGE AGE ELECTS Miss Betty Hohenstein having had

to resign the presidency of the College Age Youth Fellowship because of ill health, the Vice-President, Ralph Broughton has become President. The group has elected Wayne Harvey as Vice-President and Robert Brown as corresponding Secretary, while Miss Doris Abeel continues as Secretary­Treasurer. Dr. Frances L. Colby was elected adult advisor.

GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR PARENTS You have heard about the unde­

sirability of some of our comic books. Now we want to suggest something to take their place. Take a look at "Jr," the magazine for children, on the table in the reading room. Parents and teachers who have seen it and have given it to their children speak very highly of it. How about giving it to your child for Christmas?

ONLY TWO MORE SUNDAYS Only two more Sundays remain in

1948. The time is running out in which to pay your church pledge before the close of the calendar year. Statements have recently been sent you showing the status of your payments. There is great need that all money now due be in the hands of the treasurer by the end of the year, for at that time he must make the semi-annual pay­ments on our bond interest. Won't you therefore give this matter prompt attention and avoid the necessity of large numbers of personal calls by the Finance Committee? Do it this com­ing Sunday, or if not this Sunday the following Sunday? Only two Sundays left. Thank you.-Finance Committee.

The Trinity Herald, published weekly exce~t during July and August and the first week of September by Trinity Metho~l~t Chu~c~, Lancaster & La;~ St~., Albany, N. Y., Hobart F. Goewey, Ph.D., Mlnlster; L1lhan A. Johnson, M1mster s Assistant· Minnie C. Myers, Sec'y. Entered as second-class matter Oct. 6, 1938, at the pdst office at Albany, N. Y., under the Act of Mar. 3, 1879, $1.00 a year.


YOUR CHRISTMAS HOME SERVICE Christmas is deeply religious and

also a supreme home festival. It is a festival of the Holy Family and of each holy family. Our family Christ­mas becomes merely secular if we do not plan it to be truly Christ's birthday in our home. To make it definite, and to help you to build <' service we sug­gest that our people at 8:45 on Christ­mas morning be in meditation together and in joyous recognition of Christ's birthday, each in his own home. If you hold it at this time, you may be tuned ahead and then at 8:55 turn on your radio to WPTR (1540) for a very brief Christmas devotional greeting from your pastor. However, you may find it more natural to have your Serv­ice at some other time on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day. Do it when all the family can be together-perhaps best about the table at breakfast time.

This service will be best if several people will lead various parts.

Suggested Service Christmas Hymn:

"Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" First Reader:

"Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine; Love was born at Christmas, Star and angels gave the sign­"Worship we the Godhead, Love Incarnate, Love Divine Worship we our Jesus: But wherewith for sacred sign?­"Love shall be our token, Love be yours and Love be mine, Love to God an:i all men, Love for plea and gift and sign."

(Christina Rossetti) Second Read·er:

It happened this way. Let you the wonderful story again. Luke 2:1-20). Third Reader:

(Read Matthew 2:1-12).

us tell <Read

Christmas Meditation (The Pastor on WPTR at 8:55).

PRAYER: (Closing with words of last two stanzas of "0 Little Child of Bethlehem," and Lord's Prayer).

Hymn: "0 Come, All Ye Faithful"

HIGH SCHOOL GROUP The High School Group will meet

on Sunday evening, at 6:00, in Parish Hall for supper and recreation, prior to the carol service in the sanctuary.

OGDEN CLJ\,SS Dr. McChesney will continue his in­

teresting discussions on Human Rights at 0. C., December 19th. Mrs. Stanley Smith will lead devotions. Members are requested to bring in their con­tributions to the Methodist Hospital Fund. '

Be nomadic and wander into the Ogden Class. Painless extraction of wisdom as you participate in the Dis­cussions, Heat, Light and good Fellow­ship-all free.

TRI-CORNER Tri-Corner, the Saturday night social

event of Trinity Church, will be con­ducted as usual this week with Mal Pappin's orchestra. It will then close for the holidays and will be resumed on January 8.

COLLEGE AGE GROUP The College Age Group will meet

for supper in Parish Hall, at 6:30, on Sunday, before the Carol Service in ' the sanctuary.

NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Because some of our young people

have been hoping that the church would provide a place for them to go on New Year's Eve, and have told us · so in no uncertain terms, the Youth Council made the ' decision to go ahead with a New Year's Eve Party this year. With orchestras at a premium, it has been no easy job to set it up, but the young people are willing to work to put it over. There will be an orchestra for dancing, refreshments, novelties and entertainment. The evening's pro­gram will close with a fellowship circle and a worship service. The price, $1.20, tax included, also includes refresh­ments and novelties.

