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Dear David Larsen, 6/26/92 - Harold Weisbergjfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/L...

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Dear David Larsen, 6/26/92 I'n not offended and I do not have the tine for a fall responee to you letter. take this time not expecting it to nake any difference because basically you look for confirmation of now;enseinateed of trying to r fate it. And you treat all th• wild rumors as "evidence." You can imagine there is eignifieacne in the supposed Ruby Gall to Cannily. An :,ou can imagine it, 'Ruby would have w-rned him to "duck." You say that I jonnally had much to do with the motorcade route and that LBJ and a% argued about liho wad be where in the motorcade and you imply that ,Jed wanted JBA out of the of fire. Wow! Connally had not a thing to co with the motorcade route. The whole thing vaporizes there. But then there is the argument about setting. That was 4.ctually over the internal fight among Texas "emocrets, who would look better. Had nothing to do with laB4 having any ,:nowlodge of the coming shooting. if you isant to investigate the report that the world is flat, OK. But don t expect others to agree with you. And that i21 what your letter is, a treatment of all the nonsensical inventions and itzginings as "evidence" and they you invent a reason and then....oa , xid on. Beat wishes, Earold W-rlebere

Dear David Larsen, 6/26/92

I'n not offended and I do not have the tine for a fall responee to you letter.

take this time not expecting it to nake any difference because basically you look for

confirmation of now;enseinateed of trying to r fate it. And you treat all th• wild

rumors as "evidence."

You can imagine there is eignifieacne in the supposed Ruby Gall to Cannily. An

:,ou can imagine it, 'Ruby would have w-rned him to "duck." You say that Ijonnally had much

to do with the motorcade route and that LBJ and a% argued about liho wad be where

in the motorcade and you imply that ,Jed wanted JBA out of the of fire. Wow!

Connally had not a thing to co with the motorcade route. The whole thing vaporizes

there. But then there is the argument about setting. That was 4.ctually over the internal

fight among Texas "emocrets, who would look better. Had nothing to do with laB4 having

any ,:nowlodge of the coming shooting.

if you isant to investigate the report that the world is flat, OK. But don t

expect others to agree with you. And that i21 what your letter is, a treatment of all the

nonsensical inventions and itzginings as "evidence" and they you invent a reason and

then....oa ,xid on.

Beat wishes,

Earold W-rlebere


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