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Deb Dep 19261211

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STATEMENT' FOR THE PRESS Pleased for publication Sunday morning j Dec;. 12"; not earlier* St, 51S6 "Federal Reserve Board, December 11, 192o. BA^TC" DEBITS Debits to individual accounts, as reported to the Federal Reserve Board b? r banks in leading; cities for the week ending December 8, 19^6, ag^fega.ted £12,270,000,300 or 7.1 per cent above the total of $11,U60,720,000 reported for the preceding week. Total debits for the week under review are $106,792,000 or .9 P er cart below those for tie week ending December 9, 1925* New York City reported a de- cline of $213,000,000, Minneapolis $23,OX,000, Pittsburgh $21,000,000 and letroitarid St. Louis $14,000,000 each. The largest increases were 1106,000,000for Chicago, $23,000,000 for Pniladelphia and $19,000,000 for Los Angeles. Aggregate debits for 141 centers for wnici fisurbs have been publisned weekly since January 1919 amounted to $11,491,949/5s compared witn 110,75c,l6b,000 for the preceding week and $11,617,997,^00 ^ or tild week ending •ecember 9, 1925* DEBITS TO INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS BY BAMS IN REPORTING CENTERS Federal Number of centers 1 jf e e k end i n K Scseive Number of centers /* District included Dec. 8, 1926 Dec. 1, 1926 j Dec. 9, 1925 (In thousands of dollars) Jo. 1 - Boston 16 624,457 59S,565 624,436 2 - New York 14 6,729,^77 6,193,482 6,930,123 3 - Philadelphia IS 55S,651 552,912 532,19b V - Cleveland 22 653,895 647,440 649,981 | - Richmond 23 339,656 305,352 345,147 6 - Atlanta 23 284,273 266,628 299,332 7, - C.lie ago 36 1,344,752 1,268,264 i,23S,5S9 8 - St. Louis 15 303,596 310,6S7 332,456 c - ^'inneatdis 17 185,100 180,020 222,062 10 - Kansas City 30 313,259 309,534 316,021 11 •- Dallas 16 156,14 3 17L525 180,600 12 - San Francisco 28 258 n INCr CENTEJ 71+2,671 651,261 706,584 TOTAL 28 258 n INCr CENTEJ 12,270,935 11,460,720 12,377,727 R.HP0R 1 ? 28 258 n INCr CENTEJIS BY FEDERAL RE bEHVE DISTRICTS (In \ •nous ands 01 collars) :iSTRICT NO. 1 - BOSTON ' Bangor, Me. 3,3^1 3,800 3,^69 Boston, Mass. 431, ;»0b 429,^30 423,343 ' Brockton, Mass. 4,o35 A+,O94 4,478 Fall River, Mass. >,95S 0,07b 7>$$ Hartford, Conn. 32,081 27,d94 32,lb4 Hoiyoke, Mass. 4,768 4,718 3,791 Lowell, Mass. 5,102 4,503 5,077 Lynn, Mass. 7,177 7,217 b,340 lwancliester, N. H. 6,116 3,449 7,994 New Bedford, Mass. 6,777 6,652 7,552 New Haven, Conn. 22,IS* 19,570 22,30s Portland, Me. 11,198 10,781 11,263 1 Providence, R. I . 36,893 32,602 39*676 j Springfield, Mass. is,907 16,718 19,926 Waterbury, Conn. 10,415 9,242 10,109 Worcester, Mass. 16,818 16,019 19,408 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

STATEMENT' FOR THE PRESS P l e a s e d f o r p u b l i c a t i o n Sunday morning j Dec;. 12";

not e a r l i e r *

St , 51S6 "Federal Reserve Board,

December 1 1 , 192o.


Debits to i nd iv idua l accoun t s , as r epo r t ed to the Federal Reserve Board b?r

banks i n leading; c i t i e s for the week ending December 8, 19^6, ag^fega.ted £12,270,000,300 or 7.1 per cen t above the t o t a l of $11,U60,720,000 repor ted for the preced ing week.

Total d e b i t s f o r the week under review a r e $106,792,000 or .9 P e r c a r t

below those fo r t i e week ending December 9, 1925* New York City repor ted a d e ­c l ine of $213,000,000, Minneapolis $23,OX,000, P i t t s b u r g h $21,000,000 and letroitarid S t . Louis $14,000,000 each. The l a r g e s t i nc reases were 1106,000,000for Chicago, $23,000,000 for P n i l a d e l p h i a and $19,000,000 for Los Angeles .

