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Decarbonizing Finance – Recent Developments and the Challenge Ahead Abstract Societies around the world are faced with a multitude of social and environmental challenges as the negative effects of human activity on the Earth’s ecosystem are becoming increasingly evident. At COP21 in Paris, 195 countries agreed to work together to limit global warming to 2°C and aim for net zero carbon emissions by the second half of the 21 st century. This will require large-scale investment in renewable energy, energy efficient buildings, protection of forests, sustainable production processes and materials, and innovative solutions to social problems. Niche finance and public sector funds alone will not be sufficient to address this challenge. Thus, mainstream investment must be aligned with sustainable development – a process already under way, although hobbled by challenges such as carbon-locked legacy infrastructure, technological path dependence, financialization, lack of patient capital for innovation, and underdeveloped policy frameworks and markets for mainstreaming impact- driven investment. While the financial sector has been grappling with the environmental and social implications of climate change for at least a decade, the Paris Agreement could represent a tipping point for Sustainable Finance. However, a systemic response has been left so late that even with increased mitigation action, warming of 2°C can still be expected, leading to climate migration and growing social and political tensions. This article maps the current landscape of Sustainable Finance and key challenges that lay ahead. Karen Wendt | Phone: +41415613854 | Mail: [email protected]
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Decarbonizing Finance – Recent Developments and the Challenge



Societies around the world are faced with a multitude of social and environmental challenges

as the negative effects of human activity on the Earth’s ecosystem are becoming increasingly

evident. At COP21 in Paris, 195 countries agreed to work together to limit global warming to

2°C and aim for net zero carbon emissions by the second half of the 21st century. This will

require large-scale investment in renewable energy, energy efficient buildings, protection of

forests, sustainable production processes and materials, and innovative solutions to social

problems. Niche finance and public sector funds alone will not be sufficient to address this

challenge. Thus, mainstream investment must be aligned with sustainable development – a

process already under way, although hobbled by challenges such as carbon-locked legacy

infrastructure, technological path dependence, financialization, lack of patient capital for

innovation, and underdeveloped policy frameworks and markets for mainstreaming impact-

driven investment. While the financial sector has been grappling with the environmental and

social implications of climate change for at least a decade, the Paris Agreement could

represent a tipping point for Sustainable Finance. However, a systemic response has been

left so late that even with increased mitigation action, warming of 2°C can still be expected,

leading to climate migration and growing social and political tensions. This article maps the

current landscape of Sustainable Finance and key challenges that lay ahead.

Karen Wendt | Phone: +41415613854 | Mail: [email protected]

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1. Introduction 2. Recent Developments in Sustainable Finance

2.1 Policy and legal landscape 2.2 Climate-aligned bond universe 2.3 Divest-Invest movement and the business case for sustainability 2.4 Social Impact Bonds and pay-for-performance schemes 2.5 Financing and securitizing new green assets

3. The Challenge Ahead 3.1 Path dependence and low-carbon infrastructure 3.2 Stranded asset risk 3.3 Secondary markets and financialization 3.4 Innovation and the need for patient capital 3.5 Climate change and migration – the “perfect storm” 3.6 Mainstreaming impact investing

4. Conclusion

1. Introduction

In 1972, a landmark study commissioned by the Club of Rome titled The Limits to Growth1,

opened up a global debate on the idea that economic development is ultimately constrained

by ecological limits and that continued growth may lead to serious environmental problems.

More than forty years later, there is substantial evidence2 that parts of the Earth’s ecosystem

are indeed in decline, posing a legitimate threat to human health and well-being. These

alarming trends are driven by economic activities which in turn are driven by investment

decisions. Growth can continue, but only if it’s based on socially responsible investment and

clean innovation. 3 Aligning investment with sustainable development, i.e. mainstreaming

Sustainable Finance (SF), has thus become a dominant theme in global policy debates.

