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December & January Issue

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Dear readers, Your digital issue is on line! I’d like to inform you that the next edition of Rendez Vous in Asia Magazine will be available in February 2013. During the entire month of January, we will work to improve the quality and content of our magazine. It will be a brand new magazine with more features and interviews, not to mention the "Roman Photo" column that you will find next year in the usual places. Feel free to keep sending us your messages and comments, and do not forget to bring us your beautiful vacation photos that we will be happy to showcase in the Rendez Vous People column of our February issue. Once again, my best wishes for a happy Holiday season. See you all next year! Alexis Ndongo
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  • Ghan

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    2 Ghana Enters the Arena of World Democratic NationsGhanaians have again demonstrated to the rest of Africa and the world theirlove for their nation by opting for di-alog and legal recourse in a effort toclean up the fallout of the ploblems en-countered during the last presidentialelection.Tension was high and stakes even higher for this country of 24 millioncurrently experiencing strong econom-ic growth due to its exports of cocoaand gold, to which was added in 2010, a still modest but promising oilproduction. An exceptional democ-racy on the continent especially whenlooking back on the painful denoue-ment of neighbouring Ivory Coasts postelectoral crisis; a democratic model that has been rewarded with the first and single official visit of President Barack Obama during his first term.

    Indeed, the main opposition party in Ghana has denounced a fraudulantsystem during the last presidential election and claims to have evidence that its candidate Nana Akufo Addo would, in fact, have won the election.The NPP demands an audit of the vote count as well as of the informationcollected by the biometric voter iden-tification machinery some of whichhaving broken down- before the re-sults of the presidential election can beofficially announced.

    24002010 (NPP)Joy27526750.6%NPP47.82%2

  • The earliest results announced by private tel-evision station Joy gave a slight advantage to the outgoing president Mr Dramani Mahama with 50.6% of the vote against 47.82% for op-position leader Nana Akufo Addos NPP (NewPatriotic Party) based on the results of 267 of 275 districts.We must point out that between the two can-didates, voting intentions were rather tight, which has increased the tension in the streets of Accra, the capital, and fears of fraud from either side. Tension was so pronounced that even religious leaders, followed by tradition-al leaders and many artists started their own campaigns parallel to the presidential ones, to raise awareness against all forms violence that could mar the progress of a fragile election and a democracy studded with painful sacrifices.

    Hailing from the North, John Dramani Ma-hama was MP, Minister of Communication under former President Jerry Rawlings and Vice President John Atta Mills. Since the lat-ters death on July 24, 2012, he has been thepresident ad interim.This 54 year-old Christian, faithful of the Revealed Church of the Assem-bly of God, is also a lover of highlife, a musical genre popular in the country.John Dramani Mahama has a strong following among Ghanaians, which does not reproach him his numerous extra-marital progeny.In Ghana, women find him elegant and tad bit charming. Something that largely flatters his wife Lordina. And yet: During his cam-paign rallies, he played on seduction to the point of finding every opportunity to get out a few Azonto steps, a dance currently trendingin Ghana and throughout West Africa.John Dramani Mahama has built his pro-gram around the motto of Better Ghana, with an emphasis on health, employment for all, and education. He promises, for exam-ple, free schooling from the primary level.


    The Candidate:John Dramani Mahama

  • Kenya is a country in the East Africa. It is bordered by South Sudan and Ethiopia to the North, Somalia to the East, Uganda to the West and Tanzaniato the South-west. It is also coastal to the Indian Ocean in the South-east.The Rift Valley allowed the formation of many lakes along its line, such as lake Turkana in the North of the country. This lake is bordered by the Chalbi de-sert, and is of great ornithological interest: species of birds such flamingos, pelicans and marabouts can all be found there. Lake Victoria, that Kenya shares with Tanzania and Uganda, is one of the sources of the Nile.The Indian Ocean borders more than 500 km of Kenyan coastline, consisting of sandy beaches. The Funzi islands lie just off the coast. The town ofMombasa is actually an island connected to the mainland by a causeway to the West, a bridge to the North, and ferry to the South.All land slightly behind the coast is arable land where are grown large quantities of bananas, man-goes, coconuts and frangipani.Meru National Park was completely renovated as part of a project of integrated development: recon-stitution and strengthening of the ecosystem,relocation of new animal populations, rebuilding of tourist infrastructure.The goal is to enable rapid financial autonomy and local development that will benefit the regions pop-ulations. Parks which attract tourists in the country of the late Wangari Matai (PeaceNobel Prize winner) are numerous today; and es-pecially popular is the largest, Tsavo, in Amboseli, where adventurers embark toward the safari atdawn to see the animals with a blushing Kiliman-jaro or the breath taking landscapes of Masai Mara Park in the background.

