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DEAlGOiSIO ij^EW DEAL REPRISAL On Revenue Bills yiayjfe...

Date post: 28-Jul-2020
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On Revenue Bills iB iil BfllWEm By. BIAX O. FtTNKB ' DOISE. March C (CJ!)—Uemb«n of the Idaho houno of reprucnta- : t .'— tlvM ttvoided_'tho';qUMtlon-of ito - ollon during llib'momine'flcMloh to<lfly--but .Indicnted they woulJ uftcrnoon, YMtenlay they eliminated the . ____IXKlBe.plaJV-Un.27fl^by-a-vote-df 33 to 20. Today they Inlroduecd ■cvcrnl now hill# In hopes Ihot flomethtne could Iw dectdcd before ______ "Ihf rnil nf tlif ii»'/»itnn Ttiiirnilny ______ midnight— Indicated ------ : etudca- tncrcMcd -Incomo- taxc»,"lo- __ buccp taxes, olot maehlae taxcfl,.inr aa4 a halt mlH a«- tx^y would smllo oh the abovo bills —and tho senate, onxlona to set through, wuold probably aeo rit to approve them ohio.. . . — Appropriation meaauremli awiiitj revenue action. Until thooo ta*-i ____hrlnfi;lns:„nic(Wurea .aro-oul.of-ujol .way, the houno refuaea to conti!der| approprlatloaa.'....... Unleaii aome tax meaauro l« ap>* proved this afternoon or early to- morrow, It b thought that on extra _flcJwloR cannot Wo avoided. .Some ..lulirWna'heard’lb' Indicate' that' _ few more-Uaya-wlthout -pay would rcauIL Night aeaalona, cxpccted at ! tho weelc began, have failed to nift' : terlalbo In either houae. ' .Spectacular right Tueaday afternoon when roem- ._sV -bcra rallied. oppoalUon;to-.thorl*ar. .BODSrGlnint-l£nKlag allsnrocnt and Uillod the "DodgQ" bill. Four yeara n ^ j^Ropublican teg- ^ ----- - iaittture-pald Mr.- Dodge- J2;b6o-to do tljo same kind of blllHlrafting ' ” llltcwUo.Junlcod-hla pro- rA'£E'MA!tSi> ~ .' ___B0ISE3, M(H«h_(J;(IIJJ—‘llem bera: ur-ther-Id^'o—M ...— --A- -morning- of-dobato" - hlllt. llfUd Xrom. the. table wherej - "tir.lj'—linrt ->mmi~ptni»flf<~yi>titnrrtBy -| .^^aUc-county-thftlHH 112 be-JUtcd: from .the table. An hour oC debate ■(Continued Pago 2, Column' 3; iiilTliL- =mFFlCERS FORllSHIPS 8 to Ocrmaa Anger W ith Estimate# Callfng for— - DEAlGOiSIO liES:FAi yiayjfe _[r.onnisr_Juatico,~at-M.-Lo3Mi-! , Gallant Battle Against . Pneumonia. • • M t P asses. ij^EW DEAL REPRISAL LOOMS FOR BITTER' BLAST _ B ^ £INGEISH m iM ■■28'Wcw'CSfr' - By FREDERICK .EDII • (Copj:rightritu3;ri.n«ii*f5ii)— LONDON, March O.dLni—NBYnr icattantcs-talUne.for 5202,000.000 ^ ;compriaed.qr«(vt BrlUJn'a.rcBiMDflc today, to German anger over ohargca that Germany'o rolUtary aplrlt-torced Britain, to-rew m r ----- The-catlmatea were Isaued Ju.it I^9ur«.aftar:uaoif-HHropFo't^theP., Of-ACoiJ,-canc'<iHfd n v la if a c t |j Belief hc« diplomatic one woa •8trcngthcnc<l| by bitter -commenta' in -Otmnn nowflpapori“ dVer tiie chargca N a« inmuirla.tic ftentlmcnt. ' , Tho-bundlng-pcogram eaila-fof I new flhips. renwnnel Incrtnae :tle n In naval neraonnel. Moaday'a-"wlilto t-,..., roused ..Gcrmaa .anger, <ald that Britain muat rebuild Ita canltal ahips—battlcflhlpa. Strong oppoaltion to Iho naval entlrnaUa. and to the army and air rorcc__csUmfltca..whieh_prcctided *'■— ----- • pccted In a- houae of bale ~whcduTea ^for Tho naval catlmalca bring the .total, mjlltiuv "itlmfttefl.XOE—lhc iflacbl year,; Grinning April 1. to '£124,230.000-tso04,02j.000 at par). , .It Wtta eapecled' that tho cab- Unct.-ttt a-.mcctlB&-today.-would Idlaciua.thc .illautian arlalng from ' the poatponemcnt of SlmonOi vlalt *• Berlin. Some aourcca anticipated . -jjreBcntationa fK>n»"'Ccrm'iiby, amounting- not-hb'Upr. Jomatlc ata[us,"loaprotcat agolnat the. chargu .«r '.Kaxi;mll|larumA Alleged EUHer. o f ifmo Utoii| P^^OattloQion'OapturOd^Dt wouitt como. lcom ._iu. »»wv, * . 'don't Unow.whoro any orail thti;; iponcy U coming from' we.o.- I npondlnsr'now, any more than --------e»ngrcB.imttn-doea.-Bul lf Amor- i --------- -'-(aiiS 0i^'s6iBg-to atop ixnam rt“ i inT^Iiig about wlieUier' they ; i^i/“zi~ n.is-^rrnogfou- Npw County Qronp Planning . ^Scsslon.to Map Progran .OfAcUvitieS. ; Dlredters^^.the-Twio^FairatCo^ 'opcratlro'na^^tlM , perfected at an orgoalzottoa'meeting at Filer ^ thia wee^c,' will mMt aoon to name] bfflcerflud.to'outline lUprofi of actWltlea, It vaa stated tc ... Eighty chartcf members met nt grange haU and named u direct-' or*. Tom Parka, .Bubl, ■C.- G. • Thoma*, FUer, W .-rSackett; Twin Falls. Roy Durk, Kimberly, "Vance ,v. Naylv Hanacn and C. A. Hack, ilurtaVgb.- ' - - I - ' ----------- •By.lawi were adopted and Uie, - aimuBl-tBcetlng date-waa fixed for the fourth Thursday, la Josuaiy.' Director! were chosen to serve tm- lU tho next annual meeting. Mem- berships have been sold over the county at JB. each, shore entitling the owner to one vote. , ' ' * Scefei Aii^ Record :.Jr.._BUBBANIf, CftVMawh4 (lUn-4- Leland' S. Andrews, .vetia^a air t inaU.pilot who recea.tly.set a now ■ oma»-'rnt,intry tmaaiwst.:_rt!CQrfl. toolc.oK.at fl!02,jL:m.. today n>r Union air Unolnal -ln ao attempt to set a.l/os'Angeles-Mexlco City rccord. •',••••. •. Andrews carried five poaaengcn • OR tils nevrtat rccdrd-breaklag ef; fort--:'-".!"'I'l''-, '• • - ilXlNplS yitOTES; “..■'apRfNbFIEiD^ IlL. March 6| With adoption by tho senate of a . resolution.- condemning' •Mexican offldaU -and- cttlllng on' congress •to- talu Vappropriato -fteyon,"- .......... E. Oliver, 70, ond hla grondaon, Norris Sbumway. 21, hwi _becn _ captared—ln-::;:stilEhnr Springs, Tcxiu, local officers------- Informed today. —Tho-mon-w«re-«hot-durfag~a rangeland dispute in IhB wUda of the 9an Juan river-couhtry -last week.-The-.bodlea, which hod-been thrown over a' cliff, were found la.to'Monday. - -8!nee-aumlay_a poaM of <0 men from San Juan county had aeatxh- ed tho ru m d canyon country fo: Palmct‘.'TUe'trair-Iod out^of 'San' Juan - county to - thla- dlatrlct— Waahtogtan - county— and - I twas .thought tlut.Pabner had slipped; out of the state ln(6 the nearbyi 'A rlnoa strip. . ' Lost .Seen Sunday ' ' ' ,ThQ.loflt..«en or''Palmer~waa! Junday-^^hen-)»..<lrove -to.a.l -* In^ post curated by his ehii ,er, Harry T. Oouldlng, on ____ Navajo -reaervatlon .onu Informed ihlm of the shooting.' -Palmer took |<0 from Gouldlng and his outomabUe.-an4 fled to ward the AWtona'border. lOouM- lag.wcat to Blinding, rdlles hwtiy. In a-bIlndlng.''Bn6wstonn and in* formed officers of the acL -. -Word from-TexM did not say whether Polmet^a 17-year-old wife was with him.' It waq. thought by Sim Juan''oUlcen Uut she was.. . Sheriff Ldwrchce .Palmer, of Son Juan county, sold he planned to go to Tcxaq.immediately —"* brlng..tlie prl»9ner to Utalt- ■ ‘UPSiDEi-DOWN" CHILD BETTER The 6:30 d. m. bulletin lamed St Truesdalo'hospital read: “Condition-better:; Tempera* turo 1005,' puUe 124, respiration: -24. -ahe has'had thB flwt.lnteari 'Unal oction’By enema, this mom^- •Ihg; •. . ' - ‘ '.'(Sign^) "Dc.'' George ‘O." ^ f u a , Alyco’s.temperaiurewiie- unthanged fronl ’midnight' and combared with 100.4 a t 0:30 last nlgh^-lOO-S at 3:30 p. M. yeater- ’d>Vi,abUrlOi-yeitci«ay'iriomlnt.- - SUCOITMBS-PE A CEPULLY • day. Ho dled poL____ _ ____ -'T* .atreet hoiiiu ut 2:13 a : - Funeral-:8ervlcea-wlll“ hi TO—jHuey-Long’s-1 roftic-; iU— |-— GIwHenge-Irk#" Leaders----- Military Intcnnouf at- ______ Arlina WASHINCTO.V. lOtKh G(llPt— . QUver-Wchdcll-irolmoa. for ap: , -fycara-a-aupremo-court'juatlcononrrl ■hla g ^ lao t fight ngaln.it <l.-atli to-' ' rac'crully ft his qulot ,l ---- OUver—Wcndell-Ilolmc*,- ^0 yean the “grrM liberal' tho UnitMl aiatrs. ■iipre court, iiuccunibrd early' today • ..-ThBdlpir • • Votes to Send Anti-Inflalicnl 'B n rio T ro ”usoTTPHtmah‘’i Plan May-T^iiimph j—AVA'SIITNGTON;' M arch'0’a'.n= .The houao.waya-ood nicuna com- ; inlttee wtcd today 14 to H to re- ! port favorably the Vtnwon Amcrl' TcnnT»Rlo1«* firttl-lnfiation" soldier Iboniia bill. , -In Adopting the-Vlnaon-bill. Jn- lunAtloii—iu*Asur«:.::tbo: By I.YLE C. WILSO.V — 'A'SniNCTONTT.rffrcTrO-Ol” ' Scnator-Ilucy -P. .Lons'a. scoffing . cliuilonae to, tho N ew . Doul_tlrc.w Ihn-ntu (>r eiirly reprlnais from the hl;:h aUmlnlntnillon command to- my.------------------------------------ T e T T n - Grn. lluch S. Joim.wn speeded . , toward a conclualon of aome kind tin-Liing’s-conlpBt-wllh-lhe- admin* • - llatmtiun when he attacked tho [antl-Nev/ Deal coalition in which tho kltigfUih and Father Chariea E .' CDUclum. .rndlo. prlcHL’liire julned:_:_'i ~ Itrpllni Ovrr Itodio Long htmaclf- m ay haaten the ' rcclconlng tomorrow night. - Ho opcaka on .the nidlo .on.the aomo__ m-twork iind for .the name length , If time Grn; Johnnnn look In hla 'Igoruun nflucir llLn s'peech will dlrcct reply to-John»on.—That-. Reprlanla' from tho DemocraUo I;..- w — •to^y-over the head of llt>e]r-P.-Long,-Loidslana’a'flrebtsn:a~s«nii- ^ r. tth<^ vlndleUvo attack aralnal Uugti Johnson, President Itoosevelt m»d Senate Leader Robinaon startled tho senate yester- day. Administration supporters believe Long .ha», more thjui met hla match In General Johnson, whose (icathlng denunclatii>n lluey wlU try to answer In a nidlo broadcast tomorrow nt 11 p. m. EST. curhincy inflation for bonus pay- ment dlr«ctly before the liouae - which under the Icademhlp'o plan miij chooao between the two pro-, - poaala—when thO .measure—Inj bruiight up either later'thU wecld tBciFon“t«e’nc a-8«med= ICE-CLAOREGION early next week. — Will-Add-Amendm Rep. Fred Vl_iu»n. Dollar Out of Line, ___^ ’BBVSRLY-mLLS.-CSivliiJt. retU old stottd-patrrRopubUcu govoraor'of ;tho-great state of California' reached Ihff'.Town^ ■^cnd"pl***' er~IurUier-dBvaluatlon- -w oji-la:-------r-nonorary-mniteareni- prospect,-the- I*rcsldcnt loughed’ ‘Tlio honorary pallbcnriTa wlllI and Bhook.htaJicad.- -.............. iba tho chief Juntlco and Uic.iuj-- ' 'SHllToo'lIIgh •• ~ i'clalo'Jual Mr. noooevelt expreaoed• bciief'supremo courL that-the:<leht-liun1cn-hBatbeen- - ........................ ,debt.colufnn of tho national.bnl-1 " “ Tur'^p'lo'!^ Idebt.coluhm of tho naUonal.bal- boon seeking to readjuat Uie l . tldnal economic Situation la two! tho great vol-1 ASHEADW Phatnmni o7, Adminiitratlvo | Board SondA Beaign&tloa ,/ ToKooBQVoIt ■; —WAamycTON,.March a nic— tftmtamty-'mintocilioj'rutaro of NRA woa increased today by - jVitJdn of'3. Clay WUllams os man.'of/the rccoVety admlalatm- Uon/ /. . ■ , I ^ 9 recovery agency, was. imder .................by the senate which . . . . nd Juno when tho present act expires: Federal court declalons have atni-”- aevero blows a t NRA functions.- . Wllliama, who was "drafted", by Prcsl(lent RooaeVelt"to-bead ‘the seven-man board when Gen. Hwrhl 3. Jenifison -resided, offered ,bU resignation In k letter to tbs Presl*' dene. He asked iie-b« rellvoll “Jusl os soon Bs possible.” ; ,• . Wliilaiaa-Lsald hU Teslgnatton was.mode.neeesawy. by>"thalta^ creaslngiy urgent call to return to my regular work.” Hs formerly was head of It. J.- ^tejrnoldrTobacte Oo.^ ofW lnatoa-aile^.N. a ' • la eastern- Macodonla.-today/.and loyal trooiM w^rb otdered into'ao- tlon ln a^smas>un^driv.e to'ead>ths revolution, .Tbe^goyeounexLt forfluCmatci Ing.the'rebels «tt'two'-sldu,--waro| lu ^cted ,to. encirele-tM re>els batteries. . . ' Altplanea flew back anJ forth across the rebel -ilau;-dropitlnff borabs-and''seattering':’.(hav tanir* gentc .................................... .... No"Mbre Devaluatfonj thfh^So Despite Need, Says ——:President— Dlaaontcr to tho ioat. tlio beloved former Juatlco clung doggeiily to . tho life ha hpd- ilvci oo fully a n j{ down hU' atrongth ari.l ha died wl^o^f^w^lcnda giithcrcd.about ■"Tho end wo* as pcaccfu! . have ever, acen.” Dr. Thomaa ..V. Claytor, hia pliyaiclan. nnld. mea cohtracttd a severe cold ... automobile ride, one nf lilii fewoutsldo dlvorelnns, a week ago. jLaBt-'Tlmrsday lils-.'lllnvns - was 'diagnosed as pneumonia.: Tho first official' bulletin lanued from the modoat red brick-houae ■■ street was. laaued. then by former .nceretnryofl . ............... lo-luntlce' la III and', .^'^'^'TP.“'ifOKsl3aymsntV of' ' tho bonua :z?'moi:auaim63aiiamom.2;yB=Mi2m2=»rd35=r:rrimz:iy .................... iHowe aald. ilwin. communlUen at tho head of: '■ I Grew U’eaker jtho Great LaUen. wure cltira of Duluth and Biiporior W ithont-'^S.^i'vte Lisltts, Trolleys, SchoolE, Oommunications D-, Ky., nponaor. of Ujo Legion measure, rnild tho vote meant that ialcr to- I'dny tho committee would go over! '.the Vinson mwuiure for poaslblr' ^nLt before formally re The Vinson' bill, bncKoil by the; American Legion, provUlea fori eongreoa and the treanury to de- icide on tho mctho<l of.payment of Itho ndjuat«l iiervlce eertltlcfttcn. lOpponentn claimed , that It would! foregone condualon. Thcro wiia npcculation' today whetiier Jolmiion might be drafted for-acUv»-jMjrvIo«-ln-d«feni»-of-lhe^— ,Ncw Deal. Uiit tho threat ot nn'- • jadmlnlatration countcr offensive' ' logalnat-tho aoaator dld'Kot suggept - Idcbute .^would be the. weapon. iWhetber'the continuing search of Long's income .tax. records has jyleided damaging evidence haa not jbcen hinted. If so. government ac- countnntfl were a long time finding . ..The Imnt begnn la'1032.. . • JohiiHon Will Stick But whether on hla own- or for Itiio admlnlatrntlon,' it la probablo that Johnson will stay In Uio fight Iho begun thU week I>y calling the Iprleat and tho oenator demagogs- !and-Pled..l?lpem .o f..] tflken-lnto:C»«»» oTtar a d^jn^an-mnption IvaataUng alc'et storm und giilo' leiuit J3S,000,000 a- year. Undtr.the jnan.Ur JUlinOolloTiatuippy, unwary r [Ilona to an economic precipice. Sunato Dcmoeratlc leadcra need . - WASHINGTON, MatcTl.O^dLEi Pnialdeni Itoosevolt today said hols a. •old Uol’mea In iila gal-, lont flKbt for llff. Ho grew; sUaa-i ........ V,. v.;^ nrcaivMl ucmocraiic leaucra neea ^„® ^ ,,^ .aiain 'th e contest wltu tho lOngflah.-— r jswept uio northweat. jtowlble ^Aat the t^tm^M-mc^- Travcicra _trickling out of the ure may be pa.-«icd on to the with General Jotoaon, [ulrlrltpn ritlpw In A ^ r iw n l^niLjVafl_demQnntcatcAltojBe'iu\ta_ .' * Democratic Leader Joacph T.'Uob- Inson that ho Is a ruthless debater r i‘*"hSrny- .of- tnuwportaUon And!-. Jiimei»''E*-Vaa°Zandt,-aalloaal ----- '3 0. tp. A ac'ort) or jnoro'^f watch-lcgwrounlcaUon aeldom equalled ln‘commiinderj^-.,tho:rVHerahB ot debt 8tnicUtfo-ar«.BtUl dUl-onino;iside; Uowo omctwjd a t 2:20 a: w f-SIorthaftBoppW coppof.cable* th#;Patman;bm; said.Bo-'eonslde^ nlt^uBh gi«t,p«iarr6** hoa beenl'Tlio'Juatlco- la dead,’'' ho" sdldlH...................................... ............................ . JMeds-ths [simply, his voieil thokcd wllh 'e .----------- ..abouldbo further adjust* .Later he laaued tho foliowlngl ttJcat;.lndIcayonsjvcr9:thath#had sUtem'ent: ------v ’ r.‘ ' nonhoughrof rcaortlng to'further ' 'T ho' funtral' 'seiSrlcdi ' wfli' bo ’— luatlOR-of-tii^oltar-to-Affect held-a^ll-aoulB -^u^U O U ^'^d.p.„),.-.,..,^-^^P 'W o “d‘S « t qu'i^oh as to woth: S^rpridayrJraVch“8.-at-n*u~-^^'*’'^ -^ “' !r“ fUrUlPP—rtnvatiintinn- "wnn—I n ------- —TTnnAMi.f-i>Ati>b>nMM— [llko•string oaa.shM lhod^ttwU la'od -theVyoto- llneh-thlclc. Ic6 - poralyxed-tiUimcs’toW--.-•• . .............- ......- -- . .)bar«L..tha..c<mf^«y .‘« ^ • • eiBO-.OOO-pt raonaT -------- p.*'!-# Activity. Po^yxod. .Thert).wero.no';clectric;lighto,;no!z^iiJit“ iald.‘- fatrept carp, no com ^^ jc wtu understood that‘a motion t£o|ellants aerwd by ^b!w n>-A ric- Ipatman bill will ^ adopted," .Vaa anaaai law f l ^ b ^ q Jhe,»«oto? - ~ livas.persuadedrrafteriirevlaua'AUbo_ liclty—to resign from hn--lei|ul|j I 34 to.-l.; oruio, xriiitbd'Statcal ume.'xit.debta-themselveB-^nnd byi raising- prloes-so-that-lt-la caalor: for debtors to pay'their obliga-| tloia. ■ ' '^ATlbTffiwlfiKh-Tui;lHcF Ueves this, process’ahould .go, par-1 Uculariy 'with refl^t^to'prlcesj M r..RooM velt'^ve'no indlcatldti. .* : Foodntuffs Akeend — Prices of foods havo boon rising Isbofply. duo ln;Breat pw t. to.tho AAA progrart.and. tho drouth, but lil'othor linos yio dianges l^vo not' ,bqetj"tui.-gToat;~‘*'*:"~‘: T t r r ~ r “ : h- Th'o-dollar-pow-atands .at.6B,O0, 'cents of Its Conner gold valde. Mr.| RooseVeit-r 6 1 )i t n s .congr^lonal | authority to make further adjust*! ments «nly,between .the range of BO.and 00-ccntfl...z.-:^ - r— _ .That jnatgia. accordiag. to.iall '.present;.lndl9a U q ^ ha.w lll'ntaln for' “trading purposea"-when-«i»d if, tho-;ttmo"comca .to '.consider monetaiy stabUlsatloa ogreementa with other nations.' . : Tha'.'PresMent'fl-remarkB ........ iaterpretod In'somo quarteni a* in* dleatlng a dealro on tho'part of the .................... to promoto further int gold of thejlolUr. ; BaValiiatlon' of the dollar'-L_ FebT-l. 1834. to 8W» per cent of Ills former gold content ha* been [.Continued ,oa^jfl'2;'C oliiata' 8) , l<*opfled_up_telephone polesjindlcat^ Ihat .oll but one.mcm- Itopplcdacroaaatceetaby thowcight her of the committee of- 25-fav-| 'Of leo and used them for fuel. .' jortd somo kind of bonua Icglsla-' Jliajlnrm ahitod.laat.nlght,-butitk)n.- ,wiro-' communicatlona companle'al aald It might'bo 48 hours '' ' attrMilltorr*burial-^trUl=be:tor(rtncv-TC3torca-BcrvIcenhd::EflliPr iucin)rt'ToBfirtrCoiumn-C)-fUay« betoro th*y reach noniialcy; “ :^:io'u..yEyPi Obango;, Namo and. Transfers ; .._ Aflaot8 .Under Federal 'Hooaiojr'Act . - I First Federal Bavlngs. and Loon [osaoclatlon- of -Twin; Falls, la-: the inewnamo of the Mutual Bulldlhg '"Loan ossoclotlon, organized In 1010. . . Tho action bad been taken today r tho' offlcers'Tond directors'after Extends Into MlcljIgoD- - — Tho atorm extended across Wis- consin ■■|nto"tl(o Iron coim lryjof Mlehlgaa iind aoulh'to'Hhlnelandcr and' Carlton. Conditions to the u-cat...ln.MlnnMoU and-NorU>-Dft> kola, were aa bad, but obacnce of largo cltles mado'them'Icaa'spec- tacular. Only one telegraph-wire llnktid Fargo and Biamat& with M innellis today. Tbo~DuIuUi Herald pubilsh'^.'t schedule yeaterday, despite the lat of telegraph faclllUea.-'rtsrco-tlmw.. 'tho- Unltcd -Preas broadcast'-ne'wa from slaUon KaTP in-at Paiil and 'WCCO la Minneapolis. Tho-Her* aid, ft United-Press client, picked up the bniadcaat In stenogmphle notes. .—T— Irksdnrk-;;--:.-i- it: I Tho klh^iah sent SenatorT3cas nett Champ-Clai'k, Mo.i gulping -• to his seat by the expedient of treatlng-hlm-llke-ft^mlschlmus-^^^r child. • Approval-of the: change’vfras voted at tho annual meetlng^f-the s ^ k - 'holden-ln-Janiiary.: ------ :— ~ - . ' Tn'BeSoion-.last-nlght tho-offtoers and directors troaaforr^ to the as- [sodatkin all the asseU of the for- mer company, and the Mutual of- ficers wero elected to almllar ca- poblty la ths new concem. ,Thoy lare: . ' < . - SCuart H. Taylor; prealdeiit: Al- ji Casey; vice presklent; Reese M. WUllams, treasurer; E. A. London, secretary; Leo Anderson, aaalatant secretaiy: H." R. Grant.'manager; It. p : Parryi B. D. Kester, B. A. Moon. Floyd Norman and H. W. IBany, directoiv. • . Baiilaruptcy Notice Served o Once Opulent Jimmy Wdker K-tONDOnrMarch.O-rtlB ~ A- banlmiptcy:notk».haa been «er* Ted'on.former Mayor. jM ta.?. ------ - -fwr -Vorl^ Walkef ,":V. W aikw ttid Che. nbtive oon* «emed a Judgment for (13,000 : MUob; Uattle. C&megU, ■ ' oxctu.- fllvo Now. York dreosmaker. ob-, . UWed'ia New^ork last year.- •ft waa lamed .at Croydon, roounty.: eofurt ;ln '^ rw y , .t» ; ’to n , .•fcotroas, a n d .h e r mQtheT>^- dodai^ ~a, •banktuprrwould ^ o ^ t^ ^ W e .for him to 'was hUs«d4n'-'tbe house of cc^-' ,mons yesterday .when Sir John. OUroour.'.itome' secrotaiv, «&kl .ho was Inquiring whetber'Walk- ,«r bad-ceglatered under ths'los B l5qutrih«'aUo-whbth?r'any:. Jon-aboul3--b^.Uk«n in com 'said that‘he had regUtered sineo the .qtMflttai .^Tas first, raised" at-a nearinig 'la chancety ootirt iFeb.~35r-MMeniins two «klta: CinCAGO.-. March 6 (lUJ.— Forty-two defiant members of a fontaatlc Necro. cult that cauaM one death and Injucy to 41 per- sona.in a.riot In, municipal court xJay entered-a hunger strike to protest-against iroprisoa* IN Cljy TONIGHT |Benobtt, Halo 'Will Speak 'os Spnd .Ontlook &&d*^uio Oommodity Plan.- Tbo-potato-'sltuatlon and dotalU of the proposed act which would make beans and potatoes baaic commodlUes under.tho A A A will be explained at the hlgh-achb61 building at.8rp.-m. today by E. R. Denn«tt..Bpeolall|t of the extension departpenti andr Harrey..S. Hale, county extension agent. . aimilar meetings have %«M Mn* ducted-.at.BuhI'aud-at Milrtaugb. At the latUr; place la st. cvenlnK. Oliver -W. Johnson, Glen B rig^ and control of potato and'bean' prMuc- tk>n. A t MQrta'ugh the group en- dorsed the plan; ' r Members of 'thelcommittees.wQl also.ba delegates, to 'a . atatewldo mwttog at Pocatell.o;yarehl4;; bolIar.Plunges nr+-rNBWr?ORKrJaj^^^‘“ A*n£rieaa,-doU«r:s' depths. T tod«3r--. whBn. Roosevelt.Indieated'the'doUw: wsii not yef'theap .enough -JnureT-*’ '-' :to ;tho debt biud«i^U w ;n: , PollcO foroibly tobkAbabyL.. I the arms of a mother among the iprisoncra 'wbo refused .to nuT«e It ;"untll' all men are-free'and equal" 1 The 20 men and. 22'women w4» jtuiwd—the- munlelpal-women’* court.lnto a ahamblea.wcTfl chargr «d- todoy only-with -oontompf of oouTt, but fo c^ poMlbta charges -* ------- ------ Mep-or piuj^er. . - ^-------Poat-Mortetn’’.' A pd>t-mortem-examination of .the body cf'Capt. Jdseph-Palc------ nki. while fellow officers gtu. 'surgoons'from his two objecting policeman sons, revealed that ,the veteran died of heart disease ag* gravatrf' by excitement :trampllng. -■— ' -Tho prisoners, still weafbur tbe '^ In g wtiite robes and crescent- narked, scarlet feaes of their ■Allah .Templfr-of Islam,•^.-■pent io a^t-.ln. IyBm-sULgl^.^pra3^ treatment accorded them. ' ; • ' Investigation revealed'that't culfs -‘prophet" Is W. D. Ford.— Elijah Mohammed. .or-FardrH»- hammed, who orl^aily — - Brooklyn txpresBmsn.-Fard oould- a't.bo'found.''. ' . Ttie prisoner* aaU t h ^ vent' to tho.couK to "protect-and asslst' Mrs. Hassoa. In "getting- JuMica.* ~At Enfflulnftirport LONZtON. March G 01£>—A t07,- 000 gold robbery, tn, which, Araerl* cans -wero .<aU| to be', tbs -vletk^ woa reportad. today trbm:Croydta airdroroe.-outtfde' of Xondon.',. ■ .Tha golit.was in.lhrea boxeB.':lt iM'-'^iinderstood;.' oae'^'ContaliUnB Ihrea ;gold.-bMa- and two -•otbers Amcriban.iold;plBee« taken'.duii^.rt tlw^atroag'room a^ the' alrdroma moniln^ tlonTvlft-^ttbuaeriT'o^inrtlia-T. ... >col was composed of a mixture of. ‘orleylsm,—Baruchlam-and John^ 'Tlio senate la not accustomed ta'* iich wrnrona In debate. - Senator' Joslahrw. Bolloy. Di;'N. C T p v a " Long the-lie, although In parlla- - mcntaiy language. Itobiaioa-'told'“ ~ tiim-he was-no-gcntloman'buran—^ Ignorant, arrognnt cgomaBlacr-a Long did not wither. Bailey's e phatic remark that-he-wotild-not” ' accept.any statement.ot hla aa:tha._ IruUi did fliiater the Ulngflatt'But '■ Capitol m il bellevea onlyJohnson'ir-, words ralaed a-bliatc'r on Lonfs aldn. • ■ .Bcod>- ror-nght.,-'.,v -Persons who know-Johnson -well-- ............................................. ilftMd— o to end a ir that be chal* . lengM Long and Father C ou^ta ! without knowing be wa^ beeinnlng ' a fight which would not be over In., .(Continued on Page.2..Column 1)... A W E IN I CAKILAK: Beet. Prodtlocrs. X rr^.1 o : d « t . ,- Oontrabta 8o'oQ;<Local.' . Total's,^:Acri»':.' v - Total.beet acreage so far aigiutf j . in the Twin Falls factory dtotrlct V anumnts to only.2 , 00D ------ - ---------- to ll; H; l«lmaiw~~- nr Ihk Amatnrnfitl manager of the Analgamat* ed Sugar oomp^.-now angiged.lii ^. . la.tha.Iatter-t^toty;:«on«rta.:^'r i I . iieret^alloted \mder U a^ -rThto-irla w trtst.to-»iU_. 18,400 acnit which we^'coatrfeted w ^ '»nd;a7.0».ae»>V— mm

On Revenue Billsi B i i lBfllWEmBy. BIAX O. FtTNKB

' DOISE. M arch C (CJ!)—U em b«n of the Idaho houno of rep rucn ta-

:t “ . '— tlvM ttvoided_'tho';qUMtlon-of i t o - ollon during llib 'm om ine'flcM loh to<lfly--but .Indicnted they woulJ

uftcrnoon,YM tenlay they elim inated the

. ____IXKlBe.plaJV -Un.27fl^by-a-vote-df33 to 20. Today they Inlroduecd ■cvcrnl now hill# In hopes Ihot flomethtne could Iw dectdcd before

______ "Ihf rnil n f tlif ii»'/»itnn Ttiiirnilny______ m idnigh t—

Indicated------ : etudca- tncrcMcd -Incomo- taxc»,"lo-

__ buccp taxes, olot m aehlae taxcfl,.inraa4 a h a lt mlH a«-

tx ^ y would smllo oh the abovo bills —and tho senate, onxlona to s e t through, wuold probably aeo r i t to approve them ohio .. . .