Experts and practitioners in SF can be proud of their achievements. In a little over twenty

years, they have created a global movement encompassing thousands of initiatives. The

most important of these have been described in the anthology Responsible Investment

Banking4, but many more are proliferating across the financial sector, often launched in

collaboration with the world’s most prestigious organizations such as the United Nations

1 Meadows et al. 1972 2 IPCC 2014; Steffen et al. 2014 3 Fanhauser & Stern 20164 RIB 2015

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Environment Programme1 (UNEP), the World Bank Group2, the Financial Stability Board3,

and the University of Cambridge4. Multiple academic journals5 have been dedicated to the

subject, while the Boston Consulting Group6 and McKinsey7 have both released reports

discussing SF from a practitioner’s perspective. The financial sector has contributed by

adopting new risk management frameworks, e.g. the Equator Principles8, and by helping

launch initiatives such as the Divest-Invest9 movement. A 2015 report by UNEP10 went as far

as to proclaim that there is a “quiet revolution” taking place around the world in which the

concept of sustainability is being integrated into the fabric of the financial system.

In September 2015, investors met with the Club of Rome in Berlin to engage in a dialogue

about the “next forty years”. Jørgen Randers, co-author of the original Limits to Growth and

author of 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years11 gave the keynote speech. He

was shockingly pessimistic. In his view, no relevant progress had been made over the past

43 years. When he was criticized for neglecting the tremendous achievements in SF, his

answer was blunt: he didn’t care. The only thing he was interested in was the bottom line:

humankind is using more resources and causing more emissions than ever before. Our

current resource usage is twice what the planet can sustain, and the atmospheric capacity to

digest emissions without dangerous warming has already been passed. To make things

worse, climate change combined with the mismanagement of public goods such as water

and fisheries is expected to increase migration which is more than likely to lead to social and

political tensions.12 The former advisor of the British Government John Beddington has called

the combination of climate change and mass migration “the perfect storm” – a genuine threat

to global peace and stability.

At COP21 in Paris in December 2015, 195 countries agreed13 to work together to limit global

warming to 2°C and aim for net zero emissions by the second half of the 21st century. After

being ratified by the majority of signees, the Paris Agreement went into effect in November

1 See http://www.unepfi.org 2 IFC 2012 3 See https://www.fsb-tcfd.org 4 See http://www.cisl.cam.ac.uk/business-action/sustainable-finance/banking-environment-initiative 5 Haigh 2012 6 See http://sloanreview.mit.edu/projects/investing-for-a-sustainable-future/ 7 McKinsey 2016 8 See http://www.equator-principles.com 9 See http://divestinvest.org 10 UNEP 2015 11 Randers 201212 Raleigh & Jordan 2010 13 UNFCC 2015

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2016, followed by COP22 in Marrakech to discuss implementation.1 Critics maintain that

reaching the agreement was really the easiest part of the challenge, and that few countries

understand the full financial and economic ramifications of realizing their pledges. Many

believe that falling back into the comfort of business as usual is not particularly difficult given

that the agreement reached in Paris is more about “promises” than “binding commitments” or

“enforcement mechanisms”.2 Nonetheless, COP21 could represent a tipping point for SF.3

The momentum is growing, and a similar effect may be in the cards for impact investing

which has made it to the agenda of the World Economic Forum4 and the G85.

From an investment perspective, a lot remains to be done. For example, the International

Energy Agency (IEA) estimates6 that by 2035 we need USD 53 trillion in cumulative energy

investment to get the world on a 2°C trajectory. However, a systemic response has been left

so late that even with increased mitigation action, warming of 2°C can still be expected.

Countries therefore need to not only reduce emissions, but address adaptation risks such as

rising sea levels and climate migration. This will require trillions in additional finance. Niche

investments and public sector funds alone will not be enough to address the challenge. To

put the global economy on a low-carbon trajectory respective of planetary boundaries, SF

must become mainstream finance. The following chapters provide a broad snapshot of the

current state of the field and identify some key challenges that lay ahead.

2. Recent Developments in Sustainable Finance

2.1 Policy and legal landscape

There exist a large number of policy measures aimed at aligning financial incentives with

positive social and environmental outcomes. As shown in Figure 1, they generally fall into

one of three categories: supply development, directing capital, and demand development,

each of which allows for indirect public influence on private sector activities, as well as direct

government participation in sustainable investment. In 2015, UNEP7 identified more than 100

examples of such policy measures from around the world, noting however that although 1 C2ES 2016 2 See e.g. Milman 2015 3 Dasgupta et al. 2016 4 WEF 2013 5 See http://www.socialimpactinvestment.org 6 IEA 20147 UNEP 2015

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policy plays a key enabling role for SF, it alone will not be enough to trigger the low-carbon

transition. Policy design is highly context-driven and can easily lead to increased complexity

and unintended consequences. Still, there a numerous examples of successful policies

aimed at mobilizing SF1, and in light of commitments made at COP21, policy support will be

crucial for moving forward, both in developed and developing countries.

