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Page 1: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.
Page 2: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.
Page 3: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Dear Family of Faith,

This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel. Together, we’ll observe a transitional time in the history of Israel as they moved from a theocracy to a monarchy. We will see numerous examples of good and bad leadership, understand the sovereignty of God, and discover the consequences of sin. All of the purposes of this book are very timely for the day in which we find ourselves living.

At FBC JAX, we desire to make disciples who make other disciples! This Personal Study Guide will help you seek the Lord daily and enrich your preparation for and participation in your Sunday School Group—which is vital to become all that God wants you to be. Be sure to memorize the weekly verse, answer the daily questions tied to the Scriptures, as well as the application questions on Saturday and the response section on Sunday. For the response section, look back over the previous weeks’ quiet time, the Saturday recap, and your notes from Sunday School and share what you see Him changing and transforming in you.

As you journey through these Scriptures, remember that you do not journey alone. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as our Comforter and our Guide to understand His Word. He will walk with you daily! Also, your Sunday School teacher and the others in your group are journeying with you! Take great advantage of this process and discuss the Scriptures with one another! What a great way to build community in our faith family! When we look back at the end of August at all that God has done in us and through us, it is my prayer that you will have grown in your understanding of His plan and purpose for your life. May God richly bless you on this journey with Him!

Serving Jesus with you,

Steve CliftonExecutive Pastor of Education


Page 4: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of May 30, 2016

1 Samuel 1:1-8

Sorrow should lead to prayer and dependence upon the Lord.

“Hannah prayed: My heart rejoices in the Lord; my horn is lifted up by the Lord. My mouth boasts over my enemies, because I rejoice in Your

salvation.” 1 Samuel 2:1 (NASB)




Answered! (1 Samuel 1:10-18, 26-28)

At the start of 1 Samuel we meet Hannah, a woman who was unable to bear a child with her husband Elkanah. Her inability to conceive was the work of the Lord, who “kept her from conceiving” (v. 5). Elkanah’s other wife, Peninnah, constantly taunted Hannah for her infertility. Not only did Hannah mourn over her lack of children, but she also had someone mocking her for it. Note that Peninnah mocked Hannah “whenever she went up to the Lord’s house” (v. 7). It is significant that whenever Hannah went before the Lord, she faced opposition. Through it all, Hannah felt weak and desperate. Elkanah questioned her: “‘Hannah, why are you crying? . . . Am I not better to you than ten sons?’” (v. 8). Though some see Elkanah’s words as a form of encouragement for Hannah not to be defined by her suffering, it might also be that Elkanah failed to appreciate God’s sovereignty in her pain and the role it would play in driving her to the Lord in prayer.

• Hannah struggled with the Lord preventing something she desperately wanted. Think of a time when the Lord prevented you from having something you deeply desired. How did you respond to it?


• How often do you face opposition when you lean on the Lord for strength? Reflect on a recent time this occurred and how God met you in that moment.


Confess your thoughts and feelings to the Lord. Thank the Lord that He sees you and always listens to your cries. Praise Him for being sovereign and strong when you are weak.



Page 5: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 1:9-18

God comforts those who are mournful. MAIN IDEA

Hannah’s sadness led her to the temple (vv. 10,12-14). She received further condemnation, yet persisted in prayer despite the opposition. In fact, Hannah made a promise to God (v. 11). In the midst of tears, anger, and depression, Hannah went to the Lord. This experience illustrates that it’s okay to fall apart. Brokenness will lead to healing if we turn to the Lord. Suffering led Hannah to her Heavenly Father. When we are hurt, we face the same choice: we can flee in anger and frustration or run into God’s arms in childlike desperation. Hannah chose the latter, and God rewarded her for it with her son Samuel, whose name means “gift of the LORD.” Her experience reflects the truth of Psalm 34:18, “The Lord is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.”

• Hannah went to the temple when she was hopeless. Where do you go when you feel like all hope is lost?

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• In the same way that Hannah was willing to give God her pain, how will you allow room for God to comfort you in your suffering?

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Go before the Lord and tell Him your deepest hurts, your longings, and your secrets. Ask Him to meet with you and expect the Holy Spirit to console and counsel you.





Page 6: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

We cannot let our sadness keep us from worship. MAIN IDEA

God gives us permission to mourn, but He doesn’t allow us to stay in the position of mourning. In verses 19-20, Hannah’s mourning period comes to a close. Following Hannah’s cries to God, she and Elkanah “arose early in the morning and worshiped before the LORD” (v. 19). Hannah’s immediate response, after the dust of despair settled, was to give praise to God. Hannah chose to worship. Though she was still without child, she chose to worship God because He is unchanging. The end of verse 19 states, “the LORD remembered her” by giving her a son. God doesn’t forget His children. We don’t have to doubt that the Lord remembers us. Isaiah 49:16 reminds us, “‘Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.”

• Like Hannah, have you ever believed the lie that God has forgotten you? What truth did you use to reassure yourself?


• What is your typical response to periods of mourning in your life? ________________________________________________________


Praise God that you are in the palm of His hand and that He always remembers you. Commit to reminding yourself of your position as His child, and put your faith in Him regardless of your circumstances.


1 Samuel 1:19-20Wednesday



Page 7: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Extravagant givers have received an extravagant gift.


Hannah went up to Shiloh to dedicate Samuel to the Lord, fulfilling her promise from verse 11: “then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life.” Hannah not only brought her son to the temple for his dedication, but she also brought an extravagant offering. Hannah responded to the Lord with wholehearted gratitude. The early Hebrew text translates Hannah’s offering to be three bulls. Clearly, the writer expected the audience to be impressed with Hannah’s extreme generosity and, thus, with the heart of faith that offered it. Hannah then reminded Eli that she was the woman who cried out in the temple. The fulfillment of God’s faithfulness came full-circle as Hannah dedicated the one for whom she prayed.

• Has God ever answered a long-awaited prayer for you? What was it? ________________________________________________________


• How did you express gratitude toward God when He fulfilled your request? ________________________________________________________


Enter into the Lord’s presence with gratitude. Thank Him for the blessings in your life and worship Him for His faithfulness.


1 Samuel 1:21-28ThursdayJune



Page 8: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Hannah’s praise exults the Lord. MAIN IDEA

Hannah probably prayed for years for a son, and when the Lord answered her plea, Hannah responded with wholehearted praise. God doesn’t need our praise, but the Bible says that our thanksgiving literally lifts Him up. Hannah repeated the word “exult.” To exult is to show or feel elation or jubilation, especially as the result of a success. God’s graciousness toward Hannah was truly something worthy of exultation! In her song, Hannah compared God’s sovereignty to that of a rock (v. 2), an allusion to His faithfulness amidst her pain. God was the same God when Hannah pleaded, prayed, and praised. Verses 5-10 feature promotions or elevations that the Lord gives His people: those who are hungry are fed; those who are humble are exalted; those who are poor are encouraged; those who are godly are rewarded. One chapter prior, Hannah was on the floor of the temple crying. Later, she rejoiced in jubilee. Hannah exemplifies God’s work of healing the brokenhearted.

• The Lord turned Hannah’s situation around. When has He given you the opposite of what you expected?


• In what ways do you express your gratitude to God? Is it through praying, worshiping, or writing? Are you faithful to praise your Father even when it doesn’t seem like a blessing is in sight?


Take a moment to be thankful before God. Tell God, item by item, for what you are thankful. Praise Him for His character, for being a faithful Rock, for not forgetting His children, and for answering prayers.


1 Samuel 2:1-11FridayJune



Page 9: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Answered! from 1 Samuel 1:10-18,26-28. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.




Page 10: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:

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Page 11: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

“The Lord came, stood there, and called as before, ‘Samuel, Samuel!’ Samuel responded, ‘Speak, for Your servant is listening.’”

1 Samuel 3:10 (NASB)

Week of June 6, 2016

1 Samuel 2:12-26

A good parent is faithful to his or her responsibilities and works to create an environment conducive to holiness.MAIN IDEA


This passage presents a contrast between two families. Verses 12-17 describe the sons of Eli the priest, whose deeds were so evil they are described as “worthless men,” careless in their offerings to the Lord. The sons of Eli did not know God despite their father’s status in the faith. In contrast, Hannah and Elkanah’s son Samuel was dedicated in his service to the Lord at the temple. Samuel is described as “ministering before the LORD” (v. 18). Eli saw the contrast between Samuel and his own children. Eli’s first recorded rebuke of his sons’ misconduct came when he was “very old.” The writer implies that Eli neglected his parental responsibilities earlier in life (cf. Deut. 6:7; 21:18-21). Eli’s parenting contrasts greatly with that of Hannah and Elkanah. Eli’s sons did not heed their father’s correction, while Samuel grew in favor before the Lord. In our parenting, we must be careful not to emphasize behavior over a true heart for the Lord.

• How did Eli’s correction of his sons prove to be too little, too late? ________________________________________________________


• Who are you more like: Hannah or Eli? Are you sincere and faithful, or hypocritical and lazy?



If you have children, praise God for the blessing of their presence in your life. Dedicate your children to the Lord, as Hannah did with Samuel. Pray that you would be a loving guard for their well-being and holiness. If you do not yet have children, pray that the Lord would prepare you to be a faithful and committed parent.


Called (1 Samuel 3:1-10, 17-21)




Page 12: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 2:27-36

Sinful shortcuts are not condoned in the sight of the Lord.


The judgment of Eli was a repercussion of the sins of his sons. Eli’s sons were taking the best part of the offering for the Lord and keeping it for themselves. Their actions were entirely selfish. In verse 29, Eli alone is rebuked for the actions of his family: “Why do you kick at My sacrifice and at My offering which I have commanded in My dwelling, and honor your sons above Me, by making yourself fat with the choicest of every offering of My people Israel?’” Through a godly messenger, the Lord’s correction is heard. The Lord says, “For those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me will be lightly esteemed” (v. 30). Eli and his family are living testaments to what can happen when our actions are void of true love and worship of God.

• Eli was rebuked for the actions of his sons. Why did Eli get the blame? ________________________________________________________


• Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, abused the covenant offering by keeping the best part of it for themselves. When have you ever done this with God? When have you given the bare minimum and withheld from blessing the Lord with your best?


Go before the Lord in prayer. Repent for the times you have gone through the motions, whether they were with leading your family or serving in ministry. Repent from the times you tried to skirt by with the bare minimum.