Aggregate d e b i t s f o r 141 c e n t e r s for wnici f i s u r b s have been publ isned weekly s ince January 1919 amounted to $11,491,949/5s compared wi tn 110,75c, l6b,000 for the preceding week and $11,617,997,^00 ^ o r t i l d week ending •ecember 9, 1925*


c e n t e r s

1 jf e e k e n d i n K

Scseive Number of

c e n t e r s /* D i s t r i c t included Dec. 8, 1926 Dec. 1, 1926 j Dec. 9, 1925

(In thousands of dollars)

Jo. 1 - Boston 16 624,457 59S,565 624,436 2 - New York 14 6,729,^77 6,193,482 6,930,123 3 - P h i l a d e l p h i a IS 55S,651 552,912 532,19b V - Cleveland 22 653,895 647,440 649,981 | - Richmond 23 339,656 305,352 345,147 6 - At l an ta 23 284,273 266,628 299,332 7, - C.lie ago 36 1,344,752 1,268,264 i,23S,5S9 8 - S t . Louis 15 303,596 310,6S7 332,456 c - ^ ' i n n e a t d i s 17 185,100 180,020 222,062

10 - Kansas Ci ty 30 313,259 309,534 316,021 11 •- Dal las 16 156,14 3 17L525 180,600 12 - San Franc isco 28


71+2,671 651,261 706,584




12,270,935 11,460,720 12,377,727




( In \ •nous ands 01 c o l l a r s )


Bangor , Me. 3,3^1 3,800 3,^69 Boston, Mass. 4 3 1 , ;»0b 429,^30 423,343 ' Brockton, Mass. 4,o35 A+,O94 4,478 F a l l River , Mass. >,95S 0,07b 7>$$ Hartford, Conn. 32,081 27,d94 32,lb4 Hoiyoke, Mass. 4,768 4,718 3,791 Lowell , Mass. 5,102 4,503 5,077 Lynn, Mass. 7,177 7,217 b,340 lwancliester, N. H. 6,116 3,449 7,994 New Bedford, Mass. 6,777 6,652 7,552 New Haven, Conn. 22 , IS* 19,570 22,30s Po r t l and , Me. 11,198 10,781 11,263

1 Providence, R. I . 36,893 32,602 39*676 j S p r i n g f i e l d , Mass. is ,907 16,718 19,926

Waterbury, Conn. 10,415 9,242 10,109 Worcester , Mass. 16,818 16,019 19,408

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£«ft«&jE SJCL-.4-i_.U_g.

Pec. g, I926 j Dec. 1, 1926 Dec. 9 , 1925

( I n thousands of d o l l a r s )


Albany, N. Y. Bi ngharnt 0 n, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Elmira , N. Y. Jamestown, N. Y. Montc ia i r , N. J . Newark, N. J . Ne-v York, N. Y. Nor thern New Jersey C lea r ing

House Assoc ia t ion P a s s a i c , iv. J . Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Roches ter , N. Y. Stamford, Co.in. Syracuse, i-", Y.

DISTRICT NO. 3 - PV.ILADELPEIA Allentown, Pa. Al teon- , Pa. Camden, 2f, J . Ches ter , Pa. Har r i aburg, Pa. Hazleton, Pa. Johnstown, Pa. Lancas t e r , Pa. Lebanon, Pa. Norristown, Pa. P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa. Reading, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Trenton, N. J . Willies-Bar r e , Pa. T i l l iarnsport, Pa. Wilmington, Del . York, Pa. ,


Akron, Onio Bu t l e r , Pa. Canton, Ohio C i n c i n n a t i , Ohio Cleveland, Oaio Columbus, Onio C o n n e l l s v i l l e , Pa. Dayton, Onic E r i e , Pa. Greens burg, Pa. Homestead, Pa. Lexington, Ky. Lima, Ohio Lora in , Ohio Oil Ci ty , Pa. P i t t s b u r g h , Pa. S p r i n g f i e l d , Onio Toledo, Ohio b a r r e n , Ohio Fnee l ing , W. Va. Youngstown, Ohio Z a n e s v i l l e , Ohio

