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Dear Special Agents,

Date post: 08-Nov-2021
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Dear Special Agents,Calvary Kids is on a mission this new year to bring God’s kingdom to earth like never before! You have been given a special assignment: dedicate the next 21 days to seeking God through praying, fasting, and giving. Jesus tells us the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength; and Love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27. As you complete each day’s mission, you will grow in your love for God, love for others and love yourself. This will give you the power to accom-plish the great commission which is spreading the good news of Jesus to your community and the world!!

Each day’s assignment includes: Read / Highlight / Pray / Worship / Mission

Family Connect Live: Join Calvary Kids every Sunday night at 6pm during Sa-cred Season for Family Connect Live on the CalvaryFLKids Facebook page.

Sacred Sunday: Join us on Sacred Sunday, January 24, as we pray, worship and give a special offering during this special time together.

Follow @CalvaryFLKids on Facebook and Instagram. We will be posting videos, family devotions, and fun activities for you to do!

Ready, set, GO and Love God, Love Others, and Love Yourself!

1. What I’m Fasting

2. What I’m Praying For

3. What I’m Giving

This Week’s Mission: Love GodThis Week’s Mission: Love God

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

Attend a Calvary Kids Serviceor watch on the CalvaryFl Kids Facebook page / Calvaryfl.com/kidsonline

1. What I learned today in church _____________________________________

2. Today’s Bible Story ______________________________________________

3. How I can apply this message in my life ______________________________

Revival Service January 3, 4 and 5th!! We will see you there!!

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love GodColor in the stars as you complete each step

Read: 1 John 4:19 / John 3:16 / Ephesians 3:17-19God has more love for you than you could ever imagine! He loves us so much that he gave us his one and only Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus came from heaven to earth with an important mission. He chose to take our place of death by dying on a cross so that we can have eternal life with him forever in heaven. We receive His love and mercy by accepting Jesus’s gift of salvation. Then we become God’s special agents to share the good news of Jesus with others. We grow in our relationship with God by following him daily through prayer, worship and read-ing the bible. Our relationship with God is the most important thing in the world.

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, I thank you for your great love for me. I receive your love and the gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ. I give my heart to you. Help me to love you with all my heart, soul and strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Worship: ‘Reckless Love’ by Cory Asbury

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…Who is Jesus to you?Write down or draw a picture of the time when you asked Jesus in your heart. (Your Jesus story)Read your story to someone else.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love GodColor in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Psalm 34:8/ Psalm 107:1 / Hebrews 13:8In every mission there are always the good guys and the bad guys. I remember as I was grow-ing up, I never used to fear while watching a superhero movie or an action movie or any movie at all really, because I knew in the end that the good guys had to win. Usually, they did. One of the great things about God and why we can love Him is because of who He is. Psalm 107:1 says to give thanks to the Lord because He is good. No matter what situation, battle, or mis-sion you may face, through it all you can remember that God is good! When we remember that God is good, even in the bad times, we can sing praises to His name. Just like in the movies there’s always the scene where the bad guys take control, however, they aren’t in control for much longer because we know that the end is coming. In the end good always wins!

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: God, I thank you for your goodness! Help me to remember in every situation that you never change and you always remain good. Thank you, Jesus, that I can have victory through you! I trust you through every battle. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Worship: ‘Always Good’ by Bethel

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it… In what ways has God been good to you? Take a minute and write or draw a picture of how God has shown you His goodness in your life. Now thank Him for all he has done for you.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love GodColor in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Deuteronomy 6:5 / Mark 12:30 / Matthew 22:37What does it mean to love God? Does it mean to worship? Does it mean to pray? Does it mean to read our Bible? Yes!! These are all ways that we show our love to God. In Matthew 22:37 it says, “Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ” Ways we show our love to God is by worshiping Him and reading our Bible so we can stay close to God and praying to him. Is it possible to love God like that? One of God’s commandments is to love. So, yes, it is possible to love God with all your heart!