Page 13: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God speaks to His children.MAIN IDEA

The Lord has a knack for speaking to us when we least expect it. In 1 Samuel 3, Samuel is called to be a prophet of God. At the time, Samuel had been serving in the temple under the supervision of Eli. Yet in the middle of the night, and during an age in which the Lord did not speak very often (v. 1), Samuel heard someone call his name. Because no prior vision or voice had come to him, Samuel was confused and believed it to be the voice of Eli. The Lord uses many ways today to call His people to new opportunities of service. Sometimes God may give an individual a deep passion for a ministry or a burden for something. When God acts unexpectedly in people’s lives, He often calls them to serve in a particular way; but they may not grasp it immediately. As people seek clarity, the Holy Spirit will guide them to God’s specific will, and it always will conform to Scripture.

• How does God speak to His children today? How do these means compare with Samuel’s experience?

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• Do you ever feel like you are put in a place of “laying down and waiting” for the Lord to speak? Explain.

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Thank God that He fervently seeks out His people and that He calls them when they may least expect it. Praise Him for His creativity and love in the way that He beckons His children! Ask the Lord to help you have attentive ears and a malleable heart in order to receive His message. Put yourself in a position of vulnerability and openness before the Lord.


1 Samuel 3:1-7Wednesday



Page 14: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

We must be ready and willing to respond to the call of the Lord.MAIN IDEA

After two prior episodes, Samuel heard his name a third time. Eli denied he called Samuel and then recognized that God was communicating with Samuel. The elder encouraged Samuel to lie down and wait for the Lord to call him again. It is significant that Samuel was told to lie down and wait, as he was put in a place of vulnerability and expectancy before the Lord. Eli specified what Samuel should say. Each part of the reply would convey definite purposes. “Speak” would invite God to continue His revelation. “Lord” indicated Samuel knew to whom he was speaking. “For your servant is listening” would affirm his willingness to obey God completely. Samuel followed Eli’s instructions precisely. When Samuel heard God call him once more, he responded with immediate readiness. He wholeheartedly stated: “‘Speak, for Your servant is listening’” (v. 11). God told Samuel His plans for the house of Eli and the nation of Israel.

• What does the reaction of Samuel to God’s voice and call say about Samuel’s heart?


• Are you in a place where you can go before the Lord and tell Him you’re listening? Are you in a place of obedience or hesitancy before the Lord?


Thank God that He chooses the lowly to do mighty things. Ask Him for forgiveness for when you have not been as ready and as willing as Samuel. Set your heart on God and turn your ear toward His calls.


1 Samuel 3:8-14ThursdayJune



Page 15: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God is in the habit of protecting and blessing His obedient children.


When we offer our obedience to God, it does not always mean it will be easy. Samuel lay and waited for the Lord to call his name again. The Lord told Samuel the words He had for Eli, words that were consistent with the condemnation found in 1 Samuel 2. When Eli asked Samuel what he heard from God, Samuel wanted to hide the truth. Yet, Samuel chose to fear the Lord more than he feared Eli’s reaction, a fear that didn’t even manifest itself (v. 18). Samuel’s willingness once again leads him to a place of blessing— “thus Samuel grew and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fail” (v. 19). God is in the habit of protecting and blessing His obedient children.

• Samuel at first was hesitant to share the truth of God’s words with Eli (v. 17). How often do we hide the truth from our friends because it’s hard?

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• When have you experienced short-term discomfort and long-term blessing as a result of your obedience?

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Thank the Lord for always speaking to you, Pray that the Lord would strengthen you and give you courage to share His Word with those around you—regardless of the potential discomfort it may cause them.


1 Samuel 3:15-21FridayJune



Page 16: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Called from 1 Samuel 3:1-10,17-21. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 17: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:





Page 18: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of June 13, 2016

1 Samuel 4:1-11

God will not be manipulated.

“The men of Beth-shemesh said, ‘Who is able to stand before the Lord, this holy God? And to whom shall He go up from us?’” 1 Samuel 6:20 (NASB)



It’s foolish to think we can manipulate God and use Him for our purposes. In 1 Samuel 4, Israel battled with their enemy, the mighty Philistines. Frustrated with their loss, the Israelites decided to use the ark of the covenant in their next battle. They depended on a token of God to represent them and did not trust Him—that’s idolatry. The ark’s presence was so inspiring that its entrance into the camp led to shouting (v. 5). The Philistines heard the praises of Israel and became fearful: “Then they understood that the ark of the LORD had come into the camp. The Philistines were afraid’” (vv. 6-7). The symbol of God’s presence was powerful and terrifying. Yet despite the presence of the ark, the Philistines won. It was a difficult lesson for the Israelites, and one that they may not have fully taken in: God cannot be manipulated or used to achieve our own purposes, even if those purposes are generally good.

• What did the Israelites assume about the ark? Why were they wrong? What was the net result of their disobedience?


• What “ark of the covenant” (idol) have you grabbed in an attempt to manipulate God?



Pray that your motives for obedience are pure and that you would not use the things of God to get the things of man.


Worthy! (1 Samuel 5:1-6; 6:11-16)




Page 19: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 4:12-22

Misguided devotion leads to misguided living.MAIN IDEA

The message of 1 Samuel 4 is that misguided devotion leads to misguided living. How the Israelites could place their affections on the ark of the covenant rather than God Himself is not all together surprising, but it is wholly inexcusable. Their erroneous devotion to the ark is perfectly exposed in Eli’s sudden death (v. 18), but also in the grim perspective of Israel’s future in Eli’s daughter-in-law. Her belief in Israel’s success was so tied to the presence of the ark that she was thrown into a premature delivery and named her child “Ichabod,” which means, “The glory has departed from Israel.” Today God is always present among His people; we do not have to worry about His presence departing from us. However, we must remember that God wants us to be a people who live in humble submission to Him, always aware of His presence and power in our lives.

• What did the Israelites treasure the most? How did their affections become misguided?


• What things of God are you tempted to treasure more than God Himself? ________________________________________________________


Repent in prayer for loving the things of God more than God Himself. Move on in forgiveness and obedience.





Page 20: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God’s holiness is unavoidable as idols are wiped out in His presence. MAIN IDEA

The Philistines, a people group who made themselves enemies of God, did not take God or His presence very seriously. Their theft of the ark of the covenant in chapter 4 brought about their punishment in chapter 5. The Philistines placed the ark next to the statue of their god, Dagon, to symbolize how their god “defeated” Israel’s God in battle. Yet, God destroyed the Philistines’ idol and punished its architects. Indeed, “the hand of the LORD was heavy on the Ashdodites, and He ravaged them and smote them with tumors” (v. 6). Clearly, God takes sin seriously and any idol that comes before Him is no match. God distinguished Himself so that the Philistines were unable to deny His power.

• Like He did for the Philistines, when has God torn down or destroyed an idol in your life? How did you respond?

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• How are you putting God first in your daily life? Are you allowing any other people or objects to get in the way of experiencing God’s holy presence?

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Praise God for His holiness. Thank Jesus for taking the wrath of God onto Himself so that you could be forgiven for your sins. Look for opportunities to experience the wonder and holiness of God this week.


a1 Samuel 5:1-12Wednesday



Page 21: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

We can only relate to God on His terms, not our own.MAIN IDEA

When we know that we are living in disobedience, it is all too easy to try and appease God with actions that seem right but could not be further from what God requires of us. This was certainly the case for the Philistines in 1 Samuel 6. After a period of seven months, the Philistines made the decision to send the ark back to its place in Israel. They longed for the heavy hand of God to be removed from them and were convinced that the presence of the ark was to blame. Sending away an offended and powerful deity was not a task to be undertaken lightly; if done improperly, God might become even more provoked. So the priests and diviners were called upon to determine the proper means of removing the ark from their region. The diviners’ statements expressed a knowledge of certain details of the Word of God, but their recommendations were wrongheaded. Their recommendation to appease God with golden images represented a feeble attempt to please Him on their own terms and not His.

• What has God done to make it possible for us to know and love Him? ________________________________________________________


• What are some ways that we try to appease God on our own terms, rather than the terms He has set?


Give thanks for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Mercifully and graciously, God made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us so that we might be one with God. Pray that you will not be tempted to appease God in any other manner, but that God’s work on your behalf in Christ will be enough for you.


1 Samuel 6:1-9ThursdayJune



Page 22: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God will not be treated with contempt. MAIN IDEA

Do you allow yourself to get excited over the presence of God? The Philistines returned the ark of the covenant to the Israelites. Verse 13 describes the glee that God’s people had over seeing the ark of the covenant coming on a cart. The people of Beth-shemesh were so glad that they stopped what they were doing—they ceased working (v. 13). Yet the excitement of God’s people for the ark’s return led them to impatiently split open the cart rather than wait for the cart to be unloaded. The handling of the ark of the covenant displayed their contempt for God. God will not be treated irreverently, so the result for many was death (v. 19). The people’s response in verse 20 (“Who is able to stand before the Lord, this holy God?”) should be interpreted as a deeper understanding and appreciation for God’s holiness. Now that the ark proved to be more about God’s holiness than their idolatry, a renewed awe and fear of the Lord settled on the people.

• What was the Israelite’s response to God’s holiness? ________________________________________________________



• How has your grasp of God’s holiness increased this week? Consider the reasons why behind your answer.

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A holy God cannot be trifled with. A low view of God’s holiness diminishes Jesus’ work on the cross. Pray for a greater and deeper understanding of God’s holiness so that you may grow in your love for Jesus.


1 Samuel 6:10–7:1FridayJune



Page 23: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Worthy! from 1 Samuel 5:1-6; 6:11-16. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 24: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:





Page 25: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of June 20, 2016

1 Samuel 7:2-17

The Lord deserves our undivided love.

“The Lord said to Samuel, ’Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected

Me from being king over them.’” 1 Samuel 8:7 (NASB)



The Lord wants your heart, and He wants your heart alone. The Lord picked Samuel to be the judge of the Israelites because He knew the heart of Samuel was singularly turned toward Him. Throughout this book, Samuel’s posture was one of patience and willingness (1 Sam. 3:1-7). After the Israelites worshiped idols and refused to acknowledge the God of their fathers as Lord of their lives, Samuel implored the people to “return to the LORD with all your heart” (v. 3). Notice that the call to return was twofold: return and “remove the foreign gods.” To return to God, we always have to remove that which keeps us from Him. Samuel told the Israelites to “direct [their] hearts to the LORD and serve Him alone” (v. 3). The Israelites heeded Samuel’s instruction, and God blessed them with a victory against their enemy (v. 13). He also returned their stolen land. When we direct our hearts toward the Lord, we find that the reward is better than we could’ve imagined.

• How did the Israelites return to the Lord? What actions did their return require?


• Like the Israelites, what is blocking you from returning to the Lord? What do you have to remove in your life—an unhealthy relationship, a sinful habit, an untrue thought—in order to return?