Figure 1: Policy framework for Sustainable Finance2

Official government policies have been complemented by quasi-legal initiatives such as the

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)3, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)4 and the

Equator Principles referred to above, all of which have played an important role in increasing

awareness of climate and social issues inside the investment community. However, given

their aspirational and voluntary nature, they are limited in their ability to trigger a more

fundamental reorientation of mainstream finance. Most importantly, they fail to create new

financial incentives and don’t necessarily bring about additional large-scale investments that

are needed for long-term sustainable development. Still, such initiatives have been crucial in

creating responsible investor networks and they continue to help limit the negative social and

environmental externalities of traditional investment practices.

Finally, perhaps the most urgent policy challenge from a purely financial perspective is the

urgent need to establish global disclosure standards for carbon assets. This has profound

implications for the global economy as many of the biggest companies in the world are faced

with potentially stranding what have historically been their most profitable assets (see also

1 See e.g. IIPC 2014 2 Source: IIPC 2011 3 See https://www.unpri.org 4 See https://www.cdp.net/en

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3.2 below). As of now, this risk is not included in the official valuations of these companies. It

has therefore been suggested that policy-makers should take action to introduce disclosure

standards that would make available data required to factor in material risks relating to a

possible mass write-off of carbon-loaded assets.1

2.2 Climate-aligned bond universe

Climate bonds, also referred to as green bonds, represent an important new instrument for

mobilizing capital for climate mitigation and adaptation projects. Strong support from

development and investment banks combined with strong advocacy and standardization

efforts by the UK-based Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) have allowed this market to grow and

mature rapidly (see Figure 2).2 CBI reports that as of July 2016 the total amount of climate-

aligned bonds outstanding was USD 694 billion, over 60% of which were issued by

government entities.3 In recent years, a growing number of private actors have also started

issuing green bonds, e.g. the Bank of America and Apple Inc. in the U.S., Toyota Motor

Company in Japan, and numerous renewable energy companies in Europe.4

1 Zenghelis & Stern 2016 2 Dalal et al. 2015 3 CBI 2016a 4 Venugopal 2015; CBI 2016b

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Figure 2: Annual issuance of labelled green bonds by issuer type1

The potential of green bonds is illustrated by the success of the offshore wind sector in

Europe which raised a total of EUR 1.5 billion through project bonds in 2015. Importantly,

offshore wind energy developers have benefited from credit enhancement through the

Europe 2020 Project Bond Initiative introduced by the European Commission and the

European Investment Bank2 - a good example of how the public sector can play a key

enabling role in speeding up the energy transition. Growth of this sector has also been

boosted by the general easing of loan terms driven by low interest rates, high liquidity in the

financial markets, and a decade of experience in developing utility scale wind farms.3

Although most bonds included in CBI’s climate bond definition are not formally labelled as

“green”, they are nonetheless used to finance projects contributing directly to transitioning to

a green economy. Renewable energy and low-carbon transport are the dominant investment

themes in this universe, accounting for about 85% of projects. Other themes include

agriculture and forestry, water, waste and pollution control, and buildings and industry. There

are also new and emerging themes such as industrial energy efficiency, information,

communication and technology (ICT), and marine-related areas such as shipping and

sustainable fishing. Figure 3 provides a comprehensive taxonomy of areas in which green

bonds are either already being issued or in which they could be used in the future. CBI

predicts considerable growth for green bond markets, primarily due to commitments made at

COP21 and a growing demand from institutional investors.4

1 Source: CBI 2016b2 Venugopal 2015 3 EWEA 2016 4 CBI 2016a

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Figure 3: Taxonomy of the climate-aligned bond universe1

2.3 Divest-Invest movement and the business case for sustainability

One of the most remarkable success stories in SF is the Divest-Invest movement which

started in 2011 when students of a few universities in the U.S. demanded that their college

endowments pull out from fossil fuel companies and invest in clean energy instead. Since

then, the movement has grown rapidly, attracting not just universities but also local

governments, pension funds, faith groups, charity organizations, private investment funds,

and corporations, including some of the biggest players in finance, such as the Norwegian

