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Dear people of St. Mary’s · Fr. Ed. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 18, 2013 Queridos...

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TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 18, 2013 Dear people of St. Mary’s: Soon many of our families will be affected by the start of new school year. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide all involved in education: staff, teachers, administrators, and students. World Youth Day 2013 We continue to reflect on the events of Rio at World Youth Day. At the prayer vigil of World Youth Day, Pope Francis said: “Dear young people, looking at you, the story of St. Francis comes to mind. Before the crucifix he heard ‘Go and rebuild my church.’ He responded with alacrity and generosity, but he soon understood that he was not supposed to be a brick layer but place his life at the service of the Church.” In this regard, employing his customary Ignatian schema, Pope Francis offered 3 images:- the field as a place for planting - work in the field as training - the field as something to make. “To be missionary disciples means to know that we are the Field of Faith of God! Starting with the name of the place where we are, Campus Fidei, the field of faith, I have thought of three images that can help us understand better what it means to be a disciple and a missionary. First, a field is a place for sowing seeds; second, a field is a training ground; and third, a field is a construction site. First: A field is a place for sowing seeds. We all know the parable where Jesus speaks of a sower who went out to sow seeds in the field; some seed fell on the path, some on rocky ground, some among thorns, and could not grow; other seed fell on good soil and brought forth much fruit (cf. Mt 13:1-9). Jesus himself explains the meaning of the parable: the seed is the word of God sown in our hearts (cf. Mt 13:18-23). Today . . . every day, but today in a particular way, Jesus is sowing the seed. When we accept the word of God, then we are the Field of Faith! Please, let Christ and his word enter your life; let the seed of the Word of God enter, let it blossom, and let it grow. God will take care of everything, but let him work in you and bring about this growth. Jesus tells us that the seed which fell on the path or on the rocky ground or among the thorns bore no fruit. I believe that we can ask ourselves honestly: What kind of ground are we? What kind of ground do we want to be? Maybe sometimes we are like the path: we hear the Lord’s word but it changes nothing in our lives because we let ourselves be numbed by all the superficial voices competing for our attention. I ask you, but do not respond immediately; everyone respond in his or her own heart: am I a young person who is numb? Or perhaps we are like the rocky ground: we receive Jesus with enthusiasm, but we falter and, faced with difficulties, we don’t have the courage to swim against the tide. Everyone of us respond in his or her heart: am I courageous or am I a coward? Or maybe we are like the thorny ground: negativity, negative feelings choke the Lord’s word in us (cf. Mt 13:18-22). Do I have the habit of playing both sides in my heart: do I make a good impression for God or for the devil? Do I want to receive the seed from Jesus and at the same time water the thorns and the weeds that grow in my heart? But today I am sure that the seed is able to fall on good soil. We are listening to these witnesses, of how the seed has fallen on good soil. ‘No, Father, I am not good soil; I am a disaster, and I am full of stones, of thorns, of everything.’ Yes, maybe this is so on the surface, but free a little piece, a small piece of good soil, and let the seed fall there and watch how it grows. I know that you want to be good soil, true Christians, authentic Christians, not part-time Christians: ‘starchy,’ aloof and Christian in ‘appearance only.’ I know that you don’t want to be duped by a false freedom, always at the beck and call of momentary fashions and fads. I know that you are aiming high, at long-lasting decisions which are meaningful. Is that true, or am I wrong? Am I right? Good; if it is true, let’s do this: in silence, let us all look into our hearts and each one of us tell Jesus that we want to receive the seed of his Word. Say to him: Jesus, look upon the stones, the thorns, and the weeds that I have, but look also upon this small piece of ground that I offer to you so that the seed may enter my heart. In silence, let us allow the seed of Jesus to enter our hearts. Remember this moment. Everyone knows the seed that has been received. Allow it to grow, and God will nurture it.” (Prayer Vigil with the Young People, Address of Pope Francis, July 27 2013) What kind of soil are we? Individually? As a family? As a Church? As a parish? As Catholic Christians sent out for mission in the world? God bless you in Jesus and Mary, Fr. Ed
Page 1: Dear people of St. Mary’s · Fr. Ed. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 18, 2013 Queridos feligreses de Sta. María: Pronto muchas de nuestras familias se verán afectadas


Dear people of St. Mary’s:

Soon many of our families will be affected by the start of new school year. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide all involved in education: staff, teachers, administrators, and students.

