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December 2017 - globalnetplatform.org CONNECTED Educating, Connecting and Empowering Daniel K....

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STAY CONNECTED Educating, Connecting and Empowering Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Director James “Hammer” Hartsell, will be departing the Center Feb 9, 2018. He offered the following comments about his DKI APCSS experience. “These past 15 months have been personally rewarding, professionally fulfilling, and fun! The people I met and places I visited on behalf of the Center make this one of my most memorable tours of service. I will forever be an ambassador and an advocate for the Center and its Mission and I sincerely look forward to opportunities where I can engage with my fellow Alumni all across the Globe in the years to come.” In December 2017, Director Hartsell led a DKI APCSS team in Vietnam, co- hosting the “Gulf of Thailand Initiative.” This three-day dialogue featured a sub- regional forum to increase maritime law enforcement cooperation and information sharing among the four ASEAN Partner Nations that border the Gulf of Thailand. Several DKI APCSS alumni participated in the event. While in Hanoi, Director Hartsell also met with several key Vietnamese alumni. John A. Gasner Chief, Alumni Division D ANIEL K. INOUYE ASIA-P ACIFIC CENTER FOR SECURITY STUDIES Phone (808) 971-8981 Fax (808) 971-8920 Van Ngoc Tan Sr. Col Sinh Van Nguyen From left to right: LtCol Nguyen Trinh Hung, (Vietnam, C16-3/OR14-4); Mr. Charles Arthur Caruolo, (United States, AP12-M); MajGen Vann Sophanne, (Cambodia, EC07-1); MajGen Ros Soksambo, (Cambodia, ASC11-2); MajGen James Hartsell, (United States, TSC15-1); VADM Tea Sokha, (Cambodia, TSC11-2); RADM Cherngchai Chomcherngpat, (Thailand, C17-4); Mrs. Kerry Nankivell, (United States, ASC 15-1); Capt Benjamaporn Wongnakornsawang, (Thailand, CS10-1); CDR Kentaro Furuya, (Japan, AP16-1); LtCol Thang Jacky Ly, (United States, AP 12-2); MajGen Hei Dara, (Cambodia, ASC11-2). Ta Tuan Amb Hasanthi Dissanayake December 2017 Amb Sanh Chau Pham Aloha... from Hawaii and Happy New Year! Thank you for your inputs to this month’s newsletter. We hope you had a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
Page 1: December 2017 - globalnetplatform.org CONNECTED Educating, Connecting and Empowering Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Director James “Hammer” Hartsell,


E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center forSecurity Studies’ Director James“Hammer” Hartsell, will be departingthe Center Feb 9, 2018. He offered thefollowing comments about his DKIAPCSS experience. “These past 15months have been personallyrewarding, professionally fulfilling,and fun! The people I met and placesI visited on behalf of the Center makethis one of my most memorable toursof service. I will forever be anambassador and an advocate for theCenter and its Mission and I sincerelylook forward to opportunities where Ican engage with my fellow Alumni allacross the Globe in the years to come.”

In December 2017, Director Hartsell leda DKI APCSS team in Vietnam, co-hosting the “Gulf of Thailand Initiative.”This three-day dialogue featured a sub-regional forum to increase maritime law

enforcementcooperationand information sharingamong the four ASEAN Partner Nationsthat border the Gulf of Thailand. SeveralDKI APCSS alumni participated in theevent. While in Hanoi, Director Hartsell

also met with several keyVietnamese alumni.

John A. GasnerChief,Alumni Division


Van Ngoc Tan

Sr. Col Sinh Van Nguyen

From left to right: LtCol Nguyen Trinh Hung,(Vietnam, C16-3/OR14-4); Mr. Charles ArthurCaruolo, (United States, AP12-M); MajGen VannSophanne, (Cambodia, EC07-1); MajGen RosSoksambo, (Cambodia, ASC11-2); MajGenJames Hartsell, (United States, TSC15-1);VADM Tea Sokha, (Cambodia, TSC11-2); RADMCherngchai Chomcherngpat, (Thailand, C17-4);Mrs. Kerry Nankivell, (United States, ASC 15-1);Capt Benjamaporn Wongnakornsawang,(Thailand, CS10-1); CDR Kentaro Furuya,(Japan, AP16-1); LtCol Thang Jacky Ly, (UnitedStates, AP 12-2); MajGen Hei Dara, (Cambodia,ASC11-2).

