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Dear Prospective Spring 2018 Online History Students Spring OL/HIST...Dear Prospective Spring 2018...

Date post: 07-Apr-2018
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Dear Prospective Spring 2018 Online History Students: This is John Varga and I look forward to being your instructor for one or more of the online History courses I will be teaching this Spring 2018 semester. The courses I am teaching fulfill several different requirements and are transferable to the CSU and UC systems. The online courses I teach differ from traditional on campus courses in a number of ways. First, there are no face-to-face meetings. Second, there are no formal instructor delivered lectures. Third, classroom discussions among and between students are conducted in a largely asynchronous environment. Fourth, exams and quizzes are conducted solely online. Fifth, all writing based assignments are done outside the “classroom” and submitted through the Turnit.com an anti- plagiarism tool. While these are salient differences, the academic rigor expected is no more and no less than a traditionally formatted course. The expectations that students will keep pace with the readings, provide thoughtful analysis about the readings and their related discussion topics, and devote significant time each week to their academic endeavors are no different than what is expected of students who take History courses in the traditional classroom setting at the Valencia or Canyon Country campuses. The online courses I teach require students to meet all established deadlines. This is imperative. While online classes do offer more flexibility with respect to the hours that students devote to their studies, there is one particular aspect of online learning where flexibility is virtually non-existent: meeting deadlines. My online classes will have established and consistent deadlines so that students may develop a structured pattern and predictable schedule from which to organize their efforts and manage their time. Accordingly, students must answer the following question: “Am I willing to make the effort to manage my time effectively so that I may succeed in this course and the other courses I am taking?”

Dear Prospective Spring 2018 Online History Students:

This is John Varga and I look forward to being your instructor for one or more of

the online History courses I will be teaching this Spring 2018 semester. The

courses I am teaching fulfill several different requirements and are transferable to

the CSU and UC systems.

The online courses I teach differ from traditional on campus courses in a number

of ways. First, there are no face-to-face meetings. Second, there are no formal

instructor delivered lectures. Third, classroom discussions among and between

students are conducted in a largely asynchronous environment. Fourth, exams

and quizzes are conducted solely online. Fifth, all writing based assignments are

done outside the “classroom” and submitted through the Turnit.com an anti-

plagiarism tool.

While these are salient differences, the academic rigor expected is no more and

no less than a traditionally formatted course. The expectations that students will

keep pace with the readings, provide thoughtful analysis about the readings and

their related discussion topics, and devote significant time each week to their

academic endeavors are no different than what is expected of students who take

History courses in the traditional classroom setting at the Valencia or Canyon

Country campuses.

The online courses I teach require students to meet all established deadlines.

This is imperative. While online classes do offer more flexibility with respect to

the hours that students devote to their studies, there is one particular aspect of

online learning where flexibility is virtually non-existent: meeting deadlines. My

online classes will have established and consistent deadlines so that students may

develop a structured pattern and predictable schedule from which to organize

their efforts and manage their time. Accordingly, students must answer the

following question: “Am I willing to make the effort to manage my time effectively

so that I may succeed in this course and the other courses I am taking?”

Online learning requires self-discipline, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, consistency

in effort, and a strong sense of commitment to the self-edification process.

Online classes offer tremendous freedom, but necessitate significant personal

responsibility. If you are not a self-starter, have trouble developing your own

structured learning environment beyond the virtual classroom, and prefer the

habit and custom of going to class then online education may not be suited to

your learning style.

Online education is clearly an important academic avenue. That being said, online

education is not an entertaining alternative to the traditional “boring” on campus

class. Online education is not “edutainment” and does not and should not

connote more relaxed or casual intellectual demands and standards. Accordingly,

students should not view online courses as being “easy,” a short-cut to a degree,

a license to cheat, or lacking intellectual merit. Ostensibly, online classes seem

more convenient. Please do not allow this perception to distract you from the

truth about what online education entails: effort and commitment. Hence, it is

important that students not allow themselves to turn online education’s

advantage into a disadvantage by failing to be mindful as to the effort and

commitment required to achieve success in the online education environment.

I anticipate an excellent class and I hope you decide to join our learning

community. If you have any questions email me at [email protected]

The following provides the pertinent textbook information for the Spring 2018


History 111

Of the People

Third Edition Volume I


ISBN 9780190254865

The textbook can purchased directly from the publisher

or other outlets such as Amazon. The textbook may be

available as an eBook. Students may be able to rent

rather than purchase the textbook. The ISBN number is

crucial when ordering the required textbook. The ISBN

number assures students will order the correct textbook

for the course they are taking.

History 112

Of the People

Third Edition Volume II


ISBN 9780190254872

The textbook can purchased directly from the publisher

or other outlets such as Amazon. The textbook may be

available as an eBook. Students may be able to rent

rather than purchase the textbook. The ISBN number is

crucial when ordering the required textbook. The ISBN

number assures students will order the correct textbook

for the course they are taking.


John Varga

The comments below are from students who have taken a sixteen week semester History 111

or 112 course in the online setting with me as their instructor. The comments are uncensored

and un-edited. To protect privacy, the students’ names have not been included. Some of

what the students refer to may not seem familiar to you. Some class components to which

the students refer may not be components in the class you are presently taking. Nonetheless,

the comments are insightful because they emphasize advice requisite to success.

Comment # 1:

I would give prospective students the usual advice when taking an online course like this one:

don’t let the work pile up, don’t assume this is an “easy” class where a fantastic grade is a

foregone conclusion, and establish a homework schedule. Basically, don’t trust any of the

myths about online classes, particularly that they have softer material and are easier to

understand than their traditional equivalents. In addition, try to engage in the material; many

studies in the past have shown that if one is interested and actively involved in discussion about

their learning topics, one does significantly better in school.

Comment # 2:

Like most, my advice for students taking this class is to read everything. The syllabus was

extremely handy and spelled out the expectation on every assignment. Everything is spelled out

for you from deadlines to format of assignments. Also reading the book is critical. And not just

skimming through it, really taking the time to read it carefully. Taking your time while reading

saves tons of time later on during the discussions and on the test. With it being a timed test, you

shouldn't waste time flipping through the book looking for the answers. With online classes,

sometimes it is easy to forget about things and fall behind. With this class, the schedule is the

same each week for when assignments are due so it is easy to stay organized as long as you put

in the effort. This is a great class, the videos don't bore you to death like some other online

classes and the assignments are not hard as long as you read the chapter and follow the syllabus.

Comment # 3:

My definite advice to anyone taking this class is take time looking at chapters, and focus on

details, even if they seem small. Also I would recommend people look very carefully in

blackboard to make sure they don't mess up their posts in even a slight way. This class is very

detail oriented, so I think details in everything is key, in responses, readings, quizzes, and in

watching the weekly videos. Small events, dates, and names are important to remember and

examine more carefully. Other then that, I'd definitely say just keep up with everything and

don't get behind.

Comment # 4

My advice would be to spend as much time on the assignments as you can, and do more than the

minimum requirements for the discussion boards and blogs. I feel like I missed some easy points on

some of the discussion boards from not going in to more detail on certain subjects. Other than that just

read the entire syllabus, writing guide, and chapters. Taking notes also helped me a lot when reading or

watching the videos.

In order to do well in this class I would suggest to make sure you read the syllabus in its entirety. I only

read a small portion of it and missed the first couple of blogs which set my grade back quite a bit. I

would also suggest finishing the discussions as they are assigned instead to waiting until the due date.

My biggest problem is procrastination and it resulted in many half cocked, lated assignments. In the

future if I were to retake this class I would have kept myself more focused. In all the class is very straight

forward and easy if adequate time is put in to the assignments.

Comment # 5

In order to pass this class it is vital that one reads each chapter thoroughly. In order to learn from this

class, doing the discussion boards and the blogs will help one comprehend the material. Take time

initially to set a schedule as to how and when you will do each assignment and the routine will become

normal. Procrastinate and it turns into a slippery slope of grade declination. Take each writing

assignment and review the syllabus to make sure it complies with the requirements as this will help

keep points that are otherwise lost. Over a period of time these small points in following writing

assignment guidelines add up and can be the difference between an A or B grade. I recommend taking

the first quiz with anticipation of the questions, once taken, take notes on the type of questions as these

will most likely be the same style questions for each test with small variations. Following these steps

will result in a passing grade and the effort put in will determine the letter grade. History is a valuable

subject, so retaining it is important towards our future because "Those who do not remember the past

are bound to repeat it" (George Satayana).

Comment # 6

My advice would be to set a schedule for yourself. Not only to avoid procrastination but to avoid

accidentally missing deadlines. Without physically going to class and being reminded of exams or

assignments, something that I struggle with in regards to online classes is just remembering what is due

every week. I usually print out the syllabus' and assignment schedules and set reminders on my phone

to help me out as well, but I'd also just recommend checking blackboard everyday. Just look over your

classes and make sure you don't accidentally miss anything, because everything counts!

Comment # 7

My advice for students taking this course could be summed up as 'just do it'! That sentiments pertains to

the bulk load of assignments, simply put, the earlier you get something completed, the better. Nearly all

the points that I missed out on this semester could've been avoided if I had begun the assignment

earlier and not procrastinated. Especially because of the lack of physical presence required for this class

it becomes easy to distance yourself from the class mentally as well. Do not fall prey to this mentality,

treat this course with the same regard as your non-on line classes and think everyday about what you

could do to excel in this class. Reading the chapters to full comprehension takes at least an hour and

half, and I am a strong reader. It is necessary to read every chapter to do well in this class so if reading is

not your strong suit, read a little bit every day. However with the similar mantra of 'just do it', I would

advise everyone to take this class because every American would benefit from it. It has helped me to

gain a more complete understanding of our political systems and society's issues today. Put in the effort

and you will gain invaluable knowledge.