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, thank you for your unfailing love for me. Teach me to love you with all my heart like you love me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Worship: ‘Never Have I Ever’ by Hillsong

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept…..What does your love look like for Jesus?Write down or draw what the Love of God looks like to you.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love GodColor in the stars as you complete each step

Read: John 14:26 / John 16:13 / Isaiah 11:2What do you picture when you think, ‘mission impossible?’ Maybe you see a precious jewel in the middle of a booby-trapped room full of strings or red laser beams you’ll never be able to get through. You might think, ‘there’s no way I can bend, twist, flip and posture my body through all of that to get to the prize. It’s just too much. Sometimes we look at the Bible and think there are so many pages, big words, and names we’ll never be able to pronounce. We then become discouraged because we don’t see a way through it. Remember the mission is possible com-missioner! God is in you and ready to help you. The Holy Spirit lives in you, teaches you, helps you, and guides you into truth. The Holy Spirit will open your spiritual eyes and ears and give you laser-like hearing and vision to navigate and understand what God is speaking to you in the Bible. He will pour out a spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding on you. The only posture God is asking you to get in is one of prayer and pursuit while studying His word every day. What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, thank you for making ALL things possible. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that lives inside me. I pray the Holy Spirit opens my eyes and ears as I read your word every day. Help me to trust the Holy Spirit is guiding, teaching, and comforting me at all times. Help me to cast down any imagination that it’s impossible. I pray that Your spirit would rest on me and my family at all times!

Worship: ‘Nothing is Impossible’ by Planetshakers

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…The Holy Spirit helps me understand the Bible!Read a Bible story or verse in your Bible. When something makes you feel excited, circle or highlight it. Write down or draw a picture about what it means to you. Share it with a friend or bring your Bible and what you wrote down to church and share it with a leader.

Family Fun: Do a family devotional in the morning or before bed. Take turns talking about what the scriptures spoke to each of you.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love GodColor in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Zephaniah 3:17 / Joshua 1:9 / Psalm 46:1

God is OMNIPRESENT. That’s a big word that perfectly describes the big God we serve. You’ve probably heard your parents use that term but now it’s your turn. Omnipresent means God is present everywhere and capable of being everywhere at the same time in the entire universe. You know what that also means? It means He is right there with you right now and at all times. God loves you so much that he chooses to be with you every single second of your day. He’s a mighty one who will save you. He delights in you and rejoices over you in glad-ness. He’s living on the inside of you. You don’t have to feel alone or afraid because He is with you and He is mighty to save you from any and all of your troubles today and help you.

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, I thank you for loving me so much that you choose to be with me at all times. Help me to have joy and peace because you are with me. I don’t have to be afraid and I can be courageous everyday no matter what. Help me to also remember that you are mighty and since I am made in your image, I too am powerful.

Worship: ‘First Loved Me’ by Covenant Worship

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…Obey Right AwayOne of the ten commandments is to honor your father and mother. When your mom asks you to do something today- do it right away! When your dad asks you for help with a task- come help right away. Make sure they only ask you ONE time before you do what they ask.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love GodColor in the stars as you complete each step

Read: 1 John 5:3 / John 14:23 / John 14:15-16

There are so many ways we can show God we love Him! We can spend time with Him, wor-ship Him, pray, read our Bible- you can probably name even more! We can also show God we love Him by simply obeying His word. We know that God’s commandments are not to hard for us, but we can also remember we have the Holy Spirit if we need help with one of His commandments. When we read our Bible and then DO what it says we are showing God that we love Him.

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: God. I love you so much! Thank you for reminding me that your commandments are not troublesom- they are not too hard for me. I will do my best to always follow what your word says. I ask you, Holy Spirit, to be my helper as I show my love for God by obeying His word.

Worship: ‘Build My Life’ by House Fires

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…Obey Right AwayOne of the ten commandments is to honor your father and mother. When your mom asks you to do something today- do it right away! When your dad asks you for help with a task- come help right away. Make sure they only ask you ONE time before you do what they ask.

