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Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the...

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Page 1: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others
Page 2: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

Dear Readers!


My heart brims with great pleasure to announce that SPARK, the testimony of VMS is entering the ninth year ofpublication. Happy anniversary SPARK!!!

It has been a sustained effort of the Team Spark to publish a skillfully crafted magazine with a unique theme everytime. For this special issue, the team has chosen the theme, “SECOND CHANCE”. Showered with a second chancein life and utilizing the moment to complete the unfinished accomplishments is really a gift. I thank the contributorswho have come forward with their stories related to the above theme. Strength does not come from physicalcapacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

Saluting the sacrifices of soldiers on National Army Day and remembering the values of the Father of the Nation on71st Republic Day. VMS collective has started its journey forward to help the underprivileged in and around ourSteel Plant. The prime mission being healthcare, VMS has donated protein bars to special school, grocery to DesireSociety which is committed to working for children affected and afflicted with HIV and organised a blood donationcamp with the help of Sai Seva Samiti on International women’s day. With a vision to empower women througheducation, financial assistance was given to the meritorious girls for higher studies and a support staff of ArunodayaSpecial School was felicitated for her longest service. To expand the horizon of activities VMS was able to launch itswebportal. This is linked to the RINL website.

Sui-Dhaga a tailoring unit was inaugurated to organize skills of women workers for full employment and self-reliance. However the concept of SWACHH BHARAT is always the center of all the activities. My sincere thanks tothe executive committee members for their indomitable spirit and, the officials of VSP who helped VMS to pursueits mission of uplifting the marginalized community.

Executive members of VMS make lot of conscious efforts so that all the members are encouraged to take part indifferent programmes during MGTS. Be it be the Rangoli competition, during the Sankranti celebrations or thevarious indoor and outdoor games conducted during the Sports Day. Every time the members show a culture oftrust which is highly laudable.

SPARK is more than just a magazine where the potentials, talents, achievements and vision of members of SteelPlant fraternity get reflected. Each time the contributor of Divyokti feature in Sanskrit enriches us with the ancientclassical language of India. My special praise for the team for the arduous effort they put in selecting, editing andcompiling the articles and even designing the magazine.

The world has been brought to a standstill by the pandemic COVID-19 and everywhere there is lockdown .Due tothis catastrophe VMS could not execute some of the activities as planned. Keeping in mind the current scenario,Team Spark has resolved to release this Special anniversary issue using the social media platform. By doing so, wehave not only ensured timely release but also have adhered to the norms of lockdown. Happy reading. Do write tous your valuable suggestions so that our organization will reach new heights.

Stay home stay safe. Let’s all pray for brighter days during our forthcoming festivals.

Thank you. Wishing to reunite soon

Sarada RathEditor in Chief & President, VMS

Page 3: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others
Page 4: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others




The idea of Spark - JAN,2012


Secunderabad Railway station

I was feeling nauseous and disturbed...

Today, at Hyderabad, I didn’t do well in thecompetitive examination and ruined my only chanceto get into central government services.Disappointment flowed through my heart and brain.I could sense all my dreams crumbling into ashes.

After completing my Diploma in Civil engineering..instead of joining B. Tech. like all my classmates, Ijoined B.A. (through Correspondence) and startedpreparing for competitive examinations. When wechoose a different path from others, society alwaysjudges us. People around me never left a singlechance saying I chose a wrong path. They said I couldhave joined B. Tech. so that I could have a better careerbut I never really cared.

All these things were running in my mind disturbingme. I felt numb. The people around, were busy withtheir own lives. Everyone seemed happy. I cursedGod for making me suffer. Suddenly, my eyes werestruck on a lady who was selling combs, mirrors,bangles and other fancy items on the other side ofthe road. I felt a connection with her. And after awhile, I finally remembered who she was....

I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She wascleaning the compartments, while some passengersgave money, some gave her left over food, othersjust looked away giving a disgusting expression ontheir faces. When I went to wash my face, she wassitting near the door with her children. I looked atthem and the little girl, who seemed the youngest,flashed an innocent yet beautiful and gorgeous earto ear smile. I smiled back, went to my seat and cameback to them with some sweets and biscuits. Childrenthanked me on their mother’s prompting. I wascurious to know about her. She seemed much youngerthan me. I asked about her. She smiled and startedtelling me 'HER' story....

"Didi! I belong to a poor family. My mother worked asa maid and my father being sick, did nothing. We are

five siblings and I’m the eldest one. All the seven ofus depended on the insufficient earnings of mymother. I was married off to a vegetable vendor at avery young age. We lived in a little house happilywith my children. Unfortunately, last year I lost myhusband in a road mishap and we are on roads now.For some time, I cleaned utensils in a dhaba. As myearnings were meagre. I could just feed myself andmy children, my landlord threw us out as I was unableto pay the rent. We had nowhere to go. From thenonwards, I made the railway station my home, I cleanthe railway compartments in the day time. I may notgive my children a proper 'today', but I will try my levelbest to give them a better ' tomorrow'. and I’m sure Iwill." Hearing her, I felt goosebumps rising on my arms.

I felt very bad for her. But I was surprised to see thatdespite their poverty and hardships they foundhappiness in their lives. What a positivity andconfidence! It was heartening to hear her say thatshe would give her children a better tomorrow. I feltreally amazed for her positive approach towards life.Even though she suffered a lot since her childhood.She hoped for the best in the future. I gave her somemoney and bought the children some chocolates. Ifelt very astonished seeing her again after all theseyears. She was smiling contently. I could sense herhappiness and content in her life. I thought of goingto her, but my dad came back with the water bottleand some stuff to eat. We rushed on to the platformas we heard the announcement of the train whichwe were to take.

I didn’t know where she lived .., how she came to thiscity. etc. etc.! The only thing that struck my mind wasthat. her transformation... from cleaning compartments...to selling something to make her own living. How hardshe must have worked! How many hurdles she must’vecrossed! She hoped for the best and believed in herselfand made her living better.

Train arrived and we sat in our reserved seats. I felt allmy disappointment vanishing. I thought of a bettercareer and a better opportunity. I felt positivity buildingup in me. I hoped for the best in my future too.

Page 5: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

| 5SPARK TRIVIA First Issue of Spark launched - 9th April ,2012

Mumbai, Current Day

After the death of his father he was throwing away hisold and unnecessary papers. During the process hefound an envelope, unsealed, old, tainted at the corners.The envelope had some address written on it, “9 MCGarden Road ...…” and inside the envelope there was aletter written by his father, Shyam. He read a few lines, aletter written for some lady named Radhika. That letterwas never posted. He kept it aside and continued hissorting work. Later in the afternoon he sealed theenvelope and posted it before leaving his old house.

9 MC Garden Road , Current Day

Breathing has become quite difficult for Radhika now adays. She has crossed ninety few months ago. Her houseseems to be older than her, so are the things inside it.She has many companions in her house, her pills,prescriptions, trembling limbs, almost blurred eye sightand one part time nurse who visits her twice a day. Sheis the only regular visitor Radhika has. One moreoccasional visitor is a kitten that steals her food from thekitchen. On a sudden day, the postman delivers a letter.Surprised to see a letter in an old envelope, with hermagnifying glass she tries to read the content, shecouldn’t recollect the sender’s name, Shyam!

Delhi, 65 Years Ago, The Incomplete Letter

Dear Radhika,

Many times I tried talking to you, but I couldn’t. You areglamorous, very popular and almost everyone wants tobe a friend to you. You must have lots of friends, very lesstime for people like me. For quite some time my worldis filling with your presence. Could you please just talkto me once. Can I be just a conversation in your life?Someday, in your leisure, among those random

memories, can I be a moment of hiatus. Followingsomeone from a distance preserves emotions as it isand Shyam.

9 MC Garden Road , Current Day

When she couldn’t read the letter properly she askedher nurse to read it to her. Her nurse stopped at thepoint “…..emotions as it is and” “What after that” she asked.

“The letter is incomplete and finishes here” her nursesaid.

Late in the afternoon she was lying in her bed. Thinkingabout the letter. She tried a lot to recollect someonenamed Shyam but like popularity, glamour, friends andfamily, her memory has also fallen short to give hercompany. She had a very satisfying life, with all thepleasure life had offered to her whether materialistic orsomething beyond. Something that she had which otherdidn’t was longevity. Most of her near and dear oneseither had a shorter life span or settled far away makingher lonely, deserted.

Her life is very calm and quiet now. She had no one toask for the attention. She wished, out of that crowd thatused to be present at her glamorous age, a few turnedout now, just to talk to her, just to make a conversation.

Through her bedside window she looked at the worldoutside. There was a tree full of leaves.

Sunlight came in through the leaves. With the windtouching the leaves , they used to block the light everynow and then, in one moment there was light and in thenext moment there was a chance for the shadow.

She plans to write a letter. Beginning with, “DearShyam……...”

Sujal Kumar Malik


Page 6: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

Every person in this universe has made a mistake atone point or another. People need to forgive andforget. People do things not knowing that they arehurtful and demeaning.

Second chances are wonderful. Everyone shouldhave. “Though no one can go back and make a brandnew start, anyone can start from now and make abrand new ending.” Carl Bard’s quote is exactly how Ifeel on the subject. Everyone makes mistakes; it’s notwhat they did but how they fix it and what happensafter.

Second chances and forgiveness starts in one’s ownlife! It is good to forgive, but even better to beforgiven. Forgiveness and second chances are timeswhere you show to people that: yes, I made a mistake;yes, I am sorry for what I did; and yes, I have changed.

Forgiveness only happens when one personapologizes for their actions using this word orsomething close to it.

Second chances are always great for those whodeserve them. If you really show remorse about whatyou have done, you will usually get a second chance.In life, second chances are important even though itmay be hard to look past what he or she has done andforgive them.

Aparna Ravi



Life is too short for one to not forgive someone fortheir mistakes. No one in this world is perfect andwill make mistakes but life always goes on.

When life presents you with the same scenario twice,it is giving you a chance to do things differently, torecreate the perfect scenario you always wanted. Asecond chance is sometimes a miracle in disguise. Itis simply a gift God handed to you to change your lifearound.

People change, you change and the universechanges, if we keep ourselves confined to firstchances only, we will truly miss out on some of themost beautiful things in life.

Second chances teach you patience, wisdom,forgiveness and courage-and it is hard not to make abetter decision when you have so much grace. Secondchances are a gift from the universe, you get a secondchance to be with someone you love, you get asecond chance to prove yourself at work, you get asecond chance to be a better person, or a betterfriend or a better parent.

Give yourself a second chance, give your parents asecond chance, give your friends a second chance,give your passion a second chance, give your love asecond chance, give happiness a second chance andgive life a second chance.

SPARK TRIVIA | 6 Spark is a magazine by, of and for the VSP family

dUsara maaOkadUsara maaOkadUsara maaOkadUsara maaOkadUsara maaOka

htaSa @yaUÐ hao]dasa @yaUÐ haorasto maoM mauiSklaoM haoMÊ yaacaunaaOityaaoM ka phaD, haohara vahI hOjaao mana sao hara haosar ]zakdma baZ,a

jaItnaa torIiftrt maoM hOgaujar gayaa jaao va@t]sa po raonaa kOsaaÆjaba kuC kr gaujar jaanao kIijaMdgaI do rhI maaOkapanao ko ilae saMsaar hOgavaaÐnao ko ilae kuC BaI nahIM

ek kdma AaOr baZ,aek baar AaOr jaaor lagaakuC kr gaujar jaanao kahunar duinayaa kao isaKamaaOka imalaa hO tumhoM[ithasa banaaek kdma AaOr baZ,aek baar AaOr jaaor lagaa

jyaa o %sanaa ranaI naayakjyaa o %sanaa ranaI naayakjyaa o %sanaa ranaI naayakjyaa o %sanaa ranaI naayakjyaa o %sanaa ranaI naayak

Page 7: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

| 7SPARK TRIVIA Spark is an In-house, Tri-lingual, Quarterly Magazine, Published by VISTEEL MAHILA SAMITI

As Spark celebrates its eighth birthday, it’s reallyoverwhelming to congratulate the team Spark for thefabulous hard work the team has taken for the successof this magazine.