    The latter, which takes its name from the river that crosses it, is the natural extension of the Serengetion the other side of the border with Tanzania. It is here that you can really appreciate the Pride of Ken-ya, The Big Five: lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino and leopard. The wildlife refuge center is found in the city of Mombasa. It is used to treat injured animals and to keep them alive artificially for some time. It also serves as a health examination center for fea-ture animals, that is to say those that are on the list of wildlife parks.


  • For more information:www.magicalkenya.comwww.kenyatourismboard.org

  • Dear readers,What will we retain of 2012 as it ends? Have you kept your wordon your resolutions? For me, I want to become vegetarian in 2013, this is my new year resolution. Well talk about that next year. Above all, during this festive season, do not forget those who are in need, as this is also part of the spirit of the Holidays.The proverbs,The proverbs are usually very short and written in a metaphorical way, which sometimes makes their interpretation and thus their translation difficult.A proverb is an expression suspended in time, a thought solidified in a brief formulation: lessons learned from experience, life advice, and codes of conduct. Every language seems to convey a body thoughts, as a sort of onboard memory or internalized tradition. Another way of saying it is that every language is not merely a formal grouping of syntax, phonetics or semantic network variable geometry, but also a reserve of ready-to-use thoughts.Proverbs give us a kind of insight into the collective consciousness of a com-munity, its mentality, its habits, its needs, its geographical context. We have for a long time called this popular wisdom.In this last edition of the year, I have chosen for you dear readers fivenew African proverbs ... You already know it the chorus!Man Your Keyboards.Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!See you next year.

    He who has a home is not a slave.

    Generous is the man who counts little.

    Generous people always expose themselves to bad treatment.

    The man who flees the truth is a weak man who prefers obscu-rity.

    Its on stormy seas that we recognize the quality of the wood that makes our ship.

  • 201220122013


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    I am Kentaro, Im Japanese.I lived in Togo for three years nad now in Japan,Im looking for those goog and sincere african friends

  • Rions Ensemble

    Un type rencontre un copain :- Tiens, Gilbert ! Tu portes des lunettes main-tenant ? - Oui, jai dcouvert que jtais compltement myope. - Et comment tu ten es aperu ? - Figure-toi que la semaine dernire, jtais tout seul au restaurant, et jai dragu une femme. - Et alors ? -Alors, quand je lai ramene la maison, je me suis aperu que ctait la mienne- Je comprends tu navais pas tes lunettes !!!

    Il vivait dan un village un fou. Sa particularit, tait de gifler des gens par surprise et den rire. Tout le monde le connaissait dans le village comme tel. Un jour il est tomb sur un monsieur, il la gifl violem-ment comme son habitude. La raction du mon-sieur a t deux fois plus violente que celui-ci. Il la gifl et le fou est tomb. Ds quil sest relev, il a demand ltranger: Monsieur depuis quand tes vous fou? Et ltranger de rpondre: depuis aujourdhui. Ca alors renchrit le fou: vous devez vous faire soigner rapidement si non vous all tuer

    Deux dames du club du troisime ge prennent le th devant des petits gteaux.- Alors, quoi de neuf depuis la dernire fois quon sest vues ?- Oh, tu sais ce Monsieur Martin qui vient tout juste demmnager ct de chez moi et qui sest inscrit tout de suite notre club, eh bien hier soir, nous sommes sortis en-semble. Il est arriv sur le pas de ma porte avec un bouquet de roses la main. Ensuite, comme un vrai gentleman, il ma emmene au restaurant et nous avons pris un plateau de fruits de mer. Puis, toujours en gentleman, il ma invit prendre un verre au piano-bar. Sur le coup de minuit, il ma raccompagne jusque chez moi, toujours avec la manire. L, je nai pas voulu le laisser repartir comme a, alors je lai invit rentrer prendre un dernier verre. ce moment-l, il sest approch de moi et ma arrach tous mes vtements, il ma tir de force sur le lit et ma fait subir les pires outrages !Oh Mon Dieu, rpond lautre, et dire quil ma donn rendez-vous ce soir ! Quest-ce que tu crois que je dois faire ?Ben, si jtais toi, je mettrais des vieux vtements