— A ppropriation m eaau rem li awiiitj revenue action. Until thooo ta*-i

____hrlnfi;lns:„nic(Wurea .a ro -o u l.o f-u jo l.w ay, the houno refuaea to conti!der|app rop rla tloaa .'.......

Unleaii aome tax meaauro l« ap>* proved this afternoon o r early to ­morrow, I t b thought th a t on ex tra

_flcJwloR cannot Wo avoided. .Som e..lu lirW na'heard’lb ' Indicate ' th a t' _ few more-Uaya-wlthout -pay would rcauIL N igh t aeaalona, cxpccted at

! tho weelc began, have failed to nift': terlalbo In either houae. '

.Spectacular r ig h t

— Tueaday afternoon when roem- ._ sV -bcra rallied. oppoalUon;to-.thorl*ar.

.BODSrGlnint-l£nKlag a llsnrocnt and Uillod the "DodgQ" bill.

F o u r yeara n ^ j^Ropublican teg------ - iaittture-pald Mr.- Dodge- J2;b6o-to

do tljo same kind of blllHlrafting ' ” llltcwUo.Junlcod-hla pro-

rA'£E'MA!tSi> ~ .' ___B0ISE3, M(H«h_(J;(IIJJ—‘llem bera:

u r-ther-Id^'o—M

. . . — --A- -morning- o f-doba to"- hlllt. llfU d Xrom. the. table wherej- "tir.lj'—linrt ->mmi~ptni»flf<~yi>titnrrtBy -|

.^ ^ a U c -co u n ty - th f tlH H 112 be-JUtcd: from .the table. A n hour oC debate

■ ■ (Continued Pago 2, Column' 3;

iiilT liL -=mFFlCERS

FORllSH IPS8 to O crm a a A n g e r W ith

E s tim a te # C a llfng f o r — -


y ia y j f e_ [r .on n isr_ Ju atico ,~ a t-M .-L o3M i-!

, G allant B a ttle A gainst . P neum onia . • •


m iM

■ ■ 2 8 'W c w 'C S f r '

- B y FREDERICK .ED II • (C o p j:r ig h tritu 3 ;ri.n « ii* f5 ii)— LONDON, M arch O.dLni—NBYnr

ic a tta n tc s - ta lU n e .fo r 5202,000.000 ^ ;compriaed.qr«(vt BrlUJn'a.rcBiMDflc today , to German anger over ohargca th a t Germany'o rolUtarya plrlt-to rced Britain , to - r e w m r-----

T he-catlm atea were Isaued Ju .i t I ^9ur«.af tar:uaoif-HHropFo't^theP.,

Of-ACoiJ,-canc'<iHfd n v la if a c t | j

Belief hc« diplom atic one woa •8trcngthcnc<l| by b itte r -comm enta' in -O tm nn nowflpapori“ dVer tiie chargca N a « inmuirla.tic ftentlmcnt. ' ,

T ho-bundlng-pcogram eaila-fof I new flhips.

renw nnel Incrtnae

:tle nIn naval neraonnel.

M oaday'a-"w lilto t - , . . . , roused ..G crm aa .anger, <ald th a t Brita in m uat rebuild Ita canltal ahips—battlcflhlpa.

Strong oppoaltion to Iho naval entlrnaUa. and to the arm y and air rorcc__csUmfltca..whieh_prcctided*'■— ----- • pccted In a- houae of

bale ~whcduTea for

Tho naval catlmalca bring the .to ta l , m jlltiuv "itlmfttefl.XOE—lhc iflacbl year,; G rin n in g April 1. to '£124,230.000-tso04,02j.000 a t pa r) ., . I t Wtta eapecled' th a t tho cab- U n c t .-tt t a-.m cctlB& -today.-w ould Idlac iua .thc .illautian arlalng from ' the poatponemcnt of SlmonOi vlalt *• Berlin. Some aourcca anticipated . -jjreBcntationa fK>n»"'Ccrm'iiby, am ounting- not-hb 'U pr.Jomatlc a ta [u s ," lo ap ro tc a t agolnat the. c h a r g u .«r '.Kaxi;mll|larumA

A lle g ed EUHer. o f ifmo U toii| P^^OattloQion'OapturOd^Dt

wouitt como. lc o m ._ iu . »»wv, * . 'd on 't Unow.whoro any o r a i l th ti;; iponcy U com ing from' w e .o .-

I npondlnsr'now, any more than --------e»ngrcB.imttn-doea.-Bul lf Am or- i--------- - '- (a i iS 0i^ 's 6iBg-to atop ix n a m r t“ i

inT^Iiig abou t w lieUier' they ; i^ i/“ z i ~ n . i s - ^ r r n o g f o u -

N pw C oun ty Qronp P la n n in g . ^ S cs slo n .to M ap P rogran

• .O fA cU v it ie S .

; Dlredters^^.the-Twio^FairatCo^ 'o p c r a t l r o 'n a ^ ^ t l M , perfected a t an orgoalzo ttoa 'm ee ting a t F iler thia wee^c,' w ill m M t aoon to name] b f f l c e rf lu d .to 'o u tlin e lUprofi o f actWltlea, I t v a a s ta te d tc . . .

E ig h ty c h a rtc f m em bers m e t n t g r a n g e haU and nam ed u d irec t- ' or*. Tom Parka, .Bubl, ■ C.- G.

• Thoma*, FUer, W .-rS a c k e tt; Twin F alls. Roy D urk, K imberly, "Vance

,v. N a y lv H anacn and C. A. H ack,ilurtaVgb.- ' - - I - ' -----------

•B y.law i w ere adopted and Uie, - aimuBl-tBcetlng date-w aa fixed fo r

the fourth Thursday, la Jo su a iy .' D irector! w ere chosen to serve tm- lU tho nex t annual m eeting. Mem­berships have been sold over the county a t JB. each, shore en titling the ow ner to one vote. , ' ' *

Scefei Aii Record:.Jr.._B U B B A N If, C ftV M a w h 4 (lU n-4-

Leland ' S. Andrews, .v e tia^ a a i r t inaU .pilot who recea.tly .set a now ■

■ oma»-'rnt,intry tmaaiwst.:_rt!CQrfl. too lc .oK .at fl!0 2 ,jL :m .. today n>r Union a ir U nolnal -ln a o a ttem p t to se t a .l/os'A ngeles-M exlco City rccord. • ', • • • • . ■ • . •• Andrews carried five poaaengcn

• OR tils nevrtat rccdrd-breaklag ef;f o r t - - : ' - " . ! " ' I ' l ' ' - , '•

• - i lX lN p lS y itO T E S ; “ ..■ 'ap R fN b F IE iD ^ IlL. M arch 6 |

With adoption by tho senate of a . resolution.- condemning' •M exican

o ffldaU -and- cttlllng on ' congress • to- ta lu Vappropriato -fteyon,"-

.......... E . Oliver, 70, ond hlagrondaon, N orris Sbumway. 21, hwi _ becn _ cap ta red—ln-::;:stilEhnrSprings, Tcxiu, local o ffice rs -------Informed today.— T h o -m o n -w « re -« h o t-d u rfa g ~ a rangeland dispute in IhB wUda of th e 9an Ju a n river-couhtry -last week.-The-.bodlea, which hod-been throw n over a ' cliff, were found la.to'M onday.- -8!nee-aum lay_a poaM of <0 men from San Ju a n county had aeatxh- ed th o r u m d canyon country fo : Palm ct‘.'T U e 'tra ir-Iod out^of 'S an ' Juan - county to - th la - dlatrlct— W aahtogtan - county— and - I t w a s

.though t tlu t .P a b n e r had slipped; o u t o f th e s ta te ln(6 the nearbyi 'A r ln o a strip . . '

■ ■ L ost .Seen Sunday ' ' ',T h Q .lo flt..« en or''Palm er~w aa!

Junday-^^hen-)»..<lrove -to .a .l -* In^ po st c u r a te d by his ehii,er, H arry T. Oouldlng, on ____N avajo -reaervatlon .onu Informed ihlm o f the shooting .'

-P a lm e r took |<0 from Gouldlng and h is outomabUe.-an4 fled to w ard the A W tona'border. lOouM- la g .w ca t to Blinding, rdlles hwtiy. In a-bIlndlng.''Bn6wstonn and in* form ed officers of the acL - .

-W ord from -T exM did no t say w hether Polmet^a 17-year-old wife w as w ith him.' I t waq. thought by Sim Jua n ''o U lc en U u t she w as... Sheriff Ldwrchce .P a lm er, of Son Ju a n county, sold he planned to go to T cxaq.im m ediately — "* brlng..tlie prl»9ner to U ta lt- ■


The 6:30 d. m. bulletin lamed S t T ruesdalo'hospital read:

“Condition-better:; Tempera* tu ro 1005,' puUe 124, respiration:

-24. -ahe h as 'had thB flw t.ln teari 'Unal oction’By enema, this mom^- •Ihg; • . . ' - ‘

'. '(S ig n ^ ) "D c.'' George ‘ O."

^ f u a , Alyco’s .tem pera iurew iie- un thanged fronl ’m idnight' and com bared w ith 100.4 a t 0:30 la st nlgh^-lOO-S a t 3:30 p . M. yeater-



• day. H o dled poL____ _ ____-'T* .a tre e t hoiiiu u t 2:13 a

: - F u n e ra l- :8erv lcea-w lll“ hi

TO— jHuey-Long’s-1 roftic-; iU— |-— GIwHenge-Irk#"


M il i ta ry I n tc n n o u f a t- ______ A rlin a

WASHINCTO.V. lOtKh G (llPt—. Q U ver-W chdcll-iro lm oa. for ap: , -fycara-a -auprem o-court'juatlcononrrl

■hla g ^ la o t figh t ngaln.it <l.-atli to - ' ' rac'crully f t his qulot

, l ---- OUver—W cndell-Ilolm c*,-^0 y e a n the “g rrM liberal' tho UnitMl a ia t r s . ■ i ip r e

■ court, iiuccunibrd e a r ly ' today • ..-ThBdlpir • • •

V o te s to S e n d A n ti- In fla lic n l 'B n r i o T r o ”usoTTPHtmah‘’i

P la n M ay-T ^ iiim ph

j—AVA'SIITNGTON;' M arch '0 ’a '.n = .T he houao.w aya-ood nicuna com- ; inlttee w tc d today 14 to H to re- ! port favorably the Vtnwon Amcrl'

TcnnT»Rlo1«* firttl-lnfiation" soldier Iboniia bill. • ,

-In Adopting the-V lnaon-b ill. Jn-


By I.YLE C . WILSO.V —'A 'SniN CTO N TT.rffrcTrO -Ol” '

S c n a to r- I lu cy -P . .L ons 'a . scoffing . cliuilonae to, tho N ew . Doul_tlrc.w Ihn-ntu (>r eiirly reprlnais from the hl;:h aUmlnlntnillon command to-my.------------------------------------ T e T T n -

G rn. llu c h S. Joim.wn speeded ., toward a conclualon of aome kind tin-Liing’s-conlpB t-w llh-lhe- admin* • - llatm tiun when he a ttacked tho [antl-Nev/ Deal coalition in which tho kltigfUih and F a th e r Chariea E . ' CDUclum. .rndlo. prlcHL’liire ju ln e d :_ :_ 'i

~ Itrp lln i O v rr Itodio Long htmaclf- m a y haaten th e '

rcclconlng tomorrow night. - Hoopcaka on .the nidlo .o n .th e aom o__m-twork iind for .the name length ,I f tim e Grn; J ohnnnn look In hla 'Igoruun n flucir llLn s'peech will

d lrcc t reply to-John»on.—T h a t-.

Reprlanla' from tho DemocraUo I ; . . - w —• to ^ y -o v e r th e head of llt>e]r-P.-Long,-Loidslana’a'flrebtsn:a~s«nii- ^ r . t th < ^ vlndleUvo a ttac k a ra ln a l Uugti Johnson, P residen t Itoosevelt m»d Senate Leader Robinaon s ta rtled tho senate yester­day. A dm inistration supporters believe Long .ha», m ore thjui m et hla m atch In General Johnson, whose (icathlng denunclatii>n llu ey wlU try to answ er In a nidlo broadcast tom orrow n t 11 p. m . E ST .

curhincy inflation for bonus pay­ment dlr«ctly before the liouae

- which under the Icademhlp'o plan m iij chooao betw een the two p ro -,

- poaala— w hen thO .m easu re— Inj bruiight up e ith er la te r 'th U wecld

tBciFon“t«e’nc a -8 « m e d =

ICE-CLAO REGIONearly nex t week.— Will-Add-Amendm

Rep. F red Vl_iu»n.

Dollar Out of Line,

___’B B V S R L Y -m L L S .-C S iv liiJ t.retU old sto ttd -patrrR opubU cu g o vo rao r 'o f ;th o -g rea t s ta te o f California' reached Ihff'.Town^


er~IurU ier-dB valuatlon- - w o j i - la : -------r-n o n o rary -m n ite are n i-p ro sp ec t,- th e - I*rcsldcnt loughed’ ‘T lio honorary pallbcnriTa wlllI and Bhook.h ta Jicad . - -.............. iba tho chief Juntlco and Uic.iuj-- '

'S H llT oo 'lIIgh •• ~ i'clalo 'Jual Mr. noooevelt expreaoed• bciief'suprem o courL

that-the:<leh t-liun1cn-hBatbeen- - ‘ ........................

,deb t.co lufnn of tho national.bnl-1" “ T u r '^ p 'lo '!^ Ideb t.co luhm of tho naU onal.ba l-

boon seek ing to read juat Uie l . tldnal economic Situation la two!

tho g re a t vol-1

A SH EA D WP hatnm ni o 7 , A d m in iitra tlvo |

Board SondA Beaign&tloa ■ ,/ ToKooBQVoIt ■;

—W A am ycT O N ,.M arch a n ic — tf tm ta m ty - 'm in to c ilio j 'ru ta ro o f NRA woa increased today by - jVitJdn o f '3 . C lay W Ullams os m a n .'o f /th e rccoVety adm lalatm - Uon/ / . . ■ , I

^ 9 recovery agency, w as. im der .................by the senate which

. . . . nd Juno when tho presen t a c t expires:

Federal cou rt declalons have a tn i-”- aevero blows a t N R A functions.- .

Wllliama, who w as "drafted", by Prcsl(lent R ooaeV elt"to -bead ‘the seven-man board when Gen. H w rhl 3 . Jenifison - re s id e d , offered ,bU resignation In k le tte r to tb s Presl*' d e n e . He asked iie-b« rellvoll “Jusl os soon Bs possible.” ; ,•. W liilaiaa-Lsald hU Teslgnatton

w as.m ode.neeesaw y. b y > " th a lta ^ creaslngiy u rg en t call to re tu rn to m y regu la r w ork.” H s form erly w as head of I t . J.- ^tejrnoldrTobacte Oo. o f W ln a to a -a i le ^ .N . a ' •

la eastern- M acodonla.-today/.and loyal trooiM w^rb o tdered in to 'a o - tlon ln a^smas>un^driv.e to 'ead>ths revolution,.Tbe^goyeounexLt forfluCmatci In g .th e 're b e ls «tt'tw o '-sldu ,--w aro | l u ^ c t e d , to . e n c ire le - tM re>els

batteries. . .' A ltplanea flew back a n J fo rth across th e rebel - ila u ;-d ro p itln ff borabs-and ''sea ttering ':’.(hav tanir* g e n t c .................................... ....

No"Mbre Devaluatfonj thfh So Despite Need, Says ——: President—

Dlaaontcr to tho ioat. tlio beloved form er Juatlco clung doggeiily to

. tho life ha hpd- ilvci oo fu lly a n j{

down hU ' a trongth ari.l ha died w l^ o ^ f ^ w ^ lc n d a giithcrcd.about

■"Tho end wo* as pcaccfu! . have ever, acen.” Dr. Thomaa ..V.Claytor, hia pliyaiclan. nnld.

mea co htracttd a severe cold . . . automobile ride, one nf lilii

few outsldo dlvorelnns, a week ago. jLaB t-'T lm rsday lils-.'lllnvns - was 'diagnosed a s pneum onia.:

Tho f irs t official' bulletin lanued from th e modoat red brick-houae

■ ■■ s tre e t was. laaued. then by form er .nceretnryofl

. ............... lo-luntlce' la III a n d ', . ^ '^ '^ 'T P .“ 'i fO K s l3 a y m s n tV o f ' ' tho bonua:z ? 'm o i : a u a i m 6 3 a i i a m o m .2 ; y B = M i 2 m 2 = » r d 3 5 = r : r r i m z : i y — ....................iHowe aald. ilw in . communlUen a t tho head of: '■I Grew U’eaker jtho G reat LaUen. w ure c ltira of

D u lu th a n d B iipo rio r W ith o n t - '^ S .^ i 'v t eL is lt ts , T ro lley s , SchoolE,

O om m un ications

D-, Ky., nponaor. o f Ujo Legion measure, rnild tho vote m eant th a t ia lcr to-

I'dny tho com m ittee would go over! '.the Vinson mwuiure fo r poaslblr'

^nLt before form ally re

The Vinson' bill, bncKoil by the;Am erican Legion, provUlea fori eongreoa and th e treanury to de- icide on tho mctho<l o f.paym ent of Itho nd jua t« l iiervlce eertltlcfttcn. lOpponentn claim ed , th a t I t would!

foregone condualon.Thcro wiia npcculation ' today

w hetiier Jolmiion m ight be drafted for-acUv»-jMjrvIo«-ln-d«feni»-of-lhe^— ,Ncw Deal. Uiit tho th re a t o t n n '- • jadm lnlatration coun tcr offensive' ' logalnat-tho aoaa to r dld 'K ot suggept - Idcbute .^would be the. weapon. iW hetbe r 'the continu ing search of Long's income .ta x . records has

jyleided dam aging evidence haa no t jbcen hinted. If so. governm ent ac- countnntfl were a long tim e finding

. ..The Im nt begnn la'1032.. . • JohiiHon W ill S tick

B u t w hether on hla own- or fo r Itiio adm lnlatrntlon,' it la probablo th a t Johnson will s tay In Uio figh t Iho begun thU week I>y calling the Iprleat and tho oenator d e m a g o g s- !and-P led ..l? lpem . o f ..]

tflken -ln to :C»«»» oTta r a d ^ jn ^a n -m n p tio nIvaataUng alc'et s to rm und giilo'

leiuit J3S,000,000 a- year. U n d tr .th e jn a n .U r

JUlinOolloTiatuippy, unw ary r [Ilona to an economic precipice.

Sunato D cm oeratlc leadcra need .

- WASHINGTON, MatcTl.O^dLEi Pn ialden i Itoosevolt today said h o ls a.

•old Uol’mea In iila g a l- , lo n t flK bt fo r llff. Ho grew; sU aa-i ........

V ,.

v.; nrcaivMl ucm ocraiic leaucra neea^ „ ® ^ , , ^ . a i a i n ' t h e contest w ltu tho lOngflah.-— r

jsw ept uio n o r th w ea t. jtowlble ^Aat the t^ tm ^ M -m c^ -Travcicra _ trickling o u t o f th e ure m ay be pa.-«icd on to the w ith G eneral Jotoaon,

[ulrlrltpn ritlpw In A ^ r iw n l^niLjVafl_demQnntcatcAltojBe'iu\ta_ . ' * D em ocratic L eader Joacph T .'U ob-

Inson th a t ho Is a ruth less debaterr i‘*"hSrny- .of- tnuw portaU on A nd!-. J iim ei» ''E * -V aa°Z and t,-aa lloaal -----

'3 0 . tp . A ac'ort) o r jno ro '^ f w atch-lcgw rounlcaUon aeldom equalled ln ‘com m iinderj^-.,tho :rV H erahB o t

deb t 8tnicUtfo-ar«.BtUl dU l-on ino ;is ide ; Uowo omctwjd a t 2:20 a : w f -S Io r th a f tB o p p W c o p p o f .c a b le * th # ;P a tm an ;b m ; said.Bo-'eonslde^ n l t^ u B h g i« t,p« iarr6** hoa b e e n l 'T lio 'Ju a tlc o - la dead,’ ' ' ho" sdldlH...................................... ............................ .

JM eds-ths[simply, h is voieil thokcd w llh 'e

.----------- ..a b o u ld b o fu rth e r adjust* .L a t e r he laaued tho foliowlnglttJca t;.ln d Icay o n sjv c r9 :th ath # h ad sU tem 'en t:------v ’ r . ‘ 'n o n h o u g h ro f rcaortlng to 'fu r th e r ' 'T h o ' fu n tra l ' 'seiSrlcdi ' w fl i ' bo ’— luatlO R -o f- ti i^o lta r- to -Affect he l d - a ^ l l - a o u l B - ^ u ^ U O U ^ '^ d .p . „ ) , . - . , . . , ^ - ^ ^ P

' W o “d‘S « t q u 'i ^ o h as to w oth: S ^ rp rid ay rJ ra V ch “ 8 .-a t-n * u ~ -^ ^ '* ’' ^ - ^ “ ' !r“ fUrUlPP—rtnvatiintinn- "w nn—I n ------- —TTnnAMi.f-i>Ati>b>nMM—

[llko•string o a a .sh M lh o d ^ ttw U la 'o d -theVyoto-llneh-thlclc. Ic6 - po ra ly x ed -tiU im cs’toW --.-•• . .............- ......- -- . .)b a r« L ..th a ..c < m f^ « y .‘« ^

• • eiBO-.OOO-pt raonaT -------- p .* '! -#A ctivity. P o ^ y x o d .

.Thert).wero.no';clectric;lighto,;no!z^iiJit“ iald.‘-fatrept carp, no com^ jc wtu understood th a t‘a motion

t£o |e llan ts a e rw d b y ^ b ! w n > - A r i c - Ipatm an bill will ^ adopted," .V aa anaaai law f l ^ b ^ q r« J h e ,» « o to ?

’ ■ - ~ livas.persuadedrrafteriirevlaua'A U bo_liclty— to resign from h n --le i |u l |j

I 34 to .-l.;

o ru io , xriiitbd'Statcal

ume.'xit.debta-themselveB-^nnd byi raising- p rlo es -so - th a t- lt- la caalor: fo r deb tors to p a y 'th e ir obliga-| tlo ia. ■ '

'^ A T lbT ffiw lfiK h-T ui;lH cF Ueves this , p rocess’ahould .go, par-1 Uculariy 'w ith r e f l ^ t ^ t o 'p r l c e s j M r ..R o o M v e lt '^ v e 'n o indlcatldti.

.* : Foodntuffs Akeend — P rices of foods havo boon rising Isbofply. duo ln ;B re a t p w t. to .th o A AA p rog ra rt.and . tho drouth, bu t lil 'o thor linos yio d ianges l^ v o no t'

,bqetj"tui.-gToat;~‘* '* :"~ ‘: T t r r ~ r “ : h- Th 'o-dollar-pow -atands .at.6B,O0, 'cen ts o f I ts Conner gold valde. M r.| RooseVeit-r 6 1 )i t n s .c o n g r^ lo n a l | au tho rity to m ake fu rther adjust*! m ents «n ly ,betw een .the range of BO.and 00-ccntfl...z.-:^ - r—_ .T h a t jn a tg ia . accord iag . to .ia ll '.present;.lndl9a U q ^ h a .w l l l 'n ta ln fo r ' “trad in g purposea"-w hen-«i»d if , tho -;ttm o"com ca .to '.consider m onetaiy stabU lsatloa ogreementa w ith o the r na tions.' .: Tha'.'P resM ent'fl-rem arkB ........iaterpretod In'somo quarteni a* in* d leatlng a dealro on th o 'p a rt o f the

.................... to prom oto fu rth e r

i n t gold of th e jlo lU r.; BaV aliiatlon' o f the dollar'-L _ FebT-l. 1834. to 8W » p e r cen t of Ills fo rm er gold content ha* been

[.Continued ,o a ^ jf l '2 ; 'C o li ia ta ' 8)

, l<*opfled_up_telephone p o le s j in d l c a t^ Ih a t .o ll bu t one .m cm - Itopplcdacroaaatceetaby thow cigh t her o f th e com m ittee of- 25-fav-| 'Of leo and used them fo r fuel. .' jo rtd somo kind of bonua Icglsla-'

J l i a j l n r m ah itod .laat.n lgh t,-bu titk )n .- ,wiro-' communicatlona companle'al aald I t m ight'bo 48 hours ' ' '

attrMilltorr*burial-^trUl=be:tor(rtncv-TC3torca-BcrvIcenhd::EflliPr iucin)rt'ToBfirtrCoiumn-C)-fUay« betoro th*y reach noniialcy; “

: :io'u..yEyPiO b an go;, N am o a n d . Transfers ; .._ Aflaot8 .U nder F ed era l

'H ooaiojr 'A ct . -

I F i rs t Federa l Bavlngs. and Loon [osaoclatlon- o f - T w in ; Falls, la-: the in e w n am o of th e M utual Bulldlhg

'" L o a n ossoclotlon, organized In1010. . .

