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Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015

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  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    NSA Decryption AFF

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015



  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    Contention One: InherencyThe Secure Data Act has been introduced several timesbut with no hope or passin! " even tac#in! on anti$

    decryption measures to other bills has stalled%ennett &'('1)[Cory: covers cybersecurity for The Hill, Senators pushamendment to bar encryption 'backdoors', The Hill, une !, !"#$http:%%thehill&com%policy%cybersecurity%!()!$*senators*push*for*amendment*to*bar*encryption*backdoors %%emb+&Sens*and +aul-*.y&/andon ,yden-0*1re&/ want to amend the Senate-ssurveillance reorm bill so it would orbid the !overnment romcompellin! companies to install access points into their encryption*23s the Senate moves to4ard a 5nal vote Tuesday on its reform bill, the 6S3 7reedom 3ct, +aul and,yden are pushin! or their collea!ues to vote on a slate oamendments they say would enhance the privacy provisions in the

    bill*21ne of the main additions

    they want to seeis

    a provision barrin! the!overnment rom re.uirin! so$called /bac#doors0 in encryption8 an

    access point kno4n only to la4 enforcement&29ut it appears the upper chamber will only

    vote on amendments oered by Senate 2a3ority 4eader 2itch

    2cConnell -*.y&/& +rivacy !roups have alle!ed that 2cConnell-s

    amendments will simply water down the reorm bill5 4hich the epublicanleader initially opposed&2aul has been leadin; the char;e a;ainst es spyin; po4ers authori?ed under the atriot 3ct& He blocked any short*term et ;o far enou;h&2@yden,also a vocal =S3 critic, has Aoined aul to press for votes on privacy*focused amendments to the 6S37reedom 3ct&23 measure barrin; backdoors has been one of the most sou;ht*after provisions amon; tech*savvy la4makers and the privacy community in recent years&23 bipartisan ;roup of la4makers is 5;htin;

    4ith the 1bama administration over the concept&26overnment o7cials ar!ue that

    investi!ators need some way to le!itimately access encrypted dataon devices and social media platorms& Technolo;ists and numerous la4makerscounter that any form of ;uaranteed access makes encryption inherently vulnerable&2,yden andothers have several times introduced the Secure Data Act5 a stand$alone bill that would prohibit the !overnment rom mandatin!

    bac#doors*2%ut the measure hasn-t seen any movement 5 causin!

    lawma#ers to try and tac# it on to other surveillance and cyber bills*

    The NSA is winnin! the encryption war " they-ve crac#edmost o what !uards ban#in!5 trade secrets5 medicalrecords5 emails5 internet comm

    4arson 18[eB: 0ata ditor at roublica& @on the Divin;ston 34ard,evealed: The =S3>s Secret Campai;n to Crack, 6ndermine EnternetSecurity, roublica, September $, !"#(http:%%444&propublica%article%the*nsas*secret*campai;n*to*crack*undermine*internet*encryption %%emb+&The National Security A!ency is winnin! its lon!$runnin! secret war onencryption5 usin! supercomputers5 technical tric#ery5 court ordersand behind$the$scenes persuasion to undermine the ma3or toolsprotectin! the privacy o everyday communications in the Internet

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    a!e5accordin; to ne4ly disclosed documents&2This story has been reported in partnership bet4een The=e4 Fork Times, the Guardian and roublica based on documents obtained by The Guardian&2Thea!ency has circumvented or crac#ed much o the encryption5 ordi!ital scramblin!5 that !uards !lobal commerce and ban#in!systems5 protects sensitive data li#e trade secrets and medicalrecords5 and automatically secures the e$mails5 ,eb searches5

    Internet chats and phone calls o Americans and others around theworld, the documents sho4&2any users assume 8 or have been assured by Enternet companies 8that their data is safe from pryin; eyes, includin; those of the ;overnment, and the =&S&3& 4ants to keep it

    that 4ay& The a!ency treats its recent successes in decipherin!protected inormation as amon! its most closely !uarded secrets5restricted to those cleared or a hi!hly classi9ed pro!ram code$named %ullrun, accordin; to the documents, provided by d4ard & Sno4den, the former =&S&3&contractor&

    +4AN: The nited States Con!ress should implement theSecure Data Act o (;1)*

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    Advanta!e One: CyberwarNSA bac#doors that aim to subvert encryption systemsare easily e

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    di;ital& They tried and failed to ban stron; encryption and mandate back doors for their use& The 79E triedand failed a;ain to ban stron; encryption in !"#"& =o4, in the post*Sno4den era, they're about to try

    a;ain& @e need to 5;ht this& Stron! encryption protects us rom a panoply othreats* It protects us rom hac#ers and criminals* It protects ourbusinesses rom competitors and orei!n spies* It protects people intotalitarian !overnments rom arrest and detention*This isn't Aust me talkin;:

    The 79E also recommends you encrypt your data for security* As or law enorcement Therecent decades have !iven them an unprecedented ability to put usunder surveillance and access our data*1ur cell phones provide them 4ith a detailedhistory of our movements& 1ur call records, email history, buddy lists, and 7acebook pa;es tell them 4ho4e associate 4ith& The hundreds of companies that track us on the Enternet tell them 4hat 4e're thinkin;about& 6biPuitous cameras capture our faces every4here& 3nd most of us back up our ihone data on

    iCloud, 4hich the 79E can still ;et a 4arrant for& It truly is the !olden a!e o

    surveillance* 3fter considerin; the issue, 1rin .err rethou;ht his position, lookin; at this in terms of

    a technolo;ical*le;al trade*oB& E think he's ri;ht& 6iven everythin! that has made it

    easier or !overnments and others to intrude on our private lives5

    we need both technolo!ical security and le!al restrictions to restore

    the traditional balance between !overnment access and oursecurity'privacy & ore companies should follo4 3pple's lead and make encryption the easy*to*use default& 3nd let's 4ait for some actual evidence of harm before 4e acPuiesce to police demands forreduced security&

    NSA decryption renders the S vulnerable to cyber attac#%amord5 De Chant 1)[ames: documentary producer for 9S and theauthor of The u??le alace, 9ody of Secrets, 3 rete

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    livin; in an 3merica 4here we no lon!er have a National Security A!ency* ,e

    have a national surveillance a!ency & 3nd until we reorm our laws and

    until we 9< the e

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    that came direct from the manufacturer& 3s 4riters Endu 9& Sin;h and oseph =& elton pointed out in The

    7uturist ma;a?ine, the ailure to ta#eeven the most basic security precautionsleaves these systems open to remote hac#in!& Et>s one reason 4hy many security 4atchers4ere hopeful that the 1bama administration>s Cybersecurity 7rame4ork, released earlier this year, 4ould force companies that preside overinfrastructure components to take these precautions, but many in the technolo;y community 4ere disappointed that the ;uidelines did notinclude hard mandates for maAor operators to 5< potential security a4s& 9ut some political leaders say that the response from industry tocyber threats has outpaced that of ;overnment& ust ask ep& ike o;ers, *ich&, chairman of the House Entelli;ence Committee, 4ho saidthat private businesses 4ere increasin;ly askin; ;overnment to defend them from cyber attacks from other nation state actors, and evenlaunch 5rst strikes a;ainst those nations& ost of the oBensive talk is from the private sector, they say 4e>ve had enou;h, o;ers said at a

    recent @ashin;ton ost cyber security summit& Et>s 4orth notin; that the e4 survey 4as made public one day after the ;roup 7ireye releaseda maAor report statin; that a ussian*;overnment aIliated ;roup 4as responsible for hackin; into the servers of a 5rm keepin; classi5ed 6&S&military data& En his remarks at the summit, o;ers sin;led out ussia as a prime tar;et for future, 6&S&*lead cyber operations& 9ut

    SCADA vulnerabilities loo# .uaint compared to the e

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    3eopardiKe our entire national !rid* ,hen word lea#s that theblac#out was caused by a cyberattac#5 the specter o a orei!nenemycapable of sendin; the entire nation into darkness would only increase the ear5turmoil and unrest& @hile the 5nance and ener;y sectors are considered prime tar;ets for a cyberattack, anattack on any of the #) delineated critical infrastructure sectors could have a maAor impact on the 6nited States& 7ores eWhealth eBorts 4ill onlyincrease that dependency& 3 cyberattack on the 6&S& eWhealth infrastructure could send our healthcare system into chaos

    and put countless of lives at risk& Ema;ine if emer;ency room physicians and sur;eons 4ere suddenly no lon;er able toaccess vital patient information& 3 cyberattack on our nation>s 4ater systems could like4ise cause 4idespread disruption&3n attack on the control systems for one or more dams could put entire communities at risk of bein; inundated, and couldcreate ripple eBects across the 4ater, a;riculture, and ener;y sectors& Similar 4ater control system attacks could be usedto at least temporarily deny 4ater to other4ise arid re;ions, impactin; everythin; from the Puality of life in these areas toa;riculture& En !""), the 6&S& Cyber ConsePuences 6nit determined that the destruction from a sin;le 4ave ofcyberattacks on critical infrastructures could et& The potential that an enemy mi;ht use a cyberattack to soften physicaldefenses, increase the ;ravity of harms from kinetic attacks, or both, si;ni5cantly increases the potential harms from acyberattack& Consider the ;ravity of the threat and risk if an enemy, ri;htly or 4ron;ly, believed that it could use acyberattack to de;rade our strate;ic 4eapons capabilities& Such an enemy mi;ht be convinced that it could 4in a 4ar8

    conventional or even nuclear8a;ainst the 6nited States& The eect o this would be toundermine our deterrenceWbased defenses, ma#in! us si!ni9cantly more atris# o a ma3or war*

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    Advanta!e Two: TechCompetitiveness

    NSA decryption has sacri9ced S tech competitiveness*Forei!n customers are shunnin! S companies and!overnmental ailure to curtail the policy has resulted inmassive competitiveness !aps0aniel Castro and 3lan2cJuinn Mune (;1), [9eyond the 6S37reedom 3ct: Ho4 6&S& Surveillance Still Subverts 6&S& Competitivenesshttp:%%444!&itif%!"#$*beyond*usa*freedom*act&pdfL