Comment # 8

The advice I would give to students that choose to take this class online is to make sure they read

the book. I find that I usually have to read it twice before taking the test in order to do well. I

would also suggest they pay attention to their word count when writing the discussion board

assignment. Make sure to use the “Quote” button when replying to another person’s discussion

board post. Do not procrastinate, do your work on time. You do not want to be in a rush, it may

cause you to forget some of the little, but important, things you have to do for each assignment.

Do not put off starting the report assignment. This class has a lot of work, however, it is not too

much. You can do it if you plan your time schedule and stick to it.

Comment # 9

The advice I would give future students taking this class is READ! This class takes a lot of time and

reading, hard work. If you are not willing to read and do the work you will not go very far. Make sure

you understand the material you are reading because you need it for all the work in the

class. TIme management , do not put off work because it is very easy to fall behind in this class. Read the

syllabus and check it regularly so you wont miss anything important! Last thing is start your paper on

time or basically every assignment.

Comment # 10

My advice for students who take this class in the future is to read everything. Read everything that you

get in this class, the syllabus, the articles, and especially the textbook. I hate reading, but that is all I

have done in this course, it hasn't been bad but my lack of discipline put me at a disadvantage at the

beginning of the semester because of my lack of motivation to read the syllabus and book. Soon I caught

on and began to read more and more, so read everything that you get in this class.

Comment # 11

My advice for futures students who take this course is simply to put in a good amount of effort. If you

put in full effort, you are likely to be getting full credit on the assignments. Also, take time to read the

course syllabus and schedule thoroughly, don't be lazy. There are little parts of the assignment that will

make or break your grade, and they are small mistakes that can be fixed. Take notes when reading the

book and watching the video clips - those notes will make writing your discussion boards a lot easier.

And finally, write down when assignments are due somewhere you will see it and don't procrastinate on

finishing up work. If you do it early, you won't have the time to forget to get it done. This class also

requires a good amount of time in order to complete the assignments. Just because it's online does not

mean you get to do less work.

Comment # 12

For those taking this class in the future, I would highly recommend downloading the syllabus and

keeping a quick guide on how to notate quotations because it is something I forgot how to do nearly

every single week. I'd also suggest taking notes and making note cards to help with the tests. There are

so many names and it can be really hard to remember. Also, plan ahead and don't wait till the last

minute. I ended up running myself out of time several weeks underestimating the amount of work a

discussion board or test would take and I payed for it. Overall, just enjoy the experience because it

truly is a fun subject with a lot of value that can be gained from it.

Comment # 13

For the future students taking this class, I would recommend downloading and reading the syllabus. You

want to download it because you can quickly go back to it to make sure you are doing the assignments

right. I would recommend not getting behind in the reading. Trying to read the entire chapter in one day

is a bit much so I try to read a little each day. Don’t procrastinate in this class, I always try to do one

thing each day for this class to keep up. One day I will write my post in the discussion, the next day I will

do the blog, and the day after that I will write the response, then do the quiz on Friday. Saturday I would

then start the next chapter and repeat the process. The main thing is to follow the instructions in the

syllabus and not get behind.

Comment # 14

For upcoming students, there are a few things i would suggest. Don't procrastinate, I know everyone

says it in every class, but waiting until the last minute to do discussion board replies and a quiz will take

lots of time. Read the chapters, it helps. In fact, don't just read, take notes. Writing helps memory, and

you need to remember everything you can for the quizzes. Another really important thing is have fun

and be interested in this. It's the history of your home, and it's great to learn about it. Also, do all the

homework as soon as you can. You can never get it done too early, and it will be a reward at the end of

the week to be able to relax and not worry about assignments.

Comment # 15

To students who may take this course in the future, I would advise not to procrastinate. It is easy to fall

behind in an on line course so it is really important to stay self motivated throughout the semester. Do

not wait until the very last minute to submit discussion board posts, chapter quizzes, blog posts and the

paper. I would advise future students to write the research paper in advance so they can get it revised

by other students or tutors from the tlc lab. Also, do not rush when reading chapters to take the quiz

because there is a lot of information to memorize and it is not easy to retain information when

cramming in the readings. Overall, it is possible to do well in this course as long as you stay focused and

on top of the material.

Comment # 16

Some advice I would give to students that take this class, is to make sure that don't procrastinate. It is

very important to make sure that they read the whole chapter each week and all watch the videos that

you provide for us. Also once they are done taking the quizzes they should start the reading for the next

week. In doing so they will be prepared for the discussion board that follows the quizzes. It is also

helpful to read other people's discussion boards and get another perspective on the statement that you

will negate or defend on the discussion boards. If they follow these tips then I think that they will breeze

through this class.

Comment # 17

Some advice I would like to share with students who may take this course in the future is to

make sure that you manage your time wisely to do the assigned readings and assignments.

Also, while reading the assigned chapters, I found it useful to highlight phrases or sentences in

the chapter that can help develop your argumentative paragraphs that are the discussion

boards. Lastly, I would tell future students to make flashcards for every chapter that include the

main points and ideas that are discussed in the chapter to help with blogs, discussion boards,

and the quizzes.

Comment # 18

Some advice I would give to future students of this course to never fall behind on reading or doing the

research paper. The due date may seem far but days go by very quickly. Another thing is reading the

requirements for discussion boards, replies, and the research paper. One thing I learned is that being

vague with your responses or entries will not get you full credit.

Comment # 19

The most important thing would probably be to stay on top of the readings. Even though some chapters

may not seem as interesting as the others, to just power through and make sure you know the material.

And to leave time to read the chapter throughout a couple of days instead of leaving it until the day you

take the quiz. I would also recommend getting the discussion posts completed as soon as possible so

that if something big pops up for another class, you won't be overwhelmed with your work load.

Another super important one: make sure you read up on the professor's rules for the discussion posts,

replies, etc. and do whatever you can to make sure you follow them every time!

Comment # 20

For future students I would tell them to highlight your book, take notes, and use flash cards to help you

memorize events, also don't leave anything to the last minute.

Comment # 21

For future students I would recommend to set a schedule so you never miss an assignment. Also read

the professors instructions carefully so you may receive the most maximum points. Working on your

paper as soon as possible would be a great idea . Also set a schedule for reading every day as reading all

in one day is stressful. Lastly I would say don't be afraid to ask the professor or your classmates for help

if necessary. And mainly, focus.

Comment # 22

The book is very information dense, so I would recommend that students try to study in a quiet

environment where they are not easily distracted. They should take a step back at some points

during the chapter and consider if they can remember what they just read. If not, they should go

back through and study it a little more carefully. If there is a concept or word that they don't

understand and the book doesn't explain it, Googling it is a good idea and doesn't take much

time. It's worth a couple extra minutes to grasp the material.

Rather than copying notes down as word-for-word transposition from the book, it is helpful to

rephrase sentences. It will make those notes easier to remember in the future, because you had to

actually digest the content and understand it in order to rephrase it.

I would also recommend that they read the syllabus thoroughly before making threads and

replies for the discussion board, and double check their post against the guidelines in the syllabus

until they are used to the format.

Comment # 23

The advice i would give students who take this class is to read every chapter, and pay very very close

attention to your directions if he or she intends on getting a good grade. Id say it would help the student

alot if he or she had a printout with the rules of the discussion board every time he or she does it.

Comment # 24

I would recommend for students taking this course to make sure to read the chapter at least twice to

really understand the material; it is a lot of information take in. Also to make sure that you are prepared

for the quiz before beginning, if you try to reference the book for every question you will most definitely

run out of time.

Comment # 25

The advice I would give students before taking this class is to make sure to read the book and have it by

the first week. Since it is the only material needed it is very important because thats what the

quizzes and discussion boards are based on. I would have advise them to do the review terms at the end

of the chapters since they seemed to help me out. It also is smart to have a schedule of what you need

to finish first, as for me it went... discussion board Monday night, reply Tuesday, study Wednesday and

Thursday and take quiz on Friday. Then squeeze in the blog when ever best fits for you.

Comment # 26

For future students, I would recommend staying on top of the readings by reading a few pages of each

chapter the previous week its due. To read an entire chapter in one day is a little much and I would not

suggest it because the information does not stick. I would also suggest starting on the term paper early

as it could be overwhelming to some individuals to do it all a couple days before it is due. I would also

suggest getting on a schedule of when you will do the discussion board, blog, quiz, and response.

The comments below are from students who have taken a five week intersession History 111

course in the online setting with me as their instructor. The comments are uncensored and

un-edited. To protect privacy, the students’ names have not been included. Some of what the

students refer to may not seem familiar to you. Some class components to which the

students refer may not be components in the class you are presently taking. Nonetheless, the

comments are insightful because they emphasize advice requisite to success.

Comment # 27

The best advice that I can give to future students for an online history course such as this one

would be to stay engaged with the reading and the topics and to not only think about their

significance within their historical context but also within our own modern society. The

foundational values of this country are evident in history and when one considers how these

values have been broken and healed and changed, one understands the values that we easily take

for granted every single day.

Regarding the online format of the class, I recommend that future students read more discussion

posts than just the one assigned to respond to. There are many views and arguments that one can

understand simply by reading other students' opinions.

