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December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love....

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December 16, 2012 Third Sunday of Advent Welcome Visitors! We’re glad you are with us today. Please sign in on the YES! Sheet and pass it to the center aisle. Request a prayer to be read during worship by writing it on the back. An usher will pick it up during the Hymn of the Day. Embracing the diversity of God’s creation and celebrating our oneness in Christ. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 611 Randolph Oak Park, Illinois 60302 708-848-4741 [email protected] www.goodshepherdlc.org ] ]Éç c cxtv [ [ÉÑx _ _Éäx
Page 1: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits

December 16, 2012

Third Sunday

of Advent

Welcome Visitors! We’re glad you are

with us today.

Please sign in on the

YES! Sheet and pass it

to the center aisle.

Request a prayer to

be read during worship

by writing it on the back.

An usher will pick it up during

the Hymn of the Day.

Embracing the diversity of God’s creation and celebrating our oneness in Christ.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

611 Randolph • Oak Park, Illinois 60302

708-848-4741 • [email protected]






Page 2: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits



Congregation responses are indicated in bold bold bold bold �Please stand as you are able


Prelude Jazz Ensemble


�Preparation of the Heart

God of angel songs and hidden miracles,

wing your way into our world,wing your way into our world,wing your way into our world,wing your way into our world,

for we are in need of your presence.for we are in need of your presence.for we are in need of your presence.for we are in need of your presence.

We have been caught up in busyness,

frantic with lists too long and pockets too empty.

We have lost patience and misplaced our hope.We have lost patience and misplaced our hope.We have lost patience and misplaced our hope.We have lost patience and misplaced our hope.

God of heavenly choruses and humble beginnings,

wing your way into our hearts.

Let us know a peace that calms unrealistic expectations.Let us know a peace that calms unrealistic expectations.Let us know a peace that calms unrealistic expectations.Let us know a peace that calms unrealistic expectations.

Let us be lifted up byLet us be lifted up byLet us be lifted up byLet us be lifted up by angels’ song angels’ song angels’ song angels’ song

and see with new perspective what is truly important.and see with new perspective what is truly important.and see with new perspective what is truly important.and see with new perspective what is truly important.

Fill our hearts with MaryFill our hearts with MaryFill our hearts with MaryFill our hearts with Mary----like joy.like joy.like joy.like joy.

(silence for reflection)

The joy of God is here for us today,

it is God’s gift for us to grasp.

The angels’ song begin the chorus;

like Mary, let us join the song.like Mary, let us join the song.like Mary, let us join the song.like Mary, let us join the song.

Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love.Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love.Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love.Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love.

Page 3: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


�Congregational Song “My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness” ELW 251

�Lighting of the Advent Candles

�Greeting and Prayer of the Day

From the One who is, and who was, and is to come,

the Almighty: grace, light, and peace be with you.

And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.

Holy God, Loving Christ, Living Spirit;

You are present in the everyday occurrences;

you are revealed in startling and wondrous encounters.

Let the revelation of your mystery unfold again this day –

that we may see it together.

Let the secret of the ages shed new light on our relationship to you,

and each other, as we praise the name of Jesus Christ,



Mini-Meditation for Children Laura Derks

(after each reading:) Word of God, word of life.

Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.

A Reading from.....................................................................Zephaniah 3:14-20

(God is present among us)

Musical Response “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” Vocal Ensemble

arr. Joe Uttaback

Page 4: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


A Reading from.............................................................................Isaiah 11: 1-10

(The peaceable kingdom)

Congregational Carol “Lo, How A Rose” ELW 272

A Reading from..................................................................................Psalm 148

(Praise the Lord)

Musical Response “New Moon” Rebecca Vnuk, soloist

A Reading from............................................................................. Luke 1:26-38 (Gabriel visits Mary)

Musical Response “The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came” Kate King, soloist

Reflection…………………………………………………………Pastor Kathy Nolte

Musical Response “Somebody Build a Manger” Vocal Ensemble

A Reading from..............................................................................John 1: 14-18

(The Word is among us)

Response “He Came Down” ELW 253

Page 5: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


�Prayers of the People

After the words “Hear us as we pray”, the congregation sings verse 1 only:

�Passing of the Peace

The dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who

dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet unto

the way of peace. The peace of the Lord be with you always.