25 ,4 79 u , 9bb

79 ,44b 4 152 it ,82b 5 .955

83 ,098 6,371 ,714

bS , o l S 11 208

3 740 42 32b

2 3o3 20 5bb

9 459 * 5b5

15 4S1 c 177

10 46l 3 493 5, 627 6 245 1 825 1 2U5

420 271 11 292 17 000 17 291 10 380

4 47b 10 Obb

*" i 027

20 7 7 £_ 737

10 3^5 8b 154

164 183 37 088

1 510 20 525

0 438 4 824 1 04b 5 262 3, 678 1 445 3 1+86

20u 373 9 258

44 888 2, 541

11 391 14 3S3 3 003

25, 739 4 299

7b 308 3, 933 4, bdS J 5 12b

82 ob5 5,872 890

48, 049 V 017 3 -_t>5

40 352 3 057

is 354

7 993 4 0o4

15, B53 b 0"<2 9 719 3, 161 5, 33b 5, 634 1 730

778 418, 655

10, 763 16 800 15 534 11 482 4 881 9 980 4, 4b7

19 339 2 333 5 148

82 248 165 521

33 572 1 310

19 480 7 254 4 737

657 3 90b 3 428 1 233

,519 213 ,240

4 557 41 ,4o3

2 193 11 971 14 601

2 530

30,105 4,6-84

78,470 4,297 4,714 5,635

84,4o5 b, 3215,13b

57>&95 12,501

3,442 39»*3* 3,752


9,950 3,423

15 31b b 262

11 027 3 128 5 757 0 , 351 1 799

991 397, 039

10, 892 14 Q00 16 648

9 529 4 399 9 675 5, 110

18 825 2 447

10 732 80 371

14 0 88b 33, 333

1 lb9 17 319

8 093 4 ,489 1 072 5 big 3 494 1 273 2 ,889

2a 715 5 366

52 740 2 883

11 ^40 14 821

3 106

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. r L ^ - l - i -iLS

Dec, g, 1926 I PbC. 1 . 1926 i Doc. Q, 1S25 :.. i 1..I 1 :._—

(in thousands of dollars)


Aoiie v i l l e , N. C. Bal t imore, Md. Char les ton , b . C. Char les ton , W. Va. C h a r l o t t e , N.. C. Columbia, S. C. Cumberland, Md. "Danville, Va. Durham, N. C. Greensboro, N. C. Greenv i l l e , S. C. Haterstown, Md. Hunt i ng 10 n, W. V a. Lynchburg, Va. Newport Mews, Va. Nor fo i l : , Va. Rale igh , N. C. Richmond, Va. Roanoke, Va. Spa r t anbur g, S. C. Washington, D. C. w i l rnington, N. C. Winston-Salem, N. C.


99 280 7 411 9 153

11 £84 4 8 30 2 loD 4 699 fc ^42 b 330 4 4Qc

2 .-.-• ii ob 4

7 720 4 624 2 6o4

c:4 b37 b 351

34 365 5 195 3 467

63 ,330 5 636 0 5 372

7 704 0,894 s i 441 109,39c

5 996 6,5oO 10 125 6 ,651 11 643 1.1,11?

4 O63 4,w-33 1 £80 ^,379 3 350 3,3*7 9 154 7,35s b 225 b , i79 5 201 3,919 2 121 r:,691 6 420 7,050 4 661 5,201 2 819 *,995

19 39s 22,3£9 4 187 7,977

}0 ^03 3?,511 7 506 0,191 j 644 5,078

55 995 60,70g 4 64l 4,802 7 57O S,94Q

Albany, Ga. 1,331 At l an t a , Ga. 34,477 Augusta, Ga. 5,600 3 i r:n i n gharn, Al a . 33,970 Brunswick, Ga. 1,023 C ha 11 a no 0 ga, T e n n. 10,728' C olumbus, Ga, 3,592 Dctaan, Ala. 941 E l b e r t on, Ga. 18S Jackson, Miss. 5,606 J a c k s o n v i l l e , F l a . 25,164 Xnoxvi l le , Tenn. 7,S36 Macon, Ga. 5,729 Meridian, Miss . 3,565 Mobile, Ala. 10,533 Montgomery, Ala. 5.612 N a s h v i l l e , Tenn. 17,652 Newnan, Ga. b l l New Or leans , La. 8.1,992 Pensacola ," F l a . 2,285 Savannah, Ga. 12,239 Tampa, F la . 15,342 Valdos ta , Ga. 1,379 Vicksburg, Miss, 2,28*9

1,196 33,^34

5,034 30,530

831 8,Sb9 3,000

745 ^09

4,05c: 21,^11

7,217 4,Q10

, 2dL 10,40b

4,S21 17,931

416 gO,840

1,959 12,413 14,173

1,359 1,903

1,397 36,030

7,153 26,940


10,8^5 3,799

93 f 262

30,43k 7,027 5,44b 3,846 £,955 6,849

18,096 533

5 4 , SOS

2,5**7 13,077 25,441 1,722 ^,303


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H.A.JL Jl §._.;D-A_i_:Q_g;

Dec. 9, 1925 Dec, 8, 1926 I Dae. 1, 1926

( In thousands of d o l l a r s )

DISTRICT NO. 7 - CHICAGO Adrian, Mich. Aurora, 111. Bay Ci ty , Mich. Bloornington, 111. Cedar Rapids , Iowa Champaign-Urbana, 111. Chicago, 111. Danvill-e, 111. Dave np 0 r t , Iowa Decatur , 111.