Thank God that His arms are always open and that He always provides a way out for us from our sin. Remember that He alone deserves our worship. Ask Jesus to forgive you for when your heart has been pulled in different directions. Commit to singularly focus on God, making Him Lord over your life.


King? (1 Sam. 8:4-9,19-22)




Page 26: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 8:1-22

Physical comfort is nothing compared to the spiritual security we have under the authority of King Jesus.


Our protection isn’t physical; it’s spiritual. When we don’t trust in the spiritual, then we resort to the physical to satisfy our needs. The Israelites rejected the spiritual security they had in God being their king and desired to be like the nations around them. A king, they thought, would give the Israelites credibility throughout the world and would establish the dominant presence that they so desperately desired in the midst of their enemies. Israel’s demand for a king was rooted in their wish to be “like all the nations” (v. 5). The Lord recognized that their desire for an earthly king was a rejection of the heavenly King they already had (v. 7). The Israelites once again took their eyes off of their singular focus—God—and turned their attention to the people and objects of the world. The Israelites’ focus shifted from the spiritual to the physical. Samuel warned the Israelites against the dangers of having an earthly king: terror, manipulation, greed, and chaos (vv. 10-17). The Israelites had set it in their hearts to accomplish their will, however, and ignored the warnings of God, the One who knew them best (vv.19-22).

• What did the Israelites experience in their past to make them desire a physical king?


• When have you forsaken trusting in God for a visible sign of security? What were the results?


Ask the Lord for forgiveness and grace for the times you have rejected Him in seeking earthly comforts.





Page 27: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God works through our daily plans to bring about His ultimate plan.


The most mundane circumstances can lead to the most extraordinary encounters. First Samuel 9:1-13 gives us the background for Saul’s recognition and selection as the future king of Israel. In this passage, Saul’s father loses the family donkeys. The son dutifully goes with his servant in search for the missing donkeys (vv. 3-4). Saul’s determination and faithfulness to his father’s possessions is significant. After a tireless search and no results, Saul expected to return home: “Come, and let us return, or else my father will cease to be concerned about the donkeys and will become anxious for us” (v.5). Such a tiring and seemingly inconsequential chore led to a destined encounter with Samuel the prophet in the land of Zuph. Saul’s servant insisted on finding the renowned seer, or prophet. Even though Saul wanted to leave, God had a different plan, as He had commanded Samuel, “Listen to their voice and appoint them a king” (1 Sam. 8:22). Clearly God was at work. God works through our daily plans to bring about His ultimate plan.

• What was Saul’s attitude and response to his father’s request? ________________________________________________________


• How has God worked through an ordinary circumstance to bring about something extraordinary in your life?


Pray for the faith to see God work in even the most mundane aspects of your life.


1 Samuel 9:1-13Wednesday



Page 28: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God’s will always brings about the best for us. MAIN IDEA

Even though the people of Israel rejected their heavenly King and desired an earthly substitute, the Lord would honor their request. The Lord led Saul to Samuel because Saul was destined to be the king of Israel. God pays attention to our desires: “For I have regarded My people, because their cry has come to Me” (v. 16). Saul ate with Samuel and Samuel anointed him (vv. 9:22–10:1). Samuel also gave Saul further instructions for his return home (10:2-8). Saul did not see himself fit to be chosen king. His journey for a donkey resulted in a divine encounter and holy appointment. Yet Saul’s desires were altered by God’s goodness: “Then it happened when he turned his back to leave Samuel, God changed his heart; and all those signs came about on that day” (10:9). God has great blessings for His people, whether we see them at first or not.

• Why did Saul think he was not fit to be king? ________________________________________________________


• Has there been a time when you were appointed for something that you were unprepared for? How did that affect your faith?


Pray for sensitivity to the Lord’s leadership and to trust His plans for your life.


1 Samuel 9:14–10:9ThursdayJune



Page 29: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God’s good purposes conquer our deepest fears and insecurities. MAIN IDEA

God affirms us even in our uncertainties. Though Saul was hesitant, the Lord assured him with the Spirit: “the Spirit of God came upon him mightily, so that he prophesied among them” (v. 10). He hid from Samuel as the people of Israel gathered. Even with the Spirit, Saul resisted his call: “Behold, he is hiding himself by the baggage” (v. 22). In efforts at encouragement, the people “ran and took him from there” (v. 22). When Saul stood up, the people recognized God’s anointing of him. Samuel affirmed Saul’s stature, both physically and spiritually: “‘Do you see him whom the LORD has chosen? Surely there is no one like him among all the people.’ So all the people shouted and said, ‘Long live the king!’” (v. 24). The incomparable plans the Lord has for your life will not be prevented—even by your own insecurities.

• How did the public affirm Saul’s kingliness? How did they bring him out from hiding?


• Are you tempted to hide when God calls you toward obedience? What

personal insecurities stop you from trusting in God’s good plans? ________________________________________________________


Thank God that His plans always come about, no matter what forces try to prevent them. Lean into His Word and begin to trust that He has chosen you as His child, and that His plans for your life will succeed.


1 Samuel 10:10-27FridayJune



Page 30: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is King? from 1 Samuel 8:4-9,19-22. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 31: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:





Page 32: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of June 27, 2016

1 Samuel 11:1-15

When we act in step with the Spirit, God gets the glory.

Samuel said to the people, “Do not fear. You have committed all this evil, yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your

heart.” 1 Samuel 12:20 (NASB)



Here marks Saul’s first test and, thus, his first opportunity to rely on the Holy Spirit. When Saul heard about the troubles of his people, he was moved emotionally by the Holy Spirit—“Then the Spirit of God came upon Saul mightily when he heard these words, and he became very angry” (v. 6). His righteous indignation led to productive action that significantly impacted the people: “Then the dread of the LORD fell on the people, and they came out as one man” (v. 7). Saul’s response to the Holy Spirit led to the unification of his country. Saul acted in obedience to the Spirit and through this the Lord received the glory—“For today the LORD has accomplished deliverance in Israel” (v. 13). When we act in step with the Spirit, God gets the glory.

• Write about a time when the Spirit of God moved you in a way that led you to decisive action.


• How can you know when your anger is righteous or selfish? ________________________________________________________


Pray that you would live out Ephesians 4:26-27 this week, “Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity.”


Feared (1 Samuel 12:12-22)




Page 33: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 12:1-15

God’s faithfulness drives our obedience.MAIN IDEA

Samuel was near death. In his final speech, Samuel reminded Israel that, throughout her entire history, the Lord had not left His throne: “It is the LORD who appointed Moses and Aaron and who brought your fathers up from the land of Egypt” (v. 6). The reminder of a blessing came with a charge, “So now, take your stand, that I may plead with you before the LORD” (v. 7). To inspire their obedience, Samuel reviewed God’s faithfulness to them through the years, even as they rebelled. In particular, Samuel highlighted the discontent of the Israelites—their need to be like the other nations and have a physical king. Finally, Samuel gave this command: “If you will fear the LORD and serve Him, and listen to His voice and not rebel . . . then both you and also the king … will follow the LORD your God” (v. 14). We can learn many lessons from the story of the Israelites, but surely this is one: God’s faithfulness should drive our obedience. But does it?

• What did Samuel use to inspire the people’s obedience? ________________________________________________________


• When have you allowed the remembrance of the faithfulness of God to allow you to act on the obedience of God?


Pray that you would be content with your circumstances right now. Pray that you would look for the blessings of God but still pursue Him when there seems to be none.





Page 34: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Challenges in our past should not adversely affect our enjoyment of God in the present.MAIN IDEA

If you’ve ever struggled to enjoy God in the present because of troubles in your past, you’re in good company. In today’s reading, Samuel instructed Israel to remember the Lord and to remain faithful to Him. Afterward, the Lord sent thunder and rain, “and all the people greatly feared the LORD and Samuel” (v. 18). This powerful display reminded Israel of the kind of awe they were to have for their God. Yet in the midst of this glorious moment, Israel was overcome with fear, “Pray . . . so that we may not die, for we have added to all our sins this evil by asking for ourselves a king” (v. 19). In light of the glory of God, the people of Israel recognized their sinfulness and were moved to fear. Yet Samuel reassured them, “Do not fear. You have committed all this evil, yet do not turn aside from following the LORD” (v. 20). The takeaway is this: May we never allow our past mistakes to prevent us from repentance and resting in the glory of our King.

• Like the Israelites, when have you allowed an unwelcome memory to overtake your present-day worship? What did you do?


• How can you find the balance between acknowledging your past, but not dwelling on it and keeping you from looking to the Lord?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Repent of your sin this week. But after repentance, think on the goodness of God. Reflect on His character and “consider what great things He has done for you” (v. 24).


1 Samuel 12:16-25Wednesday



Page 35: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God invites us to trust Him. MAIN IDEA

Ironically, when we force our own way, we often do not get what we originally wanted. While in battle with the Philistines, Saul was tired of waiting for the prophet Samuel’s arrival to offer a burnt offering. Samuel had promised to arrive after seven days, but he was nowhere in sight (v. 8). Saul “forced” his way and offered the burnt offering himself, a task only to be done by the priest (v. 9). After Samuel arrived, he corrected Saul—“What have you done?” (v. 11). To be sure, Saul had reason to be nervous. His people were fleeing out of fear and the interceding prophet could not be found. The physical circumstances surrounding Saul’s dilemma gave him just cause for worry. Yet none of these things are license for forcing our own way and disobeying God. Saul readily admitted his mistakes: “‘I forced myself and offered the burnt offering’” (v. 12). Saul’s mistrust in God’s goodness led to dire consequences; his reign would be shortened and his kingdom would be less fruitful (v. 14).

• When have you acted out of haste or anxiety? ________________________________________________________


• What can you do the next time you experience anxiety? What are some tangible ways you can trust God?


Thank God that He is faithful to come through, even when His plans are not your own (Is. 55:8-9). Ask Him to help you trust in His ways!


1 Samuel 13:1-15ThursdayJune



Page 36: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

We need not despair of God’s sovereign grace in our lives.


Even the most difficult circumstances are not too difficult for God to do great things for our good and His glory. The Philistines moved quickly to secure their position against Saul’s army and also prevent reinforcements and supplies from getting to the Israelites (vv. 16-18). Not only were Saul and his troops at great risk because of the strong Philistine position, they were also at a disadvantage with regard to weaponry. The Philistines possessed large numbers of metal weapons, and they limited the entire Israelite arsenal to weapons made of wood and stone—arrows, slings, javelins, clubs, knives, and the like. Israel’s weapons could certainly be deadly, but they were inferior to those made of bronze and iron. The situation was dire, but it was not beyond God. No matter how acute or desperate our circumstances, we need not despair of God’s sovereign grace in our lives.

