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    Jaqueline de Camargo




    The main assumption of the author, Jaqueline de Camargo, is that there is a placefor a strong Community Foundation movement in Brazil; that the already existingcommunity foundations and community foundation-like organizations in Brazil arecarrying the seed of this movement [adapting the Community Foundation conceptfor local, regional and national realities]; and that it should be fruitful to broadlyengage community leaders and youth leaders, in a systematic and systemic way, topromote this in the country. Such a movement, improving the conditions forsustainability and autonomy for social initiatives, would strengthen the perspectiveof social justice that nowadays, according to the author, is one of the mostrelevant aspects of the concept of community foundations. For this, somerecommendations are made proposing the action-learning methodology, broadlyincluding perspectives and knowledge of community social investmentsstakeholders.

    1This paper may not be cited or quoted without permission of the author

    [[email protected]]

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    Executive Summary

    The community foundation is a concept explored worldwide as a good vehicle for

    donors to invest resources within a sustainable perspective as well as a vehicle that

    looks to address community needs. The community foundation concept has raised a

    genuine global intellectual curiosity amongst practitioners and social leaders.

    The main purpose and assumption of the paper is to demonstrate that there is a

    place for a strong community foundation movement in Brazil; that the already

    existing community foundation and community foundation-like organizations in

    Brazil are carrying the seeds of this movement [adapting the Community

    Foundation concept for local, regional and national realities]; and that it should be

    fruitful to broadly engage community leaders and youth leaders in a systematic and

    systemic way, to promote this in the country. These assumptions are based on the

    fact that there is real interest in it in addition to the engagement of important thirdsector leaders in Brazil with this concept of the Community Foundation. Brazils

    third sector movement would benefit from such a conceptual frame, building

    alternatives to improve social justice issues like social inclusion, which is one of

    the most important gaps in Brazilian culture and to which the third sector has

    aimed its contributions.

    The paper suggests that community philanthropy should be translated to

    community social investment as, in countries like Brazil, philanthropy has

    attributes related to creating dependence-donations, without any objective to

    transform reality.

    The paper proposes that for such a community foundation movement in Brazil,

    some important challenges should be met such as the strengthening of autonomy

    through the creation of endowments in a country with no relevant and well-

    structured tax incentives and the need to influence legal frame for community


    To take into account that some of the less well known organizations [and Grass-

    roots leaders] have a strong potential to operate in a community foundation

    adapted frame, as they already operate in community-philanthropy or, in a

    community social investment model, are also a challenge which the paper

    proposes to explore.

    Looking for the inclusion of a wider range of social actors, like youth

    representatives, who have enormous potential and wish to be part of the solution of

    social problems, but who have been much more receivers of private social

    investments to/for them than partners of social change, is an opportunity identified

    by this paper.

    As a method of research, besides a deep immersion in the International Senior

    Fellowship Program, the CFC Community Foundation of Canada 2008 Montreal

    Conference provided several meetings and readings that served as a source of

    knowledge. It permitted the fellow to constantly re-order and re-structure some

    assumptions as well as the previously planned research. During the CFC

    conference, a special meeting was organized by the author, with some CF

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    individuals and organization leaders in Brazil. This meeting definitely proved to be

    an effective method and strategy for the research.

    Finally, some recommendations are made for a systematic and systemic approach,

    proposing an action-learning methodology, based on a vast bibliography and

    experience to favor learning and interchange of knowledge processes. Suchapproach is proposed as a method to favor the inclusion of the perspectives and

    knowledge of community social investments stakeholders, for the strengthening of

    a CF movement in Brazil.


    It is important to acknowledge The Kellogg Foundation who supported me with a

    grant to attend the 2008 Senior International Fellowship of the Center on

    Philanthropy and Civil Society. It is imperative to acknowledge the complete team

    of the CPCS and I would like to refer to the excellent debates led by the director

    Kathleen McCarthy and the coordinator of International Fellows Programs, Barbara

    Leopold; to Eugene Miller who cooperated with the research, and to Amal

    Muhammad and Peter Waldvogel who were so helpful to the fellows team. My

    Senior Fellows colleagues, Ekaterina Maksimova; George Varughese, LuAnn Lovlin,

    and Sonia Schellino shared with me the challenges and the goodness of an

    immersion program: I thank them. I want to show my deepest acknowledgment

    and respect for the work developed by the consultants who were part of our

    program and for the previous fellows, community foundations, and community

    philanthropy and youth programs practioners; mainly the ones who gave the

    fellows a tour and lots of valuable information. Among them, Andrs Thompson, theKellogg Foundation Director for the Latin American and Caribbean Region has

    contributed to my development and reflections. I want to acknowledge as well the

    Brazilian participants of the 2008 CFC- Community Foundations of Canada

    Conference, in Montreal, who have accepted my invitation for a special meeting on

    community foundation in Brazil. They are: Lucia Dellagnelo, the leader of ICom/

    Florianpolis; Tatiana Akabane van Eyll, the IDIS Instituto para o

    Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social representative; Cinthia Sento S, the

    coordinator of Affinity Groups of GIFE Group of Institutes, Foundations and

    Enterprises representative. Last, but not least, I want to thank Willem Rabbeljee,

    my husband, who supported me in the research and has become a new community

    foundation and community social investment partner.