Other years when we have had New Year's Eve parties, many of our church members have expressed their ap­proval of the thing we were trying to do and have asked if they could help in any way. If th~re are those who feel that they would like to do something this year, small donations toward refreshments and novelties will be welcome. There will be a box in the church office for this purpose.


"While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night" Christmas

* * • "Cherubim Song"·-··· .. ························ ···-------···-······-··-···--· ............... Bortniansky

Fremont Choir

* * * "Shepherds' Christmas Song" ......................................... Reimann-Dickinson

Double Quartette

* * * "jesu, So Sweet"--···-····-·-·· ...................................... ···-······· .......................... Bach ' 'Lullay, Thou Little Tiny Child"........................ ...... ....... ...... . ........ Traditional

Carol and Chapel Choirs

• * * ' 'Dona Nobis Pacem'' ---··-····--···-····----··· ·---··-·-· ··········--·--·-· ···Composer Unknown

Combined Choirs * • *

"Come Unto Him," from the "Messiah"---······--·-·· ···-· ......................... Handel Marilyn Olson , soprano

* * ~:

''Cantique de Noel'' ······-············-··-··························-····· ............................. ... Adam Jean Wemple, soprano


CONGREGATIONAL CAROL IOS--"Sile nt Night , Holy Night" ..... Stille Nacht

BENEDICTION- By the minister

O RGAN- " In Th ee Is Joy" ........................... . .. _ ...... Bach

* * Scripture Narration

The altar flowers today are the gift of Mrs. Harry Bushouer and Mrs. A. H. Merrill, in loving memory of the ir mother, Martha Hinn , a nd brother, William Hinn .

The Christmas Offering take n in all the services today will b e allocated to the work of the Williamsvill e Home fo r Children, the Me thodis t Hospita l at Brooklyn, and to help wi th the expense of our Christmas celebration a t Fremon t. Please be as gene rous a s yo u can, in the Name of the Christ-Child .

Church School sess ion today wi ll be a t I I :45. The film , "Child o f Bethlehem," will be presen ted to the Children 's Department a nd al so to the Jun ior High DPpartment.




ORGAN-"Noel Basque'' ........................................................................................ Benoit

INTROIT-"Break Forth, 0 Beauteous Heavenly Light"........... . ........... Bach

HYMN 96-"0 Come, All Ye Faithful" (18th Century Melody)


Minister: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Him that

bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace;

People: That bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation;

that saith unto Zion, thy God reigneth.

Mini ster: Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jeru­

salem; for the Lord hath comforted His people, He hath

redeemed Jeru salem.

People: For ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace; the

mountains and hills shall break forth before you into singing,

and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

DOXOLOGY- To be sung by all


RESPONSIVE READING- 51st Sunday; page 619



ANTHEMS- "What Child Is This?" (Old English Melody)

"Angels O'er the Fields Were Flying" (Old French Carol)

Carol and Chapel Choirs


OFFERTORY ANTHEM- "Mary Through a Thornwood's Gone" ........ Buchanan


HYMN 93- "Christians, A wake!" ......... . . ..................... Yorkshire


ANTHEM-''Hallelujah!" from the "Messiah" ................................................ Handel Fremont Choir

BENEDICTION-By the minister

ORGAN-''Noel Polonais'' ................................................................................ Guilmant

Rev. Fred Clarke, Minister Miss Gloria Iacone, Minister of Music

Mrs. Harvey Connor, Minister's Assistant Mrs. Keith Gifford, Church Secretary

Mr. Lewis Cunning, Sexton


This service will be preceded by a fifteen minute organ recital by Miss Gloria Iacone


"CHRISTMAS ADORATION" A Service of Scripture and Music dedicated to

Jesus Christ, our Lord

' 'Lullaby"·························································--······················-····················· Jarnefeit Alma VanDeusen, violin

''Meditation"·-·····················-······················-···················-········-············-····· Meitzke Alma VanDeusen, violin; Connie Trumbull, piano

''Puer Natus'' ...... ·····················································-····························---···· Titcomb Gloria Iacone, organ

* * 11:

PROCESSIONAL CAROL 96-"0 Come, All Y e Faithful" (18th Century Melody)

Congregation join in singing at second stanza

''Dona Nobis Pacem" .. ···-······· .......................................... Composer Unknown Combined Choirs

* * ::: "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" ....................................................... Praetorius

Fremont Choir

* * * "Ave Maria" ........... . ............ Schubert

Alma VanDeusen, violin * * :;:

"0 Come, 0 Come, Emmanuel" ................... . Combined Choirs

. .. Ancient Plainsong

* * * "Mary Through a Thornwood's Gone"······················- ··················-····Buchanan

Fremont Choir ~: * *

"Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head" . . ................... Niles-Worrell Double Quartette

* * :::

7he Wonder of C9hristmas The wonder of Christmas is its simplicity.