    J;aY##"N((&(MN#$N"()(()R)(NM*k4+3lmost t4o years a;o, ETE7 described ho4 revelations about pervasive di;ital surveillance by the 6&S& intelli;encecommunity could severely harm the competitiveness of the 6nited States if forei;n customers turned a4ay from 6&S&*

    made technolo;y and services Since then, *S* policyma#ers have ailed to ta#e

    su7cient action to address these surveillance concernsQ in some cases, theyhave even fanned the ames of discontent by championin; 4eak information security practices& ! En addition, othercountries have used an;er over 6&S& ;overnment surveillance as a cover for implementin; a ne4 4ave of protectionist

    policies speci5cally tar;etin; information technolo;y& The combined result is a set o policies

    both at home and abroad that sacri9ces robust competitiveness o

    the *S* tech sector or va!ue and unconvincin! promises o

    improved national security* ITIF estimated in (;18 that even amodest drop in the e

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    abroad5 and orei!n !overnments have pointed to *S* surveillanceas 3usti9cation or protectionist policies that re.uire data to be #eptwithin their national borders& En the most e

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    Scenario One: conomy

    Two Internal 4in#s " First is the tech sector

    The S economy hin!es on the tech sector " it produces(*Q trillion annually and supports a ourth o S 3obs2uro et al 1)ark, senior fello4 and director of policy for the etropolitan olicy ro;ram at 9rookin;s, onathanoth4ell, fello4 at the etropolitan olicy ro;ram at 9rookin;s, Scott 3ndes, asters in ublic olicy fromCarne;ie ellon, .enan 7ikri, &S& in local economic development from the Dondon School of conomics,and Siddharth .ulkarni, senior research assistant at the etropolitan olicy ro;ram, 3merica>s 3dvancedEndustries: @hat They 3re, @here They 3re, and @hy They atter, The Brookings Institution, 7ebruary!"#$ S

    Advanced industries represent a siKable economic anchor or the

    *S* economy and have led the post$recession employment

    recovery & odest in si?e, the sector pac#s a massive economic punch& 3s anemployer and source of economic activity the advanced industry sector plays a maAor role in the 6&S&

    economy& 3s of !"#(, the nation-s ); advanced industries-see nearby bo< for selectioncriteria/ employed 1(*8 million *S* wor#ers* That amounts to about G

    percent o total *S* employment* 3nd yet, even 4ith this modest employment base,

    *S* advanced industries produce (*Q trillionin value added annually8 1Q

    percent o all *S* ;ross domestic product - 6D+ /& That is more than any other

    sector, includin; healthcare, 5nance, or real estate& 3t the same time, the sector employsR; percent othe nation>s en!ineersQ perorms G; percent o private$sector ED !eneratesappro

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    directly*harms*internet*companies*silicon*valley*california*and*the*entire*national*economy&html2ass surveillance by the NSA may directly harm the bottom o line

    o Internet companies5 Silicon Ualley5 Caliornia V and the entire

    national economy *oney =e4s points out:The company whose shares you

    own may be lyin! to you P while ncle Sam loo#s the other way*4et-s step throu!h this* I thin# you will see the problem* Fact 1: *S*9nancial mar#ets are the envy o the world because we have airdisclosure re.uirements5 accountin! standards and impartial courts*

    This is the foundation of shareholder value& The company may lose money5 but theyat least told you the truth* Fact (: ,e now #now multiple publiccompanies5 includin! 2icrosot 2SFT5 6oo!le 6OO65 Faceboo#F% and other5 !ave their user inormation to NSA* For!et theprivacy implications or a minute* Assume or the sa#e o ar!umentthat everythin! complies with *S* law* ven i true5 the businessesmay still be at ris#* Fact 8: All these companies operate !lobally*They !et revenue rom China5 Mapan5 Eussia5 6ermany5 France andeverywhere else* Did those !overnments consent to have theircitiKens monitored by the NSA I thin# we can saely say no*+oliticians in urope are especially outra!ed*CitiKens are an;ry 4ith the

    6nited States and losin! aith in American brand names* Forei!n

    companies are already usin! their non$American status as a

    competitive advanta!e* Some plan to redesi;n net4orks speci5cally to bypass 6&S&

    companies& %y yieldin! to the NSA5 *S* companies li#ely bro#e lawselsewhere* They could ace penalties and lose si!ni9cant revenue&

    i;ht or 4ron;, their decisions could well have dama!ed the business* Securities la4yers call this materially adverse information and companies are rePuired to disclose it& 9utthey are not& 1nly chief et even tell his o4n board members he has placed the company at risk, youcan bet it 4on>t be in the annual report& The ;overnment also ;ives some et ;et to kno4& @e Aust provide the money&Since 4e don>t kno4 4hich C1s are ;overnment*approved liars, the prudent course is to assume all C1sare ;overnment*approved liars& @e can no lon;er ;ive anyone the bene5t of the doubt& Ef you are a moneymana;er 4ith a 5duciary responsibility to your investors, you are hereby on notice& 3 C1 may si;n thoseSecurities and re losin; that ability& 7or e

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    informs 9ra?ilian media that 6&S& intelli;ence is capturin; these data& They tell the 9ra?ilian public& Et is nothappy& =or are its politicians, 4ho are already on ed;e for entirely unrelated reasons @hat 4ould you sayare this company>s prospects for future business in 9ra?ilL Four choices are slim and none& They 4on>tbe the only ones hurt& Ef the 6&S& ;overnment 4on>t identify 4hich 3merican company cheated its 9ra?ilianpartners, 9ra?il 4ill Aust blame all of them& The company can kiss those ;ro4th plans ;ood*bye& This isn>t a

    fantasy& Et is happenin; ri;ht no4& The le!ality o cooperatin! with the NSAwithin the nited States is irrelevant* Immunity letters in the nited

    States do not protect the company rom liability elsewhere*Shouldn-t shareholders !et to #now when their company-s CO ta#esthese ris#s Shouldn-t the directors who hire the CO have a say in

    the matter >es5 they should* ,e now #now that they don-t* The

    trust that orms the bedroc# under *S* 9nancial mar#ets is

    crumblin!* A theme we re.uently es reaction to them 8 hit at the heart o Caliornia-s economic lie&,hether you believe the massive collection o phone and electronicrecords is a scary invasion o privacy or a necessary deense a!ainstterrorism5 you should worry about our state-s es busiestcontainer ports, and 4e are a leadin; e

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    photos5 and even stored data5 tarnishesthe Caliornia and Americanbrands&2The response rom America-s leaders /,ith respect to theInternet and emails5 this does not apply to *S* citiKens and it doesnot apply to people livin! in the nited States50 said +residentObama5 as i the privacy and trust o orei!ners were o noconse.uence*Similarly, ames Clapper, the director of national intelli;ence, said that the rismpro;ram, 4hich taps into online communications, could not be used to intentionally tar;et any 6&S&citi?en&2Such statements should be chillin; to Californians&2@ill tourists balk at visitin; us because they

    fear 6&S& monitorin;L ,ill overseas business owners thin# twice abouttradin! with us because they ear that their communications mi!htbe intercepted and used or commercial !ain by Americancompetitors2ost chillin! o all: ,ill orei!ners stop usin! theproducts and services o Caliornia technolo!y and media companies8 7acebook, Goo;le, Skype, and 3pple amon; them 8 that have been accomplices -they say un4illin;ly/

    to the ederal surveillance2The answer to that last .uestion: >es*It-s already happenin!& Asian !overnments and businesses are nowmovin! their employees and systems o 6oo!le-s 6mail and other*S*$based systems, accordin; to 3sian ne4s reports& German prosecutors are investi;atin;some of the 3merican surveillance* The issue is becomin! a stumblin! bloc# inne!otiations with the uropean nion over a new trade a!reement*Technolo!y es 3braham 7& Do4enthal observed in his indispensable book, Global California, California has thepo4er as 4ell as the ;lobal links and interests of a nation but it lacks the le;al attributes and policyinstruments of a soverei;n country&29ein; an 3merican state is an enormous headache at times like

    these 8 4hen the *S* !overnment is violatin! the privacy o orei!nerswho do business with us5 when coal$producin! states bloc#renewable ener!y le!islation5 and when Con!ress5 in the name oimmi!ration reorm5 wants to urther militariKe the border betweenCaliornia and its most important es time for her and House inority Deader =ancy elosi, 4ho has been nearly

    as tone*deaf on this issue, to be forcefully reminded that protectin! Caliornia industry5and the culture o openness and trust that is so vital to it5 is at leastas important as protectin! massive !overnment data$minin!& Suchreminders should take the force not merely of public statements but of la4&2California has a robust historyof ;oin; its o4n 4ay 8 on vehicle standards, ener;y eIciency, immi;ration, mariAuana& =o4 is the timefor another departure 8 this one on the privacy of communications&2E>m not a bi; fan of ballot measures,since they often only add more comples complicated system& 9ut on this issue, 4e need

    la4s, perhaps even a state constitutional amendment, to ma#e plain that Caliorniaconsiders the personal data and communications o all people5 be

    they American or orei!n5 to be private and worthy o protection*2Such a measure wouldn-t stop NSA surveillance, nor should it& %ut itwould !ive Caliornia$based companies some levera!e to resist themost invasive surveillance demands o ederal a!encies& And it wouldsend an unmistakable messa!e to Caliornia-s riends that we care aboutprotectin! their privacy P and #eepin! their business*

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    Caliornia economy #ey to S economyEoth 1)-9ill oth -economist and the 7ounder of arth !"#)& He coaches business o4nersand leaders on proven best practices in pricin;, marketin; and operations that make moneyand create a positive diBerence/ arch #Nth, !"#$& Climate Chan;e uts California conomy atisk of Collapse http:%%444&triplepundit&com%!"#$%"(%climate*chan;e*threatens*california*economic*collapse%