World Youth Day 2013 We continue to reflect on the events of Rio at World Youth Day. At the prayer vigil of World Youth Day, Pope Francis said: “Dear young people, looking at you, the story of St. Francis comes to mind. Before the crucifix he heard ‘Go and rebuild my church.’ He responded with alacrity and generosity, but he soon understood that he was not supposed to be a brick layer but place his life at the service of the Church.” In this regard, employing his customary Ignatian schema, Pope Francis offered 3 images:- the field as a place for planting - work in the field as training - the field as something to make.

“To be missionary disciples means to know that we are the Field of Faith of God! Starting with the name of the place where we are, Campus Fidei, the field of faith, I have thought of three images that can help us understand better what it means to be a disciple and a missionary. First, a field is a place for sowing seeds; second, a field is a training ground; and third, a field is a construction site.

First: A field is a place for sowing seeds. We all know the parable where Jesus speaks of a sower who went out to sow seeds in the field; some seed fell on the path, some on rocky ground, some among thorns, and could not grow; other seed fell on good soil and brought forth much fruit (cf. Mt 13:1-9). Jesus himself explains the meaning of the parable: the seed is the word of God sown in our hearts (cf. Mt 13:18-23). Today . . . every day, but today in a particular way, Jesus is sowing the seed. When we accept the word of God, then we are the Field of Faith! Please, let Christ and his word enter your life; let the seed of the Word of God enter, let it blossom, and let it grow. God will take care of everything, but let him work in you and bring about this growth. Jesus tells us that the seed which fell on the path or on the rocky ground or among the thorns bore no fruit. I believe that we can ask ourselves honestly: What kind of ground are we? What kind of ground do we want to be? Maybe sometimes we are like the path: we hear the Lord’s word but it changes nothing in our lives because we let ourselves be numbed by all the superficial voices competing for our attention. I ask you, but do not respond immediately; everyone respond in his or her own heart: am I a young person who is numb? Or perhaps we are like the rocky ground: we receive Jesus with enthusiasm, but we falter and, faced with difficulties, we don’t have the courage to swim against the tide. Everyone of us respond in his or her heart: am I courageous or am I a coward? Or maybe we are like the thorny ground: negativity, negative feelings choke the Lord’s word in us (cf. Mt 13:18-22). Do I have the habit of playing both sides in my heart: do I make a good impression for God or for the devil? Do I want to receive the seed from Jesus and at the same time water the thorns and the weeds that grow in my heart? But today I am sure that the seed is able to fall on good soil. We are listening to these witnesses, of how the seed has fallen on good soil. ‘No, Father, I am not good soil; I am a disaster, and I am full of stones, of thorns, of everything.’ Yes, maybe this is so on the surface, but free a little piece, a small piece of good soil, and let the seed fall there and watch how it grows. I know that you want to be good soil, true Christians, authentic Christians, not part-time Christians: ‘starchy,’ aloof and Christian in ‘appearance only.’ I know that you don’t want to be duped by a false freedom, always at the beck and call of momentary fashions and fads. I know that you are aiming high, at long-lasting decisions which are meaningful. Is that true, or am I wrong? Am I right? Good; if it is true, let’s do this: in silence, let us all look into our hearts and each one of us tell Jesus that we want to receive the seed of his Word. Say to him: Jesus, look upon the stones, the thorns, and the weeds that I have, but look also upon this small piece of ground that I offer to you so that the seed may enter my heart. In silence, let us allow the seed of Jesus to enter our hearts. Remember this moment. Everyone knows the seed that has been received. Allow it to grow, and God will nurture it.” (Prayer Vigil with the Young People, Address of Pope Francis, July 27 2013)

What kind of soil are we? Individually? As a family? As a Church? As a parish? As Catholic Christians sent out for mission in the world?