Comment # 28

There is a great deal of advice I have to give for a future student of an online history class. First

of all, if for some reason you do not have steady access to the internet and a computer that runs

canvas, a class like this is not a good choice for you. Most people do have this, and you can even

do the work from a library computer if you do not have your own. Also as for the content of the

class, be prepared to read the textbook that the professor has assigned weekly. Knowing the

information the best to your ability will allow you to excel in later assigned content. Also be

prepared to learn canvas or whatever program the class runs through. Doing the work the first

day it is assigned can help you get a head start, but the course does allow for flexibility to your

summer schedule. If you turn in all of your work on time with thorough and clear effort, your

grade will be above passing. The best nudge I can give is to work ahead if you can, and read the

content of the class to the point where you clearly understand its purpose then and today.

Looking at other student's opinions and choosing to argue your side can aid your understanding

of the history content. That is my advice for a future history student taking an online class similar

to this.

Comment # 29

Some advice I give to future students taking this online history class would probably be to stay

focused and don't slack off. There is a lot of information that needs to be processed and

understood in such a short amount of time. So being focused would probably be the best piece of

advice I could give.

But if you are focused, reading all the chapters and doing the quizzes and discussions on time,

you should be able to pass no problem. This class is the type where if you take the time to do the

work and understand it all then you should be able to pass.

I enjoyed this class a lot though, things were due at a specific time which was really convenient

to work your schedule around so that you have time for this class. This class is all up to the

person taking it and there was plenty of time to do the assigned tasks which made things easier in

my opinion.

So focus, and do the work and take the time to understand the material would be the best advice I

could give.

Comment # 30

To the future students who will be taking this class, read the syllabus! That is one of the most

important resources that you have available to you in order to be successful in this class.

Secondly, read the chapters, not only will you gain a refresher if you have already been taught

some of this material, but you will as well learn something new every time. Also, watch the

videos it may help clarify anything you may have not completely understood in the reading.

Post your initial responses with enough time to fix any mistakes that you may have made, you

don't want to be scrambling before 11:59pm. This class is actually really enjoyable, so don't

stress. Respond to others posts, and remember you don't always have to agree with what they put

if you feel differently. And don't forget to spell the author's name correctly when citing the


If you have questions or concerns, email the professor! He is very good about responding quickly

and will answer any questions you may have. This class is one I really enjoyed, and I know you

will too. Just stay up to date on your assignments, study and try your best on the quizzes, and

read the material. If you do all of those things you will find yourself wanting to learn more about


Comment # 31

The best advice I can give to any prospective online student that is thinking about taking this

class is to learn to manage your time and learn to check the website or your email everyday.

The reason why I say manage your time is because if you dont learn when to check online what

is to come on homework or assignments, then you will get swamped with homework. When

you are swamped with homework you tend to skim the book and miss key information on

certain events which can impact your grade. You can easily think the class would be easy but it

wont be, because online class are not the same as on campus class because you have to have

the responsibility to know that you need to check everyday to see if you have any work to do

and learn to manage it with any other classes you are taking.

Comment # 32

To future students,

Online classes are typically hard if you are not motivated or have trouble teaching yourself

material. It is also very important to stay organized so that you do not miss deadlines. Because

you are not actually meeting in person it might become hard to remember that there are

assignments to do. For this class, I would recommend staying ahead with the reading

assignments. Because the course is short it really squeezes in a lot of information each week

causing it to be really easy to fall behind. Also, not waiting until the last minute to do the

assignments is crucial if you want to do well. You should give yourself plenty of time to take the

quizzes and to do the discussion posts so that you don’t have to rush through them at the last

minute. Procrastination will be the hardest part in being successful.

Comment # 33

Advice to future students:

Read the syllabus. I cannot emphasize how important it is to closely analyze the syllabus when

it is sent to you. It gives you ALL of the information you will need for the class and is a great

reference tool whenever you get lost. I would recommend downloading it to your computer so

it's easy and quick to pull up. Follow the syllabus to the T.

Taking an online course is, as you would expect, much different than taking a lecture-based

class. It is heavily based on pacing and responsibility. For this history class in specific, it is

important that you keep up with the work that is assigned. If you don't start the day it's assigned,

be sure to start ASAP the next day. It is crucial that you keep a nice, smooth pace.

Make sure you not only read, but also annotate your book. If not inside the book, make sure

you take notes on a separate paper because it will help you on the quizzes. Be sure that you don't

skim through the reading, it'll hurt you come quiz time. As I mentioned above, pace the reading

out. You never want to wait until the last day to squeeze in a chapter or two of reading.

P.S.- If you can, be sure to download the Canvas application. It will come in handy for quick


Comment # 34

In these past 5 weeks, I have learned so much from this class. I have honestly not enjoyed a

history class in a very long time due to not being interested in the topic. Professor Varga

provides amazing outlines and the videos are very informative and go along with the readings.

Please keep up with your work and read the book! Make yourself a schedule and stick to it. Do

not fall behind it will be very hard to catch up especially in a five week course. Do not expect

this class to be easy because it is a lot of reading but the book teaches you a lot. The Primary

Source Assignment is very interesting but please start it early! The quizzes are all based on the

readings so please take your time reading and take notes so that during those twenty minutes you

do not have to keep flipping through the book looking for answers. The discussion board posts

offer you a chance to voice your opinion on the issue being discussed. Please read the syllabus

and the instruction for the points. You do not want to lose points because you didn’t follow

instructions! But most of all, do take your time, focus, and have fun learning! I have enjoyed this

class so much during these five weeks! I definitely recommend it!

Comment # 35

Undertaking an online course is an exercise in self-discipline. Approach the course with the

understanding that you have full control over the level of success you will achieve. As with any

online course, you will only get out of it what you put in to it. I would recommend planning out

your schedule each week, taking some time early in the week to assess the upcoming workload,

and evenly spreading it out before the due date. Waiting until the last minute to work on your

assignments without a plan will often leave you overwhelmed and you will quickly fall behind.

Specifically for a History course, each chapter builds off the last, so it is important to learn the

information in each section or the next will be much more difficult to understand. Online

courses give great flexibility, but at the same time require much more independent effort.

Comment # 36

The best advice that I would give to succeed in this online course is to remain focused,

disciplined and expect to read and write for several hours. Canvas is a new program that makes

this course so much better as it is very well organized and clear in context. This has been one of

the toughest online courses I have token but also one of the most informative. What I would truly

recommend is to take notes while reading and also to highlight important details to study before

taking quizzes as there not a walk in the park. Missing one assignment or date on this course can

truly throw you off track so it is important to create a checklist that helps assure you are

completing all the assignments on time. Stay up to date and don’t miss any assignments. The

syllabus and guidelines professor Varga sets are very straight forward if you follow instructions I

am sure you can succeed in this course.

Comment # 37

The best advice I could give to future students in this online History class is to read the syllabus,

word for word. Every possible question I seemed to have throughout this summer session, was

answered as soon as I reread the syllabus. Professor Varga tells you exactly what to study for the

quizzes (the Chapters) and has specific guidelines for Discussion Board submissions. If you

follow all of the guidelines, then you should be able to get solid grades on all of your

assignments. In addition, it helps to stay on track and to not fall behind on your readings. Find a

good time for you, and just knockout one chapter at a time. I found it best to just read a chapter a

day, Monday through Thursday. Lastly, just remember that even though it's a short online class,

you should treat it the same as any semester long class. Good Luck!

Comment # 38

The best advice I can give any student who plans to succeed in this online History 111 class

would be fairly simple: do your readings and stay on top of your assignments. First and foremost,

I would say that this class requires you to do A LOT OF READING, and you most likely you

will not find yourself passing if you do not take the time to actually read every assigned chapter.

Honestly I would say for me, this was the hardest part of the class. Between work and other

classes it became kind of a battle to find time to keep up with the readings. I would recommend

that if you're extremely busy that you always keep the book with you. It wont be impossible to

do your reading if you always have it on hand. Also, one thing that helped me a lot in succeeding

in this class was having an arranged schedule. The class itself runs on a very tight schedule,

however, I made sure that when I planned to sit down and do a discussion or take a quiz that I


In the end, I would say that this is a course where you get out what you put in so if you are

persistent and you stay on top of your readings you will succeed.

Comment # 39

For future students who wish to take online classes in order to get ahead or catch up during the

summer, do not consider these classes to be any less difficult than regular spring or fall semester

classes. When choosing to take an online course, keep in mind that the work will either be just as

much if not more than a regular course because their is less time in order to complete the same

amount of work. Just because the class Is online does not mean that you will be exempt from

reading, taking notes, studying and taking tests and quizzes. Some online classes even require for

students to do group projects with other students in the class. While the benefit of taking online

classes is being in the comfort of your own home or office, hard work is still essential in order to

receive a passing grade. My advice is to take online classes seriously and do not wait for the last

minute to complete assignments.

Comment # 40

My best advice would be to stay engaged with the readings, the videos and especially the

Discussion Boards. The quizzes are tough on the details, so pay attention and stay alert while

reading! But the most interesting and thought provoking aspects of the class are the Discussion

Boards. The questions provided by Mr. Varga are a strong springboard into a thought process of

your own; they require you to take your own stances and analysis of the history you're learning

about. This brings it all to life and causes you to apply the principles of our National heritage to

your own views of everyday life. You have to understand where we've come from to get an idea

of where we should be going. If you take the readings seriously and put an effort into your

Discussion Boards you'll enjoy Mr. Varga's class. And if you enjoy it, you'll be engaged to do


Comment # 41

The best advice that I can give a future student taking an online history course such as this one is

that you need to be on top the dates that assignments are due. You need to be organized because

every week you have two discussion boards and about 2-4 quizzes due. Before completing each

discussion board I would strongly recommend that you read each chapter, watch all of the videos

and take at least one of the two quizzes assigned for each chapter.