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    It is only when social justice is achieved for all citizens,

    that foundations can legitimately focus all their efforts on charity

    Emmet Carson


    Cleveland, U.S., 1914. A banker, going beyond the limits of his sector, developed a

    strategy which would have deep social impact in the future, crossing barriers and

    frontiers all around the world. It contained the characteristics of being both strongly

    locally aimed at specific communities based in specific territories, as well as being

    fluid as a concept, serving a range of diverse historical and social circumstances.

    By a mechanism of structuring a community organization with a diverse and

    reflective board, by building an endowment and addressing community needs, a

    whole movement on community foundations was generated. Legislation in The U.S.

    was modified to improve the mechanism and successful cases started to appear.

    Community Foundations have been growing ever since in The U.S., Canada and in

    many regions of the world, sparking the interest of practitioners and researchers.

    Examples of its vitality are showing and present in regions such as Europe, Russia,

    South Africa and Latin America2.

    What has been so successful and has attracted so much attention for social

    cooperation in the world? Being a good vehicle for donors to invest resources

    within a sustainable perspective and also a vehicle that looks to address community

    needs: what exactly is community foundation?

    For Dorothy Reynolds, a Mott Foundation consultant: [community foundation] is a

    vehicle for the philanthropy of individuals, corporations and organizations that have

    concern for a specific geographic area. It provides leadership in the community it

    serves as an effective, independent arena for addressing difficult issues and/or

    advocating for needed programs, services or policies.3

    As Eleanor Sacks, one of the community foundation global leaders, states: The

    community foundation concept is flexible and adaptable, able to meet current needs

    and the changing needs of communities over time. It has shown the ability to

    adjust not only to local conditions, but to local impact of change from externalsources, such as the ups and downs of economic cycles, the effects of globalization,

    the decline of centralized, social welfare programs, and evolving political, cultural

    and nonprofit environments. [] The adaptability of the concept makes it possible

    for communities to mold it to fit their own circumstances.4

    2See List of community foundations around the world, by Dorothy Reynolds, in the recent series: The

    Balancing Act, The Roles of a Community Foundation, Edited by Charles Stewart MOTT Foundation,Set. 2008.3REYNOLDS, D., The Balancing Act, The Roles of a Community Foundation, Edited by Charles

    Stewart MOTT Foundation, Set. 2008 [Preface].

    See: http://www.mott.org/recentnews/news/2008/monographseries.aspx4FLEURT, S. and SACKS, E. W. In: An International Perspective on the History, Development andCharacteristics of Community Foundations in WALKENHORST, P. [Ed.] Building Philanthropic and

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    For these characteristics and, I believe, because of the strong and true leadership

    of its promoters around the world, community foundations have stimulated a

    genuine intellectual curiosity in practioners and social leaders.5

    Another community foundation global leader, Emmet Carson, referred to this

    intellectual curiosity in his speech at the Symposium on a Global Movement forCommunity Foundations in Berlin in 2004. Referring about the relevance of the

    decision taken by CF of Canada, to address community foundations by social

    justice framework Carson cites: In short, a social justice framework necessarily

    involves attention to issues of what, how, and who. The principle of fair and full

    distribution of benefits and opportunities requires grantmakers to take into account

    the nature of what they are achieving through their actions.6

    The approach from Community Foundation of Canada can illustrate how social

    justice has been addressed in that country and can inspire other realities around

    the world: Powerful economic, social and political forces will be working against

    social justice in coming years increasing competition, new patterns of humansettlement and changing roles for government. Yet Canadians have the potential to

    address the root causes of injustice through cross-community dialogue and

    collaborative action. Together, they can adopt strategies for systemic change for

    places, for people and for public policy. Governments will have to be part of the

    process and part of the solution to social injustice. But they are not well placed to

    lead the charge. The initiative will have to come from civil society []. Charities and

    foundations are likely to be the lynch-pins of these civil society efforts to mobilize

    citizens to address the big issues [].7

    Through the convening approach of Community Foundations of Canada, the

    strength of a social justice framework to address social and local developmentrelevant issues is clear. Among these issues, it is possible to identify some of the

    main themes of private- and corporate social investment, such as equity for race,

    ethnicity and gender, social and intergenerational inclusion.

    The main assumption of this paper is that there is a place for a strong community

    foundation movement in Brazil; that the already existing community foundation and

    community foundation-like organizations in Brazil are carrying the seeds of this

    strong movement [adapting the Community Foundation concept for local, regional

    and national realities]; and that it should be possible to broadly engage community

    leaders and youth leaders in a systematic and systemic way to promote this in the

    country. These assumptions are based on the fact that there is real interest in and

    Social Capital: The Work of Community Foundations. Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers,

    Gtersloh, 2001. [pp15-17].5 An example of the interest of practitioners and academic researchers is the International SeniorFellows Program at CUNY, The Graduate Center, Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society - CPCS, has

    attracted fellows from several countries, interested in improving their work as leaders through the

    community foundation approach.6CARSON, E. D. The Road Not Yet Traveled: A Community Foundation Movement for Social Justice.

    Community Foundations: Symposium on a Global Movement. Berlin, Germany. December, 2004 [p.6]

    [Referring to a paper written by the Centre for Voluntary Sector Research and Development for

    Community Foundations of Canadas Project: Social Justice Grantmaking-Moving Beyond Traditional

    Charitable Roles].7CFC Community Foundations of Canada. Strategies for Social Justice: Place, People and Policy.Prepared for Community Foundations of Canada by Judith Maxwell. September, 2006

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    engagement of important third sector leaders in Brazil with the concept of

    community foundation and that Brazils third sector movement would benefit from

    such a concept, building alternatives to improve social justice issues, like social

    inclusion, which is one of the most fundamental gaps in Brazilian culture, and to

    which the third sector has aimed its contributions.