Every new day is a second chance given to us by Godour creator. The world and the existence of humanbeing move on chances. We do have many chancesin life; chances to forgive, chances to love, chancesto care, chances to be a true humane person, the listcan be endless. But the question is are we reallyutilizing the chances given to us by time as well asthe supreme power. We will never get a secondchance to make a first impression in life.

It is said that sometimes second chances work betterto make choices in life or to make the life better.

I believe I’m on a second chance on this planet rightnow. The first chance was given to me and I made myown signature wherever I went. Perhaps I was tooproud or too satisfied with my own little things andthe convenience provided. It was nine years ago. Iwas on the verge of a paralyzing moment. All of asudden I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t run, I couldn’t sit orstand. It was a kind of test; I believe it was a test of my


own existence. I was taken to hospital and thedoctors informed that I was almost failing to walk.My spine was damaged very badly for reasonsunknown to me.

The medicos advised for an emergency spinalsurgery but they were not sure if I could walk again! Ikept my faith in the supreme creator and the surgerywas done and miraculously I was able to stand on myfeet!

I believe, God, the supreme power has given a secondchance to ease the life of many people and toillumine the lives of many through my life. Yes, it’s asecond chance to me undoubtedly. If I am able to fillthe life of an individual with hope forgetting my ego,then my life is comforted. Because I believe life isnot to be wasted but to live in full with gratitude andcontentment when I have or when I don’t haveanything in life. It’s that faith, which makes my lifegoing. I’m glad that I’m able to ignite the lives of manythrough my second chance.

I’m happy and satisfied in my life. And this is mysuccess mantra.

Sr. Bindu Abraham,

baakI saba imaqyaatuma hI saca qaoÊtuma hI saca haotuma hI saca rhaogaotuma kla qaotuma hI Aaja haotuma hI kla haogaobaakI saba imaqyaa.hao sakta hOna tuma [sao saca maanaaona kao[- AaOrlaoikna saca tao tuma hI qao

basa tuma hI…basa tuma hI…basa tuma hI…basa tuma hI…basa tuma hI…

saca tuma hI haosaca tuma hI rhaogaobaakI saba imaqyaa.idla idmaaga Aa%maakI Alaga duinayaa haotIvaao ek idna qaa[sa hr nao ]sa hr kao doKa qaahaonaa qaa ekhao gae ekiksaI nao saaocaa na qaabasa [tnaa bata dUÐ ikrh nahIM pata hUÐ ibana tumharo

idla idmaaga $h maoMisaf- tuma hI haobaakI saba imaqyaa.khnao kao tao ]sa idna imalaapr lagaa nahIMÊ phlao nahIM imalaaisaf- ek pla lagaayah inaNa-ya laonao maoM iktuma hI haotuma hI haobaakI saba imaqyaa..

DI ko EaIvaastvaDI ko EaIvaastvaDI ko EaIvaastvaDI ko EaIvaastvaDI ko EaIvaastva

Page 8: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

And God said “ let there be light.” He rubbed thestones hard and sparks flew. Voila, it was light. He wasdelighted with the success. He burned Iron and madebow and arrows to hunt., spades to cut the trees andmade his house, sickle to clear the forest and cultivate,he collected almost every need from mother Natureand was happy.

Gradually, with time his need increased. He was nothappy with only food and shelter. He had to amusehimself with chasing the wild beasts and kill them.Cutting more trees to make bigger house, clearingmore forests to make more fleet of cars, personalisedaircraft, helicopters, more leather purses, shoes andjackets. He needed more food to store, more moneyto buy the things that he really did not need, forexample, stuffed Tiger or Bison heads to adorn hiswalls. He was required to generate more wealth aswealth brought more power and authority, herequired more security as he had more wealth,required more weapons to safeguard himself and inturn more trees were needed to fall, more forestswere needed to clear, more rivers were needed todry up, more poison was needed to infect air. He washappy.

But Mother Nature frowned. After all he was herfavourite child. He was never denied of any pleasurein his life. However, of late she is receiving numerouscomplaints from other family members, none of themare happy. Mother Earth was not happy with thewounds and scars made by her blue eyed boy to thisbeautiful world but being a mother she knew how todiscipline an unruly child.

One fine morning he found that the birds were notcoming to his window sills anymore. He was told thatthey had left. That they did not have any place to sleepand nurture the young ones as there was no tree tomake the nests. He found that dolphins and whaleswere not swimming anymore. Oceans were full ofplastics and no stretch was available to spread theirfins. His fields started drying up as rivers were

Bandana Mitra

squeezed so much that they no longer flowed. Cropsfailed. No more beasts to hunt. On top of everythinghe was told to stay indoors if he valued his life as adeadly enemy had invaded his kingdom who couldnot be tamed with his entire collection of weaponsand army. He was angry. But nobody cared. He feltinsulted, humiliated but nobody bothered. At the endhe was afraid - no, panic stricken. Started runningaimlessly here and there, cried for help. No one cameforward to comfort him.

He felt miserable. Everyone was busy to save his ownsweet dear life. No one had time for him. Nobodygave even a passing glance to his magnificent Villa,best car, fancy dress and glittering jewelleries. Hestarted complaining but no one to listen. He exertedhis power and authorities but no one to wilt. Whatwas to be done? How to cope up? He did not haveany clue.

Days were passing one after another, each one wasvery much alike the other, monotonous, calm, withoutany event. He was confined at home. He was lookingout with despair. It was dusk. He found the old starshidden so long behind the grey shoot coloured sky istwinkling like diamond. The sky looked so blue soclear! The forest had new trees covered with reddishgreen leaves. The rivers were flowing in full stream,gurgling happily. The birds who disappeared earlierwere back with their sweet twitter. Squirrels and deerwere playing happily. All these had happened dueto one single reason he is imprisoned in the housefor more than one month.

He was ashamed. Did it mean for the remaining daysof his life, he had to get confined inside and only couldlook outside! No it could not be, there got to be asecond chance.

He knelt down and folded his hands and closed hiseyes. He started praying to Mother Nature for asecond chance, for forgiveness. Mother Nature smiledindulgently – how could she deny! After all he washer favourite child.



VMS has Published 28 issues of Spark so far

Page 9: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others




Every issue of Spark is “theme based”

The life as a University student was full of thrill,encouragement and enticing. Apart from academics,Student’s politics based on knowledge and characterand associating self with patriotic organizations mademy early life value based & spiritual. During PostGraduation days, closure of university sine die due tostudents’ unrest compelled me to opt for joining SAILas a Management Trainee and then out of passion shiftedto RINL to join as Management Trainee on 10th June1991. I am still trying to find out the correctness of mydecision to join RINL. In English it is Que sera, sera,means “whatever is going to happen, is going to happen”.

Training days of 3 months passed smoothly, withlectures, management games, lessons and periodicassessments. Still reverberating in my mind are thewords of the then CMD, “At RINL, Sky is the Limit”. Afterthe training period, we four trainees were allottedCommercial Department and finally landed inMarketing Department. Excitement has no boundary. Ithought, “What an opportunity it would be to be postedat Bhubaneswar, my home town, my loved place”. Thishas never happened and no regret for this either. Ifwishes were horses, beggars could ride on them! Mywish too was so!

After joining Marketing Department, I was attached toSri B Razu Prasad, then Regional Manager North & East.On the second day of posting, I was given a ConsignmentAgency Contract to read and learn by Sri N M Rao, astrategist of Marketing Department. Next day, I wasgiven a Consignment Agency Handling Bill fromChandigarh Branch to check and recommend for apayment of around Rs. 25 lakhs. Chandigarh Branch wasthe biggest branch with 20% of domestic sales turn over.I asked my boss, why the difference in handling rates ofPig Iron and steel? Just a volcanic sound and fire eruptioncame from the other end, “It is not my duty to teach youmetallurgy here” and so on for next 10 minutes. The earthcollapsed under my feet. I am from agricultural researchbackground with no idea of Steel and Pig Iron. But theway I was fired at, made my spirit and excitementcompletely pulverized. A student’s leader of recent pastwho has delivered speeches in the Capital city ofBhubaneswar in front of tens of thousands of students,whom the University VC and Professors love due to hisstraight forwardness and truthfulness, and now is getting

fired without any fault like Abhimanyu in Mahabharatabattlefield. Enough is enough, quickly wrote myresignation letter. “I am resigning from the services withimmediate effect and I may be released immediately”.Placed the letter on my boss’s table and straight wentto canteen to have a cup of coffee and relax. Beforeleaving the room of my boss, I heard him saying, “justwait and we will talk tomorrow”.

I had few more options to explore, first to Join SBI as aPO, second as Agriculture Field Officer at Canara Bank,third as a gazette officer under Odisha State Governmentand last to complete PG and opt for lectureship, whichwas a passion for me then and even today. Teaching isthe most noble and exciting job unlike clericalcorporate job in Banks, insurance companies or otherindustries.

In the evening I got a message from Sri AshutoshSenapati, my mentor in personnel department, who wasbrain washing me at the behest of my boss not to leavethe job. In a PSU an officer cannot remove another soeasily. Mr Senapati was a great motivator. His clarity ofthoughts and motivating words were very persuasivelike Krishna motivating Arjuna in the Kurukshetra. Similarto Arjun surrendering to Lord Krishna, I too decided notto flee away but to prove my worth in the Department.

Next day I went to office as usual to see a changedattitude of my boss with soft tone and understandingattitude. Our equation changed so much that, when hegot transferred to Delhi, just within two hours, he gotme transferred too to Delhi. Since then he has neverbeen angry on me, as he knew that I am the person whonever shy away from responsibility nor avoid anyassigned work. Now after three decades of the incidenceI can proudly say that, he was a tremendous and intelligentboss who has shaped my initial corporate career.

Now I think my initial career was dramatic andtraumatic. A million-dollar question, quitting RINL andchoosing a different career would have been better, orcontinuing in RINL is better?

To my doubting mind, wisdom responds and tell methis- “It is true that, man is directed by its Prakriti (virtue),vikriti (sin and vice) and sanskriti (samskara).”. Hopefullyfor me it is my sanskriti which has brought me till datesuccessfully and will take me further in life.

Page 10: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

maora Baa[- [MTr kI fa[nala prIxaa donao vaalaa qaa. ]sakosaBaI saaqaI Alaga¹Alaga ka^laojaaoM ko ilae fama- Bar rho qao.laoikna maora Baa[- maa~ AIEEE & IIT ka hI fama- Bara. ]sao pUraivaSvaasa qaa ik vah Aa[- Aa[- TI ko ilae AvaSya cauna ilayaajaaegaa. @yaaoMik ka^laoja ko vaIklaI TosT maoM ]sao bahut AcCo AMkimala rho qao. halaaÐik DODI ko dbaava maoM ]sanao UPTU ³]<arp`doSa To@naIkla yaUinavaisa-TI´ ka fama- BaI Bar idyaa qaa.

sabasao phlao IIT kI p`vaoSa prIxaa hu[-. ]sa idna baD,I gamaI-qaI AaOr ]sakI tbaIyat BaI kuC zIk nahIM qaI. ]saka popr zIknahIM huAa. prIxaa ko baad sao hI vah Anamanaa rhnao lagaa. vahmana hI mana GauT rha qaa. AMtma-uKI jaao zhra. Apnao mana kIbaat iksaI sao kh nahIM pa rha qaa. Saayad DODI ka Dr BaI]saka karNa hao sakta hOÊ @yaaoMik DODI caahto qao ik vah BaIAaOraoM kI trh hI Zor saaro kaMipiTSanaaoM maoM Baaga lao. [saI baIcaAIEEE kI prIxaa Aa ga[-. yah prIxaa BaI ]sakI zIk nahIM hu[-.UPTU kI prIxaa ilaKnao ko ilae DODI ko saaqa vah laKnagayaa.