• What facts regarding the Israelites’ position might logically lead one to worry and despair?


________________________________________________________ • Have you ever wrongly assessed a difficult life situation and concluded that

God could not or would not help? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________


Pray for the faith to always concur with Paul that “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28).


1 Samuel 13:16-22FridayJuly



Page 37: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Feared from 1 Samuel 12:12-22. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 38: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:





Page 39: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Matthew 6:1-4

Week of July 4, 2016

1 Samuel 13:23–14:14

God’s power is bigger and better than any adversary you face.

Samuel said, “Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,

and to heed than the fat of rams.” 1 Samuel 15:22 (NASB)



During their war with the Philistines, Jonathan took his armor-bearer with him and crossed over to the enemy’s side. Jonathan did not tell anyone, even his father, that he was going over to the enemy camp. Jonathan’s faith was that of childlike trust, “Come, let us go over to that outpost of the uncircumcised. Perhaps the LORD will help us, because it is no more difficult for the LORD to grant victory by means of a few than it is by means of many” (v. 6). Jonathan boasted in God. He recognized that the size of his army was but “a few,” but he acknowledged that God was able to work with small numbers. Jonathan did not allow his physical circumstances to dictate his faith, and the Lord rewarded him: “In this first attack Jonathan and his armor-bearer killed about twenty men” (v. 14). God granted victory to someone who boldly trusted Him for it.

• Why do you think Jonathan trusted God for the victory despite the size of the army?


• Do you find yourself focusing on the size of your God or the size of your problem? Why?


Thank God that He is always with you. Give Him leadership over your problems today—whether that be your family, friends, job, or a difficult circumstance. Trust that God will give you the victory, because victory is in His nature and you are His child.


Judged (1 Samuel 15:7-15, 22-23)




Page 40: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 14:15-23

The faithfulness of God demands our fidelity, not our indifference. MAIN IDEA

The surprise maneuvers by Jonathan and his armor-bearer seemed to have given Saul the sense that he had an incredible opportunity to decisively end the Philistine threat. Yet just as God was proving Himself faithful, Saul acted faithlessly—he ordered Ahijah to suspend his priestly activities before they were completed. This incredible interruption of the divine pattern was intended to enable Israel to win an even greater victory over the Philistines. But for those who are informed by God’s Word, it means that Saul was unfit to fulfill the task of leading Israel against their enemies. God’s faithfulness to us demands fidelity to Him, and this is a lesson Saul struggled to learn, if he learned it at all. This experience is one of many depicting Saul as insensitive to the Lord’s ways. Furthermore, in light of Israel’s diminished victory against the Philistines, it reinforced a fundamental teaching of God’s Word: any breach of the Lord’s instruction diminishes the good that could have resulted. God’s faithfulness demands our fidelity, not our indifference.

• Do you ever feel the need to cut corners spiritually when things seem to be going well for you? Why or why not?


• How do spiritual disciplines like Bible reading, prayer, and fasting help us grow in our understanding of God’s faithfulness and therefore encourage our fidelity to Him?


Pray that when things are going well for you, you will not become apathetic or indifferent to God. May His faithfulness drive your fidelity.





Page 41: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Don’t let your common sense starve your faith.MAIN IDEA

Saul placed his troops under oath not to eat before battle. The king wanted complete victory before any form of celebration, and he imposed his beliefs on his army. Unaware of his father’s order, Jonathan ingested some honey. While fellow soldiers reprimanded him, Jonathan recognized his father’s hasty command: “My father has troubled the land. See now, how my eyes have brightened because I taste a little of this honey” (v. 29). However, Jonathan’s example of eating misled the rest of the soldiers to eat meat with the blood still in it (vv. 32-33). Saul recognized his soldiers’ sinfulness and commanded them to slaughter undefiled livestock so they would not sin anymore against God. The king then built an altar before the Lord, but the Lord did not answer him (vv. 35, 37). Saul’s failure to pray for the will of God from the beginning resulted in his son almost losing his life (vv. 44-45).

• What verses in this passage demonstrate that Saul’s decisions were his own and not God’s? Why were the king’s actions wrong?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Like Saul, when has what you presumed to be right actually proved harmful to others?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Go before the Lord and invite Him to speak to you. Be silent and listen for His voice. Then, ask Him to help you determine the right actions to take.


1 Samuel 14:24-48Wednesday



Page 42: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Much of Saul’s reign is characterized by war. In chapter 15, the prophet Samuel told Saul that he had another battle to prepare for: a fight against Amalek, a nation that tried to prevent Israel’s exodus from Egypt. The Lord desired to punish all those who opposed His children. Saul was commanded to destroy Amalek and every person and animal connected with the city’s name. Saul dutifully went to the valley and attacked. Yet Saul noticed the Kenites and chose to spare them, “Go, depart, go down from among the Amalekites, so that I do not destroy you with them; for you showed kindness to all the sons of Israel when they came up from Egypt” (v. 6). There was a hint of truth to Saul’s thinking: what’s wrong with sparing the one who has helped spare you? Yet it was a choice to disobey God. “Saul and the people spared Agag [the king of the Amalekites] and the best of the sheep, the oxen, the fatlings, the lambs, and all that was good, and were not willing to destroy them utterly; but everything despised and worthless, that they utterly destroyed” (v. 9). As a result, God instructed Samuel to rebuke Saul, and God lamented making Saul king (vv. 10-11). Our disobedience always has consequences, no matter how insignificant the disobedience may be.

• Compare Genesis 6:6 with 1 Samuel 15:11. What grieves the heart of God? ________________________________________________________


• When have you compromised in being fully obedient to God? ________________________________________________________


Confess to the Lord the areas in your life where you are only half obeying. Praise God for being a God of second chances. Ask the Lord to renew a heart of obedience and love for Him. Then, live out what you pray—don’t go back to your sin (Prov. 26:11).


1 Samuel 14:49–15:11

Half-hearted obedience is sinful and detrimental. MAIN IDEA




Page 43: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

To sin is to miss the mark of God’s holiness.MAIN IDEA

We sin when we place our faith in our limited human reasoning. Saul did not realize or believe he had done wrong (1 Sam. 15:1-11). He greeted Samuel with gladness, “Blessed are you of the LORD! I have carried out the command of the LORD” (v. 13). Samuel questioned the sounds he heard from the animals of Saul’s slain enemies. Saul believed that his actions were of good intent and said he planned to sacrifice the animals before the Lord. Samuel responded with a message of the Lord in verse 19—“Why then did you not obey the voice of the LORD, but rushed upon the spoil and did what was evil in the sight of the LORD?” Yet Saul still did not understand. He responded, “I did obey the voice of the LORD . . . But the people took some of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the choices of the things devoted to destruction to sacrifice to the LORD your God” (v. 21). Note the word “some.” The Lord’s anger was upon Saul because he only destroyed part of an evil people—not the whole city as he was commanded. Samuel called Saul to recognize that no amount of sacrifice would make up for his disobedience (see this week’s memory verse).

• When, like Saul, have you tried to justify your sin before God? ________________________________________________________


• When have you substituted an offering for obedience to God? ________________________________________________________


Ask God to make you clean and to renew a spirit of submission and obedience. Acknowledge before Him that His plans are for your good, and that you can trust His logic above your own.


1 Samuel 15:12-26FridayJuly



Page 44: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Judged from 1 Samuel 15:7-15,22-23. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 45: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:





Page 46: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of July 11, 2016

1 Samuel 15:27-35

We cannot avoid the consequences of our sin.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7 (NASB)



In 1 Samuel 15:10-26, Samuel delivered the news to Saul that he would no longer be king over Israel. In verses 27-35, Saul’s distress over this realization intensified. Saul pleaded for forgiveness and went so far as to tear Samuel’s robe. Saul was conscious of his sin, but did not want to experience any of sin’s consequences: “I have sinned; but please honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel, and go back with me, that I may worship the LORD your God” (v. 30). Saul’s insistence to be recognized before his people was a last-ditch attempt at control. No matter how much we may try, God cannot—and will not—be manipulated.

• Why was Saul rejected as king? Is his rejection surprising? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________


• Like Saul, when was a time that you “tore the robe” of a situation in a last-ditch effort to avoid sin’s consequences?


Repent for the times you have tried to stick your foot in a closing door of a situation. Relent your way to God, and praise Him for being steadfast and good despite your wavering heart’s desires.


Anointed! (1 Samuel 16:4-13)




Page 47: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 16:1-7

God sees things differently than man.MAIN IDEA

Letting go of Saul as king was not an easy task for Samuel. God allowed Samuel to grieve, but also affirmed for Samuel His rejection of Saul and selection of another man to be king. Samuel’s despair was ultimately unnecessary because God had plans. Samuel traveled to Bethlehem and initiated the search for the man after the Lord’s heart, but tried to do it with only his own insight. When he saw Eliab, Jesse’s firstborn son, he was impressed by his stature and concluded that he was the Lord’s choice (v. 6). After all, he resembled Saul, whom the Lord had previously anointed. But Samuel learned something about the Lord that day: God sees things differently than man. The Lord had chosen someone not for his outward traits, but for his heart.

• What outward appearances were attractive to Samuel in his quest to find a king? Why might these be valuable? How might they be a hindrance?


• How does the gospel speak to our tendency to judge others according to outward appearances?


Pray that we will be people who strive for godly character by pursuing things like faith, purity, loyalty, humility, and obedience.





Page 48: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God equips us to live out His plans.MAIN IDEA

God not only rejected Jesse’s firstborn, Eliab, but also seven other sons. After God’s denial of these, Jesse informed Samuel that he had one more son, David, who was out tending sheep. David had favorable physical traits (v. 12), but these physical assets were no proof that David was God’s choice; at best, they were irrelevant. What mattered was the young man’s heart, and only God could judge that. The Lord removed all suspense from the situation with his word to Samuel: “Anoint him.” We don’t need to look a certain way or have a certain skill to serve in God’s kingdom; in fact, it is not about us at all. It is God’s call that matters and He equips us to fulfill His calling on our lives.

• Humanly speaking, what traits and characteristics did Jesse (and perhaps others) assume Samuel and the Lord wanted in a king?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• When are you most tempted to judge someone by his or her appearance? How has the Lord convicted you of judging someone wrongly in the past?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Praise the Lord that He looks at our hearts and not our looks. Ask Him to forgive you for the times you misjudged others. Invite the Holy Spirit to give you new eyes to help you see other people through His perspective.