    REALITIES: creating new circumstances

    Andrs Thompson, the Kellogg Foundation Program Director for Latin America and

    the Caribbean, asks if the true community foundation would be a viable option in

    the different circumstances of Latin America and the Caribbean?By the term: the

    true community foundation A. Thompson refers to a kind of organization that has

    both a grantmaking capacity and community responsiveness.8

    We can assume that the community foundation concept has convened leaders and

    organizations around the world because of the "democratic appeal" referring to its

    two main approaches, as expressed by Thompson: 1] being based on endowment,

    evoking sustainability approaches and being donor-oriented 2] The other being

    community-needs focused, evoking values of autonomy and accountability.9

    Having analyzed initiatives, originated through partnerships and alliances in Brazil,

    to promote local development in specific regions that strengthen community social

    investments, Thompson questioned their sustainability and effectiveness after the

    end of the project cycle , but affirmed their potential if the diversity of conditions is

    considered. As he stated: The clear conclusion is that community foundations arenot a model to be copied and replicated everywhere. Their feasibility depends on

    the specific environment in which they are intended to grow and develop and, to

    large extent, on the leadership capacity of the pioneer group10.

    However, if there is not a model to be replicated, there is a widely stated

    concept: Whether in Barcelona or Bombay, community foundations share common

    features which is the title of an interview with a Senior Advisor to the Synergos

    Institute and to Advisory Committee of the World Bank Community Foundation

    Initiative, Shannon St. John.

    St. John was asked by The Mott Foundation about what it is in the community

    foundation concept that resonates so well with people whether they are in

    Rustenburg, South Africa, Togliatti, Russia or London, England. St. John answered:

    8THOMPSON, A.. Community Foundations in Latin America. Can the Concept be Adapted?. In Focus

    on Sustaining Community Philanthropy: Looking for New Models, ALLIANCE, vol.11, number 1, March2006 [pp 41-43] [www.aliancemagazine.org]9THOMPSON, A. Idem, pp- 41-43.

    10THOMPSON, A. Idem p. 43 A CPCS Fellow, Fabiana Hernndez-Abreu [researcher of the Local

    Development Program, Latin American Center of Human Economy, Uruguay], agrees with Thompsonsproposition. As she declares in her paper for the 2007 CPCS Emerging Leaders International Fellows,Community Foundations: a vehicle to endorse and sustain development processes taking place inColonia Uruguay?: [] it is possible to think that the community foundations concept can be utilizedto endorse local development processes, and to conclude that the feasibility of a community foundationin Colonia [Uruguay] has to be discussed and imagined among Colonias community and localdevelopment stakeholders, by taking into account the novelties this model would bring with it.[p. 3].

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    I trace it back to an innate human characteristic, which is the philanthropic

    impulse. [] What is fascinating about the Community Foundation form is that

    there are a number of institutions in places as diverse as Barcelona and Bombay

    that have grown up with the characteristics of community foundations such as

    people within a community giving to either a common pool or to individually-named

    funds. Also, its people giving to an organization that is governed by a group of people reflective of that geographic area that gives for the benefit of that

    community. But these organizations I am talking about have never heard the words

    community foundation. They never heard about this thing started in Cleveland,

    Ohio, in 1914 until someone comes along and says, Oh, you are a community

    foundation. But that wasnt how hey started. It happens whether or not people call

    it a community foundation.11

    The democratic approach of community foundations directs the debate to a widely

    considered, relevant factor: the reflectiveness of the board and the values


    Using what we have, to get what we need are the convening words of Linetta

    Gilbert, the Senior Program Officer of Ford Foundation for the area Community and

    Resource Development. She was referring to the Alabama Black Belt Community

    Foundation serving the poor rural area of the state.

    As Gilbert states: [] Two years later, and with much struggle to respect and

    embrace the potential and actual contributions of the whole community, an excited

    and engaged foundation exists. Its board has African American and White leaders,

    young and retired workers, a university administrator, a local blues singer, civil

    right activists, elected officials, civic and corporate leaders. Their goals are to

    improve educational and economic opportunities in the 11-county area to ensure anequitable community on the long term. Everyone is encouraged to g ive []. The

    question we, as leaders of philanthropic institutions, have the courage to ask is: Do

    we have the courage and vision to be the glue that brings diverse people together

    to work towards their shared aspirations for equity, rather than a glue that keeps

    far too many people stuck in conditions that deny their dignity and deprive them

    opportunity and hope?12

    11See St. John interview with Mott Communications Officer Maggie Jaruze at the Charles Stewart Mott

    Foundation. http://www.mott.org/recentnews/news/2008/sstjohn.aspx. August 200812

    GILBERT. L. Are we the right sort of glue? in Focus on Sustaining Community Philanthropy: Looking

    for New Models, ALLIANCE, vol.11, number 1, March 2006 [pp 31-32] [www.aliancemagazine.org].

    Linetta Gilbert, in a debate with the 2008 CPCS Senior Fellows, stated: It is important support

    institutions that are value based. Strategies can change, but not the values.

    Still according to the Boards and their roles in keeping alive the values of an organization, a community

    foundation in Mexico FES, Fondo de Estrategia Social, led by Marcela de Rovsar, developed a 4 step

    model based on a mix between a community foundation and a social venture programme where the

    board members have a strong participation in the development processes of projects and are educated

    for their board responsibilities. In: ROVSAR, M. O. in Focus on Sustaining Community Philanthropy:

    Looking for New Models, ALLIANCE, vol.11, number 1, March 2006 [pp 31-32]

    [www.aliancemagazine.org] and in her presentation for the 2008 CPCS Senior Fellows.