God bless you in Jesus and Mary,

Fr. Ed

Page 2: Dear people of St. Mary’s · Fr. Ed. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 18, 2013 Queridos feligreses de Sta. María: Pronto muchas de nuestras familias se verán afectadas


Queridos feligreses de Sta. María:

Pronto muchas de nuestras familias se verán afectadas por el inicio del nuevo año escolar. Vamos a pedirle al Espíritu Santo que guie a todos los que están envueltos en la educación: personal, maestros, administradores y estudiantes.

Jornada Mundial de la Juventud 2013 Continuamos reflexionado sobre los eventos ocurridos durante la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud. En la Vigilia de Oración de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, el Papa Francisco dijo: “Queridos jóvenes, mirándolos, la historia de San Francisco se me viene a la mente. Antes de la crucifixión él escuchó ‘Ve y reconstruye mi iglesia.’ Él respondió con prontitud y generosidad, pero rápidamente entendió que él no se suponía que era un albañil sino que tenia que poner su vida al servicio de su Iglesia.” En este sentido, empleando su acostumbrado esquema Ignaciano, el Papa Francisco ofreció 3 imágenes:- el campo como un lugar para sembrar – trabajar en el campo como entrenamiento – el campo como algo que hacer.

Y ser discípulo misionero significa saber que somos el Campo de la Fe de Dios. Por eso, a partir de la imagen del Campo de la Fe, pensé en tres imágenes, tres, que nos pueden ayudar a entender mejor lo que significa ser un discípulo-misionero: la primera imagen, la primera, el campo como lugar donde se siembra; la segunda, el campo como lugar de entrenamiento; y la tercera, el campo como obra de construcción.

Primero, el campo como lugar donde se siembra. Todos conocemos la parábola de Jesús que habla de un sembrador que salió a sembrar en un campo; algunas simientes cayeron al borde del camino, entre piedras o en medio de espinas, y no llegaron a desarrollarse; pero otras cayeron en tierra buena y dieron mucho fruto (cf. Mt 13,1-9). Jesús mismo explicó el significado de la parábola: La simiente es la Palabra de Dios sembrada en nuestro corazón (cf. Mt 13,18-23). Hoy, todos los días, pero hoy de manera especial, Jesús siembra. Cuando aceptamos la Palabra de Dios, entonces somos el Campo de la Fe. Por favor, dejen que Cristo y su Palabra entren en su vida, dejen entrar la simiente de la Palabra de Dios, dejen que germine, dejen que crezca. Dios hace todo pero ustedes déjenlo hacer, dejen que Él trabaje en ese crecimiento.