1. What I’m Fasting

2. What I’m Praying For

3. What I’m Giving

This Week’s Mission: Love Others

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

Attend a Calvary Kids Serviceor watch on the CalvaryFl Kids Facebook page / Calvaryfl.com/kidsonline

1. What I learned today in church _____________________________________

2. Today’s Bible Story _______________________________________________

3. How I can apply this message in my life ______________________________

Family Connect Live: Tonight at 6pm on the CalvaryFlKids Facebook page. Join our Calvary Kids Pastors for worship, a family devotion, fun illustrations and more!!

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Others

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: 2 Timothy 1:7 / Ephesians 1:9 / Philippians 4:13 / Luke 1:37The day you accepted Christ into your heart you agreed to become a special agent for Christ. Special agents go into places many people are afraid to go. They do things others may not have the heart to do. They hear the secrets and mysteries of God. They also believe in God’s miracle working power. The world may label these things ‘impossible’ but with God all things are possible. Congratulations. You’re the special ‘agent of change’ Christ hand-picked to go change the world. God has equipped you and given you an extra measure of faith to do this. This is so cool! You get to help rescue the world by leading others to become special agents for Christ too. You may be thinking, “I can’t do that. I’m too tiny.” Be encouraged special agent of change. You are tiny, but God says you are mighty. Because you are so small you can reach people and places grownups may have a little trouble fitting into. You can reach your friends at school, siblings, people on your sports teams, or nurses and doctors who care for you. You can also reach hearts that are too broken to listen to other adults. Your voice may be tiny but because God is in it, it is mighty powerful! Remember as a special agent of change God has given you courage and boldness to go change the world! What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, I thank you for choosing me to be a special agent of change for you. I thank you for equipping me to spread the good news about who you are, your promises, and sal-vation in special places to special people! Please help me to always remember I am tiny but mighty and that I carry the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. All things are possible with you.

Worship: ‘Famous For’ by Tauren Wells

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…Top Secret: Special Agent of Change Mission: Spread the good news and show others who God is by telling someone about Jesus or doing something nice for them. Family Fun: Reach together. Sign up to serve as a family, invite a family to church in the store, tell someone about what God has done for your family, pray together about another person’s needs.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Others

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Ephesians 6:18/ Galatians 6:2/ Matthew 21:22

We can show love to others in so many different ways. One of the ways that we are able to do that is through prayer! Prayer is so powerful and can change any situation around. So, when we see or hear that those around us are in trouble, you know what the first thing we can do is? Pray! The word tells us to ask and it will be given to you. We aren’t meant to just pray for our-selves, but for others as well! Prayer is a simple yet powerful way that we can see God move in not only our lives, but in the lives of others. By praying, we are putting our faith into action. We are saying “Jesus, I’m putting my trust in you and believing that you are in control! “

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, I pray that you give me a heart for others. When my friends or family come to me for prayer, that I wouldn’t hesitate to pray. I know, Holy Spirit, that you will give me the words to say. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Worship: Pick one of the verses to meditate on during the day.

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…

If you know anyone that has prayer requests, add their requests to your prayer time. If you don’t, ask a friend, family member, etc. what you can be praying and believing with them for! Stop and pray for three people right now.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Others

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: John 13:34 / 35 Matthew 22:37-39

If we live in love, we live in God. The love we show others even when we think they don’t deserve it proves the love we have for God. When we love God we are commanded to love others. If we love God, we love others and if we love others we love God.

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, thank you for showing and teaching me how to love others like I love my-self. Help me to always show and walk in love even when it is hard at times. Help me to allow your love to flow through me to others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Worship: ‘I Surrender ‘ by Hillsong Worship

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept…

Have you ever showed love to someone, even when they were not kind to you?Show love to someone today that has not been kind to you or someone else. Let God’s unconditional love flow out of you.