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    INVESTMENTS IN BRAZIL: opportunities

    WINGS 2008 Global Report for Community Foundations13 lists at least three

    separate organizations in Brazil that are promoting community philanthropy

    through community foundations and/or community foundation-like organizations.They are:

    Instituto Rio, established in 1995, being the first formal investment in the theme in

    Brazil, started with the technical support of Synergos and a grant from Ford

    Foundation and Avina Foundation14. In 2002, with the support of the Inter-

    American Foundation and with the participation of a family and their company [Vera

    Pacheco Jordo e Geraldo Jordo, and their company, Editora Sextante], Instituto

    Rio raised around 1 million dollars and developed an endowment worth around

    US$175,000. Instituto Rio has widely integrated with its in Rio de Janeiro, by

    supporting projects, intermediating actions and capacity-building for organizations

    in the west zone, with a view to becoming an effective bridge to socialinvestment.15 Operating close to the pure concept, has the challenge to raise

    more than $19 million to be sustainable as a community foundation using only a

    percentage of its endowment. The Inter-American Foundation, WINGS, Global Fund

    for Community Foundations and Fundazione Zegna [Italy] are mainly supporting

    the growth of Instituto Rio as a community foundation.

    ICom Instituto Comunitrio Grande Florianpolis, in Santa Catarina, has proved

    to be a successful adaptation of the community foundation-concept. Established in

    2005, it started operating its public activities in 200616 and has attracted resources

    from global partners [Avina Foundation, Kellogg Foundation], but also local, from

    companies, families and individuals. ICom integrates diverse social actors in itsprograms, having created a Board of Investors. They developed two major

    activities: a Community Social Investment Fund, which raises funds from local

    funders to support social entrepreneurship among youth [with the technical support

    of Ashoka]; and Projeto Fortalecer, to provide technical support to local NGO

    leaders. ICom also developed a methodology launched in 2001 by Community

    Foundations of Canada [Toronto Community Foundation] called Vital Signs17.

    According to the WINGS 2008 Community Foundation Global Status Report,

    Endowment funds are a new concept in Brazil and many donors still resist the idea

    of immobilizing resources in face of pressing social needs. ICom is working to

    introduce the concept of sustainability, and demonstrate the need for long term

    13WINGS Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support. 2008 Community Foundation Global

    Status Report., September 2008. Researched and written by: Eleanor W. Sacks.14www.institutorio.org.br

    15WINGS Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support, Idem, p.82.


    17Vital Signs methodology has a high potential to raise significant data referred to community local

    development, to share the information with community integrating all sectors, including localgovernment and generating a positive relation with community. ICom launched its first Vital Signsreport: Sinais Vitais, Florianpolis. Check-up Anual da Cidade, Relatrio 2007 and it is the firsttime a report like this is developed for a Brazilian city. For more information about Vital Signs see:www.vitalsignscanada.ca; www.icomfloripa.org.br.

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    social investment through different strategies18. A Permanent Fund has reached,

    by now, the amount of US$ 13,823 or 4.05% of the total income in 2007.

    IDIS Institute for the Development of Social Investment19 which, since 1999,

    started to develop a Community Philanthropy Organization [CPO] with the support

    of Kellogg Foundation and the Inter-American Foundation. A CPO does not makegrants itself but establishes social nets to identify community priorities and acts as

    a broker and catalyst for bringing together community and individual resources in

    conjunction with government money to tackle priority needs in their communities.

    Although, according to the community foundation Global Report, IDIS, through its

    main leader, Marcos Kisil, has identified in a research paper that the potential for

    the development of community foundations has increased greatly in Brazil, IDIS

    believes that a more supportive environment for philanthropy could be brought

    about by studies and research which demonstrate the primary importance of

    individual giving for community needs. Also, lobbying in the Congress for

    community foundation-type organizations is a must20.

    The 2008 WINGS Global Report recognizes that interest in community foundations

    has been growing for some time in Brazil. Besides the structured cases mentioned

    in the report and, certainly, at least two more initial experiences among others, are

    already starting and/or are contributing to the community foundation debate in


    Fundao Tide Setubal, a family-foundation led by Maria Alice Setubal, which

    develops projects in the region of So Miguel in the East Zone of So Paulo,

    engaging the surrounding community directly and actively. The objective is to

    contribute to local development in a sustainable way, through the strengthening of

    institutions and the empowerment of community21


    Fundao Comunitria Baixada Maranhense22, an organization generated by an

    integrated pool of projects coordinated by the social organization CIP Jovem

    Cidado Formao, Centro de Apoio Educao Bsica, in Northeast Brazil. Led

    by Regina Cabral, it is developing a plan, with strategic support from Kellogg

    Foundation, to, among other objectives, support productive small projects and to

    strengthen their capacity to generate social development, through two kinds of

    funds: a permanent community fund and a fund to support projects. The group is

    presently organizing a seminar to generate a debate about community foundation

    and the possibilities as well as juridical constraints for the legal bases for Instituto

    Comunitrio Baixada Maranhense.

    Other experiences could be mentioned, in this case agreeing with Shannon St.