Pension Fund2 and Allianz SE3. In just five years, hundreds of institutions and tens of

thousands of individuals, representing USD 3.4 trillion in assets, have joined the movement

and pledged to divest from fossil fuels – an impressive feat indeed given that the industry has

historically been a leading source of return for investors around the world.4

1 Source: CBI 2016c 2 Agence France-Presse 2016 3 Allianz 2015 4 See http://gofossilfree.org/commitments/

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The case for divestment is multifaceted. First, it puts a negative stigma on companies whose

activities constitute a leading cause of climate change. Second, assuming that the funds

divested are redirected primarily towards ecologically and socially responsible enterprises, it

helps align the financial sector with sustainable development. Third, given the recent growth

in renewable energy1, the overvaluation of existing carbon assets (see also 3.2 below), and

long-term risks posed by climate change, divesting from the fossil fuel industry makes sense

from a long-term business perspective, as shown by recent empirical evidence discussed

below. Fourth, by bringing together different organizations, the movement creates broad-

based visibility for climate issues, attracting new collaborators and encouraging policy action.

Fifth, from the perspective of intergenerational equity, divestment carries a strong moral

imperative.2 And finally, just as PRI and CDP discussed above, the movement has helped

popularize environmental and social concerns among the investment community.

Of course, at the end of the day, what matters most for mainstream investors is the financial

bottom line. From the very beginning, green finance has been haunted by the challenge of

combining traditional measures of profitability with the effective attainment of environmental

goals. But the Divest-Invest movement has shown that allowing environmental concerns to

influence capital allocation does not necessarily translate into lower returns. Not only can a

strong business case be made for sustainability3, but there is now evidence that fossil-free

portfolios can outperform their counterparts still invested in high emission and socially

irresponsible industries. For example, as shown in Figure 4, the widely accepted MSCI ACWI

global stock market index earned on average a 1.2% higher return between 2010 and 2016

when fossil fuel companies were excluded from the index. Generation Investment

Management (GIM), a private investment firm founded by Al Gore and David Blood in 2004,

combines traditional equity analysis with a focus on environmental, social and corporate

governance (ESG) risk, investing only in companies with a strong ESG profile. According to a

London-based analytical firm Mercer, between 2005 and 2015, GIM outperformed the MSCI

World Index by more than 5%, making it the second best performing global equity manager

among the more than 200 funds included in Mercer’s survey.4

1 FS-UNEP 2016 2 Divest-Invest 2015 3 See e.g. Whelan & Fink 2016 4 Browne 2015

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Figure 4: MSCI ACWI vs. MSCI ACWI excluding fossil fuels, 2010-20161

In 2015, Oxford University in collaboration with Arabesque Investment Management released

a comprehensive report on SF, reviewing more than 200 academic studies, industry reports,

books, and other sources on the topic. Contrary to conventional opinion, 90% of the studies

reviewed concluded that companies with high sustainability standards enjoy a lower cost of

capital, and 80% established a positive correlation between sustainability and stock market

performance.2 These results are partially confirmed by Morgan Stanley’s 2015 report, which

compared the performance of more than 10,000 mutual funds between 2008 and 2014,

finding that sustainability-oriented funds were on par with or exceeded the median return

64% of the time period examined.3 Altogether, these examples contradict the supposedly

inevitable trade-off between environmental sustainability and profitability.

2.4 Social Impact Bonds and pay-for-performance schemes

Another recent SF innovation are bonds structured around a measurable impact criteria,

known as Social Impact Bonds (SIBs). Repayment of SIBs, often financed by a public sector

partner, is based on achieving a predefined social outcome – a principle often referred to as

“pay-for-success” or “pay-for-performance”. SIBs were successfully pioneered in the United

Kingdom in 2010 by social enterprises aimed at reducing drug abuse and high re-offending

rates among discharged prisoners.4 For example, a SIB-financed landscaping business Blue

Sky that only employs ex-offenders has been able to reduce re-offending rates from a

national average of 60% to only 15%. Providing ex-offenders with stable employment

1 Source: MSCI 2016 2 Clark et al. 2015 3 Morgan Stanley 2015 4 Social Finance 2010

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immediately on release from prison has led to a variety of economic benefits such as

reduced prison costs and an increase in productive members of society.1

Similarly, in 2012, a USD 9.6 million SIB was used in New York City when Goldman Sachs

entered into an agreement with a social services provider MDRC to implement a cognitive

therapy programme at the Rikers Island prison complex. The structure of the agreement is

visualized in Figure 5. The City of New York took on the obligation to make payments to