Aba baarI qaI saBaI prIxaaAaoM ko irjalT kI. maora Baa[- IIT

kI p`vaoSa prIxaa maoM pasa nahIM huAa. AIEEE kI prIxaa maoM pasatao huAa laoikna ]sakI rOMk AcCI nahIM qaI. UPTU kI prIxaa maoM]sao bahut AcCI rOMk imalaIÊ laoikna ka]MsailaMga ko idna tk ]sakoilae inavaasa p`maaNa p~ nahIM bana payaa. [sailae ]sao eiD\maSananahIM imala payaa. vah bahut inaraSa AaOr htaSa qaa. ]sakosaaqa¹saaqa pUra pirvaar bahut inaraSa hao gayaa qaa. laoikna jaldIhI Baa[- nao fOsalaa ikyaa AaOr kha ik ‘maOM laaMga Tma- k$Ðgaa’. Garko laaoga BaI lagaBaga yahI caah rho qao. Aba ]sako ‘laaMga Tma-’ koilae p`iËyaaeÐ pUrI kI ga[-M AaOr vah inayaimat @laasaoja jaanaolagaa. laoikna ]sako caohro ko Baava bata rho qao ik vah Aba BaIKuSa nahIM qaa. laoikna QaIro¹QaIro ]saka mana pZ,a[- maoM laganaolagaa. ]sanao saaro daostaoM kao CaoD, idyaa. iksaI sao AiQak baat

p`Iit kumaarIp `Iit kumaarIp `Iit kumaarIp `Iit kumaarIp `Iit kumaarI

nahIM krta qaa. basa Apnao Aap sao matlaba rKnao lagaa qaa.

doKto¹doKto prIxaaAaoM ka maaOsama Aa gayaa. [sa baar AIEEE

& IIT kI prIxaaeÐ JEE (Mains) & JEE (Advance) ko $p maoM laIjaanao lagaI qaIM. [sa baar ]sanao Anya k[- prIxaaAaoM ko ilae BaIfama- Bara qaa AaOr prIxaa BaI dI qaI. saBaI prIxaaAaoM ko pirNaamaAanao lagao qao. saBaI prIxaaAaoM maoM ]sao AcCI rOMk imalanao lagaIqaI. JEE (Mains) & JEE (Advance) kI prIxaaAaoM maoM BaI vahsafla huAa. laoikna JEE (Advance) kI rOMk AcCI na haonao kokarNa AcCo ka^laoja maoM AcCo ba`aMca imalanao ko Aasaar nahIM idK rhoqao. Baa[- bahut ApsaoT idK rha qaa. [sa baIca Baa[- ko mana maoMPyaaor saa[Msa pZ,nao ka ivacaar Aayaa AaOr JEE (Advance) koAaQaar pr IISER-PUNE maoM ]sao daiKlaa imala gayaa. laoiknakrIba ek hFto hI baIto qao ik ]sao IISc-Bangalore sao ek maolaAayaa ik maoirT ko AaQaar pr ]saka cayana Under Graduate

Course ko ilae IISc-Bangalore maoM hao gayaa hO. saMsqaana kIp`itYza AaOr kaosa- ijasao pUva- raYT/pit AaOr Baart ko imasaa[la maOnaDa^ e pI jao Abdula klaama jaI nao banaayaa qaaÊ kI Ahimayat nao ]saoAakiYa-t idyaa.

Aba @yaa qaaÊ Baa[- nao turMt IISc-Bangalore maoM daiKlaa laoilayaa. doKto¹doKto caar saala baIt gae. [sa baIca ]sao 2017 maoMbaMgaala kI KaD,I maoM ek mahInaoÊ 2018 maoM Baart sarkar ko 10vaoMAaOr 2020 maoM 11vaoM AMTak-iTka imaSana maoM irsaca- TIma maoM tIna¹tInamahInao ko ilae Saaimala haonao ka Avasar imalaa. 10vaoM AMTak-iTkaimaSana maoM jaba vah Saaimala huAa tao vah Baart ka phlaa ska^larqaaÊ ijasao Under Graduate Course ko AaQaar pr Saaimalaikyaa gayaa qaa. yah hma sabako ilae bahut hI gaaOrva ka ivaYayahO. iflahala vah irsaca- AsaaoisaeT hO AaOr Aagao irsaca- maoM hIApnaa kOiryar banaanao ko ilae saaoca rha hO. saca maoM ]saka dUsaracaaMsa Aba tk AcCa AaOr fladayaI rha hO.

SPARK TRIVIA | 10Spark Started off as a 16 page magazine. Presently at 32 pages

inayait pr bahut kuC inaBa-r hO…inayait pr bahut kuC inaBa-r hO…inayait pr bahut kuC inaBa-r hO…inayait pr bahut kuC inaBa-r hO…inayait pr bahut kuC inaBa-r hO…

Page 11: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

| 11SPARK TRIVIA Spark Reach- All India

The second chance that I got was in Ukkunagaram! Forthis, I would go down my memory lane 25 years back.

I had just finished my 10th standard and was on lookoutfor a part time course. I was inclined towards pursuing acareer in teaching the tiny tots as I was always very fondof little children.

So, I started finding out about the various courses(centers around being with small children) that I couldpursue and finally I figured it out. I signed up for theMontessori Teachers Training course in Mumbai. Afterthe course, I got a job in a private school. I had opted fora Correspondence course to complete my graduationas I could learn and earn simultaneously.

In due course of time, I came upon an advertisementfrom a high profile school for a trained kindergartenteacher. I got through the interview but failed to impressin the class practical. It was a little disappointing. ThoughI continued my old job, I did feel pained at not beingable to make it to that “high profile” school.

I was very young then and so I couldn’t think beyond mylittle world. I thought that I would never be a teacher inthe kind of school I wished to be in. Little did I realizethat children are after all children and it shouldn’t matterwhich economic background they come from. It wasmy mother who made me understand that my passionwas to teach little children and only that should matter.Her counselling really helped me and I started enjoyingteaching in the school where I was.


Vidya Pangal

Meantime, my marriage got fixed. But I was beginningto worry about pursuing my passion to be teaching thetiny tots. I was hoping that I could continue my passion.I got married and came to this beautiful heaven calledUkkunagaram. After a span of almost one and half yearsof my marriage, it was through my neighbor that I cameto know about Jyoti Bala Vihar which was invitingapplications for Kindergarten teachers. I applied for itand here I got the golden opportunity to prove my lovefor teaching and my earlier experience also came inhandy. I had to narrate a story with actions and sketcheson the blackboard part by part. I got through with myturn and was now waiting anxiously to know if I will makeit to JBV or not. I was hoping for the miracle calledSECOND CHANCE.

One fine morning, I received my selection letter and Igot to know that out of forty candidates I had gotselected. My joy knew no bounds and I was back withthe tiny tots. It’s almost twenty years since being hereand I still enjoy teaching at this esteemed school. Itsindeed overwhelming and rewarding to be a teacher tothe little kids. I have watched the kids I taught grow intovery fine young and accomplished boys and girls,handsome men and beautiful young women. I haveeven watched them becoming parents.

Thanks to Jyoti Bala Vihar, for giving me a chance to grow,to teach and to live my dream. Life is not just about firstexperiences, it’s also about SECOND CHANCES!

He met her 6 years ago, at a school reunion. Sharingthe table for long (they used to sit next to each other),they picked up where they left last, from 6th standard.

Both of them sailing in the same boat, they realisedthat they were both bonding after failed 1stmarriages. She had kids, he didn’t, but that did notmatter. The only hitch was the wait. Her kids soonbonded with him. They took a house close to eachother so that the kids could transit to a new home.And it happened, after 6 years.

At my close friend's marriage today, the kids were


more with him, participating, than with her. It sure isa happy sight to behold.

And with just 10 people and 3 Pundits, there aresome stories that just makeyour heart swell.

And to complete the story, AKanjeevaram silk sari wasadded to the Wedding.

Page 12: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

EaImatI Saarda rqa ek bahut hI jaa-vaanaAaOr ivaduYaI maihlaa hOM AaOr ivasTIla maihlaasaimait ko AQyaxa tqaa 'spak-' pi~ka kI'eiDTr [na caIf' hOM. ]nhaoMnao Apnao jaIvanamaoM kOMsar jaOsaI jaanalaovaa baImaarI kao bahadurIsao hrayaa hO AaOr saaibat ikyaa hO ik ijaMdgaIkI ja_aojahd kao Aa%mabala va ivaSvaasa saojaIta jaa sakta hO. ek baohtrIna iSaixaka ko $p maoM #yaaitlabQaEaImatI rqa kI yah jaIt iksaI p`kaSa puMja kI BaaÐit sadOva ]nalaaogaaoM ka maaga-dSa-na krta rhogaaÊ jaao iknhIM karNaaoM sao inaraSa haorho haoMgao. Aba sao lagaBaga baIsa vaYa- phlao vah kOMsar jaOsaI GaatkbaImaarI kI capoT maoM Aa ga[- qaIM. laoikna ]nako manaaobalaÊ pirvaarko sadsyaaoM ka Ap`itma inaÁsvaaqa- sahyaaoga evaM Bagavaana jagannaaqako p`it ]nakI ATUT Aasqaa sao ]nhaoMnao ijaMdgaI ko [sa jaMga kaojaIta. 'spak-' TIma ka yah maananaa hO ik ]nakI [sa jaIt kIAnauBaUit nao ]namaoM jaao gava- AaOr Aa%maivaSvaasa Bara hOÊ ]sasao AnaoklaaogaaoM kao bahut kuC saIKnao va ]sao Aa%masaat krnao kI p`orNaaimalaogaI. AtÁ 'ijaMdgaI ka dUsara Avasar' ivaYaya kao samaip-t'spak-' ko [sa AMk maoM EaImatI Saarda rqa jaI sao kI ga[- baatcaIt kokuC AMSa p`stut hOMÁspak-Á spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á maODma baImaarI ko laxaNa @yaa qaoÆmaODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ kba AaOr kOsao yah mauJao hu[- yah spYT $p sao batanaa qaaoD,amauiSkla hO. @yaaoMik yah GaTnaa lagaBaga baIsa saala phlao hu[- qaI.ifr BaI bahut kuC mauJao yaad hO. Sau$AatI daOr maoM maoro SarIr prbaD,o¹baD,o faoD,o inaklanao lagao. vao faoD,o kuC eosao qao ik ]namaoM saokao[- pIba (Pus) yaa AaOr iksaI trh kI kao[- caIja nahIM inaklatIqaI AaOr naa hI ]sasao kao[- bahut pID,a haotI qaI. laoikna yao faoD,ok[-¹k[- ek saaqa inaklato qao AaOr jaldI hI zIk BaI hao jaato qao.[sa baIca maoro pOraoM maoM bahut dd- haonao lagaa qaa. hma Apnao janarlaAsptala ko Da^@TraoM kao idKato qao. mau#yatÁ mauJao kao[- baImaarInahIM qaI. maOM Apnao Aap kao hmaoSaa svasqa maanatI qaI. phlao taoifjaIiSayana kI salaah pr [laaja kra rhI qaI. laoikna maorIbaImaarI baZ,tI hI jaa rhI qaI. kuC idnaaoM ko baad maoro poT maoM rh¹rhkr Asa( pID,a ]znao lagaI. lagata qaa kao[- baa^la maoro poT maoM GaUmarha hO. lagaBaga ek saala tk maOMnao nark Jaolaa. ifr ifjaIiSayanakI salaah pr s~Iraoga ivaSaoYa& Da^ maaohkula ko pasa jaanaa huAa.