Tho action bad been taken today r tho' offlcers'Tond d irec to rs 'a fter

Extends In to MlcljIgoD- - —Tho atorm extended across W is­

consin ■■|nto"tl(o Iron c o im lry jo f M lehlgaa iind aoulh 'to 'H hlnelandcr an d ' Carlton. Conditions to the u-cat...ln.M lnnMoU an d-NorU>-Dft> kola, w ere aa bad, b u t obacnce of largo cltles m a d o 'th e m 'Ic aa 'sp e c ­tacular. Only one te leg raph -w ire llnktid F argo and B iam a t& w ith M in n e l l i s today.

Tbo~DuIuUi H erald pubilsh '^ .'t schedule yeaterday, desp ite the lat of te legraph faclllUea.-'rtsrco-tlmw.. 'tho- Unltcd -Preas broadcast'-ne'wa from slaU on K aT P in - a t Paiil and 'WCCO la Minneapolis. T ho-H er* aid, ft U n ited-P ress client, picked up the bniadcaat In stenogm phle notes.

.— T— Irk sd n rk - ;;- - : .- i - i t :I Tho k lh ^ ia h se n t SenatorT 3cas n e t t Champ-Clai'k, Mo.i gulping -• to his s e a t by th e expedient o f tre a t ln g -h lm - l lk e - f t^ m ls c h lm u s -^ ^ ^ r child. •

A pproval-of the: change’vfras voted a t tho annual m eetlng^f-the s ^ k -

'h o ld en - ln -Jan i ia ry .: ------ :— ~ -. ' Tn'BeSoion-.last-nlght tho-offtoers and d irectors tro a a fo rr^ to the as-

[sodatk in a ll the asseU of the for­m er company, and the M utual of­ficers wero elected to alm llar ca- poblty la th s new concem . ,Thoy

lare: . • ' < . -SCuart H . Taylor; prealdeiit: Al-

j i Casey; vice presk len t; Reese M. WUllams, treasu rer; E . A . London, secretary ; Leo Anderson, aaalatant secretaiy : H." R. G ran t.'m anager; I t. p : P a rry i B. D. K ester, B . A. Moon. Floyd N orm an and H . W. IBany, directoiv. • .

Baiilaruptcy Notice Served o Once Opulent Jimmy W dker

K -tO N D O n rM arch .O -rtlB ~ A- ban lm ip tcy :no tk» .haa been «er* T ed 'o n .fo rm e r Mayor. j M t a . ? .■------ - - fw r -Vorl^ W alkef

," :V .W aik w t t i d Che. nbtive oon*

« em ed a Judgm ent fo r (13,000 : M U ob; U a ttle . C&megU, ■' oxctu.-

fllvo Now. Y ork dreosm aker. ob-, . U W ed 'ia N e w ^ o rk la s t year.-

• f t w aa lam ed . a t Croydon, roounty.: eofurt ; l n '^ r w y , . t » ;

’ton , .•fcotroas, a n d .h e r mQtheT> -

d o d a i ^ ~ a , •b a n k tu p rrw o u ld ^ o ^ t ^ ^ W e .fo r him to

'w a s hUs«d4n'-'tbe house o f c c ^ - ' ,mons yesterday .when S ir John. OUroour.'.itome' secrota iv, «&kl

.ho w as Inquiring w hetber'W alk- ,«r bad-ceglatered under t h s ' l o s

B l5qutrih« 'aU o-w hbth?r'any:. Jon-aboul3--b^.U k«n in com

's aid th a t ‘h e had regU tered sineo th e .qtM flttai .^Tas f i r s t , raised" a t - a nearinig 'la c h an c e ty ootirt

iF eb .~ 35 r-M M en iin s two «klta:

CinCAGO.-. M arch 6 (lUJ.— F orty -tw o defian t members o f a fon taatlc N ecro. cu lt th a t cauaM one d e a th and Injucy to 41 per­so n a .in a . r io t In, municipal court

xJay e n tered -a hunger strike to p ro tes t-again st iroprisoa*

IN Cljy TONIGHT|B en obtt, H alo 'W ill Sp eak 'o s

Sp n d .O ntlook & &d*^uio O om m odity P la n .-

T bo-potato-'sltuatlon and dotalU of th e proposed a c t w hich would m ake beans and po ta toes baaic commodlUes under.tho A A A will be explained a t th e hlgh-achb61 building a t.8 rp .-m . today by E . R. D enn«tt..Bpeolall|t o f th e extension d e p a r tp en ti andr H arrey ..S . H ale, county extension agen t.. a im ila r m eetings have %«M Mn* d u c ted -.a t.B u h I 'a u d -a t M ilrtaugb. A t the la tU r; place l a s t . cvenlnK. Oliver -W. Johnson, Glen B r ig ^ and

control o f po ta to and 'bean ' prM uc- tk>n. A t MQrta'ugh th e group en ­dorsed th e plan; ' r M embers o f 'thelcom m ittees.w Q l

a lso .b a delegates, t o ' a . atatew ldo m w ttog a t P o c a te ll .o ;y a re h l4 ;;

b o l I a r . P l u n g e sn r + - r N B W r ? O R K r J a j ^ ^ ^ ‘“

A*n£rieaa,-doU«r:s'depths. T tod«3r--. whBn. Roosevelt.Indieated'the 'doU w : w s ii no t y e f 'th e a p .enough -JnureT-*’ '- ' :to ;tho deb t b iu d « i^ U w ;n :

, PollcO foroibly to b k A b a b y L ..I the a rm s o f a m other am ong the iprisoncra 'w bo refused .to nuT«e It ;"untll' a ll m en are -free 'and equal" 1 T he 20 m en and. 2 2 'women w4» j t u iw d —t h e - m un le lpa l-w om en’* co u rt.ln to a ahamblea.wcTfl chargr «d - todoy o n ly -w ith -oontom pf of oouTt, b u t f o c ^ poMlbta charges- * ------- ------ M ep-o r p iu j^e r. . -

^-------Poat-M ortetn’’.' •A pd>t-m ortem -exam ination of

.the body c f 'C a p t . Jdseph-Palc------nki. while fellow officers g tu . 'su rg o o n s 'fro m h is two objecting policem an sons, revealed th a t , the ve teran died o f h e a r t disease ag* g ra v a tr f ' b y excitem ent :tram pllng. -■—' -T ho prisoners, s ti ll w eafbur tbe ' ^ I n g w tiite robes and crescent- narked, scarle t f e a e s o f th e ir ■Allah .Tem plfr-of Islam ,•^.-■pent i o a ^ t - . l n . IyBm -sULgl^.^pra3^

trea tm e n t accorded them . ' ; • ' Investigation r e v e a le d 't h a t ' t c u lfs -‘prophet" Is W. D. Ford.— E lijah Mohammed. .o r -F a r d r H » -hammed, who o r l^ a i ly — - Brooklyn txpresBmsn.-Fard oould- a 't.bo 'found .'' . '. Ttie prisoner* aaU t h ^ vent' to tho.couK to "protect-and asslst' Mrs. Hassoa. In "getting- JuMica.*

~At EnfflulnftirportLONZtON. M arch G 01£>—A t07,-

000 gold robbery, tn, which, Araerl* cans -wero .<aU| to be', tb s -v le tk ^ woa reportad. today trb m :C ro y d ta airdroroe.-outtfde' o f Xondon.',. ■

.T ha go lit.w as in .lh re a boxeB.':lt iM '-'^iinderstood;.' oae'^'ContaliUnB Ihrea ;gold.-bM a- a n d tw o -•otbers

A m criban .io ld ;p lB ee«

taken '.duii^.rtt lw ^ a tro a g 'ro o m a ^ th e ' a lrd rom a

m o n iln ^

tlonT v lft-^ ttbuaeriT 'o^ inrtlia -T ....>col w as composed of a m ix ture of. ‘orleylsm,—B aruch lam -and J o h n ^

'T lio sen ate la n o t accustomed ta '* iich w rn rona In debate. - S ena to r'

Jo s la h rw . Bolloy. D i;'N . C T p v a " Long th e -lie , a lthough In pa rlla- - m cntaiy language. Ito b ia io a - 'to ld '“ ~ tiim -he w a s -n o -g c n tlo m a n 'b u ra n —^ Ignorant, a rro g n n t cgom aB lacr-a

Long did n o t w ithe r. Bailey 's e phatic rem ark th a t-h e -w o tild -n o t” ' accep t.any s ta te m e n t .o t h la a a :th a ._ IruUi did fliiater th e U lng fla tt'B u t '■ Capitol m il bellevea o n ly Jo h n so n 'ir-, w ords ralaed a -b lia tc 'r on L o n fs aldn. • ■

.Bcod>- r o r - n g h t . , - ' . , v -P e rsons w ho know -Johnson -well-- ............................................. ilftM d—

o to end a ir th a t be chal* .lengM Long and F a th e r C o u ^ t a ! w ithout know ing b e wa^ beeinnlng ' a f ig h t which would n o t be over I n . , .(Continued on Page.2..Colum n 1 ) . . .


Beet. Prodtlocrs. X r r ^ . 1 o : d « t . ,- Oontrabta 8o'oQ;<Local.' .• T o ta l 's ,^ :A c r i» ': . ' v -

Total.beet acreage so fa r aigiutf j . in the Twin Falls factory dtotrlct V anumnts to only.2 ,00D ------- ---------- t o l l ; H; l«lmaiw~~-

nr Ihk A m a tn rn fitlmanager of the Analgamat* ed Sugar oom p^.-now angiged.lii .

. l a . th a . I a t t e r - t ^ to ty ; : « o n « r ta . : ^ 'r



. iieret^alloted \mder U a ^ -rT hto-irla w t r t s t . t o - » iU _ .18,400 acnit which we^'coatrfeted w

^ '» n d ;a 7 .0 » .a e » > V —mm

^Poge ^ 0 IDAHO EVENING TIM E.i TWIN FALI^S.' IDAHO ‘W filncaiiny, ^fnrcli C. ^1035 .

HUEY REPRISALSB la st b y ‘ K 5n gfis irM fiy B rin lf

D o tc m in c d ChftlJcngo by A d m in islr iilion

N ew 's i n l B r i e r> Cv«nlni T___ootilrlbuta 6f1«t >:■ i)«p*rltn«i ■ -■



Surorlly JnlllittraKmy I» ii iinillh,, n ludfn t n t

Unlv-crnlty of Iitnhn, wan IniUntctl Into I'J JJclu T hl aororUy Sa lu r- ,Iay. ----------

D c c is iv o .R e v e n u e .M o v e M ay B e Tak en in G athering

L ater T od ay

■{Contlnuc.1 F rom ,P ace Oncl .1 Auxiliary to S l « t

jVhmon-7.Irnoun- ,: o i. SpanloJj A V nr-V rt-cialton of lho |'rl.'« t imil tlio Hcn-

i linn'll from powerful ifunnfflRliil quiirU'fn n o t iiIlKniHl wlU>

• the- Ni-w-lKuil. Jolm-iou Juild only tlm t frlcndn had told h im .n o t lo iiiaki' tll(! ii|h:cc1i nnil

rranli will me At H o'c lock a Uil hull.

.~)r ~ |H 'Cc'.ir;r~Tiy'• nclralnl.itrntion offtclnl.ir------ --------

ntllcnllpn^ tliat Prcjl-

a» i> to M ^ tSlinmrock club will rfi fd al-'tlic

lllftmi- nf MrfI Ayti'jr nnr..T Th

■lonl Uooni'vclt haJi been Anm.yccJ —l>v-I^iflK'M-cff«ctlvo-»hur{uihoottoK.

Ji’u t thcro nre nlicni, loo, th a t h« In Ofs.i (lliiliirbciJ about Lodr’ii politl-

■ ciil potcnllalU lca tlian ore nomo of —hi.n«lvl.iim»-tmfJniftrticiil(irlx-nob*

Iniion, Scnu to r-ra tH iirrl* , D., Minn., unci olhorn In conBrcim who nro

' c(i I'uch’duy w itli Uila (lUcntlon: ‘•WhRt"witWn‘rciuw n ‘

. Cuuta H andle U iiry . rrt-M Kullcry Juclijment,' fo r wluit

—i r Is 'w erth , Ja-th a t- fo u r meni-pon- (ilbly nevcn, in the a tn n tc coulil Jianillo Lon^; Jn rt>ugh anil tumble

..i lc b a te . .T hey nro .Scnatoro W alter - -P .-aeorirc . D.; G a.,-N.-M -Loeonrl3.. - K y . l , G corKC-\V..Norrlfl.-Il.,.

«nd MLmm W . Johnson. H.’, Call/. T h o -n m n o rs -u p a re Bailey, Sen- ntop l*at-M cC arran ,-D .T -N tv :rand Thcotloro G. BUbo, D.. Miiui.

■Will C^>lIP^Ha»:T^fttn^ll(f--Klnul tra in ing 'flpwiion far cub

B«)Ut-lcftd*rff'Wiil=l>fr-c<vmliiote<l-ntfl TT1 tfjm

<loy, it In atntiHl by I-Plloy-CraM , dla trlct commliuiloncr. Certlflcatca ore to bfl aw arded to tlione quaUfytng. --------

Oulkl WIU M«»tAKCcnHloji Episcopal CiilUl'

™. - i , . . . . « • . . , ^ KJmcr. -Tinto W ill B o A aaigned Each HolllngmvortJ), 235 Ninth avenue

i B i W M- ^ W L A iE a ^

C h n n p n 'M rrt- -......MeellnK of Uift. I^nd-A-Iliin<l

ilub luin been ehanKisl from Krl- Iny to T liuruday a t Uie lionic of


P orm er J u stice , a t 03,- L oses G allant B a ttle A ga in st

Pneum onia

(Continued From Pafro One) wan nucccsuful iind thu bill paojieJ by a vote or 33 to

Tho bill provides n mcann of de- le rm lnlnj' wbrc scalen for w o rlf

.men who a rc Injured. • The w age iicale woi/ld bu uicd to-determ lno Uic r a le of oompcmuLtian to be

' ■ tho.ic Injured.

tion to-tfl'he-MB-ltJO.-'tho-Tyjrrcna lUfr npt. from lhi« tnbl.-

(ConUnued Prom P ace One) a t . A rling ton ,na tiona l .ccmetery.’:

Holmos* nenroat 'relative,;w ard J . Holmea of Boston. * nephew; Felix F ran k fu rte r of H ar­vard law lehool, one of Holmcn' ciosent friends, (inil Howe liod na ln talftcil a bedside v igU -since early In the afternoon. '

carried, Thin tim e, however, the

ColW to Montjinn If™. I. L, Keviiri luu» te e n cull-

eO to'MliaDu]n7 Memt, by the «er-

Uoppc, non o f Mr. unci Mm. K ri . Hoppe, fo n n cr rt-.sldciils o f .U ils o ty . . _

Fnuiehot Tone nnu iiiar(n>rei uiicisny, tw o oi in o popuJnr R tan In "O enilrm cn A ro Born," • Jlio .n « v a ttrac tion a t tho .O rphcum

-the»K ir-todayJt-i* .» ttU l-to .p r0Mnt-a-vlvl<l.pl0tur*.«f-t)»-pr<>W cni»- of today 's colleso Kraduatei. ;

W eek-End lu ;(foiiiitulim Mr. and Afrs. CJi<Jc Dc.tiiInK

apent the-'voclc-end « t thc lr cnbln above"K etchum .-cue.nt.i-w ere Mr. und Mrfl.-JnmcB A m hiirt, Mr. nnd Mrfl. G corye lUce. M r. and Mrs; John N aylor, Mercedc.3 Wee - ' Holland-.'

S tu d e n t B eaotor S ta r tin g E e ro T om orrow

• M rs. - O r r - Cho

north, Thursday. Mm. 0 , L. Alex­ander in In cliurKc the prof;rnm which will JncJmlc Bpcclal nuinlcal numbcni und a i i h o r t 'o b im v “ of Uie ’'W orld Day of P ray tr.

.of th e T w in Falbi County A n tl- |L . D. S. G roup ' Tiiborculoflia a o o o e J n t r o n . nn- d . S. I lc litf nouneea th a t“X -m ya will bo tnken Thurml.iy iit 2 p.

. of reactora to tubereOlln teats, •— - -beginn ing T hursday . A Umo for

•e a c h -p u p il -o f -Junior and senior

■ school, for w hom X*rnya were rccommen'ilcd wilt be anaigned.

— P arcn t'T caoho r . aw oclatlon- w ni-----naalat- ln- tronoportatlon to - a n d

•from -the hospital.D r. C. R. Scoltr D r. D. A. Dralto,

. Fans', and D r. Harwood Stowe, —K lm bcrljT nasla ted -by n group of

...... - im -tjnder.-thc-d lr«-lion - of MLm M urgarct Thoinan. comp1cte<l th e te sta of high school

'■flludcntn'M ojiiJay. '. JJL*UI-Thnmnfl, Boise, field'nur^ie a, i _„

usTOclatlon, pinna ............................F i le r and Buhl, Friday . D r. G. T.

:..TjvrJ(lnooi)r-Fllcr.i.nn>lrDr,-:.B,-,;U B erry , Buhl, will naslsl.


Hooscvclt Leads Ooantry P aytng.H onor,to-01ivcr---

W cndcU H o lm es------- .

S. B. No. 70—Extunillng th'o pro- vlsloDS of the e igh t h o u r d u y ''-

, su rface worlcern In mlncn. l a S. B. No. 63 — Providfng th a t ,,,_aiutem cnU iiof_:i)oartla. '

-W A SH IN GTO N .-M areh 6-(iU!)— President Roosevelt led the nation In inoun iiag . fo r • Oliver Wendell Holmes, retired Jusllco of the

commlAsloners- shall be publishedannually.- ------------- ' -

■S. B. No. 87—Providing fo r . . . tn il of .audits of county, rccorda, by Iho bureau of public .ae'counta."

S._B. No. 101—Chnnglng th'o da te for collecting ^ s w m e c i a under >h«? forciit protectloa.net..

T oday and .tom orrow th e Idaho ■ tJieatcr relun ia th e g rea tes t muni' e rtl-ev et— w ade -W edntsday '. Thursday ba rga in prices. I t Jt •'FooUig-ht P.nrfldp,” w ith Jaracs Cagney, Joan Blondell, Dick Powell, Ruby-lCceicrrGuy7Kll>lce,-Tluai Donnelly, .F ra n k M cHugh, J lu g h H erbert and 200 of the m ost beau­tiful g lrla In the world. I f haa

T he P resident anid.•'Oliver Wendell JJolmcn, as.tocl-

ateJuaU cc-ot-tha.

'laxinTf nnion<riiioii'lulc Jiult to preven t Iho reraova) of tim ber o r Improvements from land

Ihc UDlted Staten, rellred. haa le ft - - v ------- «> ... ....... ,, . nual examlnnUoa of guaran ty nnd

flr'lt'^’c'lU 'cnn" ^ ‘“ ('*S?B!''N ?.‘1 ‘i “i-D c f in ln g the cop.■'We cannot .minimize the rr lc f nPP'tctiMe to -claims of

of hla passing bu t w e cirt»fln«S.ol-! ^.'hen lovled- - In Iho thought th a t he

M eet:lc ty will nieel . In tlw tubcr-

nuclc. Theology.IciBon will bo con­ducted by ilR i. Slclonia Stcvenn Ttip-m ibject will b ' e ‘'Gema TriiUi, -DlflljkiLr-JiiiLchcrs.iarc. quM tcd by cfflccrn to meet • ;30 p, m . •

W anta n iv o r c c D c c rc e _____ ., .. Pea rl. Young has filed ii.^u lt In

d is tric t c o u rt tireklng a <ll\-orcc from — l-eo- -Y oung .- ..whom.. oJuirjcefl wlU».cru«Uy. The cc r» T.rrl>^l-.nt ra i/n , NuV. laflt,2. Sbo 4ului the cou rt Uuit ahc- be wfltored to th e sUiVus of iin vm- miuTle<l pernon. H er n tlom ey la H'arold -Li.-Ycaman3...BuhL

wlUi us for uo long. HIn of ra re dlatlnction; !ioldli-r, ticholar, au thor, teacher, J u rb t and ),'nllnnt ge«tlcmati."iro''pcrn<iiiirnr<rt1ir(iu(;l>- o u t 'h i s long carcer the flneiit American tradltlona.

"Endowed w ith a keen nnd piercing Intellect w hich was m el­lowed by kindly hum or and under- iitandlng, hu had a powerful and

tlon.••Imbued w ith -a high- srnne of

Justice and rig h t ho believed In the peaceful evolution of the new from th e old. He had n fine pcrapcctlvc of history an n cpallnuoua and llv-

To Roxy oh SundayA n attrac tion of unusual m erit "ilchcdillvQ’ i'ffr' uio iw x y screen

for a thrcc-day run s ta r tin g Sun­day w hen a U ni-------’ ------ - — -ducUon o f tho .. . . ,Fairy" b presented. ......thla plc turtoitJon o f-F eren c . .. nar'n w ork lu H erbert M arshall and M argare t Sullavan. The s tage

luction enjoyed a run on tho . ' Y ork Btago fo r pver tw o yearn

and advance noticea-of-tho flcrecn ------ 1;-------- . . . . ft rcccp-


. . . — By. United l*renn_________...8K N A T E ..............Meols a t noon.Pon t offlcc commilteo considers

Investigation of P onlm aster Gen- eraJ Jam es A. Farley.1 InlcrBtato.,.commcrce_iiub-com- m lttecs consider bun and coal billo.

" UOOSEMeeta afnoon ,' .......rtules committee considcm ru le

fo r consideration of HOLC bill.Banking and cui'rency -commtt-

leo continues hearh ig on bunking bill.

aiea w ere D r.' C lay to rrM ra . • E d - w ard J . Holmwi. •‘Tom Coreornn.' form er secretary : Jam es Howc.i iprcsent •a e u u taryr~M ary~Ponncl-; Ion. his housekeeper, and a 'num e .

Hof^'o asked the llltla group w hich had 'g ftthercd outalde tO 'gn hom c .-ri- th ink -lhe '3ustlco ''w ouW w ant-you to, now," ho saUl. .H olm cn.d led jun t as. hla. philoso­phy, nu rtu red Ih .a life th a t span- netl in I t i -loog years the r ise of g.

B I t l

- - - lN T lI E -p f 3 s * A T K r ~_ B. No. l84—Amending S.

No. 7 of tho presen t session. , H . 'B . No. 212—R equiring th a t

bonu' flclo'IJalio rcTiracnlTLo given preference In public works.

H . D ..N 0. 3:Ui—M aking tho gov­ernor UiB commissioner of emcr-


R oosevcU ' T h in ks 'V a lu e , Out O f Lino, B u t P lan s N o

M ore B ova lu in g

(Continued From Page One) dlBappolallQC (o.itomc os a.B lim u-lont to domcflUc prices.

F rom Uie ex trem e low of G0.2 in March, 1033. the com m odity jirlec Index of tlio bureau of labo r ntu* tlntlca had rlscn to-TO.U p e r c?nt “ M arch 2, 1B35. The Index level

bused on the average .J020 level

I t has been understood th a t the

pruraoU cg.domestlc.priccA .to .sonic— level around tho 1D20 avcrngo, a l- . though officials never have net any definite, goal............... .. . . .J..........

............. Industrial em pire, vcoming Into full flower.- — -Fore-httdowei Neiv

e ra t and .liumasltaW an,pfiiindril In ni-nrly RO y<»i»isea ting , opinions on tho-suprem o c ou rt tench , w hlch-provldcd mueh :of tho banlo fram ew ork of th e New Deal. _ . _

llla~ )ium aiiltarlan a n a “ llbernlfiretationa of ths.C onatltuU on Ivo loog in legal h istory. Ho

tho date for beginning the fiscal | y e a r of school diatricta.. H . B. No. 2<7—A m eadlag the: Idaho banking laws to perm it t>u-i curing of bank depoalta under the! federal deposit Insurance, corpora-1

^ H . B. N o:’2 « - P r o v ld ln g for the creation ot.counly.liospUol.bonrda.i

H . B. Np. 280—P roviding for In-| lu r in g tho deposit o f fundn of t h f Bolae board of control and sim llar|


.JT hough .the .hopes nnd.;tho_lovo ,of a nation w ere w ith him , Holmes had no t the reslslanco to f ig h t off

under exccutioh.S. B. No. i n —Creating a prlm a

faclu presum ption tha t an order 11 board of county eommlnalon-M-stabllahlng or dlssolving-any .,.................

ftchool idtiilrct wiui valid unIc»u'''crnlon predict tiueutlnnpl la five years, | Hon.

S. .B. No. 115 — Extending the 'BoUj H erbert M arshall and M ar- r ig h t of appeal In probate m atters. Igarvt; Sullavan liave ^•iacn stcadUy

0. B. .No. 110—Providing whc-nUn popularity th e pant tw o years flerviet u p ona-dc fem la jifB ha ll 6e; and -w ere selected for th e lr -d ra - coraplctc... ------------ ;-------1 —lU m atlc .am il

H.-B. No. 214—A ppropriation fo r;14—Approprli memorial.

JO E -K S A V 8:- - I f • a -h u sb a n d -k e ep a -n i

d ing annlvcrhary In com m on? E h w hatl Malco a da t« 'r ig h t now fo r U ie 'G cjbd 'T Im ea'nr

, ------ UNCUC JO E-K 'S—

R O X \ ^

igo diatricta and Irriga tion dlitrlcta cancel,' compromlflo o r extend

aim & ior.paym cntJiH lcU iiaucD t

ntudcnt n t the U niversity ofi ^Iilalio..aa na tional vice prcnidciit of m hla passing Spurs.-Sfrvlcc honom ry -coc lety fo r sophomore women, .will nccnmpany Unlvcrnlty o f .Idaho 'dc;iegntcn to the national convention to be held In Boulder, Colo., the la tte r p a rt of A pril, fricnda here have learned.

S. B. No. 125—Requlrhig tha t: branch bimkii, w hen; authorized,!

.Imuiifbe cstabllflhcd In four mouths! or the e h n rtr r will bo canceled. i

S. U. No. 135—Ciiirifylng the 'law ! rela ting to tho ucrvlce of writfl of

liig tiling nnii ^ fth '-c o u rn g c 'an d a l ^ h m e n t <;«:branch banks.-- • logic believed In’ tho shaping o f l - S . B. .^o . OS und,00—Amending goveh ,rt.en t' to ch.mglng^ -c? n ji.;thr. l tin;a >elatlDK.to.the aasesainent Uona.‘ ' ’ ” • ----------- ipt-thc Ihrcc-cent-lftx-on eoltmlea-of

tho dcatli of fhe

'° ’'-’M > ^ "^ oacvc lt anti 1 have had! . ” - 110— I’erm'ittlng 'th e

nhip.fo'V 4 n y , > ^ . ^ p , . r s o r r o w —

iplci of Amcrlcn m oum i * '■ encrablo and b«-I

;I.cwlj<ton S ta te Noriinl, school.


w hich enabled him to survive seven bullet w ounds received In Civil w ar 4isgngcmentA. Hla fight, liowover, aroused tho marvel o f hla mcdlcal attendants.

F inal Humorous G estureWell aa ho luicw tho end ......

Inevitable, Holmes did n o t die w ith o u t-o n o ...geature,-.Implab : ua any o f hla life. I t wau a geutiire A m erican io tlie core.

Professor F ran k fu rte r had come early in-bla lllnes.i to hla hc^liilde, w orry and concern w ritten large In Ida faco.-N urses nnd phyalclan# hovered about. There w aa a fuss jH=TroiU«Fiiueh=4s mr==l>er6re

Into H olmes' cjulct,simple life, ..................... -

A s -F rank fu rter- «too<!--beside h lm ,-t)io -gront-JusU co lifted his hand to hlu face. Hi . - •

U. B. No. 900—Including bonds fo r w hich-the c red it of tho United atntcB la pletlged aa securlly fo r public (Icpoulta.. S . B. N o..H 7—Provid ing for

dcmptlon of p roperty from ta x deed by the ow ner o r p a rty In In ­te rest only until con trac t of nale is entered Into by. tho..eounty. until M unty deed la issued..........

IN TU E HOUSE H . B ..No. a i l —Fix ing conditions

under which nlrm en'a licenses .m aybo revoked In -Id ah o :........................_ H . B. No. 342—SetUng aside 10----- * BRHa fultinspcctlorfocs

:d to the benefit o f grow- era' organisations In occurlng low' e r fre igh t r a te s . .—S .-lO io -1 5 0 —'A uthorizing dlrcc-

placed the jtom of Irrigation and drainage dla-

Eriim itt ■ p fd sfA n 'n oun ccs'U nj^ T or-O ccup ationa l-T osts --

In Idaho

Uiumb a ^ n s t hla nose and nor- trlcLi to canecl, com prom lae.........tend time for p a y m e n t'o f delin­quent asseosmenlA w hen such 'd ls- trletfl a re ixfunU lnc_tliclr..obllga- Uon to tho United Statep govern­ment.