MDRC based on programme results, thereby allowing MDRC to repay Goldman Sachs. The

actual service-delivery was outsourced to Osborne Association and Friends of Island

Academy, while the outcomes were measured and verified by another outside organization,

Vera Institute of Justice. The investor break-even point was to be reached when the re-

offending rate among 16-18 year old offenders at Rikers decreased by 10%, while a higher

than 10% reduction would have led to a profit for Goldman. The agreement also included a

USD 7.2 million guarantee grant financed by Bloomberg Philanthropies which meant that in

case of failure, Goldman’s losses were capped at USD 2.4 million.2

Figure 5: Structure of the Goldman-MDRC Social Impact Bond3

Unfortunately, MDRC failed to achieve its goal, leading critics to question the potential of

SIBs to solve social problems.4 However, the success of Blue Sky indicates that this is not

necessarily the case, and a similar model could potentially be used to tackle environmental

issues. For example, private sector contractors in developing countries could compete for 1 Jervis 2013 2 Venugopal 2015 3 Source: Tomkinson 2012 4 Cohen & Zelnick 2015

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loans from developed countries or private investors to design and implement climate

mitigation projects, including the development of low-carbon infrastructure. Repayment could

be financed by local or national governments based on a predefined success criteria. The

risk of failure would be assumed by the private sector, but the obligation to repay the loan

upon successful completion of the project would fall on the public sector who obviously has

an incentive to do so if the project leads to socially or environmentally beneficial outcomes,

often accompanied by cost-reductions and efficiency gains for the government.1

2.5 Financing and securitizing new green assets

The growth in renewable energy investment2, climate-related debt markets3, and funds

committed by multilateral development banks4 (MDBs) all indicate a positive trend for SF.

Similarly, shifts in public perceptions of climate change, technological advancement, and

policy signals have all boosted investor confidence to create and securitize new green

assets, leading to a variety of innovative financial products. Some of these have received

broad support, such as green bonds discussed above, while others have attracted criticism,

such as debt-for-nature swaps and payments for ecosystem services (PES).

Debt-for-nature swap means that debt is erased in return for investments in local natural

resources or conservation measures. This is often followed by the introduction of monetary

payments for ecosystem services, many of which are under increasing pressure from climate

change, often in regions with underdeveloped markets or inadequate infrastructure. Broadly

defined PES mechanisms are expected to grow to USD 670 billion by 2020. 5 Such

conservation measures, usually initiated as public-private partnerships and in collaboration

with the banking sector, can certainly result in positive environmental outcomes. However,

critics have pointed out that not enough attention has been given to the fact that such

projects are often accompanied by so-called “green grabs”, i.e. transfers of ownership over

land or resources from indigenous public control to international financial institutions.6 Using

climate change as a pretext for natural resource allocation and management schemes does

not automatically guarantee that such arrangements are set up in an inclusive and equitable

1 Venugopal 2015 2 FS-UNEP 2016 3 CBI 2016a 4 MDB 2015 5 Dalal et al. 2015 6 Fairhead et al. 2012

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manner. Thus, finding a balance between environmental aims and the rights of local people

presents a fundamental challenge for the future conservation finance.

There are other less widely used alternatives to increase the volume of private investment in

climate change mitigation and adaptation projects. For example, it has been suggested that

the public sector could provide refinancing guarantees and other similar support measures

for the creation of green asset-backed securities or tradable put and call options.1 In addition,

to attract a wider range of investors, loans could be pooled and structured into customized

financial products with multiple tranches of risk. As was done in the case the Goldman-

MDRC pay-for-performance bond, a partial cushion against possible losses could be

provided by a philanthropist organization. Although such securitization of green assets is

considered novel in the context of developing countries, it has been successfully used

elsewhere. An early example of this was a solar photovoltaic security issued by a U.S.

company SolarCity, raising more than USD 54 million through a placement led by Credit

Suisse in 2013. Designing and securitizing such assets may be challenging in the context of

less developed markets and legal systems, but assuming increased private sector

awareness, improved access to public finance, appropriate monitoring and evaluation

systems, as well as robust institutional frameworks, they do offer an additional mechanism

for mobilizing SF.2

3. The Challenge Ahead

3.1 Path dependence and low-carbon infrastructure

Countries and companies around the world have invested heavily in existing carbon-intensive

infrastructure. The economic life expectancy of fossil fuel production facilities and power

plants is many decades, provided regular servicing and upgrades. This shows how

technological development is characterized by path dependence which means that future

innovation trajectories are strongly influenced by decisions and investments made in the

past, even though circumstances and needs may have changed radically. In other words,

continuing to build fossil fuel infrastructure creates a strong lock-in effect3 which serves as a

major obstacle for transitioning to low-carbon alternatives. Given economic and technological