The class is very interesting if you read each chapter and complete all of the assignments. The

last piece of advice I would give to a future student is to not procrastinate and to always try to

finish each assignment as soon as you can because it can get overwhelming if you leave

everything until the night it is due.

Comment # 42

I can honestly say that this online history course was a challenge, but I enjoyed the course so

much and learned A LOT! The first tip I recommend is READ THE TEXTBOOK! I can not

stress that enough. The discussion boards require you to know what you are talking about and do

not get me started on the quizzes. You have roughly a minute and a half for each question max,

so you can NOT try and scan through the book for the answers. Next tip, actually watch the

videos Professor Varga provides, they have helped me understand so much content I did not

quite understand from the book and they are pretty interesting when you pay attention. I know

the discussion boards can get quite frustrating, especially if you are having difficulties

understanding certain aspects in the chapter. The best solution, is start them ahead of time (like

the day before at least), I usually do a draft in Google docs and then copy and paste it over. I take

my time, and if I get impatient, I will stop and walk away for a few hours and Google docs

automatically save it. Other than that, as long as you read the chapters, watch the videos and do

not push everything off to the last minute, you will succeed in an online history course and

actually enjoy it. Over the past month I have initiated what I have learned from this course in

conversations with my friends and they were very impressed.

Comment # 43

The advice I have for future students who will be taking this online course is to read the syllabus

in advance so you will be prepared. Always stay ahead, because it is an online class it is very

easy to forget about certain deadlines. Another piece of advice would be to make sure you are

reading the book in depth so you fully understand the material.

Comment # 44

Read the syllabus.

Most of what students need to know is in the reading. Quizzes are specifically based on just

the the reading, so do it, take notes, and then go back over the reading before taking the quizzes.

The questions on the quizzes are detailed. Read the questions carefully. Sometimes there's

some misdirection, and sometimes the questions guide you to the right answer. Don't stress out

over the quizzes. Pace yourself. There's more than 2 minutes per question, and you use much

less than that for most questions. Even though 20 minutes is a short amount of time, you're

probably better off taking the full two minutes to get a correct answer than rushing and finishing

in 8 minutes and getting a bunch of things wrong.

Most of the videos are about half-hour long, but they are really helpful to answering the short-

answer questions -- and you have to cite them. Don't wait until the last minute to watch the

videos because they are essential in responding to the short answer questions. Take notes on the

videos. The videos add context to the written materials. I like to do the reading (carefully), then

watch the videos, then go back over the reading before taking a quiz.

Most importantly, don't fall behind and prioritize your effort. The class is heavily weighted on a

single primary source assignment, so don't wait until the last minute to get it done. If you don't

do well on that assignment, it will hurt your grade proportionally more than any other


When you do the primary source assignment, pay attention to the sample the professor gives you.

The written short-answer posts are weighted more heavily than the quizzes. And, you don't get

to do them twice if you get a bad grade. So give them a relatively heavier priority. Check your

spelling, check your grammar, and actually answer the question. Check the discussion boards

after you submit your first post because the professor will sometimes offer alternative questions

that are more interesting and easier than trying to write an argument against what you think is the

right argument.

Finally, quizzes are weighted the least, and you have two chances. Take a quiz, and if you don't

do well, pay attention to the questions. The same topics are likely to be on the next quiz. As I

said before, the quizzes are based on the reading, so if you do poorly, maybe skim back through

the sections for the questions you missed.

Comment # 45

Within taking an online class you need to know how to prioritize your time wisely and not

procrastinate. There is always that little voice in the back of your head saying that you can do it

later, but you probably have other priorities in addition to taking an online class. In order to

succeed in this class, I suggest you read every chapter and not just skim through the book so

during the quizzes you don’t have to flip through the book because you are given a limited

amount of time. With the discussion boards choose a topic where you feel more confident

writing about and can write a very well thought out discussion instead of choosing the topic that

is easiest. Also to make things easier complete the discussion boards on the day they are due

instead of waiting until the last minute. What helped me personally was creating a reading

schedule so I was never behind on reading and could take the quizzes two or three days before it

was due. In order to succeed in this class, you have to be willing to put in the work, you can’t

slack of and due the bare minimum.

Comment # 46

I enjoyed this online class and it is very convenient for me as I am a full time RN working

nights. The advice I have is to plan ahead with the syllabus and stay organized. Especially for a

short term class like this one that has a lot of reading and multiple assignments due each week.

Keeping up with the reading would ensure success on the discussions and quizzes. The videos

are helpful and tie the readings together in short, concise clips, so be sure to watch them and

incorporate the information into the assignments. The amount of preparation and work is

reasonable and there is a lot to be learned as long as the student makes it a priority to engage and

stay organized.

Comment # 47

The advice I would give to a future student taking an online history class would be to really stay

on top of due dates and upcoming assignments. Discussions take some time to read the chapter

and really develop an opinion so it is time consuming if you are putting forth full effort. It is best

to really read the chapter and process all the information and get a better understanding before

taking a quiz and or writing a discussion. After turning in your assignment read other peoples

point of view and see if you notice anything else and build more of an opinion. Do not wait to

the last minute to do all the quizzes and discussions. They can become very overwhelming and

you will not reach your full potential. Read the chapters thoroughly before taking the quizzes, do

not skim. The questions are not easy and require you to actually read. This class is super

interesting and flexible with a busy schedule.

Comment # 48

This advice is especially for students who enroll in History in summer for online instructions. I

work full time and have many family commitments, so this advice is for students in my situation.

There is lots of material to cover within six weeks so start reading the book and take notes from

day one. Please do not procrastinate. Don’t think that since it is summer and online you can take

it at leisure. You will be sadly mistaken. Make notes on important events that changed the course

of history or made material difference. Unless one takes good notes, the quizzes can be

challenging. Try and post discussions and take quizzes one day ahead of the due date. If you wait

till the last minute things can go wrong and 25 points is a lot to lose and difficult to make up.

Since there is lots of information in the chapters take the quiz soon after you read the chapter and

when the information is fresh in your memory. Take an interest in the subject because besides

helping get good grades, it tells us a lot of how this country has struggled to get rid of age old

practices of slavery, monarchy and keep the concept of freedom and liberty alive. It will also

help in gathering good material for the discussion posts. If one stays focused getting a good

grade is very much possible.

Thank You and Good Luck.

Comment # 49

For students taking an online history class such as this one, I would advise them to stay on top of

their assignments and readings. Since it is an online class, it can give you a more flexible

schedule, but you need to use your time wisely. I believe it is a good idea to maintain a personal

schedule in order to avoid leaving the given assignments until the last minute and potentially

missing a deadline.

Try to finish the discussion boards on the first day they are assigned instead of the night they are

due. I recommend reading and fully engaging in the assigned chapters and viewing the videos

more than once so that you are more prepared before the quizzes. Consider taking a quiz right

after completing the chapter’s discussion board so the information in fresh in your head.

Try not to procrastinate and stay focused. This class has interesting topics and is definitely

achievable as long as you work hard and stick to your schedule.

Comment # 50

all Future students,

You will definitely need the book. Read every single word in those chapters because it will be

needed when taking the quizzes and during the discussion posts. This is not an easy class.

Watching the videos are important as well because sometimes the video helps you understand

what the book is trying to say. Keep track of due dates because this class is online and it is easy

to forget due dates. Invest in a planner to help you stay on track and organized. Good luck!

Comment # 51

I think the most important advice to someone who is taking an online History class is to be

engaged in the topic. Even though not everyone is interested in the topic of history, having the

knowledge of basic American History will make you a more well-rounded individual. If you see

the importance of the class you will be inclined to have more interest.

I think that it is very important to read the chapter and make sure you know what you are

reading before you move on. Complete the discussion board right after you read and watch the

videos, then finish the quizzes right away while the information is fresh. Log on often to make

sure that you have completed all the assignments by the deadline and spread the work out over a

few days. Don't wait until the day that it is due.

The class is very doable is you are willing to put in the time. It is organized in a way that is easy

keep up with and a lot can be learned if you complete all the assignments.

Comment # 52

I enjoyed this class a lot. For future students I suggest that you read everything although it is a

fair amount of reading the assignments are not to difficult. As long as you space out your days

and stay on top of the reading you will do great! The quizzes are not bad you get to use your

book and that has all the answers so you shouldn't do bad on the quizzes unless you didn't read

than you won't know where anything is and they are timed quizzes. If you have a planner I

suggest using it and writing down when you are going to read and do the work. If you space it

out the work load is not a lot at all. I enjoyed this class it was very interesting and I loved the

topics. As long as you stay on top of everything you will of great in the class.

Comment # 53

I would advise future students to stay on top of the work load and to start reading the chapters

early. The reading can be time consuming, and students will learn and retain a lot more

information if they aren't rushing. I found the week to be much easier if I began reading on the

weekends during any free time instead of trying to fit it all into a busy week. It's helpful to take

quizzes soon after reading a chapter, or if it's been awhile, to flip through the chapter again prior

to the quiz. Also, start the primary source assignment early to give yourself time to figure out

what you want to do. Don't assume the class will have less work because it is online, and be

aware of when things are due. Overall, it's easy to be successful in this class as long as you put in

the effort.

Comment # 54

The best advice that I can give future students taking an online history course is print out the

class syllabus the first day you have get it. Do not procrastinate because you will fall behind fast.

When I first started I printed out the class syllabus and I look at it every day. I highlight what I

have done so I can move forward with the class. I also took the liberty to look at the orientation

letter for this class so I have a general idea of what the class is about and get to know the

instructor better to see what expectation you need to meet for successfully passing the class. Be

diligent with your work. Make your online class a priority over what you have going on at home

unless it is an emergency. It can be overwhelming so making a list a night before on what you

need to get done will help you get the work done. Have fun and don’t be shame to ask questions.