Jesús nos dice que las simientes que cayeron al borde del camino, o entre las piedras y en medio de espinas, no dieron fruto. Creo que con honestidad podemos hacernos la pregunta: ¿Qué clase de terreno somos, qué clase de terreno queremos ser? Quizás a veces somos como el camino: escuchamos al Señor, pero no cambia nada en nuestra vida, porque nos dejamos atontar por tantos reclamos superficiales que escuchamos. Yo les pregunto, pero no contesten ahora, cada uno conteste en su corazón: ¿Yo soy un joven, una joven, atontado? O somos como el terreno pedregoso: acogemos a Jesús con entusiasmo, pero somos inconstantes ante las dificultades, no tenemos el valor de ir a contracorriente. Cada uno contestamos en nuestro corazón: ¿Tengo valor o soy cobarde? O somos como el terreno espinoso: las cosas, las pasiones negativas sofocan en nosotros las palabras del Señor (cf. Mt 13,18-22). ¿Tengo en mi corazón la costumbre de jugar a dos puntas, y quedar bien con Dios y quedar bien con el diablo? ¿Querer recibir la semilla de Jesús y a la vez regar las espinas y los yuyos que nacen en mi corazón? Cada uno en silencio se contesta. Hoy, sin embargo, yo estoy seguro de que la simiente puede caer en buena tierra. Escuchamos estos testimonios, cómo la simiente cayó en buena tierra. No padre, yo no soy buena tierra, soy una calamidad, estoy lleno de piedras, de espinas, y de todo. Sí, puede que por arriba, pero haz un pedacito, haz un pedacito de buena tierra y deja que caiga allí, y vas a ver cómo germina. Yo sé que ustedes quieren ser buena tierra, cristianos en serio, no cristianos a medio tiempo, no cristianos “almidonados” con la nariz así [empinada] que parecen cristianos y en el fondo no hacen nada. No cristianos de fachada. Esos cristianos que son pura facha, sino cristianos auténticos. Sé que ustedes no quieren vivir en la ilusión de una libertad chirle que se deja arrastrar por la moda y las conveniencias del momento. Sé que ustedes apuntan a lo alto, a decisiones definitivas que den pleno sentido. ¿Es así, o me equivoco? ¿Es así? Bueno, si es así hagamos una cosa: todos en silencio, miremos al corazón y cada uno dígale a Jesús que quiere recibir la semilla. Dígale a Jesús: Mira Jesús las piedras que hay, mira las espinas, mira las malas hierbas, pero mira este pedacito de tierra que te ofrezco, para que entre la semilla. En silencio dejamos entrar la semilla de Jesús. Acuérdense de este momento. Cada uno sabe el nombre de la semilla que entró. Déjenla crecer y Dios la va a cuidar. (Vigilia de Oración con los Jóvenes, Discurso del Santo Padre Francisco, 27 de Julio de 2013)

¿Qué clase de tierra somos? ¿Individualmente? ¿Cómo familia? ¿Cómo Iglesia? ¿Cómo parroquia? ¿Cómo Cristianos enviados a una misión en el mundo?

Dios los bendiga en Jesús y María, Padre Eduardo

Page 3: Dear people of St. Mary’s · Fr. Ed. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 18, 2013 Queridos feligreses de Sta. María: Pronto muchas de nuestras familias se verán afectadas



AUGUST 19 7:00AM Liturgy of the Word


AUGUST 20 5:30PM

Isidro & Josefina Romo

†Clarence Nickel

†Jake Jacobelli

Savannah Dessert


AUGUST 21 7:00AM

Joel & Cindy Velasquez

†Sylvia Zamudio


AUGUST 22 7:00AM

Timothy Dessert

†Msgr. Thomas J. Vidra


AUGUST 23 8:30AM

†Ocsar Ortiz

†Linda Alvarado


AUGUST 24 5:30PM

†Clarence Nickel

†Jacqueline Ingoglia


AUGUST 25 8:00AM

†Albert Moralez

†Stella Watson

†Marlene Marshall

†Maria Estela Garcia “Beba”

10:00AM St. Mary Parish

12:00PM †Elisa Lopez de Dueñas

†Maria Estela Garcia “Beba”

Please Pray for the Sick of Our Community

Abraham Oropeza, Adrián Tapia, Alex Abatti Sr., Alicia

Crawford, Amelia Cruz, Ana Maria La Madrid, Ana Maria

Muñoz, Angel Morales, Art DeMars Jr., Benjamin Perez,

Betty Jo McNeece, Brian Escobedo, Carlos Lara, Carolina

Garcia, Concepción González, Concepción Tapia, Consuelo

Morales, Daniel Tapia, Danny Chávez, Diane Caldwell, Edith

Hernandez, Edgar Garcia, Elena Nessi, Emilio Marquez,

Esperanza Larios, Estela Montaño, Eva Deen, Evelia Castro,

Fumi Galvan, Gary Studer, Georgia Dewey, Gerardo Esquivel,

Graciela Elias, Guillermo Niebla, Henry & Emily Alarcon,

Isabel Gutierrez, J.D. Schwer, Jack Borchard, Jennifer

DeRosier, Jennifer Mahan, Jesse Martinez, Joanne Scharer,

Joe & Consuelo Morales, José Buzo, Joseph Manuel Araiza, J.

