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Day Unto Day | Poems by Martha Collins

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Martha Collins offers haunting reflections on time and other subjects in Day Unto Day, a spare and subtle seventh collection. The book consists of six sequences: during one month each year, for six years, Collins wrote a short poem each day. With perfectly distilled lines, she captures the aching, liminal beauty of one day becoming another—the slow burn of time passing, the ambiguity of an “old / new leaf” turning over, even as she collages a wide range of material that includes often disturbing news of the world. Writing in the tradition of poetic meditation, Collins shows us the full degree of her mastery—a mature voice, poems with tremendous scope, and lines exceptionally controlled. Here is the work of a seasoned poet at the height of her career.http://milkweed.org/shop/product/336/day-unto-day/
Page 1: Day Unto Day | Poems by Martha Collins

D AY U N T O D AYPoems

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“1ere is a di2erence between poems and poetry and Martha Collins3knows it. Day Unto Day is a diary, a calendar, an artistic

intervention taking the ordinary into the extraordinary for great generous intent—a quotidian preparation for human Being.

Its pleasure is that3of ‘attention’ and its attentions are intellectual, sonic, architectural and deeply spiritual.”

— ! " # $ % " & $

“Love, parents’ dyings and deaths, a beloved’s illness, our seasons, and our wars are woven here in fragments of narrative that often

break into lyric notes. Notes perhaps of the subconscious, sometimes suggestive, sometimes unsolvable. Maybe not meant to be solved.

Notes like little lights, which sometimes sound like prayer.”

— ' ( " ) * " & ( ) + $ ) (

“Reading Day Unto Day is like listening in on the meditations of a nimble, restless mind hurtling through time. 1ese poetic sequences can’t help but engage with the idea of time, with the immediacy of the past in our lives—but they are also much more than this. Here,

Martha Collins delves into the shiftiness of gender, the power of romantic love, the nature of the divine, the troubles of American

national identity, and the certainty of mortality. Musically brilliant, psychologically intricate, movingly humane—

Martha Collins is one of our most vital poets.”

— ! ( * $ ) , - . / ( -0

Cover design by Gretchen Achilles/Wavetrap DesignCover artwork by Jane Fulton Alt


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© 2014, Text by Martha Collins© 2014, Cover art by Jane Fulton Alt. www. JaneFultonAlt.com

All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission

from the publisher: Milkweed Editions, 1011 Washington Avenue South, Suite 300, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415.

(800) 520-6455www.milkweed.org

Published 2014 by Milkweed EditionsPrinted in Canada

Cover design by Gretchen Achilles/Wavetrap DesignCover art by Jane Fulton Alt

Author photo by Doug Macomber14 15 16 17 18 5 4 3 2 1

First Edition

Milkweed Editions, an independent nonprofit publisher, gratefully acknowledges sustaining support from the Bush Foundation; the Patrick and Aimee Butler Foundation; the Driscoll Foundation; the Jerome Foundation; the Lindquist & Vennum Foundation;

the McKnight Foundation; the National Endowment for the Arts; the Target Foundation; and other generous contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals. Also, this activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund, and a grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota. For a

full listing of Milkweed Editions supporters, please visit www.milkweed.org.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Collins, Martha, 1940-[Poems. Selections]Day unto day : poems / Martha Collins. — First Edition. pages cmISBN 978-1-57131-452-9 (paperback : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-1-57131-848-0 (ebook)I. Title.PS3553.O4752A6 2014811’.54--dc23


Milkweed Editions is committed to ecological stewardship. We strive to align our book production practices with this principle, and to reduce the impact of our operations in the environment. We are a member of the Green Press Initiative, a nonprofit coalition of publishers, manufacturers, and authors working to protect the world’s endangered

forests and conserve natural resources. Day Unto Day was printed on acid-free 100% postconsumer-waste paper by Friesens Corporation.

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O v E r T i m E

October 2004


Not much. Less. Slipof a finger, diminishedinterval, maybe third

of three or two.

Water mirrors house with high green door opening out (no

steps) into pure air.


Air pockets threehawks. Cat gotthe bird got the cat.

Overflown. A habitof flight. Worn cloudon the edge of edge.

Wisps. Little tongues.

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Tongues at work. Talk Today

She could did for an hour or more.

My first her, who gave me words.

Then at the end, before, merely Oh!

A moment of . . . of more, perhaps.

Oh sweet and blessèd could be.

Oh my soul


Soul slept, called in sick.

Late sun cloudsthe lake with clouds.

Katydid downto –did –did.

Nothing to be done.

Little sun, quarter moon.

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Moon covered, un-covered, covered again, cold.

Cold and hot, very and both.

Disturbed the Sea of Tranquility.

Distributed by the Moon Shop.

Distributed self in pieces.

Oh my broken.


Broken down, or out, as in war, or into, soon: my own him.

How much we carry aroundunder our skins, manywe were, girls and boys

Now now

And then then.