There is Mary the mother; and there is Joseph to whom she

was betrothed. Plain and simple folks , these, even as you and

I. There are the shepherds-the first Christmas congregation.

Humble folks , these, folks who lived close to the things God

made-the earth the carpet for their feet , the sun and stars

their covering.

Yes, and the Child, too. Nothing here of the pomp and

circumstance of life; only the simplicity of the divine .

It is this simplicity which makes Christmas wonderful.

Here may we all come, suppliant. Not to a throne of human

exaltation, but to a Throne of divine simplicity.

Here may we worship , recognizing in the simplicity of the

Child the. meaning of God 's redeeming love.

Here may we bring our joys and our sorrows; our joys will be

hallowed, our sorrows will be lightened.

Here may we receive strength for the days to come, light

for the time that shall be. And the Light that shines from a

humble manger is strong enough to reach to the end of our


Here, then, we come-the young, the old; the rich, the poor ;

the mighty, the servant-worshipping in the beauty of

divine simplicity, marvelling at its simple love.

1his is the wonder of Christmas.

() o\.P.H.l•lllo111U.S.A.No. St24-


Rev. Fred Clarke, Minister Miss Gloria Iacona, Minister of Music

Mrs. Harvey Connor, Minister's Assistant Mrs. Keith Gifford, Church Secretary

Mr. Lewis Cunning, Sexton


This service will be preceded by a fifteen minute organ recita l b y Miss Gloria Iacona



A Service of Scripture and Music dedicated to

Jesus Christ, our Lord

"Lullaby" ................................................................................................... Ja rnefeit Alma VanDeusen , violin

''Meditation" .................................................................................................... Meitzke Alma VanDeusen, violin; Connie Trumbull, piano

''Puer Natus'' .................................................... · .............................................. Titcomb Gloria Iacona, organ


"0 Come, All Y e Faithful"

:f: * *

(18th Century Melody) Congregation join in singing at second stanza

' 'Dona Nobis Pacem'' .......................................................... Composer Unknown Combined Choirs

.. * * "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" .......................................................... Praetorius

Fremont Choir

* * * ·• Ave Maria' '................. .. .................................................... ... ...................... Schubert

Alma VanDeusen, violin * * *

"0 Come, 0 Come , Emmanuel" ........................................ Ancient Plainsong Combined Choirs

* * *

"Mary Through a Thornwood's Gone" ................................................ Buchanan Fremont Choir

* * * "Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head" ........ ................................................ Niles-Worrell

Double Quartette * * ~:


"While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night"

* * * Christmas

''Cherubim Song '' .................................................................................... Bortniansky Fremont Choir

* * * ''Shepherds' Christmas Song"··········-·········· ...................... Reimann-Dickinson

Double Quartette

* * * ''Jesu, So Sweet" .................................................................................................. Bach "Lullay, Thou Little Tiny Child" .......................................................... Traditional

Carol and Chapel Choirs • * •

''Dona Nobis Pacem'' .......... - ........................................... _ Composer Unknown Combined Choirs

* * • "Come Unto Him," from the "Messiah" .................................................... Hande1

Marilyn Olson, soprano

* * * ' 'Cantique de Noel' ' .......................................................................................... Adam

Jean Wemple, soprano


CONGREGATIONAL CAROL 106-"Silent Night, Holy Night" ........ Stille Nacht

BENEDICTION- By the minister

ORGAN-''In Thee Is Joy' ' .................. ... .................................... , .............................. Bach

* * * Scripture Narration

The altar flowers today are the gift of Mrs. Harry Bushouer and Mrs. A. H. Merrill, in loving memory of their mother, Martha Hinn, and brother, William Hinn.

The Christmas Offering taken in all the services today will be allocated to the work of the Williamsville Home for Children, the Methodist Hospital a t Brooklyn, and to help with the expense of our Christmas celebration at Fremont. Please be a s g enerous a s you ca n, in the Name of the Christ-Child.

The Wonder of C9hristmas The wonder of Christmas is its simplicity.

There is Mary the mother; and there is Joseph to whom she

was betrothed. Plain and simple folks, these, even as you and

I. There are the shepherds-the first Christmas congregation.

Humble folks, these, folks who lived close to the things God

made-the earth the carpet for their feet, the sun and stars

their covering.