SPARK TRIVIA | 12Spark has 14 Regular Feature- Dil se, Jab v met, Hamare apne, Travel Diaries, Book Review, Junoon ke rahi,

phlao tao ]nhaoMnao malTIpla fOba`a[D kI SaMka jata[-. ifr ]nhaoMnaosaI DI Aar Baojaa. vahaÐ pr laaogaaoM nao Aaovairyana T\yaUmar kI SaMkajata[-.spak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Á Aapkao kba pta calaa ik yah kOMsar hOÆmaODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ frvarI 2000 ko daOrana k[- jaaÐca¹prIxaNaaoM ko baad Da^@Trmaaohkula nao hI batayaa ik yah kOMsar hO AaOr hmaoM [sako [laaja koilae kOMsar [MisTT\yaUTÊ caonna[- jaanaa haogaa. ]sa samaya maorI baoTI naaOsaala AaOr baoTa lagaBaga tIna saala ka qaa.spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á pta calanao ko turMt baad AapkI p`itiËyaa kOsaI qaIÆmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁ turMt p`itiËyaa kao batanaa kizna hO. laoikna [tnaa ja$rhuAa ik maOM BaItr tk ihla ga[-. maoro baccao CaoTo qao. mana maoM najaanao kOsao¹kOsao ivacaar Aanao lagao qao ik Aba maoro baccao Anaaqa haojaaeÐgao. maoro sasaur jaI kao BaI kOMsar qaa. turMt maorI saasaU maaÐ yaadAanao lagaIM. bahut kizna sa maya qaa. vah ek prIxaa kI GaD,IqaI. maOM BayaBaIt tao qaIÊ pr SaIGa` hI mana hI mana Apnao Aap kaomajabaUt banaakr [sa baImaarI kao hranao kI ihmmat jauTanao ka p`yaasaBaI krnao lagaI qaI.spak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Á ifr Aapnao svayaM kao saMBaalaa kOsaoÆmaODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ sabasao baD,I takt yah qaI ik maoro pit baD,o hI gaMBaIrta saosahyaaoga kr rho qao. ]nakI ek Kaisayat hO ik vao jaldI har nahIMmaanato. ]nako mana maoM hmaoSaa dUsara yaa ifr tIsara ivaklp rhtahO. vao mana hI mana duÁKI AaOr icaMitt ja$r qao. laoikna ]nako caohroko hava¹Baava maoM qaaoD,I BaI isakna nahIM qaI. ek majabaUt saharo kItrh ]naka saaqa imalata rha. dUsarI Aaor maora ATUT ivaSvaasaBagavaana jagannaaqa pr BaI hO. mauJao lagata qaa ik EaI jagannaaqahmaoSaa maoro Aasapasa hI maaOjaUd hOM AaOr ]nako rhto maora kuC nauksaananahIM haogaa.spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á pirvaar maoM kOsaI p`itiËyaa hu[-ÆmaODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ pirvaar stbQa tao qaa hI. pUra pirvaar icaMitt BaI qaa.maorI saasaU maaÐÊ maaÐÊ Baa[-Ê bahna jaao Kud ek Da^@Tr hOÊ [nakosaaqa¹saaqa koMd`Iya ivaValaya ko hmaaro sahkima-yaaoM saiht bahut saolaaoga jaao mauJao jaanato qaoÊ saBaI nao mauJao ZaZ,sa baÐQaayaa. [na sabakoWara dI ga[- ihmmat sao maoro mana maoM ek Sai@t ka saMcaar huAa. maorosaaqa maoro saaro SauBaicaMtkaoM kI duAaeÐ AaOr ihmmat qaI. [saIilaejaldI hI maoro ivacaar maoM ek pu#ta [cCaSai@t pOda hao ga[-. eosaI[cCaSai@t jaao [sa kOMsar kao hranao kI takt rKtI qaI.spak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Á [sa baImaarI sao inajaat panao ko ilae Aap AaOr pirvaar kosadsyaaoM naoM @yaa ikyaaÆmaODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maODmaÁ maoro baD,o BaOyaa ka sahyaaoga BaI bahut imalaa. vao BaI hmaoSaasaaqa lagao rho. hr kdma pr ]naka saaqa ek Aitir@t bala do rhaqaa. rqa saahba ApnaI Aaor sao saBaI ka Qyaana rKnao AaOr mauJao

Page 13: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

| 13SPARK TRIVIA Khana khazana, Ukkunagaram days, Health n wellness, Laughter, Leisure, Aapke raai, Reaching out, Divyokti

bacaanao ko ilae kao[- kaor ksar nahIM CaoD, rho qao. kOMsar [MisTT\yaUTÊcaonna[- ko Da^@TraoM sao BaI hmaoM bahut AcCa vyavahar imalaa. ekidna kI GaTnaa hOÊ jaba phlaI baar maora ikmaaoiqarOpI haonaa qaa. ekDa^@Tr AaeÊ jaao kafI kma ]ma``Ê lagaBaga 24¹25 vaYa- ko qao.]nhaoMnao mauJao ]dasa doKa tao ihmmat baZ,ato hue kha ik maODma AapicaMta na kroMÊ Aap jaldI hI zIk hao jaaeÐgaI. Aaja AapkaikmaaoiqarOpI nahIM kÉÐgaa. Aaja Aap khIM baahr jaa[eÊ Saa^ipMgamaa^la vagaOrh. ]nako khnao pr saca maoM hma laaoga baahr GaUmanao gaeAaOr kafI icaMtamau@t sao hao gae. halaaÐik maoro poT ko BaItr bananaovaalaa gaaolaa lagaatar baZ,ta jaa rha qaa. dsa idna phlao ]sa gaaolaokI saa[ja ek AMDo ko barabar qaIÊ vah Aba baZ,kr ek [-MT koAakar ka hao gayaa qaa. ifr BaI saBaI SauBaicaMtkaoM ko Wara dIga[- takt nao maoro BaItr banao Dr kao lagaBaga samaaPt saa kr idyaaqaa.spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á spak-Á zIk haonao kI p`iËyaa kOsaI rhIÆ Ìpyaa ]sako baaro maoMbataeÐ.maODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁ [sa maamalao maoM BaI maOM BaagyaSaalaI rhI. caonna[- ko kOMsar[MisTTyaUT maoM ijasa Da^@Tr kI doK¹roK maoM maora [laaja Sau$ huAaqaaÊ ]naka naama Da^@Tr vaI SaaMta hO. Da^@Tr SaaMta AMtra-YT/Iyastr pr maSahUr hOM AaOr ]nhoM pd\maEaIÊ pd\maBaUYaNa AaOr raomana maOgasaosaoAvaaD- ko saaqa¹saaqa Anaok raYT/Iya va AMtra-YT/Iya purskar p`aPthue hOM. [sailae kOMsar ko Da^@TraoM maoM Da^@Tr SaaMta ka naama bahutAadr sao ilayaa jaata hO. Da^ SaaMta hI kOMsar [MisTTyaUT kIAQyaxa hOM. saMyaaogavaSa mauJao ]nakI doKroK maoM Apnaa ]pcaarkranao ka Avasar imalaa. ]nhaoMnao baD,o hI snaoihla Baava sao maora]pcaar ikyaa. ]nako caohro pr maOMnao kBaI inaraSaa ko Baava ]BartonahIM doKa. ]nhaoMnao sakara%makta ko saaqa mauJamaoM jaao takt BarIÊ]sako ilae maOM hmaoSaa Ìt& rhUÐgaIÊ jabaik maoro m,ana maoM BaarI AaSaMkaqaI. @yaaoMik Da^@Tr nao ApnaI irpaoT- maoM maorI baImaarI ko ilae jaaoirmaak- ilaKa qaaÊ vah sToja¹3 saI qaa. Da^@TraoM ka khnaa qaa ikyaid samaya pr AaOr samauicat [laaja nahIM haonao pr Agalao 15 idnaaoMmaoM kuC BaI hao sakta qaa. laoikna Da^@Tr SaaMta kao Apnao kma- prdRZ, ivaSvaasa qaa. ]nhaoMnao jaldI hI maorI saja-rI kr dI AaOr jaOsaaikmaOMnao phlao batayaa ik ikmaaoiqarOpI vaalao Da^@Tr ijanhaoMnao hmaoM KuSarhnao ko ilae SaaipMga maa^la GaUma kr Aanao ko ilae kha qaaÊ ]nhaoMnaohI Agalao idna ikmaaoiqarOpI kI. halaaÐik ikmaaoiqarOpI kI pID,avahI jaana sakta hOÊ ijasa pr yah ikyaa jaata hO. yah baD,a hIkYTdayak rhaÊ laoikna ]sa phlao ikmaaoiqarOpI ko pirNaama AaScaya-caikt kr donao vaalao qao. hmaaro Da^@Tr kao BaI ivaSvaasa nahIM hao parha qaa ik [-MT jaOsaa jaao maaMsa ka laaoqaD,a banaa huAa qaaÊ vahAcaanak gaayaba saa hao gayaa. irkvarI kI spID AcCI haonao ko

karNa mauJao ikmaaoiqarOpI BaI kma hI kranaI pD,I. phlao kha gayaaqaa ik 10¹12 baar ikmaaoiqarOpI haogaIÊ laoikna caar ikmaaoiqarOpI saohI kama bana gayaa.]pcaar ko baad maOM 27 Ap`Ola 2000 ko idna hvaa[- jahaja saoivaSaaKap+Nama Aa ga[-. maoro BaOyaa nao mauJao irsaIva ikyaa. baccaaoMevaM maaÐ kao laokr rqa saahba T/ona sao Aae. maora baoTa jaao maa~ tInasaala ka qaaÊ vah kafI dor tk mauJao phcaana nahIM pa rha qaa.@yaaoMik maoro baala vagaOrh inakla cauko qao. jaOsao hI vah mauJao phcaanakr 'mammaa' khaÊ maoro mana kao bahut saukUna imalaa. mauJao ek na[-jaa- saI imala ga[-.spak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Á zIk haonao ko baad ijaMdgaI kOsao pTrI pr Aa[-ÆmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁ saja-rI ko baad yah icaik%saIya p`iËyaa K%ma nahIM hao ga[-Êbailk lagaatar dsa vaYaao-M tk calatI rhI. maoro jaaoD,aoM maoM Asa(pID,a rhtI qaI. pUra badna duKta rhta qaa. AaÐKaoM ko saamanaohmaoSaa iJalaimalaahT rhtI qaI. [na samasyaaAaoM sao inabaTnao ko ilaesaamaanya $p sao dvaa[yaaÐ calatI rhIM. phlao tao hmaoM hr caar¹caarmahInaaoM maoM caonna[- jaanaa pD,ta qaa. ifr CÁ mahInaaoM ko AMtrala prjaanaa pD,a. ]sako baad ek saala maoM ek baar jaato qao. 2008maoM Da^@TraoM nao kh idyaa ik 'Aba Aap zIk hao caukI hOM.' ifr BaI2010 tk maOM jaaÐca kratI rhI.ijaMdgaI kao pTrI pr laanao kI ja_aojahd maoM jaldI hI maOM ApnaIidnacayaa- kao inayaimat krnao maoM laga ga[- qaI. kuC idnaaoM ko baad maOMskUla BaI jaanao lagaI. [sasao mauJao maoMTla puSa imalanao lagaa. vahaÐpr hmaaro saBaI sTa^fÊ iSaxak AaOr p`Qaanaacaaya- nao maora ivaSaoYaQyaana rKa. saBaI ko sahyaaoga sao maOM Apnaa kama zIk sao krnaolagaI. Aba BaI maOM Apnao saBaI sahkima-yaaoM ko p`it )dya sao AaBaarIhÐU. sabasao mah%vapUNa- yah hO ik [sa saMkT kI GaD,I maoM jaao AdmyasaahsaÊ ihmmat AaOr saUJabaUJa ka pircaya maoro pit EaI rqa saahba naoidyaaÊ vah baoihsaaba qaa. vao hmaoSaa ek majabaUt ca+ana kI trh maorosaaqa KD,o rho AaOr vao hI [sa jaIt ko vaastivak hkdar hOM.spak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Á samaaja ko ilae Aapka saMdoSa @yaa haogaaÆmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁmaODmaÁ maora maananaa hO ik kOMsar ka naama saunato hI Dr laganaasvaaBaaivak hO. maR%yau iksakao nahIM DratIÆ laoikna [nhIM saba kobaIca hmaaro pasa AaSaa AaOr ivaSvaasa BaI hOM. Aapko pirvaar kasahyaaoga BaI hO. Aapka Aa%mabala BaI hO. [-Svar ko p`it BaraosaahO. yao saBaI imalakr hmaoM jaao takt doto hOMÊ maanaisak Sai@t doto hOMÊ[nakI ]poxaa kBaI BaI nahIM kI jaanaI caaihe. hmaoM hmaoSaa ivaSvaasarKnaa caaiheÊ Bagavaana hmaoM dUsara maaOka dogaa. vah inad-yaI nahIMbailk kÉNaaSaIla hO. @yaaoMik 'laa[f [ja gauD'.spak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Áspak-Á samaaja kao AiBap`oirt krnao ko ilae haid-k AaBaarÊmaODma.