Louis Navarro, Josie Rojo, Julio Espinoza, Kalub Romero,

Karol Delgadillo, Larry Studer, Leo Tampos, Lilia Verduzco,

Lillian Terribillini, Lisa Puga, Lourdes Castillo, Maria Teresa

Vasquez, Maritza Pasillas, Martha Herrera, Micaela Herrera,

Miguel Molina, Monzerat González, Nathaniel Conant,

Neddie Marie Amador, Norma Isela Moreno, Oscar Puentes,

Ramona Diaz, Ramón Gamboa, Reyes Angulo, Richard

Phinney, Rigoberto Granados, Robert Lopez Sr., Robert

Schultz, Roberto Ramos, Roberto Rosales, Santos Carrillo,

Sarah Lay, Silviano Tapia, Souad Burkhuch, Steve Acuña,

Theresa Marich, Tino Verduzco, Tom Seibert, Tony Abatti,

Veronica Cabran, Virginia Mousel, Woody Blaine, Yolanda


Liturgical Roles

Saturday, August 24, 2013 5:30PM

Lector: Jim Piper

Extraordinary Minsters of Susie Medina

Holy Communion: Mike Johnson

Lucy Araiza

Sunday, August 25, 2013 8:00AM Lector: Eddie Madueno

Extraordinary Minsters of Martha Placarte

Holy Communion: Steve Rangel

Irma Rangel

Sunday, August 25, 2013 10:00AM Lector: Priscilla Gottlieb

Extraordinary Minsters of Murrie Plourd

Holy Communion: Jim Piper

Jeanne Vogel

Sunday, August 25, 2013 12:00PM Lector: Julia Vasquez

Extraordinary Minsters of Patricia Tijerina

Holy Communion: Gilbert Tijerina

Martha Perdomo

Readings for the Week of

August 18, 2013

Sunday: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Heb 12:1-4/Lk


Monday: Jgs 2:11-19/Mt 19:16-22

Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a/Mt 19:23-30

Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15/Mt 20:1-16

Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a/Mt 22:1-14

Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22/Mt 22:34-40

Saturday: Rv 21:9b-14/Jn 1:45-51

Next Sunday: Is 66:18-21/Heb 12:5-7, 11-13/Lk


©Liturgical Publications Inc

Page 4: Dear people of St. Mary’s · Fr. Ed. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 18, 2013 Queridos feligreses de Sta. María: Pronto muchas de nuestras familias se verán afectadas



E-mail: [email protected]

The Faith Formation Office will be closed for the

month of July. God bless you and have a wonderful


Jane Kemp, St. Mary Faith Formation Coordinator



Saturday August 17th

and Sunday August 18th

after Masses

Tuesday August 27th

and Wednesday August 28th

from 4pm-6:30pm

Sunday September 8th

after Masses

No registration will be accepted after

September 8th

, 2013.


Registration We will be having our Confirmation Registration on

September 8th. This will be the last day for registration. To register, please bring in the Baptism and First Holy Communion certificates. We thank all of our current students and our future students for your cooperation and willingness to register in our program.

Vamos a tener nuestra Inscripción de Confirmación el 2 de

junio después de todas las misas. Este será el último día

de inscripción. Para registrarse, por favor traiga el

certificado de Bautismo y la Primera Comunión.

Agradecemos a todos nuestros estudiantes actuales y los

futuros estudiantes por su cooperación y buena voluntad

de inscribirse en nuestro programa.

Divina Misericordia Cada Miércoles a las 3PM en la Capilla de Santa María.

Baptismal Preparation Class

Clase Pre-Bautismal

We will be having a class on September 24, 2013 at 10AM. The Class will be in English, to register call 760-352-4211. Thank You.

Vamos a tener una clase el 25 de septiembre, 2013 a las 10AM. La clase va a ser en Español, para registrarse llame a 760-352-4211. Gracias.

