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Dear future husband

Date post: 15-Feb-2017
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Dear Future Husband Analysis no.2
Page 1: Dear future husband

Dear Future Husband

Analysis no.2

Page 2: Dear future husband

In this opening shot we can see the artists name in capital letters plastered

across the screen. The shot shows a perfect american home. The grass is cut

clean and the sun is shining. There is symmetry in the shot and this re enforces

the idea of a perfect life.

There is an old fashioned, retro vinyl player and the camera pans over to the artist. This shot reveals the style of the

video. It is very cool and modern however with a retro twist. There are bright

colours used and it has a up beat vibe.

Page 3: Dear future husband

The artist is shown here. She is wearing a vibrant red leather coat with

a leopard skin top. Just like previous shots it is very vibrant and he is

holding her hands on her hips. showing she is very dominant and powerful

within the shot. The head of the bed is patterned and the lampshade is pink. This shows a very female taste and


The full body of the artist is shown here, she is marketing herself as being

seductive and wants to look ‘hot’ within this video. She is now wearing a black leather dress and is cleaning the floor. She is acting out very stereo typical

scenarios that woman would have done. The bright red and yellow floor and the white cupboards bring forth the retro


Page 4: Dear future husband

In the chorus the artist is seen performing and dancing. The

background is a bush covered in pink flowers. This very feminine

colour scheme is prominent throughout the video. The pink dresses the backup dancers are

wearing also shows this. The artist stands out by wearing different clothes and by being in front.

This is the first close up of the artist in the video. She is wearing red lipstick and black eye liner. This look is created to show her beauty and to sell her as an artist. Her face takes up most of the

screen showing how important she is.

Page 5: Dear future husband

This shot gives the effect of looking through a peep hole. The man walking to

the door is carrying a huge heart. We assume that this is for the artist and this

re enforces the love and ‘husband’ aspect of the video. he i is in the centre of the shot showing the perfect style of the


There is a barbershop band in this shot which adds to the retro theme. The artist

lies on the bed and looks casual whilst the singers wear pink shirts and hats.

This once again shows the female aspects of the video. The framing of the video shows the symmetrical style and

perfect theme.

Page 6: Dear future husband

This shot shows her baking in the kitchen and holding a rolling pin. Once again the

artist is doing something stereotypical. This shows the retro perfect wife theme. Like the

earlier shots she is wearing a black dress and an apron. The kitchen is white and


The symmetry in the shot and all previous ones show the perfection f the video and the life she wants to live. She

is wearing white clothes to show innocence and perfection. The bright colours of the lamp and the sofa show

the retro theme again and the two backing dancers however are wearing the same clothes as before, showing

they are not as important as the artist. The artist is always in the centre of the shot and this shows how important she