H. n . 1^0.. 211—Amending regu- latlons-govomUnS-eoamctology.------

............ hla la s t gcnture. ...............In a m anner,J ila Jesting-farew ell t; to a llfo he loved so well and t fricnda In every w alk of life who n held hlnv la such high esteem.

. Nelron'Rites -

.SsaaQiilo:ohOoL.Sasdjifllbi..H e a r ^ T on -In ch es A bove

L a s t Y ear

Enter* Vie*. _ | Je rry H unt. 25. Kimberly, .has _ | . bcca-acntcnccd-.by_JiJdge. Gujt^L.

iK Inney-In probate co u rt- to nerve ‘■a -O O -das-tm n-in -lhe -w un ly—Jail an chiirKea of hav ing ' ecntrib.uted to-Uie’dc'lliHiuency-or-a-mlaor-glrj


Baaeball-'-'Mystcry:— ! |—B lbtS KILLED Man” Kills Self

• IN T H E SE.VATEIt. B. No. 245—Requiring

bfthks have a minimum eaplti

AM.STHIinAM, N'.' Y .r M arch ' 0 il'.i:i—Jam es J. Sheridan, wlw

-prcMcte<|—tlie-ou tcom c -o f- th o : National league biuieball race In IP-IO. In dead.

wlUiout !waa uIk:

•“firstiilfMngtog.:'-_________ ____________~ _ ^ t . _0. 1030^ SherUlan

i j Noticp of ,a flcrlc" of examlna- I jtlona to be held fo r appUcanta for

.^•occucatlcmal lleenaealioa been on- ....;nounced by ..E m m itt .Pfoat,. com-

[mloakmer o f Jaw, enforcem ent* --......... th a t! ' Tliose necking licensea fo r Uie

..... eaprtallni- 'practlco 'orcojm jotology will Iw ox- tlon of 550,000 In towns of leas than 'am lned a t the o ta te Iwuoe, Bolae. Q,OOO.popuIaUon. T ailed............ .......!Bannock_ ..JlO lc l._ .P oaitd lo ,' and

■■ B.-1CC—Tho Torrens-tllle net.!LCwla-aaHc.-JKiteL:.-l*wlaton'-:aL-;0-.1. - ................... la._m._:_Mondayj Murc^h 25. ApEllca-

[lk)n» muiit“bc fccelveT by tlieTjiir-

F inal r ltca fo r Mrs. E llsabetlt Belle . Nelson, Avho died Monday,...n, V - - . . . , , / - I -- .-. » p .jj,will b e ' held ' fbmoirbvf a

ulgned by Uie glrVa father.

„ . -Benedict, Sawtivoth iintlotuil — fg rc 3 t~ aupervlaer,°Teportft.—bring-

.. . Ing th e to ta l fo r the- «f-nson tr CS.0 Inches com pared wllh..-iaii3

- ■lnch£a,-a->'car ago. Average anow* ' fa ll n t th is tim e of- year is 7K07

Inchos— .......... . . - . -Preeipitittlon In le-i5 thin aeaion

....'.U um - l0Jit ,-lhe - to ta l bc lng“ 5.30 Inehcfi, CDmjvan.nl w ith 0.84 a year

Home l-'roni t!(nh ■i.nv. Vnii,.,,’ 'R '-V r;c . LV a a rk .-p a B to r -o f 'th c have-fallen -i>ri.sbyterlun' church, re^

turnccL yesterday from M ount

l a Uie Soldier creek walernhed, flic ocaaon'o bmoviT depth m easures

(5 InclicB, -com pared .w ith '67.41 inchcn n y e a r ago. Precipitation fo r thla, sciuion am ounts to 11.08 lr.clie»-lu comparU on w ith JiJSl.

“ I'nchca ft y e a r ago.* • ......... . •-----S n o w -d ep th -a t-th e m ost Impor*

ta n t H ta tiooa-on 'M arch 4 a re re* ported as followfl:,. H ailey . _C

i_ lncb iis ;-Jvetchum , . . 20 ; . . CTaham'a ranch . 20; M ascot mine, 33: Sol­d ier ran g e r ntatlon, 21; Fairfield,d ler ran g e r ntatlon, 21; Fairfield, 13; Fcatnen-ille, 10: V lenaam lne, 70, nnd Wllllamn ranch 20.

Play, Carnival on Kimberiy Program

K lM B E R l.y . M arch 0 (Special) -JT w tJ Im portan t s tu d e n t 'e v e n ts w ill.bo held n t tho high nchool Uils w eek, the all-school play, "The

-.Importaneo- o f B eing E rnest,’' - be p rcacn ted ton igh t by an perienced c a s t o f nine under the direc tion of MUs Thelm a Melgard, te ac h e r o f expression nnd dra- jna tiea, and th e annual h igh scnool

jcam lval to be held In I h e audl- to rlum and ■'gymnasium Friday «venlng.

W o now have on hand a aup- .p ly o f.fresh Salmon, H alibut,

Cod, Sable. Boss and many am oked and nulled rarie tles .

-W e TClh be- ab le to supply jo tu r C«I)lo“ U ir«U B lrtllt 'tho ''~

PIcunhnt,* -Uyih. w here ho lipciilfer a rS h jiu a rih iT lm llo n week cxerclnes.- H e addressed the assem ­bly each .m orn ing a n d .. evei^ng, luid on Sunday npokc n t a CCC cam p, .aa.well. M j^ t a_c m e e t i n g .__

T ake* N ew ToslUonC. E . Corm any, associate ngron-

om lst w ith th e U . S. departm en t of a g ricu ltu re here fo r tho pant alxj y ears,'haa ncceptcO a'pogitlon w ith ;the .M anufactu re r's Beet Sugar; association a t Saginaw . Mlcb., and; will Icavo w ith M ra. Cormany and: Bon3,-nobert and D avld ,-l!n rrh 2C; In h is w ork wlUi tho bureau pku it Industry here, Mr. Cormj • - •-- - In clmrge of .agronoi

_____ ita l w ork . w ith—r -becta in the Idaho i

____ y. ii - j ii, oiicmeaaageo u a b b y b lrce l. I er. CanllnaVa m anager, th a t the Cortla would •'lone today n n d - w in the nex t three." They did.

. . .N e x t S h e r i d a n jtifA-uigedi 'y o u -w il l -.w ln-.tw d_aad . iQ30-one ." 'A ga in he w as correct.

In Uio. playoff to decide the ^pcan iu it. w inner,_Sherldan nieo- .onjced ■•pltcn Grlm'ea anil Halnea' In f irs t two gamea w ith P ltta - bu rgh and . Canla urv' in tho bag ." S treet did und both p itch­e rs conilng through with vic- tbrleu, clinched the pennaAt.

Sheridan notI'fIcd'«"ni.'v.'flpap- e r man o ; ills Intenttan to com­m it flulclde becauflc .of “money

-m u tte rs ."

H. B. 'No. 112—Prov id ing _____iiefiiiH fo r com'puLlrig the cb'nipen-

-•allon-due-thcH Bjured- Tabled.

,7 cau,-B olac,-not J a tc r - th a m J a r c h '

--------------- 'i^oung. pastor of theM ethodist Episcopal church, offl--a tln p , - . .. . ......................

M usic w iir be ufidcr.the dli^icUon of.. M rs. _ iw ro thy_M oatoo th_and Mni. H a n y Torrens. • -

Pallbearera a re C. B. Lindsey, B yn l:_W alU r. J . . T . . Andoxson, I t a y Sluyter, - M ax- • Buckentin antl-G eorgo-B i—

is^ m ln a tlo n s fo r b a r b e re ochedulcd fo r Mnr«h 10, t>ui

have . oeen postponed u a tll A pril 30. TTiey will be conducted a t tho name places aa tho cosmetology cxrnnlnntloniT,'— and " apjillcatlonfl should be received by tlte o tato of- fk;c no t la te r th a n April 22.

Plano Tuning. I /?gnn Muslo Co.• Adv.

- -T O M O R R O W -;- .- .--------- . _ .n . J 3 . ,A U D i x o m u a i _ _

■ “THE I ROCK■ Directed by ■ —M m .-KtJirt-VVftrberi:T■ StaH n PrompUy u t


-• STA RTS N EX T S U N O A y^'

WAIICAitl 1 KUII W \ \ i i i i i i i n n M V iis iiA ii.

- la rfftttt'M olBar'rM srtmiifcp

a n d We,

*.uniT t(s* i_ricT U B c i . ^

I.S* TH E HOU.SE H. B. No. 278—The Dodge plan

fbr a-tax.on.tho.privilege.of-U olng bualnesa. D efeated.• H . B. No. 310-i-The attorney gen-

e m l 's - t^ p la a . to Impose a ono per cent cAc&o lux'on-^Bixi.tnjpcmting re\-enue.- Defeated.

II. B . No. 270—The attorney gen­era l's ta x on’ InfMglbles. Defeated.

H . B. No. 2 P 2 - : .A u lJ i o r l s ln f f . E iim lnaU ona- fo r -Ucense tcJiool dlntrietfl to m ake nn annual practlco medlclno afid ourgery levy of one-m lirto '.crcnto a bund-U et f o r 'A p r i l 2 .‘ w lth 'M jird i '18 ing fund. D efeated. ’ __ _ ) the f ina l day f o r appllcattono.___

y v v w

W H A T 0 A D S E S 'g P I I E P S Y 5 IB T H E E IT A 0 0 B E 7

A^booklcL contain ing the opinions famous doctora on this intercflt-

Ing subject w ill be sent- FR E E , while they la s t, to any reader writ* log to tho E ducational Division. Dept. M-77, 540 F ifth Ave., New York. N . y .—Adv. . .

• W cilnpsdnjV S lorc li 6; 1935 . IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALI.S. IDAHO Pngo Three

S O C I E T Yrbone Sii Ueforo 10:30 »

ROGRftiSTMf [ Seen Today


' Re&iilns u a jiobby w as Ibo feat* . uri> 'of .tho . p r o f^ m prcAcatcil b' * M ti. GcdrBO W urbcrg u t Uiq-Tw<!n:

lle th Century club mcotlnR ycatcr* ... day'-aflcrnoon .XollowlDS-.UiB..iegu>

la r lunclicon (it tho Rogeraon hotel, •Mm. D. R. Churchill, prcslJed. Mrs. E , J, Malono (Ib c u m d "Ilcailing for Iho Busy Womno" ontl the tie-

.ccssity. oL rcaiUnR w as cm pbu lzed by Mrs.' B, U I’rlce. M bu Jcaale

TTraacr, llbrarlnn. giivo & lis t ot

............... RcadluB M an Index lothit mind WftJi dlflcUMCd by M ni. R jni

_I* . DouglHsa'o~a ahe rcvic'wcT~WltaT|~w i jjrcaV wfimcn. have re'Sa. iieaa ing ua a hobby w as dlacuased by Mra.

. C. n . Krengel.' Mlaa B etty Morebouao sav e ' .«

d-Dorla-LctBh.Ion presented ft- piano nolo; Ja ck

- Dl-'laney aocompanlod by MIm M ar- fcnret Taylor aanjr tw o selcctlona.

~ Sprints faahionn-wcre show n ln .lho ruvlew directed by Mra. J . W. New-

Calendarw ith Mra. Alice W. Ugbort P rl- dny- evenlnjr, M arch" 8 a t 8o'clock.— ............. .................. - -

■ # # * .Maj;icl-V club will m eet Wcd<

nesday a t 8 p. m. a t tho home or Mlaa Audrey Cresa, Fourth ave- nuo'eajit. - . - .

« *

H ad io B roadcast 'WUl Open Obsorvanco o f Group's

_ 23rd A nnlverBary^i: „

of M ethodist 'Eplacopal Ladle*’ lUDiil Alil BfTftlftTyi Vi'Ml rniri**!•• a t 2:30 p. ■ •• -

Preabytorlon Ladles’ Aid so­ciety will m eet a t the home of Mra. R. W. Carpenter. Shoalioric

“ atrcct-north.-Thumdfty-afternoon— a t 2:30. Annual election of of- ficera wlll-be held. — —

* * * • < Catholle Women’s L e;i^e .w lll

m eet Tliursdny a t 8 p. m, a t the homo of Mra. fl. i t . ftfcComb.man.

A t the business meellnB I t was' dccjdcd w BlvcJlOO tfl thc.jiwlcn^ .______________________' niing noorfund . ^ ra ."1V.‘ C. Stoanp'cQU prosriim has been arnmK«d. ■{rave the In tem ntlonal relations. * * *

____ «om ml£tco_repoft,-cJlacusalflir .th e A m erican Aaaociatioa of Unf.--------- aU tus-of-C om m unlsm -ln 'C hlnr

« • IJVtKb.VU IVUUJ'.... will begin the observance herd a t th e 23 ann lvenu ry of the found> Ing of the Camp Flro orf^nlza- tion. More tlian.123 local membera o f the orgnnixatlon will taHe part In the program . The cventA of the celebration w cro_oulllncd ,jti8 tcrj dny^ftftcmoon t t a mccttBg 'or t t ir G uanllans’ aaaoclatlon..

XTr T* T? \Vlltm« «.Utnddresji—o n —the—radio " 'p iOKram: Muflleal num bers -will birp rM ent- ed by Mlaa Clarice Baunder# and will .Include a Rroup o f Indian aotifpi and a medley of Neidllnger B onpi^nrranErcd'by^itm rtJatTninjt Taylor. She will bo accompanied a t the. piano by Mlsn'^W leenTennton and on- the clarine t . by Frank Wells.


-The com m ittee on dcconvtlons, of - w h ic h -M rs. -FranU H ovorka 'is

chairm an, arranffcd the dccomtlona In keeping w ith the S t. P a trick Ihisihe. ,

■— i n r o r Chapter A l, P . E . 0 ; S is te r­hood. a t the home of M rs. H . W,

----- L-Wilaoo. ycatcnlay-cvenlng ^ lril^ E .•,. M. Sweeley w as chosen president,

------- .Mr8. T.- C.-Bticon. vlce preskMrs. J . W. M cFall, recording

......... re ta ry .-M r* .-M argarc t-E cck ...rciipondlne accrctarj'. Mra. Kenyon Green, treasurer, Mrs. L. L. Breck-

• cnridge, chaplain, and M ni...A . J.I’eavcy, Jr., jjuard. M rs. W ilbur m il w as named delCRatc to the con*

____ vontlon of.tho SlsU raood-to.be heUJIn' American. F a lls the la tte r p a rti

M»y, Mra. F . P . M jA tre tiv oh Ijt l lB le d OB S c h o la rj lilp

. -.-nlty . .. ........Presbyterian church a t t p. m.

- Saturday fo r a guest day lunch­eon. Rcservallona m u st be miide

•by Thursday w ith M r£ .'L , L. Breckenrldgc;....... ...................

, The Ladles' Aid society of the L utheran church will m eet la

be'Onswertd by sew ing hlntp and sewing short cuts.

_______ ______....c m a te . M rs. C.• T . Bacon wan nathcd a ltcrtiato for

'Uio presiden t-------Befroshmentii wore served from

. tliu te a tabla' centered w ith fresh — ilowftra and;trlm m eiJ.ln-U ic.^og.aJ^

rick theme. Mr.i, ft: R. G ran t, ro- - tiring president,- and Mrn. S w e e le /

poured. Mrs. ................................ .......by Mra. Peck. .

■-Mlnyty.thi^o-liinlor-lllph-BOhOOl piipl!ii_mado tho

1 assisted

c iiu : l k p l <\n s f o r-JfltE S ID K N T S COMING

Plans for the vLilt of the national ■ • -p rc « ld c n r-o r the • Lodies -of^ the G.

• A . R. wero m ade yesterday aftc r- . noon a t the ■ recetlnR of the D an • JfcCook'. Circle In the -American

B olls and 41 L isted for C itizenship

:-X cgloa .M emorlnl..halI;i M rs._.Pewli E i^ ^ o ^ ^ ile m n n , 'n ie Cook, CTilcago, ;iaU onal presldent.iflnn, V era Bobbel.'Margi

—w lll-be-lft~ ^rv irfn-Fall» -« ttrch-2*;iiio rtna Balleyi-Mary-Fro

r.cnship honor roll fo r the ’f irs t pe­riod of tlie’ nccond .sem es ter; 20

listed on thn acliolarahlp.roll, and 41 were on tho citizenship hon­or roll.----- ----------------- ............. -. . T hree , pupils m akln j:. a ll A-1' were PegK'y 'Ann'CiW unaRh. P a ­tricia Hodgln and Bcrenlco Mc­Kay. Others on. the scholarship* xltlzenahip roll Include:-.

in, Thejraa________ _ M argare t Bacon,

...... - ............ — - ........... ....... Bailey,-Mary-Frances-Bfttoa,Tlia cortimltUe In charge of tho or- Shirley Beokley, V iolet Mao Bell.

— jangcm cn l* Jn c lu d ca -U ro .-IU -E .lF jw le riok -B lcns.-L oonard -B U ind - Lt.-lBhton, chairm an. Mra. Bello fo rj . Mary Bournuln'. M arilyn Brl-

___LCri.-cna__nnd^Mra._ t I ^ t to _ B e l le z te .-P cnh - Brown- G race Brugge*Tayc. A chair w aT dm pea In mem* man. Dolores Cam'pbelt.’ JuanlUi

' ory of M rs. E lla R. Moore, who died - - -recently in Oklahom a. P lans were , « . . .

—;--;_iuado-for;a BQ clal;mccllacTM arch ifly_D rako ,-H arrle t-~EU ..i i2 _ f tt_ lh o ' homo of Mrs. Goldie ------ -

F u 1 ic r J J ja m M -jc ^ c b rc e .^ le W Gerber, Ruth Gibbs, BUl_Goertian. DahH Green,' T erty ' H agar, Clarl* bel Hoffgardt, Mary H aney, B etty Rao^H flrvcyr-Jamea-H aw Iey^^K n- melki . H eadrick. W ilton Uovorlui. G nur^nllrH B gh'JoslynrljU lu-K an- oo. Beata. Klelnschmidt, .Fred L a­tham , Beetty Lynes, Billy McBride. Doris McKee. Gladys McKee, Ger­trude. Maddlntr.-M Ullccnt Middle­ton. Joyce Miller, B e tty Mullvhlll, Milo Pearson, F re lda Perehal, H el­en- Pcrchal, .A nno.-.Peirlne, -. Aldii Qulnl, B m r ly Rlchlns, B etty Rom- metvedt, Annabel Rudolph, Wlllla

____ I(la_Swcei ilr a . Phoebe Snodgrass,. ...• >(fo.".EIm fra CafTson, .n n il. Mra.

-L aura-W hltncy .


----------- USo'HlVo p n a -B E td -it^ b iE a H it-' the liomc of E dna .Rohker yester*

' - day. Tho afternoon w as spnot In , w orking on the ir honey 'combs. •• A

«o'ng;.pm,ctlce..wnB.alao..bcld'-Wltli Mra. R uth K night a s Reader. A

. ■ pink and w hite color acheme fea t- ... . u red 'U ie table appointm ents..M ra,

'••B itte r gave ft ta lk .. . . . ____ lFollowing th e "bu« .".' the girls

------iilli-riL...... .-Ing In a group. Mcrte Sovorin.ftnd Imogeno-Davls, cantalno ln a con- tcdt which Is now be lns-holdrSavo

___ t i lk s on firs t a id workj_ C roup oneof the contests won th o Womanho

. -educational gam e w hich waa eJ. - Tho 'glrls completed the fi

. iiession .by a ttend ing a J o i n t ......... infT w ith the Boy. Scoutn a t which

oUdes on Sa fe ty 'F lrat w ere sbowa.

GAY PA R TTK O N O R S T A T H O D Q IK '.......

Com piimenling P a t Hodglrir'whb ..- ..liJB av lng soon .w lth lio r.pa ronU -t*

make her h o m e .in Seattle ...M rs. George F . Sprague en terta ined her Sunday school class, o f w hich P a t

........... ■ — - - l a t herIiomo la s t evening. The t

.sp e n t-ta play ing M inoru. Refresh­m ents w ere served a t the closc of the eVenlDR and P a t w as presented w ith a gift. G uests Included Shft--

_ ^ -lo y - .S m lU i.J& m a I i)u . Bownwn, " June Douglas, R u th Lowden. B a r­

b a ra Cavanagh, B e tty Leo H aney ilnd M ary Francca B ates/-

SohUfman,—V arna—Sln«ma,~M ar- Jorle Slack. Mildred Slack, T ay e Sluytcr,D orothy Je a ii Sm ith. D oro; thy Stayner, B arbara 8utcIIff,’ Vlr- g ln ti Taber, Gerald .Tdylor.-Vlrgll T e lfo ^ , - Helen. ..Tbom as.'-Eunice Thompson, Donald- Thorp. Val Toolson, M argaret Van Engelen. Enrlqueta V asque i Margarct.-Vas* ques, Thelma Vlehweg. Nelda W ag­ner. LylB W alker, M iriam W alker, Marilyn W ebster, Maxlno Weldon, DtaoriB"^VIIco)tr T onim y- WUlhun*sdhr'A rlene Smllb.'."''^," ^ .......-..Tlioaa.nn_U ia.acaoinrahlp boooc roll a re : Rachel Ballenger.'B obblc BlandfonI, LaVeme - Bunn. RutJ> Burkhalter. Richard Calvert, Ger­ald Chapman, Maxine E lliott, Vir­g inia Goodhue, Both Henderson. Lc*

■■■Tr^DGB'nOCDl r i lW T O P PA R TIES

Mrs. Carl A nderson w as hostess yesterday afternoon a t her homo

— to _ th c J l r a t o f -f t series o f card parties to. bo H erdT )y 'U ie'Pythian Sisters’ lodge. .T en tab les o f p1-

’ nochlo;and bridge w ere In play w ith • p rlte s .ln brldgo golng to Urn.

■ Fo*i. sr.. and M rs. H . M. Bninln, ......................... 1 M rs. JVllllain

W alter and M rs. C - ----------rations a t th o tables f e a tu m

‘ Patrick’s theme. ■ '*.Mrs. W. 0 . , ’Thomphon. w ill, be

, bontess. o t the nex t pa rty , .M arcb

I -

2 0 , _______________.

• C A S ir-F IR B G IRLS .. ,’ The Taw asl group of Cam p F ire

d r l s m et a t th a home of B etty-Rae Harvey rocenUy. A private coutjcll

• fire , a t which m em bers will rccelve ; beads will bo ?jeld Fridoy a t Ih e ' homo jf_M T8, Jam M H arvey .' •

several numbers,, A n . Im portant buslneM will follow the progrnm . officers ita to .

TcM hcr association w ill m «et Frl- day. M arch 8 ; a t the school boujcat' 8 i). m-TCcrc.wUl b« » »tudyd ub.

All Twin Fulls Camp Fire Girls will observe Church day Sunday. M arch 10 ..w h ca -tlu y -w llU attc n d m orning ocrvlccs n t the Presby­te rian church. A special sermon will be <le[lvercd by Rev. '

Atced. bu t w as leading another bolilnd. and meanwhile w as en -' g aged In-productng a lively a ir on a harmonica. In tense listen* Ing revealel th a t ho w a s m p t’ln UiB Kpoir o f_ 'T h o L ast-R ound-, up." . . . . E vening ' Tlmeo circulation m an. ta k in g a beautiful aplll In 'f ro h t o f Uio' office when a mcaaly lit tle dog ran betw eer hla legs,' upsetting him w ith A quiekneas th a t quite took Uie young man'n breath aw ay.............. Individuals, chas­ing around , try ing to find ou t w h at certain numbered Icglsla-

them ..............a -« lg n r,-« n d — either!

- - sa le o f aome for every day.

rcmln<ling:one’of Ule "gooiro ld days.’’-. . . . . K indly lady; who

“ o iiionu r“ft* 'f lpceiQ rcopy 'o rT ne- ..Evening Times, e v ejy .day th a t

pictures of tliQ D ionne. babies «ro printed. She sent-.word llils week th a t ohc was forgotten

copy of th a t bwue.

G R O i i i n E E :

_Mra,_Art.F.lnl(c.,Rc'LCroM chair: m a n . Mm, P h il 13a rtle tt . accrctarv. and Mra. A . C. VolKht. Iiomc lly -

L ist fo r F ir s t S ix W coks of Sem ester IssuctI tly H igh ,

Ju n ior H i, L incoln ..'—V .

BUHL, M arch 0 (Spcclni)—Ilon- • roll fo r the flr.it nl* wecka" pe­

riod. In the second scm ealcr a t the Duhl* schools is as follows:

H igh honors: .Elalno Allen. Avia Dennis. B e tty Luntey. Joiui Orr, M argare t O rr, Muriel Smltlutcn.—lla n o r a u J uno -B a rtm c a t.-D olllo HufgcECCampbell. B l a n c h e Churehfield.

T nHr. ,11. Trn<rntf -T.nliyC arrc tt,"Jd iiirC ecr, I'hyila Gerber, Roberta ■ ITaneock. Helen Marti, Maxlno Howard, M abel R. Jonen,

'XffirUnM argare t Kcrpu. M arian Klrcher.Dorothea K ollm cyer.' Lois KroUi, ro»lKcrllf<r7sinTtfnB. EllzaU cttrM cl- flcr,' W llda-M eyer, -Carrjo Mlrnele.Atysmay M urray, .Alice.. R a e i l i b t , . , ..................................R uth Raedcls. Helen Rathbun, Lou-;M“«‘>“« k . Many glfl« lae Robertson. Juno S c h r a id ^ lm r ^ ] ^ « ‘l > ^y^" ho»u.

gleno clialrm an, and Mrs. J . C..Na* rull cull chairman, attended

the sta te in.-itltule of the Red Cross a t Pocatcllo over the week-end.

Mrs. Jum en SlileUin, Jr.; en ter­tained mcmbcrn of Sun SOucl tr a c t bridge chib a t the Wont End Country 9lub liiat week,-High score p riJe wn-1 won 'by Mra, .A rt Flnke.

Mrs, E, L. McKlroy Is In Chicago vbiiUng w ith her dauRhler Miss Gonevtuve, who la In nurse's train- in;: there.

Shamn>ck kcnslngton m et F ri­day iiflemotm n t the home of Mra. H .-N . GJbba.foc.a-.lunBbeon. .Th..

A spiran ts in Thrco D iv isions C ^ p e t o T on igh t; D ram a

R eaders. M on d ay . .

Honoring their thirteenth wed­ding annlvorjury. M r.' lind Slr«. Wllilnm VoKoi entertained n l a twn courflrt luncheon recontly. I'lnoehle and dnnclnf; were the diver-ilona of Un>-«vcnlnKT-Prires-nt-CBrd.->'^rre won by prcnlU * lUed.>l8 nn.l B. O. E w ing, and i l r , nml Mm; Adolph'

MORTAUGH Ir ; _ -Thuraday. cvcolng .20-Scouts.m ot_

D.1VIS. Steve Perkins, David Q. Moyeu and N orris Goodman.

Mra. E, W. Moorman, president,pn'slded over the W. C. T. U . m e e t- .......ing held.u t.thc .C om m unity C h u r c h ___T hursday afternoon. Miss R uthBrown led dovotlonals. M u sic a l------numl)crn were presented by tho , high.school qua rte t under the dl*.

ion of Miss Roxlo K essengcr

Prellm inarj’ I rj ’ u t s fo r Uie flub-dlslrlct high nchool declama­tory iiml .debiite contests F r id a y .,„ c u o n oi J>iws uox.o tvcascaKcr March 22. wUl l>e hold tonight for, ^ Including B e tty Perk -

era- will try - ou t '-.Monday.—KinsI tra tcd tallu ..-Ilcfrcahm enU _w ei

’ruM<Jiiy. D. D. Moorman returned Friday^roni-Callfomlit..w iiera.beJaani>cca_____

ng flincu November. H is sis-Mni. Bonnie Stay Slmpjton, n p e e c h ' ------ ----------- --------------iniilruclor and .IrumuUc co.Vch,il«'‘. Mrs, McCllm ans.-Seattle, who • Judges who will In thn fUi-'»J"^nl w in ter w ith him In Call-nl selcclion of rcpre«rnliillves roriforhlu. returned w ith hltp.the sch<x>I win be,announced luler.. . --------------------------------—C.m t«it*-wm--bo-o.m.lii(ilol-i>y^---------A Pl'llOVBIi-AW ABDH-----------

. lCrl.iand, .<-nlor ppwch; A pproval ' of aw ards lo nix I--nlrk-a in the preiim ln-rg a t u C ourt of Honor to b«

coumy. ha.. bfi-n lendi- a t the Snaka river a rea

incll offices here. accorUmg lo.brono K nins. Glelin Do.-welt, Don-;,.

lluUi Van Patten , Opal Wesllg, Mom ay w ith four li.blei Fredeflck. executive. Q w ll- Juno W^lleman, P e te Boyd. Bob:P'n«chle, P r i ^ s were awar.le,l M r : . . f . fylng for iieiond. class aw ards la

rr-=--Horac»=Bn»ks,r.wiUard;H!'r'-y.-M cCniilry,,_C,.-_,M ._nuth'-r.;‘>“ ‘" '; ~ “»:r , Gerald’ nyde. W after K er- 'f? '^ - Mn, Mllco Clodo-. •^Ki and P/irlsli, Archie Parish andnbjT t Lunlrv- Colombufl P c r-J^ i 'n k Kelley. Uefrcahincnlll W m M mwnnin

Brock?H a r d e r ,__________ _____________pa, Robert L unley. CoJombun Per, W n».-Charie»-Rend,—Jim -S hlelds;

iGeorge Smalley.; JD.S’IO R lH G ir. SCHOOL

HlRh honors: Doris V enter, Char-leii WiRon. _________ ...