    Caliornia anchors *S* economyW This is not an article about California& Et is about you, in4hatever state you live& Caliornia-s economy is so lar!e and impacts so manyother businessesthat its potential collapsedue to a 4ater crisis will impactthepocketbooks of most Americans&2Caliornia has a (*( trillion annualeconomy* That ma#es Caliornia the seventh lar!est economy in theworld* For all the !reatness o Te

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    diBerent speeds and that the fruits of ;ro4th are not evenly shared, both in the 6nited States and othercountries&2The 6&S& economy is ;ro4in; and, after a lon; time, so is the uro 3rea& En apan, a;;ressivepolicy support and the on;oin; reform process is helpin; to spur ;ro4th& The emer;in; market economies,on the other hand, are slo4in;& 7or some, this may be a shift to4ard more balanced and sustainable;ro4th, Da;arde told the audience& 7or others, it reects the need to address imbalances that have madethem more vulnerable to the recent market turbulence&2einforcin; the point about ;lobalinterconnections, Da;arde cited the E7>s recent spillover analysis, 4hich su;;ests that if the 4orld>s 5vemaAor economies 4ere to 4ork to;ether to adopt a more ri;orous, comprehensive, and compatible set of

    policies, it could boost ;lobal G0 by about ( percent over the lon;er run&26&S& recovery ;ainin; stren;th2Da;arde noted that the *S* economy is !ainin! stren!th5 callin! this !oodnews or AmericaPand !ood news or the world economy& 3lthou;h ;ro4this still modest84ell under ! percent8it should accelerate by a full percenta;e point nes most recent assessment of the 6&S& economy&2Z 7i< public 5nances& 7iscal consolidation could beslo4er in the short run, but more action is needed to reduce lon;*run pressures on the bud;et& Da;ardealso 4arned that political uncertainty over the bud;et and debt ceilin; 4ere not helpful to the recovery& Etis essential to resolve this, and the earlier the better, she said, for con5dence, for markets, and for thereal economy&2Z 3ppropriately calibrate monetary policy& @hen the time comes, e

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    !eopolitical repercussions & En the 6&S& and urope, the do4nturn has already inspired

    unsavory, ri;ht*4in; populist movements& Et could also brin! about trade wars and

    intense competition over natural resources5 and the eventual

    brea#down o important institutions li#e uropean nion and the

    ,orld Trade Or!aniKation* ven a shootin! war is possible *@220aniel.no4les of the Tele;raph has noticed a similar trend& En a post titled, KThis eally Es 9e;innin; To Dook Dike#N(#,K .no4les ar;ues that we could be witnessin! the transition romrecession to !lobal depression that last occurred two years ater the1G(G mar#et collapse5 and ei!ht years beore 6ermany invaded+oland5 tri!!erin! the Second ,orld ,ar:22KThe diBerence today is that so far, thechain reaction of a default has been avoided by bailouts& Countries are not closin; do4n their borders or

    armin; their soldiers U they can a;ree on some solution, if not a ;ood solution& %ut theundamental problem " the spiral downwards caused by con9dencecrises and ever risin! interest rates " is e

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    Scenario Two: e!emony

    Tech Competitiveness Hey to e! " outwei!hs otherinternal lin#s

    occo Deonard 2artino, internet soft4are entrepreneur, 19ES, @inter!""Q, p& !M)*)"2uch o the orei!n policy discussion in the nited Statestoday is ocused uponthe dilemma posed by the EraP @ar and the threat posed byEslamist terrorism& These problems are, of course, both immediate and important& Ho4ever,America also aces other challen!es to its physical security andeconomic prosperity5 and these are more lon!$term and probablymore proound* There is5 9rst5 the threat posed by our declinin!competitiveness in the !lobal economy5 a threat most obviouslyrepresented by such risin! economic powers as China and India& Thereis, second, the threat posed by our increasin; dependence on oil imports from the iddle ast& oreover,these t4o threats are increasin;ly connected, as China and Endia themselves are ;reatly increasin; their

    demand for iddle ast oil& !The 6nited States of course faced ;reat challen;es to its security andeconomy in the past, most obviously from Germany and apan in the 5rst half of the t4entieth century and

    from the Soviet 6nion in the second half* Crucial to America?s ability to prevail overthese pastchallen!es 4as ourtechnolo!ical and industrialleadership5 andespecially our ability to continuously recreate it* Indeed5 the nitedStates has been uni.ue amon! !reat powers in its ability to #eep oncreatin! and recreatin! new technolo!ies and new industries5

    !eneration ater !eneration& +erpetual innovation and technolo!ical

    leadership mi!ht even be said to be the American way o

    maintainin! primacy in world aairs* They are almost certainly what

    America will have to pursue in order to prevail over the

    contemporary challen!es involvin; economic competitiveness and ener;y dependence&The computer is the 5rst machine in history that 4as invented as an adAunct of the mind& 3ll priormachines 4ere adAuncts of physical stren;th and capabilities, such as movement&Hence it is no surprise

    that, since the invention o the computer5 the !eneration o wealth

    has shited rom physical labor and associated industries to mental

    pursuits and related inventions and industries &@here in the #NM"s the 6nitedStates 4as concerned that the Soviet 6nion mi;ht overtake it in essential industries such as steel andchemicals, today it is Ereland, Endia, and China that are buildin; economies based on mental pursuitsreected and au;mented by electronic devices and applications, includin; instant information and instantcommunication& The Soviet 6nion's passa;e into history left the 6nited States the 4orld's only

    superpo4er& ,ill the nited States5 too5 be eclipsed in a new world order5where ideas and innovations are o paramount importance in

    economic !rowth and national economic security *S* prosperityand security depends on new inventions that will create the newindustries and new 3obs the new world order needs* The nitedStates is eminently positioned or this role*

    e!emony #ey to solve ISIS " creates coalitionsDavis X1= -Chris 0avis, The Strate;y to 0efeat ESES: ississippi Senator3sks 7or ore 0etails 7rom res& 1bama, N%#M%#,

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    http:%%444&ne4sms&fm%strate;y*defeat*isis*mississippi*senator*asks*details*pres*obama%/%@3SHE=GT1=, 0&C&UA well$unded5 well$e.uipped5 and sophisticated army isho4 Sen& o;er @icker described ISIS5 the Islamic state, to the Senate onday, askin; thepresident to provide more information on his plan to defeat the ;roup before it ;ro4s bi;;er and threatensmore 3mericans& @icker said he believes Con;ress should support the Commander*in*Chief, but beforethey can, they need to kno4 ho4 an airstrike campai;n, 4ithout soldiers actually on the ;round, 4ill beeBective in puttin; do4n such a lar;e movement& @icker is a senior member of the Senate 3rmed 7orcesCommittee& His comments addressed the skepticism that some 0C la4makers feel after res& 1bama>sspeech last 4eek& That skepticism is also bein; reected in polls, some of 4hich indicate that a maAority ofthe 3merican people are not sure about ho4 eBective the president>s plan may be& Con;ress and the3merican people are no4 seekin; speci5cs about the ne4 strate;y& E am hopeful that the ne4 plan is

    stron; enou;h and broad enou;h to be successful lon;*term& *S* leadership and thepro3ection o military mi!ht are critical to deeatin! the ISISes plans 4hen Secretary Ha;eland General artin 0empsey testify before the 3rmed Services Committee tomorro4& There are stillPuestions to be ans4ered& 7or es 5nancial net4orkL 3nd arethe resident and con;ressional leaders 4illin; to 5nd a solution to defense sePuestration in order to ful5llthe mission, if more resources are rePuiredL 3nd, more resources 4ill be rePuired, r& resident&3ddressin; these Puestions is important to understandin; the speci5c ;oals and aims of the resident>sstrate;y, 4hich are yet to be eshed out& 3mericans and Con;ress deserve this clarity& @icker also

    addressed 4hat he believes is the need for the Senate to pass the =ational 0efense 3uthori?ation 3ct-=033/ in order to provide the nation>s armed forces 4ith the resources they rePuire to ful5ll theirmissions& Con;ress has the responsibility to provide the resources that our 6&S& military needs for itsmissions& @e do this throu;h our appropriations, throu;h the po4er of the purse, and the =ational0efense 3uthori?ation 3ct, 4hich has ;arnered bipartisan support for the past $! years& 3n annualblueprint of the military priorities is vital to makin; sure that our troops have 4hat they need to protect ournational security interests at home and abroad& This year>s bill, for es Terror Daptop of 0oomhttp:%%forei;npolicy&com%!"#%"R%!R%found*the*islamic*states*terror*laptop*of*doom%/

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    3=T3.F3, Turkey 8 Abu Ali5 a commander o a moderate Syrian rebel !roupin northern Syria5 proudly shows a blac# laptop partly covered in dust& ,etoo#it this year rom an ISIS hideout, he says& 3bu 3li says the 5;hters from the EslamicState of EraP and al*Sham -ESES/, 4hich have since rebranded themselves as the Eslamic State, all edbefore he and his men attacked the buildin;& The attack occurred in anuary in a villa;e in the Syrianprovince of Edlib, close to the border 4ith Turkey, as part of a lar;er anti*ESES oBensive occurrin; at thetime& @e found the laptop and the po4er cord in a room, he continued, E took it 4ith me& 9ut E have no

    clue if it still 4orks or if it contains anythin; interestin;& 3s 4e s4itched on the 0ell laptop, it indeed still4orked& =or 4as it pass4ord*protected& 9ut then came a hu;e disappointment: 3fter 4e clicked on yComputer, all the drives appeared empty& 3ppearances, ho4ever, can be deceivin;& 6pon closer

    inspection, the ESES laptop 4asn>t empty at all: %uried in the /hidden 9les0 section othe computer were 1=& !i!abytes o material, containin; a total of ($,() 5les in!,(M) folders& 3bu 3li allo4ed us to copy all these 5les P which included documents inFrench5 n!lish5 and Arabic P onto an e

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    es+ capabilities& The Eslamic State>s s4eepin; ;ains in recent months may haveprovided it 4ith the capacity to develop such ne4 and dan;erous 4eapons& embers of the Aihadi ;roupare not solely 5;htin; on the front lines these days 8 they also control substantial parts of Syria and EraP&