    French Corne

    rUne femme alla la pharmacie et demanda au pharmacien: je veux un produit qui tue les infidles.Ce dernier ne voulant pas tre complice dit la femme quil na pas ce produit. La femme lui prsente une photo sur laquelle son mari couche avec la femme de ce pharmacien.Celui ci lui rpond: il fallait me dire que tu as une ordonnance

    deux hommes arrivent au paradis et se mettent a discuter: -coment etes vous arriver ici? -je suis mort de froid et vous? -moi jtait persuad ke ma femme me tromper alors un jour je suis rentr plus tot a la mai-son pour la prendre sur le fait. jai chercher partout et je nai rien trouv. pris de remords et honte davoir dout de ma femme jai fait une crise cardiake. alors lautre homme lui dit: -c malin vous auriez du pensez a regarder dans le congelateur, on serait en vie tout les deux!

    La piluleGrand-mre demande sa petite-fille :- Quest-ce que tu veux comme cadeau de Nol ?- Une pilule contraceptive! rpond la fil-lette.- Quoi ?!!!- Mamie, rflchis : jai dj cinq poupes, a suffit !

    Une Histoire bizarre Ce dimanche matin, dans une petite localit situe pas trs loin de Douala (Cam-eroun), JUBOM a vcu une tragdie hors pair. Il tait 10 heures pendant que la plupart des habit-ants se trouvaient lglise St Jean-Baptiste Le plus grand reprsentant de la localit sy trouvait aussi: Le sous-prefect de JUBOM.Et cest lorsque , la messe est finie que lhorreur se dvoile, la chvre a mang lenfant du sous-prfet. Sorcellerie, ou imagination? A vous de voir Vous avez dit Bizarre, comme cest bizarre!!!!!!!!!!Cette histoire sest pro-duite le 1er Avril Vous voyez?????

    Il tait une fois un explorateur qui tomba devant un lion. Lexplorateur apeur dit : - Dieu, faites que ce lion est une pense Chrtienne. Et le lion rpondis : - Dieu, bnissez ce repas.

    Un pauvre petit bonhomme est dans un bar depuis une demi-heure.Il contemple tristement son verre de bire en soupirant.Tout coup, un homme barbu en blouson de cuir, entre dans le bar, voit le petit homme, lui donne une grande claque dans le dos en riant et lui boit sa bire.Le petit bonhomme triste se met pleurer chaudes larmes.- Eh, oh ! lui dit le barbu, dsol. Ce ntait quune plaisanterie, je te prends une autre bire, je ne voulais pas te faire pleurer !- Non, non, laissez ! dit le petit homme. Je pleure parce que cette journe a t la plus terrible de ma vie. Ce matin, ma voiture tombe en panne, jarrive en re-tard au travail. Mon patron mannonce quil me renvoie. Quand je rentre la maison, jannonce a ma femme, qui me quitte en emmenant mes deux enfants. A peine parti, le four, dans lequel ma femme faisait cuir un rti, explose, et la maison entire brle. En sortant appeler les pompiers, je me fais ren-verser par une voiture. Le temps darriver lhpital, ma maison tait dtruite Alors, je viens dans ce bar pour mettre fin mes jours, et voil quun imbcile qui se croit rigolo, vient de boire mon verre de bire la strychnine ! - A la sant mon gars .

    Un marocain cherche sa femme dans un march, il heurte un franais et lui dit: tu peux faire attention?, le marocain: dezoli, je chirche ma femme. Le franais: moi aussi, le marocain: Elle est comment ta femme?. Le franais: blonde, yeux verts, 1,77m, mince, dcollet, ...mini-jupe noire, talon aiguille... Et toi, dcri moi ta femme?! Le marocain: tu si quoi,viens on chirche la tienne !! . :) Il tait une fois un explorateur qui tom-ba devant un lion. Lexplorateur apeur dit : - Dieu, faites que ce lion est une pense Chrti-enne. Et le lion rpondis :

  • Wish You all Happy New Year 2013

