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Debugging tips and tricks

Date post: 12-Feb-2017
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Page 1: Debugging tips and tricks
Page 2: Debugging tips and tricks

Debugging tips and tricks

Page 3: Debugging tips and tricks

Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it

Brian Kernighan

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The first moral of the story is that program testing can be used very effectively to show the presence of bugs but never their absence

Edsger W. Dijkstra

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• Breakpoint• Watchpoint• Debug Navigator• Editor Area• Continue to Here (gutter)• Debug bar• Show debug area (cmd + shift +

y)• variable view

• watch• console

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• Breakpoint• Watchpoint• Debug Navigator• Editor Area• Continue to Here (gutter)• Debug bar• Show debug area (cmd + shift

+ y)• variable view• watch

• console• Frame

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• Debug bar• (des)ativar breakpoints• Continuar execução• Step over• Executa a linha azul e segue para próxima

• Step in• “entra” no método chamado

• Step out• “Sai” do método chamado

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• Debug bar• Debug View Hierarchy• Simulate Location• Choose stack frame

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• watchpoint• parece breakpoint• para na mudança de valor• Variável ou endereço de memória

• view memory• breakpoint navigator• edit• condition• action• options (apenas uma)

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lldb - low level debugger

• inicio• terminologia• personalizando comandos

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lldb - low level debugger

• LLDB• next generation• high-performance debugger. • It is built as a set of reusable components which highly

leverage existing libraries in the larger LLVM Project, such as the Clang expression parser and LLVM disassembler.

• clang embutido• usa o compilador para parse das expressões

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lldb - low level debugger

• Usando Breakpoint• Você já fez isso:

NSLog(@“Log just for debug: [%@]", self.objects);• Ou isso?

NSInteger n = 0; //[self someMethodThatReturnInteger];• Ou isso?

if (YES || [self someMethodThatReturnBool]) {• Ou isso?

- (BOOL)someMethodThatReturnBool { return YES; //TODO: implement }

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lldb - breakpoints

• Breakpoint para a execução em uma instrução• Permitem adicionar comandos apenas do debug• condições de parada• Via comando

breakpoint set —file ViewController.swift —line 7• Via Xcode - basta clicar no gutter

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lldb - comandos

• Expression (expression)• Print (print / expression —)• parray

• Print Object (po / expression -O —)• poarray

• Watchpoint (watchpoint)

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• avaliam como código• resultado exibido e guardado em variável de conveniência ($1,

$2, etc)• podem fazer muito • aritmetica• chamada de funções• type casting• atribuições• declaração de variáveis (tipo variável = valor ou tipo

$variavel = valor)

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lldb - low level debugger

- Symbolic Breakpoint

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lldb - low level debugger

- Symbolic Breakpoint- Assinatura do método

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lldb - low level debugger

- Symbolic Breakpoint- Assinatura do método- Simbolo

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lldb - low level debugger

- Exception Breakpoint

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lldb - editando breakpoints

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lldb - condições de parada

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lldb - condições de parada

• - [NSManagedObject setValue:forKey:]

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lldb - mais expressões

• e count = 42(NSUInteger) $4 = 42

• e NSMutableDictionary *$dict = [staticDict mutableCopy];e $dict[@“key”] = @“newValue”;e staticDict = $dict;

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lldb - mais expressões

(lldb) e char *$str = (char *)malloc(8)(lldb) e (void)strcpy($str, "munkeys")(lldb) e $str[1] = 'o'(char) $0 = 'o'(lldb) p $str(char *) $str = 0x00007fd04a900040 “monkeys"(lldb) x/4c $str0x7fd04a900040: monk

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lldb - low level debugger

- Watchpoint- Monitora estado/valor de

variável- Inspetor de variáveis

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lldb - low level debugger

- Watchpoint- Monitora estado/valor de

variável- Inspetor de variáveis- Console

- Permite editar wp e adicionar condição de parada

- não aparece no Breakpoint Navigator

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lldb - low level debugger

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lldb - low level debugger

• Rule of Thumb - keep it fast• “Automatically continue after evaluating”

• po $arg1• bt/bt all• Audible breakpoints• breakpoint com linha de comando• Command: say• Arguments: -v, Zarvox, “Your breakpoint %B has been hit

%H times”

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Python + Chisel

• ~/.lldbinit-Xcode• ~/.lldbinit• Aliases• default settings• type formatting• import python modules• bind python commands

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Chisel - alguns comandos úteis

• (lldb) script import os(lldb) script os.system("open http://concretesolutions.com.br“)

• Permite importar script python comcommand script import ~/myCommands.py

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Chisel - alguns comandos úteis

• Chisel - Instalando:• brew update• brew install chisel

• pviews - exibe hierarquia de view• pvc - exibe hierarquia de view controllers• visualize - abre Preview.app com conteúdo de UIImage,

CGImageRef, UIView, CALayer• fv/fvc - busca view/view controller pelo nome de classe via regex• alamborder - adiciona borda em view com layout ambíguo• mwarning - simula memory warning

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• debug navigator aparecendo - só alterar• console• variables view, etc

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• http://www.slideshare.net/talesp/debugging-fast-track• https://github.com/facebook/chisel• https://www.objc.io/issues/19-debugging/lldb-debugging/#let-s-d

ance• http://lldb.llvm.org/tutorial.html• https://www.bignerdranch.com/blog/xcode-breakpoint-wizardry/

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