1 Samuel 16:8-13Wednesday



Page 49: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

When God anointed David as king, it set in motion a relationship between David and God that would grow through many trials to be a great example for us. Psalm 23 gives evidence to the intimate, personal relationship that David had with God. The crux of this psalm is found in the first verse of this passage: “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.” The fact that David addressed the Lord as his shepherd is significant. There is an intimate relationship between a shepherd and his sheep. A shepherd lived and worked with his sheep, day in and day out. This was the very job David was doing when God called him to be king (1 Sam. 16), so he knew the job well. David acknowledged God as his Shepherd: his ultimate Protector and most trusted Provider. A shepherd cared for the most basic needs of his sheep, in both provision and protection. As a sheep in God’s flock who was always provided for and always protected, David had no true needs. The same is true for us as God’s sheep today. We have everything we truly need in our relationship with Him.

• Why is God as our Shepherd such an intimate role? ________________________________________________________


• How has the Lord provided for you, both physically and spiritually? Acknowledging that God is the Good Shepherd of your past, how will you trust Him to be Lord of your future?


Praise God for being your Good Shepherd. Thank Him for every form of blessing and protection. Acknowledge His shepherding of you in your past. Ask Him to gently lead you to a place of intimate trust and ultimate dependence upon Him going forward.


Psalm 23

If God is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. MAIN IDEA




Page 50: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God takes sin seriously, yet He always provides a way of relief for us.


God sent an evil spirit to plague Saul because of his sinful heart and disobedience. The evil spirit within Saul led him to deep depression and despair. One of Saul’s servants suggested someone play the harp for Saul (v. 16), and this person was David—the newly anointed king. Saul did not know that David would take his place one day, but “David came to Saul and attended to him; and Saul loved him greatly” (v. 21). God takes sin seriously, yet He always provides a way of relief for us. David’s presence not only carried the presence of God, but also the Lord’s solace. David’s harp-playing soothed Saul’s troubled spirit: “David would take the harp and play it with his hand; and Saul would be refreshed and be well, and the evil spirit would depart from him” (v. 23). Saul loved David so much that he made him his armor-bearer. The Holy Spirit was on David and through David, the Lord granted a desperate Saul some much needed grace.

• Why was Saul plagued with an evil spirit? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• Share a time when the Holy Spirit relieved your weary and worn heart

through another believer. ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Praise God for being holy and righteous. Confess any sin that is in your heart. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s power to come upon you so you could refresh or bring relief to someone in need.


1 Samuel 16:14-23FridayJuly



Page 51: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Anointed! from 1 Samuel 16:4-13. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 52: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.





Page 53: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of July 18, 2016

1 Samuel 17:1-11

As God’s people we will most certainly face His enemies and opponents of His plans.

And that all this assembly may know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our

hands. 1 Samuel 17:47 (NASB)



The Israelites faced their enemy the Philistines once again, but this time the situation was dire. By this point, the Philistines had already taken for themselves much of Saul’s kingdom. If they won this battle, their victory would threaten Bethlehem, Hebron, and Saul’s capital, Gibeah. What’s more, the Philistines pulled a wild card by bringing out their largest soldier, Goliath. His height was believed to have been anywhere between six feet, nine inches, and nine feet, nine inches. Even his armor and weapons were intimidating, as they were made of solid bronze (vv. 5-7). He taunted the Israelites and commanded that they send someone down to fight him. He offered a winner-take-all agreement: if he defeated one of Saul’s soldiers, they would be the Philistines’ servants; if an Israelite defeated him, then the Philistine army would be Israel’s servant. King Saul, already recovering from his own personal trauma and consequences from sin (16:14-23), “heard these words of the Philistine, [and was] dismayed and greatly afraid” (v. 11). Saul no longer had the Spirit of God upon him, so the situation appeared hopeless.

• What was most intimidating about Goliath? ________________________________________________________


• When have you faced an impossible situation, a hopeless relationship, or an intimidating person? How did you know God was with you?


Thank God that His presence is always with you in times of distress because the Holy Spirit has sealed you (Eph. 1:13). Ask Him to give you courage anytime you face a “Goliath.”


Delivered (1 Samuel 17:32-37, 42-50)




Page 54: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 17:12-24

Godly leaders are servants at heart.MAIN IDEA

First Samuel 17:12-15 provides us with a picture of David’s humble background. David was not only the youngest in his family, but also he had a lowly job. David was not a soldier fighting combat like his brothers; he was a servant to Saul, dressing him with his armor. While he served Saul and the Israelite army, David also saw the importance of loyalty to his family, as he “went back and forth from Saul to tend his father’s sheep at Bethlehem” (v. 15). David’s father, Jesse, instructed him to do something of an even lower status: deliver lunch to his brothers. Unnoticed and seemingly unimportant, David assumed the role of a servant for those around him. The heart of this shepherd was that of obedience. The humility of David is often overlooked, as he is most known for his role as king of Israel. Yet it is significant to note that before David could shepherd an entire nation, he had to take care of sheep first.

• How do you respond when presented with a servant’s role, as David was in these verses?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• How have you seen God work through your embrace of seemingly insignificant roles of service?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Reflect on Matthew 20:27. Ask God to help you be humble. Ask Him to show you ways you can take the form of a servant this week.





Page 55: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

David was willing to lose everything to defend God’s honor.MAIN IDEA

One of the first things David noticed about Goliath was not his size but his words. As Goliath was taunting the Israelites, David questioned the other soldiers, “What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?” (v. 26). David had a close, intimate relationship with God, so close that any form of disrespect against his King led him to righteous anger. David was determined to defend his God, even when his own brother mocked him (v. 28). David’s will to serve rather than to be served is illustrated in his readiness to fight an impossible enemy: “Let no man’s heart fail on account of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine” (v. 32). David’s love for God was so fierce that he was willing to lose everything—including his life—to defend the Lord’s honor.

• Why was David upset at Goliath’s taunts but the other Israelite soldiers were not?


• When insults are thrown at the Lord, how do you respond? ________________________________________________________


Praise God for being all-powerful. Repent for the times when you failed to defend His honor and when you failed to love Him with your whole heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the bravery of David to defend your Lord’s name against the biggest of bullies.


1 Samuel 17:25-37Wednesday



Page 56: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

As David approached Goliath, he did not have a sword and shield or bronze armor. He didn’t even have a helmet. Yet David worked with what he had: “Then, staff in hand, David selected five smooth stones from the wadi and put them in the pocket of his shepherd’s bag. With his sling in hand, he approached the Philistine” (v. 40). Goliath approached David and immediately despised him for his spirited youth; the Philistine was insulted that the Israelites would even consider David a worthy opponent (vv. 41-44). David’s anger against Goliath stemmed from the giant’s insults against his Lord. David acknowledged that Goliath had every physical reason to win; but the shepherd’s focus was, once again, not on the material but on the spiritual (vv. 45-46). Although Saul had no confidence in David’s abilities, David drew his confidence from an immutable force. David’s faith was astounding. Before he even struck Goliath, he had faith that God would give him the victory. David’s faith served as a shield for him, as the Lord indeed handed the Philistine over to the Israelite (vv. 48-58). God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.

• Why was David not focused on his lack of material preparation before meeting with Goliath? Why was he unafraid that he didn’t have any armor?


• Do you tend to let your own weaknesses block you from trusting in God? How can you exhibit faith in God in the midst of your weaknesses?


Thank God that through Christ He has promised us the victory. Thank Him that He is always with us. Put your trust in Him to meet all of your needs.


1 Samuel 17:38-58

God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. MAIN IDEA




Page 57: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Jesus is our Rescuer, the greater David. MAIN IDEA

When David defeated Goliath (1 Sam. 17:50), he secured a victory for God’s people against their greatest enemy at that time, the Philistines. As terrifying as the Philistines and Goliath were, we have always faced a greater enemy, one even David could not defeat: Satan, who rules over the “domain of darkness” (Col. 1:13). Even the greatest works of David point us forward to our need for a greater King and a greater Rescuer. Thankfully, as Paul describes in Colossians 1, God has provided that Rescuer for us through Jesus. By dying for our sins, Jesus represented us before God and secured our victory over sin and death. Furthermore, the sacrifice of Christ made on the cross has “transferred us to the kingdom of [God’s] beloved Son” (v. 13). The kingdom of God is both spiritual in nature (John 18:36) and familial (Eph. 2:19). The blessings of salvation are not just experienced in eternity, but also in this life. Indeed, “we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” for heaven (v. 14), but we also have a reconciled relationship with God in our daily life. We have Someone we can turn to as a Father and a Friend, just like David did. The salvation experience is relational through and through.

• Re-read the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. What glimpses of the gospel do you see in this story?


________________________________________________________ • Why is sin described as “the power of darkness” in Colossians 1:13-14?

How has sin put you in the darkness? ________________________________________________________


Thank Jesus for suffering an excruciating death and taking the punishment that you justly deserved. Think on ways you can say “thank you” to Christ this week for bringing you into His glorious kingdom.


Colossians 1:13-14FridayJuly



Page 58: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Delivered from 1 Samuel 17:32-37,42-50. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 59: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.





Page 60: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of July 25, 2016

1 Samuel 18:1-19

The presence of the Lord in our lives does not go unnoticed.

David was prospering in all his ways for the LORD was with him. 1 Samuel 18:14 (NASB)



David’s defeat of Goliath impressed King Saul. David’s relationship with the king brought opportunity for the king’s son, Jonathan, to befriend David. Their friendship was meaningful to the point that “Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself” (v. 3). Jonathan’s giving of his robe and armor to David in verse 4 illustrates Jonathan’s self-sacrifice—a kind of love that David would need soon thereafter. While David’s friendship with Jonathan blossomed and David’s fame for his defeat of Goliath led him to greater popularity, Saul became very jealous. Indeed, “Saul looked at David with suspicion from that day on” (v. 9). Notice how Saul’s jealousy opened the door for an evil spirit (vv. 10-11). Oftentimes, sin in our life becomes a gateway to more sin.

Saul felt threatened by David. His insecurities were so strong that he tried to kill David. Saul wasn’t just envious of David for his popularity, but also because he recognized the presence of the Lord within the shepherd. Indeed, the Lord’s presence incites a fear—and sometimes a jealousy—from His enemies. May we follow the Lord so determinedly that His presence within our hearts is evident to all those we encounter.

• Why was Saul jealous of David? ________________________________________________________


• When have you been a target of someone else’s jealousy because of your faith in God? How did you respond?


Thank God for the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life. Pray that your life might reflect the glory and presence of God to others.