1 Venugopal 2015 2 Venugopal 2015 3 Foxon 2013

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uncertainty, exact estimates are difficult to arrive at, but based on IEA and OECD data, it has

been suggested that more than USD 90 trillion is required in global infrastructure investment

over the next 15 years to put the world a low-emission development trajectory (Figure 6).1

Figure 6: Global investment requirements, 2015-2030 (USD trillion, 2010 constant dollars)2

But perhaps even more important than the scale of investment needed is the time constraint

under which the world is operating. It has been calculated that the “2°C capital stock”, i.e. the

maximum stock of fossil fuel electricity infrastructure still compatible with a 2°C scenario, will

be reached as early as 2017.3 From then onwards, all new infrastructure should be built

around zero-carbon sources. For many, given our continued dependence on cheap and

abundant fossil energy, this may sound like an impediment to development. But the positive

environmental effects of building a green infrastructure would be accompanied by long-term

economic benefits, as it would most certainly establish new incentive structures and path

dependencies, and eventually a new productive direction for the economy as a whole.

This is especially relevant for developing countries, many of whom are still in the process of

industrializing, hoping to modernize their cities, transportation and energy systems in the

next couple of decades.4 Theoretically, some of these countries could skip carbon-intensive

infrastructure altogether. Supported by the international development community, they could

1 NCE 2014 2 Source: NCE 20143 Pfeiffer et al. 2016 4 Fankhauser & Stern 2016

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benefit immensely from sustainable investment and technology transfer. The build-up of

green infrastructure complemented by appropriate industrial and economic policies could

serve as a solid foundation for the development of domestic innovative capabilities – a

precondition for stable socio-economic progress in the future.

3.2 Stranded asset risk

Another crucial challenge, especially from a financial perspective, is that the majority of

existing fossil fuel reserves may end up staying in the ground. According to Carbon Tracker

Initiative, between 60-80% of known fossil fuel reserves cannot be realized if emissions are

to stay within the 2°C limit (see Figure 7).1 In other words, fossil fuel companies are faced

with the prospect of their carbon assets becoming stranded. Currently, this is not factored in

when calculating company valuations which means that major fossil fuel companies, many of

which have been highly profitable in the past, will be unable to sustain these profit levels in

the future and are therefore overvalued.

Figure 7: Global 2°C carbon budget vs. CO2 emission potential of fossil fuel reserves2

Although there are some signs of decline, capital expenditure to further develop existing

reserves as well as find additional ones is still relatively high.3 It seems safe to assume that

energy companies understand that their ability to exploit fossil fuel resources may become

seriously constrained by future market dynamics and policy interventions. They thus have an

1 CTI 2013 2 Source: CTI 2011 3 CTI 2015

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incentive to accelerate production, trying to squeeze out as much last minute profit as

possible. However, this will inevitably result in more global warming – a paradox given the

simultaneous growth of renewable energy and other low-carbon technologies. Without

aggressive policies aimed at limiting the supply of fossil energy, this so-called “green

paradox” will be difficult to avoid even if sustainable alternatives continue to expand.1

3.3 Secondary markets and financialization

In recent decades, and especially after the Global Financial Crisis, one of the most widely

criticized aspects of the modern economic system is the increasingly dominant role assumed

by financial markets and institutions – a process known as financialization. Large parts of the

financial sector have decoupled from the real economy, engaged in purely financial activities

with no obvious benefit to the society as a whole. The negative aspects of this development

have been extensively documented and analysed.2 More recently, an additional concern has

emerged – the dangerous interplay between financialization and environmental issues3 which

represents a crucial near-term challenge for practitioners of SF.