Yes, and the Child, too. Nothing here of the pomp and

circumstance of life; only the simplicity of the divine.

It is this simplicity which makes Christmas wonderful.

Here may we all come, suppliant. Not to a throne of human

exaltation, but to a Throne of divine simplicity.

Here may we worship, recognizing in the simplicity of the

Child the. meaning of God's redeeming love.

Here may we bring our joys and our sorrows; our joys will be

hallowed, our sorrows will be lightened.

Here may we receive strength for the days to come, light

for the time that shall be. And the Light that shines from a

humble manger is strong enough to reach to the end of our


Here, then, we come-the young, the old; the rich, the poor;

the mighty, the servant-worshipping in the beauty of

divine simplicity, marvelling at its simple love.

'Jhis is the wor~der of Christmas.

® A.P.K.UU.o 11'1 U.S A.No. S 12 +


Rev. Fred Clarke, Minister Miss Gloria Iacona, Minister of Music

Mrs. Harvey Connor, Minister's Assistant Mrs. Keith Gifford, Church Secretary

Mr. Lewis Cunning, Sexton


This service will be preceded by . a fifteen minute organ recita l by Miss Gloria lacone



A Service of Scripture and Music dedicated to

Jesu s Christ, our Lord

• 'Lullaby' '----------------·---·--·--··-·-·--·-·-··--··--·······-····-···-·--···------·- ------- -------· -------· J a rne fei t Alma VanDeusen, violin

"Meditation''---------------------··-------·-----·-----------------·---··------·----------·-··---·--···-----·-·-- Meitzke Alma VanDeusen, violin; Connie Trumbull, piano

' 'Puer N atus'' ··-------------------------·-----·-----·-··--------···----·-----·----·-------·-·------------·--·- Titcomb Gloria Iacone, organ


"0 Come, All Y e Faithful"

* * *

(18th Century Melody) Congregation join in singing at second stanza

''Dona Nobis Pacem''------------·---·---------------------------· ·---------- ·Composer Unknown Combined Choirs

* * .. "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming"·---------------------------------------------------------Praetorius

Fremont Choir

* * * ''Ave Maria"------------· ... . .. ·--- ----- ------·-------------------·---·--·------·- -----------·----·-- ----·Schubert

Alma VanDeusen, violin * * :;:

" 0 Come, 0 Come, Emmanuel"------------------------------------ ..... Ancient Plainsong Combined Choirs

* * *

"Mary Through a Thornwood's Gone" ---------·-------------------------------------Buchanan Fremont Choir

* * * "Jesus , Jesus , Rest Your Head" ---------------------··--·---------------- --------------Niles-Worrell

Double Quartette * * ::~


"While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night" Christmas

* * * "Cherubim Song' ' ----------------·---------- ------------ ------------------------------------ ----- ----Bortniansky

Fremont Choir

* * * ' 'Shepherds ' Christmas Song' '-------- -------------- ------- ---------------Reimann-Dickinson

Double Quartette

* * * ' 'J esu, So Sweet'' -------------------··--------- ------------------- --------------·-· ····- -·---·---·-------·--·---Bach "Lullay, Thou Little Tiny Child"-----·----·---··-------···-···--··-····· -··--------- -- ----Traditional

Carol and Chapel Choirs

* * * ''Dona Nobis Pacem"·------------------·-·-·-·--·-----·----·----------------- ·Composer Unknown

Combined Choirs

* * * "Come Unto Him," from the "Messiah"---·----·------------·----------·--------·---------Handel

Marilyn Olson, soprano

* * * ''Cantique de Noel''·---------------------------------··----------- ----------------- ----------------------Adam

Jean Wemple, soprano


CONGREGATIONAL CAROL 106- "Silent Night, Holy Night" ........ Stille Nacht

BENEDICTION-By the minister

ORGAN-''In Thee Is Joy'' ------------·--·------------------------------------------·-----------·--·------·------Bach

* .. .. Scripture Narration

The altar flowers today are the gift of Mrs. Harry Bushouer and Mrs. A. H. Merrill, in loving memory of their mother, Martha Hinn, and brother, William Hinn.

The Christmas Offering taken in all the services today will be allocated to the work of the Williamsville Home for Children, the Methodist Hospital a t Brooklyn, and to help with the expense of our Christmas celebration at Fremont. Pl ea se b e a s gene rou s as you can, in the Name of the Christ-Child .