And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.

Page 6: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits



(Gifts are gathered and brought forward at the end of the musical offering.)

Musical Offering “Angels We Have Heard on High” Vocal Ensemble

�Offertory Prayer

Assisting Minister: Let us pray.

God of abundance,

we bring before you the precious fruits of your creation,

and with them our very lives.

Teach us patience and hope as we care for all those in need

until the coming of your Son,

our Savior and Lord.


�Great Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.We lift them to the Lord.We lift them to the Lord.We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.It is right to give our thanks and praise.It is right to give our thanks and praise.It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Page 7: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


�Holy, Holy

�Eucharistic Prayer

Blessed are you, O God, who is and was and is to come…we proclaim

the mystery of faith:

Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.

…we offer and present to you ourselves, our bodies, minds and spirits,

to be a holy and continuous sacrifice to you.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.

…healing, renewing and making us whole.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.

…bone of your bone, flesh of your flesh.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.

…as in the beginning, so now, and forever.


Page 8: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


�The Lord’s Prayer

Presiding Minister: Gathered into one by the Holy Spirit, let us pray as

Jesus taught us:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come, thy will be done,thy kingdom come, thy will be done,thy kingdom come, thy will be done,thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.on earth as it is in heaven.on earth as it is in heaven.on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;Give us this day our daily bread;Give us this day our daily bread;Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our trespasses,and forgive us our trespasses,and forgive us our trespasses,and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;as we forgive those who trespass against us;as we forgive those who trespass against us;as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into and lead us not into and lead us not into and lead us not into temptation,temptation,temptation,temptation,

but deliver us from evil.but deliver us from evil.but deliver us from evil.but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,

forever and ever. forever and ever. forever and ever. forever and ever. AmenAmenAmenAmen

�Invitation to Communion

God is with us, our Immanuel. Come to the table of grace.


Please come forward as the ushers direct. You will be given bread. You may eat the bread and drink; or intinct (dip) in the large cup and eat. Please move to the appropriate server. The silver cup has wine; the oversize pottery cup has grape juice for intinction. Gluten free communion wafers are available. Please let Pastor Kathy or the assisting minister know when you come forward. After you commune, feel free to kneel at the altar rail in silent prayer.

Page 9: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


Communion Song:

Lamb of God


Music by Jazz Ensemble

Page 10: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


After all have returned to their places, please remain seated.

Presiding Minister: The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

strengthen you and keep you in his grace.


Prayer after Communion

Assisting Minister: Let us pray …

Lord God, we give you thanks

that you have fed us even now

with the banquet that is yet to come.

Keep us alert for signs of your presence

in the world around us.

Send us as healing oil and sheltering comfort

to those in need,

and make us bold in testifying to the light

of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.





The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord’s face shine on you with grace and mercy.

The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace.


�Congregational Carol “Go Tell It on the Mountain” ELW 290

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Go in peace and tell it on the mountain, “Salvation has come to us!”

Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.

Postlude Jazz Ensemble

Please join us for light refreshments downstairs.

Preparation of the heart from The Worship Sourcebook. Liturgical texts reprinted from SundaysandSeasons.com. Copyright 2007 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Annual Liturgies License #26258. “While We are Waiting Come” by Clare Cloninger and Don Cason, © 1986 Word Publishing, Used by permission. CCLI license #460797.

Page 12: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits



Jazz Ensemble Musicians

Jonathan Oblander, piano

Bob Becker, bass

Al Keeler, drums


Rev. Kathy Nolte

Vocal Ensemble

Laura Derks, Duane Ehresman, Carl Fisher, Talley Hann,

Kate King, Warren King, Mark Ledogar, Rick Nagle, Lynn Railsback,

Amanda Soto-Straw, Rebecca Vnuk


Jim Scherer, Betty Muchow, Greg Hann (8:00)

Paul Dengel, Lisa Polderman, Kay Mwakyoma (10:30)

printed on 100% recycled envirocopy paper

Sunday worship – 8:00 & 10:30am (Holy Communion is celebrated at both services)

Pastor – Rev. Kathryn Nolte Council President – Barbara Hunt

Director of Christian Education – Deaconess Debbie Rank Council Vice President – Brad Grining

Office Administrator – Vicki May Custodian – Tali Melani

Sunday Nursery Attendants – Elois Gardner & Courtney Roberson

Page 13: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits

December 16, 2012

Third Sunday

of Advent

Welcome Visitors! We’re glad you are

with us today.