Climate economy is no longer the marginal playground of environmental enthusiasts, but

increasingly seen as a lucrative business opportunity by mainstream finance. On the one

hand, this is a positive development, as it attracts new capital to business initiatives with

social or environmental benefits. On the other hand, it carries the risk of asset price

speculation and increased financial fragility. The creation and securitization of an increasing

volume of green assets will inevitably lead to the growth of secondary markets for these

securities, creating incentive structures and market dynamics with potentially negative

consequences for the economy as a whole. The problem stems from the fact that increased

trading volumes in secondary markets don’t create new value and can easily lead to the

prioritization of short-term trading profits instead of new climate-aligned investments in the

real economy. If financial actors become more concerned with nominal prices instead of the

real underlying value of their assets, the conditions are ripe for excessive speculation and

market manipulation. Large scale share repurchases to boost stock prices and stock-based

executive pay, as well as other forms of financial engineering aimed entirely at short-term

1 Sinn 2015 2 See e.g. Epstein 2005; Palley 20133 Clark & Hermele 2013

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private gains instead of long-term benefits for the society as a whole should serve as

reminders of the high social costs accompanied by financialization.1

3.4 Innovation and the need for patient capital

Transitioning to a low-carbon economy requires innovation. Although the renewable energy

sector has grown considerably over recent decades, deployment is nowhere near the scale

needed to replace fossil fuels.2 This is partly due to a lack of new, cheap, and easily scalable

alternatives. Here, important insights from innovation research should help guide finance. For

example, because innovation is uncertain, cumulative and collective, it requires long-term

commitments from a variety of actors, not just from investors and entrepreneurs, but also

from scientists, engineers, and workers.3 Building on the example of railroads, the Internet,

biomedical and nanotechnology, energy innovation requires mission-oriented collaboration

between finance, industry, and governments, and not only in a few special areas, but across

the whole innovation chain.4

Unfortunately, in recent decades, many financial institutions and industrial corporations have

become overly obsessed with short-term profits and less interested in making long-term

financial commitments. The corporate ideology driving this attitude, known as “maximizing

shareholder value”, boils down to the idea that the primary objective of management is to

enrich the owners of the company, mainly through dividend payments and stock price

increases, often leading to resource allocation away from innovation. This is especially true

for basic research which has historically been financed mainly by the public sector.5 As a

result, the renewable energy has grown most in countries where the government has played

an active and supporting role. On the other hand, in countries like the U.S., where

government support has been inconsistent and the private sector is especially prone to short-

termism, the renewable energy sector has seen relatively less success.6

The high-risk investment gap could potentially be filled by venture capital. However, venture

capital can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is certainly more willing to take risk

1 Lazonick 2015 2 REN 2016 3 Lazonick & Mazzucato 2012; Lazonick 2013 4 Mazzucato et al. 2016 5 Mazzucato 2013 6 Hopkins & Lazonick 2012; Mazzucato 2014; Mazzucato & Semieniuk 2016

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and endure uncertainty – an essential requirement for successful innovation. On the other

hand, to compensate for risk, venture capitalists are also prone to exit their investments as

quickly as possible. This can lead to a premature initial public offering (IPO), in worst cases

even before the allegedly innovative product or service of the company is fully developed and

commercialized.1 Still, it is important that sources of finance for innovative enterprises remain

varied – retained earnings, public grants, private capital markets, and venture capital all have

the capacity to serve the long-term interests of the economy and contribute to innovation.

3.5 Climate change and migration – the “perfect storm”

Perhaps the least talked about, but still crucially important challenge for SF emanates from

the link between climate change and migration patterns. Global warming is expected to boost

desertification and increase the occurrence of extreme weather events such as droughts,

famines, and hurricanes. The resulting physical and economic devastation will almost

certainly lead to mass migration, especially in developing countries, primarily as short-term

relocations to nearby areas, but also into developed nations. Here, the financial challenge is

made more complicated by social and political ramifications, many of which may easily

escalate into serious international conflicts. It is therefore crucial that the financial sector

consider its role in preventing as well as addressing such scenarios.

Climate-related migration patterns are intricately connected with development policies and

governance. The negative impacts of extreme weather events are often exacerbated by the

lack of administrative and response mechanisms in the immediate or nearby areas.2 On the

other hand, as evidenced by the European migrant crisis that started in 2015, even the rich

and most developed countries may be relatively unprepared to deal with sudden migration

pressures. Hopefully, the widely publicized3 link between climate change and the crisis in

Syria4 will help trigger more interest in developing skills and capabilities for dealing with such

situations, especially in regions most under pressure from climate change.