!- --V: 'j[,ficpirino Browne, l.lar^Ij

,...o.»,r;nC” IS'anh6lincean>y M rs. W, A. V an Engclcnl president of tho Guardlana'.iuLioclntlnn. .

Middy day will - bo Monday. .

m W dik 'b iack^ tV ^ ^ ------------ -------------^ ---------------- i " f . i n t . i « y . -w mana.dark..klrU^ThB.cmpl>aslfl will; -r ...... . - - - v - d - i--------- W%Trfr

cleanllneiw. iLarffo A ttc n d a n c o E x p c c tc d a t Joan ’ Alice Je n sen ,'L au rln e Kim- W ki'iHrti-i.T'rh., ‘ll,hriiiigh. Eugene Luntey,_ Junior

•Junior E.-fmes. Klral-cJ.-j.-i.t aw ards


Mr»: Chester, W lp lng lon , The cluh; Mr,,. sin,„.,„rwill havo a n all*duy lue.itlnf! n l j^.an,. Sm'vkrWU-ieillTdlrK'"

-..1....— .-T./“ frirr

reeled by the Wullana group. V arious groups will -ivo'rk on birth- .......................................,-th«-' U irge attendance Is cxpectel a l

Tho annual meeting of district 8, Camp F ire GIrlfl, Js scheduled for M arch 30 In Spokane. Any ---- who w ill.be In Spokono a t Uial

Sunny Side School Lists Honor PupiU

...... "Tho-_Rock:^ _nt. a h e high;HChool auditorium tom orrow ev nlng. ■nie 'qua lity of tho play :well a.-) lL<i sub jec t-hav e consult able Interc.nt.-

’Tlie prouuctlon wan'.-mld by u; - •member o f . D r. H arry Emerfwn Katdlck'n congregntlon In the Rlversitlo church In N ew York C lty " tn ' have"'crcate«l " th e 'en t ire moo<l of.-the Holy week services by Its prenc;itation.

I t hn s ' been nald by reviewers

LINCOI-V HCHOOL .-.-_ .-^Jll« lv_hnnoraj_actL y_Jano-Jlydo ..

hipiilRmrnn K oto.. Dale Hobaon. Mary,

Never Giit a Cornirvlll.l.;,!

"Ruaaian D rama nn.i A rt" ^amll Edith Clark. Nornm Fuller 'Ruanlan L Itcraturo" were Uie top-, Alice Lc.ilie. - | Hin.iiiy p . i« >;..ur o rn sru t

1CB.X aU-by-Mra. 11

■Elteh Leavell, D igs Ko<leah. Don-'" » Brannen. M arian Fuller, LaVon!

’Imnicr, David Barry . M lrlan.Cun-1. ningham, Lillie Kodi-sh, Alice T ay-I’

Clarlbelle W alcott. Evelyn 11 Bnrdewlck. i

;eorgo Brabb. I jir ry DoNeal, Da-1 vld Law. Clinton Shank. Enldl

a n d .lrrs ..S n iltli a t the MenUir club!-------- GOI.t> C'JIKCKm eeting held a t tho home of Mrs.! BUDAPEST. M.irch 0 The';Vi'i'-i'iii a'.horV u.. V aughn Shrlvc r th is weelt. 'govornm ent today ordered all per- [."'1'

ntin.-i Ui d rclare tholr giild huliiing.i.; m,, Kuiroundln and. ducrood .that until March 2 0 .............................

til..... ImIII H'ltl{ cnnlir ll^aUUy


has been announcc<l ,afl.fplIowD:___U pper grades, Luella Hamby,

Enid Fish. W alte r Cannon. Harry.

H a m b y ^ a r jo r lo H auk. Jack P r it­chard, W ayno Plerfcy, Bniy Wilson.

Pe rfect (^ttondanco, Helen FUh,

- - - genuinely 's p iri tu a l th a t m a n y -h a v e testified - to having the ir lives en tirely changed by U klng—p a r t - In - t h * —p la y ,-Y « t,“ ---------------------------1,y------------ -

tiunal bank. ..................................... Tho condition of Dale Stnndlee.' I t almi w as or-lercd . th a t only;;||!;[/?/,"':\^iX^^^^

Imquist. Bcvcrly' Barton,'"Bar-|W ho u n d e rw en t'an operation for the bullion m arket and authorized c , it i.y iiriiiiKini-, a Dunham . Kathleen Capron, appendicitis recently, la renorled .dealers m ight buy and sell gold.

Mnrle Pretl. Helen Jeanne S troud.!to bo favonible. I Th.i action w as uttrlbifted toWanda Crawford, Alice M olen-j--t Iw H olllatcr Home Dcm omitra-iheavy speculation In gold In the vorth. Phltllfl Stoki-.i. Mury Thom n-|tion club held all-day aeiinions n t.'las t few 'd ay s duo to the di-ellna Iwrry, Robert Kyles. John M ac-ithn hom e_of3tr»,_Ji.E ,_H cn3lock:o£_lU e..Iluauurlan-pcai:oc. ..1- . m iv '

BUHL. M arch 0 (Speclnl)—The

p S U ' S5-l;»Sy s S S S

. illglmin phiy. It i i one thift -W upheld by tho te ch n la u e 'o f an experienced playw right and has actual, dmma- tlc powerV’

The: cast includes IU I0'S aw y e r. R ache^B nllenger, DorLi Leighton, Jam es Hlnnhaw, Botto “Moore- ,hQUsc.-M.- C. .B a l l e n g t r . - T r a c y Gipson, A rth u r Patton . A nn Per-

Nam ara, Enimallnc Berry, R u th ‘Friday and Satunlay . The tlmo Inward. Banil Norris. |spen t In cu tting , fittln jr and-H o n o rsi-E u g en e -Hobson.—Juncntremtrs— Pntliirl!— ilinnnni

T.t5Ii»‘.~iro'w'uriI-Sh-eiaon; V M a 'itW S il 'b o ^ days.

Tliom aa'H am by. H arry 'L cltch . Lu- c lla Ham by, Bllly Wllnonr and-Wal­te r Cannon. . 1 '"•tajw er'-gradcs.- Foatcr Sorensen,B«tty Loltchr-Loulno Lolloh,-.«:ow- a h l Pritchard . Muriel Sorensen.M elvin ' Drexler, Tliurmftn Plercy, i-ino nnd D orothy Aulbaqh. 'M rs Harold Suehnn, Ila Rose Hauk. Ethel Warl>erg la directing Uie

Perfect attendance. F Io ro n c c |p e r fo rm n h c e .Foster. M uriel Sorenhen, Bobbv, ---------------------- ----------Cannon. E ll>crt~ \V rlgh t.'T hunnanir~B tart youfTiaby chlfloi on Globe P ler«y :-G «org lo--W U soa.M d.J^tty ;A >-X ^tartcr^ 'a.be tter..a iob ii.S eed

Feed Co.— Adv.

j'paymcMUi In gold \%-oUld reqtdro ,_ i ' t h c npccial permission of tho Na.^V^inr" . C l

..... ....... ........lli-m f - ’ '

I’cry Hard ■n 111" li)c» -

ll I'fDi.lr n

Kllliun, Buddy Lee Llndsley. John Grodeon. Ja ck Hann, Gerald Jen­sen,- ^Loi.1 Dey. - Melva-- Messley. Franccu Snidcr. LUIlan Zucol. E thel Otis. Clyde L ln iy , Leland Ryttlng. Billy .W oodruff, -R uth Jladedom ,, Bobby W eaver.

Mr. And Mrs, Forest Strickllngi nnd family, Oiiodlng spent thei week-end "Visiting, a t the ' Chlirlesj I ' ' - ' - . - ' , - - ' c-and .-.the J . «■'*

-B i;n L ( iiR i . JO IN S c i . i ; n BUHL. M arch 0 (SpeclaO *-

W ord has-l)cen received tlia t Mlaa Jaho M errick .Is ono of the oeven women''al'udents 'a t“ thoTJhTvcniUy' o f jd ah o ito cam -m cm bcrahlp.la.ttic' Women’s ‘'I ’* club.


FAMILY PROTECTION........S t O O -P c r -M o n th -^ -B c n c f it f f U p t o -? l ,000.00 ••

S13.00 p e r year,' puyablo" 51.00 "jxir^m onlh" iM uTcii'wholiP' tanilly . A ges 1 to 10. Sm all nien>t>enihlp fee. In fennation

' fr«n w ithout obligation. - -

A D D R E B S i LeHOY E . Q R A SB ,-D istr ict M anacor•Box 023 — 'T^vln Fulta, Idaho — Phono 1551-M

n o m e Office — OoUe, Zdaho .

lale Hennefer, June Jennings. Mc­Clain Johnaton, Joyce.Kcllcy. B etty Mangclaon, Ja ck Plercc. Rosella Quint, Delores Schmechel, Jeanne

- L aD ean S l o k c -Dorolhy Swope. .

T he clUzcDshlp honor roll lists Irvin .Billers, B etty Rno Harvey, B cata KIcliiflchmidt and Dorothy M r Sm lth ,'w lth a ll- l’a-nnd-tho-fol- lowlng S7-others w ith bigls-honors: Virginia! Allen, Billy -Anderrcn. Donald Anderaon. E sth e r A nder­son Ruby-Moo Bell. R obert B caw a, V erna Lou Bowman. Floyd Camp­bell, B etty Colbert, J a n e t Coleman. N lte lla D arses, Srlco .E rans, Franc- es Gtiiham. Bob H arvey, Deo Hep* pier, Valeric H errc, Jock Hopkins, George Kawal, Je an I ^ e . Bobby Meigs. Luis ucirtvTAItea Muruliyi A llan P a rro tt,.P risc llin P eck ,.R o­b e rt Pence, Jean P k rc e ,. Joy.c'e Plercp ,-T om ' Price, Dean Banner, 'P atricla-8cannell.'M ary Jeon Ship* m nn,'Patricla Sm ith, Ralph Sm ith, M uriel Toyc, Duane Toler, Beclsy Victor, M ary Jane- W right, B c t^ Leo Haney.

'■ GRANGE W IU l M EETThe Twin ^ l a County Pomona

G ranw w ill'm eet a t - the -F iler G range hall SotunJay, Morch'O; n t lO~in.- ra.~B nhl'antM Jeaar-O ninffM will tw liosls. A f l p . -m^ W.. B. Sm ith, Twift Palls, will o<Jdre*» tUe

. Page F our IQAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO W cilw 'sclny, i'fnrcli C, 1U3H '

.I'ubllilisO Elx Dnym

n rail* Posl OfXle*. AerllDTUVU HBTKUS, nka

nackA.la-the mJli. mmMm-Omartr biM. Rka sm tU fa thlM aa aaawar


a i l . «llAfl WtUTUOKE. trhoM la- fr, new ttm4, bstlt tfca «»ni. rl.i. haa k«ai« B f in «wa'a n <■ 1‘arla (e * a u r (ha aalU. tie dU a»^ar> bctara ka cbb. s ra .k f r aama.


■ am i. I

PRIMARY. THREATENED Idaho’s present sta tew id ^ direct .prim ary l_aw_is

and liousG.Tlie s tate senate, by vote of 23 to 19, has approved

,'i bill which would provide fo r the election of one delegate. 16^ etioli 5 0 •voUirb'~iii"pr ci:inuU., Uiubu to meet in county convention where tjounty .tickets of

—eachTrartjnvoiild-be-nam edrand-delcgates chosen to . state convections. where state and cong.ressional

“ lickeU rw ould'be'iioniinated: ' ~Indications are th a t the m easure w ill n o t g e t fa r

in ,the house of representatives.__ T lie_sena te action proves th a t j f ie old direct pri- -:m ary law does not necessarily have-the aVproval-or

all Democrats,, any more than isthe 'convention-sys- —tem the- tool-of-the-R cpublica’n- party.-In--.the-last _ J j . 0 . state'cdnvGlltlO!n;tlat■pa^ty--went-on-rccor■d^

~ a f c l ^ l C B e l ^ " o f B o r a h 7 i h ~ f a \ ^ o T s t j e T i g t l n n T lT iE ^ prim ary law. M eanwhile there are plenty of Demo-

“ c^itrfeffdersraB~i5Tirovcd-'by-thc-senate-vote; who would practically abandon the prim ary fo r a mere improvement on the convention system.

A fter all the thing to be secured i.ynot a particular law governing the method of nom inating officials, so much as a representative and satisfactory result. It is possible under the direct jirim ary to deprive the

‘ people o f free action, and i t is possible also iinder •the convention system to preserve the democratic ^method of choosing officials." . '

T ha t both the prim ary and convention methods have their faults is adm itted, leading to the conclu- ................. ? t h e - n i o s t = s a t i s f a c t o i y : : ^ s t c m : = v ’c a i i i d z b e z a .

Urlaa,Cat* Bad ai«T^

" ^ o V aa y ’ r U a ^ r B H a - * * * - - ; ! ;^•VrA” aSM.alV


combination of th’e two,, which the. proposed bill ap- -p ea re -to -o ffe r. -It-fa ils however in preserving tlic - r ig h t-o f the- people-therasclves-to nam e theiv-can-

didates, which is the prirfie purpose of a primary.. I t is good to see the present legishiture go into the

subject, giving opportunity for intelligent discus­sion. Out of it niay come ideas'and proposals which a t this session or the. next m ay see desirable ,im-

-provem ent9;in-m ethod-ofnom inating-candidates-for-~public--o££ice.i__- __^ :__ -___________ ____________

.Jim m y W alker, finally reporting th a t he’s . :.:broke*-iyaLable,.to :hoJd_Qiitj.uuch lo n g er than ..^ - .'he city he helped b reak

- ‘THIRD • HO USE'. IS--DANGEROUS - -—.--If-you-could-get the Beventh son 6'f. a seventh-son - o ff in a .com er and..askJ^,_m an_to_m an,_iyhat_the

next great-political r.eforin.injtheJJniteA States_\vas - g o in ^ o - f a c p h e — vould-probably-fell you th at~ it

wfiiild involve adontion or the one-chamber ])lan by

-anflWer Wftllr ‘o*-:.* -momonC Tlion lie Bold, "1 iup ;io« jou-U jInlt r a bI»o BCcreW to -

-aac'lt»o-7onT-NoHlW«lyr -A c*n •with , polo Boia bmlCs

wrftppcJ 'a round h e r htftd .Jlko a liMo criod. nV ony Cartorr-o t ftH lUo nervol . Mayb* VUkT «• thei)reltIcn l"B >rt'ln-tho-room -btit doTlio ro«t o t na baxo to honr fttou t I t nil tho limb? Glvo us a,’ trca lt.

.cnn't jou7- —"Awr-Powf-Mai

'And only Joi•M Strall6'volca.-Tnrwiui-tolllB!rmo about my nawleaa beauty.' Wolly. Wally. you>o m ined m y fa l tU In men!"

.... Only Vicky rrnld no tliloB .'Sboiiat, Tory BlllI und Wlilic, looklns down a t Iho Oliver liraeolot on *“ " wrlnU nnKorlnc Ui« braectet ; elinnleaUy.,

Brian luikcd-nnIetly,^ ''W hy illcnt. Vlcky.r

Sho mined licr licad then, m ot ti[R cycB. ••U'n-»my lionil" nlio eald, frownlnn BllKlilly. " Ifu acUlng fear-fo l ly ." .................. , .

"SUall wo Icaro?" . 'VIcliy liealtuted. Tlien nho liftld,


' r i l drlTo yott linmo," lio n.aid.—.Flvcniliiulcui la lar they wero ou 31.1ft. «rlnn_liclpcd hor_lnlo._tl coupe nr\,d nho Icanod back, broatli. InR deeply. TIio frcsli. cool a tr alrncJc lior tacc. VIcliy eloaod lior

'oyco oa Urinn utilttsd Into f ln t and- Uio car mo»ed down ttio driveway.

-I’rciontly^Blio opened thorn ogatn. She eaW. "I feet better already.. IC waa-Bo-Btufty « - tlio d n b -r"

Brian nodded. -Yen. i t wn nffTCfld. •r“Aro yoa auro you'ro warm Q-nouKUr---- -----------------------

T ha'eollar of her fur coat lAfd ollppod to one nldo and _Kl>0_dr05T..ltJnl0-Blac0._ahe,.flald., "Lot’fl so t Ko home junt yet. This olr BcciDB to ba Just, what I necdeiJ. Lot's drlvs out on tho Morloy Uoad.”

BWdn tiinieS tlio car a t Uie'nozt corner and Boon thoy_wor« UhtoI- ioR olone.a coiiDtir' road w ith level

loldo on oUhor aldo.

W IN D Whipped Vlcky'fl h a ir back and A iBQdrll.ot i t blow ainilnai

Drlan'a cbeok. lie aakcd. -H ow-a tlio head l" " ^

■Mneh-belter."' Vicky wa# allent - ft tlmo. Sbo Btolo a sw ift look

a t tho younir man bealdo her and thonp laueod.

"Drlan,» Vicky eald. T to boontblnklaB about Uloen." - - - .......

•'W bat thInRBr*“Oh—flvofTthloit.' I 'm BO Urod ot

id playlDB 'hridRO and coIdk to

thloBfl. Y o u th lo k l 'm U rrtb l^ tr tv - olouB. don 't youT r « not—I mean 1 don 't w ant to be. I « ltl> 'I could do BoniethlBg tha t rea ll7_eoonJ*i

•^ant you can, V/eiy.’'*1 hadn 't Ihousbt-m D eh ahont

It." tho Rlrl w ent oa. "betoro you came. -Yon’vo made m e rea llto bov Billy and fooliih It 1b to wasta Ubo

•Toryono I know doeo. f w an t to'o rk llko.you.iloJ'____ Z _ - .IJrIan~om ned “ Briroly. *Thil'fl

not, much of an unbltion.’* ho said.- rar.T >i«rda?f ftnnn.anyihtn

"Oh. but you havol -1’to hoard PaUier tell about It. n o says It’a wonderful the -way yan'vo takenbold a t-tba mtU.”. ----------- ,------------

••T hen 'your^lathor’a not a s ob B orrlns'as I 'th o u e h t ho was. W bat do you w ant to do. Vlekyt I s tbero anytlilQB— Bp«cl«I—you-^-2iav»^ln

WiiriKor«'nP>'Blie'bMllale3: . wanted to talk to yon about it.

I'TO boca thlnklBB I’d like ta I tn w ahodfU io peo^o who work at'

qualnted and seo' If thero aren’t ways 1 could- help them, Ilttlo UilnBS I could do.-

tblnlc tliat’fl a Breat Idea. Vlckyll.’

•D o 'you ; 'really? “ O h,'-l"ai-Bo Rind. Then will you help mo w ithitr'

"Of course 1 will."Viclty touched hla aria . •'Yon are

owcct," alio Bald., “I UioiiBbt.lf,I. :ou1d cct ocauninted wltL aemo cirla ,about tny own aso a t Orst

' ,hnt-would-bo tho eftalCBt-way.—Y<

could bo conaldorod.Qalo took ou t the bluer d r e u and

held It op before the m irror. I t was oldor-than-tbo. blaek one. bu t really more becoming. Yea, i t bad bfltttr-he-tlifl-hluii.-'SJio'^ .-TJp off thot- c o lla r -a o d 'b o a lo - la -a trcsli while one. '

There- was a knock on the door igid her b rother opened it.

“Oale," be asked, "eould you loan 0 a 'd o l la r r She took bo r. p u n s from the

drtailnt.lablo.ond.openodJt-.Thqre WBiB th n iB cfum plcd-doH arb lU ^n- the punw and Bomo bIItot.• •• of tb# btlla.urn uui, uuo lii M>n w.i.a. ^0 niUca o f b a n l ' BurfacD ___

PMI t^ i r U. t.a ‘ki;i.i. ron«ta.- «unl.-I> lrcctor~i> .-P r^9on;^ tIhfl Iitntn fodem l hlr-hwnv of/leon ' l r tlTo I t back

day.".-, -•Tbal'B all T irht.'-W baa-ho-w aa-ifono-tlio-irfrl'B at

..ir a moment. starinB a t Uio floor. Oh, v e il.'thero w aanovBa worrying about PhlL N o t tonlBUt. a t V ToniBht—

Gain bcBia bMUns Urnla r Inlo plactt. £van Fhll's m yst» rlons abee'nees, bl* froQuoat need ol oonfiy.aidn’trBeeni'.iJo.alariolDS-to-.

c ra t lockod- aw ay. l a h e r hea^t. T hero wero tim es.w hen Bho told hOTBolf-lfiat-waa-R-drBam.-------

done, n e r father, of courao, wouVd bavo to know. Sbo ahould have thoueht how Dbo w aa' to toll him. how Bho was to make him vnder- aland liow rea lly flno a id sincere Brian waa.. T here wero tblnga her father waa 'auro to aay—objoctlcn* —and nbo ahould ba re thoueht bowto-m oo t-them .---------------------

Tho collar, w as In plaeo '____Gato laid tho dreaa aaldo 'aod alood beforo the m irror. She brushed her h a ir un til th e ' bronzo hlBh* llnbln In J t flickered like gold. Her cheeka needed no rouRo; tlio Ivory akin Biowcd wlUi tlio flro boncalh

of Uiom, do^ 't i7 V/lll you take mo to the mill

viiloGO and Introduco mor*___ta-haro 'a-ono bIt1,“- B r la n - a a ld

fliowly. ”1 niK ht take y o u 'to oeo her—"

Vicky's eyes woro w atchlns him, Durrowiid. CAt-llke. * ^ 6 0 Ifn B0^ tied,” nho oald. ••'.When can wo eo —tomorrow?".

"No. not tomorrow. I could toko jo u Tuftfiilny," ___________________

■’W hat timo ehnll. wo gor*

•I. can hardly w ait," Vicky' told him—and m eant every word of It.~'T iMin Knislty

p A L B looked a t tho droases hanB- ^ Icc Iloiply la tho clothoa cloaeL Thero was 're ry litUo eholc»~-tho black dreaa'.TriUi'tbe'-nd tnittbna.or: tb ^ b lu e wlUi ^ llBhter^bluo col-

T h ey 'w n e tlTo only t i F l b a l

wanted tonichL._.Tho-hluo-droa» want-ovor'lior head. Yes, tho whlto collar did mako it look freshor. cheap muo dreaa, one .Qalo bid made hcnelt - Sha thought*of'the frock she would like -to wear to- niRbt, .tho Bort to bo'socn. la ahop wfodows at tbo other afdo of town -^pphlro_ nntln _or_blnck_TOlT«l with silver buttons, allm nnd ao- pblstlcatcd.'' '

She hoard'tt*knocJc"on'tJiotiutor door-and for aa Instant her-heart c«aaed bcnlinff. Then"ahe hurried Isla.thoJtvins-rooni..-8lia-opoo»d the door, said "Oood ovoolns.”.^ and tUoa BUppod back... ..

Galo’a eyeo.- wide, Dcarched tbe ohadoin Vicky Thatcher, was tafr tng her and behind Vicky. haU In darksoos, ilood Brraa'Weatmdre.


N E W S , B E H I N D '• ......- ■ T H E N E 'W S — ; “An Kxcluslva Evcotnfr T im es D ally Report on tho-FosC-movlng QvcntA in tho N ntion 'a CapluUBy &i) e x p e r t In terp re te r nnd Com mcntatoc.__

(Copyricht. 1830.'By P a u l Mallon) .

state* legislatures.-■ This idea, which Sen. George W. Norris put over

“ single.-handed-in-Nebraska,-seem3 to .be tak ing hold.■ every^vhere, for the excellent reason th at i t ls 'c o m -

— plctely-logical-ahd-sensible-proposition.;.. ........ • .... — .The -weakncsscs 'of'- democratic .governm ent are

capitol. State governm ent has ^ o w n Expensive, in­efficient, and unwieldy.• To a large extent this is because we clung to a de-

" v ic e invented by the British liack in the days when the power of the throne was a th ing to be feared.

In theory, the British House of Commons and -H o u se .o f-L o rd s represent.very.,different groui)_s. The '. fornier gets ,i^ authority from the.people the^ latter•• from’- t h e - c r o ' W T i . - - ^ ----- — ....... ........... ............... . ,

W orking sW c 'b y 's iae , th o y 'a re supposedas checks on each other so th a t neither class can leg- they wouia -oe aatiaficd —.........

~ is la t r to lh e ia e r r im e n t 'd f the^other.

a r m a m e n t — (CO N TIN U ED ). One of Huey'* frlend i

W t h 'e 'f a c T lh a r o n e ^ f 'f i lF l

STA LLIN Q _. _________ _WASHINGTON— The dlaorder-

iy tub-aurface altuatlon of leo>a>a' tien In congreti la wor*« than you

ive heard.Democratic congreiflonal lead'

never very enthu»la#tlc, have lately ahown Inward Blona of dl#- Cooraocment:_ ■^e_llberal#, never very co.bperatlvo* with the Now Deal,_havo become peraonally cm. bittered about.iho'.rdief'.'waQe.dlS.

Because of th a t theory, th6 American state legis­lature has two houses. A ll reason fo r the division has vanished; w hat we have now is best described by Senator-Norris, who calls the two*cJianiber-legisIa- ture “as useless as a wagon with five wheels.”

“You cannot have a two-house legislature,’’ says •The senator, “without in reality having three, for the conference committees that m ust set up to iron out differences between house and senate constitute a th ird body.' '

“ M oreover, i t transacts its business in an un- Am erican and undemocratic m anner. I ts meetings are h e ld ih 'sec’re^ " th ere1 s rib such th ing as a j a l l call, and there is np record of its proceedings.

■ “A bill once'vicferred-to a 'conference committee .cannot becomc Ijw ^in less it, is. agreed to by a ma­jo rity o f the conferees. Thus i t is within the power of the conference committee, in secret alid w ithout a reco rd vote, absolutely to prevent legislation and to kill or to m odify a t its p le a ^ re any proposed legis­lation -within its jurisdiction.” • , - ,

The- leve» which this gives to specialiinterests to block legislation designed for protection o f all citi-

. •zens.is.too .obvious to,need com m ent; so, top, is ^_e openiftg w liidi i t gives to all kinds of political chic­anery and ftim ble-rigging. , ’ . ,'■ O n c e 'th e pdblic awakens to the m e r i ts 'o f the single-cham ber plan, .it is a safe bet th at state ^ t e r

*• fitate-=Tvill follow the lead of Nebraska.

_______ to odu>>, —id go home.------------------President RooKvelt still holds

...e reint, but he has not been pull.Ina them. The result has been : lot of bucking aiid ttal1lno> N<Important legislation has been patted In the (Irsf two monthi ' the tenlon. ,

ThlnoB are r a p i d l y workIng| .LET-Up around to tha place where Mr.Rootevell will have to go out or the wagon longue and mend the tracet. .

Unlets he doct, ... - - - .......-where.hli'lefllilatlve program will

.S IIvcr_nnd-.lnnftU on-lIncrca« tl nK lttttlon -.on -these tW’o • mib]cct» will Btart noon, bu t no action iscxpected-ln c o n m s s ,-------------------' Bonklnjr bm—i t w in 'p a a s 'a « c r Senate.* Glaaa h u rc w ritttn aome of i t w ith tho consent o f th« New Dealers, and som e'w lthouL

W a ^ e r labor blU—No hops. Taxcfl—A-^Jmnll ta x bill will

p robably be Ja m m e d through latola-,lhc.::w:iaiOfl.T;it;;nj: - 'hUirn........ - ...............- -------- ... tnjccs:

No Rcncrnl increase.RullroadB—The E natm nn plan la

bc ins -delayed- unUl - tho -holding ' - • hill Is pMBed, T hai

-will be throw n up if the aeaslcn.

clear, a t th

meansacalnst tlio end c ProBpccta are not n_- .

Adjournment—Miil-Jur enrlicst, probably later.

wind up.

CHANCESAnsumlnK that he will, the proa.

pecLs of pendlnR important- IcRifl. latlon may aafely be outUncU at follows;

Bonua—A veto would be /iuf>. tolned .today. Split bet*;ccn Vln. son and Patinan plans ia muSBinj; up’whntever cbanccn tho^bonualtes had. ■ ,

NRA—Jn Kmve .doubt. • Influ- jntlal Bcnatora are accretly benton klllinjj I t New Dealers may not bo able ' ■ band.'