    The fear no4 is that men like uhammed could be Puietly 4orkin; behind the front lines 8 for instance, inthe Eslamic State*controlled 6niversity of osul or in some laboratory in the Syrian city of aPPa, the;roup>s de facto capital 8 to develop chemical or biolo;ical 4eapons& En short, the lon;er the caliphatee

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    small mice, the symptoms of the disease should start to appear 4ithin ! hours,K the document says&2@hile some Eslamic scholars have said the use of 4eapons of mass destruction is prohibited, the material

    on the sei?ed computer included a fat4a, or Eslamic rulin;, permittin; it&2KI 2uslims ISISBcannot deeat theka5r [unbelievers+ in a dierent way5 it is permissibleto use weapons o mass destruction,K states the fat4a by Saudi Aihadi cleric =asir al*7ahd, 4ho is currently imprisoned in Saudi 3rabia& Kven i it #ills all o themand wipes

    themand their descendants o the ace o the arth&K2

    There-s no alternative to he! " solves conYict best%roo#es 11U h0 Candidate ] Geor;eto4n, &3& from ohns Hopkins,servin; his third term as a con;ressionally appointed member of the 6&S&*China conomic and Security evie4 Commissioneter, @hy the @orld =eeds a Stron; 3merica, 7S,http:%%444&familysecuritymatters%publications%id&NNRM%pubJdetail&aspEt>s funny, but sometimes you don-t miss somethin! until it-s !one& @hile thisold chestnut ;ets rolled out most often 4hen referrin; to a tryin; but departed friend, it mi!htalsobe said othe potential for the decline, or 4ithdra4al, oa po4erful America romthe world sta!e& Some say 3merican clout is 4anin;8that 4e>ve declined relative to others,especially 4ith the rise -or re*rise/ of China, ussia, Endia and 9ra?il, 4hich have been developin; intomaAor po4ers n recent years& Endeed, there seems to be plenty of people out there, especially abroad8andperhaps a fe4 at home, sadly84ho 4ould 4elcome the absolute decline of 3merican stren;th andinuence across the ;lobe& To those 4ho naively feel this 4ay, another old ada;e applies: 9e careful 4hat

    you 4ish for& Go*to Gal Et turns out that on security issues, the nited States is the !lobalbalance o power*@hen the N## call for the crisis de Aour comes in, the 5rst thin; the 4orld4ants to kno4 is 4hat @ashin;ton thinks8and 4hat is it 4illin; to do& @hile it has never been our

    preference, we have been a orce or stability, providin; 3merican can*do spirit toproblems and places that many 3mericans have never even heard of, much less been to& 7act is theworld doesn-t loo# to other bi! powers li#e China or Eussia whenthere is a pressin! problemfor the so*called international community, #nowin!%ei3in! and 2oscow are willin! to loo# the other wayunless they>re directlyaBected, or happy to let someone else to the heavy*liftin;, usually @ashin;ton& The world5instead,

    loo#s to the nited Statesas the country 4ith the 4ill and capability to make thin;s happen8and to do so in some of the planet>s tou;hest nei;hborhoods& This, of course, comes courtesyo the world-s best military& Et>s the only one 4ith a true ;lobal, 4e*can*;et*there*supply*ourselves*;et*the*Aob*done*and*;et*home type of mobility and sustainability that is the envy of all otherarmed forces& 9ut it>s not Aust 6&S& military muscle that makes us uniPue& @e also have stron; diplomaticforces in embassies, consulates and international institutions that span the ;lobe, ;ivin; us s4ay and a say

    on important issues& It doesn-t hurt that we also have the world-s lar!estandar;uably most innovative economy, based on the free market& En fact, it-s ama3or source o our stren!th5 bolsterin! our eorts around the!lobe& @e>re the hardest 4orkers, too& @e spend more time in the oIce, the factory and in the farm5eld than Aust about anyone else& ven the 6&=& has said the 6nited States, leads the 4orld inproductivity& 7ortunately, 4e also have the 4orld>s 5nest intelli;ence services, from the CentralEntelli;ence 3;ency to the 0efense Entelli;ence 3;ency& They don>t al4ays ;et it ri;ht, but intelli;ence is atou;h business and they ;et it ri;ht a lot more than they ;et it 4ron;8by a lon; stretch& The fact is that

    you don>t pull oB 5rst*rate diplomacy or military operations 4ithout top*notch intelli;ence, collected fromthe ;round by darin; spies, in the air by manned and unmanned aircraft or from space by advanced eyein the sky satellites& 7or instance, 4ithout ;reat, painstakin; intell i;ence 4ork, there 4ould have been nospecial forces raid on 1sama bin Daden>s compound in akistan in ay& eriod& 1ur diplomatic, military andintelli;ence professionals do it so 4ell so often, people Aust take it for ;ranted they>ll ;et it ri;ht& Et>s onthose rare times 4here they ;et it 4ron; that you hear about it from Capitol Hill or read about it in thene4spapers& 3nd 4hile enemies8and sometimes friends and allies8critici?e Dady Diberty for bein; bi;,po4erful and out and about, the truth is this country of ours has provided, and continues to provide, a4orld of ;ood& e;ional ole @hile fe4 take the time to reali?e all 3merica does, much less ackno4led;e

    our often*seless contributions, the fact is we-re ma#in! a dierence inso many placesaround the 4orld& Det>s start 4ith the .orean eninsula& ver since the cease*5re bet4een =orth .orean

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    and Chinese forces and the 6nited =ations, led by the 3mericans, 4as concluded in #N$(, 4e>ve been astabili?in; force reducin; the risk of another conict on the divided .orean peninsula& ven today, !$,"""

    6&S& troops -far from home/ help keep the peace across themisnamed demilitari?ed ?one -D2Z/a;ainst a =orth .orean re;ime, 4hich still harbors dreams of unitin;8militarily, if necessary8the =orthand South under its despotic rule& @ithout the presence of 3merican forces, a second .orean 4ar has been8and still is8a distinct possibility& Et's easy to assume that another 4ar 4ould be even more horri5c thanthe last, especially considerin; =orth .orea no4 has nuclear 4eapons& 3nd 4hat about apan, 4here

    $,""" 6&S& troops are stationedL The 6&S& military has also played a hu;e role inMapanesesecuritysince the end of @orld @ar EE& This has not only allo4ed apan to prosper economically andpolitically8like South .orea8but it helped stabili?e 3sia in the aftermath of 4ar, too& The presence of 6&S&forces and the es ;ro4in; po4er8and seriousPuestions about its intentions in the re;ion& erhaps most troublin; is 9eiAin;>s unprecedented militarybuildup, supported by the 4orld>s second lar;est defense bud;et& Ets military spendin; has been ;ro4in;at a double*di;it rate, meanin; #" percent or more, for the last t4o decades, raisin; eyebro4s across there;ion& 0espite the absence of a threat to China, 9eiAin; is developin; a hi;hly potent military, capable ofproAectin; po4er in the air and on the seas 4ell into the aci5c, d4ar5n; other re;ional militaries,

    especially cross*Strait rival Tai4an& In South Asia5 the nited States has alsoplayed a #ey diplomatic rolein #eepin!rivals India and +a#istan romunleashin; the do;s of warin South 3sia8possibly leadin! to history?s 9rst nuclearweapons es Strait of Hormu?, 4here asmuch as " percent of the 4orld>s black ;old o4s to markets across the ;lobe, courtesy of the 6&S& =avy&

    Today, the likelihood of a maAor 4ar in urope is thankfully Aust about nil, but considerin; 4eak uropean

    defense spendin;, absent American military mi!ht5 NATO mi!ht be littlemore than a paper ti!erin the face of an increasin;ly ;ro4ly ussian bear& osco4, 4hich hasambitions of bein; a maAor po4er broker internationally, is already breathin; do4n the neck of its KnearabroadK nei;hbors, especially in its old Soviet 6nion*era stompin> ;rounds like Geor;ia and 6kraine& Etdoesn>t end there& Transnational Trouble Ef it 4eren>t for our spooks and special operations forces, 1samabin Daden 4ould still be stalkin; the arth, callin; the shots for al Vaeda and its aIliates around the 4orlda;ainst a sle4 of countries that have suBered at his hands and those of his terror cohorts& @hile killin; binDaden may not be the knockout punch to al Vaeda that 4e all hope it is, it 4as certainly a maAor bodyblo4, and the ;roup 4ill l ikely be shakin; it oB on the canvas for a bit& 3merican drone strikes in theakistani tribal areas on the Taliban and in Femen on al Vaeda factions make sure the terrorists kno4 thatthey>re never completely out of reach of the lon; arm of Dady Diberty& @eapons of mass destruction -@0/4ould be more common than they are today 4ithout 6&S& eBorts like the 9ush*era roliferation SecurityEnitiative, 4hich Aoins states to;ether to 5;ht the spread of these deadly technolo;ies and 4eapons& 7orinstance, 3merican eBorts in recent years led directly to Dibya surrenderin; its nuclear pro;ram, and4ithout our uncoverin; the net4ork of akistan's prodi;ious proliferator, 3&V& .han, he>d still be ;oin; doorto door, ha4kin; his nuclear 4ares to 4ho*kno4s*4ho& =ot surprisin;ly, our cuttin;*ed;e en;ineers andscientists are developin; the 4orld>s most prodi;ious ballistic missile defense system to protect the3merican homeland, our deployed troops, allies and friends that face the ;ro4in; @0 and missile threat&

    @hy be held hosta;e to =orth .orea, 4hich can likely hit the @est Coast of the 6nited States 4ith anuclear missile, or Eran, 4hich 4ill have an intercontinental ballistic missile -EC9/ that can reach out antouch us as soon as !"#$L oreover, our =avy patrols the 4orld>s oceans, providin; freedom of the seas8free of char;e& Et also protects international shippin; a;ainst sea banditry and modern*day piracy, a;ro4in; problem especially in Southeast 3sia and oB the Horn of 3frica& 9ut that>s not all& 6ncle Su;ar Enaddition, 6&S& intelli;ence assets, especially satellites, provide critical information to the internationalcommunity, includin; early 4arnin; of crises and on;oin; support durin; hostilities or humanitarian

    emer;encies on a scale no one else can& ,ashin!ton hasalso been #ey in conductin!humanitarian relie operationsto tsunami victims in Southeast Asia andMapanand to those stru;;lin; in the aftermath of the devastatin; earthPuakesin +a#istan and