Try this: Get a glass and a pitcher of water. Fill the pitcher to the top, then pour the water in the glass until the water over flows over the side of the glass. This is how God wants you to show your love to others. Overflowing!!

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Others

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Galatians 5:22 / Luke 6:35 / Ephesians 2:14

The Spirit produces your giving. Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’m not old enough to work and earn money so I can’t consistently give?” This is a comment I often hear among children. I love reminding them of the truth. The truth is through faith we all have everything inside of us that produces something sweet to freely give and express to others daily. It’s the fruit of the spirit. We can pray to eagerly serve and give others love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, good-ness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The greatest of those is love and God com-mands us to love our neighbors. Today you can choose to give these fruits to everyone you encounter. Love your neighbors and your enemies. Remind others to rejoice and have joy in the Lord. If someone is going through a difficult situation you can give them peace by sharing the good news that God Himself is our peace. The fruits of the spirit are your gift to the world.

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, I thank you for producing so much sweetness, love, and kindness inside me that I can share with others. Lord, help me to walk in the fruits of the spirit every day. Help me to truly believe you gave me this spirit and I can freely give it to others at all times.

Worship: ‘The Fruit of the Spirit for Children” by Bob Baxter

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept…I AM just like you Lord!Write down or draw the fruits of the spirit.Which fruits of the spirit do you need God to help you develop more of right now?Family Fun: Reproduce the fruits of the spirit in your home on paper. Write each other or another family outside of your home a kind note stating what you love about them or a letter of encouragement to help them get through a difficult time.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Others

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Acts chapter 10

As we accept and grow in God’s love, we treat those who may look or act different than us with kindness. In our bible reading today, we see that Peter and Cornelius came from two different places, different kinds of families and different cultures. They may have never even met, but God brought them together to show them that He loves everyone the same. If God loves and accepts everyone equally then we should too. These men learned something from each other and saw that God had a special purpose for each of them. They became brothers in God’s family. Loving others helps us to celebrate our differences, learn new things about someone, make new friends, ask for forgiveness, and not bully, tease, or gossip. When we love others, it makes God’s heart happy because we are his children and he wants us to love one another!

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, I thank you for all the children in your family. Help me to love everyone as a brother or sister in your great big family. I want to learn from others who are different than me. Help me to love with a great big kind of love that only comes from you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Worship: ‘Love One Another’ by Yancy

Your Mission, should you choose to accept it:Option 1: Find someone at church or school or your sports team who is from a different country than you. Ask them about their culture; like what kinds of foods they eat or how they celebrate holidays. Option 2: Invite someone new to sit with you at lunch, church or play with you on the play-ground. Get to know more about them and tell them what you think is cool about them.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Others

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: 1 John 4:11 / Ephesians 4:32 / 1 Philippians 2:3-4

God loves us so much! If we are going to be like Him, we must also love others. Others will know that you love them if you show them that you do. You can start by showing others kind-ness- compliment them, encourage them, and help those who are in need. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. Simply asking someone how they are doing shows that you care. When someone knows you care, they also know they are loved by you.

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Jesus, I thank you for loving me SO much that you died for my sins. I want to be like you and I want to love others! Help me to show kindness, give encouragement, and demonstrate love to others everyday.

Worship: ‘The Blessing’ by Kari Jobe

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…Do you know your neighbor?Find a friend you do not know very well, and show them that you care for them! Ask them a few questions: How has your day been? What do you like to do for fun? What books or tv shows do you enjoy? Sparking conversation about their interests is a great way to LOVE OTHERS.

1. What I’m Fasting

2. What I’m Praying For

3. What I’m Giving

This Week’s Mission: Love Yourself

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

Attend a Calvary Kids Serviceor watch on the CalvaryFl Kids Facebook page / Calvaryfl.com/kidsonline

1. What I learned today in church _____________________________________

2. Today’s Bible Story _______________________________________________

3. How I can Apply this message in my life ______________________________

Family Connect Live: Tonight at 6pm on the CalvaryFlKids Facebook page. Join our Calvary Kids Pastors for worship, a family devotion, fun illustrations and more!!