7 w ith relief.___lal security—R atea will

boosted,' legislation m odera te ly llberaliced. Skeleton of Roosevelt proposal will bo m aintaieed.

Tblrty>hour week—N o cliance. H olding companlea—Believe It ' not, 2ilr. nooacv-elt'fl rccQmmcn<'

incoming mall on the'Town- tend plan it beginning to fall off. A western tenator tays he received 300 to 400 letters a day until recently when the delogo trichled to a mere 190. A few days ago a petition containing 116,000 signatures was present* ed to a houte' member.

Strangely, this mall It not having much Influence. Con- gretimen-tay they realize how

’ casv'lt la to ’promote letters and petitions when a question of get,tlng «0 0 .7 month from tha flovernment i» Involved. Mott of these pleas are baaed on the fact that the old people need the money. If that were the only question, congress would bt unanimously for-the plan.

Ac It Is, probably two-thirds -of both houses consider it ab­solutely unworkable. They took on O;. Townsend a s a sincere but misguided man.

LET-DOWN T here con be no question th a

th e m all m aq le t M r. nooacvel. down in Ih c -w a p rT e lie f dispute. Tho prealdent'fl pala say i t w aa be-

datlona is a y be raodorfttcd allRht- cauao the c o u s t^ <lid no t under- ly , c e r ta in libem la.w ho havo b<fenlntand the issue, th a t he did not flghUnR utlllUea *ai the ir lives'H ro’handle h is publicity" tb o '« .-a y 'h ew Jvalelv ajjaJjwt m f a r nj/f/iJrouW have. T hey tliouch t U w aa.. ....................he w aata to go. SlighUy nioUcr*!n vcr^ bad slip w hen H yde p a rk ifro m C2 o u t of 100 to 8 o u t of a tcd bl)l will p ast. sourccs announced a Uelugo o f ap--100.

_ _ ilque w eapon, a dobblo ba r­reled. p is to l.ab o u t IB .Inches.long It Is really a m iniature Mwed*of shotgun. H uey's guard Is said to

ip'.U In' n new spaper to 'oonoes . in occasions, leaving only thi

trigger-oUUldo fo r-u te .. — ._ .W hether th is l» tru o .o r not. I t It

well knovrti th a t ano ther of Huey*! pun .sflrvan t* .: .ta rrlea_ * ..,leadsd cane for blackjack weritsocial-.occaslon«... ..•• ...... .. ..... .........;- .T heic :precau tlons .are. ;unu»ual but not en tirely superfluous.

NOTES____ ______________Mr. Roosovelt did not nppcai

I be very happy immcdUxtel} a fte r lila re tu rn from. Hydo Pork N either did one o t-h la congres Blonal leodera. who called o a hin. next day nnd cmerRed w ithout his temper, which baa no t been found.

' h t -s : t : o " r y

Q f „ J w i n i F a l l s

C i t y ^ C o u n t y

lO T E A B S .A G O .'Approval o f - th e highway-.dls-

IrictA rocic crxinhln^ p lan t aa boUi a pructlcal and economlcftl invest* m cnt waa given in a. rep o rt to .the Obomber of Commerco by its roiul and bridgca bureau filod'ycalcrday which nald thla-la. ono the larEcst, beat equipped, m odem rock cruah-

-wMt of VUo.MliMlaalppi river.

( I d ^ o S tatesm an)All Idaho ahould.feel encouraged 'cr recent trends of booming trade

in tho Jiouth-centrftl-seetion-ot-lhe Atftte, reflected'by optlmiatle bual- ncmj rPjiorlB from tho_tlirlvlng_hub

Thla voat rich agrlcuitunil area, bonlerifl^ tho wido Snalto river, contributes a m ajor share of Ida- ho'a farm wealth. No o ther nectlon ■ thc-atato ................................

iraity of cropa produced .on ft large scale as. the North asd Soutli Bide tractB, covering alx cQMClica— Caiaia, Miaidoka, Twin Palia, Jer-

ne, Uncoln and Goodbg.Dlesacd wlUt fertile aoll, watered

by tbe usually abundant'flow from Snake river, south centml Idaho annually pours into'tho horn of plenly tho oasorted farm product* from-thouoands of-acrea of-heawyiSiaingliurd:---- ----------------

Moat farm stctlona are noted .for Not

iM a ta ta foderol highw ay of^ico reporta to tffo C3uunber o f Com­m erce - th a t -con tn ieta ahould bo

d i^ x lc t abou t AprU 1.

27-!raAESAQ0 '

their outatandlni:..cron. w llhE ~the v c rs a t i lo 'f to ^

thousand aeres o f Ferguson F l a t lnto a bl{r fru it-o rchard .-T ho and-lD-queatloa-ia.ownod-by-Dr-G. Ferguson, and ho will tako a prom ­inent p a r t in tho orgnn ita tion of U io 'co m p ttny 'w h ich 'w in ' b a 'la co r- Kirated under tho a tato law0. Tho and ia considered to bo valuable ’o r ouch purposes and m em bers of tho at<ftk com pany are rc s ld en ti of

Twin Foils Cemctety aasodaUon : planning to beautify tho grounds

im ttUi!_th!q_/jpjdna::nna_to_P.ti\«t .Uc-tba_iiuiT0ui](Jlngn_prG;

of Twin Falla. I t would bo unfair iQ-namo a ainglo.. leading :ch)p. Farm ers hero grow beano os well an'n inufnrprem ictrw iienrim aTKJtni toes l a l a r g o quantities.' Sugar bccta a rc among the reg ion 's m ajor crop*, handicapped only by the th rea t of w hite f ly infestation, i lc n have been mode rich In a single

alfa lfa and clover seed hnrvesla. - T h o livestock Induslry-U n o t for- gotteR'-'ollher.-SouUt cen tra l 'Id ah o offers an a ttracU va w in te r havon fo r c a ttle men- and wool growers. Co^op«raUv6“ dalryln{rplAnta~Have ahown rem arkablo grow tlj during tho la st 10 years. Gooding county produces tho la rg est tu rk ey flocks la the State..'- Is -c o n tm t-w ltb m a n y - r icu ltu ra t a reas w hero-sm aU -tnjck farm ing pA yr prcmlura. the south cen tral fo rm Is sm all unless It cnij

ientable.Jf flrmii Innliitlw morw thwn nfTn^ii-ti

. . the accommodation of th e pub­ic OBd will p u t in choira and a

B l0Y e,B0_thal_i>c0pla_.caught_ln ■torms in the cem etery m a y have shelter.

5 , 0 0 0 G E T - B E E T

BO ISE, M arch 0 (Special) A pproximntcly • 5,000 "B ugw beet checks had been se n t to Idalio up to

2y n « ordlng_to a WMhln^ctor

don, extension ag ricu ltu ral econom­ist. in charge o f tho au g ar beet pro­g ram in Idaho. Tills paym ent nit- uation- ‘'com pnrcs'm oro 'th n n tftV - orably w ith o the r a tn tes ," tho mes* aago said. Idaho farm ers signed about 0,000 su g a r boot contm cts. .

Sngnr-bcctTJheclts- n o w - being Bcnt ou t represen t Uie odvanco.pay- m ent of Bno dollar p e r ' ton bn cs- UmAtcd 1W4 production provJd«J or_lrt.tho.,contrnct,jrh9J>romlae..of ho ag ricu ltu rn l ad justm ent admin* atra tlon to m ak e this paym ent to farm ers in U aroh U-belag-promptly ulfilled. T ho.m aJoH ty.or to a tro c ta

from a ll p a rts o f tho country nre in ho c^roptrolloj^.« offlco_at_W ash- ngtoa , D. C., and the” checks' ‘ pomg through rapidly.

F A l ^ E L D 1

_Mrfl._lfc. JohnaanJiaa jK ca.v lalL-. Ing he r daugh ter tbe paflt w eek inT w laF a l l* .. •- • • ...... .. -

T he condlUon of M rs. O. D. M er­rill,"who nia-tJjfl*G ocainsniofliJltia;

n S .o rp m to d , .b o r „ h . 1. U . .h .lo ff .a l- .G lcn n a - .F c rry ._ ap c n t- th e week-end w ith b e t pa ren ts .

IN TH E TW IN IT A U ^ — ------ OOUNTUV-------------

ConiribmioDB from r* corned. r.«lt<r* ahsulO .. . . J l ........ ..wor<1i. and' t confined (o is’ff'srs.Tfe--.,- ......... . ' ’s i

—INV ITES. o » a n iia _ P L A N .. _ ' . - Bdltor E vening Timeo

th e .g o sp el to..oU.lhQ .-wortd." D r., Ttownflcnd-baaTiot-«nnouBctd-him«- self os ft preacher o r a minister, ho toppen s to bo a D r.. an M. D.

acres. A nd Bomo of tho land pro­duces tw o crops In a single8on= jm _carly_croiL of.hay_n: following yield of seed, an early crop o t potatoes w ith a la te h a r- veot of com . '

Tha ngrlcultum l importnnco of tills fa rm dovcloped expanse la shown by tho la tea t figures—the export o f approxim ately 7000 c a r­loads o f livestock and farm prod, ucta. f ro m -th e .T jr in Ja l la . te rritory in tho la s t nix months.


._ (Burley Bulletin)Rcpbrtfl from 'Pwi'n Fnlls lnd lca te

th a t the Chamber of'C om mercc In tho Mairic Cllv In n tnnnlnr

trac t attcnUon to the poflalbllltlca of development,in th a t c ity . Tour­ists, farmern_nnU buaincujneiL w lll bo Invited and encouroged to locatc in Tw in FaUs.

This ftcUvity on the p a r t of neighbors forccfully-dlrecta

and'Cnasla 'county. E>urln'p'Hie p 'ast sevemf yconr, iitUe has been done a long-thlA 'line-hcr«,-az>d-tho-de- pretulon has had ft tendency to dis­trac t o u r nleentlon from the Ini- p o rtnnce-ofeom m unltypublie ltxs- - T h e r o are la rge r c ltlcs in -Idaho than Burley, b u t tew p laces offer

P u b l ie F o r im

f f l !'S s;£ 'li'bui initiaiB

not bo a m inister o f tH a.gosp ti a lso? Jesus C hrist w as.ft carpcntcr ‘ un til hb w e n t ' into - th e m inistry .

Dr. Ton^isend is preaching tbe gospel-today , to .as b ig ta Audi­ence na any o ia a la th o ’U. S . A. - I f you havo any faith in tho Old Book look and see: "N o t my w ord

tndor»<ra'thO ':plan.-Ita t la“T iaJ«a'’o a ' CJirisUan-prtnclpJci;— Ttu it m eans ao th lng to the i ^ o r - U Jt w e k7 iw , _Buelijwo hava -with — pa a lw ays; ih o limocenl t____and m ay God help those inneed. I a m n o t o f tho .Scribes and PharlBCCfl, J -n d m lt TByjfaultfl b u t I havo a h e a r t fo r. every roan,

__ _____ hovo anyUilnff any b e tterg e t Jo u r fotcea togeWicr and eomo out_w M hJt._W e J o n i t ^ ; ^ If i tn .T»hn J ontflL .o r: A1 Bmlth’s.

LTnnrr than l ^ W O_havo_hcatM o ^ U >igL the

T. E. L U C A i' Br. Tw in FallB. Idaho.


OctavineF o r persons tvbo t>elleTe ttin t

' huftuur dasUny U guided by th o - ploiiots, th is dolly borotcopo la ouUlned by a notod n a t r o f ^ r .In addlUon to loformatlOD ot genertU Intoroat, It outUace In- fo m n tlo n o t kpecl&I Inteicst to

born on tbo de tlnuktrd '-E S .”

T ry to do .you r w ork which re­quires m e n ta l.cne rgy .in tho m om - ing—T ho-rom alndar-flf-tho-day-lo-- unccrtoln. every new step m ay lead you Into a bole in the ground .’ I t will ho. nccca.iary. to bo v e ry . sure _5f .J 'o u r ground and to b* •

r n t r r i •tu n lU e a_ th a n _ th lain l^ ..B ecauao of drou th con*

tho K orthwcsL I f local leaders a re content to rem ain inacU vc.'thcM wlli-bo-llltlolaUucem ent'-for devel­opm ent *-•• •

Caasla.eounty qnd Burley should recosaixe th ^ tw rp o s s ib U it le s fo r

Tbo vlaible portion of the moon has been more thoroughly explored by. m an-than Jnany. porUona .of. the earth . •

represen ts flymt)cllss&. 'n iey also fond of fialt onU fishing hobby 'o r buaineaa. I t will bo neccRiiary fo r you" to go Ihrough*th o - tc a t-------- --------------------- ---- -Oct. 1 .

CT'of N eptune th is year fro"m---------through. M arcb..I030. Vou

__ , ..ospc r-on -the-op lrilua l-palh .If yo u 'a lr iv o fo r th a t end. -.You' m u st atudioualy ovoid too m a n y

" narcoUco. You m aytrav c L . ....................

FinanclaU y f a v o t a b through;u^ur.;J035.;-.—


A U. S. . coast fniaid av latlca hose -coating ...«00,5ob..haa._beca_.constriieted a t BlIoxl, 3U114,


A . few political unknowpa from tho financial world havo

tho inner Bltua- :ton. la tely With

. _jg a th ird .p a rty movement. _Thcy have, bcen_ neeklng a Ue-up w ith a soldlero' orgnnlzaUon, 'but will not g e t It.

The only senator- who suffered very much fro m W hlto Houoo heat on the relief m a tte r is from a city where citizena-ealled a mass-inect*’ ing- to uphold the p re s id e n t ' The next day he .w anted to compro- mlae. '

You May Not Know That—r

illen d couch o f tlic, U in- v crs liy o f Idnlio, J Io sc o w ,' draw s '.an annual sa la ry ,!>1000 (Crofttcr than th a t

• paid tho*'governor, -wlio <lrawB $5000.

W cd n csJn y , M arch 6 , 1935 IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO


GOTilllFEATyttK a n sa n ‘W ill In v a d e F avorite

D istan co o f H oosior in E ,.o f 0 . O lossio

- - • By UV^VTON CAJIVER N EW YOfUC. M arch 6 (UE) —

^ H a '^ n r nhovm hla boel* -to aU op* "■ponenU lirK irm nfl"B i>c«Ifl3ty-ttls

w lnU r. ■ Glenn

Uio mWUlo dlatJuicM ,-ftt h U i ^ - rnce of 1,000 yordfl in tti« Knl«titA or C o t iu n ^ Indoor tRLck u u l Held

—iiiM tT tn rc ti-lo ::---------->----------CoUod Uio s re a U s t zoUer c f u l

- tim e, C unslngtuutt and . Uiq .In - dlaoan.^wlWiJiM been .whipped <m- jy onco In tlire« ycoro la tfao e w t in a mlddlo distoaoo n

lion, th o a a f te r » n a t wUl • ta r t . to acpnrn ta-cventJ. —

___ aJfO Jrtl*nille, w ith lltUo- c o io p e L - -- . ccclod, cxcep t fro m th e d ock , and

. C n d t Opponent*Cm ck runner* wUl bo « U r« d

offa ln it them la tb o tb roo « v « ^ . w ith G lea Dftwooa al*> ftaaooar.tlic

~ aalrT ;iI» " 3 ;0 0 0 p G < n « -V « i* Jco -^ ru n la th e Ooluinhlaa roDo w ith Cunnlnffhaai. im d’ C lenn H ardin, U iU oo Sanfflcr n n d Brow n will be

r-Horobow tcfa. ■"

n u i t ^ 1* n o t w ithou t rivalry . H icy hav* roo t flro

_ C u m i l n s h « u n _ ^ _ W ^ ^ ^ _ ^ jnllo m cca and ono o< tfare* m ile n tart* . aetttoff th e Btaco io t H om bootcl -to even the

BoUi nre w orld_ u fam oia

ciucujf 4» ,«» th o diotnaccw hich ho hofl tcJlowed mostly

o r no, tw o ycara ago ho w on ^ a a t l o a a l 800 and 1,500 m e ter «vcnt«j Tho K naK tn w ill bo no worws thnn even to .ou traeo tiie hurrj-lnff n o ooler a t hla own g:aine.

j a M y i iH E

aS liT M E ffiS

Oaldw oll A sp iran ts Sw in g In to Tw o-W cok'B prinff D rilla

U nder Bnslor

CALDWELL, 2,Iord> 0 (Special t -Two w ccka of AprloR footbikl p rac tice" w ere " in a u c u r a t^ 'a t - th ' C sjlleiJo'of*lilttho~M onday-wlth-l le lten n en from lo st m n o n 'a Coi yotfl_leam ..,ctedinnip1noii-i>f the N orthw est coaferencc, form lnf: n nucleus AroUBd w h ich 'L oren Uoa- i c r w m buJM hla .1035 machine,

Only flvo le tterm en w ere mlns- * I n K 'f r t f a n a a r f a n T l e a a n r ^ 'o ^ r “ tn 'y thoao were ou t of the backfleld and th ree from th e line. R etum lnp. in addlUon to th e 11 le tterm en,-w ere a Bcoro or moro a th letes from lant seaoon'a rcuerve and freahm an

f ia jb j r t r a c H t t r l i a l i f f i Pitchers. Opines Casev

hlA '.le tten n o n .s io t t-k o ea ly 'ln - th o line. T here .ha will find It necca nary to p roem a .s e w ccnter tp rc- plttco—W oodrow—Filch,— Bcroppy pivot m an: a new guard to talJC

tlon occuplcd lojit fa ll by_Bob Ty-

1 ^ 0 of tlieao men, F itch ai Sam Tyaon. -were Riven places i the 1034 n lU ta r N orthw est coi ia a ia iif.o Q tb tt]L tc j> j^

From Uie bftcktleliM

MMURfY■Wins' r iM t 'P la c o in -O u t la w

M oct b y E d g in g G ooding.__________ ln .F in a lJ5a ttl< i________

D A T r t 'O N A BEACH, Flft.. Jlo rch 6 (UE)—Thla a tory rea lly ohould carry an O rlasdo, F la ., dateline, fo r I t w aa there wo «aw the m an, b u t for.som o rea - Bon o r ano ther wo have a lw ays harbored on am bition to In ter­view Mr. Caaey Stengel aeatcd on a sand dune.

So, w ith your permlaalon and • th a to f tho copyright owncro, wo w ill play like Mr. Stengel is •perched on a dune, and quleUy •^>i iiTf<~Bn'iTii'Hpiira'iifflil!r~piuilH. ‘ O ur fln it—and In fac t—o u r only qucatlon to M r. Stengel wa<i

^w hether-he- th o u g h t-JJa b o -n u m - could h i t K atlonar league pitch* lag.

' i m A ny Kind ‘H o can h it any kinda p ltch-

-In g ," —anaw ered—Mr.— B lengel.- "Natlonal- l e a g u e , . A m erican league. Three-eye. W eat Texaa . S tate ot Sally. _ y o u _ n r c n 't , t l lc -

aw ung a

F A in F lE L D , M arch fl (Special) ,

’ Jour hard-fought K.U1.VU L«.v-.-ny, tho Jerom e nu ln tc t de feated-C oodlnc college,

.. „ o i - U » 4 0 .-bo th - te« n * -u » ir -------« w r p layer* In ttoo-aecond .

• Soldier creok-boy* w ere e l lm ^

rom ee. In tho Thurodoy- « m o * C oo d laff.co lleg o rw o n .-w r

--■ Sw m e.-Soldlor-<re«Jc d c r^ tM A e “ -C 'c lu b - b o y « .-F T id a y -n le h t- the

■ <oculty defeated Soldier creek■ ‘ a f te r 30

G H W rBO SlopicniyE

N e w .' Y o r k 'i - EaiigeM rBltunp T o 'iW r d PlacB In H o t " ™


f ir s t to aak me this qucatlon. A nd m y onawcr has alwoyn been 'tlio aoine—tho Nntlonnl Icuguo a in 't go t him out ycC."

Mr. Stengel oalicd ua to re­m em ber w h at R uth did to the P lra tca. when. Ihc-Y anU a.playcd.■ m in -tho world acrlca. .

"Ho M aughtcred 'em,". Caaey said. " Ju s t a laughtcrcd ’em. I 'm no t m uch a t rem em bering fig­u res bu t ho m ust have h i t .000 In that', acrlca. i lo dldn'L.seem. t o . to no tlcc .an y dlffcrcnco In.Uio curvcs, f a s t onea, alow onea and

- chango -of-pttocrn-Btfrved-by-Nft— - iii^ lT U n g u irp itE n o y irT T sT m ir

s: and Unockcd 'em. .-----TJirw HomerB-------------

‘A nd tH c 'b lg fellow wusii’t* bad agalna t tho Cords, won he? G ot th rw home runs In ono af- lemoon, and Ih a f s fa ir hitllntf. A nd I im agine tho .Cuba.rcmun* h e r w hat ho did to them when; w ith them a ll -borbcrlng. from the dugqut, he called hln «hot,on_ ohom o ruha'ndIcnoc^ccd It clean o u t o f th e ploc^."

M r. S tengel then expressed tho opinion th a t R u th would find

'm oat a f 'U io “T iaO dhal "Jeagufl-p a rk s to -h la lilting. ------- -- - ......

W o asked Mf. S tc n p T w h a t ho - th o a g h t -o f D Issy-D ean 'a-proud—

boost th a t I tu th would bo Juat ano ther H ank G reenberg to h im - — th a t ho couldn’t w ^ l t ^ atrllco -hift-o-ut:—

•*r ju a t g o t ono w ord of advlco fo r Z ) la ^ —ho‘d b e tte r duck a f-

- to r«v« ry :p ltah .-7o r tho-old m a s - rnn hiiBt ‘f-m.”

JxKton loa t to t* e Gooding coJlecc. S a tu rd ay afternoon gomes elimm*

- ftted Iho C. c l u b '^ B and ATBcri---- can-Ei«1onr-SatiWoy--JF a c u lty , loot to Jerom e . . Gooding college boya. J.. i S d ^ B ra ck e n ,- refereed aU


I dance w as g lvo i for iting-tcam fc

7” Ihtr^ural SpOTOpen at Caldwell

• ' CALDWELL, a ia»«h-6 (Speelal)• — Spring in tm m u ral aporU w ew

........ .. . fra te rn ities a id - th e mcn’B-<lormUto ry w in cnsDCO .)n._a,;.douhlo— - -&:wbL-2rb^•bo followed b y a tennis to u r a ^ m e n t w hich wlU fflve w ay, in tu rn to softball.

In tram u ral-p lo y , M w d l , “ . aeries o f g a m e s -w ith N orthw est

Eolao Jun io r c o l l e g c . - I s - p l^ c dfo r softba ll-w lth . th e season con* tlnulnff up u n til commencemeni tim e.

eairuo today found Uio Now. Y ork Rangeni, A m erican division Icodi ora fo r bo lonr, down la t*>lrd place” behind ' o S lc s ^ - o n a TJOBlon; w ho •were tied for- tbo top.

B«foro.& record crow d o f n e a r­ly 17,000 th e R angeni lo s t to the n n iln s nf -*rheacow w aa .a - l..K a m lM k y , B a n y and C laeper'acored fo r the-JJnilna

m lna t a- tone talK- by DlUor 10 k ioen in tlie f W p c iM . KeonwhUc. Chica«o-w*fl tram p-

iinfr-tha. N ow -Y ork 'A m ericana in­to - th e ice-by B-1, o a th ree ifooJfl • y Itomnea and one each by M o r ^

m l j ^ k , to keep pace w ith the

one-o f .the wildcatthe s«ason Charlie Corn-------ered- home fou r goals fo r ‘Toronto, which hdped t«uD «e-tho M oatrcri Canadians. 10«3.

i g W l E S PfflfBCIIil

GREEtJSY. Colo., M arch 0 -G reeley . S tate , upsetting CSoJo- ndo Mines 43 to 2< 'hero la s t • ■ • a n n e i^ the ----- ' —

DanVTnros Olivas , On Technical Kayo

V - - l O^-A N GELES, M arch o ni^)—- pnblo Dano. 120, M anila, tcchnli»l*

• l o t . LOS A ngeles, dtclsloned J ^• ' • B rcw ltttr~ lC 8,~ 't« r-A ngcle8 ,- -(4)j

-W te h lo .T h o m a * .1 2 V ;^ > ^ 8 ^broke ank le In TltHJeclslcm' boutw ith O ow n Rom ero; 130,-Loa An-

'' ■Five Womeri Win

So. Pranch'Awara.• POCATELLO; M arch 0 (Special)

. — Five women w ho have juu " ed in n lne ’Bportfl oyer a p — r - - th re* aem estcra and who have been ■elected, by th e -.w om ta'i ttttletks commlttiM of aw ards, w in rec e iw

• • 'T ’-B w estera 'a t U jfr'U nlverslty of Idaho , sou thern branoh. T hey m l

-------- - fitoV«iheVrv. ~ H a » e l^ ;. O la d y m i. Sm ith. Tw in Fall*:: p i r e t 'A lexander.V E den ;, Delores

. Schw ar*, PoeateDos tad , W ale tta , S tokesbeny . H axelton.

the eastern dlvlskm itf the Rocky' M ountala conference. '■ The'TJcars will m eet- U tah Ag-

glea tomorrow a t Logan In t i e opener o f a threc-gam o title acrles fo r th e conference crown.

Tho ACTk* the w estern division pennant.


, .C A L D W E L i;j<aroU .O -(§P«lal) —Tom GUI, left-bonded basketball....... ..... )Vwas

loao-M ark-M ojcwell.-four-ycar-lets term on, and E m ory Dietrich speedy halfback. I t waa Maxwell

• Uio .lyill iwniarcly-bctv

.......... - ... _____3 - .victory over Collcgo of Puge t Sound, and a tarted thc)n on Uiclr w ay to a tio f o r .th e confcrcncc title.


Bruihs^Pjlratea-Twin Kftlla wUI tackle

R upert high achool here a t 7 p . m. to n lg h f in n biuikctbnll game Intended to help point

;. tlio Bruins.for compcUUun in ' tliu a tttlc tuurnaiiicnt nex t


G e n t f f l i o i t o n - Dempsey Kayo Now Bartender

» y ok o R G K H. IIE A IX -IXIS ANGIJLKS, March C tT-E)

o^Tlio biirlcmlcr carc-rully drvw nnollipr brer, m utlercd th a t "llil.'i one'll on the houac" and

• then iK-giin to tell how he kn^cli- rcl ou t Jiick Ur'nipncy, '•the one a jidon ly tim e i t ever woa doac^.'.

■•And wlm t Dcmp.icy Iciimcd from mo th a t nlglit," tha m an behind ■tho bnr-aiilfl,-'"m«<le h im '

'w nrld . Hu lenmed he .had

rig h t cronu."’ {iijick In 1010

The speaker w as Jim Flynn, le— “l*neblo— P irrm iin:**— whir

knocked Dempsey oa cold aa "lui i houc*old p im c^ic." In one round. J o t M urray. U lah . Feb. 13. ICIU.

Flynn told how he, o. ring cnmprvigncr fo r 20 ycfirn, ca me

chenp Main n iree t cafe. *__ C s-better.than , ntarviiJi;.—u_____ _________________________________.saidJ-^iA^guy’a .fiu t .lo .d o Bonic-_.bli;_lea4;uc:i,r:::;.uad._hc'fl^uiiLUier . tiling;" •

- -“p” » . v „ . .C .. . ....... wIki "pliiy^l u couiilc of „,.|i.T<iiia'alt>—flaah, haa-acT3^tcrt-nn-tRVttn*—

Wllli John McGmw. iitrunilUu; <. "■ — ........ . ............. .......... ..

IJy t jU trd 1‘rcwt IlUitoln Coll. 31, Mllllken SO.

. C iirroH 3S, laiwrtnK'o 35.Ilr ln it UK, lUpon '.’3.I)iii|UenM 4(1, C:iri>r|;lo 81. tVuynmburg -10, WuMh.-Jeff. SC. llii1<lu‘ln>WuUuce (M, John C a r-

rull 91.SU- V lntor SB, Vuliuiruliw 14. <irM>lcy H ta ti 4S. (joI». M inot 24. Doium 41, lli#.tliiKii 33.I{l(> G niiidn all. Mniiiitaln StAto

Moiiift Union B?. M uaklngtini ,

OGE W f e l f r -

NICW Y O lllf. M arch 0 ilM;i —

"como In ocd m eet the m an who fla ttened J a c k Dempaey, beer 6 and 10 cen ts." '

'■ Jim returned to th a t.n ig h t in.M urray , U tah ................. .. „

- -ItuabeO from C om er............• ‘■D em paey-cflm e-ruaalng-out-

of hUi com er like n mnd dog,!’ -F lynn -^ rw un ted . I croaaed-one.