Ta Tuan

Amb Hasanthi Dissanayake

December 2017

Amb Sanh Chau Pham

Aloha...from Hawaii andHappy New Year!Thank you for your inputs to thismonth’s newsletter. We hopeyou had a safe and enjoyableholiday season.

Page 2: December 2017 - globalnetplatform.org CONNECTED Educating, Connecting and Empowering Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Director James “Hammer” Hartsell,

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

For your listening or viewing preference, Dr. Benjamin Ryanprovided the latest Podcast on Humanitarian Assistance andDisaster Relief. Please review his lecture at this link.https://globalnetplatform.org/apcss/dki-apcss-podcasts/humanitarian-assistance-and-disaster-relief-professor-benjamin-ryanRyan

Toyanath Adhikari (Sri Lanka),CCM15-1, completed his FellowsProject, “Improving Coordinationbetween Civilian and Security Agencieson National Security andDevelopment,” by organizing and

executing a national conference on peace securityand development.

Lieutenant Colonel MohammedMazhar Al Kabir (Bangladesh),CCM15-1, completed his FellowsProject by developing a comprehensivetraining module on urban disastermanagement to educate his

infantry brigade.

Mr. Ngo Duc Huy (Vietnam), ASC15-2,completed his Fellows Project byintroducing International SecurityIssues into the political trainingcurriculum at the Ho Chi MinhAcademy.

Mr. Batmunkh Uuganbayar(Mongolia), CCM16-1,completed his Fellows Project byestablishing an effective commandand control center to ensure safetyand security during major events.

In Hyo Seol (Korea), ASC16-2,completed his Fellows Project“Extended Deterrence: ROK’s View onNew Deterrence Posture.” Hecompleted three research projects that improved understanding of the ROK’s

deterrence posture.

Colonel Jerry Hall (U.S.), ASC16-2,completed his Fellows Project bycreating a strategic matrix gamemethodology to improve militaryplanning operations. His project wasincorporated into the annual U.S. Army

Pacific’s Regional Leadership Development Programto increase student capabilities in critical thinking.

Mr. Anwar Macatembei Ito(Philippines), ASC16-2, completed hisFellows Project by enhancing inter-agency coordination on maritimesecurity cooperation initiatives in linewith the priorities of the Philippines

chairmanship of ASEAN.

Alumni Awards and Recognition:








Page 3: December 2017 - globalnetplatform.org CONNECTED Educating, Connecting and Empowering Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Director James “Hammer” Hartsell,

Alumni Awards and Recognition:

Alumni and Alumni AssociationAchievement Award

Recognizes specific individual or groupcontributions that advance security, buildcapacity and/or enhance cooperation

Annual Alumni andAlumni Association Award

Recognizes significant and/or sustainedexcellence in terms of contributions thatadvance security, build capacity and/orenhance cooperation throughout the year

Please submit nominations in body of email or word document by February 9th to me [email protected] or [email protected]. Thank you.

We are accepting nominations for DKI APCSS alumni awards in the following categories:

Mashbat Otgonbayar (Mongolia),EC00-1 and SSD10-2, was awarded the“Red Banner Order for MeritoriousLabor,” the second highest decorationfor civilians.

Lieutenant General Ata Hasnain(India), EC00-2, wrote several articles,including one about his experience withthe DKI APCSS Brown-bag lunchdiscussions, and the other about terrornetworks.



General Praveen Bakshi (India),EC04-1, is a member of the organizingcommittee for the “Global SecurityDialogue Summit” in April 2018.

Brigadier General Badrul Muhammad(Malaysia), EC05-2, met with other DKI APCSSalumni, including Marc Stegman APOC13-2,Brigadier General Rory Copinger TSC17-2 andSP16-1, Captain Shahriman Mahmud CSRT17-1and Lieutenant Colonel Sukhdev PurewalMAPOC14-2.

Major General (Ret.) A.N.M.Muniruzzaman (Bangladesh),SEC06-2, was selected as a keynotespeaker at the Hague Talks.

Rajan Thapa (Nepal), EC08-1, wroteseveral articles entitled “The Decreasingand Increasing Situation of Strength andBad Impacts,” and “The ElectionVictory of Left Alliance, Challenges andPeople’s Expectations.”



News Stories from Alumni:





BG Badrul met with other alumni in Malaysia: Marc Stegman, BG Rory Copinger, CaptainMahmud and Lieutenant Colonel Purewal.

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

Page 4: December 2017 - globalnetplatform.org CONNECTED Educating, Connecting and Empowering Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Director James “Hammer” Hartsell,

Major General Muhammad Jaffar(Pakistan),EC08-2,delivered aspeech at theUniversity ofIllinoisUrbanaChampaign,covering the7- years ofPakistan-U.S.relations.