Page 14: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

VMS Executive Committee: Smt. Sarada Rath, President | Smt. Jyotsna Das, Vice President | Smt. Leena Ghosh, Vice President


The new year started off with our team making plans for another meaningful “Reaching Out “ in the new decennialyear 2020.

Good nutrition is a very important for part of a child’s diet for good health. Children with special needs have to beextra powered with nutrition. Recognizing this, VMS has committed to ensure a continuous supply ofsupplementing nutrition to children of Arunodaya Special School. This month, Protein bars were distributed tothe students of Arunodaya school by the committee members of VMS.

Desire society, a non-profitable organization in Gajuwaka caters to the needs of HIV affected and afflictedchildren. The President of VMS, Mrs Sarada Rath, Vice President, Mrs Leena Ghosh along with VMS committeemembers visited the society. The team spent quality time with the children and donated protein rich food,medicine, milk and school bags. It was an overwhelming experience.



On 22nd January,2020 ,VMS celebrated Pongal and Sankranti with lots of gaiety and enthusiasm. Ladies camedressed in traditional attire with braided hair and stringed flowers. The atmosphere was filled with rich traditionalfeel, joy and festive mood. Members sang the tunes of harvest songs , celebrating festival of harvest and alsowelcoming New year. The main attraction of the program was Rangoli competition . Members participated with

Page 15: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

| Smt. Mithu Chakraborty, Secretary|Smt. Jyoti Deharia, Jt. Secretary | Smt. Jolly Kedia, Treasurer


great enthusiasm and exhibited their talent. The winners of the competition- 1st-Mrs Neeta Thawait.,2nd MrsVanathi Seenar.,3rd Mrs Hema Bindu. CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners.

The monthly get together was marked by the fun-filled SPORTS DAY On the 1st of February, VMS President MrsSarada Rath along with VMS committee members inaugurated the sports day and indoor games. The membersof VMS good at sports participated enthusiastically and took part in various games and won prizes.

On 5th February was the retreat ceremony of sports day. VMS President Mrs Sarada Rath, Vice President MrsLeena Ghosh along with committee members were present. Enthusiastic ladies of VMS took part in outdoorgames and exhibit their talent. Main attraction of sports day was "Overall Champion Trophy" which was won byMrs Asha Ashoken.

On 11th February , 2020 , VMS President along with committee members donated a Sintex water tank to theDayal nagar Govt elementary school.

On the 12 February 2020 , Sri P K Rath, CMD, RINL-VSP, launched the VMS web portal in the presence of allDirectors and senior personnel. The President of VMS, Mrs Sarada Rath inaugurated the tagline of VMS. Vice-president Mrs Leena Ghosh and committee members were also present on the occasion.

Page 16: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

Members : Smt. V. Bhanu | Smt. Kabita Mitra | Smt. Debjani Dutta | Smt. Padma Ravi Shankar | Smt. N. Rekha


A green initiative by VMS 'Ahana' a garden developed in the premise of VMS building was inaugurated by Sri PK Rath, CMD, RINL-VSP.

On the occasion of International Women's day, a blood donation camp, organized by VMS was inaugurated Sri PK Rath, CMD, RINL-VSP, in the August presence of all Directors and senior management of RINL - VSP at VMSpremise Sector 7. Mrs Sarada Rath, VMS President Mrs Leena Ghosh, Vice President, along with VMS committeemembers were also present. About 30 members donated blood .

Felicitation of senior ayah

Sri P K Rath, CMD, RINL-VSP, felicitated Smt S. Udayalakshmi, Sr. Ayah, .Arunodaya Special School, for her longservice (25 years) in the school. Recognition of young girl talent:

Sri P K Rath, CMD, RINL-VSP, presented a cheque to encourage the talent of girl children who have secured verygood position in their exams. The awardees are Ms Ankita Chattaraj d/o Mr Abhijit Chattaraj who is working aswatchman in DPS and Ms Ch. Bharthi d/o Mrs. Ch Demudamma (laborer)

CSR ACTIVITIES:Many CSR activities were taken up under the banner of VMS in March 2020. The following donations which wereapproved, were made ready/purchased for distribution. Officially donations will be given after the Coronalockdown period.

1. MPP school Peda Gantyada : Almirah 1no

Page 17: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

| 17SPARK TRIVIA Present Spark team comprises of 12 members

Teacher's table and chair 5 no's each Note book 652 no's.

2 MPP school Dayal Nagar: Note book 630 no's

3. Jr college Aganampudi: School uniform to 120 girl students. Dualbenches 20 sets.

4. Arunodaya Special School: 20 seater dining table.

5. Vision aid charitable service society: 3 desk top computer with table.

6. DAV C Public School Ukkunagaram : dual desk 25 nos.

"Gurukul" is a tutorial class run by VMS for under privileged and poorchildren living in and around the Steel plant. Day by day strength of the Gurukul is increasing and so theacademic graph of students is also touching a great height. They are securing very good marks in their exams.In the coming session Gurukul will come up with new ideas, views, and new teaching methods.

Day by day strength of Gurukul is increasing to manage and to co-ordinate the strength, VMS has to hired onecoordinator Mrs Valaparla Rini Pravallika.

COVID-19As we are going through a most challenging phase of our time. The corona virus has to been declared a globalpandemic by W.H.O. Sudden lockdown declared by the government many got stuck up in various places. Thehandicraft vendors who put up their stalls at the exhibition in CWC-1, Sector-5 got in Ukkunagaram. As soon asit came to the notice of Mrs Sarada Rath, VMS. President, immediately extended her helping hand to them.

Mrs Mithu Chakraborty, VMS Secretary along with VMS committee members, distributed food packet to thevendors at CWC-1 on 5th April 2020. On 17th April 2020, Mrs Leena Ghosh. VMS Vice President along with MrsMithu Chakraborty, Secretary, VMS, donated groceries to the vendors at CWC-1 On 17th April 2020, Mrs SaradaRath, VMS President , Mrs Leena Ghosh Vice President, VMS and committee members of VMS donated face maskto the vendors.

While donating the materials all the safety measures were taken. VMS members as well as vendors coveredtheir faces and social distancing has been maintained by everyone.

Page 18: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

SPARK TRIVIA | 18Spark is availble in printed and PDF version.

balavaanaPyaSa@tao|saaO Qanavaanaip inaQa-naÁ.Eautvaanaip maUKao-|saaO yaao Qama-ivamauKao janaÁ..³1´

yaoYaaM na ivaVa na tpao na danaMÊ &anaM na SaIlaM na gauNaao na Qama-Á.to ma%ya-laaoko Bauiva BaarBaUtaÊ manauYya$poNa maRgaaScarint..³2´

jaa|yaM iQayaao hrit isMacait vaaica sa%yaMÊmaanaaonnaitM idSait papmapakraoit.caotÁ p`saadyait idxau tnaaoit kIit-MÊ

sa%saMgait kqaya ikM na kraoit puMsaaM..³3´iEayaM p`saUto ivapdÁ ÉNaiwÊ yaSaaMisa dugQao mailanaM p`maaiYT-.

saMskar saaOQaona prM punaItoÊ Sauwa ih bauiw iklakamaQaonauÁ..³4´Baavaaqa - ÁBaavaaqa - ÁBaavaaqa - ÁBaavaaqa - ÁBaavaaqa - Á

1 ¹ ]prao@t Slaaok maoM kt-vya ivamauK vyai@t ko saMbaMQa maoM vyaa#yaa doto hue yah baat khI ga[- hO ik ‘jaao vyai@t Apnao Qama- Aqaa-t kt-vya sao ivamauK haota hO vah vyai@t balavaana haokr BaI Asamaqa-Ê Qanavaana haokr BaI inaQa-na AaOr &anaI haokr BaI maUK-haota hO.

2 ¹ ijana laaogaaoM ko pasa na tao ivaVa hOÊ na tp hOÊ na dana hOÊ na SaIla hOÊ na gauNa hO AaOr na Qama- hOÊ vao laaoga [sa pRqvaI pr Baarsva$p hOM AaOr manauYya ko $p maoM jaanavar kI trh GaUmato rhto hOM.

3 ¹ AcCo ima~aoM ka saaqa bauiw kI jaD,ta kao hr laota hOÊ vaaNaI maoM sa%ya ka saMcaar krta hOÊ maana AaOr ]nnait kao baZ,ata hO tqaapap sao mau@t krta hO. ica<a kao p`sanna krta hO AaOr hmaarI kIit- kao saBaI idSaaAaoM maoM fOlaata hO. Aba bata[e nasa%saMgait manauYyaaoM ka kaOna saa Balaa nahIM krtI.

4 ¹ Sauw bauiw Aqavaa ivaVa inaScaya hI kamaQaonau jaOsaI hOÊ @yaaoMik vah Qana¹Qaanya pOda krtI hOÊ Aanao vaalaI ivapi<ayaaoM sao hmaoMbacaatI hOÊ yaSa AaOr kIit- $pI Apnao dUQa sao hmaarI mailanata kao Qaao DalatI hO AaOr dUsaraoM kao Apnao piva~ saMskaraoM saopiva~ krtI hO. [sa trh ivaVa saBaI gauNaaoM sao pirpUNa- hO.

Central Idea:

1 - In the above verse, it is interpreted about a person who ignore his duty (Dharma) is incapabledespite being strong enough, poor despite rich and foolish despite a knowledgedeable.

2 - Those who have neither knowledge, nor austerity, nor charity, nor modesty, nor virtue notreligion.They are loads on this earth and roam like antelope/animals in human form.

3 - Together with good friends takes away the inertia of the intellect, communicates truth in speech,increases values and progress and exonerates us from sin. Pleases the mind and spreads (our)fame in all directions. Now you tell, In which way relation with good people is not helpful tohuman beings.

4 - Pure learning is definitely like Kamadhenu because it produces wealth and protects us fromimpending plight. It washes away our filth with its milk like fame & glory and sanctifies others withtheir sacred rites In the same way, learning gives us everything we desire.