I made my own schedule based on any down time I had. This was a fun class for me and the

videos really help with retaining the information I read. Thank you.

Comment # 55

My advice to future students that are taking this class is to be thorough in you assessments of

what you are reading. If you need to, read things over twice in order to really grasp certain ideas

and events. Make sure that if you are doing any further research on what you are reading due to

needing more than what the book tells you, use scholarly references. You need to make sure that

in the act of defending or negating a statement; your credibility in knowledge is backed up by

legit sources with proven facts and not just opinions. Wiki is not a credible source.

The most important thing that you should do is read the Syllabus! It is there for your benefit. By

reading the syllabus several times, you will find that it helps keep you on track throughout the

course. It gives helpful information for better success.

Make sure you read all the material required. Not only does it help you with your tests, but it

gives you the ability to be able to actually carry on conversations and debates with credible

arguments politically and economically. It's important to know your history in order to

understand the way things are at work today; what things mean and to understand where people

stood in our history.

The videos wrap up the reading and help bind things together in an overall charismatic and visual

way. The power points are helpful when having to look back to refresh you memory on what

you read.

The professor is really good about feedback and an on time grading schedule. Also, if you have

any questions, emailing the professor will give you the fastest response.

Overall, this class is enjoyable. It was a refresher to things that I've learned many years ago, but

strengthened my debates in certain areas when dealing with politics today.

Comment # 56

This was by far one of the hardest online 5 week classes I have taken. My best advice for

prospective and/or future students taking this class is: Don't fall behind. It takes a lot of time

and preparation for a 5 week that force feeds an absurd amount of information. Plan your days

out accordingly and do not wait till the last second to complete assignments. Be open and

mindful to others opinions, don't be afraid to contact the instructor, and make sure you have

the right book before the class even gets started. This class is set up like an AP US History class,

so treat it like it is.

Comment # 57

To future students,

Do not take this class lightly. Make sure you purchase all necessary items (i.e. the textbook)

before hand and if you have an issue, address it with the instructor immediately. If you have a

busy lifestyle and cramped schedule please make a schedule and do your best to stay on top of

assignments and due dates as best as possible as time will seem to fly by very quickly. Keep in

mind of the courses you are taking it can be very difficult to juggle classes. Read and watch the

videos thoroughly. Highlights, notes and tabs can be helpful. Read syllabus and instructions

carefully and thoroughly, ensure you completely understand what is expected from you as a

student. Be respectful to colleagues and instructor, try to visualize, empathize and remember that

history is something that really occurred and real lives and real people went through these

situations. Try to take something out of the class, and truly learn something not just make a

check-mark. All in all stay on schedule do all assignments, do your best, always check every day

to see all tabs and links and requirements, study, study, study, and learn. It was a good class,

more demanding for my life situation than I expected, but very interesting and I loved the videos,

I loved reading the United States Constitution. All was very interesting, I wish I would have had

more time to absorb and retain more of the information and reading.

Comment # 58

To future students taking an online course such as this one, I would urge time management. It is

an online course so it is more flexible than an in-class course, but do not let the work pile up. By

planning ahead when to read, take quizzes, and complete assignments, you will find yourself less

overwhelmed by a large workload. Because a course such as this one covers a lot of curriculum

in a short period of time, the class will be very overwhelming when left to the last minute.

Another very important thing to remember in a course like this is that, just because it is online,

you are not guaranteed to pass with flying colors, as many assume. When reading, pay attention

to details and read thoroughly. You will be glad when the quizzes roll around. Lastly, use the

resources provided to you. Professor Varga provides video links. Although discussion boards do

require a quote from one each time, be sure to watch them for your own learning as well. Some

people have difficulty reading pages and pages and comprehending what they have just read.

This is when the videos can be extremely beneficial.

Comment # 59

Taking an online class is always a big commitment. You have to be extremely disciplined and be

able to remember various deadlines. When beginning the class, I highly recommend reading the

syllabus, and taking note of all the deadlines. If you plan out which assignments, you are going

to complete through out the week it can be very helpful. Next, there are a lot of quizzes in this

course, therefore there is a lot of reading. Reading the textbook and the chapters is very

important. You will not pass the quizzes if you do not read. I also recommend watching the

videos because they coincide with the text nicely and help you better understand the material. If

you find that you are a major procrastinator I would not take this course, for the assignments pile

up quick, and it is too much work to wait until the last minute. Plan everything out, and read the

material. If you do that you will be successful in the course.

Comment # 60

The best advice that I can give to student's taking this online history, is to study study study. The

quizzes are pretty difficult but definitely achievable. The discussion boards are also very

important when in the class, the completion of the discussion board is very important not only in

your thread, but also your response to someone else’s as well. As this class in particular was on

American history, there are a lot of childhood movies and videos that can easily be related to the

topics we are discussing that might be even more enjoyable then watching the required movies,

so additional "research" outside of the online class is very handy as well. When I first came into

this class I thought it was going to be a breeze, all I'd have to do is do the homework and watch

the videos provided, when in actuality there’s much more to it than that. You have to read the

book, watch EVERY movie with notes, annotate when you’re reading, and even do outside

research in order to complete your assignments successfully. With it being an online class it also

gives you a lot of free time for work or whatever situation may be, so what I do recommend is to

get a hold of your time management make some room so that you don't have to rush all of your

work or get it done at the last minute. When doing that it's basically asking for error, so basically

what I'm saying is the three key points is to study, create enough time, and pay attention to every

detail given.

Comment # 61

The advice I would give to future students is discipline yourselves. You are going to have to

make time to read the book, watch the videos, complete the quizzes, complete your discussion

board, and complete your reply. Believe it or not one chapter one chapter can take a significant

amount of time. If you have a busy schedule and are limited on time reconsider this class. It

moves at a real fast pace and you are going to have to be able to keep up. I am burning up with a

fever right now as I write this but that is the type of discipline you need for this class. Good


Comment # 62

The Best advice I could give anyone who is thinking about possibly taking an online history

class is to keep up with all the reading and to make great use of your time. You will struggle if

you choose not to read and to just cruise your way through. Besides, this is a class about our

history as a nation, some respect and effort should be put in. Making good use of your time will

make it very easy for you to get your assignments done and turned in, in a timely order. But

overall, the effort you put in will determine your grade, so to be successful try your hardest and

it's not too difficult of a course.

Comment # 63

Future Students,

So first off, disregard any ideas people have shared with you about online classes. They are not

as easy as you may think. It is only difficult in the sense that it takes as much effort as an in-class

history class would take, without the lectures and support of classmates. This class will definitely

challenge one's focus and discipline and you should only take it if you have both. I would

recommend setting a few hours a day aside to complete the discussion boards as well as to read

the chapters of the textbook thoroughly. The class may seem a bit intimidating, but the professor

is always willing to help and work to help you succeed. Just work hard and don't slack off and

you'll get through it without a problem.

Comment # 64

This was a great fast-paced class. I truly enjoyed it. I feel that the following steps will ensure the

success of other students in this class:

- read the syllabus very carefully. Points might be lost for not following technical requirements

rather than research work itself.

- be mindful of assignments due dates. No make ups in this class.

- allocate adequate amount of time to study. It is a very fast-paced class. Aside from the

textbook, there are additional resources you need to use (e.g. videos)

This class is not an easy "A", however, adhering to the syllabus makes it very doable. Hope that

helps. Good luck!

Comment # 65

In the past few weeks, I have learned a lot from this class. I have taken history courses

previously, but I enjoyed how this course focused on different aspects of United States history

that I have not studied in detail. I would highly recommend that you read the book in detail. The

quizzes were tough for me in the beginning because I did not realize how detailed the questions

on the quizzes would be. I falsely assumed that the questions would relate to only the big events

that occurred. I would recommend highlighting in the book as you read, or to take notes.

Overall, with proper time management, this class was great. The discussion questions really open

your mind about the significance of each event that has taken place in history.

Comment # 66

To future students:

Do not take online classes for granted, especially history courses! My first point of advice is

having good time management. Any history class you take will require a substantial amount of

reading, however with an online class that typically lacks formal lectures, I feel reading is much

more important for your success in the class, and there is usually a lot more of it. Set deadlines

for yourself and always stay on top of the reading. Falling behind can be a huge hit to your grade

when you’re unable to catch up with the multiple chapters that all piled up. Furthermore, when

reading, try to avoid distractions at all cost and take notes if possible! Taking notes on the

reading assignments will keep you engaged in the long chapters and will help you retain the

information about the content; this will obviously prepare you for the exams. Furthermore, read

the syllabus and all assignment instructions at least TWO times so you are very clear with what

is being asked to do. And finally, just because it is an online class does not mean you cannot ask

the teacher for help; email them! If something is unclear, don’t just guess, ask the professor.

Comment # 67

My advice for prospective and/or future student taking an online history course such as this one

is to make sure you read the chapters assigned! Your answers on quizzes and discussions are

based off of what you have read from the textbook and really helps you along the way. I would

also suggest you use time management wisely as you cannot procrastinate in a class such as this.

Even though you are given adequate time for deadlines, you do not want to put in half of the

effort because it will show and the professor will catch it.

Comment # 68

To Future Students, take lots of notes. The book might not be the most interesting thing you have

read, but note taking will really help keep facts from the book in your mind. Also for the quizzes

I recommend you take them immediately after having read the chapter and not doing all of them

in one day. Although they are only 15 questions you do take every quiz twice. The best part of

the class is that the work is due Wednesday and Friday, so if you space your homework out right

and stay on track you can complete a chapter a day and a quiz and then later work on the post.