Please sign in on the

YES! Sheet and pass it

to the center aisle.

Request a prayer to

be read during worship

by writing it on the back.

An usher will pick it up during

the Hymn of the Day.

Embracing the diversity of God’s creation and celebrating our oneness in Christ.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

611 Randolph • Oak Park, Illinois 60302

708-848-4741 • [email protected]






Page 14: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits



Congregation responses are indicated in bold bold bold bold �Please stand as you are able


Prelude Jazz Ensemble


�Preparation of the Heart

God of angel songs and hidden miracles,

wing your way into our world,wing your way into our world,wing your way into our world,wing your way into our world,

for we are in need of your presence.for we are in need of your presence.for we are in need of your presence.for we are in need of your presence.

We have been caught up in busyness,

frantic with lists too long and pockets too empty.

We have lost patience and misplaced our hope.We have lost patience and misplaced our hope.We have lost patience and misplaced our hope.We have lost patience and misplaced our hope.

God of heavenly choruses and humble beginnings,

wing your way into our hearts.

Let us know a peace that calms unrealistic expectations.Let us know a peace that calms unrealistic expectations.Let us know a peace that calms unrealistic expectations.Let us know a peace that calms unrealistic expectations.

Let us be lifted up byLet us be lifted up byLet us be lifted up byLet us be lifted up by angels’ song angels’ song angels’ song angels’ song

and see with new perspective what is truly important.and see with new perspective what is truly important.and see with new perspective what is truly important.and see with new perspective what is truly important.

Fill our hearts with MaryFill our hearts with MaryFill our hearts with MaryFill our hearts with Mary----like joy.like joy.like joy.like joy.

(silence for reflection)

The joy of God is here for us today,

it is God’s gift for us to grasp.

The angels’ song begin the chorus;

like Mary, let us join the song.like Mary, let us join the song.like Mary, let us join the song.like Mary, let us join the song.

Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love.Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love.Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love.Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love.

Page 15: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


�Congregational Song “My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness” ELW 251

�Lighting of the Advent Candles

�Greeting and Prayer of the Day

From the One who is, and who was, and is to come,

the Almighty: grace, light, and peace be with you.

And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.

Holy God, Loving Christ, Living Spirit;

You are present in the everyday occurrences;

you are revealed in startling and wondrous encounters.

Let the revelation of your mystery unfold again this day –

that we may see it together.

Let the secret of the ages shed new light on our relationship to you,

and each other, as we praise the name of Jesus Christ,



Mini-Meditation for Children Laura Derks

(after each reading:) Word of God, word of life.

Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.

A Reading from.....................................................................Zephaniah 3:14-20

(God is present among us)

Musical Response “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” Vocal Ensemble

arr. Joe Uttaback

Page 16: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


A Reading from.............................................................................Isaiah 11: 1-10

(The peaceable kingdom)

Congregational Carol “Lo, How A Rose” ELW 272

A Reading from..................................................................................Psalm 148

(Praise the Lord)

Musical Response “New Moon” Rebecca Vnuk, soloist

A Reading from............................................................................. Luke 1:26-38 (Gabriel visits Mary)

Musical Response “The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came” Kate King, soloist

Reflection…………………………………………………………Pastor Kathy Nolte

Musical Response “Somebody Build a Manger” Vocal Ensemble

A Reading from..............................................................................John 1: 14-18

(The Word is among us)

Response “He Came Down” ELW 253

Page 17: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


�Prayers of the People

After the words “Hear us as we pray”, the congregation sings verse 1 only:

�Passing of the Peace

The dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who

dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet unto

the way of peace. The peace of the Lord be with you always.

And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.

Page 18: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits



(Gifts are gathered and brought forward at the end of the musical offering.)

Musical Offering “Angels We Have Heard on High” Vocal Ensemble

�Offertory Prayer

Assisting Minister: Let us pray.

God of abundance,

we bring before you the precious fruits of your creation,

and with them our very lives.

