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Decision Making in the Work Place

Date post: 01-Mar-2018
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Decision Making in the Workplace Liz L. Garcia Ramos INCO 4006 M03 Prof. Marta Y. Pabellón Imbert
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Decision Making in

the WorkplaceLiz L. Garcia Ramos

INCO 4006 M03

Prof. Marta Y. Pabellón Imbert

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 !ro"#!o"t !istor$ "ntil to%a$& !i#! mana#ement's (oor %ecisions !a)e ca%o*nfall of man$ b"sinesses.


Pro)i%e ec!ni+"es an% (ro)e t!e im(ortance of e,ecti)e %ecision ma-in# *or-(lace.

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ecision Ma-in#

Rational ecision Ma-in#/ $stematic (rocess "se% b$mana#ers


ol"tion/ 1se% to sol)e a (roblem

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Steps or Rational Decision Ma

2. ene t!e Problem

. I%entif$ ecision Criterion

3. 5alance t!e Criterion

4. Generate lternati)e Co"rse of ction

7. 8)al"ate eac! lternati)e

6. Calc"late t!e most O(timal ecision

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Dierent Types o Decision Mak

Nominal Gro"( ec!ni+"e

el(!i ec!ni+"e

Rain of I%eas

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Importance o Decision Making

5"siness is a com(etiti)e 8n)ironment

9el( in c!oosin# t!e best alternati)e

Re%"ces Ris- *!en it in)ol)es (roblems

5etter 1tilization of Reso"rces

c!ie)e Ob:ecti)es an% Goals

;acilitates Inno)ation

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Consequences o ad Decisions




General Motors

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 !an- $o" for $o"r attention.
