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Connecting Student Cell Phones to Classroom Instruction Liz Kolb University of Michigan Madonna University [email protected] http://cellphonesinlearning.co m http://blogtalkradio.com/elike ren Twitter: Lkolb Liz’s Business Card Send a new Text Message to: 50500 In Message: Kolb Using http://contxts.com
Page 1: Dean

Connecting Student Cell Phones to

Classroom Instruction

Liz KolbUniversity of MichiganMadonna [email protected]


Twitter: Lkolb

Liz’s Business CardSend a new Text Message to:50500

In Message:Kolb

Using http://contxts.com

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Cell Phones in Learning Internet Radio


• Interviews with teachers, administrators, and educational organizations that use student cell phones in K-12 for learning.

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Why Cell Phones?• Accessibility

• 72% of U.S. population have Internet access at home

• 55% have broadband

• 87% of U.S. population own cell phones

• Low Cost

• End of 2012 education technology spending will reach 56.2 billion dollars.

• How Students’ View Cell Phones

• 3 Generations of Cell Phone Users (NPR)

• How Students View Learning

• Free Agent Learners

• Anywhere, anytime, any place at any pace

• 1-800-2chacha OR Text CHACHA

• The 21st Century Professional World

• Future jobs require mobile skill

• % of U.S. Adults believe that schools are preparing students for 21st Century workforce?

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Age and Income Factors in Smartphone Ownership

Own a Smartphone0%








% of Adults 18-45% of Adults 45+Income >50,000Income <50,000

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Send a new text message To: Our Wiffiti BOard

How are you using cell phones in learning?


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How Students Can Document Learning on a BASIC cell phone

• SMS Texting• Group Brainstorming, alerts, polls, surveys,


• MMS Texting• Send pictures/videos to instructor & other


• Phone Call• Record interviews, observations, brainstorms,


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Film/picture on the Fly Projects

http://www.koce.org/filmonthefly http://www.cellphonesinlearning.com/2009_04_01_archive.html

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Film on the Fly at MACUL


• Join our alert group! AND get the email address to text pictures and videos to

• Liz will text out “concept” at 3:30pm today!

• Winner gets a free copy of Liz’s Book

• Posts will immediately show up on Liz’s Blog at


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Text Alert Project: Text-An-Expert

Andrew Douch

9th Grade High School Social Studies

“Who was the first man to walk on the moon”

Power of Networks in Digital World



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9th Graders Text Messaging Romeo and Juliet

• 9th Grade English in Michigan

• Translating Romeo and Juliet to “text speak”

• Start in class with translating a few lines to a wiffiti board.

• Voting on best “translations”

• Move to Homework

• Create a whole text message novel of Romeo and Juliet

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Text Message Principal

“Principal Michael Bregy told all 2,400 students in the building to take out their cell phones and save his personal cell phone number.”


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Mobile Podcasting/Dropcasting

Using a cell phone to record and then posting the recording to a public or private website that has an RSS feed and can be downloaded as an MP3 file.

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Mobile Podcasting Project: Field Trips

High School Chemistry Students on a field trip at Cranbrook Science Museum in MI.

Cell Phones pictures documented chemical elements.

Used: Camera on cell phone and sent to drop.io at http://drop.io/CKCHEM4

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Mobile Podcasting: Songs about elements in Periodic table

Sarah Dickinsin

• Chemistry

• High School

• http://sarahdi.blogspot.com/

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Mobile Podcasting Project: Author Study

Middle School 6th-7th Grade

Used: http://gabcast.com

Web link:


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Mobile Podcasting Project: Live Radio Broadcasts

• Advanced Spanish

• Don Quixote Discussion

• Each week different students in charge of discussion


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Private Recordings or Public Podcasting with Braincast

• http://braincast.viatalk.com

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Mobile Surveys and Quizzes


• Create surveys and quizzes online and send to phones via text message (cost) or mobile Internet

• Take Liz’s Survey


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Mobile Note taking and Organization

Using your cell phone to create speech to text reminders, emails, twitters, scheduled items on web-based calendars, get translations, and more!

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Mobile Note taking and Organization

• http://dial2do.com Create an account

• Send Emails

• Transcription

• Translation

• Post to your Google Calendar, get SMS reminders of your events.

• Create reminders

• Listen to any website or news feed

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Mobile Novel Project: Cell Phone Bestseller

Popular in Asia to Read Novels Via Cell.


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Use a cell phone to write a private or collaborative novel, poem, chapter review, or short story to “publish” on a cell phone.

Mobile Novels


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Mobile Photo and Video blogging or Posting

Posting an image, video, or text message to a web blog or private photo place on the web directly from your cell phone.

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Photoblogging Project: iReporting

Mobile Journalism

High School Students Document Inauguration

Tools: Flickr, Twitter, YouTube


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PhotoPosting Project: Documenting Lab Activities

Mathematics teacher has students document their mathematical steps and lab activities, then put them into a slideshow along with process explanation.

Web link: http://mathematicslearning.blogspot.com/2008/04/mobile-has-changed-my-way.html

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PhotoPosting Project: Cell Phones & Facebook to

Document Everyday Culture

Psychology teacher in Michigan has students document everyday cultural experiences with cell phone and sends them to class Facebook account.