Baart ko p`arMiBak iSaxaa p`NaalaI maoM ‘sauBaaiYataina’ mau#yatÁ baccaaoM kao pZ,a[- jaatIhOÊ jaao hmaarI saMsÌit ka ek AiBanna ihssaa hO AaOr hmaaro jaIvana ko hr xao~ maoMsadOva p`asaMigak hO. AtÁ ‘spak-‘ ko pazkaoM ko ilae yao inayaimat ide jaa rho hOMÁ

India’s primary education system mainly teaches Subhashitani tochildren, which is an integral part of our culture and is alwaysrelevant in every walk of our life. Hence, these are being givenregularly to ‘Spark’ readers:

Page 19: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a classicchildren's book about five kids who win a chance totour Willy Wonka's mysterious candy-makingoperation. It's a vividly told wild ride with amusing,cartoon-like sketches by Quentin Blake that will keepkids excited and laughing.

Charlie Bucket lives with his family, Grandpa Joe andGrandma Josephine, Grandpa George and GrandmaGeorgina and his mother and father. They live in alittle house and are very poor. His grandparents areelderly and stay in bed all day long. Charlie's fatherworks hard in a toothpaste factory but no matter howhard he works he never makes enough money to feedhis family.

They live on cabbage and cabbage soup, and Charlieis always hungry. Charlie loves chocolate and gets onechocolate bar for his birthday every year. The greatWilly Wonka's chocolate factory is close to whereCharlie lives. Mr. Wonka shut himself off from thepublic years before because his workers were sellinghis new ideas to rival companies. He makes anannouncement that he is opening his factory to thefive lucky people who find a golden ticket in hischocolate bars.

The lucky winners are Augustus Gloop, Veruca Sa lt,Mike Teavee , Violet Beauregarde and Charlie Bucket.

Mr Wonka's Factory is full of exciting surprises. Charlieand the children see the Oompa Loompas and all theamazing things in the factory. The greedy Augustusfalls into a pool of chocolate and has to be extractedfrom the pool filter. Violet, is addicted to chewing gumand turns blue with Wonka's new chewing gum. MikeTeavee, a very rude TV addict, is shrunk to TV size, andthe nasty and very demanding, Veruca Salt is thrown

into the garbagechute to beincinerated. Charlie,our hero, is the lastremaining child andwins the prize. MrWonka wants himand his family to livewith him in thefactory and to takeover the factory whenhe gets old. The heroCharlie is rewarded and the nasty spoiled children allgot what they deserved.?

What makes Charlie a cute and loving character isCharlie saying "We'll share it.I want everybody to tasteit" but every one refuses to taste the lone bar ofchocolate that Charlie gets only on his birthday,saying"No,no! We wouldn't dream of it! It's all yours!"or theaccount of him refusing to accept extra food from hismother.

Another lovely moment occurs when Charlie finds afifty pence in the street. Charlie, desperate fromstarvation runs into a small local shop, buys a chocolatebar and in utter desperation wolfs the whole thing inless than a minute. It's such a natural reaction thatmakes Charlie is a real character.

Willy Wonka is purely and simply a genius, in lovewith his creations, proud of his creation. He's aneccentric artist with a sense of wonder about theworld and a love of invention.

"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" is a must read forall children to learn that acknowledging the good youalready have in your life is the foundation of allabundance.

- Priyadarshini Sur

Charlie and theChocolate Factory

| 19SPARK TRIVIA Spark is Shared on Whatsapp and on the VMS and VSP webportal

Page 20: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

SPARK TRIVIA | 20Spark Connect- Serving and retired VSPiens

As they say, not everyone is lucky enough to get asecond chance in life and me, being a nurse couldn'tagree more. Back in my nursing days, I've seen peoplecome to hospital with various illness, but there isthis one incident etched in my memory. I was postedin the causality, it was midnight and suddenly a middleaged man with severe chest pain arrived. I sensedthat this could be something serious. He was sweatingand had shortness of breath. I checked the pulse andBP of the patient and called the doctor immediately.His ECG was recorded and the doctor said that it wasa case of heart attack. He was sent for surgery.Angioplasty was done to restore the blood flow ofhis heart. The surgery was successful, later he wasadmitted and monitored by the doctor and me. His

Nirmala Dahiwale


relatives told me that he had ignored the symptomsearlier. If they hadn't brought him to the hospital thatday, he would have died. The relief on the patient'sface and his family's got me in tears. They thanked usfor saving his life and he said that he has got this"second chance" in life because of us. Trust me, theseare the moments that make us (the healthcareworkers) work more with utter dedication and zeal.All those sleepless nights spent to make someonehappy and cure them are worth it. Not everyone isgranted with second chance in life, but if you are,then you must make the most of it and spread love.Life is too short to have bitter feelings, so let us allcherish this beautiful journey in spite of its flaws.

KVS Valli


Giving second chances opens the door to new life, newopportunities and something to gain. Everyone deservessecond chances.

Down to my memory lane, in the last week of June,1991,on a Saturday evening our family of four started ourjourney to Paderu on our Pushpaka Vimaanam (i.e. ourBajaj Chetak scooter), where my Father-in-Law wasworking, to see our new born Nephew. On reachingPaderu, both my sons enjoyed with their new cousin.On Sunday, monsoon rains touched Paderu and itssurroundings. By Monday morning, rain stopped, but asit was a hilly area, all the rainwater from the mountainsstarted gushing onto the roads. We started our returnjourney on Monday morning at 6:30 AM. The ghat roadswere fully covered with rainwater, water moved awaybut sediments settled, which made the roads slippery.

We offered our Prayers at Modakondamma PadaluTemple and started our journey further downhill.Suddenly at one hairpin bend, our scooter brakes failedand our vehicle skidded to the edge of the ghat road. Myhusband veered the vehicle to the tree side to hit andstop. As the scooter hit the tree with a bang, we all felldown. My Elder son hurt both his hand knuckles, as he

was holding the handlebar of scooter, my husband'sknee got injured and helmet got damaged, I myself whowas holding our younger son in my lap, fell firmly on theground. My little one got scratches on his head whileboth my ankles and knees hit the ground and receivedscratches. All four of us were bleeding very badly. Myhusband was in a state of shock as to how it happenedand how we survived. The villagers and the passersbywith the vehicles stopped. All gathered and soothed usby cleaning our wounds. One driver from the crowdsaid," The water on the road entered in to the BrakeDrum, that is the main reason for brake failure". We hadsome water and took a look of the accident spot, it wasa deep valley and my heart came to my mouth. Wetravelled 2 hours from the accident spot to reach ourhouse in sector 3, once back we took our medical booksvisited VSGH for First Aid.

My Family got a SECOND CHANCE to live, we were savedfrom the jaws of death by a Tree that had grown out onthe side of Mountain. We thank that Tree alwaysthroughout our life. I always feel we are being watchedby some eternal powers, who saved us. This secondchance to live made us to correct our mistakes. We nevertried distant journeys by 2 wheelers thereafter.

Page 21: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

| 21SPARK TRIVIA First Spark Team comprised of six members

While I sit down to pen this memoire, it's a beautifulrainy day today. I am sitting in the balcony of my house,sipping my favourite hot cup of tea.. just as the raindropswere slowly trickling, my thoughts and I went on a rewindjourney of thirty-two years... fond memories of the lifeand times... to way back on the day I entered theapproach Road main gate as a new bride.

That day, I didn't know how important this entry into themain gate was and how much this beautifulUkkunagaram will give me to cherish.

My hands were empty and heart was fillled with hope.Only holding my husband's arm, I walked into the placethat I went on to make my home for thirty-two years.

I was introduced to the most wonderful people and thebest environment. This steel plant gave us livelihoodand immense happiness. Blessed with two children, Ispent my entire life here with people who belonged todifferent parts of India. There were nice people aroundme always.

Ukkunagaram and my friends here made me to forgetmy parents and relatives in Bengaluru. I was always busywith the multi-faceted life here - being entertained withcultural programs, kitty parties, Visteel Mahila Samiti,partying out and I got the best job as a teacher in JyotiBala Vihar.

I worked for 23 years with tiny tots and I enjoyed eachday with tiny tots and my colleagues and was recognizedwell as JBV teacher. Visteel Mahila Samiti has given mevery fond memories. I thoroughly enjoyed the monthly

get togethers. I also had the good fortune of being amember on the VMS executive committee. This was avery special experience, which gave me an opportunityto acquire many new skills, interact with many morepeople and understand social work from a differentperspective.

And coming to my children, they got the best education.They could learn many hobbies like dance, music andkarate, participate in many games and today are placedwell because they were nurtured by Ukkunagaram’sbounty.

My husband also reached to a good position in 'SteelPlant’. He retired as the HOD of WM Dept. On the whole,my family achieved a lot in Ukku soil. Thanks to thiskarmabhumi which welcomed me with open arms andhelped me to fulfill all my duties very satisfactorily.

Every beginning has an end and endings are never easy.My heart aches, when I face the reality of having to leavethis wonderful land and going to my native place aftermy husband's superannuation.

I can proudly confess that I would have 'LOST ONEWHOLE LIFE.IF I HAD’NT COME TO UKKUNAGARAM'

As innumerable memories keep rushing into my mind,I realized, I finished my cup of tea and my tears rolleddown with mixed feelings- of the happy times and sadfeelings of having to bid farewell to the township whichgave me the best times of our life.... with gratitude anda very heavy heart I have to say, bye Ukkunagaram- youare most wonderful place on earth for me.

Sujatha Subramani



Page 22: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

"There is no better way to thank God for your sight than bygiving a helping hand to someone in the dark"

- Helen Keller

INTERVIEW WITH Mr. MOHAMMED ILYASHello Mr. Ilyas garu, could you please tell us about your educational background and the Hatke turnin your career?

Hello Team Spark, my father was an engineer, his work took us around various places. My education wasscattered around Vizag. After my Tenth standard, I studied Bi.P.C in Intermediate at Amalapuram. In my childhood,I had a strong inclination to study Medicine; it may also be ascribed to my heredity because both my maternalgrandfather and his father were Unani Doctors in Rajahmundry, as a result, after completing my Intermediate,I prepared for Medical College entrance exams. Back then, there weren't many resources or guidance forpreparation that today's children have and as a result, I failed to clear the MBBS entrance exam in both my

Many of us in the society are fortunate enough to have been blessed with the gift of eye sight. Just like so manyother things in life that we take for granted, eye sight and the entire world of sensorial experience that it bringsalong, hardly evokes a feeling of gratitude or care that it truly deserves. The true worth of eye sight can be bestrealized in the words of those who never got benefitted by it or even more so in the feelings of those who havebeen robbed off that privilege right after experiencing it. Although unjust, it is true that, the ones who neverhad the gift of vision to start with, find themselves better equipped to navigate through the roads of life, forthey have developed their instincts and evolved their senses to assist themselves, but for the ones who wereborn dependant on the faculties of vision, it's quite a challenge for them to face life with partial vision orwithout any vision. But, every problem is usually accompanied by a solution, so for this problem too, a groupof professionals have taken it upon themselves to correct the wrongs and bring back light and happiness intotheir world of darkness. The professionals go by the name of Optometrists or Opticians, and they help peoplein subscribing back to their original gift of vision that they are born with.

Optometry is a healthcare profession of measuring vision. An optometrist prescribes and fits lenses to improvevision and detects as well as treats various vision related defects. The term 'Optometry' is derived from theGreek word 'optos' which means eye or vision and 'metria' which means measurement. Optometrists aredoctors who perform eye examination, diagnose vision conditions, and prescribe corrective therapy. They arehealthcare professionals who have specialized in eye care and deal with eye testing and providing solutions topatients who suffer from partial sight, hereditary vision defects, squint, weakening of eye muscles etc.

In this edition of Junoon Ke Raahi, let us meet up with Mr. Mohammed Ilyas garu, an Optometrist, rendering hisactive services at the VSGH, single handedly shouldering the responsibility of correcting and assisting thevision of the entire VSP family since 1992. An inspiring personality and an extremely satisfied individual whobelieves that one closed door always points to another open door. Let's find out about more about him and hisprofession in his own words….