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Yourself

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: John 16:33 / Isaiah 54:17 / Matthew 17:20

Doing God’s duty isn’t always easy. Sometimes weapons form against us and we can feel like the target or center of attack from the enemy. We may experience illness or challenges at school and home. We may feel like we’re different or some things don’t quite work out as we plan. This can lead us to feel like giving up and aborting the mission. Take heart and be encouraged fellow commissioner! Don’t quit! God loves you too much to leave you. The Bible tells you no weapon formed against you shall prosper. It also tells you that in this world you will have trouble, but Jesus has overcome the world. This means God has equipped you to overcome any and everything that may come against you. With God’s help you can complete every special operation and assignment no matter how big or how small it is in faith. Faith removes the giant things that are trying to stop you from winning! Look past any fear, worry, and doubt. Fix your eyes on Jesus and aim for victory. God brings every good work he begins to completion.

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Lord, I thank you for overcoming the world through your suffering and finished work on the cross. Thank you for your blood that covers everything I am going through and all the things that might come against me. Thank you for making me an overcomer and removing the obstacles in front of me so I can see the victory you have for me.

Worship: ‘See A Victory’ by Elevation Worship

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…Keep your eyes fixed on the Lord. Write down or draw ways you can keep your eyes fixed on the Lord.Draw or write down anything you want to overcome such as fear, anxiety, illness, feeling differ-ent and more. Draw yourself over that mountain with victory! What does that look and feel like to you? Christ overcame it and so can you!

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Yourself

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Psalm 139:14 / Song of Solomon 4:7

When we love ourselves we say positive words about ourselves and we won’t speak negative words about ourselves. God would never say “you’re ugly.” We need to always agree with what God says about us and always love ourselves. Here are some things God says you are: a child of God, and as a child of God you are fearfully and wonderfully made! So, know who you are in God and know whose you are from this day forth. And remember to speak life over yourself!! What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, thank you for your love. Thank you for reminding me that I am your child, and that I am beautiful/handsome, strong, brave and free to live in you.Help me to never forget to love myself just as you loved your son Jesus and you love me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Worship: ‘Who You Say I Am’ by Hillsong Worship

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…

Have you ever spoken negative words over yourself?

Today’s Mission, should you choose to Accept…..Get some sticky notes write words like: I am a child of God, I am free, I am beautiful, I am strong. Place them around your house or room and say them to yourself every day.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Yourself

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Romans 12:6-8 / Jeremiah 29:11

When God created you, he created you intentionally, meaning that when God was creating you, he made you the way he did on purpose. He made you look the way you do for a reason, he gave you your personality for a reason, and he has given you gifts for a reason. Just as our verse teaches us that there are gifts of prophecy, serving, giving, and so much more! These gifts are meant to be used. God has a purpose and plan for your life and the gifts that he has given to you are going to help you fulfill that very purpose!

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Lord, you are so good! Thank you for all the gifts that you have given me. I pray that as I discover my gifts that I will grow in them. Every time I use my gifts allow it to bring you glory, God! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Worship: After taking the Spiritual Gifts survey, journal about your gifts.

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…What are your spiritual gifts? The only way to use them is to know what gifts God has given you. Take the Spiritual gifts survey. (you can find one online or on the CalvaryFl Kids facebook page)

Keep your results in a safe place.

Begin to pray to God to reveal to you how to use your gifts in your everyday life!