DO NOT TRY to read a chapter, watch a video and work on the post the Day it is due. If you do

it right your weekends will be free. Make sure to clearly read the syllabus and to always ask

questions when you have any.

Comment # 69

The very best advice I could give to future students for an online history class like this one is to

keep your focus and to not underestimate it just because it is an online class. It still requires the

vigorous reading of a lecture-style class, and while it is convenient to be able to do it whenever

you'd like throughout the day, it is then very easy to lose track of time (and motivation). I would

recommend setting reminders on your phone/calendar to help with time management (and

remembering when things are due). Another piece of advice I have is to read the syllabus

carefully, as every teacher has a different way of wanting things to get done. Overall, these

classes are nice if you stay on top of your workload!

Comment # 70

The best advice I can give students who are thinking about taking this or any online class is too

not fall behind, even a little. Falling behind even a little bit can be detrimental to a student’s

grade and their time. When you fall behind no matter how far, that material being learned will be

neglected, or over looked. It may be a chapter is skipped or an assignment not turned in, but none

the less something is missed. The worst part is trying to catch up at the end and cramming not

only the material needed for the final, but also the material that was neglected or missed. I can

understand having to put off assignments till they are due because of other aspects of life, but

make sure that even if you have to miss a couple hours of sleep to stay with the class and not fall

behind it will be very beneficial. Some online classes don’t allow you to go back and finish work

that is passed due as well. In this case some material that was neglected can be lost now for good

and that material could be on the final or next test.

Comment # 71

My advice for future students who are choosing to take an online history class is to read! Read

everything you get in this course from the syllabus to the text book. Make sure you understand

the syllabus fully and are ready to take on the amount of work that is required for this class. You

need to make sure that all discussion boards meet the proper requirements in terms of length and

citations. The book needs to be in your hands by the first day of class. Make sure you read every

chapter fully and it wouldn't hurt to do a little bit more reading on the internet about the subject

to complete the discussion boards. The book isn't very straight forward or helpful with terms so

you need to be thorough when reading and highlight the important aspects of the chapter. Watch

all the videos that are provided and don't procrastinate any of the assignments. It's not an easy

class but if you put in the right amount of time and effort you will do fine.

Comment # 72

The best advice that I can offer to new students is to study the syllabus, and know what is

expected of the class from the beginning. Plan ahead for major assignments don't let them sneak

up on you. Stay up to date with all reading material and studying, and mark dates on a calendar

for quizzes, and due dates so you won't miss anything. Prepare to dedicate as much time as

possible, and check in daily for announcements or any changes.

Comment # 73

My advice for future students taking an online history class like this one is to avoid

procrastination. Try not to turn in your assignments the day it’s due or a few hours before

because if something still needs to be fixed on an assignment it’ll be too late. I admit that I have

done this a few times with some assignments. It's good to constantly keep up with any recent

updates and to keep track of deadlines so you can plan ahead with your readings and

assignments. Always take notes because you cannot retain that much information from the

chapters by just reading the book. You never know, whatever you write in your notes might

show up again on the quiz. Always refer back to the syllabus because it includes all the

information you need for this class. Overall, the class had very interesting topics which kept me

going and the assignments were fairly graded which I cannot complain about. Stay focused and

be diligent and you’ll do well in this class.

Comment # 74

To all future students taking online courses:

Give yourself at least two hours a day to devote to assignments. If you are taking a Summer

course, more time is needed since the learning experience is crammed into a shorter period of

time. Look at it as though you are in class, but with the luxury of getting to be in your pajamas.

Always utilize the syllabus to make sure that you know what and when an assignment is due.

Comment # 75

The best advice for this online class is to not procrastinate. In the beginning of this class session I

would stay on top of the assignments and get them done when they were available, but towards

the end I fell behind and it caused me to put it off until the last minute which is stressful. I also

advise that students do quizzes in chunks because if you try to do them all at once it will be

difficult. Take this class seriously and truly read the material and watch the videos this way the

discussion boards and quizzes will be much easier.

Comment # 76

In an online course, you don’t only learn about the course and the material instructed, but you

will also learn how to time manage, follow instruction on your own and be an independent

learner. If you are a procrastinator, online classes may not be the best option for you. Online

courses are designed to make it so if you procrastinate, that few hours before 11:59pm are

dreadful. My advice is to work on everything ahead of time and relax later, rather than relax at

the beginning and fret at the end. The syllabus is there all semester for a reason. If you are ever

confused about an assignment, pull up that syllabus and reread it. If it still doesn’t answer your

questions (9 out of 10 times it does) then ask the professor. If you can manage to discipline

yourself, online classes are not as scary as most say they are.

The comments below are from students who have taken a sixteen week semester History 111

or 112 course in the online setting with me as their instructor. The comments are uncensored

and un-edited. To protect privacy, the students’ names have not been included. Some of

what the students refer to may not seem familiar to you. Some class components to which

the students refer may not be components in the class you are presently taking. Nonetheless,

the comments are insightful because they emphasize advice requisite to success. These

comments are from the Fall 2016 semester.

Comment # 77

I want you thank you professor for a great semester. It has been a very tough one for me since History is

my worst subject but you have helped ease the tasks I took on possible. I feel if I can do it anyone can! I

wish everyone the best of luck on their accomplishments and would definitely recommend this class to


Comment # 78

Professor Varga,

Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this class. It started out much harder than I

was expecting, but in the end I am glad I took it and I really enjoyed it. :)

My advice for new students would be to thoroughly read the textbook. As simple as that sounds,

its so important and really made a difference in my understanding of the material, taking the

quizzes, and writing the discussion boards.

Comment # 79

Thank you Professor. I believe that History has never been my strong suit, but this class helped

me in some ways. Some advice for future students is to just do the task that is asked and you

should do just fine, but you must read the chapters because you will not go anywhere with this

class if you don't. Besides, the reading was not too bad and it was interesting information to read


Thank you for the great semester. Happy Holidays.

Comment # 80

Like most students at the university level, prior to taking classes with a particular teacher, you

ask other students and explore online information. The following is a truthful and complete

overview of Professor Varga’s History 111 online course. I do not recommend that students take

History 111 during your first semester of college or when you expect to carry a heavy load of

classes. Professor Varga’s course is intensive, clear and thorough. Life always ‘pops’ up ….

you will however adjust (keep him in the loop). Trust that you have a solid instructor with you

as you navigate through this course. History is not easy, its comprehensive with a myriad of

details. Follow Professor’s syllabus down to the letter and you will do fine. Download the COC

Canvas App on your phone… take your book with you wherever you go. Should you get five

minutes to read or write… do it. This way … you are less likely to fall behind. Do Not fall

behind. I am a visual and global learner. In terms of the tests I read the chapters to understand

how the material interrelates in a general sense. It is not enough! You will need to read the

materials until you know all of the definitions and questions provided at the end of each chapter.

Anything less is insufficient. You will not be successful on professor Varga quizzes based on

general knowledge. You must know the materials enough to write about it with ease and test like

you are a master. Don't let me scare you… if you like details, history and a great professor that

is responsive to your needs; and cares about you as a whole this is the class for you. You are in

good hands with this instructor, however it's a contract between you and him. In order to fulfill

your part of the contract, you have to do your part in order to be successful. Good luck and have


Comment # 81 Professor Varga, I enjoyed your online class thoroughly, the book was clear to read with great useful information. Not only that but I enjoyed the entertaining videos you linked us to. Prof. Varga's criteria is crystal clear and easy to follow. As long as you read, and follow his instruction you will pass his class with flying colors. My biggest struggle was falling behind on the reading. Huge mistake! Take time each day to read 3-5 pages and take helpful notes. Do not try reading it all at once. Make sure your discussions follow the guidelines. Also take time to read your peers

Discussions! I learned a lot from them, some even changed my perspective and stance on the discussed topic. Oh and Prof. Varga will help you with anything so don't be afraid to email him for questions. But before you do email him, read the syllabus. I guarantee you all your questions will be answered there. Lastly I want to thank you, Prof. Varga, for your dedications and time spent on reading each one of our threads and taking the time to respond, and give constructive criticism. Remember that history can actually be fun! Just keep up and you'll do great.

Comment # 82

Professor Varga,

I would like to thank you for this class! This history class was harder than I anticipated. I believe

that this class has taught me to be more thorough with my responses and always reaching the

minimum word count. I advise other students to truly read the book and always keep up on

discussion boards. I also advise future students to never fall behind on your class. Thank you for

this semester and happy holidays!

Comment # 83

Professor Varga,

My advice to future students is, be prepared to actually work. This class will prepare you for

university level assignments. I would suggest reading the chapters thoroughly until you

understand the material. This will prepare you for weekly quizzes. There are no short cuts in this

class and your weekly assignments will show your understanding of the material. The videos

assigned weekly are great for visual leaners, but I would also recommend researching on your

own to grasp the material. Also, everything you need to know to help you succeed is in the

Syllabus. If you follow it and not wait until the day the assignment is due to start figuring things

out, you will be better prepared. Good Luck!

Thank you Professor Varga for being a thorough instructor. Happy Holidays!

Comment # 84

Thank you professor Varga for a great semester, This is the second class I took with you and I

really enjoyed it. I would recommend future classmates to read the chapters with enough time,

take notes, and pay attention to the syllabus as everything what is expected to do is detailed on it.

Don’t feel discourage if you have any problems or questions, professor Varga is always willing

to help. Happy Holidays.