Faithful (1 Samuel 18:1-5; 20:35-42)




Page 61: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 18:20-30

Obey out of sincerity, not out of obligation. MAIN IDEA

Saul’s hatred for David became so great that he offered him his daughter, Michal’s, hand in marriage in order to distract David. Saul hoped that the marriage would threaten David’s ability to fight the Philistines. David at first resisted Saul’s offering of his daughter because he recognized his humble status (v. 23). Saul, in turn, proposed that David could pay the bride price for Michal by killing 100 Philistines. It is possible that Saul thought David would die in battle (v. 25). Yet when the Lord’s hand is on His anointed, He grants him success. David ended up killing twice the number of Philistines as requested; this evidences David’s desire to please Saul regardless of the life-threatening risks. Also note how David’s faithfulness to the king contrasts with Saul’s jealousy: “When Saul saw and knew that the LORD was with David and that Michal, Saul’s daughter, loved him, then Saul was even more afraid of David. Thus Saul was David’s enemy continually” (vv. 28-29). David continued to be faithful to the king, and all the while the king grew to hate him more.

• Why was David willing to die in battle for Saul, God’s anointed? ________________________________________________________


• What is your motivation for serving God? How can you serve others from a place of emptiness and obedience this week?


Thank God that the Lord is with you wherever you go. No matter what you do, remember that God is faithful to you because you are His beloved. Ask for opportunities this week to serve Him through serving others sincerely.





Page 62: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God is good despite the bad in our lives. MAIN IDEA

God used David’s friendship with Jonathan to protect him. Saul desired to put David to death, but Jonathan talked the king out of such a hasty act. Although technically Jonathan had the most to gain from David’s death, as he would be the next king of Israel, Jonathan’s selflessness and trust in the Lord led him to protect his friend earnestly. Because of his son’s words, the king vowed not to put David to death (vv. 4-6). However, he did not keep his promise. For the second time Saul tried to kill David, but David fled the king’s presence. David’s wife, Michal, further helped him flee their home. David traveled to Samuel, who was in Ramah, but Saul’s soldiers followed him. When the soldiers arrived at David’s hiding place and “saw the company of the prophets prophesying, with Samuel standing and presiding over them, the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul; and they also prophesied. So Saul sent messengers again the third time, and they also prophesied” (v. 20). Fed up at his soldiers’ failures, Saul himself traveled to Samuel’s dwelling. The Lord’s presence was so overwhelming that “the Spirit of God came upon [Saul] also, so that he went along prophesying continually” (v. 23). God’s divine touch overrode Saul’s intentions. The one who tried to kill God’s servant ended up singing God’s praises.

• How did this situation help assure David of the Lord’s faithfulness? ________________________________________________________


• What threats of opposition have you faced when you were walking in obedience to the Lord?


Thank God that what man intends for evil, the Lord always turns to good (Gen. 50:20). Praise Him for always watching over you. Put your trust in the Lord’s love and faithfulness for you.


1 Samuel 19:1-24Wednesday



Page 63: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

David turned to his best friend for help. David asked Jonathan why his father wanted to kill him when he had done nothing wrong (v. 1). Jonathan not only offered David emotional assurance, but also physical help: “Then Jonathan said to David, ‘Whatever you say, I will do for you’” (v. 4). Jonathan’s self-sacrifice for his friend provided David with solace and support. Jonathan swore an oath to his friend, promising to protect David against his father during a festival for the new moon.

Note the phrase, “he [Jonathan] loved him as he loved his own life” (v. 17), which echoes Jesus’ commandment in Mark 12:31 to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Jonathan was willing to risk his relationship with his father, and perhaps his life, because he valued David like he valued himself. Jonathan proposed to make a code language to alert David of his father’s intentions. Jonathan invoked the Lord’s accountability on his and David’s agreement—and their friendship (v. 23). May we never be afraid to be the friend who needs help, and may we never hesitate to be the one who offers it.

• How did Jonathan demonstrate his love for his friend David? ________________________________________________________


• Do you have a Jonathan in your life? Or, do you have a David in your life? How can you sacrifice yourself this week for that friendship?


Pray and ask God to give you a greater awareness of the friends in your life who need help. Ask Him to help you love your friends like you love yourself. Seek ways to show the love of Christ by putting others above yourself this week.


1 Samuel 20:1-23

Jonathan loved David as he loved himself; this is true friendship.





Page 64: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Godly friendship is built on commitment to God and provides lifelong encouragement.


While David hid in a field, Saul noticed his absence at the feast celebrating the new moon. At first, the king chose not to inquire of David’s whereabouts because he, knowing of David’s faith, thought David might be unclean to participate in the celebrations (vv. 24-26). By the second day of the festival, David’s absence proved a source of anxiety for Saul, who was determined to slay him. Jonathan kept the covenant he had made with David; when asked about his friend, Jonathan lied to his father. This angered Saul even further—the king insulted his son’s mother and reminded Jonathan of his future kingship (v. 31). Jonathan’s loyalty to David and God was paramount, and he almost died because of it. Saul took a spear and attempted to kill his son (v. 33). Jonathan’s faithfulness continued the next day in the field. He used the code words regarding arrows with his servant to let David know that he must flee. Before David departed, the friends embraced. The fact that David bowed three times signified his respect and admiration for Jonathan (v. 41). They wept and embraced, realizing they might not see each other ever again. From their example, we are reminded that godly friendship is built on commitment to God and provides lifelong encouragement.

• What was Jonathan’s most admirable quality? How was he a good friend to David?


• How does Jonathan inspire you? How can you emulate Jonathan’s self-

sacrifice and faithfulness to a close friend this week? ________________________________________________________


Pray and ask God to give you a greater awareness of the people with whom you are walking through life. Ask Him to give you wisdom to know who your true friends are. Pray that you would be the type of friend who sacrifices your own desires to put your friend’s needs above your own.


Matthew 6:1-41 Samuel 20:24-42FridayJuly



Page 65: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Faithful from 1 Samuel 18:1-5; 20:35-42. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 66: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.





Page 67: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of August 1, 2016

1 Samuel 21:1-15

God is faithful to us and in control of our lives, even in the midst of terrifying situations.

I will rejoice and be glad in Your lovingkindness,Because You have seen my affliction; You have known the troubles of my

soul. Psalm 31:7 (NASB)



David fled from King Saul and went to the place of the priest of Nob, Ahimelech. When questioned, David lied to the priest and said that the king had sent him on a mission (v. 3). David did not want to reveal the circumstances to Ahimelech, lest Saul accuse the priest of aiding a fugitive (22:13). David then requested food from the priest, but all that was available was the consecrated bread from the tabernacle. Although only priests ate this holy bread, Ahimelech offered to share it with David and his soldiers if they were ceremonially clean (Lev. 15:18). In need of a weapon, David did not hesitate to ask for a spear or sword from Ahimelech. The only sword available within the tabernacle was the same one David used to kill Goliath. In a time of desperate need, God provided a more-than-sufficient weapon for David to use over his enemies. Afterwards when David traveled to the Philistine city of Gath, the people recognized him as the slayer of Goliath (vv. 11-13). Afraid for his life again, David feigned insanity before the king so as not to be considered a legitimate suspect (vv. 13-16).

• How had the Lord provided for David thus far in his escape from Saul? ________________________________________________________


• In order to strengthen our trust in God, we can reflect on His past faithfulness. When has God provided a way of deliverance for you?


Thank God for being the ultimate Provider. Praise Him for His past faithfulness. Ask Him to help you surrender the circumstances of this week to Him.


Blinded (1 Samuel 22:6-17)




Page 68: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 22:1-10

Disobedience without repentance drives us away from God, but He draws us close as we respond in faith.


As we continue to read about David and Saul, we see their increasingly contrasting responses to God. Each headed in opposite directions. This contrast becomes even more heightened by the events in chapter 22. As David dodged trouble from the Philistines and remained on the run, people were drawn to him and his leadership (v. 2). Saul, on the other hand, became increasingly paranoid and accused his officers of being disloyal (vv. 7-8). In response, Doeg the Edomite said he had witnessed David’s coming to the priest Ahimelech (21:7). Doeg said that the priest approached God on David’s behalf and had given David bread and Goliath’s sword. This fact brings into clear contrast David’s desire to know the will of God with Saul’s own selfish rebellion from the will of God. David continued to be a man after God’s own heart, while Saul followed his own desires. From their two contrasting stories, we are reminded that disobedience without repentance drives us away from God, but He draws us close as we respond in faith.

• Contrast the people who came to David in verse 2 with the behavior of Saul’s officers in verses 7-8. What does this reveal about the contrasting leaderships of David and Saul?


• At this time in your life, does your relationship with God look more like David’s (active and obedient) or Saul’s (inactive and disobedient)? How do you sense God drawing you toward Him?


Ask God to increase your faith and draw you toward Him. Repent of specific times in recent days when you have failed to seek His will and guidance for your life in favor of following your own plans.





Page 69: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God always protects and preserves His people. MAIN IDEA

As Saul’s paranoia continued to grow, he became convinced the priesthood had aligned against him as well (v. 13). He ordered all the priests to assemble before him. Saul declared the entire priestly family guilty of conspiracy and ordered they be executed because they had sided with David. The king’s servants refused to lift a hand against the priests. Unfortunately, that did not stop Saul, who had Doeg execute the priests (v. 17). In God’s providence, Doeg missed one priest, Ahimelech’s son Abiathar (v. 20). His getaway demonstrated that God protects and preserves His people in the midst of destruction. Saul sought to destroy the priesthood, but God would not allow it. Sometimes when faced with difficult circumstances, we may question God’s reliability and desire to protect us. This may lead us to doubt God’s Word and His direction when our state of affairs looks bleak. We would do well to remember that the community of God’s people has and always will survive.

• What did Saul hope to gain by this slaughter of the priests? What does this action reveal about his relationship with God?


• Sometimes following God is not the easy way, as these priests learned. How will you become a person who courageously defies wrong and does the right thing? When has God placed you in a situation that you had to stand for right?



1 Samuel 22:11-23

Think of someone you know who faces trouble or persecution today because of his or her faith. Commit to praying daily for his or her protection.




Page 70: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

The events described at the beginning of chapter 23 likely occurred while Saul arranged for the slaughter of Ahimelech and the priests in Gibeah and Nob. With David and his fighting men in hiding, an opportunity soon arose for them to test their military skill. It was reported to David that the Philistines were raiding the nearby village of Keilah (v. 1). Before coming to the aid of Keilah, David sought God’s guidance about an attack against the Philistines. Though David received assurance from the Lord that he would have success against the Philistines, his men expressed anxiety and an unwillingness to fight them, so David took his question to God a second time. In response, God personally guaranteed to hand the enemy over to them in victory (v. 4). Saul soon caught wind of David’s whereabouts and mistakenly believed that God had delivered his rival into his hands (v. 7). David again turned to God for direction. David’s example to receive his guidance from God serves us well. This incident demonstrated his complete reliance upon God and, that above all else, he would obey Him. Like David, no matter how complicated our circumstances become, we should always seek God’s guidance first.