Colonel John Lloyd (U.S.), ASC11-2and APOC11-2, led the U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineer’s efforts to restorepower in Puerto Rico following adevastating hurricane.http://www.niagara-


Lieutenant Colonel VanhsengPhanthavong (Thailand), ASC12-2,shared a photo of his family’s holidaycard.


CSRT15-1, sharedhis family holidaycard.

Deputy Police CommissionerGabriel Manelusi (Solomon Islands),ASC16-1, conducted a workshop totrain police officers at various levels oftheir development in the police force.

Colonel Jamie McAden (U.S.),ORA16-4, hosted a DKI APCSS alumnievent in Samoa.

Hasani Edelin (Indonesia), CSRT17-1,attended an “Advanced Arbitration andMediation” course in Washington D.C.

WanaluckSaengsuksawang(Thailand), earnedan Honor Awardfrom the U.S.Ambassador toThailand.







News Stories from Alumni:



E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

Page 5: December 2017 - globalnetplatform.org CONNECTED Educating, Connecting and Empowering Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Director James “Hammer” Hartsell,

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

Promotions and Position Changes:

Brigadier General (Ret) ArthurAbadilla (Philippines), EC97-2, is nowfully retired after serving his country forover four decades.

Ambassador Pham Hoang Kim(Vietnam), EC05-3, was appointedAmbassador Extraordinary andPlenipotentiary to Pakistan.

Major General Udayanta Wijeratne(Sri Lanka), CSRT07-1, retired fromthe Army and is now working forWalkers Group as Vice President,Logistics.

Colonel Rodrigo Sosmena(Philippines), SSTR07-1, was posted toTimor-Leste as Defense Attaché.

Chaerul Yani (Indonesia), CSRT08-2,was posted in Palembang, SouthSumatera as Director of Intelligence forthe regional police.

Md. Lutfor Rahman (Bangladesh),CCM08-2, was appointed Deputy HighCommissioner to Mumbai, India.

Lieutenant Colonel Siraj Uddin Ahmed(Bangladesh), CSRT10-1, retired fromthe Army and is now serving at theBangladesh University of Professionals.He was also selected as a PhD Fellow.

Stanley Louis (U.S.), APOC11-1,retired from Federal service.

Luis Barrios (Peru), ASC12-2, waspromoted to major general.

Brigadier General Vivek Tyagi (India),CCM13-1, was assigned asCommander, Central Sector for theUnited Nations Mission in Congo.

Captain Shaun Fogarty (NewZealand), CA13-3, was appointedDirector Strategic Engagement for theNew Zealand Defense Force.

Angela Tierney (Australia), ASC14-1,was appointed High Commissioner toNauru.

Camille Kozah (Lebanon), CSRT14-1,was promoted to colonel.

Major General Hiroshi Kaminotani(Japan), TSC14-2, was appointedCommander of Southwestern AirDefense Force on Okinawa.















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E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

Colonel Basuki Darmawan(Indonesia), ASC15-2, joined theCollege of International Security Affairsin Washington D.C.

Sergeant Major Vincent Santiago(U.S.), APOC15-3, was selected as thefirst command senior enlisted leaderfor the Defense Security CooperationAgency.

Nopakhun Luichant (Thailand),CSRT16-1, was posted as Counsellor,Royal Thai Embassy in Cairo, Egypt.

Mr. Md. Mohsin (Bangladesh),CCM17-1, was promoted as AdditionalSecretary, Ministry of DisasterManagement and Relief.

Nazmul Hassan (Bangladesh), ASC17-2, was promoted to captain in theBangladesh Navy.

Rear Admiral Luis Polar (Peru),TSC17-2, was appointed Commanderof the Surface Force.

Luichant Polar

“Forthcoming Asia Strategy Should“Forthcoming Asia Strategy ShouldAvoid Second-handed Pitfalls”Avoid Second-handed Pitfalls” is anew OpEd published by DKI APCSSmilitary professor and U.S. Marine CorpLt.Col. Scott D. McDonald by TheNational Interest.

Professor Kerry Lynn Nankivell has anew article that explains why Japan’sinstitutional and political contexts deterunilateralism and militarism, even asJapan expands its maritime securitycapacity to deal with the new strategic

realities. “Japanese Maritime Assistance: A Status QuoPlus” was published by the National Bureau of AsianResearch’s Maritime Awareness Project.