, Des Moines, Iowa D e t r o i t , Mich. Dubucjue, I owa H i n t , Mich. Fort Wayne, Ind. Gary, I nd. Grand Rapids , Mich. Green Bay, Wis. Hammond, Ind. I n d i a n a p o l i s , Ind. Jackson, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Mason Ci ty , Iowa Milwaukee, T*ris. Moline, 111. Muscatine, Iowa Oshkosh, V'is. P e o r i a , 111. Rockford, 111. Saginaw, Mich. Sheboygan, Wis* Sioux C i ty , Iowa South Bend, Ind. S p r i n g f i e l d , 111. Terre Haute, Ind. Waterloo, Iowa


East S t . Louis and N&t'li Stock Yards, 111.

Eldorado, Ark. E v a n s v i l l e , Ind. f o r t Smith, Ark. G r e e n v i l l e , Miss. Helena, Ark. L i t t l e Rock, Ark. L o u i s v i l l e , liy. Memphis, Tenn. Owensboro, Ky. Pine Bluff, Ark. Quincy, 111. S t . Louis , Mo. Seda l i a , Mo. S p r i n g f i e l d , Mo.

1,169 1 012 1 142 4,238 3 557 4 002 3,568 2. 86b 3 498 2,952 2 552 2 976

10,14s 7 471 9 459 2,900 2 j c88

842,440 £13 674 736, 714 2,802 3, 392 2, 696 8,708 8 612 6, 608 4,596 4, 152 4, 7 7

22,321 15 998 19, 453 169,177 161 545 182 684

3,902 3 06s 3 440 8,440 6 £32 7 580 9,646 7 643 9 978 5,202 j 739 5 492

19,792 20 233 23 486 3,180 2 ^29 0

c 806 4,706 4 730 4 250

43,029 42 736 38 345 ^,774 4 090 4 909 5,901 • - , 406 5 720 7,800 5 800 7 500 2,800 2 300 2 487

68,60S 59 249 66 716 2,bSb 2 621 2 261 1,423 1 ,048 1 602 3,000 c 800 2 900

13,789 0 838 8 294 7,602 6 ,223 6 915 5,912 5 1399 6 118 3,7^8 4 ,606 4 444

17,^69 15 ,bCS 19 951 11,010 9 263 11 4 | 8

8,142 7 577 £ 725 5,297 4 , 7 c i 4 907 ^ ,770 3 ,994 4 ,306

10,935 10,263 11,289 2> 253 2,175 2,7^5

11,166 8,828 8,635 3,632 3 ,5H 4,674 1,130 l,3&7 1,379 1,069 758 1,570

19,869 19,610 21,61s 39,260 35,308 47,891 36,818 3^,589 42,360

l i 3*9 966 1,612 3,252 3,239 3,210 3,582 2,755 2,999

164,000 133,200 178,000 1,118 931 822 M73 3 ,167 3 ,652

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( I n thousands Of d o l l a r s )

Aberdeen, S. D. IJUU 1,42£ 2,013 B i l l i n g s , Mont. 2,159 £ , 2 b l 2,34b Dickinson, N. D. 561 581 553 Duluth, Minn. 17,317 21,379 30,222 Fargo, N. D. 3,833 3,861 3,796 Grand Forks , N. D. 2,213 2,007 2,505 Helena, Mont. 2,322 d, 311 2,451 Jamestown, N. D. 677 454 774 La Crosse , Wis. 2,307 2,542 2,179 Minneapol is , Minn. 90,031 37,296 113,436 Minot, N. D. 1,485 1,445 1,652 Red Wing, Minn. 691 613 664 S t . Paul , Minn. 40,31+6 35,561 38,970 Sioux F a l l s , S. D. 4,475 4,123 4,380 South St . Pau l , Minn. 11,434 io,ss9 12,752 Super ior , Wis. 1,733 1,854 2,108 Winona, Minn. 1,270 1,395 1,231