Web link:

Protected in Facebook

Interview with Larry Liu

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PhotoPosting Project: Send Videos of Homework to Cells

Physical Education Teacher in Australia



Web link:


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PhotoPosting Project: Documenting Australian Environment

9th Grade Geography students in Australia



Web link:


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Mobile Video Posting

Wyoming High School Social Studies Teacher

• Flip-book animations

• Camera Phone and MovieMaker


• http://www.zshare.net/video/7346981531bfed75/

• http://www.zshare.net/video/73469957b6fa6692/

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Participate in Democratic Process

• http://www.visiblevote.us

• Vote on issues

• See how your representatives are voting

• Communicate with your representatives

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Connecting Student Cell Phones to

Classroom Instruction: Part II

Liz KolbUniversity of MichiganMadonna [email protected]


Twitter: Lkolb

Presentation Link: http://tiny.cc/maculcell

Liz’s Business CardSend a new Text Message to:50500

In Message:Kolb

Using http://contxts.com

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Mobile Business Card• http://contxts.com

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How to Use Mobile Business Card in K-12?

• Flash Card ReviewsEach student in a class can create a "business card" as a 160 character flash card, give it a keyword. As a result, all the students in the class could exchange different flash cards for review. If the cards are saved on the students' phones, than the students can use them anytime for an instant review.

• Help LinesStudents who are struggling with issues of depression, addiction, disease, anxieties, peer pressure, or other afflictions are often fearful to tell an adult. By giving students mobile business cards with help line information, they can contact the lines at anytime without fear of being identified.

• Local Scavenger HuntsTeachers can create keyword scavenger hunts using Contxts. For example, a teacher can create "clues" by using the 160 character business cards, and as students answer the clues and find the new locations for the scavenger hunt, they text a new keyword and receive a new clue. This would be a fun activity for local history, math students studying geometry, physics students, or even foreign language students could go around the city or just the school unraveling clues in other languages.

• Advertising CampaignsStudents could team up with local businesses to create 160 character advertisements. For example students could create an ad slogan for a local coffee shop, along with a coupon...such as"Drink a cup of Joe before 8 & Get a rebate...COUPON CODE: 721u". Students could create posters or a word of mouth campaign to try to get people to call in to hear the advertisement and the coupon code.

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Mobile Photo Tweeting


Send a new picture to:

[email protected]

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Podcasting and Cross-Posting to Blogs and Wikis with iPadio

• http://ipadio.com

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iPadio in World Languages

“This past week one of the teachers in our World Language Department used student cell phones and ipadio to record pairs of students having a conversation about a famous Mexican painting. Prior to the activity the teacher paired the students off and had them write a dialog in Spanish talking about the Mexican painting. On the day of the activity the students paired off around the room and using one cell phone dialed into ipadio, entered the 4-digit access code, and began talking. When they were finished they just hung up the phone. Each of the recordings were saved in the teachers private ipadio account. Later that day the teacher listened to the conversations and assessed each student's performance.”


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Administrative Cross Posting

Post announcements, updates, pictures, videos, and assignments on multiple places from one text message.

• http://pixelpipe.com

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Location Mobile Blogging

Posting an image, audio file, or text message to a specific location on a map directly from your cell phone.

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Location Mobile Blogging Project: North American Lighthouses


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Listen to Any Podcast or RSS Feed Via Phone

http://podlinez.com/Get a phone number for

ANY Internet podcast

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Call and Listen to MOMA’s latest galleries

1 (801) 349-3832

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Web 2.0 Voicemail

A cell phone that couples with a website in order to create MP3 files of voicemails, transcripts of voicemails, smart greeting for individual or groups of callers, and stores all calling information.


(734) 408-4495

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Google Voice in Foreign Language

• http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Quarterly/EDUCAUSEQuarterlyMagazineVolum/CellPhonesintheLanguageClassro/192995

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Listen to World Language Educator Peyton Jobe

Cell Phones in Language Learning with Google Voice

• Click Here

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Create Your Own Mobile Scavenger Hunt

• http://www.scvngr.com

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• Bar codes for cell phones. Take a picture of a bar code and receive information on your phone.

• http://kaywa.com

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Geo-Blogging Project: Orienteering


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Avatar Project: Spanish Oral Exams

High School Spanish 2 & 3 Students

Developed an Avatar to take oral exams

Used http://voki.com

Focus: Engagement in oral speaking, oral speaking exams, culture representation with images

Interview with Katie Titler

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Live Video Streaming from Cells

• http://qik.com/


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Follow a teacher in his first year of using cell phones

George Engel (HS Math Teacher)

• http://www.cellularlearning.org

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Getting Started

• DO NOT attempt to change policy (yet)

• Survey Students on Cell Phones• Who has one? What is their plan? Preference for Communication?

• Talk with students about cell phone safety & etiquette• Create a social contract for cell phone use with school

assignments• Show Digital Dossier Video


• Start with OPTIONAL homework/EC projects outside of classroom.

• Start with what YOU are comfortable with (such as phone call resources like Drop.io)