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    aiti& En addition, the 3merican medical ship 6S=S ercy and other 6&S& =avy ships ply the Seven Seasperformin; numerous humanitarian missions around the 4orld every year, brin;in; much*needed help tothose 4ithout access to basic medical care& 1f course, there are other ;enerous ;ifts from 6ncle Sam,startin; 4ith the lion>s share of the 6nited =ations> bud;et& @e also fund half the operations of the @orld7ood ro;ram, feedin; more than #"" million people in nearly R" countries& oreover, 4e also contributeto 6&=& pro;rams 4hich 5;ht HEO%3E0SQ vaccinates, educates and protects children across the ;lobeQ battleshuman traIckin;Q combats child laborQ and supports international peacekeepin;& @e>re also the 4orld>strainer, providin; military, counterterror and counternarcotics education, and ePuipment to some #("

    countries around the 4orld, especially in places like Datin 3merica and the iddle ast, 4here the needruns hi;h& Colombia, 4hich came close to fallin; to the narcoterrorist ;roup, the 73C, turned into thecounterterror and counterinsur;ency success story it is today because of 3merican assistance and trainin;&Colombia isno4 helpin; es 3mericaL 3bsent 3merica Sin;apore>s

    former prime minister, Dee .4an Fe4, had it ri;ht 4hen he told the @all Street ournal recently,Theworld has developed because o the stability America establishedEfthat stability is rocked, 4e are ;oin; to have a diBerent situation& 9y diBerent, it>s unlikely Dee believes

    thin;s 4ill be better& 6nfortunately, in the role of providin; for ;lobal stability and public ;oods, thereis nobody else to relieve the nited States o this duty8at least for the

    moment& Nor are any o the prospective candidates loo#in! !ood& @hilesome 4ould like to see the nited Nationsin this role, it has beennothin; short of adisappointment& @hile some at the 6&=& mean 4ell, it is hamstrun; by its o4n diversity of valuesand interests, leavin; it often Puite feckless in dealin; 4ith the matters that everyone a;rees rePuires

    action& China and Eussia seem to be aspirin! or a *S*$type role5althou!h it-s unli#ely that the world would be happy with their style5or manner5 o international leadership or approach to worldproblems such as human or political ri!hts or security issues& Endeed,absent predominant *S* leadership, diplomatic inuence, free market economics andmilitary mi;ht, lie aboard +lanet arth would be pretty !rim, indeed&

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    SolvencyThe Secure Data Act would prevent mandated NSAbac#doors and bolster trust in Con!ress- ability to restrict

    surveillance,ic#lander 1)[Carl: politics 4riter 9ipartisan Secure 0ata 3ct Has Ootesto ass House, 9ut @ill Da4makers 0ra; Their 7eetL, Endependent Ooter=et4ork, 7ebruary N, !"#$, http:%%ivn&us%!"#$%"!%"N%bipartisan*secure*data*act*votes*pass*house*4ill*la4makers*dra;*feet%%% emb+&Dast 4eek5 a bipartisan !roup o le!islators introduced a bill intended

    to protect Americans- privacy and online data*WEn a press release, *S*Eeps& Thomas 2assie-*.y&/, ames Sensenbrenner-*@is&/, and^oe 4o!ren-0*Calif&/ announced that the purpose o the Secure Data Act o (;1) isnotto restrict the ability of intelli;ence a;encies to collect data in ;eneral& Ho4ever, they do intend to re$assert the role o Con!ress in re!ulatin! these activities:W /Con!ress

    has allowed the Administration-s surveillance authorities to !ounchec#ed by ailin! to enact ade.uate reorm* * * * ,ith threats toour homeland ever prevalent5 we should not tie the hands o theintelli!ence community* %ut unwarranted5 bac#door surveillance isindeensible* The Secure Data Act is an important step in rebuildin!public trust in our intelli!ence a!encies and stri#in! the appropriatebalance between national security and civil liberty*0W The bill is anattempt to speci9cally !uard a!ainst bac#door searches5 includin; those4here identi5ers such as phone numbers and e*mail addresses kno4n to belon; to 3mericans areemployed to conduct the searches& 7or years, privacy advocates have denounced these types of searches

    as a 4ay to skirt the la4&2 3ccordin; to the e;ister, a 6.*based tech site, nder the proposedSecure Data Act5 developers cannot be orced to insert securityholes into devices and code*0 3n 3CD6 la4yer Puoted in the story said that the previousbill>s success mi;ht indicate that at least in the House they kno4 ho4 important it is to secure encryptioneBorts&2 assie, Dof;ren, and Sensenbrenner tried to pass a similar version of the Secure 0ata 3ct nearthe end of the ##(th Con;ress& The le;islation passed 4ith broad support, !N(*#!(, but 4as not includedin the omnibus bill that passed at the end of the session&2 3 Senate version of the Secure 0ata 3ct 4asintroduced by 1re;on 6&S& Sen& on @yden -0/ in anuary& His bill is still 4aitin; to move throu;h theSenate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation&2 e;ainin; the people>s trust may be one of

    the harder obstacles 4hen it comes to re;ulations on spyin; and surveillance& +olls haveconsistently shown that Americans do not approve o the currentmethods o surveillance and data collection*W +revious bills havepassed Con!ress see#in! to limit the power and authority oa!encies li#e the National Security A!ency* owever5 the 9nalproducts were severely watered down versions o the initialle!islation* ven e

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    enforcement protect a;ainst cybercrime, The Hill,0ecember #N, !"#http:%%thehill&com%blo;s%con;ress*blo;%technolo;y%!!)$N*the*secure*data*act*could*help*la4*enforcement*protect*a;ainst %%emb+Dast Sunday, Sen& on @yden -0*1re&/ 4rote an op*ed describin; the role that 6&S& la4 enforcement should play infosterin; stron;er data encryption to make information technolo;y -ET/ systems more secure& This op*ed es

    introduction of the the Secure Data Act, 4hich would prohibit the !overnmentrom mandatin! that *S* companies build /bac#doors0 in theirproducts or the purpose o surveillance*This le;islation responds directly to recentcomments by 6&S& oIcials, most notably the 7ederal 9ureau of Envesti;ation -79E/ 0irector ames Comey, chastisin; 3ppleand Goo;le for creatin; encrypted devices to 4hich la4 enforcement cannot ;ain access& Comey and others have ar;uedthat 6&S& tech companies should desi;n a 4ay for la4 enforcement oIcials to access consumer data stored on those

    devices& En this environment, the Secure Data Act is a homerun or security and

    privacy and is a !ood step towards reassertin! *S* competitiveness

    in buildin! secure systems or a !lobal mar#et* 9y adoptin; its position on the issuethe 79E is 4orkin; a;ainst its o4n ;oal of preventin; cybercrime as 4ell as broader ;overnment eBorts to improvecybersecurity& ust a fe4 years a;o, the 9ureau 4as counselin; people to better encrypt their data to safe;uard it from

    hackers& Creatin! bac#door access or law enorcement undamentallywea#ens IT systems because it creates a new pathway or malicioushac#ers5 orei!n !overnments5 and other unauthoriKed parties to

    !ain illicit access* Ee.uirin! bac#doors is a step bac#wards orcompanies actively wor#in! to eliminate security vulnerabilities intheir products* In this way5 security is a lot li#e a ship at sea5 themore holes you put in the systemP!overnment mandated or notP

    the aster it will sin#& The better solution is to patch up all the holes

    in the system and wor# to prevent any new ones* Eather than

    decreasin! security to suit its appetite or surveillance , the 79E should

    reco;ni?e that better security is needed to bolster *S* deenses a!ainstonline threats* 2The Secure Data Act is an important step in thatdirection because it will stop *S* law enorcement a!encies romre.uirin! companies to introduce vulnerabilities in their products*Ef

    this bill is enacted, la4 enforcement 4ill be forced to use other means to solve crimes, such as by usin; metadata fromcellular providers, call records, te

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    F>Is ' Eelevant %ac#!round


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    ,hat is %ullrun

    This is what it is*+erlroth and Shane 18[=icole: technolo;y reporter for The =e4 Fork

    Times, covers cyberattacks, hackers and the cybersecurity industry for TheTimes>s business ne4s section, 4inner of the Society of 3merican 9usinessditors and @riters a4ard for best technolo;y covera;e in !"#(, and 4asvoted the top cybersecurity Aournalist by the S3=S Enstitute in !"# andScott: 3merican Aournalist, currently employed by The =e4 Fork Times,reportin; principally about the 6nited States intelli;ence community, =&S&3&3ble to 7oil 9asic Safe;uards of rivacy on @eb, The =e4 Fork Times,September $, !"#(,http:%%ctvoterscount%CTOCdata%#(%"N%=FTimes!"#("N"$&pdf %% emb+&The National Security A!ency is winnin! its lon!$runnin! secret waron2encryption5 usin! supercomputers5 technical tric#ery5 courtorders and behind the$scenes2persuasion to undermine the ma3or

    tools protectin! the privacy o2everyday communications in theInternet a!e5 accordin! to newly disclosed2documents&2The a!encyhas circumvented or crac#ed much o the encryption5or di;ital2scramblin;,that !uards !lobal commerce and ban#in! systems5 protects2sensitive data li#e trade secrets and medical records5 andautomatically secures2the e$mails5 ,eb searches5 Internet chats andphone calls o Americans and2others around the world5the documentssho4&22any users assume P or have been assured by Internetcompanies P that their2data is sae rom pryin! eyes5 includin!those o the !overnment5 and the N*S*A*2wants to #eep it that way*