• How did David learn of the crisis at Keilah? What was the first thing David did?


• What would it look like if you developed a regular habit of prayer before taking action, even when the answer seems clear and logical?


Ask God to give you the strength and desire to seek Him and follow His leadership, regardless of what it may cost in comfort and security.


1 Samuel 23:1-14

No matter how complicated our circumstances become, we should always seek God’s guidance first.





Page 71: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

God places people in our lives to encourage us and remind us of His goodness and grace.


Saul chased David relentlessly, yet Jonathan refused to let his father’s actions fracture his friendship with David. He took the initiative and visited David. Jonathan reminded his friend of God’s promise—David would be king of Israel. Because God was overseeing his rise to power, David did not need to be concerned about his life. For David had not turned against Saul as Saul believed. The decision to make David king was God’s. Saul’s behavior was deliberate and a conscious act of rebellion against God. On this occasion, David and Jonathan reaffirmed that God and their love for each other governed their friendship.

• What statement in these verses most clearly reveals Jonathan’s love for David? How do his words demonstrate that he was willing to accept God’s will in his life?


________________________________________________________ • Who do you have in your life right now that is an encouraging Christian

friend? What have you done recently to express how valuable this friend is to you?


Pray that like David and Jonathan, God would continue to foster relationships in your life that draw you closer to Him. Also pray for the opportunity to be a Jonathan—a source of encouragement and reminder of God’s love—in someone else’s life this week.


1 Samuel 23:15-18FridayAug.



Page 72: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Blinded from 1 Samuel 22:6-17. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 73: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.





Page 74: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of August 8, 2016

1 Samuel 23:19-29

God can always provide a way of escape for His people.

Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

Romans 12:19 (NASB)



Saul’s pursuit of David stretched throughout all of Israel, into the land of Judea. The Ziphites helped Saul track down David. Saul was willing to hunt David among all the clans of Judah. Meanwhile, David and his men retreated to the area of Maon, in Arabah. As David heard news of Saul’s pursuit, he left to go further into the wilderness of Maon. Saul’s chase of David was so heated that only a mere mountain separated the two parties: “Saul went on one side of the mountain, and David and his men on the other side of the mountain. And David was hurrying to get away from Saul” (v. 26). While pursuing David, Saul received a message about the Philistines attacking Israel. Saul was left with no choice but to leave. Saul’s desire to pursue David deep into the Judean wilderness gave the Philistines the chance to push into mainland Israel. Saul’s single-minded devotion to killing David was costing his people their lives. God was looking out for David the entire time: “Therefore that place was called the Rock of Escape. And David went up from there and lived in the strongholds of Engedi” (vv. 28-29). God always watches over His people.

• Why was David avoiding conflict with Saul? ________________________________________________________


• Describe a time when you needed relief and God provided. ________________________________________________________


Thank God for His provision in your life. Reflect on His faithfulness to you even in the midst of difficult or life-threatening circumstances.


Protected (1 Samuel 25:14-17, 32-38)




Page 75: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 24:1-7

We are to honor those in authority, even those with whom we disagree.MAIN IDEA

Here David was given the golden opportunity to slaughter his enemy. After Saul pushed back the Philistines, he continued his pursuit of David, taking three thousand of his best men with him. While traveling, Saul and his men came upon a cave—the same cave where David was hiding within its deepest cavern. When Saul entered the cave, David’s men encouraged their leader to kill Saul while he had the chance (v. 4). David ignored the pressure to kill Saul, but he did come close enough to the king to slice off a corner of his robe. Yet David’s spirit was uneasy after cutting off some of the king’s robe. In those days, clothing played a big part in one’s identity. A person was identified as royal by the clothes that he wore, so severing part of a king’s robe was a form of animosity toward his power. David admitted, “Far be it from me because of the LORD that I should do this thing to my lord, the LORD’s anointed, to stretch out my hand against him, since he is the LORD’s anointed” (v. 6). David’s repeated address of Saul as “the LORD’s anointed” is a form of recognition of God’s sovereignty. Even though Saul was David’s enemy, David knew that the Lord had allowed Saul to be in leadership. Even though it was difficult, David chose to honor God’s authority.

• Why did David refrain from killing Saul when he had the opportunity? ________________________________________________________


• When you want to take vengeance upon someone who has wronged you, what goes through your mind? Do you tend to act on your feelings or is your first reaction to trust God to be your avenger (Rom. 12:19)?


Read Romans 12:19. Ask God for the strength and confidence to choose to trust Him with the moments when you want to take vengeance.





Page 76: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

David models an unwavering trust in God’s will and plans. MAIN IDEA

Right after cutting off some of Saul’s robe, David called after the king. David addressed Saul as “my lord the king” (v. 8). Some translations say David called Saul “my father.” Either way, David addressed Saul with respect. When Saul turned, “David bowed with his face to the ground and prostrated himself” (v. 8). David’s words and actions were those of sincerity and honor. David told Saul that he had the chance to kill him, but that he withheld. David assured the king that he had no intention of harming him. David made a covenant with Saul before God, “May the LORD judge between you and me, and may the LORD avenge me on you; but my hand shall not be against you” (v. 12). David’s invitation of the Lord’s judgment upon the interactions between him and Saul demonstrated David’s deeper trust in God’s plans (v. 15). David’s words to Saul led the king to tears. Saul acknowledged David’s future kingship and asked that David remember Saul’s descendants when he became king, a request to which David agreed (vv. 21-22).

• Why did David tell Saul that he could have killed him, but didn’t? Furthermore, what was the significance of this exchange between David and Saul?


• Are you as content as David to simply let God have His will, His way, in His time? Share a recent example.


Ask God to forgive you for the times when you haven’t trusted Him with His plans. Give your wishes over to God. Trust Him to accomplish the best that He has for you.


1 Samuel 24:8-22Wednesday



Page 77: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

David received word of a wealthy man, Nabal, and his wife who were staying in Carmel, a place about one mile from Maon, where David was. David heard that Nabal was shearing his sheep in the wilderness. In this era, shearing sheep normally led to a festive occasion, as wool was a valuable commodity. David sent his men to greet Nabal and remind him of their faithfulness. David wanted Nabal to know that he and his men had treated Nabal’s men and livestock with kindness and fairness in the past (v. 7). In return, David requested that Nabal would provide him and his men with any resources he could spare. Nabal, described as “harsh and evil in his dealings” (v. 3), responded by scoffing: “Who is David? And who is the son of Jesse? There are many servants today who are each breaking away from his master” (v. 10). Nabal’s response implied that he viewed David as someone acting in rebellion against the king. Insulted, David planned to execute vengeance on Nabal. Abigail, Nabal’s wife, described as “intelligent and beautiful” (v. 3), stopped David’s men from causing harm to her husband. Abigail was a woman of quick and decisive action, as she sought to keep the peace between her husband and those he insulted.

• How did God use Abigail to spare David and Nabal from the mistakes they were making?


• Is there evidence that David prayed before reacting to Nabal? When you are faced with an affront, how do you react?


Thank God that He is just and worthy of all your trust. Ask Him to help you submit to others decisively, in wisdom, with confidence, and through humility—no matter how they may act. Ask the Lord to help you, like Abigail, to act on situations, not react to them.


1 Samuel 25:1-22

God intervenes to deliver David from trouble.MAIN IDEA




Page 78: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Abigail was an instrument of God’s peace in the relationship between Nabal and David.


In verses 26-31, Abigail demonstrated her recognition of David and his kingship. Abigail held the utmost respect for the future king. She spoke prophetically to David’s success and asked him to remember her. Abigail not only expressed discernment amidst a troublesome circumstance, but she also demonstrated a peaceful spirit. In fact, it was Abigail who kept David from slaughtering her husband Nabal, even though Nabal was evil in the Lord’s sight. Even though Nabal was described as a “worthless man” (v. 25), Abigail insisted on keeping the peace and withholding harm from Nabal. Abigail’s discernment and peacemaking did not go unnoticed in the sight of the future king (vv. 32-33). Abigail acted as the source of reason and peace for David. He would find that the godly characteristics of Abigail would make her a good helpmate in marriage.

• How did Abigail honor David as the future king? ________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________ • Like Abigail, how can you be an instrument of God’s peace this week? If you

are married, how can you serve as a helpmate to your spouse this week? ________________________________________________________


Read and pray Matthew 5:9. Forgive those who have wronged you. Ask the Lord to give you discernment in your difficult relationships this week. Finally, ask that He make you an instrument of His peace.


1 Samuel 25:23-44FridayAug.



Page 79: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Protected from 1 Samuel 25:14-17, 32-38. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 80: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.





Page 81: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of August 15, 2016

1 Samuel 26:1-12

Trust in God’s perfect timing.

The Lord forbid that I should stretch out my hand against the Lord’s anointed. 1 Samuel 26:11a (NASB)



David faced another opportunity to kill Saul without Saul being aware of it. Saul pursued David in the wilderness of Ziph and camped on the hill of Hachilah (vv. 2-3). David’s spies reported that Saul had followed him, so David took some of his men and went to Saul’s camp. When David found Saul and his men sleeping, he was faced with the perfect opportunity to defeat his enemy. Even though they found Saul’s men asleep and Saul vulnerable, David ordered his men not to kill Saul. David’s reference to Saul as “the LORD’s anointed” (v. 9) once again demonstrated his acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty. Even though Saul was evil, God allowed him to be king. David greatly understood this fact and made the decision to be patient. Indeed, David trusted God’s provision (vv. 10-11) and exhibited full faith in the Lord’s timing.

• Why did David call Saul “the LORD’s anointed” even though Saul was an evil king? How did David’s acknowledgement of Saul’s leadership demonstrate his trust in God?


• There will be leaders in your life with whom you disagree. How can you treat them with respect? How can you actively demonstrate your trust in the Lord’s provision by honoring the leaders He has allowed to be in your life?


Ask God to help you trust Him regarding those He has put in authority in your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you patience and to remind you that the Lord is still good, even if those around you are not.


Respect (1 Samuel 26:7-12,21-25)




Page 82: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 26:13-25

Insincere repentance rings hollow with the Lord.MAIN IDEA

From a safe distance, David communicated with Saul in an attempt to bring their conflict to a peaceful resolution. In the first part of his plea, David assumed the possibility that the trouble in his life was of his own making—perhaps because of some sin he committed. As he continued talking with Saul and Abner, David pondered whether men—not God—were the source of the problem. In such a case, David prayed that God would judge them for their sin. This, of course, implied that Saul—not God—was the source of David’s woes, so David pleaded with the king not to force him to continue to live in exile (v. 20). David’s words brought Saul to a temporary state of repentance and reconciliation. He confessed he had sinned and urged David to return (v. 21). David accepted the king’s words for what they were—sincere, deadly lies. Accordingly, David flatly turned down the false invitation to return.