-llko-ono-of-thoB «-<old lng-b« la .- Hln second th rew in a towel b u t (f u,-nnn’t neccaaary. H o waa ou t Jlght hey_hmL-lnj:nrTy_him to ' hlB com er. —------------

"Dem psey learned from th a t rig h t crofltt of mine th a t a guy had to be a b it cniitioua and ho w en t on to be cham p. Ho w asn’t tho p rcalcnt heavyw eight like a lo t of people claim. He w as good b u t Jack Johnson wwi the beat.”

th« CO yiuilll in tliu 'K .Uie GlanUi- ljirii-1.l,.............. " of C. Kimica M arch jO.

forklmndcd lil I’iuw' H" will compcto iiKiilnnt- Doji hurli-r who will ge t ii trUil wlUi Johnatin. J w o OwcriB. Kiilaco I ’m - Wajihlnglon thla- itjiring-.'-llc )oln--c(iek itnti Sum Mnnlncl, who tlnlnh- ed -thc aemvtora a t the ta ll irml of>'<l In tlm t nnl.-r in th o im llonali.,- lant ye .irr and pitched tw o };anirn, Mctcnlfc wiw iiliut ou t «*f the final.w inning one. , --------------------------------_ C o h m .h o a .p m ^ .w lih a t.c lu b a ; '!

Jil Uiiituoii ilu rto ir-U la-I-W C Iljr u > - i lc -a lc n c d - h b |____( 2^1w ith tho San Kran-^

T w en ty G ra n d W i|lc fltg c r ..aa .u _ i) ru ______ ___________flm t co n tra c t w ith tho San Kran-I claoo Scnln of ihe I'actfic court; .NKU* YORIC. M arch fl il'.nt — lea<;ue, try in g ou t «ii n flrat h.mc-; T \vcnly Grand. 3-y<;iir-olil chan i-

T in u n -H tn -in n b ii[ ly - io -m t-m ad p rp m n -o r-A in T rrrca -in -l0 3 :r ‘w il l" b c - ' h im change to pltclilng. ;iilili)|>o<ri(. Knglnnd F rid ay to so c k -

Hln .record Innl year w llh Mln-.nn incrcajio in hUn llfo time w in-neapoUo In the Amcrlcvm a?u-«m-.nin):;' c>f S:;r.l,700. H e will b*-'UOn, C hattanooga In Uii- S«tilhfni.^[,oli,ti-.I for Uic Ancol Rold c u p ’and and W nahlnglon wa.i 14 .victnrlr;);oii,^.f ijj,, ^hccb oM 03ii. and 11 defcaW. ' • . , .

Tho rooklwi i« 25, wclglui. 185[---------------------------------------------------poundn. and In S fpct lH.^i Inclie.i' tall.- Hc’B-(inkl-to;hnve-a-Btcumlng--j delivery.

Big Boy” Brackey Outpoints Freeman

BUri-'O tX). N. Y.. Sinrcli 0 H!.i;)— iJlg Boy Brackey, 211. Liicluiwiin-

C O V E Y. . q u a l i t y G A S p L I l ^

Eigfifc“ B o u tlic rh 'T lrd n c li ■ Qlovo E x p e r ts W il l O om poto a t

PocA tp llo M eet


alty o f fd o h o , o o u th ^ 'b ra n c h , glovea to appear in th a Ida-

J ta te A A . U . boxing touraa* n e n t opcnlngr tom orrow o t £(lca

T o " T a e r ^ t c l i ; N o il ' '^ 'H o G t i r e H ig h

k w a l u F K I ^ 'w r n t w o u t-o f th ree la s t -night to ta k e tlie Com­mercial bowling league; xM ta i again st Brunsw ick -a t th e Twin Foils bow ling alleys.

K eo l M d n tire . tu r n e d ' .In a 540' fo r high th ree -g am e . Bcore. Y fraL.M cIaU rc’». ,2 0 Q .„^ ;.„ W a :h •iM le cotmt.. fko res. ^

._fl27 700 768 2301K W A u r r K m s

V. M cln tlre ^160 I 2 t 200 . Raldy . 133 M 8 •

------ __130 180 130 ,A ta ip _______103 150 100 • 471N. M oln tlre .167 • 188 191 - 0<i

Total* . . _ _ m 730, ^ 235C

U. S./Engloind Act To Alternate Pole

w ith Wllllo Hoppe iichedulcd to,.pQinlcd H ill Wllllnmn; 170. Buffalo, J U0“ m 'T w ln -m ils-K rldny -even lng r(t3 ):- K id -Dclnncy; l83;-O arrW tiri;-l blllliirrl enthualanti) of tho c ity n r d ^ . y . . iilopped Bill Foi;arty , 100.; I gelling- a double-bj»rrelled offcrlng-Rochcntcr. (2 ): Mickey Devine, 120,'.I

- of expert Inntructlon.at-lhe H . & M .‘DikUvln. N . Y., (drew ) Jo u 'G c r - ; l c lgar - n to r c . '- I t . 'B . Br«nncr. nii-tnce. 120. Buffalo, (0 ); 'Tom m y'.l itlonalled fam ed expert and lnfitruc-;nov?I-lInT 15<,’ Buffalo ,'m U 'iiblnlcdil

Tinn.-i-TTt TI-. Itor. hoa. alao been offering ln» tn ic-;rcd ro LorcnTo. 120, A nlm m . N . Y ..; |v‘M u o n -U .l8 -w cclc -aa -an o tiijr.o£ -lho ;(G );-P ,.u i -M r«honeiv-H O .-B uffalo-|

—AlUiOUhirhIa _lert a rm la off be- n . * i j . a ttinoU ona in tho naU onil stopped Bobby Roaa, 1-12, A lb a n y ,! "better bllllarda cam paign.” in . Y.

Brunnor, In addition to demon- ' . atra tlons and technical inatrucUon,

. TOc tou rney n in a tomorrow, F rl-oy-O B d-Saturday.---------■:--------AoecRling to_D ean P a rker. b « -

Jg Inatrucior, dwTrda will >6 n ado_ fo r_ flra t (uid.»C4;nd place vlmusra, and It Is hoped th a t Jiuf- ioient revenue ‘wUi be obtahied. to

d h lgh-polnt m en to th e Inter* jn ta in T ournam ent to bo held M arch ' JB." Thoae •* '

........ .................. „ I> r lv c r.- Id a 'Tnnin~xre<!rt H e tu rr re e to n ;

(/ic.. <lfi .. JuU Sv-Jtrom e; . 'H erbe rt

low tho elbow, Theodore Campbell will reprcaent the unlverally In the 148 pouad'dlvlalon la tho S ta te A. A.I7-bQ»In g :tourn Bmttnttfr-be-held a t, tho Pocatello E lks temple tomor-

-iw, Friday and Saturday.Cam pbell a ttended prtrt of three

yctthi a t Wel>er college and white there won aevenU f ig h ts by knock­outs and played in the cen ter posi­tion on the football team. H e b a lso a proficient wroatler and la hard p u t to find takera in tho wreaUtng claiaea a t the unlv{mlty.

. 6 A i a I r . I t - rT .A y a -o c iin E L D .

Uoyd SulUvan, .Twin Falls.

Jetton and Dean "Win Mat Glaahje*

S A il FRANCaSCO. M arch 6 (tlE) - ^ D e u Detton, S a lt L ake City, de- ea ted-C y-W U llam »,Tplorid(trM an ^ u n ta in . J>ean._acor£ia... defeated loo Malcewlez, UUca, N . Y.; A h­met 'Y o n so ff , '- 'T u rk ey ," defeated Tack M aauel,' Oakland; George Saiynbff, Ckronla^'drew.-Den Gina- >erg. N ew Y ork;. Pete Mehrlngor, Canada, defeated AagelO' Clatoidi, ta ly : -Milo. Stelabom , -Buffalo,' N .

defeated J e rry MonohaB, Ire ­land. .

French-U. S. Pair "Wirii at'86011230.

prohcnslvo background s to ty .o f. game. H e is rated a s ono of lB <ullns-autborltIca..lnlthe-U nl Stat'ea. .

Buys Buhl StationBUHL. M arch 0 (Special)— Mo­

to r Service sta tio n on the Ourley C onitr_eaat_of w as rtccnU ypufcliaaed by ForresL Crlgga',“ wlio

N EW ORLEANS — A lthou i^ iia 'a -signed by -the-C loveland -ln -

catcher, Cttarlle George. N ew Orleans la s t; ___ I . _ vice auiuon ousine

g«M.n «coUege.

- - im v A -be :a t s >i a m b e r t - PATERSON, N . ., March, 0 lUE)

—C art Duva, l iS , Pateraos, ou t­p o in ts .Tony ^Am berl, 144, New-nrV, fUl- Hammy MUIi-r,.a34c,-outpolnted ^ b y Lol-kin, "132, GorfleM, K . J .,. ( 4 ) .--------- -

BTCrCranflorson.—Tft. a

-..iployed a t tho Idaho grocery. M otor;5crvlce,-'form erly owned- by Vaughn Shrlverj dota a general ner- vlce sta tion business w lth 'V c ltex

atone w ere discovered by tho Chl- neae ln-3400 B .-ar^me-BSO O-yeara be fo re 'm agne tism was- kno^ 'u in E urope.......... ••

For These L/iiusual Values In

USED GARS■H A M ILTO N .''Bennuda: 'M a r t

0 fUEJ-Mme; -Sylvia H cnrotln of F ran ce : aad .H ro . I>orot£y.uUdrua of Stam ford, Conn., todoy held the B erm uda-tennis doubles champlon- nhlp. Mioa Ja n e Sharp, of Pasa ­dena and Mra. John .Von Ityn ot PhUadelphla lo s t in the finola, 2-0,

m an f o r ^ e season fo r_________ »:of-Idaho 'G oyotca..rce.ords revealed today.•'O U l. who developed 'rap id ly ,dur­ing Ids f lrs t. 'y e o r I n , th e eoUer* e isab a sport, occouated fO R 'l l - points, nearly 90 po la ts m ore than any O ther-m an on th e ' Coydte

. H e played a f o r w ^ pod-

c m at« In m o st o f the

oad high w l^ 142 p ^ t a ; whUe In third, place .w lth \ l4 0 w a s ^ J ^

years, before coming to th e Col: fege of ldaH o , this* fall, o f the ^ c t r O u t te am -of th e Idaho Pow er coBposy. a t B o b f

N E W YORK, M n rth 0 (lua—Th United S t a u s Polo asaoclatlon and ' the~ 'H ur]inghan2. com m ittee of E ngland have reached an ogreo^ m ^ t t o ' p lay In ternational poir m atches in tho two countries a lte r aa te ty . l a . th e .JW t m n tch ta .haye been played inf the~ cduntryTiaiaih'g i thb '-ehaU enge—G 5 5 h y .~ !IB a .f fix t

................. be la &n:series probably v ila 103<U.-.—

W^lace Get» Draw With T i^ r Lewis

W aUaee,. dntvTlgarmnk __ - . .Imocked ou^ 'Jock TebO, Edm onton. AJta.. (0 ); J a c k WUlis. 188, Los Aagele*, d rc jr Sonny Buxton, 201, Victoria, B .. a. Bol)by..Lu*combe 1S9,- v ic to rU ; •• declslofleir-JD tm ir Paaoo, M anila; D anny M oC aU b,l> Seattle , drew Johnny L oftus,' 13C


•; N o7cr Jia® a n y cor been bo pop nlnr os th o N ow F ord V -3. N ev e r iias a n y antom obilo b rou gh t in so m n n y good cars In o x o h a n ^ . T h ey oro a ll boro. U o n y 1033 a n d 1034 m odels, v u t n a lly aa g ood aa n e w . T h ese cara m nat bo so ld , p r ic es havo b eon m ad o to m bvo th em q n ick ly . A ll c a n guaranteed . -

’33 D o l n i e F crd or S edan , tru n k ........ . : . . . . . .$ 5 2 5'34 D e ln x o P ord or Sed an , lo w m ilo a g o . '_ ~ $ 6 5 0'34 F ord D oL n xe C onpC rlow m ilc a g o _____ $ 5 6 0'31 F o rd T ow n S e d a n ....................................... _ . .$ 2 7 5'32 F ord V .8 Pordor, now m o to r ------------ _ ^ 9 0’30 OhovrolDt Ooapo _______ _________ $ 2 4 0'31 F ord Conpo ......._________________W 7 5

C O V E YG A S& O lL C O r

[ “ Shoahon’o a n d 4 t li S o u th OI’E N /VLL N IG lr r

'31 Ford Ooupo ............'29 Olds poLnxo Oonpo . •29 Ford Std. Ooi '


..:„.|28 Boidt Scdiin. --.-5125.

' '29 Ford Potdorrsolwi ...t......:;....._’81.;Ohevrolot.Sp«cial Sedan

’33’, Ford V-8 Dotnxe Ooupo —’34 Ohovrolet Tttick J .______■30 Ford Truck .

...S17S -'''

■33 Ford V-8 Truck . ■29 Ford Pickup

We have the pick of the town’s tued.ears. Tbey-an gOM.. for thousands .ot miles of motoring. Buy .one, drlro it a - year or-two, then.trade it’ln on.n Hew'Ford V-8. .Terms . or cash yota wiU'do bettor a t, ____ „ J:


Worry Wart!Unkempt, iUpshod.- cwelesa^ real, boy; 'mth

• fttfrrytWrnT th n t 'p V nm aw ~ih :3 ita 'm n irt> TT|iis tho Worry Wart; bocome BO (amoua by the’:

- drawipga of J. B..WilUoms.^n ■

O U T O U R W A Y. His. brother is hls Tiocpor, so 'why . iliijnid i « i :

care? This Is'thS enenbo of the admirable little; ;young«tcr.who-hu won many »,heart .by hli

. ndSOhie'TOM ~Bee what he’s tip to

" Other - —I

P a g o -S ir IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO W ciIiic.silay.'M nrcIi G,

GLASSlEIEn:: BECTIONUA TES'l'K U LfNB PE R DAV s ix (Jay*, per line per ilny.-:—ie . Thrca Onya. I>«r lino per dfty—GeOne dny. per lino------------------iie

Minimum Two L in ts •. Minimum Chnrge ::5c

Claaalflctl Dlaplny Rate# on Re- queit

. In ftcceptlnK copy for claaal- fletd'odvcrllacroenU to r publica­tion In ‘tho Idaho iJvcnlnR TimM._.Uio -Ttocfl-.PubllflhlnB

.lypvgriphlca;_cnor_i.lo .iJlccu£u. naverilacmenl. UiiBponslbliuy of tho T lm w

tlacr dors n o t (all Ita n tlcatlun to IhB error.

All- ClnMlfled A di are re- Btrlctcd to -Ihelr proper c lo ^ - . (IcatloD (ucl th e Iilnho Evening Tlmca- T M 'jfvf . tho rlp h t toTlmca- T M 'jrvf ,,tho ripnc y change Ih# wortling of ua oa-

irtliangnt-ir ,iiy.lUlLd e are r m eanlns will rei

aaaslficd-A ds-w hleb o.m. / -le tte r and box num ber Inalead o f . tb e m u n e of. Iha. ndvcrtlaer^ tm B t~^bo~answ cr^—by —loiter-1 riCMO do no t aaU for Uie nam e ' of tho ndvertlaer which la ouso- luloly confiaontlal In-auj^ cnaea.


ALL C L A S S IF IC A T IO N Sa r r a n g e d a l p h a b e t i c - ALLY.— -

Spring is just around the cocner . . . . and with its approach will come the an­nual house-cleaning activities . <.-and- those activities will uncover the collec­tions of knicktKnacksjn cellars and attics . . . and many of those knick-knacks will

•im)ve~0f"%vwthwhile^fflufend“ fnany'per^ ins . . . but they'll have to be m W ket^ '

-^TirW-and-^e^suggest-that-the-quickest-an'd- easiest way to turn them into cash js to advertise them in the Classified columns of the Idaho Evening Times. '

HELP WANTED-FEMALE“ W A 'N T E D — BciiUly'cpi-Tfttor; Must bo ijooil prrm nnijnt wiiyer iind

iflnKor waver,. SlJite aci’ and ex- iporience. ^\:rile Dox 137M Care ITlmt'!!.

FOE 8A L B - -iO SO E L L A K E O ra-


1.. r.i3 weekly ajid your niva ilrcasca F;:I0E for dcm onnlratlnc laU at lovely Foahion i-'roclw. No can-

sluK—No.lnvci)tmcnUjYxilc.fulr ■Ctv»-Jilgo-and. ealorlprcrarcncc.


prepare fo r power nliitlon work, throuijh npccliil npare lime IralalriK iluily, W rite Bos lOOP care Tlmi

W ANTED TO BlTir—1000 to wreclL Farmcm'. Auto Supply

- Uaed P o rta DepL Phone 22S-W.

Opening here for a hii; an. Perm anent. No nelli

cellcnt Income. Experler

FU R N IT U R E FO R SALE-^Ncw and used fu ra ltu ro of a ll ktnda. Coal rangca, a lcetrlo .raot'ca, coal atovea, Qlrculatora nnd other hoiwc- hoId'fumWiCnKB. Moon'a, Phone P, S tore N o. 1; Phono 310. Sto-^ No.

ron~SALE-=TOiarQ’pet:Grinit N orthern Seed B eana raised In Hiixclton d is tric t by T. J . Pool and L. E. Johnaton. S .OO cwt. Inquire Bi-an CwU-crn' W’archouse, H az et

r Tw in FftlUi.

F O R 'S a LE—1028 BulcK s«don;:p M otor A-1 condition. F ine good; Urea. - Body looks olmoat lllio - -

Ti/r ^ I33t-J2, BuW. Idaho, nr. write 1"; -M o r c C a s h M o n e y iTtn...iii i-mni.t , T im i

— ----------------- -C A R ’ • ' —

J n o rB r-W li i te Go.l- ii 2nd N orth

. . . j\ i-n.n“nlLil. timall Jn^csl-j t rofjulred. iiecufcd. Apply i J i '

room 215. RoBonwn hoU-1,


SITUATIONS WANTEDW AN TED — Jo l) ' as all-around riti -hnnd o r" mcehanic.- rnonc

33t-J2, Buhl. Idaho, iir^ write


... W c-have..only, nold 203 .L'aed Car.i In the pan t 10 monUjn. nnd

'■'wo have had lota of compVainta. W hat do you th ink? la unyono

Come* In and ace our' ears— reaaonalJly priced.... Loff-Trailera;. S lo ck ■T . ller»■

_^J:le.0. l _ R l S l L t ^ _ _ _ l _ ^ _ _

FO R SA LE — Federation Seed W heat cIlRlble. fo r certification. Block N orth Clover-nlortt. - • •

— T - _________ ^ V g tB uy-E qu llles


TKEBI . BARLEV — RocK-anDd ajiiraaclje'J'ai UiciTIahach'and E Jin E levator. M. B. C orconiii..

BOABD AND ROOM' GOOD Boa'rt”ari3 itoom 'T128 T t'nth Av«. No... PhoHo 103G.

-253-5 lh

D oas, PETS, ETC.■■ FO R SA L E —Thoroughbred Pck* .■ineao puppies.' seven . w ccka. old.

Phone l i e . Rupert, o r call a t 711 ■ Glh S t , Rupert. Idaho.


- - • • - • “ ■ P A SH E A N D S F D R B A iE -13 ACRES, fa ir Improvem'

ca.i>’tc rm B ;n p a r T w ln 'T nllsrP hone 0209-R2. . •

FO R SALE— 11 atroB.BUlUblo . fo r nmall da iry or chicken ranch, ;imall cnnh paymcfit., balance taay tenna. Call lOflOM m om lnga..


. RdlaUle Slioc Shop.


HAYUS’Tradea Baby Chlckn and Custom

IlatchlnR for L'raln. poultry, cgKif. - Second-Hand- Goods. Phone "

FOR SALE—03 —Head of Ewca pn»cllcal1y !am bed-out.-Price 53.00 per. head. W rite Box 135J Care of

■OR K A llt; — •.’200- mares., nine nnd. tea. yral.old. Pric­ed a t SIOO.OO. Cun /iBu them a t V. W .' Scribner m neh, 1 mile eaflt


LOSX'AND FOUNDLOST — larce. llsh t - coloredOnion Seed, domcaUc a n d .lm - — ....h - .

ported. Dinffcl and Sm ith Seed Co.iPollCt doc la aclchborhood at V- -- ■ --------------- ----------------- mHe.i-ea3t-on-Addlson.-OoH*-*—F ederation bced W heat cUglhlelbraM bullon.n. Annwcrs -

fo r cert. Block No. CInvcr ntore. ................ “

TRY the Globe Seed and. Feed

C lassifiedDirectory

T o d a y ’ s M a r k e t s a n d ^ E i n ^ d a l l ^ f e w g




10,000; 3,000 direc t; m a r k e t '10c h igher; bulk $0-$0.8S; top'SO.OO; packlng-Jiowa .J8a0.»0.X3; -alaugU- te r pifpl S7.60-?0,2S. ,-- Caltlo: 0,000: calve# l,S 00r i.._. k c t active and higher; nteera ( 10- .J14.10; heifers Si>.&0-lll,7a;' cowa J7.20rS0.70; vealera 57.00-S0.70; Btockerfl an d ' ffiedcra- 5tr.2C-j8.eo;'

Sheep; 12,000; m a rk e t alow and w eaker; .lam ba.ss-so .____

-------- DKN


iocatioD, 2 I i • 220 ShoahODo :


C a i t l o n :OOOr~niarl{uf B t< ------------

H o g a :-1^400; m a rk e t,s te a d y to ahndo higher; ' t o p ' 50.00; bulk 50 j0 ;50 .e0 : pack ing sowa 58.00.50.

•Sheep: 8.400; Tnarket s teady;fed lam bs 58-58.25.


vice and Syivanla ae t teated tubea. 5fld_Glen:_rnIrftanlM ,: J tn change, 23* Main So., Pjiono M IW .


FU R N IT U R E W ANTED — Wo buy tued furn itu re , coal ranges, fltoves aod-ICD boxea,-W« pay-oosh,

W A N T E D ^ M isco U an con a

. W AN TED —W heat. Barley and OalA to clean and tre a t. Dlngol and Sm ith Seed Co.

-llcDeerlnjT beaa-culH vator, 2 -o r •I P lane t J r . p lantem . V. W atts ,M ilner, Idaho, Box No. 1._________

ESTIM ATES g ladly given on all klnda of Job P rin ting a t O ffice ofIdaho-Evenlng.Tlrooa— ------------

W ANTED—F u m ltu ro repairing, ^pholste^nfirr-wlndow-Bhado-worki C r w —A -JrtttfcTZ_..FuniUuro Co. Phono a o i ___. _______ ._______

. .WANTED TO R E N T ^WANTED TO R EN T—40 to 100

aero farm . 25 years experience' In Twin Kalla - tr a c t form ing,' well

ipcd. W rite Jo h a Wm. Jo h n - Ut. 0, Buhl, or Phone Buhl

choice 170-213 lb. larRcly 50.20. 230-270 Iba. 58.7Q. B e tte r grade

kinds down to 58. Paclclng sown 5 7 . to 57.20. F eeder plga quotable up to 5S,

.C atU e: 200. Calven 10. M arket opcolag active and urouml steady. Few com.-mcd. otecra 50 to 57.70. ireircri»'5<-B0 to 57.70.' Low c u tler iuid c u tte r cows .52.00 lo 54.25. Com,-mcd. S^ .W .to 50. B eat dairy typo" around SG r Good 'r o f beef w ^ S fiS 5 ^ C ^ 0 i7 { F B u lf ^ ‘5 ;0 » T o 54:80.—C o o d -b c c f-b u lts - to -5 4 r7 0 : P lain heavy calVM 53.00 to -54.00. Good choice vealera 57.00 to 50._1'" t’ Qiinlttyp la in /V crj- lit tle done early. Gen­e ra l ' asklnK around steady.' Few good )vooled Iam bs held above 5C.7S. Choice, fed iam bs quotable toward,S7.30. Odd head fa ir ly good sp ring lam bs 50-S0. ' S laughter ewca eltslble 53 to 54. '

OODEN IJVKSTOCK OGd EN,. M arch 0 <l-I!)— IIobs;

010. N othing done eariy on lim ited supply mixed bu tchers w hich art quotable around 50.25 to 50.50; tAlklng around 5p.75 or steady or choice.. Wods:,flows_50.c0:57.00...,^

CtttUi.«/l30. L ate Tliuraday and today iffnlted supply . drlvelns

•• • - • - ....... 57-to.-57.85iheifers.SO.S0-S7.C0. commo;^_otecrj aninieRcH“5B30-*nQwnrTncdlum and gbwi Fowo 5C50 to 55.50;-l(jw- e r jrraden 53-54, medium and,good vealera 55-50.70.

S h e lp : 1,423. L ate Tuesday le v Jptji Weighty tiuckeU-ln lambs »tcadi>ij0j



a lfalfa.-cluver^i.and.graujea.-.. . . {tiUnln);-gIoves, flve-dnllar bill nndir o r r 8ALB=o;n;H^6 5 d7^i;?.:=UYciL_aomewhm. betw c^ __________- • & Ballsh. 203 0th Ave. S o . i ^ ‘ " Is hereby gtvcn Uiat Wll-

;and Curr>. lU-uard, Phone 0.£i0.|,,prt C. Moroe of Holllfllcr, Idaho,

014823 ‘ ■.NOTICE FO R PO nLlC ATIO N

D epartm enl-u t-tho-In tcrlor^Ccact.-. Ill ,LT»id Office a t Blaokfoot,


----- T O It:J& Ii&MISO£LZlAN£:OUS'

F u re ltu rc nnd aniall tool.i. 1 mile iiorkh, *4 w est of Five Points atore: A.' Kolb. R. F . D.-No. 3.

FO R '-SA L E —Gibson teno r-I Jo. a lm osl llk'S nc{i-..at rea l l ga in . Harr>‘ Yaw, Flier.

A PP L E S . Storage. Dcllclous.and p the r V n r I c 1 1 e 3. H arry Heller. Phono 321.

Shampoo nnd Flngi ...............G uaranteed Perm ancnta.. 52.00 nnd up.-bj*-

Factory- R eftlgera tlon_S erv lei,... a ll m alcck Com mercial and House- bold RefrlgeratorB. . Factory Ser- ■Ice Co. Phone 834W.

lY PlSW R IT ER S RENTED. RE- P A IP ^ D —A irm akea, Idaho Type- w riter Exchange.,_O ppoalto_Pont Officer Phone li(J.

•ho. on N ov. 20.1020. mado Home- .itond en try Serial No. 044823, foi------ --{Eli S ccUq/» 14; NWi/,.. ... W u, NW«/.', Section 13. Township I I South, Range 10 East,

S C E f A K - S -

l l t t C M iA n d P ilm .O o lo n y -W o u ld L ike

To K n o w 'If Jea n H arlow C olloctcd $10,240




CHICAGO, M arch 0 Con- fllctlnff' currency reports whirled the w heat m arke t upward todoy ••nd OS quickly le t I t down to clOne

'Ith losses Of K to % of a c en t'a bushel.—Hcavy.;nlio 'rt:coverlng a ad .n c w buying f0U0W cd.a-rcmafte-by.yr0BU

N EW YORIC. March C 'lU n — Tho m arket closed lowcf-.Alaska ‘Juneau •......... :........Allied Chemical ..........................AUla.Chal'miiro— - _________ 14?;' .;..110;American Can .........American R adiatorAmerican Smeltlnp .......American Tolephone ___ ;A m erican -Tobacco B ..._.

conda Copper ......A rm our .....Atchison. Topeka Sc 3. F. A tlan tlc -nenn ih ir

dent Roosevelt th a t the do llt . ___no t been lowered enough J o ease Uie coiinlry'B JeBt burden and --wpcnt-TirtceniKot-Tip - 2 ' centa-g- "..........bushel, w ith M ay a t 07 ^ erntn,“T lF aT B J^ Jc am l September O lu c ^ ’

Subsequent denial by the White Houso th a t th is 'm e an t fu rther de­valuation of. ..tho dollar causod prices to r e a c t A t Uic cloiw May w heat w as a t OO.H cents.

^ ^ k n e a s flprend t o com,

Clil., Mil., St. Paul * Pac__Chrysler Corp........ ...................Coca Cola ............... - ....... ....... 1Commercktl. Solvents'. Commonwealth. 4 Southern.. Continental Oil of Delaw are..


O itA IN TABLE ■ CHICAGO. M arch C (Iil!)-G raln

rangu cl(#>:■. - _ .O pcn_H (stLj>JW __aoflft.