    The a;ency treats its recent successes in decipherin;2protected information as amon; its most closely

    ;uarded secrets, restricted to2those cleared or a hi!hly classi9edpro!ram code$named %ullrun, accordin; to2the documents, provided by d4ard &Sno4den, the former =&S&3& contractor&2%e!innin! in (;;;, as encryption tools 4ere ;raduallyblanketin; the @eb, the2N*S*A* invested billions o dollars in a clandestinecampai!n to preserve its2ability to eavesdrop*Havin; lost a public battle in the#NN"s to insert its o4n2back door in all encryption, it set out to accomplish the same ;oal by stealth&2

    The a!ency, accordin; to the documents and intervie4s 4ith industry oIcials,2deployedcustom$built5 superast computers to brea# codes5 and be!an2collaboratin! with technolo!y companies in the nited Statesandabroad to2build entry points into their products& The documents do not identify4hich2companies have participated& The N*S*A* hac#ed into tar!et computers to

    snare messa!es beore they were2encrypted*En some cases, companies

    say they were coerced by the !overnment2into handin! over their

    master encryption #eys or buildin! in a bac# door* And2

    the a!encyused its inYuence as the world-s most e

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    pro;ram, another memo said, those not already briefed24ere ;obsmacked_2 An intelli!ence

    bud!et document ma#es clear that the eort is still !oin! stron!* 2@e are investin; in ;roundbreakin; cryptanalytic capabilities to defeat2adversarial crypto;raphy andes reach in scoopin; up vast amounts of communications around the24orld& The encryption

    documents no4 sho4, in strikin; detail, ho4 the a;ency24orks to ensure that it is actually able to read theinformation it collects&2The a;ency>s success in defeatin; many of the privacy protections oBered by2encryption does not chan;e the rules that prohibit the deliberate tar;etin; of23mericans> e*mails or phonecalls 4ithout a 4arrant& 9ut it sho4s that the2a;ency, 4hich 4as sharply rebuked by a federal Aud;e in!"## for violatin; the2rules and misleadin; the 7orei;n Entelli;ence Surveillance Court, cannot2

    necessarily be restrained by privacy technolo;y* N*S*A* rules permit the a!ency2tostore any encrypted communication5 domestic or orei!n5 or as lon!as the2a!ency is tryin! to decrypt it or analyKe its technicaleatures*

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    Hid tested5 mother approved

    ,e need to wa#e up rom the dream o +ro3ect %ullrun*,e can no lon!er live in the past5 but must reorm our

    internet security6ranneman 18oseph, resident e

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    %ac#doorow bac#doors wor#

    Tech blo! 11- -Ho4 Hackers 6se 9ackdoors to 3ccess a =et4orkQhttp:%%444&thrivenet4orks&com%blo;%cate;ory%client*services%/%ac#doors are a method that hac#ers use to establish unauthoriKedaccess to a networ# rom a remote location* ac#ers use bac#doorsas a means o !ainin! repeated access to a networ# without bein!lo!!ed by the systems administrator* This type of net4ork intrusion hides itspresence4hile the hacker is actually usin; the net4ork 4ithout the kno4led;e of others& Ho49ackdoors ,or# ac#ers !ain access to a networ# by creatin! bac#doorson compromised systems& This is accomplished by searchin! orvulnerabilitiesin the net4ork such as unused accounts 4hich havepass4ords that are easy tocrack&1nce the intruder is in they chan;e the pass4ord to a diBerent pass4ord that is diIcult to break&@hen the systems administrator monitors the net4ork, the account 4here the hacker modi5ed the

    pass4ord does not appear& This ma#es it di7cult to determine which accounts

    are unused and should be loc#ed rom the networ#*3lthou;h a bac#dooris capable o hidin! a hac#er-s initial entry rom the systems lo!, theintruder can still continue to access the networ#despite the fact that thesystems administratorhas detected unauthori?ed access in the systems lo;& This is especially true if the

    default pass4ordscreated by the manufacturer are left on the system* A bac#door is used byhac#ers to install malware or the purpose o stealin! inormationfroma net4ork such as company trade secrets or customer 5nancial data* %ac#doors can also beused to launch Denial o Service attac#s which can brin! down anentire company networ#*0oS attacksare performed by sendin; an e

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    Decryption "The de5nition of decryption is to decode or to decifer


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    !overnmental institutions and industries are sub3ect to cyberattac#s5 intrusion and industrial espiona!e& The follo4in; are chronolo;ical historyof crypto;raphy

    6CJ " this is the 6overnmental Communicationsead.uarters5 6reat %ritain-s version o +ro3ect %ullrun

    NSA " National Security Administration

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    NSA Decryption ,or#s Now

    The NSA can crac# encryption codes in virtually real time%CANAN18att 9uchanan 4as a science and technolo;y editor for ne4yorker&com from !"#( to !"# /

    http:%%444&ne4yorker&com%tech%elements%ho4*the*n*s*a*cracked*the*4eb mmCrypto!raphic and security e

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    NSA ,innin! ncryption ,ar

    The NSA is winnin! the encryption war " they-ve crac#edmost o what !uards ban#in!5 trade secrets5 medical

    records5 emails5 internet comm4arson 18[eB: 0ata ditor at roublica& @on the Divin;ston 34ard,evealed: The =S3>s Secret Campai;n to Crack, 6ndermine EnternetSecurity, roublica, September $, !"#(http:%%444&propublica%article%the*nsas*secret*campai;n*to*crack*undermine*internet*encryption %%emb+&The National Security A!ency is winnin! its lon!$runnin! secret war onencryption5 usin! supercomputers5 technical tric#ery5 court ordersand behind$the$scenes persuasion to undermine the ma3or toolsprotectin! the privacy o everyday communications in the Interneta!e5accordin; to ne4ly disclosed documents&2This story has been reported in partnership bet4een The=e4 Fork Times, the Guardian and roublica based on documents obtained by The Guardian&2The

    a!ency has circumvented or crac#ed much o the encryption5 ordi!ital scramblin!5 that !uards !lobal commerce and ban#in!systems5 protects sensitive data li#e trade secrets and medicalrecords5 and automatically secures the e$mails5 ,eb searches5Internet chats and phone calls o Americans and others around theworld, the documents sho4&2any users assume 8 or have been assured by Enternet companies 8that their data is safe from pryin; eyes, includin; those of the ;overnment, and the =&S&3& 4ants to keep it

    that 4ay& The a!ency treats its recent successes in decipherin!protected inormation as amon! its most closely !uarded secrets5restricted to those cleared or a hi!hly classi9ed pro!ram code$named %ullrun, accordin; to the documents, provided by d4ard & Sno4den, the former =&S&3&contractor&

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    Tech Companies Cooperate Now

    The NSA has created a decryption bac#door " techcompanies have cooperated with the NSA to build

    permanent entry points into their encryption products4arson 18[eB: 0ata ditor at roublica& @on the Divin;ston 34ard,evealed: The =S3>s Secret Campai;n to Crack, 6ndermine EnternetSecurity, roublica, September $, !"#(http:%%444&propublica%article%the*nsas*secret*campai;n*to*crack*undermine*internet*encryption %%emb+&9e;innin; in !""", as encryption tools 4ere ;radually blanketin; the @eb, the N*S*A* investedbillions o dollars in a clandestine campai!n to preserve its ability toeavesdrop* avin! lost a public battle in the 1GG;s to insert its own/bac# door0 in all encryption5 it set out to accomplish the same !oalby stealth*2The a!ency5 accordin! to the documents and interviewswith industry o7cials5 deployed custom$built5 superast computers

    to brea# codes5 and be!an collaboratin! with technolo!y companiesin the nited States and abroad to build entry points into theirproducts*The documents do not identify 4hich companies have participated*2The N*S*A*hac#ed into tar!et computers to snare messa!es beore they wereencrypted* And the a!ency used its inYuence as the world-s moste

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    6overnment 4i#es %ac#doors

    6overnment currently pushin! or bac#doorsCastillo &'1&'1)[3ndrea, pro;ram mana;er for the Technolo;y olicy

    ro;ram at the ercatus Center at Geor;e ason 6niversity, coauthor of9itcoin: 3 rimer for olicymakers -ercatus/, Givin; Government '9ackdoor'3ccess to ncrypted 0ata Threatens ersonal rivacy and =ational Security,eason&com, http:%%reason&com%archives%!"#$%"M%#M%crypto*4ars*4eaken*encryption*security%%=3

    The KCrypto @arsK are here a;ain, 4hich means federal oIcials are doin; all they can to limit the

    technolo;ical tools that keep our personal data secure* +resident Obama and leadersrom the National Security A!ency NSA5 F%I5 and Department oomeland Security DS have been pressurin! the technolo!ycommunity to build @bac#doors@ that allow !overnment access toencrypted data* The ,ar on Terror provides plenty o rhetoricalammunition to these anti$encryption o7cials5 who seem to believethat purposeully sabota!in! our stron!est deenses a!ainst@cyberterrorists@ is an eective way to promote national security*%ut they are dan!erously wron!, as recent revelations of decades*old securityvulnerabilities imposed by encryption restrictions make all too clear& ncryption allo4s people to securelysend data that can only be accessed by veri5ed parties& athematical techniPues convert the content of amessa;e into a scrambled Aumble, called a ciphertes o4n poor authentication practices8even made the case thatencryption 4as the Kbest defenseK to protect private data& Fetintelli!ence a!encies and their allies have consistently set out tolimit encryption technolo!ies-many of 4hich they developed or relied upon themselvespreviously/& The seeds o the 9rst Crypto ,ars were sown durin! the Cold,ar, 4hen the 6&S& imposed stron; e