Teach us patience and hope as we care for all those in need

until the coming of your Son,

our Savior and Lord.


�Great Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.We lift them to the Lord.We lift them to the Lord.We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.It is right to give our thanks and praise.It is right to give our thanks and praise.It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Page 19: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


�Holy, Holy

�Eucharistic Prayer

Blessed are you, O God, who is and was and is to come…we proclaim

the mystery of faith:

Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.

…we offer and present to you ourselves, our bodies, minds and spirits,

to be a holy and continuous sacrifice to you.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.

…healing, renewing and making us whole.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.

…bone of your bone, flesh of your flesh.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.Come, Holy Spirit, come.

…as in the beginning, so now, and forever.


Page 20: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


�The Lord’s Prayer

Presiding Minister: Gathered into one by the Holy Spirit, let us pray as

Jesus taught us:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come, thy will be done,thy kingdom come, thy will be done,thy kingdom come, thy will be done,thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.on earth as it is in heaven.on earth as it is in heaven.on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;Give us this day our daily bread;Give us this day our daily bread;Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our trespasses,and forgive us our trespasses,and forgive us our trespasses,and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;as we forgive those who trespass against us;as we forgive those who trespass against us;as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into and lead us not into and lead us not into and lead us not into temptation,temptation,temptation,temptation,

but deliver us from evil.but deliver us from evil.but deliver us from evil.but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,

forever and ever. forever and ever. forever and ever. forever and ever. AmenAmenAmenAmen

�Invitation to Communion

God is with us, our Immanuel. Come to the table of grace.


Please come forward as the ushers direct. You will be given bread. You may eat the bread and drink; or intinct (dip) in the large cup and eat. Please move to the appropriate server. The silver cup has wine; the oversize pottery cup has grape juice for intinction. Gluten free communion wafers are available. Please let Pastor Kathy or the assisting minister know when you come forward. After you commune, feel free to kneel at the altar rail in silent prayer.

Page 21: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


Communion Song:

Lamb of God


Music by Jazz Ensemble

Page 22: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits


After all have returned to their places, please remain seated.

Presiding Minister: The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

strengthen you and keep you in his grace.


Prayer after Communion

Assisting Minister: Let us pray …

Lord God, we give you thanks

that you have fed us even now

with the banquet that is yet to come.

Keep us alert for signs of your presence

in the world around us.

Send us as healing oil and sheltering comfort

to those in need,

and make us bold in testifying to the light

of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.





The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord’s face shine on you with grace and mercy.

The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace.


�Congregational Carol “Go Tell It on the Mountain” ELW 290

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Go in peace and tell it on the mountain, “Salvation has come to us!”

Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.Thanks be to God.

Postlude Jazz Ensemble

Please join us for light refreshments downstairs.

Preparation of the heart from The Worship Sourcebook. Liturgical texts reprinted from SundaysandSeasons.com. Copyright 2007 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Annual Liturgies License #26258. “While We are Waiting Come” by Clare Cloninger and Don Cason, © 1986 Word Publishing, Used by permission. CCLI license #460797.

Page 24: December 16, 2012 Third Sunday ÉÑx of Advent Éç · Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. Let us all rejoice in the miracle of love. ... we bring before you the precious fruits



Jazz Ensemble Musicians

Jonathan Oblander, piano

Bob Becker, bass

Al Keeler, drums


Rev. Kathy Nolte

Vocal Ensemble

Laura Derks, Duane Ehresman, Carl Fisher, Talley Hann,

Kate King, Warren King, Mark Ledogar, Rick Nagle, Lynn Railsback,

Amanda Soto-Straw, Rebecca Vnuk


Jim Scherer, Betty Muchow, Greg Hann (8:00)

Paul Dengel, Lisa Polderman, Kay Mwakyoma (10:30)

printed on 100% recycled envirocopy paper

Sunday worship – 8:00 & 10:30am (Holy Communion is celebrated at both services)

Pastor – Rev. Kathryn Nolte Council President – Barbara Hunt

Director of Christian Education – Deaconess Debbie Rank Council Vice President – Brad Grining

Office Administrator – Vicki May Custodian – Tali Melani

Sunday Nursery Attendants – Elois Gardner & Courtney Roberson