Interview byC.Bharadwaj

SPARK TRIVIA | 22Without an exception, every issue released on-time

Page 23: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

Mohammed Ilyas

attempts and that was a turning point in my career. Without wasting any further time, I enrolledfor B. Sc with Botany as my main subject and finished it. During the same time, I was interestedto see my Brother-in-Law pursuing a career as an Optometrist. He would check people's vision,prescribe spectacles and correct their vision related problems, which was nothing short of adoctor treating his patients and to add to it, he functioned independently, running his ownstore, being his own boss, thus it greatly appealed to me and that was the biggest Hatkemoment in my life as I decided to pursue a career as Optometrist.

Interesting! You set out towards one destination on a known path, yet, the destination remaining thesame, you ended up travelling on an unknown path that you didn't intend to, so how did that journeyturn out?

After deciding to pursue Optometry, I travelled to Hyderabad to undertake a two year diploma course inOptometry, being offered by Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital. During those days, very few places would offer thecourse and Hyderabad was the nearest one available to us. After that, I did my fellowship from Aligarh atPremier Institute of Contact Lenses and Ocular Process. The entire duration of the course was very practicaland involved on-the-job learning coupled with theory. Optics, Refraction, Visual Fields, Anatomy and Physiologyof the Eye were some of the subjects we studied in our course. During my diploma, we used to regularly attendpatients at the hospital, check up their eye sight, take notes, prescribe glasses, we would also visit eye testingcamps at various towns and villages conducted by the institute. Being the topper of my batch in Diploma willalways be one of my most cherished memories. Later on, in my fellowship I learnt the skill of designing andfixing lenses or glass eyes. After completing my education, to further enhance my skill, I set up my own eye-testing clinic in one of my uncle's spectacles shop. As an optometrist, you are a trained paramedical professionalwho utilises various equipments to test the eye-sight of the patients, study their vision fields and prescribethe necessary corrective optical devices to overcome the defects in vision. It is a career where you get, best ofboth the worlds - the respect that is reserved for a doctor as well as the satisfaction of serving the public.

Rising from failure to being a Topper, your story is truly inspiring and motivating Ilyas garu! So, howdifficult or easy was it to settle down into the profession after the education?

I was quite spoilt for choices really, as I mentioned earlier, I set up my own clinic to hone my skills, while at thesame time I also looked out for other options on a parallel basis. I had a few job offers abroad in Sharjah andCanada, but at the same time I also received a job opportunity in our Vizag Steel Plant. The lure of a securepublic sector job, the opportunity to stay close to my near and dear ones and also due to my Father's insistence,I shelved my idea of travelling abroad and took up the job at VSP. In retrospect, it seems to have been the rightchoice all along, for I have received an unparalleled job satisfaction and every homely comfort that a humanbeing can ever aspire for.

That's heartening to listen, but can the same be said about the scenario for the present generation?

Why not? I would say things are even better today. But the catch is that, the demand for qualified and skilledparamedical professionals is largely dependent on the quality as well. You got to put your best foot forwardand be thorough with the knowledge and for such professionals, sky is the limit anywhere in the world. Withthe increased health awareness, increased medical outreach and improved accessibility of medical servicesto the citizens, more and more patients are venturing out to avail the medical help to overcome their problems,thus creating a whole world of opportunities for the paramedical professionals and Optometry is also oneamong them. Unlike our days, many institutes and Central Universities now offer graduate and post graduatelevel courses to the interested students. Well recognised institutes also boast of a healthy placement recordwhere, students leave the campus with placement offers worth more than 5 Lakhs per annum offers as well,which is better than even some of the well known engineering colleges. Many social organizations are offeringservices in the field of Vision and visual aids. Also, many reputed corporate organizations and MNC's aremaking their mark in the field of Optical devices and frames leading to a lot of openings on the R&D front aswell as the branding and franchise front. The option of entrepreneurship is an evergreen one in this field. All inall, it is an exciting time to be a skilled Optometrist in the market right now. Why, many students in our

| 23SPARK TRIVIA Spark celebrates unsung heros of our township

Page 24: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

Ukkunagaram Township have also approached me to enquire about the prospects of a career in Optometryand I am happy to share that most of them are doing very well.

You sure have filled the future aspirants with a great amount of optimism and hope with those wordsof yours sir! On a personal note, do you still harbour the disappointment of not becoming a doctor?

(Laughs) Not at all, I have received all the love and respect from the patients in no lesser amounts as comparedto any practicing doctor. In fact, it is a quite widespread misconception among the public that the one'sprescribing the lenses or spectacles to correct one's vision are also doctors, on a personal note I wouldn't mindcorrecting that any time! (Laughs again) Also, God has been kind and blessed me with a daughter who hasrealised my dream and completed her MBBS recently. I believe it's just His way of telling me that you willreceive all that you wish for, but only in the way and at the time that is good for you.

True Ilyas garu, He indeed has his own ways and does what is best for us at the right time! It was trulyinspiring to get to know you and your profession; it sure seems to have corrected our vision pertainingto the challenges of being an Optometrist.

The happiness is all mine. I hope I have been able to share some knowledge about my profession. Anyprofession when taken up with interest and passion can always be truly satisfying no matter what; it is the onlyway to a happy and satisfied life.

SPARK TRIVIA | 24"Every issue of Spark has featured at least one new writer"

Ambika was just 14 years old when she got married to aPolice constable at Dindigul, Tamilnadu.

So she was a victim of Child Marriage. But she didn’tblame the system for her marriage. At the age of 18 shewas the mother of 2 daughters – Aigan and Niharika.

Ambika’s husband works as a Police Constable in TNGovernment. One fine morning he leaves his home earlyto attend a Parade program and the guest were followedby the IG and DIG.

Ambika was curious to know about the honouring andrespect given for the DG and IG. When her husbandarrived home, she asked him about the DG and DIG.When her husband said that they were the senior mostofficers of the department, Ambika felt how lucky if shetoo becomes a Police Officer and rises to that level.

But as Ambika was married at a very young age, shecouldn’t even complete her SSLC. When she spoke toher husband, he said he would support her dream andadvised her to appear for the SSLC Exam as an externalcandidate. She did that and cleared her SSLC. Later shecompleted her PUC and Degree Exams as an externalcandidate. She requested her husband to permit her tomove to Chennai so that she can go for the IPS coaching.He agreed and made arrangements for PG facility forher. Ambika’s husband was very cooperative and hesupported her in every possible way. He makes a PG

facility for her and helped her to get into IPS coachingclasses.

Even after three attempts, Ambika failed to clear IPS.Her husband told a disheartened Ambika to come back.He told her that government has given himaccommodation facility and by the time he retires, evenhe would have 2 stars on his shoulder.

Ambika requested him to give her one more year. Shesaid, “If I don’t succeed this year, I will come back”. Shefelt that at least she could work as a teacher in someschool and support her husband.

Luckily for her, Ambika cleared her IPS prelims, mainsand Interview in her fourth attempt. After clearing IPSin 2008, she gets into training provided by theDepartment. Her batch mate, Ravi D Chennanavar DCPBangalore, said that she used to be very attentive in thetraining and was known to be a brave woman.

Ambika now works as DCP North 4 division in Mumbai.If Ambika were to merely blame her parents for childmarriage and curse her fate, she wouldn’t have becomea DCP today. Instead of blaming the system or people,she made a brave attempt to change her future throughhard work and of her husband’s support.

Today Ambika has become a role model for many andthere might be many more Ambikas hidden among us.

True story sourced by Narendra Prasad



Page 25: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

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| 25SPARK TRIVIA Spark feature “How I met my husband” was changed to “ Jab we met “

Page 26: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

Shillong has beencalled the 'Scotland ofthe East' and rightly so.Last winter me and Matook a trip to the hillstation in the NorthEastern part of India,which literally means"The Abode of Clouds"to take a break from our respective schedules. We werewelcomed at 6 degree Celsius with a weather that didnot let us to dry the clothes. We went to a hotel at Policebazaar, which was buzzing with shops selling Kebabs,noodles, momo, khicidi and an array of local snacks. Theshops were flooded with winter wears, accessoriesavailable at really low price, like a flea market. Therewe spent our evenings, taking a stroll, after we finishedthe trip for the day. One place which would stay withme forever was the Umiam Lake. In the midst of thelake there was crystal clear water and a peripherymarked by majestic mountains. Mawjymbuin Cavewhich is of calcareous sandstones and has numerousstalagmites (formed as a result of calcium carbonatedepositions, weathering and dripping of mineralenriched liquid) is a perfect adventure and the darknessinside it made it more thrilling. We had to approach itusing our phone's flashlight.Shillong Peak is located atan elevation of 6449 feet and mostly surrounded by fog,Shillong Peak offers 360-degree bird's-eye view of thedistant hills, waterfalls, Shillong city, and plains ofBangladesh. This also is the best viewpoint the city has

A Visit to North East-Trisrota Bose

to offer. The State museum has a collection of all thetraditional tools, music instruments, antiques, jewelryand clothes used by the local tribes.The guides presentthere are well versed and would offer to show youaround for free. Mawsynram is known for its exquisitebeauty that lures travelers from across the world to thismesmerizing village. It gives a tough competition toCherapunjee for being the wettest site in the world.

After wrapping up the Shillong and Cherapunjee weleft for Kaziranga. Kaziranga National park which boastsof being the home of two-thirds of the world's greatone-horned rhinoceroses, is a World Heritage Site.Werode an elephant on the second day who took us insidethe forest and just when we thought it could not getbetter we had a rendezvous with a rhino standing rightin front of us staring at our elephant while he staredback. The rhino then disappeared among the lush greentrees as if to portray the annoyance it felt on ourinterruption to it's daily life.

They say if you want to know someone well, travel withthem. Me and my mother travelling solo for the firsttime gave me a feel of thrill and adventure. Also someuncertainty was involved as Meghalaya was undercurfew till a week back. Safety was also an issue.HoweverI found that North East is really safe for tourists of anygender or age.The only way to overcome a fear is to faceit, so if you are thinking of taking a solo trip, present isthe best time to do it.The trip at the end did bring us alot more close to the nature and made a great travellingteam of the mother daughter duo.

SPARK TRIVIA | 26Spark has 4 Editors In Chief till date- Smt. Lata Choudhary, Smt. Preeti Chand, Smt. Bindu Mohapatra & Smt. Sarada Rath

Page 27: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

I know, I was a part of a rat race and was gettinginfluenced by lot of negativity around and nurturingpositive thoughts and penning down them on a paperis slowly turning out to be a wild goose chase. Thencame a day when I heard the news that whole of theworld is heading towards a danger called Corona. Ithought why not put up my thoughts on the sameand share my views on what's happening around rightnow, what good is in store for us in disguise of the badthat's surrounding us.

What started off as a self-quarantine for few days isnow turning out to be a complete lockdown. Last oneweek witnessed everyone talking about LIFE morethan MATERIALS. Yes, definitely we are in dire crisisand every human on this planet is now praying for hislife and well-being of his family.

In this low phase of life, let's remind the quote bySri Rabindranath Tagore :

"Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but tobe fearless when facing them."

The world is on fire, from the richest country to thepoorest country. The hour is late, and the moment ofconsequence, so long delayed, is now upon us. A tinyinvisible creature from nature had declared a war

on the most intelligent living being…MAN. This MANwho is hardwired to react to threats is now fearing tosee next day. What an irony!! Now the question is, dowe watch the world burn, or do we choose to do whatis necessary to achieve a different future?

Who we understand ourselves to be, determines thechoice we will make. That choice determines whatwill become of us. The choice is both simple andcomplex, but above all it is urgent. Here we are notchoosing to win over the virus which made the wholeworld to go topsy turvy in just few days.

Like all good things come to an end, even the badthings come to an end. The virus will complete itswork and will surely calm down over time like manypandemics in past. But this crisis will definitely leavebehind a lot of lessons for us to survive as a race.