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    http:%%444&pc4orld&com%article%!RR))N!%nsa*director*4ants*;ovt*access*to*encrypted*communications&html+Et probably comes as no surprise that the director o the *S* National SecurityA!ency wants access to encrypted data on computers and otherdevices*2The *S* should be able to crat a policy that allows theNSA and law enorcement a!encies to read encrypted data when

    they need to5 NSA director 2ichael Eo!ers said durin! anappearance at a cybersecurity policy event 2onday*2As#ed i the*S* !overnment should have bac#doors to encrypted devices5Eo!ers said the *S* !overnment needs to develop a /ramewor#*02/>ou don-t want the F%I and you don-t want the NSA unilaterallydecidin!5 XSo5 what are we !oin! to access and what are we not!oin! to access-0 Eo!ers said durin! his appearance at the NewAmerica Foundation* /That shouldn-t be or us* I 3ust believe thatthis is achievable* ,e-ll have to wor# our way throu!h it*02ustsecurityhasa transcript of an es event&2o;ers isn>t the 5rst

    member of resident 9arack 1bama>s administration to call for encryption 4orkarounds in recent months& InSeptember5 ater Apple and 6oo!le announced encryption eatures

    on their smartphone OSes5 both F%I Director Mames Comey andAttorney 6eneral ric older raised concerns that additionalencryption tools would hinder law enorcement investi!ations*2StamosPuestioned 4hether it is a ;ood idea to build backdoors in encryption& /I we-re !oin! to builddeects'bac#doors or !olden master #eys or the *S* !overnment5do you believe we should do so **** or the Chinese !overnment5 theEussian !overnment5 the Saudi Arabian !overnment5 the Israeli!overnment5 the French !overnment0he said, accordin; to the ustsecurity transcript&2o;ers obAected to usin; the 4ord backdoor& @hen E hear the phrase backdoor>, E think, @ell, this is kind of shady&

    @hy 4ould you 4ant to ;o in the backdoor It would be very public5-0 he said* /A!ain5my view is: ,e can create a le!al ramewor# or how we do this* Itisn-t somethin! we have to hide5 per se*023n =S3 spokes4oman 4asn>t immediatelyavailable for further comment&

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    1AC $ Secure Data Act not passin!

    The Secure Data Act has been introduced several timesbut with no hope or passin! " even tac#in! on anti$

    decryption measures to other bills has stalled%ennett &'('1)[Cory: covers cybersecurity for The Hill, Senators pushamendment to bar encryption 'backdoors', The Hill, une !, !"#$http:%%thehill&com%policy%cybersecurity%!()!$*senators*push*for*amendment*to*bar*encryption*backdoors %%emb+&Sens*and +aul-*.y&/andon ,yden-0*1re&/ want to amend the Senate-ssurveillance reorm bill so it would orbid the !overnment romcompellin! companies to install access points into their encryption*23s the Senate moves to4ard a 5nal vote Tuesday on its reform bill, the 6S3 7reedom 3ct, +aul and,yden are pushin! or their collea!ues to vote on a slate oamendments they say would enhance the privacy provisions in thebill*21ne of the main additions they want to seeis a provision barrin! the

    !overnment rom re.uirin! so$called /bac#doors0 in encryption8 anaccess point kno4n only to la4 enforcement&29ut it appears the upper chamber will only

    vote on amendments oered by Senate 2a3ority 4eader 2itch

    2cConnell -*.y&/& +rivacy !roups have alle!ed that 2cConnell-s

    amendments will simply water down the reorm bill5 4hich the epublicanleader initially opposed&2aul has been leadin; the char;e a;ainst es spyin; po4ers authori?ed under the atriot 3ct& He blocked any short*term et ;o far enou;h&2@yden,also a vocal =S3 critic, has Aoined aul to press for votes on privacy*focused amendments to the 6S37reedom 3ct&23 measure barrin; backdoors has been one of the most sou;ht*after provisions amon; tech*savvy la4makers and the privacy community in recent years&23 bipartisan ;roup of la4makers is 5;htin;

    4ith the 1bama administration over the concept&26overnment o7cials ar!ue thatinvesti!ators need some way to le!itimately access encrypted dataon devices and social media platorms& Technolo;ists and numerous la4makerscounter that any form of ;uaranteed access makes encryption inherently vulnerable&2,yden andothers have several times introduced the Secure Data Act5 a stand$alone bill that would prohibit the !overnment rom mandatin!

    bac#doors*2%ut the measure hasn-t seen any movement 5 causin!

    lawma#ers to try and tac# it on to other surveillance and cyber bills*

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    Current 4aws Inade.uate

    Current laws have not #ept pace with tech innovations5leavin! 9nancial sectors vulnerable to cyberattac#*

    Heatin! et al &'1)'1)[7rank .eatin;: former ;overnor of 1klahomafrom #NN$ to !""( and is currently president and C1 of the 3merican9ankers 3ssociationQ ichard Hunt: president and C1 of the Consumer9ankers 3ssociationQ im =ussle:con;ressman from Eo4a from #NN# to !"")and is currently president and C1 of the Credit 6nion =ational 3ssociationQ

    Tim a4lenty: ;overnor of innesota from !""( to !"## and is currentlypresident and C1 of the 7inancial Services oundtableQ Camden & 7ine:president and C1 of the Endependent Community 9ankers of 3mericaQ 0&0an 9er;er: president and C1 of the =ational 3ssociation of 7ederal Credit6nionsQ and im 3ramanda: president and C1 of The Clearin; House& Theiror;ani?ations are members of the 7inancial Services 0ata Security Coalition,Con;ress must act a;ainst cyber crime, The Hill, une #$, !"#$,

    http:%%thehill&com%blo;s%con;ress*blo;%technolo;y%!RR*con;ress*must*act*a;ainst*cyber*crime %%emb+&@hen consumer et match reality, thin;s can ;o terribly 4ron;& 23mericans e

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    Carney have adeptly crafted bills that 4ould ensure all parties in the custody of sensitive consumerinformation take reasonable precautions to protect this information before a breach occurs& Et>s time to do4hat>s best for consumers& @e ur;e everyone involved in the payment system and entrusted 4ithconsumers> 5nancial information to rally behind eBective le;islation to better protect consumers andstron;ly support the 0ata Security 3ct of !"#$&

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    ADU " %ac#doors

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  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    Cyber ,ar Comin!

    A cyberwar is comin!* It is not an issue o i but when thewar be!ins

    Helly 18 [Samantha urphy, 0eputy Tech ditor for ashable,

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    Decryption [\ Crypto$Arms Eace

    America-s use o %ullrun le!itimiKes it or theinternational community " causes a crypto$arms race with

    Eussia ChinaCastillo 1)3ndrea, pro;ram mana;er for the Technolo;y olicy ro;ram at the ercatus Center at Geor;e ason6niversity, Givin; Government '9ackdoor' 3ccess to ncrypted 0ata Threatens ersonal rivacy and=ational Security,M%#M%#$ http:%%reason&com%archives%!"#$%"M%#M%crypto*4ars*4eaken*encryption*securityS

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    4in#s " %ac#doors

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    Decryption %ac#doors

    %ac#doors that aim to subvert encryption systems areeasily e

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    the post*Sno4den era, they're about to try a;ain& @e need to 5;ht this& Stron! encryptionprotects us rom a panoply o threats* It protects us rom hac#ersand criminals* It protects our businesses rom competitors andorei!n spies* It protects people in totalitarian !overnments romarrest and detention*This isn't Aust me talkin;: The 79E also recommends you encrypt yourdata for security* As or law enorcement The recent decades have !iven

    them an unprecedented ability to put us under surveillance andaccess our data*1ur cell phones provide them 4ith a detailed history of our movements& 1ur callrecords, email history, buddy lists, and 7acebook pa;es tell them 4ho 4e associate 4ith& The hundreds ofcompanies that track us on the Enternet tell them 4hat 4e're thinkin; about& 6biPuitous cameras captureour faces every4here& 3nd most of us back up our ihone data on iCloud, 4hich the 79E can still ;et a

    4arrant for& It truly is the !olden a!e o surveillance* 3fter considerin; the issue,1rin .err rethou;ht his position, lookin; at this in terms of a technolo;ical*le;al trade*oB& E think he's ri;ht&

    6iven everythin! that has made it easier or !overnments and

    others to intrude on our private lives5 we need both technolo!ical

    security and le!al restrictions to restore the traditional balance

    between !overnment access and our security'privacy & ore companies

    should follo4 3pple's lead and make encryption the easy*to*use default& 3nd let's 4ait for some actualevidence of harm before 4e acPuiesce to police demands for reduced security&

    NSA$build bac#doors are the problem rom hell " theyma#e all data insecure and eS E3CT 1= THC1=1F, E=T=T 701, 3=0 CF9SC6ETF uly !R, !"#https:%%444&ne4america%oti%surveillance*costs*the*nsas*impact*on*the*

    economy*internet*freedom*and*cybersecurity%+In (;115 6eneral 2ichael ayden, who had earlier been director oboth the National Security A!ency and the Central Intelli!enceA!ency5 d escribed the idea o computer hardware with hidden/bac#doors0 planted by an enemy as /the problem rom hell*0Thismonth, ne4s reports based on leaked documents said that the NSA itsel has used thattactic5 wor#in! with *S* companies to insert secret bac#doors intochips and other hardware to aid its surveillance eorts& That revelation

    particularly concerned security ea;encies are doin; the same thin;, or that !roups other than the NSA

    mi!ht 9nd and e

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    le!al restrictions on surveillance*/ardware is li#e a public !oodbecause everybody has to rely on it, says Simha Sethumadhavan, an associateprofessor at Columbia 6niversity 4ho researches 4ays to detect backdoors in computer chips& Ihardware is compromised in some way5 you lose security in a veryundamental way*00espite a fe4 alle;ations a;ainst various ;overnments, there are no publiclycon5rmed cases of backdoors in computer hard4are bein; deployed& Ho4ever, in recent years

    security researchers have repeatedly demonstrated the power andstealth o compromised hardware5 mostly by embeddin! bac#doorsinto the 9rmware o +C components* 1ne presentation at the 9lack Hat securityconference last year sho4ed oB a 4ay to backdoor a ne4 C so that even s4itchin; the hard drive 4on>t