    John, as previously mentioned, that they would not be formally recognized as a

    18WINGS Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support. 2008 Community Foundation Global

    Status Report., September 2008. p.90.19www.idis.org.br

    20WINGS Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support. 2008 Community Foundation Global

    Status Report., September 2008 p.95. To find out more about individual donors and philanthropicattitudes of individuals in Brazil, see: SCHLITHLER, C.; KISIL, M.; OTANI CORREIA, T.Descobrindoo Investidor Social Local. IDIS Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social, SP,2008.21

    Fundao Tide Setbal. Relatrio de Atividades 2007 Participao Comunitria eQualidade de Vida. Atuao da Fundao Tide Setbal. www.fundacaotidesetubal.org.br.22www.formacao.org.br

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    The main action by the So Mateus Social Responsibility Network, in 2007, was the

    planning and production of FOCO - Annual Fair of Opportunities and Connections for

    Youth. Among its local partners, there are: business organizations: Rotary and CDL

    - Clube dos Lojistas [Shop owners Club]; companies: SOS, IBRAM, G Assessoria;

    government: Municipal District Office; State Secretariat of Social Assistance and

    Development; State Secretariat of Work; State Coordination of Youth; SENAI(National Service of Industrial Education); SEBRAE (Brazilian Micro and Small

    Business Support Service); coordinators and youngsters from the social

    organizations: Ao Comunitria, Ao Social, Associao Pe. Moreira, Centro

    Social, Obra Social, Sociedade Instrues e Socorros, Bloco Amizade, Cemais; and

    ACJ-United Way Brasil.

    One of the manifestations of the community leadership of the group can be

    recognized by the words of one of the So Mateus group, Flariston Francisco da

    Silva: Every social, educational, corporate investment or public action should be

    concerned in generating human, social or economic development, with

    environmental protection, generating autonomy and eliminating dependence. Wehave to appreciate and learn how to work with the concept of integrated and

    sustainable local development, where every citizen and every community is called,

    encouraged, motivated and qualified to identify their main problems and potentials,

    and plan, initiating change processes optimizing what is at hand and consolidating


    The So Mateus group will have to work, however, to establish a structured base if

    they wish to start a community foundation or want to become a community social

    investment fund aimed at local development. Some of their structure can be

    represented by the critical factors for the success of a community foundation that

    were identified by Kathleen McCarthy25: 1] entrepreneurial director(s); 2] donorsto tide the institution over its early years; 3] a local giving base; 4] projects that

    resonate with the community; 5] an existing culture of philanthropy [or community

    social investment]; 6] backstopping resources [umbrella organizations]; 7] buy-in

    from constituents; 8] participation of associations like Rotary clubs and Chambers

    of Commerce to broaden its base of supporters.

    Some of these critical factors the So Mateus Group already has, or are

    potentially present there, but they should indeed be considered in its complexity by

    the group.

    I believe that UNAS and So Mateus group carry the seed of a communityfoundation. In previous discussions among their leaders, they also would like to

    learn more about how to improve their knowledge about community investments

    and building autonomy and sustainability for their community and youth projects.

    The references to these grassroots experiences have the objective to exemplify

    both WINGS and Shannon St. Johns statement about the vitality of the concept

    24 ACJ-United Way Brazil 2007 Annual Report, coordinated by Jaqueline de Camargo,

    Superintendent of Projects.25 Kathleen McCarthy is the Director of CPCS Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society at TheGraduate Center, CUNY. The mentioned critical factors were listed by her during a learning sessionwith the 2008 Senior Fellows.

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    around the world and, in this case, in Brazil, as maybe several practitioners and

    social entrepreneurs can recognize.


    In June 2008, there was a meeting at ICom, Florianpolis, with a global

    representation of community foundations. Besides IComs staff and board

    members, there were present: the GIFE General Secretary and Chair of WINGS,

    Fernando Rossetti and the Coordinator of Affinity Groups of GIFE, Cinthia Sento S;

    the group connected to Fundao Comunitria Baixada Maranhense; the main

    leader of IDIS, Marcos Kisil; the Executive Director of Mexican Community

    Foundation Frontera Norte, Karen Yarza.

    The central presence of Monica Patten, Director of Community Foundations of

    Canada was quite helpful to the community foundation debate in Brazil: besides

    being a convener for the agenda of community foundations and social communityinvestments, she strongly agreed with the proposition that there was a need to

    work collaboratively, thus improving contexts where there is still no established

    culture of philanthropy aimed at community strategic investments.

    Another meeting was meaningful for the purpose of this paper. In the context of my

    learning process at the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society of the CUNY

    Graduate Center Senior Fellowship and as a Kellogg grantee, during the CFC 2008

    Conference in Montreal in November 2008, I invited the attending group of the

    Brazilian representatives to meet on this topic. In this meeting, 4 persons were

    present: representing ICom [Lucia Dellagnelo]; IDIS [Tatiana Akabane van Eyll];

    GIFE [Cinthia Sento S, the coordinator of the Affinity Groups]; and myself. There

    was a good understanding among the group about how to strengthen the concept

    of community foundations and community philanthropy in Brazil. Lucia Dellagnelo

    spoke about her efforts to leverage community foundation concepts in our country,

    with the support of Global Fund. She shared with the group the importance of an

    approach on how to better explore and create a culture of giving in Brazil,

    considering mainly the legal constraints and lack of support via tax incentives in

    this area . All persons gathered recognized the present moment as important for

    Brazil with reference to community social investments and how strategic it would be

    for an organization in the country to be the base for a systematic approach to a

    dialogue in the country.