"While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night" Christmas

* * * "Cherubim Song"·-···-·----· -------·· ---···---· --------·----------··-·----·-- ............ Bortniansky

Fremont Choir

* * * "Shepherds' Christmas Song"-------···-------------···-···----------··- .Reimann-Dickinson

Double Quartette

* * * "Jesu, So Sweet'' ______ ··------------·----··----------·-·----·----------------·-··--··-·-·-·-----·-- ............ Bach "Lullay, Thou Little Tiny Child"-------------------------- ------- · ____ .. . .Traditional

Carol and Chapel Choirs

* * * ' 'Dona Nobis Pacem''-------------- -·-----·---- ------------·---·------- ·--------Composer Unknown

Combined Choirs

* * * "Come Unto Him," from the "Messiah"--------------------·---·------------------·----··-Handel

Marilyn Olson, soprano * ~: *

"Cantique de Noel"_···--··-----·-----------· -------·------- ·-----------------·---·-··-··----·-·-----···- Adam Jean Wemple, soprano


CONGREGATIONAL CAROL 106-"Silent Night , Holy Night"_ Stille Nacht

BENEDICTION- By the minister

ORGAN-"In Thee Is Joy" ... .. --·-·--·-----·-··-·-··- .................. Bach

* * * Scripture Narration

The altar flowers today are the gilt of Mrs. Harry Bushouer and Mrs. A. H. Merrill, in loving memory of the ir mother, Martha Hinn, and brother, William Hinn.

The Chris tmas Offering ta ke n in all the services today will b e allocated to the work of the Williamsville Home fo r Children, the Methodist Hosp ital a t Brooklyn, and to help w ith the expe nse of our Chris tma s celebration at Fremont. Please be a s generous a s you can. in the Name of the Chris t-Child .

Church School session today w ill be at l l :45. The fi lm , "Ch ild of Bethlehem," will b e prese n ted to the Children's Depa rtme nt a nd a lso to the junior Hi g h Departmen t.




ORGAN-''Noel Basque' ' ........................................................................................ Benoit

INTROIT- "Break Forth, 0 Beauteous Heavenly Light" .................................. Bach

HYMN 96-"0 Come, All Ye Faithful" (18th Century Melody)


Minister: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Him that

bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace;

People: That bringeth good tidings of good, that publi sheth salvation;

that saith unto Zion, thy God reigneth.

Minister: Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of jeru­

salem; for the Lord hath comforted His people, He hath

redeemed jerusalem.

People: For ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace; the

mountains and hills shall break forth before you into singing,

and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

DOXOLOGY- To be sung by all


RESPONSIVE READING-51 st Sunday; page 619



ANTHEMS- "What Child Is This?" (Old English Melody)

"Angels O'er the Fields Were Flying" (Old French Carol)

Carol and Chapel Choirs


OFFERTORY ANTHEM- "Mary Through a Thornwood's Gone" ........ Buchanan


HYMN 93-''Christians, Awake!" ......... . ------------------ ................ Yorkshire


ANTHEM- ''Hallelujah!" from the "Messiah" .... ............................................ Handel Fremont Choir

BENEDICTION-By the minister

ORGAN-''Noel Polonais"---- ---- --------- ----~------------------------------------------ .............. Guilmant

Rev. Fred Clarke, Minister Miss Gloria Iacone, Minister of Music

Mrs. Harvey Connor, Minister's Assistant Mrs. Keith Gifford, Church Secretary

Mr. Lewis Cunning, Sexton


This service will be preceded by a fifteen minute organ recital by Miss Gloria Iacone


"CHRISTMAS ADORATION" A Service of Scripture and Music dedicated to

Jesus Christ, our Lord

''Lullaby'' .......... ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jarnefeit Alma VanDeusen, violin

''Meditation''-------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- Meitzke Alma Va nDeusen, violin; Connie Trumbull, piano

' 'Puer Natus'' __ ... --------------------------------------------·-------------------------------------------- Titcomb Gloria Iacone, organ


"0 Come, All Ye Faithful" (18th Century Melody) Congregation join in singing at second stanza

' 'Dona Nobis Pacem'' .......................................................... Composer Unknown Combined Choirs

:j: * * "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" .......................................................... Praetorius

Fremont Choir

* * * "Ave Maria" .......... -- -- -·· ... -------------·-··------------······· .. ...................... Schubert

Alma VanDeusen, violin * * *

"0 Come, 0 Come, Emmanuel" ..... _______ ........ _ ............ . Combined Choirs

Ancient Plainsong

* * * "Mary Through a Thornwood's Gone" ................................................ Buchanan

Fremont Choir * :(: *

"jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head" ................ ___ .. _ ...................... Niles-Worrell Double Quartette

.,. * :::