    close the door -see 3 Computer Enfection That Can =ever 9e Cured/& *S*o7cials and policy ma#ers have also spo#en stron!ly about thepossibility that such tactics mi!ht be in use by China5 citin! that!overnment-s attitude toward the *S* and the act that a lar!eproportion o all computer hardware is manuactured in the country-see @hy the 6&S& Es So 3fraid of Hua4ei/& Ho4ever, until the recent reports, includin; amaAor piece in the New York Timesearlier this month, there had never been speci5c public claims that a;overnment 4as insertin; secret vulnerabilities into computer hard4are& The Timesreport says, ho4ever,

    that the NSA inserted bac#doors into some encryption chips that

    businesses and !overnments use to secure their data5 and that thea!ency wor#ed with an unnamed *S* manuacturer to addbac#doors to computer hardware about to be shipped to an overseastar!et* /There has always been a lot o speculation and hintin!about hardware bein! bac#doored50 says Steve ,eis5 CT1 and cofounder ofrivateCore, a startup 4hose soft4are for cloud servers can oBer protection a;ainst some kinds ofmalicious hard4are& This builds the case for that bein; ri;ht& @eis believes that manycompanies in the *S* and elsewhere will now thin# a!ain aboutwhere their hardware comes rom5 and who has access to it* %utscopin! out potential problems is not strai!htorward or manycompanies5 which now put data5 sotware5 and hardware in third$party locations to be run by cloud$hostin! providers* +rivateCore-s

    sotware or servers powerin! cloud services oers some protectiona!ainst malicious hardware by encryptin! data in a system-s EA25 orshort$term memory* Data there is not usually encrypted5 ma#in!EA2 a !ood place or bad hardware attached to a system to covertlycopy data and send it bac# to an attac#er* @eis says that in internal tests histechnolo;y defeated hard4are attached to a server that attempted to copy data and send it out over theEnternet, and that these results have been validated by ri;orous tests commissioned from an outsidesecurity 5rm& Ho4ever, the protection has its limits& The one component 4e trust is an Entel processor,

    says @eis& @e can>t really ;et around that today& Compromised chips are the mostcovert o bac#doors, says Columbia>s Sethumadhavan& There is essentially noway or the buyer o a completed chip to chec# that it doesn-t have abac#door, he says, and there are a multitude o ways that a desi!n canbe compromised* /2a#in! a chip is a !lobal process with hundredso steps and many dierent companies involved, says Sethumadhavan& achand every step in the process can be compromised& Chipmakers usually buy third*party E blocks tointe;rate into a 5nal desi;n& Slippin; et es relatively little security validation that>s ;oin; on, he says& >ou pretty much trustthe I+ vendor you-re wor#in! with& He estimates that t4eakin; a desi;n block toinclude a backdoor 4ould cost in the vicinity of only tens of thousands of dollars& The Columbia ;roup iscurrently 4orkin; 4ith a commercial fab company to test soft4are it desi;ned that can scan desi;ns forpossible backdoors& They are tryin; out the tool on their line, Sethumadhavan e

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    that almost never become active& Such circuits are suspected of bein; part of a backdoor, because chipdesi;ners avoid 4astin; space or circuitry in desi;ns since manufacturin; chips is e

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    4orks&roperly implemented, stron; crypto systems are one of the fe4 thin;s that you can rely on,K beforeaddin; the caveat: K6nfortunately, endpoint security is so terri5cally 4eak that =S3 can frePuently 5nd4ays around it&K ncryptin; data links bet4een datacentres 4as only the be;innin;& 3s the revelationscontinued to tumble out, more companies decided it 4as time to increase the privacy of their services,4hich meant even more encryption&

    The NSA in9ltrates networ#s by subvertin! security

    sotware throu!h reverse en!ineerin!Fishman 2ar.uis$%oire &'(('1) -3ndre4 or;an, ournalismand esearcher for The Entercept Senior esearcher and Technical 3dvisorat the Citi?en Dab at the 6niversity of Toronto>s unk School of Global 3Bairs,16D3 SC6ETF S17T@3 C3 6=0 D=TDSS =S3 3=0 GCHV3TT3C.S, The Entercept, https:%%5rstlook%theintercept%!"#$%"M%!!%nsa*;chP*tar;eted*kaspersky% , ST/The National Security A!ency and its %ritish counterpart56overnment Communications ead.uarters5 have wor#ed to subvertanti$virus and other security sotware in order to trac# users andin9ltrate networ#s5 accordin! to documents rom NSA whistleblowerdward Snowden* The spy a!encies have reverse en!ineered

    sotware products5 sometimes under .uestionable le!al authority5and monitored web and email tra7c in order to discreetly thwartanti$virus sotware and obtain intelli!ence rom companies aboutsecurity sotware and users o such sotware* One security sotwarema#er repeatedly sin!led out in the documents is 2oscow$basedHaspers#y 4ab5 which has a holdin! re!istered in the *H*5 claimsmore than (Q;5;;; corporate clients5 and says it protects more than=;; million people with its products* %ritish spies aimed to thwartHaspers#y sotware in part throu!h a techni.ue #nown as sotwarereverse en!ineerin!5 or SE5 accordin! to a top$secret warrantrenewal re.uest* The NSA has also studied Haspers#y 4ab-s sotwareor wea#nesses5 obtainin! sensitive customer inormation by

    monitorin! communications between the sotware and Haspers#yservers5 accordin! to a drat top$secret report* The *S* spy a!encyalso appears to have e

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    2icrosot ,ord or 6oo!le Chrome are harder to es C= [Computer =et4ork

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    http:%%securityaBairs&co%4ordpress%#)$))%intelli;ence%nsa*bullrun*pro;ram*false*perception*security&html %%emb+&

    The most disturbin; revelation involves the NSA-s eorts to deliberately wea#eninternational encryption standards developers use to ma#e theirencryption secure, accordin; to a classi5ed =S3 memo obtained by =FT the atalwea#ness discovered by two 2icrosot crypto!raphers in (;;Q in a

    (;;& standard was intentionally en!ineered by the NSA*2/%asically5the NSA as#s companies to subtly chan!e their products inundetectable ways: ma#in! the random number !enerator lessrandom5 lea#in! the #ey somehow5 addin! a common e

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    relayed breathless assertions to the 4os An!eles Times5 claimin!members o ISIS were now usin! encrypted tes an even more ur;ent imperative to make them ille;al&+rivacy5 above all other thin!s5 includin! saety and reedom romterrorism5 is not where we want to !o50 Steinbach said last wee#*,hat the F%I doesn-t seem to !etU or more likely, 4hat its oIcials are purposefullyi;norin; U is that encryption isn-t primarily about privacy* It-s aboutsecurity& ncryption is somethin; 4e should be encoura;in; all citi?ens, companies and our o4n;overnment to be usin; to miti;ate a;ainst everythin; from criminals stealin; your ihone to the manymassive data breaches conducted by faceless forei;n criminal operations that have made nationalheadlines in the past year& The ;overnment kno4s this even if not admittin; itQ a classi5ed document in

    the Sno4den archive details ho4 encryption is vital to security&>et the a!ency is in themidst o a push to orce tech companies to install bac#doors inencryption5 the astest way to wea#en America-s cybersecurity& 79Edirector im Comey 5rst started makin; the push last year, and it has been 4idely ridiculed by technicaleou could stran!le the whole *S* tech industry5and ISIS would ]still] be able to communicate with their ollowersusin! encryption* There are plenty of open*source encryption pro;rams that have been aroundfor !" years and are too prevalent to rein in, plus the code itself is protected by the 7irst 3mendment&Forcin! bi! companies to bac#door their products will 3ust hurt themillions o ordinary people worldwide who depend on encryption orprotection rom snoopers5 criminals and orei!n !overnments*Thatincludes tech companies> Chinese users, 4ho can use encryption to protect themselves from their o4nauthoritarian ;overnment& ust 4eeks after the 79E unveiled its anti*encryption plans last year, Chinaannounced it too 4ants to pass a counter*terrorism la4 that 4ould force companies like 3pple andGoo;le to hand over encryption keys& @ithout a hint of irony, the 1bama administration condemned themove& Here>s ho4 euters reported it in arch: En an intervie4 4ith euters, 1bama said he 4asconcerned about 9eiAin;>s plans for a far*reachin; counterterrorism la4 that 4ould rePuire technolo;y 5rmsto hand over encryption keys, the passcodes that help protect data, and install security backdoors intheir systems to ;ive Chinese authorities surveillance access& This is somethin; that E>ve raised directly4ith resident \i, 1bama said& @e have made it very clear to them that this is somethin; they are ;oin;to have to chan;e if they are to do business 4ith the 6nited States& ead that openin; para;raph a;ainand try to es any diBerent than 4hat the 6S is proposin;& Fes, China 4ill almost certainly useits counter*terrorism po4ers for all sorts of thin;s beyond terrorism& 9ut 4e>d be kiddin; ourselves if 4edidn>t think the 6S 4ill use its o4n backdoor po4ers to do the eve done over

    and over a;ain 4ith the atriot 3ct in the last decade& The F%I is !oin! to have to decidewhich is more important: stron! cybersecurity5 or the ability to readevery messa!e that-s sent all o the time* %ecause attemptin! toorce bac#doors into encryption compromises the saety o its owncitiKens and !ives authoritarian powers li#e China and Eussia ane

  • 7/25/2019 Decryption Affirmative - JDI 2015


    E*6S3 Committee on Communications olicy -CC/, Enstitute of lectricaland lectronics n;ineers, Terry 0avis, icroSystems 3utomation Group, on& eha, Carne;ie ellon 6niversity, ric 9ur;er, Geor;eto4n 6niversity, D&

    ean Camp, Endiana 6niversity 9loomin;ton * School of Enformatics andComputin;, 0an Dubar, elayServices, iskin; it 3ll: 6nlockin; the 9ackdoorto the =ation's Cybersecurity, http:%%papers&ssrn&com%sol(%papers&cfmL

    abstractJidY!MRM"%%=36overnment policies can aect !reatly the security o commercialproducts5 either positively or ne!atively* There are a number omethodsby 4hich a ;overnment mi;ht aBect security ne;atively as a means of facilitatin; le;al;overnment su