    In this case I would like to present a successful and possibly inspirational case

    given by Barbara Leopold26 during her orientation for the CPCS Program to identify

    successful cases of the implementation of a systematic dialogue for the

    strengthening of the concept of community foundation and focusing on the

    following question:

    How to contribute to a more systematic and systemic dialogue about community

    foundation in Brazil, as circumscribed in the equation: social investment and social

    26 Barbara Leopold is the coordinator of the CPCS Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society

    International Fellows Programs.

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    justice? How to improve a collective and shared learning about community

    foundations and community social investment in Brazil?

    The model case is illustrated by TUSEV [Third Sector Foundation of Turkey]. A

    seminar was organized by them in 2006 with the following objectives: [1] Discuss

    the viability of the community foundation practice and its adaptation in the Turkishcontext [2] Introduce the community foundation practice and its various

    applications across the world.

    It was a one-day Seminar, with one-to-one approaches taking place before the

    Seminar. They invited 70 national and international participants from every sector.

    The following are the aspects considered at the debate: governance for

    transparency and accountability; standards and criteria for allocating funds to

    NGOs; gaining the trust from donors; tax incentives and legal structures; locality:

    national or local?; how community foundations can make funds more accessible to

    NGOs?; competition for donors?; in what ways are community foundations different

    from or similar to existing practices?

    TUSEV Seminar Recommendations can be summarized as follows: learning by

    doing [Ellis Center]; pilot program [World Bank] in a place with good balance of

    wealth and a good degree of right partners; clarifying legitimacy and taxation

    [Synergos];not preventing innovations, clarification on principles and values, and

    having a similar meeting in prospect locations for community foundations [Mott];

    community foundation for community development [UNDP Turkey]; community

    foundation as a mechanism one gives through and not gives to [T. Philanthropic

    Fund and PwC Turkey]; look at existing community level organizations [CAF

    Russia]; local commitment as a crucial factor [WINGS].

    It is relevant to highlight the fact that one year after the seminar promoted by

    TUSEV, a community foundation was established and registered in Turkey27.



    As it has been explored by community foundation literature, and by this paper, one

    of the pillars of the community foundation concept is the autonomy of communities

    [since an endowment is built using a communitys own resources/management].

    The obvious advantage to supporting the autonomy of the social groups which are

    leading and engaged in the promotion of the betterment of community, is that

    other sources of financial resources do not always stimulate autonomy, these,

    being, many times more connected to the donors point of view than to the

    community perspective.

    However, the issue building autonomy by building an endowment will have to

    be adapted to cultural and legal frameworks, since in countries like Brazil there are

    no relevant and well-structured tax incentives, making it difficult to raise money for

    social purposes and for social strategic goals. It is imperative that umbrella

    27 TUSEV. Community Foundations and Turkey: Summary of Conference and Working Group . 6-7

    October 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.

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    organizations seeking to strengthen community foundations start a coordinated

    effort to influence the legal framework.

    In addition to the challenges of building sustainability and autonomy through the

    constitution of endowments, the issue of being inclusive is a challenge as well. I

    would like, also, to refer to important actors who should be considered and includedin the consultations and convening processes about community foundations in


    Grass-roots leaders, as previously mentioned, and youth representatives have been

    much more the receivers of investments, than partners in social change. In the

    case of youth, there is a tendency for private social investments in Brazil to support

    projects for them to start an early productive life, providing them with skills to

    enter the work market. However, it is even more important that policies on youth,

    such as those supported by the World Bank, be directed to expanding

    opportunities for developing the human capital of youngsters and their capacities as

    decision-making agents, and also offer second chances to manage consequences ofbad outcomes that occur early in life28.

    Youth should be more seriously considered by social private investments and social

    community investments as a source of social change.

    It is important to mention that in Brazil a few organizations already have

    incorporated this approach. Some Initiatives aimed at youth and social

    entrepreneurship, like Ashoka [GMM] and IYF - International Youth Foundation

    [IAM], for example, have been supporting projects to empower and include youth

    as social change makers. These also include initiatives of GIFE members, which

    have invested in youth, and their participation in the GIFE Affinity Group on youth

    [GAJ]. Part of this group is represented by Institutes and other GIFE associated

    members who have been developing relevant work in Brazil with youth as a field of

    social investment and social development.

    GIFE/GAJ has a seat on the Second National Youth Council (CONJUVE). Its

    representative, Rui Mesquita Cordeiro, comes from the activist and intellectual

    youth movement and he is Program Associate for Latin America and the Caribbean

    Region at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

    Two examples will illustrate for Brazil, and for community foundations globally, the

    opportunity for youth to be seriously engaged as actors who are part of the

    solution of social problems and are included in decision-making processes.

    First of all, it is important to mention the place and space youth occupied at the

    2008 Community Foundations of Canada Conference29. Their presence was

    amazing, not only as artists, singers and dancers, but also as being part of the

    invited reflectors during this 3-day conference. But what particularly demonstrates

    the effectiveness of their presence at the Community Foundations of Canada

    28World Development Report 2007: Development and the Next Generation, World Bank.2006.

    29CFC Community Foundations of Canada 2008 Conference. November 7-9, Montreal, CA.

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    Conference, were some sessions driven by youth and the presentation of a project

    with strong presence of youngsters in its development in Vancouver 30.

    There are several references about the engagement of youth in community

    foundation literature. The Mott Foundation publication, The Balancing Act, highlights

    the issue:

    A worldwide movement is developing that may help ensure the future of effective

    grantmaking involvement of young people as decionmakers and, in some cases,

    fundraisers. The Youth in Philanthropy movement in the U.S. in the YouthBank

    Programs that are emerging in Northern Ireland, Russia and Bosnia, give raise to

    the hope that future generations will be sophisticated and effective grantmakers.