Comment # 85

Thank you Professor for an enjoyable class. I truly learned more about an interesting subject that

I’ve always had an interest in, and hope other classes read the material with the forethought that

“history repeats itself”, as well as keeping in mind that if you always do what you’ve always

done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.

Some advice I would give to future students is to read the chapters twice, once as a preliminary,

and again to take notes that answers the “Who, What”, “Review Questions”, and “Critical-

Thinking Questions” that are at the end of each chapter. Also, I found that the second reading

was more productive after the disclosure of the weekly Discussion Topic in order to obtain the

required quotes for the topic. Some further advice, when writing for the weekly Discussion

Topic, take the opposite point of view from your initial inclination of an answer; then go with

your initial inclination in your replies. The added effort in defending a point of view you truly

don’t have will embed information about the topic in you that is helpful during the quizzes.

Comment # 86

To the students looking to succeed in History 111 with Professor Varga, here is my advice.

Your success in this course begins on day one by Reading the course syllabus. The expectation

of you as a student and your expectation of grading criteria is stated plainly within the syllabus.

Read it.

Expect that you will have to actually read the material within the course textbook. Many

questions within the chapter quizzes are detailed pieces of information that you must have read

and remembered. Read the assigned chapters.

Lastly, don't fall behind. Easier said than done, I know. But do whatever you can do to complete

the assigned readings and discussion posts. Realize that your discussion posts reveal to Professor

Varga, and your classmates, that you have actually comprehended the information within the

assigned chapter. Do your best to state your position and respond to classmates with legitimate

reasons why you may, or may not, agree with theirs.

Comment # 87

For future students,

I highly encourage reading the textbook. Reading the chapter before the quizzes is the key to

doing well on them, skimming through the chapter as you take the quiz is not as effective. There

is a lot of information that goes into the discussion boards and replies, so doing your research

outside of the book and the provided videos doesn't hurt. This class taught me a lot and I'm glad

it challenged me. Good luck and enjoy!

Comment # 88

Professor Varga,

Thank you for all the help into the preparation for this class and also the helpful advice that was

given at the end of each discussion board and also the work that was put into all the quizzes. I

also loved the videos and thought that they help immensely.

My advice for future students is really when you are reading to think of the non obvious

questions. What I mean by this is when you are finished throughly reading a chapter, when you

ask the questions in order to understand the chapter, don't ask the most obvious questions like

what was this war or who started this war but really why was this war started or why did a

certain group think a certain way. Also watching the videos help if at the end of the chapter, you

still have trouble understanding the concept of the chapter, the videos go more deeply into each

discussion. I think that it was a essential part of both the discussion boards and the quizzes as

well. Other than that just reading the chapter and understanding it to its fullest like if you were

explaining it to a child.

Again thank you for everything and happy holidays!

Comment # 89

My first piece of advice would be to simply read the book and actively take notes. Just skimming

through the chapters alone is not enough. To fully grasp the information and concepts, students

must be reading thoroughly while also taking notes of key points in the chapters. Additionally,

do not be afraid to disagree with a fellow student in the discussion boards. If everybody agreed

with each other, no new information would be introduced. Healthy disagreement is beneficial, as

it introduces new perspectives and points-of-view on the assigned topics. Lastly, be mindful of

deadlines and which day of the week it is. This class is very passable if you submit most of the

discussion board posts and quizzes on time.

And thank you Professor Varga for being the most active and responsive online professor I have

had during my time at COC. Keep it up. Happy holidays!

Comment # 90

To Future Students,

This class is a challenging and eye-opening course. It helps in preparation for the reality of a

college class and its schedule. I would say the best way to ensure a good grade in this class is to

read and HIGHLIGHT important pieces of information in each chapter (if and only if you choose

to purchase the book, not rent it). This really came in handy when it came time to take the

quizzes from each chapter. It allowed me to review the main points from each section before

taking the quiz. Also, it makes writing the discussion boards and including evidence much easier.

Have a great semester!

Comment # 91

To Future Students,

I took History 111 and now 112 with Professor Varga and have learned so much in this class! It

is challenging but is very knowledgeable. Now to make sure you get a good grade in this class,

always read the chapter so that you better understand what your reading and be able to answer

the threads and take the quizzes. What really helped me was using post its and writing key

information for the quizzes. But do not miss any chapters or it will affect you! But awesome

teacher and helps anytime when asked! Have an awesome semester!!!

Comment # 92

A Note to Future Students,

I thoroughly enjoyed this class and felt that I learned a lot about the history of the United States.

Professor John Varga has met all my expectations in a good teacher. His detailed syllabus helped

me understand the work that was required throughout the semester and if I ever had any

questions he responded via email very quickly. The most important piece of advice I would pass

on to anyone taking one of Prof. Vargas classes is to read the weekly readings. This was

necessary when forming strong opinions in the discussion boards and also in the weekly quizzes.

I found it helpful to highlight throughout my reading to understand the information better. Also, I

would suggest taking at least a week to work on the California Government Project and

gathering multiple sources for research (library, databases, etc.). I would recommend this class to

anyone who is willing to do the work!

Comment # 93

To Future Students,

This class is challenging yet rewarding as you immerse yourself into the history of the United

States. Being able to look back on past events that occurred during the history of the U.S. and

compare them to today's events gives people the opportunity to learn from past mistakes and go

further into making new and bright opportunities for the U.S. My advice for this class is to make

sure you read the text. Not only is reading the text going to help you understand what you're

learning and provide quotes for discussions, but it is also very important for quizzes. I also

advise you to look through the syllabus thoroughly, specifically how Professor Varga wants you

to quote your citations. Good luck throughout the semester!

Comment # 94

To Future Students,

This class can be very enjoyable and informing as long as you keep up with your posts. Professor

Varga makes it very easy to follow along with the announcements so there really is no excuse to

not get things done. The text is extremely helpful in the quizzes so studying that is really

important to pass! Good luck!

Comment # 95

Dear future students, My advice for you all is to read EVERYTHING, and look at the videos given.

I myself had to read and re-read again and again because every chapter contains a lot of information and it was hard for me to keep everything in. For those who are READERS the reading will be a peace a cake especially because all the reading is very interesting. For those who are NOT READERS, like myself, reading will be a bit difficult, again I had to read and re-read! As for the quizzes, all questions come from the reading that we do, keep the book handy because you can refer back to it when you are taking the quiz. DO NOT, do a quiz without the reading thinking you will be able to rely only on the book, going back and forward, it will not work. Do the reading and the quizzes will be a piece of cake. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL � You will all learn a lot from this online class, I have no complaints, thank you Mr. John V, this class was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment # 96

Future Students, my advice is making sure you read THE ENTIRE material and watch the entire

videos. Also don't procrastinate, make sure to meet the deadlines. Once its 11:59pm you are out

of luck. The class is really interesting and not your typical boring history class (even though its

online). However, you must read everything in order to succeed in the quizzes. You cannot take

the quizzes without reading and think you will pass. I had to take notes on all the chapters to

comprehend them. Good luck to you all and wish you the best. Mr. Varga is a great Professor.

Comment # 97

To future students: I learned a lot in this class. I don't know that my comments will be helpful, as

I am probably a lot older than the students that will read this. I did not accomplish the grade I

wanted. I had a hard time retaining the information due to the length of the chapters. I read most

chapters twice. Again, maybe not something the typical young college student would have a

problem with, but I felt anxious during the quizzes because of them being timed. I know the

purpose of this was to retain information and not have to look up information, but at my age, a

little more time would have helped in order to get better scores. I also had a hard time

understanding the questions. It seemed as though there were more than one appropriate answer

but not an "all" choice in many cases. In other cases I felt like the wording was purposefully

manipulated to "trick" the reader. I missed many of these because I read it wrong (because I was

in a hurry racing the clock). Taking notes did not help, nor bookmarking. I also felt like I only

had two days out of the week to get my work done. Discussions didn't open until midnight

Sundays. I work all day Monday and couldn't start until Tuesday afternoon, when it was due. The

same for the quizzes. I take a lot of classes online because of my job and my family. I felt

handcuffed during the times I could have been devoting to studying and completing work but

couldn't because of the assignments being locked. I guess I would say go and finish school

before you start relationships, families and get older. Way easier when you are fresh and free.

Thank you Professor, for you time and talent.

Comment # 98

Thank you for the opportunity to share my feedback. Dear future students: Welcome to on-line History! In this course you'll learn a broad range of open perspectives on how the United States was founded and built. I definitely learned more than I anticipated! This course moves extremely quickly; please don't procrastinate. My best advice to you is, don't give up! Although it's a lot of work, please remain persistent. You'll be so proud of yourself and grateful for it. Professor Varga has an "open door" policy. Should you have questions or concerns please take him up on his offer to assist you. He's always responsive and truly wants to see you succeed in this course. Best wishes to you. Cheers! Comment # 99

Advise to Future Students,

This course was a real learning experience. I found the timed quizzes to be a challenge. Really

make sure you read the chapters, more than once, as you only have 20 minutes to answer 15

questions. The discussion questions are very fair and as long as you know how to correctly cite

evidence to back up your opinion, you will do great. I really appreciate Professor Varga for

treating this like a real class and not one of the online classes where everyone gets an "A", if that

is what you are looking for don't take this one. You will work hard but you will also get a great

deal out of it. I truly appreciated the learning experience of this course Professor Varga is very

approachable and will answer your emails right away. He wants all of his students to be


From Summer 2017: Five Week Intersession Course

Comment # 100

My advice for any students who takes this course is to not take shortcuts when producing written

responses to posted questions. The more details and support that you can provide for your

answers, the better your grade will be and the more you will benefit from this course. Also, the

more I researched each question, the more enjoyable the class became because the questions

were thought provoking and helped to extend my interest in the topic.