• Was David right to question Saul’s sincerity? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________


• What does sincere repentance look like in your own life? ________________________________________________________


Ask God to reveal where repentance in your life is necessary. Pray that what Jesus did for you on Calvary will become all the more glorious to you.





Page 83: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

No matter where the Lord puts us, we must be about His business.MAIN IDEA

After the confrontation with Saul, David reluctantly concluded that as long as he remained in the land, the king would continue to pursue him. So he and his troops, along with their families, went to the Philistine territory of Gath. Acting in accordance with the timeless statement, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” the Philistine ruler Achish welcomed David, his men, and their families into his territory and probably considered them to be mercenaries. He allowed them to take up residence out in the country some 25 miles away from the city of Gath. At his isolated base of operations, David was out from under the watchful eye of Achish. Ever the faithful servant of the Lord, David used this opportunity to obey God’s command to conquer the promised land. His obedience to do what Saul did not do is testimony to the fact that no matter where the Lord puts us, we must be about His business.

• In what ways did David make the most of a situation that he did not want? ________________________________________________________


• When have you been in a situation that you did not like? Did you make the most of it by being about the Lord’s business, or did you squander it with doubt or self-pity?


Pray that you would trust the sovereignty and providence of God over the circumstances in your life, and that you would be about the Father’s business as a result.


1 Samuel 27:1-12Wednesday



Page 84: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Under the threat of a strong Philistine army, Saul’s initial military actions likely gave him a safe and complete view of Philistine troop positions. What he saw frightened him severely. He initially sought the Lord, but the Lord did not answer. Having cut himself off from the Lord through personal disobedience, as well as his abuse of both the priestly and prophetic institutions in Israel, Saul turned to an alternative for guidance. He ordered his attendants to find a woman who was a medium so he could go and inquire of her. A measure of Saul’s desperation—and his willingness to sin against the Lord—is seen in the fact that he went to the medium, even though he had to steal his way past the Philistine camp to get there. The medium was suspicious of this stranger’s motives, so he promised her, “As the Lord lives, no punishment shall come upon you for this thing” (v. 10). The irony is sad: Saul’s oath invoked the Lord to grant immunity to one who broke the Lord’s command. Such an oath was not only foolish, but actually blasphemous. Such is the case for those who make multiple spiritual compromises.

• Should Saul have been surprised at the Lord’s silence? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________


• Is there an ongoing sin in your life that you are allowing to continue or even grow by ignoring it or believing that it’s not a sin? Confront it and repent.


In your prayer time today, pray Psalm 51.


1 Samuel 28:1-14

When we don’t believe the right thing, we’ll come to believe in anything that suits our purposes.





Page 85: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Two wrongs never make a right.MAIN IDEA

The medium’s effort on Saul’s behalf brought her into contact with the prophet Samuel. With the appearance of Samuel, the medium came to understand that her customer was actually King Saul. The medium’s words reflected a pagan belief that Samuel had become a “god”—a spirit-being possessing capabilities beyond those of mortals—following his death. Out of respect for the prophet who had provided guidance during previous times of confusion and crisis in Saul’s life, Saul bowed. Unmoved by Saul’s show of submission and humility, Samuel asked for an explanation as to why Saul disturbed the prophet. Samuel did not provide Saul with the information he desired. Instead, he reassumed his role as the Lord’s prophet and picked up where he had left off in his judgment of the king. He reintroduced the topic of obedience to the Lord by probing Saul’s motives: If Saul knew that the Lord had turned away from him and become his adversary, why did he choose to make the Lord even angrier by violating God’s law on consulting the dead? In other words, why did Saul believe that two wrongs make a right? Indeed, they do not.

• It can be easy to wonder how Saul could do such a thing and even judge him for it. But to what unbiblical places do we go for wisdom or advice when we are afraid?


________________________________________________________ • Ultimately, what is the remedy for the wrongs that we commit? ________________________________________________________


In Christ, God has acted once and for all for your sin. Pray that you would trust the gospel when you sin, resisting the temptation to commit more wrongs in search of the right.


1 Samuel 28:15-25FridayAug.



Page 86: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Respect from 1 Samuel 26:7-12,21-25. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 87: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.





Page 88: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Week of August 22, 2016

1 Samuel 29:1-11

The providence of God overrides the wisdom of men.

But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. 1 Samuel 30:6b (NASB)



As the Philistine army pulled out of its supply region, David and his men accompanied them. This was Achish’s wish, but it did not sit well with his commanders. They made a strong enough case that Achish submitted to their request and asked David and his men to leave (v. 7). David responded to his dismissal with an appropriate expression of displeasure. Nevertheless, maintaining his image as an ideal servant, David obeyed. This event can be viewed as the providential supply of an alibi, excusing David from any involvement in the death of King Saul that would soon come. As a result of this dismissal, even though David protested, David could not and did not assist the Philistines in armed hostilities against the Israelites or their king. In fact, on the day of Saul’s death, David and his men were a hundred miles away killing Amalekites, fulfilling God’s Word that Saul had neglected. Clearly, God’s providence overrides the wisdom of men.

• How did David’s plans clash with God’s plans? Were God’s plans obvious or even attractive to David? Why or why not?


• Do you find it easy or difficult to trust God when things don’t go according to your plans? Explain.


Pray for an ever-growing faith in God’s providence in your life. Ask for the faith to trust His plans as best.


Victory (1 Samuel 30:6-8,18-25)




Page 89: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 30:1-17

There is no greater strength than that which is found in the Lord through prayer.MAIN IDEA

While David and his men traveled to Ziklag, the Amalekites destroyed his recently conquered land and kidnapped the wives and children of David and all his soldiers (v. 2). David’s soldiers grieved especially over the loss of their “sons and daughters” (v. 6). As they speculated about the abuse and pain their children may have faced at the hands of the Amalekites, the men became bitter. The bitterness soon turned to raging anger and found a focus in David, whom the men were talking of stoning. David was greatly distressed by all of this, as any leader would have been when faced with a tragedy that was in part his own making. Nevertheless, David did not let the situation master him; instead, he found strength in the Lord his God. One reason for that strength lay in the fact that David had the freedom to communicate with the living God. There is no greater strength than that which is found in the Lord through prayer.

• What were the threats and challenges David faced throughout this entire passage?


• Have you found God to be a great source of strength through prayer? What obstacles keep you from praying? How will you overcome them?


The best way to learn to rely on God in prayer is to simply begin the practice. Make it a point now to pray for God’s strength for your trials today and every day.





Page 90: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

The battle and the bounty belong to the Lord.MAIN IDEA

Because of the magnitude of their victory, David’s troops took control of large quantities of goods and livestock left behind by the Amalekites. David was kind even to the 200 who had remained behind, but his kindness was not appreciated by some of the 400 who fought bravely. They argued that the 200 should not receive a reward from the bounty. David soon developed a policy that would impact Israel for some time: “For as his share is who goes down to the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage; they shall share alike” (v. 24). David’s policy was grounded in sound doctrine: the battle and the bounty belonged to the Lord. The acquired gifts were just that: gifts, not payment. Therefore, in theory, all of the Lord’s people might be eligible to partake of the Lord’s gifts. And besides, the gifts were actually one of the lesser ones provided by the Lord to those who actively fought. Their personal protection and the defeat of the enemy were surely greater than any bounty that they might receive! Resentment among those who had fought was blunted when they realized that the Lord had already provided them two other gifts of greater value. In short, they came to understand that both the battle and the bounty belonged to the Lord.

• To what truth did David point to diffuse the anger of the 400? ________________________________________________________


• How does your life show a proper appreciation for the generosity of God? ________________________________________________________


Commit to trust God who is the sovereign owner of all things and holds no good thing from His children. May His generosity to you be reflected in your humility and generosity to others.


1 Samuel 30:18-31Wednesday



Page 91: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

This section resumes the storyline of 1 Samuel 28:25. The time is mere hours after Saul’s encounter with the medium. As Samuel predicted, the Philistines defeated Saul’s army. Saul’s three sons were killed and Saul was wounded critically by archers. All too aware of how horribly he would be treated by enemy soldiers, Saul ordered his armor-bearer to kill him, but he would not. Therefore, Saul fell on his own sword and his armor-bearer followed suit. Samuel’s haunting words (28:19), less than 24 hours old, were resoundingly echoed in verse 6: “Thus Saul died with his three sons, his armor bearer, and all his men on that day together.” Second Samuel 1 provides more details, but this much is clear: God’s promises can be trusted—even those we do not care to hear.

• Reflect on all that you’ve read about Saul. What life lessons particularly stand out to you? What changes do you believe God would have you make in your life after studying Saul in 1 Samuel?


• Hebrews 4:12 states that the Word of God is “able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” When is the last time this rang true for you? How did you respond?


Give thanks for Jesus who took all of God’s wrath on behalf of those who believe in His great work. You who believe are condemned no more!


1 Samuel 31:1-13

God’s promises can be trusted – even those we do not care to hear.





Page 92: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

Profound and proper grief may make obedience difficult, but it does not make it optional.


We learn from this more detailed account of Saul’s death a tragic irony. Saul had lost his kingship because he had failed to kill an Amalekite king (see 1 Sam 15:9-26). Saul had been ordered to kill the Amalekites—yet he later ordered an Amalekite to kill him. When David learned that his most determined enemy was dead, he did not rejoice. Instead, he and his men expressed profound grief. The anguish was not only for Saul’s death, but also for the royal family. In addition, the defeat at Gilboa was a national tragedy. In the midst of his grief, however, David did not fail to perform his duty to obey the Lord who had prescribed the death of all Amalekites. When he learned that a member of the Amalekite nation had also played a direct role in the death of Israel’s king, David did not hesitate to execute judgment on him. Destroying the Lord’s anointed was tantamount to rejecting the Lord, since it represented the ultimate rejection of His designated leader.

• Keeping in mind that Saul had been trying to kill David, what does David’s response to Saul’s death tell you about his character? What does David’s response tell you about his perspective of Saul and his kingship?


________________________________________________________ • We all experience grief. How can grief, when strongly felt, make it more

difficult or challenging for you to obey God? ________________________________________________________


Pray that in all circumstances, you can and will be obedient to God’s Word.


2 Samuel 1:1-27FridayAug.



Page 93: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Victory from 1 Samuel 30:6-8,18-25. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone else today.


Page 94: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week.





Page 95: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.
Page 96: Dear Family of Faith, · 2016. 5. 30. · Dear Family of Faith, This summer, we continue our journey through the Word of God in our Sunday School Groups with the book of 1 Samuel.