    The Mozaik Community Foundation in Sarajevo, Bosnia, has teamed with the

    Community Foundation for Northern Ireland [CFNI] to scale up development of

    YouthBanks in that country. Mozaik has secured local support from five municipal

    governments for the local YouthBanks, and more than 50 young people are being

    trained as grantmakers. Prior to this project, CFNI worked with the Community

    Foundation Tuzla [also in Bosnia] to establish a successful YouthBank in that city.

    Not only are young people becoming involved in philanthropy, but also they are

    ahead of most of their elders in terms of their global interests.

    Exchanges between YouthBank in Russia and Northern Ireland have taken place,

    as have exchanges between the Youth Advisory Committee in Berks County,

    Pennsylvania, and Togliatti, Russia.

    This is but the beginning of the international movement of Youth in Philanthropy

    and bodes well for its future31


    Through his work together with members of the youth movement, Rui Mesquita

    Cordeiro demonstrates that youth actually wants to take more part in the

    discussion spaces and political debate in Brazil, and moreover, wants to discuss

    public policy not only for the youth, but also policy aimed at the Brazilian society as

    a whole32.

    Referring to his responsibility of having been recently (April 23, 2008) chosen to

    represent the group de Afinidade de Juventude (Youth Affinity Group) (GAJ) of the

    group de Institutos, Fundaes e Empresas (Group of Institutes, Foundations and

    Company) (GIFE), at Conselho Nacional de Juventude (Counselor in the Second

    30 For more information, see: Youth Vital Signs [www.youthvitalsigns.ca]. Youth Vital Signs is a

    youth-driven project, that gives fresh voice to the experience and knowledge of Vancouver youth aged

    15-24. In: Vancouvers Youth Report Card, presented during a specific CFC Conference Youth

    Session, coordinated by Barbara McMillan, the Director of Regional Strategies for Community

    Foundations of Canada. According to this project it looked like clear that there is a potential to address

    social justice issues and to favor inter-sector and inter-generational partnership for local

    development.31REYNOLDS, D., The Balancing Act, The Roles of a Community Foundation, Edited by Charles

    Stewart MOTT Foundation, Set. 2008 [Highlights].See: http://www.mott.org/recentnews/news/2008/monographseries.aspx32 MESQUITA, R.C. Political Impressions about the 1st Participatory Youth Conference for PublicPolicies in Brazil In: http://ruimesquita.wordpress.com/2008/06/06/political-impressions-about-the-1st-participatory-youth-conference-for-public-policies-in-brazil/

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    National Youth Counsel) (CONJUVE) Rui Cordeiro lists the voted priorities which

    clearly show the potential connection between youth and social justice movements.

    Since CONJUVE does not reflect a specific geographic area, but the whole nation, it

    is made up of meaningful communities that reflect, if not geography, communities

    of identities. The purpose of referring to this movement here is to indicate thevitality of a segment of population which represents almost 50 million persons

    (between the ages of 15 and 30) who should be increasingly included in decision-

    making processes.

    With 634 votes, racial equality was number 1 among all the priorities at the 2008

    Youth National Conference. The most important discussion-points in such

    meeting[s] were related to strengthening of racial justice policies for new black

    youth generations. [..] The message is clear: let us all open our eyes to the theme

    of Racial Justice!

    [] Similarly, but not less importantly than such 22 top priorities, another cross

    theme that is more connected to the Legislative Power than to the Executive Power

    echoed unanimously in all the National Conference, and among all the different

    youth groups: that the National Congress should discuss and approve the Proposal

    for Constitutional Amendment 138/03, also known as the Youth PEC. [My

    comment: This project has been recently approved in its first phase].

    [] After all, young people do not only want to voice their opinions on public

    policies relating just to young people, but also on those relating to society as a

    whole. And the reason for this lies precisely in the fact that the current

    generations of young people are not merely inheriting from the previous generation

    the problems and a responsibility of policies for young people, or for society as a

    whole, since the new generation always completely takes on the role of the

    previous one, and not just sections of it33.

    Approaches which will build bridges among the sectors, generations and diverse

    social groups could really bring some answers the country [and Social Responsibility

    Movement] are looking for, to overcome some of its greatest challenges of being

    one of the most unequal countries in the world: rich in natural resources, a growing

    economy, but with race and gender deficits clearly reflected in the most important

    indices such as education, health and distribution of wealth.

    33MESQUITA, R.C. Idem.

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    ACTION-LEARNING PROCESSES: ways to make it happen;

    some recommendations

    Finally, considering the previous analysis of the TUSEV case, following the

    recommendations and main tendencies already in process to implement the concept

    of community foundations in Brazil and integrating some of my previousexperiences, I can identify four potential steps that refer to a methodology that has

    been successfully used to favor learning processes among persons and

    organizations in development contexts34.

    The methodological steps reflect, in the context of this paper, a technical approach

    to the three main assumptions the paper underscores: [1] there is a place for a

    community foundation movement in Brazil; [2] the already existing community

    foundations and community foundation-like organizations [or community social

    investments] in Brazil are carrying the seeds of this strong movement, adapting

    the community foundation concept for local, regional and national realities; and

    34This methodology was applied by Instituto Fonte and Nucleo Maturi in the context of workshops to

    promote Interchange of Knowledge among social organizations in the Program organized by ACJ-

    United Way in Brazil. It reflects the Action-Learning process, according to the CDRA Centre for

    Developmental Practice [www.cdra.org.za]. The diagram indicated was selected from: Action Learning, aDevelopmental Approach to Change. Adapted from Action Learning for Development: use your

    experience to improve your effectiveness, byJames Taylor, Dirk Marais and Allan Kaplan.