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Then gone and then to come:all the time, except the splitsecond, except—

All the time in the world.

And out of this world?

Oh little heart on my wrist, where are we going?


Going home: packed her bagsto go back ninety years

burning skirt broken forkslow train the old house

current counter under cross

The one who gave me time

is out of time.

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Time to shut the rattlingwindows slamming doors

And if at first you don’t and if you try again and don’t you slip a little slide

Rope burns hands overthe book the pages over


Over time she—Overtime. Timershe was Click I mean

I. Would work the weeklong song bird in the—

Burning bush ahead, redsumac jeweled by sun.

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Sun, here come the cloudsagain. Between us. You

could care: you’ll swallowus up on your way out.

You’re almost halfwaythere, and here

am I, way past half.


Half-life, half-light, half-moon, half-mast: low

flag, and every evening down.

Discovered a world of greenin him, on the shoreof newfound skin

His different hand

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Hand over hand over: changefor an empty

Enter the bare page

Oh keep him safein his thin shifton his metal bed


Bed for one, my very one, own, oh let

him let him

Someone’s deep insidehim now, something

inside him’s taken is it is he let him breathe

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Breathe light holdin the light: him at bandagedrest, her last year in her

last bed: the apple pinkjust under the skin: I

am floating again a little lessless the chord resolving.


Resolved, that leaves should turn

and turn: color to motion to rest.

Flutter of yellow, flash of red, bronze-

leafed trunk fallen across the path.

Ducks twitch white tails over the water,

geese stretch necks . . . All fall down.

All rise. All different.

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Different from us. Dry,quiet. Still. Still

Freeman Sarah Rebekah John

locust maple hornbeam oak

Timothy. Bent grass underour feet, over their bones.

Katheryn. Out of. Under and over.


Over my— my tinyplanet, growing colder, little

train that could but where’s the track? On, off

again, over my, un-done, nerve

flinched at No. But maybe If—

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If. Only. Thenagain. But out

of time just now asthe lace of yellow locust

leaves moleculesparticles waves catches

its breath begins to hum.


Hum of wordsunder words: brieffor breath, him

for hum, him stillin his bed for one—

And clouds so thick and fastthe whole sky’s turning.

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Turning now to the newsy world the RedSox take last four claim pennant countriestaken in or out people counted nocount bombing voting mission killingvision blurred our leader says God sayshad hatred in his heart he said ragetestosterone he said our leader vote for God


God is not a RepublicanDemocrat Yankee RedSox fan of him or her—

But him is whom our bedis holding, him my one is homeagain, oh bless him keep him safe

this little time that is our life.

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Lifetime, timeline, line-up, down time, no time

to lose time, all time gone.

More of them, body count a fullcount, bases loaded, all bets

off, one by one, or wartime lots, all at once.


Once there was a girl, a boy, endof story in one first word, once

she was and nothing’s left of her except

me oh my and her him too: her last

days he also came all back to me but

now my own him is here is notonce upon but times many.

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Many, as in instances, or all,one, as in passing, as in course of:

two words for time, in Vietnamese,but one for all the times to do,for go went gone, as in, this colder

day, the geese: only ducks and gullson the little pond, its tiny island.


Island’s I, for allthe thinking not (no manno self ). Island’s home,

at least for some. But here’sa little boat for back and forth

with one beside, rowing throughthe eventide, the late evening.

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Evening out. Onthe town, out of town:

city wearing your blackdress sequined with lights, I

am coming down for an even-ing out, in bed beside.

The rest: held by, holding.


Holding on the RedSox won eclipsing even the full

eclipsed moon a moment outsidethe trouble we’ve seen though the TV had

to bring in the war the war that people believe is good because they wantto believe it’s a winning team

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Teeming with leaves, treesand ground all gold

around gray stones: Iam greeting my lastneighbors, we shall

all be changed, piecesof gold slipping into air.


Airborne, air-born, hand-sized cradle to holda soul, no broken-

bough fall. Good news today, but best

in the air, this oldnew leaf, turning it over.

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Over and over againand again, time

after time, stoneupon hallowed stone.

More than bones, ghost-thin skin, I’m here, much

less less. Not yet not.

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M A RT H A C O L L I N S is the author of six volumes of poetry,

including White Papers (Pittsburgh, 2012) and the book-length

poem Blue Front (Graywolf, 2006). She has also published three

collections of co-translated Vietnamese poetry—most recently

Black Stars: Poems by Ngo Tu Lap (Milkweed, 2013, with the

author). Her awards include fellowships from the NEA, the

Bunting Institute, and the Witter Bynner Foundation, as well as

an Anisfield-Wolf Award, two Ohioana Awards, the Laurence

Goldstein Poetry Prize, and three Pushcart Prizes. Founder of

the Creative Writing Program at UMass-Boston, she served as

Pauline Delaney Professor of Creative Writing at Oberlin College

until 2007, and is currently editor-at-large for FIELD magazine

and one of the editors of the Oberlin College Press.

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