Albuquerque, N. M. 2,366 2,479 2,553 Atchison, Kans. 1,422 1,331 1,535 B a r t l e s v i l l e , Okla. 4,570 8,884 4 ,163 Casper, Wyo. 2,533 2,535 2,722 Cheyenne, Wyo. 1,707 1,387 1,936 Colorado Spr ings , Colo. 4,497 2,825 3,714 Denver, Colo. 41,440 ^3,771 44,219 Enid, Okla. 3,802 3,569 3,^79 Fremont, Neb« 937 722 907 Grand Junc t ion , Colo. 667 792 961 Guth r i e , Okla. S36 8 CI 1,057 Hutchinson, Kans. 4,498 2,967 3,806 Independence, Kans. 2,539 2,990 1,861 J o p l i n , Mc. 4,526 3,6b3 4,446 Kansas C i ty , Kans. 4,6&6 4,845 4,C43 Kansas Ci ty , Mo. 90,947 78,597 83,802 Lawrence, Kans. 1,225 1,151 1,330 L i n e d r ) , Neb. 8,152 o,ls4 7,862 McAleet«s Okla. l , 0 4 l 1,116 1,246 Oklahoma C i t y , Okla. 23,012 23,043 23,157 Okmulgee, Okla. 2,533 2,393 2,495 Omaha, Neb. 43,598 37,423 45,622 Parsons , Kans. 843 655 828 P i t t s b u r g , Kans. 1,694 1,760 1,768 Pueblo, Colo. 4,934 4 ,412 6,693 S t . Joseph, Mo. 14,515 13,907 15,096 Topeka, Kans. 4,124 4,274 4,400 Tulsa, Okla. 25,431 36,201 26,484 Wichita , Kans. 11,104 11,371 10,774 Muskogee, Okla. 3,330 3,4o6 3,042

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n_d_i_n | _ _ *JLJL5 Pec. 8, 192b | Pec. 1, 1926 | Dae. 9 , 1925

__;_ L i (In thousands of dollars)


Aust in , Tex. 5,3b2 4,732 4,814 Beaumont, Tex. 4*557 4,554 4,061 Cors icana, Tex. 1,634 1,617 1,815 D a l l a s , Tex. 51,927 46,550 55,424 El P.aao, Tex. 8,567 7,107 9,210 F t ; Worth, Tex* a , 9 6 6 24 ,7H 20,239 Galveston, Tex* 14,815 12,947 13,676 Houston, Tex. 37,49b 35,691 33,138 Por t Arthur , Tex. 2,771 1,690 2,696 Roswell , N. M. 1,015 990 953 San Antonio, Tex. 10,502 8,388 9,845 Shrevepor t , La. 6,770 8,700 9,097 Texarkana, Tax. 2,250 1,697 1,922 Tucson, Ar iz . 1,661 2,025 2,369 Waco, Tex. 4,565 3,561 4 ,685 Wichita F a l l s , Tex. 7,965 6,565 6,8 56


B a k e r s f i e l d , Ca l i f . 3,445 3,413 3,212 Bellingham, Wash. 2,127 1,651 1,983 Berkeley, Ca l i f . 5,741 3,722 5,601 Boise , Idaho 3,105 2,570 3,283 Eugene, Ore. 1,972 1,671 1,633 E v e r e t t , Wash. 2,375 2,215 3,003 Fresno, Ca l i f . 12,935 12,522 15,892 Long Beach, Ca l i f . l l , 7 £ 3 9,683 13,010 Los Angeles, Ca l i f . 207,576 174,288 189,017 Oakland, Ca l i f . 54,73S 45,056 39,90s Ogden, Utah 5,930 4,114 9,169 Pasadena, Calif* 9,014 0,700 8,374 Piioenix, Ar i* . 6,79s 5,984 6,77s P o r t l a n d , Ore. 42,107 40,117 41,013 Reno, Nev. 2,36s 1,903 2,198 R i t z v i l l e , Wash. 216 413 216 Sacramento, Ca l i f . 12,856 b,598 8,818 Sa l t Lake Ci ty , Utah 21,643 17,441 19,226 San Bernard ino , Ca l i f . 2,350 1,922 a, ceil

San Diego, Ca l i f . 15,698 12,800 17,165 San F r a n c i s c o , Ca l i f . 231,7b7 213,757 223,248 San J o s e , Ca l i f . 6,407 6,295 6,520 Santa Barbara, Ca l i f . 3,070 2,515 4,030 S e a t t l e , Wash. 43,303 44,218 45,116 Spokane, Wash. 12,671 13,006 13,509 S tock ton , Ca l i f . 6,737 5,2b0 7,630 Tacoma, Wash. 10,952 8,3°.2 11,116 Yakima, Wash. 2,985 3,035 3,635


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