Dr. Bill Wieninger co-authored anarticle in Time magazine’s onlineedition entitled, Rep. Lieu, Dr.Wieninger: President Trump’s ThreatsAgainst North Korea Put the World inDanger.”http://time.com/5085997/north-korea-


“Asia’s Energy Security and China’s Belt and RoadInitiative”http://www.nbr.org/publications/issue.aspx?id=353

“China’s Growing Energy and Geopolitical Impact inXi Jinping’s Era”http://nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=819

“Military Strategy in the Asia-Pacific: The Return ofGreat-Power Competition?”http://nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=823

“Managing Strategic Competition in Asia”http://nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=804

“Japan-Malaysia Cooperation in the New SecurityLandscape of the Indo-Pacific”http://maritimeawarenessproject.org/2017/11/01/japan-









The following links may provide you some usefulinformation: APCSS Public Website


Page 7: December 2017 - globalnetplatform.org CONNECTED Educating, Connecting and Empowering Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Director James “Hammer” Hartsell,

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

In early December, DKI APCSSconducted a one-week mobile Asia-Pacific Orientation Course in WashingtonD.C. We added 90 new alumni to our‘ohana.’

The Asia-Pacific Orientation Course 18-1will be conducted Jan 22-26, 2018.

The Comprehensive Crisis ManagementCourse will begin on Feb 8, 2018.

DKI APCSS Courses:


“Strategies, Challenges, and Considerations forEconomic Growth in South Korea”http://nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=822

“Trump Sticks to the Script, Bolsters U.S. DefenseCommitments in Japan and South Korea”http://nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=816

“Examining China’s Strategic Priorities”http://nbr.org//research/activity.aspx?id=815

“Intersecting Political, Ethnic and Religious Realitiesin Myanmar”http://nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=818

“Development Finance in Asia: U.S. EconomicStrategy Amid China’s Belt and Road”http://www.nbr.org/research/activity.aspx?id=820

“The Chinese Communist Party’s Use ofHomophonous Pen Names: An Open-Source OpenSecret”http://www.nbr.org/publications/element.aspx?id=968

In Honolulu, DKI APCSS hosted a policy-focuseddialogue between China and U.S. maritime securitysubject matter experts. The event was supported byStanford and Nanjing University. Several alumniparticipated in the event.

Upcoming multilateral workshops include “CounteringViolent Extremism in Southeast Asia” and Strategic

Convergences: India, ASEAN and U.S.” We will conduct these workshops in thePhilippines and India respectively. Both occur in March 2018. This link provides a draft copy of the DKI

APCSS workshops. https://globalnetplatform.org/apcss/workshops-0/fy18-projected-workshops#comment-form

DKI APCSS Workshop Events:

Page 8: December 2017 - globalnetplatform.org CONNECTED Educating, Connecting and Empowering Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Director James “Hammer” Hartsell,

E d u c a t i n g , C o n n e c t i n g a n d E m p o w e r i n g

Lieutenant GeneralFenton (U.S.), C17-3,visited DKI APCSSfor a roundtablesecurity discussion onIndo-Pacific issues.

Mr. DerrickWong (U.S.),CSRT05-1,visited DKIAPCSS as theForeign PolicyAdvisor toU.S. Air ForcePacificCommand.

From the U.S., Ms. Davida Beck, MAPOC14-1, Mr.Craig Larson, APOC13-1 and Ms. Charlotte Teague,MAPOC12-1 returned to DKI APCSS as members ofthe Executive Leadership Development Program.

Mr. Jake Hamstra(New Zealand),APOC15-2 andDavid Treacher(New Zealand),APOC16-1,escorted a groupof distinguishedNew Zealandofficials on a tourof DKI APCSS.

Ms. NolaFaasau(Tonga),ASC17-2,returned fora visit whilevisitingfamilymembersin Hawaii.

Lieutenant GeneralStephen Bowes (Canada),TSC13-1, returned to DKIAPCSS for a roundtablediscussion on currentissues in the Indo-Pacificregion.

4 January .................... Burma Independence Day9 January ................... Coming-of-age Day - Japan26 January ..........................Australia National Day26 January ............................... India Republic Day31 January ...................Nauru Independence Day

On behalf of all the APCSS “Ohana,” both here inHawaii and throughout our region, we would like toextend our warmest wishes and congratulations onthese special occasions for your countries. We hopethe future finds continued peace and security for allyour families, your countries and our sharedneighborhood in the Asia-Pacific region:

National Days in January:

Alumni Visitors:



Beck, Larson and Teague


Hamstra and Treacher