1 Mazzucato & Wray 2015 2 Raleigh & Jordan, 2010 3 Randall 2016 4 Gleick 2014

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3.6 Mainstreaming impact investing

In the past, tackling social problems such as homelessness, long-term unemployment, or

conservation of natural environments, has been led by government institutions. On the

flipside, financial markets and private companies have traditionally been primarily oriented

towards producing monetary profit, with social or environmental goals having only secondary

priority, if at all. More recently, however, organisations have emerged in which the line

between economic and broader societal goals has become blurred, with equal weight being

given to both. The financing of such enterprises is known as impact investing.1 In 2013, the

World Economic Forum (WEF) reported market worth estimates for impact investing between

USD 450 and 650 billion up until 2018.2 But despite its growing popularity, as of today,

impact investing remains a niche, a fact reflected in research where core theoretical ideas

about impact investing remain underdeveloped and empirical data scattered, although

interest in the field is growing.3 In short, bringing impact investing more into the mainstream

presents an important near-term challenge for practitioners of SF.

As discussed above, there is a widespread assumption that combining financial success with

a positive social or environmental agenda is a hurdle that is difficult if not impossible to cross.

Interestingly enough, many impact investors expect to earn market rate returns whey they

invest in social enterprises. According to a 2015 membership survey by the Global Impact

Investing Network (GIIN), less than half of respondents said that they are targeting “below

market returns”.4 These results are in tune with the findings cited above that sustainability-

oriented investment firms are often outperforming their peers. This is a positive sign for the

future outlook of impact investing. The state of the market varies considerably across regions

and countries, but generally speaking, future growth is challenged by the lack of a well-

functioning ecosystem that would attract more specialized investors, entrepreneurs with a

proven track record5, and participation by larger financial institutions.6

How could these and other challenges be addressed? In 2013, the G8 launched a task force

aimed at identifying ways to “catalyse a global market in impact investment.”7 A year later, a

1Clarkin & Cangioni 20162 WEF 2013 3 SBS 2016 4 GIIN 20165 GIIN 2016 6 McKinsey 2016 7 SG 2014

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report was released, confirming that important developments are already underway in both

developed and developing countries, and that in the 21st century, social entrepreneurship

financed by impact investing will play a fundamental role in the way societies address social

and environmental issues. The report offered eight recommendations for unlocking the global

market potential of impact investing: (1) setting measurable impact objectives and tracking

mechanisms for investments; (2) integrating not just risk and return, but also impact analysis

into mainstream investor practice; (3) clarifying fiduciary duties to include social and

environmental responsibility; (4) streamlining SIBs and pay-for-success mechanisms (see

also 2.4 above); (5) establishing impact investment wholesalers to drive the development of

the sector; (6) boosting the organisational capacity of the social sector, primarily through

government and philanthropic grants; (7) providing appropriate legal forms and provisions so

that entrepreneurs and investors could easily establish “Profit-with-Purpose” businesses; and

(8) supporting the role of impact investment in international development.1

5. Conclusion As discussed above, there is a widespread assumption that combining financial success with

a positive social or environmental agenda is a hurdle that is difficult if not impossible to cross.

Interestingly enough, many impact investors expect to earn market rate returns whey they

invest in social enterprises. According to a 2015 membership survey by the Global Impact

Investing Network (GIIN), less than half of respondents said that they are targeting “below

market returns”.2 These results are in tune with the findings cited above that sustainability-

oriented investment firms are often outperforming their peers. This is a positive sign for the

future outlook of impact investing.

Climate economy is no longer the marginal playground of environmental enthusiasts, but

increasingly seen as a lucrative business opportunity by mainstream finance. On the one

hand, this is a positive development, as it attracts new capital to business initiatives with

social or environmental benefits.

Transitioning to a low-carbon economy requires innovation. Although the renewable energy

sector has grown considerably over recent decades, deployment is nowhere near the scale

needed to replace fossil fuels.3 This is partly due to a lack of new, cheap, and easily scalable

alternatives. Here, important insights from innovation research should help guide finance. For

1 SG 2014 2 GIIN 20163 REN 2016

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example, because innovation is uncertain, cumulative and collective, it requires long-term

commitments from a variety of actors, not just from investors and entrepreneurs, but also

from scientists, engineers, and workers.1 Building on the example of railroads, the Internet,

biomedical and nanotechnology, energy innovation requires mission-oriented collaboration

between finance, industry, and governments, and not only in a few special areas, but across

the whole innovation chain.2


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