Nature gives us a lot without asking anything in return.However patient and silent it is, we need to realizethat nature is the supreme power and mankind should

not run after materialistic pleasures and ruin theserenity and tranquility of nature. Rather as an animalwith more intellect we need to take good care of ourplanet and fellow living beings. It's a choice that weall need to make with all consciousness in place.

Let's have a look at the positive lessons that we canlearn in silence in this crisis times.

The air around the world is getting cleaner, lesspollutants entering the sea, streets are less noisy.

No planes are flying around the world; luxury cruiseships are not dirtying up the sea.

Families are spending time together. An ever busyfather can now see his children playing with all smilesand a house wife is not experiencing stress filledmornings.

People are looking at local solutions for needs, andtaking the time to go around their garden andexperience the joy that derives out of fiddling withsmall little things that define our lives. Even the eatinghabits are changing. The hectic pace of the world hasslowed down drastically. We're breathing consciously.We are just grateful to Almighty for being alive.

In the silent presence of the creatures around us, ourdog by our side or cat resting cozily curled in our lap,we sense their regard for our thoughts and feelingsand we respond in kind without reserve. If we choose,we can do so, as well, with each other. Yes, we willovercome the scare of this virus sooner or later, butbefore we jump to our previous lifestyle why not weuse this time as an opportunity to introspect and torealize that slowing down is not a bad thing.

For the last 30 to 40 years it's a mad mad race whichwe have run, trying to overtake nature by manifolds.Now when nature gave its reply in its characteristicsilence, the emotions that engulfed the world are fearand anger. Anger that sinks into despair is powerlessto make a change. But the same anger that evolvesinto conviction is unstoppable. It's right time to calm,to breath & to pray. It's time to do a detailed analysisof our lives and create a harmonious balance withfellow humans and all living beings. Let's take a breakto listen to the song of the wind, talk to the whisperingtrees, feel the love of flowers, dance with the dancingleaves.

K. Suresh Kumar



| 27SPARK TRIVIA Spark is a National Award winner in the category of PSU publications

Page 28: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

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We, and all our descendants, will live in a world withenvironmental conditions that are permanentlyaltered. We cannot bring back the extinct species,the melted glaciers, the dead coral reefs, or thedestroyed primary forests. The best we can do is tokeep the changes within a manageable range,staving off total calamity, preventing the disaster that

will result from the unchecked rise of emissions. This,at least, might usher us out of the environmental crisisthat's much bigger than Corona virus. It is the bareminimum that we must do. Let's stop putting ourchildren’s future in jeopardy.

Let’s change from within as nature is giving us a secondchance to live with all new approach to life and nature.

uÛ≤>∑e‘·T\ lìyêdüsêe⁄

SPARK TRIVIA | 28Spark team has 8 VSP and 4 VMS members

Page 29: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

Gazpacho.There's nothing better than this Spanish cold soup/drinkon a hot summer's day. . Just the color raises one'sexpectations.

INGREDIENTSAbout 2 pounds ripe red tomatoes, cored and roughlycut into chunks1 Italian frying (cubanelle) pepper or another long, lightgreen pepper, such as Anaheim, cored, seeded androughly cut into chunks

1 cucumber, about 8 inches long, peeledand roughly cut into chunks1 small mild onion (white or red), peeledand roughly cut into chunks1 clove garlic2 teaspoons sherry vinegar, more to taste Salt½ cup extra-virgin olive oil, more to taste, plus morefor drizzling

PREPARATIONCombine tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, onion and garlicin a blender or, if using a hand blender, in a deep bowl.(If necessary, work in batches.) Blend at high speed untilvery smooth, at least 2 minutes, pausing occasionallyto scrape down the sides with a rubber spatula.With the motor running, add the vinegar and 2teaspoons salt. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil. The mixturewill turn bright orange or dark pink and become smoothand emulsified, like a salad dressing. If it still seemswatery, drizzle in more olive oil until texture is creamy.Strain the mixture through a strainer or a food mill,pushing all the liquid through with a spatula or the backof a ladle. Discard the solids. (You May choose not to dothis and the gazpacho will be coarser. )Transfer to a large pitcher (preferably glass) and chilluntil very cold, at least 6 hours or overnight.Before serving, adjust the seasonings with salt andvinegar. If soup is very thick, stir in a few tablespoonsice water. Serve in glasses, over ice if desired. A fewdrops of olive oil on top are a nice touch.Absolutely delicious.

Indrani Maji

Delicious & chunky marmalade made with Kinnus

20 Nos. Kinnows

3 kg water

2 kg sugar

500 gms liquid glucose

Lemon juice from 2 lemons

5 stems of lemongrass along with leaves(tied into a knot)

Boil the whole kinnows in water for 30 minutes. Cool &fine chop them discarding the large seeds. In a heavypan add sugar, liquid glucose, lemon juice, lemongrass& the chopped kinnows , cook & keep stirring from timeto time. The marmalade will be ready when all the liquiddries up & you see a nice glaze. Cool & store refrigeratedin steralised bottles.

| 29SPARK TRIVIA Spark has introduced “Sanskrit” language

Page 30: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

Namita Sahare


Second chances are not given to make things right, butare given to prove that we could be better even afterwe fall. These anxious and unusual times bringunforeseen difficulties, but the best human nature canrise to the challenge.

When the news is all doom and gloom-as it has beensince the outbreak of the coronavirus- it's hard for eventhe most optimistic among us to stay positive. It's truethat we need to take this virus seriously. It's capable ofcausing severe illness, death, and drastic long-termchanges to how we live and work.

Now, more than ever, is the time for us to be proactiveabout creating small moments of happiness in our days,given the findings in psychology research that positiveemotions help us to undo the negative effects of stress.

Amid all this crisis all we can do is to be in a positiveframe of mind. All we need to do is to see positives ineverything happening around us like the drop inpollution and improved air quality index. This crisis hasmade us cherish the forgotten values. Have we realisedthat we value our relationship more than ever?

Enjoy the moments: Even during lockdown you stillhave many small moments to savour. The smell of gingertea, the warm oil head massage, the chirping of birdswhen sitting in balcony and so on. When you stop inthese moments, rather than rushing by as we used todo earlier , you are giving your brain a chance to processthe pleasure, which boosts your serotonin - the feelgood neurotransmitter that helps elevate your moodand make you feel calm.

Valuing relationships: for those of us in familylockdown, now is the opportunity to spend quality timewith our loved ones. Take the time to hug your kids,appreciate your partner, cooking together, have longconversations , watching comedy flicks with them - allof these gestures promote closeness and also boost youroxytocin, which is a hormone that bonds people andalso has a calming effect on your body. When youroxytocin levels spike they tell your body to switch offcortisol, the stress hormone.

Fulfill New year resolutions:Remember those new yearresolutions of having perfect body orlearn baking or meditating and so onand then postponing them one byone because of busy routine. Does it not increase ourstress level? Now exactly is the time to tick mark thatcheck list on which you keep pondering upon. This allwill help us in gaining self confidence , sense ofaccomplishment and self belief.

Staying Positive: From positive emotion springshappiness. While the Coronavirus world makesoptimism a challenge, there are things you can do tostay optimistic. Limit your access to social media andnews: listen to or read it once a day to keep informedand so that you are not constantly bombarded with badnews ,share your gratitude with others, steer theconversation away from Coronavirus or agree at the startthat it's a banned topic.

Take care of your body and spirit: Basic managementstrategies will help like eating healthy meals, gettingplenty of sleep, and meditating. Be kind to yourself. Goeasy on yourself if you're experiencing more depressionor anxiety than usual. You're not alone in your struggles.Maintain a routine as best you can. Even if you're stuckat home, try to stick to your regular sleep, meal, orschedules. This can help you maintain a sense ofnormalcy.Take time out for activities you enjoy. Read agood book, watch a comedy, play a fun board or videogame, make something-whether it's a new recipe, acraft, or a piece of art. It doesn't matter what you do, aslong as it takes you out of your worries. Find ways toexercise. Staying active will help you release anxiety,relieve stress, and manage your mood. Avoid self-medicating. Be careful that you're not using alcohol orother substances to deal with anxiety or depression.When stressors throw your nervous system out ofbalance, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing,meditation, and yoga can bring you back into a state ofequilibrium what we call it as homeostasis in medicallanguage. Regular practice delivers the greatestbenefits, so see if you can set aside even a little timeevery day.

Remember, "after every Dusk, there's always a Dawn".Together we all can sail through this phase too.

SPARK TRIVIA | 30Spark team members are based out of Vizag, Hyderabad, Pune, Delhi and Kolkata

Page 31: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others

LEISURE1. What did Carl Bard quote about second chances?2. How old was the letter addressed to Radhika?3. Name a few subjects in Optometry.4. What are the two symptoms of heart attack with which

the patient came to the hospital?5. What do second chances teach us?6. What consists in the daily diet of Charlie Bucket family?7. Which was the biggest marketing dept. Branch of RINL

with 20% domestic sales turnover ?8. For how long is Mrs.Sujatha Subramani associated with

Ukkkunagaram?9. Which place gives a tough competition to Cherapunjee?10. Why is 12 Feb 2020 special for VMS?11. On what do most of the things depend upon?12. Who is the real loser?13. Who is Dr. Shanta and whom did she treat?14. What was heartening to “Sri P. K. Rath sir?15. Who said “Let us not pray to be sheltered from

dangers, but to be fearless when facing them”?


In the first place let me convey my sincere Thanks forgetting the SPARK magazine at my door steps for whichgot me delighted. Let me Congratulate the Editorial teamfor bringing out a Wonderful look to the magazine as awhole, the design, the Cover page and the print etc. Nodoubt the quality has improved multi folds. The needcertainly has found so many creative writers and it is highlyappreciable. The articles are of variety which drives one toread, generating interest in all. One missing aspect,probably is the Charity and the associated SocialResponsibility. Overall it is treat to watch and read andcertainly the TEAM Spark deserves a pat on the shoulder,WELL DONE and KEEP IT UP.

Wishing the SPARK all the Best. M Ayyadurai

This magazine Spark is truly sparkling with such talentedyet simple & humble people. Vidya Pradeep

Oreo cupcakes, first day at school, Mrs. Choudhary is alsotherereaching far and wide... and interview by Bharadwajare very good. Arvind Mishra

In Spark, Divyokti Chanakya Sutras are worth reading,happy to know about Cartoonist Dr. Bhuvaneswar Rao.New Year resolutions are veryinteresting points KVS Valli

The magazine has lots of cherished memories and articlesand makes the reader go through an emotional ride. Mysmall suggestion would be to include some more ofinformative articles and having a company bulletin containingdetails such as Production status and company Financialswhich will add value to the reader.

P Hitesh Kumar

‘fsT- e@sapIireMsa’ ivaYaya pr AaQaairt spak- ka AMk imalaa.pZ,kr bahut AcCa lagaa. hr ek AalaoK ek na[- jaa- va sfUit-sao Baro hue hOM. k[- jagahaoM pr lagaa ik maOM Kud khanaI kI ikrdarhUÐ. baD,a saukUna imalaa jaba ek ipta ko p`it AgaaQa¹p`oma kI khanaIÊ‘jaao idla sao’ stMBa ko AMtga-t CpI khanaI ‘dI isa@sa yaaD- fula Aa^fhaT-’ pZ,I. mauJao BaI Apnao papa kI yaad Aa ga[-. lata jaI kaAalaoK pZ,kr tao majaa hI Aa gayaa AaOr ‘Aaovar smaaT-’ na bananao kIsaIK BaI imalaI. ‘daostI janavarI sao idsaMbar kI’ naamak kivatajaIvana kI inarMtrta AaOr saaqa-kta kI Aaor AiBap`oirt krtI hO.

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Page 32: Dear Readers! - VIZAG STEEL · I had met her in a train a couple of years ago. She was cleaning the compartments, while some passengers gave money, some gave her left over food, others