W heut, nov :i la y ......00% 07S- 04«; MM,Ju ly — 00^; 02% 80^i. 80U -H Sej)t.n^..,.80H ' 01^ 88^ 88T4-80

May ...';.81-Ti‘ f t l i ; 8 l " ' 8 l? i - « Ju ly :.-.;..77u--80 • .7 0 % ' 77i4n i


« i r - 3 ? K —<0%- -May 1...03 ‘ 60^* Q2U 0214Juli:L ^...03-> i_05ti_-fi2l4-(122S^pU i_.U3i; 05*1 02»i .C2-« -

Barley, no«v:'May ......72 >4 7 4 « 73 J4 74 •J u l y ......OOA...


W heal: 1 rod OSaic; 2 i r j 00c to 00u c ; . l liard 51.03%; 2 hard 51.04to 51.0097;— — '— ------- -

Com : a mixed 84!>ic;'2 yellow 87c. ' .

O ats: 1 whlto . 0015c; 2 w hile ic tp 04--;;-6: 3 w hito OSj^c; 8.im-

—Ryc:-No-»atc8. - -----------------------Barley: 08c. to 51.00;- quotable

• 'Local Markets f

... n « .......104 Vj- 10%

X ubura ilo lo rs .....Baltimore 'Sc Ohio .. Hendhc—X T lation-;

3t y e t become , to ''U io*debfbunlF n .'T Iin t Waa ln-

tc rp r« te d -a ra-fo rcru n n fro f 'fu r* b ' .. ._ er-devoluallon. . .-


njL.H<?nt_(ic_Nomi)ura_-^E astm an Kodak ....... ....... .E lectric Auto L i t e ..............E lectric Power & L ight ..l^jx Film ............... .......... ..Gcaw5>J-EJ«lrtoO cnenil-Foodn ........ ......................General .Motora .....................2SiGoodyear Tire ....................... 10-iInbematlonat •Ilarve.iter-Ijitem atlonal Telephone ........ 7Johns -MAnvlltc ...................i2\ICcnnecott-Copper--------------- ,15^Lccw'a- Inc. .....______34’Montgomery W ard 23?N ash .M otora .,__ ■______ ____ 13 •NftLk>nnl-D nlr»-Pr»,lii,»i«-------im............... JJlatlllcrNew Y ork Central ____Paclcard Motora ....Param ount Public ........

' Pntn6*ExeWinKc77ne7T;::■ Penha. R .:R ;- .,.: ............

J . C. .Penney Co. ___Pure Oil ...;.......................Radio Corp. ...............Radio Keltli Orph«um'... Reynolds Tobacco B .....

■Safeway SlorcsScant Roflbuck ..............Sholl-Unlon-Oll-..............Simmons Co.......... ...... .....Soconx 'VacuumSouthern P a c i f i c ...........S tandard B r a n d s ..........S tandani Oil o f Calif. . S tandanl.O ll o f .J< ..J .._Texas Corp, ................T rans-America ..... .........

.. 13^

Ll .- 0 5 .^

- HH... ia%.. 20M,

U rsrstceT,-com r:;.;..-....v

...U D Y IN O PU1CE3.......... W heat •

Soft' vvhlto .

- ♦ Weoteni Union .Wefltlnghouse E lectric .,

■ F . W.'AVoolworth Co. _

Beans •M arket InacU vc,-------

U. S. G. N . No. r a ....... 53.10-53.lbU. S. G. N. No. 2-n ------

Y. ODKO EXCHANGEAmerican Super Pow er ........ 'jwO ilie r-se rv re^r 1: ^

TcnpiTicHOossruiiicsrTRssr-dcacrlbcd.. before. F ..S .--£ell...U .-S . Commlnaloner. a t Tw in Falls. Ida.- ho, on the 11th day of-A pril, 1036.

Claim ant nam es a s wltneasca: :—Br-Byanr-X V — lV eddlc.L lJoyd

Uynn, .and Chark‘s Adamn, a l l 'o f iTwln Falls, Idaho;------------------ IRA H .-M ASTBR8 . -

• • R egister.

--noa?ywooDr-March-UHB; ~v'couirya“r>' w^^oi<i:c^wks_.

Poultjly Colored-henn,-orer -4 lbs.-_Colored hens,, under 4 iba.L eghorn' hens ...................Colored 'roasters, over 4 lbs. _..l4i Cqtorod’broUar«,-lii*3'lbs.->..-...14i

igliom ' brollera, 1 lb. up

CARBURETORS. C a r b uretor -pM -U -ftod^i‘vloo^EVC,-H,-W otor Service. 230 Shoahono SL W .Tivln F a l l i ___ ___ ______

•-lilA T rR E SS E S . renova ted ,, ___recovered. Clean wool carried, 2oc 11). Wa-nhed and cardcd 30c. Furni­tu re upholstering; T w i n Falls M nttrcas Factor>’. Phone 01-W.


Ideal Incubator

Phone 020S-R2.

Your choice of cow, nhoop or horse fertlllrc r for lawn, nhruUs, garden. Delivered and spread. Call Dick H olldw ay.for estim ate. Dell's C igar Store. ~ - - - --------

.T w in Falls* Idaho


elec­tric, priced to 'so il a t onco — all ovvrh:\uled and guaranteed. Phone o r w rite. C. C. A nderson Co. (Gol­den Rule).

045408—N O T lC B -PO K -PU nU C A T lO N D epartm ent of the Interior,- U. S. _ L a n d Ofllce a t.B Iacltfoot,-Idaho,

Feb. 8 , 10.^5,- ^ 'NOTICE I" hereby g iv e n 'th a t

Jd b a .R .lB re ed ln g , -of -M urtaugb, Idaho, who, on Feb. 3. 1031, made homestead en try Serial No. 010408, ^or NWV.NW'.i- Sec. IS ; SW «i- SW !1 Sec. 12, Townbhlp l l South, JUinge 20 E as t, Boiac M eridian, hail Hied notice of Intention to mnko thrco-ye.ir Proof, lo catab- Jl'sli -'al/n to the land ‘above de­scribed, before Fred W nchholts, Notarj- Pu'bllc. a t M urtough, Id a i hO. oa the 21.it day of M arch.-1030. SvClalniiuil .uu iucJ. os^.wltncaaes: 5lcn Briggs, R. L. Jacl<man, Ed­g a r W. Moorman. Ralph D ay ,, all of MurlaUKli;“ Id in i& ~ :


F O R R E N T — Housekeepingro5m. 50.00 j > e r ----- - —14S4-J.--

FO R RE N T - Deslmble

FO R SALE — Two ovor-fltuffed, ehalrs,~chcflt of drawcr.i. notpolnli

Phone '■‘“ 'K'-'- ‘‘“y '>cd and v;aahlng nia- ‘ '■|chme. E xcellent eon.lillon. Call a t

1175 Lincoln o r phone 1215J, "


w ith tw in bwiij and board. 12I-'7lh| DOOR GLASS, wlnd-N Phone 501 shields and window glass. No^ --------- -------- i----------------------------- - cliargo for se tting gl.-sa-s. Bring In, F O R ,R E N T — Room nnd board.jyour aaoh or drlva .your, cai ' . . . . n u — . , , i>roteci you r health. Save on your

fuel b llla Phone 6. Moon's.TTATB. D R E S S E R S

___ Phone 1500. M rs.,Beat

iiteel con.ilJaictioh', roller hearing: throughout, _mnai: new Improj


Dawn Payment


Jean Harlow, platinum blond of •'Iho-fllms.-llkcfl- ro -fllioorcraps for " fun" .but w hether h e r fiin n e t­ted he r 510.240 or. 5320 waa being

led In the' movie colony today. .•{Kirlii IwLVo 11 Llml J(..iii iveiii

to A gua Callcnto over Uie wceic- c ad -an d .ran 52.lo.S10.210.by.maiv in g e lg lit s tra ig h t passes. ■

Croupiers a t the border resort denied she made' m ore I to n 51,280, wiiiio nssTTttHaw'iiisj'.-rinro'-oniy

5320.Ve only played fo r fun,", the

actreo.1 liaUl! "1 won exactly 5320, b ill Uio-hotcl.blll /o r> u r .p a r ly nearly th a t much, r ’ ' " " w ln 'any tliing ,"

Je an mado cli dlnoxlly does not'caShe docs not be t t ....... , ,

Inlcreated In ' roulette, bridge leaves h e r "cold.". ,

Sta ‘ CaM ns... Ducks _

INVESTM HNT-aitUBTS-Fund. Inv, ................................... Jl.OO

10’c[F'uiid, T rual,'A ......... .................J3.78'^i/«!Corp. T r u s t ........................ .........51.S5

Q uar. Inc. -----------------------I....J1.31

Young toms, No. 1 . Young henB,Jjo. t-_ Old toms, No. l - Old hens. No. 1 . . .Mcdluta.llCDiL— Medium toms, }No. 2 liehs .No; 2 toraa

llO L C 2iJi JPcL___ 5100.125rilM.25FFM C 3 PeL .....„.5101.75-51Qt'S73

nilN lN G STOCKS Mtn. C ity Copper .................. 0?-05c

vui outtcriai .I rea lly d idn 't;E ;;p ,. special-;.

lE xtra .;T.20c

Hollywood today wondered If a le tte r th rea ten ing the life of Thel- m a-Todd, nUituesquo blond comod- Icnnc, w a a 'a ."n a g " or an .n itcm p t to cxlort-SlO.OOO fron t '

■ th a t she or-jw hltea , m edium ':................fo r gambilnK. [Standards __________ ____the pennies. IsiBnkers .............................

' Eggo, ungraded. In iradu. . - I*otatoc«

Ru«.i4la, No. l bulk to -• growcm ........

Ruosets, Ng. 2 bulk to - - ~grOWOrB-.7.-r:;r_-.;.:.-.r.;.

L iv c to c k . ■, Sho turned the le tte r oVer to •pdn- ta l Inapectora w(io said It th rea t­ened her w ith d i^ th If ahu did not nomi 510.000 to A be; Lyman, o r­chestra Itader, In New York. Ac-

tho le tte r. LymiNOTICE l''OR PU niJC A T IO N

D eparlm enl of the In terio r, Gcner- ' i>l I^md O f f ic e 'a t Blackfoot.

Idaho. Feb. 21. 1030.Nolicu la hereby g iv e n " tho t

Thomas G. O’Brien of Eden, Idaho,

designated the -go-betw een."

U. \Jk AUUJ.ii,, ,who, on Aiig, 5; 1030, made D e.ierl' land entry Serial No. 014377, for N W ii_Si;\li._Sccllorr.H ,_Tow b3hlp.!0 Suiith, R-angc.lD. l i j s t ITolsc Meridian, has filed notice of Inten­tion to m ake final Proof, to eatab-

claim to th e -lam l above de-,

M axle Baer'ii "aequalnU nco” w ith June Ivnlght waa considered

inwolcomo publicity" by atudio ;ocutiven, Ix'O Morrison, actor’s _ _

tesUfled In auperlop cou rt|v cai


' I d a h o F A i x s ‘POTATOEsIDAHO FALLS. M arch .0 (US

DA):— Tuesday (luotations: Idaho Upper Valley^ Tl\-ln Falls-Burloy points Russets growers-aalea.bulic per cwt. delivered w areliouso TJ. S.----- - 4 5 -to CO cenU.*-U. S . IwoB

to 22\i 'Cents.

250 pounders ..............50.75-57.Overweight butchers. 2C0 to

300 -pounders ____55.70-57,U nderweight butchcra, 120 to ■_

100 p o u n d e ra _____ ______i53.»fiPacking aowa,' good 250 —

IGO pounders .............55.50-50.00S teers ........... ............. „52-5U -54.00Helfera ........................... .............50.00

itie-iam i n tovc u e - i : : ', , ,ificrlbcd, before H arvey W. H u rk - l‘' '" 'S ‘“ - . ____

.W c-iiavo.o^-w aflhcr fo r-ev fry -'baus.-N o tn r> ’-Put)l!c. n f 'J erom e.i . . . .need, deelrlc . gaso line auxiliary > ^ ih ((, on the 3rd day of A pril,' M ‘a -C a\n lier, actreRs-wrltcr, to- I'owor. or ha rd poivor. .IfUjS.

'break up", the acquaintance n.n n Markets a t a Glance |;er\-lce he perform ed a s her agent. [ B y United Presk

Ho la necking. 50,825 /ro m MissI Stocks In ncw ioiy ground for

''•d .iy ,h a d postponi'd h e r '5200,400

We win glad ly 'coopuralc w ith'Claim ant . nam e.i. .;su i t 'for nlK-gcd breach of j>romlo<;;


vcnii-nci-or.v ,;ay for

'B E A U T Y SPECIAL- -T w o ''D uart pcrm anenla 53.50, 2i

^ F « lrl» m k ..M o ™ .lic llo w ,v tllncn ts 55-00 including sh a m p o o ,..j,j .r i j ie a cam nlcte Dump and Im lrcut. flngerwavc.--Shampoo a n d | .

. flnj.tnvavc.O O f. F o r .10 days o n l y . ^ ' l f J :B eclttlead B eauty Shonne. lC 3.3nl; HARD\VAtt_L.____________E . Phono 003. , ' U W IL L -P A Y >-nit to c a l l .a t '’ - - T r n r in r f l T<nT? p t 'H 'i*------ 1**'® C o .'“ d see the new]H Q U H iS f UK I t i n r : Improved four-row Bean Cutter.:" F O R ' R B O T -M o d e rn , 4-room .C o rru p to r . pnlnU. to f it V a l le y ! ^ :---------- ----------------- ----------------- -

; IiouBg...230-4lh Avc. E . AdulLv D nC O R A T t^rC ,,;' . 5 ro o m -h o m e-an d . garage. In-;i>iow Sliarea'm ado like - n 'V v - rrv /^- qulrb -4U 4 th avc . weaL.

PR IC E S: ■ . E leetrlc- $3[) or. S4P.03, 550.03. 5f-r>.r,n: ga.-.nlinn 500.03. 570.03. SSP.P.-). syp.:.0. Soe the i-xeUisivo ’'DOUBLE TU B." 'See, ofill o r w rite Mr. Helner


<.<. yurnc.i, ui tAJcn. iu nu o;;„’__ _ ,_« W. Davla, of.Jerom e, Id ah o ;j2 '-^ JJy

i^uurrc 01 w uicr r ig n i ui annicei , River throu,-;h th s N orth Side ’ Pum ping Company.

. IR A H. M ASTERS. ,• . R fgla tcr.

News o f Record• B irths'

rUNEILW.CAMMACK — Fiineral servlceo

f6 r I '^ rl Cammack. Filer, who died a t the honpllill yonterday. will be

'held ^ t l h e W hite m ortuary Friday]. . . . . . . ^ ^ n.iiiflnM . nrifi.!

In g rea t decline following early apurt.

Bonds lower; U . S. government Issues'U eavy. - ,

Curb slockit react' a fte r early' rlne.

l E N D I P i O l R

N E W 'Y O R K , M m h 0 iL'J!) — Sloclis closed in new .low ground . for the year today a fte r n vigor­ous advance and a mibsequent aweeplng'decllhe. •• Tho rally cam e In Uie aeeond hour w hen President'R oosevelt a t

.............'_piyAi r i i a d

sharply. Grains Jumpe<l. Govern­ment bonds' broke. The la tte r' was dlaconccrtlng • to the treasury which- lfl.'rctunding;ncariy'52.00C.--'

e prompted a-W iilU -U a.tltay_£laUi-..ilhtvtJieJnllmikls'i,<

valuation a t th is tim e, acoording to W all' s tre e t .obaervers. .W hen the denlal waa made, m arkeU re­versed. Slo<?kn craflhed. U. S. gov- om m cnta rallied. Tho dollar firm-

l E R i l B A C K S

PcnBlon M ove R ecoivcs N ow— topo^Ufl-Prom -O ovornor--------

O fO a llfo r n ia - — ■

‘■SaN< FRANCISCO. Mflwh C OTTj —Tlio TowBsend'O ld age penslon- plan. providing 5200 mon^lily to all persona over 00 Including Hen­ry F o rd and Joh n D.‘ Rockefeller, h a d -g a ln e d -Im p e tu s-to d a y -fro m — the UDquallflcd chdorsemenL given It by Governor F rank F . Merriam.

In a aU tcw ldo address tho g o v - ' emor Held up the plan, a s an ideal one fo r providing old age relief. -M err io m — advocated— ^nallonal- ndoptloQ of tho plan of his,fellow lowcLitnnn. Ho aald fu rther , th a t •

otato leg isla ture adopt renotutiooji ................. - i-copgrciM. In 'a p provathfl baiiic_princlpies of_Uio_;rown-_ aMd p lan lii 'n n y p'ro'grom to" bo ' rorm ulalcd .by the .federal govcrn- ra e a t" ' ■ .- .P fO M n t-L aw -ln ad e q u ata - .J lio ..governor-.con»ld?r<sl_ tho.

California old ag e pension ayatom. which lim its tho maxim um pay­m e n t- to -530 n mnnth lnnili>mint<»,___He poin ted -out - th a t 'no'.provl.'Uaa. has been made to Incrcasc.tbe pay- meatfl through furnishing, add i­tional funds la the nex t biennium. --

In na lclng 'tha t tho ntatO IcgUiIu- tu re-eaU -'upon -conKro»B-to..cnac t— - tho ■ W iilc"p rln cllll« * "D rT h B * ^ tt'~ ' fornlan’a 'program , the governor laid: .

"Whatever, the- lmmcdlote ou t­come m ay be i l Is cc’rtaln th a t an nroused' public opinion- will de­mand onaetm ent of federal and atate legislation adequately meet- -

' ich r ~ ” ’

approve a . sa tisfac tory old ago pen»lon '-t> lan-after-lhe-C allfornta— IcglBlaturfl adjourns. I aliall fav­orably en terta in tho poMlblllty of calling «i special uesalon of tho senate and : th e as.iembly to act

W nX T IO N O R ’OOILVIE----------. Twin F ills post, 'Veterans of For-

clgn-W ara. will.honor O. M. Ogllvle. ■OcpttrOncnfCDmrnandcr;' of~Qem.“ a t - a dinner a t - t h e j ^ r k hotel Thur»day-at G:30'p..n«.,-lt waa an­nounced today. . . '■ "Air mclnb'crs are Invited ' to . lit- t*nil.Uu» tuncUoa which wUl-bc.pre-.,-. sWed o v e r by J . .J . Hughes, post

Buy The Best Secdsl Iionshunit'A .Im proved IlEU CLO \'ER SEED

Best yield, bent color, bent SMd W illard r .-L o n g h u n t

Shelley, Idaho yO flclnator-O rotver

Chrcagb' nlbcks lower.inU

GARPEN BEANSW e A rc N o w W r itin g

Contracts'. .

Shields & Gannon. Buhl

P bone LD 600


HARNESiSYou’ll aii've'money and be bet-" '

; .te r aatJaflea;l£-yo« kuy ^i.Bar.*,', • nej£:^'Allcn-j latlgotaix—heavy duly work harness. There’s none better, so sec It before you 'b u y ! • ..................................

WILSON’S S’irORE- Kimberly

Rev. R. P . D.iiisln.vi. pan-, 'to r o f U ic.i3aptist.churcb,.wlll..of{|-~-

.♦ ;c la t* . ■ . _ _ " , . " i '

\V hcat c losed .?! to ■?;. cen t low- ■er; com ofC to 1; oatu un- changed lo o ff »; ccnt.

C otloa drops nlmoBl 50 ’ccntii a bale. • - ■

R uhbcr o fj .15 to 10 pohiln,B ar nllver off >; to n*';; ccnla « ounce.C opjwr'P ecnts n pound.

. Brood Sow Sa^e CO H ca 3 , W ilt F arrow Soon

Friday, March 8' I v . ^ : . .....................

S milwi fou th , 4>j nillM w est of Jerom e

Also Z t.h e u d cattle, > horiK*..________ i£iiil maclilr.erj-

Tertnsi'C aah

TO M C A LLE N, Owner

ORCHARDI.STS ATTENTfON ! ^ • '“ ''■’“ jF n lls . ...... ......................:__Prlcc.-i have never beenrla'.'.'.T on-^T*-*’.-':----- - -------. Iv f i tc rd a v '.a t the ir home.i S E L P W A N T E D -

. CabaretSee Mr. a _________from 3 p ; V - 1“ 0 'P- M.

wanted, your' '•I. E ast.!of - -

• — - . .le r .

. \T TUE HOSPITAL . . 1 Rlidy Clark, T a-ln 'Falhi,.

li Mrs; O. Burwell. Tw in, ’Tho average American ca ts lOS,-. was nrt.mlltcd to the hospital to---------Uio b irth of a son, 400 pounds-of food du ring 'nn avci--‘undergo a n opehitlon. W alter Cor.

age life npaq of GO y e a n i .H la ld o n . Jerom e, nnd Mm. Harold Beat,

j215 Ramijge, South Park.

tothf m e at conaumjillon consists K im berly.' were dbimbued follow- nw,. ,« a ., b o m yesterday to oC about 33 hogs, 0 atccrs, 5 »heep.|lhg opcrollon8;and Mrs. Allce.Mat-

anil Mrs. B. E .'M cK cc, TwlQ 'nnd 3 calvca; according to depart-jthewfl, M urtnugh ,-jifU r recdvlng F a lb . • |m ;h t of ag rieu llu ro .a^ H nU ci ‘ (medical,'trcatm eaL


Scb tho 20 h ead'iof hofscsT an a xnulw at'I»r .,G roo tea ’

f ce d 'lo ^ T h ey nro p r iic d f o r q n tck sale, Beo u s -r .

C o r a e r o f S h o * o ’noan‘d 2 n d W c j t -

___ : '_ ^ a g o E ig h t _____ W ca n c9 C n y ._ M ard L j-' ____.

vivo. Tlify ‘'r e Wllitbur, Melvin^ lla r.ilia ll, Vcm nnd Zola itl home

:6 a tho Camnittclc_rjirm near Filer: ■■'iIlUrc«i; wlio 1j' In nuraca' tr'iiiniriff . n t Cook county hospital. Ctilcngo; . • ■ rio runccnn ichd fn j: 'NorinW catcnii | UU-lUlliM ttJ.H A il ov.liwl.. i(U-..I IrcDP. n l HciiPRnr’fl-bualncMl collese. S a lt Lalco C ity. Another! chUa died In InTAncy.

Brothcni, Sl»tcn», Mr. Cammaclt hnJ four brolh*]

........ era. FranlCTOnftWr-PC^ u 'n sh .vA li;borl. E n tla t. Wniih..- Orrie, U'll-

. Uamatown, Uo.;WiiliAm. MulUanJ,. F la .: and lhrc« nlAter;]. Mra. E(>

flo -N ay lo r. Scrftnton, Io.r Nellie 1 and L aura Cnmmnck.. Salom, 1ft.- I ■ Mr. Cam m ack Buccutnt)e<j to

• jhojitoid InfccUon which cauued hlaj rem oval to the hospltol over the w cclt-cnd.,H e hiuJ rctume<i only a

— r"" » h a r t- tli i jc - b c fo n j-fro m -ii-tr ip -to ;

• -

Special Purchase!Featured Thur., Fri. and Sat.!

2 1 5 0 Yds. Plato & P rinted

------- P ig h t —A ffa in sfr-O ourt“ V erdiclIn S ch oo l A pp oH ion m cnt

I , . • W id en s S cop e

jirem o cou rt In the acbool appor* _ltlonm5r\t_ciu>c, JivYJ>!vlng_dLiiribu^

tlon of 54(J.103 In uucca. a rc m - - flured in 'th e f iling o fa o t ic e f l- in

«li3triftt c ou rt o t n iiw a l Intentlona m > y _ £ w IaIF a lif l_ c o u n iy , ,i» iiro ,.of,

cotnmUiiioncm and supcrln(<mdent ■or public InatrueUon. through E^-

—l ie y r anil - b y n ine '.Uroujrh.M. J._3w awcelcy, a ltom cy j

Fourteen o th e r diatrlctn. rtpru-__PfntesJ by _ rcn n k L. stcp lian aad, .J . H. iJiam l/oril^liavb lilitt) nppcni-

'(Jliitrlct .. D la tric ts .-


- JudgincnL •rcp rcacn lc tl_hy__the

Onion, Wlllovvdalo,

Bterdaw ;—Arteatnn,—


A. loop m e c tin s Ij»crt. Durtey, F iler, Buhl and T^ 'ln KallB lodRca o f HebcUah lodge*

-----w u m w TieTa- tfliir-CTcntng --nt-a;______ tfctock -ln -F iler^E lM ia-w cru -m adf

■ toy m em bera c f the Prim rose Re-' boluih lodRo n t ' th e ir m eeting li th o Odd 'Fellow a ha ll Inat evening

' ■ ' uLCSiia ijio «w uiiajir^'TirffjrTr~‘

-T i-' M yrU o.Ballantyno 'jjrcaidcd. At;Uie ^reXue oC th e evening Mra. Thercaa

. . . . . Ollno and h e r com nuttcc served re--------- ■- fre a h m e n ta .-T h o w -ta k ln g -p a rt In' . '" th o • program we're l l r * r E . F /

-----------O ardae r, • accom paaled by Ellla:^:;^^:^=-^Ottrdnefr‘MlBB-Ton«^nd-lWb<K>ro4

J o n a e n . 'a sd Jam ea Reynolda, ac- _______oompoaled b:; M rs. O. I*. DuvaJI.„

MliSliSNi» » ■

Comedy and auapenae In good m easu re w ere provided Uie audl-

...... «nce a tten d in g the p rog ram pre*ccn ted by pupils of S t. E dw ard's MlvMl lo s t evening In the high

___ - ,*chool aud ito rium . ••Camouflage."• .‘ithrce-.w :.com edy fea tu red_ thc «vinln({’a cn terta ln ra e n t attended toy 850 persona.

J}«sldoa tb s p lay drllla. folk so n g s and dooces, harm onica band

' • M d rhy thm band num ber# and specia lly d in c ea w ere presented.

_ . A coom panlaU w ere M rs. Kellie O otrom. piano, and Mlaa Nell Kin* DOy and H U da Sw enlnger, vlollnfl.


' Servleea fo r R obert Lee H u n t - ■48,' wUo died M onday, were held

th is a f te m o M .a t 4:30 a t hla home, ■' ono mile n o r th of F iv e . Points,I

'iff'rff h* '^tnlu^ai

T h in k 'd f i t s m aiiy -u iiesl F o r . droaaca,'.lingerie jm d n eg lig ees , h lo u sc 9 i:co o lju lta .lo r : flumraer: hom o dreaBmakors w il l r ev e l in the posa ibilitlcsl . A f in e su pp le w eaye,

•easy to aew and drape, SO 'iiiches w id e , i t ’s on e o f P en n e y ’a b ig triu m phs a t 44c yard . Sh op for a j r in g l________________________________________________________________

_ TWO TABLES CHUOCFULL OF BEAUTIFUL-SILK . . _ ' - . - - M A t E R I A L S l - G O M E I J B U Y U S A S m C Z r

. j u o H unC -m oved recen lli'. Rev.i c . L :.C laric . p a ala r o f th e Preaby.

- te r la n cbu rc ik officiated.. Inter*.t r ------ n l e n t t m to - th e Tw hj F a lli ceme-

i te ty tmder the dlrecUon of the ’ ’rw ln Kails njortoary. • ■ , . .1

■: - ...; ^ ^ ^ {B;yaftiB deM he-dlrecU on:D f; | i t . '-iV/iitoa P c ^ " ^

P u r c K ^ ^W e W ere^ b le tjp Buy Oply a6-Paji«4



$ 2 . 3 9L e a t h e r H e e l ! " P l a i n T o e ! A U L e a t h e r

• Cpn’struclionllG^dyear Welt! 'M iles o f w ear in th is sturdy , eom forta'B Tonong-wcaring

'sh o e ! S ize s C to 111 0 0 O N BAIJJ 8 A . M . T H U R SD A Y I

. . flH O E .I)E P T . — M A IN F L O O E .


O reat B u y s loir S P R IM GIT PAYS TO SHOP AT PENNEY'S^

^ri^fmink Fast Color

S I t l R T SL a test N o v e lty Patterns!

9 » !'W h a t an o sso r tn ic n t ' to cboosc* f r o m i S t r i p e , ? , c h eck s, p la id a , n ovd U og,

a ll f a s t to .vm flhlng. . C ollar M attachedjLud lau nd ered

- - Ia r '9 ty le s .’- S i2 e s - H - to-17:;r

'H e n 's S h i r t s l u i t f 8q n M y lV c lu d

Z S ' e a p h l

f in eeombed edttoa.

, 30*40. S / ie r is




„ _NEWPLAIbsrSTRIPK^Tle^Pieat iSack! Sizes to .-W

B r o ^ Ohockrt T a n P la id s !-Oray; O halk'StripesI A ll o f t h e new ; Bcasoh's la te s t fa b r ies l.'A n d th e p r i c e d .loWer. th an ever, b e fore for s a c b X J o d M U ; ^ T f f i m ' '• . •

T h e P r ic e T a g s T e l l T h e S to r y In P e n n e y 's Th 't s s ? ; ; ! .I