Vocation Awareness Retreat for Single Men &

Women Ages 15-35

Date: Saturday, September 28,

2013 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Place: Pastoral Center

3888 Paducah Dr.

San Diego, CA 92117

Cost: 5 dollars for lunch

Bring: Bible & notebook

Last day to register:

Thursday, September 26, 2013

(call or email to register)

Sponsored by the Office for Vocations,

Diocese of San Diego For more information please contact:

Sr. Aurora Lopez-Ornelas,

[email protected]

(858) 490-8346

Rev. Pedro Rivera, [email protected]

(619) 291-7446

Talleres de Oracion y Vida Cuando: Empezamos jueves 22 de

Agosto Lugar: Saint Mary Catholic Church

Hora: 7:00-9:00 pm Informes con: Laura Sanchez (760) 427-8212

Page 5: Dear people of St. Mary’s · Fr. Ed. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 18, 2013 Queridos feligreses de Sta. María: Pronto muchas de nuestras familias se verán afectadas


St. Mary Gift Store

We are receiving new items weekly! Please check out our New Advent Wreaths. There is a limited quantity, so get yours now. Rosary Decades and Prayer Cards are also available.

¡Estamos recibiendo nuevos artículos cada semana! Por favor, vengan a ver a nuestras nuevas Coronas de Adviento. Hay una cantidad limitada, así que ahora consiga el suyo. Hay décadas del rosario y tarjetas de oración están también disponibles.

Join John Paul the Great Catholic University for an Open House on Saturday, August 24th from 11am - 2pm. JP Catholic offers an authentically Catholic environment and cutting-edge programs in Film, Entrepreneurial Business, Animation, Video Gaming, and Theology. For more information, visit www.jpcatholic.com or call 858-653-6740 ext. 1101. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico

Están cordialmente invitados al Movimiento Familiar

Cristiano Católico. El MFCC consiste de familias de la

comunidad con el propósito de crear matrimonios

más unidos, tener mejor comunicación entre padres

e hijos y crecer espiritualmente con la palabra de

Dios. Para mas información favor de contactar:

Fernando e Iliana Arguelles 760-312-9997 760-


Requisitos para Pertenecer al MFCC:

Se aceptan matrimonios de cualquier edad

Estar casados por lo civil

Estar casados por la iglesia y en caso de no

estarlo, no tener ningún impedimento para

casarse por la iglesia y tener el firme

propósito de hacerlo.

Así mismo, los dos deben estar de acuerdo de

pertenecer al MFCC

Make Some Noise/Hagan Lío Processions/Procesiones

There will be a bilingual planning meeting to discuss upcoming processions and prayer

opportunities on Thursday August 22 at 6:30PM in the foyer of the Church.

Habrá una junta bilingüe para planear las procesiones de este año y otros eventos

espirituales este Jueves 22 de Agosto a las 6:30PM en la Iglesia.

Peter’s Pence Collection

Please help support the Holy Father in his

charitable works. The Peter’s Pence Collection is

taken up worldwide to support the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and

natural disasters and others in need of emergency assistance. Pope Benedict XVI has said, “It is necessary above all that every person be motivated by the authentic spirit of peace” (Homily, January 1,

2011). Cast the peace of Christ upon the world—please be generous in today’s Collection.

Colecta Peter’s Pence

Por favor, apoyemos al Santo Padre en sus labores caritativas. La Colecta Peter’s Pence se realizara

hoy en todo el mundo para ayudar a las personas

mas necesitados: a las victimas de guerra, de

opresion y de desast res naturales y a otras que

necesitan ayuda de emergencia. El Papa Benedicto XVI nos ha dicho que “es necesario que todas las personas actúen animadas por el auténtico espíritu

de paz” (Homilia, 1˚ de enero de 2011). Asi

estaremos esparciendo la paz de Cristo por el

mundo—por favor, sean generosos en la Colecta de


SCRC Catholic Conference “Take Courage, Have Faith”

When: Friday, August 30 – Sunday, September 1 Where: Anaheim Convention Center & Arena

One can attend the entire weekend, or either one of the three days.

For questions/registration details visit www.scrc.org or contact SCRC at (818) 771-1379.