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Yourself

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Genesis 1:27 / Philippians 4:8 / Jeremiah 29:11, Before you begin your mission each day look at yourself. Examine yourself closely to prepare yourself to do the mighty works of ministry. You may think the only tool you need to see the reflection of your image is a mirror. Did you know there is a more powerful tool? Yes there is! And if you guessed it’s the Bible give yourself and your family a secret special missions high five and handshake. The Bible shows us the truth about who God says we are. Genesis 1:27 says we are created in His image. It is so important to not only know about God, but to KNOW GOD. Our Bible teaches us everything we need to know about who HE is and who WE are. When you look in the mirror today you can feel good about yourself because when you’re looking at you you’re looking at Him. You can think good thoughts towards yourself. You can say good things about you! You can be good to you. You can love you. All because God feels the same way about you and is ready to do exceedingly and abundantly more for you than you could ever imagine. Go ahead mighty commissioner; as you go win others to Christ today remember when others see you they see everything about God. What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Father God, I thank you for creating me to look like you and be like you. Help me to ac-cept this great call to complete the greatest mission you gave me in my life as a commissioner Help me to see you when I look at me.

Worship: ‘Never Stop’ by Urban Rescue

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept…..I am made in the image of God!Draw a mirror. Draw yourself in it. Write words that describe who God is inside of it. That’s who you are!

Family Fun: Look at family pictures or look in the mirror as a family. As you look at one anoth-er talk about who you are as a family. Talk about who God says you are as a family.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Yourself

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Psalm 139:13-15 / 1 John 3:1 / Ephesians 2:10Think about a craft or a project that you worked really hard on- a piece that was well thought out with a specific purpose in mind. As you finished, you saw all of the little details come to-gether to create something you were VERY proud of. Not only does it look amazing, but it does exactly what you wanted it to do. Just like your project, you are God’s masterpiece. God made you and you are WONDERFUL. When He looks at His masterpiece He is so proud. He calls you His child and He has prepared you for your purpose. When he looks at you, He smiles. And when you look at you- you should smile.

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: God, I thank you for creating me. I thank you for making me your masterpiece. Help me to see myself the way you see me- fearfully and wonderfully made. Help me to realize I am your workmanship created for good works.

Worship: ‘He Loves Us’ by Jesus Culture

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept it…Treat YourselfTake a day or an afternoon to treat yourself. Make a list of your favorite things to do and DO them. Put on the comfiest outfit you have and relax with your favorite book or movie. Call your favorite person and talk for a few minutes. Request your favorite dessert or meal.

This Week’s Mission Focus: Love Yourself

Color in the stars as you complete each step

Read: Matthew 4:18-22, 9:9 / 10:1-4, John 1:43-51 / 1 Timothy 4:12God has an amazing plan for your life. He has a special mission that he put you on this earth to accomplish. You are called to influence others, to have an impact on people’s lives, and to set a good example for others to follow. No matter who you are, you can be a leader. The greatest leader we could ever follow is Jesus. God didn’t just tell us how to live, Jesus himself came from heaven to earth to show us how to live. Jesus picked twelve disciples to follow him very closely. These were ordinary men, but Jesus saw potential in them, he knew what they could become. Jesus said, “come follow me…” and they did. These ordinary men did ex-traordinary things! God wants to do the extraordinary through you too. Continue to follow him faithfully and see what he will do in your life!

What was your favorite part?

What do you want to know more about?

Pray: Heavenly Father, I thank you that you put me on the earth for this special moment and time. Help me to do everything you created me to do and to be everything you designed me to be for your glory and so many people will know you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Worship: ‘Tell The World’ by Lecrae

Today’s Mission, should you choose to accept…..Think of someone who you consider to be a great leader in your life. (A teacher, family mem-ber, coach, kids church leader…) Send a thank you note or video to them and let them know what they mean to you as a leader.

Today’s Mission: Sacred Sunday

Your mission should you choose to accept it…

Attend a Calvary Kids or watch on the CalvaryFL Kids Facebook Page / Calvaryfl.com/kidsonline

Bring an open heart of worship and a special offering to God.

What has this 21 day mission meant to you?

You made it to Sacred Sunday!!!

Your Sacred Season Mission is complete. Now you are ready to fulfill the Great Commission and help others to Love God, Love Others and Love Themselves!!