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    [3] it is important, as we move forward, to broadly engage, in a systematic and

    systemic way, community leaders and youth leaders to promote the concept in the


    It is evident for any social manager that there is not only one way to reach a good

    or expected result. The recommendation of the action learning methodology tostructure a systematic process to implement the concept of community foundation

    in Brazil comes from some previous successful experiences with learning processes

    that I have had the opportunity to organize35.

    This methodology has permitted me to contribute to learning processes that include

    the perspectives and knowledge of persons, who are not only part of the

    leadership, but also the persons who are simply beneficiaries of or general

    stakeholders in the projects. Because stakeholders at all levels are heard and

    engaged in the decision making processes, contributions to the final solutions are

    equally systemic and effective.

    In practical and concrete terms, the recommendations of this paper, following the

    4-step action-learning methodology, are:

    [1] Action [Demand for Social Justice and community social investment]: Which

    significant things are already in place /concretized such as, important community

    foundation initiatives that have started and have connected global, offering space

    to new experiences to emerge as part of solution for the demand for social justice?

    The community foundation and community foundation-like experiences in Brazil

    already operating and the ones which are starting up should be better known by

    Third Sector community. Both GIFE and ICom meetings which reunited national and

    global organizations and leaders in 2008, and the consultation developed by LuciaDellagnelo, ICom leader and Global Fund grantee, were important milestones and

    reflect a multiregional and diverse scope of experiences in Brazil. The dissemination

    of their proposals, involving youth groups and perspectives, by means of articles,

    documents and communications will be highly fruitful, making clear to the third

    sector community, the connection among these experiences and of all of them to

    the two most relevant bases in the concept of community foundation: social justice

    and social local development.

    [2] Reflection [Social entrepreneur immersion; youth social-entrepreneurs

    engagement; peer learning and knowledge exchange; affinity groups]. Umbrella-

    organizations like GIFE which connect private social investors and is affiliated toWINGS; foundations and agencies which fund and support community foundations

    and community social investment initiatives like Kellogg Foundation; Synergos;

    Avina; Ford Foundation; Mott Foundation and World Bank through Global

    Fund/WINGS; organizations that catalyze others, such as IDIS; community

    foundation and community foundation-like organizations and, starting community

    foundation- and community social investments initiatives, such as the previously

    mentioned [Instituto Comunitrio Baixada Maranhense, supported by Kellogg

    Foundation; and Fundao Tide Setubal]. Community foundation centers aimed at

    practioners knowledge, such as the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, an

    35I refer to the learning programs I have had the opportunity to develop at MacArthur Foundation and at

    ACJ United Way in Brazil

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    Affinity Group, for example, could improve mechanisms for working collaboratively

    to complement competencies and to improve opportunities in the field.

    Some guide questions for this step: Do we know of any other experiences that are

    useful here? How are they building trust for potential donors? How and who should

    be broadly, but significantly, engaged? What do we share/ have in common, thatcan be implemented and complemented if we were put together? What are the

    means to allocate resources? Who, which organizations and/or groups are

    potentially connected to our experience? Which of them could better represent and

    reflect the movement in Brazil? In what ways are Brazils community foundations

    different/similar to existing practices in the sector? What/which contributions do

    other significant actors in the field bring to the enterprise of strengthening

    community foundation in Brazil? What legal structures could be better focused to

    benefit community foundation and community social investments in Brazil in the


    3. Learning: [Seminar]: Organizations and connected youth previously engaged inthe process to strengthen community foundation and community foundation-like

    movement in Brazil and other organizations, practioners and social entrepreneurs

    from countries where community foundations and social justice and local social

    development have been a coherent experience, should be part of a seminar. They

    should, then, engage other identified relevant actors which eventually would not

    been involved yet, as decision makers [like youth and community- based leaders],

    in questions such as: what other theories/experiences can help us to deepen these

    learning? What kind of community foundation concept should be adapted for

    Brazilian social, cultural, economic and legal contexts?

    Such a Seminar would much probably look for some consensus about communityfoundations in Brazil.

    4. Planning: [Strategic Plan: so, what does it mean in practice? ] Completing the

    action-learning cycle, a new group and sub-groups formed after the experience of

    social-entrepreneurs immersion; peer learning and interchange of knowledge;

    affinity groups and seminar, being reflective on the diversity of third sector

    organizations and movements aimed at social justice and social local development,

    would develop a strategic action plan.


    A strategic action plan, developed by a reflective group of representatives of

    community foundation and community foundation-like initiatives in Brazil, with the

    contribution of global, regional and community social investments leaders, including

    youth representatives, will be the guide for a systemic and autonomous process to

    improve community foundation concept in Brazil. It will reflect the belief of an

    innate human characteristic, which is the philanthropic [or community social

    investment] impulse36 , aimed at building community capacity to face the

    challenges and the opportunities for social inclusion, with inter-generational, inter-

    sector, multi-racial and social development perspectives. This is the main objective

    of social leaders, but it also is what companies and corporate social responsibility

    might look for and, what governments are about.36See p. 8, the referred statement of Shannon Saint-John.