The questions that are presented primarily take the form of a debate. This makes the questions

less "cookie-cutter" and more interesting. Knowing that I would ultimately have to ague for one

side and then possible argue for the opposing side in my response allowed to take perspective of

multiple positions without feeling inhibited that one position was morally wrong.

I thoroughly recommend this course for anyone who enjoys history and who is willing to put in a

little extra effort along the way in order to produce work that is of high quality.

Professor Varga has high expectations, but every professor should, because with time and effort,

we are all capable.

Comment: # 101

Reflecting on the fully online 5-week summer intersession, it was a lot more intense than I could

have imagined. The discussion boards and quizzes are NOT set up for students who have

skimmed chapters. The discussion board topics will very much make you think critically. My

best advice for the discussion boards is to look past specific sections of the chapter and look at

information outside of that section per chapter accordingly. For example, just because Professor

Varga asks about the significance of the political outcome of the Declaration of Independence,

don't just seek out the section regarding that topic in the chapter. You need to understand why

the political landscape was in its position prior to the Declaration of Independence, the events

leading up to it and the results. The more evidence, facts, people, and information that is relevant

to the discussion board topic, the better. You will not have the ability to circumvent the textbook

or the videos, as they are 100% crucial to your success to the discussion boards. I would not

suggest trying to skim chapters or waiting until the last minute to post. You need AT THE

LEAST a day before its due to understand the discussion board topic, read the chapter, jot notes

on defending or negating the statement, and writing your post.

As far as the quizzes are concerned, attempting to use Google will be futile in nature. My

suggestion would be to read the chapters, take notes, read the chapter again with your notes. It is

important to analyze and summarize each section of each chapter. The questions on the quiz can

be very broad or very specific. The content of the quiz will vary, and the only common theme is

"you better have read the chapter". 20 minutes is insufficient time if you think you can pull up

the quiz, not having read the chapter, and hope to find the answers. The quizzes take the

information from each chapter and rephrase the information. For your success, I urge you to

read, take notes, summarize each section, then re-read again prior to taking the quiz, in which

you will need a lot of time.

You will have to put forth effort in order to succeed in this class, just like putting in the effort for

anything else in life. Good luck!

To summarize:

1. Read, analyze, re-read, take notes

2. Cover as much information as possible on the discussion board relevant to the topic.

3. Give yourself ample time to prep for each assignment.

4. Google will NOT be your friend for this course.

5. You will learn a lot about American History!

Comment # 102

Thank you very much Professor Varga! Here's my advice to future students:

To those of you starting this course, good luck and have fun. Keep up on the reading, don't leave

it all to one day. Procrastination is not compatible with this online class. I often made the mistake

of waiting until the last minute, and therefore my work was sometimes sub-par. It's an interesting

class, and I hope you enjoy it, but do not fall behind on the work.

Comment # 103

To those starting this course, make sure you get the book before hand as soon as you can.

Falling behind in the reading right out of the gate has a snowball effect, as the first five or so

chapters cover an immense amount of time in very compact chapters. The book is a very

interesting read, which fills in a lot of the gaps that previous history classes did not get into

in general summaries. This class will give you a newly informed historical perspective on what

is currently going on in America. Also, in the discussion boards, make sure to mention things

that may be secondarily relevant, even if they are not the main point of your negate/confirm

argument, as this will give show A. a better grasp on the issue as a whole and B. result in better

discussion board grades.

Comment # 104

Thank you Mr. Varga!

My advice to future students is to stay on top of their work and to try and avoid doing work last

minute. It is much less stressful to do work a few hours before it is due, and you will not have to

rush in order to meet the deadline for the assignment. Another piece of advice is to read each

section thoroughly, because it will help you write threads and find quotes more easily.

Comment # 105

Dear prospective students,

As you make your brief journey through this course, make an effort to relish learning the history

of this great nation in which you live. When you first introduce yourself to Canvas (or perhaps

another program utilized in the future), familiarize yourself with the course syllabus, class

expectations, and do your best to set up a reasonable schedule. Mr. Varga's discussion board

prompts are manageable and reasonable to approach, but do not overlook this. When addressing

the topic, make sure to pick your side and find an abundance of evidence. Often, you will find

that you won't use most of it, but it is a writer's responsibility to assess and foresee several

potential paths of writing. I would always recommend being detailed and going beyond the core

requirements (though, do not be too excessive). What I've noticed from Mr. Varga's online

course relative to others is that his set-up is very well-organized, so there is no excuse to fall too

far behind. Certainly, however, there will be a few bumps along the way, but Mr. Varga's

policies on the final grade for the class will give you a little leeway now and then (though do not

rely on this). One final thing I'd like to talk about is that when I first began this course, I briefly

skimmed through a few of the former students' advice entries (perhaps like you are doing so

now), and I noticed one person's in particular. Of course, this person was anonymous, as I am

now, but this person made a point to say that he (or she) was probably older than the typical

college student taking this course. Now, on the contrary, I'd like to make a point to say that I am

probably younger than the typical college student taking this course, as I was enrolled through

the "College Now!" program. This was, in fact, my first online class that I had ever taken, and

although my final grade has not yet been calculated at this moment, I still believe (and hope) I

will have secured a good grade in the class. As long as you keep up with the reading and the

assignments and put forth your best effort, you can be successful in this class. Anyone can. Take

it from a high school student.

Comment # 106

Thank you Mr. Varga!

For any future student, take your time while reading the book and get it as soon as you can. The

book is a very easy read but it provides a lot of information and it is kind of overwhelming the

first time that you pick it up. But take your time and take in everything it has to offer. Just read it

like any ordinary book and take it everywhere you go, just like I did, and it will make it so much

easier when you come to the assignments. You won't have to cram your reading into the last

possible minute. It is a simple class when you create habits of doing work every day since the

start. Stay on top of your work if not you'll find yourself panicking through the material and

getting nothing out of it. It's simple, don't over think it.

Comment # 107

My advice for future students is to stay on top of the workload. I set deadlines set within each

week for myself. This helped me stay in task and keep up with the work. I would not have been

able to do this course If I procrastinated. I would also encourage people to pay attention to the

videos because they help clarify the readings. One things I wish I would have done is to have

been in contact with the professor to clarify things or ask questions. I wish I chatted with him

during his office hours. Good luck to everyone taking the class. Don't procrastinate!!!!!!!

Comment # 108

Thank you, Professor, for an amazing few weeks! It's been a pleasure to be a part of this class :-)

My advice to future students is, besides the standard DON'T PROCRASTINATE AND STAY

ON TOP OF YOUR WORK (!!!) is to try to look at this course from a point of view different to

what you're used to. You might have certain preconceived notions about U.S. History (which I

definitely had) or just history in general, but I ask you to put those thoughts aside. Try to develop

an appreciation for the history of this country that you live in so that this course will

become infinitely easier to get through, as well as interesting as well. History is interesting, it's

not just about times and places (though those are certainly important to remember as well, don't

get me wrong). Otherwise, I advise future students to study well, pace themselves, don't force

themselves to do everything all at once and, most of all, don't procrastinate. I wish all future

students good luck in this course. :-)

Comment # 109

Thank you Professor Varga for your time and dedication to teaching American history. It has

truly been such a great experience for me!

Dear Future Students,

You must be prepared and ready to put all your effort into this class. Just because this is an

online course does not mean that it will be easier than going into class; in fact it can be just as

tough or more difficult. Make sure you have the ability to be organized, manage your time well,

and the self-discipline to stay on top of the readings. Do not rush through the videos, discussion

boards, or the chapters as it will make succeeding in this class that much more difficult.

Everything that Professor Varga assigns is important and worthwhile for achieving success. In

addition, completing the assignments to the best of your ability will help add to your

understanding of the topics that this class addresses. Taking this class gives an in depth look at

how the United States of America was founded and what issues they faced along the way. I

believe it is important for everyone to take the time and learn about the history of their country as

it provides appreciation and reflection for where we are today. Good luck and I hope this class is

just as interesting to you as it was to me.

Comment # 110

Thank you Professor Varga!

My advice for future students is don't pile up work to the last minute, stay ahead of the game.

Read ahead, there is no time for procrastination. Good luck and have fun!

Comment # 111

To future students, this being my first history class sure it was difficult at first. Once you get a

feel of the due dates of assignments and such you learn to pace yourself. I recommend that to

prevent yourself from pushing things to the last minute you should read little by little everyday

even though if it means taking up your weekend time. I strongly recommend summer online

classes mainly because for me the due dates were incentives to get things done, sorta like an

extra push.

Comment # 112

Thank you Professor Varga!

My Advice:

Since there is a lot of information to be learned in such a short amount of time, it is very

important to not procrastinate and to stay on top of your work. It is also important to pace

yourself and to have a plan. Before the class begins, I suggest making a schedule of what you

want to accomplish each day. Make sure that when answering to a discussion board you have a

substantial amount of evidence that covers all the possible information regarding the topic you

are defending. When it comes to taking the quizzes, make sure that you have thoroughly read

the chapter and watched all of the videos in their entirety. You will not have enough time to look

up any information while in the middle of taking a quiz, so you have to make sure you really

know the material. Another thing to remember is to have an open mind because this class is very

beneficial in many ways regarding what can be learned about U.S. history, and time management

skills. Keeping a positive mindset is just as important as staying on top of your work because it

will help you to appreciate the topics you are learning about and it will make the work fun.

Remember, don't procrastinate, make a plan, and stay confident because even though the work

load can seem daunting, you can make it through! Good Luck!
